OCA Circular No. 110 2021
OCA Circular No. 110 2021
OCA Circular No. 110 2021
Supreme Court
Office of the Court Administrator
3 August 2021
Sirs/Mesdames :
Please take notice that the Court En Banc issued a Resolution dated
June 29, 2021, which reads as follows:
l .•
Resolution 3 A.M. No. 21-06-.08-SC
Republic Act No. l l.1 1'73 (2('1 2), Sec. 4(e) states:
SECTION 4. Sco1w. -· x x x
This Act does not arpl y to the fo llowing:
(e) Information necessary in order to .::arry o ui the functions of pub lic authority which inc ludes the
processing of perspnal daf.a fo r the per t:m na.n,:e hy . lht! independent, ceP,ral monetary authority and
.law en foi·ce rnept an~I rt'.e;u'latory ag.e11-·.;e:.; of thei r consfruti ona!ly anp stututoril y mandated functtor1s.
Noth ing in· this Act shali ·be construed as to ii:l',~ arnended or-;;epealed Repuhl ic Act No. 1405.
otherw ise known ·as the ~ect'ccy o f Oank Depcs ils Act; Repub li c A,ct No. 6426, o\herwise known as
the Foreign Curren('y Deposit Acl; ar,d Rl'.µuhlic Act No. 95 10. otherwise h.nown n:, the Credit
In formation System Act (CI SA).
Resolution 4 A.M. No. 21-06-08-SC
SECTION 1. Title. - These Rules shall be known and cited as the "Rules
on the Use of Body-Worn Cameras in the Execution of Warrants."
camera is not available,_ the officer~ must use at least two alternative
recording devices.
with leave of co~ii; retain~ back-up copy for justifiabl~ reasons for a period
not exceeding 15 .d~ys. In case of redaction of personal _identifiers in the
recordings pursuant to Section 4, Rule 4, of these Rules, both the unredacted
and the redacted :fil~s shall be submitted to the court. · The report shall be
accompanied by · affidavits of the officers whose body-worn cameras or
alternative recording devices were used to capture the recordings, and the
affidavits shall state:
2. The manner by which the recording was taken and stored, and
when applicable, the fact of unavailability of body-worn cameras
and that a resort to alternative recording devices was necessary,
and the circumstances detailing the non-activation, interruption, or
sudden termination of the recording;
3. The fact that persons subject of the recording were notified of the
use of body-worn cameras or alternative recording devices;
4, The date, time, place, and other circumstances sun-ounding the first
instance · of retrieval or download of the recordings from the
5. The names and positions of the persons who had possession of and
access to the recordings; including details of such access, from the
time of their taking until their deposit with the court;
8. The names and positions of the officers who will be delivering the
recordings to the court;
case of their unavailability, the applicant may request for authority to use
alternativ~ recording devices.
. .
The Executive Judges and the authorized Judges shall keep a special
docket book iisting the names of Judges to whom the applications are
assigned, the details of the appiications, and the results of the searches and
seizures made pursuant" to the warrants issued. ·
' .
2. The ma.i1ner by which· the recoi·ding was ·rn.k~;n and stored, and
when applicable, the fact ·of unavailability of body-vvorn cameras /
and that · ti. resort to a lternative rccor~ing devtces was necessary,
Resolution 11 AM. No. 21-06-08-SC
3. The fact that persons subject of the recording were informed of the
use of body~worn cameras or alternative recording devices;
4. The date, time, place, and other circumstances surrounding the first
instance of retrieval or download of the recordings from the
5. The names and positions of the persons who had possession of and
access to the recordings, including details of such access, from the
time of their taking until their deposit with the court;
8. The names and positioris of the officers who will be delivering the
recordings to the court; and
It is the duty of the issuing judge io ascerta_;n if the return filed under
Section 12, Ruic 126 of the R :-vised Rules of Criminai Procedure is
accompanied by the required affidavits, and if none, to issue a :;how cause /
order against the, responsible offk.e r a.nd to require the submission. If the
Resolution 12 A.M. No. 21 -06-08-SC
officer fails to comply with such order, he ·or she m_?Y be held liable for
contempt of court until the proper submission is made.
and downloaded by the data custo.d ian ot his or her representative within 24
hours from the time of their recor~ing. To ensure that no tampering is done
during the downloading process, subjects of the recordings or their counsel
shall be allowed to witness the downloading of the recordings from the
cameras prior to safekeeping. · Data downloaded from the cameras shall be
encrypted. The metadata contained in the recordings, regardless if taken by
body-worn cameras or alternative recording devices, shall be preserved.
The lack of consent to the use of the recordings shall not delay the
conduct of the arrest or search in accordance with the warrant issued.
Resolution 16 A.M. No. 21-06-08-SC
A ◄X G. GESl\tf lJNDO
Chief Justice .
ESTELA ~ ~ E R N A J l •
Associate Justice Associate Justice
Resolution 17 A.M. No. 21 -06-08-SC
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
t /
Associate Justice
siiiuEL~~N RICA
Associate Justice
Associate Justice