Past questions
D. fascism A. Nigeria
B. India
8. Which of the following performs C. United States of America
quasi-legislative functions? D. Ghana
A. prohibited A. much time is saved in the
B. regulated process
C. limited B. technical issues are handled by
D. encouraged experts
C. ministers and lawmakers work
15. The earliest classification of together
constitutions was the work of D. it hastens the implementation
_____ of policy
A. relationship between the 23. In pre-colonial Igboland,
parties and electorate autocratic rule was made difficult
B. structure of the political parties by the _____
C. manner in which the parties
operate A. fear of dethronement
D. number of political parties in a B. absence of a centralized
country system of authority
C. pressure from age grades
21. Pressure groups harmonize D. activities of cult societies
different individual concerns
through _____ 24. The Yoruba traditional system
of government was _____
A. interest formulation
B. interest manipulation A. republican
C. interest mobilisation B. democratic
D. interest aggregation C. monarchical
D. egalitarian
22. Opinion polls are organized to
find out the _____ 25. Under the pre-colonial Sokoto
Caliphate system, the next in
A. benefits derived by people command to the sultan was the
from government _____
B. people's thought about a
particular government policy A. Alkali
C. people's expectations from the B. Galadima
government C. Madaki
D. feelings of people about D. Waziri
particular issues and policies
26. Which of the following A. Pan-Africanism
societies was classified as B. the Yom-Kippur War
acephalous? C. the Second World War
D. Anti-apartheid Movement
A. Benin
B. Ibibio 30. The presidential system of
C. Igbo government was introduced in
D. Ijaw Nigeria with the Constitution of
27. Indirect rule encouraged ____
A. 1989
A. communal integration B. 1999
B. exploitation and oppression C. 1960
C. inter-communal cooperation D. 1979
D. the rise of nationalism
31. The Action Group crisis of
28. The main achievement of the 1963 led to the formation of ____
nationalists in Nigeria was _____
A. registration of political parties B. NEPU
B. economic liberation of the C. NPC
nation D. NCNC
C. political liberation of the nation
D. building the nation 32. Under the 1963 Republican
Constitution, the power of judicial
29. The major external factor that review was vested in the _____
promoted nationalism in Nigeria
was _____ A. President
B. Chief Justice
C. Supreme Court B. PRP
D. Parliament C. NPN
33. The rules and regulations of
the civil service are called? 36. The principle of federal
character was adopted in order to
A. General Order promote equitable allocation of
B. Bureaucratic Order _____
C. Service Order
D. Administrative Order A. positions and appointments
among people of various regions
34. The Code of Conduct Bureau B. appointments between the
was essentially established to North and the South
_____ C. opportunities between the
males and females
A. reduce corruption in public life D. revenue between groups in the
B. protect the rights of public country
C. enhance probity and 37. The component units of the
accountability in public service Nigerian Federation comprise
D. ensure the independence of _____
the public service
A. national assembly, military,
35. Which of the following political police and civil service
parties was the first to be formed B. constituency, ward, emirate
when the ban on politics was and chiefdom
lifted in 1978? C. federal, state, local
government and federal capital
A. NPP territory
D. federal capital territory, Northern Nigeria, traditional
national assembly, Supreme rulers became _____
Court, and civil service
A. Council
38. In Nigeria, privatization and B. Chief-and-Council
commercialization policies were C. Prefects
introduced to _____ D. Chief-in-Council
D. President, Court of Appeal A. 21
B. 27
43. Rhodesia was the former C. 37
name of _____ D. 19
E. none of the above
A. Zimbabwe
B. Swaziland 46. Which of the following was the
C. Zambia secretary general of OPEC?
D. Namibia
A. Jibril Aminu
44. The adoption of non- B. Aret Adams
alignment as a principle of C. Dalhatu Bayero
Nigeria's foreign policy was aimed D. Rilwan Lukwan
at _____
47. Which of the following
A. promoting Nigeria's leadership countries pioneered the idea of
aspiration in Africa ECOWAS alongside Nigeria?
B. attaining equal status with the
world powers A. Liberia
C. fulfilling a basic requirement B. Togo
for acceptance in the UN Security C. Cote d'Ivoire
Council D. Mali
D. insulating Nigeria against
having to take side in the Cold 48. Which of the following
War international organizations were
in existence before the Second
45. In 1979, the non-aligned World War?
member states were _____
A. The UNO
C. The League of Nations
D. The ECOWAS Would you like to get or confirm
the correct answer(s) with
49. The organ of the United explanations to any or all of
Nations responsible for the these questions?
approval of its annual budget is
the _____
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A. Secretariat
B. Security Council
C. General Assembly
D. Economic and Social Council
A. 2 years
B. 3 years
C. 4 years
D. 1 year
A. control A. legislature
B. power B. elite
C. violence C. executive
D. justice D. electorate
A. federal B. socialism
B. confederal C. communalism
C. unitary D. communism
D. parliamentary
11. In a feudal system, the two
8. A political system which major classes are the serfs and
empowers the leader with the the _____
ultimate responsibility to execute
laws is _____ A. masses
B. vassals
A. parliamentarianism C. lords
B. presidentialism D. elite
C. dictatorship
D. autocracy 12. An example of a country with
a flexible constitution is _____
9. A bill is a draft which is
awaiting the consideration of the A. South Africa
_____ B. Britain
C. Benin Republic
A. executive D. the United States of America
B. party caucus
C. legislature 13. The rule of law is negation of
D. judiciary _____
14. To ensure the rights and 17. The right of citizens to
freedom of citizens, the powers of participate in the affairs of
the arms of government must be government of their country is
_____ called _____
20. An intra-party activity for the guarantees orderly conduct in
selection of candidates for elective governance is _____
positions known as _____
A. Bureaucracy
A. primary election B. public corporation
B. general election C. ombudsman
C. mid-term election D. political party
D. bye-election
24. In the Hausa pre- colonial
21. The primary aim of pressure political system, a district was
groups is to _____ headed by _____
A. security considerations B. Casely Hayford and James
B. economic reasons Horton
C. religious reasons C. W.E du Boise and H.O Davies
D. cultural factors D. Marcus Garvey and Casely
27. The French colonial system
was underlined by the policy of 30. Members of the Senate in
_____ Nigeria's First Republic were
A. assimilation
B. paternalism A. Elected directly by the people
C. socialism B. Elected by electoral college
D. indirect rule C. Nominated by regional and
federal governments
28. Radical nationalism in Nigeria D. Nominated by the president of
is generally attributed to the the house
influence of _____
31. In Nigeria, the agency mainly
A. Aminu Kano responsible for the maintenance
B. Herbert Marcaulay of internal peace and security is
C. Nnamdi Azikiwe the _____
D. Mbonu Ojike
A. Army
29. Two foreigners that directly B. Navy
aroused nationalist feelings C. Civil Defence Corps
among Nigerians are _____ D. Police
32. The National Assembly in D. Fighting corruption and
Nigeria is primarily responsible for indiscipline
35. The three registered political
A. Executing laws parties at the inception of
B. interpreting laws Nigeria’s Fourth Republic were
C. Ratifying appointments _____
D. Making laws
33. The major factor militating B. PDP, AD and APP
against the efficient operation of C. PDP, AD and PPA
electoral commissions in Nigeria is D. PDP, app and AC
36. The Sharia legal system was
A. Inadequate public support first introduced in the Fourth
B. Population size Republic in _____
C. Inadequate skilled manpower
D. Excessive political interference A. Kano State
B. Katsina State
34. A major objective of the C. Zamfara State
public Complaints Commission is D. Sokoto State
37. Quota system and federal
A. Training and promotion of character principles were
public servants entrenched in the 1979
B. Settlement of disputes among constitution to ensure _____
C. Addressing the grievances of A. loyalty
individuals and groups B. Economic empowerment
C. Equity C. the desire for a military
D. Even development government
D. civilian's desire to relinquish
38. Workers in the public power
corporations are known as _____
41. The first institution introduced
A. civil servants by the military to exercise
B. private employees legislative power was the _____
C. public servants
D. professional employees A. supreme military council
B. armed forces ruling council
39. The central objective of C. federal executive council
privatization in Nigeria is to _____ D. provisional ruling council
D. Kenya 46. ECOMOG at the initial stage of
its intervention in Liberia was
44. A major drawback to the perceived as _____
NEPAD initiative is its _____
A. Neutral
A. Articulation by few African B. Incompetent
leaders C. Partisan
B. Affiliation by few African union D. Invaders
C. Inability to empower the youth
D. Reliance on Western donors for 47. One of the programmes
funds binding members of the
Commonwealth is the _____
45. The structures of the African
Union include _____ A. Food and aid programme
B. Cultural programme
A. the court of justice, pan African C. Agenda for peace
Congress and people’s Assembly D. Scholarship scheme
B. pan African parliament, the
court of justice and the peace and 48. The African leader mostly
Security Council credited for spearheading the
C. specialized Technical formation of the African Union is
commission, the court of justice _____
and humanitarian board
D. people's Assembly, A. Muammar Ghaddafi
Humanitarian Board and the B. Abdelaziz Bouteflika
peace and Security Council C. Abdoulaye Wade
D. Thabo Mbeki
49. As part of the reforms in the CHECK YOUR ANSWERS
UN, two slots were proposed in
the Security Council for _____ Would you like to get or confirm
the correct answer(s) with
A. Asia explanations to any or all of
B. Africa these questions?
C. America
D. Europe
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A. Monarchy D. Motions
B. Gerontocracy
C. Feudalism 11. One major advantage of the
D. Theocracy unitary system is that it tends of
make government _____
8. As an executive, the
commissioner is charged with the A. Free of controversy
responsibility of _____ B. Distant from the people
C. Popular among the masses
A. Implementing laws D. Strong and stable
B. Writing laws
C. Giving loans 12. The presidential system
D. Making laws differs from the parliamentary
system of government in that
9. Rules adjudication is a primary _____
function of the _____
A. The principle of collective
A. Judiciary responsibility applies
B. Executive B. Executive and legislative
C. Government powers are fused
D. Legislature C. Powers of the three arms of
government are merged
10. The judiciary controls the D. The tenure of office of the
executive in federal state through president is limited
13. Which of the following
A. Delegated legislation advocates equitable distribution of
B. Judicial overview wealth?
C. Judicial review
A. Capitalism D. Devolution
B. Aristocracy
C. Socialism 17. Which of the following types
D. Plutocracy of citizenship cannot be
14. A constitution that is difficult
to amend is _____ A. Citizenship by conquest
B. Citizenship by birth
A. Rigid C. Honorary citizenship
B. Written D. Citizenship by naturalization
C. Unwritten
D. Flexible 18. The right of citizens to vote is
15. Which of the following
constitutions is more suitable for A. Universal suffrage
centralization of political power? B. Nationality suffrage
C. Electoral suffrage
A. Unwritten constitution D. Adult suffrage
B. Rigid constitution
C. Written constitution 19. A political party is different
D. Flexible constitution from a pressure group in its
16. The act of transferring
autonomous powers to A. Objective
subordinate agencies is _____ B. Organization
C. Strategy
A. Concentration D. Source of finance
B. Deconcentration
C. Delegation
20. One of the functions of B. Clerical
pressure groups is to _____ C. Technical
D. Administrative
A. Nominate the president
B. Prepare the budget 23. The performance of ritual rites
C. Articulate the opinion of their in the Yoruba empire is the
members responsibility of the _____
D. Contest elections to serve the
people A. Aare-Onakakanfo
B. Oba
21. Public opinion refers to the C. Ogboni
_____ D. Oyo mesi
B. the Europeans ensures that the 28. In Nigeria’s first republic, the
farmlands prime minister was both the
C. The natives show little or no _____
D. The people were mainly A. Head of state and commander-
interested in being governed in-chief of the armed forces
indirectly B. Commander-in-chief of the
armed forces and party leader
26. The earliest nationalist C. Head of state and party leader
activities in Nigeria were D. Head of government and a
spearheaded by _____ lawmaker
D. John Wash Pam A. Two-party
B. Zero-party
31. The Revenue Mobilization, C. One-party
Allocation and Fiscal Commission D. Multi-party
is statutorily empowered to
determine the remuneration of 34. Nigeria adopted the federal
_____ system of government because of
A. Only elected representatives
B. Political office holders A. Uneven development
C. Employees of public B. The availability of limited
corporations resources
D. All civil servants C. The adoption of a stat religion
D. The fear of domination of
32. The primary function of the minorities
Code of Conduct Bureau is to
_____ 35. The highest policy the making
body under the Gowon Regime
A. Ensure minimum standard of was _____
B. Retain custody of declarations A. Armed Forces Ruling Council
C. Receive declaration of assets B. Provisional Ruling Council
D. Ensure due process by public C. Supreme Military Council
officers D. Federal Executive Council
A. Abdulsalami Abubakar C. Grants and loans
B. Yakubu Gowon D. The joint state-local
C. Ibrahim Babangida government account
D. Sani Abacha
40. The provisional Ruling Council
37. Which of the following headed was the highest ruling body
the committee that recommended during the regime of _____
the suitability of Abuja as a new
federal city? A. Muhammadu Buhari
B. Ibrahim Babangida
A. Justice Baba Ardo C. Murtala Muhammed
B. Justice Atanda Fatai Williams D. Sani Abacha
C. Justice Udo Udoma
D. Justice Akinola Aguda 41. Nigeria's non-alignment policy
in the sixties lacked real
38. A public corporation is substance because of her _____
managed by _____
A. Afrocentric policy
A. A minister B. Poor economic potential
B. A general manager C. Partnership with Asian
C. The board of governors countries
D. The board of directors D. Close ties with Britain
B. Europe, South America and B. President Shehu Shagari
Asia C. President Umaru Yar'adua
C. The pacific, the Caribbean and D. President Ibrahim Babangida
D. Asia, Africa and the pacific 46. A representative of a
Commonwealth country in
43. The centre-piece of Nigeria's another member state is known
foreign policy covers only _____ as _____
A. Europe A. Consul-General
B. Africa B. Ambassador
C. Latin America C. Attache
D. Asia D. High Commissioner
45. Nigeria's role in the African 48. The main representative body
Union was most prominent during of the United Nations is the _____
the regime of _____
A. Security Council
A. President Olusegun Obasanjo B. General Assembly
C. Trusteeship Council CHECK YOUR ANSWERS
D. Secretariat
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49. The AU differs from the OAU the correct answer(s) with
in having _____ explanations to any or all of
these questions?
A. Effective tools for decision
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B. No permanent headquarters
C. A minimum of divergent
D. No assembly of Heads of State
A. Type F A. constitutional
B. Type E B. conventional
C. Type L C. mandatory
D. D Type D. voluntary
7. One main advantage of D. with a robust and dynamic
bicameral legislature is that it economy
10. An example of a country ruled
A. is not easy to manipulate hills by a constitutional monarch is
B. makes for quick deliberation _____
during emergencies
C. makes passage of bills easy A. Libya
D. is less cumbersome to pass B. Uganda
bills C. Morocco
D. Italy
8. The court that has ultimate
power to interpret the constitution 11. The development of a
is the _____ classless society is the goal of
A. Court of Appeal
B. Supreme Court A. marxism
C. Magistrate Court B. conservation
D. High Court C. feudalism
D. liberalism
9. Unitary system of government
is more suitable to a country 12. A flexible constitution is one
_____ which is _____
13. Which of the following is a A. electoral officer
feature of checks and balances? B. ballot officer
C. presiding officer
A. Code of conduct D. returning officer
B. Judicial precedent
C. Judicial immunity 17. The ultimate aim of political
D. Judicial review parties is to _____
19. Which of the following is not a 22. In the Old Oyo Empire, the
dimension of public opinion? Ajele _____
B. districts C. Ahmadu Bello
C. provinces D. Nnamdi Azikiwe
D. states
28. The division of powers
25. National agitation began in between the federal and regional
Nigeria with the _____ governments into exclusive,
concurrent and residual lists was
A. formation of West African done by the _____
Youth League
B. Lagos protest against water A. 1979 Constitution
rate in 1908 B. 1999 Constitution
C. introduction of indirect rule C. Independence Constitution
D. annexation of Lagos in 1861 D. Republican
B. 1983 33. The NCNC and the NPC
C. 1960 facilitated the creation of the
D. 1963 _____
B. Appointment of ministers B. supervise and manage the
C. Creation of states personnel a local government
D. Increase in revenue allocation C. conduct election into Local
36. A problem of public D. create an enabling working
corporations in Nigeria is _____ environment for council workers
A. Decolonisation of all African A. sent troops for peacekeeping in
states Somalia
B. Total opposition to the Cold B. sent policemen for
War peacekeeping in Namibia
C. Posting of only carrier C. assisted the liberation struggle
diplomats as envoys in Southern Africa
D. interference in the affairs of D. assisted ECOMOG troops in
African countries Liberia.
42. The technical Aids Corps was 45. The reason behind Nigeria's
established during the regime of suspension from the
_____ Commonwealth in 1995 was ____
A. League of Nations C. NATO
B. Warsaw Pact D. European Union.
A. five years
B. six years
C. three years
D. four years
A. Commonwealth
7. The upper house of the 10. Which of these international
legislature is responsible for the organizations was Nigeria a
_____ founding member?
A. Restraining order A. Lyttleton Constitution
B. prohibitive order B. Richards Constitution
C. acquitting order C. Clifford Constitution
D. Sentencing order
17. The type of pressure group
14. Public corporations are that champions the interest and
controlled by the legislature the right of the under privileged is
through _____ known as the _____
A. Commission of Mediation, A. Limited power over the
Conciliation and Arbitration constituent units
B. African Parliament B. equal power with the
C. Council of Ministers constituent units
D. General Secretariat C. insignificant power
D. Absolute power
20. One of the features of a
fascist government is that _____ 23. Which of these international
organizations is Nigeria a member
A. Political power is decentralized majorly because of her economic
B. it gives room for opposition interest?
C. the state defines the rights of
individuals A. UN
D. Sovereignty is identified with B. Commonwealth
landed property C. AU
21. Promotion and discipline of
civil servants is the responsibility 24. Abolition of civil liberty is an
of the _____ attribute of _____
A. National Youth Service Corps B. Britain refused to recognize the
B. Directorate of Mass regime
Mobilization for C. Nigeria refused to export crude
Social and Economic oil to Britain
Reconstruction D. Nigeria wanted to forcefully
C. Directorate of Food, Roads and extradite Alhaji Umar Dikko from
Rural Infrastructure Britain
D. National Directorate for
Employment 28. The Babangida Regime
differed from Buhari Regime
26. One of the main objectives of because in the former _____
OPEC is to _____
A. Governors were assisted by
A. Assist multinational companies commissioners
to monopolize market B. ministers executed government
B. protect the interest of policies
multinational companies C. governors were members of
C. stabilize the income of the National Council of State
developing nations D. The post of Chairman, Joint
D. Fix and allocate production to Chiefs of Staff was created
member nations
29. A feature of the presidential
27. Nigeria's foreign relation with system is that _____
Britain was strained during the
Buhari Regime because _____ A. The president has an indefinite
term of office
A. Britain tested atomic bomb in B. there is a separate election for
the Sahara-desert the executive and the legislature
C. the president is a member of A. Expansion of market
the legislature B. Trade liberalization
D. The cabinet is collectively C. curbing smuggling
accountable to the legislature D. Fostering of unity
30. The Chairman of the Federal 33. The party that formed a
Character Commission is coalition with the NPC in the First
appointed by the _____ Republic was _____
D. Policy of assimilation 39. The head of the Old Oyo
Empire was the _____
36. An electoral system in which a
candidate with the highest A. Alaafin
number of votes in a constituency B. Bashorun
is declared winner is _____ C. Ooni
D. Are-Ona-kakanfo
A. Alternative vote system
B. second ballot system 40. The Babangida Regime re-
C. absolute majority system established diplomatic ties with
D. Simple majority system _____
A. Parliamentary system C. landless men have no
B. monarchical system privileges as citizens
C. republican system D. Sovereignty is identified with
D. Presidential landed property
C. Ministry of Defence
D. Ministry of justice
A. Absolute monarchy
B. representative democracy
C. the republican system
D. the feudal system
A. Hierarchy
B. imbalance
C. nepotism
D. Partisanship
Speaking of which,