PJDX Manual

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Pulse Jet De-Icer

Water Service Line Thawer

Operating Manual

Rev E

Initial Assembly pressure pump oil MACC100 or equivalent ISO 220

To facilitate in the shipment of your unit, some items R&O circulating or turbine oil. Do not use
require minor assembly. Refer to the Initial automotive, transmission, or hydraulic oils, or brake
Assembly sheet included for instructions. fluid.

Lubrication Instructions
Prior to initial operation ensure that the oil level of Please read all instructions before operating your
the pump is to the halfway mark of the oil gauge unit.
window. Do not overfill. Use only Magikist high


Pulse & Flow Modes speeds the thawing process. Using water hotter
Your Pulse Jet De-icer is equipped with a special than 70°F/21°C may result in damage to the
control that switches the unit between pulse mode tubing.
and flow mode. Pulse mode provides the maximum
pulsation action for moving the tubing in and out of 2) If you wish to preheat the water, plug the
the service line. The flow mode provides the immersion heater into a standard 115 volt 15
maximum water flow and pressure to thaw the amp outlet. Ensure that the immersion heater
frozen section of the service line. is and remains covered by water in the
water reservoir while it is plugged in. Failure
Generally one first sets the unit for pulse mode to to do so will result in failure of the
move the tubing down the line. Once the frozen immersion heater. While heating the water,
section of line is reached one switches to flow mode observe the temperature indicator located on
to thaw the frozen section. After the frozen section the side of the reservoir to ensure that the water
is thawed one reverts back to the pulse mode to temperature does not exceed 70°F/21°C. The
remove the tubing from the line. immersion heater supplied with your unit will
provide approximately 5°F rise every 5 minutes
The diagram to the right to a full tank of water. Once the water has
shows the mode reached the desired temperature unplug the
adjustment knob located FLOW
MODE immersion heater. The electrical current draw of
on the front top of the the immersion heater will not allow it to remain
pump that is used to set plugged in with the electric motor operating.
either pulse or flow modes.
To set the unit to pulse 3) Ensure that the ON/OFF switch located on the
mode, turn the mode front of the unit is in the OFF position. Plug the
adjustment knob fully power cord for the unit (located next to the ON/
clockwise until it stops. OFF switch) into a standard 115 volt 15 amp
Conversely, to set the unit outlet.
to flow mode, turn the
mode adjustment knob 4) Test if the unit is primed properly by moving the
fully counterclockwise until ON/OFF switch to the ON position. If no water
it stops. comes out of the probe tip after approximately
15 to 30 seconds you will need to prime the
Operating Procedure pump before continuing. Refer to the
Before proceeding ensure that the oil level of the subsection Purging Air before continuing. Turn
pump is to the halfway mark of the oil gauge the unit OFF once it is primed properly.
window as described in Lubrication subsection
under Setup. 5) Disconnect the service line at the street side of
the water meter and connect the probe head to
1) Fill the water reservoir with clean water until it is the service line. Open the ball valve on the
at least three quarters full. If possible use warm probe head as this allows back flow from the
water up to a maximum of 70°F/21°C as this

service line to drain back into the water 11) Once the line has been thawed, shut the ball
reservoir and be reused. valve on the probe head off to prevent over
filling of the water reservoir.

12) Set the mode adjustment knob on the pump for

Probe pulse mode.
Head 13) Pull firmly back on the tubing, with the unit still
quick turned on, to remove it from the service line.
plug 14) Once all the tubing has been removed from the
service line, turn the unit off by moving the ON/
quick coupler OFF switch to the OFF position.
15) Shut off the service line at the curb stop.

16) Open the ball valve on the probe head to bleed

off the remaining water in the service line into
6) Start the probe tip and tubing into the probe the water reservoir.
head and couple the quick coupler plug on the
probe tubing to the quick coupler socket on the 17) Uncouple the quick coupler on the probe head.
probe head. Remove the probe tip and tubing from the
probe head and rewind the tubing onto the reel.
7) Set the mode adjustment knob on the pump for Disconnect the probe head from the service line
pulse mode. and reconnect the service line to the water
8) Turn the unit on by moving the ON/OFF switch
to the ON position. 18) Open the curb stop.

9) Feed the tubing down the service line by 19) Drain the water from the water reservoir by
applying a gentle even pressure until the frozen removing the cap on the bottom back of the
section of the line has been reached. Frozen reservoir. Refer to the section Freezing
sections of a line will often have the feel of a Conditions for more information on protecting
gradual increase in resistance, not a sudden the unit from freezing conditions.
stop. If an obstruction is reached do not force
the tubing. Instead pull the tubing back and try Purging Air
to move it forward again. One can tell if the To purge air from the pump, open the needle valve
obstruction reached is the curb stop by labeled "OPEN TO PRIME" located on the left front
estimating the distance from the water meter to of the pump. Open the needle valve until water
the curb stop and comparing this with how flows out and all air is purged from the pump. Close
much tubing has been inserted into the line. the needle valve tightly afterwards.

Note: Always ensure that there is sufficient If difficulty is encountered in priming refer to the
water in the water reservoir for the pump to Troubleshooting section.
operate properly, especially as you are thawing Servicing Lines Longer Than 100 Ft
and water from the reservoir is being pumped The Pulse Jet De-icer is normally supplied with 100
into the service line. If necessary, add water to feet of tubing. An optional reel with 200 feet of
the water reservoir. tubing is also available. If after extending the 100
10) Once the frozen section is reached, set the feet of tubing to its full length the frozen section of
mode adjustment knob on the pump for flow the service line cannot be reached, remove the
mode. Maintain a moderate pressure on the tubing and replace the 100 foot reel with the 200
tubing to ensure that the probe tip remains at foot reel. Note, however, that one should always try
the frozen section while it is being thawed. If, the 100 foot reel first as this reel will give you the
however, the frozen section of the line cannot greater pulsing action.
be reached even after extending the 100 feet of Reels may be easily interchanged. To remove a
tubing to its full length, then refer to the reel, first uncouple the quick coupler at the inlet of
subsection Servicing Lines Longer Than 100 Ft. the reel. If not already done, uncouple the quick
Thawing times vary depending on the size of coupler at the probe head and remove the probe tip
the frozen section, distance from the unit, etc.

and tubing from the probe head. Finally remove the Pump Pressure
unit 2 thumbscrews holding the reel to the unit. Your unit is preset to operate at 300 PSI. Never
To install a reel, fasten the reel to the unit with the 2 exceed this pressure. If pressure adjustment is
thumbscrews and then couple together the quick necessary, this can be done by turning the pressure
coupler at the inlet of the reel. regulating valve on the pump clockwise to increase
pressure and counterclockwise to decrease
Freezing Conditions pressure.
The unit must be protected from freezing
conditions. If the unit is to be exposed to freezing
conditions, the pump, water reservoir, and all lines
must be well drained. Most water can be removed
from the pump by operating the unit briefly with the
reservoir empty.

For full protection one can run a non-toxic plumbing

or RV anti-freeze through the unit. This can be done
by disconnecting the suction coupling which
connects the suction line to the reservoir. The end
of the suction line can then be placed in a container
of non toxic anti-freeze and the unit operated until
ant-freeze comes out of the probe tip.


Pump Lubrication the strainer. Foreign material entering the pump

Always ensure that the oil level of the pump is to can easily create problems or contribute to
the halfway mark of the oil gauge window. Do not premature wear.
overfill. Use only Magikist high pressure pump
crankcase oil. Do not use automotive, Probe Tip Replacement
transmission, or hydraulic oils, or brake fluid. If the probe tip needs to be replaced, cut off the
end of the tubing to remove the old probe tip.
Change crankcase oil after first 50 hours of Heat the end of the tubing just enough to allow
operation, after which change oil at regular the new probe tip to be inserted. Do not overheat
intervals of 500 hours or less depending on the end of the tubing as it will get too soft.
operating conditions. Oil can be conveniently
drained via the drain cock and tube located near Pump Packings
the rear side of the pump crankcase. The X series pumps are packed with a series of
durable packings and adapters. As packings
Each plunger has an oiler that is accessible wear, some additional adjustment of the gland nut
through the plunger cover. Oil each oiler every may be necessary. Tighten the gland nut firmly
100 hours of use or once a week, whichever but not excessively. If excessive pressure drop is
comes first. experienced and other sources of potential
pressure drop have been ruled out, the packings
Water Suction Strainer may require replacement. When replacing the
Ensure that the strainer at the end of the water packings, note the correct order of replacement,
suction hose in the water reservoir has no breaks as shown in the exploded view diagram.
in the screen and that it is free of particles which
might restrict flow. Never operate the unit without


Your unit was designed and constructed with safety unit to assist in moving. Proper non-slip footwear
foremost. When using the unit it is best to observe the should be used. To aid in moving the unit up stairs,
following precautions: the water reservoir should be empty.

• Take extra care when moving the unit up and down • Always keep clear of moving couplings and shafts.
stairs. It is recommended that a second person
grasp the grip/cord wrap on the front bottom of the • Always take extra precautions when handling
electrical equipment around wet areas.


Part# Description

PJD125 reel complete with 100 feet 1/4” tubing

PJD130 reel complete with 200 feet 1/4” tubing

PJD135 reel complete with 100 feet 5/16” tubing

PJD140 reel complete with 200 feet 5/16” tubing


Problem Cause Remedy

• Motor does not start. • Motor not connected to power supply. • •Connect the motor to the power

• A fuse has blown or breaker has • Change the fuse or reset the breaker.

• Thermal overload tripped. • Allow the motor to cool. Check that

the operating pressure is not too high
and that the power supplied to the
motor matches that required. Press
the reset button on the motor.

• Pump is frozen. • Allow the pump to thaw.

• Motor stops. • A fuse has blown or breaker has • Change the fuse or reset the breaker.
tripped. Check that the power supplied to the
motor matches that required.

• Thermal overload tripped. • Allow the motor to cool. Check that

the operating pressure is not too high
and that the power supplied to the
motor matches that required. Press
the reset button on the motor.

• Reduced pulse. • Air in pump. • See Purging Air subsection under


• Tubing wound in small coils or wound • Lay tubing on floor such that it is as
on reel. straight as possible.

• Probe tip partially or complete • Remove and clean, or replace probe

blocked. tip.

• Tubing kinked. • Replace tubing.

• Foreign material in pump. • Service pump and check strainers.

• Irregular working pressure. • Air in pump. • See Purging Air subsection under

• Water level in water reservoir too low. • Add water to water reservoir.

• Suction air leak. • Check water suction hose, clamps,

and fittings for air leaks.

• Probe tip partially or complete • Remove and clean, or replace probe

blocked. tip.

• Foreign material in pump. • Service pump and check strainers.

• Working pressure too low. • Air in pump. • See Purging Air subsection under

• Suction air leak. • Check water suction hose, clamps,

and fittings for air leaks.

• Pressure regulator out of adjustment. • Adjust pressure regulator to increase


• Pump packing worn • Replace packings in pump.

• No Working pressure • Air in pump. • See Purging Air subsection under


• No water in water reservoir. • Fill water reservoir with sufficient

water to cover suction strainer.

• Suction air leak. • Check water suction hose, clamps,

and fittings for air leaks.

• Water suction hose strainer plugged. • Check strainer and clean or replace if

• Water suction hose foot valve stuck • Check that ball in the water suction
closed. hose foot valve moves freely.

• Tubing frozen. • Allow tubing to thaw.

Magikist units are warranted by the manufacturer to be free from defects in material and workmanship for one year from
date of manufacturer's shipment, provided the equipment is installed and operated in accordance with factory
recommendations and instructions. This warranty is limited to repairing or replacing products which manufacturer's
investigation shows were defective at the time of shipment by the manufacturer. This warranty does not cover normal
wear, nor does it cover damage caused by neglect, misuse, accident, faulty installation or tampering in a manner to
impair its normal operation. All products subject to this warranty shall be returned freight prepaid to Magikist Ltd.,
Winnipeg, Canada for examination, repair, or replacement.

The express warranty set forth herein is in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied, including without limitation any
warranties or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and all such warranties are hereby disclaimed and
excluded by the manufacturer. Repair or replacement of defective products as provided is the sole and exclusive remedy
provided hereunder and the manufacturer shall not be liable for any further loss, damages or expenses, including
incidental and consequential damages, directly or indirectly arising from the sale or use of this product.

This warranty is subject to the installation and operating conditions as described in this manual. This warranty does not
apply to optional equipment which may have been supplied with your pump. Refer to the warranty supplied with the
optional equipment for information on that equipment's warranty.

Parts originally manufactured by Magikist Ltd. must be used or this limited warranty will be voided. Magikist Ltd. will be
absolved of any liability if parts other than Magikist Ltd. manufactured parts are used.

There are no warranties which extend beyond the description of the face thereof.


Find the item number from the exploded view diagram. Use the item
number to reference the correct part number in the following parts list.

Item Part# Description Qty Item# Part# Description Qt

# y
1 MTEL0051AW115 motor 1/2HP, wired (note 3) 1 60 PJD60 filler cap 1
2 X8P pump w/mode adjustment 1 62 WHL1016B wheel 2
3 BLVA36 belt, with X8 pump 1 64 PJD64 motor mount/baseplate 1
BLVA39 belt, with X20 pump 1 65 PJD65 wheel retainer cap 2
6 PLV28A10-1 motor pulley 1-3/4" with X8 pump 1 66 SF60UA6-4 swivel 90° 3/8m x 1/4f 4
PLV3210-1 motor pulley 2" with X20 pump 1 67 PJD67 handle with bolt/nut 1
8 PJD8 mode adjustment knob 1 68 PJD68A reel assembly 1/4" tube (no tubing) 1
11 HOCB06 return hose, 3/8" x 10' long 1 PJD68B reel assembly 5/16" tube (no tubing) 1
15 PJD15 suction hose 1 69 ELCMSHE1500 immersion heater unwired 1
16 BFD115-D street elbow, 1/2" 1 ELCMSHE1500W immersion heater wired 1
18 MSFSNR-G07 gear clamp, size 7 2 71 ELCSW10SS switch 1
19 MSFSNR-G10 gear clamp, size 10 2 75 PJD75 handle swivel (brass) 1
22 81106 suction coupling 1 77 BV0375 ball valve 3/8" 1
24 RV-1/2 strainer 1 79 PJD79A tubing 1/4" OD per ft (note 1) 100
26 BFD139-10D elbow 1/2"m x 5/8" hose barb 1 PJD79B tubing 5/16" OD per ft (note 1) 100
27 BFD101-D tee 1/2" 1 80 BFD69-4C comp fitting 90° 3/8"m (1/4" tubing) 1
28 PJD28 recirculating hose, 1/4" 1 BFD69-5C comp fitting 90° 3/8"m (5/16" tubing) 1
33 QC3EM3 quick coupler socket, 3/8" male 1 82 BFD110-CB reducing bushing, 3/8" x 1/4" 1
34 QCE3F3 quick coupler plug, 3/8" female 1 83 PJD83A comp fitting 1/4'm (1/4" tubing) 1
36 QC2EF2 quick coupler socket, 1/4" female 1 PJD83B comp fitting 1/4'm (5/16" tubing) 1
37 QCE2M2 quick coupler plug, 1/4" male 1 88 BFD101-C tee, 3/8" 1
39 8139 drain cap 1 93 PJD93 recessed bumper 2
40 BFD122-DC 1/2" x 3/8" nipple 1 95 HPS38 swivel 1
44 PJD44 reel washers 2 98 PJD98 temperature strip 1
45 PJD45A probe tip (for 1/4" tubing) 1 106 PJD106 1/4" x 3/4" machine screw 1
PJD45B probe tip (for 5/16" tubing) 1 107 PJD107 1/4" x 1/2" machine screw 7
46 PJD46 reel pipe 1 108 PJD108 1/4" x 3/4" capscrew w/ nuts 3
48 BFD125-6C 3/8"m x 3/8" hose barb 1 109 PJD109 1/4" x 3/4" wing bolts 2
51 PJD51 discharge hose 1 110 PJD92 hose hanger ss 1
52 PJD52 motor cover w/ handle 1 - PJD125 reel complete w/100ft 1/4" tubing 1
53 BFD122-C 3/8" nipple 1 - PJD130 reel complete w/200ft 1/4" tubing 1
54 PJD54 ss tank + neck 1 - PJD135 reel complete w/100ft 5/16" tubing 1
58 BFD139-6C 3/8" male x 3/8" barb 90° 1 - PJD140 reel complete w/200ft 5/16" tubing 1

1) PJD79A and PJD79B tubing are available in lengths of 2) PJD78C - Probe feeder assembly includes parts 33,
100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 feet. 40, 48, 53, 77, and 88.

Revised 20150123

79 34


53 40
77 45
75 48
11 18
80 19

68 54


37 8 16
109 36 39
110 98
82 108
51 2




66 66





1 106


64 65


Revised 12/12/2007

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