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Wapo 20240512
Wapo 20240512
A t-shower 67/52 • Tomorrow: Mostly sunny 76/62 C10 Democracy Dies in Darkness sunday, may 12 , 2024
re v1 v2 v3 v4
. $5
Manafort Rafah
now on on the
‘sidelines’ edge of
His work to aid a Chinese
media deal complicates
return to Trump’s orbit tens of thousands
ordered to flee
B ETH R EINHARD Invasion risks U.S. anger,
AND J OSH D AWSEY shipments of weapons
After pleading guilty to money
laundering and obstruction of L OVEDAY M ORRIS,
justice, Paul Manafort, the globe- M IRIAM B ERGER
trotting political consultant and AND M OHAMAD E L C HAMAA
former campaign chairman for
Donald Trump, asked for leniency JERUSALEM — Israel ordered tens
in his sentencing, telling a federal of thousands of people to leave
judge five years ago that he was Rafah in the southern Gaza strip
nearly 70 years old, struggling on saturday, signaling an immi-
with health concerns and re- nent push by Israeli forces into the
morseful for his actions. city’s most urban districts, a move
aFP/gettY Images
The judge rejected his entreat- that could trigger the White
ies in the spring of 2019, ordering Palestinians flee Rafah for Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip on Saturday on the back of a tricycle laden with their belongings. House to freeze offensive weap-
Manafort to remain behind bars ons shipments.
for more than seven years. Less The evacuation orders includ-
than two years later, however, ed crowded neighborhoods, a hos-
Manafort’s criminal record was pital and two refugee camps in
wiped clean when Trump par-
doned him. He was among the
dozens of allies, extended family
‘Bunker mentality’ at Columbia lit protest spark central Rafah, where more than
1 million Palestinians had sought
shelter from fighting elsewhere in
members and former campaign the territory.
staffers allowed to walk free. BY I SAAC S TANLEY- B ECKER creasingly intertwined with the In the north, the Israel Defense
With his freedom, Manafort AND S USAN S VRLUGA aftershocks of the Hamas attacks Forces ordered residents of Jaba-
hardly retired to a quiet home life.
As decision-making became centralized, enlistment of oct. 7 and Israel’s ongoing war lya and Beit Lahia to also evacu-
Instead, the longtime power bro- Minouche shafik, the presi- of police set off campus confrontations nationwide in Gaza. ate, warning that it would act with
ker — briefly brought low by the dent of Columbia University, was Columbia, unlike many large “great force” against Hamas mili-
investigation into Russian inter- in Washington on April 17 when universities, doesn’t have its own tants grouping in those areas.
ference in the 2016 election — she logged in to Zoom to convene versities over their response to onto campus if the students re- police force. shafik’s decision to More than 150,000 people had
reengaged in international con- her deans. campus antisemitism inflamed fused to yield. enlist the New York Police De- already fled Rafah last week, the
sulting, according to documents earlier in the day, pro-Palestin- by the Israel-Gaza war. By the time she arrived back on partment to clear the student en- United Nations said, after Israeli
obtained by The Washington Post ian demonstrators had erected a Hours later, she met with the campus the next day, shafik had campment, made swiftly with troops staged a lightning offen-
and people familiar with his activ- tent encampment on the Man- deans remotely, people familiar set in motion a series of events only a handful of high-level ad- sive east of the city to capture the
ities who spoke on the condition of hattan quad. They staged their with the meeting said, not to that would fuel protests through- visers, came over the express dis- border crossing with egypt. Ac-
anonymity because of the matter’s protest just as shafik — an econo- solicit advice or seek approval out the country and turn her approval of the university senate, cording to Israeli military ana-
sensitivity. mist and former vice president of from the university leaders with campus into the center of a na- a policymaking body represent- lysts, armored brigades in eastern
Manafort has been assisting an the World Bank who was less vast responsibility over their re- tional debate over speech, hate, ing faculty, students, administra- Rafah are encircling the city.
effort to launch a Netflix-like mo- than 10 months into her presi- spective schools, in charge of aca- complicity and university gov- see ColUMbiA oN A16 see RAfAh oN A8
see MAnAfoRt oN A6 dency — was preparing to testify demics, discipline and public re- ernance. This debate is unfolding
before a House committee inves- lations. Instead, she informed against the backdrop of a bruis- No confidence: more college ‘Extreme force’: U.s. offers gear,
Giuliani fired: an NYc talk-radio tigating Columbia and other uni- them of her plan: to call police ing presidential campaign in- presidents face referendums. A5 intelligence for softer strategy. A8
station cites 2020 falsehoods. A2
A mystery illness
was linked to
Down syndrome.
These moms
found answers.
matt mcclaIN/the WashINgtoN Post
KLMNO Giuliani
for home delivery comments
or concerns contact us at
washingtonpost.com/subscriberservices or
fired from
send us an email at
[email protected] or call
202-334-6100 or 800-477-4679
top NYC
radio station
washingtonpost.com/mediakit BY A ZI P AYBARAH
Classified: 202-334-6200
Display: 202-334-7642 Rudy Giuliani was fired from a
prominent New York talk radio
202-334-6000 station Friday after its Trump-sup-
porting owner said the former
TO REAcH THE NEWSROOM mayor-turned-media personality
Metro: 202-334-7300; “crossed the line” by promoting
[email protected]
falsehoods about Donald Trump’s
national: 202-334-7410; loss in the 2020 election.
[email protected]
“I was told by WABC that he
business: 202-334-7320; crossed the line and they warned
[email protected] him,” John Catsimatidis, the bil-
sports: 202-334-7350; lionaire energy and supermarket
[email protected] magnate who owns the station,
investigative: 202-334-6179; told The Washington Post in a
[email protected] brief telephone interview. “He was
style: 202-334-7535; a great mayor. It’s a shame,” Catsi-
[email protected] matidis added. Later, when asked
TO REAcH THE OPINION PAGES by text message whether Giuliani
Letters to the editor: may return to the station’s air-
[email protected] or call waves at some point, Catsimatidis
202-334-6215 replied, “No.”
opinion: Catsimatidis earlier told the
[email protected] New York Times, “We’re not going
to talk about fallacies of the No-
JAbin botsforD/the WAshington Post vember 2020 election,” and that
c O R R E c TIO NS Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill on Wednesday. After more than 11 years as the senatorial fly in the ointment, Giuliani said in a pair of text mes-
Cruz racked up an overwhelmingly bipartisan 88-4 win for his bill governing the Federal Aviation Administration. sages that he wanted to keep dis-
cussing the topic on air.
the Washington Post is committed to
correcting errors that appear in the
newspaper. those interested in
contacting the paper for that purpose
In a sight to behold, Cruz works out bipartisan deal Giuliani did not respond to a
text message Friday seeking com-
ment. But on X, Giuliani wrote:
“John Catsimatidis and
Email: [email protected]. @77WABCradio fired me for re-
call: 202-334-6000, and ask to be Sen. Ted Cruz (R- Senate statesman all the time. 200 amendments from dozens of public. fusing to comply with their overly
@PKCapitol Tex.) found “I think it would be nice if we senators to put into the “I think Senator Cruz is a very broad directive stating I’m, ‘pro-
connected to the desk involved —
national, foreign, Metro, style, sports, Paul Kane himself in the would all approach all pieces of underlying legislation. gifted individual,” Sen. Deb hibited from engaging in conver-
business or any of the weekly sections. most unusual legislation that way,” said He used his clout to support a Fischer (R-Neb.) said Thursday, sations relating to the 2020 Presi-
Comments can be directed to the place Thursday. Shaheen, who clashed a few years provision mandating that having just listened to what she dential Election.’ ” Giuliani also
Post’s reader advocate, who can be He was the man in the middle, ago with Cruz over his partisan Reagan National Airport open up considered a very good floor called it “a clear violation of free
reached at 202-334-7582 or literally and figuratively, questioning of President Biden’s five new long-haul flights, speech. “I hope he will continue speech.”
[email protected]. standing in the well of the ambassador nominees. including one to San Antonio. down this path and be able to Asked about Trump’s own re-
chamber to dish out handshakes The irony wasn’t lost on Cruz, Instead of lambasting this as the work with all of us and get some fusal to accept his 2020 election
or high-fives as other senators who spent several recent days sort of local pork-barrel politics good things done for the loss, Catsimatidis told The Post,
cast their “aye” votes in favor of a standing at the desk of Minority that Cruz used to deride, he American people, because he “Trump can feel whatever he feels,
bill that he had co-written to Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), talked about the joy of seeing obviously has the talent to do it.” that’s what his belief is.”
govern the Federal Aviation with whom he often has clashed three years of work with San He has shown brief flashes of Catsimatidis briefly addressed
Administration. vigorously. That desk is afforded Antonio officials come to this behavior. In 2021, during the the termination at the top of his
After more than 11 years as the to the top senators leading the fruition. debate on a massive usual 5 p.m. weekday show. “I
senatorial fly in the ointment — debate on the floor, a spot that “Understandably, it is near and infrastructure bill that he called guess the news stories are out that,
driving his colleagues nuts with Cruz could find himself more dear to my heart,” Cruz boasted “reckless” and voted against, one of the greatest mayors in New
his insults and threats — Cruz frequently occupying if during a Senate floor speech. Cruz worked with Sen. Raphael York’s history is no longer with
racked up an overwhelmingly Republicans win the majority The techniques that Cruz and G. Warnock (D-Ga.) to get a WABC,” Catsimatidis told listen-
bipartisan 88-4 win for his bill. and he becomes chairman of the Cantwell used are now specific highway designation that ers. “We had differences, certain
That’s the type of Senate Commerce Committee commonly deployed by other would help connect military differences. And I still think he
accomplishment usually next year. committee chairmen and bases and rural communities was a great mayor, and he was
reserved for the lions of the “No doubt, my colleagues ranking minority-party members along the proposed Interstate 14 America’s mayor, and he’ll always
Senate whom he has regularly enjoyed giving me grief over on even bigger legislation. corridor from Georgia through be America’s mayor.”
disparaged. leading this bill to passage — I They held hearings and Texas. About a week after a mob of
It’s been a whiplash moment laughed as well, but I was also legislative markups of the A longtime resident of the Trump supporters rioted at the
for his colleagues, Republicans tempted to carve my name in the proposed bill, taking a deliberate Houston area, Cruz sounds U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, Catsi-
and Democrats alike, who have drawer as I managed the bill process that stretched many downright giddy whenever he matidis had the station issue a
rarely seen Cruz take his Ivy from Mitch’s desk,” Cruz said in a months longer than the House’s has the chance to boost NASA directive to on-air talent “to not
League intellect and channel it statement to The Washington consideration of the FAA and its projects, which fall under state, suggest or imply that the
Download The into something so … bipartisan. Post. legislation. Then they did what the oversight of his committee. election results are not valid or
“Honestly, it’s been quite the All this form-shifting comes as insiders call a “preconference” But his antagonistic, that the election is not over.”
Washington Post app sight. And we have teased him Cruz is headed into a very with their House counterparts, sometimes obstructionist WABC employees were also told,
stay informed with award-winning about it for the last couple of expensive reelection campaign ironing out the differences tendencies have always drawn “If this policy is violated, employ-
national and international news, days,” Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), against Rep. Colin Allred (D- between the two sides before the the most attention. Cruz arrived ees will be subject to immediate
PLUs complete local news coverage one of the more cordial Tex.). Already, each candidate has full Senate even considered the in the Senate two years after discipline, up to and including
of the D.C. metro area. Create Republicans in the chamber, said raised more than $9 million in legislation. Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Rand Paul termination.”
customized news alerts, save Thursday. “He has taken it well. just the first three months of this This should make for easy (R-Ky.), and they served as the Despite that warning and legal
articles for offline reading in My But watching everybody kind of year. passage of the bill when it hits first tea-party-era senators who setbacks, Giuliani kept promoting
Post, browse the daily print edition give him the berries in Cruz is favored to win in the the House floor in the coming ousted establishment Republican the conspiracy. At times, he used
and scroll through the for You tab to conference and then watch him right-leaning state, but his long- days. That meant blocking the favorites in their primaries. The his one-hour weekday afternoon
find stories that interest you. free to
try to bring all the groups established reputation as a robust amendment process that trio have often linked arms in show and another one-hour show
together has been quite the political villain will make it Cruz and his allies usually fierce debates, including the 2013 on Sundays to promote this false-
download on the App store and Play
sight.” easier for Allred to raise funds. demand, because any successful attempt to thwart the launch of hood.
store, subscribers enjoy unlimited “I think it’s been helpful,” Sen. The race remains close enough amendment might upend the the Affordable Care Act. He has publicly pinned the
access. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) said. that the incumbent will need to deal with House leaders. That turned into a more-than- blame for the loss on various enti-
Shaheen and others do not worry about appealing to the When one of his usual allies, two-week shutdown of the ties, including a voting technology
necessarily believe this was a type of swing voters who do not Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.), federal government and earned company and two election work-
road to Damascus moment that usually align with his positions. forced a vote meant to pry open them the ire of most Republicans. ers in Georgia. Giuliani in Decem-
will shift Cruz to acting like a He’s no longer the completely the amendment process, Cruz In late 2020, after Biden’s clear ber 2023 was ordered to pay $148
brash 42-year-old who arrived in stood strongly against it, telling victory over Donald Trump, Cruz million to the election workers he
the Senate in January 2013 and his GOP colleagues in private and Lee worked with Trump’s accused of mishandling ballots in
announced his presidential bid a that it was a bad idea. On the legal advisers to help craft the state, which Biden won by
little more than two years later. final vote, every GOP senator challenges to the outcome. around 12,000 votes.
Now 53, Cruz faces a quandary present cast their vote with Cruz. By Jan. 6, 2021, Lee backed out “I understand Rudy got sued
of what to do with his career as The only four votes against the of that effort, which Cruz again by the Georgia people so
he heads into what is the bill came from Virginia and continued to lead. Even after that brought it onto the front
equivalent of senatorial middle Maryland’s Democratic senators Trump’s supporters attacked the burner,” Catsimatidis told The
age. Any future presidential races who are opposed to additional U.S. Capitol, Cruz and seven Post on Friday.
would come when he’s been in flights out of National Airport. others voted against certifying In January 2021, Giuliani told
the Senate for at least 16 years, Cruz’s colleagues have always Biden’s win in two states. WABC listeners that Trump “won
which would require him to have known he can back up his Recent elections have added that election,” and said, “You give
something to show for it beyond Harvard Law pedigree with deep more than a half-dozen other me one hour. I will prove it to you
giving speeches. discussion on legal matters and deeply conservative senators to with pictures, documents, votes
In recent days, Cruz — the policy. They also know he can be the ranks, but Cruz, Lee and Paul and people we can call on the
ranking Republican of the much less dogmatic in private are hitting the maturation stage phone in five states.” Days later,
Commerce Committee — talked than the fire-and-brimstone of their careers, at least in terms Dominion Voting Systems sued
about his partnership with the manner of his public of seniority. Giuliani for $1.3 billion for defa-
chair, Sen. Maria Cantwell (D- appearances. If Republicans win the mation. Giuliani’s comments on
Wash.), in working behind the Many would like to see more of majority in November, Cruz is WABC are cited dozens of times in
scenes to essentially adopt about that private Cruz emerge in likely to chair the Senate the 107-page complaint.
Commerce Committee and Paul “As far as this election is con-
will probably lead the Homeland cerned,” Giuliani told listeners the
Security and Governmental day the lawsuit was filed, “it’s over.
Affairs Committee. Another Biden’s the president, she’s the
likely scenario would hand the vice president.” Days later, he sig-
6.80% * Cruz a fuller glimpse into how to books,” he said, adding that it
work across the aisle. “When should be raised as an issue for the
negotiating with other senators, I next presidential election.
try to be transparent, honest, Catsimatidis said he made the
APY flexible and transactional,” he decision about Giuliani just before
said in his statement to The Post. 1 p.m. Friday, after reading a pair
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“I suspect he’s seen both sides friendly media personalities such
now, which is probably good for as Greg Kelly, Lou Dobbs and Jea-
everybody,” Rounds said. nine Pirro.
sunday, may 12 , 2024 . the washington post eZ Re A3
Republicans fixate
on noncitizen voting,
despite its rarity
ing to a review of their social
media posts and podcasts.
Critics warn crackdown Elon Musk, who has increas-
may inhibit Latino votes, ingly aligned himself with the
right since buying Twitter and
purge legitimate names rebranding it as X, has posted
about noncitizen voting at least
20 times this year to his 182
BYC OLBY I TKOWITZ, million followers. “Their pre-
P ATRICK M ARLEY ferred term for an illegal immi-
AND C LARA E NCE M ORSE grant is FDV (Future Dem Vot-
er),” he wrote in March.
House Speaker Mike Johnson Whit Ayres, a longtime Repub-
warned at the Capitol this past lican pollster, said that while
week that non-U.S. citizens vot- there is no evidence of wide-
ing in the November elections is a spread voter fraud that would
“clear and present danger,” pro- influence the results of an elec-
posing federal legislation to stop tion, Trump has convinced mil-
it. Tennessee’s GOP governor re- lions of Americans to believe
cently signed legislation requir- otherwise. If additional bans on
ing the state to scrutinize its noncitizen voting “gives some
voter rolls for noncitizens. And in voters greater confidence in the
four other states, Republicans integrity of our elections, then it’s
have helped put measures on the a good thing,” Ayres said.
ballot this fall to make sure the But Democrats and voting
only people who vote in elections rights advocates say the effort is
Joshua LoTT/The WashingTon PosT
are American citizens. an insincere scheme to gin up
But experts say the Republican GOP turnout. They also warn Voting stickers rest on a seat aboard a voting bus last year in Racine, Wis. A GOP pollster said that while there is no evidence of
spotlight on the issue glosses that the focus lays the ground- widespread voter fraud that would shift an election, Donald Trump has convinced millions of Americans to believe otherwise.
over two crucial facts: Noncitizen work to sow doubt in the election
voting is exceedingly rare, and it results and could have a chilling ence, Johnson stood in front of voters. He said he had grown help Republicans in a close elec- ever before. And I certainly don’t
is already banned in almost all effect on legal voting among im- the U.S. Capitol flanked by Mitch- concerned by municipalities in tion. The state went to Trump in believe that those folks should
places, including the ones with migrants, especially Latino vot- ell, Republican lawmakers and other states giving noncitizens 2016 and Biden in 2020 — by have the opportunity to cast bal-
ballot measures in November. ers. Stephen Miller, a former Trump the right to vote in local elections about one percentage point each lots at any level.”
That hasn’t stopped Republi- “I don’t think it’s a coincidence senior adviser who promoted a and wanted to keep that from time. August said he expects voters
cans from making the issue a that it’s getting louder at the plan to send to Washington happening in North Carolina. “Small things can make a dif- to approve the measure, and once
frequent talking point. The un- moment when Trump is back on Trump-supporting slates of elec- “It’s just an opportunity to ference in success and failure in they do he wants the state to
founded threat brings together the campaign trail,” said Sean tors from states that Biden had bring clarity, maybe even before this state,” Gilkes said. scrutinize its voter rolls for any
two issues Republicans believe Morales-Doyle, director of the won after the 2020 election. Mil- that clarity is needed,” he said. The Wisconsin proposal has evidence that noncitizens are al-
will drive turnout with their Brennan Center for Justice’s vot- ler said the threat of noncitizens Washington, D.C., and a hand- alarmed Christine Neumann-Or- ready registered.
base: illegal immigration and ing rights program. “It combines voting invites “grand foreign in- ful of other cities nationwide tiz, the executive director of Voc- Eleven states since the 2020
election fraud claims. his election denial rhetoric with es de la Frontera, an immigrant election have enacted laws to
Critics warn that attempts to his xenophobic, anti-immigrant rights group based in Milwaukee. identify noncitizens who have
crack down on noncitizen voting rhetoric in a way that is definitely “I think this effort is anti-dem- registered to vote and remove
could suppress the votes of Lati- pandering to a particular set, to a The GOP effort to ban noncitizen voting “combines ocratic and deceptive, promotes them from the rolls, according to
no voters who fear being wrongly certain group of supporters." misinformation and is racist,” she the Voting Rights Lab, a nonprof-
accused of illegally casting bal- “It’s troubling and it’s obvious- [Donald Trump’s] election denial rhetoric with his said. it group that tracks election-re-
lots. They say they could also lead ly false,” Morales-Doyle said. Noncitizens know they are not lated legislation. Megan Bellamy,
to database mismatches that After the 2016 election, the xenophobic, anti-immigrant rhetoric in a way that allowed to vote under laws that vice president for law and policy
push legitimate voters off the Brennan Center reviewed 23.5 are already on the books, she for the group, said such measures
rolls. million votes cast and found is definitely pandering to a particular set." said, and they don’t want to try to could lead to eligible voters get-
A news conference on Capitol about 30 instances of voting by Sean Morales-Doyle, of the Brennan Center for Justice’s voting rights program vote because they know it would ting kicked off the rolls.
Hill led by Johnson (R-La.) on possible noncitizens. That probably ruin their chances of No one maintains a compre-
Wednesday was the most visible amounts to one vote out of every ever becoming a citizen. hensive database of noncitizens,
element of a multifaceted GOP 770,000 cast. terference in our elections” to allow noncitizens to vote in elec- By putting the measure on the and people who share the same
strategy to center concerns about An official audit in 2022 of help Democrats. tions for school board or other ballot, Republicans are creating names as noncitizens could
noncitizen voting in the 2024 Georgia’s voter rolls found about Republicans who control the local offices. Some jurisdictions the perception that there is a wrongly be flagged as ineligible
campaign. Among the states ask- 1,600 noncitizens attempted to House say they will try to to require the noncitizens to reside problem even though there isn’t voters, Bellamy said. In addition,
ing voters to add language to register to vote in that state over quickly pass the legislation, but it in the country legally or have one, Neumann-Ortiz said. some new citizens may be listed
their constitutions explicitly ban- 25 years, with most of the at- is unlikely to be taken up in the children in local schools to cast Republicans who control the in jury exclusion lists and other
ning noncitizens from voting is tempts occurring in the previous Democrat-controlled Senate. The ballots. Courts have struck down Wisconsin legislature began the databases as noncitizens if the
Wisconsin, a key swing state. six years. None of them were Capitol Hill event came less than a New York City law allowing lengthy process of scheduling the information was gathered before
Republicans in another battle- successful, according to the au- a month after Johnson and noncitizen voting in a case the ballot measure three years ago as they were naturalized, she said.
ground, North Carolina, are dit. Trump gave a joint news confer- city is appealing to the state’s they raised concerns about city “We see these efforts to pre-
pressing to do the same. The latest push to focus on ence in Mar-a-Lago. The speaker highest court. governments in large liberal cit- vent noncitizens from voting
The presumptive GOP presi- noncitizen voting is being driven warned then that an influx of Since 2020, five states — Ala- ies in other states allowing non- largely as overreactions,” Bellamy
dential nominee, former presi- in part by several Trump associ- noncitizen voting “could turn an bama, Colorado, Florida, Louisi- citizens to vote in local elections. said.
dent Donald Trump, has led the ates who were involved in his election.” ana and Ohio — have amended Assembly Majority Leader Tyler Ann Jacobs, a Democrat who
push. He has long argued, with- efforts to undermine the results Jim Womack, the president of their state constitutions to en- August (R) said the measure was serves on Wisconsin’s bipartisan
out evidence, that Democrats al- of the 2020 presidential election. the North Carolina chapter of sure noncitizens can’t vote in needed to ensure courts don’t elections commission, said state
low undocumented immigrants The America First Policy Insti- Mitchell’s group, has led efforts local or state elections. This fall, allow the practice in Wisconsin — lawmakers should be focused on
to cast ballots, insisting that the tute, a pro-Trump think tank to get the GOP-led state legisla- Wisconsin, Iowa, Kentucky and even though no jurisdiction has getting more funding to election
practice hurt his margin of victo- focused on policy priorities for ture to put a referendum on Idaho will have measures on the tried to do so. clerks, beefing up cybersecurity
ry in 2016 and helped cost him his possible second term, sent noncitizen voting on the ballot ballot to ban voting by nonciti- “Voting is one of the most and making it easier to tabulate
the White House in 2020. letters to top election officials in this fall. He acknowledged it is zens in their constitutions. sacred rights you have as a U.S. absentee ballots so results can be
Democrats, Trump wrote on nine states that have large undoc- already illegal for noncitizens to Wisconsin GOP strategist citizen and should be reserved made public faster.
Truth Social in December, were umented immigrant populations, vote but said the amendment Keith Gilkes said the issue pro- for U.S. citizens only,” he said. The focus on noncitizen vot-
“scrambling” to register illegal urging them to ensure nonciti- would clear up any ambiguity. vides a rallying cry for Republi- “We’ve got more and more illegal ing, she said, amounts to “unnec-
immigrants so they would “be zens aren’t able to vote. The And while he insisted his group’s can candidates this fall and could immigrants in the country than essary election theater.”
ready to VOTE IN THE PRESI- group’s leaders include Pam Bon- efforts are not political, he of-
DENTIAL ELECTION OF 2024.” di, a former Florida attorney fered that they could be political-
Since January, noncitizen vot- general who challenged Pennsyl- ly motivating for Republican leg-
ing has shown up thousands of vania’s vote counting in the days islators.
times in social media posts, pod- after the 2020 election. “That may be the only way we HIC#410516000653 | 50637 | 69678 | WV027473
casts and other public statements Cleta Mitchell, a lawyer who get it to move if the perception is
from high-profile right-wing pol- worked to overturn Trump’s 2020 that it will motivate conservative
iticians, commentators and influ- loss, has also been involved. She voters,” he said.
encers, according to a Washing-
ton Post analysis. Republican
lawmakers in Congress have
mentioned it hundreds of times
now runs the Election Integrity
Network, which has pushed to
limit voting on college campuses
and recruit poll watchers.
North Carolina State Sen. Brad
Overcash (R), a sponsor of legis-
lation to get the amendment on
the ballot, said he believes it will
in the same time period, accord- At Wednesday’s news confer- “overwhelmingly” pass among
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A4 eZ re the washington post . sunday, may 12 , 2024
RFK Jr. echoes Russian talking points in his flawed retelling of war in Ukraine
A reader asked us Ukraine after the Soviet Union of Minsk called the “Steinmeier
to fact-check a collapsed, though it was formula,” developed by the
four-minute approved by a relatively narrow German foreign minister, that
“history lesson” majority (54 percent) compared would have allowed elections in
posted by with other areas of Ukraine. the breakaway regions. That led
presidential to protests by far-right
The Fact candidate Robert “Then the new Ukrainian nationalists who claimed this
Checker F. Kennedy Jr. on government we installed would be a capitulation, though
Glenn YouTube. started killing ethnic Russians Zelensky insisted that “there
Kessler International in Donbas and Luhansk, and won’t be any elections there if
events — and the they voted to leave and join the troops are still there.”
causes of war — Russia.” In a 2023 interview with the
are often open to interpretation. Kennedy has it backward. German publication Der Spiegel,
But Kennedy’s lecture, about Russia took advantage of the Zelensky indicated that he
how the United States allegedly chaos after Yanukovych fell to viewed the Minsk agreements on
provoked the Ukraine war, was send Russian troops into the the whole as a trap designed to
filled with so much resource-rich eastern section of give up a piece of Ukraine to
misinformation and Russian Ukraine, falsely claiming that satisfy Russia. He said he focused
talking points that it seems these were self-organized on specific items, like a prisoner
worthy of a detailed look. “separatist” groups. Within three exchange, to buy time.
Here’s a line-by-line dissection weeks, the Russian troops had
of Kennedy’s history. The seized the provinces of Donetsk “Then the Russians go in.
Kennedy campaign did not and Luhansk — or the Donbas They don’t send a big army.
respond to a request for region — and claimed the They only send 40,000 people.
comment. establishment of new breakaway It’s a nation of 44 million
states. Before the 2022 invasion people. They clearly do not
“You know, Putin every day of Ukraine, the conflict led to at intend to conquer Ukraine, but
says, ‘I want to settle the war. least 15,000 people being killed they want us back at the
Let’s negotiate.’ And Zelensky and 30,000 wounded. No negotiating table.”
KenA BetAncur/AFP/getty ImAges
has said we’re not going to elections held under Russian This is an unusually generous
negotiate. But Zelensky didn’t Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaks at a news conference in Brooklyn on May 1. The independent presidential supervision can be trusted as interpretation of Russia’s
start that way. I don’t want to candidate’s lecture on the United States’ role in the Ukraine war is full of misinformation. accurate. invasion, which was intended as
belabor the history. But Russia a lightning strike to decapitate
was invaded three times stated that European nations though he certainly supported put in a Western sympathetic “Putin said, ‘I don’t want the Ukrainian government.
through Ukraine. The last time were free to ally with others as NATO expansion. In 1995, he government.” them. Let’s give them Three days before invading in
Hitler killed one out of every they saw fit, according to then- wrote an article for Foreign As Kennedy speaks, the screen protection and semi-autonomy 2022, Putin illegally recognized
seven Russians. They don’t Undersecretary of State Robert Affairs arguing that the Clinton flashes a 2014 article in Foreign and make an agreement to keep the Donetsk People’s Republic
want to have Ukraine join Zoellick. Records show that at administration needed to stop Affairs by John J. Mearsheimer NATO out of Ukraine.’ That and Luhansk People’s Republic
NATO.” least one Soviet official, the debating the expansion and act. of the University of Chicago that treaty was written by Germany, as independent nations and said
Russian President Vladimir foreign minister, tentatively He said the administration also endorses Putin’s claim of a France, Russia and England — he was sending troops as
Putin started the war by raised the question of NATO should explicitly make clear the “coup.” But few analysts agree the Minsk Accords. And the peacekeepers. On Feb. 24, 2022,
invading Ukraine, and he’s expansion, but the issue was not basic criteria for admission to with Mearsheimer. Ukrainian parliament, which is Putin announced “a special
shown little sign of wanting to substantially addressed. NATO. “These criteria would Then-Ukrainian President controlled by ultra-rightists — military operation,” but Russian
end it unless Ukraine accepts The final agreement on a strengthen the emerging Viktor Yanukovych, who leaned and that’s a nice way of talking forces encountered unexpected
losing territory Russia has unified Germany stipulated that consensus that in the foreseeable toward Russia, used force to halt about them — refused to sign resistance. By March 7, 2022, the
seized. Ukrainian President at least temporarily, no nuclear future only four Central demonstrations, and police it.” Pentagon said 190,000 Russian
Volodymyr Zelensky has said weapons and no NATO forces of European countries — the Czech killed scores of people in Kyiv. Kennedy is referring to two troops were in Ukraine — the
Russian atrocities during the war other countries would be Republic, Poland, Hungary, and Parliament then removed him in failed efforts in 2014 and 2015, largest force since World War II
make it imperative for the stationed in the eastern part of Slovakia — are likely to be a unanimous vote. The United known as the Minsk agreements, to invade another European
country to win back all of its the country. The Soviet Union’s considered seriously. It would States was not involved, though to arrange a cease-fire in country.
territory. finances were in crisis and leave open the possibility for Putin often faults U.S. financial Donetsk and Luhansk. French
It’s unclear how Kennedy Gorbachev was under pressure others, including theoretically support for democracy efforts in and German officials were “We won’t allow Zelensky to
counts three invasions of Russia to reach a deal. At the time, there Russia itself,” he wrote. the country. involved in trying to settle the go back. So he goes to Israel and
through Ukraine, though he says were 380,000 Soviet troops in conflict, along with the Turkey and says, ‘Will you
the “last time” was World War II. East Germany, according to a “So then we not only move it “Russia then has to go into Organization for Security and please help me negotiate a trea-
The previous prominent attack 1991 CIA estimate. In exchange into 14 new nations, but we Crimea because they have a Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). ty? The Russians just want a
on Russia was by French for allowing Germany to unify, unilaterally walk away from port. It’s their only warm-water Ukrainian and Russian guarantee that Ukraine won’t
Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte in Gorbachev received 12 billion our two nuclear weapons port, and they know the new representatives signed the deals, join NATO.’ Zelensky signs the
1812, but Napoleon aimed his German marks to construct treaties with the Russians.” government that we just along with an OSCE treaty. Putin’s people sign the
attack on Moscow and did not housing for departing troops, 3 Kennedy has the number of installed is going to invite the representative, followed by treaty and Putin starts with-
invade through Ukraine. billion in interest-free credit and new NATO members correct, U.S. Navy into their port.” separatist leaders, but no votes drawing Russian troops in good
In World War II, about 27 a four-year grace period to though it did not happen all at In 1783, Catherine the Great were needed in parliament. faith. And what happens? Joe
million Soviet citizens died, remove the troops. once. The Czech Republic, achieved Russia’s longtime goal Both agreements did not take Biden sends Boris Johnson, the
approximately one-seventh of After the Soviet Union Hungary and Poland joined of having a warm-water port, root because Russia insisted it British prime minister, over to
the population; there were 8.7 collapsed and Boris Yeltsin NATO in 1999, followed by Sevastopol, by seizing Crimea was not a party to Minsk, just a Ukraine in April and forces him
million military dead, according became president of Russia, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, from the Ottoman Empire. With facilitator. Russian-led forces to tear up the treaty.”
to Russian calculations. Yeltsin in 1993 conceded Poland’s Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia and today’s technology, however, St. kept fighting and ignored This is again largely a fantasy.
right to join NATO, even while Lithuania in 2004. Croatia and Petersburg and Vladivostok are commitments to have a cease- There was no treaty that was
“When the wall came down complaining bitterly about Albania joined in 2009, functionally warm-water ports fire. ever signed. Ukrainian and
in the Soviet Union and President Bill Clinton’s push to Montenegro in 2017 and North and kept free of ice with thermal Russian negotiators in April
Europe, [Soviet President expand. In 1997, he tried to win a Macedonia in 2020. power plants. “Zelensky runs in 2019. He’s 2022 “appeared to have
Mikhail] Gorbachev destroyed commitment from Clinton that Since Russia attacked When Putin illegally seized an actor. Why did he get elected tentatively agreed on the
himself politically by doing NATO at least would not accept Ukraine, membership has also Crimea, Sevastopol was no with 70 percent of the vote? outlines of a negotiated interim
something that was very, very any former Soviet republics as been granted to Finland and longer a Russian asset. After the Because he promised to sign the settlement,” according to a
courageous. He went to members. But Clinton put him Sweden. Soviet Union collapsed and Minsk accords. He promised report in Foreign Affairs, which
[President George H.W.] Bush. off, saying that would “violate Kennedy is correct that the Ukraine became an independent peace.” included Russia withdrawing to
He said, ‘I’m going to allow you the whole spirit of NATO,” United States withdrew from the country, Ukraine leased the Zelensky, a comedian who Feb. 23 lines and Ukraine
to reunify Germany under a according to a transcript of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty in Sevastopol port to Russia, with a starred in a satirical television agreeing not to join NATO. But
NATO army. I’m going to conversation. 2002 under George W. Bush and limit on the number of troops series as the Ukrainian much still needed to be
remove 450,000 Soviet troops. Three former Warsaw Pact the Intermediate-Range Nuclear that could be stationed. Ukraine president, defeated incumbent negotiated, and one of the
But I want your commitment. nations — the Czech Republic, Forces Treaty in 2019 under also used it as the port for the Petro Poroshenko in a landslide, Ukrainian negotiators said the
After that, you will not move Hungary and Poland — joined Donald Trump. In the first Ukrainian navy. There’s no winning 73 percent of the vote. team had lacked the authority to
NATO one inch to the east.’ And NATO in 1999. In 2004, Estonia, instance, Bush argued that the evidence the new Ukrainian The second Minsk agreement accept Moscow’s terms. One
we solemnly swore that we Latvia and Lithuania were treaty limited development of a government planned to turn over was signed in 2015, but Zelensky obstacle: Ukraine’s constitution
wouldn’t do it.” among seven more countries missile defense system. In the the port to the U.S. Navy. said he wanted to “reboot” peace was amended in 2019 to seek
Kennedy is echoing Russian that joined. They remain the second instance, the Defense talks and finally conclude a NATO membership. Russia, after
propaganda here. By every only former Soviet republics in Department cited “Russia’s “So Russia then went into cease-fire. But it’s misleading to suffering heavy losses and its
account of the 1990 negotiations the alliance. sustained and repeated Crimea without firing a shot as say Zelensky won because of this advance stalled, withdrew from
for the unification of Germany Some analysts, Gorbachev violations of the treaty over the people of Crimea are imagined “sign Minsk treaty” the Kyiv and Zhytomyr regions —
after the fall of the Berlin Wall, among them, argue that the many years.” Russian.” platform. He campaigned with a but it was hardly an indication of
including Gorbachev’s, the NATO expansion was Russia already had at least raft of promises, mainly having “good faith.”
conversation claimed by unnecessarily provocative. “I “And we put Aegis missile 12,500 troops at Sevastopol, and to do with improving the Johnson has labeled claims
Kennedy never happened. called this a big mistake from the systems in Romania and the interim government in Kyiv economy and overhauling that he intervened to derail the
“The topic of ‘NATO very beginning,” he said. “It was Poland, twelve minutes from ordered Ukrainian service government. talks “total nonsense and
expansion’ was not discussed at definitely a violation of the spirit Moscow. When Russians did members in Crimea to leave Russian propaganda.”
all, and it wasn’t brought up in of the statements and assurances that to Cuba in ’62, we came without firing a single shot. But “He gets in there and he
those years,” Gorbachev said in a made to us in 1990. With regards this close to nuclear war until people who protested were pivots. Nobody can explain “And since then, 450,000
2014 interview. “I say this with to Germany, they were legally they removed them. So the detained and tortured, with at why, but we know why. Because kids have died, who — none of
full responsibility. Not a single enshrined and are being Russians don’t want nukes 400 least three killed, including he was threatened with death them should have died. For
Eastern European country raised observed.” miles from Moscow.” Crimean Tatar protester Reshat by ultra-rightists in his every one Russian that dies, five
the issue, not even after the Kennedy is comparing apples Ametov, whose body was government — and a to eight Ukrainians died. And
Warsaw Pact ceased to exist in “Well, then in ’97, Zbigniew to oranges. Aegis is a missile stripped naked and his eyes withdrawal of support by the they don’t have any men left.
1991. Western leaders didn’t Brzezinski, he was the first of defense system and is not a poked out. A Russian soldier also United States by Victoria You know, we’re giving him all
bring it up, either.” the neocons, said, ‘We’re going nuclear weapon. The Soviets shot dead a Ukrainian naval Nuland, who is the leading these weapons, but they don’t
The context of these talks to move NATO a thousand miles installed nuclear missiles in officer, while an unknown neocon in the State have men left. It’s a
played a role. No world leader, to the east and take 15 countries Cuba, 90 miles off the U.S. coast, gunman shot and killed a Department. We told him he catastrophe.”
let alone Gorbachev, expected into it and surround the Soviet which is what prompted the Ukrainian serviceman while he could not sign it.” Death counts are uncertain —
the Soviet Union would soon Union.’ ” Cuban missile crisis. was working at a tower in This is another fantasy for and neither Ukrainian nor
collapse. The negotiations at the Brzezinski was President Russia complained that Aegis Simferopol. which there is no evidence. Russian numbers on military
time focused mostly on the Jimmy Carter’s national security could be modified to neutralize Crimea was populated mostly Nuland, often the target of casualties can be trusted — but
question of stationing NATO adviser and was a foreign policy its nuclear deterrent by targeting by Tatars until Russian dictator Russian misinformation, left the Kennedy’s figures are too high.
forces in a unified Germany, with realist and a hawk on Russia. its intercontinental ballistic Joseph Stalin deported the whole U.S. government in 2017, during In the first two years of the
Secretary of State James Baker at Calling him a neoconservative, missiles. In response to those population in 1944. According to Trump’s first year in office, and war, through Feb. 24, the war has
first suggesting in one meeting let alone the first, betrays a concerns, Barack Obama in 2013 the last official Ukrainian did not return until 2021, when killed at least 10,582 civilians
that NATO forces would not misunderstanding of the term, as scrapped a phase of the program census, in 2001, 60 percent of she became undersecretary of and injured 19,875, according to
move an inch into East German it is originally associated with that would have done so. Crimea’s population was state. As noted, the second a report by the U.N. Human
territory, a position that was former Democrats who moved to Russian, 24 percent Ukrainian Minsk agreement was signed in Rights Monitoring Mission in
later walked back. Twice at a the right. “We then overthrow the and 10 percent Tatar. 2015. Ukraine. This number includes
White House meeting, to the We can’t find any such Ukraine government, in 2014, Despite a majority Russian Zelensky expressed interest in 587 killed and 1,298 injured
distress of his aides, Gorbachev provocative quote by Brzezinski, their elected government, and population, Crimea voted to join 2019 in pursuing a new iteration children.
GOP escalates Secret Service fight over convention protests law and apply those legal princi-
ples in a uniform fashion. “Indi-
vidual decisions don’t have to be
a similar refrain Friday, waxing
nostalgic about his early days as a
justice. He has served on the high
popular. … The losing party has court since 1991.
BY J OSH D AWSEY reports that the security perim- Democrats are pushing extraordi- eter “without something to back it to respect the decision,” Ka- “It would be inconceivable
eter around the Republican Con- nary measures to limit protests in up” could lead to lawsuits, the vanaugh said at the 5th Circuit that anyone would leak in the
Top Republican Party officials vention site in Milwaukee may be Chicago ahead of their conven- officials argued. Judicial Conference. court or do anything to inten-
are escalating their fight with the creating a likely — and prevent- tion, including holding part of the “We have no information that “Consistency builds respect,” tionally harm one another,”
Secret Service over the party’s able — area of conflict between event online. In recent weeks, pro- there will be unrest related to that he continued. “It’s showing up Thomas said of that period on the
convention in Milwaukee in July, protesters and Convention at- tests have gripped the country — activity,” one Secret Service offi- every day in the courtroom and court.
demanding that the agency ex- tendees and delegates,” McCon- particularly on college campuses cial said. Another official said trying to be respectful to the Kavanaugh did not address the
pand the security perimeter of the nell wrote in the letter. “The RNC — largely focusing on the Israel- most attendees of the convention parties, to write your opinion in a ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Wom-
event so that protesters can be and Convention leadership have Gaza war. would use buses, which would go way that’s clear and understand- en’s Health Organization, which
moved further away from the are- conveyed they have made a re- The RNC fight centers on Pere through different checkpoints. able, to get out when you’re led to the overturning of Roe.
na where the main events will be quest to meet with USSS Leader- Lafayette Park in downtown Mil- At the meeting, a Milwaukee speaking and try to explain, to Instead, he cited the 5-4 decision
held. ship several weeks ago and that waukee, where the city plans to police captain also said there were the bar, the judicial process, to in Texas v. Johnson in 1989,
A cadre of senior GOP officials has yet to happen. That is unac- stage a “First Amendment Zone” concerns within the community try to be transparent and to be which upheld flag-burning as
had a lengthy argument with Se- ceptable and I request you per- for protesters to gather. Republi- that Republican convention at- impartial as a judge.” speech protected by the First
cret Service officials in Milwaukee sonally ensure this meeting takes can officials say the park’s loca- tendees might “terrorize Milwau- The two talks were part of a Amendment, in acknowledging
on Thursday afternoon, accord- place next week so that these tion means thousands of conven- kee citizens” and “harass minori- flurry of public appearances by that the high court sometimes
ing to three people familiar with concerns are heard and adjudicat- tion attendees will have to pass ties.” members of the high court, issues unpopular decisions.
the matter who spoke on the con- ed.” protesters while walking to the “There is fear in the communi- which finished oral arguments After the leak of the Dobbs
dition of anonymity to describe a A top aide to Sen. Rick Scott arena, which they say could lead ty,” the Milwaukee police official for this term in late April and draft, a man with a gun and a
private meeting. The Republicans (Fla.) also lobbied the agency, ac- to clashes and violence. said. now is working on decisions for knife was detained by police near
repeatedly pushed the agency to cording to a spokesman for the The city says that the park is the Nick DeSiato, chief of staff for all the cases in which it has not Kavanaugh’s Maryland home and
widen the perimeter so that a senator. An aide to House Speaker closest public park to the arena Milwaukee’s City Hall, said that yet ruled. charged with attempted murder.
prominent city park about a quar- Mike Johnson (La.) said his office that is outside the Secret Service “the captain’s comment reflected On Saturday morning, Justice Nicholas John Roske of Simi
ter-mile from the arena could not is also reviewing the situation. perimeter and that the city is feedback from some of our com- Samuel A. Alito Jr. delivered the Valley, Calif., was upset by the
be used by the city for a designat- A spokesperson for the Secret legally expected to give protesters munity members.” commencement address at Fran- leaked draft as well as the recent
ed protest zone. The Republicans Service said the agency is “confi- “sight and sound” to the venue. The Republicans in the room ciscan University of Steubenville school shooting in Uvalde, Tex.,
also again demanded a meeting dent” in the plan being worked City officials also say they are took umbrage at the comments. in Ohio. Dressed in a black cap according to an affidavit.
with the head of the Secret Service out. facing criticism from others that Over and over, Republican offi- and gown, Alito received a stand- Kavanaugh called the height-
to no avail, the people familiar The plan is being “overseen by the park is not close enough. cials urged the Secret Service to ing ovation from hundreds of ened security measures that are
with the meeting said. an executive steering committee The RNC has proposed other reconsider. At the end of the meet- students and their families after now in place for the justices
The Secret Service officials — made up of Secret Service person- parks that are farther from the ing, one GOP official told the he was introduced as the author “night and day” from when he
which included two senior offi- nel on the ground, as well as convention site, including one agency that he wanted all of the of the court’s majority opinion clerked for then-Justice Anthony
cers — told the Republican Na- representatives from other feder- across the river from the arena. media to go through the one that eliminated the nationwide M. Kennedy in the early 1990s.
tional Committee that its director al, state, and local agencies, who In the 45-minute meeting, checkpoint by the protesters. right to abortion. “It’s a huge adjustment for
was not inclined to meet with have the greatest understanding agency officials declined to move “Who does the messaging on In a speech that quoted from your family,” Kavanaugh said.
them and that the agency was not of the host city and the expected the perimeter, telling Republican the checkpoints?” he said. “I want Shakespeare and the comedian Referring to his two teenage
planning to expand the perimeter security environment for the Party officials that there was no to make sure the media sees it all.” Rodney Dangerfield, Alito urged daughters, he added: “You pray
to include the park, according to a event,” Anthony Guglielmi, chief intelligence about credible The Republicans argued that if the graduates of the Catholic that there’s not a long-term im-
person with direct knowledge of of communications for the Secret threats that would require the clashes occur, they would be university to “go boldly and en- pact on them.”
the meeting. That infuriated par- Service, said in a statement Friday perimeter to be expanded. Two blamed and it would distract from gage the world.” He warned that Liberal Justice Sonia Sotomay-
ty officials. afternoon. “The development of Secret Service officials, the head the convention. they may soon find themselves or and conservative Justice Amy
Republican Party officials are the security plan is based on secu- of the agency’s team in Milwaukee “Do you watch the news?” one “in a job or community or a social Coney Barrett have been making
now encouraging other top law- rity considerations, including risk and a senior member of the pro- Republican official asked. Others setting when you will be pres- joint appearances in recent
makers to weigh in, with just two and threat assessments, and is not tectee division, told GOP leaders cited pro-Palestinian protests on sured to endorse ideas you don’t months, showing a more conge-
months before the convention. a political matter.” that they had conducted a “blast campuses that have led to arrests believe or to abandon core be- nial side to relations between
On Friday, Senate Minority The fight comes as both Repub- radius” survey — the area around and some violence. liefs. It will be up to you to stand justices despite the deep ideo-
Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) licans and Democrats are expect- a potential explosion where dam- Jeff Fleming, a spokesman for firm,” he said, adding that “there logical divisions on the bench.
wrote a letter to Kimberly Cheatle, ing significant protests this sum- age can occur — and that the park Milwaukee, said the city “expects may be times when it’s necessary
the director of the Secret Service. mer near their convention sites. was not included. a well-behaved group of protest- for you to speak up.” Raji reported from Austin. Marimow
“I am deeply concerned about Politico reported Friday that some Arbitrarily moving the perim- ers from a variety of viewpoints.” The court is poised to hand reported from Washington.
A6 ez re the washington post . sunday, may 12 , 2024
Ex-aides dispute Rep. Nancy Mace’s claims that sta≠ ‘sabotaged’ her
BY P ATRICK S VITEK gress in 2020, initially positioned “This was the best group of fice in 2022 and 2023. money that istrative tasks, like filling up her She brought with her a barrier-
AND J ACQUELINE A LEMANY herself as a moderating force in people I’ve ever worked for — lots congressional offices don’t spend car with gas, and that she often breaking background as the first
the republican Party on issues of young people, and for many of is returned to the U.S. Treasury, failed to reimburse them when woman to graduate from The Cit-
former aides to rep. Nancy such as abortion and gun vio- them, it was their first jobs. They but mace believed the funds could they followed up for repayment. adel, the formerly all-male mili-
mace (r-S.C.) vehemently disput- lence, attracting national fame looked up to her as a hero and as a have been better spent on con- mace once asked an aide to buy tary college in Charleston, S.C.
ed her claims that they “sabo- and widespread media attention. mentor,” Hanlon said in defense of stituent communications or cupcakes to celebrate her then-fi- Last year, she unexpectedly
taged” her office by hacking her But mace’s shifting positions on his old staff. boosting staff salaries. ancé’s birthday, according to two joined seven other republicans
phone, mismanaging the office debt ceiling legislation, abortion Six former mace staffers, Two former staffers said that former staffers. She asked every- who teamed up with Democrats to
budget, spying on her children restrictions in a defense-spending speaking on the condition of ano- the leftover money was a result of one in the office to go to the oust then-House Speaker Kevin
and trying to destroy electronic bill, and former president Donald nymity to preserve their future mace missing deadlines to ap- oversight Committee staff room mcCarthy (r-Calif.). That led to a
devices with water. Trump alienated some of her for- employment prospects on Capitol prove of a mass-mailer program and sing “Happy Birthday” to her bitter feud between mace and mc-
mace alleged the staff miscon- mer allies. Her detractors and Hill, said that mace mischaracter- that members typically send to then-fiancé. She never reim- Carthy, who said earlier this year
duct in a story published friday by opponents — and some of her ized normal office functions as constituents at the end of every bursed the aide for the purchase, that mace needs to “straighten out
Dailymail.com, which noted she colleagues — came to view her as part of a staff conspiracy against year. “She was very bad at pulling the staffers said. her life” and alluded to her office’s
“fired or lost nine staffers from an attention hog, uninterested in her. They said that like most staff- the trigger on decisions,” one of “We have no record of any out- turmoil.
her Washington D.C. office” over a crafting policy and singularly fo- ers serving members of Congress, the former staffers said. standing reimbursement re- “No one will stay working for
three-month period. cused on elevating herself on tele- some people in the office had Three staffers also questioned quests,” mace said in a statement her,” mcCarthy said.
members of Congress rarely vision and social media. access to her personal, political mace’s claim that the money to The Washington Post. “With mace faces a hotly contested
take aim at ex-aides so publicly In recent months, some of and official calendars to coordi- should have been directed toward the proper invoice and receipts, June 11 primary. Her main oppo-
and with such specific allegations. mace’s former aides have openly nate her schedule and manage staff salaries, as she was notorious we have always reimbursed our nent is Catherine Templeton, a
But the turmoil between mace criticized her on social media or in daily operations. for underpaying staff and often staff appropriately.” She declined former South Carolina guberna-
and former staffers has played out the news media. Her former chief mace also claimed in the inter- declined to provide staffers with to comment further for this story. torial candidate who has said
in public view over the past year as of staff, Daniel Hanlon, took steps view that her staff did not spend small raises. They said that mace A former South Carolina state mace “flip-flops for fame.” mace
staff has cycled through her office. earlier this year to run against her nearly $1 million in congression- was prone to asking staffers to lawmaker, mace represents the has labeled Templeton as mcCar-
mace, who won election to Con- in a primary. He later bowed out. ally allocated funding for the of- cover the costs of everyday admin- state’s 1st Congressional District. thy’s “puppet.”
Manafort no longer
planning to assist
with GOP convention
MANAFORT from A1 Trump’s brazen use of presidential
pardons. With the stroke of a pen,
bile streaming and entertainment Trump erased consequences for
platform in China that, according loyalists convicted of crimes, al-
to corporate documents, has the lowing them to reenter business
endorsement of the Chinese gov- or politics and helping to preserve
ernment. In an email to The Post, their professional standing. A
manafort said he was “not in- Trump campaign spokesman did
volved with China” and has “had not respond to requests for com-
nothing to do with China, includ- ment.
ing Chinese businesses, govern- manafort maintained he was
ment, individuals, or anything not a partner in the deal but did not
else,” but acknowledged that he answer questions about whether
“was asked to make introductions he had any financial interest in it.
to U.S. studios and potential U.S. Emails obtained by The Post show
partners in the venture.” he coordinated investor calls and,
manafort, now 75, also sought at times, had access to confidential
to advise political figures in Japan financial documents. Leaders of
and South Korea, according to a the effort said manafort was paid
person who was approached by two years ago but is no longer re-
party officials in those countries ceiving compensation.
checking on the consultant’s repu- manafort’s participation in the
tation. manafort has roamed effort raises questions about how
widely, traveling to Guatemala he will balance sensitive business
last year on the invitation of a dealings and his influence with
migrant advocacy group called the likely republican nominee for
Proyecto Guatemala migrante. president. Trump pursued a trade
aBove: MiChaeL roBinson Chavez/the washington Post; BeLow: LuCas JaCkson/reuters
The group’s leader, Verónica Pi- war with China when he was last
mentel, said she and a colleague in office but has proved himself
discussed Latin American politics pliable on related topics, such as a after fleeing to russia. denied that, and Dencer said all
and the Latino vote with manafort potential ban of the Chinese- In 2016, as his consulting busi- the contacts in China are his.
and introduced him to a Guatema- owned TikTok app, a move op- ness faltered, manafort ap- According to the undated busi-
lan presidential candidate, ricar- posed by some key donors and proached Trump and offered to ness outline, those contacts paid
do Sagastume, who confirmed the longtime aides. work for his presidential cam- off. It states that the streaming
meeting. Now, the roving political tacti- paign for free, telling him in a platform secured buy-in from a
Emails, documents and inter- cian is refocusing on his home memo: “I will not bring Washing- state-owned Chinese telecommu-
views fill in details of manafort’s turf, said Hector Hoyos, a long- ton baggage.” Special counsel rob- nications giant, China mobile, to
life and work between 2020, when time manafort friend and some- ert S. mueller III wrote in his 2019 sell subscriptions, guaranteeing
he swapped prison for home con- time business partner. report that manafort hoped “re- “instant massive market penetra-
finement owing to the coronavi- “His main interest is making suscitating” his political consult- tion from day 1.”
rus pandemic and then landed a sure the republican Party gets its ing career with Trump could be So pronounced are U.S. govern-
pardon from Trump, and this elec- act together,” Hoyos said. “financially beneficial.” ment security concerns about Chi-
tion cycle. Advisers say Trump had Initially tasked with wrangling na mobile and its state ownership
been determined to hire ‘Baggage’ delegates at the summer conven- that the federal Communications
manafort, planning ot hand him a manafort appeared in a wheel- tion, manafort quickly rose Commission denied its applica-
substantial role at the republican chair because of gout at his sen- through the ranks of the first-time tion to provide cell service in the
National Convention in milwau- tencing in federal court in Wash- candidate’s skeletal operation to United States in 2019. At the time,
kee, because he appreciated that ington in 2019. He asked to be become campaign chairman. The the agency’s Trump-appointed
LuCas JaCkson/reuters
his onetime campaign chairman spared additional jail time so he attention landed him in legal jeop- chairman, Ajit Pai, issued a state-
has remained loyal to him even could spend his remaining years ardy. FROM TOP: Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort walks the ment opposing China mobile’s ap-
while serving in prison. with his family. In August 2017, after Trump had floor at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in 2016. plication, saying it raised “sub-
After this story was published “Please let my wife and I be taken office, investigators probing Manafort is escorted in 2019 for his arraignment at the New York stantial and serious national secu-
online, manafort said in state- together,” he implored the judge, possible ties between the presi- Supreme Court. rity and law enforcement risks.”
ment to the New York Times that promising that he was “a different dent’s winning campaign and A Trump-issued executive or-
he no longer planned to assist person” than the one who was russian officials searched actress in 2016 — is that Blanche ized and supported at the highest der the following year included
convention efforts, saying he did indicted in 2017 on charges of co- manafort’s Virginia home for tax was manafort’s lawyer. Trump levels of Chinese govt.” The deal China mobile on a list of compa-
not want to be in a distraction. He vert lobbying and money launder- and banking records. Two months thought he handled those matters was poised for success in China, nies with ties to the Chinese mili-
said he had been offering “advice ing stemming from his work for an later, he was indicted. well, according to advisers to the according to the outline, because tary and prohibited Americans
and suggestions” in a “volunteer” authoritarian, pro-russian leader He was never charged with par- former president. Blanche de- of the “history of principal’s in- from investing in it. The New York
capacity but now planned to “stick of Ukraine. Prosecutors argued ticipation in the russian effort to clined to comment. volvement with very top of Chi- Stock Exchange, the largest in the
to the sidelines” but support that manafort relied on overseas boost Trump’s campaign, but nese leadership.” world, proceeded to delist the
Trump’s election “every other shell companies to hide millions mueller found in his report that Chinese business The outline doesn’t name the company in early 2021.
way” he could. of dollars earned from undis- manafort had shared internal Shortly after noon on a friday principal. reached by phone, mc- China mobile did not respond
As in 2016, manafort had of- closed lobbying, which he used to Trump campaign polling data in the spring of 2022, about a year Cutcheon identified that person as to a request for comment.
fered to work for free. He has met finance his lavish lifestyle in the with a business associate who the and a half after his pardon, frederick Tayton Dencer, a Cali- mcCutcheon said the plans had
with republicans in recent weeks United States. fBI said was connected to russian manafort forwarded a series of fornia businessman who “has evolved and that China mobile
about his role at the convention, Across two federal prosecu- intelligence. documents, some marked confi- long-standing relationships with was no longer involved. He de-
including in milwaukee late last tions, one in Northern Virginia And the following year, the Sen- dential, to an entrepreneur based people in China” arising from ear- clined to say why the change was
week. A person familiar with the and one in Washington, manafort ate Intelligence Committee con- in the Chicago suburbs. lier projects related to rubber and made or if another company had
situation said campaign officials was convicted by a jury of some cluded that “manafort’s presence “Here are drafts,” manafort Chinese railroad ties. been identified. He described the
had not been fully aware of the charges and pleaded guilty to oth- on the Campaign and proximity to wrote in an email obtained by The In response to questions, Denc- deal as still in a development
extent of manafort’s foreign work ers. Jurors couldn’t reach a verdict Trump created opportunities for Post. “Pls review and let me know er wrote in an email that “all of the phase.
before the story’s publication. The on all charges in Northern Vir- russian intelligence services to if any issues.” relationships in China were devel- “We’re hoping that we have
person confirmed that plans to ginia, and prosecutors in Wash- exert influence over, and acquire The drafts outlined opportuni- oped over 20 years by me and my news to announce in terms of the
have him assist with the conven- ington discarded certain counts in confidential information on, the ties to purchase millions of dollars team.” Asked about email refer- launch of this venture in mainland
tion have now ended. reaching a plea deal with the de- Trump Campaign.” worth of shares in a privately held ences to the military, he wrote that China within the next month or
manafort’s support for the Chi- fendant. By that time, manafort had Hong Kong company, Standard the project was “purely commer- two,” he promised.
nese media venture, which has not The outcome was a stunning been released from lockup in Lo- Huaxia Limited, that was seeking cial” and that “the military has meanwhile, manafort had been
been previously reported, may test comedown for manafort, the son retto, Pa., because of the spread of to “further strategic projects in never been involved.” moving closer to a significant role
Trump’s willingness to rely on fig- of a small-town Connecticut may- the coronavirus in the country’s China.” The projects, according to Dencer was extradited by mexi- at the republican National Con-
ures with foreign entanglements or who parlayed a law degree and prisons. His lawyers argued that the documents, would focus on can authorities and arrested in vention, scheduled for July. He
and potential financial conflicts of raw political know-how into ex- he was at high risk because of his history, English teaching, music Los Angeles in 2012 after allegedly was expected to be involved in
interest. In 2020, a bipartisan Sen- traordinary Washington influ- age and preexisting health condi- and entertainment. jumping bail on fraud and other organizing the convention com-
ate panel described manafort’s ence, helping to elect presidents tions. manafort’s email followed an charges handed down by a grand mittees and helping to manage the
connections to pro-russian fig- and other politicians and then Just before Christmas 2020, earlier message from michael mc- jury in montgomery, Ala., accord- party’s platform process, accord-
ures as a “grave counterintelli- winning major contracts to lobby Trump pardoned him, saying his Cutcheon, identified as the com- ing to local media and court fil- ing to people familiar with the
gence threat.” Now he has made those very officeholders. prosecution was “premised on the pany’s executive vice president. ings. He was later barred from planning.
introductions for individuals His lucrative consulting busi- russian collusion hoax.” mcCutcheon wrote that the com- practicing law in California for manafort’s role in the Chinese
seeking to do business with an ness, whose other partners includ- The two later reconnected at pany was working on a streaming violating business and profession- venture could complicate any pos-
increasingly assertive China, at ed longtime Trump adviser roger one of Trump’s clubs and have service in China to be called al codes, including allegedly issu- sible return to Trump’s orbit, said
the very moment that Trump’s Stone, rose to prominence during stayed in touch since, according to “Doorways,” producing a televi- ing checks without sufficient Barry Bennett, a longtime GoP
GoP is presenting itself as a foe of ronald reagan’s presidency and a person familiar with their inter- sion series on corruption based on funds. The Alabama case against consultant and senior adviser to
the ruling Chinese Communist soon gave him access to custom- actions. manafort spends at least a “partnership with the Central him was ultimately dismissed, fil- Trump’s 2016 campaign who
Party. made suits and luxury real estate, some of his time in florida, and he Government,” and creating a film ings show, and Dencer wrote in an worked with manafort on the par-
manafort denied that his sup- including an apartment in Trump has long-standing relationships called “Art of War.” email that the bar issue was based ty convention that year.
port for the venture mattered for Tower in manhattan. with some of Trump’s closest ad- “All these documents are highly on “erroneous facts.” “That’s a strange corner of the
broader geopolitics. “There is manafort’s work spanned con- visers. confidential, including some in- A person who has participated world to be making a living in
nothing about my limited role of tinents. Among the foreign one of the reasons Trump hired formation regarding the military, in discussions about the venture given the problems our country is
introductions to U.S. business strongmen he took on as clients attorney Todd Blanche to defend and for your eyes only,” mcCutch- said Dencer and his son, along going to face with China,” Bennett
people that involves anything to was Viktor Yanukovych, the rus- him in several of his criminal cases eon advised. with manafort, have been its main said.
do with the politics of U.S.-China sia-aligned president of Ukraine — including the ongoing New York The Post obtained a “Business proponents. Prospective investors
relations,” he wrote. who was toppled in pro-Western trial on charges of falsifying busi- opportunity outline” for the have been told that manafort’s Claudia Méndez arriaza, alice Crites,
manafort’s activities also illus- demonstrations in 2014 and later ness records to conceal a hush Doorways streaming project that role includes lobbying Chinese of- and aaron schaffer contributed to this
trate the enduring effects of convicted of treason in absentia money payment to an adult-film said it had been “created, author- ficials, this person said. manafort report.
sunday, may 12 , 2024 . the washington post ez Re A7
The World
‘You’re at risk every
minute’: In Mexico’s
elections, cartels pick
candidates, kill rivals
Over two dozen have been killed ahead of voting
BY M ARY B ETH S HERIDAN pez Obrador accuses the opposi-
tion and media of exaggerating
ViLLA LAS RoSAS, Mexico — This the violence in places such as
time, Willy Ochoa brought rein- Chiapas. Yet even López Obrador’s
forcements. protégé, presidential front-
This time, unlike the last time, runner Claudia Sheinbaum, was
he’d be ready for cartel attacks. He stopped by masked men last
was accompanied by three truck- month in a region of the state
loads of national guard troops. controlled by the Sinaloa cartel.
Two state police cars with flashing The men warned her to “remem-
red lights. He rode in his own ber the poor people” and waved
bulletproof SUV, and had a com- her through their checkpoint.
plement of muscular bodyguards. Assassins have targeted candi-
One sat in the bed of a pickup dates from all of Mexico’s major
truck, his eyes fixed on the sky. parties. In Maravatío, a munici-
“He’s making sure they don’t pality of 80,000 in the central
fire a bomb from a drone,” Ochoa state of Michoacan, three candi-
explained. dates for mayor have been killed —
This is what it’s like to run for two from Morena, López Obra-
the Senate today in Mexico. dor’s party, and one from the op-
“You’re at risk every minute,” the position National Action Party, or
candidate said. PAN.
Photos BY VictoRia Razo foR the Washington Post
Organized crime groups are Carlos Palomeque, head of the
turning Mexico’s elections into a PAN in Chiapas, says nearly two
literal battleground, making the dozen mayoral candidates from ABOVE: Willy Ochoa, center, a
campaign this year one of the the party have dropped out of Senate candidate for Mexico’s
deadliest in the country’s modern their races. It used to be the cartels Chiapas state, before a rally in
history. More than two dozen can- bought off voters, he says. Now, San Juan Chamula. LEFT: A
didates have been killed leading “they force candidates from the member of his security team.
up to the June 2 vote; hundreds race. It’s cheaper.” Ochoa travels with armed
have dropped out of the race. guards to protect himself from
More than 400 have asked the This year, a different cartels in strife-torn areas.
federal government for security campaign
details. The campaign of intimida- Ochoa, 45, grew up campaign-
tion and assassination is putting ing. His father, an activist for fueling a lucrative people-smug-
democracy itself at risk. farmworkers and other social gling industry in the border state.
The armed groups’ goal is to causes, served in Congress. Ochoa Ochoa, whose party ran Mexico
install friendly leaders in local loved going to his rallies, traveling for seven decades in the last cen-
offices so they can better exploit from town to town, being part of tury, blames today’s violence on
Mexican communities. Once the sweating, cheering crowds. incompetent politicians.
largely focused on shipping drugs His own young sons aren’t get- “They let different cartels in,”
to the United States, the cartels ting that experience. Ochoa sent he said. “They didn’t draw the
now also smuggle migrants, ex- the pair out of state, along with his line.”
tort businesses and win contracts wife, earlier this year. “I have to These days, around a dozen car-
for firms they control. They want keep them safe,” he said as his tels operate in Chiapas. They in-
to name towns’ police chiefs and convoy rolled through the coun- clude Mexico’s two most powerful
public works directors. tryside. He pulled up their latest crime groups: the Sinaloa and the
That makes controlling mayor’s videos on his iPhone. Jalisco New Generation cartels.
offices crucial. But candidates for “Papa, I just prayed for you,” Homicides and disappearances
governor and Congress are at risk, chirped the 7-year-old. have soared. The casualties in re-
too. In some areas, cartels wield so “Only 30 more days till you cent months include six political
much power they can decide who come back,” said the 9-year-old, candidates.
can enter towns — or even what smiling into the camera. “I hope Yet many residents are too
people may say out loud. you win the election!” frightened to even talk about the
“They don’t like it when you “My kids are adorable,” said rising criminality. A schoolteach-
talk about the organized crime Ochoa, and his voice quavered, structions to take you to the man “The vehicle in front of us is sympathy. er who organized a march con-
violence, the extortion, the people and he took a big gulp of water. who rules this plaza,” or crime acting as a cartel lookout,” one Chiapas wasn’t known for car- demning narco-violence in the
forced out of their communities,” Ochoa’s been a state lawmaker, district, one said. Ochoa managed bodyguard was saying. tel violence. Mexico’s lightly town of Chicomuselo was tor-
said Ochoa, running as the Insti- a federal congressman and a top to slip away. “That guy in a white cap is guarded southern border had tured and killed in front of his wife
tutional Revolutionary Party official in the PRI. He’s used to the But around 45 minutes later, as watching us.” long been a major entry point for and children.
(PRI) candidate to represent Chia- rough-and-tumble of politics, and he stopped for lunch, he spotted a “Do you see the motorcycle? It’s U.S.-bound cocaine, and the state’s Ochoa is determined to con-
pas state in the Senate. When his the long history of ties between line of armed men on motorcycles 60 or 70 meters ahead.” lush jungles provided cover for demn the violence. Sure, it’s good
campaign announces visits to Mexican politicians and cartels. gunning toward the restaurant “They’re sending messages.” clandestine airstrips. But the Si- politics — a main theme of the
strife-torn areas, he said, “we re- But early in the campaign, he real- parking lot. Gunning for him. His naloa cartel had a monopoly on campaign of Xóchitl Gálvez, the
ceive threats and warnings to not ized how different this race would bodyguards cocked their auto- ‘They let different cartels in’ drug trafficking, and kept things presidential candidate backed by
come.” be. In February, he gave a speech matic rifles. The motorcyclists Chiapas, Mexico’s poorest state, quiet. the PAN and PRI, the leading chal-
He’d had his own brush with in Villa Las Rosas, one of a string paused, perhaps waiting for rein- burst into the headlines in 1994 That’s changed in the last few lenger to Sheinbaum. But there’s
danger in February, when gun- of towns near the Guatemalan forcements, and Ochoa and his when Indigenous peasants years. Divisions have emerged in another reason for his outspoken-
men on motorcycles charged after border used by traffickers to store convoy sped away. launched an armed uprising to the cartel. Democracy has brought ness, Ochoa says.
him, following a campaign stop in drugs. Now, three months later, Ochoa demand justice. Led by Subco- new political parties, which alleg- “I love Chiapas. You have no
a tense town. He wasn’t going to As he left the stage, he said, he was returning to Villa Las Rosas. mandante Marcos, a telegenic, edly formed links with other traf- idea how much.”
leave himself so vulnerable again. was surrounded by around 25 The walkie-talkie clipped to the pipe-smoking intellectual, the Za- ficking groups. And the number of
President Andrés Manuel Ló- men, some armed. “We have in- seat back started squawking. patista rebels won international migrants crossing Mexico soared, ‘This, my friends, isn’t living’
Ochoa had started the day in
the Indigenous community of San
Juan Chamula. He’d walked the
narrow main drag of Villa Las
Rosas, shaking hands and chat-
ting with shopkeepers.
Now he sat in his SUV outside a
whitewashed community hall on
the other side of town as his secu-
rity team inspected the site. Hun-
dreds of people were inside wait-
ing for him. Many were standing.
It had been nearly impossible to
rent chairs.
One of Ochoa’s aides slid into
the SUV and played a message
from an event organizer turning
down a request to provide chairs.
He could have earned “a few pe-
sos,” he said, but it could “compli-
cate my life.”
Ochoa strode into the hall to the
booming carnivallike music typi-
cal of Mexican campaigns. Taking
the mic, he denounced the plague
ABOVE: Candidates from the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), which Ochoa ABOVE: An altar welcomes PRI candidates in San Juan Chamula. BELOW: Ochoa is of extortions, killings and high-
belongs to, look at rallygoers. BELOW: Tzotzil men at the rally in San Juan Chamula. welcomed with a Tzotzil greeting. Ochoa grew up campaigning with his father, but he way robberies.
Gunmen charged at Ochoa after a campaign stop in Villa Las Rosas in February. sent his own young sons and wife out of state earlier this year to keep them safe. “This, my friends, isn’t living,”
he said.
“I say to all the bad people, the
political parties, our adversaries
— Willy Ochoa will not give up,
and will not drop out.”
Yet his campaign swing that
day showed the scale of the chal-
lenge. In Villa Las Rosas, the oppo-
sition coalition’s mayoral candi-
date had quit the race. She was
replaced by a 28-year-old novice.
In Ochoa’s next stop, the town of
Socoltenango, the coalition’s may-
oral candidate would appear with
him, defying warnings to stay
That was crossing a line. The
candidate, Arturo Navarro, re-
ceived a death threat, and went
into hiding.
Israel-gaza war
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A10 eZ re the washington post . sunday, may 12 , 2024
War in Ukraine
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sunday, may 12 , 2024 . the washington post ez re A11
Di g es t
The new
Hard-liners firmly
in charge post-election
Iran’s hard-liners won most of
the remaining seats in an
election runoff to give them full
control over the country’s
parliament, authorities said
Saturday, while not sharing any
details on the turnout.
The result, and that of the
previous vote in March, gives
hard-liners 233 of the 290 seats
is open.
in Iran’s parliament, according to
an Associated Press tally.
Hard-liners seek more cultural
and social restrictions based on
a world of
Those politicians calling for
change in the country’s
government, known broadly as
reformists, were generally barred
from running in the election.
Those calling for radical changes
or for abandoning Iran’s
theocratic system were also
banned or didn’t bother to
for patients.
register as candidates.
— Associated Press
Military fends off
attack on Darfur city
Sudan’s military and allied
armed groups have staved off an
attack by a paramilitary group
and Arab militias on a major city
in the western region of Darfur,
officials and residents said
The attack Friday was the
latest by the Arab-dominated
Rapid Support Forces against Welcome to the new
El Fasher, the provincial capital
of North Darfur province, where Verstandig Pavilion at
hundreds of thousands of people
are sheltering, many of them
having fled fighting elsewhere in
MedStar Georgetown
The RSF, which has been at
University Hospital
war with the military for more
than a year, has built forces up in
where you’ll find:
recent months to wrestle control
of El Fasher, the last city that is
still held by the military in the • 31 state-of-the-art
sprawling Darfur region.
Darfur has witnessed some of operating rooms
the worst atrocities in the war,
with the RSF taking control of
many cities and towns across the
region. Human Rights Watch
• Expanded and
said in a recent report that RSF
attacks constituted a campaign modernized
of ethnic cleansing against the
region’s non-Arab population. new emergency
— Associated Press
department with
The Philippines said Saturday
that it has deployed ships to a
disputed area in the South China
32 private rooms
Sea, where it accused China of
building “an artificial island” in
an escalating maritime dispute. • Access to the most
The coast guard sent a ship “to
monitor the supposed illegal advanced treatment
activities of China, creating ‘an
artificial island,’” the office of technologies
President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.
said in a statement, adding that
two other vessels were in
rotational deployment in the
• 156 private patient
area. Commodore Jay Tarriela, a
Philippine coast guard rooms with natural,
spokesperson, told a forum that
there had been “small-scale healing light
reclamation” of the Sabina Shoal,
which Manila calls Escoda, and
that China was “the most
probable actor.” The Chinese
Embassy in Manila did not
immediately respond to a
request for comment on the
Philippine assertions.
‘It’s like they wake up’: Treatment abates Down syndrome-related disorder
moms from A1
second chance,” Smith said CPr, zapped Smith with an auto- diagnosed it was aortic stenosis, a Timothy and Joyce LaLonde after they completed the Marine Corps
Thursday, pinning the medal, mated defibrillator, loaded him condition in which the aortic Marathon in 2023. Shortly after this photo was taken, Timothy and
with its blue and yellow ribbon, aboard an ambulance, and rolled valve narrows, preventing the Joyce found Gen. Eric M. Smith lying facedown on the sidewalk.
to their chests. “I’m grateful to to the hospital at 5:18 p.m. normal flow of blood away from
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sunday, may 12 , 2024 . the washington post eZ Re A15
Marine Corps Gen. Eric M. Smith, left, holds a finish-line banner as Bonnie Keating of Fairfax, Va., Smith, the Marine Corps commandant, watches during a ceremony this month as his wife, Patrisha
wins the 48th Marine Corps Marathon women's division, with a time 2 hours, 50 minutes, 49 seconds. Smith, right, embraces Joyce LaLonde, one of the people credited with saving her husband’s life.
the heart. Smith was treated that ing two hospitals where un- While attending a concert by the gone for a run, but nothing after, quickly. The general’s overall “But it’s a good sound because it
night with a tiny wire that in- named patients — listed as “John singer Kesha, Joyce received a he said. He was frustrated with physical fitness assisted in his means I’m alive.”
flates like a balloon to reopen the Does” — had been admitted. call from an agent with the Naval the discomfort of his breathing recovery, the doctor said, though Smith said that while he saw
valve and a small implanted defi- Smith was carrying a government Criminal Investigative Service tube, whose presence damaged he required time to heal from the his “fair share of combat” in Iraq
brillator designed to detect any ID, his wife said, but in the who wanted to know more about his vocal cords, and a couple of trauma of his resuscitation be- and Afghanistan, including the
future cardiac arrest or arrhyth- commotion to save his life, it had the incident, she said. teeth had been knocked out and fore undergoing open-heart sur- gunshot wound in Iraq and sev-
mia, the surgeon said. been missed. They found him at Two days later, on Oct. 31, the his face was scraped from his fall. gery. eral explosions, the situation in
“We stabilized him with the the second hospital. Marine Corps disclosed that “Like all good Marines,” Smith As his recuperation continued, the District last fall was different
balloon, but that did not solve the Patrisha Smith, her voice thick- Smith had been hospitalized with joked, “I was complaining about Smith decided he also needed to because he didn’t see it as a
problem,” MacGillivray said. ening, said she did not initially a health emergency. D.C. officials my care.” record a message to show the possibility.
“That was kind of like throwing realize how critical the situation linked the situation with the car- The seriousness of the situa- Marines that he was okay. On “My mission that day was just
someone a life jacket.” was. She is grateful that the diac arrest case that the tion soon became clear. While the Nov. 21, about three weeks after to run three miles — just doing
nurses who allowed her to stay LaLondes had been involved in, general had survived cardiac ar- his cardiac arrest, he made a brief my fitness routine,” Smith said.
Looking for ‘John Doe’ with her husband that night in catching the attention of the first rest, he still had an aortic bicus- video thanking the Marines for “It’s very different having that
A block away from where the intensive care unit did not responders who were involved. pid valve that had failed. The their support. Smith wished them happen and having to rely on so
Smith had collapsed, the gener- overwhelm her with details. O’Byrne, the paramedic who condition, said MacGillivray, is a happy Thanksgiving, and many people to get you healthy
al’s wife, Patrisha, had been wait- “They might have thought that had intubated Smith, said she congenital and meant that vowed he would be back. again.”
ing outside for a delivery at the he wasn’t going to make it,” she was sent a photograph of Smith Smith’s aortic valve had only two “It’s not the first time I’ve been Timothy LaLonde, who kept
Home of the Commandants, the said. “But they didn’t relay that to and asked if it was the person she parts, or “leaflets,” pumping knocked down,” he told them, the commandant alive with CPR
venerable residence where the me. And I appreciate that because had helped. His bright blue eyes blood away from the heart, rather peering at the camera in his green on the sidewalk, said that while
top Marine Corps general lives. it gave me hope.” were unmistakable, she said. than the customary three. camouflage uniform. “When I the “odds are pretty low” of sur-
She could see an ambulance in “My actual comment was, Valve replacement surgery is was shot in 2004, I bounced back viving such an event, his training
the distance, she recalled. ‘We saved America!’ ‘Holy s---, we saved America!’ ” common, but often it occurs after from that, and I’ll bounce back helped.
“I just remember thinking to Once the paramedics took she said. “That became how I told a patient experiences chest pain, from this.” “I’m just really proud of every-
myself, ‘Oh, they’ve got their over, the LaLondes continued on Firefighter Crowell … ‘Hey, guess fatigue and other less severe On Jan. 8, Smith underwent one in my family for how they
lights on so they’re transporting to Joyce’s home. Three of them what: We saved America!’ ” symptoms that prompt treat- surgery to have MacGillivray in- responded,” he said. “There was a
somebody,’ ” she said. “Little did I had blood on their clothes, she Crowell, who has since moved ment. Smith told MacGillivray stall a mechanical replacement lot of luck that came in that day.”
know that it was Eric in the back said, from having attempted to back to his hometown of that he had been aware of his valve. The procedure, the surgeon Smith said that meeting his
of that ambulance.” ensure the general’s injured Syracuse, N.Y., said the incident condition, the doctor said, but he said, was a success, and Smith rescuers for the first time Thurs-
For a while, she thought that mouth was clear of obstructions. underscores the unique nature of had lived with it for years without stepped back into his role as day was “very strange and very
maybe her husband had stopped The situation had been intense, working emergency calls in the issue and could run three miles in commandant without any physi- rewarding.” He and his wife de-
to talk to Marines. Marathon day and she doubled back to the scene District. about 18 minutes. cal restrictions. The general is cided they needed to do some-
is typically bursting with energy, about 20 minutes later, providing “You never know,” Crowell The surgeon also was con- back to weightlifting a few times thing to recognize those involved,
and it would not have been un- her contact information to au- said, “who the John Doe turns out cerned about how Smith’s extend- per week, he said, with the tick- he said, and they hope it under-
usual for him to do so. thorities in case it would be to be.” ed emergency and lack of oxygen tick-tick of his mechanical valve scores the value of CPR training.
But as minutes turned to helpful. might affect other parts of his an audible reminder of how far he “If Mr. LaLonde had not been a
hours, she began to worry. She The family’s first hint that the ‘I’ll bounce back’ body. Smith initially had some has come. CPR-certified instructor,” the
and the general’s staff urgently patient was someone of promi- Smith awoke in the hospital abnormal kidney tests, MacGil- “It’s like a little stopwatch. I general said, “I would not be
sought to track him down, visit- nence came a few hours later. last fall remembering he had livray said, but they improved can hear it ticking,” Smith said. standing here today.”
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A16 EZ RE the washington post . sunday, may 12 , 2024
The Miracle-Ear®
GENIUS ™ columbiA from A1 who participated in the Zoom ses- not call the police on students
sion and, like some others inter- even though their encampment
tors and alumni and set up in viewed for this story, spoke on the violated the school’s rules.
response to the campus demon- condition of anonymity to share “Cops don’t always give people
strations in 1968 that made Co- sensitive details. “When some tickets for going a few miles over
lumbia a landmark in agitation tried, it was clear the decision had the speed limit,” wrote the presi-
against the Vietnam War. already been made.” dent, michael S. roth, a historian.
Shafik’s use of force galvanized A university official rejected “Context matters. … In this case, I
the protests, with escalating rhet- that characterization, saying knew the students were part of a
oric soon pitting students against Shafik continued to consider al- broad protest movement, and pro-
one another and leading a rabbi ternatives as Columbia gave stu- test movements often put a strain
on campus to urge Jewish stu- dents more time to disband, ulti- on an institution’s rules.”
dents to return home for their mately enlisting police the next Some students at Columbia,
TEND YOUR WORLD safety. The standoff culminated in
a second encounter with police
morning. Throughout the crisis,
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Wesleyan and elsewhere have de-
manded their universities dis-
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sunday, may 12 , 2024 . the washington post EZ rE A17
Uzbekistan. I don’t know what that dog did when he Brittney Griner, an American professional basketball player, in detention in Russia in 2022.
sniffed their bags, but I was 100 percent sure how it
reacted to mine: totally chill, a day at the beach. My
father was a cop and a Vietnam vet, and I grew up with my sports injuries. In Arizona, cannabis is legal. The agent pointed at a nearby row of chairs. “You
with police-trained Rottweilers, Malinois, all of In Russia, it’s forbidden. I knew that. Honest to God, I wait,” he said, or I think that’s what I heard. I
them. I know what dog signals look like. When they just totally forgot the pen was in my bag. collapsed into the seat. When he walked off with the
sniff something suspicious, they normally sit, bark, The agent took the cartridge and held it up. “What cartridges, I started blowing up my wife’s phone. It
make weird movements. This dog didn’t even whim- this substance?” he said in broken English. My was just after 2 a.m. in Phoenix, and Relle was dead
per. I wasn’t nervous when I got yanked, just annoyed tongue was frozen, but my brain was scrambling, asleep, with the ringer off. “Hey, 911, wake up, wake
at the hassle. I had no reason to be scared. My trying to find a way out of this. “Um, it’s CBD,” I finally up, wake up!” I said on her voice mail. “Yo, babe, I
carry-ons were clean. said. Although cannabis was prohibited, I’d heard need you to answer.” I left her a dozen messages
I placed my bags on the conveyor and watched CBD was a lesser offense. Not true, I already knew in before getting super real on the last one. “Babe, I
them roll away. Before they were even inside the that moment, but I tried. “What this?” the agent think I’m about to get locked up,” I said with a crack in
scanner, the screener got up and leaned all the way asked again in even choppier English. This dude my voice. “I really need you to call me. Please.” Click.
into the machine. Strange. I stepped through the doesn’t know what I’m saying. I pulled out my phone, The screener returned. With him was a young guy,
metal detectors, no alarm, then came around to my typed “CBD” into Google Translate, and showed him hair slicked back, who introduced himself as Anton. I
bags. There stood the screener’s teammate, a cus- Adapted from “Coming Home” my screen. He looked at the phone and then back at understood this only because he spoke English. Sort
toms agent. Bald, early 40s, hard-nosed, in a tightknit by Brittney Griner with me. Silence. A moment later he reopened my roller as of. At least a bit better than anyone else there. He held
sweater and chinos. If you’re standing in a customer Michelle Burford, published by I stood by, stone-faced. First, he pulled out my up the cartridges. “We take this to forensics,” he said
service line, he’s the guy you don’t want to go to. No Alfred A. Knopf, an imprint of Nintendo Switch. Next, he pulled out the heap of in a thick accent. “Forensics?” I asked. I’d heard him.
smile, no emotion, no nothing. the Knopf Doubleday charger cords, as tangled as my insides. And last, he But I repeated the word because I couldn’t believe
He gestured for me to unzip my bags. I studied his Publishing Group, a division of lifted a pair of sweats. A cartridge fell from the pocket this was happening. “You wait,” said the screener.
face to be sure I understood, since in America you Penguin Random House LLC. and tumbled onto the tabletop. Anton explained they were sending the pens for
don’t touch your bags. You stand back while the agent Copyright © 2024 Fear takes many forms. There’s the kind you feel testing. “How long is it going to be?” I asked. He
rummages through them. That clearly wasn’t the by Brittney Griner. when life sneaks up from behind and frightens you stared at me blankly. So much for his knowing
case in Russia because he signaled again for me to half to death. Some people freeze. Others run. I’m English. I typed my question into Google and held up
open them. I started pulling stuff out left and right, usually the one who fights like hell. When I saw those the translation. Neither of them even looked at the
showing him every item, unzipping small compart- cartridges, a different type of fear shuddered through screen. “Wait” is all they would say. I waved the
ments he didn’t even know existed. I wanted to get me. There was no instinct to fight, flee or freeze. screen in front of Anton again. Same thing. No
this search over with and move on to my next flight, Instead, my body went into a major free fall, as if I’d acknowledgment. They pointed at my passport,
the one that would take me to Ekaterinburg, the city stumbled off a cliff and plunged into the ocean. grabbed it from my hand, along with the boarding
where my team — last season’s champion — was The agent picked up the cartridge and glared at pass to my connecting flight, and walked away.
based. me. I was still falling, still flailing, desperate to slow I waited. I was too shaken up to weep. Noon turned
I’d worked my way through the backpack when I the spiral. Even after the second cartridge was into 2 p.m. As I sat there, these two customs guys
opened one last zip. I slid in my hand and felt discovered, I was hoping he’d let it slide, give me a darted all over that security checkpoint, shouting in
something inside. The agent stared as I slowly lifted warning, allow me to throw that stuff away. Both Russian and holding up the cartridges, leaving and
out a cartridge with cannabis oil. My stomach sank. vape pens were practically empty, with not even returning with the pens. I thought they were taking
I’m a licensed cannabis user in the United States, enough cannabis oil to get you high. Obviously, I them to forensics? I had no idea what was happening.
with a medical marijuana card issued by my doctor. wasn’t Pablo Escobar. I just forgot the cartridges The words I’d texted Relle looped through my head.
He prescribed cannabis years ago, to help me cope were in my bag, end of story. I’d watched enough documentaries on Russian pris-
ons to know how inmates were treated. As I slid down
in my chair, my heart pounded. Fear is one thing. But
uncertainty, a free fall into mystery — that’s much
stronger than fear; it’s terror.
My phone lit up at 2:30 p.m. Relle. Thank God.
“Who are these people, why do they have you, and
what exactly are they saying?” I gave her the full
picture in my shaky voice, and she was firm from the
beginning: I had nothing to hide. “Babe, you aren’t
some drug smuggler,” she said. “You had two pens in
your bag, both of them medically licensed with
cannabis legally purchased. Don’t freak out. You’ve
done nothing wrong.”
That relaxed me a little. Relle, who was finishing
up law school, worked at a firm specializing in
criminal defense. She and her colleagues handled
drug and homicide cases all the time. That was why
she thought we should shut our mouths and let the
truth do the talking. She promised to call my agent:
“Don’t you say a word to anyone, don’t you write
anything down,” Relle warned.
The customs agents returned with both cartridges
around 4 p.m. Guess they never took them to
forensics. Guess I’m still screwed. Anton was holding
what looked like an evidence bag, as well as some
kind of document in Russian. “You sign here,” he said,
pointing at a line near the bottom.
I studied the paper. “What is this?” I asked. “Sign,”
he repeated, shoving the paper toward me. I pushed
it away. “I’m not signing anything,” I said. “Nyet, nyet,
nyet.” I hadn’t learned much Russian in my time
there, but I knew how to say no. Neither of them
responded. They stood there gazing at me, as though
they had no idea what I was saying. I looked up
“lawyer” on Google Translate. “Advocat,” I said.
Anton pushed the document toward me again and
repeated, “Sign here!” I said “I don’t know” in every
way I could think of, in Russian, with gestures, with a
hunch of my shoulders. They had to know what the
hell I meant because a shrug is universal.
This back and forth continued until they brought
over a lady from a nearby duty-free shop. They spoke
to her in Russian before she turned to me and said,
“They want you to sign.” Are they kidding me? This
woman is a cashier, not a translator! “I don’t know
PhoTo for The WAshINGToN PosT what this is,” I said, “and I’m not signing.” I remem-
Brittney Griner leaves court in Moscow on July 26, 2022. bered Relle’s warning and kept refusing, and the lady
and the men got louder and more insistent. Round
sunday, may 12 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A19
the screen. He wrinkled his face. “You wait,” he said. Brittney Griner, freed and in Phoenix in 2023, wears a T-shirt with the names of those who remain wrongfully detained overseas.
A20 EZ RE the washington post . sunday, may 12 , 2024
michelle kondrich
sunday opinion
Dana Milbank
restroom. Dozens of police guards bark orders Former president Donald Trump and defense attorney Todd Blanche outside Manhattan Criminal Court on Thursday.
(“We’re locking it down!”) and impose byzantine
rules: No eating in the rooms and no loitering in the Then came the storm.
halls unless you are eating. Multiple layers of The content of Daniels’s testimony wasn’t new —
security make it so difficult to reenter the building she had written or said most of it before — but
that reporters pack their lunches and eat on benches hearing the prurient account in open court, with
or any other space they can claim on unused floors of Trump at the defense table, was still stunning. It
the building. stunned Trump, for the judge had to admonish him,
Those wishing to attend the proceedings start to through his lawyers, for “cursing audibly.”
line up around 6 a.m. for the 9:30 a.m. trial, in the “Mr. Blanche, did you speak to your client?”
middle of a media bivouac of satellite trucks, Merchan asked after a break.
stand-up platforms and acres of police barriers. “Yes, your honor,” Blanche replied.
Those admitted to the courtroom (one reporter per
outlet) and the overflow room (where video and fter watching Daniels testify on Tuesday, I
audio are piped in) can’t watch Trump’s rants in the
hallway, just steps away, and those in the “pool” to
watch Trump’s rants can’t watch the trial.
A abandoned my trial tourism. When Daniels
returned to the stand for continued cross-
examination Thursday morning, I “watched” it
Still, there are small pleasures: On the TV screens through the eyes of my Post colleagues (who report
in the overflow room, right under the video feed of the action in live updates) and those of Lawfare’s
Trump at the defense table, is a chyron displaying Tyler McBrien (who live-tweets so fast it’s like a
the words “New York County Supreme Criminal.” transcript). The attacks on the adult-film star were
ferocious, but Daniels didn’t lose her poise.
expected to spend much of my year covering Trump lawyer Susan Necheles invoked Daniels’s
ann telnaes
A Mar-a-Lago supper
a22 EZ RE the washington post . sunday, may 12 , 2024
Understanding solar storms
an internet implosion — do these hallmarks Coronal mass ejections, in contrast, provide a
The sun occasionally emits larger-than-usual bursts of energy, known as solar storms.
of doomsday and disaster movies stand any longer response window: at least half a day, some-
earthly chance of happening? Turns out, This image, captured released by NOAA, shows one these stormy days, in March. times multiple days. Humans can see them coming,
that might be the wrong question. One of the but when they do arrive, they can cause on-the-
greatest threats to global infrastructure comes from The brightest spots The storm also emitted ground devastation — like the CME that hit the
the sun. are solar flares — massive clouds of planet in 1989, taking down the entire Quebec
When we talk about weather, we generally mean regions that emit magnetized particles power grid and knocking out 6 million people’s
snowfall, high winds or simply a light drizzle. But bursts of radiation. and hot plasma, called
electricity for nine hours, interfering with other
space has weather, too, and that weather includes coronal mass
parts of the North American grid, and causing
storms. The sun is the stormiest spot in the solar damage in Europe.
system, a big ball of roiling plasma with an erratic The risk is highest not for electrical current
rotation. The lines of the sun’s magnetic field are traveling locally from a nearby substation to your
constantly moving. home, school or office but for power traveling to
Most of the time, this flux produces regular those substations from large, central facilities
irregularities, noticeable on Earth only as auroras where power is generated. That means a lot of
such as the northern lights. But people could suffer a blackout at the same time —
EdiTOrial other times, the tangled lines of this and, because the United States is basically separated
field lurch outward and explode — into three grids, if a large portion of one of those
releasing massive bursts of energy into space. grids gets fried, it will prove difficult for another,
These explosions can produce what’s known as a functional grid to compensate. No, humans
solar flare, an eruption of radiation that can solar flare wouldn’t be “sent back to the Stone Age,” as
interfere with high-frequency radio signals and hyperbolists warn. The chips in our smartphones
satellites along the globe’s sunny side. About half the and, indeed, our toasters would be just fine. But the
time, these flares are accompanied by “coronal mass outlets in the walls could go kaput — so good luck
ejections.” Flares are basically light, but CMEs are, charging your ear buds.
as solar physicist Ryan French explains, actual CMEs threaten satellites in ways different from
“physical stuff ”: huge clouds of charged particles mere solar flares, too. Satellites can suffer physical
that can move at thousands of kilometers per solar flare damage from particles, including supercharged
second, expanding as they approach Earth. By “killer electrons,” hurtling directly into key bits of
inducing excess electricity to course across and hardware — or zapping a whole machine into
through the ground, they can do catastrophic dysfunction. One last worry: the undersea cables
damage to power grids and perhaps even undersea that allow the internet to travel around the world.
internet cables. There’s at least an outside chance that a CME could
A solar storm making an impact 93 million miles cause some of these to break, preventing people
away isn’t theoretical. It has happened, sometimes from accessing websites that store data globally.
subtly and sometimes dramatically. Solar flares A National Academy of Sciences report estimates
occur frequently but generally not with enough that a truly disastrous solar storm could cost as
force to produce harmful effects on Earth. Scientists much as $2 trillion during its first year alone. Not
can identify three storms in the past 150 years of only would people have to replace burned-out
sufficient magnitude to cause real disruption: one in transformers and other equipment, but every hour
1859, one in 1872 and one in 1921. The first of these, of an outage that could last months takes a
widely referred to as the Carrington Event, sent tremendous toll — by putting the economy, and
telegraph machines on the fritz worldwide. Some of daily life, on hold.
them sparked; some of them stopped working; some A catastrophic solar storm is a “low-frequency,
of them sent bizarre messages, unprompted by any high-consequence” event — which means it’s urgent,
human. sure, but very rare. Such phenomena are a lot easier
Nowadays, there’s much more to worry about. for institutions to ignore than the smaller disasters
Nearly everything the modern world relies on could the planet suffers more regularly. Encouragingly,
fail if disabled by a serious enough solar storm. governments are paying attention.
Phenomena such as large solar flares and CMEs are Scientists can’t predict solar flares, at least not
most common during periods of “solar maximum” yet. The best they have is probability models, based
that occur approximately every 11 years — next up NOAA on foreboding spots that appear on the sun’s surface.
around 2025. The good news is, researchers esti- One of the clouds from the storm in March headed straight toward Earth. Fortunately, it wasn’t strong Scientists are laboring over artificial intelligence-
mate that storms of sufficient magnitude to cause enough to cause problems for people — just northern lights in some areas. But things could be different if a enabled models that could, someday, improve this
real havoc occur only once every hundred or so more intense burst comes our way. guesswork. But scientists can observe flares and
years. The bad news is, we’re probably overdue. notice coronal mass ejections. The United States
The most important thing to know is that there’s Geological Survey has observatories monitoring the
no need to panic. There is, however, a need to a severe storm could threaten satellites, planet’s magnetic field. Recently, in collaboration
prepare. internet cables and the power grid. with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin-
The scariest thing about solar flares is the short istration, it has been providing real-time maps to
window of time people have to respond to them — utility companies so they can make smart decisions
the eight minutes or so that it takes anything Satellites orbiting around 22,000 miles from during a storm about where, if necessary, to
moving at the speed of light to reach the Earth’s the Earth, including telecommunications modulate or cut the flow of power. NOAA and NASA
atmosphere from the sun. The most severe “X-class” The sun and Earth-observing satellites, could be also operate satellites 1 million miles from Earth to
flares can unleash the same amount of power as among the first impacted. monitor the sun — and NOAA’s Deep Space Climate
10 billion megatons of TNT, which can disturb our Observatory can alert authorities as much as an
ionosphere and disrupt any process that relies on satellite hour before a CME that’s likely to affect the grid
signals beamed down from space. arrives. Then, people can act.
That means people also have to know what to do.
Some steps can be taken ahead of time to protect the
How solar storms’ power compares to grid against any potential hit — as simple as
Coronal replacing old transformers with newer, more robust
big terrestrial phenomena Earth
mass ones, or as complicated as placing a sort of force
ejection field called a Faraday cage around critical equip-
15 kilotons of TnT
ment. But this is expensive: The Foundation for
Energy released by the atomic
Resilient Societies estimates that securing the
bomb dropped on Hiroshima. entire U.S. grid would cost $25.5 billion dollars per
Geostationary orbit year. Officials also need plans for what to do if the
22,000 miles from Earth’s surface grid gets fried anyway. Multiple federal agencies, for
1,300 megatons of TnT
instance, are considering a strategic reserve of
portable transformers, deployable in an emergency
Enough to power every household low Earth orbit wherever, whenever.
in the United States for a year. 100 miles to There ought to be the same degree of planning for
1,250 miles from submarine internet cables, as well as for satellites,
Earth’s surface internet potentially in collaboration with international part-
10 billion megatons of TnT cables ners, given the global nature of these networks. The
Energy released by the coronal United States seems to be serious about this work;
mass ejection that hit the Earth in
the country even has a National Space Weather
Strategy. The White House should ensure that these
efforts make it off the page and into practice, and
Congress should provide funding. Fortifying critical
infrastructure would help deal with other types of
Sources: World Nuclear Association, Nuclear Weapons Education
Project, U.S. Energy Information Administration, Live Science
disasters, too.
Solar storms sound scary, and they are. But for
everything to go wrong, everything really has to go
wrong: For humans to get stuck in an analog world
Radios might go offline entirely, rendering it during the digital age, the GPS has to die, the
impossible not only to listen to the local NPR station electricity has to cut out and the internet has to
but also to communicate with planes and ships. GPS disconnect. The megastorms most dangerous to
systems might become inaccurate — no small Earthlings probably won’t do all these things,
matter for military operations, or oil and natural gas particularly with the right preparations. But they
rigs, that depend on location data being perfectly could still be extremely disruptive. Governments
precise. Other industries that depend on similarly should ready themselves for solar storms as they
accurate timing data, from finance to media, may would for a pandemic: by preparing to prevent
also run into trouble. disaster in the first place, as well as by building
All this is temporary. But satellites closer to us, in A severe solar storm could cause malfunctions The undersea fiber optic cables that are capacity to respond quickly if it strikes anyway.
lower Earth orbit, can also suffer more permanently on satellites closer to Earth. In extreme crucial for the internet could also be at risk of Everyone else, meanwhile, doesn’t need to stock-
in a rough enough storm. They can drift out of their cases, some might crash into other objects in outages. Finally, a major storm would produce pile supplies or construct backyard bunkers. In fact,
typical position thanks to drag, after radiation space or the atmosphere. a magnetic storm enveloping Earth — posing a by hiding underground, people would miss out.
boosts the density of their surrounding atmosphere. threat to electric power grids. Stunning auroras could show up in unexpected
That can lead to a collision in orbit or to satellites places, with celestial blues, greens and purples
crashing down to Earth. That’s what befell 38 of the across lower latitudes. With the right preparation,
49 new satellites in Elon Musk’s Starlink fleet in Sources: NASA; NOAA; TeleGeography; Dimitris Vassiliadis, NOAA’s Space Weather Follow On project scientist. the real worst-case scenario could be a severe storm
2022, and the storm responsible was considered striking on a cloudy night.
kathleen Parker george F. Will
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in nazi trials, shifting ideas about guilt and the holocaust. B2 | Doris Kearns goodwin’s up-close view of JfK and lbJ. B3 | a baby’s momentous, and messy, milestones. B5
it wasn’t easy to be a feminist punk pioneer, Kathleen hanna writes. B7 | after a terrorist attack, two parents go on a desperate quest. B8
B2 EZ EE the washington post . sunday, may 12 , 2024
familiar — that is casual,
personal — essayist of the last
half-century. Not, as he might
point out, that there’s a lot of
Joseph Epstein, rather similar to himself, calling Clifton Fadiman,
author of “The Lifetime Reading Plan,”
pretentious, then quite cruelly comparing
Mortimer J. Adler, general editor of the “Great
Dirda competition. Though
occasionally a scourge of
modern society’s errancies, Epstein sees himself
as essentially a serious reader and “a hedonist of
conservative provocateur, Books of the Western World” series, with Sir
William Haley, one of those deft, widely read
English journalists who make all Americans feel
provincial. To Epstein, “no two men were more
the intellect.” His writing is playful and bookish,
the reflections of a wry observer alternately
amused and appalled by the world’s never-
ending carnival.
counts his blessings unalike; Sir William, modest, suave, intellectually
sophisticated; Mortimer vain, coarse,
intellectually crude.” In effect, Fadiman and Adler
are both presented as cultural snake-oil salesmen.
Now 87, Epstein has just published his Of course, both authors were popularizers and
autobiography, “Never Say You’ve Had a Lucky adept at marketing their work, but helping to
Life: Especially if You’ve Had a Lucky Life,” in enrich the intellectual lives of ordinary people
tandem with “Familiarity Breeds Content: New doesn’t strike me as an ignoble purpose.
and Selected Essays.” This pair of books brings In his own work, Epstein regularly employs
the Epstein oeuvre up to around 30 volumes of humor, bits of slang or wordplay, and brief
sophisticated literary entertainment. While anecdotes to keep his readers smiling. For
there are some short-story collections (“The instance, in a chapter about an editorial stint at
Goldin Boys,” “Fabulous Small Jews”), all the the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Epstein relates
other books focus on writers, observations on this story about a colleague named Martin Self:
American life, and topics as various as ambition, “During those days, when anti-Vietnam War
envy, snobbery, friendship, charm and gossip. protests were rife, a young woman in the office
For the record, let me add that I own 14 volumes wearing a protester’s black armband, asked
of Epstein’s views and reviews and would like to Martin if he were going to that afternoon’s
own them all. protest march. ‘No, Naomi,’ he said, ‘afternoons
Little wonder, then, that Epstein’s idea of a such as this I generally spend at the graveside of
good time is an afternoon spent hunched over George Santayana.’”
Herodotus’s “Histories,” Marguerite Yourcenar’s Learned wit, no doubt, but everything —
“Memoirs of Hadrian” or almost anything by syntax, diction, the choice of the philosopher
Henry James, with an occasional break to enjoy Santayana for reverence — is just perfect.
the latest issue of one of the magazines he But Epstein can be earthier, too. Another
subscribes to. In his younger days, there were as colleague “was a skirt-chaser extraordinaire, a
many as 25, and most of them probably featured man with whom you would not feel safe leaving
Epstein’s literary journalism at one time or alone with your great grandmother.” And of
another. In the case of Commentary, he has been himself, he declares: “I don’t for a moment wish
contributing pieces for more than 60 years. to give the impression that I live unrelievedly on
As Epstein tells it, no one would have the highbrow level of culture. I live there with a
predicted this sort of intellectual life for a kid great deal of relief.”
from Chicago whose main interests while In his many essays, including the sampling in
growing up were sports, hanging out, smoking “Familiarity Breeds Content,” Epstein is also
Lucky Strikes and sex. A lackadaisical C student, markedly “quotacious,” often citing passages
Myron Joseph Epstein placed 169th in a high from his wide reading to add authority to an
school graduating class of 213. Still, he did go on argument or simply to share his pleasure in a
to college — the University of Illinois at Urbana- well-turned observation. Oddly enough, such
Champaign — because that’s what was expected borrowed finery is largely absent from “Never
of a son from an upper-middle-class Jewish Say You’ve Had a Happy Life.” One partial
family. But Urbana-Champaign wasn’t a good fit exception might be the unpronounceable
for a jokester and slacker: As he points out, the adjective “immitigable,” which appears all too
president of his college fraternity “had all the often. It means unable to be mitigated or
playfulness of a member of the president’s softened, and Epstein almost certainly stole it
Council of Economic Advisers.” No matter. from his friend Shils, who was fond of the word.
Caught peddling stolen copies of an upcoming Despite his autobiography’s jaunty title,
accounting exam for $5 a pop, Epstein was Epstein has seen his share of trouble. As a young
summarily expelled. man working for an anti-poverty program in
Fortunately, our lad had already applied for a Little Rock, he married a waitress after she
transfer to the University of Chicago, to which he became pregnant with his child. When they
was admitted the next fall. Given his record, this separated a decade later, he found himself with
shows a surprising laxity of standards by that four sons to care for — two from her previous
distinguished institution, but for Epstein the marriage, two from theirs. Burt, the youngest,
move was life-changing. In short order, he lost an eye in an accident while a toddler,
underwent a spiritual conversion from good ol’ couldn’t keep a job, fathered a child out of
boy to European intellectual in the making. In wedlock and eventually died of an opioid
the years to come, he would count the novelist overdose at 28. Initially hesitant, Epstein came to
Saul Bellow and the sociologist Edward Shils adore Burt’s daughter, Annabelle, as did his
among his close friends, edit the American second wife, Barbara, whom he married when
Scholar, and teach at Northwestern University. they were both just past 40.
His students, he recalls, were “good at school, a Some pages of “Never Say You’ve Had a Lucky
skill without any necessary carry-over, like being Life” will be familiar to inveterate readers of
good at pole-vaulting or playing the harmonica.” Epstein’s literary journalism, all of which carries
Note the edge to that remark. While “Never a strong first-person vibe. Not surprisingly,
Say You’ve Had a Lucky Life” is nostalgia-laden, however, the recycled anecdotage feels less sharp
there’s a hard nut at its center. Epstein feels utter or witty the second time around. But overall, this
contempt for our nation’s “radical change from a annaBEllE EPSTEIn DavIS look back over a long life is consistently
traditionally moral culture to a therapeutic one.” Joseph Epstein, now 87, has released an autobiography and a new essay collection. entertaining, certainly more page-turner than
As he explains: “Our parents’ culture and that page-stopper. To enjoy Epstein at his very best,
which came long before them was about the though, you should seek out his earlier essay
formation of character; the therapeutic culture nEVEr saY FamiliariTY collections such as “The Middle of My Tether,”
was about achieving happiness. The former was You’VE Had a BrEEds “Partial Payments” and “A Line Out for a Walk.”
about courage and honor, the latter about self- luCkY liFE ConTEnT Whether he writes about napping or name-
esteem and freedom from stress.” This view of Especially if new and dropping or a neglected writer such as Somerset
America’s current ethos may come across as You’ve Had a selected Essays Maugham, his real subject is always, at heart, the
curmudgeonly and reductionist, but many lucky life By Joseph Epstein wonder and strangeness of human nature.
readers — whatever their political and cultural By Joseph Epstein Simon &
leanings — would agree with it. Still, such Free Press. Schuster. michael dirda is a Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist for
comments have sometimes made their author 304 pp. $29.99 464 pp. $20.99 Book World and the author of the memoir “an open
the focus of nearly histrionic vilification. Book” and of four collections of essays: “Readings,”
Throughout his autobiography, this lifelong “Bound to Please,” “Book by Book” and “Classics for
Chicagoan seems able to remember the full Pleasure.”
What the final trials of Nazis reveal about memory and guilt
BY E MILY T AMKIN collective commitments that enable such prac-
tices — is tackled in one (thoughtful and compel-
ow does one judge the people of the past? ling) chapter toward the end, but I was some-
e live in dangerous times. But
nothing we’re feeling can rival
the convulsions of the years
between 1961 and 1969.
For a brief moment when
everything seemed possible but only some of
it was, Americans of all colors fought and
bled and died to redeem the promise of
emancipation that remained massively unful-
filled 100 years after the official end of the
Civil War. No one was more important to
those battles, or to America’s imagination,
than the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., John F.
Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy and Lyndon John-
son. Each of them inspired the greatest
possible hope, and then the worst imaginable
The Kennedys and King were assassinated.
The end of Johnson’s public life was closer to
suicide. Using what historian Doris Kearns
Goodwin calls “a formidable combination of
will, conviction, and energy” to produce “an
unnerving force field of persuasive power,”
famously known as “the treatment,” Johnson
relentlessly hammered members of Congress
to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting
Rights Act of 1965, immigration reform,
Medicare, Medicaid and the first federally
funded aid program for higher education.
Then he laid waste to the rest of his
presidency by deepening America’s efforts in
the Vietnam War.
There are hundreds of books about the
politics of this period, including several by
writers blessed with (and tilted by) special
access to their subjects: Theodore H. White’s
“The Making of the President 1960,” Theo-
dore Sorensen’s and Arthur Schlesinger’s
accounts of Kennedy’s New Frontier, and,
especially, Lady Bird Johnson’s tremendous
“White House Diary.”
But despite so many predecessors, Good-
win’s new book, “An Unfinished Love Story,”
manages to be different than anything that YOichi OKAMOtO/lBJ liBRARY
A fateful summer
for Vietnam —
and for two
longtime friends
ne afternoon in the summer of
2019, Rufus Phillips, 89, a Viet-
nam hand and legendary former
CIA officer, was casting six dec-
ades back to recall how the quag-
mire had begun. We sat in a modest
apartment on a low floor of a tall building in
Northern Virginia, surrounded by art and
books, bounty of his years in Asia.
“We faced more turning points in Viet-
at War
nam than you could count, but that was a
point of no return,” he said of the assassina-
Friendship In Trueheart’s family, the rupture would become taboo — roped off by his father
and Betrayal
tion of South Vietnamese President Ngo
Dinh Diem and his shadowy brother Ngo
on the Brink as “the business with Fritz.” To Nolting, it remained an unforgivable sin.
of the Vietnam
Dinh Nhu in a 1963 coup coyly blessed by the
Kennedy administration. To Phillips, the toll
Conflict And to the son and godson, on the cusp of adulthood, the break engendered
By Charles
of that moment was clear: U.S. officials, even
the most enlightened ones who had come to
Trueheart a “lifetime of stewing about the whole thing.”
University of
Saigon in hopes of doing good, would never
find a stable course to anything approximat-
343 pp. $34.95
ing democracy, let alone a military victory.
Phillips is among the Saigon staffers who
play small but significant roles in Charles
Trueheart’s book “Diplomats at War.” The
two men at the heart of the book — the
diplomats of the title — are Frederick “Fritz”
Nolting, John F. Kennedy’s ambassador in
Vietnam from 1961 to 1963, and Nolting’s
No. 2, William Trueheart. In the final
months of the Diem regime, as the noose
tightened, Nolting and Trueheart, Virginian
gentlemen of the Foreign Service and
friends since their graduate school days
studying epistemology in Charlottesville,
parted ways.
“Diplomats” reprises a drama first de-
picted 52 years ago in David Halberstam’s
“The Best and the Brightest,” but what
makes this telling so enthralling is that
Trueheart is the author’s father and Nolting
his godfather. The question of what caused
the two men to fall out — was it a policy
breach, a personal betrayal or both? —
drives the son’s quest and the fast-paced
narrative. For the rest of their lives, Nolting
and the elder Trueheart exchanged nary a
word. (Nolting died in 1989, Trueheart in
1992.) In Trueheart’s family, the rupture
would become taboo — roped off by his
father as “the business with Fritz.” To
Nolting, it remained an unforgivable sin.
And to the son and godson, on the cusp of
adulthood, the break engendered a “life-
time of stewing about the whole thing.”
Trueheart the son, a former Paris bureau
chief for The Washington Post and longtime
director of the American Library in Paris,
has written a “work of memory hiding inside
a work of history” — a tricky endeavor. To be
sure, moments of awkward ice-dancing
arise: Trueheart père morphs from “William
Trueheart” to “Bill” to “my father” and, only
occasionally, “Daddy.” But the son has
achieved something rare in the annals of PhoTos fRoM TRUeheART fAMily ARChiVes
Book World
A mother draws
the joy, and mess,
of baby’s first year
n her new graphic memoir, “How to Baby: A No-
Advice-Given Guide to Motherhood,” New York-
er cartoonist Liana Finck aims to demystify the
euphoric, exhausting, confounding, breathtaking
reality of parenting a baby during that first never-
ending year. Filled with wry obser-
vations and poignant interludes, the
book covers matters such as the
shellshocked bewilderment of first-
time parenthood and the “babyness”
of a child that “flickers in and out of
focus” as they age. “Having a baby is
a trade. You give away brain space.
Money. Time. Privacy,” Finck writes. But in return?
“You get love . . . love that will make the sacrifices
not like sacrifices at all. Money, time, and brain
space are fleeting anyway.” In honor of Mother’s
Day, we’re excerpting a section about the unexpect-
ed consequences of a baby’s first milestones.
fRoM “how to bAby: A no-ADviCe-given guiDe to MotheRhooD,” with DRAwings by liAnA finCk. CoPyRight © 2024 by liAnA finCk. PublisheD by the DiAl PRess, An iMPRint of RAnDoM house, A Division of Penguin RAnDoM house llC. All Rights ReseRveD.
b6 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, may 12 , 2024
Book World
Washington Post
Hardcover bestsellers
CourteSY of the AMeriCAn
BookSellerS ASSoCiAtion
What if the U.S. deported all Latin Americans? African American residents come
together to hide an orphan from state
9 remarKably brIGHT CreaTures
(ecco, $29.99). By Shelby Van Pelt. A
BY R OBERT R UBSAM dissociated from his identity in an attempt both in the United States and beyond its woman develops a friendship with an
to suppress the fact that his father killed borders. octopus living in an aquarium.
auro Javier Cárdenas hates himself (or was killed by the Abductors) Cárdenas is especially at home in this
trauma. Or at least, as the after they crossed the border. He asks computational mode. “The only truly exper- 10 NOrTH WOOds (random house,
Ecuadorian novelist said in a Antonio to call him “the replica of the imental literature of the 21st century,” he $28). By Daniel Mason. over the
2021 interview, he hates “the replica of Roberto Bolaño.” has observed, “is that which plays with centuries, a new england farmhouse
automatisms of trauma,” those This should give you a sense of Cárdenas’s algorithms,” and “Abductions” explores is a home that interconnects people,
unconscious recitations and reenactments literary ambitions. Most of the novel’s 39 both the terrors and promises of technology plants and animals.
of the ordeals that, it is often alleged, shape chapters are told from one of these perspec- like few other recent novels. The same
everything about us as people. tives, and each is presented as a single, programs that passively decide which Amer-
Yet his third novel, “American Abduc- pages-long sentence, touching on biogra- icans are to be deported also surveil their NONfICTION
tions,” is quite literally organized around amerICaN phy, literature, popular music, programing workplace productivity, preventing one
trauma: In the near future, America’s “Rac- abduCTIONs languages, social media and science fiction character from watching a video of herself 1 THe demON Of uNresT (Crown,
ist in Chief,” supported by an overwhelming By Mauro Javier along the way. Don’t let it intimidate you; as a 17-month-old, separated from and $35). By erik larson. the author of
number of “Pale Americans,” has deported Cárdenas Cárdenas’s protracted sentences are like reunited with her mother, while at work. “the Splendid and the Vile”
all Latin Americans from the country. Citi- Dalkey Archive. rivers, not mountains. They meander easily Antonio often thinks in the if/then/there- chronicles the months after Abraham
zens are denaturalized, families separated, 229 pp. $17.95 from reference to reference (the Steve Miller fore logic of computers, and he codes for his lincoln’s election that set the stage
children disappeared into the adoption Band, W.G. Sebald, “The Five Obstructions” daughters a program that spits out quotes for the Civil War.
system. So how to write about the subject and Lionel Richie all make appearances) from the surrealist writer Leonora Car-
without reducing it to the banal via the and cut plainly across different time frames, rington, a means of speaking with them, 2 KNIfe (random house, $28). By
repetition of rote narratives? How to depict and they allow for the natural, halting, even even after his death. And in one bravura Salman rushdie. the celebrated
these atrocities and also to say, as one jokey flow of thought and conversation, passage, Auxilio considers calling the Unit- novelist reflects on a near-fatal knife
adoptee does late in the novel, “I am not dropping the reader deep into each well of ed States. If her voice is captured by the attack and the grueling recovery that
your victim”? pain. American surveillance algorithm, she rea- followed.
The result is one of the most affecting and These narratives all circle around the sons, it will be stored in a data center
inventive English-language novels in recent injury of separation — of parent from child, alongside any recordings of her lost daugh- 3 sOmeHOW (riverhead, $22). By
memory, a playful and experimental narra- nephew from aunt — but by presenting ter’s voice, and they will be reunited, if only Anne lamott. An exploration of the
tive about narratives in which the question them in this fashion, Cárdenas strives to in the cloud. power of different types of love.
of who is telling the story — and how they go break free from traumatic clichés. “What After he has a heart attack, Antonio’s files 4 aN uNfINIsHed lOVe sTOry
about doing it — proves the real subject. will happen to my memories of Aura,” asks fall to his daughters, who continue on with (Simon & Schuster, $35). By Doris
“Abductions” centers on Ada and Eva, sis- Auxilio, “if they become part of a ritual of his project, and the novel’s form is revealed. kearns Goodwin. the Pulitzer Prize-
ters whose Colombian father, Antonio, was confession?” They become all too familiar, No simple narrative of injury and restora- winning biographer shares her own
“kidnapped” while driving them to school in easy for a reader to gloss over and forget. tion, “American Abductions” threads to- history.
San Francisco. Such kidnappings — Cárde- But each injury is done to a particular gether a vast psychic web — a shared
nas purposefully deploys the word — are person and must be lived within its specific- imaginary, shaped by both grand policy and 5 THe aNXIOus GeNeraTION
carried out by “Abductors,” members of an ity. petty malice, a pain that seeps into our (Penguin Press, $30). By Jonathan
Immigration and Customs Enforcement- Yet these narratives exist in a wider collective unconscious, haunting even our haidt. A social psychologist attributes
like agency who wear “fake police vests” and context, a history that unites victims, perpe- dreams. If you want to use the word, it goes the recent increase in adolescent
carry out their duties seemingly at random. trators and bystanders. Ada’s video of Anto- beyond trauma and into something deeper, mental illness to the prevalence of
In America, Antonio worked as a senior Mauro Javier nio’s abduction goes viral, turning their a connection uniting the stories of a vast smartphones.
data analyst to support his Czech wife and Cárdenas family into a target of online sympathy and collective, like the surveillance centers full
their two daughters. But after his denatural- imagines a harassment, and giving their story an after- of ambiently collected data, or the message 6 THe CreaTIVe aCT (Penguin, $32).
ization and deportation, he remakes himself near future life that survives even their father. Antonio’s boards on which the survivors of the By rick rubin. A Grammy-winning
as “a so-called novelist,” traveling the world when a vast project aims to record the experiences of as abduction program meet, and commiserate, music producer shares how artists
to interview victims of the abduction pro- surveillance many deportees as will meet with him. The and attempt to live on. work and suggests ways to foster
gram. Among them is Elsi, whose nephew system and abduction program is enabled by a vast creativity in everyday life.
died in American custody; Auxilio, whose government surveillance system, a set of algorithms, robert rubsam is a writer and critic whose
7 THe WIde WIde sea (Doubleday,
daughter Aura was kidnapped and adopted “Abductors” data centers and legally compliant technol- work has been published in the new York times
$35). By hampton Sides. An account
into an American family; and a young man target Latin ogy companies that hoover up the images, Magazine, the Atlantic, the Baffler and the
of the explorer Captain James Cook’s
in a Colombian mental hospital who has Americans. videos and phone calls of Latin Americans, nation.
ill-fated final voyage.
8 THe WaGer (Doubleday, $30). By
David Grann. After enduring storms,
sickness and a shipwreck, the
surviving crew members of hMS
lITera ry Ca leNd a r Wager turn against each other.
Book World
ne night before either of them got
famous, Kathleen Hanna and her
friend Kurt Cobain got drunk and
trashed the bedroom of his Olympia,
Wash., apartment. At one point, Han-
na took a marker and wrote “Kurt is the keeper of
the kennel … Kurt smells like Teen Spirit” on the
wall. She’s not sure what she meant, exactly, she
admits in her new memoir, “rebel Girl: my Life
as a feminist Punk.” She’d seen Teen Spirit de-
odorant in a store earlier and thought it sounded
funny. When Cobain later called and asked if he
could appropriate the phrase for his band, Nirva-
na, she absent-mindedly said yes.
for Hanna, the success of “Smells Like Teen
Spirit” changed everything, and nothing. It
made Nirvana the biggest band in the world,
but Hanna, frontwoman of the underground
punk band Bikini Kill and reluctant leader of
the riot Grrrl movement that birthed it, re-
mained largely as she was.
Life in Bikini Kill was a constant physical,
emotional and financial struggle. Hanna took a
second job as a stripper named Sage at a
gentleman’s club near Embassy row in D.C. to
get her tour van out of hock. She lived in
constant fear of discovery: Stripping wasn’t
very punk rock. One night, a pitiless hipster
played “Smells Like Teen Spirit” on the jukebox
for her to dance to. It was meant to humiliate
her, and it did. “I’m sure it was hilarious,” she
writes. “I was taking my clothes off to a song I’d
written the title to. Kurt was on his way to being
a multimillionaire while I was jiggling my a-- in
a broke-down strip club. Hahaha.”
“rebel Girl” is an unblinking, purple bruise
of a memoir charting Hanna’s tumultuous
childhood, her younger years astride the un-
governable force that was riot Grrrl and her
fraught adulthood beyond.
It’s stoic and empathetic in equal measure,
particularly in its accounting of Hanna’s girl-
hood. She grew up in “a home full of creepy
tension punctuated by random crises,” with an
abusive, alcoholic father who acted so inappro-
priately with her that Hanna later realized his
LINdsay bRICE/gEtty ImagEs
behavior constituted a form of incest. She es-
caped to the Evergreen State College in Olympia,
where she would soon help launch the DIY punks were following suit. I wasn’t a person
collision of feminism, political activism, music anymore; I was ‘Queen riot Grrrl.’”
and art that would become known as riot Grrrl. “rebel Girl” can sometimes feel like an un-
A Riot Grrrl
In riot Grrrl, she found community. In punk ceasing parade of indignities and outrages.
rock, Hanna, a former theater kid, found confi- Hanna is repeatedly insulted and threatened,
dence. “Performing for an audience was chang- mauled, stalked and harassed. She is sexually
ing me,” she writes. “I began entering rooms assaulted several times, once by a close friend.
recalls the
like a warrior instead of a victim.” In her memoir’s final third, Hanna endures
The best parts of “rebel Girl” detail Hanna’s the wrenching end of Bikini Kill (they have
difficulties navigating a world she and her peers since reunited several times) and a punishing
had to make for themselves. In the early ’90s, it bout with a debilitating mystery illness that
wasn’t just novel for women to front punk bands, turned out to be Lyme disease — and it’s still the
it was novel for women to watch punk bands. In
their early days, Bikini Kill would summon wom-
en toward the stage with the now-famous rally-
ing cry “Girls to the front.” But by the band’s
dark side of book’s cheeriest section.
When Hanna recounts falling ridiculously in
love with Beastie Boy Adam Horovitz after the
two grew close on tour, the previously unsenti-
middle years, the mood had darkened. “I wasn’t
just saying ‘Girls to the front’ so girls could see us
play anymore — we needed them to protect us
from guys who wanted to beat us up,” writes
the scene mental “rebel Girl” turns goofy and sweet,
warmth practically radiating off its pages. Han-
na, whom Bikini Kill had not made rich,
worked an overnight data-entry job to be able
Hanna, who once narrowly escaped an audience to afford bus tickets to visit Horovitz, then in
member swinging a chain at her head. his peak mainstream rock-star era, in New
Although they never sold many albums, Bikini rEBEL GIrL JasoN FRaNK RotHENbERg
York. Their relationship and eventual marriage
Kill’s fame grew in Nirvana’s slipstream. In 1993, My Life as a almost certainly represented a major shift in
“rebel Girl,” their ferocious, funny ode to female Feminist Punk disguised as progressives,” riot Grrrl began to altitude for Hanna, though the otherwise can-
friendship, became an underground hit — and by Kathleen eat itself. Even “Girls to the front” had outlived did “rebel Girl” hardly mentions it.
an unofficial movement anthem. They were fol- Hanna its usefulness; Hanna worried the phrase Hanna also forms and reforms two groups,
lowed by paparazzi on their first European tour, Ecco. might alienate trans women. “And what about the Julie ruin (born from an early lo-fi project)
and someone sold a candid bathing suit photo of 336 pp. $29.99 trans men, nonbinary folks, and BIPOC men? I and electro-rock band Le Tigre, with whom she
the band to Newsweek. Because much of “rebel didn’t want to tell them to go stand in the back.” achieves the kind of modest major-label suc-
Girl” involves well-meaning people making Hanna’s female peers resented her for leading cess that would have been unthinkable even a
things unnecessarily difficult for themselves, Bi- a movement that wasn’t supposed to have lead- few years earlier.
kini Kill decided not to talk to the press, though ers. many men saw Bikini Kill as uppity man-hat- Last year, Le Tigre reunited for their first tour
ancient footage does exist of Hanna giving an ers and separatists. Courtney Love, her finger on since 2005; Bikini Kill will tour this summer.
interview while wearing a ski mask. the zeitgeist as always, hit Hanna in the face the “Singing gave me a career I was once too
She watched in alarm as cheerier, more first time they met. She received no jail time. damaged to enjoy but now find thrilling,” Han-
compliant versions of riot Grrrls invaded pop A niche celebrity with neither money nor na writes. “Singing has never stopped being the
culture: They showed up on the sitcom “rose- Kathleen Hanna, above right, and at top, layers of people to insulate her, Hanna felt tiny tornado I most want to be in.”
anne,” in the form of the Spice Girls and in singing alongside Bikini Kill bandmate exposed. “I couldn’t sit at a coffee shop without
glossy magazines Hanna couldn’t afford to buy. Kathi Wilcox in 1993. someone dropping a zine they’d written about Allison Stewart writes about pop culture, music
meanwhile, the movement soured. famous- how much they hated me down on the table,” and politics for the Washington Post and the
ly uninterested in intersectionality, beset by she writes. “I’d spent my whole life being Chicago tribune. she is working on a book about the
scene tourists and what Hanna calls “bullies treated like a rag doll by men and now fellow history of the space program.
Book World
f all the unknowns in science, the an astrobiologist.
greatest may be extraterrestrial Among those surprising takeaways:
life. Despite stunning advances
in astronomy and planetary sci-
ence, alien life forms — whether
microbial and slimy, animated and bound-
with planets. How many l Earth was not always a blue marble.
Billions of years ago, Earth’s continents had
rusted, and the planet “may have looked
like a large, wet Mars, with red continents
ing around, or highly technological and
spacefaring — remain conjectural. That
doesn’t mean they aren’t a worthy subject
to write a book about.
of them have life? separated by blue oceans.”
l When the moon formed more than
4 billion years ago after Earth slammed
into a Mars-size object, the moon was more
Lisa Kaltenegger proves that with “Alien than 10 times as close to Earth as it is today,
Earths,” which explains for lay audiences a huge object in the sky, its face blackened
the young field of astrobiology and de- by cooling lava, with red veins of hot lava
scribes intriguing and potentially habitable breaking through to the surface. That’s a
worlds that have only recently been discov- much scarier satellite than the one in
ered around distant stars. This is a science “Goodnight Moon.”
book through and through, and will disap- l The mountains on Saturn’s moon Titan,
point anyone who wants to hear that the which has such a dense atmosphere that “if
aliens are already here, secretly zipping you strapped wings to your arms, you could
around. fly,” are named after the fictional world of
“So far, despite wild claims to the Middle-earth created by J.R.R. Tolkien.
contrary, we have not found any definitive She meticulously outlines what we actu-
proof of life on other planets,” Kaltenegger, ally know about planets, their habitability
an astrophysicist at Cornell University, and the evolution of life on Earth — which,
writes in her introduction. as she points out, took its jolly time to
What she can report is that astronomers produce anything as elaborate as a clam,
now know that the universe is jammed to much less a space-faring technological
the rafters with planets. Although most are species.
not Earth-like (something we know just (She can also attest that the evolution of
from scanning our own solar system), many human intelligence is incomplete: She
newly discovered planets are close to Earth describes the maelstrom of sexism that she
in size and orbit their stars in what encountered as a young female scientist in
scientists consider the habitable zone. In a field dominated by men, some not fully
the near future, employing current and emerged from the Stone Age. “How many
planned telescopes, astronomers could de- brilliant ideas and discoveries have already
tect signs (“biosignatures”) of extraterres- been lost because gifted young women had
trial life by studying the atmospheres of to use most of their energy to fight to be
those planets. even allowed to do research?” she asks.)
That would be a tremendous discovery. It There is an obvious reason to assume we
might generate robust debate about wheth- are not the only intelligent civilization in
er such biosignatures were truly signed by the universe: It’s a big universe. What
living things. And it wouldn’t tell us about happened here could, in theory, happen
extraterrestrial intelligence. When people elsewhere. Biology is built upon chemistry,
ask, “Are we alone?” I don’t think they’re and the chemistry of the universe today is
wondering if there is algae on some distant fundamentally congenial to life.
world. To my ear, Kaltenegger sounds far less
Kaltenegger wisely avoids litigating the optimistic than Sagan about the likelihood
topic of UFOs (or UAPs — Unidentified that our galaxy abounds with intelligent
Anomalous Phenomena, as the Pentagon life. Complex life doesn’t emerge instantly
calls them), which in recent years has when you add water to dirt. “Alien Earths”
enjoyed a rebound in public interest, fueled walks us through the fundamentals of what
in part by unexplained sightings by mili- life is. This takes us back to the beginning
tary pilots. (The claim that strange things of time: the Big Bang that created a hot
seen in the sky are spacecraft from another young cosmos made of hydrogen and
world is a leap of reasoning lacking the helium and not much else. Stars ignited,
safety net of evidence and logic. Don’t get nasa/euroPean sPaCe agenCy cooked up heavier elements in their cores
me started.) and then exploded, spewing material into
Kaltenegger’s skepticism about alien vis- deep space. The vast clouds of gas and dust,
itors is appropriate given her status as the now laden with a variety of elements,
founder and director of the Carl Sagan condensed into new stars and planetary
Institute at Cornell. She cites Sagan repeat- systems. We know that on at least one
edly as an inspiration. planet, the third rock from its parent star,
Sagan was the most influential and life — chemistry in its most interesting
popular promoter of the theory that the form — took hold and evolved.
universe is rife with intelligent life. He And then, after about 3 billion years,
estimated that our galaxy alone could have there were forms most beautiful: clams,
a million civilizations. But, like Kalteneg- jellyfish, worms. Eventually trees, flowers,
ger, his pole star was science, and he spent dinosaurs. Furry critters. Astrophysicists.
his career throwing his body in front of alieN earTHS Readers.
UFO conjectures and pseudoscience more The New That, at least, is the scientific origin
generally. To his dying day in 1996, Sagan Science of story, one that Kaltenegger explains pa-
acknowledged that we still did not know Planet Hunting tiently and clearly. There is nothing super-
what was out there. in the Cosmos natural about this story — but if it doesn’t
Like Sagan, Kaltenegger is a science By Lisa blow your mind just a little bit, I don’t know
popularizer. She approaches her subject Kaltenegger what will.
with the air of someone who does not want st. martin’s.
to scare off readers averse to books that get 288 pp. $30 Joel achenbach writes about science and
too technical, too down in the weeds of politics for the Washington Post’s national
astronomy, planetary science or biology. desk.
Some of the text reads like a very basic
primer. It includes a tour of the solar
system that explains how the sun works ABOVE: A deep-space image of the evolving
and introduces us to Mercury, then Venus universe, combining separate images taken
and onward to Neptune, the Kuiper belt by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope from
and the Oort cloud. As a space nerd, I got a 2003 to 2012. LEFT: Astronomer Carl
bit fidgety. Sagan, pictured in 1981, theorized that the
But hold on: Kaltenegger kept surprising universe is full of intelligent life, but he
me with nuggets about science and nature. Casteneda/aP rejected pseudoscientific conjectures.
sued for
employee foresaw
risk of flooding
Case says owner failed to
respond appropriately
U-Va. faculty call for review after protest arrests Suddenly key Senate contest
leads Md.’s primary slate
University of Virginia faculty ers a choice largely between iden-
on Friday called for an independ- Several competitive tity and style — and the likelihood
ent review of the use of police to of beating Republicans who are
clear a pro-Palestinian demon- matchups are on ballot seeking a generational opportu-
stration, but stopped short of in Tuesday’s elections nity to flip a Democratic seat in
condemning the decision to deep-blue Maryland red in No-
bring in state law enforcement vember.
officers. More than 25 people Trone’s departure from the 6th
were arrested. BY K ATIE S HEPHERD Congressional District and the re-
University President James E. AND N ICOLE A SBURY tirements of Reps. C.A. Dutch
Ryan said he was sorry for the Ruppersberger and John sar-
way things escalated as police On May 14, Maryland voters banes in Districts 2 and 3 have
moved in on demonstrators, and will decide a slate of congres- opened up three seats, enlivening
some faculty members said they sional races that include a closely contests in a state where the left’s
were concerned the response watched U.s. senate contest with advantage means many races are
was too heavy-handed. national implications, setting the essentially decided in Democratic
Ryan, though, did not say field for one of a handful of elec- primary elections. Among the
outright he would have acted tions expected to determine con- open races, the 6th District is
differently, and the university’s trol of the chamber. expected to be the most competi-
police chief said officials felt Already the most expensive po- tive in November. A new district
compelled to disperse a group litical race in state history, the map adopted in 2022 made the
that included people with no once-overlooked Democratic con- district far more politically di-
connection to U-Va. test between Rep. David Trone verse, with 1.2 Democrats for ev-
“I am unbelievably sorry that and Prince George’s County Exec- ery Republican and more than
it unfolded that way on saturday. utive Angela Alsobrooks catapult- 141,000 unaffiliated voters, rais-
It was the last thing I wanted to ed to national prominence with ing the chances that a Republican
see,” Ryan said at a meeting of the surprise entrance of a formi- candidate could walk away victo-
the faculty senate. “I also know dable Republican opponent, pop- rious in the general election.
that this is still very raw. I talked ular former governor Larry The contests have all been
to people who were there, and it Hogan. shaped by national themes in a
was horrible to see, and frighten- JusTIn Ide for The WashIngTon PosT The pair top a crowded field year when President Biden and
ing, and traumatic.” police at the university of Virginia on may 4, when university officials called in state police to clear a and have few policy disagree- former president Donald Trump
sEE u-VA. ON C3 pro-palestinian encampment. u-Va. faculty did not approve a resolution condemning the use of police. ments, offering Democratic vot- sEE primAry ON C5
C2 eZ re the washington post . sunday, may 12 , 2024
Students say war in Gaza, Youngkin’s politics were reasons for walking out
VCU from C1 A handful of graduates, still
in their caps and gowns, spoke
nor’s office declined to com- about why they walked out.
ment on the walkout. Arrington Evans, a political
more than 4,700 VCU stu- science graduate and member of
dents graduated this spring, the NAACP at VCU, said the
about 3,000 of them undergrad- governor’s actions, particularly
uates. It is a diverse student his opposition to equity initia-
body, representing 40 countries. tives in education, was in oppo-
more than 900 were first-gener- sition to the kind of work she
ation college students, VCU said had been advocating for at VCU.
ahead of the ceremony. “This matters more to me,
Adding to tensions on Satur- doing right by your classmates
day, the ceremony came about and the people in your commu-
two weeks after police used nity, than sitting there doing
pepper spray to disperse a nothing,” Evans said. “Actions
crowd at a pro-Palestinian dem- speak louder than words. And
onstration on VCU’s campus. that’s what this was.”
Thirteen people, including six In his speech, Youngkin did
students, were arrested. not acknowledge the protest or
The event was among the make any reference to the politi-
demonstrations spreading on cally strife moment. He high-
college campuses around the lighted some members of the
country, with more than 2,800 graduating class, including an
arrested as campus officials and immigrant from Uganda and
protesters facing off in recent another who had overcome can-
weeks. In Virginia, more than 80 cer. Youngkin advised graduates
people were arrested at Virginia to “make tomorrow better than
Tech in Blacksburg, a dozen at today,” choose their “life part-
the University of mary Washing- ner” wisely and be slow to anger.
ton in fredericksburg and more Before the walkout, Satur-
than 25 at the University of day’s graduation began like any
Virginia. other, with robed and smiling
VCU, in downtown richmond graduates waving to relatives
just a mile west of the state and snapping selfies as they
PhoTos By Parker Michels-Boyce for The WashingTon PosT
Capitol, has a long tradition of marched into the ceremony.
hosting the sitting governor as The ceremony wrapped in
commencement speaker. Terry own personal goals, I think it’s the vote. “The discussion clearly ordinary fashion two hours lat-
mcAuliffe (D) gave the address misguided,” Youngkin told re- expressed support for the racial er, with black and gold balloons
in 2015, as did robert f. mcDon- porters at an event in rich- literacy classes, and these cours- dropping from the ceiling and
nell (r) in 2011, Tim Kaine (D) in mond. “Let’s celebrate the stu- es are accessible to students getting batted around like beach
2008, mark r. Warner (D) in dents. Let’s honor the students.” who wish to explore them.” balls.
2004, Jim Gilmore (r) in 1999 opposition to Youngkin was outside the convention cen- The walkout was for many a
and George Allen (r) in 1997, due, in part, to the governor’s ter, Taya Coates, a mass commu- forgettable blip in an otherwise
according to the university. objections to a proposal to re- nications graduate, said she was celebratory day. That was a
The VCU chapter of the quire VCU students to take a on the fence about walking out relief to attendees who’d arrived
NAACP sent a letter to univer- course in racial literacy. The until the students around her wary of potential disruptions or
sity President michael rao and school conceived the plan amid started to rise. She decided that even violence.
the board of visitors Wednesday the racial reckoning that fol- she, too, wanted to stand “I’m just hoping that doesn’t
demanding that the university lowed the 2020 murder of against the governor, who she happen and we can be here and
revoke the governor’s invitation George floyd by minneapolis said didn’t reflect her values. celebrate these graduates in
to speak. “Since becoming Gov- police and was still working to “It just doesn’t represent our peace,” LaKeyda robinson, 45,
ernor of Virginia, Youngkin has implement it when Youngkin university,” Coates, 23, said of of Alexandria, said as she
worked to intimidate and si- raised concerns early this year. Youngkin’s appearance. Around watched her “firstborn niece,”
lence educators with anti-racist In march, a Youngkin spokes- her, friends embraced and cried. Dhasia Allen, walk into the
pedagogies,” the letter stated, man said the governor was con- families cheered for their grad- ceremony.
citing a short-lived tip line for cerned that such a mandate uates, posing for photos and marcos Chavez, a 54-year-old
parents to report the teaching of would promote leftist “group- remarking about how proud Bolivian immigrant who works
“divisive concepts” and the re- think.” “Virginia’s public institu- TOP: VCU student Sereen Haddad speaks into a megaphone at a they were of the display. as a carpenter in Herndon, was
versal of protections for trans- tions should be teaching our nearby park after the VCU commencement ceremony walkout. A smaller group of graduates not giving a thought to Gaza or
gender youth. students how to think, not what ABOVE: A student wears a graduate cap with the words “DIVEST joined a group of demonstrators Youngkin. for him, the day was
Asked about the calls to can- to think and not advancing NOW” written on top during the ceremony on Saturday. outside the convention center. all about his daughter, Natalia.
cel his appearance, Youngkin ideological conformity,” spokes- The group marched through the Already the first person in the
said Tuesday he hoped the focus man Christian martinez told will still make some courses upholding academic freedom streets chanting “free Pales- family to earn a college degree,
would be on the students and Virginia Public media. available for interested stu- while empowering students tine” until they reached Abner on Saturday she graduated from
their achievements. “I think on friday, VCU’s governing dents. with flexibility and autonomy in Clay Park, about a half mile VCU’s school of dentistry.
that anyone who thinks they’re board voted against requiring “Central to the board’s delib- their educational journey,” VCU from the commencement cer- “right now my focus is on my
going to disrupt this for their the racial literacy course, but erations was a commitment to said in a written statement after emony. daughter,” he said. “That’s it.”
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sunday, may 12 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re C3
She invented Mother’s Day — then spent the rest of her life fighting against it
BY K RISTINE P HILLIPS may — the closest Sunday to her She threatened to sue New
mother’s death anniversary — York Gov. Al Smith over plans for
While dining at a Philadelphia mother’s Day. a mother’s Day meeting in 1923,
tearoom owned by her friend She wrote to mark Twain, according to a Post obituary
John Wanamaker, Anna Jarvis President Theodore roosevelt published in 1948. In 1931, she
ordered a salad — then dumped and any other powerful figure fought with New York first lady
it on the floor. she could think of to help with Eleanor roosevelt over a rival
Jarvis hated that the dish was her cause, Antolini said. She also mother’s Day committee.
called “mother’s Day Salad,” sought the help of Wanamaker, At one point, she incorporated
named after a celebration of the Philadelphia businessman the mother’s Day International
mothers that she had pioneered and her friend. Association. It’s unclear whether
years earlier. The first mother’s Day service the corporation had other mem-
The strong-willed woman saw was held one morning in 1908 at bers, according to the obituary.
it not as an honor but an affront St. Andrew’s methodist Episco- Even charities became the
to a tradition she held so dear. To pal Church in Grafton. She target of her disdain. During the
her, it was a cheap marketing bought hundreds of carnations, Great Depression of the 1930s,
gimmick to profit off an idea that her mother’s favorite flower, for charities held fundraising events
she considered to be hers, and the service. A bigger celebration on mother’s Day to help mothers
hers alone. was held that afternoon at Wana- in need. Jarvis resented that.
The incident was recounted in maker’s auditorium in Pennsyl- “She didn’t want it to be a
a newspaper article published vania, where Jarvis spoke. beggar’s day,” Antolini said. “She
sometime in the early 1900s, from there, mother’s Day took didn’t want the day to be turned
years after Jarvis organized the off so quickly that the next year, into just another charity event.
first mother’s Day service in the Sonora Smart Dodd — who was You don’t pity mothers; you hon-
country, said Katharine Antolini, raised by her father after her or them.”
a historian who has studied mother died in childbirth — In studying Jarvis, Antolini
Jarvis and how mother’s Day heard a mother’s Day sermon in came to sympathize with the
became a national holiday. Spokane, Wash., and helped cre- tenacious and fiercely independ-
Jarvis spent decades fighting ate father’s Day. In 1910, West ent woman who remained single
an uphill battle to keep mother’s Virginia passed a law designat- and childless at a time when
Day from becoming the commer- ing mother’s Day a holiday, and women were expected to do the
cialized holiday that it is today. other states followed. opposite.
To her, it was simply a day to But Jarvis was nowhere near “You get behind the motiva-
honor mothers, and she started it done. tion for why she’s doing it. She
to commemorate her own. So She continued writing letters doesn’t sound crazy. Her argu-
when people co-opted her idea and traveling, all on her own ment is sound,” Antolini said.
for other purposes, Jarvis was dime, to make mother’s Day a “many times, you’d feel she’s
incensed. national holiday. The amount of justified in being angered about
She started fights, threatened her correspondence grew so these things.”
lawsuits, wrote letters to politi- much that she had to buy a But she also felt that Jarvis
cians, issued bitter news releas- second house for storage. had a narrow view of what
es, organized protests, fought on may 8, 1914, Congress motherhood is about. Hers was
with Eleanor roosevelt, and de- passed a law declaring the sec- the perspective of a child, of a
manded audiences with presi- ond Sunday of may as mother’s daughter who deeply loved her
dents, among other actions. Day. The following day, President mother.
She even claimed legal copy- Woodrow Wilson issued a proc- “Children have a very simplis-
right to the holiday, Antolini lamation declaring the first na- tic view of motherhood,” Antolini
said. Her letters were signed tional mother’s Day as a time to said. “Those women who then
“Anna Jarvis, founder of moth- honor mothers whose sons had would become mothers, they
er’s Day.” died in war. have a completely different view
“It became a part of her identi- lIbrAry of Congress mother’s Day became a na- of motherhood. It’s becoming
ty,” the historian said. “It was To Anna Jarvis, Mother’s Day was meant to honor mothers, and she spent decades fighting to keep it tional cause, but not the one politically active to save the lives
completely tied up in her ego.” from commercialization. This year, consumers are expected to spend $33.5 billion on the holiday. Jarvis had in mind. of mothers of other children.”
The fight that consumed She spent the next years rail- By the early 1940s, Jarvis had
Jarvis was waged in vain, and her rangements. less woman who dedicated her to care for their children. ing against flower shop owners, become undernourished and
campaign drained the modest Antolini, chair of the history life to the obsessive pursuit of After one lecture in 1876, Ann cardmakers and the candy in- was losing her eyesight. friends
fortune she’d inherited from her department at West Virginia creating a holiday for mothers. reeves Jarvis prayed that some- dustry for profiting off the holi- and associates placed her in a
family. She died in a sanitarium Wesleyan College, said she began “The surface image of her is body would create a day com- day. sanitarium in West Chester, Pa.
in 1948 at age 84 — alone, blind studying Jarvis and the history of that she was this crazy spinster memorating mothers for their “They’re commercializing my She died Nov. 24, 1948.
and penniless. mother’s Day in the 1990s, when who dedicated her life to this service to humanity, Antolini mother’s Day,” she complained in mother’s Day has become one
If she were alive today, Antoli- she visited the International movement and fought everybody said. a letter to newspapers, according of the most profitable U.S. holi-
ni said, Jarvis would have been mother’s Day Shrine, in Grafton, who tried to take her day away Twelve-year-old Anna Jarvis to a 1986 Washington Post story. days, with annual spending
thrilled that mother’s Day re- W.Va. It’s a museum of the church from her,” Antolini said. “It was remembered that. “This is not what I intended.” steadily growing since 2006.
mains popular. where the first mother’s Day her life to create this holiday, to Her mother died in 1905, and A news release she issued, This year, consumers are expect-
“But she’d be upset that people service was held. perpetuate it and have it spread Jarvis, then in her 40s, promised according to a 1994 Post article, ed to spend a near-record $33.5
don’t remember her,” the histo- In the church’s kitchen area, nationally.” at her gravesite that she’d be the read: “WHAT WILL YoU Do to billion, according to the National
rian said. Antolini said, she found several Jarvis, born in Webster, W.Va., one to answer her prayer. route charlatans, bandits, pi- retail federation.
She would probably be equally boxes of documents that be- was inspired to create mother’s over the next years, Jarvis rates, racketeers, kidnappers and We can imagine how Jarvis
angered to know that the holiday longed to Jarvis. She volunteered Day by her mother, Ann reeves embarked on a relentless letter- other termites that would under- would feel about that.
is celebrated in part through to archive them and spent Jarvis, a Sunday school teacher writing campaign to persuade mine with their greed one of the
mother’s Day specials and sales, months poring over the records. who helped start mother’s Day the governor of every state to finest, noblest and truest move- A version of this story was originally
Hallmark cards and floral ar- She learned about the child- Work Clubs to teach women how declare the second Sunday of ments and celebrations?” published on May 14, 2017.
Pet owners sue canine day care over deadly 2023 flood, alleging negligence
laWsuIT from C1 year before the flood, the D.C.
Department of Buildings rec-
suit, complete with a full recita- ommended that District Dogs
tion of all efforts undertaken to place flood barriers outside the
ensure the safety of this facility, business, officials have said.
our staff, customers, and the Hensley placed plastic flood
dogs in our care,” the statement boxwalls on the outside, accord-
said. ing to the lawsuit.
The lawsuit says that the After the flood, Hensley
manager’s warning was one of closed District Dogs’s rhode
four times that District Dogs Island Avenue location.
failed to respond appropriately In the lawsuit, the pet owners
argue Hensley should have had
a better escape plan for the
animals, especially given the
“When you look at the business’s flood-prone location
and a forecast for rain that day.
history of that building In 2022, the facility wound up
underwater during storms on
and that intersection, three occasions, according to
the lawsuit. In one instance, the
it flooded a number of lawsuit says, an employee had a
medical emergency and first
times before. responders could not get
through the front doors because
The warning signs of flooding.
“A lot of this seemed like a
had been there.” shock — that, ‘oh, we had no
Jonathan Garro, idea that a flood like this could
a plaintiff in the lawsuit whose dog happen in this location,’” an-
died in the August 2023 flood other plaintiff, Jonathan Garro,
whose dog died in the flood.
“When you look at the history of
when employees raised con- that building and that intersec-
cerns about the flood risk. In- tion, it flooded a number of
stead, the owner conveyed to times before. The warning signs
pet owners that their dogs were had been there.”
safe, according to the civil com- In an unrelated incident, a
coLLeen costeLLo, KerrY GArro, connor MccArtY And Luer Yin
plaint. dog boarding at District Dogs in
The D.C. 911 center also has From left, Colleen Costello and her dog Maple, Jonathan Garro and his dog Malee and Zeni, a 2-year-old corgi. all three of the dogs were Navy Yard died in february
been criticized for the catastro- killed in the aug. 14, 2023, flood at the District Dogs on Rhode Island avenue in Washington. Ten dogs were killed in the disaster. after being “physically struck”
phe because it took 23 minutes by an employee, who has since
for emergency responders to the business had a water leak, report released last month by ess. But the report said the him that the facility was safe in been fired, according to a com-
arrive at District Dogs after the leading to the delayed response. D.C. Homeland Security and drowned dogs were “dead be- their view. The after-action re- pany statement. An official with
first of three calls for help were When emergency personnel ar- Emergency management Agen- fore the first 911 call was made.” port noted that the facility was D.C. Humane rescue Alliance
made on the day of the flood. rived, they rescued 20 dogs and cy, officials acknowledged that Hensley also has criticized compliant with the D.C. code said that as of the end of April,
Transcripts show that a dis- helped seven people, authori- the incident was coded incor- the city, arguing that D.C. offi- based on a building assessment no charges had been filed
patcher told firefighters that ties said. In an after-action rectly in the dispatching proc- cials had previously assured conducted in may 2022. In the against the former employee.
The ReGion
Schools warn high school students to avoid ‘Assassins’ water gun game
BY J USTIN W M. M OYER County Public Schools issued a feel threatened or scared,” the montgomery County schools ily look like a traditional gun any form,” the statement said.
statement warning families statement said. said students who play “Senior either,” Cmdr. Eric Stancliff told “We strongly discourage students
officials in the D.C. region and about reports of seniors involved Loudoun County Public Assassins” also may “engage in NBC 4. “The fear is we’re going to from participating in this game
around the country are warning in a game called “Senior Assas- Schools raised similar concerns dangerous behaviors such as have a bad incident where some- due to the potential risks in-
that a game popular among high sins.” in a recent statement, saying that reckless driving and trespassing, one gets shot as a result of kids volved.”
school seniors that can involve In the game of tag, the state- “the use of realistic-looking and there are reports of teenagers playing a game.” Authorities said adults should
realistic-looking water guns may ment said, seniors squirt one weapons and aggressive behavior in public parking lots with water montgomery County Police did discourage students from partici-
bring deadly consequences if another with water guns before can cause alarm among commu- guns.” not return a request for comment pating in the games, which has
onlookers unfamiliar with the posting these “assassinations” on nity members and law enforce- According to media reports, friday. led to incidents in Wisconsin and
phenomenon believe there is an social media. once a student is ment, who may not be aware of some people in montgomery In its statement last week, Pennsylvania, among other areas,
actual threat. sprayed, according to the state- the context.” County who have seen students Loudoun County schools said according to police and media
Police have already responded ment, they are out of the game. “Senior Assassins” is prohibit- playing the game have called 911. students use water guns that reports.
to 911 calls and a car crash related The last dry senior wins. ed on montgomery County Public “Some of them look like a real “closely resemble real firearms In the Chicago suburbs, stu-
to the game around the nation, “The use of water guns, as they School grounds, the district said, handgun. A lot of them look like a and are hiding on private proper- dents playing the game while
authorities said, endangering resemble weapons, can cause and anyone who sees students toy gun. But in today’s world, we ty.” driving were involved in a roll-
players and those around them. alarm and lead to unintended engaged in the game should call have gun manufacturers custom- “Please understand that this is over crash last month, police
on Thursday, montgomery situations where someone may the police. izing guns so they don’t necessar- not a school-sponsored activity in there said.
Save on tickets to a R&B Mother’s Day Celebration with PJ Morton and MAJOR.
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counties also have local races on brooks has faced a bigger hurdle ecutive Dave Wallace. race has drawn attacks on both
the primary ballot, including sev- to introduce herself to voters in In the deep-blue 3rd, regis- campaigns, with the ideological-
eral nonpartisan school board other parts of the state. tered Democrats will choose ly aligned opponents seeking to
positions where primary voters Whichever Democrat walks among 22 candidates to replace sway voters with their records
will winnow the field of candi- away with the nomination will rep. John Sarbanes (D-md.). In and identities.
dates to the top two for each seat.
What is at stake in the open
U.S. Senate race?
have to defend a seat that has
been blue since 1977, and could
help tip the scales of which party
controls the Senate.
that crowded field, two candi-
dates have risen to the fore in
fundraising. former Capitol Po-
lice officer Harry Dunn has
The republican primary in the
6th is a contest between two
former state delegates, Dan Cox,
the election-denying firebrand
Hogan’s last-minute entry into
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pulled in more than $4.5 million who is closely aligned with the Quality Entry Doors Installed In One Day
the contest at the behest of GoP since January to fund a campaign Trump-supporting wing of the
leaders to replace retiring Sen. House? centering his role in defending party, and Neil Parrott, who ad- Professional, Highly Trained Craftsmen
Ben Cardin (D) upended what In five of the state’s eight con- the Capitol during the insurrec- heres to a more moderate plat-
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C6 eZ re the washington post . sunday, may 12 , 2024
david shapiro, 77
Stewart 11800 New Hampshire Ave (includes Just a Simple
Cremation. Funeral 3401 Bladensburg Road
Funeral Home Inc. Silver Spring, MD 20904 home chapels add’l.)
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Phone: (301) 864-5090
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www.stewartfuneralhome.com www.josephgawlers.com *Restricted-operating out of Going Home Cremation & Funeral Care
by Value Choice, P.A. Woodbine, Md. (Rockville location only)
sunday, may 12 , 2024 . the washington post EZ RE C7
SUSIE FLOWERS Miriam Alexander, devoted father of Daphne professional basketball. Bob also won multi-
HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY ple national handball championships and en-
Alexander Halpern (Irwin) and Dean C. Alex-
ander (Julieta), and cherished grandfather joyed boating, fishing, skiing, tennis, and golf.
Rest in peace, Dear Mother His accomplishments led to his induction
Fourteen long years have passed away. of Alex Ian Halpern, Joel Seth Halpern, and
David Liam Alexander. The funeral and burial into the JCC Hall of Fame in Rockville, MD.
You are gone, but still living in the hearts Bob’s competitive nature and perseverance
of those who stayed. are private. A celebration of life will be held
at a future date. Memorial contributions also fueled his success in business. In 1956,
We miss you greatly!! he founded Diplomat Parking Corporation in
Love, your children and grands may be made to Magen David Adom or the
Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School. Washington, DC, ultimately expanding it to
over 200 locations throughout the Washing-
As a pioneer in the academic study of in- ton Metropolitan area.
ternational terrorism, Professor Alexander
served for over 40 years at universities in Bob’s greatest pride and success was his
the United States and abroad, followed by 25 cherished family. He is survived by his lov-
GUERRA years at academic think tanks. He founded
and edited several international academic
ing wife of 72 years, Sandra (Edlavitch); his
brother Stephen Edenbaum (Elly), his sister
journals, and published more than 100 books Rona Klein, Letha Roach; his three children:
CORA A. GUERRA and numerous studies on international secu- Robin Harris (Mason), Paul Edenbaum (Rob-
7/5/1921 - 9/29/2019 rity. Professor Alexander’s works have been in), and Gail Schwartz (Jonathan); seven
HAPPY HEAVENLY MOTHER’S DAY translated into many languages. He lectured grandchildren: Matthew Edenbaum (Ra-
EDWARD M. CURRAN JR. in dozens of countries and appeared exten- chael), Ross Edenbaum (Gaby), Stephanie
My Mother on earth, Edward M. Curran Jr., 81 husband of Keli, YONAH ALEXANDER sively in international media. Professor Alex- ROBERT L. EDENBAUM Lyulkin (Matthew), Eric Harris (Jessie), Alison
My guardian Angel in Heaven passed away on Saturday, May 4, 2024. On April 25, 2024, Yonah Alex- ander’s personal papers and terrorism col- Robert “Bob” Edenbaum, be- Kernus (Alex), Dana Harris, and Brandon
A Mass of Christian Burial will be 11:30 ander of Potomac, Maryland, lection are housed at the Hoover Institution loved husband, father, grand- Schwartz; and four great-grandchildren: El-
Love you forever, Bertha a.m., Friday, May 17, 2024, at Our Lady Star passed away peacefully. Yonah Library and Archives at Stanford University. father, great-grandfather, and oise Mae Edenbaum, Lily James Edenbaum,
of the Sea Catholic Church, North Myrtle was the beloved husband of www.SagelBloomfield.com great friend to all who knew him Emerson Paige Edenbaum, and Sophia Violet
Beach, SC. A Complete obituary is available passed away peacefully on May Lyulkin.
at www.msfh.net 8, 2024, at his residence in Jupi-
ter, FL, surrounded by his family. He was 92. Graveside services will be held at King Da-
vid Memorial Gardens, 7482 Lee Hwy, Falls
BRYAN In 1985, Dr. Nightingale and human rights
activist Eric Stover went on a mission to
guided missile frigate U.S.S. Richmond K. Chile on behalf of the AAAS during the Mil-
LECIA LAVERNE GRIGSBY Turner (DLG-20) as a computer expert and itary Junta of General Augusto Pinochet in
BERNICE MARIE GALES MCCANNON Of Hyattsville, MD and Atlanta, GA passed served as its Executive Officer in the Gulf of order to help protect physicians who were
Wife and Mother peacefully in her sleep on April 26, 2024. Tonkin in 1964-5. He retired from the Navy treating torture victims and to document
July 14, 1914 - August 27, 1998 Memorial Services will be held on May at the rank of Commander in 1970 to work the abuses that many other physicians per-
17, 2024 at 11 a.m., Dunbarton Chapel on in the nascent computer industry. petrated. They consulted with physicians,
Momma, West Campus of Howard University, 2900 human rights groups and prisoners them-
You gave us love, strength, and wisdom. Van Ness St. NW, Washington, DC. Flowers In 1974, he earned a D.Sc. degree in Com- selves, whose voices informed their report
To some, you were just one ordinary must be delivered by 10 a.m. puter Science from George Washington Uni- on the conditions there. They continued
person; versity and turned his considerable talents their collaboration as co-editors of the sem-
However, to us, you were our guiding light. to developing software risk reduction strat- inal book The Breaking of Bodies and Minds:
Your love shaped us in lasting and far egies, later called Software Configuration Torture, Psychiatric Abuse, and the Health
reaching ways. Management. He wrote several research Professions (1985).
We are family because of you, to the end articles and a book on the subject in the Dr. Nightingale was a founding member of
of our days. 1980s. In 1990, he retired to become a full- the Advisory Committee of the Children’s
time grandfather. Rights Division of Human Rights Watch,
Surviving Children: which she continued to advise and serve on
Doris T. McCannon, Allen T. McCannon,
Sharon C. Couts, Jacqueline S. Fisher, Dar-
LANSING Throughout his life, Bill was active in the
Episcopal Church, first at St. John’s Nor-
for 30 years.
Dr. Nightingale authored, edited, and co-ed-
lene Y. Jordan, and John E. McCannon PAUL DEAN LANSING (Age 89) wood, then at St. Columba’s in the District, ELENA O. NIGHTINGALE M.D., PH.D. ited numerous articles and books on child
Of Springfield, VA passed away Sunday, and St. Luke’s in Bethesda. He served at var- Dr. Elena Ottolenghi Nightin- and adolescent health, pregnancy and
May 5, 2024. Loving husband to Kathleen WILLIAM L. BRYAN ious times as a member of the vestry and gale of Chevy Chase, Maryland research protections for children, among
TRIPLETT Jones Lansing; beloved father to Lois Lan-
sing, David Lansing, and Jay Lansing; broth-
March 5, 1928 - May 1, 2024
the Stephen Ministry, a lay reader, an aco-
lyte for Sunday Eucharist and an outreach
passed away peacefully Thurs-
day, April 11, 2024, age 91, with
many other topics.
At her death, she was Adjunct Professor
er to Marjorie Salmassy; grandfather to volunteer, bringing the Eucharist to those her loving family at her side. of Pediatrics at the Georgetown University
Bryanna Lansing, Jada Lansing, and Flora Born in Newport, RI, Bill Bryan lived most of who could not attend services in person. Elena Isabella Rachele Ottoleng- Medical Center and Adjunct Professor of Pe-
Lansing. He will truly be missed by many. his childhood in Annapolis and NW Washing- hi was born in Livorno, Italy in 1932. At age diatrics Emeritus at the George Washington
Memorial contributions may be made to ton, DC. He was a talented student at Wilson In 1951, Bill married Ann Warren (1931- seven, she, her parents, and three young sis- University School of Medicine and Health
Calvary Baptist Church, Washington, DC. High School, excelling in math and science. 2005) of Scranton, PA. The family settled in ters escaped the Fascist Italian government, Sciences. Earlier in her career, she held ac-
Services to be held at Ravensworth Baptist He set a record (still unbroken) with perfect the Washington, DC area in 1965. He is sur- and ultimately the Nazis and the Holocaust. ademic positions at New York University,
Church, 5100 Ravensworth Road, Annan- scores on the entrance exams to both West vived by five children and their spouses, 15 They arrived in New York Harbor on Thanks- Cornell, Johns Hopkins and Harvard; and
dale, VA 22003 on Thursday, May 30, 2024 Point and Annapolis. grandchildren with spouses and partners, giving Day, 1939 on the ship the Conte di held a variety of leadership positions at the
at 2 p.m. Interment private. Please view and three great grandchildren. Savoia. National Academy of Sciences, Engineering
and sign the family guestbook at Bill chose the Naval Academy, graduating She put herself through college and grad- and Medicine (NASEM), including at the In-
www.jeffersonfuneralchapel.com second in his class (1949) and fencing his Services and a celebration of life will be held uate school, earning an A.B. from Barnard stitute of Medicine/National Academy of
way to NCAA Championships (1948, 1949). at St. Columba’s Episcopal Church, 4201 Al- College; a Ph.D. from The Rockefeller Univer- Medicine and the National Research Council
During his 26 year career, he served aboard bemarle St NW, Washington, DC 20016, on sity, where she was one of two women in in Washington, DC. She served as Senior Ad-
minesweepers, battleships, and destroyers. May 18, 2024 at 11 a.m. the first graduating class; and an M.D. from visor to the President and Senior Program
In the early 1960s, he was assigned to the the New York University School of Medicine, Officer at the Carnegie Corporation of New
where she met her beloved husband, Dr. York where she worked for over a decade.
Stuart L. Nightingale. After retiring from full-time work, Dr. Night-
In addition to her husband, to whom she ingale served as a Scholar-in-Residence at
was joyfully married for nearly 59 years, she the IOM/NAM for many years.
MARTIN DIVOLA SHANK is survived by her beloved daughters Eliz-
abeth S. Nightingale (Andrew Herrup) and
She had a wry sense of humor, deep warmth
and a firm moral compass, which led her to
Marisa O. Nightingale (Judge Todd Edelman); become a sought-after mentor and friend.
MADELINE TRIPLETT WALDA JO MARTIN College and later transferred to the Univer- and two grandsons, Asher and Jacob Edel- Throughout her career, Dr. Nightingale
HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY, 4/10/1942 - 5/8/2024 sity of Maryland where she graduated with man, whom she adored. She is also survived taught, mentored, and opened doors for
MOM & GRANDMA! Walda Jo Martin (Bresnahan) passed away a Bachelor of Science degree in radio, film, by her three sisters Paola Ottolenghi Velli, hundreds of young women scientists, med-
God has you in his keeping. We have you on May 8, 2024, in Glen Allen, Virginia, at and television. She started her career at Marcella Ottolenghi Buxbaum and Gianna ical students, and organization staff. She
in our hearts. We love and miss you. the age of 82. She was born on April 10, WQCM in Hagerstown as an on-air announc- Ottolenghi Galluccio. She was predeceased supported their academic and professional
Diane, Paul Jr., Ronald, Yvette and 1942, in Washington, DC. er. She went on to WKTK in Baltimore before by her parents Elisa Levi Ottolenghi and Ma- growth and was candid about the barriers
Paul III getting her dream job in 1977 at the leg- rio Lazzaro Ottolenghi. she faced as a woman in science who was
Walda was a talented painter who found joy endary DC-area radio station WHFS, where Her experiences fleeing Italian Fascist per- always a devoted and present mother, and
and solace in expressing herself through she was a longtime on –air personality un- secution, as reflected in her Shoah Foun- was often pushed to choose one path or the
DEATH NOTICE art. Her creative spirit shone through her til 1986. She was a trail blazer for women dation testimony, forged her lifetime com- other.
beautiful paintings, each stroke a reflection in broadcasting as one of the first women mitment to protecting those who could not In 2006, the Institute of Medicine presented
of her inner world. disc jockey/radio program hosts in the DC defend themselves. Her experience as a Dr. Nightingale with the highest honor for
BEANBLOSSOM She is survived by her son, Joseph; and
area. 1986 Diane became a host for the syn-
dicated program Real Estate Open House.
Jewish refugee who had to leave the family
and country she loved did not make her bit-
one its members: the annual Walsh McDer-
mott Medal for Distinguished Service.
her devoted and loving daughter; Penny, Upon retirement she did volunteer work for ter; rather, it fueled her more than 50-year In an effort to bring a more diverse array
GARY F. BEANBLOSSOM as well as her grandchildren, Christopher, the DC Ear recording news for the visually career as a pediatrician, microbiologist, ge- of scientists into the NASEM and into lead-
Gary F. Beanblossom passed away on Robert, and Victoria, who was loved as a neticist, scientific and medical researcher, ership roles in science, Dr. Nightingale pio-
March 6, 2024 in Alexandria, Virginia, impaired. Her passion for music, including
granddaughter-in-law. Walda is preceded in attending live musical events remained her public health and science policy expert, and neered an organization-wide effort to exam-
where he resided since 1980. Gary was death by her mother, Mary Louise Bresnah- human rights advocate. ine and address diversity and inclusion. She
born in Seattle, WA May 15, 1935. His par- lifelong passion. Diane was predeceased by
an; her father Joseph Mortimer Bresnahan; her father Anthony, and her mother Janet She decided to become a doctor when she continued to advise on this work well into
ents were Irene and Francis Beanblossom. and her brother, Michael Bresnahan. was in elementary school, determined to her 80’s. In 2022, in recognition of Dr. Night-
He grew up in Renton, WA, and graduated Divola. Diane is survived by her husband of
DIANE J. DIVOLA SHANK (Age 72) 34 years Larry Shank, her sister Mary Jane develop skills that would enable her to help ingale’s contributions, the NASEM Health
from Renton High School in 1953 where Walda’s artistic legacy will live on in the others wherever she lived. As her career and Medicine Division created the Elena
he enjoyed friends, sports, and many good Passed away peacefully on May Abramo, her nephew David Abramo and her
hearts of those who knew and cherished 3, 2024, after a long battle with niece and godchild Caroline Rona. A memo- evolved, she exposed and denounced those Nightingale Award in her honor to recognize
memories. her. She will be deeply missed by all who who used their medical knowledge to per- annually the staff member who contributed
Following a tour in the US Army, Gary grad- Parkinson’s disease. Diane was rial service will be held at a later date. In lieu
had the privilege of knowing her. born 1951 in Babylon NY to of flowers, the family requests donations to petrate harm. most to diversity and inclusion within and
uated from the University of Washington Dr. Nightingale began her career as a labo- beyond the Academies.
with a BA and later completed his masters Janet and Anthony Divola. She the Montgomery County ASPCA.
No Services at this time. attended Suffolk Community www.COLLINSFUNERALHOME.com ratory scientist conducting research in mi- While Dr. Nightingale was gratified by her
and doctorate degrees. After college he crobial genetics. She then moved into clin- robust achievements in science, medicine,
relocated to Virginia and worked for the ical genetics and public health and science public health, and human rights work, what
Department of Education where he was policy, while at the same time she began a she valued most was her beloved family
recognized by his colleagues and man- career-long fight against torture, repression, and her many friends of all ages all over the
agers for his ability to effectively assess
problems, analyze data, and communicate
the findings.
DULANEY and the abuse of children.
In 1989, under the auspices of the American
globe. She was a loving and devoted wife,
mother and grandmother whose greatest
Association for the Advancement of Science joy was being with her family. She made
He loved living in the D.C. area, taking ad- (AAAS), the Institute of Medicine, the Amer- sure that they knew they were always her
vantage of historical classes, Smithsonian as well as several very close cousins, and
innumerable friends in the DC area, across ican Psychiatric Association, and the Amer- top priority.
trips, and enjoying all the sporting events,
especially the Nationals baseball games. MCGEE the country, and around the world. Dale was
born at Children’s hospital in the District of
ican Public Health Association, she led an
investigative human rights mission bringing
She improved the lives of those who knew
her, and of millions more who never had
During retirement he traveled to many US physicians to apartheid-era South Africa the chance to know her. She will be deeply
countries throughout Europe, Asia, Austra- WANDA CORENE VERASKA MCGEE Columbia on November 14, 1951, and grew
up with his grandmother, mother Hattie to examine and document health, health missed and cherished always.
lia, and South America. Gary was an avid Wanda Corene Veraska McGee passed care and human rights violations under the There will be a memorial service/celebra-
walker and enjoyed walking with friends, peacefully away April 5, 2024 at age 85. Mae; and sister Debora Terrell in DC and
Maryland. During this time, he also spent brutal racial segregation laws. They met tion of life for her in the fall.
eating in restaurants, and attending con- She was living at “The Blake” Assisted Liv- with South African physicians who were For those who wish to make a donation in
certs and plays. He was very interested ing Facility in Panama City Beach, Florida. A four years in New Delhi, India, in the 1960s,
where his mother was stationed with the US planning health care for all in a post-apart- Dr. Nightingale’s memory, please contribute
in history and was an excellent guide for native of North Western Kansas she spent heid South Africa. The resulting publication to the Human Rights Watch Children’s Divi-
anyone visiting the area. He made yearly most of her working life in Cabin John, MD, Department of State. After high school, Dale
attended the Maryland Institute College of proved useful to the post-apartheid medical sion, http://www.hrw.org/crddonate
trips to Seattle to visit friends and he kept where she raised her two sons. She moved community.
in contact with all of them as friendships to Cape San Blas, Florida in 1996 after her Art in Baltimore, where he studied design
were very important to him. marriage to Bill McGee. She was a wife, and art, which he then parlayed into an ex-
Gary was a devoted friend and brother and mother, Grandmother. An accomplished tremely successful career for over four-de-
will be missed by all. He is survived by his educator, writer, editor, and artist. She cades in interior and furniture design. As
sister Joan Piukkula and her husband Gary, is survived by her husband Bill McGee of his business grew, he had clients in 10-plus
his brother John Beanblossom; niece Lisa Panama City, Florida; a stepdaughter Cher- states and the Caribbean. During college,
McCollom, and nephew Matthew Piukkula.
The family wants to especially thank his
yl Whipple; a stepson Tim McGee and sons
Dennis Veraska and Douglas Veraska. Also
Dale also spent six years serving his coun-
try in the US Air Force Reserves. Dale was
preceded in death by his grandmother, his
good friends Blanca and Ida for their de- surviving are her older brother and sister
DALE ROBERT DULANEY mother, and his sister. A private memorial Now death notices on washingtonpost.com/obituaries allow
votion and care. Raleigh Eggers And Marcia Zinn. Please
No services. In lieu of flowers donations contact Tim McGee for information about Dale Dulaney, of Washington, DC and Silver will be held at a future date. In lieu of floral you to express your sympathy with greater ease. Visit today.
Spring, MD, died peacefully on Mat 4, 2024 tributes, donations may be made to the Alz-
should be made to the Animal Welfare
League of Alexandria, 4101 Eisenhower
Ave., Alexandria, VA 22304.
local services that will be held at 240-429-
0222. Donations may be made to the Par-
kinson’s Foundation in lieu of flowers.
after living with dementia for over 10 years.
Dale is survived by his partner of 19 years,
heimer’s Foundation of America, 322 Eighth
Avenue, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10001. GHI
C8 EZ RE the washington post . sunday, may 12 , 2024
Carol Nimmer Palmer (born Carol Lee Fox), Hat Society. Carol was an avid musician and Joseph Miller of Silver Spring,
82, of New Market, Virginia, died Wednes- played multiple instruments. Accompanying Maryland entered into eter-
day, April 24, 2024, as the result of a car her interest in genealogy, she was an ardent nal rest peacefully on Sunday,
accident in Greensboro, NC. collector of historic and vintage china and April 28, 2024, at his residence.
other tableware. She loved to travel and Joseph retired from Rosenthal
Carol was born in 1941 in Washington, DC. take road trips to see local places as well Chevrolet in Alexandria, VA.
She was the daughter of the late William Ray as visiting other countries including Norway Joseph was a member of Ionic Lodge #17,
Fox and Myrtle Christine Eidsaa. She was a from where her mother’s family originated. Jonathan Davis Consistory #1, M.W. Prince
graduate of Oak Grove Lutheran High School Hall Grand Lodge, F. & A.M. of the District of
in Fargo, ND, and attended Madison College She is survived by her husband of 25 years, Columbia, where he earned his 33-degree
(now James Madison University). Carol had Timothy W. Palmer; by her daughters, Kris- honors. Service at Good Hope Union United
a 40-year career with the Federal Govern- ten Lee Titus and husband Andy Titus, Susan Methodist Church: 14680 Good Hope Road,
ment starting with the Federal Supply Ser- Nimmer Insisiengmay and husband Thirasit Silver Spring, MD 20905 on Tuesday, May
vice, GSA, and later served with the National Insisiengmay; and stepchildren, Gregory W. 14, 2024, Viewing 10 a.m. funeral 11 a.m.
Archives and Records Administration from Palmer, Stephen D. Palmer, and Lynna Moen, Care entrusted to SNOWDEN FUNERAL
1984 to her retirement in 2007. and her many grandchildren, Tegan N. and HOME and full obituary at
Noah A. Titus, Mason L., Chloe I., and Carter www.snowdencares.com
Carol married David Clare Nimmer on July I. Insisiengmay, Jacob T. Palmer, and Emma
15, 1961, in Shenandoah, VA. Carol and Da- G. and Jackson L. Moen. She is also survived
vid had two children, Kristen Lee Titus of by her brother, William R. Fox, and his wife, MELVIN C. THOMAS MILDRED M. TRACY “Mooie” JOSEPH MCCOLLUM
Alexandria, VA and Susan Nimmer Insisieng- Rebecca K. Fox of Fairfax, VA, and her neph- Entered eternal rest on Monday, April 29, Sunrise Sunset Joseph “Joe” H. McCollum of Springfield,
may of Stafford, Va. They were divorced in ews William R. Fox II and Andrew Tyler Fox 2024. He was preceded in death by his July 12, 1926 February 24, 2012 VA passed away peacefully at home on
1987 and on April 23, 1999, Carol married and their families. parents Lucy Brown Pitts and Cleveland May 4, 2024 with his wife of 61 years, Faye,
Timothy William Palmer, formerly of Quiet
Dell, WV, whom she met while she was play- A viewing for family and friends will be held PHILLIPS Thomas, his stepfather James “J.W.” Pitts,
and his partner Aletha B. Moore. He leaves
My Beloved Mama
I see you and feel you in every beautiful
by his side. He was 84. Joe served in the
U.S. Army and was a semi-pro in baseball,
ing clarinet for the Mt. Vernon Band. on Saturday, May 18, at 2 p.m. at the Bradley to cherish his memory his one and only flower and song. You are ever present... a member of the 700 club in bowling and
Funeral Home, 187 East Main St., Luray, VA. sibling-sister, Frances Jenkins as well as You’re the half that made me whole. a lifetime member of Tantallon Country
She had many special interests and hob- The funeral service will follow at 3 p.m. Im- a host of cousins. He was loved by many My most precious gift from God. Club. Joe will be remembered for his bright
bies and was an active genealogist who mediately after the funeral service, a grave- friends and neighbors. Love lives forever. spirit, cheerfulness, perpetual smile and
researched family history in meticulous de- side service will be held at Beahm’s Chapel Viewing will be held on Wednesday, May Your one and only, Mikki his sense of humor, Joe’s bright light still
tail, with particular attention to connections Cemetery, 211 Lee Highway, Luray, VA. 15, 2024 at 10 a.m., followed by Homego- shines.
related to the American Revolution. She was ing service at 11 a.m. at McGuire Funeral
a member of the Daughters of the Ameri- In lieu of flowers, contributions may be Home, 7400 Georgia Ave. NW, Washington, He is survived by his wife Faye; son Mi-
can Revolution, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, made to Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer DC 20012. Interment, Rock Creek Cem- chael (Mickey); daughter-in-law Kim; and
American Legion, Moose Lodge, Fraternal Foundation or Cat’s Cradle Animal Rescue etery, 201 Allison St. NW, Washington, the other love of his life, his granddaughter
Order of Eagles, New Market Chamber of in Harrisonburg, VA. DC 20011. In lieu of flowers, please send Mikayla as well as cherished nieces, neph-
Commerce, Sons of Norway, and the Red donations in Melvin C. Thomas’ name to ews, and cousins. Following Joe’s wishes,
the Dementia Society of America, P.O. Box his life will be celebrated privately with his
600, Doylestown, Pennsylvania 18901 or immediate family.
POLGREEN website at dementiasociety.org/donate, in
hope for a cure.
In lieu of flowers, if you wish to make a do-
nation in Joe’s memory, they may be made
Dwight Richard Shearer of New Bloomfield, to The Alzheimer’s Association.
PA. She was a Registered Nurse, a loving
mother and grandmother, and a loyal friend FERGUS
to many.
Joan was born in New Bloomfield, PA, she MARGARET BOYD PHILLIPS “Berry”
graduated from the Harrisburg Polyclinic Margaret Boyd “Berry” Phillips, 91, passed
Hospital’s School of Nursing. She practiced
nursing in PA, VA, and Washington, DC, until
away on Sunday, May 5, 2024. Beloved wife
of 67 years to Keith Phillips, sister of Mary VEIHMEYER TRIPP
she married Ensign John (Jake) A. Polgreen, Lou (Berry) Fogg and her husband James,
Jr. Subsequently, she became the mother and aunt to Robyn Winston (Fogg) Owsley
of three children. During her child-rearing and Heather Lohr Berry. Family will receive FREDERICK D. VEIHMEYER
years, and in her spare time, she was a li- guests at 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May On March 14, 2024 beloved husband of
censed Realtor, a Great Books leader, a Girl 15, 2024 at Robert E. Evans Funeral Home, 62 years to Mavreen Veihmeyer (nee Kel-
Scout leader, a counselor at a women’s cri- 16000 Annapolis Rd., Bowie, MD, 20715. ly); devoted father of Tracey Veihmeyer
sis center, and served on the Board of Direc- Service will follow at 3 p.m. at the funeral (Mark Katz), Bill Veihmeyer (Carole) and
tors of a preschool. Upon returning to full- home. Interment is private. In lieu of flow- the late Daniel Veihmeyer; loving grand-
time work in her nursing career, she was a ers, memorial contributions may be made father of Charlie and Danielle; and his
nurse manager for 15 years for an HMO and to Doctors Without Borders USA, PO Box boyhood friend and lifelong pal, Mac Farr;
worked as a case-management consultant 5030 Hagerstown, MD, 21741. dear brother of the late Mary Schatzer and
for a local union. Online condolences may be made on: Jeane Young. A memorial service will be
Mrs. Polgreen was very active in the First www.robertevansfuneralhome.com held on Wednesday, May 29, at Donaldson
JOAN KAY SHEARER POLGREEN Baptist Church of Rockville, where she Funeral Home, P.A., 313 Talbott Avenue,
(Age 87) served in various capacities, including serv- Laurel, MD 20707. The family will welcome
On Monday, April 22, 2024, in Gaithersburg, ing on the Human Resources Committee, visitors in the chapel at 2 p.m., followed
MD Joan passed away. She is the beloved leading the Facilities and Grounds Ministry, by a celebration of life at 3 p.m. In lieu of
wife for 63 years of John Aubrey Polgreen, participating on several minister-search flowers, donations in memory of Frederick ROBERT MICHAEL FERGUS
Jr., she is survived by three children: Lisa teams, and as a Director for the W.E.E. Cen- Veihmeyer may be made to the Defenders Robert “Bob or Bubba” Michael Fergus, 70,
Stewart (Mark) of Myrtle Beach, SC, and ter. of Animal Rights, P.O. Box 25, Phoenix, MD of Annandale, VA, passed away on April 4,
grandsons, Sean of College Park, MD, and
Jeremy (Malone Breland) of Franklin, TN;
She also enjoyed reading, music, and mak-
ing greeting cards on the computer when
PRATT 21131, www.adopt-a-pet.org/support-2/
donate/ or a charity of your choice. Online
2024. He was a caring, loving, kind, and
honest individual. Bob was a Registered
Michael Polgreen (Holly) and granddaugh- not engaged in being a grandma. condolences at: Land Surveyor by profession and held a DARYLE ELWYN TRIPP (Age 96)
ter Mackenzie of Potomac, MD; and Alison A Celebration of Life will be on Saturday, www.donaldsonfuneralhomes.com black belt in Hapmudo, showcasing his U.S AIR FORCE (RET.)
Hoffman of Huntersville, NC. She is also sur- May 18, 2024, at 2 p.m. at the First Bap- dedication and skill in martial arts. Daryle Elwyn Tripp of Alexan-
vived by four sisters: June Slack of University tist Church 55 Adclare Road Rockville, MD dria, VA, passed peacefully on
Park, MD; Jean Sanderson and Gail Sheaffer 20850. Please view and sign online family Bob was a beloved husband to Patricia Fer- May 1, 2024. A career military
of New Bloomfield, PA, and Wendy Shearer guestbook at gus; a cherished father to Nicole Esteves member, he was a graduate of
of Mechanicsburg, PA; and by her brother www. Pumphreyfuneralhome.com and Kimberly Fergus; a doting father-in-law the USNA (Class of ‘50) and a
to Santiago Esteves; a proud grandfather retired USAF Major General.
to Lorenzo Esteves and Jayden Fergus; and He is survived by his oldest son, Richard,
a dear brother to Daniel Fergus.
REEDY VON MOSS He worshipped at St. Michael’s Catholic
daughter-in-law, Connie; grandchildren
Daryle (II), David, Alexis, Brianna, and nu-
merous great-grandchildren. Interment
Church, where he found solace and com- will be at Arlington National Cemetery at
ROBERT RICHARD VON MOSS munity. A memorial service is planned for
to Lois (Hammond) Reedy and Will Reedy. On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 Rob- a later date. Arrangements handled by De-
His daughter Lauren was with him at his May 18, 2024, at the residence of Patricia maine Funeral Home of Alexandria.
ert Richard Von Moss, age 85 Fergus to honor and celebrate Bob’s life.
death on the evening of December 11, 2023 of Gaithersburg, MD. Beloved
at Holly Creek in Centennial, Colorado. husband of the late Mary Jane Bob will be deeply missed by all who knew
Von Moss; loving father of him.
Bruce grew up in Lakewood, Colorado, grad- Robert W. Von Moss (Todgerel)
uating from Lakewood High in 1964. He and Lawrence J. Von Moss. Also survived
went to Swarthmore College, and served as by six grandchildren Hannah, Daniel, Ben-
captain of the lacrosse team in his senior RICHARD HENRY PRATT “Dick” jamin Anar, Matthew and John. Mr. Von
year. He graduated in 1968 with a major in Dick Pratt, 89, of Garrett Park, MD, died Moss retired after 25 years with IBM as a
Political Science. Tuesday April 23, 2024 at home. He is best Computer Programmer and several more
known for his love of trains and trolleys, with Lockheed Martin. A Memorial Service
Bruce was a self-employed, well-respected his work on designing the Washington, DC will be held at Gaithersburg Presbyterian
photographer for decades in the Washing- Metro Rail, VRC, and MD Rt 200. The culmi- Church, 610 S. Frederick Ave., Gaithers-
ton, DC area. For several years in a row, he nation of his career was the three editions burg, MD on Thursday May 16, 2024 at
did the portraits for the Congressional Black of the Traveler Response to Transportation 11 a.m. Inurnment will follow at Parklawn
Caucus. System Changes Handbook. He is survived Memorial Park, Rockville, MD. Please sign
Bruce leaves many to remember him with
by his wife of 63 years, Laura “Peggy” Pratt,
his three children: Laurie, Harriet and Rob
family guestbook at:
love and appreciation: innumerable friends, and their spouses, and their four grandchil-
cousins, colleagues; daughter Lauren; sister dren: Henry, Ben, Haley and Hope.
BRUCE WILLIAM REEDY Gail Iskiyan and family; sister Anna Rain and
Bruce William Reedy was an all-in father, a family; former wife Sandy Martorelli Donald- Memorial to be announced at a later date.
steady friend, a goofy brother, and a delight- son. Please mail condolences to PO Box 158,
ful compatriot to his fellow denizens. Garrett Park, MD 20896. Memorial contri-
A memorial service was held at Holly Creek butions may be made to: ACLU, Rails for
He was born on May 8, 1946, in Boise, Idaho on February 15, 2024. Trails. IN MEMORIAM
SATURDAY-SUNDAY 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Surrounded by her family and comforted by
their love, Mary Ann Ryan Sinnott, passed
classic works of Nobel laureates in liter-
ature and more contemporary offerings TABOR To place a notice, call:
away peacefully in her home on April 20, from Ben Bradlee, Tina Brown, and Domnick 202-334-4122
2024, in Alexandria, Virginia at the age of 87. Dunne. She cherished her roles as mother, BRENDA ANDERSSON KEAN TABOR 800-627-1150 ext 4-4122
Born in 1937 to Gerald and Florence Ryan, grandmother, aunt, and sister, and brought On Saturday, April 20, 2024, of Rockville, EMAIL:
Mary Ann, along with her sister Nancy, spent warmth and grace wherever she went. She MD after a brief illness. Born July 17, 1948 [email protected]
her childhood and early adult life in Chicago, never lost her enthusiasm for a good shop- in Harrow, England to the late Sonja Irene
Illinois. ping trip, and loved traveling with her family, Andersson and Arnold Wilfred Geoffrey
MARLENE A. HERRLING (Age 86) Email and faxes MUST include
hosting holiday events, and keeping up with Marlene Ann (Baran) Herrling of Alexan-
Kean. dria, Virginia passed away peacefully at name, home address & home phone #
Mary Ann was an exemplary student and the latest news and gossip. of the responsible billing party.
always at the top of her class. She was a home on May 6, 2024. She was born on Email deadline - 3 p.m. daily
Beloved mother of Holly K. Tabor (husband, March 2, 1938 in Auburn, New York to John
member of the Aquinas Dominican High A devout Catholic and parishioner at the Eric Wilfrid), Anna-Marie Tabor (husband, Phone-In deadline
School (Chicago, IL) Class of 1954 and went Basilica of St. Mary Catholic Church, Mary and Mary Baran. Marlene graduated from 4 p.m. M-F
Quentin Palfrey), Kristina Tabor Saccone St. Joseph’s Hospital School of Nursing in
on to complete her Bachelor’s Degree at Ann found solace and strength in her faith. (husband, Michael Saccone), and Nicho- 3 p.m. Sa-Su
Saint Mary’s College of Notre Dame in 1958. Her spiritual convictions influenced every Elmira, New York in 1959. On August 6,
las Kean Tabor (wife, Jennifer So); devoted 1960, she married her high school sweet- CURRENT 2023 RATES:
She reluctantly moved to Alexandria in 1969 aspect of her life and Mary Ann leaves be- sister of Janet Lan. Also survived by seven
but soon found that she loved living in the hind a legacy of love, compassion, and ded- heart, Maj. Gen. John P. Herrling, U.S. Army (PER DAY)
cherished grandchildren: Colin, Jasper, An- (Ret.), of Auburn, NY, to whom she was
Washington area. ication. Her memory will be cherished and drew, Serena, Isaac, Max, and Eloise. Ser-
her spirit will continue to inspire all those married for 64 years. For 35 years, Mar- MONDAY-SATURDAY
vices will be private. lene served her country as a dedicated
She was married to Richard L. Sinnott for who knew her. MARY D. BRADY Black & White
27 years. When the marriage ended, Mary May 12, 1921 – December 16, 2011 military spouse, moving between multiple 1" - $160 (text only)
In lieu of flowers, contributions may be countries, and touching the lives of many 2" - $370 (text only)
Ann began her tenure with the Office of Pro- She is survived by her sister Nancy Ryan made to Doctors Without Borders or House In loving memory of Mary D. Brady
Devoted wife, mother, and grandmother through her kindness, love, and generosi- 3" - $525
tocol at the U. S. Department of State. She Sullivan of Chicago, IL; her daughters Mar- of Ruth. 4" - $575
served faithfully and with distinction in that garet Sinnott Mejia (Luis) of Alexandria, VA, And avid Redskins fan. ty. She is survived by John and their three
children, Kathe Rollings (Mike), Karen Her- 5" - $725
position, skillfully balancing her professional Elizabeth Ann Pash (Jeffrey) of New York, For full obituary and to sign the family Happy Birthday from Cathy, Jim, and Mary ------
responsibilities with being the sole caregiv- NY, Jennifer Marie Henson (Brandon) of Al- rling (Daniel Porterfield), Mark Herrling.
guest book, please visit: Marlene and John have eight grandchil- SUNDAY
er and homemaker to her family. Despite exandria, VA, Anne Ryan Craig (Matthew) of www.PumphreyFuneralHome.com Black & White
the challenges, she proudly raised five ex- Haymarket, VA; her son Richard Larkin, Jr. of dren. Marlene will be buried at Arlington 1"- $191 (text only)
ceptional children and welcomed a dozen Alexandria, VA, and grandchildren Robert, Cemetery at a date to be determined. In 2" - $405 (text only)
grandchildren into the family, developing Meghan, and Ryan Mejia; Justin, Lucy, Mi- lieu of flowers, donations may be made 3" - $580
her own special relationship with each one. chael, and Sarah Pash; Cooper Henson; and to the National Museum of Women in the 4" - $610
She was extraordinarily creative, making Abigail, Colin, Jane, and Tatum Craig. Arts (https://nmwa.org) or Sisters of St. Jo- 5" - $790
beautiful clothes for her children and décor seph’s (https://csjoseph.org). Please view
for her homes. She could hang wallpaper,
sew curtains, and design rooms with the
The family wishes to express its deep grat-
itude for the skilled and tender care she
COVINGTON and sign the family guestbook at:
6"+ for ALL Black & White notices
$160 each additional inch Mon - Sat
skill of the most accomplished profession-
als. Mary Ann’s beautiful homes were al-
received from Dr. Elizabeth Phan and nurse
Heidi Leavy, and from her longtime caregiv-
TAEUSCH $191 each additional inch Sunday
ways filled with her children’s friends and er, Lily Castillo. JOHN TAEUSCH Color
colleagues, where they found a generous On April 18, 2024, John Milton Taeusch, of 3" - $670
and welcoming hostess with a wonderful A Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Arlington, VA, passed away after struggling 4" - $725
sense of humor. May 16, 2024, at 10 a.m. at the Basilica with prostate cancer for several years. He 5" - $885
of Saint Mary Catholic Church, 310 South is survived by his brother Carl and sister- ------
Mary Ann never lost her love of learning. Royal St., Alexandria, VA. Those wishing to SUNDAY
in-law, Chizuko of New York, NY, numerous Color
She taught herself how to needlepoint and express their sympathy are asked to consid- cousins and friends living in various re-
made pieces of striking beauty and com- er making a donation to St Mary’s College 3" - $710
gions of the country, especially California, 4" - $810
plexity – many from scratch. She found Donation, in memory of Mary Ann Ryan Sin- Florida, and of course, Maine, as well as
time to learn French, study French cook- nott online at https://www.saintmarys.edu/ 5" - $985
ing, and read widely from both fiction and
non-fiction. Her bookcase was home to
Quebec; and his many friends at Agape
Reservoir and Culpepper Garden. He spent JOHNSON 6"+ for ALL color notices
several decades helping others at Commu- $268 each additional inch Mon - Sat
nity Residences. After retirement, his great $299 each additional inch Sunday
passion was to travel around the country
to see friends and relatives. He especially Notices with photos begin at 3"
loved attending camp in Echo Lake, Cali- (All photos add 2" to your notice.)
TAYLOR fornia, and enjoying the Winter Festival in
Quebec City, Canada, where dear friends ALL NOTICES MUST BE PREPAID
KENNETH LAWRENCE TAYLOR “Ken” will miss his nearly annual presence. A MEMORIAL PLAQUES:
memorial service will be held at 5:30 p.m., MINERVA COLVIN COVINGTON All notices over 2" include
On Friday, May 3, 2024, of Lau- many family members, friends, and others. May 17, 2024, at Mt. Vernon Presbyterian 8/10/1931 ~ 6/7/1994 complimentary memorial plaque
rel, Maryland and formerly of He served as a Deacon at the First Baptist Church, 2001 Sherwood Hall Lane, Alexan- Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection
Mt. Savage, Maryland. He is Church of Beltsville for 24 years. He also dria, VA. A light dinner follows. and the life, He who believes in Me, Additional plaques start at $26 each
survived by his wife of 63 years, worked countless hours maintaining the though he may die, he shall live”. and may be ordered.
Lucille Beeman Taylor, and three building and grounds. John 11:25
children, David Taylor and wife, Loved and remembered always, All Paid Death Notices
Carla, Deborah Anzelone and husband, Mi- Ken lived enthusiastically. He and Lucille Sharon and Mike appear on our website through
chael, and Dianna Taylor; sister, Charlotte travelled the world together. Ken was an www.legacy.com
Nicholson and husband, Charles; grand- avid boat captain and fisherman, big game
daughter, Erin Rubright and husband, Jason,
grandsons, Jeffrey Anzelone, Jensen Taylor,
hunter, Harley-Davidson rider, and street
rodder extraordinaire, building several cars
Included in all death notices
Jeshua Taylor and wife, Hillary, and great from frame to finish. There is nothing he Optional for In Memoriams
granddaughters, Ashlyn and Gemma Taylor; could not build or fix.
also his best friend of 45 years, Steven Hill.
Our hearts ache at our loss, but we have
The George Washington University (GWU)
Ken graduated from Mt. Savage High School many precious memories of him as a hus- eatery at 19th and K Street in downtown D.C. Law Professor, SUSAN R. JONES JOHNSON Notices must be placed via phone or
and moved to the Washington, DC area, band, father, and grandfather. She completed her career as a successful passed away on April 24, 2024 after a brief email. Photos must be emailed. You can
becoming involved in the construction in- real estate agent working for top agencies in illness. Celebration of Life, Unity Church of no longer place notices, drop off photos
dustry. He established Ken-Mar Drywall Inc., A memorial service will be held in his honor the area, always finding the perfect homes DC, 1225 R Street, NW, Friday, May 17. Vis- and make payment in person.
which he owned and operated for 36 years on Saturday June 8, at 11 a.m. at the First for her many clients. Barbara pursued artistic iting 10 a.m.; Service 11 a.m. BODY PLANT- Payment must be made via phone with
before his retirement. Baptist Church of Beltsville, 4700 Odell endeavors throughout her life, from painting ING CEREMONY Congressional Cemetery, debit/credit card.
Road, Beltsville, MD 20705. to making and selling unique beaded jewel- 1801 E. St SE. Monday, May 20, 11 a.m. In
Ken loved the Lord and his family, and www.borgwardtfuneralhome.com ry. She especially enjoyed collecting crafts lieu of flowers, gifts in Susan’s memory can
provided friendship, love and support to made by artisans worldwide. Her dog Olive be made in honor of her mother Dr. Shirley
held a special piece of her heart, but she was Jones, School of Social Welfare, University
most proud of her children, grandchildren, at Albany, NY.
nieces, and nephews. Barbara is survived
by her siblings Rochelle (Peter) and Charles
(Renee); her two children Lauren (Cary) and
Mark (AJ); and her four grandchildren Hazel,
Spingarn High School and graduated from Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences and the loved volunteering at the Fort Myers thrift
DC Teachers College, where she majored in Kosciuszko Foundation. shop, the Surratt House, and Wolf Trap and
mathematics. Barbara worked tirelessly as a continued to do so throughout her tenure in
mathematics teacher and an administrator She was born in Poland but grew up in Vienna, Virginia.
in the DC Public Schools for over 30 years. Buffalo, NY. She arrived in the US with her Lou was a talented seamstress and cook
Active in community service, Barbara was a family and quickly excelled as a top student, who loved hosting guests in her homes
Golden Life member of Delta Sigma Theta becoming valedictorian of her high school across the globe including her Vienna Sup-
Sorority, Inc. All those who knew Barbara graduating class. She won many academ- per Club. She loved collecting and her home
were touched by her strength, leadership ic scholarships and honors. She found her was decorated with treasures from far and
and quiet enthusiasm. passion in the medical field but she also wide. Before Bob passed away, the two en-
realized the need to carry on her parents’ joyed walking the mall at Tyson’s Corner
Left to cherish Barbara’s memory are her tradition of volunteer service. Edwarda was and exploring Meadowlark Botanical Gar-
children, Dr. Richard R. Clark, Jr. (Sandra), a lifelong supporter of humanitarian and dens. They also attended West Point class
Dr. Angela Clark Fields (Dennis), and Regina charitable causes, and was a champion and of 1950 reunions and stayed in touch with
Clark Salathé, Esq. (Gregory); her grandchil- mentor of younger individuals, volunteering Bob’s classmates.
dren, Richard R. Clark III, Alexandra Clark, within both the Polish-American community Lou enjoyed playing bridge with friends and
Noah Fields, Isabella Salathé, Ronen Salathé, and outside it. family including teaching the next genera-
and Hugo Salathé; her nieces, Monica Terry tion her favorite card games. She loved go-
and Deborah Terry Rodriguez; her sister-in- She had a charming smile and boundless ing to new restaurants and trying a variety
law Marie Terry; her surrogate Augusta, GA energy and when asked for help, responded of cuisines, but she always loved cracking
sisters, Eleanor Prince and Carolyn Jackson; positively. She will be missed by everyone crabs, drinking beer with German wurst,
BARBARA JEAN CLARK (Age 84) and a host of other loving relatives and DR. EDWARDA M. BUDA-OKREGLAK who had the pleasure of knowing her. LOUISE MARIE (HERRMANN) LUNN and splitting sandwiches at the Old Brogue.
Barbara Jean Clark passed away peacefully friends. Dr. Edwarda M. Buda-Okreglak of Kensing- August 1, 1927 – May 4, 2024 Throughout her life she kept a sharp eye on
on Sunday, April 28, 2024 at Hartford Hospi- ton, Maryland, passed to eternal rest on She was the beloved wife of Richard her favorite football teams: the West Point
tal, Hartford, CT. Barbara was predeceased Services for Mrs. Clark will take place on May 6, 2024. Zbyszek, dear sister of Bozenna (Bradley) Louise Marie Herrmann Lunn was born Au- Black Knights and the Washington Com-
by her beloved husband of nearly 40 years, Thursday, May 16, 2024 at Nineteenth Street and Anula (Lyle), cherished aunt of Marek gust 1, 1927, in Spring Valley, Illinois to Fe- manders. More recently she enjoyed social-
Richard R. Clark, Esq. Baptist Church, located at 4606 16th St NW, An accomplished medical doctor, Edwarda (Julianne), Krystyna (Douglas), and Alexan- licia (Piotrowski) and John Herrmann. She izing with new friends at the Lodge at Old
Washington, DC 20011. Her viewing will be- was a graduate of Albany Medical College der (Kelly); and doting great-aunt of Roselyn passed away in the early morning of May 4, Trail and three way calls with her son from
A proud native Washingtonian, she was gin at 10 a.m. followed by the funeral ser- and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. She Marie, Emeline, Luna, and Robert Bradley. 2024, at 96 years old. She lived a full and vi- Texas and brother, Jerry.
born May 27, 1939 at Freedmen’s Hospital. vice at 11 a.m. She will be laid to rest with specialized in Hematology-Oncology. She She leaves behind cousins in Poland and in brant life from her early days in Spring Valley Lou is survived by her brother, Jerry Herr-
Barbara was preceded in death by her par- her late husband, Richard R. Clark, at Arling- was associated with Walter Reed Army the USA. She was predeceased by her par- to her peaceful rest in Crozet, Virginia. She is mann of LaSalle; her children, Robin, Bob,
ents Rebecca and Freddie Terry, her brother ton National Cemetery at a future date. Medical Center, NIH and Johns Hopkins ents, Edward and Marianna Buda. a graduate of Hall High School. She met her and Sean; daughters-in-law, Pat and Abby;
Julian and her sister Doris. She attended www.mcguire-services.com University. Among her many awards, she husband Robert (Bob) J. Lunn at Hall High grandchildren, Sara (and husband, Jacob),
received the National Defense Service Med- Visitation will be at Pumphrey Funeral School and the two began courting while Marcella, Casey, Mason, Parker, and Callie;
al for her service in the US Army and the Home, 7557 Wisconsin Ave., Bethesda MD, Bob was on leave from West Point. They great grandchildren, Drake and Wyatt; and
Knight’s Cross of the Order of Merit from on Thursday, May 16, from 3 to 5 p.m. On married in 1951 shortly after Bob graduated many loved extended family members in
the government of Poland. She had leader- Friday, May 17, visitation will be in church and enjoyed 61 years together. Lou was a Illinois Valley and lifelong friends.
ship roles in the Polish American Congress, one hour before Mass begins. dedicated military spouse who travelled the Lou was preceded in death by her husband,
COWAN Friends of John Paul II Foundation, Polish
American Health Association, Our Lady Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Fri-
world with her family, having children in Ja-
pan, England, and Germany. Even with Bob’s
Robert Lunn; parents; older brothers, Gil-
bert, James, and younger brother, Ed; and
Queen of Poland Catholic Parish, Polish day, May 17, at 10 a.m. at Our Lady Queen military obligations, the couple frequently nephew James Herrmann Jr.
cy (FEMA) He developed and implemented American Arts Association, Polish Heritage of Poland RC Church, 9700 Rosensteel Ave., returned to their hometown and loved their Interment will be held at Arlington National
programs in flood plain management, earth- Foundation, and the Polish Legion of Amer- Silver Spring MD, followed by interment at Spring Valley roots. Bob and Lou continued Cemetery at a later date.
quake hazards reduction, hurricane pre- ican Veterans, and was a member of the Gate of Heaven Cemetery. their love of travel after Bob retired from the As an expression of sympathy, the family
paredness, and dam safety. military, visiting Texas multiple times a year suggests donations be made to:
to see their children, grandchildren, and Meadowlark Botanical Gardens
In his last ten years at FEMA he was Direc- eventually great grandchildren, navigating 9750 Meadowlark Gardens Court
tor of The Assistance to Firefighters Grant
Program. Brian was an outstanding federal
LUCK Bob’s driving from the passenger seat. She Vienna VA 22182
The Weather
Showers clear out Today Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday OFFICIAL REC ORD
A t-shower Mostly sunny A couple of Occasional An afternoon Rain and
The dip in the jet stream that has showers rain shower drizzle Temperatures AVERAGE RECORD ACTUAL FORECAST
FEELS*: 67° FEELS: 78° FEELS: 71° FEELS: 73° FEELS: 78° FEELS: 74°
CHNCE PRECIP: 80% P: 0% P: 85% P: 90% P: 40% P: 55%
WIND: WNW 7–14 mph W: S 7–14 mph W: S 8–16 mph W: S 6–12 mph W: N 8–16 mph W: NE 7–14 mph
HUMIDITY: Low H: Low H: Moderate H: High H: Moderate H: Moderate
Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu
Statistics through 5 p.m. Saturday
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Newton is A bullpen
set to have Before Paris Games, migrants must get on a bus or await the next police sweep decision
surgery leaves Nats
on left foot at a loss
Commanders rookie DT RED SOX 4,
suffered the same injury
on right foot in college Eighth-inning double
by Devers propels Boston
The Washington Commanders
will have to wait to see how BOSTON — The eighth inning
Jer’Zhan newton fits into their presented Dave Martinez with a
defense. classic bullpen dilemma. It’s a
The nFL draft’s 36th pick, who choice that managers dread but
goes by “Johnny,” will soon have one they contemplate before-
surgery on his left foot to correct hand, just in case a tough deci-
the same issue he just recovered sion must be made.
from in his right foot, Coach Dan His Washington nationals and
Quinn said saturday before the the Boston Red sox were dead-
second day of rookie minicamp. locked saturday afternoon at
newton had surgery in Janu- Fenway Park. Martinez has faced
ary to repair a partial Jones frac- many tough bullpen decisions
ture — a break of the fifth meta- and will tackle many more, but
tarsal, the bone that connects the this time his choice helped swing
pinkie toe to the base of the foot — the game in Boston’s favor as the
in his right foot. He suffered the nationals lost, 4-2.
injury during his final season at The situation: Left-hander
Illinois; after surgery, he missed Robert Garcia had faced the min-
much of the pre-draft process, imum three hitters required and
save for pro day in April. recorded two outs in a 2-2 game.
“The foot that he had the pro- Right-hander Hunter Harvey
cedure done is actually doing was warming up in the bullpen as
really well,” Quinn said. “He has Boston slugger Tyler o’neill
an issue with the other foot, so stepped to the plate. Martinez
he’ll get a procedure done in the appeared to have two options:
next week and then get back walk o’neill, a righty, to set up a
started and get going with the matchup between Garcia and
process again. . . . In some ways, lefty Rafael Devers, Boston’s best
when you have to get a procedure hitter — or bring in Harvey, one
done, it’s better to do it early [so] of the nationals’ top relievers, to
that this didn’t happen at the end take on o’neill.
of August or september and it Martinez went with the first
sets you back.” option, intentionally walking
It’s unclear when newton suf- o’neill after Garcia threw two
fered the left foot injury and change-ups low. Devers took
when the Commanders became sEE nATiOnAlS on d5
aware of it. newton told reporters BY A LBERT S AMAHA
April 26 that he was “fully healed” nationals at red sox
and “fully ready to go” after recov- 1:30 p.m., MASN
ering from the right foot injury. PARIS — He had been living in the tent for nine days bridge, and officers ordered rubbernecking bystand-
Quinn said saturday that the left when the police arrived. ers to keep it moving.
foot injury was discovered when “Bonjour, monsieur!” an officer shouted. “Réveil!” Dak huddled with friends at the edge of the camp.
newton had a checkup on his
right foot, but he didn’t say when
that took place.
Ba Dak crawled out of his sleeping bag, unzipped
the tent flap and stepped into the frigid February air.
The camp, tucked beneath the Charles de Gaulle
All younger than 21, they had journeyed thousands of
miles before finding refuge here as global conflicts
continue to compel millions to flee their homelands
In baseball,
“When you check both, that’s
where it came back,” Quinn said.
“By no means is this on him or . . .
Bridge on the northern bank of the seine River,
bustled with movement in the windy pre-dawn
in search of work and stability elsewhere.
Dak was 20 and from a family of farmers in south
sudan. He spent his teenage years as a soldier, then
the ace is
the team in a bad way. Honestly,
just an unfortunate act. We’ll get
him right.”
Police officers in neon green vests marched be-
tween rows of tents, whose inhabitants rose from
slumber to pack their belongings. on either side of
fled north, by car through sudan and Libya, by boat
across the Mediterranean sea and by train across
Italy and switzerland, arriving in Paris after nearly
Quinn declined to offer a time-
line for newton’s recovery or his
return to the field, reiterating
the camp, armed officers in black stood watch,
forming lines that blocked pedestrians and bicyclists
on the promenade. Above, police vans spanned the
two years. He aspires to become a boxer and yearned
for France, he said, because it produced his favorite
sEE OlymPicS on d6
only that the team has high hopes
for him. newton observed the Here is the state
final two days of rookie minicamp of the ace as this
from the sideline with a walking baseball season
boot on his left leg. hits its stride:
“We’ll get right into him get- Gerrit Cole of the
ting the procedure and getting new York
started,” Quinn said. “Knowing Barry Yankees, who led
him, this is one tough customer, Svrluga the American
so it’ll be likely ‘slow down’ [rath- League in ERA,
er] than ‘hurry up.’ ” innings pitched and walks and
The Commanders selected hits per inning pitched en route
newton near the top of the to the Cy Young Award last
sEE cOmmAndERS on d5 season, got “fired up” — his
words — because he threw
15 pitches off a mound. He has
yet to pitch in a game.
nBa playoffs
spencer strider, the Atlanta
The Celtics look more like Braves’ 20-game winner from
themselves as they cruise 2023, is out for the year after
elbow surgery. Max scherzer and
past the Cavaliers to grab Jacob deGrom, who should join
a 2-1 lead in the series. d3 nathan Eovaldi atop the rotation
of the World series champion
horse racing Texas Rangers, haven’t pitched
yet this year. Eovaldi has joined
Kentucky Derby winner them on the injured list.
Mystik Dan is slated to Blake snell, the national
compete in the Preakness League Cy Young winner from
Stakes on Saturday. d5 2023, didn’t sign until late in the
soccer TOP: A police sweep is conducted at a homeless encampment along the banks of the Seine River. his new team, the san Francisco
ABOVE: Ba dak, a South Sudan refugee, settles in at his temporary apartment in southern France. Giants, for whom he is now on
Christian Benteke rises the injured list. Logan Webb,
to the occasion with three snell’s teammate with the Giants
who was the runner-up for Cy
goals on headers as D.C. Young last year, hasn’t seen the
United wins in Atlanta. d10 sEE SVRlugA on d5
d2 eZ M2 the washington post . sunday, may 12 , 2024
nBa RounDup
Nuggets spoil Timberwolves’ party, get back in series Donovan Mitchell scored 33
points for Cleveland, but the
all-star guard aggravated a left
team. So we just want to continue
to do the things that get us these
W’s, and it starts on the defensive
knee injury in the fourth quarter end.”
MINNEAPOLIS — set about spoiling the party by 30 points in his 38 minutes, and If that doesn’t resonate within and was labored. With Boston up Doncic came into the game
On A night of steamrolling their way to a their offense finally generated you as a competitor, I don’t know 13 and in control, Mitchell left the with a sprained right knee and a
the nBa unfulfilled pomp 117-90 blowout victory that open looks on cuts and lobs what will. Our guys answered court with 1:19 left and walked sore left ankle and took a hard
Ben and circumstance shifted the pressure back onto thanks to Jokic’s improved focus the bell. They showed me they directly to the locker room. fall on his back in the final two
Golliver began with the Timberwolves. and timing. still believe.” Cleveland got within nine minutes when he and Lu Dort,
Anthony Edwards Changing venues somehow Murray, who was showered Minnesota will aim to take a three times in the fourth, but the the primary defender on the NBA
dancing on the court, multiple flipped the series upside down. with boos throughout the first 3-1 series lead at home Sunday, Celtics, who went just 8 of 35 on scoring champion, jumped for a
award presentation ceremonies Denver’s chronic slow starts gave half as punishment for his though it must first process its three-pointers in Game 2, got loose ball. A jump ball was called,
and the public address way to a 28-20 lead at the end of reckless toss of a heat pack from first loss of the postseason. The back-to-back threes from Payton and Doncic retrieved the loose
announcer’s booming voice: the first quarter. Minnesota’s the bench area onto the court Timberwolves made it look easy Pritchard and Derrick White to ball with Dallas up three.
“Target Center: We waited 20 ruthless pressure defense was during Game 2, responded with while sweeping the Phoenix stave off the Cavaliers’ comeback.
years for this moment!” nowhere to be found, replaced a steady and spry 24 points and Suns in the first round, but the Game 4 is Monday night in Suns turn to Budenholzer
Well, maybe not this exact by a slow outfit that kept five assists. The 27-year-old Nuggets are a more tested and Cleveland. Mike Budenholzer is the new-
moment. running afoul of the referees. guard appeared to move much more talented opponent. Down by 23 and unable to stop est coach of the Phoenix Suns,
The Minnesota Timberwolves “We didn’t start the game with better on his injured calf thanks For the Timberwolves to Tatum, the Cavaliers clawed with the franchise turning to the
triumphantly returned home the same teeth and intensity to the extra time off. steady themselves, Rudy Gobert back. man who beat it in the 2021 NBA
from Denver with a 2-0 lead over defensively like we had been “It just makes you better,” must put up a better fight They cut Boston’s lead to 15 by Finals.
the Nuggets and a chance to host doing,” Timberwolves Coach Murray said of the boos. “You against Jokic in the middle, the end of the third and scored The 54-year-old Budenholzer
a second-round playoff game for Chris Finch said. “[There were] a have to respond. I like to cherish Jaden McDaniels has to defend the first six points in the fourth, replaces Frank Vogel, who was
the first time since 2004. As the couple of ticky-tack fouls early. I that moment. It makes you have without fouling, and Reid needs sending their towel-waving fired Thursday after one season.
defending NBA champion don’t know if that softened us to lock in and be there for your to get his offensive game back on crowd at Rocket Mortgage Field- The former Milwaukee Bucks
Nuggets used a rare three-day up. I thought there were some teammates. That definitely fuels track. Edwards can’t succumb to House looking for another upset coach agreed to the deal Friday,
mid-series break to lick their unfortunate calls. The point-of- me during the game and keeps the temptation to bomb away into a frenzy. and the team made the hiring
wounds and brainstorm how to attack defense was not where it me in that mood. I probably from outside and must But whenever the Celtics need- official Saturday.
get stars Nikola Jokic and Jamal needed to be, and that’s where it deserve the boos. I’m not shying remember to apply greater ed a bucket, they went to either The Suns did not release terms
Murray on track, the starts and ends for us.” away from it.” pressure to Denver’s interior Tatum or Brown, who broke of the contract.
Timberwolves pulled out all the Denver’s porous defense, Denver’s star duo combined to defense.
stops Friday to set the stage for a which had been powerless to deliver a counterpunch that Despite their disillusionment,
raucous Game 3. stop Edwards in the first two surprisingly never came in the Target Center patrons
Expectant fans, riding high games, showed backbone by Monday’s Game 2. In turn, the displayed impressive resolve as
from a pair of commanding road protecting the paint and clearing Nuggets shot 14 for 29 from Denver’s lead hit 20 points in the
wins, were given a free white the glass. Minnesota’s scorching deep, their best outside shooting second quarter and then 30
T-shirt and white towel, and co- offense fizzled out, undone by performance of this playoff run. midway through the fourth.
owner Alex Rodriguez wore missed layups, out-of-rhythm All five Denver starters scored in There was only so much they
white from head to toe for the jumpers and turnovers. Finch double figures, a telltale sign could do with nothing to cheer,
“White Out.” Edwards, the face decried his team’s “sluggish and that the offense was grooving and they directed their
of Minnesota’s sudden success, slow” pace and “lazy” effort better than it has through most frustration at the referees during
bopped around the court during generating shots. of this choppy title defense. a late sequence that saw Nickeil
warmups, soaking in the Edwards led Minnesota with “It might have been the best Alexander-Walker and Kyle
applause while launching half- 19 points and had six rebounds game of the playoffs for us,” Anderson draw technical fouls.
court shots. All-star center Karl- and five assists, but he said Nuggets Coach Michael Malone By then, the result was in hand
Anthony Towns was honored as afterward he would “take the said. “I had an edit made. It was and long white queues had
the NBA’s social justice blame for this loss [because] I a two-minute edit of every formed in the aisles, headed for
champion of the year with a came out with no energy at all.” talking head in this country the exits.
taped video message from Hall By contrast, Denver’s stars saying this series is over, the Before their long-awaited
of Fame center Kareem Abdul- looked rejuvenated. Jokic, who Nuggets are done, it’s a wrap, party unraveled, the full building
Jabbar, then forward Naz Reid won his third MVP award they’re toast, and Minnesota is had savored a “Wolves in four!”
received a loud ovation as he Wednesday, kicked up his play the better team. . . . Most of the chant. As the final minutes
accepted his sixth man of the with 24 points, 14 rebounds and time I don’t give a damn what ticked away, a hopeful pack of sue oGrockI/assocIated Press
year trophy shortly before tip. nine assists. The Nuggets they say, but I knew that this stragglers shouted a modest Jayson Tatum avoided the poor shooting that plagued the Celtics in
Within minutes, the Nuggets outscored the Timberwolves by would maybe strike a chord. . . . revision: “Wolves in five!” Game 2, finishing with 33 points to beat Dean Wade’s Cavaliers.
d4 eZ M2 the washington post . sunday, may 12 , 2024
national league american league
East W l pct GB l10 str cEntral W l pct GB l10 str WEst W l pct GB l10 str East W l pct GB l10 str cEntral W l pct GB l10 str WEst W l pct GB l10 str
philadelphia 28 12 .700 — 9-1 W-2 Milwaukee 24 15 .615 — 6-4 W-3 x-Los angeles 26 14 .650 — 8-2 L-1 Baltimore 26 12 .684 — 8-2 W-3 cleveland 24 16 .600 — 4-6 L-3 x-seattle 21 18 .538 — 5-5 W-1
atlanta 24 12 .667 2 5-5 W-4 chicago 23 17 .575 11/2 5-5 L-1 x-san Diego 21 20 .512 51/2 7-3 W-2 new York 26 15 .634 11/2 7-3 L-1 x-kansas city 24 16 .600 — 7-3 W-3 x-Texas 22 19 .537 — 6-4 L-2
Washington 19 19 .500 8 5-5 L-1 pittsburgh 18 22 .450 61/2 4-6 W-1 arizona 18 22 .450 8 5-5 L-2 Boston 20 19 .513 61/2 4-6 W-1 Minnesota 23 16 .590 2 7-3 L-1 oakland 18 22 .450 31/2 5-5 L-2
new York 18 20 .474 9 4-6 L-2 cincinnati 17 22 .436 7 1-9 L-1 san Francisco 18 23 .439 8 1/
2 4-6 W-1 Tampa Bay 20 20 .500 7 6-4 W-1 Detroit 20 19 .513 3 1/
2 4-6 W-1 Houston 14 25 .359 7 4-6 L-1
Miami 10 31 .244 181/2 3-7 L-5 st. Louis 15 24 .385 9 1-9 L-7 colorado 11 28 .282 141/2 4-6 W-3 Toronto 18 21 .462 81/2 4-6 W-1 chicago 12 28 .300 12 6-4 W-4 x-Los angeles 14 25 .359 7 3-7 L-2
x-Late game x-Late game
red sox 4, nationals 2 pirates 10, cubs 9 Blue Jays 10, twins 8 n ot E s
NatioNaLS aB r h Bi BB So avg paul skenes struck out ernie clement broke an
Young cf..............4 0 0 0 0 2 .275 seven over four-plus in- 8-all tie with a bases-loaded
Abrams ss...........4 0 2 0 0 0 .271
García 2b.............4 0 0 0 0 1 .307 nings in his major league single in the seventh, and pErsonnEl dEpt.
Meneses 1b ........4 1 1 1 0 2 .220 debut and Yasmani Gran- Toronto overcame a six-run Mariners: rHp Bryan
Winker dh ...........3 0 0 0 1 3 .238
Ruiz c ..................3 0 0 0 0 1 .145 dal hit a go-ahead three- deficit to beat Minnesota.
Rosario lf ............2 1 1 1 1 0 .167
Woo left Friday’s game
run homer as pittsburgh twiNS aB r h Bi BB So avg
Lipscomb 3b........3 0 0 0 0 1 .242
edged chicago. Julien 2b..............4 1 2 0 1 2 .215
against the athletics with
Robles rf .............2 0 0 0 0 2 .250
totaLS 29 2 4 2 2 12 — Larnach dh...........5 0 2 1 0 2 .350 one out in the fifth inning
cUBS aB r h Bi BB So avg Jeffers c ..............5 1 1 1 0 3 .292
Tauchman dh....... 4 1 2 2 1 1 .279 Kepler rf ..............5 1 2 0 0 1 .329 for precautionary reasons
rED SoX aB r h Bi BB So avg
Suzuki rf .............. 5 1 2 1 1 2 .313 Correa ss .............4 2 2 1 1 0 .286 after experiencing
Duran cf ............... 3 0 1 1 0 0 .265 Bellinger cf .......... 4 0 0 1 2 1 .257 Kirilloff lf.............4 0 1 1 0 1 .219
Refsnyder ph-lf.... 1 0 1 0 0 0 .341 Morel 3b .............. 3 0 1 0 0 1 .220 Castro cf..............4 1 1 0 0 1 .271 tightness in his arm.
Abreu rf................ 3 1 1 1 0 0 .284 Madrigal ph-3b.... 2 0 0 0 0 1 .208 Santana 1b..........4 2 2 3 0 0 .203
González ph-ss .... 1 1 0 0 0 0 .273 Happ lf................. 4 1 0 0 0 1 .225 Miranda 3b..........4 0 0 0 0 2 .280 Mets: oF Brandon
O'Neill lf-rf........... 3 1 0 0 1 1 .271 Hoerner ss........... 3 2 1 2 1 1 .272 totaLS 39 8 13 7 2 12 —
Devers 3b ............. 4 0 2 2 0 2 .288 Busch 1b .............. 2 1 0 1 3 2 .250 nimmo left saturday’s
Grissom dh........... 4 0 0 0 0 1 .120 Mastrobuoni 2b... 4 2 3 1 1 0 .167
Smith 1b .............. 3 0 0 0 0 2 .167 BLUE JaYS aB r h Bi BB So avg game against the Braves
Gomes c............... 4 1 1 1 1 3 .203
McGuire c ............. 3 0 1 0 0 0 .273 Schneider lf.........4 3 3 2 0 1 .287
Hamilton 2b ......... 3 1 0 0 0 0 .200 totaLS 35 9 10 9 10 13 — Kiermaier cf ........0 0 0 0 0 0 .224 after the fourth inning
Rafaela ss-cf........ 3 0 0 0 0 1 .211 Varsho cf-lf .........3 1 1 1 2 0 .222 with what the team
piratES aB r h Bi BB So avg Guerrero 1b .........5 1 4 3 0 0 .272
totaLS 31 4 6 4 1 7 —
McCutchen dh.....4 2 2 1 1 1 .187 Turner dh.............5 0 0 0 0 0 .250 described as a right
waShiNgtoN 010 010 000 — 2 4 2 Reynolds lf..........4 0 1 0 1 2 .240 Jansen c ..............5 2 3 2 0 0 .315
BoStoN ..........001 010 02X — 4 6 1 Joe 1b .................5 1 1 3 0 1 .284 Bichette ss..........5 1 1 1 0 1 .200 intercostal irritation.
Tellez 1b .............0 0 0 0 0 0 .194 Kiner-Falefa 2b ...5 1 2 0 0 0 .284
E: Lipscomb (6), Abrams (4), Hamilton Cruz ss ................4 2 2 1 0 0 .268 Biggio rf ..............2 1 1 0 1 1 .205 phillies: slugger kyle
(4). LoB: Washington 3, Boston 4. 2B: Olivares rf...........3 0 0 0 1 1 .214 Springer ph-rf .....0 0 0 0 1 0 .206
Duran (9), Devers (8). hr: Meneses (1), Suwinski rf .........0 0 0 0 0 0 .171 Clement 3b..........4 0 1 1 0 0 .269 schwarber sat out a game
off Criswell; Rosario (4), off Criswell;
Abreu (3), off Irvin. rBi: Meneses (19),
Gonzales 2b ........3 1 0 0 1 0 .143 totaLS 38 10 16 10 4 3 — for the first time this
Grandal c.............4 2 2 3 0 0 .235
Rosario (8), Abreu (14), Duran (16), De- Triolo 3b..............3 0 1 0 1 1 .213 MiNNESota .. 313 100 000 — 8 13 0 season vs. the Marlins
vers 2 (14). SB: Hamilton (4). cS: Rob- Taylor cf..............4 2 2 2 0 1 .234 toroNto....... 012 032 20X — 10 16 1
les (1).
totaLS 34 10 11 10 5 7 —
because of a sore back.
NatioNaLS ip h rEr BBSo NpEra E: Schneider (1). LoB: Minnesota 6, To-
Irvin...................7 4 2 2 0 61033.55 chicago........ 000 170 001 — 9 10 0
ronto 9. 2B: Santana (5), Castro (10), rays: closer pete
Correa (6), Kepler (8), Schneider (8),
Garcia ...............1 2 2 2 1 1 186.35 pittSBUrgh . 004 231 00X — 10 11 0 Varsho (8). hr: Santana (6), off Gaus- Fairbanks was reinstated
rED SoX ip h rErBB So NpEra LoB: Chicago 12, Pittsburgh 5. 2B: Tauch- man; Jeffers (9), off Pop; Bichette (2),
man (9), Mastrobuoni (1), Cruz (6), Reyn- off Woods Richardson; Schneider (4), off from the 15-day injured
Criswell .............5 3 2 2 1 9 792.10 Woods Richardson; Jansen (4), off
Bernardino .....11/3 1 0 0 0 1 140.53
olds (9). hr: Hoerner (2), off Skenes; Joe
list after missing 19
(4), off Steele; Cruz (6), off Steele; Taylor
Slaten............... 2/3 0 0 0 1 0 111.74 games with nerve-related
(1), off Steele; Grandal (1), off Thomp- twiNS ip h r Er BB So Era
Martin ..............1 0 0 0 0 0 134.40
son; McCutchen (4), off Lovelady.
Jansen ..............1 0 0 0 0 2 162.84
cUBS ip h r Er BB So Era
Woods Rich-
..41/3 8 5 5 1 2 3.24 issues in his right hand.
wp: Martin (2-1); Lp: Garcia (0-2); S: Sands .................11/3 3 3 3 0 1 4.08
Jansen (6). iBB: off Garcia (O’Neill).
Steele .................. 4 6 6 6 2 3 4.73
Okert....................1/3 1 0 0 1 0 3.86
yankees: ace Gerrit cole
Thompson ........... 1 2 3 3 2 2 4.97
hBp: Martin (Robles). t: 2:13. a: 30,995 Jackson ................1/3 2 2 2 0 0 6.87 threw 29 pitches — which
Lovelady .............. 1 2 1 1 0 0 6.75
(37,755). Thielbar................1/3 1 0 0 2 0 6.23
Cuas..................... 2 1 0 0 1 2 9.00
how thEY ScorED Staumont...........11/3 1 0 0 0 0 0.00 included 13 curveballs —
piratES ip h r Er BB So Era
NatioNaLS SEcoND Skenes................. 4 6 3 3 2 7 6.75 BLUE JaYS ip h r Er BB So Era and reached 89 mph in
Joey Meneses homers. Jesse Winker Nicolas................ 2/3 0 4 4 3 2 7.71 Gausman.............. 3 10 7 6 2 6 4.95 his third bullpen session
walks. Keibert Ruiz strikes out swing- Fleming ............... 0 1 1 1 1 0 3.50 Pop ....................... 1 2 1 1 0 0 3.18
ing. Eddie Rosario grounds out. Jesse Holderman........ 11/3 0 0 0 3 1 0.82 Gene J. puskar/associaTeD press Richards............... 2 0 0 0 0 2 2.84 since injuring his elbow
Winker out at second. Chapman ............. 1 1 0 0 1 2 4.15 Swanson .............. 1 0 0 0 0 1 13.5
Nationals 1, red Sox 0 Stratton .............. 1 0 0 0 0 1 4.19 García................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 0.63
during spring training.
rED SoX thirD
Ceddanne Rafaela strikes out swinging.
Bednar ................. 1
wp: Holderman (1-0); Lp: Thompson
2 1 1 0 0 9.64 Cooking with gas Romano................ 1 1 0 0 0 2 4.15
wp: Swanson (1-2); Lp: Jackson (1-2); S:
Jarren Duran grounds out. wilyer abreu
homers. Tyler O’Neill grounds out. (1-1); S: Bednar (7). Fleming pitched to Paul Skenes allowed three runs over four innings while striking out seven in his major league debut for Romano (6). inherited runners-scored: today
Nationals 1, red Sox 1 2 batters in the 5th inherited runners- Sands 1-1, Okert 2-2, Thielbar 2-2, Stau-
NatioNaLS FiFth scored: Nicolas 2-2, Fleming 3-2, Holder- the Pirates on Saturday. Skenes reached 100 mph on 17 of his 84 pitches against the Cubs at PNC Park. mont 3-0. wp: Sands. t: 3:08. a: 35,069
Eddie rosario homers. Trey Lipscomb man 3-2. hBp: Skenes (Hoerner), Nico-
flies out. Victor Robles strikes out las (Happ). t: 2:56. a: 34,924 (38,753). Interleague games
swinging. Jacob Young called out on
strikes. NatioNaLS at rED SoX, 1:35
Nationals 2, red Sox 1
rED SoX FiFth
Reese McGuire singles. David Hamilton
hits into a force out. Reese McGuire out
rays 7, yankees 2
randy arozarena hom-
ered and drove in four runs
phillies 8, Marlins 3
Bryson stott hit a tie-
breaking, bases-loaded tri-
Braves 4, Mets 1
Max Fried and two reliev-
ers combined for 82/3 hitless
orioles 5,
diamondbacks 4 (11) Westburg’s fourth hit Gore (L)
Era tEaM
3.44 3-4
Surprise Kentucky Derby winner Mystik Dan is set to run in the Preakness
BY C HUCK C ULPEPPER travel to Baltimore on Sunday.” past week that he would take at join the recent Derby winners funny Cide in 2003, Smarty Jones der an extended Churchill Downs
mcPeek added of the 38-year- least much of the time allotted who have skipped the Preakness. in 2004, Big Brown in 2008, I’ll suspension. Pimlico has not sus-
The Preakness, beset in two of old jockey, the human hero of the before settling on a decision. And Those were Country House in Have Another in 2012, California pended Baffert, who in 2021 ran
its past five runnings with the Derby, “Brian Hernandez will on the evening after the Derby 2019 and long-shot winner rich Chrome in 2014, American Derby winner medina Spirit even
absence of the Kentucky Derby ride. [mystik Dan] didn’t win the ended, he had pointed back to Strike in 2022. Pharoah in 2015 and Justify in though Baffert stayed home in
winner, got a boost Saturday Derby without the job Brian did. what he considered his own mis- Before 2019, the previous Der- 2018. California after medina Spirit’s
when trainer Kenny mcPeek an- I’m thrilled Brian is finally getting judgment of last fall, when he ran by winner to miss the Preakness only one of those winners, disqualification from a Derby win
nounced he will run Derby winner the credit he deserves.” mystik Dan at Churchill Downs was Grindstone in 1996, after he Charismatic in 1999, won the Der- for a legal medicine still present in
mystik Dan in Baltimore. This mcPeek, a 61-year-old longtime on Nov. 12 and then, after the colt won by a nose over Cavonnier in a by with odds longer than those of his system after the allowed date.
followed hints that mcPeek might horseman who has trained since impressed with a maiden win, ran Derby photo finish while suffer- mystik Dan, who went off as 18-1. medina Spirit ran third in the
have relented as he carefully stud- 1985 and works from Lexington, him again Nov. 25. ing an injury that ended his ca- Charismatic had gone off at 31-1 in Preakness, and then Baffert did
ied his colt through the week since scored his first Derby win and “And he coughed up a lung reer. The decision to run in the Louisville before starting in Balti- not enter the 2022 event before in
mystik Dan won by a nose may 4 third Triple Crown race win when infection on me,” mcPeek said. Preakness has become more more as a doubted fifth choice at 2023 bringing National Treasure,
in the first triple photo finish at mystik Dan wound up edging “Learned a little lesson there with fraught in recent years with 8-1 and winning by a length and a who won it on the same day Baf-
the Derby since 1947. second-place Sierra Leone and him.” mystik Dan ran fifth in that heightened attention to the well- half. from among the 11 to pull off fert’s Havnameltdown broke
“mystik Dan is well and acts third-place forever Young largely race of Nov. 25, as he did in the being of the animals, especially the double, only American down and died in an earlier race.
like he’ll be ready to run in the because of Hernandez’s rail-hug- Smarty Jones Stakes on Jan. 1, with the racehorses less durable Pharoah and Justify won the Tri- In that Arkansas Derby of
Preakness,” the Kentucky-based ging ride. mcPeek became the first before winning the Southwest at than in the sport’s heights at the ple Crown. march 30, muth ran two lengths
mcPeek said in a statement. “I’ve trainer since Ben Jones in 1952 to oaklawn in Arkansas on feb. 3 middle of last century. mystik Dan’s presence will cre- ahead of second-place Just Steel,
discussed the decision with own- win both the coveted filly race, the and finishing third in the Arkan- Since Grindstone, 11 Derby ate something of a duel atmos- who ran 41/4 lengths ahead of mys-
ers Lance Gasaway, Daniel Ham- Kentucky oaks, on the friday of sas Derby on march 30. winners have gone on to win the phere given the presence of muth, tik Dan.
by, Brent Gasaway and Scot Ham- Derby weekend and then the Der- With seven more months of Preakness: Silver Charm in 1997, the Arkansas Derby winner who
by, and we plan to run may 18th. by on Saturday. seasoning and growth since No- real Quiet in 1998, Charismatic in missed the Derby because his Preakness Stakes
The colt’s had a good week. He will mcPeek had stated late this vember, the 3-year-old will not 1999, War Emblem in 2002, trainer, Bob Baffert, remained un- Saturday, 6:50 post time, NBC
With the Olympics approaching, living in a tent brings constant risk of eviction
OLyMpICS from D1
nbA playoffs Stanley Cup playoffs MLS Charlotte FC 1, nashville SC 0 PGA Tour nASCAr Cup Series
first round first round eAst w L t pts Gf GA nAshViLLe 0 0 0 weLLs fArGo chAMpionship GoodYeAr 400 Lineup
Best of seven Best of seven Inter Miami CF ..................8 2 3 27 35 20 chArLotte 0 1 1 At Quail Hollow Club; in Charlotte After Saturday qualifying; race Sunday.
Cincinnati ..........................7 2 3 24 15 10 purse: $20 million
eAstern conference eAstern conference first half: None. Yardage: 7,558; par: 71 At Darlington (S.C.) Raceway
New York...........................5 2 5 20 20 18 second half: 1, Charlotte FC, Agyemang, 3, 52nd minute. Lap length: 1.37 miles
ceLtics eLiMinAted heAt, 4-1 rAnGers eLiMinAted cApitALs, 4-0 Toronto FC ........................6 5 1 19 16 17 Goalies: Nashville, Joe Willis, Elliot Panicco; Charlotte third round (Car number in parentheses)
Game 1: at Boston 114, Miami 94 Game 1: at New York 4, Washington 1 New York City FC ..............5 5 2 17 14 14 FC, Kristijan Kahlina, David Bingham. Xander Schauffele ........................ 64 67 70 — 201 -12
Game 2: Miami 111, at Boston 101 Game 2: at New York 4, Washington 3 Charlotte FC ......................5 5 2 17 13 13 1. (45) Tyler Reddick, Toyota, 170.124 mph.
Yellow cards: Boyd, Nashville, 22nd; Lovitz, Nashville, Rory McIlroy .................................. 67 68 67 — 202 -11
Game 3: Boston 104, at Miami 84 Game 3: New York 3, at Washington 1 D.C. United ........................4 3 5 17 19 19 2. (6) Brad Keselowski, Ford, 170.018.
56th; Vargas, Charlotte FC, 76th; Davis, Nashville, 88th; Sungjae Im .................................... 68 68 69 — 205 -8
Game 4: Boston 102, at Miami 88 Game 4: New York 4, Washington 2 Columbus ..........................3 2 6 15 13 11 3. (17) Chris Buescher, Ford, 169.543.
Smalls, Charlotte FC, 90th+6. Sepp Straka ................................... 68 71 67 — 206 -7
Game 5: at Boston 118, Miami 84 Philadelphia ......................3 3 5 14 21 19 4. (54) Ty Gibbs, Toyota, 169.491.
hurricAnes eLiMinAted isLAnders, 4-1 Nashville, Joe Willis; Josh Bauer, Brent Kallman (Walker Jason Day ...................................... 68 67 73 — 208 -5
knicks eLiMinAted 76ers, 4-2 Atlanta..............................3 5 3 12 16 14 Zimmerman, 46th), Daniel Lovitz, Jack Maher (Shaq 5. (24) William Byron, Chevrolet, 169.397.
Game 1: at Carolina 3, New York 1 Byeong Hun An ............................. 70 68 71 — 209 -4 6. (5) Kyle Larson, Chevrolet, 169.374.
Game 1: at New York 111, Philadelphia 104 Game 2: at Carolina 5, New York 3 Orlando City ......................3 5 3 12 14 20 Moore, 74th); Anibal Godoy (Amar Sejdic, 65th), Hany
CF Montreal ......................3 5 3 12 15 23 Sam Burns ..................................... 71 68 70 — 209 -4 7. (11) Denny Hamlin, Toyota, 169.310.
Game 2: at New York 104, Philadelphia 101 Game 3: Carolina 3, at New York 2 Mukhtar, Alex Muyl, Dru Yearwood (Jacob Shaffelburg, Stephan Jaeger ............................. 73 65 71 — 209 -4
Game 3: at Philadelphia 125, New York 114 Nashville ...........................2 4 5 11 14 19 74th); Tyler Boyd (Sean Davis, 65th), Sam Surridge. 8. (23) Bubba Wallace, Toyota, 169.176.
Game 4: at New York 3, Carolina 2 (2OT) Collin Morikawa ............................ 67 70 72 — 209 -4 9. (1) Ross Chastain, Chevrolet, 169.001.
Game 4: New York 97, at Philadelphia 92 Game 5: at Carolina 6, New York 3 Chicago..............................2 6 4 10 12 22 Charlotte FC, Kristijan Kahlina; Nathan Byrne, Adilson
New England .....................2 8 1 7 9 22 Taylor Pendrith ............................. 71 67 71 — 209 -4 10. (19) Martin Truex Jr, Toyota, 164.904.
Game 5: Philadelphia 112, at New York 106 (OT) Malanda, Jere Uronen; Brandt Bronico (Nikola Petkovic, Lee Hodges .................................... 68 70 72 — 210 -3
Game 6: New York 118, at Philadelphia 115 pAnthers eLiMinAted LiGhtninG, 4-1 89th), Brecht Dejaegere (Iuri Tavares, 67th), Djibril 11. (8) Kyle Busch, Chevrolet, 170.869.
Game 1: at Florida 3, Tampa Bay 2 Denny McCarthy ........................... 70 71 69 — 210 -3 12. (20) Christopher Bell, Toyota, 170.430.
pAcers eLiMinAted bucks, 4-2 west w L t pts Gf GA Diani (Junior Urso, 74th), Andrew Privett, Ashley Christiaan Bezuidenhout .............. 70 69 72 — 211 -2
Game 2: at Florida 3, Tampa Bay 2 Westwood; Patrick Agyemang (Tyger Smalls, 89th), 13. (14) Chase Briscoe, Ford, 170.555.
Game 1: at Milwaukee 109, Indiana 94 x-Real Salt Lake................6 2 3 21 18 9 Cameron Davis .............................. 70 69 72 — 211 -2 14. (22) Joey Logano, Ford, 170.071.
Game 3: Florida 5, at Tampa Bay 3 Minnesota United .............6 2 2 20 17 11 Kerwin Vargas (Scott Arfield, 90th+3).
Game 2: Indiana 125, at Milwaukee 108 Game 4: at Tampa Bay 6, Florida 3 Max Homa ..................................... 69 70 72 — 211 -2 15. (38) Todd Gilliland, Ford, 170.519.
Game 3: at Indiana 121, Milwaukee 119 (OT) x-LA Galaxy.......................5 2 4 19 21 17 Grayson Murray ............................ 70 69 72 — 211 -2 16. (34) Michael McDowell, Ford, 169.578.
Game 5: at Florida 6, Tampa Bay 1 x-Vancouver......................5 2 3 18 18 10
Game 4: at Indiana 126, Milwaukee 113 Cameron Young ............................. 71 69 71 — 211 -2 17. (12) Ryan Blaney, Ford, 170.501.
Game 5: at Milwaukee 115, Indiana 92
bruins eLiMinAted MApLe LeAfs, 4-3 x-Colorado.........................5 3 3 18 18 15 orlando City 3, union 2 Keegan Bradley ............................. 70 70 72 — 212 -1 18. (48) Alex Bowman, Chevrolet, 169.555.
Game 6: at Indiana 120, Milwaukee 98 Game 1: at Boston 5, Toronto 1 Houston ............................5 4 2 17 11 11 Corey Conners ............................... 70 68 74 — 212 -1 19. (99) Daniel Suárez, Chevrolet, 170.318.
Game 2: Toronto 3, at Boston 2 Austin FC ..........................4 4 4 16 15 15 orLAndo citY 2 1 3 Tommy Fleetwood ........................ 71 70 71 — 212 -1 20. (47) Ricky Stenhouse Jr, Chevrolet, 169.304.
cAVALiers eLiMinAted MAGic, 4-3 Game 3: Boston 4 at Toronto 2 St. Louis City SC ...............3 1 7 16 18 15 phiLAdeLphiA 1 1 2 Taylor Moore ................................. 68 68 76 — 212 -1 21. (77) Carson Hocevar, Chevrolet, 170.147.
Game 1: at Cleveland 97, Orlando 83 Game 4: Boston 3, at Toronto 1 x-Los Angeles FC ..............4 4 3 15 19 19 Alex Noren .................................... 67 75 70 — 212 -1
first half: 1, Philadelphia, Uhre, 4 (Harriel), 12th minute; 22. (42) John H. Nemechek, Toyota, 168.874.
Game 2: at Cleveland 96, Orlando 86 Game 5: Toronto 2, at Boston 1 (OT) FC Dallas ...........................3 6 2 11 12 16 Justin Thomas .............................. 68 71 73 — 212 -1 23. (3) Austin Dillon, Chevrolet, 169.959.
Game 3: at Orlando 121, Cleveland 83 Sporting KC .......................2 5 5 11 19 21 2, Orlando City, McGuire, 5 (Lodeiro), 21st; 3, Orlando
Game 6: at Toronto 2, Boston 1 City, Muriel, 1 (Lodeiro), 42nd. Nick Dunlap ................................... 69 72 72 — 213 E 24. (7) Corey LaJoie, Chevrolet, 168.480.
Game 4: at Orlando 112, Cleveland 89 Game 7: at Boston 2, Toronto 1 (OT) Seattle ..............................2 5 4 10 13 13 Mackenzie Hughes ........................ 73 71 69 — 213 E
second half: 4, Orlando City, Muriel, 2 (Lodeiro), 46th; 5, 25. (2) Austin Cindric, Ford, 169.660.
Game 5: at Cleveland 104, Orlando 103 Portland ............................2 5 4 10 20 23 Si Woo Kim .................................... 70 73 70 — 213 E
western conference Philadelphia, Gazdag, 7 (penalty kick), 66th. 26. (41) Ryan Preece, Ford, 168.008.
Game 6: at Orlando 103, Cleveland 96 x-San Jose.........................2 8 1 7 17 26 Seamus Power .............................. 72 71 70 — 213 E
AVALAnche eLiMinAted jets, 4-1 Goalies: Orlando City, Pedro Gallese, Mason Stajduhar; 27. (71) Zane Smith, Chevrolet, 169.281.
Game 7: at Cleveland 106, Orlando 94 Andrew Putnam ............................ 70 71 72 — 213 E
x-Late match Philadelphia, Oliver Semmle, Andrew Rick. 28. (51) Justin Haley, Ford, 167.997.
Game 1: at Winnipeg 7, Colorado 6 Lucas Glover .................................. 71 70 73 — 214 +1 29. (31) Daniel Hemric, Chevrolet, 169.257.
western conference Yellow cards: Angulo, Orlando City, 45th+5; Lowe,
Game 2: Colorado 5 at Winnipeg 2 sundAY, MAY 5 Russell Henley .............................. 68 73 73 — 214 +1 30. (43) Erik Jones, Toyota, 167.871.
thunder eLiMinAted peLicAns, 4-0 Philadelphia, 81st; Araujo, Orlando City, 87th; McGuire,
Game 3: at Colorado 6, Winnipeg 2 Patrick Rodgers ............................. 70 70 74 — 214 +1 31. (9) Chase Elliott, Chevrolet, 169.216.
Game 1: at Oklahoma City 94, New Orleans 92 Colorado 2, at New York City FC 0 Orlando City, 90th.
Game 4: at Colorado 5, Winnipeg 1 Webb Simpson .............................. 70 73 71 — 214 +1 32. (16) Derek Kraus, Chevrolet, 166.970.
Game 2: at Oklahoma City 124, New Orleans 92 LA Galaxy 0, at Seattle 0 Orlando City, Pedro Gallese; David Brekalo, Robin
Game 5: Colorado 6, at Winnipeg 3 Will Zalatoris ................................ 70 70 74 — 214 +1 33. (4) Josh Berry, Ford, 168.903.
Game 3: Oklahoma City 106, at New Orleans 85 Jansson (Kyle Smith, 65th); Cesar Araujo, Wilder
oiLers eLiMinAted kinGs, 4-1 sAturdAY’s resuLts Cartagena, Nicolas Lodeiro, Martin Ojeda (Dagur Dan Akshay Bhatia ............................... 74 70 71 — 215 +2 34. (15) Kaz Grala, Ford, 165.978.
Game 4: Oklahoma City 97, at New Orleans 89 Tom Hoge ...................................... 70 73 72 — 215 +2
Game 1: at Edmonton 7, Los Angeles 4 D.C. United 3, at Atlanta 2 Thorhallsson, 61st), Facundo Torres; Ivan Angulo, Dun- 35. (21) Harrison Burton, Ford, 168.446.
nuGGets eLiMinAted LAkers, 4-1 Game 2: Los Angeles 5, at Edmonton 4 (OT) can McGuire, Luis Muriel (Felipe Martins, 85th). Tom Kim ........................................ 73 69 73 — 215 +2 36. (10) Noah Gragson, Ford, 165.264.
Game 1: at Denver 114, Los Angeles 103 at Charlotte FC 1, Nashville 0 Kurt Kitayama ............................... 70 75 70 — 215 +2
Game 3: Edmonton 6, at Los Angeles 1 Philadelphia, Oliver Semmle; Jakob Glesnes, Damion
Game 2: at Denver 101, Los Angeles 99 Game 4: Edmonton 1, at Los Angeles 0 Miami 3, at CF Montreal 2 Lowe (Thai Baribo, 90th+9), Kai Wagner; Alejandro Ben Kohles .................................... 71 71 73 — 215 +2
Game 3: Denver 112, at Los Angeles 105 Game 5: at Edmonton 4, Los Angeles 3 at New York 4, New England 2 Bedoya, Nathan Harriel, Jose Martinez (Chris Donovan, Adam Scott ................................... 71 71 73 — 215 +2
Game 4: at Los Angeles 119, Denver 108 Orlando City 3, at Philadelphia 2 Adam Svensson ............................ 72 70 73 — 215 +2
Game 5: at Denver 108, Los Angeles 106
cAnucks eLiMinAted predAtors, 4-2 80th), Jack McGlynn, Quinn Sullivan; Daniel Gazdag,
Nick Taylor .................................... 71 69 75 — 215 +2
nASCAr Xfinity Series
New York City FC 3, at Toronto FC 2 Mikael Uhre.
Game 1: at Vancouver 4, Nashville 2 Harris English ............................... 71 73 72 — 216 +3 purpLe bAG project 200
tiMberwoLVes eLiMinAted suns, 4-0 Cincinnati 2, at Columbus 1
Game 2: Nashville 4 at Vancouver 1 Viktor Hovland .............................. 72 72 72 — 216 +3
Game 1: at Minnesota 120, Phoenix 95 at FC Dallas 2, Austin FC 1 At Darlington (S.C.) Raceway
Game 3: Vancouver 2, at Nashville 1 Matt Kuchar .................................. 69 72 75 — 216 +3
Game 2: at Minnesota 105, Phoenix 93 Houston 2, at Sporting KC 1 Lap length: 1.37 miles
Game 4: Vancouver 4, at Nashville 3 (OT) Jordan Spieth ................................ 69 71 76 — 216 +3 (Car number in parentheses)
Game 3: Minnesota 126, at Phoenix 109 Game 5: Nashville 2, at Vancouver 1 at St. Louis City SC 3, Chicago 1 St. Louis City SC 3, Fire 1 Patrick Cantlay .............................. 73 72 72 — 217 +4
Game 4: Minnesota 122, at Phoenix 116 Game 6: Vancouver 1, at Nashville 0 San Jose at Colorado, late Jake Knapp .................................... 71 75 71 — 217 +4 1. (7) Justin Allgaier, Chevrolet, 147 laps, 60 points.
MAVericks eLiMinAted cLippers, 4-2 Real Salt Lake at LA Galaxy, late chicAGo 0 1 1 Wyndham Clark ............................. 73 73 72 — 218 +5 2. (5) Austin Hill, Chevrolet, 147, 53.
stArs eLiMinAted GoLden kniGhts, 4-3 st. Louis citY 1 2 3 3. (1) Cole Custer, Ford, 147, 34.
Game 1: at Los Angeles 109, Dallas 97 Game 1: Vegas 4, at Dallas 3 Vancouver at Los Angeles FC, late Tony Finau ..................................... 72 73 73 — 218 +5
first half: 1, Saint Louis City SC, Alm, 1, 2nd minute. Adam Schenk ................................ 72 73 73 — 218 +5 4. (6) Sam Mayer, Chevrolet, 147, 48.
Game 2: Dallas 96 at Los Angeles 93 Game 2: Vegas 3, at Dallas 1 5. (18) Aric Almirola, Toyota, 147, 42.
Game 3: at Dallas 101, Los Angeles 90 sundAY’s MAtch second half: 2, Chicago, Cuypers, 3, 46th; 3, Saint Louis Brendon Todd ................................ 72 71 75 — 218 +5
Game 3: Dallas 3, at Vegas 2 6. (11) Parker Kligerman, Chevrolet, 147, 45.
Game 4: Los Angeles 116 at Dallas 111 Game 4: Dallas 4, at Vegas 2 Seattle at Portland, 4:45 City SC, Klauss, 4 (Pompeu), 56th; 4, Saint Louis City SC, Kevin Tway .................................... 73 71 74 — 218 +5
Klauss, 5 (Durkin), 67th. Rickie Fowler ................................. 71 75 73 — 219 +6 7. (9) Riley Herbst, Ford, 147, 34.
Game 5: Dallas 123, at L.A. Clippers 93 Game 5: at Dallas 3, Vegas 2 8. (12) Jesse Love, Chevrolet, 147, 36.
Game 6: at Dallas 114, L.A. Clippers 101 wednesdAY’s MAtches Goalies: Chicago, Chris Brady, Spencer Richey; Saint Chris Kirk ....................................... 73 72 74 — 219 +6
Game 6: at Vegas 2, Dallas 0 9. (3) Sheldon Creed, Toyota, 147, 29.
Game 7: at Dallas 2, Vegas 1 New York at D.C. United, 7:30 Louis City SC, Roman Burki, Ben Lundt. Shane Lowry ................................. 75 71 73 — 219 +6
second round Yellow cards: Herbers, Chicago, 22nd; Alm, Saint Louis Austin Eckroat .............................. 75 73 72 — 220 +7 10. (14) Brandon Jones, Chevrolet, 147, 30.
Atlanta at Cincinnati, 7:30 11. (38) William Byron, Chevrolet, 147, 0.
Best of seven; x-If necessary second round Columbus at CF Montreal, 7:30 City SC, 45th+1; Shaqiri, Chicago, 61st; Teran, Chicago, Billy Horschel ................................ 76 72 72 — 220 +7
90th+1. Sahith Theegala ............................ 73 65 82 — 220 +7 12. (2) Chandler Smith, Toyota, 147, 31.
Best of seven; x-If necessary Miami at Orlando City, 7:30 13. (26) Ryan Sieg, Ford, 147, 24.
eAstern conference Chicago, Chris Brady; Allan Arigoni (Arnaud Souquet, Adam Hadwin ................................ 71 71 79 — 221 +8
ceLtics LeAd cAVALiers, 2-1 eAstern conference New York City FC at Philadelphia, 7:30 62nd), Andrew Gutman, Mauricio Pineda (Rafael Cz- Brian Harman ................................ 74 71 76 — 221 +8 14. (8) Anthony Alfredo, Chevrolet, 147, 23.
Game 1: at Boston 120, Cleveland 95 rAnGers LeAd hurricAnes, 3-1 Houston at Austin FC, 8:30 ichos, 72nd), Carlos Teran; Kellyn Acosta (Jonathan Justin Rose ................................... 74 68 79 — 221 +8 15. (17) Shane Van Gisbergen, Chevrolet, 147, 22.
Game 2: Cleveland 118, at Boston 94 Charlotte FC at Chicago, 8:30 Dean, 82nd), Brian Gutierrez, Xherdan Shaqiri; Hugo Gary Woodland ............................. 70 76 75 — 221 +8 16. (16) Jeb Burton, Chevrolet, 147, 21.
Game 1: at New York 4, Carolina 3
Game 3: Boston 106, at Cleveland 93 LA Galaxy at Minnesota, 8:30 Cuypers, Fabian Herbers (Federico Navarro, 46th), Chris J.T. Poston .................................... 73 77 72 — 222 +9 17. (15) Kyle Weatherman, Chevrolet, 147, 20.
Game 2: at New York 4, Carolina 3 (2OT)
Monday’s game: Boston at Cleveland, 7 Mueller (Tom Barlow, 73rd). Emiliano Grillo .............................. 76 74 74 — 224 +11 18. (24) Taylor Gray, Toyota, 147, 0.
Game 3: New York 3, at Carolina 2 (OT) Toronto FC at Nashville, 8:30
Wednesday’s game: Cleveland at Boston, 7 Saint Louis City SC, Roman Burki; Kyle Hiebert, Anthony Matthieu Pavon ............................ 76 74 74 — 224 +11 19. (13) Carson Kvapil, Chevrolet, 147, 18.
Game 4: at Carolina 4, New York 3 Los Angeles FC at St. Louis City SC, 8:30
x-Friday’s game: Boston at Cleveland, TBA Markanich (Joakim Nilsson, 80th), Tim Parker, Tomas Eric Cole ........................................ 73 72 80 — 225 +12 20. (21) Brennan Poole, Chevrolet, 147, 17.
Monday’s game: Carolina at New York, 7 Vancouver at Colorado, 9:30
x-Sunday, May 19: Cleveland at Boston, TBA Totland; Rasmus Alm (Samuel Adeniran, 72nd), Chris 21. (25) Josh Williams, Chevrolet, 147, 16.
x-Thursday’s game: New York at Carolina, TBA Seattle at Real Salt Lake, 9:30 Durkin, Tomas Ostrak (Hosei Kijima, 88th), Celio 22. (30) Josh Bilicki, Chevrolet, 147, 15.
knicks LeAd pAcers, 2-1 x-Saturday, May 18: Carolina at New York, TBA
San Jose at Portland, 10:30 Pompeu (Nokkvi Thorisson, 79th), Indiana Vassilev; 23. (34) John H. Nemechek, Toyota, 147, 0.
Game 1: at New York 121, Indiana 117 pAnthers LeAd bruins, 2-1 Joao Klauss (Aziel Jackson, 79th).
PGA Tour 24. (27) David Starr, Chevrolet, 147, 13.
Game 2: at New York 130, Indiana 121 Game 1: Boston 5, at Florida 1 25. (31) Matt DiBenedetto, Ford, 147, 12.
Game 3: at Indiana 111, New York 106 Game 2: at Florida 6, Boston 1
MYrtLe beAch cLAssic 26. (37) Chad Finchum, Chevrolet, 147, 11.
Sunday’s game: New York at Indiana, 3:30 Game 3: Florida 6, at Boston 2 At Dunes Golf and Beach Club; in Myrtle Beach, S.C. 27. (36) Blaine Perkins, Ford, 147, 10.
Tuesday’s game: Indiana at New York, 8 Sunday’s game: Florida at Boston, 6:30 Dynamo 2, Sporting KC 1 purse: $4 million 28. (33) Dawson Cram, Chevrolet, 147, 9.
x-Friday’s game: New York at Indiana, TBA Tuesday’s game: Boston at Florida, 7 D.C. united 3, Atlanta united 2 Yardage: 7,347; par: 71
29. (35) Garrett Smithley, Chevrolet, 146, 8.
x-Sunday, May 19: Indiana at New York, TBA houston 1 1 2 30. (22) Leland Honeyman, Chevrolet, 146, 7.
x-Friday’s game: Florida at Boston, TBA third round
d.c. united 2 1 3 sportinG kc 0 1 1
x-Sunday, May 19: Boston at Florida, TBA 31. (10) Parker Retzlaff, Chevrolet, 146, 6.
western conference AtLAntA 1 1 2 first half: 1, Houston, Herrera, 1 (Bassi), 31st minute. Chris Gotterup .............................. 66 64 65 — 195 -18
32. (29) Kyle Sieg, Ford, 146, 5.
tiMberwoLVes LeAd nuGGets, 2-1 western conference first half: 1, Atlanta, Almada, 3 (penalty kick), 16th second half: 2, Sporting KC, Salloi, 2 (Rodriguez), 61st; Jorge Campillo .............................. 66 66 67 — 199 -14
33. (28) Patrick Emerling, Chevrolet, 146, 4.
Game 1: Minnesota 106, at Denver 99 AVALAnche And stArs tied, 1-1 minute; 2, D.C. United, Benteke, 9 (Stroud), 19th; 3, D.C. 3, Houston, Aliyu, 4 (Dorsey), 78th. Robert Macintyre ......................... 64 67 68 — 199 -14
34. (23) Sammy Smith, Chevrolet, 146, 3.
Game 2: Minnesota 106 at Denver 80 Game 1: Colorado 4, at Dallas 3 (OT) United, Benteke, 10 (Stroud), 44th. Goalies: Houston, Steve Clark, Andrew Tarbell; Sporting Erik Van Rooyen ........................... 67 67 65 — 199 -14
35. (4) AJ Allmendinger, Chevrolet, 126, 14.
Game 3: Denver 117, at Minnesota 90 Game 2: at Dallas 5, Colorado 4 second half: 4, Atlanta, Peltola, 48th; 5, D.C. United, KC, Tim Melia, John Pulskamp. Davis Thompson ........................... 65 68 67 — 200 -13
36. (32) Hailie Deegan, Ford, accident, 102, 1.
Sunday’s game: Denver at Minnesota, 8 Game 3: Dallas at Colorado, late Benteke, 11 (Klich), 55th. Yellow cards: Rodriguez, Sporting KC, 45th; Fontas, Alex Smalley ................................. 68 65 68 — 201 -12
37. (19) Jeremy Clements, Chevrolet, 94, 1.
Tuesday’s game: Minnesota at Denver, 10:30 Monday’s game: Dallas at Colorado, TBA Goalies: D.C. United, Alex Bono, Tyler Miller; Atlanta, Sporting KC, 85th; Kowalczyk, Houston, 90th+4. Joseph Bramlett ........................... 68 66 68 — 202 -11
38. (20) Ryan Ellis, Chevrolet, garage, 71, 1.
x-Thursday’s game: Denver at Minnesota, TBA Wednesday’s game: Colorado at Dallas, 8 Brad Guzan, Joshua Cohen. Houston, Steve Clark; Griffin Dorsey, Micael, Daniel Ryan Fox ....................................... 70 66 66 — 202 -11
x-Sunday, May 19: Minnesota at Denver, TBA x-Friday’s game: Dallas at Colroado, TBA Yellow cards: Slisz, Atlanta, 29th; Dajome, D.C. United, Steres (Tate Schmitt, 49th), Erik Sviatchenko; Artur, Beau Hossler ................................. 64 69 69 — 202 -11
x-Sunday, May 19: Colorado at Dallas, TBA 38th; Almada, Atlanta, 45th+2; Giakoumakis, Atlanta, Adalberto Carrasquilla, Hector Herrera (Latif Blessing, Patton Kizzire ............................... 70 65 67 — 202 -11
MAVericks LeAd thunder, 2-1 Sam Ryder .................................... 67 69 66 — 202 -11 IndyCar
70th; Abram, Atlanta, 75th; Antley, D.C. United, 87th. 70th), Sebastian Kowalczyk; Ibrahim Aliyu (Ethan Bart-
Game 1: at Oklahoma City 117, Dallas 95 cAnucks And oiLers tied, 1-1 D.C. United, Alex Bono; Lucas Bartlett, Aaron Herrera, Greyson Sigg ................................. 67 67 68 — 202 -11
Game 2: Dallas 119, at Oklahoma City 110 low, 90th+2), Amine Bassi (Brad Smith, 86th). indiAnApoLis GrAnd prix
Game 1: at Vancouver 5, Edmonton 4 Christopher McVey, Matti Peltola; Jackson Hopkins Sporting KC, Tim Melia; Andreu Fontas, Tim Leibold Ben Silverman .............................. 66 71 65 — 202 -11
Game 3: at Dallas 105, Oklahoma City 101 Game 2: Edmonton 4, at Vancouver 3 (OT) Kevin Yu ........................................ 67 69 66 — 202 -11 At Indianapolis Motor Speedway Road Course
(Garrison Isaiah Tubbs, 81st), Mateusz Klich, Theodore (Zorhan Bassong, 90th+3), Robert Voloder; Jake Davis,
Monday’s game: Oklahoma City at Dallas, 9:30 Sunday’s game: Vancouver at Edmonton, 9:30 Chesson Hadley ............................ 69 67 67 — 203 -10 Lap length: 2.439 miles
Ku-DiPietro (Jacob Murrell, 47th), Jared Stroud (Gabriel Nemanja Radoja, Memo Rodriguez; William Agada
Wednesday’s game: Dallas at Oklahoma City, 9:30 Tuesday’s game: Vancouver at Edmonton, 9:30 Chan Kim ....................................... 66 68 69 — 203 -10 (Car number in parentheses)
Pirani, 73rd); Christian Benteke (Pedro Santos, 87th), (Stephen Afrifa, 90th), Alan Pulido (Marinos Tzionis,
x-Saturday’s game: Oklahoma City at Dallas, TBA Thursday’s game: Edmonton at Vancouver, TBA Henrik Norlander .......................... 68 67 68 — 203 -10
Cristian Dajome (William Conner Antley, 46th). 74th), Johnny Russell (Alenis Vargas, 82nd), Daniel 1. (1) Alex Palou, Dallara-Honda, 85 laps, Running.
x-Monday, May 20: Dallas at Oklahoma City, TBA x-Saturday, May 18: Vancouver at Edmonton, TBA Dylan Wu ...................................... 66 68 69 — 203 -10
Atlanta, Brad Guzan; Luis Abram, Noah Cobb, Brooks Salloi. 2. (3) Will Power, Dallara-Chevrolet, 85, Running.
x-Monday, May 20: Edmonton at Vancouver, TBA Lennon, Caleb Wiley; Thiago Almada, Saba Lobzhanidze Parker Coody ................................. 68 71 65 — 204 -9 3. (2) Christian Lundgaard, Dallara-Honda, 85, Running.
(Daniel Rios, 73rd), Bartosz Slisz (Nick Firmino, 86th); Alistair Docherty .......................... 65 68 71 — 204 -9 4. (6) Scott Dixon, Dallara-Honda, 85, Running.
Giorgos Giakoumakis, Edwin Mosquera (Dax McCarty, Ben Griffin .................................... 67 68 69 — 204 -9 5. (8) Marcus Armstrong, Dallara-Honda, 85, Running.
Mavericks 105, Thunder 101 hurricanes 4, rangers 3 46th), Tristan Muyumba (Xande Silva, 61st).
FC Dallas 2, Austin FC 1 Blades Brown ................................ 72 67 66 — 205 -8 6. (13) Scott McLaughlin, Dallara-Chevrolet, 85, Running.
Trace Crowe .................................. 71 63 71 — 205 -8 7. (24) Colton Herta, Dallara-Honda, 85, Running.
oklahoma city .................... 23 29 26 23 — 101 n.Y. rAnGers ......................... 1 1 1 — 3 Austin 0 1 1 Patrick Fishburn ........................... 73 66 66 — 205 -8
dALLAs 1 1 2 8. (7) Alexander Rossi, Dallara-Chevrolet, 85, Running.
dallas .................................. 26 25 31 23 — 105 cAroLinA ............................... 3 0 1 — 4 Max Greyserman .......................... 71 68 66 — 205 -8 9. (9) Graham Rahal, Dallara-Honda, 85, Running.
first half: 1, Dallas, Musa, 4, 4th minute. Ryan McCormick ........................... 68 68 69 — 205 -8 10. (10) Felix Rosenqvist, Dallara-Honda, 85, Running.
okLAhoMA citY Min fG ft o-t A pf pts first period second half: 2, Dallas, Ferreira, 2 (Musa), 56th; 3, Austin Seung-Yul Noh .............................. 69 68 68 — 205 -8
Dort 39:34 3-9 0-0 1-2 2 6 8
Inter Miami CF 3, Montreal 2 11. (14) Kyle Kirkwood, Dallara-Honda, 85, Running.
scoring: 1, Carolina, Kuznetsov 3, 1:51. 2, Carolina, FC, Driussi, 3 (penalty kick), 84th. Chez Reavie .................................. 68 66 71 — 205 -8 12. (23) Romain Grosjean, Dallara-Chevrolet, 85, Run-
Jal.Williams 38:20 7-12 1-2 0-6 8 2 16 Noesen 4 (DeAngelo, Teravainen), 6:33. 3, N.Y. Rangers, MiAMi 2 1 3 Goalies: Austin FC, Brad Stuver, Stefan Cleveland; Sam Stevens ................................. 68 69 68 — 205 -8 ning.
Holmgren 34:57 5-9 3-5 2-8 3 3 13 Cuylle 1 (Gustafsson, Kakko), 8:06. 4, Carolina, Aho 3 MontreAL 2 0 2 Dallas, Maarten Paes, Jimmy Maurer. Carson Young ................................ 69 69 67 — 205 -8 13. (5) Pato O’Ward, Dallara-Chevrolet, 85, Running.
Giddey 13:24 4-8 0-0 0-2 1 1 9 (Burns, Guentzel), 15:29. Yellow cards: Illarramendi, Dallas, 8th; Pereira, Austin Zecheng Dou ................................. 65 72 69 — 206 -7
first half: 1, Montreal, Duke, 1 (Vilsaint), 22nd minute; 14. (11) Pietro Fittipaldi, Dallara-Honda, 85, Running.
Gilgeous-Alexander 42:00 10-23 9-10 2-10 6 5 31 FC, 15th; Fraser, Dallas, 43rd; Ntsabeleng, Dallas, 48th. Michael Kim .................................. 68 68 70 — 206 -7
2, Montreal, Vilsaint, 2 (Lassiter), 32nd; 3, Miami, Rojas, 15. (25) Kyfinn Simpson, Dallara-Honda, 85, Running.
Wiggins 21:57 3-7 0-0 0-4 0 0 6 second period Austin FC, Brad Stuver; Guilherme Biro (Zan Kolmanic, Mac Meissner ............................... 70 68 68 — 206 -7
3, 44th; 4, Miami, Suarez, 11, 45th+3. 16. (21) Marcus Ericsson, Dallara-Honda, 85, Running.
Joe 19:28 5-7 0-0 0-2 2 1 13 scoring: 5, N.Y. Rangers, Goodrow 2 (Schneider, Vesey), 57th), Julio Cascante, Jon Gallagher, Brendan Hines-Ike; Troy Merritt .................................. 68 71 67 — 206 -7
second half: 5, Miami, Cremaschi, 2 (Rojas), 59th. 17. (4) Josef Newgarden, Dallara-Chevrolet, 85, Run-
Wallace 14:09 1-3 0-0 1-1 0 1 3 12:43. Daniel Pereira (Jhojan Valencia, 74th), Alexander Ring Scott Piercy .................................. 68 69 69 — 206 -7
Goalies: Miami, Drake Callender, CJ Dos Santos; Mon- ning.
Jay.Williams 13:10 0-2 2-2 0-4 1 3 2 (Owen Wolff, 65th); Sebastian Driussi, Jader Obrian (CJ Robby Shelton .............................. 72 67 67 — 206 -7
treal, Jonathan Sirois, Sebastian Breza. 18. (17) Jack Harvey, Dallara-Honda, 85, Running.
Hayward 3:01 0-1 0-0 0-2 0 0 0 third period Fodrey, 74th), Emiliano Rigoni, Diego Rubio (Gyasi Matt Wallace ................................ 72 64 70 — 206 -7
Yellow cards: Piette, Montreal, 43rd; Kryvtsov, Miami, 19. (18) Theo Pourchaire, Dallara-Chevrolet, 85, Run-
totALs 240 38-8115-19 6-41 23 22 101 scoring: 6, N.Y. Rangers, Lafreniere 4 (Trouba, Zibane- 55th; Busquets, Miami, 68th. Zardes, 65th). Harry Hall ...................................... 72 67 68 — 207 -6 ning.
jad), 2:04. 7, Carolina, Skjei 1 (Svechnikov, Teravainen), Miami, Drake Callender; Nicolas Freire, Julian Gressel Dallas, Maarten Paes; Marco Farfan, Sebastien Ibeagha, Thriston Lawrence ........................ 70 67 70 — 207 -6 20. (20) Christian Rasmussen, Dallara-Chevrolet, 85,
percentages: FG .469, FT .789. 3-point Goals: 10-30, .333 Sam Junqua, Nkosi Tafari; Liam Fraser, Illarramendi Matthew NeSmith ........................ 72 68 67 — 207 -6
16:49 (pp). (Yannick Bright, 79th), Sergiy Kryvtsov (Ryan Sailor, Running.
(Joe 3-4, Gilgeous-Alexander 2-3, Dort 2-7, Jal.Williams (Patrickson Delgado, 46th), Ema Twumasi; Jesus Ferrei- David Skinns ................................. 71 68 68 — 207 -6
79th), Franco Negri, Marcelo Weigandt; Sergio Bus- 21. (15) Agustin Canapino, Dallara-Chevrolet, 84, Run-
1-2, Wallace 1-3, Giddey 1-4, Holmgren 0-2, Jay.Williams shots on GoAL ra (Logan Farrington, 73rd), Petar Musa (Bernard J.J. Spaun ...................................... 71 67 69 — 207 -6
quets, Benjamin Cremaschi (David Ruiz, 72nd), Matias ning.
0-2, Wiggins 0-3). team rebounds: 7. team turnovers: Kamungo, 72nd), Tsiki Ntsabeleng (Herbert Endeley, Kevin Streelman ........................... 71 66 70 — 207 -6
n.Y. rAnGers ......................... 8 12 5 — 25 Rojas (Robert Taylor, 71st); Lionel Messi, Luis Suarez 22. (27) Sting Ray Robb, Dallara-Chevrolet, 84, Running.
1. blocked shots: 11 (Gilgeous-Alexander 5, Holmgren 4, 84th). Matt Atkins .................................. 69 69 70 — 208 -5
cAroLinA ............................. 10 13 8 — 31 (Leonardo Campana, 90th+1). 23. (26) Tom Blomqvist, Dallara-Honda, 84, Running.
Dort, Jal.Williams). turnovers: 13 (Gilgeous-Alexander Paul Barjon ................................... 69 67 72 — 208 -5
power-play opportunities: N.Y. Rangers 0 of 1; Carolina 1 Montreal, Jonathan Sirois; Fernando Alvarez (Joaquin 24. (19) Linus Lundqvist, Dallara-Honda, 84, Running.
5, Jal.Williams 3, Dort 2, Holmgren, Joe, Wiggins). Jacob Bridgeman .......................... 70 68 70 — 208 -5
of 2. Goalies: N.Y. Rangers, Shesterkin 7-1-0 (31 Sosa, 73rd), George Campbell, Ruan, Joel Waterman; 25. (22) Luca Ghiotto, 84, Running.
steals: 7 (Dort 2, Gilgeous-Alexander, Holmgren, Hayden Buckley ............................ 70 69 69 — 208 -5
shots-27 saves). Carolina, Andersen 5-3-0 (25-22). A: Mathieu Choiniere, Bryce Duke, Samuel Piette; Ariel 26. (12) Rinus VeeKay, Dallara-Chevrolet, 84, Running.
Jay.Williams, Joe, Wiggins). technical fouls: None.
19,074 (18,680). t: 2:21. Lassiter (Rida Zouhir, 73rd), Mason Toye (Sunusi nWSL Pierceson Coody ........................... 71 69 68 — 208 -5 27. (16) Santino Ferrucci, Dallara-Chevrolet, 55, Did not
dALLAs Min fG ft o-t A pf pts Ibrahim, 74th), Jules-Anthony Vilsaint (Dominik Yank- Adrien Dumont De Chassart ........ 67 70 71 — 208 -5 finish.
ov, 63rd). w L t pts Gf GA Chandler Phillips ........................... 67 69 72 — 208 -5
Jones Jr. 35:53 1-10 1-1 2-4 1 2 3 Orlando .............................6 0 3 21 15 7 Justin Suh ..................................... 67 68 73 — 208 -5
Washington 40:14 11-23 0-0 2-6 2 4 27 Kansas City .......................5 0 3 18 21 12 Daniel Berger ................................ 70 69 70 — 209 -4
Gafford 19:31 4-5 0-2 1-5 3 1 8
Doncic 39:34 7-17 7-10 3-15 5 1 22
oilers 4, Canucks 3 (oT) Washington ......................6 3 0 18 18 12 Joel Dahmen ................................. 69 67 73 — 209 -4 C o L LeG e L A C r o S S e
x-Portland .........................4 3 1 13 17 14 Seonghyeon Kim ........................... 68 68 73 — 209 -4
Irving 40:48 10-17 0-0 2-5 7 2 22 Late Friday Chicago..............................4 3 1 13 11 11 Sean O'Hair ................................... 68 72 69 — 209 -4
Lively II 27:14 2-7 8-12 3-8 1 3 12 North Carolina...................4 4 0 12 12 10 Victor Perez .................................. 71 66 72 — 209 -4
Hardaway Jr. 15:58 3-9 0-0 0-2 1 0 8 edMonton ....................... 1 1 1 1 — 4 FC Cincinnati 2, Crew 1 Gotham FC ........................3 2 2 11 5 5 Roger Sloan .................................. 67 70 72 — 209 -4
nCAA men’s tournament
Green 15:01 1-3 0-0 1-1 1 3 3 VAncouVer ..................... 1 2 0 0 — 3 pLAY-in GAMe
cincinnAti 0 2 2 San Diego ..........................3 3 1 10 7 6 Alejandro Tosti ............................. 65 73 71 — 209 -4
Exum 5:47 0-0 0-0 1-2 0 0 0 first period Angel City .........................3 3 1 10 9 11 Andrew Novak .............................. 72 66 72 — 210 -3 wednesdAY’s resuLt
coLuMbus 0 1 1
totALs 240 39-91 16-25 15-48 21 16 105 scoring: 1, Vancouver, Pettersson 1 (Hughes, Miller), Louisville...........................1 2 5 8 11 9 Carl Yuan ...................................... 67 72 71 — 210 -3 at Albany 13, Sacred Heart 7
first half: None.
percentages: FG .429, FT .640. 3-point Goals: 11-33, .333 4:14 (pp). 2, Edmonton, Draisaitl 6 (Nugent-Hopkins, second half: 1, Cincinnati, Kelsy, 1 (Acosta), 74th x-Seattle ...........................2 5 1 7 7 10 Anders Albertson ......................... 68 71 72 — 211 -2
Bay FC ...............................2 7 0 6 13 20 Thorbjorn Olesen .......................... 71 69 71 — 211 -2 first round
(Washington 5-12, Hardaway Jr. 2-5, Irving 2-6, Green 1-3, McDavid), 10:56 (pp). minute; 2, Cincinnati, Acosta, 6 (Bucha), 76th; 3, sAturdAY’s resuLts
Doncic 1-4, Jones Jr. 0-3). team rebounds: 12. team Columbus, Arfsten, 1, 89th. Houston ............................1 4 3 6 7 16 Austin Smotherman ..................... 68 71 72 — 211 -2
second period Utah ..................................1 6 1 4 5 15 Alexander Bjork ............................ 73 67 72 — 212 -1 Virginia 17, St. Joseph’s 11
turnovers: 1. blocked shots: 2 (Gafford, Irving). turnovers: Goalies: Cincinnati, Roman Celentano, Alec Kann; Co- Duke 19, Utah 7
13 (Doncic 4, Irving 4, Jones Jr. 2, Gafford, Green, Lively II). scoring: 3, Vancouver, Boeser 5 (Zadorov, Soucy), 0:53. lumbus, Patrick Schulte, Nicholas Hagen Godoy. Harry Higgs ................................... 69 69 74 — 212 -1
x-Late match Denver 16, Michigan 11
steals: 7 (Doncic 2, Jones Jr. 2, Green, Hardaway Jr., 4, Edmonton, Ekholm 2 (Draisaitl, McDavid), 1:16. 5, Yellow cards: Miazga, Cincinnati, 34th; Kubo, Cincinnati, Maryland 16, Princeton 8
Irving). technical fouls: None. A: 20,325 (19,200). t: 2:25. Vancouver, Zadorov 4 (Miller), 18:17. 37th; Zawadzki, Columbus, 38th; Nwobodo, Cincinnati, fridAY’s resuLt
70th; Camacho, Columbus, 80th. sundAY’s GAMes
third period Washington 2, at Louisville 1 LPGA Tour
Cincinnati, Roman Celentano; Matt Miazga, Ian Murphy, Lehigh at Johns Hopkins, noon, ESPNU
Alvas Powell (Gerardo Valenzuela, 13th), Miles Robin- sAturdAY’s resuLts Penn State at Georgetown, 2:30, ESPNU
Celtics 106, Cavaliers 93 scoring: 6, Edmonton, McDavid 2 (Draisaitl, Hyman), 5:27.
son; Luciano Acosta (Malik Pinto, 87th), Corey Baird
founders cup Albany at Notre Dame, 5, ESPNU
boston ................................ 30 27 27 22 — 106 at Orlando 1, Bay FC 0 At Upper Montclair Country Club; in Clifton, N.J.
oVertiMe (Kevin Kelsy, 67th), Pavel Bucha, Obinna Nwobodo; Yuya Towson at Syracuse, 7:30, ESPNU
cleveland ............................ 28 20 21 24 — 93 Seattle at Portland, late purse: $3 million
scoring: 7, Edmonton, Bouchard 2 (McDavid, Draisaitl), Kubo, Luca Orellano. Yardage: 6,536; par: 72
Columbus, Patrick Schulte; Malte Amundsen, Rudy quArterfinALs
boston Min fG ft o-t A pf pts 5:38. sundAY’s MAtches sAturdAY’s GAMes
Brown 40:39 13-17 0-2 2-9 3 4 28 Camacho, Steven Moreira; Alexandru Matan (Maximil- Utah at Chicago, 5:30 third round
shots on GoAL ian Arfsten, 81st), Aidan Morris (Yaw Yeboah, 70th), At jAMes M shuArt stAdiuM
Tatum 41:57 11-25 9-9 1-13 6 2 33 North Carolina at Kansas City, 6 Madelene Sagstrom ...................... 65 66 66 — 197 -19 in heMpsteAd, n.Y.
Horford 38:45 1-7 0-0 3-7 2 3 2 edMonton ....................... 7 6 15 3 — 31 Darlington Nagbe, Sean Zawadzki; Cucho Hernandez, Rose Zhang ................................... 63 68 67 — 198 -18
Diego Rossi, Jacen Russell-Rowe (Christian Ramirez, Houston at Angel City, 7:30 Maryland vs. Duke, TBD, ESPNU
Holiday 37:40 7-10 1-2 2-8 5 1 18 VAncouVer ..................... 5 10 2 2 — 19 Gotham FC at San Diego, 7:30 Sei Young Kim ............................... 72 69 67 — 208 -8
81st). TBD, ESPNU
White 36:54 4-13 1-1 0-3 3 1 12 power-play opportunities: Edmonton 1 of 3; Vancouver 1 of Nelly Korda .................................... 69 66 73 — 208 -8
Pritchard 22:20 2-4 0-0 1-3 3 1 5 3. Goalies: Edmonton, Skinner 4-2-0 (19 shots-16 saves). fridAY’s MAtches Gabriela Ruffels ............................ 69 72 67 — 208 -8 sundAY, MAY 19
Hauser 9:56 2-3 0-0 0-0 0 0 6 Vancouver, Silovs 3-1-0 (31-27). A: 0 (18,910). t: 3:05. Portland at Houston, 8 Peiyun Chien ................................. 69 72 68 — 209 -7 At unitAs stAdiuM in towson, Md.
Kornet 7:51 1-1 0-0 0-1 0 1 2 Xiyu Lin ......................................... 68 73 68 — 209 -7 Virginia vs. Johns Hopkins-Lehigh winner, TBD, ESPN2
Utah at North Carolina, 8
Brissett 1:00 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 Mao Saigo ..................................... 71 70 68 — 209 -7 Denver vs. Syracuse-Towson winner, TBD, ESPN2
Mykhailiuk 1:00 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 1 0 San Diego at Bay FC, 10:30 Nataliya Guseva ............................ 71 71 68 — 210 -6
Springer 1:00 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
P ro Fo o T b A L L red bulls 4, revolution 2 Carlota Ciganda ............................. 68 73 70 — 211 -5 seMifinALs
sAturdAY’s MAtches
Walsh 0:56 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 new enGLAnd 1 1 2 Perrine Delacour ........................... 69 74 68 — 211 -5 At LincoLn finAnciAL fieLd
Angel City at Washington, 7:30 Stephanie Kyriacou ....................... 66 79 66 — 211 -5
totALs 240 41-80 11-14 9-44 22 14 106 new York 2 2 4 in phiLAdeLphiA
united Football League Louisville at Kansas City, 9:30 Yan Liu .......................................... 68 70 73 — 211 -5 sAturdAY, MAY 25
percentages: FG .512, FT .786. 3-point Goals: 13-34, .382 first half: 1, New York Red Bulls, Morgan, 8 (Nealis), 6th Wichanee Meechai ........................ 70 74 67 — 211 -5
(Holiday 3-4, White 3-8, Brown 2-3, Hauser 2-3, Tatum xfL w L t pct pf pA minute; 2, New England, Gil, 4 (Chancalay), 24th; 3, New sundAY, MAY 19 TBD, ESPN2
Anna Nordqvist ............................. 75 69 67 — 211 -5 TBD, ESPN2
2-8, Pritchard 1-2, Horford 0-6). team rebounds: 7. St. Louis ............................5 2 0 .714 199 133 York Red Bulls, Forsberg, 4 (penalty kick), 43rd. Chicago at Gotham FC, 5 Marina Alex ................................... 68 72 72 — 212 -4
team turnovers: 1. blocked shots: 4 (Holiday, Kornet, San Antonio ......................4 2 0 .667 127 104 second half: 4, New York Red Bulls, Manoel, 2 (Carmo- Orlando at Seattle, 6 Na Rin An ...................................... 66 75 71 — 212 -4
D.C.....................................3 3 0 .500 112 150
Tatum, White). turnovers: 11 (Tatum 5, Brown 2, na), 84th; 5, New England, Vrioni, 2 (Boateng), 90th; 6, Hannah Green ............................... 69 71 72 — 212 -4
Arlington...........................1 6 0 .143 164 176 New York Red Bulls, Harper, 1 (Morgan), 90th+3. thursdAY, MAY 23 At LincoLn finAnciAL fieLd
Hauser, Holiday, Pritchard, White). steals: 3 (Brown, Minjee Lee ..................................... 70 70 72 — 212 -4 in phiLAdeLphiA
Tatum, White). technical fouls: None. Goalies: New England, Aljaz Ivacic, Earl Edwards Jr., San Diego at Angel City FC, 10 Jenny Shin ..................................... 72 71 69 — 212 -4
Henrich Ravas; New York Red Bulls, Carlos Miguel, Ryan MondAY, MAY 27
cLeVeLAnd Min fG ft o-t A pf pts usfL w L t pct pf pA Ruoning Yin ................................... 70 74 68 — 212 -4 TBD, ESPN
Birmingham ......................7 0 0 1.000 201 115 Meara. Pajaree Anannarukarn .................. 68 73 72 — 213 -3
Okoro 17:46 1-7 0-0 0-1 1 0 2 Michigan ...........................4 2 0 .667 137 120 Yellow cards: Kessler, New England, 42nd; Borrero, New Isi Gabsa ........................................ 71 71 71 — 213 -3
Strus 37:27 2-8 0-0 0-5 2 4 6 England, 66th; Chancalay, New England, 82nd.
Mobley 37:06 7-11 3-3 3-8 1 1 17
Houston ............................1 5 0 .167 84 138
New England, Aljaz Ivacic; Xavier Arreaga, Andrew
TennIS Lauren Hartlage ............................ 72 73 68 — 213 -3
Memphis ...........................1 6 0 .143 130 218 Nasa Hataoka ................................ 69 71 73 — 213 -3
Garland 37:51 6-15 2-2 0-3 6 3 15 Farrell (Emmanuel Boateng, 88th), Henry Kessler, Nick Jin Hee Im ..................................... 68 72 73 — 213 -3 nCAA women’s tournament
Mitchell 43:24 12-22 2-3 0-6 3 2 33 y-Clinched playoff berth Lima; Esmir Bajraktarevic (Dylan Borrero, 64th, Noel
LeVert 29:37 6-12 2-2 2-6 1 0 15 ATP/WTA Ariya Jutanugarn .......................... 71 73 69 — 213 -3 first round
Buck, 90th+10), Carles Gil, Mark-Anthony Kaye (Ian Jin Young Ko ................................. 72 69 72 — 213 -3 fridAY’s resuLts
Wade 16:48 2-6 0-0 1-3 3 2 5 week 6 Harkes, 88th), Matt Polster; Tomas Chancalay, Giacomo
sAturdAY, MAY 4 itALiAn open Leona Maguire .............................. 66 76 71 — 213 -3 Maryland 17, Robert Morris 1
Merrill 10:53 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 Vrioni.
At Foro Italico; in Rome Hae-Ran Ryu ................................. 72 72 69 — 213 -3 Notre Dame 24, Coastal Carolina 6
Morris Sr. 4:36 0-2 0-0 0-1 0 0 0 Birmingham 39, at Memphis 21 New York Red Bulls, Carlos Miguel; Noah Eile (Andres
purse: $8,493,022 Linn Grant ..................................... 73 69 72 — 214 -2 Penn 16, Richmond 5
Thompson 4:31 0-0 0-0 1-2 0 2 0 at St. Louis 22, Houston 8 Reyes, 86th), Dylan Nealis, Sean Nealis, John Tolkin;
surface: Red clay Jennifer Kupcho ............................ 72 73 69 — 214 -2 Yale 17, Binghamton 4
totALs 240 36-84 9-10 7-35 17 14 93 Frankie Amaya, Wikelman Carmona (Dennis Gjengaar, Andrea Lee .................................... 71 71 72 — 214 -2
sundAY, MAY 5 86th), Daniel Edelman, Emil Forsberg (Cameron Harper, Stony Brook 19, Niagara 7
percentages: FG .429, FT .900. 3-point Goals: 12-36, .333 Men’s sinGLes — round of 64 Gaby Lopez .................................... 71 71 72 — 214 -2 Virginia 21, Long Island 6
at D.C. 18, San Antonio 12 83rd), Lewis Morgan; Dante Vanzeir (Elias Manoel, Hamad Medjedovic, Serbia, def. Alejandro Davidovich
(Mitchell 7-12, Strus 2-6, LeVert 1-3, Wade 1-4, Garland Yealimi Noh ................................... 72 72 70 — 214 -2 James Madison 14, Penn State 13
1-6, Mobley 0-1, Okoro 0-4). team rebounds: 5. team at Michigan 28, Arlington 27 69th). Fokina (30), Spain, 7-6 (7-4), 6-4; Tomas Martin Etchev- Mel Reid ........................................ 67 72 75 — 214 -2 Denver 13, Stanford 12
turnovers: None. blocked shots: 2 (Garland, Wade). week 7 erry (25), Argentina, def. Thiago Seyboth Wild, Brazil, Patty Tavatanakit ......................... 72 72 70 — 214 -2 Johns Hopkins 11, Fairfield 5
turnovers: 8 (Mobley 3, Garland 2, LeVert, Okoro, Strus). sAturdAY’s resuLts 6-3, 7-5; Nicolas Jarry (21), Chile, def. Matteo Arnaldi, Yuri Yoshida .................................. 70 74 70 — 214 -2 Loyola (Md.) 16, Duke 11
steals: 4 (Mitchell 2, Mobley, Okoro). technical fouls: Italy, 6-2, 7-6 (8-6); Hubert Hurkacz (7), Poland, def. Aditi Ashok ................................... 75 69 71 — 215 -1 Michigan 17, Mercer 6
None. A: 19,432 (19,432). t: 2:11. at Arlington 47, Memphis 23 Rafael Nadal, Spain, 6-1, 6-3; Tommy Paul (14), United Jodi Ewart Shadoff ....................... 70 72 73 — 215 -1 Princeton 14, Drexel 9
at Birmingham 30, St. Louis 26 States, def. Aslan Karatsev, Russia, 6-4, 6-2; Dominik Alexandra Forsterling ................... 70 71 74 — 215 -1 Florida 17, North Carolina 8
sundAY’s GAMes new York City FC 3, Koepfer, Germany, def. Frances Tiafoe (22), United Esther Henseleit ........................... 71 74 70 — 215 -1
nuggets 117, Timberwolves 90 Toronto FC 2 States, 6-4, 6-2; Stefano Napolitano, Italy, def. Sarah Kemp ................................... 69 72 74 — 215 -1 second round
Michigan at D.C., noon
Juncheng Shang, China, 6-7 (3), 6-1, 6-0; Alex de Minaur Lydia Ko ......................................... 69 71 75 — 215 -1 sundAY’s GAMes
Late Friday San Antonio at Houston, 3 (9), Australia, def. Roberto Carballes Baena, Spain, 6-3, Mi Hyang Lee ................................ 69 71 75 — 215 -1
new York citY 2 1 3 Michigan vs. Notre Dame, noon
week 8 toronto 0 2 2 6-2; Alexandre Muller, France, def. Arthur Fils (31), Mary Liu ........................................ 69 71 75 — 215 -1 Princeton at Boston College, noon
denVer .............................. 28 28 37 24 — 117 sAturdAY’s GAMes France, 7-5, 6-3; Daniil Medvedev (2), Russia, def. Jack Yuka Saso ...................................... 73 69 73 — 215 -1 James Madison vs. Maryland, 12:30
MinnesotA ...................... 20 21 25 24 — 90 first half: 1, New York City FC, Rodriguez, 5 (penalty Draper, Britain, 7-5, 6-4; Sebastian Baez (17), Argentina, Angel Yin ....................................... 71 74 70 — 215 -1 Loyola (Md.) vs. Penn, 1
Memphis at Michigan, 4 kick), 23rd minute; 2, New York City FC, Jones, 1 (Wolf), def. Dusan Lajovic, Serbia, 7-6 (7-3), 7-6 (8-6); Cameron Celine Borge .................................. 69 73 74 — 216 E Florida vs. Virginia, 1
denVer: Gordon 5-7 0-0 13, Porter Jr. 6-10 5-6 21, Jokic Houston at Birmingham, 8 44th. Norrie (27), Britain, def. Jaume Munar, Spain, 6-3, 1-6, Celine Boutier ............................... 69 76 71 — 216 E Denver at Northwestern, 2
10-18 3-4 24, Caldwell-Pope 3-6 6-6 12, Murray 11-21 0-0 second half: 3, Toronto FC, Bernardeschi, 3, 55th; 4, New 6-3; Felix Auger-Aliassime (18), Canada, def. Botic Van
sundAY, MAY 19 Georgia Hall .................................. 69 71 76 — 216 E Stony Brook at Syracuse, 2
24, Tyson 0-1 1-2 1, Nnaji 1-1 0-0 2, Holiday 2-4 0-0 6, Braun York City FC, Perea, 1 (Wolf), 78th; 5, Toronto FC, de Zandschulp, Netherlands, 6-1, 7-6 (8-6); Stefanos
D.C. at St. Louis, noon Moriya Jutanugarn ....................... 72 71 73 — 216 E Johns Hopkins vs. Yale, 2:30
2-4 0-0 5, Jackson 2-4 2-2 6, Pickett 0-0 0-0 0, Strawther Petretta, 1 (Longstaff), 89th. Tsitsipas (6), Greece, def. Jan-Lennard Struff, Germany, Auston Kim ................................... 70 75 71 — 216 E
1-2 0-0 3, Watson 0-2 0-0 0. totals 43-80 17-20 117. Arlington at San Antonio, 4 Goalies: New York City FC, Matt Freese, Luis Barraza; 6-7 (7-1), 6-4, 6-4; Holger Rune (10), Denmark, def. Luca quArterfinALs
Pernilla Lindberg ........................... 70 71 75 — 216 E
Toronto FC, Sean Johnson, Luka Gavran. Nardi, Italy, 6-4, 6-4; Andrey Rublev (4), Russia, def. thursdAY’s GAMes
MinnesotA: McDaniels 4-6 2-4 10, Towns 4-7 2-2 14, Roberta Liti ................................... 68 72 76 — 216 E
Yellow cards: Bernardeschi, Toronto FC, 23rd; Martinez, Marcos Giron, United States, 5-7, 6-4, 7-5.
Gobert 3-5 0-2 6, Conley 3-9 3-3 10, Edwards 8-15 0-0 19, Ryann O'Toole ............................... 73 69 74 — 216 E TBD, ESPNU
New York City FC, 29th; Rosted, Toronto FC, 36th; Jones,
Anderson 1-3 1-2 3, Garza 2-2 4-4 8, Minott 1-3 0-0 3, Jasmine Suwannapura ................. 73 72 71 — 216 E TBD, ESPNU
New York City FC, 50th; Long, Toronto FC, 53rd; Perea, woMen’s sinGLes — round of 32
Warren 0-2 0-0 0, Reid 2-7 2-2 7, Alexander-Walker 2-5 h I G h S ChooLS New York City FC, 90th+9.
Jing Yan ......................................... 73 72 71 — 216 E TBD, ESPNU
2-2 6, McLaughlin 0-3 0-2 0, Morris 1-4 2-2 4. totals Iga Swiatek (1), Poland, def. Yulia Putintseva, Kazakh- Olivia Cowan ................................. 70 72 75 — 217 +1 TBD, ESPNU
New York City FC, Matt Freese; Tayvon Gray, Thiago stan, 6-3, 6-4; Paula Badosa, Spain, def. Diana Shnaider,
31-71 18-25 90. Sofia Garcia ................................... 71 73 73 — 217 +1
Martins, Birk Risa; Andres Perea, Santiago Rodriguez Russia, 5-7, 6-4, 6-4; Angelique Kerber, Germany, def. seMifinALs
sAturdAY’s resuLts Brooke Henderson ........................ 71 74 72 — 217 +1
three-point Goals: Denver 14-29 (Porter Jr. 4-5, Gordon (Andres Jasson, 90th+5), James Sands, Hannes Wolf Aliaksandra Sasnovich, Belarus, 6-3, 7-6 (4); Naomi At wAkeMed soccer pArk — in cArY, n.c.
bAsebALL Grace Kim ...................................... 68 74 75 — 217 +1
3-4, Holiday 2-3, Murray 2-5, Braun 1-2, Strawther 1-2, (Strahinja Tanasijevic, 90th); Malachi Jones (Axel Agus- Osaka, Japan, def. Daria Kasatkina (10), Russia, 6-3, 6-3; fridAY’s GAMes
MArYLAnd Cheyenne Knight ........................... 71 74 72 — 217 +1
Jokic 1-3, Tyson 0-1, Caldwell-Pope 0-2, Jackson 0-2), tin Ojeda, 69th), Alonso Martinez (Keaton Parks, 69th), Zheng Qinwen (7), China, def. Linda Noskova (29), Czech
River Hill 14, Blake 4 Elizabeth Szokol ........................... 73 69 75 — 217 +1 TBD, 3, ESPNU
Minnesota 10-33 (Towns 4-5, Edwards 3-8, Minott 1-2, Kevin O’Toole. Republic, 3-6, 6-1, 6-2; Sorana Cirstea (28), Romania, Lindsey Weaver-Wright ............... 67 78 72 — 217 +1 TBD, 5:30, ESPNU
Reid 1-3, Conley 1-5, Morris 0-1, Warren 0-1, McDaniels priVAte Toronto FC, Sean Johnson; Nickseon Gomis, Kevin Long def. Marketa Vondrousova (6), Czech Republic, 7-6 (7-1), Matilda Castren ............................ 71 71 76 — 218 +2
0-2, Alexander-Walker 0-3, McLaughlin 0-3). fouled out: Severn School 6, Gerstell Academy 3 (Kosi Thompson, 79th), Sigurd Rosted (Raoul Petretta, 6-3; Madison Keys (18), United States, def. Beatriz finAL
Maria Fassi .................................... 68 74 76 — 218 +2
None. rebounds: Denver 40 (Jokic 14), Minnesota 32 67th); Derick Etienne (Lorenzo Insigne, 76th), Deybi Haddad Maia (12), Brazil, 6-4, 4-6, 6-3; Coco Gauff (3), At wAkeMed soccer pArk — in cArY, n.c.
Hyo Joon Jang ............................... 71 73 74 — 218 +2
(Conley, Edwards 6). Assists: Denver 26 (Jokic 9), softbALL Flores (Alonso Coello, 76th), Matthew Longstaff, Jona- United States, def. Jaqueline Adina Cristian, Romania, Yuna Nishimura ............................ 73 71 74 — 218 +2 sundAY, MAY 26
Minnesota 23 (Conley 6). total fouls: Denver 25, priVAte than Osorio; Federico Bernardeschi, Prince-Osei Owusu, 6-1, 0-6, 6-3. TBD, noon, ESPN
Alexa Pano .................................... 68 76 74 — 218 +2
Minnesota 20. A: 19,733 (19,356) Potomac School 10, Georgetown Visitation 0 Tyrese Spicer.
sunday, may 12 , 2024 . the washington post eZ m2 d9
high schools
MAC BASeBALL FINAL Huskies had no answer for Poto- ISL AA SoFtBALL FINAL homer later in the frame, putting
mac senior starter Jack Graham, the Panthers ahead by nine.
A year after a car crash kept him out, Bodnar gets the big hit for the Cadets
notes in his previous matchups
sT. JOhN’s 5, with Majkowski. He noticed his
gONzAgA 1 at-bats always began with a
curveball, so he was ready when
one came. After he delivered, his
St. John’s winds up on top teammates added on.
for second straight season “Being able to be in that spot
and capitalize was surreal,” Bod-
nar said. “That for sure was my
BY E MMETT S IEGEL favorite memory of my baseball
Mason Bodnar was supposed St. John’s junior Ren Devereux
to be on this stage last year. He shut down the Eagles (19-11),
was on his way to start as the allowing one run in six innings.
catcher in the second game of the The Penn State commit exited
Washington Catholic Athletic after inducing back-to-back fly-
Conference championship series outs in the sixth, halting Gonzaga
when a car crash left him con- from taking the lead after it put
cussed, forcing him to watch the runners on first and second with
biggest game of the season from one out.
the dugout. “It was just about controlling
When he stepped up to the my breathing. . . . They wanted to
plate Saturday with a chance to dictate the pace of the game, and
give St. John’s the lead, he was I wanted to make sure I was in the
ready. With runners at the cor- driver’s seat out there on the
ners and two outs in the top of the mound,” Devereux said.
seventh inning, Bodnar, a senior, St. John’s had to rely on its
blasted the first pitch he saw into deep array of arms for much of
the gap in left-center field. As the the year. It competed against
ping of his bat echoed throughout many nationally ranked teams,
the Washington Nationals Youth and vs. local competition it often
Baseball Academy in Southeast had to face its opponent’s best.
D.C., two Cadets chugged home. But as the season went on, the
Bodnar stood on second base, Cadets’ bats caught up. On Friday,
smashing an imaginary sledge- in the first game of the series, St.
hammer into the ground to con- John’s jumped on Gonzaga and
duct a chorus of excited shrieks won, 10-0.
from his teammates. His double “The day-to-day grind that we
put the Cadets up by two, and the faced throughout the course of
Cadets added on for a 5-1 win over the year led to some ups and
Gonzaga that gave St. John’s its downs — particularly offensively
second consecutive WCAC title — and I think that got us pre-
and its eighth in nine seasons. pared for what we were going to
Before the seventh inning, the face when we got into the playoffs
Cadets (26-6) struggled to crack this year,” Coach Mark Gibbs said.
Gonzaga’s John Majkowski. The With each passing year, the
southpaw’s mixture of fastballs target on the Cadets’ back has
and off-speed pitches kept grown. But as afternoon turned
PhoTos by john mcdonnell for The WashingTon PosT
St. John’s at bay. to evening Saturday, they again
But Bodnar, who will play at Mason Bodnar (12) hit a two-run double in the seventh inning to give St. John’s the lead and ultimately the victory. The win gave the hurled their equipment into the
Randolph-Macon College, took Cadets their eighth WCAC championship in nine seasons. “Being able to be in that spot and capitalize was surreal,” Bodnar said. air and dogpiled on the turf.
ISL outdoor trACk ChAMpIoNShIpS are running in college now. Los- IAC/MAC trACk ANd FIeLd ChAMpIoNShIpS Athletic Conference champion-
ing that kind of talent would kick ship was about Georgetown
Benteke goes above and beyond, scoring three times on headers to lift United
results that we have. He really is had no chance. Benteke gained give them a sniff.”
d.C. United 3, carrying this team in a number of inside position and powered in a Here’s what else to know about
atlanta United 2 different ways.” six-yard header. United’s victory:
Benteke’s first two goals were Benteke turned provider in the
assisted by right wing Jared 40th minute, but Brad Guzan Healthy roster
BY S TEVEN G OFF Stroud, the last by Mateusz Klich’s made a kick save on Ted Ku-DiPi- Entering a rugged stretch of
corner kick in the 55th minute to etro’s one-on-one bid. games, Lesesne enjoyed the
ATLANTA — When it comes to snap a 2-2 tie. Stroud and Benteke combined healthiest roster of the season.
aerial expertise, D.C. United’s “Sometimes, when I don’t even again in the 44th. After Stroud’s Midfielder Russell Canouse, who
Christian Benteke has no peers in have the time to look up, I just try first cross was deflected back to is recovering from colon surgery,
MLS. Not only is he tall and strong, to put it in the air where he can him, he delivered a clean ball to was the only player on the injury
but he gets into the right positions jump over any defender in this Benteke lurking at the top of the report this week.
and times his leaps to perfection league,” Stroud said. “I know I just six-yard box for a downward head- Defender Conner Antley was
before snapping a header with the have to give him a chance.” er. the latest to return to active duty
power of a foot-driven shot. Beginning a stretch of six games Stroud, a winter acquisition after he missed three matches
The Belgian striker brought his in 22 days, United (4-3-5) won on from St. Louis, also assisted twice with a calf injury. Antley entered
midair show to Mercedes-Benz the road for the first time (1-1-4) last week against Philadelphia at the start of the second half for
Stadium on Saturday night, scor- and stretched its unbeaten streak and now has a career-high seven Cristian Dájome but suffered an
ing with his head three times in a to 2-0-1. Atlanta (3-5-3) is winless to move into MLS’s top five. undisclosed injury that Lesesne
36-minute span bridging halftime in six; boos descended when the Atlanta needed less than three said will require further evalua-
as United claimed a 3-2 victory final whistle sounded. minutes after intermission to tie it tion back home. . . .
over Atlanta. Mercedes-Benz Stadium had on an own goal. Matti Peltola stuck D.C. rookie defender Garrison
“I always credit the boys be- been a nightmare for United since out his left foot in an effort to block Tubbs, a former Atlanta academy
cause I just ask them to feed me. Atlanta began playing there in late Saba Lobjanidze’s cross. Goal- player, made his MLS debut in the
‘Feed me, guys, and I will make 2017: a 1-6-0 record and three keeper Alex Bono was coming off 81st minute.
sure I’m finishing my actions,’ ” goals conceded in each of the pre- his line to intercept it when the
Benteke said. “Sometimes I will vious three visits. ball caromed behind him. The schedule ahead
miss, but I’m likely to score be- United was on even terms early After three major threats by With the first weeknight match
cause we create so many chances.” until Christopher McVey took D.C., Benteke restored the lead for of the season looming, United will
Toying with defenders, Benteke down striker Giorgos Giakouma- his 26th goal in 48 MLS appear- have three days to prepare for the
posted his second hat trick of the kis in the box. Thiago Almada, a ances since 2022. United then New York Red Bulls’ visit to Audi
season and increased his goal total member of Argentina’s 2022 managed the match well and Field on Wednesday. It’s the first of
to 11, tying him with Inter Miami’s World Cup squad, converted in the avoided the late-game break- two meetings over seven weeks
Luis Suárez atop the scoring race, 16th minute for his third goal of downs that have plagued it several against longtime rivals to decide
pending MLS’s late Saturday the year. times this season. the annual Atlantic Cup.
games. United answered three minutes “It just seemed like everyone D.C. then will visit Fort Lauder-
“He’s incredible,” Coach Troy later on a counterattack involving was ready for the fight and lay dale, Fla., next Saturday for its first
Lesesne said. “I don’t think any- Klich, Aaron Herrera and Stroud. their body on the line,” Bono said. meeting with Lionel Messi (Inter
one is going to sit here and create a As Stroud prepared to cross from “We had so many blocks on shots Miami).
narrative that’s not going to talk the right flank, Benteke picked his from the top of the box, guys win-
MADY MerTenS/USA ToDAY SPorTS New York Red Bulls
about him first, because he de- spot. Few defenders can handle ning headers on set pieces, and
serves to be talked about. . . . With- the 6-foot-3 striker’s innate aerial Christian Benteke’s 11 goals were tied for the MLS lead pending our separate organization was a at D.C. United
out him, we don’t have some of the ability; 18-year-old Noah Cobb Saturday’s late games. “He’s incredible,” Coach Troy Lesesne said. lot better today. We really didn’t Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Apple TV Plus
Stoltz does the right thing, and the Gators demonstrate their staying power
space where none previously ex- In the A bracket, Flint Hill lead in the third quarter, Stoltz — a through Madison Rassas, a senior flooded the field to celebrate a
stone RidGe 8, isted. Her shot hummed low and scored with 2.6 seconds left to beat North Carolina commit and a five- Notre Dame signee. championship that felt different
G’town visitation 6 true, netting what would be the Maret, 9-8. star recruit per Inside Lacrosse — McDaniel put diminutive de- from last spring. Last year’s Stone
game-winner as the Gators beat Stoltz totaled four goals in the found the net again to even the fender Allison Haag on the Cubs’ Ridge team made history, declar-
the Cubs, 8-6, at Sidwell Friends to AA win. She was the only Gator to score. That goal kick-started a 4-1, star. Haag, a sophomore, face- ing itself as a new member of the
BY V ARUN S HANKAR earn their second straight ISL notch multiple scores in the tight- title-winning run from the Gators. guarded Rassas down the stretch, conference and the region’s elite.
tournament title. ly contested final, helping her “We always focus by quarter,” holding her and the Cubs scoreless This year’s team, which took down
Sophia Stoltz struggles going to “I definitely don’t feel as confi- team fend off multiple pushes by Gators Coach Kristen McDaniel for the final 11 minutes. multiple nationally ranked
her right. But in the third quarter dent with [my right],” Stoltz said. Visitation. said. “When you don’t win a quar- “You can’t stop her no matter squads, delivered an emphatic re-
of Saturday’s Independent School “But I have my team and my The Gators went up 2-0 early ter, it means you have to come out what,” Haag said of Rassas. “You minder that the Gators aren’t go-
League AA lacrosse title game, coaches, and I know they support before Cubs sophomore midfield- strong for the next one. So we just have to put your best foot out ing anywhere.
Stone Ridge’s junior midfielder me. And I know that if I make a er Mackenzie Rassas tallied twice really needed to have a big third there, and if that means putting “Once you win more than one, it
knew it was no time to be shy. mistake, we’re going to be there to to tie the score. Stoltz scored twice quarter and a big fourth quarter to your whole body on her, you just starts to set a standard of play,”
Being face-guarded by George- pick each other up. . . . There’s no before halftime, when Stone finish this off.” have to do it.” McDaniel said. “[We can] show
town Visitation, Stoltz whirled level of chemistry that you can Ridge (16-4) led by one. Visitation (13-7) pressed for a When the final seconds ticked that we’re here as a program and
around to her weak side, finding beat with this team.” When Visitation surged to a 5-4 comeback and tried to play away, the Gators and their fans not just a one-and-done.”
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great apes
Since 1968’s ‘Planet of the Apes,’ how a bunch of overwrought B-movies evolved into the ultimate franchise reboot
In June of 2022, somewhere in the peat swamp forests of Indonesia’s Gunung Leuser National Park, a male
Sumatran orangutan with an angry-looking facial injury chewed up some leaves from a plant known to
have healing properties, then carefully applied the resultant wadded mush to the affected area. Within
weeks, the wound closed up, leaving only minor scarring. Rakus, as the researchers dubbed the ape (it
seems, in this case, a tad presumptuous to claim that is definitively his name; he may go by something else
among his friends), was immortalized in a May 2, 2024, paper as the first observed example of a wild
animal effectively self-administering a medicine he had made from local flora. It is a small but noteworthy
milestone in the ongoing search for recognizably humanlike intelligence outside of Homo sapiens, an
astonished scientific community concluded. See Apes on e7
in The G aLL e r ie s
‘Living Colors’
brings together
several decades
of abstract art
The four sprawling 3D pieces in “Pressing,” a
two-artist show at Tephra Institute of
Contemporary Art, are symbolic landscapes
that represent environments both organic and
Maureen Minehan vivian Marie Doering
man-made. They also convey history lessons,
albeit of different sorts. “Geometric” by Maureen Minehan in her show “There and Back,” The two-artist show “Pressing” with Rena Detrixhe and Katherine Tzu-Lan
Local artist Katherine Tzu-Lan Mann is featuring images of objects that emphasize an atmosphere of solitude. Mann features symbolic landscapes such as Detrixhe’s “Red Dirt Rug,” above.
known for intricate collage-paintings that
overflow their boundaries. She invokes her
Taiwanese heritage with sumi-ink painting
that combines improvisational abstraction blur breaking surf into a cottony white-blue
with renderings of flowers and plants. These expanse.
include the four most often depicted in The subtle textures weren't all captured
traditional Chinese art: cherry blossom, through the lens. Minehan prints on fibrous
orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum. paper and sometimes uses computer
Mann’s assemblages in this show also manipulation to incorporate gently hued
incorporate mosaics of stones, tiles and small brushstrokes derived from watercolor
bits of glass, whose hardness contrasts the painting. These meld with the photographed
many fragile paper elements, including skies to accentuate hazy clouds and diffused
streamers that drape onto the floor. These sunlight. The effect is faint, but in pictures of
vines and tendrils join with the other elements mist, shadow and emptiness every small
to conjure overgrown gardens, teeming with addition is world-shaping.
wild possibility.
There is soil in Rena Detrixhe’s “Red Dirt Maureen Minehan: There and Back through
Rug,” but it nurtures no plants. The large floor May 19 at Multiple exposures gallery, torpedo
piece appears as tidy as Mann’s artworks are Factory, 105 n. union St., alexandria.
unruly, although grainy edges reveal that the multipleexposuresgallery.com. 703-683-2205.
installation is indeed made of dirt. The Kansas
City artist has stamped decorative motifs,
inspired by a residency in Oklahoma, into the Anna U Davis
red powder. Among them are native plant and It’s nice that the title of Anna U Davis’s
bird species and art deco motifs from Tulsa Brentwood Arts Exchange show, “Road to
buildings. Recovery,” is reassuring, since many of the
Under the rug, in a sense, are such images are harrowing. The Swedish-born D.C.
deliberately obscured events as the Trail of artist is a breast cancer survivor whose
Tears, during which Native Americans were depictions of medical procedures are
driven from the Southeast to Oklahoma, and jarringly vivid, even if her renderings are far
the 1921 white supremacist massacre of Black from realistic. In “The Sting,” a technician
residents in Tulsa’s Greenwood District. injects wasps into a woman’s breast as the
Detrixhe’s creation will eventually be swept up, patient’s face, pressed against the edge of the
but the fraught historical bedrock that picture and turned toward the viewer,
supports it will endure. contorts into a scream.
Davis shows her work frequently in the
Pressing: rena Detrixhe and Katherine Tzu- area, so her style may well be familiar. She
Lan Mann through May 19 at tephra institute of paints in a simplified, cartoonish manner and
Contemporary art, 12001 Market St., reston. contrasts her subjects with mosaic-like areas
tephraica.org. 703-471-9242. of collaged cut-paper pieces. Davis's
characters are gray-skinned people she calls
“Frocasians,” inspired by her own interracial
Maureen Minehan family. Her bright-colored pictures tend to be
The landscapes in Maureen Minehan’s large, and the ones in this group have black
“There and Back” investigate the vast realm backdrops that make the figures pop, or
between very little and nothing at all. The D.C. sometimes appear about to engulf them in
photographer’s Multiple Exposures Gallery darkness.
show often features images of a single man- Among the more disturbing paintings is
made object — a house, a pier, a lifeguard’s “Waitingroom,” in which five men sit on a
chair — in a natural setting. The solitude is couch, all of them attached to IVs and
emphasized by darkness, ephemeral light or dripping blood from their feet. Several of the
mists that bid to obscure the scene altogether. others portray a solitary woman, whether
The vignettes, all observed on Maryland’s burning with internal fire seemingly ignited
Eastern Shore or the Delaware coast, are stark by the pills that surround her or taking refuge
and mysterious, although there is a humorous under blue strands that spray from a shower
interlude: two tiny people, the only humans head. In Davis’s telling, even moments of
to inhabit any of the photos, sit on a beach respite can cascade with pain and fear.
next to a banner that proclaims, “yoga.” The
word is legible, but much of the image is anna U Davis: road to recovery through May 18
pete Duvall
beguilingly soft. That’s characteristic of these at Brentwood arts exchange, 3901 rhode island ave.,
pictures, which include several for which “Waitingroom” by Anna U Davis is included in her show “Road to Recovery” at Brentwood Arts Exchange. Brentwood. pgparks.com/brentwood-arts.
Minehan probably used long exposures to Davis is a breast cancer survivor whose depictions of medical procedures are jarringly vivid. 301-277-2863.
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e6 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, may 12 , 2024
I’m spending seven hours a day scrolling; why can’t I get myself unstuck?
Dear Carolyn: I And the whole thing hinges candidate for that honor. It is My brother’s new live-in
think I should go on five letters: “ought.” (Or both symptom and ailment unto girlfriend wants my brother to
to therapy “phone.” Discuss.) itself. be a better dad and is constantly
because of my You’re stuck because you So either switch to a dumb calling to find out where Jimmy
increasing sense would rather shame yourself for phone or dumb yours down to is. Jimmy ducks the calls, so she
of paralysis. I being stuck than ask for help the barest minimum needed for has started calling me. Given
Carolyn scroll for seven- getting unstuck at the risk of work/school/life. Now. that my brother has never once
Hax plus hours a day. I feeling shamed by others. Immediately. Fill the time with called, do I have a duty to
put off both Everything you identify as walks till you have better ideas. respond to her? And if not, how
hobbies and dragging you down, and Since we all function can I tell her to stand down?
important life tasks, from large everything you refuse to do to imperfectly, there is no higher — Bonus Kid’s Parent
things like taxes to small things get better, flows from that. functioning than this: sensing a
like making dinner at a Take, for example, your problem within you, identifying Bonus Kid’s Parent: Invite her
reasonable hour. declaration of no “mitigating it, then taking hard steps to fix to coffee. Explain the system.
I ought to be able to get factors.” That may be true — but it. You’re 2 for 3. Great. Represent Jimmy’s interests to
unstuck on my own, since there could also be what you want to If your parents simply won’t the best of your knowledge and
aren’t any mitigating factors; I’m believe, given how invested you get that, then maybe that’s ability. Your duty is to show your
not disabled, nothing is going are in erasing signs of frailty. where you and your therapist bonus kid how to address this as
catastrophically wrong in my And you may have subtler start. an adult.
life, etc. But so far, no dice. conditions. You may be Big e-hugs for being his stable
So, I think I could benefit neurodivergent, for example, Dear Carolyn: My 17-year-old home.
from therapy. The problem is I which can complicate the daily nephew, “Jimmy,” has always
put on a very high-functioning executive functioning you find been our bonus child. My Write to carolyn hax at
front, and I don’t want to so difficult right now. It certainly brother’s life is just too chaotic [email protected]. get her
disrupt it. I may do my work at can make phones tougher to put to give this kid the stability he column delivered to your inbox each
the last minute, but it’s high down. needs. As Jimmy has gotten morning at wapo.st/gethax.
quality. My apartment may be a Or, you may have depression older and more independent, he
mess, but I can clean it up before or anxiety or another mental spends more and more time here Join the discussion live at noon
someone comes over. I don’t health condition. These not only and even has his own room at fridays at washingtonpost.com/live
want anyone to know about the hit people right in the to-do list, iLLustrAtiON By Nick gALifiANAkis fOr the WAshiNgtON POst our house, and I’m fine with it. -chats.
horrible process. My parents in but also lure them into harsh
particular — and they would self-criticism — and make
have to know because I’m still phones tough to put down.
on their health insurance. Or, you may have both
How can I discuss wanting to neurodivergence and a mental
see a therapist while not health condition, since they
admitting why? I’d like my often work in tandem.
failures to remain private, thank There are a lot of possibilities Mike Du Jour By Mike Lester
you very much. you could be skipping over in
— Not Talking your rush to declare there’s
nothing wrong!! … so you
Not Talking: The reason any of “ought” to be fine!!! … it’s just
us wants therapy tends to be the your “failures.” As you hollow
obstacle to getting it. It isn’t just yourself out to keep the shell
you. intact.
In your case, the only Set up the appointments,
“horrible process” I see is please. Plural: primary care and
shame. therapist.
Its corrosive effect on your life If either you or your parents
skills and self-image is almost aren’t well enough for you to say
physically painful to read. why you’re going, then tell them
We all have finite energy it’s private. Because it is. Period.
stores. Your top priority for your If they press you — hello? That’s
limited energy is to maintain their messed-up, not yours.
your facade of success. The Possible alternatives: an
bigger your challenges Employee Assistance Program,
emotionally, however, the more paying out of pocket, Open Path
resources you need to maintain Collective (openpathcollective.
the appearance of health and org).
high function — ergo, the fewer Last thing. Maybe there are
resources you have available for better encapsulations of
actual health and functioning. “catastrophically wrong in my
Which need more of your life,” but flushing 40 percent of
attention right now. It’s a your waking hours down the
paralysis spiral. scroll-toilet is a credible
Stories of the past, rediscovered.
sunday, may 12 , 2024 . the washington post eZ ee K E7
apEs FROM E1
Rather more predictable was the public Wizard” (which has been lost) and 1942’s “Dr. metaphor for the animal innocence we hu-
response to the story, which was carried by Renault’s secret” (which can be found on Almost as long as mans lost along with our tails.
most major outlets, including nature and YouTube), were based on a book by a French- notary, however, has continued to appear
new scientist and The Washington Post. As a man, as was Franklin J. schaffner’s 1968 the movies have in ape form even outside the reboots, most
species we’ve often reacted to the perceived “Planet of the Apes,” which was an adaptation notably playing Gordy, the sitcom chimp who
threat of our own usurpation — whether by of the 1963 novel by Pierre Boulle. The later been around, we’ve goes on a desperately creepy, gory rampage at
animals, aliens or artificial intelligences — film culminates in an all-time iconic twist the beginning of Jordan Peele’s superb 2022
with incredulity edged in nervous laughter, so ending (actually not in the book, invented woven filmed sci-fi “nope,” as well as appearing in human
while one cohort jokingly lamented this instead by co-screenwriter and “Twilight form — albeit apelike — as the performance
potential evolutionary leap toward humani- Zone” creator Rod serling) involving the fictions out of the artist whose disruption of a black-tie gala
ty’s obsolescence, another jokingly celebrated statue of Liberty, a monument that, like both forms the most memorable scene in Ruben
this potential evolutionary leap toward hu- the earliest and best-known movies about idea of our great- Östlund’s Palme d’Or-winning “The square.”
manity’s obsolescence. Others, however, re- human-ape symbiosis — and indeed like the “nope” satirizes humanity’s insatiable and
sponded with quips about how it was all cinematograph itself, if we really want to get ape brethren dubiously ethical hunger for entertainment
probably nothing more than a well-timed into it — were all, in a strangely specific quirk spectacle by making Gordy a kind of avatar for
marketing ploy for “Kingdom of the Planet of of transatlantic fate, imported from France. testing the the rage of voiceless, erased and exploited
the Apes” (now playing at a multiplex near Also French: the original “Beauty and the industry workers reduced to servitude, as well
you), which doesn’t seem out of the realm of Beast” tale, elements of which permeate evolutionary as a stand-in for humanity’s hubristic belief in
possibility, given what a convincing alternate “Balaoo” and its remakes, whereby the ape- its dominion over the natural world. “The
reality the recent Apes movies have generat- man abomination’s taboo longing for a pretty barrier that square” shows how the artist’s primitivist
ed. Has there been a more consistently blond damsel is both the vessel for his behavior discomfits an initially tickled audi-
entertaining, provocative and emotive fran- redemption and the instrument of his eventu- separates us from ence of tuxedoed sophisticates once it is clear
chise in the past 15 years than the Planet of the al demise. That tragic and ironic story arc he is not simply aping about for their pleas-
Apes reboot trilogy? To quote the shiver-in- finds its most famous simian representative them, as though antly scandalized amusement.
ducing moment when rebel chimp Caesar in Merian C. Cooper’s “King Kong” (1933) and Different though they are, both of these
utters his first word: “no.” its two direct remakes, the schlocky 1976 Dino somehow hoping to titles to some extent use their simian el-
Wes Ball’s “Kingdom of the Planet of the De Laurentiis-produced version in which ements to skewer caste, class pretension and
Apes” is the fourth installment in the Apes Jessica Lange replaces Faye Wray as the see, in their the abuse of the powerless by elites corrupted
reboot — reportedly the beginning of a new Beauty quivering in the Beast’s mighty palm, by their power — all themes that also found
trilogy — and the 10th Apes film overall, if we and Peter Jackson’s 2005 go-round with imperfect mirror, a expression, often with an almost heroic lack
count the five originals plus the much- naomi Watts as Kong’s feistier, new-millenni- of subtlety, in the Planet of the Apes series.
mocked 2001 Tim Burton version. Taken as a um menacee/paramour. true reflection of especially in the four sequels to the original
sporadic continuum, starting with those But Jackson’s Kong didn’t just try on a less film, which, with the religious aspects of
damn dirty apes who wouldn’t take their sexist and less racist version of the story for our own imperfect “Beneath the Planet of the Apes” (1970), the
stinking paws off Charlton Heston in 1968, size. It also was the first to move away from themes of celebrity and the complacency of
the series is certainly the most comprehensive man-in-suit and animatronic effects, and use natures. wealth toward its underclasses in “escape
ongoing cinematic exploration of the rela- motion-capture tech that enabled not just From the Planet of the Apes” (1971), and the
tionship between mankind and our nearest more impressive stunts and shot-making but overt racial allegories, slave auctions and civil
animal kin. But though it’s the best, boldest also a greater range of anthropomorphic unrest storylines of “Conquest of the Planet of
and overall bizarrest interrogation of human- expressivity in the animal’s face. And this has the Apes” (1972) and “Battle for the Planet of
hominid blurring, it is far from the first. been the method used ever since, making the Apes” (1973), provide surprisingly tren-
Almost as long as the movies have been mo-cap legends out of not just Andy serkis, chant social commentary for a quartet of
around, we’ve woven filmed fictions out of the who played Kong after playing Gollum in decreasingly budgeted early-’70s B-movies
idea of our great-ape brethren testing the Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy and would featuring a bunch of extras in voice-muffling
evolutionary barrier that separates us from go on to give a so-far unparalleled mo-cap ape masks.
them, as though somehow hoping to see, in performance as the brilliant and beleaguered
their imperfect mirror, a true reflection of our ape leader Caesar in the Apes reboot trilogy. ut then, the original Planet of the Apes
own imperfect natures. You could say that
almost as long as there have been cameras,
we’ve been chimping.
Terry notary and Toby Kebbell, after also
playing key chimp roles in the reboots,
together portrayed Kong in Jordan Vogt-Rob-
B series was a unicorn in many ways: a
franchise before franchises were a
thing, and a volley of summer blockbusters
erts’s “Kong: skull Island,” which launched (all but the first film premiered in May or
s far back as 1913, French cinema the big guy into the Legendary Pictures June) that ended the year before “Jaws”
20th cEntury Fox Film corp./EvErEtt collEction 20th cEntury Fox Film corp./EvErEtt collEction
nd though part of an ongoing tradition, chimp, radical Ari. Thus is formed a love win. He doesn’t play a nice guy; he’s harsh It’s this species treachery, by which suc-
these films built something new: riff- triangle only slightly less convincing than and hostile, self-centered and hot-tempered. cessive filmmaking teams have given the
ing on but substantially changing Ari’s hairdo, which looks to be a vaguely … He is the perfect American Adam to work apes, for all their flaws, the higher moral
Boulle’s storyline, “Planet of the Apes” (1968) simian take on “the rachel.” off some American guilt feelings or self-ha- ground, that makes Planet of the Apes such a
reverses the gender polarity of “King Kong,” The comparison between Wahlberg’s con- tred on.” weirdly intriguing proposition. Picking up
so here it’s a less destructive attraction that fused loaf of Wonder Bread and Heston’s slab Made years before Heston’s rightward po- and running with that premise and organiz-
runs like a kinky little current between Kim of beefcake served with a side of ham does litical lurch would see the former Democrat ing it around the epic life of rebel chimp
Hunter’s chimp scientist Kira and Heston’s Burton’s film few favors. But it’s also fascinat- launch conservative action committees and leader Caesar (Serkis), the reboot trilogy
blustering human astronaut-Adonis, George ing to look at Heston’s performance in its serve five terms as president of the National starts with rupert Wyatt’s terrific “rise of
Taylor. And Taylor is also given a human own right, mainly because of how much he rifle Association — and doesn’t his delivery of the Planet of the Apes” (2011) and continues
female mate to disavow any overt involve- commits to this risky, schlocky premise and “from my cold, dead hands” sound like with Matt reeves’s even better “Dawn of the
ment in icky interspecies hanky-panky, be- to a character whose deep unlikability he something Taylor might have yelled at a Planet of the Apes” (2014) and “War for the
yond a single chaste kiss. Not to suggest it’s entirely embraces. Heston’s portrayal of Tay- vanquished gorilla foe? — his Apes role Planet of the Apes” (2017), and remains
altogether progressive: Hot human girlfriend lor communicates a pretty radical ambiva- nonetheless anticipates that shift in ideology. starkly relevant now. In a time when many of
Nova (Linda Harrison) is scantily clad, sub- lence toward the strapping, rude-health vi- George Taylor, after all, is the dying man us have lost faith in our human leaders,
servient and mute — in other words, the sion of American exceptionalism (especially whose last act, at the end of “Beneath,” is to Caesar is great leadership personified: dig-
perfect 20th-century woman prior to second- as contrasted with the effete, intellectual blow up Earth with a nuclear device, which nified, honorable, compassionate when he
wave feminism coming along and spoiling chimp scientists) that the actor appears to can be read as the ultimate fascistic fantasy of can be and ferocious when he must be. And
the fun. Though, to be fair, things hadn’t embody. In her contemporary review, Pauline the kind of egomaniac who cannot counte- while he is wise, he also listens to counsel,
gotten much better by 2001 when in Burton’s Kael wrote: “The picture is an enormous, nance a single being to continue living once he particularly that of his chief adviser, Mau-
narratively and erotically befuddled re- many-layered black joke on the hero and the is dead, and locates the ultimate assertion of rice (Karin Konoval) — orangutans both
launch attempt, Mark Wahlberg’s perma- audience, and part of the joke is the use of humanity’s dominance over the planet in its here and in the originals appear to be the
nently dazed time-traveling doofus gets a Charlton Heston as the hero. Physically, total, irrevocable destruction. Pretty rich for a scholars, philosophers, historians and doc-
farewell peck from primitive woman/super- Heston, with his perfect, lean-hipped, power- guy given to castigating his “maniac” ances- tors of the ape world, which makes the
model Estella Warren but a more lingering ful body, is a godlike hero; built for strength, tors and damning them all to hell for doing real-world rakus’s medicinal mastery all the
smooch from Helena Bonham Carter’s he’s an archetype of what makes Americans almost exactly that. more canon.
sunday, may 12, 2024 EZ EE E9
ut although “rise,” “Dawn” and “War” he’s led his people and their human child-ally, cal scenes as those in “War,” when the best and worst selves into “The Jungle
university.” says the college’s assistant dean, Denise Saun- you want to, but you’re going to Howard.’” trash everywhere.” Soon plays written by and
rashad doesn’t shun the spotlight, she redi- ders Thompson. “They want to know, ‘What freshman year at the College of fine Arts about African Americans were taught, spiritu-
rects it. “my nickname for her is ‘I’ve got a did you do to get to where you are?’” was like boot camp. one was not late, one came als entered the musical canon.
secret,’” Allen says. “She’s always doing things to rehearsal prepared, one lived and breathed “That spirit lives here. It just does,” rashad
we don’t know about.” Adds the acclaimed o let’s start with rashad’s half-century the department. “our faculty loved us,” says says. “And you don’t necessarily realize not
playwright Pearl Cleage, rashad’s Howard
classmate and friend of 50 years: “She doesn’t
like to talk about herself. She’s very humble as a
S love story with Howard.
“Donny Hathaway was out there sing-
ing every friday with the Alphas. Umm hmm.
rashad, who watched her first homecoming
game — a pinnacle of Howard life — from the
window of the scene shop where she was
only what it’s giving you, but how it’s living in
you. You have to go away and come back for
that one.”
human being. She’s been meditating for years This place was humming with music, buzzing working. So she did. But first, Broadway.
and years and years. I think that is part of what with art, aloft in theater,” she says. “There was rashad spent the summer after sophomore After graduation, rashad acted steadily in
we receive when we talk to her. She wants to do something going on in every moment, all the year in New York at the newly formed Negro New York theater. She played a munchkin in
the work.” time. This was a grand place to be.” Ensemble Company, watching Black actors on the original production of “The Wiz” and was
Now the work here is finished — or just When she arrived in fall 1966, the native the stage doing what a White instructor at Sheryl Lee ralph’s understudy in “Dreamgirls.”
about. “Where’s my phone?” she asks before Houstonian had never been to Washington. Howard told her was impossible. “She was In 1983, rashad was playing Woman Two in
retrieving it from a desk, which is blanketed by But Howard University had been a fixed place Irish. She meant well,” rashad says before Cleage’s avant-garde “Puppetplay,” about two
dozens of copies of Toni morrison’s “The in her mind since she was a girl. slipping on the professor’s voice. women married to a marionette, when she got
Source of Self-regard.” She proudly shows off a She points to a black-and-white class photo “And she said: ‘Surely you must know I have the call that she had been cast opposite co-
snippet of a student film project. “Just press hanging high on the wall behind her desk. on an affinity for the Negro people. Why else median Bill Cosby in “The Cosby Show.”
that arrow and see the quality,” rashad says, that framed yearbook page is rashad’s father, would I be here? But I must tell you, in all “All of us who wrote for the stage were like:
beaming as we watch a young woman dressed Andrew Arthur Allen, who graduated from honesty, there is no room in the theater for the ‘Don’t do it. Don’t leave,” Cleage says. That role
in a black suit perform matrix-style acrobatics. Howard University’s College of Dentistry in Negro. You should explore another vocation.’ as a lawyer, wife and mom of five living in
rashad has an open-door policy. She is no 1946. And we sat there looking at her just like you’re brownstone Brooklyn would become iconic,
Great oz. If it’s office hours and her door is ajar, “He talked about Howard University as far looking at me now,” rashad says. cementing rashad’s cultural status but hardly
any of the college’s 579 students can walk in, no back as I could remember because he loved it Amid America’s convulsions from the Viet- curtailing her artistic ambition or reach. To
appointment necessary. Today she is stately so much,” says rashad. So when a teenage nam War and the Black Power movement, this day, “The Cosby Show” probably looms
but casual, dressed in a delicate kimono em- Phylicia Ayers-Allen, who knew she was des- rashad and her classmates pushed for an largest in rashad’s career — even as the show’s
broidered with dragons, her silver hair protect- tined for the theater, was contemplating col- Afrocentric curriculum — a new concept at a legacy has become muddier following the dis-
ed in boho braids. “I wanted the students to leges, there was really only one choice. 100-year-old historically Black university — grace of her co-star — but the actress’s contri-
have access to the professionals,” she says. That “my father said,” rashad remembers, sum- and slowly things began to change. She won’t butions to the culture far exceed that sitcom. In
starts with her. moning Allen’s Louisiana-inflected accent, say what tactics they used, just that “we were 2004, she was the first Black woman to win a
They often begin with the same question, “‘Darling, you can apply to whatever school not about … breaking windows and throwing Tony for lead actress in a play, for her role in the
sunday, may 12 , 2024 . the washington post eZ ee E11
CLOCKWISE FROM LEFT: Actress and director Phylicia Rashad is wrapping up a stint as the dean of Howard University’s Chadwick A. Boseman College of Fine Arts. Rashad signs
copies of Toni Morrison’s “The Source of Self-Regard” for the college’s graduating seniors in her office. Student Jonathan Hooker meets with Rashad, who maintains an open-door policy.
revival of “A Raisin in the Sun.” She won a “She called Denzel Washington and asked state-of-the-art multiuse building on campus. “People are included or excluded by a leader.
second Tony in 2022 for Dominique Moris- him to write a check,” says Allen. “Of course it “I would come back for that,” thought Saunders I’m not shaping anybody. People are shaped and
seau’s “Skeleton Crew.” was done quietly. That’s how Phylicia rolls.” Thompson, who became Rashad’s first hire. very well formed,” Rashad says. “All they need is
“She’s the top of the Mount Rushmore of Giving back was one thing, but being the A month into her three-year term, Rashad an invitation and understanding that they mat-
theater,” says Kenny Leon, who directed Rashad dean never occurred to her. Until Boseman had her first and only controversy. Cosby had ter, that their voices are valued, not tolerated.”
in the “Raisin” revival. “If I said I need this brought it up. “It was strategic,” she says with a been released from prison after his 2018 convic- On the second Saturday in May, 72 seniors
emotion in blue, she would say, ‘What shade of smile. tion for sexual assault was overturned in Penn- will graduate from the Chadwick A. Boseman
blue would you like, sir?’ She can do that like no They were having lunch in Los Angeles when sylvania because prosecutors violated his right College of Fine Arts. Somewhere in the bags
other actor on the planet.” Boseman shared the news that the College of to due process. Rashad tweeted: “FINALLY!!!! A they pack will be one of those Toni Morrison
It was that talent — not just Rashad’s TV star Fine Arts, which had been absorbed by the Arts terrible wrong is being righted-a miscarriage of books from Rashad’s desk, each with a personal
power — that led the legendary stage actor and and Sciences College in 1998, would become an justice is corrected!” Howard alumni and the note from the dean. She’s busy signing them on
longtime Howard professor Al Freeman Jr. to independent college once more. Ms. Rashad, broader public immediately criticized the ac- the day we speak.
invite her to return to “the Mecca” and teach for wasn’t that great news? And wouldn’t you be a tress, calling for her to step down for defending “I really want them to have a good sense of
a semester. At the time, she was acting once great dean? He still thought of her as his a figure who has been accused by more than 60 self,” Rashad says. “I want them to take that
again with Cosby in the CBS series “Cosby,” and teacher, but she wasn’t quite convinced; it women of sexual assault and other acts. Rashad with them wherever they go. When you turn the
Fridays were her only day off. didn’t look like a job that left much time for issued “my most sincere apology.” focus inside to one’s own self, that quiet space
“I’m not really a teacher, you know. He said, I acting. So she set the idea aside. “That was that,” says Saunders Thompson. within. That’s the one to be satisfied.”
think you are. And I said, well, I might know “Some months passed and so did Chadwick,” “We dealt with the media for a minute with the Is Rashad satisfied? Yes and no. When she
enough to know it, but I don’t know enough to Rashad says of her friend and former student, university, and it hasn’t been brought back up.” scans her office, decorated wall to wall with
teach it. He said, I think you do,” remembers who died of colon cancer in 2020. She was Eric January, a 2023 graduate who as a senior artwork from her students, the first word that
Rashad. She walked into Childers Hall that poring over magazine covers featuring the ac- displayed an abstract painting at the NBA comes to mind is “full.” That was the feeling she
semester wondering What in the world am I tor when she thought to call the university’s House in Salt Lake City during All-Star Week- had when first entering the room in 2021 and
going to say to these young people? then-president, Wayne A.I. Frederick. “Perfect end, says Rashad’s biggest impact “was refocus- the tears came. She’s proud of her work at
Among the talent in that class: future “This Is timing,” he said. As it turned out, Howard had ing the spotlight, reminding the world that we Howard and in her artistic life, but …
Us” actress Susan Kelechi Watson, Apollo Thea- just begun the search process. Rashad threw are still here. She was our champion.” “Whenever I think there’s nothing else to do,
ter executive producer Kamilah Forbes and her hat in the ring. But Rashad insists that she isn’t the sole there’s always something more,” Rashad says.
“Black Panther” star Boseman. Students from Saunders Thompson, the assistant dean, re- source of the college’s reinvigoration. “I’m very grateful for that. The best part is
that group, including Watson and Boseman, members being on a Zoom call for fine arts “It’s everybody working together. That’s performing work that serves people, that reach-
spent the summer studying Shakespeare at alumni in which Rashad made her case. Her what makes it happen. It’s never one person. es beyond the confines of perceived limitations.
Oxford University at Rashad’s urging. She also vision for the college involved new curriculum, No, it’s people working together,” she says. Because all these limitations that we set on
made sure it was paid for. new faculty, professional access and a new But people are shaped by a leader? ourselves, they’re not the truth, you know?”
E12 EZ EE the washington post . sunday, may 12 , 2024
icture the perfect movie mom.
Would that demure, beautiful (but not sexual) and protective (but not
aggressive) angel of a woman ever dump cold water on you at 6 a.m. because you
stayed up too late being a teenage miscreant and now refuse to get up for school?
No. Moms have things to do. They can’t wait around for your adolescent sleep
schedule to catch up. Because, despite what you frequently see on screen, children are not the
only plot in a mother’s life. They were people before they had children and are still people
when they have a toddler clinging to their legs.
Even if the screen mom isn’t the angel-voiced, infallible, governess-turned-stepparent
Maria von Trapp from “The Sound of Music,” there is a desire to categorize women as great
matriarchs (think Mother Robinson from “Swiss Family Robinson,” Mrs. Incredible from
“The Incredibles” or Marmee March from any of the “Little Women” adaptations) or
antagonists (Mother Gothel from “Rapunzel” or Margaret White from “Carrie”). And while
that spectrum does exist, minus the magical elements, most moms don’t hit either extreme.
Because the complicated woman who argues with you over fake Facebook news and tells you
to lose weight is the same person who wiped your backside until you could do it yourself, and
still worries if you’re safe at night.
To celebrate the moms who burn holes through the bottom of pots when they boil water,
here are four movie mothers who act like real moms.
The tales of Midas, Aphrodite, Zeus,
Cupid, and more showcase the transfor- Check website
mative power of myths in this contempo- Folger Theatre for Black Out
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VADC: Pre-
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DC Zemlinsky, and Sir Arthur Sullivan.
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Die Fledermaus Saturday, May 18 at costume, with an orchestra. Sung in 6125 Montrose Road] $40 online and at
Johann Strauss II 7:30 Rockville, MD
Sunday, May 19 at 6:00 English with English supertitles. the door
The Guide to the Lively Arts appears: • Sunday in Arts & Style. deadline: Tues., 12 noon
• Monday in Style. deadline: Friday, 12 noon • Tuesday in Style. deadline: Mon., 12 noon • Wednesday in Style. deadline: Tues., 12 noon
• Thursday in Style. deadline: Wed., 12 noon • Friday in Weekend. deadline: Tues., 12 noon • Saturday in Style. deadline: Friday, 12 noon
For information about advertising, call Jason Samuel at 202-334-4776.
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e14 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, may 12 , 2024
$ ) 2 8 / ( 5 $ 7 5 8 6 6 0 $ * on investment investment
5 8 1 1 , 1 0 $ 1 8 6 7 8 / 8 / 8 25 Near 96 Champions of the
0 6 * 3 ( 7 8 / $ 1 7 ( $ * ( 5 / < 26 Agreement inaugural NBA Cup
' 8 ' 6 & 8 3 / 8 * 27 Impressionist’s creation tournament in 2023
* , 1 8 3 + 8 3 $ 7 2 % 0 8 0 3 6 28 Mineo in movies 98 “Top ___” (highest-
$ & & ( 6 6 , 1 * 3 8 3 $ / 0 $ 8 / 29 Sch. with majoring grossing film of 1986)
Happy Birthday | may 12: you have an intelligent perspective on life. you’re solid, “TO THE 102 Instruction for 4 On the wrong 36 Elicit an “OMG!” 68 Strauss piece 101 Poodle
CONTRARY” BY putting away end of the score 37 “Gladiator” 70 Actor Holbrook pampering
reliable, hard-working and dedicated. this year you will learn more, especially about DENNIS NULLET fishing tackle? 5 Subject of a setting 71 Got ready to place
your spiritual or religious beliefs. you might teach. you will enjoy exploring 108 Tres plus cuatro 2006 demotion 38 Prod drive 102 Grab power
philosophies that give you a better self-awareness of the true meaning of your life. ACROSS 109 Irish actor 6 Movie theater 39 German “a” 74 Minimal 103 NFLer
1 Letters and such Stephen 7 “Totally gnarly!” 44 Free 75 Strong alkaline supported by
5 S. Korean 110 Color of 8 Honor for David 45 Resell quickly solution Sourdough Sam
gaming spot corroded iron and Victoria 46 Ran with ease 78 Job for many an 104 Yard border,
Moon alert: there are no come out smelling like a rose. from other cultures and different 11 Boxing __ 113 Wash gardening Beckham: Abbr. 47 Many a musical action hero perhaps
countries. 15 Manager clothes? 9 Iberian “Hello” composition by 79 Situp muscles 105 Natives of the
restrictions to shopping or trust your moneymaking ideas! 19 Patron saint of 120 Capital of Fiji 10 Rx order Czerny 81 In the least Central Plains
important decisions. the Moon is sailors 121 “Bridgerton” 11 Monopolized a 48 Colorado town 82 Elements in 106 Sam of
in cancer. cancer (June 21-July 22) liBra (sept. 23-Oct. 22) 20 Responsible actor __-Jean conversation near Snowmass live edge wood “Jurassic Park”
(for) Page 12 With everything 50 Bald eagle, e.g. slabs 107 Microwaved
things will settle down from the People will admire you. in some 21 Pay (up) 122 Like a class counted 51 Coastal inlet 83 Complete 111 “I can’t __”
aries (March 21-april 19) tension of yesterday. the Moon is cases, you might be admired for 22 Doozy presentation 13 Higher power? 52 Happening devastation 112 Show gumption
the heavens have aligned in your sign dancing beautifully your wealth or your ability to help 23 Toys that 123 Evening affair 14 “Golly!” place? 84 Soothsayer 114 “Please explain”
may improve 124 Place to tie up 15 Mel who voiced 53 Actor Peters 85 Village People 115 Time often
beautifully for Mother’s day. with the sun, Uranus and lucky others. ironically, this is a time dexterity 125 C in C Bugs Bunny of the “X-Men” song covered named for a
Family relations are warm and Jupiter, which means surprises when you, in turn, will get help 24 Zombie 126 Yard border, 16 Intake opposite franchise by the Minions leader
armada? perhaps 17 Idle computer 54 “Silas Marner” 87 Wild and crazy 116 Baking soda
friendly. it’s a good day to invite and upbeat interactions with from others. 27 Make grooves in 127 Hit on the green state author 89 First name in amt.
people to your home. however, others will make this a happy day 29 Baby’s noise 128 Sister of King 18 Belligerent 56 Humerus locale the freezer aisle 117 “__ do __”
some of you will prefer your own for you. enjoy friends and scorPio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) 30 Winged figure in Charles III 25 Finishes with 59 Malleable metal 90 Perform first 118 Bon mot
Christian art buttercream, 62 Wright brother 91 Not new deliverer
peace and quiet. it’s your call. interactions with groups. you want to do something 31 Bad press? DOWN perhaps 63 Like many 94 “Straight Outta 119 Morsel
different. if you can travel, this will 38 Marsh plant 1 Squad whose 26 __ and means drones Lynwood” singer
leo (July 23-aug. 22) be a delight, because you want to 40 Salivation stimuli colors match the 28 Hotshot 64 Sleepover duds, 97 Ballad penner
taurus (april 20-May 20) 41 Book after Joel New York City 32 Exchange value for short 98 Gym closet
you’re eager to schmooze and talk you’re out there flying your colors! expand your horizons. you might 42 Rhubarb dessert flag 33 Miner’s dream 65 British __ contents
to others, which is why you’ll be in turn, you are intrigued with travel with a friend or a partner. Or 43 Object of 2 Scads 34 “Break a leg!” 66 Sour from 99 “Yes __!”
veneration 3 Like jumping preceder experience 100 Gives the
happy to learn new things as well people from other countries and you might be introduced to 44 New York Dolls without looking 35 Milk sweetener 67 Big 52-Down go-ahead
as to pass on information. short different cultures. even though someone who is unusual in some genre
trips and interactions with siblings you are high-viz, part of you seeks way. 45 Dog’s bane
49 Scary place?
and relatives will be positive. you some privacy. 55 Ultradevoted
have strong family values. saGittarius (Nov. 22-dec. 21) fans
this is a positive day. you will work 57 Fetch
VirGo (aug. 23-sept. 22) 58 Like a
Gemini (May 21-June 20) this is a popular day for you. in hard and be productive in some fashionable
Money issues or something to do particular, you’ll enjoy hanging out fashion. and yet, at the same time, arrival
60 Shred
with your possessions might be on with friends and groups. you might social diversions, sports events 61 Grandmother,
your mind. in fact, you can attract travel. you’re certainly interested and fun activities with kids will affectionately
in talking to interesting people also appeal to you. yes, you want 62 Elk
money to you, and you might 65 Get in the way
it all! of
66 Mandible
69 Square dance
caPricorn (dec. 22-Jan. 19) halls?
interactions with children will 72 Lounging spot
delight you. you will certainly enjoy 73 Good for
S0141 6x5
E16 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, may 12 , 2024
Chef-owners Miguel Guerra and Tatiana Mora of D.C.’s Mita met while working in La Cosecha food hall in the Union Market district. The restaurant’s menus embrace a large swath of Latin America.
Plant-based plant-based dining in Washington arepas. A staple in Venezuela, the snacks are hand in the look of the interior, where big
restaurant both eat meat. But Miguel Guerra among Mita’s opening acts on the longer windows catch people going to the nearby
and Tatiana Mora prefer to shine a menus and are available separately for $21 9:30 Club and the Atlantic Plumbing apart-
surprises klieg light on vegetables at Mita. for 10 tastes. The chefs trot out more than ments across the street. The wallpaper
diners over “Vegetables are the essence of cooking,” the traditional corn cakes: wheat, plantain, behind the host stand is all leafy shadows;
says Guerra, who previously worked at El yuca and smoked potato versions are along metal mesh above the bar simulates the
many courses Cielo, a fine-dining restaurant with a Colom- for the ride from kitchen to table, trailed by Andean jungle. Plush white chairs are
bian accent in La Cosecha food hall in the three dips for mixing and matching. Herbed pushed into walnut tables, and the service-
Union Market district. “We wanted vegeta- avocado and orange-colored peach palm are ware shows an eye for style. Alas, the hard
bles to be the stars, not sides.” lovely, but first among equals is the tangy surfaces and pulsing music conspire to
BY T OM S IETSEMA Mora says the pandemic prompted her whip of hearts of palm, cashews and chile bounce the sound around. For such a chic
path to a more “holistic” approach to living, oil. Guerra says people ask to buy the last statement, Mita is mighty loud.
including fasting, meditation and, like Guer- spread by the jar, and I can taste why. (Do Two-plus hours into the $150 dinner, a
ra, removing beef from her diet. like the chef and plunge the arepas in all friend and I asked a waiter who let us know
Mita, which follows Declaration pizzeria three dips.) he didn’t wear leather to work how much
in Shaw, fuses the first names of the chefs, Mita is in part a lesson in ingredients you longer the meal would be. “I don’t want to
natives of Venezuela who met while working might not have sampled. Arracacha is a break the illusion,” he replied.
in the food hall (Mora was at the Latin bar starchy root vegetable with a flavor that Okay, but at a certain point, diners feel
Serenata) and introduced Mita as a pop-up hovers between carrot and celery. It’s also a like hostages. Frankly, the script could use
there two years ago. The eventual restaurant childhood memory for Mora, whose grand- some pruning. Let me start by volunteering
launched in late December and distin- mother welcomed her into her home with a the nonalcoholic but rummy and cloying
guished itself with a script that embraces a soup made from arracacha and topped with “papelón con limón” — a riff on a classic
big swath of Latin America. sweet plantain. Mita serves an elevated Venezuelan drink that goes down like a
Whether you spring for five courses ($75) version of the soup using arracacha and liquid butterscotch Life Saver — served with
or seven courses ($95) or upgrade to a parsnip to create a froth over sauteed fava a sugar cane garnish early in the four-act list.
tasting menu that stretches to more than a beans and fried sweet plantains. A thin black While I’m on a soapbox, wines by the glass,
dozen courses ($150), you start with an stripe of onion ash on the surface and dashi averaging $26, are priced to make you stick
eye-opener: a smoke-filled clay vessel whose poured tableside add depth. with Mita’s (elegant and delicious) cocktails.
surface holds what looks like a caramel “A trip to Mexico”: a housemade tortilla Mita is also an example of unexpected This being a fine-dining establishment,
wrapped in cellophane. The single bite is decked out with acorn squash, mole verde, marriages. Watermelon and carrots? They you get multiple desserts. One takes you to
presented as if it were a bauble on a huitlacoche, pickled onions and fried kale. make music when the fruit is cooked in soy salt flats in Bolivia with a warm, slightly
pedestal; diners are coached to “eat the sauce and passion fruit, the vegetable is chewy yuca cake and piney cherimoya ice
whole thing.” Wrapper, too? “Wrapper, too,” The initial shock and awe is just the start fermented with miso, and they’re arranged cream beneath shards of chocolate, every-
says a server, who reassures us. “It’s made of an evening you won’t soon forget. as a crudo in a pool of cucumber juice with thing displayed on a slender marble and
with rice paper.” We pop the snack in our I should state upfront, tasting menus that bright dots of cilantro oil. The sail atop the acrylic tray containing salt flakes. The show
mouths, which flood with the taste of go on and on like the Lord of the Rings goodness is clever: wild rice “chicharrón.” looks and tastes impressive.
mango, tamarind and dried chiles — “an trilogy aren’t my thing. If you feel as I do, five Another dish on the five-course menu brings Mita joins a small group of plant-based,
element of surprise to start our journey,” courses is sufficient. And if you just want a together pearl barley cooked in sofrito and high-end restaurants in D.C. that include
Guerra tells me in a later phone conversa- sample, the bar menu lets you graze a la sweetened with charred banana puree, a Oyster Oyster, my No. 1 favorite restaurant in
tion. carte. thick base for fleshy maitake mushrooms, 2021, and Elizabeth’s Gone Raw, set in a
verdant pea tendrils and crisp thin shallots. townhouse. The newcomer is clearly aiming
Mora says dishes are created with the five for the stars. After multiple dinners, and lots
senses in mind. The chefs also seem partial of detailed and tweezered creations, I can
to sweet notes in their concerts. see where some participants might leave
I imagine training to work in the dining liking, if not loving, Mita.
room is close to studying for the bar exam. So One dish in particular stands out: thick
many fine points to recall. So many explana- coins of salt-baked celery root dolloped with
tions. Lots of backstories. (The opening black bean mole and sunny aji amarillo and
cloud of smoke with the gift from the chef is staged on a glass box filled with dollar bills,
meant to “cleanse energies.”) Be careful beans and what look like flower petals. A
whom you choose to dine with at Mita; best waiter says something about Andean cul-
friends are better than first dates. The food tures giving back to Mother Earth and Mita’s
— what goes into it and how it’s styled — attempt to re-create the ritual, but he
demands a patron’s focus. introduces the spectacle so fast, we don’t
The longest menu is arranged in four catch his entire spiel. We just pick up the
“acts” that include some of the best composi- bites and pop them in our mouths.
tions at Mita. They include what a waiter “This is very, very enjoyable,” a friend said
called “a trip to Mexico”: a housemade as we pushed away from our seats after a
tortilla, half paved green with hoja santa, long parade of food. “Whatever the hell it
decked out with acorn squash, mole verde, was.”
earthy huitlacoche, pickled onions and a
frizz of fried kale. Brazil is represented by a
restorative “ceviche” fashioned from smooth
young coconut, lightly charred pineapple
infused with cachaça and a thin white sail of Mita
Then it’s back to the chefs’ homeland with 804 V st. nW. 202-929-7792. mitadc.com. open
a mushroom terrine, a hat tip to the dark, for inside dining 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. tuesday
sweet-tart beef dish called asado negro. The through thursday and 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. friday
terrine — mushrooms bookended by Swiss and saturday. Prices: a la carte dishes at the
chard and potatoes — comes with escorts of bar $15 to $27, five courses for $75, seven
charred endive and pale green parsley sauce courses for $95, 14 courses for $150. Sound
freckled with sesame seeds. check: 79 decibels/must speak with raised
Like the food, the 45-seat dining room voice Accessibility: no barriers to entry;
Mita’s 45-seat dining room on V Street NW is filled with light — and sound. transports its audience. “I wanted to be an restroom is aDa-compliant.
Free-range, 100 percent Ibérico pigs in pastures near the village of Aracena in southwestern Spain. These pigs graze on acorns, giving the jamón, or ham, produced in this region a rich and nutty flavor.
On the hunt
ow do you like the ham?” asked Manolo Romero de la ossa, the owner of Casas, a popular restaurant here in andalusia. ¶ all
week long around the village of Jabugo, my wife and I had been eating jamón Ibérico de bellota, the sweet, nutty, salty and
creamy product of black-hoofed, free-range pigs that consume a special diet. ¶ “It’s great,” I said. Then I mentioned just how
for jamón much ham we’d been eating. ¶ “What does that matter?” Romero de la ossa said, dismissing me with a wave of his hand.
“You’re in the ham capital of spain, even the world, and when it’s this good, you can’t stop. You eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.” ¶ He
in Andalusia was right. To mistake cured spanish jamón (pronounced “hahm-ohn”) with the packaged, sliced ham you find at your local supermarket
would be like comparing a fast-food burger to a wagyu steak, or Pabst Blue Ribbon with a Czech bottle of Pilsner Urquell. even Italian
prosciutto is not in the same league. ¶ Jamón Ibérico de bellota is a whole other beast. For about three months out of the year, Iberian pigs
BY D AVID F ARLEY IN aRaCeNa, sPaIN graze on acorns (or bellotas in spanish), giving the jamón a rich taste that some spaniards have likened to a drug. see SPAIN oN F3
ravel illnesses don’t your primary-care provider might treat ADHD, is banned in Japan. could be the Coast Guard. In some she said. “It was music to my ears.”
make for the most glam- be willing to pre-prescribe medi- Singapore requires travelers to ap- cases, it could be a private rescue covers
orous stories, but ail- cations and antibiotics for com- ply for special approval when firm.” Paying for treatment is another
ments can accrue like mon travel ailment, such as travel- packing some anti-anxiety medi- Info about the SOS can also go story. U.S. consulates won’t help
airline miles for fre- er’s diarrhea. You can also order a cations and sleeping pills. The to a trusted emergency contact at with unexpected bills, and Medi- Tra v e l
quent fliers. I’ve used phrase books customized, region-specific travel Centers for Disease Control and home. Consider choosing some- care and Medicaid don’t generally
to wheedle antibiotics, in Thai, kit that includes pre-prescribed Prevention recommends contact- one who is good in a crisis, said cover medical expenses incurred
Portuguese and Spanish, out of meds from Duration Health, ing the embassy of your destina- Zanna Baker, who directs televi- outside the United States. Private Get our newsletter every
pharmacists on three continents. which range from the $169 Mini tion, plus anywhere you might sion and film projects for adven- insurance will often pay some in- Thursday: washingtonpost.com/
Itching and alone in rural Chiapas, Med Kit covering basics (infec- have a layover, to check what med- ture expedition company Secret ternational medical expenses, De- newsletters/by-the-way
Mexico, I once called my physician tions, nausea, digestive illnesses) ications might not be allowed. Compass. Baker emphasized that laune said, but usually only after a Read us online:
dad while covered in chiggers. “I to a $1,679 Lifesaver version with while Garmin and other compa- claim is filed. Travelers relying on washingtonpost.com/travel
Follow us on Instagram:
can’t think of any terrible, tropical two EpiPens. Make a communication plan nies offer support, a levelheaded private health insurance may have
diseases carried by chiggers off the “A lot of it is what I wished I had Sometimes, keeping in touch friend or family member might to shell out first and sort it out @bytheway
top of my head,” he said, sounding with me before I was a doctor,” just means getting the right SIM assist with emergencies by mar- afterward. Health care in the Unit- To respond to one of our
pensive. “But it’s hard to think said Terez Malka, one of Duration card for your cellphone. But if shaling resources in your location. ed States is among the most ex- articles: Email
there aren’t any.” (I was fine.) Health’s physicians, who writes you’re going beyond reliable cell “You want somebody who is going pensive in the world, which partly [email protected],
Of course, these woes aren’t pre-prescriptions and supports service — on an overnight hiking to be calm about communicating,” explains the growing trend of call 202-334-7750 or write:
limited to travel abroad; you can travelers by email. While climbing trip, for example — you may want she said. “With a [Garmin] in- Americans seeking treatment
Washington Post Travel section,
be outside the bounds of immedi- Mount Kilimanjaro in January, to consider one of the compact Reach, it’s just a message. So what abroad; still, emergency pro-
ate medical care while hiking she saw the kits in action. “100 satellite messaging devices sold by happens next?” cedures can be pricey anywhere. 1301 K St. NW Washington, D.C.
along the Appalachian Trail or percent of the group got traveler’s such companies as Garmin and Usually, the next step is getting Travel insurance that covers 20071.
Gates of the Arctic, America’s most diarrhea,” she said. “Everyone hav- SPOT. in touch with on-the-ground con- medical care, Delaune noted, is
remote national park. ing their azithromycin prescrip- These devices work in most of tacts who might be able to orga- more likely to front you the money editor: Amanda Finnegan
If bugs, bacteria and sundry tion before we set out on the trail the world and generally come with nize a rescue. Baker suggests cre- for immediate expenses. In some Deputy editor: Gabe hiatt
discomfort come with the hobby, probably saved the trip.” a monthly or annual service fee. ating a list of area resources in case cases, you’ll be on the hook later; art directors: Katty huertas,
I’ve since learned that a little prep- Bring regular meds and travel- Some are set up for textlike, two- of emergency, such as a local read the fine print. While some Elena Lacey
aration cuts down on frantic specific items in their original vi- way messaging while others have friend, a guide company or even a travel insurance offers primary in- Photo editor: Lauren Bulbin
phone calls and pharmacy trips. als; those count as valid prescrip- preset messages and emergency well-connected hotelier willing to surance coverage for emergency Staff writers: Natalie B. Compton,
It’s true whether you’re packing tions at airport security and cus- alerts. “When you hit the SOS but- make some calls. medical and dental care — mean- Andrea Sachs, hannah Sampson
for a week-long cruise or headed toms. (It’s also a good idea to email ton … it goes to a highly qualified ing the travel insurer is the first to Copy editor: Rachael Bolek
deep into the wilderness. yourself a copy of prescriptions.) team of dispatchers that work to Understand on-the-ground pay out — others offer only sec- Travel advertising: Ron Ulrich,
Keep in mind that though many find you the best available assets options ondary coverage, so you’ll first 202-334-5289,
Get essential meds before you travelers make it through with no for a rescue,” said Gabe Roura, Excellent medical care is avail- have to submit any claims to your [email protected]
leave issues, some countries ban medi- SPOT’s regional sales manager for able in much of the world, says health insurance.
sunday, may 12 , 2024 . the washington post eZ ee F3
What’s the best bus for trips between D.C., New York
and Boston? We tested 5 for comfort and value.
o matter how you travel between the major cities of the East Coast, the journey gets old fast. The New Jersey
Turnpike is boring to drive. Amtrak prices can be outrageous. Flying looks good on paper, but you still have to
figure out a ride to the airport; plus it comes with a bigger carbon footprint. ¶ Then you have the bus, which can
be the most affordable way to get from one Mid-Atlantic metropolis to another. ¶ East Coast travelers have a glut
of options when it comes to buses. You have ultra-budget, midrange and luxury tiers. Having so many companies to choose
from is convenient, but it’s also confusing. We tested five companies on trips between D.C., New York and Boston to help
you decide which to take.
A growing
legal battle
over o∞ce
Employees sue, file complaints
over policies they say can be
retaliatory, discriminatory
staggering reach
program for millions of
Americans, yet there is so
much that people don’t
The trustees of the
Michelle social security and
Singletary Medicare trust funds have
just released their annual
Google has 9 products with billion-plus users. A judge will soon rule whether it’s a monopoly. The Color
of Money report on the economic
status of the programs. A
crisis is looming.
Without any change in current law,
the old-Age, survivors and Disability
eLena Lacey/the Washington Post Insurance (oAsDI) trust funds combined
are projected to have enough revenue —
BY G ERRIT D E V YNCK including current reserves — to pay
100 percent of scheduled benefits on a
ne of the most important anti- the internet economy, consistently may be barred from paying billions to timely basis only until 2035. Medicare’s
trust cases of the decade is spends more than almost any other secure prime placement for its search bar Hospital Insurance Trust Fund is
being considered in federal group or company on lobbying and over on Apple’s iPhones or other web brows- projected to be able to pay 100 percent of
court, with the Justice Depart- the years has rapidly expanded its busi- ers. It could even be forced to sell off part scheduled benefits until 2036.
ment alleging that Google is a ness by buying hundreds of firms. In of its business, like the Chrome browser, This news rightly rattles a lot of
monopoly that abuses its power over the 2023, it generated $307 billion in rev- and open up competition to other search people. It also leads to fearmongering.
internet. enue, the equivalent of the gross domes- engines. The judge could also rule that “The social security Trust Funds are
In the quarter-century since Google tic product of Finland. Google isn’t a monopoly after all, which the basis for providing benefits for
was founded, the company has grown Closing arguments recently concluded would be a major setback for the govern- retirement, disability and survivors of
mind-bogglingly big. Every day, billions in the antitrust trial, with a judge’s ruling ment and antitrust advocates, who say virtually all workers in the United
of people around the world ask questions expected in the coming months. A find- Big Tech has grown too powerful. states,” steve Goss, the social security
on Google search, send an email with ing in favor of the Justice Department Either way, the case is likely to influ- Administration’s chief actuary, told The
Gmail or navigate their commute using could put new limits on Google’s ability ence other major lawsuits against other Washington Post. “There are many
Google Maps. The tech giant dominates to run its search empire. The company sEE GooGle oN G5 misconceptions and myths about how
the program is financed, and what it
As the retirement program faces a
funding shortfall, it’s time to retire these
five common myths.
Myth no. 1: social security is,
or will be, ‘bankrupt’
social security will not run out of
the former president, once famously anti-tiktok, is Polling data answers an age-old question: What is your money. The program is financed by
considering joining the app as he courts new voters. G5 favorite genre of music, and why is it classic rock? G4 sEE sinGletary oN G3
G2 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, may 12 , 2024
A mom is struggling with full-time work and child care. What’s a boss to do?
Reader: my Slow responses? forgotten baby out of everyone’s earshot.
project manager deadlines? You should also keep an eye on
gave birth last Keep lines of communication company priorities and
year. During her open. Calvert recommends resources to avoid shifting
parental leave, the regular performance check-ins burdens to everyone else and
father of her child with all staff members in which feeding resentment.
Work and his family you ask how they think they are In short, let her know what
Advice became abusive. doing and what they need, then you need from her, offer what
KarLa L. That upended her give feedback on what you have reasonable support you can, and
MiLLer plans to have his observed and what you need in allow her to figure out how to
mother provide return. That way, your employee make it happen — without
day care and is taking part in an ongoing presuming to know her options
forced her to move out of his conversation about performance better than she does. Sure, her
home — causing her rent and “instead of feeling attacked” six-figure salary is a king’s
living expenses to go way up. She when you explain that you need ransom in parts of this country,
asked if she could bring her child her to find ways to be 100 but in others, it’s just above what
to work when she came back percent present sans bébé when a well-publicized recent survey
from leave. Because she was she’s meeting with clients or determined is the average
dealing with a lot, I said: of collaborating with colleagues. minimum salary for a single
course. Likewise, you will have less pent- child-free adult to live
She has always worked from up frustration if you’re working “comfortably” — spending 50
home three or four days per week with her on finding solutions, percent on essentials, 30 percent
and supervises multiple staff. She instead of biting your tongue. discretionary, 20 percent
now continues to be a full-time Offer support from a savings. It may be just enough to
caregiver while she is supposed professional distance. To avoid make her ineligible for public
to be working full time. The baby resource. run on goodwill. And the employees, keeping lines of becoming enmeshed in more assistance while also falling
is in all Zoom meetings, and she Karla: To quote sociologist pandemic proved that communication open and personal detail than is short of what she needs to make
brings her into the office on the Jessica Calarco: “other countries simultaneous full-time making use of company appropriate for a boss, Calvert ends meet.
days she comes in. I have have social safety nets. The U.S. employment combined with full- resources.” Here’s how Calvert suggests locating some kind of I know you’re running a
broached the subject of child has women.” time caretaking is not recommends you take these parental transition or life coach business, not a nursery. And
care, and she tells me she can’t The well-being of mothers in sustainable or healthy — for three key elements to the next who can confidentially guide there’s always a risk you’ll be
afford it. She earns about this country depends primarily businesses, parents or children. level: your employee through taken advantage of if she lacks
$100,000 but lives paycheck to on the whims of their individual I’m sure your project manager is Make sure you’re judging her managing finances, finding the ability or initiative to make
paycheck. She has no family marital or employment situation. aware on some level how much performance without bias. lower-cost child care (college-age good use of your support. But the
nearby and lots of student loans. That’s not your fault, and it’s not productivity is slipping through motherhood bias often “affects nannies? child-care swaps?) and potential payoffs of helping her
At first, the baby was sleeping something you can fix. It’s also her peek-a-boo fingers. It’s past what we notice and inferences locating other means of support. through this crisis — keeping her
most of the time, but now she’s not something your project time to come up with a workable we draw” about mothers in the Providing or subsidizing this on as a loyal project manager
mobile and needs more manager can fix alone, although solution. workplace, Calvert notes. Yes, an service would cost you, but not while inspiring other employees
attention. my employee has been plenty of observers will insist Cynthia Calvert, founder of infant attached to her at all times as much as replacing her. who see how you support
really distracted. that she should because it is Hr consulting firm Work is a pretty obvious drag on meanwhile, focus on business workers in crisis — could help
I’m struggling with how to “her” fault. +family Insight, frequently productivity — but you should solutions in your power — the justify the rocky start.
support her but also get her So thank you, thank you, fields questions like yours from still offer the same benefit of the more flexible and creative, the
working without watching her thank you for accommodating employers struggling to find the doubt you would give any better. Consider pretax calvert is also a senior adviser for the
child at the same time. She was this village-less mother for the right mix of compassion, employee carrying less visible dependent-care savings center for WorkLife Law, which
referred to our employee better part of a year so she can compliance and capitalism. The burdens, such as illness, aging accounts, mindful scheduling provides a free legal hotline for
assistance program during the build an independent life free of good news, Calvert said, is that parents or divorce. Try to practices, maybe even finding working parents and parents-to-be.
domestic violence situation, so I abuse. you’re “doing a lot of things quantify what “distracted” space at the office where a
know she’s aware of that That said: Businesses don’t right: getting to know means in terms of performance: weekly sitter could watch the [email protected]
Busine ss editor: Lori Montgomery • Design: andrew braford • Photo editor: haley hamblin • e-mail: [email protected] • Telephone: 202-334-9800 • Mail: The Washington Post, Sunday business, 1301 k St. nW, Washington,
D.c. 20071 • Advertising: noelle Wainwright, 202-334-7610, [email protected]
sunday, may 12 , 2024 . the washington post EZ EE g3
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Let’s retire 5 common myths about Social Security, which faces a funding crisis
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he data has spoken: Amer-
icans really love classic
The Aerosmith-i-verse draws
The most Democratic, Republican ty lines. Republicans actually
save their worst ratings for rap,
while Democrats tend to more-
than-dislike Christian music.
its strongest support from Re-
publicans and older Americans,
almost a third of whom peg it as
their favorite, according to the
and generally hated music in America Hip-hop, while polarizing, en-
joys immense support among
zoomers and millennials, as well
as their Black and Hispanic
1,000 representative U.S. adults compatriots. In particular, more
polled last year by our friends at Classic rock is the top choice of both parties, though Classic rock is loved; punk and rap are controversial than half of Black Americans
YouGov. Democrats are half as republicans are more likely to pick it as their favorite say they “love” the genre, one of
What is your opinion on each genre of music?
likely to pick classic rock as the strongest love ratings in the
their favorite, but its dominance Which of these is your favorite genre of music? Love it Like it not sure dislike it Hate it entire survey. Other top rela-
is so complete that even at 15 tionships include Black Ameri-
percent, it beats all other types democrat total republican
Classic rock
cans and R&B and soul/funk,
of music on the left. Classic rock and Gen X and Midwesterners
The guitar-god genre’s weird- Pop and classic rock.
ly widespread appeal has, of Country R&B
Punk is the worst-rated genre
course, been the point since its in the South. In the Midwest,
birth as a 1980s radio format. R&B Blues that honor goes to Latin music,
It’s less a style of music than it Country
presumably because the region
is a loose confederation of hoary has the nation’s smallest His-
hits that those of us in the less- Classical panic population by a wide mar-
than-hip, middle-aged masses Jazz gin. In the Northeast and the
maybe wouldn’t mind hearing Hard rock/metal West, the two least rural regions
on the radio for the 817th time. Soul/funk by population, the worst-rated
Because radio stations relent- Classical genre is contemporary Chris-
Hard rock/metal
lessly appropriated fresh waves tian.
of chart-toppers as they aged, Alternative/indie Reggae Contemporary Christian
classic rock defies definition. Blues Gospel/choir draws its strongest favorability
One source says it began with from Black Americans, Republi-
“Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Contemporary Christian Dance/electronic cans and Southerners. That first
Club Band” by the Beatles in Folk group may not be surprising —
1967 and ended with “Fragile” Jazz Black Americans rank among
by Nine Inch Nails in 1999. Once 0% 5 10 15 20 25 30 Rap/hip-hop the most likely to dish out posi-
the mark of a leather-jacketed Note: This question was asked only among the 99 percent of Latin tive ratings, no matter the
renegade, it has become the an- Americans who said they liked or loved at least one genre. genre. Republicans tend to be
odyne soundtrack of modern Alternative/indie stingier. In fact, Christian music
life. The Rolling Stones have almost every demographic picks classic rock first, Contemporary Christian is one of the only genres that is
evolved from infamy at Alta- more approved by Republicans
mont to ubiquity at fast-casual
though a few prefer rap, r&B or Latin music Punk rock than by Democrats. (The others
restaurants, from “Gimme Shel- Which of these is your favorite genre of music? New age are country, classic rock and
ter” to gimme seltzer. gospel/choir.)
It’s not just polls: Most (15 of World music We know from reading thou-
demographic first Second Third
the 25) top-selling artists in U.S. 0% 20
0 40
0 60
0 80
0 100
0 sands of your comments and
history would get substantial Rap/hip-hop Country, pop Note: Percentages may not total 100 because of rounding.
emails over the past few years
play on classic rock stations, by 18-29 World music (8%) that this will raise a simple
(17%) (9%)
our count. Based on approval ratings, the reddest genres are question among our bipartisan
Only a handful of us are able Classic rock, R&B, rap/hip- Blues, dance/electronic readership: Do Republicans
to resist the call of the Eagles.
pop (11%) hop (9%) (8%)
country and Christian, the bluest are rap and Latin hate music?
Black Americans rated R&B Approval ratings gap between Republicans and Democrats When you take the typical net
tops. Hispanic Americans pre- Classic rock rating across genres, Republi-
45-64 Country (13%) Hard rock/metal (10%)
ferred Latin music. Millennials (30%) Stronger democratic Stronger Gop cans offer the second-lowest rat-
picked pop. Zoomers went with approval approval ing of any group. The demo-
Classic rock
rap. 65+ Country (22%) Classical, R&B (9%) −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 graphic offering the absolute
(29%) pct. pts.
Americans also say classic lowest median rating are folks
rock best reflects their lives. But Country 65 and older. Older Americans
Classic rock
when YouGov asked what best Female Country (15%) R&B (12%) Contemporary Christian lean Republican, and they
represents the nation today, dished out the single most nega-
about 37 percent of those polled Classic rock Gospel/choir tive net ratings in the entire sur-
said rap and 36 percent said Male Country (10%) Rap/hip-hop (9%) vey to punk rock and rap, which
(22%) Classic rock
country. (That is essentially a they clearly dislike in droves.
tie. The margin of error for this $100K+ family Classic rock Pop, rap/hip-hop Folk In fact, older folks give the
Classical (10%)
poll is 3.3 percentage points — income (21%) (11%) Hard rock/metal thumbs down with impunity to
more if you’re looking within all kinds of genres. Dance and
small groups. While we’re here $50-100K family Classic rock Blues electronic, new age, alternative/
Country (12%) R&B (9%)
in the fine print, we’ll also note income (24%) Classical indie, world music, Latin music,
that apart from the question Less than $50K Classic rock
reggae, and even pop and R&B
about your favorite genre, You- Country (14%) R&B (10%) Dance/electronic see their ratings plunge among
family income (19%)
Gov usually allowed folks to Pop Gen X and boomers. On the oth-
pick more than one answer.) Classic rock er end of the spectrum, blues
Country drew its highest sup- Democrat R&B (11%) Pop, rap/hip-hop (8%) Punk rock and classic rock seem to grow
port from retirement-age Amer- New age more popular with age, as Pete
icans — 50 percent of those old- Classic rock Townshend’s “I hope I die before
Independent Country (14%) R&B, rap/hip-hop (9%) R&B
er than 65 said it was the most (18%) I get old” generation weighs the
representative, more than dou- Reggae benefits of Medicare Advantage.
ble the rating it got from zoom- Classic rock What else might be going on
Republican Country (16%) Pop (8%) Alternative/indie
ers or Black Americans. Rap (29%) here? It’s worth noting that
pulled its strongest support World music many of the genres with the
from Black Americans, high Black R&B (27%) Blues (9%) biggest partisan approval gap
(15%) Jazz
earners, millennials and Demo- stem from America’s deep tra-
crats. Hispanic Latin (20%) Country (11%) Pop (10%) Soul/funk dition of Black music. The You-
Of course, like attachment Gov poll lumps together two of
parenting and dashboard info- Classic rock Republicans’ favorite genres,
White Country (15%) Pop (7%)
tainment systems, hip-hop is a (27%) Rap/hip-hop country and western, but sepa-
recent invention that suddenly rates the surfeit of styles that
became inescapable. If you ask Classic rock emerged from African Ameri-
Midwest Country (11%) Alternative/indie (7%) Note: Based on net approval ratings, or the share of people who “like” or “love” a genre minus the
instead what genre most repre- (23%) people who “dislike” or “hate” it can culture.
sents classic Americana, almost Black musicians shaped many
Classic rock Hard rock/metal rap and punk are the soundtrack of youth, while
every demographic agrees on Northeast Country, pop (9%) of our most influential sounds,
country. The exceptions are (22%) (10%) from blues and jazz to soul, funk
classic rock and blues skew older.
Black Americans, who stick with Classic rock and, of course, R&B and rap —
hip-hop, and young Americans, South Country (14%) R&B (11%) What is your opinion of each genre of music? which were once classified by
who pick pop. Midwesterners, Billboard as “Race Records” and
Hate it dislike it not sure Like it Love it
for some reason, lean toward Classic rock later “Black Singles.” (We’ll also
classic rock. West Country (14%) Classical, R&B (7%) count reggae here — it grew
(17%) Classic rock Pop R&B Country Blues
Rap and country also vie for 100% from similar roots in Jamaica —
biggest cultural impact, with Note: This question was asked only among the 99 percent of but not gospel/choir, since You-
country eking out a lead: 36 per- Americans who said they liked or loved at least one genre. 75 Gov’s inclusion of choir opened
cent to 35 percent. The virtual the genre up beyond gospel’s
tie reflects an illuminating split 50 roots in Black churches. We also
When you ask which is most influential, rather than
nationwide, with older, Whiter consider classic rock to be dis-
and more Republican folks lean- which is your favorite, country and rap rule 25
tinct from rock-and-roll’s Black
ing toward country, and young- 0
er, more left-leaning, and Black Which genres of music are most representative of America today? Take out those genres, and
18− 30− 45− 65+
and Hispanic Americans picking 29 44 64 Republicans don’t look so nega-
hip-hop. Country rap/hip-hop years old tive. Go further and remove Lat-
Indie and alternative rockers Total Classical Jazz Soul/funk Reggae Hard rock/ in and world music, and the gap
will be crushed to hear that 15% 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 100%
metal almost vanishes. In other words,
their chosen genres — which es- if you don’t count music with
sentially are defined as music 18-29 75 the clearest origins outside
most people haven’t heard of — White American culture, Demo-
were not the most obscure in 30-44 50 crats and Republicans disap-
the poll. In the sweepstakes of prove of music at similar rates.
which musical style inspired 45-64 25 So the apparent negativity of
people to say they were “not 65+
Republicans could reflect You-
sure” how they felt about it, in- Gov’s choices about which cate-
die came in third. Most demo- Dance/ Gospel/choir Folk Rap/hip−hop Latin gories of music to include in the
graphics rated world music as Male
100% poll. Or it could show something
the most obscure, while new age inherent in the right’s attitude
got obscurity points from Black 75 toward music. Or, more likely,
and Hispanic people, as well as it’s both.
But we’re not limited simply Democrat 25
the department of data
to superlatives here. Because continues its quest for queries.
this is YouGov — a top five polit- Independent 0 What are you curious about: What
ical pollster, according to 538 — state has the strongest family ties?
Republican Contemporary Alternative/ Punk rock World music New age
we also have approval ratings! Christian indie Who spends the most money on
Again, classic rock easily wins 100% lottery tickets? What are America’s
the best approval rating. As in most-polluted rivers? How many
Black 75
politics, we’re looking at how people now earn six figures? Just
many people love or like it and Hispanic 50 ask at wapo.st/department-of-data.
then subtracting how many peo-
ple dislike or hate it to get a net White 25 If your question inspires a column,
approval rating. Pop, R&B, blues we’ll send you an official
and country also do well by this 0 Department of Data button and ID
Note: Respondents could choose more than one answer.
metric. Many genres do, to be Source: YouGov online poll of 1,000 U.S. adult citizens conducted April 28 to May 2, 2023, Note: Percentages don’t always total to 100 because of rounding.
card. This week’s buttons go to Rick
honest. Americans just plain with a full- sample margin of error of +/-3.3 percentage points DEPARTMENT OF DATA/THE WASHINGTON POST Amado in Amsterdam, who asked us
like music! to compare folks’ music playlists
Unless it’s punk rock. and their politics, and to Stephanie
Punk’s the only musical style the folks who brought you such Punk’s biggest fans are, by far, yond the top two, the outsiders third-highest rating from the Killian in Kennesaw, Ga., who asked
to pull a negative approval rat- punk classics as “Killing for Je- millennials. They give it double who brought you “Let’s Lynch highest earners, families that how many folks cling to the music of
ing. Which, honestly, probably sus,” “Armed and Stupid” and the approval rating of the next the Landlord” will be horrified make what used to be called a their youth instead of embracing
sounds like a badge of honor to “Stealing People’s Mail.” highest group, the zoomers. Be- to learn that they get their six-figure income. more modern tunes.
sunday, may 12 , 2024 . the washington post eZ ee G5
D campaign is weighing
whether to join TikTok, the
wildly popular video app he once
followers each. Biden’s campaign
has said it will continue using
TikTok while his administration
tried to ban, and the decision has gears up to defend its sale-or-ban
sparked discussion among his law in court.
advisers in recent weeks, accord- But pro-Trump content is com-
ing to four people familiar with mon on TikTok, and accounts
the matter. with such names as
In 2020, the then-president “Americafirst617,” which post
said the app was a threat to celebratory videos from Trump’s
national security because its par- rallies and interviews, have
ent company, ByteDance, is gained hundreds of thousands of
based in China, and he called for followers and millions of likes.
TikTok’s forced sale or a nation- one account, “The Trumpest,”
wide ban on the app as part of an which organizes clips of Trump
executive order that was ulti- into playlists with such names as
mately overturned by the courts. “Donald vs reporters” and “Don-
But Trump advisers say he ald funniest moments,” has
changed his stance before the 755,000 followers — more than
election that year after internal twice as many as the Biden cam-
polls suggested a ban could hurt paign’s 314,000.
his standing with voters. more TikTok hosts plenty of criti-
recently, he has criticized a simi- cism of Trump, too, and the Biden
lar sale-or-ban effort signed into White House has worked to build
law by President Biden as mostly relationships with the app’s most
benefiting facebook, which he prominent content creators by
has partially blamed for his elec- inviting them for briefings on
tion loss. such issues as the Ukraine war.
Trump would be one of the few michael Cohen, Trump’s fixer
high-profile republicans to use turned critic, has live-streamed
the app, which many in his party on TikTok nightly during the
have attacked over concerns that hush money trial, in which he
the Chinese government could plays a central role.
use it to gather data on Ameri- But some in Trump’s circle are
cans or spread propaganda. also finding a robust TikTok audi-
The discussions within the JaBin BoTsford/The WashingTon PosT ence. John mcEntee, who was
Trump campaign have centered Donald Trump, seen here in the lobby of Trump Tower in New York in April, called for a forced sale or nationwide ban of TikTok in 2020, head of personnel in the Trump
on whether the benefits he might deeming it a national security threat. But more recently, he has criticized a similar sale-or-ban effort signed into law by President Biden. White House, regularly posts to
accrue politically would be worth the 2-million-follower account of
the criticism, primarily from re- the right Stuff, a “dating app for
publicans and those in the intelli-
gence community who have cru-
saded against the app, people
with knowledge of the conversa-
Divided Trump campaign weighs the right wing” he co-founded in
2022. And Trump’s daughter
Ivanka joined TikTok with a veri-
fied account in march, posting a
tions said. They are also trying to
figure out how Trump’s brand
can be translated to TikTok, a
joining TikTok, the app he tried to ban video showing her, husband Jar-
ed Kushner and their 13-year-old
daughter, Arabella, on a “dreamy
youth-beloved app with a culture voyage of love, laughter and un-
all its own. forgettable moments” in India.
The advisers have argued that opinions based on what they see “Too many politicians talk a person familiar with Yass’s affairs help further distinguish him former republican presiden-
the platform would help the cam- on their TikTok feeds. big game but crack under the said he has no plans to donate to from Biden, whom they are eager tial candidate Vivek ramas-
paign reach more voters, under- And unlike other social net- pressure of wealthy donors or Trump’s campaign. to present as out of touch. one wamy, who in 2022 called TikTok
cut Biden and tap into an online works such as facebook and X, personal grudges — including my The outcome of the discus- proposal that has been dis- a “Trojan Horse for the [Chinese
undercurrent of Trump support. she has argued to Trump, he was former running mate,” Pence sions is still uncertain, with some cussed: launching the account Communist Party] to corrupt
The video app is one of the never banned from TikTok. wrote in a fox News column in advisers noting that Trump has with a video showing Trump American kids,” joined the plat-
country’s most popular media David Urban, another Trump march. “When lobbyists for a been too busy with his ongoing dancing on a rally stage, already a form last year, leading to some
platforms, with 170 million U.S. ally who has lobbied for TikTok, company controlled by the Chi- New York hush money trial and meme. criticism from fellow republi-
accounts. has made similar cases to Trump nese Communist Party can turn a campaign appearances to decide The hope among supportive cans of his about-face. After Nik-
Several advisers said that advisers Jason miller and John former president against his own on the issue. advisers, one of the people said, is ki Haley noted his reversal on the
Trump would be unlikely to use it Brabender. political legacy, we should all be Some aides have suggested to fuel a sense that “being pro- GoP presidential primary debate
himself — preferring to post on Conway told The Washington concerned.” (ByteDance has said that Dan Scavino, a longtime Trump had become a countercul- stage last year, ramaswamy fired
the platform he owns, Truth So- Post in march that Trump be- it is owned primarily by institu- adviser who led the Trump White ture movement, and … that it is back that Haley’s daughter used
cial — but that advisers could lieved the TikTok sale-or-ban ef- tional investors and is not con- House’s social media operation, the cool, edgy thing to be Trump- the app, leading Haley to call him
post in his name and potentially fort was “about abruptly taking trolled by the Chinese govern- could add TikTok to his portfolio adjacent.” “scum.”
include videos that he records. away something from millions of ment.) alongside posts on Trump’s ac- Some in Trump’s orbit also said ramaswamy has 467,000 fol-
Among those making the users, many of whom are his former Trump adviser Ste- counts on Truth Social, facebook they see a moment to boost lowers, more than Biden’s cam-
strongest arguments to Trump people.” phen K. Bannon, who runs an and Instagram. Trump media support among younger voters paign, and has defended joining
and his advisers is Kellyanne Joining TikTok, however, influential right-wing podcast, and Technology Group, which angry at Biden over his stance on TikTok as critical to capturing a
Conway, a former senior White could upset Trump allies who are has suggested that Trump’s soft- owns Truth Social, has given the Israel-Gaza war and his sign- new generation of Americans on-
House official who remains close hawkish on China and support ening on TikTok was driven by Scavino more than $2 million in ing of the TikTok law. The Biden line. “It’s idiotic for republicans
to Trump and his team and is aggressive action against the his desire for “Yass Coin” — promissory notes, $240,000 in campaign’s posts on TikTok in to complain that TikTok content
being paid by the conservative app. many republicans have tak- money from Club for Growth consulting fees and $600,000 in recent days have been flooded skews pro-Democrat, while also
Club for Growth to advocate for en to calling the app a “weapon in megadonor Jeff Yass, whose trad- bonuses, company filings show. with comments criticizing the boycotting TikTok & criticizing
TikTok. the hands of Communist China” ing firm, Susquehanna Interna- Advisers in favor of Trump president for “taking TikTok republicans who use it,” he wrote
Conway has told Trump that and “digital fentanyl,” including tional Group, owns roughly 15 joining TikTok have argued that away.” on X in January. “Time for the
he has more supporters than former vice president mike percent of ByteDance. Trump his punchy quips and scene-steal- only a few dozen members of Grand old Party to show up &
Biden on the app and that many Pence, who has criticized Trump said in march that he had not ing moments are well-calibrated Congress use TikTok, and all are grow up. That’s how we’ll actual-
young people are forming their for defending the app. discussed TikTok with Yass, and a for virality on the app and would Democrats or independents; Sen. ly win.”
Ruling in U.S. antitrust case against Google will reverberate across Big Tech
google from g1 Chrome — 3.4 billion users other phone and tablet compa- the run time of all 454 feature Google also makes money from navigate the real world. Google
Google owns the world’s most nies, and that is where Android’s films released in the United Gmail by placing ads in it. more crossed a billion monthly users in
Big Tech companies, including popular web browser. The vast true power comes in. Because States in 2022, at an average of recently, customer emails have 2012, and the company’s user base
Amazon and Apple. majority of desktop computers Android has become the default two hours per film, you’d get helped train the company’s artifi- in the space has only grown since
Google has nine products with and a huge portion of mobile operating system for most of the around 900 hours of content. cial intelligence auto-complete then. Even on iPhones, where Ap-
more than a billion users each. phones have Chrome set as the world’s phones, Google can put its That is less than everything up- email feature. And the company ple has tried for years to get
Here’s what they are. default way for users to interact other services, including Search, loaded to YouTube in two min- wields huge power over the inter- people to use its own default maps
with the internet. Around 3.4 maps, YouTube and its app store, utes. net simply by being in control of app, many people still download
google search billion people used Chrome as in front of billions of people. the rules that dictate which Google maps and use it exclusive-
— 4.9 billion users their web browser as of 2023, google Workspace emails end up in users’ primary ly. maps soon turned into a huge
This is the business at the according to StatCounter and the google Play Store — 3 billion users inboxes and which are sent to the reviews site, shaking the business-
center of the government’s allega- International Telecommunica- — 2.5 billion Google’s archenemy is micro- spam folder. es of such companies as Yelp and
tions. Google is the world’s most tions Union. owning Chrome Around 2.5 billion people use soft, and the company has for Tripadvisor, and putting Google
important search engine, and it gives Google the ability to keep its Google’s version of the app store years worked to compete with google Photos into competition with a whole
truly dominates the space, con- search engine front and center, every month, the company says, microsoft’s core products — its — 1 billion users different set of companies. Like
trolling 92 percent of the market, but also allows it to track people making it much bigger than Ap- productivity suite, including Google’s photo-storage app most of Google’s businesses, maps
which equates to 4.9 billion peo- all over the internet, giving it ple’s app store. The Play Store lets Word, Excel and PowerPoint. grew to a billion users just four is also an advertising platform.
ple, according to StatCounter and incredible amounts of granular Google charge a commission on Though Google still hasn’t de- years after launching in 2015, a
the International Telecommuni- data on online behavior, especial- every app sold, as well as get a cut throned those products, its own company executive told fast What’s next
cations Union. microsoft’s Bing ly when it comes to advertising of transactions made through tools have grown rapidly over the Company in 2019. It benefited The Department of Justice’s
comes in second with a paltry and e-commerce. As Chrome took those apps. The power Google has years, benefiting from being bun- from being wrapped into Google trial, which focused on Google
3 percent, while a handful of such over the internet, web developers over the mobile app ecosystem is dled into other Google services Drive and as a default photo-stor- Search, isn’t the only legal chal-
country-specific players as Yan- began building websites so they so great that the company has such as Gmail. At the end of 2022, age tool on Android phones. But lenge the company is facing. In
dex in russia or Baidu in China would run optimally on the been the target of major lawsuits, Google said its “Workspace” apps, the app is hugely popular with September, it went on trial over
round out the final few percent- browser and caring less about which allege that it is using that which include Docs, Sheets and iPhone users, too, thanks to allegations that it uses its control
age points. Google is far and away making them work smoothly on power to squeeze app developers Google Drive, had more than 3 Google’s offer of large amounts of over the internet advertising sys-
the world’s most-visited website, such rivals as microsoft Explorer and take more money from them billion users. free storage. Now, millions of tem to benefit its own products
with more than 86 billion visits a or mozilla’s firefox. Eventually, than they would have to shell out people pay Google monthly just and squeeze out competitors. The
month, according to internet data even microsoft threw in the tow- if the market was more competi- gmail — 1.8 billion to preserve the photos they have case is being compared to micro-
provider Similarweb. The compa- el. It’s new browser, Edge, is built tive. Android phones, unlike iP- Email was the original reason stored in the tool, providing a soft’s fight with the government
ny’s control of search has allowed off a version of Chrome. Analysts hones, don’t require apps to be for many people to go online in significant extra boost to revenue. 20 years ago.
it to rake in cash year after year have said that if the judge rules downloaded through the official the first place. Companies like Google Photos is also a major Google argues that the internet
and use that money to expand Google is an illegal monopoly, app store, and in China, numer- microsoft and Yahoo fought vi- proving ground for the company’s is a lot bigger than it is and that
into other businesses through ac- there is a chance the company ous other app stores exist. But in cious battles in the early years of AI tools. The company is using companies like Amazon, Netflix,
quisitions. could be forced to split up its most of the rest of the world, using the commercial internet to build the app to test out new features, TikTok and upstarts such as Chat-
Now, the company is beginning business, such as turning Chrome an Android phone means going huge email businesses. Google including making it easier to edit GPT-maker openAI are all com-
to upend search even more. CEo into a separate entity. through Google to get your apps. was late to the game, but when it out certain people from photos peting with it for people’s time,
Sundar Pichai said in April that began offering much larger and even making it look as attention and money. Still,
Google will begin putting AI-gen- Android — 3 billion users YouTube — 2 billion users amounts of free storage than its though people are smiling when Google’s empire extends far and
erated answers, which are trained more than 3 billion people use Google’s online video service is competitors, it quickly began in reality they were frowning wide. It has a self-driving car
on content scraped from the web, smartphones running Google’s a juggernaut in its own right, with winning over customers. Now, when the photo was taken. company, one that does medical
at the top of search results for Android operating system, the 2 billion users, according to the Gmail is the undisputed king of research and its own venture cap-
more of its users. That could company said in 2021. That is company. YouTube says 500 the email world, with 1.8 billion google Maps — 1 billion users ital firm. It buys and rents fleets
upend the web, hurting publish- around 70 percent of all the hours of video are uploaded to users according to marketing re- Google was also late to the map of ships to lay undersea cables
ers who rely on traffic from smartphones in the world. Ap- YouTube every minute. much of it search firm DemandSage. In the game, with rivals like mapQuest across oceans to ensure its data
Google for their survival. The AI ple’s ioS is a distant second at isn’t very high quality, but it past several years, Google has already running major businesses travels as fast as possible.
answers have been in a public test 28.5 percent. Like Apple, Google shows just how massive a role gotten people to begin paying for when it first came on the scene. A spokesperson for Google de-
for 11 months, but this version uses its operating system for its YouTube plays as an entertain- all that storage they got used to, But the company gradually took clined to provide updated num-
still makes up facts and misinter- own smartphones. But it also ment site, social media platform opening up a huge source of over the space, and now it’s the bers on users of its products and
prets questions. makes the software available to and video archive. If you added revenue for the company. But tool people predominantly use to further comment on the trial.
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services for young adult of geotechnical info; Reports checks. Must have Master’s dental appliances and main- EVENTS MANAGER; WASH- preparing food/menu for for-
Accounting Clerk shifts, wknd, hol & nights. FT. Geriti, Inc. – McLean, VA including infant. Assist chil- to PE. MS Geotechnical Eng, degree in Mathematics, Spe- mal sit-down dinners and
Maintain Financial record. group. Lead & preach at Fri- SP Loudoun Inc t/a Sense of BWise Product Consultant tain tools and machines. Read INGTON, DC: Lead & manage
day night praise & prayer vigil. dren w/ getting ready in the Civil eng, or rel field, or its cial Education with a concen- Rx's, models, and impres- events; and maintaining a
Responsible for Account Thai St 20413 Exchange St needed to understand the morning & traveling to school. client services team providing
Perform Baptism & commu- for’n equiv + 2 yrs exp as a tration in Mathematics, or rel sions. Follow latest dental training & guidance as need- clean and organized kitchen.
payable, receivable, cash Ashburn VA 20147. system configuration and Transport children to enrich- Geotechnical Eng, or rel role. field. Apply at https:// Mail CV to Neda Salehi, Attn:
management, bank reconcil- nion on young adult group. how different objects and advances. 40 hr/wk. Resumes ed. Troubleshoot & provide
Teach & train young adult ment activities & supervise Lic as a Prof Eng in Civil Eng by dcinternationalschool.org/ . to Artifex Dental, Attn HR, 101 PHC, 1962 Foxview Circle NW,
iation and correcting discrep- classes relate to one another tutoring & homework. Basic tech support during events.
group leaders for knowledge Chef: Dir + mng kitchen op for at least 1 state agency req’d. South Whiting Street, Ste 107, Some Travel & work from Washington, DC 20007
ancies. Audit reports and rec- a thai restaurant, prep/cook to create complex Datasets cleaning, meal & snack prep. In depth knowl via exp or F JOBS
oncile receipts to journal. of Gad as Lord in Bible class- and views. Utilize the views to Alexandria, VA 22304 home available. Send res to:
es. Provide spiritual counsel- var of Thai foods, etc. 2 yrs Dress, feed, bathe & oversee academic training in: boring Product Dvlpmnt Delvry Mgr;
Comply with Federal & State design PowerBI reports and Female Muslim Chaplain in National Organization of
requirements. Req, FT, HS, 24 ing to young adult group exp in cook or chef rel jobs.
Dashboards to help the client
nap, evening schedule, play
activities of children. Oversee
inspection; Geotech report
prep; shallow foundation des Lanham, MD. Organize & lead Healthcare - Nursing Social Security Claimants’ Charter Communications,
Inc.; Bethesda, MD: dvlp &
members. F/T, $40,269/yr, MA FT. SP Reston Inc t/a Tiki Thai Representatives at
Mon Exp, 40hrs/Wk, Resume 12100 Sunset Hills Rd #107 visualize the data. Create cus- care of children during & deep foundation des; Islamic worship services for Business Intelligence Analyst mgr intk, priortzn, & bld
at JMZ Enterprises LLC, 203 S in Theology/Divinity, Ordained tom extraction reports for dif- the female congregation; [email protected]
Pastor Required. Resume to Reston VA 20190. ATTN: Jere- domestic & intl travel of par- retaining structure des, & set- (Projects) (Multi Openings w/ process fr prod dvlpmnt w/
Main Street, Woodstock, VA my R. ferent modules using Post- ents; accompany family & tlement analy; slope stability read texts from the Quran National Placement out of rlvnt stkhldrs. *A hybrid (in
22664 KCPC, 15451 Rt. 29, Centre- greSQL. Requires a bachelor’s oversee childcare during analy; geotech e-quake eng & deliver sermons to female N JOBS
office and remote work)
ville, VA 20121 Fairfax County, VA). Must
degree in economics and 48 domestic travel. Min Reqts: & finite element modeling congregation; administer have a min of a MS in any arrangement is available.
Accounting Staff – Req’d AS Chef sought by Java Nation, months experience as Lead HS diploma or equivalent plus Islamic religious rites for the Night Assistant Manager
Req’d. F/T, $110,000/year + Comp, Eng’g, Mgmt or IT (Info Coordinate activities of plan- *Quarterly national travel
dgr in BZ Admin. 40hr/wk. Associate (Senior) sought by Inc in Kensington, MD. Reqs: Product Consultant or Prod- 1 year of exp in child care Full Benefits Email Res w/ female congregation. Asso- required, up to three days per
1 yr exp in job offd or rltd Tech) rel’d field. Foreign edu ning, scheduling, administer
$46342/yr. Rsm to job site @ Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamil- uct Consultant. Salary or as a nanny. Must be copy of ad to Mueser Rut- ciate’s Deg (or foreign equiv) equivl’t is acceptable. The trip. Apply at www.charter.
Sacred Mountain LLC, Attn: ton LLP in Washington, DC to position working w/pastries. $86,195.00/year. Apply CPR and First Aid certified in Islamic Studies + 12 hotel services such as acco-
ledge Consulting Engineers candidate will produce finc’l modation facilities. Manage com, ref. code 2024-32413.
Susan, 8810 Brookville Rd, Sil- review & negotiate antitrust- Exp w/prep & bake pastries, directly at: https://www.job and drive legally in Virginia. PLLC, Attn: David Freedman, months of exp in job offered
cakes, bread, & desserts per & market intel by querying inventory and order supplies.
ver Spring, MD 20910 rltd provisions in complex postingtoday.com/ Send resume to: E Burfield. VP HR, [email protected] or as Quran Instructor req’d. data repositories & generat- Project Assistant (Greenbelt,
sale & purchase agreements, recipes & stds; dvlp & create application/81237/apply 812 21st Street S, Arlington, Mail resume to: Turkish- Ensure hotel environment
ing reports & devise meth- runs smoothly. Address cus- MD) Assist projects mgmt.
Accounting: Holcim (US) Inc. as well as review antitrust new pastry recipes, consid- and reference Job # 81237. Virginia 22202 or email American Community Center, Build customer relations &
seeks Budget Analyst in ering flavor combo, presen- Engineer ods for id’g data patterns & tomer complaints. Manage
compliance & investigations. [email protected]. Job in Inc. d/b/a Diyanet Center of trends in avail info sources. review for extras & change
Greenbelt, MD to support tation, & dietary restrictions; Consultant - Management Systems Integration Engineer America, Attn: HR, 9610 Good night shift. Req FT, HS, 6 Mon
Reqs J.D. or foreign equiv & Arlington, Virginia. No phone (Okos Solutions, Manassas, Although no exp is req’d, Can- orders needed. Determine
Operation and Finance team 4 yrs of exp as an Associate supv cooks, bakers, & assts; Accounting (Business Con- calls. EOE. Luck Rd, Lanham, MD 20706. Exp, 40Hr/wk. Resume at
and be a key member of the VA): Serve as Project lead in didate must have coursework Springfield Crown LLC, 6401 necessary docs for billing &
or rltd occupation. Must incl collab w/mgmt to plan pastry trolling), Lidl US, LLC, Arling- verify for accuracy. Perform
Asphalt team. Will support mechanical design and imple- or internship in at least 3 of Brandon AVE, Springfield, VA
4 yrs of exp in each of the menus, intro new items, & ton, VA. Act as the Business E JOBS
mentation process for cus- Food Preparation Worker: Full the following: Sys Des; Proj administrative works incl cor-
management of department’s following: Providing expert ensure variety & seasonal partner for nat’l depts. & con- Time $32,000/year. Sanitize 22150
business/ accounting sys- Guidance, Navigation & Con- tom-made CNC acoustic Mgmt; Analysis of Organiza- respondence, arranging con-
legal advice & counsel to offerings; train new staff con- tact person for int’l depts. work area and equipment; ference calls & sched'g meet-
tems, policies, and processes; ducted workshops to trol Engineer, Paeonian microscopes and non- tional Sys &/or Rqmnt Mgmt, O JOBS
internal stakeholders on all Monitor & analyze KPI’s to store food and check food Veri & Validation. Able to ings. Reqd Assoc deg. 40
ensure all department’s finan- enhance skills & provide identify risks, errors, prob- Springs, VA.1 year experi- destructive testing systems.
aspects of compliance w/ ence, master’s in aerospace Bachelor’s degree in mechan- temperature and food stor- trvl/relo to unanticipated hrs/wk. Forward resume tran-
cial transactions are antitrust laws; Formulating ongoing training for existing lems & improvement oppor- age area; prepare meats, Off. Manager needed for A
processed appropriately, engineering. Managing, ical engineering or related client sites as needed. FT. Visual Affair, Arlington, VA: scripts & diploma w/ cover
legal strategy based on com- team members; & prep tunities. Req. Bach. in Bus. vegetables, and dessert letter to Janus Contractors,
under appropriate supervi- reports on sales, inventory, developing, and testing iner- field of study. Six months of $125,923yr Ref# BIAP-1023 Suprv off wrk, admn., & cstm.
prehensive legal & factual Sci., Project Mgmt., Int’l Bus., according to cook’s instruc- LP & send resume to Logical Inc., 6401 Golden Triangle Dr,
sion; oversee process- & performance. Allergen or rel. field; 3 yrs. exp. work- tial-based navigation sensor experience in a product engi- srvc. Mngs plan wkly schdl;
research & analysis to eval- fusion products, integrating neering position. Knowledge/ tions. Mail resume to Md Paradigm, LLC, an EOE Ste 200, Greenbelt, MD 20770
es/issues contracts, purchase uate the potential antitrust Awareness Trained & possess ing in Mgmt. Accounting, Tazul Islam at Foody Pizza & set goals, devlp strtg & asgn
orders, vendor invoices, ServSafe Cert. Maybe req to machine vision, and planning experience with: Manufactur- M/F/V/D, to 150 Elden St, Ste tasks; prvd trng; prvd. info. to
implications of bus. strate- Finance, or rel. fields incl. Grill, 7009 Martin Luther King 245, Herndon, VA 20170 or Project Manager 1, Black &
assigning appropriate cost travel to other Java Nation Proj. Mgmt.; 3 yrs. exp. work- real-time interfacing of alter- ing process, CNC (Computer patnt reg exams & recomnd
gies, agreements, & prac- native PNT systems. CVs to: Numerical Control) machining Jr. Hwy, Hyattsville, MD 20785. [email protected]. Veatch Corporation, Gaithers-
codes; and ensure work-flow tices; Conducting internal restaurants w/in Montgomery ing on analytical matters & prods like eyegls or cont lens-
processes flow smoothly. [email protected]. operation, CAD (Computer es; mng appoint schdl; addrs burg, Maryland. Responsible
investigations to identify & County. Salary: $75,691. Email interpreting large sets of data; Furniture Installers for supporting stormwater/
Apply online @ Resumes: info@javanation. 2 yrs. exp. analyzing financial Aided Design) manufacturing Registered Nurse & rslv patnt concrn; vrfy ins.
address potential antitrust ENGINEERING-Rail Project software, CAM (Computer- (Multiple Openings) water construction projects
https://careers.holcimgroup. violations, & recommending com; Ref: 101. data, statements & interde- A Home Healthcare agency covrg, procs ins. Clms & hndl
Support Engineer. F/T for aided manufacturing) in the Assemble/install all types of is looking to hire nurses to patnt paymnt; addrs bllng through planning, design,
com/holcim_us/go/Jobs-at- appropriate remedial actions; pendencies; 2 yrs. exp. work- free-standing furniture, pan-
Holcim-US/8915602/ (Search Raul V. Bravo & Assoc. Reston, design of programs for prod- see patients in their homes. inqrs. & rslv ins. clms. cordnt construction and post con-
Overseeing prep'n of notifica- Norma Cleaning CO, LLC in ing w/Microsoft Office Suite els & modular systems. Load/ struction phases. Must have
for Keyword: 5818) & adv. skills in Excel; 1 yr. VA 20191. Develop & review uct manufacturing, GD&T Will be doing assessments patnt care & addrs opertn
tions to the U.S. gov't under Clifton, VA seeking a Cleaner. (Geometric Dimensioning and unload furniture orders. Rel. Certified Construction Man-
the Hart-Scott Rodino Act exp. developing exec. mgmt. tech specifications for new, and following up with care. concrn. Req. 2 yrs exp. in
Diamond Dist., LLC. Rockville, Job requires daily travel with- upgraded & overhauled rail Tolerancing) in the design of duties. $49837 per year, Excellent salary with benefits. custm serv. FT mail resume to ager (CCM) designation. Local
("HSR filings") to ensure com- in DC, MD and VA. Duties: reports, dashboards, & pre- 40hrs/wk. 7am-4pm. Job in travel required up to 50% of
MD. Admin. Ass’t. Req. HS or sentations; 1 yr. exp. holding vehicle equipment & systems. mechanical drawings, and Please send your resume at: 1101 S Joyce St. # B7 Arling-
eq. plus 1 yr Admin. Ass’t. pliance w/ antitrust laws & Clean residential homes and FEA (Finite Element Analysis) DC-VA-MD, reply to USSI LLC the time. Submit resume on-
regulations; Representing U.S. regular (upper) mgmt. presen- Email resume: careers@ [email protected] ton VA 22202
Mail resume to S. Diamond commercial offices. Vacuum rvba.com.Use job code PNWP. to validate structural integrity to [email protected] line at www.bv.com, click on
& ex-U.S. clients in negotia- and mop floors, dust off car- tations and/or holding system Careers Link. Must reference
at 10201 Silver Bell Terrace,
tions w/ regulatory agencies, trainings. Up to 25% nat’l of specialized components.
General Jobs L JOBS P JOBS
Req. #: 103383 for this specif-
Rockville, MD 20850. pets, clean windows, fridges, Engineer III-Manufacturing Travel to customers install
industry associations, & other appliances, carpets, kitchen &int’l travel to stores, regional ic position. Equal Opportunity
#AA0424DM. offices & distribution centers. Hughes Network Systems and tool commissioning - 5%; Lead Driver F/T @ AEM, Inc Payroll Clerk (Falls Church,
external stakeholders on and living spaces and remove LLC, Germantown, MD. Evalu- New York and California - 2- General Manager (1 pos. (Sterling, VA) Drive a van in a Employer-Minority/Disabled/
antitrust matters; & Providing To apply, email resume to avail). Orange Diner (Orange, VA) Process & issue employee
Aetna Resources LLC, a CVS trash. Contact the owner at ate/implement/optimize pro- 3 times per year; Germany, safe & efficient manner. Sal: paychecks & stmts of earn- Veterans/Females.
legal support & guidance on 703-944-3358 [email protected]. VA) seeks ind. with 5+ years
Health company, is hiring for duction processes & opera- France, and Turkey -once $54,600. Req'd: HSD + valid ings & deductions. Compute
the following roles in Chan- antitrust aspects of merger tional sequences req’d for every 2 years. Resume to Hari experience in restaurant DL (clean driv rec, must pass Project Manager: Sodexo, Inc:
Cook management and food man- wages & deductions, & enter
tilly, VA: Sr. Analyst, Applica- review processes, merger lit- Prepare ethnic, hot and cold satellite network parts, com- Polu at [email protected]. bkgd check, drug test & vehi- Project Manager 2 – Con-
igation, antitrust investiga- Cleaner-Perform vacuuming, agement. Resp. includes data. Process paperwork for
tion Support (R0237121) to food for breakfast and lunch- ponents & final assemblies. cle report/road test, must be new employees & enter struction in North Bethesda,
analyze and assist with the tions, & antitrust litigation. In mopping, dusting, organizing, Req’s: MSc in Industrial or interviewing, hiring, and train- MD. Hold facility project
brooming, window cleaning, es, and other foods from able to lift 50 lbs). Travel employee info into the payroll
design and development of the alternative, the employer Manufacturing Eng & 6 ing new staff, handling food Req'd. CV to Ken at teams accountable to time-
and other cleaning tasks. recipes. Assist with prepara- inventory, placing food and system. Prep & balance peri-
enterprise software applica- will accept an LLM or foreign tion of menus and daily spe- months exp, or BSc & 5 yrs [email protected] lines and commitments,
equiv & 4 yrs of exp. Must Drive to & from offices to supply orders, schedule od-end reports, & reconcile
tions and platforms; telecom- cials. Maintain inventory and exp. issued payrolls to bank stmts. ensuring a seamless, suc-
muting available; Pay Range: be admitted to practice law work sites. Daily travel will be To view & apply visit employees, address mainte- cessful implementation.
order goods. Req FT, 24 mo LEGAL-Somireddy Law Group Review time sheets, maintain
in Washington, DC. Qualified
applicants submit resumes by
req in Harford, Baltimore, &
Cecil counties of MD. Please exp, 40Hr/wk. Resume at
Madina Market & Deli Inc. 376
Find the most nance and construction
needs, perform cooking and PLLC has multiple openings in & update payroll records, Req’s bachelor’s degree in
engineering, architecture or
Ashburn, VA, Legal Consul- keep track of vacation, per-
openings. Related degree
&/or experience &/or skills
accessing the following link:
mail resume to Spectacular
Cleaning, Inc. at 8103 Barton Elden St, Herdon, VA 20170 echostar enter job #
R0004275 in the Search Field
Washington-area serving duties when needed.
Must be able to serve as tant: Assist, Draft, Commu- sonal, & sick leave, for closely related construction
and project management
employees. HS Diploma or
&/or license required for all
positions. Apply online at:
Ct., Abingdon, MD, 21009. D JOBS & follow instructions jobs. short-order cook and handle
advance cooking techniques
nicate, Review, Correspond,
Manage, Prep, Analyze, Over- equiv. $46k/yr. M-F, 9 am to field and 1 year of Project
Management and/or Con-
Indicate job code CL24WP. MessageBird USA Inc. seeks commensurate with a diner. see & Conduct doc reviews. 5 pm. Forward resume to A.
https://jobs.cvshealth.com/ King, DM: aking@ struction Management in crit-
EOE/M/F/D/V. Concrete and Data Science Manager in Engineer: Fluence Energy Bilingual in English and Span- Legal Consultant II: Assist, ical facilities or MEP infra-
[jobs.cvshealth.com]. Or send Waterproofing Foreman Bethesda, MD with at least Global Production Operation, dennyschg.com or mail: CHG,
resume to istappintake@ ish required. To apply: Send Draft, Prep, perform legal structure field overseeing
(Beltsville MD) Plan, direct, five (5) years of exp. in the LLC seeks Supplier Quality resume and references to research, Correspond w/ LLC., 6066 Leesburg Pike, 9th
cvshealth.com. Must refer- Fl., Falls Church, VA 22041 complex capital improvement
Asst. Taekwondo Instr. coord. personnel & activities position offered (Data Man- Manager in Arlington, VA [email protected]. clients & gov't officials. Mail projects. May be authorized
ence job title, location and (Ashburn, VA). Demst. forms w/ waterproofing, concrete ager) or Data Engineer, Data (30% of domestic and interna-
Req ID. res & position to CEO, for full time or part time
of Taekwondo; teach stu- restoration & masonry work. Scientist, or related field. Req: tional travel required) to con- The local expert on local jobs Somireddy Law Group PLLC,
Gen Repair Mechanic telecommuting. TO APPLY:
dents in Taekwondo; assist Attend proj progress meet- BA degree in Com. Sci., Math, duct global supplier quality Gaithersburg MD - F/T 24 mos 20745 Williamsport Pl., Ste. Please apply directly online at
Bus. Financial Anal.: reports, master instr. 40 hrs/wk, Send
insurance, quant. techn. Job ings. Sched & train workers Stats, Engr. or related techni- management process. Job exp to prfrm gnrl mantnace. #390, Ashburn, VA, 20147 or https://jobs.us.sodexo.com/
Loc: Vienna, VA. Mail resume
res. to, FIT Taekwondo, Inc.,
22621 Amendola Ter., Ste.
under his charge. Assist in
proj estimate & scheduling.
cal discipline. Email resume
to [email protected]
requires a Bachelor’s Degree
in Electrical Engineering,
Mantn & rpair any type of email: santosh.reddy@
Search 20,000 and reference (Job ID:
+ min. salary rqmts to: Attn: diesel engn. Resume to Light 972831)
HR #: 14908, B&H Financial
100, Ashburn, VA 20148. Respon for qlty control & pro-
duction assurance. 40 Pleasants Construction, Inc.
Mechanical Engineering,
Industrial & Systems Engi-
Towing 22600 Woodfield Rd job listings
Gaithersburg MD 20882 Attn:
Services, 8075 Leesburg Pike,
Ste 400, Vienna, VA 22182 hrs/wk. Competitive sal. No seeks F-T Light Truck Driver neering, or related, plus 5 Find more jobs. Mr Da Luz by location.
Auto Mechanic- Repair and educ req'd; 2 yrs. of exp req'd. to haul construction debris years of experience in any
service vehicles for used car
dealership. 24 mon. exp.
Proficiency in waterproofing,
masonry & concrete restora-
within the Washington Met-
ropolitan Area (DC-MD-VA).
job title involving Quality Engi-
neering. E-mail resume to
Post your résumé. Find more jobs.
reqd. 40hr/wk. Mail resume tion. No criminal record. Class C Non-Commercial dri- Emily Roy, Global Mobility
to Valley Used Cars Inc. at 145 Email resumé to Consolidated ver´s license req´d. E-mail Manager, at Emily.Roy@
The local expert on local jobs Augustine Ave. Charles Town, Waterproofing Contractors resumés to: fluenceenergy.com. Please The local expert on local jobs The local expert on local jobs The local expert on local jobs
The local expert on local jobs The local expert on local jobs
WV 25414 Inc. at [email protected] [email protected] reference Job Code SQM24.
R JOBS T JOBS Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs
Regulatory Affairs Analyst TECHNICAL Computer/IT: CGI Technolo- CONSULTANT IT Advisor, Technology Professional Senior Professional System Sr. Software Engineer/Data Sr. Engineers, Software TECHNOLOGY
Hyattsville (Prince George’s Alibaba Cloud U.S. LLC is gies & Solutions Inc. seeks MicroStrategy Services Cor- Consulting - Data & Programmer Analyst Administrator Engineer (6 Openings): Full Stack MicroStrategy Inc. has the fol-
County) MD accepting resumes for the fol- Software Developer in Fair- poration seeks Consultant in Analytics (Data Science) CSC Covansys Corporation CSC Covansys Corporation Canopy One Solutions, Inc., T-Mobile USA, Inc. seeks Sr. lowing jobs available in
Ensure compliance with all lowing position in WASHING- fax, VA (& various unantic- Tysons Corner, VA: Attending Manager hiring for Professional Pro- hiring for Senior Professional seeks Sr. Software Engi- Engineers, Software Full Tysons Corner, VA.
applicable regulations. Man- TON, DC: Technical Expert ipated locations throughout meetings & working on (Multiple Positions) grammer Analyst in Ashburn, System Administrator in Ash- neer/Data Engineers to ana- Stack, Bethesda, MD Telecommuting an option:
age permits and license pro- (REF7717097): Provide ongo- US) to research, design, requirements. Review of (1503451), VA (Ref. #7577103). Cds, tsts, burn, VA (Ref. #7362090). lyze, design & develop cloud- •Work with a team of other •Software Engineer (Req.#
cessing. Ensure that con- ing support to clients after devel, &/or modify enterprise- source data systms. Ernst & Young U.S. LLP, dbgs, implmnts, and dcmnts Prfrms mdrtly cmplx systms based Big Data processing sys software engineers to imple- 21-1686): Research, design &
struction and equipment they have purchased a prod- wide systs &/or apps s/w. Job May be assigned to various, Tysons (McLean), VA prgrms. Assts in the mdfctn and dtbs admnstrtn. Mntrs & apps, using tech like ment and deploy complete, dvlp sftwr for MicroStrategy
meet industry standards. uct or service. Up to 45% req Bach deg in Comp Sci, unanticipated worksites Work with a wide variety of of cmpny prdcts and/or and tns apprprt systms to Hadoop, HDFS, HBase, Hive, cloud native systems which products as part of agile sftwr
Review product specifica- travel required to various Engg, IT or a rel field & 5 throughout U.S. Telecom- clients to deliver the latest cstmr/intrnl systms to meet ensr optmm lvl of prfrmnc. Scala, Kafka, Spark, IBM meet customer's require- dvlpmnt team. Req’s: BS (or
tions and certifications. Main- unanticipated locations. yrs in any job title involving muting an option. Some data science technologies the nds of the clnt and/or end- Ovrsees apprprt lvl sftwr DataStage, Informatica, DB2, ments. equiv.) +6 months exp.
tain accurate records of per- Wage range: $132,000 – exp designing & devel apps. travel to MicroStrategy Ser- and operations research user. Gthrs infrmtn frm the instlltns and upgrds and rltd Salesforce, JSON, AWS, Cas- •Lead and build the Enter- For the jobs below,
mits, inspections, and $158,400 per year. Alibaba Must be willing to relocate vices Corporation’s office techniques and practices to systm, anlyzs prgrm and time sftwr pckgs. Pstn rqrs a sandra, Teradata, Tableau, prise Data Warehouse and Telecommuting an option.
approvals. Assist in the devel- U.S. based full time regular to various unanticipated work required. design, build and maintain rqrmnts, and prprs dcmnttn Bchlr's dgr or a frgn eqvlnt in NoSQL & Unix Shell Script; ETL pipelines to be used by Some travel to MicroStrate-
opment of company policies. employees have access to locations throughout US. All Req’s: MS(or equiv.)+1 yr. exp. scalable and robust solutions to chng exstng prgrms. Pstn Cmptr Scnc, Mngmnt Infrmtn design & implement apps various analytics teams. gy, Inc.’s Tysons Corner, VA
Conduct regular inspections medical, dental, and vision offers of emp are contingent Submit resume w/ ref. to: that unify, enrich and analyse rqrs a Bchlr's dgr or a frgn Systms, or rltd fld, and 6 yrs of using JAVA, J2EE, JDBC, Spring •Telecommuting is permit- office required:
of job sites to verify com- insurance, a 401(k) plan and upon successful comp of a Req.# 22-18962 at: data from multiple sources. eqvlnt in Cmptr Scnc, wrk exprnc in job offrd, as a Boot, Python, React JS & ted, but applicants must live •Principal Software
pliance. Serve as a point of basic life insurance, and well- background check, which ATTN: Jennifer Frias, Travel is required approxi- Mthmtcs, or rltd fld, and 3 Snr Prfssnl Systm Admnstrtr, Angular, ServiceNow or Appi- within a reasonable commut- Engineer (Req.# 18-1369):
contact for regulatory being benefits like FSA, sub- may also incl drug screen onlinejobpostings@ mately 80% of the time, up yrs of wrk expric in job offrd, or rltd occptn. Will work at an; manage & config middle- ing distance. Research, design & dvlp cus-
inquiries and inspections. ject to the terms and condi- depending on work assign- microstrategy.com to 20% international travel. as a Prfssnl Prgrmmr Anlyst, unanticipated client sites ware such as WebLogic, Web- tomized decision support
Maintain a database of reg- tions of the applicable plans ment. Email resume to MicroStrategy is an Equal Employer will accept any suit- or rltd occptn. Will work at throughout the U.S. Telecom- Sphere & IBM Integration Job Qualifications sftwr apps & systms. Req’s:
ulatory documents, permits, then in effect. U.S. based [email protected] & Opportunity & Affirmative able combination of educa- unanticipated client sites muting is permissible. Annual Designer; & rel duties. Job •PRIMARY REQUIREMENTS: MS (or equiv.) +1 yr. exp.
and approvals. employees are also eligible to ref job code 1416. Action Employer. Education, tion, training, or experience. throughout the U.S. Telecom- Salary range: $114,026 - in Chantilly, VA. Travel/reloca- Master’s degree in Computer •Software Engineer, Senior
Requires at least two years of receive up to 12 paid holidays, experience & criminal back- $149,600.00 per year. For muting is permissible. Annual $119,500. Full-time hires are tion to various unanticipated Science, or related, and 3 (Req.# 20-1106): Utilize Cloud
experience managing regula- accrue up to 15 paid vacation Computer/IT: Marriott Inter- ground checks will be con- complete job description, list Salary Offer: $101,358. Full- eligible to participate in the project locations throughout years of relevant work experi- Platform knowledge to build
tory compliance for construc- days for this position, and national, Inc. Senior Network ducted. of requirements, and to apply time hires are eligible to par- DXC benefit program. DXC the US may be req’d. Email ence. solutions & automate back-
tion companies. Legal back- receive up to 72 hours paid Engineer, Bethesda, MD: online, go to: ey.com/en_us/ ticipate in the DXC benefit offers a comprehensive, flexi- resume to accounts@canopy •ALTERNATIVE REQUIRE- end process to reduce overall
ground is a plus. Send resume sick time (front-loaded) per Responsible for designing Curam Data Analyst: Degree careers and click on program. DXC offers a com- ble, and competitive benefits one.com referencing the Job MENTS: Bachelor’s degree in time & increase efficiency for
to: mayron@diamondbuilding calendar year. Send resume optimal LAN and WAN net- in computer related. MS "Careers - Job Search”, then prehensive, flexible, and com- program which includes, but #: SDED-855. EOE Computer Science, or related, customers environments on
services.net. Diamond Build- to Alibaba Cloud US LLC: US works comprising of routers, (3YRS) or BS (5YRS) experi- “Search Jobs" petitive benefits program is not limited to, health, den- and 5 years of relevant work MicroStrategy cloud platform.
ing Service, Inc. [email protected]. switches, firewalls, and load- ence. Expr. in SDLC, Curam (Job Number - 1503451). which includes, but is not lim- tal, and vision insurance S/W Eng'r - Oracle Specialist experience. May be assigned to various,
EOE. Must include REF code. balancers, including networks Business Appl. Suite & Frame- ited to, health, dental, and coverage; employee well- (Sterling, VA) Customize Ora- •To apply, visit unanticipated worksites
Restaurant Cook: Prepare, in data centers, corporate work, PowerCenter Informat- vision insurance coverage; ness; life and disability insur- cle EBS, Fusion Cloud Fin'ls, www.tmobile.careers. Create throughout U.S. Req’s: MS
season, and cook dishes such V JOBS offices, and third-party co- IT Professionals-QA Testers, or RM. Dvlp REST Services,
ica 9.X, MicroStrategy, IBM Software Test Analysts, Com- employee wellness; life and ance; a retirement savings a candidate profile, and apply (or equiv.)+1 yr. exp.
as soups, meats, vegetables, location PoP sites all which RSA SQL Developer & Oracle. disability insurance; a retire- plan, paid holidays, paid time Oracle Forms, Oracle Reports to REQ272333. EOE. •Software Engineer (Req.#
or desserts in a Japanese VICE PRESIDENT host applications and inter- puter Programmers, Pro- & Oracle Workflow. Build
Travel/Reloc. Resumes to: grammer Analysts, Software ment savings plan, paid holi- off; and much more. 20-1194): Work within agile
restaurant. Carry out addi- Morgan Stanley Services connect hotel properties, days, paid time off; and much To apply, email resume to OBIEE dashboards. Edu+Exp
Group Inc. hiring for following OOTB MINDS INC. 1426 21st Developers, Business Sys- Sr. Engineers, Software dvlpmnt team & lead at engi-
tional chores requested by users, systems, partners, ven- NW, Unit # S-6, Washington, more. To apply, email resume [email protected] req'd. Job Loc: Various, travel neering level design, dvlpmnt,
chef or manager. 40 hours/ role in Arlington, VA: Vice dors, and public/private cloud tems Analysts, Application may be reqd. Email applic (w/ Full Stack
DC 20036-5947. Email: Developers, Software Engi- to [email protected] resume must include Ref. T-Mobile USA, Inc. seeks Sr. testing & debugging of sftwr
week. Send application President to design effective networks. Req’s Bachelor’s resume must include Ref. #7362090, full name, email, ref # I-201) to: hr@izeal
components, automation [email protected] neers, Business Analysts, QA Engineers, Software Full components & products.
to—Employer & Job Place: degree in Computer Science, #7577103, full name, email, address & mailing address. inc.com or mail to: HR, iZeal, Req’s: BS (or equiv.) +6
Kobe Japanese Steakhouse of scripting, application, & enter- Computer Engineering or Engineers. Multiple positions. Inc., 46090 Lake Center Plaza, Stack, Bethesda, MD
Data Analyst, Technology Various worksites. May travel address & mailing address. No phone calls. Must be legal- •Build scheduled jobs and months exp.
Woodmore, Inc. dba Kobe prise level testing processes. related technical field. Posi- No phone calls. Must be legal- ly authorized to work in the Ste 100, Sterling, VA 20165
Positn req’s rel degree &/or Consulting - Data & to unanticipated client sites automated ETL processes. •Quality Engineer, Sr. (Req.#
Japanese Steak & Seafood tion is 100% remote; may be Analytics ly authorized to work in the U.S without sponsorship. EOE 21-13136): Execute sftwr
House at 2801 Campus Way exp &/or skills. For more info performed from anywhere in nationally. Mail resume to Software Developer: Req. BS •Build internal applications
(Data Governance & Zillion Technologies Inc, Attn: U.S without sponsorship. EOE that optimize internal quality & test cases for new
North, Glenarden, MD 20706. & to apply, visit https:// the US. TO APPLY: Please Senior Professional in CS or CE + 2 yrs exp. Use
ms.taleo.net/careersection/ Controls) – Financial HRGC, 20745 Williamsport processes and efficiencies. features across MicroStrate-
apply on-line at: Services Office (Manager) SAP Basis Engineer - Cloud Programmer Analyst ServiceNow, Java, JavaScript, gy suite of products. Req’s:
S JOBS 2/jobsearch.ftl?lang=en careers.marriott.com Place, Ste 250, Ashburn, VA SQL, & PL SQL to develop •Telecommuting is permit-
(Multiple Positions), 20147. Specialist, Rockville, MD. DXC Technology Services LLC ted, but applicants must live MS (or equiv. )+2 yrs. exp.
Scroll down & enter 3245096 (Job Number 24059268) hiring for Senior Professional apps. F/T. Leidos, Inc.
Salesforce Dvlpr, Washington, as “Job Number” & click Ernst & Young U.S. LLP, May require to travel/ within a reasonable commut- Or BS (or equiv.) +5 yrs. exp.
DC. Design, develop, test, Tysons (McLean), VA telecommute. Ensure Cloud Programmer Analyst in Ash- Gaithersburg, MD. Email c.v. •Software Engineer, Sr.
“Search jobs.” No calls pls. COMPUTER/IT: American Col- Manager, Products and to [email protected] ing distance.
document, & deploy high Work with clients to trans- solutions meet customer burn, VA (Ref. #7122199). Cds, (Security) (Req.# 22-17104):
EOE lege of Radiology seeks Technology (Mult Pos), tsts, dbgs, implmnts, and & ref. #6691. Principals only.
quality solutions on SFDC form the way they use and requirements including, secu- Job Qualifications Utilizing knowledge of AWS
Senior Application Developer PricewaterhouseCoopers dcmnts mdrtly cmplx prgrms. No calls/visa sponsorship
platform based on Salesforce
best practices & business
Tech Jobs (Reston, VA – full-time
manage data by architecting
data strategies, providing LLP, Washington, DC
rity, governance, and industry
best practices. CONTACT: Crts apprprt dcmntn in wrk
technologies to design, dvlp
& deploy cloud-based MicroS-
telecommuting permitted) to Mnge the dvlpmnt of new Software Developer: MS in •PRIMARY REQUIREMENTS:
needs. Mail resume to S. Agile Development Senior end-to-end solutions that Tatum Duffy, TISTA Science assgnmnts such as prgrm Master’s degree in Systems trategy solutions. Req’s: MS
Galib, Office of Global Ser- dvlp & implmnt multpl layers focus on improving their data tech offrngs, incl advsng on and Technology Corp., cde, and tchncl dcmntn. computer related w/ 1 yr. (or equiv.) +2 yrs. exp.
Federal Home Loan Mortgage how to strctre such offrngs Engineering, or related, and 3
vices, Georgetown University, Corporation has an opening of softwr app & coordinate supply chain, reengineering [email protected]. Must use Dsgns systms and prgrms to expr. Expertise in Adv. Struc- •Software Engineer (Req.#
w/ team on diff layers of app to meet the needs of the bus tural prog & algorithms, data years of relevant work experi-
Box 571013, Car Barn Suite for the f/t position of Agile processes, enhancing risk Job Code T3962-00065. EOE. meet cmplx bsnss nds. Pstn ence. 22-128059): Write program
140, Washington, DC 20057. infrstrcture. Job reqs Bach in control, and enabling infor- without comprmsng compli- rqrs a Bchlr's dgr or a frgn modeling, & DB design, net- code to dvlp new functionality
Development Senior in ance & qualty req. Req Bach’s •ALTERNATIVE REQUIRE-
McLean, VA to provide CS, or rel & 3 yrs of exp as mation intelligence by har- Security Analyst Investigator eqvlnt in Cmptr Scnc, work prog. & network secu- for MicroStrategy apps for
Softwr Dvlpr, Full-Stack Dvlpr, deg or foreign equiv in Bus Meta Platforms, Inc. (f/k/a rity fundamentals, software MENTS: Bachelor’s degree in
Security Engineer. Herndon thought leadership & lead nessing latest advanced tech- Mthmtcs, or rltd fld, and 6 yrs Systems Engineering, or relat- Web & Mobile Android. May
VA or remote. BA in Com- App Dvlpr, or rel. Email cvr nologies. Requires domestic Admin, Econ, Info Sys or rel + Facebook, Inc.) has the fol- of wrk exprnc in job offrd, as proj. mgmt & QA testing. be assigned to various, unan-
bldg. the new svcs., maintain 5yrs post-bach’s, progrssv rel ed, and 5 years of relevant
puter Science or similar req’d, the existing svcs., coach ltr & CV to [email protected]. and regional travel up to 60% lowing positions in Wash- a Snr Prfssnl Prgrmmr Anlyst, Tech. skills in packaging tools ticipated worksites through-
Ref: “Senior Application work exp; OR a Master’s deg ington DC: (SCCM, InstallShield & Admin- work experience.
apply by mail with cover letter junior members on the team, to meet client needs. Employ- or rltd occptn. Will work at •To apply, visit out U.S. Req’s: MS (or equiv.)
& resume to Meghan Mayer, Developer er will accept any suitable or foreign equiv in Bus Admin, Security Analyst Investigator: unanticipated client sites Studio); Scripting (Power- +1 yr. exp.
manage & evaluate new techs Econ, Info Sys or rel + 3yrs rel www.tmobile.careers. Create
Guidepoint Security 2201 w/ quick proof of concepts, & combination of education, Coordinate development and throughout the U.S. Telecom- Shell, Batch, Wise Script, Submit resume w/ ref. to:
COMPUTER/IT: National Rail- work exp. 80% telecommtng implementation of Intel cycle VBScript) and Operating Syst a candidate profile and apply
Cooperative Way, Suite 225, support apps in production. training, or experience. muting is permissible. Annual to REQ272327. EOE. (include Req. No.) at:
Herndon VA 20171. road Passenger Corporation $179,925 per year. For com- permitted. Mst be able to across a range of internal Salary Offer: $117,932. Full- (Windows XP, Windows Vista, ATTN: Jennifer Frias
Req’s bachelor’s or frgn eqv commute to designated local
deg in comp. science, eng., or (Amtrak) in Washington, D.C. plete job description, list of stakeholders to identify time hires are eligible to par- Windows 7). Travel/Reloc. onlinejobpostings@
Kapsch TrafficCom USA Inc seeks Lead Software Engineer requirements, and to apply office. Domestic &/or int trav- online threats. (ref. code REQ- ticipate in the DXC benefit Send resumes to: Attn.: H.R, Sr Java Developer microstrategy.com
rel fl.+ 5 yrs. of exp. in a SW el up to 80% req. Please apply
seeks Software Engineer devel. occup. Position eligible to define, develop, modify, or online, go to: ey.com/en_us/ 2404-136290: $161,241/year program. DXC offers a com- Confiminds LLC, 13800 Cop- Technogen Inc. seeks Sr Java MicroStrategy is an Equal
Chantilly, VA to Wrk as prt for part-time telecommuting. maintain software app mod- careers and click on by sending your resume to - $186,560/year). prehensive, flexible, and com- permine Road, Suite 118, Developer w/bachelor’s in Opportunity & Affirmative
of the lane-side sftwr egnrg If interested, submit ules using development "Careers - Job Search”, then US_PwC_Career_ Individual pay is determined petitive benefits program Herndon, VA 20171 Comp Sc, Engg any, Tech or Action Employer. Education,
team on multi-threaded real- resume/cv via email to: processes. Provide tech lead- “Search Jobs" [email protected], by skills, qualifications, expe- which includes, but is not lim- rltd & 5 yrs. exp to dvlp, create experience & criminal back-
time C++ solutions to procss ership & provide consistent (Job Number - 1503443). specifying Job Code DC4074 rience, and location. Compen- ited to, health, dental, and SOFTWARE ENGINEERS & modify IT apps soft-
[email protected] & Reston, VA & various unantic- ground checks will be con-
transctn framing for toll reference #22-218. ownership for increasingly in the subject line. sation details listed in this vision insurance coverage; ware/spec utility prog. Analyz ducted.
systms. This position reqs a complex deliverables. Reqts: McKesson Corporation – posting reflect the base salary employee wellness; life and ipated locations throughout user needs & dvlp sftwre sol.
Bach dgree, or frgn eqvlnt in Bach degree or equiv in Comp Senior Database Developer in MULTIPLE I.T. POSITIONS only, and do not include disability insurance; a retire- the U.S. Dvlp, buld, & dply Dvlp enterprise web apps
Consult America, Inc. is hiring multi-tird apps softwr. Dsgn, Travel Demand Forecasting
Comp Sci, Comp Egnrg, Math, Computer Systems Analysts. Sci, Info Sys, Electrical Engg, Aldie, VA. Create and main- Greenbelt, MD area. Senior bonus or equity or sales ment savings plan, paid holi- using Java, Spring boot, Consultant
or rltd fld & 5 yrs of wrk or related + 5 yrs exp tain complex code and data Software Developers: Work incentives, if applicable. In days, paid time off; and much mnge, dply, & trublshot apps React.JS, CSS, /HTML. Dvlp
Job Duties: Provide analysis of u/DevOps tools. Faciltat buss AECOM Technical Services
exp as a Sftwr Egnr in the ERP apps. Performs require- in job offered or related Soft- base components (such as with Java development team addition to base salary, Meta more. To apply, email resume app using Java/J2EE tech & Inc. has multiple openings for
tolling indstry. 100% Tlcmtg. ware Developer occupation. queries, views, and stored & establish coding conven- offers benefits. Learn more to [email protected] critcl apps on Clud computng, wrk on the updates. Dsgn &
ments gathering, design, DevOps, Systm Admnstrton, a Travel Demand Forecasting
Applicnts who are intrsted develop, and test computer Requires 3 yrs exp: (1) Imple- procedures) that leverage tions. Create standards for about benefits at Meta at this resume must include Ref. dvlp for presentation using Consultant in Arlington, VA.
should apply via company menting software solutions Dynamic SQL to systematical- functional programming. link: https://www.metaca- #7122199, full name, email, Netwrk, & scurity. Implmnt JSP/Servlets & Spring MVC
apps & interfaces. Perform CI/CD pipline as a code Responsible for intercity trav-
website: https://www. E2E validation of different w/ full IT dev lifecycle w/in ly respond to changing pricing Senior Quality Engineers: reers.com/facebook-life/ben- address & mailing address. Framework, Java, Spring el demand model design,
kapsch.net/en /career Agile, Scrum, & SAFE dev models and transactional vol- Analyze, test & verify that efits . For full information & No phone calls. Must be legal- u/Jenkins. Crt S3 buckt in AWS boot. Spring Data JPA,
modules of ERP apps finance, envrnmnt to store the templt. development, calibration, and
Refer to Job ID mwd_11698 proc, HR, & interfacing apps: environments; (2) Following umes. 95% Telecommuting software products or systems to apply online, visit us at ly authorized to work in the Microservices, Restful Web application.
incident & change mgmnt allowed from Aldie, VA metro are free of defects. Develop & the following website http:// U.S without sponsorship. EOE Wrt IaC in Terraform, AWS Services, JUnit, AWS Services,
Sr. Consultant needed for Min. reqmts: Bachelor Com- Cloud formation. Configur & To apply: Email resumes at
puter Science or related processes & practices using area. To apply, please send execute test plans, test cases www.metacareers.com/jobs Redis Cache, Oracle, & GIT. AECOM_Resume@
Washington, DC office. MS in ServiceNow; (3) Providing resumes to: JobPostings@ & test scripts. Travel / relocate & search using the ref code(s) Senior Professional monitr dashbrds for various Work loc: is Chantilly, VA w/
Urban Planning, Regional fields. 24 months experience apps. Idntify app issus, aecom.com. Please refer to
required. Send resume at: hands-on frontend (web) or McKesson.com. Reference to various unanticipated U.S. above. Product Developer req’d to travel & work from Job #A984.1114.
Planning, or rltd field or equiv. backend (server) mobile app #001994 locs as reqd for all positions. Computer Sciences Corpora- trublshot, anlyz softwr, various unanticipated client
+ 5 yrs of relevant progressive [email protected] debug, & prfrm end to end
development or cloud plat- Send res to: Remote Tiger, Senior BizOps Engineer @ tion hiring for Senior Profes- worksites throughout the
exp in the infrastructure plan- form services; (4) Delivering Data Scientist Mastercard International tstng of Analytical & Business USA. Mail resumes to 4229 UX Designer in Arlington, VA.
Appian Developer: Must have Inc., immigration@ sional Product Developer in Min. Req’s: Bachelor’s degree
ning field. Req'd exp. in advis- solutions to enable person- Micron Technology, Inc. has remotetiger.com. Incorporated (Arlington, VA) Ashburn, VA (Ref. #6242677). Intelligence Applications. Lafayette Center Dr, Ste 1880,
ing public sector agencies on Mstr./foreign equiv. in CS/ IT F/T. Engge in & imprve the Skills Req’rd: Data Modelling in Computer and Information
/ Engg.(any)/rltd.+1 yr. Exp Or alized customer experience an opening for Data Scientist Prfrms cmplx dsgn, implmnt- Chantilly, VA 20151 (or) e-
multimodal freight issues incl. across various digital chan- in Manassas, VA. Job duties whle lfcycle of srvcs-frm & Implementation, Software mail: [email protected] Technology, Media and Tech-
Bach + 5 yrs. post- bach prog .Net Web Developers, Wash- tn, & mntnnc of mlt prdct nology, or rel. field. To apply,
rail & trucking issues; Pre- nels leveraging Adobe Experi- include: Work within Smart incptn & dsgn, thru dplymnt, mdls/sb-systms to ensr tht Quality Assurance & Testing,
ferred exp. working w/ a vari- exp. as computer/software ington, D.C.: Provide sw engg opratn, & rfnmnt. Anlyze ITSM Network Analysis & Testing, mail resume to: Nuvitek LLC
professional. Work loc’n: ence Manager (AEM) platform Manufacturing and Artificial support to dvlp web apps that bsnss nds are met. Assts in
ety of freight data sources & & Adobe Ecosystem, such as actvties of the pltfrm & prvde Database Design & Analysis. SR. VMWARE & MICROSOFT Attn: Venkat Veeramneni,
Chantilly, VA & other unan- Intelligence organization. focus on data sharing, & outlng new prdct/srvc bsnss SYS ENGINEER, InfoStructures
platforms incl: Freight Analy- Adobe Target & Adobe Ana- Define, drive and deliver end fdbck loop to dvlpmnt tms Master’s in Sci, Tech, or Engg 1201 Wilson Blvd. #27-105,
ticipated loc’s across the U.S. deployment of statistical cse jstfctn to ensr that prpdsd MSP, LLC, Rockville, MD. Pro- Arlington, VA 22209.
sis Framework, Replica, RITIS, lytics; (5) Developing Middle- to end smart manufacturing on opratnl gaps or rsliency sltn is cpbl of dlvrng artcltd (any) is req’d. Mail CV: HR,
& others; Preferred Certifica- Re’loc possible. Mail Resume data. Provide tech consulta- cncrns. Pstn reqs a Mstr's SMK Soft Inc., 12359 Sunrise vide on-site and remote net-
to HR, Tech Tammina LLC, ware & distributed sys archi- solution, integrated across tion, planning, & administra- bsnss bnfts to clnts. Prtcpts in
tions: AICP- Certified Planner tecture; (6) Developing apps deg / frgn eqvlnt in Comp Valley Dr, Ste. 170, Reston, VA work integration and support
4460 Brookfield Corporate functions of the business. tion of the sw & tech support prdct dsgn mtngs with mngm- services to our government
& Project Management Pro- using Android, Java, Swift, To apply, visit Micron.com/ Sci or rltd tchncl fld & 1 yr nt, other dvlprs & crss-fnctnl 20191.
fessional (PMP); Duties may Drive, Suite N,Chantilly, VA- for the implementation & of exp in jb offrd or as a and commercial clients within
20151 or email: JavaScript, TypeScript, Angu- Careers. Search by requisition maintenance of company/ tchncl tms to ensr that prdct
incl: Build & manage project lar, Ionic, & Adobe Experience Prgrmmr Anlyst, Systm Tst Software Engineer for NeST Windows 2019/2022 and
[email protected]. no. JR50499. customer's web sites. Use MS dvlpmnt adhrs to clnt VMware v6/7 environments.
teams; Manage projects; Manager; & (7) Using tools Engnr, Qualty Assrnce Engnr, spcfctns & is constnt acrss Tech in Sterling, VA. Using
Effectively manage tasks SQL Server database manage- or rltd. Altrntvly, emplyr wll your exp. w/statistic data Plan, implement and provide
like Xcode & Visual Stu- Data Scientist, Gartner Inc., ment to design and devel- vrus units. Pstn rqrs a Mstr's
such as lead tracking, client KMM Technologies, Inc. in dio. All experience may be accpt a Bchlr's deg & 5 yrs of analytics; Insurance Domain, advice on VMware configu-
Rockville, MD is seek’g Archi- Arlington, VA. Prvide ad hoc op databases. Telecommut- dgr or a frgn eqvlnt in Sftwr rations, migrations, and
dvlpmt, proposal writing, acquired concurrently. Salary: mdeling and anlyticl insights prgrssvly rspnsble exp. Qlfyng Engnrng, Infrmtn Systms, Geo Info. Sys. (GIS) domain
team building & interviews; tect - Sr. Software Applica- ing permitted. Send res to: incl. urban plan, electric & improvements; evaluate
$165,173/year. Remote work to infrm stratgic and oper- SwiftFore, Inc., exp mst inclde at lst 1 yr Cmptr Scnc, or rltd fld, & five
Write, edit, & deliver reports; tions Developers to dsgn, permitted in accordance w/ w/ ech of the fllwng: Java, water utilities, public safety & VMware configurations,
archt, & dvlp high-end cloud ational initiatives. Req Bach [email protected] (5) yrs of wrk exprnc in job resolve issues and perform
Contribute to mktg activities
such as external thought techn solut’ns. No trvl, No
standard company policy. All
positions require pre-employ-
deg or frgn equiv deg in Stats,
Data Sci, Engg, Comp Sci or
gRPC, HTTP2.0, Logging, and
monitoring; Chef Infra and
offrd, or rltd occptn. Telecom-
muting is permissible. Annual
Location Risk Model for Insur-
ance using ESRI GIS tech., client installations; plan, Post your
leadership content, attend-
ing, or speaking at confer-
telecomm. Job duties are
proj-based @ unanticipated
ment background check ver-
ification & pre-employment
a rel fld + 3 yrs rel wrk exp. Network Security Detection
Chef Habitat based pipelines,
setup and operate Jenkins
Salary Offer: $165,173. Full- Amazon Web Services, ArcGIS
Desktop/Server, ArcGIS/
implement and
advice on Windows server
résumé and
To apply, please email resume time hires are eligible to par-
ences, helping w/ recruit-
ment, or supporting admin-
sites w/in U.S. Relo may be
req’d @ proj. end. Send
drug screen. Apply at to: [email protected] Meta Platforms, Inc. (f/k/a
Facebook, Inc.) has the fol-
Jobs; Coding or scripting;
Algorithms, data structures,
ticipate in the DXC benefit Google/Bing Map APis, Oracle
Spatial, PostGIS, OpenLayers,
systems including
bleshooting and migration
trou- get found
https://bit.ly/49r3aDN, Ref and reference job code: program. DXC offers a com-
istrative reqmts; Work w/ resumes to:
hanuk@ Job Code 7399111. 86834 lowing positions in Reston,
scripting, pipeline manage- prehensive, flexible, and com- GeoExt, Java, Python, React,
Node JS, ExtJS & lead dev.
support; evaluate complex
network requirements and
by employers.
public agencies on freight ment, and software design; petitive benefits program
mobility issues, such as state Computer/IT: CGI Technolo- Development Senior Network Security Detection Designing, analyzing, and teams will analyze, design, resolve Windows system
COMPUTER/IT which includes, but is not lim- related issues; suggest
depts. of transportation or gies & Solutions Inc. seeks Federal Home Loan Mortgage Engineer: Iterate network troubleshooting large-scale ited to, health, dental, and test, docmt, quality assure.
metropolitan planning orga- Back-End Developer, IBM Cor- Software Developer in Fair- Corporation has multiple security posture to better distributed systems; & Collab- & implant software apps in improvements to client net-
poration, Herndon, VA (Up to vision insurance coverage; works; VM and Windows serv-
nizations. Ability to work fax, VA (& various unanticipat- openings for the f/t position protect against attacks and orating with cross-functional employee wellness; life and GIS domain. Bach’s in Comp
remotely from anywhere w/in 40% telecommuting permit- ed locations throughout US) of Development Senior in detect new vectors. (ref. code teams. Rte of pay: $143,458 - Science & Info. Sys’s or Soft- er escalation support for
ted): Develop and test new disability insurance; a retire- internal helpdesk team mem-
continental USA. Travel may to research, design, devel, McLean, VA to support app. REQ-2404-136576: $173,301/ $181,000 / yr. ER wll accpt any ment savings plan, paid holi- ware Eng. & 5 yrs exp req’d.
be req'd to various unantic- code features and code &/or modify enterprise-wide devel., prototyping, modeling, year - $200,200/year). suitble combo of edu, trning, Resume to: bers; Manage projects vari-
enhancements for the firm’s days, paid time off; and much ous migrations, new installa-
ipated client locs. through- systs &/or apps s/w. Job req & high-level tech. design. Individual pay is determined or exp. WFH is avlble 3 tms more. To apply, email resume [email protected].
out the USA on an as-needed product. Develop and build Bach deg in Comp Sci, Engg, Req’s bachelor’s or frgn eqv by skills, qualifications, expe- /wk. Mst rside wthn Arlington tions, etc.; provide team lead-
tooling, functional test and to [email protected] Sr AI Solutions Architect ership on technical projects
basis - Expected 10% of travel Info Systs, IT, or rel f’ld & 5 yrs deg in comp. sci. or rltd. fl. rience, and location. Compen- VA mtrpltn area. resume must include Ref.
nationally w/ possible int'l security test automation for in any job title involving exp & 5 yrs. of exp. in a SW Eng. sation details listed in this Snd resume to Nathan Morris, Serve as trusted technical and technical guidance to
better quality and security #6242677, full name, email, advisors to strategize & lead other engineers; and devel-
travel. Send resume, ref., & w/ C#, ASP.NET, HTML, & CSS. occup.; or master’s or frgn posting reflect the base salary Nathan.Morris2@ address & mailing address.
sal. req. to Attn: Janelle Filion- coverage. Perform informa- Must be willing to relocate eqv deg in comp. sci. or rltd only, and do not include mastercard.com, customers to solutions which op technical reports and doc-
tion development and docu- No phone calls. Must be legal- is done w/user cases discov- umentation. Local travel to The local expert on local jobs
Simard, CPCS Transcom, Inc., to various unanticipated work fl. & 3 yrs of exp. in a SW bonus or equity or sales Mastercard, 2200 Mastercard ly authorized to work in the
1028 33rd St., NW, Ste. 320, mentation about the product locations throughout US. All Eng. occup. Position eligible incentives, if applicable. In Blvd, O'Fallon, MO 63368. Ref ery, Tellius evangelism & client sites within the Wash-
features/enhancements. Col- U.S without sponsorship. EOE teaching the product to new ington DC metropolitan
Washington, DC 20007. offers of emp are contingent for part-time telecommuting. addition to base salary, Meta MC25-2024.
laborate in a team-driven upon successful comp of If interested, submit offers benefits. Learn more users; Work w/sales, product, region. EOE M/F/D/V.
STAFF ARCHITECTS environment with a group of background check, which resume/cv via email to: about benefits at Meta at this Senior Software Engineer engrg, support & marketing To apply: send resume, cover
Senior Full Stack Engineer The Washington Post has ltr & salary rqmts to:
Washington, DC area. Assist software engineers who want may incl drug screen depend- [email protected] & link: https://www.meta HealthEdge Software in teams to guide customer
with design & technical sup- to deliver leading edge func- ing on work assignment. reference #22-404. careers.com/facebook-life/ multiple openings for a requests & establish roadmap personnel@
Alexandria, VA 22314 seeks Senior Software Engineer in infostructures.com
port on corporate commercial tion on the mainframe plat- Email resume to recruiting@ benefits. For full information f/t Senior Full Stack Engineer & ensure that customer
buildings. Provide sophisticat- form. Working to bring digital cgifederal.com & ref job code & to apply online, visit us at Washington, DC. Job duties requests & escalations are (REF: 02SR)
Director, Industry & to review & analyze specifica- include: Design and build No phone calls please.
ed renderings & models. Sup- applications to life by creating 1297. Functional Apps, the following website http:// tions, develop new modules, resolved. Res to Tellius, Inc,
port team with materials robust enterprise platforms www.metacareers.com/jobs highly scalable applications Attn: HR Job#MAL2024, 205
PricewaterhouseCoopers & perform maintenance on to support Digital Subscrip-
selection & system research. to support rich and interactive Computer/IT: CGI Technolo- & search using the ref code(s) Van Buren St, Suite 120#4, Technical Support Manager
Send res to: Fox Architects, front ends. Leverage exper-
tise in designing and building
gies & Solutions Inc. seeks
Advisory Services LLC,
Washington, DC above.
application solutions in accor-
dance to company software
tions mission of acquiring
and retaining digital sub-
Herndon, VA 20170. MessageBird USA Inc. seeks Search 20,000
[email protected]. Software Engineer in Fairfax, Technical Support Manager in
Store Manager
high performance, and reli-
able enterprise applications
VA (& various unanticipated
Ld & execute aspects of bus
& IT engagmnts w/in the Fincl Principal Developer
development standards.
REQ’s: BS in Comp Sci, Info
scribers. Optimize applica-
tions for maximum speed
Sr. Data Science Engineer Bethesda, MD with at least job listings by
locations throughout US) to Hughes Network Systems two (2) years of exp. working
Manage customer intakes
and service delivery, maintain
on the mainframe, which will
help to build the services,
design, devel, document, test
Srvcs & Insurance industries.
Req Bach’s deg or foreign
(Bethesda, MD): Dsgn, dvlp,
mdfy, implmnt, & supprt
Sys, Elec. Eng. or related (or
foreign equiv) + 5 yrs of
and scalability. Serve in an
on-call capacity. Remote
LLC, Germantown, MD. Be in Support or other customer- keyword,
& debug apps s/w & systs that responsible for all aspects of facing technical product role
the working order in the shop,
and provide customer ser-
integration, data, analytics,
and algorithms required to
contain logical & mathemat-
equiv in Info Mgmt, Comp Sci,
Engg or rel + 7 yrs rel work
cmplx systm cmpnnts &
intrctns b/w mult systms; cre-
employment exp. in software
work in any U.S. state except
Hawaii is permissible. All
the design/deployment of at a software or SaaS compa- industry and
ical solutions. Job req Bach data sci projects involving AI, ny. Req: BA degree in Com.
vices as needed. Full-time,
minimum two years of experi-
support next generation
experiences. Interface with
deg in Comp Sci, Engg, Info
exp, of wch at least 5 yrs
mst be post-bach's, prgrssv
ate sftwre archtctre; review
code, sprvse & guide team
For full job description and
to apply, please go to:
experience may be concur-
rent. Contact: Apply online
ML, & deep learning models. Sci., Com. Engr. or related IT location.
Systs, IT or rel f’ld & 5 yrs rel work exp; OR a Master’s thr sys implntn; prsnt sftwre https://www.healthedge.com Req’s: MSc in Comp Sci or field. Email resume to
ence as a store manager. Mail enterprise architects and in any job title involving pro- at https://careers. Data Sci & 2 yrs exp, or BSc & [email protected]
resume to Byung K. Cho at deg or foreign equiv in Info dsgns; carry out unit tstg & /about-us/careers search washingtonpost.com/.
delivery teams to shape, esti- gramming exp in PL/SQL & Mgmt, Comp Sci, Engg or rel vrfctn of implmntn; idntfy Senior Full Stack Engineer. 5 yrs exp.
3247 Mount Pleasant St NW, mate, and define the pro- UNIX Shell Scripting. Must be Please refer to job To view & apply visit
Washington, DC 20010 + 5 yrs rel work exp. 80% risks & QA mthds fr chngs. Position reports to Alexan- requisition number- #SSE1 -
grams that turn ideas and willing to relocate to various telecommtng permitted. Mst Reqs: bach CS, comp engrg, dria, VA office, but remote https://echostar.wd5.
prototypes into fully function- unanticipated work locations 21829.24.3. myworkdayjobs.com/
Sushi Cook be able to commute to des- or sim disc & 10 yrs exp w/ employment is available for
al systems. Utilize: Python throughout US. All offers of ignated local office. Domes- software as part of a SaaS this position. Telecommuting echostar enter job #
Prep ingredients & sauces for Programming, Java Program- R0004274 in the Search Field
sushi bar. Perform sushi cook- emp are contingent upon suc- tic and/or intl travel up to platform, such as online com- from anywhere in the United Software Engineers III in
ming, Network Management, cessful comp of background 80% is req. Please apply by merce, edu’l tech pltfrms, fin’l States is possible. Rockville, MD to solute archit, & follow instructions
ing duties. Make simple sushi Structured Query Language check, which may incl drug sending your resume to sftwre, or others; 3 yrs exp lead tech des & dev for s/w
rolls. Clean food prep & cook-
ing areas. Req. 3 mths of exp
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screen depending on work
assignment. Email resume to
US_PwC_Career_ leadg tech’l teams; exp wrkg SENIOR HEALTH DATA dev & autom for bioinf Search 20,000
[email protected], as a frntend & bckend dvlpr SCIENTIST pipeline dev & second bionf
as Sushi Cook. Knowledge of
safe & sanitary food handling
elor’s degree or equivalent
in Computer Science, Engi-
[email protected] &
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specifying Job Code DC4139 usng Java frmwrk & other sim Inovalon, Inc. seeks a Senior analys, w/ var program lan- job listings The local expert on local jobs
in the subject line. languages & frmwrks; wrkg Health Data Scientist in guages in a Linux env. Req deg
practices. To apply, email
[email protected].
neering or related and one
(1) year of experience as a COMPUTER/IT: National Rail- DC HBX seeks IT Supervisory
w mult prgrmng languages; Bowie, MD, to collect, anlyze, in CS/rel + exp. Telecommut- Find the most by location.
Akeno Sushi Bar and Thai at dsgng & bldng prfrmnce & intrprt lar. data sets using ing an option but the candi-
Software Developer or relat-
Capitol Hill, LLC, 524 8th ed. One (1) year of experience
road Passenger Corporation
(Amtrak) in Washington, D.C.
Specialist (Security) for Wash-
ington, DC office. Duties:
sftwre fr assessment & cred-
ntlg in hghr ed; strng knwldge
anlyt., statist., & program.
skills. Master’s in CS, Infor
date must reside within com-
muting distance of Rockville,
Street, SE, Washington DC must include utilizing Python
Programming, Java Program-
& various unanticipated loca- Supervise team of Informa- of 3 or mre prgrmmg lan- Sys, Statist., Math., DS, or rltd, MD, to attend meetings in the jobs. Find
tions throughout the U.S. tion Security Analysts & con-
ming, Network Management, (remote position) seeks Sr tractors resp to design, devel-
guages incl Java, JavaScript,
Typescript, C#, Kotlin, Python
plus at least 3 yrs of exp. in job
off. or any Program. Anlyst, or
office on a weekly basis. Sub-
mit resumes to BioReliance
the right job
SQL, Global Information
Tracker (GIT). $135,087.48 to
Principal Software Engineer
to design, build, & present
op, manage, & implement IT
security policies, procedures,
or sim; exp in Object Oriented
Programming; fmlrty w
rltd job titles. For complete
requirements, submit resume
Corporation, 400 Summit
Drive, Burlington, MA 01803
for you.
IBM iSeries Programmer/ $178,200.00 per year. lasting architecture on Sales- & HBX cloud-based platform. Design Patterns; knwldge of to: https://www. (Attn: Req#274372) or apply
Analysts Please send resumes to force Platform/Products. Monitor applications, dash- REST API stndrd; exp in API inovalon.com/careers/ online https://www.
Computer Packages Inc, an inter- [email protected]. Appli- Confirm User Stories are clear boards, queues, & logs; imple- dvlpmnt; advncd knwldge of job/?gh_jid=5972200003 emdgroup.com/en/careers/
cants must reference SN112 The local expert on local jobs The local expert on local jobs The local expert on local jobs
national business specializing in & follow Agile dev method & ment & revise security proto- Database Design cncpts; fmlr- Requisition ID: 3968. job-search.html?
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solutions is seeking programmers
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Computer/IT: CGI Technolo-
gies & Solutions Inc. seeks
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Sys, or rel field + 7 yrs post-
bach exp in job offered or
cations; investigate & fix net-
working & firewall issues.
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bitMQ, & Shared Memory Ser-
vices such as HazelCast; fml-
rty w Workflow Process
Software Developer in Fair-
Java, DB2, iSeries/AS400 appli- rel software dev occupation. Specialty Certificate earned Automation systms such as
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lent salary & benefits incl health ipated locations throughout ter’s deg or equiv in Comp er Networking/Closely Relat- Res: HelioCampus Inc,
insurance, tuition reimbursement US) to research, design, Sci, Info Sys, or rel field + 4 ed + 5 yrs progressive exp as [email protected]
& opportunity for growth. devel, &/or modify enterprise- yrs post-masters exp in job Security Engineer/Related OR
Job responsibilities include: wide systs &/or apps s/w. Job offered or rel software dev MS in Comp Net/Related w/3
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maintain applications on the IBM Comp Sci, Engg, Information exp: (1) Developing apps on Must: 5 yrs exp (w/BS) or 3 yrs
Systems, IT or a rel field & 5 CSC Covansys Corporation is washingtonpost.com/classifieds
AS/400 iSeries platform. This Service Cloud w/ min cus- exp (w/MS) with: managing hiring for Professional Appli-
includes programming for data yrs in any job title involving tomization & max config; (2) Amazon Web Services (AWS)
exp in working with C#, cation Designer in Ashburn,
Developing Community Cloud or similar cloud environ- 1405 815 815 873 355
entry, update/file maintenance,
reports generations, & auto-gener- ASP.NET, & XML. Up to 20% apps for exter customers w/ ments; Federal Risk + Autho-
VA (Ref. #6279941). Prvds Cars Legal Notices Legal Notices Prince William County Garage Sales, VA
telework permitted. Must be dsgn dcmnts & trnslts into FAIRFAX - Community Yard Sale
ations of emails for clients, agents, no comprise to security & rization Management Pro- cmpnt-lvl dsgns to acclrt Non-Judicial Foreclosure Sale. TOWN OF COLMAR MANOR TRUSTEE’S SALE OF
willing to relocate to various limit only needed objs & fields gram (FEDRAMP); working as NORTH HILL DRIVE 22030.
& patent office using COBOL,
Control Language, DB2, & RPG. unanticipated work locations
throughout US. All offers of
exposed externally; (3) IT security analyst resp for
dvlpmnt. Prvds dsgn exprtse
in spprt of dvlpmnt team
NISSAN Pursuant to rights granted
under a Promissory Note, and
13360 Kimilwick Pl,
Bristow, VA 20136 Sat 5/11, 8am-12pm.
•Meet with Data Analysts to dis- Reviewing all aspects of finding threats + vulnerabili- 610
cuss program designs to automate emp are contingent upon suc- Force.com, Lightning Con- ties in cloud-based environ-
effrts to prvde flxbl rsbl cmpn- NISSAN 2019 MAXIMA PLATINUM related Loan and Security In execution of a Deed of Trust
in the original principal amount
Dogs for Sale
cessful comp of a background nts to incrs cst effctvns. Clean title, looks like new, Agreement, by and between For the taxable year beginning
processes and problem resolution tainer, Lightning UX Builder, ment; responding to cyber Anlyzs, dsgns & rvws dsgn red w/ off white inter, 66k miles. Patrocinium Systems, Inc., a July 1, 2024, the Mayor and of $709,706.00 dated August BEDLINGTON TERRIER PUPPIES - 15
to enhance productivity of exist- check, which may incl drug Lightning Flow including security incidents in govern- $19,000. Call 703-599-1081 Delaware corporation (“Debt- Town Council of Colmar Manor 19, 2022 recorded among the weeks. $1500. AKC reg, vet
screen depending on work of applctns & sts of applctns
ing computer application systems. Process Builder & Cloud Flow ment sector; plus 3 yrs expe- to ensr tht cstmr spcfctns are or”), and Lost Mountain Ranch, proposes to increase commer- land records of the Circuit Court checked, current on all shots, dew
assignment. Email resume to Designer, Platform Events, LLC, a Virginia limited liability cial real property tax rates from for Prince William County on
•Evaluate codes for efficiency,
debugging & quality assurance by [email protected] & Async REST, Sync REST, &
rience (w/B/S) or 1 yr exp
(w/MS) with: implementing
stsfd. Pstn rqrs a Bchlr's dgr 1408 Antiques & Classics company (“Secured Party”), $.7913 per $100 of assessment August 22, 2022 as Instrument
claws removed, great companion
or family dog, hypoallergenic, no
ref job code 1314. or a frgn eqvlnt in bsnss, sftwr default having occurred under to $.84 per $100 of assessment. Number: 202208220061550, the shedding. Call or text 703-200-0727
reviewing programs on a frequent Continuation Framework Center for Medicare & Med- engnrng, cmptr scnc or rltd WANTED VINTAGE SPORTS CARS & the terms thereof, all of Debtor’s undersigned appointed Substi-
basis & making adjustment when (integration), Salesforce DX icaid’s (CMS’s) Minimum fld, & 3 yrs of wrk exprnc in
CLASSICS - Especially Mercedes, copyrights, trademarks, and pat- A public hearing on the pro- tute Trustee will offer for sale at
they are necessary to ensure that Computer/IT: CGI Technolo- (dev hub) in developing robust Acceptable Risk Standards- Porsche, Jaguar, Datsun Z. ents, will be offered for sale at posed commercial real property public auction, at the Main en- CAVACHON PUPPIES
gies & Solutions Inc. seeks job offrd, as a Prfssnl Applctn Highest prices paid for trance of the courthouse for the FOR SALE IN NO. VIRGINIA
the system is working properly. & scalable solutions on Sales- for Exchanges (MARS-E) + Dsgnr, or rltd occptn. Will
public auction at the offices of tax rate increase will be held at
Database Architect (Data the very best examples. Rees Broome, PC, 1900 Gallows 7:00PM on May 20,2024 at 3701 Circuit Court of Prince William Adorable baby doll faces. Ready
•Develop and maintain technical force Platform; (4) Using Plat- managing security configura- work at unanticipated client Call Bob 703-966-0122 weekend. M/F. Local breeder
Architect) in Fairfax, VA (& Road, Suite 700, Tysons Corner, Lawrence Street Colmar Manor, County, 9311 Lee Ave, Manassas,
documentation, guidelines, and form App Builder, Platform tions for applications devel- sites throughout the U.S. VA 20110 on July 8, 2024 at raised in home. 703-362-8718
various unanticipated loca- VA, 22182 on Friday, May 17, MD 20722.
•Create job schedulers which will tions throughout US) to
Developer, Data Arch & Mgmt
Designer, & Integration Arch
oped using Ruby-on-Rails.
$160,888/year. Resume:
Telecommuting is permissi- 1485 Vans 2024, at 10 AM. The assets will 4:00 PM the property described
in said deed of trust, located at
ble. Annual Salary Offer is: be sold in an “as-is” condition The hearing is open to the
automatically execute batch appli- employ an end-to-end vision domains; & (5) Developing on [email protected]. Dodge 1998 Grand Caravan and subject to conditions, re- public, and public testimony is the above address and briefly GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES
of how a logical data design $114,026.00. Full-time hires described as: Lot 14, Phase 2, 12 wks old, AKC, champ bloodlines,
cation programs hourly, daily, Salesforce Visualforce, Apex, are eligible to participate in Excellent Condition - Inside, Outside, strictions, and encumbrances, encouraged. Persons with any
will translate into 1 or more SOQL/ SOSL, Wave & Einstein GNRSystems, Inc. in Herndon, Under the Hood V6 – 3.6 L Engine / including an all-assets UCC questions regarding this hearing Section 8, KINGSBROOKE, as the vet checked, 1st shots. Loving
weekly, or monthly as needed. the DXC benefit program. same appears duly dedicated, homes only. 410-922-7125
physical data repositories & Analytics. Must have 1 yr exp: VA has multi open’gs: A) Sr. 74,000 miles / Teal Green / Car Cover lien. The purchase price must may call 301-277-4920 for fur-
•Generate ad-hoc or query reports DXC offers a comprehensive, be paid in full at the time of ther information. platted and recorded in Deed
using SQL. determine how the data will (6) Developing Journeys & QA Engineer(s) to dvlp & exe- Included $9,000 - OBO /
purchase in cash or cash equiv- Book 2370, page 1425, among GOLDEN RET AKC & GOLDEN /
flow through the successive flexible, and competitive ben- CALL 202-607-4075
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and programming languages as stages in its lifecycle. Job Cloud to automate Marketing oper(s) to anlyz user needs shall assume the risk of loss of liam County, Virginia. Tax ID: 8 weeks - 5 yrs. Vet checked, parents
but is not limited to, health,
needed. req Bach deg in Comp Sci, Campaigns; & (7) Developing & dvlp SW solut’ns. No trvl. the property immediately after UCC Sale. All assets of Munic- 7495-19-3630 (157715). on prem, health guar. 240-620-2013
Engg, Info Systems, IT or a rel dental, and vision insurance the sale. For inquiries, contact ipal Finance & Services Corp, W www.VictoriasPups.com W
•Provide technical support to end- beacons, ingestions of data, & No Telecomm. Job duties are coverage; employee well- TERMS OF SALE: A bidder’s
field & 5 yrs in any job title proj-based @ unanticipated the Secured Party’s attorney: 581 Main St, Suite 660, Wood-
users integration of data into CDP ness; life and disability insur- David J. Charles, Rees Broome, bridge, NJ 07095, including all deposit of $16,000.00 or 10% of
Please send resume to: involving exp in s/w analysis, from Personalization (previ- sites w/in U.S. Relo may be ance; a retirement savings & PC, at 1900 Gallows Road, Suite rights to Accelerated Munici- the sale price, whichever is low-
Purebred pups, NOT mixed, located in
cpijobs@ design, & hands-on app devel. ously Interaction Studio). All req’d @ proj. end. Email 700, Tysons Corner, VA, 22182; pal Payments (AMP) platform, er, will be required in the form Ruther Glen, VA. For pics and info
Must be willing to relocate resumes to: plan, paid holidays, paid time of a certified or cashier’s check.
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locations throughout US. All To apply, email resume to to be sold at public sale at deposit. Settlement within fif-
$179,300/year. Remote work [email protected] teen (15) days of sale, otherwise POODLES - Toys, registered, 1 brindle
offers of emp are contingent 10:00 am local time on Friday,
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from a debt collector. This notice
Also 6 week old litter, red/black, M/F,
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ment background check veri- bid by phone, contact info@dg-
job listings depending on work assign-
ment. Email resume to
fication & a pre-employment
Search 20,000
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ly authorized to work in the
Auction Sales funds.com or (340)774-8800 for
more information
is an attempt to collect on a debt
and any information obtained
Starting paper training. 443-223-1249
drug screen. Apply at PUG - CKC reg pups, 2 black F,
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industry and The local expert on local jobs
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Capital One Adventist HealthCare George Mason University Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Dewberry
Financial Services and Banking–We Don’t Only Think Big Healthcare–We are a faith-based healthcare organization, Education–George Mason University is a university with three Delivery and Transportation–The Washington Metropolitan Engineering–Dewberry is a leading, market-facing professional
Things—At Capital One, We Do Big Things. You’re dedicated to based in Montgomery County, Maryland. We are the largest campuses, each with a distinctive academic focus that plays a Area Transit Authority operates the second largest rail transit services firm with more than 50 locations and 2,000 profes-
your career.You deserve professional satisfaction and personal employer in Montgomery County with over 6,000 employees! critical role in the economy of its region. At each campus, stu- system and the fifth largest bus network in the United States. sionals nationwide. What sets us apart from our competitors
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another chance to do impactful work that matters: helping includes three acute-care hospitals – Shady Grove Medical resources, while duplication of programs and support services more than a third of the federal government to work and mil- and strive to deliver the highest quality of services to our cli-
millions of customers confidently manage their money, build- Center, White Oak Medical Center and Fort Washington Medi- is minimized through the use of technology. In addition to the lions of tourists to the landmarks in the Nation's Capital. Metro ents. Whether you’re an experienced professional or a new
ing stronger communities and delivering truly disruptive tech. cal Center – as well as two Physical Rehabilitation hospitals, main campus in Fairfax, the university has campuses in Arling- has earned a worldwide reputation for security and architec- graduate, you’ll have the chance to collaborate with the best
You’ll give your all alongside some of the brightest, most resil- Outpatient centers, Imaging Centers, Urgent Cares, Home Care ton and Prince William Counties. tural beauty. WMATA is clearly the employer of choice for over and brightest and work on innovative and complex projects at
ient people in the industry—and in return, you’ll enjoy… Services, Employer Health Programs and Physician… 10,000 area residents. The Authority was created in 1967 by… the forefront of the industry. Our commitment to excellence…
Senior Associate Data Manager, Product Head Start Assistant Patient Care Technician, Assistant Director of the Photo Lab Manager–Fairfax Metro Transit Police Quality Assurance Senior Building and Facilities Resilience Design &
Scientist - Statistical Management, Consumer Teacher, Weekdays, The Variable Part-Time EDGE–Fairfax Department: Col of Visual and Officer–Washington D.C. Associate–Washington D.C. Structural Design Group Communications Specialist–
Analysis, Financial Services– Data–McLean, VA Lourie Center–Riverdale Rotating Shifts, Heart and Department: University Life - Performing Arts. Classifica- Metro Transit Police Officers Minimum Qualifications. Edu- Leader–Fairfax Fairfax
Plano, TX Capital One is a high-tech Adventist HealthCare seeks Vascular–Silver Spring Mason Recreation. Classifica- tion: Media Specialist 2. Job are responsible for the en- cation: Bachelor's degree in Dewberry is an ENR top 50 de- Dewberry is seeking a Resil-
At Capital One, we think big company, a scientific labora- to hire a Head Start Assistant White Oak Medical Center tion: Education Administrator Category: Classified Staff. Job forcement of laws, regula- Quality, Engineering, Business sign firm operating through- ience Communications Spe-
and do big things. We are a tory, and a nationally rec- Teacher who will embrace seeks to hire an experienced 1. Job Category: Classified Type: Full-Time. Work Sched- tions, and ordinances for Administration or Information out the United States and has cialist to join our multi-disci-
Top-10 bank by deposits-a ognized brand all in one our mission to extend God's Patient Care Technician for Staff. Job Type: Full-Time. ule: Full-time (1.0 FTE, 40 crimes committed on, to, Systems and Data Analytics, a robust facility engineering plinary and action-oriented
high-tech company, a data reaching tens of millions of care through the ministry of our Heart and Vascular Unit Work Schedule: Full-time (1.0 hrs/wk). Location: Fairfax, VA. or against facilities owned, or a related field In lieu of presence on the east coast team to support our Resil-
driven company, and a nation- consumers. We are a passion- physical, mental and spiritual who will embrace our mission FTE, 40 hrs/wk). Location: Workplace Type: On Site Re- controlled, or operated by a bachelor's degree, a high and the mid-west. Currently ience Solutions Group (mul-
ally recognized brand. Our ate and entrepreneurial… healing. We are currently of- to extend God's care through Manassas, VA. Workplace quired. Pay Band: 03. Salary: the Washington Metropolitan school diploma or GED and we provide full-service engi- tiple office locations, open to
products reach… fering a $2000 sign-on bonus the ministry of physical, men- Type: On Site Required. Pay Salary commensurate with Area Transit Authority. Metro four (4) years of progressive neering services for buildings remote). The primary function
to qualified candidates… tal, and spiritual… Band: 04. Salary… education and… Transit Police Officers… responsibility experience in… facilities and… of this role is to…
Westat American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Fairfax County Government Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Fairfax Water
Research–Westat, headquartered in Rockville, Maryland, near Associations–The American Speech-Language-Hearing Asso- Government and Public Services–Fairfax County, Virginia is a di- Airport Operations/Management–The Metropolitan Washington Science–Fairfax County Water Authority (Fairfax Water) is Vir-
Washington, D.C., is an employee-owned research corporation ciation was founded in 1925. It is a not-for-profit scientific and verse and thriving urban county. As the most populous jurisdic- Airports Authority operates a two-airport system that provides do- ginia's largest water utility, serving one out of every five Vir-
serving agencies of the U.S. Government, state and local gov- professional association for speech-language pathologists, au- tion in both Virginia and the Washington metropolitan area, the mestic and international air service for the mid-Atlantic region. The ginians who obtain their water from public utilities. Nearly 1.5
ernments, businesses, and foundations. We conduct surveys diologists, and speech and hearing scientists. ASHA is commit- County's population exceeds that of seven states. The median organization consists of approximately 1,700 employees in a struc- million people in the Northern Virginia communities of Fairfax,
and program evaluations, provide statistical research, and offer ted to the consumers of our services, the more than 42 million household income of Fairfax County is one of the highest in the ture that includes central administration, airports management, Loudoun, Prince William and Alexandria depend on Fairfax Wa-
related services. Our multiproject environment provides career Americans with communication disorders. ASHA's mission is nation and over half of its adult residents have four-year col- and police and fire departments. In addition to operating Ronald ter for superior drinking water. That's 1.5 million friends, neigh-
opportunities in health, energy, education, transportation, the to ensure that all people with speech-language, and hearing lege degrees or more educational attainment. Fairfax County Reagan Washington National and Washington Dulles International bors and family members. We don't need any other reason to
environment, human services, and the workforce. We combine disorders receive quality services from well-educated profes- also is home to an extensive commercial office market and is Airports, the Airports Authority is responsible for capital improve- demand the highest in water quality standards! Chartered in
the relevant research area expertise… sionals. The American Speech-Language-Hearing… a major employment center. Fairfax County Government is a… ments at both airports and management of the Dulles Toll Road. 1957 by the Virginia State Corporation Commission as a…
Permanent Medical Legal Compliance Director of Surveys and Continuing Education Probation Counselor– Accountant III–Fairfax Air Conditioning Mechanic Airport Credentialing Junior Operator/Plant Water Utility Worker I
Records Abstractor– Specialist–Rockville Analysis–Rockville Accounts Manager– Fairfax Under the direction of the ($5,000 Sign-On Bonus - Agent–Washington D.C. Operator–Herndon (Temporary)–Fairfax
Rockville Westat is an employee-owned As the ASHA Director of Sur- Rockville Responsible for direct care Financial Reporting Manager, TWO Positions Available)– Compensation Grade: S15-H. Under close supervision of Under close supervision of
Westat is seeking Medical corporation providing re- veys and Analysis, you will This position ensures data of a majority male resident coordinates, organizes, and Washington D.C. Salary Range: $24.69-$34.57. the Supervisor, Plant Pro- a Water Utility Crew Chief
Records Abstractors or in- search services to agencies of lead our survey research integrity, document manage- population, providing secu- prepares highly complex and Compensation Grade: T19. Opening Date: May 6, 2024. duction or Lead Operator, or Water Utility Worker IV,
dividuals with some experi- the U.S. Government, as well operations, using your knowl- ment and control, and consis- rity and control in the Juvenile diversified financial reports Salary Range: $33.16-$43.10. Closing Date: May 20, 2024. performs routine operational performs a variety of routine
ence with medical records or as businesses, foundations, edge of survey methodology tent business rule application Detention Center. Including relating to the issuance of Opening Date: May 6, 2024. Please Note: All job an- and general maintenance unskilled and semi-skilled
health insurance records cod- and state and local govern- and analytics to help us col- to all members’ CE Registry monitoring the residents liv- County debt such as official Closing Date: Please Note: All nouncements close at 11:59 tasks involved in the opera- manual duties required in
ing, quality control or review, ments. Westat's research, lect important insights. This records and CE Provider re- ing units, security desk and statement schedules and job announcements close at p.m. of the day before the tion of water treatment plant the operation, maintenance
or similar skills and/or expe- technical, and administrative key role involves supervising cords in the related systems. court holding during desig- continuing disclosure state- 11:59 p.m. of the day before posted closing date. As the equipment and facilities on a and installation of the water
rience to work on-site at our staff of more than 2,000 is a team of researchers and Works with a team of Ac- nated shift. Provides in-depth ments. Analyzes County debt the posted closing date. As an Airport Credentialing Agent, rotating shift basis. Examples distribution and transmission
Rockville campus… located at… overseeing the full range… counts Managers and… counseling to… issuance… Air Conditioning… you will review… of Duties Performs routine… system and related…
Unlock a realm of
career possibilities!
Alexandria City Public Schools The MIL Corporation (MIL) AARP City Of Alexandria Virginia
Education–Alexandria City Public Schools is one of the most di- Government Contractor–Established in 1980, MIL provides inno- Associations–AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, social welfare Government and Public Services–The City of Alexandria is an
verse school systems in the country and we celebrate that di- vative cyber, engineering, financial, and information technology organization with a membership of nearly 38 million. Our aim award-winning, innovative, and progressive local govern-
versity. Our students come from more than 80 different coun- services to the federal government. Our subject matter experts is to disrupt preconceived notions about aging, turn goals and ment that brings together elected leaders, residents, busi-
tries, speak more than 60 languages, and represent a rainbow help advance customer operations through proven tools and dreams into Real Possibilities, strengthen communities and nesses, and staff to foster a thriving community. We are an
of ethnic and cultural groups. They are economically diverse, methodologies. Dedicated to excellence, service, and support, fight for the issues that matter most to people 50-plus and independent, full-service city, providing the services typically
but all are rich in that the residents of Alexandria are dedicated MIL recognizes that sustained high-quality service delivery is a their families; such as health care, employment security and operated by both counties and cities in areas such as public
to ensuring that each and every one of them achieves success. critical contributor to our success. We are recognized by our retirement planning. safety, transportation, human services, parks and recreation,
The children of Alexandria have benefited significantly from the clients and industry professionals alike for our integrity, dili- planning, and administration. We offer a wide range of exciting
strong support of City Council and the Alexandria… gence, and expertise across our core service areas: Cyber… career opportunities in a variety of fields, with the resources…
Academic Interventionist - ELL Social Studies Core Summer Technical Hire Program Analysis, Senior Social Work Analyst– Library Technical Services Policy Analyst–Alexandria Stormwater Capacity and
Student Improvement– Content Teacher - (Engineering Aide I)– Analyst–Washington D.C. Washington D.C. Manager–Washington D.C. The Policy and Impact Analyst Spot Improvement Project
Alexandria International Academy - Lexington Park Clearance Required: Secret. AARP's Legal Counsel for the AARP is the nation's largest will be a key member of the Engineer–Alexandria
The Interventionist provides General Pool (2024-25 SY)– Clearance Required: Ability Education Required: BA/BS. Elderly champions the dig- nonprofit, nonpartisan orga- Race and Social Equity team Are you an experienced
targeted, strategy-based in- Alexandria to Obtain a Secret. Education US Citizenship: Required. The nity and rights of vulnerable nization dedicated to empow- within the City Manager’s Of- stormwater capital project
struction that facilitates stu- The teacher delivers core Required: HS/GED. US Citizen- MIL Corporation is seeking a Washington, D.C. seniors 60- ering people 50 and older to fice. The primary goal for the engineer and well-versed in
dent success through planning, content and facilitates multi- ship: Required. The MIL Corpo- Program Analysis, Senior Ana- plus, providing free legal and choose how they live as they Race and Social Equity team the design of flood mitigation
teaching, assessing, and ad- lingual learners' ability to ef- ration is looking for Summer lyst to work with a Federal social work services to those age. With a nationwide pres- is to create a City where race and drainage practices and
justing learning opportunities fectively perform courses of Technical Hire (Engineering Client in Washington, D.C. This in need - empowering, de- ence, AARP strengthens com- or other… stormwater infrastructure Find tailored job opportunities at
that meet student needs in study in the English language Aide I) candidates to support position currently requires a fending, protecting, and help- munities and advocates for resiliency planning? If so, you
alignment with the ACPS Stra- by implementing the district- one or more projects in new hybrid schedule with 2 days ing thousands of clients each what matters most to the are encouraged to apply for… WashingtonPostJobs.com
tegic Plan and each school's… approved curriculum. The… and innovative… on-site… year in many areas of… more than 100 million…
Visit washingtonpost.com/jobs to view complete details and to apply to these and thousands of other listings.
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