Inguinal Flaps Hunt1995
Inguinal Flaps Hunt1995
Inguinal Flaps Hunt1995
Veterinary Surgery
24172-175. 1995
Skin fold advancement flaps can be created from the elbow and flank folds to close large wounds
in the pectoral and inguinal regions of cats and dogs, respectively. The attachments of the laterally
facing (outer) and medially facing (inner) layers of the skin fold to the adjacent limb are divided
to produce a U-shaped pedicle graft attached to the trunk. This mobilizes skin that can be
advanced over large wounds involving the ventral chest or abdomen, or both. The use of skin
fold advancement flaps enables direct closure of large skin defects without undue tension and
without compromising the mobility of the adjacent limb.
@Copyright 1995 by The American College of Veterinary Surgeons
Fig 1. Diagram showing the elbow fold (A) and flank fold (B)
in a domestic cat.
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