New Opportunities Vocab
New Opportunities Vocab
New Opportunities Vocab
Class 1
workforce (singular or plural verb) all the people Two thirds of the workforce is/are
who work for a particular company, women.
organisation, etc.
The company employs a workforce of
Synonyms: staff, workers nearly 5,000.
to miss out on to fail to benefit from something useful We don’t want to miss out on
sth or fun by not taking part in it information that 10,000 other people
like us already know.
job security The fact of your job being permanent, We have given our workforce a job
so that you will probably not lose it security guarantee until at least 2025.
career to an individual's (lack of) confidence in Investing in your professional
(in)security their ability to maintain a stable and development can provide you with
satisfying career over the long term, greater career security, leading to
based on factors such as skills, more opportunities for growth and
experience, qualifications, and the job success. Career insecurity can lead to
market anxiety and uncertainty about the
future, making it difficult to plan and
achieve career goals.
hybrid a flexible working arrangement in The company’s adoption of hybrid
working / which employees work partly at home working has allowed employees to
hybrid work and partly in the office enjoy the benefits of working from
home while still maintaining a sense
of collaboration and community with
their colleagues in the office.
desk-based employees who work primarily while When questioned about their actual
(employees) sitting at a desk or workstation in an and desired levels of sitting, one study
office environment, using computers reported that desk-based employees
and other equipment to perform tasks wished to spend less time sitting and
such as data entry, writing, research, more time doing physical activity
analysis, and administrative support during their working day.
equitable fair and reasonable; treating everyone in Equitable treatment of employees
/ˈekwɪtəbl/ an equal way involves ensuring that all workers are
treated fairly and given equal
opportunities for growth and
frontline deals directly with customers, or who is During the pandemic, frontline
(worker) directly involved in making a product workers in healthcare, grocery stores,
and delivery services worked tirelessly
to provide essential services to the
paid leave (uncount) time allowed away from work The employee is entitled to paid
for holiday, illness, etc. during which leave of 20 or 26 days under the
you receive your normal pay employment contract.
maternity leave a period in which a woman is legally Working mothers are entitled to
allowed to be absent from work in the enjoy a generous maternity leave and
weeks (before and after she gives birth other forms of social support.
to a child
paternity leave a period of time that a father is legally Men who take paternity leave
allowed to be away from his job so that experience a stronger bond with their
he can spend time with his new baby babies.
entitlement to; (count. or uncount.) sth that you have a After 5 years’ service in the company
holiday right to do or have, or the right to do or your holiday entitlement increases to
entitlement; have sth 25 days. In the past, children had no
entitlement to social benefits,
to be entitled
including education.
to sth
to underperform; to operate in a less successful way than Companies tend to fire the employees
underperformance other things of the same type that underperform and replace them
with new ones. The manager
addressed the employee's
underperformance by providing
constructive feedback and a
performance improvement plan to help
them reach their full potential and
meet the expectations of the job.
no-notice leaving the job suddenly and without The sudden departure of the team
quitting warning (without the notice) member without any notice left the
company scrambling to fill the role
and highlighted the negative impact
that no-notice quitting can have on
team productivity and morale.
to plummet to fall very quickly and suddenly Share prices have plummeted in
/ˈplʌm.ɪt/ recent months. Her spirits plummeted
at the thought of meeting him again.
off; time off; not at work; at home or on holiday I’m going to take/have some time off
to work on my house. She was off sick
a day off;
last week.
a week off
on-site existing or happening in the place where We can also provide on-site training
people are working or involved in a programs upon request.
particular activity
counselling the activity of a trained person listening An on-site counselling service can
to sb who has a problem and giving lead to the reduction of stress-related
them advice on how to deal with it absence.