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“Protecting wildlife”, The Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales Informations sur le document Wildlife Trust for South and West Wales est une organisation galloise à but non lucratif. Elle a pour objet la protection de la nature et de la vie sauvage locale et dépend pour cela des dons de ses membres et sympathisants. Ses intérêts sont défendus ici par le journaliste-présentateur de la BBC Lolo Williams, bien connu pour ses émissions sur la nature et la protection de l’environnement. Script Hello. I’m Lolo Williams and I’m here to tell you briefly about the Wildlife Trust for South and West Wales. Now it is, as the name suggests, looking after the wildlife, the local wildlife, all over the South and the western edge of Wales and it’s a fantastic organization. The staff are knowledgeable, enthusiastic and helpful and they’re working in it as a vocation. It’s not a way to make money for them; it’s a way of life. They look after almost 90 reserves all across the patch. So please, why don’t you become a member? They are a charitable organization. They need your help. If you join you know that the money is going to a wonderful cause. Every single penny will be spent looking after the wildlife of South and West Wales. Or become a volunteer as well or why not do both? Even better. At times like this when the economic climate is looking pretty gloomy; they desperately need your help. So please, please will you join the Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales. Dioch yn fawr. Thank you very much. Corrigé 1. A self-recorded video / a tutorial / a campaign video. 2. Cares for Welsh wildlife, local organization, charitable, vocation for staff, look after nearly 90 reserves. 3. The speaker wants the viewer to consider registering for the organization and give money to support it. They can also become volunteers, because the organization needs help. 4. Wonderful cause, charitable, desperately need your help, fantastic organization, enthusiastic, etc. The speaker uses the lexical field of emotions and greatness to insist on the charitable cause of the organization and encourage recognition for their good work.
COMPRÉHENSION DE L’ÉCRIT Comprendre un compte-rendu “Studying in eco-schools”,
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Le site Internet britannique des eco-schools, eco-schools., recense les différentes initiatives menées par ces établissements à travers le Royaume-Uni. Corrigé 1. A report: they present initiatives, their authors and their results. 2. Project 1. The students have designed, created and sold a 100% eco-friendly product meant to replace plastic cling-film. Project 2. The students focused on reducing their use of water for one day and wanted to show how water can be a rare resource by showing how much a family in Africa needs for one day. 3. In both cases, the authors of these actions are students (Project 1 from Damers First School; Project 2 from Penshurst School). Each time, the action was successful. In Project 1, the children managed to raise £3,350 which they intend to use to create a nature area; in Project 2, the children were interested by this initiative. 4. Both stories took place in eco-schools and both initiatives were students-led and successful. In both cases, the goal was to develop eco-friendly practices. 5. In both documents, the students were educated to the importance of green practices and led their own projects to protect the environment. In Project 1, the local citizens were able to take part in this project by buying the students’ product. In Project 2, everyone is concerned by the need to save water, as well as the whole world (with the example of Africa). 6. In Project 1, “they”: it implies a greater distance it’s a factual report. In Project 2, “we”: it makes the reader feel concerned about the story, here the need to adopt eco-friendly practices.