Objective Proficiency Wordlist

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Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

1 Ring the changes

1. 1 ring the changes idiom

1. 2 change for the better idiom

1. 3 change of heart idiom

Idiom Spot
1.4 fall into place idiom

1. 5 go downhill idiom

1. 6 be on the cards idiom

1.7 the rest is history idiom

1. 8 be made redundant ridAn.dent

1. 9 step in phr.v step

v (+ adv or
1. 10 drag prep) drasg

1.11 catch sb's eye

1.12 come up with phr. v

1.13 jump at sth phr. v d3Amp

1. 14 turning point n 'ί3:.ηιη point

1. 15 take on (staff) phr.v teik

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

1.16 overnight sensation n .ou.vo'nait sen'seijen

1.17 break n breik

1.18 [it] all [comes] down to phr.v

1.19 hang around (somewhere) phr.v haen o'raund

1. 20 help (sb) out phr.v help

1. 21 cheer (sb) up phr.v tjiar

1. 22 dismal adj 'diz.mel

1. 23 break up phr.v breik

1. 24 run out phr.v ΓΛΠ

1. 25 end up phr.v end

1. 26 settle in phr.v 'set.l

1. 27 a run of n r An

1. 28 out of the blue

1. 29 knock sb sideways idiom nok 'said.weiz

1. 30 wham exclamat ion wsem

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

1. 31 live beyond your means phr.v bi'jond mi:nz

1. 32 catch up with sb phr.v ksatf

1. 33 pay (sth) off phr.v pei

1. 34 cut back on phr.v kAt

1. 35 let (sb) go idiom let geu

1. 36 not think straight OiQk streit

1. 37 get in with

1. 38 track (sth/sb) down phr. v traak

1. 39 sorted adj ( after a 'so:.tid

1.40 mind-numbingly adv 'maind.nAm.iQli

1.41 be in a rut idiom rAt

1.42 gloomily adv 'glu:. mi. li

1.43 utterly adv 'At. .1.1

1.44 imperceptibly adv ,im.pe'sep.ti.bl

1.45 gravely adv 'greiv.li

1.46 turn up phr. v t3:n

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

1.47 come across phr. v

1.48 recession n ri'sej.an

1.49 recruitment n ri'kru:t.msnt

1.50 perceive V pa'si:v

1. 51 subtle ad] 'sAt.al

1.52 feat n fi:t

1. 53 sustainer n [sa'steina

1.54 promoter n pra'mao.tar

1.55 vigour n 'vig.ar

1.56 stimulus n 'stim.ju.lss

1.57 show up phr. v Jao

1.58 build up phr. v bild

1.59 put up phr. v pot

1. 60 lay up phr. v lai

1. 61 barely adv 'bea.li

1. 62 merely adv 'mia.li

1. 63 sense V sens

1. 64 endure V in'djoar

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

1. 65 set about phr. v set

1. 66 come about phr. v kAm

1. 67 go about phr. v gao

1. 68 bring about phr. v brig

Grammar clinic

1. 69 guerrilla n

1.70 crocheting n

1.71 subversive adj

1.72 yarn n

1. 73 busk V

1. 74 audition V

1. 75 dictate to sb > sz Q_
1.76 evolve V

1.77 desperation n

1.78 embrace V

1.79 sophisticated adj

1.80 deplete V

1.81 to the extent that

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

Reading into Writing
1.82 plea n

1.83 alternate V

1.84 exhaust V

1.85 flaw n

1. 86 mass V

1. 87 dispose of sb/sth phr. v

1. 88 pick up on sth phr. v

1. 89 revolutionise V

1.90 profoundly adv

1.91 drill V

1.92 dye n

1.93 radically adv

1. 94 push sth forward phr. v

1. 95 set(/start/get) the ball rolling

1. 96 notably adv
Exam folder 1
1. 97 extracurricular ad] ek.stra.ka'rik.jo.iar

1. 98 opinionated ad] a'pin.ja.nei.tid

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

1.99 kingdom n 'kirj.dam

1. 100 compel V kam'pel

1. 101 compulsive adj kam'pAl.siv

1.102 apparent ad] a'pasr.ant

1. 103 innovator n in.a.vei.tar

1. 104 constrain V kan'strein

1. 105 constraint n kan'streint

1. 106 domesticity n dao.mes'tis.i.ti

1. 107 misfortune n .mis'fDi.tJuin

1. 108 irreplaceable adj ir.i'plei.sa.bi

1.109 disapproval adj dis.a'prui.val

1.110 occupant n 'Dk. jo. pant

1. Ill inconclusive adj in.karj'klui.siv

1. 112 outcome n 'aot.kAm

1. 113 roadworthy adj 'raod W3:.di

1. 114 framework n 'freim.w3:k

1. 115 upturn n Ap.t3:n

1. 116 outfall n 'aot fo:l

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

1.117 outbreak n 'aotbreik

1.118 windfall n 'wind.fD:!

1.119 windbreak n 'wind.breik

1.120 creditworthy ad] 'kred.it W3:.3i

1.121 downfall n 'daonio:!

1.122 downturn n 'daon.t3:n

1. 123 skin deep ,skm 'di:p

1. 124 wilfully adv 'wil.fali

1. 125 key adj ki:

1. 126 dominant adj 'dom.i.nant

1. 127 customise V 'kAs.ta.maiz

1. 128 kinship n 'kin.Jip

1. 129 arguably adv aig.ju.a.bli

1. 130 infinitely adv in.fi.nat.li

2 Expectation
2. 1 off the beaten track idiom

2. 2 chill out phr. v tJH

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

2. 3 rough it rAf

2.4 get by phr. v

2.5 on a shoestring idiom ’Jui.stnr]

2.6 culture vulture noun 'kAl.tJsr VAl.tJar

2.7 in the lap of luxury idiom

2.8 exceed V ik'siid

2.9 live up to sth phr. v liv

2.10 prospect n 'prDs.pekt

2. 11 liable ad] 'lai.a.bj

2.12 downcast ad] 'daon.ka:st

2.13 anticipate V een'tis.i.peit

2.14 enrich V in'ntj

2.15 embody V im'bod.i

2.16 tragicomic ad] ^raeds.i'kcu.mik

2.17 staple ad] 'stei.pl

2.18 disorientation n dis.Di.ri.en'tei.Jan

2. 19 dreary ad] 'dna.ri

2. 20 lethargy n 'leO.a.dsi

2. 21 temperamental ad] tem.psr.a'men.tal

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

2. 22 savour V 'sei.var

2. 23 enervating adj 'en.a.vei.tEQ

2. 24 stickiness n 'stik.i.nas

2. 25 lodge V lDd3

2. 26 pore over sth phr. v po:r

2. 27 oblivious V a'bliv.i.as

2. 28 bedfellow n 'bed.fel.ao

2. 29 pane n pein
2. 30 distort V di'sto:t

2. 31 sublime ad] sa'blaim

2. 32 flawless ad] 'fb:.las

2. 33 row n rao

2. 34 do sth at your peril 'per.al

2. 35 as yet jet

2. 36 itinerary n ai'tin.ar.ar.i

2. 37 line V lain

2. 38 rigging n 'ng.ir)

2. 39 tar n ta:r

2. 40 uncongenial ad] Ank9n'd3i:.ni.al

2.41 provoke V pre'vaok


2. 42 recurrent ad] ri'kArant

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

2. 43 self-contained adj .self.kan'teind

2. 44 seasoned adj 'si:.zand

2. 45 practised adj 'praek.tist

2.46 fed up (with) adj (after verb) fed

2. 47 intrepid adj in'trep.id

2. 48 fatigued adj fa'tiigd

2. 49 weary adj 'wia.ri

2. 50 judicious adj d3u:'dij.as

2.51 discerning adj di's3:.nir)

2. 52 armchair adj amtjear

2. 53 inveterate adj in'vet.ar.at

2. 54 settle down > sz CL· 'set.j

2. 55 tout n taut

2.56 unwary adj An'wea.ri

2. 57 put sth forward phr. v pot 'foi.wad

Aspects of the future

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

2. 58 (be) bound (to) adj baond

2. 59 in the region of prep, phr

2. 60 on the brink of prep, phr briQk

2. 61 on the verge (of) prep, phr V3:d3

2. 62 (in) conjunction (with) prep, phr kan'd3AQk.Jan

2. 63 in vain prep, phr vein

2. 64 on the grounds of/that prep, phr graond

2. 65 on behalf of sb prep, phr bi’ha.'f

2. 66 to some extent prep, phr ik'stent

2. 67 with the exception of prep, phr ik'sep.jsn

Listening and Speaking

2. 68 conservative adj kan's3:.va.tiv

2. 69 get sb's goat idiom gaot

2. 70 carry sb away phr. v 'kasr.i

2.71 fork out (sth) phr. v fo:k

2.72 hefty adj 'hef.ti

2.73 on a (tight/limited) budget tait 'bAd3it

2. 74 run wild idiom rAn waild

2. 75 be (dead)set idiom ded set

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

2. 76 in line with sth idiom lain

2. 77 compromise n 'kom.pra.maiz

2. 78 circumnavigation n sai.karr^nasv.i'gei.J an

2. 79 nag V naeg

2. 80 repetitive adj ri'pet.a.tiv

2. 81 thumb a lift idiom Θλιτ) lift

2. 82 figure sth/sb out phr. v 'fig.ar

2. 83 buffer n 'bAf.ar

2.84 (just) to be on the safe side

2. 85 entrepreneur n ,Dn.tra.pra'n3:r

2. 86 stamina n 'staem.i.na

2. 87 relieve V n'li:v

2. 88 log n tag

2. 89 thrive V Oraiv
2. 90 take sth on phr. v teik

2.91 fulfil V fol'fil

n (usually
2.92 aspiration plural) .ass.pi'rei.Jan

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

2.93 commission V ka'mij.an

2. 94 keep track (of sth) prep, phr traek

2. 95 figure n 'figar

Phrase spot
shoulder the blame, burden,
2.96 responsibility, cost, etc. 'Jaol.dar

2. 97 foot the bill

2. 98 face the music

2. 99 elbow V el.bao

2. 100 stomach V 'stAm.ak

2.101 toe the line tao

2.102 heir n ear

2.103 toss V tDS

2.104 mane n mein

2.105 neigh V nei

Writing folder 1
2.106 complementary ad] ^om.pli'men.tar.i

2.107 evaluate V ivael.ju.eit

2.108 diverse ad] dai'v3:s

2.109 fundamental ad] .fAn.da'men.tal

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

2.110 orientated ad] oi.ri.an'tei.tid

2. Ill inclusive ad] in'klu:.siv

2. 112 elitist ad] I'li.tist

2. 113 curator n kj'o'rei.tar

2. 114 accompanying ad] a'kAm.pa.ni.ip

2. 115 neglect V

2. 116 dumb sth down phr. v dAm

2.117 compromise V 'kom.pra.maiz

2.118 wizardry n 'wiz.a.dri

2.119 superficial ad] .sui.pa'fij.al

2.120 trivialise V 'tnv.i.a.laiz

2.121 lite ad] lait

2.122 substance n 'sAb.stans

2.123 engage V in'geidj

2. 124 shift n lift

2. 125 lose sight of sth idiom

2. 126 core ad] ko:r

2. 127 outline V 'aot.lain

3 ί ftranee behaviour

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

3.1 saying n 'sei.iQ

3. 2 shepherd n 'Jep.ad
Red sky at night shepherd's
3. 3 delight, Red sky in the morning proverb
shepherd's warning
3.4 delight n di'lait
Cows lying in the field means
3. 5 rain is on its way proverb

3. 6 faith n fei0
3.7 accuracy n 'aek.jo.ra.si

3.8 sense V sens

3.9 conclude V kan'klu:d

3. 10 be confined to somewhere/sth v (often kan'fain

3. 11 contradictory adj .kDn.tra'dik.tar.i

3. 12 rely on sb/sth phr. v ri'lai

3. 13 lore n b:r

3. 14 come out with sth phr. v kAm

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

3. 15 sceptical (about/of) ad] 'skep.ti.kal

3.16 for that matter

3.17 presumably adv pri'zjui.ma.bli

3.18 swift n swift

3. 19 swallow n 'swdI.so

3. 20 imminent ad] im.i.nant

3. 21 water-repellent ad] 'wcr.ta.nqpel.ant

3. 22 humidity n hjui'mid.i.ti

3. 23 gale n geil

3. 24 harvest n 'ha:.vist

3. 25 intrinsically adv in'tnn.zi.kal.i

3. 26 vested interest n ves.tid'in.tor.est

3. 27 negate V ni'geit

3. 28 inconvenience n in.ksn'vii.ni.ans

3. 29 clutch/grasp at straws idiom klAtJ at stro:z

3. 30 an element of sth el.i.mant

3. 31 is starting to bite

Phrase spot

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

3. 32 give and take n

3. 33 time and (time) again

3. 34 leave sb high and dry idiom

3. 35 fame and fortune

3. 36 first and foremost

3. 37 black-and-white idiom

3. 38 (through) thick and thin idiom

3. 39 touch and go idiom

3. 40 be sb's own flesh and blood idiom

3. 41 the life and soul of the party

3. 42 modify V ‘mDd.i.fai

3. 43 modifier n 'mDd.i.fai.ar

3.44 moderately adv 'mDd.sr.stli

3. 45 gradable adj 'grei.da.bj

3. 46 dubious of/about adj 'dju:.bi.as

3. 47 wasted adj 'weis.ttd

3. 48 mystify v (often 'mis.ti.fai


Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

3. 49 make the most of sth

3. 50 Money is the root of ail evil

Early to bed and early to rise
3.51 makes a man healthy, wealthy proverb
If wise
you give a man a fish you feed
3.52 him for a day, but teach him to proverb
fish and you feed him for life
3.53 A friend in need is a friend
3. 54 Don't count your chickens proverb
before they are hatched
3. 55 occurrence n a'kAr.ans

3.56 to date idiom ta'deit

3. 57 given (the fact) that prep 'giv.an

3. 58 geophysical adj d3i:.a'fiz.i.kal


3. 59 advance ad] ad'vains

3. 60 impending adj im'pen.diQ

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

prh.v ( =+to
3. 61 turn out to onfinitiv e) t3:n

3. 62 sensor n 'sen.sar

3. 63 aid n eid

3. 64 navigation n .nasv.i'gei.Jan

3. 65 migration n mai'grei.Jan

3. 66 frequency n 'fri:.kwan.si

3. 67 receptor n ri'sep.tar
3. 68 detect V di'tekt
Review of Conditional sentences

3. 69 beast n bi:st

3. 70 folklore n 'faok.bir

3.71 be associated with sth phr. v a'sao.si.eit

3. 72 grain n grein

3.73 circulation n ,S3:.kjo'lei.j9n

3. 74 serotonin n ,se.ra'tao.nin

3. 75 buffet V 'bAf.lt

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

3. 76 canyon n 'keen.jan

3. 77 defendant di'fen.dant

3. 78 plead (for) V pli:d

3. 79 leniency n 'lii.ni.an.si

3. 80 cite V salt

3. 81 extenuating circumstances ik'sten.ju.ei.tiQ 's3:.kam.sta:ns

3. 82 prize V praiz

3. 83 property n 'prop.a.ti

3.84 charged adj tjcudjd

3. 85 ion n 'ai.on

3. 86 invigorating adj in'vig.ar.ei.tiQ

3. 87 succumb V sa'kAm

3. 88 adversely adv ‘sed.v3:sli

V (usually +
3. 89 venture adv/prep
3. 90 livelihood n 'laiv.li.hod

3. 91 in due course dju:

3. 92 render V 'ren.dar
Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription
3.93 obsolete adj .Db.sal'iit

3.94 hijack V 'hai.d3aek

Reading into writing

3. 95 infuriating adj in'fjoa.ri.ei.tiQ

3.96 crash V kraej

3. 97 overcharge V ao.va'tja:d3

3. 98 rage n reid3

3. 99 bliss n bits

3.100 incredulity n in.kra'djui.li.ti

3. 101 apathy n 'cep.a.Oi

3. 102 dejection n di'd3ekjan

3. 103 sorrow n 'sor.ao

3.104 revulsion n ri'vAl.Jan

3.105 fury n 'fjoa.ri

3.106 loathing n Ίθο.διη

3.107 tedium n 'tii.di.am

3.108 dread n dred

3.109 astonishment n a'ston.ij.mant

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

3.110 seemingly adv 'sii.miQ.li

3. Ill irrational adj iYaeJ.an.al

3.112 outburst n 'aut.b3:st

3.113 be foaming at the mouth idiom faomiQ

3. 114 violation n .vaia'lei.jan

3. 115 choreograph V 'kor.i.a.grcnf

3. 116 aside adv a'said

3.117 bubble n 'bAb.j

3.118 intrude V in'tru:d

3. 119 pounding n 'paun.diQ

3.120 block V blok

n (usually
3. 121 tactic plural) 'taek.tik

3.122 avert V a'v3:t

3.123 gaze n geiz

3.124 immobile adj I'mau.bail

3.125 ultimately adv Al.ti.mat.li

3.126 inward adj 'in.wad

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

3.127 outward ad] 'aot.wad

Vocabulary p. 29
3. 128 undeniable adj ( An.di'nai.s.b[

3.129 unconscious adj An'kon.jas

3.130 insignificant adj in.sig'nif.i.kant

3.131 irreplaceable adj ir.i'plei.sa.bl

3. 132 inexhaustible adj in.ig'zDi.sti.bj

3. 133 unassertive/ non-assertive adj Ana's3:.tiv

3.134 solicitor n sa'lis.i.tar

3. 135 inconclusive adj in.kag'klui.siv
Exam spot p. 29

3. 136 incorporate V in'koi.par.eit

3. 137 manipulate V ma'nip.jo.leit

Exam folder 2 p. 30

3. 138 capture V 'kaep-tjar

3. 139 accompany V a'kAm-pa-ni

3. 140 portability n .poita'bilati

3. 141 ease i:z

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

3. 142 instantaneous adj in.stan'tei.ni.as

3.143 impression n im'prej.an

3.144 spontaneity n .spDn.te'neu.ti

3.145 anonymity n .aen.Dn'im.i.ti

3.146 visible adj 'viz.i.bj

3. 147 unceasingly adv An'si:.siQli

3. 148 compulsive adj kam'pAl.siv

3. 149 undeterred adj Andi't3:rd

3.150 explosive adj ik'splau.siv

3. 151 riot n 'rai.at

3. 152 take off phr. v teik

3. 153 jeopardize V 'd3ep.a.daiz

3.154 in jeopardy 'd3epadi

3.155 upturn n Ap.t3:n

3.156 come to terms with sth idiom

3.157 at risk risk

4 Sweet rituals

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

4. 1 ritual n 'rit.ju.al

4. 2 tiered adj tiard

4. 3 toast n taost

4.4 mobilise V 'mao.bi.laiz

4.5 excessive adj ek'ses.iv

4. 6 induce V in'dju:s

4.7 concerned adj (after verb) kan's3:nd

4.8 slip into sth phr. v slip

4.9 well established adj

4. 10 devour V di'vaoar

4. 11 contentment n kan'tentmant

4. 12 convention n kan'ven.jan

4. 13 succulent adj 'sAk.jo.lant

4. 14 sinister adj 'sin.i.star

4.15 snide adj snaid

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

4. 16 grudge n grAdj

4.17 petty adj 'pet.i

4.18 rivalry n Yai.val.ri

4.19 at large

4. 20 assault n a'sDlt

4. 21 verbal adj 'v3:.bal

4. 22 proceedings n (plural) pra'sh.dipz

4. 23 valiant adj vael.i.ant

4. 24 restore V ristoir

4. 25 dictate V dik'teit

4. 26 hostility n hos'til.i.ti

4. 27 prevail V pn'veil

4. 28 hand sth down phr. v haend

4. 29 blessing n 'bles.iQ

4. 30 assemble V a'sem.bl

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

4. 31 draw to a close/an end

Reading p. 32
4. 32 nonchalant ad] 'nDn.Jal.ant

4. 33 patty n 'paet.i

4. 34 skinny adj 'skin.i

4. 35 bulge V bAld3

4. 36 cane n kein

4. 37 coil V kail

4. 38 floating ad] 'flao.tiQ

4. 39 haze n heiz

4.40 chunk n tJAqk

4.41 cavern n 'kasv.an

4. 42 uninhibited ad] .An.m'hib.i.tid

4. 43 glisten V 'glis.an

4. 44 semolina n .sem.al'ii.na

4. 45 crumb n krAm

4. 46 smudge V smAdj

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

4. 47 dimple n 'dim.pj

4. 48 refrain n ri'frein

4. 49 unstinting ad] An'stin.tiQ

4. 50 petrified ad] 'pet.ra.faid

4. 51 morass n maVees

4. 52 spring from sth phr. v sprip

4. 53 endearing ad] in'dia.nq

4. 54 croak V kraok

4. 55 roll in phr. v raol

4.56 veer v( + adv/prep ) viar

4. 57 wobble V 'wDb.j

4. 58 whitewall n 'wait.wD:!

4. 59 rim n nm

4. 60 fuzzy ad] ΪΛΖ.ί

4. 61 revitalise V /ii'vai.tal.aiz

4. 62 come apart phr. v kAm

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription
4. 63 seam n si:m

4. 64 mutton n 'mAt.an

4. 65 orange pekoe n 'Dr.ind3 'pi:kao

4. 66 tip-top adj 'tip.tDp

4. 67 batch n bastj

4. 68 murmur V 'm3:.mar

4. 69 longingly adv 'iDQ.irjIi

4. 70 savour V 'sei.var

4. 71 aftertaste n 'a:f.ta.teist

4. 72 coriander n ( kDr.i'aen.dar

4. 73 cleanse V klenz

4. 74 palate n 'pasl.at

4. 75 subdue V sab'dju:

4.76 appetite n 'aep.i.tait

4. 77 unconventional ad] An.kan'ven.Jan.al

4. 78 derive (sth from sth) V di'raiv

4. 79 penultimate ad] pa'nAl.ti.mat

4. 80 subsequent ad] 'sAb.si.kwant

4. 81 feverishly adv 'fii.var.ijli

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

4. 82 incredulous ad] in'kred.jo.ias

4. 83 tie (sth) in with sth phr. v tai

Vocabulary p. 33
4.84 consume V kan'sjuim

4. 85 devour di'vaoar

4. 86 relish V 'rel.ij

4. 87 swallow V 'swdI.so

4. 88 equivalent adj I'kwiv.al.ant

Review of past tenses p. 34

4. 89 implement n im.pli.mant

4. 90 cutlery n /'kAt.la.ri

4. 91 spear spiar

4.92 prong n prDQ

4.93 winkle sth/sb out V 'wirj.kl

4. 94 inventory in.van.tar.i

4. 95 engraving n in'grei.vir)

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

4.96 satirise V 'saet.i.raiz

4. 97 wield V wi:ld

4. 98 effeminacy n I'fem.i.na.si
strive (strove or strived, striven
4. 99 or strived) V straiv

4. 100 scoop sku:p

4.101 adopt a'dapt

4. 102 fastidious ad] faes'tid.i.as

4. 103 carve V ka:v

4. 104 transgression n traenz'grej.an

4. 105 In the course of ko:s

4.106 proliferate V pra'lif.ar.eit

4.107 modification n .mDd.i.fi'kei.Jan

4.108 tine tain

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

4. 109 in transition treen'zij.an

4.110 in vogue vaog

4. Ill diner n 'dai.nar

4. 112 elaborate ad] I'laeb.ar.at

4.113 manoeuvre n ma'nu:.var

4.114 customary ad] 'kAs.ta.mar.i

4. 115 the bourgeoisie n ,bD:3.wa:'zi:

4.116 speculate V 'spek.j'o.leit

4.117 carve V ka:v

4.118 eliminate V I'lim.i.neit

4.119 pursue V pa'sj'u:

4.120 pitcher n 'pitj.ar

4.121 the norm n no:m

4.122 variant n 'vea.ri.ant

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

4.123 salver n 'sael.var

4.124 -plated suffix plei.tid

4.125 foil n foil

4. 126 -coated suffix -kao.tid

4. 127 swill V swil

4. 128 suck V SAk

4.129 -like suffix -laik

Listening and Speaking p. 36

4. 130 taste buds n (plural)

4. 131 sensuous ad] sen.sj'oas

4. 132 chewy ad]

4. 133 tender ad] 'ten.dar

4. 134 luscious ad] 'lAj.as

4. 135 fibrous ad] 'fai.bras

4. 136 sharp ad] Ja:p

4.137 appetising ad] 'aep.i.tai.ziQ

4.138 exquisite ad] ik'skwiz.it

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

4.139 pulpy adj ['ρΛίρΐ

4.140 overripe adj .ao.va'raip

4.141 ripen V 'rai.pan

4.142 soar V so:r

4. 143 wilt wilt

4.144 seasonally ad] 'sii.zan.al.i

4.145 wicker ad] 'wik.ar

4.146 orchard n 'o:.tJad

4.147 indigo ad] in.di.gao

4.148 foliage n 'fao.li.1d3

4.149 gnarled ad] na:ld

4. 150 diversity n dai'v3:.si.ti

4. 151 cultivate V 'kAl.ti.veit

4. 152 pollinate V 'pDl.a.neit

4.153 produce n 'prDd.juis

4.154 subsidy n 'sAb.si.di

Idiom spot p. 36

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

4.155 the icing on the cake idiom

4.156 have a lot on your plate idiom

4.157 put all your eggs in one basket idiom

4.158 have bigger/other fish to fry idiom

4.159 sugar the pill (US sweeten the idiom

4. 160 take sth with a pinch of salt idiom

4.161 spill the beans idiom

4. 162 go/sell like hot cakes idiom

4.163 egg on sb's face idiom

4.164 eat humble pie idiom

n (usually
4.165 benefits
n (usually
4. 166 implication plural)
4. 167 shrink-wrap V 'JriQk.raep

Writing folder 2
4. 168 contribute V ksn'trib.juit/

4. 169 rhetorical question

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

4. 170 preface V 'p ref. is

4. 171 blockbuster n 'blok bAs.tar

4. 172 sub-plot n 'SAb.plDt

4. 173 portray V poi'trei

4. 174 head v(+ adv/prep ) hed

4. 175 the eye of the storm idiom

4. 176 kick in phr. v kik

4.177 scan V skeen

4. 178 prerequisite n .prk'rek.wi.zit

4. 179 device n di'vais

4. 180 substitute for sth V 'sAb.sti.t]u:t

4.181 blend in/blend into sth phr. v blend

Units 1-4 Revision

4.182 undertake V ( An.ds'teik

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

4.183 glorious adj 'gbi.ri.as

4.184 marsh n ma:J

4.185 settlement n 'set.j.mant

4.186 uninviting adj ^n.in'vai.tiQ

4.187 sweep V (+adv/pr ep) swi:p

4.188 lagoon n la'guin

4.189 feud V fju:d

4. 190 perpetually adv pa'petj.u.a.li

4. 191 gratitude n 'graet.i.tjuid

4. 192 fruition n fru:'ij.an

v (not
4. 193 deem continuo us) di:m

4. 194 abbreviate V a'brii.vi.eit

4. 195 come down to sth phr. v kAim

4. 196 set sth (off) against sth phr. v set

4. 197 live up to sth phr. v liv

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

4. 198 get sth over with > SZ Q_ get

4. 199 launch V b:ntj

4. 200 shrewd adj Jru:d

4. 201 definitive adj di'fin.i.tiv

4. 202 froth n fraO

4. 203 wacky ad] 'wcek.i

4. 204 cod n kod

4. 205 obscure adj ab'skjoar

4. 206 permeate V 'p3:.mi.eit

4. 207 fluctuation n flAk.tju'ei.Jan

4. 208 quantum n 'kwDn.tam

4. 209 bumper adj 'bAm.par

4. 210 meringue n ma'raeg

4. 211 cram V kraem

4. 212 regurgitate V ri'g3:.d3i.teit

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

4. 213 solemnity n sa'lem.ni.ti

4. 214 fleck V flek

4. 215 sound adj saond

51 he consumer society
Listening p. 42
5.1 retailer n 'rii.tei.lar

5. 2 set out phr. v set

5. 3 slot n sbt

5.4 take sth on phr. v teik

5.5 follow up phr. v 'foLao

5. 6 look into sth phr. v lok

5.7 malpractice n .masl'prask.tis

5. 8 juicy adj 'd3u:.si

5. 9 check sth out phr. v tjek

5. 10 stand out phr. v steend

5.11 prime adj praim

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

5.12 point (sth/sb) out phr. v point

5.13 voucher n 'vao.tjar

5.14 put up with sth/sb phr. v pot

5.15 inspect V in'spekt

5. 16 back down phr. v bcek

5. 17 purchaser n 'p3:.tja.sar

Vocabulary and Phrase spot p. 43

5.18 concede V kan'si:d

5.19 the right way round

5. 20 to serve sb right

5. 21 under your nose

make (ail) the right, correct, etc.
5. 22 noises
5. 23 to be within your rights
5. 24 by rights

5. 25 in the right

5. 26 be as right as rain

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

5. 27 (bang/dead/right) on time

5. 28 (film) rights

5. 29 scholar n 'skDl.ar

5. 30 master n 'mai.star

5. 31 body n 'bDd.i

5. 32 authority n o:'0Dr.i.ti

5. 33 put sth/sb forward phr. v pot

5. 34 set (sth) up phr. v set

5. 35 pick sth up phr. v pik

5. 36 bring sth out phr. v brio

n (usually
5. 37 wonder plural) 'wAn.dar

5. 38 revolutionise t rev.a'lu:.Jan.aiz

5. 39 out of the blue

5.40 devise di'vaiz

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

5.41 conceive V kan'siiv

5.42 formulate V 'fDi.mjo.leit

5.43 interaction n in.ta'rask.Jan

5.44 cluster V 'klAs.tar

5.45 converge V kan'v :d 3 3

5.46 rally V 'rael.i

5.47 surpass V sa'pa:s

5.48 enclosed ad] in'klaozd

5.49 sequel n 'si:.kwal

5.50 the upshot n Ap.jDt

5.51 follow-up n 'fDl.ao.Ap

5.52 parallel 'pasr.a.lel

5.53 correlate V 'kDr.a.Ieit

5.54 equate V I'kweit

5.55 magnify V 'maeg.m.fai

5.56 enhance V in'ha:ns

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

5.57 heighten V 'hai.tan

Nouns review p. 44
5.58 disorder n (U) di'soi.dar
5.59 capital n (U) 'kaep.i.tsl

5. 60 applause n a'pb:z

5. 61 (a) stroke (of luck, genius, etc.) n straok

5. 62 (a) speck (of) n spek

5. 63 (a) stream (of) n stri:m

5. 64 (a) rumble (of) n 'rAm.bj

5. 65 (a) puff (of) n pAf

5. 66 maelstrom n 'meiLstrom

5. 67 swirl n sw3:l

5. 68 unleash V An'li:J

5. 69 harness V 'ha:.nas

5.70 tumbler n 'tAm.blar

5.71 strip n strip

Vocabulary p. 45
5.72 affiliation n aftl.i'ei.Jan

5.73 niche n ni:J

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

5.74 awe n o:

5.75 towering adj 'taoa.riQ

5. 76 glazed adj gleizd

5. 77 overwhelming adj ^o.va'wel.miQ

5.78 sensory adj 'sen.sar.i

5.79 hesitation n .hez.i'tei.Jan

Reading into writing p. 46

5.80 adman n 'eed.meen

5.81 curb V k3:b

5. 82 restriction n ri'stnk.jan

5. 83 vulnerable adj 'vAl.nsr.s.bl

5.84 shell (sth) out V Jel

5.85 dawn on sb phr. v do:n

5.86 (on an) impulse n im.pAls

5.87 cognitive adj 'kDg.ni.tiv

5.88 scope n skaop

5.89 heated adj 'hii.tid

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

5.90 embedded ad] im'bed.id

5.91 contention n kan'ten.Jan

5.92 overstate V .ao.va'steit

5.93 a barrage of sth n 'baer.a:3

5.94 pester V 'pes.tar

5.95 whim n wim

5.96 exaggerate V ig'zaed3.a.reit

5.97 sheer ad] Jiar

5.98 awareness n a'wea.nas

5.99 inefficient ad] in.i'fij.ant

5.100 insecure ad] in.si'kjuar

5.101 aspire to sth phr. v a'spaiar

5.102 aspiration n .ass.pi'rei.Jan

5.103 misfortune n ,mis'fo:.tJu:n

5.104 sceptical ad] 'skep.ti.ksl

Exam folder 3 p. 48

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

5.105 get the wrong end of the stick idiom

5.106 seriously adv 'sia.ri.os.li

5.107 comprise V kam'praiz

5.108 creep V kri: p

5.109 wade V weid

5. 110 trickle down, from, out of, etc. 'tnk.l

sth V

5. Ill teem V trim

5. 112 ubiquitous adj ]u:'bik.wi.t9s

5.113 stumble across/on/upon sth/sb phr. v 'stAm.bj

5.114 run on phr. v

5.115 typify V 'tip.i.fai

5.116 instance n in.stans

5.117 precedent n 'pres.i.dant

5.118 illustration n il.a'strei.Jan

5.119 unearth V An 3:0

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

5.120 unmask V An'maisk

5.121 course n ko:s

5.122 set on/upon sb

5. 123 come on phr. v kAm

5. 124 elevate V el.i.veit

5.125 embellish V im'bel.ij

5. 126 tenure n 'ten. jar

5.127 proprietorship ( over sth) n pra'praiatajip

5.128 custody n 'kAstadi

6' he sound of music

6. 1 superior ad] suripia.ri.ar

6. 2 as yet jet
6. 3 compelling kam'pel.iQ

6.4 implausible ad] im'pbi.zi.bl

6.5 demonstrate V 'dem.an.streit

6. 6 innumerate ad] i'nju:.mar.at

6.7 aptitude n 'aep.ti.tjuid

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

6.8 discipline n 'dis.a.plin

6.9 obscure ab'skjoar

6. 10 confine (to) V kan'fain

6.11 linguistic adj lirj'gwis.tik

6.12 dispel V di'spel

6. 13 central adj 'sen.tral

6.14 uncharted adj An'tja:.tid/

6. 15 territory n 'ter.i.tsr.i

6. 16 vice versa adv vais'v3:.sa

6. 17 spill over phr. v spil

6.18 intellectual adj in.tal'ek.tju.al

6.19 tie ( up with) V tai

6. 20 paradoxical adj .pasr.a'dok.si.kal

6. 21 grossly adv 'graos.li

6. 22 graft n gra:ft

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

6. 23 perpetual ad] pa'petj.u.al

6. 24 motion n 'mao. Jan

6. 25 back sth up phr. v bask

6. 26 anecdotal adj «n.ik'dao.tal

6. 27 confound V kan'faond

6. 28 miss out phr. v mis

Phrase spot p. 51
6. 29 take exception to sth/sb ik'sep.Jan

6. 30 take the view vju:

6. 31 take issue with sth ij.u:

6. 32 take notice 'nao.tis

6. 33 take account of sth a'kaont

6. 34 take sth or sb for granted 'gra:n.tid

6. 35 take a stand steend

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

6. 36 take sb by surprise sa'praiz

6. 37 backseat 'baek'sit

6. 38 stick to something phr. v stik

6. 39 manifesto n .maen.i'fes.tao

6. 40 pledge n pled3

Modals: Degree of likelihood p. 52

6.41 faint ad] feint

6. 42 transplant n traen'spla:nt

6. 43 take (sth) over phr. v teik

6.44 (the) chances are

6. 45 doubtful 'daot.fal

6. 46 hitch n hitj

6. 47 fault n fDlt

6. 48 in all likelihood 'lai.kli.hod

6. 49 foregone conclusion n .foi.gDn.kan'klu^a n

6. 50 wash V wdJ

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

6.51 random adj 'raen.dam

6.52 destiny n 'des.ti.ni

6.53 dream sth up phr. v dri:m

6. 54 innovative adj in.a.va.tiv

Listening and Speaking p. 54

6. 55 the brass n bra:s

6. 56 percussion n pa'kAj.an

6. 57 string n stnQ
6. 58 woodwind adj 'wad. wind

6. 59 the grain
n grein

6. 60
wastage n 'wei.stid3

6. 61 varnish n 'va:.mj

6. 62 subtle adj 'sAt.al

6. 63 intricately adv in.tn.katli

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

6. 64 uniform adj 'ju:.ni.fo:m

6. 65 finely adv 'fain.li

6. 66 pine n pain

6. 67 maple n mei.pl

6. 68 novice n 'nDv.is

6. 69 grubby adj 'grAb.i

6. 70 mellow adj 'mel.ao

6. 71 mortal adj 'mDi.tal

6. 72 outlet 'aot.let

Idiom spot p. 54
6.73 be in/out of tune with sb/sth idiom tju:n

6. 74 strike a chord idiom

6. 75 for a song idiom

6.76 have another/more than one idiom

string to your bow

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

6. 77 bid n bid

6. 78 settle the score idiom

6. 79 strike a note idiom

6. 80 reproachful adj ri'praotj.fal

6. 81 contrastive kan'tra:.stiv

Writing folder 3
6. 82 discursive adj di'sk3:.siv
6. 83 jingle n 'dsiQ.gl

6. 84 abandon V a'basn.dan

6. 85 downgrade V daon'greid

6. 86 withdraw V wid'dro:
core curriculum/subjects
6. 87 /courses
6. 88 engage in sth phr. v in'geid3

6. 89 collaborative adj ka'laeb.ar.a.tiv

6. 90 outcome n 'aot.kAm

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

6. 91 reluctant adj ri'lAk.tant

6. 92 offspring n 'Df.sprio

6.93 short-sighted adj Joit'sai.tid

6. 94 scandalous adj 'skaen.dal.as

6. 95 dispute V di'spju:t

7 Before vour verv eves

7.1 resort to sth V ri'zo:t

7. 2 intimidation n in.tim.i'dei.Jan
7. 3 irreplaceable adj ir.i'plei.sa.bl

7.4 eye contact n

7.5 tell sb off phr. v

7. 6 keep your/an eye on sth/sb idiom

7.7 regretful adj ri'gret.fal

7.8 prompt sb to do sth V prompt

7.9 keen adj ki:n

7. 10 liken sb/sth to sb/st h phr. v 'lai.kan

7.11 pad n paed

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

7. 12 assembly n a'sem.bli

7. 13 misinform V ,mis.in'fo:m

7.14 facial adj 'fei.jal

7. 15 rival n 'rai.val

7.16 moth n itidO

7. 17 evolve V i'vdIv

7. 18 rear-view mirror n 'nar.vju 'mir-ar

7. 19 dazzling adj 'daez-a-iiQ

7. 20 eyeball V 'ai.bo:l

7. 21 confrontation n .kan-fran'tei-Jan

7. 22 road rage n

7. 23 persona n pa'sao.na

7. 24 stifle V 'stai.fl

7. 25 turn a blind eye (to) idiom

7. 26 arm V a:m

7. 27 felt-tip n ,felt. 'tip

7. 28 funnel n 'fAn.al

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

7. 29 go through the roof/ hit the roof

7. 30 magnum opus

7. 31 canvas n 'kaen.vas

7. 32 wind sb up waind
n (usually
7. 33 leaning plural) Ίίι.ηιη

7. 34 glint n glint

7. 35 tramlines n 'trcem.lainz

7. 36 setback n 'set.bcek

7. 37 mount V maont

7. 38 catch sb's eye idiom

7. 39 look sb in the eye/face idiom

7.40 have an eye for sth idiom

7.41 see eye to eye (with) idiom

7.42 be in the public eye idiom

7.43 lucid adj 'lu:.sid

7.44 essence n es.ans

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

7.45 smear V smiar

7.46 streaky adj 'strii.ki

7.47 squidgy adj 'skwid3.i

7.48 conform to/with sth phr. v kan'fo:m

7.49 hitherto adv ( hie.s'tu:

7.50 hither adv 'hid.ar

7.51 intuition n in.t]u:'i].an

7.52 intuitively adv in't]u:.i.tivli

7.53 stability n sta'bil.i.ti

7. 54 stable ad] 'stei.bl

7. 55 positivism

7. 56 incomparable ad] in'kDim.par.a.bj

7. 57 hue n h]u:

7. 58 resolved ad] n'zDlvd

7. 59 patch n paetj

7. 60 ground-breaking 'graond brei.kiQ

7. 61 awe-inspiring ad] D:.in spaia.ng

Participles p. 60

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

7. 62 precariously adv pri'keo.ri.as.li

7. 63 indistinct adj in.di'stEQkt

7. 64 flamboyant adj fleem'bDi.ant

7. 65 reminiscent of sb/sth adj .rem.i'nis.ant

7. 66 reveal V n'vi:l

7. 67 divine adj di'vain

7. 68 lens n lenz

7. 69 shuttle n jAt.j

7. 70 relay V ,n'le i

7. 71 gratuitous adj gra'tjuu.tas

7.72 underlying adj An.da'lai.ip

7.73 representation n .rep.ixzen'tei.Jan

7.74 arguably adv 'aig.ju.a.bli

7.75 temperamental adj ^em.par.a'men.tal

7.76 slash V slffij

7. 77 installation n in.sta'Iei.Jan

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

7. 78 unawares adv _An.a'weaz

7. 79 pose n paoz

7. 80 collector's item n

7. 81 shortlist n 'Jo: t.list

7.82 provoke V pra'vaok

Reading into Writing p. 60

7.83 cliche n 'klii.Jei

7.84 cliched ad] 'klk.Jeid

7. 85 stimulating adj 'stim.jo.lei.tiQ

7. 86 be hell-bent on sth idiom

7. 87 slavish adj 'slei.vij

7. 88 seed n si:d

7. 89 squat adj skwot

7. 90 radiant adj Yei.di.ant

7. 91 tranquil adj 'treeQ.kwiI

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

7.92 mundane adj mAn'dein

7.93 the outset n 'aot.set

7.94 intriguing adj in'trii.giQ

7.95 disincentive n .dis.in'sen.tiv

7.96 florid adj 'fbr.id

7.97 fatuous adj 'faet.ju.as

7. 98 glaring adj 'glea.nr]

7. 99 trigger V 'tng.ar

7.100 replicate V Yep.li.keit

7. 101 pivotal adj 'piv.a.tal

7. 102 breed V bri:d

7. 103 contempt n kan'tempt

7. 104 banal adj bs'nari

7. 105 solely adv 'ssol.li

7. 106 invest in sth phr. v in'vest

7. 107 experimentation n ik sper.i.men'tei.ja n

7. 108 landmark n 'lcend.ma:k

7. 109 inspirational adj in.spi'rei.jan.al

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

7. 110 dismissively adv di'smis.ivli

7. Ill persuasive ad] pa'swei.siv

7. 112 devalue V dirivael.ju:

Exam folde *r 4
7. 113 retrieve V n'tri:v

7. 114 inscrutable adj in'skrui.tE.bl

7.115 insight n in.sait

7.116 endure V in'djoar

7. 117 conflicting adj kan'flik.tiq

7.118 skim V skim

7.119 censure sb for sth V 'sens jar

7.120 break the mould idiom

7.121 reassess V t ri:.a'ses

7.122 prevail V pri'veil

7.123 perspective n pa'spek.tiv

7.124 angle n 'asrj.g!

7.125 employ V im'pbi

7. 126 parapet n 'pasr.a.pet

7. 127 ledge n Ied3

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

7. 128 emotive ad] I'mao.tiv

7. 129 be on the lookout for sth/sb 'lok.aot

7.130 provenance n 'prDv.an.ans

7.131 stiff ad] Stlf

7.132 wily ad] 'wai.li

7. 133 reign V rein

7. 134 amass V a'maes

7. 135 entity n en.ti.ti

7. 136 robust ad] rao'bAst

7. 137 roll sth up > sz Cl raol

7. 138 buffoon n ba'fuin

7.139 stately ad] 'steit.li

7.140 tactical ad] 'taek.ti.kal

7.141 commission V ka'mij.an

7.142 convey V kan'vei

7.143 regality n 'rii.galiti

7.144 relevance n 'rel.a.vans

7.145 enigmatic ad] .en.ig'maet.ik

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

7.146 recapture V ,ri: 'kaep.tjar

7.147 veracity n va'raes.i.ti

7.148 obstacle n 'Db.sti.kj

7.149 masterpiece n 'ma:.sta.pi:s

7.150 empathize (with) V em.pa.Oaiz

81 Jrban jungle
8.1 rank V reepk

8. 2 amenity n (usually a'mii.ni.ti

8. 3 spacious ad] 'spei.Jas

8.4 interrelationship n in.ta.n'Iei.Jan.Jip

8.5 conduct n 'kDn.dAkt

8. 6 see sth through phr. v si:

8.7 infrastructure n 'in.fra strAk.tJar

8.8 periphery n pa'nf.ar.i

8.9 foster V 'fos.tar

8. 10 prior to sth adj praiar

8. 11 inability n in.a'bil.i.ti

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

8. 12 policy n 'pDl.a.si

8.13 found V faond

8. 14 sustainable ad] sa'stei.na.bl

8. 15 founder n 'faon.dar

8.16 bankrupt adj 'bceQ.krApt

8.17 contravene V .kon.tra'vkn

8.18 virtually adv 'v3:.tju.a.li

8.19 principle n 'pnn.si.pl

8. 20 visionary n 'v13.an.ri

8. 21 conventional adj kan'ven.Jan.al

8. 22 absorption n ab'zoip.Jan

8. 23 shuffling/shifting/re arranging idiom J/lf. jlQ

the deckchairs on the Titanic
8. 24 fiddle while Rome burns idiom

8. 25 diverse adj dai'v3:s

8. 26 transit n 'traen.zit

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

8. 27 infill n

8. 28 sprawl n spro:l

8. 29 exemplary ad] ig'zem.pla.ri

8. 30 subdivision n 'sAb.di,vi33ri

8. 31 lag V laeg

8. 32 containment n containment

8. 33 prospects n (plural) 'pros.pekt

8. 34 vacancy n 'vei.kan.si

8. 35 cater to sb/sth phr. v 'kei.tar

8. 36 mismatch V _ mis' mast]

8. 37 commuter n ka'mju:.tar

8. 38 net result n

8. 39 fossil fuel n

8. 40 embrace V im'breis

8.41 pie-in-the-sky

8. 42 prescription n pri'sknp.Jan

8. 43 impiementable im.pli.menta.bj

8. 44 stock n StDk
8. 45 miniscule ad] 'min-a.skjul

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

8.46 proportion n pra'pDi.Jan

8. 47 dwelling n 'dwel.irj

8. 48 tenure n 'ten. jar

8. 49 revival n ri'vai.vsl

8. 50 scarcity n 'skea.si.ti

8.51 consensus n kan'sen.sas

8.52 fringe n f rind 3

8.53 run-down adj ,rAn'daon

Inversion p. 68
8. 54 scarcely adv 'skeas.li

8. 55 trepidation n .trep.i'dei.Jan

8.56 torrential ad] ta'ren.Jal

8. 57 rickety ad] 'nk.i.ti

8. 58 porter n 'po:.tar

8. 59 lash V l*J
8. 60 steel V sti :l

8. 61 draw V dro:
8. 62 discharge V 'dis.tja:d3

8. 63 horde n ho:d

8. 64 not sleep a wink idiom

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

8. 65 outcry n 'act.krai

8. 66 relish V 'rel.ij

Listening and Speaking p. 70

the grass is always greener on
8. 67 the other side (of the fence)

8. 68 embark on/upon sth idiom im'ba:k

8. 69 bring sth about phr. v brio

8. 70 a change of gear idiom

8. 71 quit V kwit

8. 72 discontent n dis.kan'tent

8.73 go your (own) separate ways idiom

8. 74 remote adj ri'maot

8. 75 work (sth) out phr. v W3:k

8.76 wind down phr. v waind

8. 77 godsend n 'gDd.send

8. 78 idyll n id.al

8. 79 confess V kan'fes

8. 80 honeymoon period 'hAn.i.mu:n

8. 81 unfortunate adj An'foi.tjan.at

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

8. 82 pin sth down phr. v pin

8. 83 rush n r aJ

8.84 out of the frame idiom

8. 85 out of the blue idiom

8. 86 flukey (also fluky) adj 'flu:.ki

8. 87 price range n (usually

8. 88 brainwave n 'brein.weiv

8. 89 swap V swop

8. 90 track sth/sb down phr. v traek

8.91 fall into place

8.92 what's in it for you?

8. 93 high-profile adj t hai'prau.fail

8. 94 share n jear

8. 95 cos (also cos) conjunct! on kaz

8. 96 dump V dAmp

8. 97 not a bed of roses (also not all idiom

8. 98 burn my boats completely idiom

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

8. 99 unfold V An'faold

8.100 in a nutshell 'nAt.Jel

8. 101 realise 'na.laiz

8. 102 racy ad] 'rei.si

8. 103 paperback n 'pei.pa.beek

8.104 city slicker n

8. 105 disruptive ad] dis'rAp.tiv

8. 106 pan out phr. v paen

8. 107 deep down idiom

8.108 the best of both worlds idiom

8.109 sort out phr. v 'so:t aut

8.110 out of this world idiom

8. Ill be in the bag idiom

8.112 strike it lucky idiom

8. 113 strike gold idiom

8. 114 burn a hole in sb's pocket idiom

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

8.115 burn the midnight oil idiom

8. 116 get/have your finger s burned idiom

8.117 have money to burn idiom

8.118 burn your boats/bri dges idiom

8.119 take place pleis

8.120 in place pleis

8.121 restriction n ri'stnk.Jan

8.122 discard V di'ska:d

8. 123 all over the place pleis

8.124 first/second place

8.125 out of place

8.126 dress down > sz Cl

8.127 acronym n 'aek.ra.nim

8.128 demolition dem.a'lij.an

8.129 occupancy 'Dk.jo.psn.si

8.130 regeneration n n d3en.sre1.Jsn

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

8.131 network n 'net.w3:k

8.132 consultation n ^Dn.sAl'tei.Jan

8.133 sector 'sek.tar

8. 134 loosely 'luis.li

8. 135 sectarian adj sek'tea.ri.an

8. 136 round sth off > -C CL raond

8. 137 discourse n 'dis.ko:s

8.138 by way of

8.139 interlocutor n in.ta'lDkjo.tar

8. 140 elapse V I'laeps

Writing folder 4
8. 141 tie-in n 'tai.in

8. 142 unyielding ad] An']i:l.diQ

8.143 devastating ad] 'dev.a.stei.tiQ

8.144 fierce ad] fias

8.145 stand-in n 'stcend.in

8. 146 amid (also amidst) prepositi on a'mid

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

8.147 refuge n 'ref.ju:d3

8. 148 recast V , r i:' ka: st

8.149 backdrop n 'baek.drDp

8. 150 desegregation n .db.seg.ri'gei.Jan

8.151 meticulous adj ma'tik.jo.las

8.152 authenticity n Di.Oen'tis.i.ti

8. 153 portrayal n pDi'treial

8. 154 harsh ad] ha:j

8. 155 sultry adj 'sAl.tri

8.156 fuzzy adj ' fAZ.i

8.157 clip n klip

8. 158 commemorative adj ka'mem.ar.a.tiv

8. 159 plate n pleit

8.160 parlour n 'pa:.lar

8.161 porch n ps:tj

8. 162 snatch snaetj

8. 163 tolerate V 'tDl.ar.eit

8. 164 manhandle .maen'haen.dal

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

8.165 beat sb up phr. v bi:t

8.166 thwart V 0wo:t

8.167 flee v(never fli:

8.168 brutal ad] 'bru:.tal

8. 169 bigoted town ad] 'big.a.tid

n (usually
8. 170 prop plural) prop

8.171 wardrobe n 'wo:.draob

Units 5-8 Revision

8.172 token n 'tao.kan

8.173 emblem n 'em.blam

8.174 sign n sain

8. 175 elegance n el.i.g© ns

8.176 countenance n 'kaun.ta.nans

V (usually +
8. 177 scurry adv/prep )'ven 'skAr.i
8. 178 put sb onto sth phr. v

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

8. 179 tuck in/tuck into sth tAk

8. 180 latch onto sth phr. v laetj

8. 181 flap n flaep

8. 182 bill n bil

8. 183 tag n taeg

8. 184 annexe n 'een.iks

8. 185 uphold V Ap'haold

8. 186 pioneer n ,ρβίθ'ηΐθΓ

8.187 prevalent ad] 'prevalent

8.188 dominant adj 'dDm.i.nsnt

8.189 logo n 'lao.gao

8.190 discreetly di'skri:tli

8.191 attire n o'taier

8.192 drag V draeg

8.193 decisively adv di'sai.sivli

8.194 premium n 'prii.mi.am

8.195 ostentatious adj .Ds.ten'tei.jas

8.196 affectation n .aef.ek'tei.Jan

8.197 balloon V ba'luin

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

8.198 adherent n ad'hia.rant

8.199 set off/out phr. v set

8. 200 take pride in sth/sb praid

8. 201 many's the

8. 202 singularly adv 'siQ.gjo.la.Ii

8. 203 be in the public eye idiom

8. 204 take exception to sth/sb

8. 205 staggeringly adv 'stasg.ar.iQli

8. 206 pickle V ’pikJ

8. 207 formaldehyde n forimasl dathaid

8. 208 crave V kreiv

8. 209 sensationalist n sen'sei.Jan.al.ist

8. 210 inflate V in'fleit

8. 211 discerning adj di's3:.niQ

v (often haip
8. 212 hype
8. 213 jangle sb's nerves idiom 'd3aer].gj

8. 214 shun V JAn

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

8. 215 fathom V 'feed.am

8. 216 old hat n

8. 217 hold sway idiom

9 Fitting in
9.1 glue V glu:
an amount of mone y spent for a
9. 2 particular purpose , especially as n 'aot.lei
a first investment in something
9. 3 hooked ad] hokt

9.4 raise (a few) eyebrows idiom

9.5 get up sb's nose idiom

9. 6 opt V opt

9.7 conform V kan'foim

9.8 bully V 'bol.i

9.9 fundraising n 'fAnd.rei.ziQ

9.10 funky adj 'fAQ.ki

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

9.11 ethnic adj 'ee.nik

9.12 outfit n 'aot.fit

9. 13 in a flash idiom

9. 14 go for sth phr. v gao

9. 15 posh ad] PDJ

9.16 go down phr. v gao

9.17 delve V delv

9. 18 high-end adj ,hai'end

9.19 skin-tight adj 'skin'tait

9. 20 come apart phr. v kAm

9. 21 land V laend

9. 22 get the wrong end of the stick idiom

9. 23 better safe than sorry saying

9. 24 steer/stay/keep clear
9. 25 sari n 'sa:.ri

9. 26 heritage n 'her.i.tid3

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

9. 27 come round phr. v

9. 28 come up with the goods idiom

9. 29 come in for sth

9. 30 come out in sympathy with sb

9. 31 come over > sz Cl
9. 32 come between sb phr. v

9. 33 come along phr. v

9. 34 first come, first served idiom

9. 35 come to terms with sth idiom

Gerunds and Infinitives p. 78

9. 36 self-conscious ad] ,self'kDn.Jas

9. 37 mishear V .mis'hiar

9. 38 counter-productive adj kaon.tapra'dAk.tiv

9. 39 pro- prefix prao-

9.40 overworked adj ao.va'w3:kt

9.41 sub-zero adj SAb'na.rao

9.42 superhuman adj ,su:.pa'hju:.man

9.43 outdo V .aot'du:

9.44 undervalue V An.da'vael.ju:

9.45 self-contained adj .self.kan'teind

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

9.46 sub-tropical .SAb'trDp.i.kal

9.47 outlive V .aot'liv

9.48 underestimate V .An.da'res.ti.meit

9.49 anti-lock ad] een.ti Ί ok


9. 50 notion n 'nao.Jan

9.51 die out phr. v

9.52 at a glance

9.53 en route adv

9.54 sea change n

Reading into Writing: Linking p. 80

9. 55 immaculate ad] I'maek.jo.lat

9. 56 scruffy ad] 'skrAf.i

9.57 unkempt adj An'kempt

9.58 mock V mDk

9.59 receding hairline

9. 60 peer V piar

9. 61 hoarding n 'hoi.diQ

9. 62 quest n kwest

9. 63 wrinkle n 'riQ.kl

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

9. 64 airbrush V es.brAj

9. 65 weight n weit

9. 66 thus adv 3 AS

9. 67 equation n I'kwei^an

9. 68 concede V ksn'siid

9. 69 morbid adj 'mo:.bid

9.70 opinionated adj s'pin.js.nei.tid

9.71 pompous adj 'pDm.pas

9.72 vivacious adj vi'vei.Jss

9.73 acquisitive adj a'kwiz.i.tiv

9.74 meticulous adj ma'tik.jo.las

9.75 discriminate V di'sknm.i.nei.t

9.76 racially adv 'rei.Jalli

9.77 prejudiced adj 'pred3.o.dist

9.78 complacent adj kem'plei.sont

9.79 unobtrusive adj An.ab'trui.siv

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

9.80 manipulative adj ma'nip.jo.la.tiv

9.81 boastful adj 'baost.fai

Exam folder 5 p. 82
9.82 jumble V 'd3Am.b|

9.83 upstanding adj Ap'staen.diQ

9.84 utter V At.ar

9.85 pervade pa'veid

9. 86 poll n pad

9. 87 false positive n fDls 'pDz.a.tiv

9.88 be prone to sth/do sth praon

9.89 Machiavellian adj .mask.i.a'vel.i.an

9.90 fabrication n ^aeb.ri'kei.Jan

9.91 incentive n in'sen.trv

9.92 proliferation n prajif.ar'ei.jan

9.93 corporate culture n

9.94 weed sth/sb out phr. v wi:d

9.95 fraudster n 'froid.star

9.96 oust V aost

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

9.97 polygraph n 'pDl.i.gra:f

9. 98 truss (up) V trAS

9. 99 lend itself to sth

9.100 in hand idiom

9.101 get out of hand idiom

9.102 fib V fib

9. 103 consummate adj 'kon.sa.mat

9. 104 ensue V in'sju:

9.105 social lubricant

9. 106 spectrum n 'spek.tram

9. 107 compulsive adj ksm'pAl.siv

9.108 shifty adj 'Jlf.ti

9.109 fabricator n 'faeb.n.keitar

9.110 capitalise on sth V 'kaep.i.tsl.aiz

9. Ill epidemic n .ep.i'dem.ik

9.112 stand for sth phr. v staend

9.113 ambiguity n ,aem.bi,gju:.i.ti

9.114 rehearse V n'h3:s

9.115 pitch n pitj

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

10 Globalisation p. 84
10. 1 roughly adv 'rAf-li

10. 2 sentence n 'sen-tans

10. 3 fieldwork n 'fild (w3rk

10.4 stir n st3r

10.5 mourn V mom

10. 6 formerly adv 'fo:.ma.li

10. 7 staggering adj 'staeg.ar.iq

10. 8 assimilation n a.sim.i'lei.Jan

10. 9 bilingualism n bai'lirj gwajiz am

10. 10 immense adj I'mens

10. 11 strive V straiv

10. 12 diversity n dai'v3:.si.ti

10.13 prerequisite n 1 pri:'rek.wi.zit

10.14 transmit trasnz'mit

10.15 encapsulate V in'kasp.sjo.leit

10.16 eminently adv em.i.nant.li

10.17 indigenous adj in'did3.i.nas

10.18 sum (sth/sb) up phr. v said

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

10.19 curse n ka:s

10. 20 multiplicity n , mAl. tc 'plis.i.t i

10. 21 Esperanto n .es.par'aen.tao

10. 22 ambivalent adj aem'biv.a.lant

10. 23 pidgin n 'pid3.in

10. 24 creole n kri'aol

10. 25 dialect n 'dai.a.lekt

10. 26 acquaintance n a'kwein.tans

10. 27 stem from sth > -C Q_ stem

10. 28 spring (from) V spur)

10. 29 issue V ij-u:

10. 30 arise V a'raiz

10. 31 prestige n pres 'ti:3

10. 32 credit n 'kred.it

10. 33 esteem n i'sti:m

10. 34 stature n 'staetj.ar

10. 35 derive from sth/deri ve sth from V di'raiv


Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

10. 36 hinge on/upon sth phr. v hind3

10. 37 promptly adv 'prompt.li

10. 38 expand V ik'spaend

10. 39 swell V swel

10. 40 enlarge V in'la:d3

10.41 outlook n 'aot.lok

10. 42 outlook n 'aot.lok

10.43 context n 'kon.tekst

10.44 (from sb's) perspective n pa'spek.tiv

Expressing wishes and preferences p. 86

10. 45 chase V tjeis

10.46 slate n sleit

10. 47 quarry n 'kwDr.i

10. 48 mine V main

10. 49 whisk V wisk

10. 50 assertive ad] a's3:.tiv

10.51 stand up for sth/sb phr. v stsend

10.52 splash out (sth) V splaej

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

10. 53 take a turn for the better/worse phrase
10. 54 have a nice turn of phrase phrase

10. 55 not know where/which way to idiom

10. 56 to turn/go as red as a beetroot idiom

10. 57 the turn of the century phrase

10. 58 not turn a hair idiom

10. 59 toss and turn phrase

10. 60 take it in turn(s)/take turns phrase

10. 61 turn-up for the book(s) idiom 't3:n.Ap

10. 62 scarlet ad] 'ska:.1st

10. 63 put sb out phr. v

10. 64 go n gaa
Listening and speaking p. 88
10. 65 imposition n im.pa'zij.an

10. 66 doctorate n dDk.tar.at

10. 67 heated adj 'hi: .tid

10. 68 outsource V 'aot.so:s

10. 69 detrimental adj .det.ri'men.tal

10. 70 fundamentally ^An.da'men.tal.i

10. 71 thrive V Braiv

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

10. 72 on the face of it

10.73 strings attached

10. 74 set out phr. v

10. 75 acquisition n .aek.wi'zij.an

10.76 multitasking n mAl.ti 'ta:s.kiQ


10. 77 sneaking adj 'sni:.kiQ

10. 78 simulator n 'sim.jo.lei.tar

10. 79 talk sb into sth phr. v

10. 80 cover yourself in/wit h glory n

10. 81 foray 'for.ei

champ at the bit (US also chomp
10. 82 at the bit)
10. 83 give sth a go

10.84 have sth up your sle eve

10. 85 rash adj rasj

10. 86 lame adj leim

10. 87 scholarly adj 'skDl.a.Ii

10. 88 literary 'lit.ar.ar.i

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription
10. 89 literate adj 'lit.ar.at

10. 90 obsessive adj ab'ses.iv

10. 91 obsession n ab'sej.an

10. 92 conception n kan'sep.Jan

10.93 spectate V spek'teit

10. 94 spectacle n 'spek.ti.kl

10. 95 (under) scrutiny n 'skrui.ti.ni

W ritine folder 5 d. 90
10.96 thought-provoking adj 'Ooit.pra'vaok.ip

10. 97 eye-catching adj 'a^kaetJ.iQ

10. 98 irrelevant adj iVel.i.vant

10. 99 equivalent I'kwiv.al.ant

10. 100 pop up phr. v pop

10.101 lump it Ump

10.102 dire adj daiar

10.103 erode iVaod

10. 104 parochial adj pa'rao.ki.al

10. 105 dissemination n di.sem.i'nei.Jan

10. 106 regime rei'3i:m

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

10.107 oppressed adj a'prest

10. 108 dominance 'dom.i.nans

10. 109 innocuous adj I'nok.ju.as

10. 110 negate V ni'geit

10. Ill free will n

10.112 doom and gloom idiom

10.113 undoubtedly An'dao-tid-li

10.114 at the end of the day

10. 115 all things considered

10. 116 come to think of it idiom

10. 117 all in all

10. 118 net adj net

10.119 alien adj 'ei.li.sn

10.120 punchy adj 'pAn.t/i

11 For bett er, for worse

11.1 trait n treit

11. 2 attribute n 'aet.ri.bjuit

11. 3 trustworthy adj 'trAst W3:.di

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

11.4 infer V m'f3:r

11.5 look up to phr. V lok

11. 6 aberration n .aeb.a'rei.Jan

11.7 bring on phr. v brio

11. 8 at sb's expense

11. 9 preoccupied ad] .prk'ok.jo.paid

11.10 declaration n .dek.la'rei.Jan

11.11 ditch V dit]

11.12 streak n stri:k

11. 13 ruthless ad] 'ruiO.las

11. 14 vicious ad] 'vij.as

11. 15 revel in sth phr. V 'rev.al

11.16 excessively adv ek'ses.iv-li

11.17 tie the knot

11.18 bubbly ad] 'bAb.li

11.19 cast your net (wide)

11. 20 down-to-earth ad] daun.tu:'3:0

11. 21 money to burn

11. 22 rub along phr. V rAb

11. 23 a bolt from/out of the blue idiom

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

11. 24 whip up phr. v wip

11. 25 fleeting adj 'flil.tEQ

11. 26 anguished adj 'aeQ.gwiJt

11. 27 genuine adj 'd3en.ju.1n

11. 28 dawn on sb phr. v da:n

11. 29 call the tune idiom

11. 30 supportive adj sa'poi.tiv

11. 31 fend sth off phr. v fend

11. 32 pick up on sth phr. v pik

11. 33 disgust n dis'gAst

11. 34 blurt sth out > -C CL bl3\t

11. 35 mildly adv 'maild.li

11. 36 revelation n .rev.a'lei.jan

11. 37 carry a torch for sb idiom

11. 38 roll up your sleeves idiom

11. 39 be at death's door idiom

11.40 pronto adv 'pron.tao

11.41 rapture n 'raep.tjar

11.42 fall into place idiom

11.43 give sb the cold shoulder idiom

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

11.44 norm n no:m

11.45 prospective adj pra'spek.tiv

11.46 heart-to-heart n .hait.ta'hait

11.47 get a grip idiom

11.48 leap V lip

11.49 bottle up phr. v ' b Dt. (

11.50 choke back phr. v tjaok

11.51 sweep aside phr. v swi:p

11. 52 tease sth out phr .v ti:z

11.53 tone down phr. v toon

11.54 blow n blao

11.55 accusation n .cek.jo'zei.Jan

11.56 rally n 'rael.i

11.57 degenerate V di'd^en.a.reit

11.58 demolish V di'imoLij

11.59 voter n 'vao.tar

11. 60 cunning ad] 'kAn.ip

11. 61 voice V VOIS

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

11. 62 blatantly adv 'blei.tant

11. 63 affectionate adj a'fek.jan.at

11. 64 amiss adj a'mis

11. 65 acute adj a'kjuit

11. 66 devastating adj 'dev.a.stei.tEQ

11. 67 upbeat adj Ap'biit

11. 68 bowl (sb) over phr. v bad

11. 69 interchangeable adj in.ta'tjein.d3a.bl

11.70 modify V 'mod.i.fai

11. 71 utterly adv A.t^.li

11. 72 immensely adv I'mens.li

11. 73 irritable adj ir.i.ta.bl

11. 74 staggering adj 'stasg.ar.iQ

11. 75 laid-back adj Jeid'baek

11. 76 remarkably adv ri'ma:.ka.bli

11. 77 somewhat adv 'sAm.wDt

11. 78 put on a brave face idiom

11. 79 phone hacking n

11. 80 classify V 'klaes.i.fai

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

11.81 restricted adj n'strik.tid
11.82 insane adj in'sein

11.83 bleak adj bli:k

11.84 windswept adj 'wind.swept

11.85 moor n m3:r//moar

11.86 dish (sth) up phr. v dij

11.87 tasteless adj 'teist.las

11.88 lukewarm adj .luik'woim

11.89 alternate V 'Dl.ta.neit

11.90 caution n 'ko:.Jan

11.91 labour V 'lei.bar

11.92 loathe V laod

11. 93 hypocrisy n hi'pDk.n.si

11. 94 repel V ri'pel

11. 95 tenacity n ta'nass.a.ti

11. 96 virtue n V3:.tju:

11. 97 pendant n 'pen.dant

11.98 indeterminate adj .in.di'tai.mi.nat

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription
11.99 gimmick n 'gim.ik

11.100 decidedly adv di'sai.did.li

11. 101 disclose V di'sklaoz

11.102 alliance n a'lai.ans

11. 103 postulate V 'pDs.tjo.leit

11. 104 outcome n 'aot.kAm

11.105 make inroads in/into sth idiom 'xnraod

Reading into Writing

11. 106 attraction n a'treek.jan

11. 107 overlap V ,οο.νθ-

11. 108 subject matter n

11. 109 address V a'dres

11. 110 constructive adj kan'strAk.tiv

11. Ill perverse adj pa'v3:s

11. 112 shortcoming n 'Jo:t kAm.iQ

11. 113 polarize V 'pao.la.raiz

11. 114 rationality n .raej.an'ael.i.ti

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

11. 115 tendency n 'ten.dan.si

11. 116 overestimate V ^o.va'res.ti.meit

11. 117 give rise to

11. 118 illusion n i'lu:.3an

11. 119 invulnerability n in'vAl.nar.a.bl

11. 120 open-mindedness n .ao.pan'main.did- nes

11. 121 craving n 'krei.viQ

11. 122 uniformity n ,ju:ni'fo:miti

11. 123 self-censorship n ^elf'sen.sa.Jip

11. 124 exert V ig'z3:t

11. 125 dissenter n di'sen.tar

11. 126 unanimity n jui.na'mm.i.ti

11. 127 deceptive ad] di'sep.tiv

11. 128 deception n di'sep.Jan

11. 129 extremist n ik'strii.mist

11. 130 opposition n .op.a'zij.an

11. 131 rigid adj 'nd3.id

11. 132 rigidity n ri'd3id.i.ti

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

11. 133 biased ad] 'bai.ast

11. 134 bias n 'bai.as

11. 135 desire V di'zaiar

11. 136 desirability n di.zair.a'bil.a.ti

11. 137 inclined adj in'klaind

11. 138 inclination n in.kli'nei.Jan

11. 139 invincible ad] in'vm.si.bl

11. 140 invincibility n in.vm.si'bil.i.ti

11. 141 radical ad] 'raed.i.kal

11. 142 suppress V sa'pres

11. 143 suppression n sa'pres

11. 144 evaluate V ivael.ju.eit

11. 145 reformulate V ri:'fo:mju,leit

11. 146 walks of life idiom

11. 147 mentality n men'tael.a.ti

11. 148 harsh ad] ha:J

11. 149 cite V salt

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

11. 150 plausible ad] 'pb:.za.bl

11. 151 blinkered adj 'bliQ.kad

11. 152 realm n relm

11. 153 on (an) impulse im.pAls

11. 154 interpret V in't3:.pnt

11. 155 random adj 'rasn.dam

11. 156 tolerant adj 'tDl.ar.ant

11. 157 conscientious adj _kDn.jren.Jas

11. 158 grasp V gra:sp

11. 159 distraction n di'strek.Jsn

11. 160 head over heels (in love) idiom

11. 161 sparkling ad] 'spa:.klir)

11. 162 through thick and thin idiom

11. 163 workaholic n w3:.ka'hDl.ik


11. 164 intimidating adj in'tim.i.dei.tir]

11. 165 insecure adj in.si'kjoar

11. 166 shrewd adj Jru:d

11. 167 intellect n in.tal.ekt

12 At the cutting edge

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

12. 1 the cutting edge n .kAtjrj'eds

12. 2 simplify V 'sim.pli.fai

12. 3 release V ri'li:s

12.4 crystalline adj 'kris.tal.ain

12.5 etching n etj.ir)

12. 6 implications n t im.pli'kei.Jan

12.7 lose sight of sth idiom

12. 8 minuscule adj 'min.i.skju:!

12.9 tweezers n 'twi:.zaz

12.10 lever n 'lii.var

12. 11 abound V a'baond

12. 12 jostle V 'dsDs.j

12. 13 bond V bond

12.14 accomplish V a'kAm.pliJ

12.15 intricate adj in.tixkat

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

12. 16 from scratch
12. 17 molecule n 'mDl.i.kju:!

12. 18 overseer n 'ao.va.sh.ar

12. 19 exquisite adj ik skwiz.it

12. 20 flatly adv 'flaet.li

12. 21 elaborate adj I'laeb.ar.at

12. 22 contrived adj kan'traivd

12. 23 assemble V a'sem.bl

12. 24 imply V im'plai

12. 25 component n kam'pao.nant

12. 26 double helix n 'hi:.liks

12. 27 helical adj ' hi:. Iikel

12. 28 strand n streend

12. 29 unwind V An'waind

12. 30 lay (sth) out phr. V lei

12. 31 handrail n 'hasnd.reil

12. 32 rung n taq

12. 33 tailor-made adj .tei.la'meid

12. 34 neatly adv niit.li

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

12. 35 slot V SlDt

12. 36 snugly adv 'snAg.li

12. 37 bind V baind

12. 38 inevitable ad] I'nev.i.ta.bl

12. 39 creep V kri:p

12. 40 sequence n 'si:.kwans

12. 41 scramble V 'skrasm.bl

12. 42 garbled ad] 'ga:.bld

12. 43 replication n ^ep.li'kei.Jan

12. 44 mutation n m]u:'tei.Jan

12. 45 string n star)

12. 46 magnificently adv masg'nif.i.sant-li

12. 47 impenetrable ad] im'pen.i.tra.bl

12. 48 founder n 'faon.dar

12. 49 quantum mechanics n

12. 50 ultimately adv 'Al.ti.mat.li

12.51 pull (sth) apart phr. v pol

12.52 stump n stAmp

12.53 reconstruct V .rk.kan'strAkt

12. 54 property n 'prop.a.ti

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

12. 55 immortality n im.Di'tael.a.ti

12.56 vague adj veig

12. 57 notion n 'nao.Jan

12. 58 convey V kan'vei

12. 59 reveal V n'vi:l

12. 60 gadget n 'gsed3.1t

12. 61 smoothly adv 'smu:3.li

12. 62 integrate V in.ti.greit

12. 63 boil down to sth phr. v boil

12. 64 underlying ad] .An.da'lai.irj

12. 65 principle n 'pnn.si.pl

12. 66 stride n straid

12. 67 scaffolding ad] 'sksef.aoldin

12. 68 adenine n 'aed-a(nin

12. 69 thiamine n Oai.s.mi:n

12. 70 simplicity n sim'plis.i.ti

12. 71 complexity n kam'plek.si.ti

12. 72 immense adj 1'mens

12. 73 resemble V ri'zem.bl

12. 74 shut (sth) off phr. v ]At

12. 75 lop (sth) off phr. v lop

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

12. 76 splinter n 'splin.tar
another/the final nail in the
12. 77 coffin idiom

12. 78 call a spade a spade idiom

12. 79 go down the tubes idiom

12. 80 weak link (in the chain) idiom

12. 81 blow a fuse idiom

12. 82 with (no) strings attached idiom

12. 83 get your wires crossed idiom

12. 84 have shot your bolt idiom

12. 85 get into gear idiom

twist/turn the knife (in the
12. 86 wound) idiom
Passive Structures
12. 87 innovation n in.a'vei.Jan

12. 88 radium n Yei.di.am

12. 89 lengthy adj Ίεη.θί

12. 90 side-effect n

12. 91 detect V di'tekt

12. 92 restructuring n ,ri:'strAk.tJar

12. 93 shift n lift

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

12. 94 register n 'reds.i.star

12. 95 infra-red adj in.fra'red

12.96 tender ad] 'ten.dar

12. 97 impact n 'im.paekt

12. 98 iridium n I'rid.i.am

12. 99 enrich V in'ntj

12.100 blot (sth) out phr. v bbt

12.101 plummet V 'pkm.it

12. 102 closure n 'klao.39r

12. 103 mission n 'mij.sn

12.104 (space) probe n

12.105 yield V ji:ld

12.106 dissuade V di'sweid

12.107 opt V Dpt

Listening and Speaking
12.108 implication(s) n im.pli'kei.Jan

12.109 in the vanguard n 'vaer).ga:d

12.110 double-edged sword adj dAb.j'ed3d

12. Ill layperson/layman adj 'lei-man

12.112 for sb's sake seik

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

12.113 subject to sth adj 'sAb.d^ekt

12.114 profiling n 'prao.fai.lip

12.115 disorder n di'so:.dar

12.116 centre around/on sth > sz Cl 'sen.tar

12. 117 back V bsek

12. 118 potential adj pa'ten.Jal

12. 119 push ahead phr. v puj

12. 120 alarming adj a'la:.miQ

12. 121 current adj 'kAr.ant

12. 122 spring V spar)

12. 123 prospects n 'prDs.pekt

12.124 repercussion n /ii.pa'kAj.an

12.125 significance n sig'nif.i.kans

12.126 cusp n kAsp

12.127 reservation n .rez.a'vei.Jan

12.128 initiate V I'niJ.i.eit

12.129 set the wheels in motion idiom

12.130 (not) set the world on fire idiom

12.131 set the scene idiom

12.132 set out your stall idiom

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

12. 133 set your heart on sth/doing sth idiom

12. 134 set/put the record straight idiom

12. 135 set a (dangerous) precedent idiom

12.136 set in stone idiom

12.137 set one's sights on sth idiom

12.138 set your teeth on edge idiom

12. 139 pull one's weight idiom

12.140 pull one's socks up idiom

pull the other leg/one (it’s got
12.141 bells on)! idiom

12.142 pull the strings idiom

12. 143 pull a fast one idiom

12. 144 run rings round sb idiom

12. 145 run the risk of doing sth idiom

12.146 be/run counter to something idiom

12.147 run a tight ship idiom

12.148 spot V spa:t

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

12. 149 vivid adj 'viv.id

12.150 visualise V 'vij.u.al.aiz

12.151 irritate V ir.i.teit

12. 152 biotech(nology) n .bai.ao.tek'ncil.a.d 3i

12. 153 recruit V ri'kru:t

12.154 precautionary ad] pri'ko:.Jan

12. 155 statutory ad] 'stast.jo.tar.i

12.156 outcome n 'aot.kAm

12. 157 adverse ad] 'ced.v3:s

12. 158 claim n kleim

12.159 sound ad] saond

12. 160 cost-benefit ad]

12.161 risk assessment n

12. 162 regulatory ad] .reg.jo'lei.tar.i

12. 163 adoption n a'dopjan

12. 164 asbestos n ees'bes.tDS

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

12. 165 discreet ad] di'skri:t

12. 166 prudent ad] 'pru:.dant

12.167 unforeseen ad] An.fa'siin

12.168 undeniable ad] An.di'nai.a.bl

12.169 unimaginable ad] An.i'masd3.i.na.bl

12.170 versus prep 'v3:.sas

12. 171 stem V stem

12. 172 arise V a'raiz

12. 173 assign V a'sain

12.174 turn out phr. v t3:n

Writing Folder 6

12. 175 excite V ik'sait

12. 176 unconventional ad] An.kan'ven.Jsn.al

12. 177 scope n skaop

12. 178 conditional (on / upon) ad] kan'dij.an.al

12.179 consult V kan'sAlt

12.180 tutor n 't]u:.tar

12.181 in the first instance 'in.stans

12. 182 contemplate V 'kon.tam.pleit

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

12. 183 scholarship n 'skDl.a.Jip

12. 184 fast-moving adj

12.185 bid n bid

12.186 relish n Vel.iJ

12.187 recall n ri'ko:l

12.188 stock market n

12.189 broker V 'brao.kar

12. 190 counselling n 'kaon.sal.iQ

12.191 undue adj An'dju:

12.192 interpretation n intoi.pn'tei.Jan

12.193 the outset n 'aot.set

12.194 aspect n 'aes.pekt

12.195 in respect of sth/with respect to idiom

12.196 stationery n 'stei.Jan.ar.i

Units 9-12 Revision

12.197 pose n paoz

12.198 festoon V fes'tu:n

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

12. 199 snatch V sneetj

12. 200 (the) ether n 'ιι.Θθγ

12. 201 disposable adj di'spso.zs.bl

12. 202 throwaway adj Orao.a.wei

12. 203 insult n in.SAlt

12. 204 give (sth) off phr. v giv

12. 205 odour n 'ao.dar

12. 206 consignment n kan'sain.mant

12. 207 versatility n V3:.sa'til.i.ti

12. 208 eschew V is'tju:

12. 209 acquaintance n a'kwein.tans

12. 210 come in for sth > sz CL kAim

12. 211 come up with sth phr. v kAim

12. 212 turn of phrase n

12. 213 meticulous ad] ma'tik.jo.las

12. 214 vivacious adj vi'vei.Jas

12. 215 choke sth back > sz CL tjaok

12. 216 fend (sb) off phr. v fend

12. 217 pompous adj 'pDm.pas

12. 218 morbid adj 'mo:, bid

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

12. 219 grasp the nettle idiom

12. 220 whip sth up phr. v wip

12. 221 blurt sth out phr. v bl3:t

12. 222 insert V in's3:t

12. 223 long-standing adj jDQ'staen.diQ

12. 224 intercontinental adj in.ta.kDn.ti'nen.ta 1

12. 225 itinerary n ai'tm.ar.ar.i

12. 226 flourish V 'flAMj

12. 227 smoothly adv 'smu:3.li

12. 228 coincide V ,kao.in'said

12. 229 industrial action n

12. 230 high point n

12. 231 exhilarating adj ig'zil.a.rei.tiQ

12. 232 subsequent adj 'sAb.si.kwant

12. 233 in anticipation (of) aen.tis.i'pei.Jan

12. 234 table V 'tei.bj

12. 235 journal n 'd33:.nal

12. 236 mailshot n 'meil.jDt

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

12. 237 in advance of sth/sb

13 Save the olanet

13.1 famine n 'faem.in

13. 2 pristine ad] 'pns.tiin

13. 3 ice cap n

13.4 finite ad] 'fai.nait

13. 5 density n 'den.si.ti

13. 6 life expectancy n

13.7 consumption n kan'sAmp.Jan

13. 8 receptive ad] ri'sep.tiv

13. 9 spellbound ad] 'spel.baond

13. 10 dump n dAmp

13.11 occasional ad] a'kei.3sn.sl

13.12 spell sth out phr. V spel

13.13 landfill n 'laend.fil

13.14 initiative n I'niJ.a.tiv/

13.15 replacement n n'pleis.mant/

13.16 transition n traen'zij.an

13.17 renewables n n'n]u:.a.blz

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

13.18 episodic adj .ep.i'sDd.ik

13.19 take-up n 'teik.Ap

13. 20 variable adj 'vea.ri.a.bj

13. 21 biomass n 'bai.ao mass

13. 22 terawatts n 'ter.a.wDt

13. 23 put sth/sb forward phr. v pot

13. 24 establishment n I'stasb.liJ.mant

13. 25 take issue with sth idiom

13. 26 denude V di'nju:d

13. 27 ravage V Vcev.ids

13. 28 tree-hugger n

13. 29 worship V 'w3:.Jip

13. 30 weirdo n 'wia.dao

13. 31 represent V .rep.n'zent

13. 32 rigid adj 'rids.id

13. 33 holistic adj ha'lis.tik

13. 34 amateur adj 'aem.a.tar

13. 35 frustrating adj frAs'trei.tiQ

13. 36 untenable adj An'ten.a.bj

13. 37 acknowledge V ak'nDl.id3

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

13. 38 amateurish adj 'aem.a.tar.ij

13. 39 alienate V 'ei.li.a.neit

13. 40 illustrate V il.a.streit

13. 41 amelioration n a.mii.li.a'rei.Jan

13. 42 bloke n blaok

13. 43 frequent V fn'kwent

13.44 booze V bu:z

13. 45 snap n snaep

13. 46 rife adj raif

13. 47 widespread adj .waid'spred

13. 48 destitute adj 'des.ti.tju:t

13. 49 slender adj 'slen.dar

13. 50 sneak V sni:k

13.51 commence V ka'mens

13.52 kick (sth) off phr. v kik

13.53 lose sb's cool idiom

13. 54 sock V sok

13. 55 jammed adj d^cemd

13.56 trickle (down, from, out of sth) V 'tnk.l

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

13. 57 deposition n dep.a'zij.an

13. 58 depletion n di'plii.Jan

13. 59 aquatic adj a'kwast.ik

13. 60 degradation n deg.ra'dei.Jan

13. 61 rational adj 'rasj.an.al

13. 62 outline n 'aot.lain

13. 63 affiliate V a'fil.i.eit

13. 64 concerted adj kan's3:.tid

13. 65 pool V pu:l

13. 66 wane V wein

13. 67 diminish V di'min.ij

13. 68 depreciate V di'pri:.Ji.eit

13. 69 curtail V ka'teil

13. 70 confine V kan'fain

Reported Speech
13.71 albeit conj o:l'bi:.it

13. 72 enclosure n in'klao.3ar

13.73 roam V raom

13. 74 slaughter n 'sb:.tar

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

13. 75 poach V paotj

13.76 thrive V Oraiv

13. 77 scum n skAm

13. 78 abuse n a'bjuis

13. 79 sternly adv 'st3:n.li

13. 80 catch your death of cold idiom

13. 81 peevishly adv 'pi:.vij-li

13. 82 tentatively adv 'ten.ta.tiv-li

13. 83 reluctantly adv ri'lAk.tant

13.84 resignedly adv ri'zaind-li

13. 85 pedantically adv pa'daen.tik

13. 86 decisively adv di'sai.siv-li

13. 87 murmur V 'm3:.mar

13. 88 reassuringly adv t ri:.a'jD:.nr)-li

13. 89 retort V ri'tDit

13. 90 drift V drift

13.91 hamlet n 'hasm.lat

13.92 dilettante n dil.a'tasn.ti

13.93 nobility n nao'bil.a.ti

13. 94 menagerie n ma'nasd3.ar.i

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

13. 95 track V traek

Reading into Writing: Giving opinions

13.96 predator n 'pred.a.tar

13. 97 demography n di'rriDg.ra.fi

13. 98 sustain V sa stein

13. 99 conifer n 'kDn.i.far

13. 100 diversify V dai'v3:.si.fai

13. 101 overdue ad j .ao.vs'dju:

13.102 legislation n Jed3.1sle1.J3n

13.103 inhabit V in'heeb.it

13.104 keystone n 'ki:.st3on

13.105 far-reaching adj ,ίαι'ηι.ί/ιη

13.106 habitat n 'heeb.i.tcet

13.107 erosion n i'rao.33n

13. 108 stabilise V 'stei.bi.laiz

13. 109 awareness n 3'we3.n3s

13. 110 shifting ad] 'Jif.tiri

13. Ill celebrated ad] 'sel.i.brei.tid

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

13.112 discredit V di'skred.it

13.113 the forefront n 'foi.frAnt

Exam Folder 7
13. 114 implication n im.pli'kei.Jan

13. 115 exemplification n ig .zem.pli.fi'kei.Ja n

13. 116 solace n 'sdI.is

13. 117 dune n dju:n

13.118 uplifting adj Λρ 'Ilf.tCQ

13.119 thrift n erift

13.120 vetch n (U) 'vstjh

13. 121 yarrow n

13.122 toss V tDS

13.123 chatter V 'tjaet.ar

13.124 immune adj i'mju:n

13. 125 westerly n 'wes.tal.i

13. 126 wilderness n 'wil.da.nas

13. 127 comforting adj 'kAim.fa.tiQ

13. 128 unrivalled adj An'rai.vald

13. 129 defy V di'fai

13.130 hence adv hens

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

13.131 compendium n kam'pen.di.am
13.132 thud V 0Ad

13.133 adders-tongue n

13.134 betty-go-to-bed-at- noon n

13.135 lady's tresses n

13. 136 peculiar V pi'kjui.li.ar

13. 137 parish n 'paer.ij

13. 138 corrupt V ka'rApt

13.139 vulgar adj 'vAl.gar

13.140 poignant adj 'poi.njant

13. 141 yield V ji:ld

13. 142 traveller's foot n

13. 143 heartsease n

13. 144 love-in-a-mist n

13. 145 love-lies-bleeding n

cuckoo-pint, and jack in the
13. 146 pulpit n

13. 147 dreary adj 'dna.ri

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

13.148 Linnaean sergeant-major n

13.149 trace V treis

13.150 dandelion n 'daen.di.lai.an

13. 151 dragoon sb into sth phr. V dra'gu:n

13. 152 homestead n 'haom.sted

13.153 lowland n 'lao.land

13.154 hedgerow n 'hed3.rao

13. 155 marsh n ma:J

13.156 drain V drein

13.157 conifer n 'kDn.i.far

13.158 flotsam n 'flDt.sam

13.159 freelance adj, n 'fri:.la:ns

13.160 weed n wi:d

n (usually
13.161 moor(s) plural) mo:r

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

13.162 geek n gi:k

13.163 scramble V 'skraem.bl

13.164 vagabond n 'vaeg.a.bDnd

13.165 eye-opening adj

13.166 fertile adj 'f3:.tail

13.167 tramp n traemp

13. 168 municipal n mju:'nis.i.pal

13. 169 giant hogweed n

13. 170 buddleia n

13. 171 rosebay willowherb

13. 172 sinister adj 'sin.i.star

13. 173 stinker n 'stiQ.kar

13. 174 specimens n 'spes.a.min

13. 175 hem n hem

13. 176 effete adj i'fi:t

13. 177 guerrilla n ga'nl.a

13. 178 dereliction n der.a'Iik.Jan

13. 179 divert V dai'v3:t

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

13.180 biodiversity ,bai.90.dailv3:.si.ti

13.181 corn buttercup n bAtakAp

13.182 pheasant's eye n 'fez.ant

13. 183 splendid ad] 'splen.did

13. 184 verge n V3:d3

13. 185 interchange n in.ta'tjeind3

13. 186 hurl V hs:l

13. 187 poppy n 'pop.i

13. 188 fall foul of sth idiom

13.189 herbicide n 'h3:.bi.said

13. 190 mighty adj 'mai.ti

13. 191 tumbleweed n 'tAm.bl.wi:d

13. 192 heave V hi:v

13.193 exceed V ik'siid

13.194 tithe n taid

13.195 feral adj 'fer.al

13.196 consolation n ^Dn.sa'Iei.Jan

13.197 abundance n a'bAn.dans

13.198 lavish sth on sb/sth phr. v 'laev.ij

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

13. 199 evocative adj I'vDk.a.tiv

13. 200 groundbreaking adj 'graond.brei.kig

13. 201 chart V tja:t

13. 202 treasure V 'tre3.ar

13. 203 vilify V 'vil.i.fai

13. 204 tide n taid

13. 205 sow V sao

13. 206 tenaciousness n ta'nei.jasness

13. 207 contradictory adj ^Dn.trs'dik.tsr.i

14.1 disconcerted adj dis.k9n's3:t.id

14. 2 spur V sp3:r

14. 3 overreach onerself V ao.va'riitj

14.4 sceptical adj 'skep.ti.ksl

14. 5 premise n 'prem.is

14. 6 relentless adj ri'lent.lss

14. 7 bout n baot

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

14.8 intense ad] in'tens

14.9 empirical ad] im'pir.i.kal

14.10 release V ri'liis

14.11 loathing n 'lao.SiQ

14.12 scoff V skDf

14. 13 attest V a'test

14. 14 tone V taon

14. 15 fatigue n f a1 ti: g

14. 16 come/get to grips with sth idiom

14. 17 get the hang of sth idiom

14.18 springboard n 'spnQ.bo:d

14. 19 contend with sth phr. V kan'tend

14. 20 respite n 'res.pait

14. 21 strap V straep

14. 22 onscreen ad] .Dn'skrhn

14. 23 old hand n

14. 24 rocket V 'rDk.it

14. 25 dismissive ad] di'smis.iv

14. 26 agile ad] 'aed3.ail

14. 27 squat thrust n skwot

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

14. 28 yank V jaerik

14. 29 harangue V ha'reeo

14. 30 resolve V ri'zDlv

14. 31 seethe V si:3

14. 32 unearth V An 3:0

14. 33 crave V kreiv

14. 34 flout V flaot

14. 35 scrounge V skraond3

14. 36 lecture V 'lek.tjsr

14. 37 coal n kaol

14. 38 live through sth phr. v

14. 39 live it up idiom

14. 40 learn to live with sth idiom

14. 41 never live sth down idiom

14. 42 live by your wits idiom

14. 43 ingenuity n in.d3a‘nju:.i.ti

Articles review

14.44 proceed to do sth V pra'siid

14. 45 vigorously adv 'vig.ar.as

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

14.46 regimen (regime) n 'red 3.1. man

14. 47 vulnerable adj 'vAl.nar.a.bl

14. 48 stimulus n 'stim.jo.las

14. 49 potent adj 'pao.tant

14. 50 ailment n 'eil.mant

14. 51 take sth to heart idiom

14. 52 by word of mouth idiom

14. 53 set foot on idiom

14. 54 have a heart to heart idiom

14. 55 stroll V

14.56 arm in arm idiom straol

14. 57 nose to tail idiom

14. 58 live (from) hand to mouth idiom

14. 59 by hand idiom

14. 60 fight tooth and nail idiom

14. 61 see eye to eye (with) idiom

14. 62 recreational adj .rek.ri'ei.Jan

14. 63 amendment n a'mend.mant

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

n a'mend.mant

14. 64 ably adv ei.bli

14. 65 downhearted adj daon'hcu.tid

14. 66 repute V ri'pju:t

Listening and Speaking

14. 67 complacent adj ksm'plei.sant

14. 68 complacency n kam'plei.san.si

14. 69 cynical adj 'sin.i.kal

14. 70 confection n ksn'fek.jan

14. 71 lethal adj Ίί:.θθΙ

14. 72 bubonic plague n bju^bon.ik'pleig

14.73 longevity n lon'dsev.a.ti

14. 74 unprecedented adj An'pres.i.den.tid

14. 75 communicable adj ks'mjui.ni.ks.bl

14.76 sinful adj 'sin.fal

14. 77 gluttony n 'glAt.an.i

14. 78 perfection n pa'fek.Jan

14. 79 lobby n 'lob.i

14. 80 have a stake in sth steik

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

14. 81 turbulence n 't3:.bjo.lans

14. 82 urge n s:d3

14. 83 promulgate V 'prDm.al.geit

14. 84 discount V di'skaont

14. 85 clog up V kbg

14. 86 information overload n in.fa'mei.Jan

14. 87 fallacious ad] fa'Iei.Jas

14. 88 reconcile yourself to sth phr. v 'rek.sn.sail

14. 89 contain V ksn'tein

14. 90 pose V paoz

14. 91 mislead V .mis'iLd

14. 92 bewilderment n bi'wil.da.mant

14.93 assumption n a'sAmp.Jan

14. 94 vested interests n ves.trd'in.tar.est

14. 95 campaign n kaem'pein

Writing folder 7
14.96 provision n pra'v^n

14. 97 funding n 'fAn.diQ

14. 98 consistently adv kan'sis.tant-li

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription
14. 99 the initiative n I'niJ.a.tiv

14. 100 place emphasis on sth idiom

14. 101 put/set sth in motion idiom

14. 102 allocate V 'eel.a.keit

14. 103 sanction V 'seegkjan

14. 104 rectify V 'rek.ti.fai

14. 105 dodgy adj 'dDd3.i

14. 106 pathetic ad] pa'Oet.ik

14.107 undertake V .An.da'teik

14.108 allude to sb/sth phr. v a'lu:d

14.109 respectively adv ri'spek.tiv-li

14. 110 cohesive ad] kao'hi:.siv

15 The dai v erind

15. 1 grind n graind

15. 2 employment agency n

15. 3 high-flier or highflyer n

15.4 the norm n no:m

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

15.5 golden handshake n

15. 6 cut one's teeth idiom

15.7 sideways adj, adv 'said.weiz

15.8 predecessor n 'prii.di ses.ar

15.9 instability n in.sta'bil.i.ti

15.10 mixed blessing n mikst

15. 11 stale ad] steil

15.12 be riddled with sth idiom 'nd.jd

15.13 dog-eat-dog adj ,da:.g.i:t'da:.g

15. 14 drop out phr. v drop

15. 15 entity n en.ti.ti

15. 16 a whiff of sth wif

15.17 snap sb up phr. v snaep

15.18 track record n

15. 19 walk out on sth phr. v wo:k

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

15. 20 mindset n 'maindset

15. 21 foster V 'fDs.tar

15. 22 the jury is (still) out idiom

15. 23 quantum leap n 'kwDn.tam

15. 24 tangible adj 'tasn.d39.bl

15. 25 perceive V p9'si:v

15. 26 lean adj lin

15. 27 reverse V n'v3:s

15. 28 quick fix n

15. 29 nub n nAb

15. 30 fragmented adj frasg'men.tid

15. 31 perpetrator n 'p3:.p9.trei.t9r

15. 32 make quick exit idiom

15. 33 mediocre adj ,mi:.di 'ao.kar

15. 34 keep your head down idiom

15. 35 pragmatic adj prasg'mast.ik

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

15. 36 lateral ad] 'laet.ral

15. 37 output n 'aot.pot

15. 38 run-of-the-mill ad] _rAn.av.da'mil

15. 39 have a quick bite

15.40 life in the fast lane idiom

15.41 hectic ad] 'hek.tik

15.42 make a quick/fast buck idiom bAk

15.43 fast track n

15.44 brisk ad] brisk

15.45 swift ad] swift

15.46 denial n di'nai.al

15.47 catnap n 'kaet.naep

15.48 conversely adv kan'v3:s.li

15.49 tempo n 'tem.pao

15. 50 deficit n 'def.i.sit

15. 51 aid n eid

15. 52 retail n 'rii.teil

15.53 legacy n 'leg.a.si

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

15.54 recession n n'sej.an

15.55 shut sth off phr. V /At

15.56 neologism n ni'Dl.a.djE.zam

15.57 spin-off n 'spin.Df

15.58 latch on phr. V laetj

15.59 hedge fund n

15. 60 blue chip n blutfip

15. 61 golden hello n

15. 62 green shoots n

15. 63 red ink n

15. 64 white goods n

15. 65 white knight n

15. 66 dominant adj 'dDm.i.nant

15. 67 executive n ig'zek.jo.tiv

15.68 take (sth) over phr. v teik

15. 69 matter n 'maet.ar

Clauses 1

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

15.70 internship n in.t3:n.Jip

15.71 intern n in.t3:n

15.72 landmark n 'lasnd.mcuk

15. 73 austerity n Di'ster.i.ti

15. 74 sue V su:

15.75 tribunal n trai'bju:.nal

15.76 eligible ad] 'el.i.dja.bj

15.77 rule V ru:l

15.78 counterpart n 'kaun.ta.pa:t

15.79 recruitment n ri'kru:t.mant

15.80 nigh adv, prep nai

15.81 status n 'stei.tas

15.82 lest con] lest

15. 83 dispatch V di'spaetj

15. 84 registered mail n

15. 85 astray adv a'strei

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

15.86 commute V ka'mjuit

15.87 at the crack of dawn idiom

15. 88 fern n fain

15.89 moss n itids

15.90 overgrown ad] ao.va'graon

15. 91 taciturn ad] 'ta5s.i.t3:n

15.92 bounder n 'baon.dar

15.93 chav n tjasv

15.94 neanderthal ad] nii'cen.da.ta:!

15.95 thug n 0Ag

15.96 lout n laot

15.97 nerd n n3:d

15.98 sibling n 'sib.lig

15.99 vamp n vaemp

15.100 bimbo n 'bim.bao

15.101 charmer n 'tja:.mar

15.102 chivalrous ad] 'Jiv.al.ras

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

15. 103 doting adj 'dao.tiQ

15. 104 effeminate adj I'fem.i.nat

15.105 laddish ad] ' laed.ij

15.106 prickly ad] 'pnk.I.i

15.107 wimpy ad] wimpi

Reading into Writing: Contrasting ideas

15. 108 decisiveness n di'sai.siv-nes

15. 109 intuition n in.tjui'ij.an

15.110 assertiveness n a's3:.tiv-nes

15. Ill fairness n 'fea.nas

15.112 openness n 'ao.pan.nas

15.113 humility n h]u:'mil.i.ti

15. 114 stamina n 'steem.i.na

15. 115 revolve V ri'volv

15. 116 proponent n pra'pao.nant

15.117 reap the benefit, reward, etc. idiom

15.118 markedly adv 'ma:.kid.li

15.119 quandary n 'kwon.dn

15.120 pacesetter n 'peis-set.ar

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

15.121 exemplify V ig'zem.pli.fai

15.122 overwhelm V ao.va'welm

15.123 advocate V 'aed.va.keit

15.124 predicament n pn'dik.a.mant

15.125 resourcefulness n n'zoi.sfal.nas

15.126 be that as it may

15. 127 by the same token

15. 128 likewise adv 'laik.waiz

15.129 nonetheless adv ,nAn.3a'les

15.130 similarly adv 'sim.i.la.li

15.131 timeframe n

15.132 consultation n _kDn.SArtei.Jan

15. 133 U-turn n 'ju:.t3:n

Exam folder 8

15. 134 completion n kam'pli:.Jan

15. 135 downright adj, adv 'daon.rait

15.136 abusive adj a'bju:.siv

15.137 come over phr. v kAm

15.138 ingratiating adj in'grei.Jii.ei.tiQ

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

15. 139 deferential adj def.a'ren.Jal

15. 140 snap (at) V sneep

15. 141 pull sb's leg idiom

15. 142 refresher course n

15. 143 posh adj pDj

15. 144 dent n dent

15. 145 valet V 'vael.ei

15. 146 drowsy adj 'drao.zi

15. 147 depot n 'dep.ao

16 Hidden nuances
16. 1 nuance n 'nju:.a:ns

16. 2 rebellious adj ri'bel.i.es

16. 3 spunky adj 'spAp.ki

16.4 ardent adj 'a:.dent

16.5 compliance n kom'plai.ons

16. 6 horrified adj 'hor.i.faid

16.7 fury n 'fjua.ri

16.8 impeccable adj im'pek.a.bl

16.9 well-to-do adj .wel.ta'du:

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

16.10 outfit V 'aut.fit

16.11 ratty adj 'raet.i

16.12 jodhpurs n 'd3Dd.p9z

16.13 root sth/sb out verb ru:t

16.14 manure n me'njue

16.15 pitchfork n 'pitf.fo:k

16.16 posture n 'poster

16.17 lopsided adj Jop'said.id

16.18 restrain verb ri'strein

16. 19 dismay n di'smei

16. 20 collateral adj ke'lset.ar.el

16. 21 dole sth out phr.v. deul

16. 22 bind verb baind

16. 23 disconcerting adj .dis.kan'saitir]

16. 24 to say the least idiom

16. 25 painstakingly adv 'peinz/tei.kiQ.li

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

16. 26 imply V im'plai

16. 27 comply V kem'plai

16. 28 reluctant adj ri'lAk.tent

16. 29 purchase V 'p3:.tfes

16. 30 excessive adj ©k'ses.iv

16. 31 clandestine adj klaan'des.tin

16. 32 resolve V ri'zolv

16. 33 implication n .im.plikei.jen

16. 34 inevitable adj I'nev.i.te.bl

16. 35 orchid n 'o:.kid

16. 36 apathetic adj .sep.a'Get.ik

16. 37 callous adj 'kaal.as

16. 38 flawed adj flo:d

16. 39 trustworthy adj 'trAst,W3:.5i

16. 40 articulate adj /a:'tik.ju.l0t

16. 41 conventional adj ken'ven.Jsn.e

16. 42 garrulous adj 'gser.el.as

16. 43 unflappable adj An'flaep.a.bl

16.44 brazen adj 'brerzan

16. 45 fickle adj 'fik-el

16. 46 spineless adj 'spam-les

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

16. 47 neutral adj 'nu-tra

16. 48 rue the day idiom

16. 49 sip V sip

16. 50 tangled adj tsen.gl

16.51 hung up adj

16.52 idlv adv 'aid.li

Clauses 2 p. 136
16.53 scribble V 'skrib.l

16. 54 drift V drift

16. 55 rhyme n raim

16.56 impact 'im.psekt

16. 57 scholar n 'skDl.er

16. 58 supposedly adv se'peu.zid.li

16. 59 imperial adj im'pie.ri.a

16. 60 turn (sb/sth) into s b/sth phr. v. t3:n

16. 61 cadence n 'kerdens

16. 62 acclaimed adj e'kleim

16. 63 gripping adj 'gnp-ιη

16. 64 impenetrable adj im'pen.Ltre.t|l

16. 65 albeit conj o:l'bi:.it

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

16. 66 refrain verb ri'frein

16. 67 prompt verb prompt

Listening and Speaking p. 138

16. 68 immerse V i'm3:s

16. 69 compelling adj kem'pel.if]

16. 70 strand n straand

16.71 interweave V ,in.t8'wi:v

16. 72 twist n twist

16.73 penchant n 'pa n.ja η

16. 74 masterpiece n 'ma:.ste.pi:s

16. 75 insight n 'in.salt

16.76 meticulous ad] me'tik.ju.ias

16. 77 sheer adj Jl0r

16. 78 engrossed ad] in'graust

16. 79 overpowering ad] ,θυ.νθ'ρθϋθ.πη

16. 80 conjecture n ken'd3ek.tj0r

16. 81 perception n pe'sep.Jsn

16. 82 wretched ad] 'ret/, id

16. 83 heir n ΘΘγ

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

16.84 coup n ku:

16. 85 indebted adj in'det.id

16. 86 denouement n dei'nui.rriD

16. 87 pseudonym n 'sju:.de.nim

16. 88 condemn verb ken'dem

16. 89 apropos adv .aap.re'peu

16. 90 contemplate V 'kDn.tem.pieit

16.91 give sth away phr.v. giv

16.92 track sth/sb down phr.v. traak

16. 93 obscure adj eb'skjuer

16. 94 elaborate V I'laBb.er.et

16. 95 get round sth phr.v.

16.96 widespread adj .waid'spred

16. 97 drawback n 'dro:.bsek

Writing folder 8 p. 140
16. 98 quotation n kweu'tei.Jan

16. 99 evaluation n i.vsBl.ju'eiJan

16. 100 differentiate verb ,dif. θ' ren.fi. eit

16.101 juxtapose V t d3Ak.st0'peuz

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription
16. 102 Aborigine n .aab.e'rids.en.i

16.103 demise n di'maiz

16.104 span V spsen

16.105 epic n 'ep.ik

16. 106 harsh adj ha:J

16. 107 shifty adj 'Jif.ti

16. 108 incorporate V in'ko:.par.eit

16.109 Reverend n 'rev.er.end/

16.110 judicious adj d3u:'dij.es

16. Ill nefarious adj no'feo. ri.es

16.112 truncate V trAQ'keit

16.113 subtle adj 'SAt.el

16. 114 portray V po:'trei

16. 115 distinct adj di'stiQkt

16. 116 paradoxical adj .paar.e'dok.si.kel

16. 117 tidings n 'tai.diQZ

16. 118 mature V me'tjuer

16. 119 in the course of sth

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

16.120 wilderness n 'wil.de.nes

16.121 reconciliation n .rek.en.sil.i'eijen

16.122 by and large idiom

16.123 subsequent adj 'sAb.si.kwent

16. 124 exquisitely adv ik'skwiz.itli

16. 125 hauntingly adv 'hom.tiQli

16. 126 intensely adv in'tensli

16. 127 subtly adv SAt.eli

16.128 utterly adv 'At.el.i

16.129 zealously adv 'zel.esl

16. 130 intricate adj 'in.tn.ket

16.131 pompous adj 'pDm.pes

16.132 depiction n di'pik.jen

16.133 interpretation n in,t3:.pritei.j9n

16.134 portrayal n po:'trei-el/

Ur lit 13 -11 5 Revision o. 142

16.135 retain V ri'tein

16.136 posterity pos'ter.e.ti

16.137 succumb V se'kAm

16.138 extinction n ik'stink. Jen

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

16. 139 diversity n dai'v3:.si.ti

16. 140 rarity n 'ree.re.ti

16. 141 countless adj 'kaunt.les

16.142 hitherto adv ,hi5.o'tu:

16.143 distribution n .dis.tri'bjuijen

16.144 patchiness n 'psetj.nos

16. 145 complementary ad] .kDim.plimen.tar.i

16.146 overlapping V .eu.ve'lsep.ip

16.147 the outset n 'aut.set

16. 148 see eye to eye idiom

16.149 sympathise with V 'sim.pa.Oaiz

16.150 set great store bysth idiom

16.151 longevity n iDn'd3©v.a.ti

16.152 induction n in'dAk.Jen

16.153 intake n 'in.teik

16. 154 influx n 'in.flAks

16. 155 spouse n spaus

16. 156 peer n pi0r

16. 157 assorted adj a'so:.tid

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

16.158 disclose V di'skleuz

16.159 exhibit V ig'zib.it

16.160 verdict n 'v3:.dikt

16.161 ruling n 'ru:. Ιιη

16.162 decree n di'kri:

16.163 assign e'sain

16.164 constraint n ken'streint

16.165 restriction n ri'strik.Jen

16.166 restraint n ri'streint

16.167 esteem adj i'sti:m

16.168 the daily grind 'dexii graind

16.169 burn the midnight oil idiom

16.170 cough (sth) up phr.v. kof

16.171 goodwill n gud'wil

put your money where your
16.172 mouth is idiom god'wil

16.173 pronto adv 'pron.teu

16.174 not see sb for dust idiom

Defining Happiness
Listening, p.144

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

17. 1 bliss n blis

17. 2 euphoria n ju:'fo:.ri.9

17. 3 contagious ad] ken'tei.dses

17.4 fleeting adj fli:.tirj

17.5 rapture n 'r20p.tf0r

17. 6 elation n I'lei.Jsn

17.7 infectious adj in'fek.Jes

17. 8 transient adj trsenzi©nt

17.9 ephemeral ad] ΐίθΓΠ.θΓ.θ

17. 10 invasive ad] in'vex.sxv

17. 11 virulent ad] 'vir.o.lent

17. 12 intellectual ad] .in.tel'ek.tju.al

17.13 harmony n 'ha:.m0.ni

17.14 well-being n W0l'bi:.in

17.15 on cloud nine idiom

17. 16 rule sth out phr.v.

17. 17 catalyst n kaat. el.ist

17. 18 vibes n vaibz

17. 19 stability n ste'bil.i.ti

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

17. 20 curl up phr.v. k3:l/

17. 21 cliche n 'klii.Jei

17. 22 surge n S3 d3
17. 23 descent n di'sent

17. 24 appalling adj θ'ροι.Ιιη

17. 25 set out phr.v.

17. 26 mutual adj 'mju:.tju.el

17. 27 be/feel under the weather idiom

17. 28 close-knit adj .kleus'nit

17. 29 turn in phr.v. t3\n

17. 30 canopy n 'kaen.e.p

17. 31 awesome adj oi.sem

17. 32 tip the balance idiom

look at sth through rose-tinted
17. 33 spectacles idiom

17. 34 beyond your wilde st dreams idiom

17. 35 in my book idiom

17. 36 put your neck on the line idiom

17. 37 jaundiced adj 'd3o:n.dist

17. 38 scepticism n 'skep.tLSLzem

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

17. 39 flaw n flo:

17.40 turnout n 't3:n.aut

17.41 bloom V blu:m

17.42 flourish V Άλγ.ι/

17.43 ooze V u:z

17.44 ripple V 'rip.l

17.45 trickle V ‘trik.l

17.46 burn out phr.v. 'b3:n.aut

17.47 flare up V fleer

17.48 ignite V ig'nait

17.49 smoulder V smeul.de

17. 50 dazzle V 'dsez.l

17.51 light (sth) up phr.v. ait

17.52 sparkle V 'spa:.h;l

17.53 simmer V 'sim.er

17.54 stew V stju:

17.55 glut n glAt

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

17.56 outbreak n 'aut.breik

17.57 plague n pleig

17.58 whirlwind n 'w3:l.wind

17.59 idyllic adj I'dil.ik

17. 60 clingingly adv Ήιη.ιηϋ

17. 61 compatible adj /kem'paat.i.bi

17. 62 tranquillity n traaq'kwil.i.ti

17. 63 yearn V ja:n

17. 64 aspire to sth V a'spaiar

17. 65 hang back phr.v. haeq

17. 66 draw in phr.v. dro:

17. 67 peel off phr.v. pil

17. 68 stain n stein

17. 69 shield n Jl: Id

17.70 fleck n flek

17.71 tinge n tind3

17.72 luminous adj 'lu:.mi.nes

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

17.73 barred adj ba:d

17.74 heady adj 'hed.i

17.75 robust adj rau'bAst

17.76 bleat n bli:t

17.77 yap n 20p

17.78 screech n skrLtf

17.79 purr n p3!r

17. 80 melancholy adj 'mel.eq.kDl.i

17. 81 hum n hAm

17. 82 buzz n bAZ

17.83 pasture n 'pa:s.tjer

17.84 content adj ken'tent

17. 85 banquet n 'baaq.kwit

Comparison, p.146
17. 86 verdant adj 'V3:.dent

17. 87 take to sth phr.v. teik

17. 88 be at odds idiom

17. 89 set sth/sb apart phr.v. set

17. 90 outrage n 'aut.reid3

17. 91 far/further afield adv e'fi:ld

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

17.92 epicurean adj .©p.ikjue.rUn

17.93 elusive adj i'lu:.siv

17.94 illustrate V 'ii.e.streit

17.95 exhilarating ad] ig'zil.e.rei.tir]

17.96 set your sights on sth idiom

17.97 change your tune idiom

17.98 keep a straight face idiom

Reading into Writing: Full Task 1 p. 148

17.99 life expectancy n ik'spektensi

17.100 index n 'in.deks

17.101 average out phr.v. 'sev.er.id3

17.102 prime adj praim

17.103 temperate adj 'tem. per.et

17.104 mobility n meu'bil.i.ti

17.105 emigrate V 'em.i.greit

17.106 radical adj 'raed.i.kel

17.107 make ends meet idiom

17.108 concept n 'kon.sept

17.109 determine V di't3:.min

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

17.110 overview n 'eu.ve.vju:

17. Ill the status quo n .stei.tes'kweu

17.112 fulfilling ad] ful'ftl.iq

17.113 phenomenon n -'ηα:.Γηθ.ηα:η

17. 114 prominence n 'pmm.i.nons

17. 115 spectrum n 'sp©k.trem

17. 116 cut corners idiom

17.117 down-and-out idiom daun.e'naut/

17.118 keep your head above water idiom

17.119 feel the pinch idiom

17. 120 be in the red idiom

17. 121 on a shoestring idiom

17. 122 tighten your belt idiom

17. 123 a rough ride idiom

Exam folder 9 p. 150

17. 125 genre n 3a:· re

17.126 evoke verb I'veuk

17.127 apathy n δΘρ.θ.θϊ

17.128 conform verb ken'foim

17.129 mainstream adj mein.stri:m

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

17.130 notion n 'neu.Jsn

17.131 swim against the tide idiom

17.132 aversion n θ'ν3:./θΠ

17.133 subscribe V seb'skraib

17. 134 depict V di'pikt

17. 135 devise V di'vais

17. 136 a bird's eye view idiom

17.137 eccentric ad j ©k'sen.trik

17.138 quest n kwest

17. 139 naive adj nai'i:v

17. 140 vulgar adj 'vAl.ger

17. 141 contrive verb ken'traiv

17. 142 derisively adv di'rai.sivli

17.143 recreational adj .rek.ri'ei.Jsnel

17.144 sentimental adj .sen.ti'men.tal

17.145 sector π 'sek.tar

17.146 voluntary adj Volanteri

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

17. 147 be a wrench idiom rent/
17.148 see straight through sb idiom

17.149 big hitter n 'hit.er

17. 150 get cold feet idiom

17. 151 patronise V 'psat.ran.aiz

17. 152 cynical adj 'sin.i.kal

17.153 square peg (in a round hole) idiom

17.154 in a rut idiom ΓΛί

17. 155 conviction n ken'vikjen

17.156 spiel idiom Jpi:l

17.157 go over sb's head idiom

17.158 alleviate V e'li:.vi.eit

17.159 hand/give in your notice idiom

17.160 meek adj mi:k

17.161 do-gooder n 'du:.gud.0r

17.162 pittance n 'pit.ens

17.163 moan V meun

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

17.164 be a breeze idiom bri:z

18 On free dom d. 152

18. 1 declaration n .dek.le'reijen

18. 2 adhere V ed'hier

18. 3 servitude n 's3:.vi.tju:d

18.4 subject sb or sth to sth phr. V 'sAb.d3ekt

18. 5 arbitrary adj 'cr.bi.trer.i

18. 6 detention n di ten Jen

18.7 exile n '©k.sail

18.8 conscience n 'konjans

18.9 tumble V 'tAm.bl

18. 10 plaster cast n 'pla:st©r/ka:st

18.11 in limbo 'lim.beu

18.12 boundary n 'baun.dsr.i

18.13 faltering adj 'fDl.ter

18.14 endeavour n en'dev.er

18.15 loosen V 'lu:.san

18.16 rein n reins

18.17 usher sth in phr. v 'λ/.θγ

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

18.18 fundamental adj fAn.de'men.tsI

18.19 sideshow n 'said.feu

18. 20 proceedings n pre'sk.diqz

18. 21 deal a blow to sb/sth idiom diel

18. 22 plummet V 'plAm.it

18. 23 liable adj 'lai.e.bl

18. 24 acknowledgment n 0k'nDl.id3.m0nt

18. 25 flagrant adj 'flei. grant

18. 26 breach n bri:tj

18. 27 reinforce V .rii.in'fois

18. 28 regulate V 'reg.ju.leit

18. 29 jurist n 'd3U0.rist

18. 30 remit n

18. 31 framework n 'fr0im.w3:k

18. 32 ultimately adv 'Al.ti.met.li

18. 33 doomed adj du:md

18. 34 query V 'kwi0.ri

18. 35 globalization n .glau.bel.afzeLjen

18. 36 subsidiary n sab'sid.i.er.

18. 37 simultaneously adv sim.ertei. ni.es

18. 38 wield V wi: Id

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

IS. 39 proliferation n prejif.ar'eijen

18. 40 campaign n ksem'pein

18. 41 impact n 'im.psekt

18. 42 plead V pli:d

18. 43 ignorance n 'ig.nar.ans

18.44 coverage n kAv.er.id3

18. 45 hotspot n 'hot. spot

18.46 propitious adj pre' pif.es

18. 47 the merits of sth n 'mer.it

IS. 48 stale ad] steil

18. 49 paramilitary n .pser. θ'ηιιΙ.ι.ίθΓ. i

18. 50 torture n 'tOi.tJer

18. 51 infringe V in'fnnd3

18.52 enforce V in'fo:s

18.53 uphold V Ap'heuld

18. 54 be enshrined in sth V in'frain

18. 55 treaty n 'tri:.ti

18. 56 violate V 'vaie. leit

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

18. 57 pamphlet n 'psem.flet

18. 58 entity n ‘©n.ti.ti

18. 59 accountable ad] e'kaun.te.k)!

18. 60 regime n rei'3i:m

18. 61 promulgate V 'prom.el.geit

18. 62 under the auspices n 'o:.spi.siz

18. 63 scope n skeup

18. 64 welfare n 'wel.feer

Modals review p. 154

18. 65 obscene adj eb'siin

18. 66 pharmaceutical adj .fcu.me'sui.ti.kel

18. 67 dumb adj dAm

18. 68 a quick fix

18. 69 dock V dok

18. 70 prior to sth praier

put (yourself) your neck on the
18.71 line idiom

18.72 spill the beans idiom

18.73 petition n pa'tif.sn

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription
18. 74 set sth/sb apart phr.v. set

18. 75 grasp n gra:sp

18.76 stimuli n 'stim.ju.lai

18. 77 reflect on sb/sth phr.v. n'flekt

18. 78 submissively adv seb'mis.ivli

18. 79 consciousness n 'kon.Jes.nes

18. 80 resist V ri'zist

18. 81 progression n pre'grej.an

18. 82 label V 'lei.bel

18. 83 conjure sth up phr.v. 'kAn.d3e

18.84 interminable adj in't3:.mi.ne.bl

18. 85 resourcefulness n ri'zo:.sfal.nes

18. 86 on an equal footing with sb/sth fut. ΙΓ]

Listening and Speaking p.156

18. 87 civil disobedience adj 'SIV.sl ,dis.e'bi:.di.ens

18. 88 child labour n 'lei.ber

18. 89 sweatshop n 'swet.Jbp

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

18. 90 demonstration n .dem.en'streijan

18. 91 confiscate V 'kon.fi.skeit

18. 92 hold forth phr.v. heuld

18.93 mortar board n 'mo:.te.bo:d

18. 94 liberal ad] 'llb.ar.al

18. 95 flippant adj 'flip.ent

18.96 focus n 'feu.kes

18. 97 unwieldy adj An'wiTdi

18. 98 convey V ken'vei

18. 99 premium n 'prf.mi.em

18.100 precede V pri'si:d

18. 101 unfold V An'feuld

18.102 resignation n .rez.ig'neifen

18. 103 toll n teul

18. 104 ratio n 'rei.Ji.eu

18. 105 equation n I'kwei.jen

18. 106 balloon V be'lu:n

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

18.107 go viral 'vara.rel

writine folder 9 d. 158

18. 108 evaluate V I'vaBl.ju.eit

18. 109 inconsistency n in.ken'sis.tant

18.110 impose V im'peuz

18. Ill downside n 'daun.said

18.112 standpoint n 'stand, point

18. 113 disseminate V di'sem.i.neit

18. 114 profound ad] pre'faund

18. 115 tolerant adj 'tDl.er.ent

18. 116 erosion n ireu.3en

18. 117 innermost adj 'in.e.meust

18. 118 aspiration n /.see. pi'rei.Jen

18. 119 unequivocally adv .An.i'kwiv.e.keli

18.120 asset n e's3:t

18.121 offspring n 'of.spriq

18.122 drawback n 'dro:.bsBk

18.123 undeniable adj .An.di'nai.e.bl

18.124 adverse ad] 'ad.v3:s

18.125 prevail V pri'veil

18.126 constrain V ken'strein

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

18. 127 aspire V e'spaier

18.128 erode V fraud

18.129 intolerance n in'toUr.ens

18. 130 intolerable adj in'tol.er.e.bl

18. 131 intolerant adj in'tol.er.ent

18.132 inclusive adj in'klui.siv

18.133 entrepreneurship n crn.tra.pra'n:»

18. 134 polarise V 'peu.le.raiz

18.135 juvenile adj 'd3u:.V0n.ail

18. 136 aggressive adj e'gres.iv

18.137 manifestly adv 'msen.i.fest.li

19 The unexplained
19. 1 naive adj nai'i:v

19. 2 sceptical adj 'skep.ti.kel

19. 3 ingenuous adj in'd3en.ju.es

19. 4 gullible adj 'gAl.a.bl

19. 5 derisive adj di'rai.siv

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

19. 6 credulous ad] 'kred.ju.les

19. 7 cynical adj 'sin.i.kel

19. 8 scornful ad] 'sko:n.fel

19. 9 apathetic ad] .sep.eOet.ik

19. 10 contemptuous ad] ken'temp.tju.es

19. 11 susceptible ad] se'sep.ti.bi

19. 12 suggestible ad] se'd3es.ti.bl

19. 13 nosy ad] neu.zi

19. 14 inquisitive ad] in'kwiz.Ltiv

19. 15 humble ad] 'hAm.fc)l

19. 16 upright ad] 'Ap.rait

19. 17 immature ad] jm.a'tjuer

19. 18 disrespectful ad] .dis. rispektfal

19. 19 pushy ad] 'puj.i

19. 20 persistent ad] pe'sis.tant

19. 21 assertive ad] 0's3:.tiv

19. 22 resourceful ad] ri'zozsfal

19. 23 tactful ad] 'taakt.fel

19. 24 diplomatic ad] .dip.la'mset.ik

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

19. 25 impulsive adj im'pAl.siv

19. 26 discreet adj di'skri:t

19. 27 hard up adj

19. 28 eerie adj 'ie.ri

19. 29 rattle n 'raat.l

19. 30 beckon V 'bek.en

19. 31 purify V 'pjue.ri.fai

19. 32 apparition n .aap.e'rif.en

19. 33 fright n frait

19. 34 scramble V 'skraam.bl

19. 35 pillar n 'pil.er

19. 36 plume n plu:m

19. 37 dagger n 'daag.a

19. 38 murmur V 'm3:.mar

19. 39 curator n kju'rei.tar

19.40 onomatopoeia n .on.a.maet.a'pLe

19.41 creak V kri:k

19.42 tinkle V 'tiQ.kl

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

19.43 squelch V skweltf

19.44 rumble V 'rAm.bl

19.45 crunch V krAnt

19.46 slash V slaaf

19.47 slap V slaep

19.48 slam V slaam

19.49 hiss V his

19. 50 growl V graul

19. 51 screech V skri:t;

19. 52 drip V drip

19. 53 peal V P i:l

19.54 slither V 'εΙιδ.θΓ

19.55 poltergeist n 'pol.te.gaist

19. 56 mischievous ad] 'mis.tji.ves

19.57 disembodied ad] .dis.im'bDd.id

19.58 inscribe V in'skraib

19.59 minute V

19. 60 plainly adv 'plein.li

19. 61 set in phr.v. set

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

19. 62 intimate V 'in.ti.met

19. 63 divulge V dai'vAld3

19. 64 spontaneous ad] spon'tei.ni.es

19. 65 trigger V 'trig.er

19. 66 derive V di'raiv

19. 67 evolve V i'vdIv
19. 68 extort V ik'sto:t

19. 69 competency n 'kom.pi.ten.si

19.70 accomplishment n e'kAtn.piiJ.ment

Word order and adverbs p. 162

19.71 briskly adv 'brisk, li

19.72 mound n maund

19.73 slump V slAmp

19.74 statistically adv sta'tis.ti.ksll.i

19.75 sacred adj 'sei. krid

19.76 aboriginal adj .aab.e'rids.i.nal

19.77 revolt V ri'veult

19.78 viable adj 'vai.e.bl

19.79 confide in sb phr. v kan'faid

19.80 preliminary adj pri'lim.i.nsr.i

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

19.81 invaluable ad j in'vaal.ju.bl

19.82 sewer n SU9r

19. 83 thrust n 0rAst

19.84 spasmodic adj spaez'mod.ik

19.85 jolt n d3©ult

Reading into Writing: Full Task 2 p. 164

19.86 Congress n 'kon.gres

19.87 conspiracy n ken'spir.e.si

19. 88 successor n sek'ses.er

19. 89 succeed V sek'si:d

19. 90 speak/talk of the devil idiom

19. 91 guardian angel n

19. 92 it's a small world saying

19. 93 second sight n

19. 94 deja vu n ,deL3a:'vu:

19.95 sixth sense n

19.96 uneasiness (also unease) n An'i:.zi.nes

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

19.97 commonplace ad] 'kDm.en.pleis

19.98 precognitive adj .prLkDg'nifsn

19.99 occasional ad] e'kei.3en.el/

19.100 irrational adj I'raBj.en.el

19.101 mundane adj mAn'dein

19.102 disturbing ad] dist3:.biQ

19.103 imagery n 'im.Ld3er.i

19.104 cognition n kog'nifan

19.105 extrasensory perception n

19. 106 germ n d33:m

19. 107 anonymity n .SBn.Dn'im.i.ti

19. 108 unaccountable ad] .An.e'kaun.to.bi

19. 109 dismiss V di smis

19. 110 rational n 'raaf.en.ei

20 A sense of humour
20. 1 slapstick n 'slsep.stik

20. 2 stand-up ad] 'stsend/vp

20. 3 farce n fa:s

20.4 hallmark n 'ho:i.ma:k

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

20.5 gesture n 'd3©s.tfer

20. 6 come down to sth phr. v. kAm

20.7 hazardous ad] 'haaz.e.des

20.8 dazzlingly adv 'daaz.linii

20.9 prospects n 'pros.pekt

20.10 assorted adj e'so:.tid

20. 11 trial and error n n

20. 12 tolerance n 'tDl.er.ens

20. 13 cantaloupe n 'kaan.te.iuip

20.14 throaty ad] 'Orau.ti

20.15 unclog V

20. 16 abruptly adv e'brApt

20. 17 dibber n

20. 18 presumably adv pri'zjui.me.bli

20. 19 gung-ho ad] .gAn'heu

20. 20 inescapably adv .in.i'skei. pe.blbli

20. 21 get back to sb phr.v.

20. 22 unsophisticated ad] ^n.se'frs.ti.kei.tid

20. 23 devour V di'vauer

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

20. 24 fuss n fAS

20. 25 irritate V 'ir.i.teit

20. 26 intimidated adj in'tim.i.dei.tid

20. 27 conversion n ken'v3: Jen

20. 28 effusive ad] i'fju:.siv

20. 29 indignant ad] in'dig.nent

20. 30 nostalgic ad] nDs'taal.d3ik

Uses of have, get and go p.170

20. 31 chiropodist n kirop.e.dist

20. 32 give sb/sth a tow n

20. 33 indefinitely adv in'def.i.net.li

20. 34 go in for sth phr.v.

20. 35 go over phr.v.

20. 36 go for sth phr.v.

20. 37 go off phr.v.

20. 38 go off phr.v.

20. 39 go without phr.v.

20. 40 ebb V

20. 41 go sour V

20. 42 go to sb's head idiom

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

20. 43 go over sth in your mi nd idiom
20.44 go on record idiom

20. 45 go to waste idiom

20.46 go/fly off at a tangent idiom 'taen.d39nt

20. 47 make a go of sth idiom

20. 48 partition n pcr'tif.en

20. 49 culprit n 'kAl.prit

20. 50 in no uncertain terms idiom

20.51 knob n nob

20.52 faux pas n .feu'pa:

20.53 put your foot in it idiom

Listening and Speaking p. 172

20. 54 antics n 'aen.tiks

20. 55 meringue n me'rseri

20.56 trifle n 'trai.fi

20. 57 oubliette n u-ble-'et

20. 58 coup de grace n ku:.d0'gra:s

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

20. 59 detonate V 'det.an.eit

20. 60 lunacy n 'lui.ne.si

20. 61 eye-opener n 'ai.eu.pen.er

20. 62 renowned adj ri'naund

20. 63 conformity n k0n'fo:.mi.ti

20. 64 deviation n .dr.vi'eijen

20. 65 vexed ad] veks

20. 66 risque adj ri'skei

20. 67 angle n a'

20. 68 imaginative ad] imaBd3.i.n©.tiv

20. 69 leap n lip

20. 70 profoundly ad] pre'faund.li

20.71 ambivalent ad] sem'biv.a.lent

20.72 collective ad] ko'lek.tiv

20. 73 pique V pi:k

20. 74 hermit n 'h^:-

20. 75 trait n treit

20.76 hobbyhorse n 'hDb.i.ho:s

20. 77 havoc n 'haav.ek

20. 78 ensuing ad] in'sju:.in

20. 79 spur v sp3!r

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

20. 80 endorse V in'do:s

20. 81 portend V po:'tend

20. 82 at the expense of sth idiom

20. 83 formulate V 'fo:.mju.leit

20.84 in lieu of adv lju:

20. 85 ad infinitum adv .aad.in.ft'nai.tem

20. 86 ad nauseam adv .sed'nozzi.sem

20. 87 par excellence ad] .pcrr.ek.se'lam

20. 88 quid pro quo n ,kwid.preu'kweu

20. 89 prima facie adj .prai.me'feiji

20. 90 niche n nif

20. 91 protege n 'probe. 3ei

20.92 fracas n 'fraeka:

20.93 cul-de-sac n 'kAl.de.ssek

20. 94 clique n kli:k

20. 95 nom de plume n .nom.de'pluim

20.96 bete noire n bet'nwa:r

20. 97 the hoi polloi n ,hoi. ρθΊοι

20. 98 trainspotting n 'trein.spot.iq

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

20. 99 conform V ken'fo:m

20. 100 pressurised ad] 'prej.er.aizd

20. 101 incidentally adv , in. si den. tel. i

Writing folder 10 p. 174

20.102 domesticity n .deu.mes'tis.i.ti

20.103 venture n 'ven.tjer

20.104 patriarch n 'pei.tri.crk

20.105 multiplicity n ,mAl.tiplis.i.ti

20.106 morals n mor.el/

20. 107 far-flung adj .fcr'flAQ

20. 108 impinge on/upon sb/sth phr.v. im'pind3

20. 109 tendency n 'ten.den.si

20. 110 emission n imif.en

20. Ill wipe out phr.v. waip

20.113 likelihood n 'lai.kli.hud

20.114 pun n ΡΛΠ

20.115 pictogram n piktegraem

20.116 homophone n 'hDm.e.feun

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

20.117 punchline n 'pAntf.lain

20.118 intimate adj 'in.ti.met

20.119 subtle adj 'SAt.el

20.120 gleaming adj 'glr.min

20.121 motorcade n 'meu.to.keid

20.122 plump adj plAm

20.123 ragged adj 'raag.id

20. 124 crude adj kru:d

20. 125 take sth on phr.v. teik

20. 126 impose V im'peuz

20. 127 play on/upon sth phr.v. plei

20. 128 render V 'ren.der

20. 129 acquire V e'kwaier

20. 130 flounce V flauns

20. 131 clutch V klAtJ

20. 132 cling V klirj

20.133 persist V pa'sist

Number Word/phrase/ idiom PoS Phonetic transcription

20. 134 debut n 'dei.bju

20.135 surveillance n se'vei.lens

20.136 CCTV n

20.137 pervasive ad] pe'vei.siv

20. 139 prerequisite n .prii'rek.wi.zit

20.140 legislative adj 'Ied3.i.sle.tiv

20. 141 vulnerable ad] 'vAl.ner.e.bl

20.142 inexplicable ad] ,in.ik'splik.e.bl

20. 143 anecdotal evidence ad] .sen.ik'deu.tal

20.144 relate V ri'leit

20. 145 snake its way phr.v.

20.146 spooky ad] 'spu:.ki

20.147 flagging ad] flaeg

English Explanation Greek Translation

αλλάζω τη σειρά, κάνω κάτι διαφορετικά για να

to do something in a different way in order to make it more interesting νίνει πιο ενδιαφέρον
to improve βελτιώνομαι, αλλάζω προς το καλύτερο
If someone has a change of heart, they change their opinion or the way they feel about
something αλλαγή γνώμης ή άποψης

When events or details that you did not understand before fall into place, they become easy to
understand βγάζω νόημα, γίνομαι κατανοητός

to gradually become worse παίρνω την κάτω βόλτα, χειροτερεύω

to be likely to happen είναι πιθανό να συμβεί

everything that happened since then is well known τα υπόλοιπα είναι γνωστά

having lost your job because your employer no longer nee ds you απολύομαι ως υπεράριθμος

to become involved in a difficult situation or argument in order to help find a solution επεμβαίνω, μπαίνω στη μέση
to make someone go somewhere they do not want to go σέρνω, πηγαίνω κάποιον κάπου με το ζόρι

to be attractive or different enough to be noticed by someone τραβάω την προσοχή

to suggest or think of an idea or plan επινοώ, βρίσκω (ιδέα, λύση)

πηδάω απ' τη χαρά μου, δέχομαι κάτι με χαρά ή
to accept something eagerly ανυπομονησία

the time at which a situation starts to change in an important way σημείο καμπής

to employ someone προσλαμβάνω

English Explanation Greek Translation

επιτυχία σε μια νύχτα, κάποιος ή κάτι που κάνει
when something/somebody becomes very successful immediately επιτυχία πολύ γρήγορα
an opportunity for improving a situation, especially one that happens unexpectedly ευκαιρία (συνήθως απρόσμενη) για κάτι καλλίτερο
If a situation or decision comes down to something, that is the thing that influences it most στην τελική όλα είναι θέμα, οφείλονται σε,
καταλήγουν, εξαρτώνται από
"αράζω" κάπου, συχνάζω ή είμαι κάπου χωρίς
to wait or spend time somewhere, usually for no particular reason συγκεκριμένο λόγο
If you help out, you do a part of someone's work or give someone money βοηθάω (κάποιον) οικονομικά ή στη δουλειά του

If someone cheers up, or something cheers them up, they start to feel happier φτιάχνω το κέφι

sad and without hope μελαγχολικός, καταθλιπτικός, άθλιος

If a marriage breaks up or two people in a romantic relationship break up, their marriage or
their relationship ends τελειώνω (για γάμο ή σχέση), τα χαλάω

If a supply of something runs out, all of it has been used or it is completely finished τελειώνω (για αποθέματα)

to finally be in a particular place or situation καταλήγω

to become familiar with somewhere new, such as a new house, job, or school, and to feel τακτοποιούμαι, εγκαθίσταμαι, βολεύομαι (σε νέο
comfortable and happy there περιβάλλον)
διάρκεια, σειρά, περίοδος (που διαρκεί ή
A run of something is a continuous period during which it lasts or is repeated επαναλαμβάνεται κάτι)

If something happens out of the blue, it is completely unexpected ξαφνικά, απ' το πουθενά, απρόσμενα
to shock or upset someone very much, or to make someone very ill: (μεταφορικά) ρίχνω κάτω, αφήνω ξερό, σοκάρω,
κάνω να αρρωστήσει, στενοχωρώ
used to suggest the sound of a sudden hit επιφώνημα που υποδηλώνει ήχο απότομου

English Explanation Greek Translation

ξοδεύω πέρα από τις οικονομικές μου
to spend more money than you receive as income δυνατότητες
If something bad that you have done or that has been happening to you catches up with you, it (για κάτι κακό που έχω κάνει ή μου έχει συμβεί
begins to cause problems for you στο παρελθόν)

to pay back money that you owe ξεπληρώνω, εξοφλώ

to do less of something or use something in smaller amounts μειώνω (για ποσότητα ή χρήση), λιγοστεύω
to make someone leave their job απολύω (από δουλειά)

to be unable to use your mind in an effective way δεν σκέφτομαι λογικά

to become friendly with someone πιάνω φιλίες με

to find something or someone after looking for them in a lot of different places εντοπίζω (ακλουθώντας τα ίχνη), ανακαλύπτω
used to describe a situation in which everything is correctly organized or repaired, or when ταξινομημένος, ξεδιαλυμένος, κανονισμένος,
someone has the things they need: διευθετημένος
extremely boring πολύ βαρετά, πληκτικά, ανιαρά
to not have changed what you do or how you do it for a very long time so that it is not έχω τελματώσει, μ' έχει φάει η ρουτίνα
interesting any longer
unhappily and without hope μελαγχολικά, καταθλιπτικά
εντελώς, ολοσχερώς, φοβερά (σε μεγάλο βαθμό),
completely, extremely πλήρως, τελείως
unable to be noticed or felt because of being very slight: ανεπαίσθητα

serious σοβαρά
to arrive or appear somewhere, usually unexpectedly or in a way that was not planned εμφανίζομαι, φθάνω

English Explanation Greek Translation

εμφανίζομαι (σαν), συμπεριφέρομαι (σαν να
to behave in a way that makes people believe that you have a particular characteristic είμαι), δίνω την εντύπωση (ότι είμαι)
a period when the economy of a country is not successful and conditions for business are bad οικονομική κρίση ή κάμψη
the process of finding people to work for a company or become a new member of an στρατολόγηση, νεοσύλλεκτο μέλος οργανισμού
organization κ.τ.λ.

to come to an opinion about something, or have a belief about something αντιλαμβάνομαι, διακρίνω

not loud, bright, noticeable, or obvious in any way λεπτός, φίνος, δαιμόνιος, ευαίσθητος,

something difficult needing a lot of skill, strength, courage, etc. to achieve it κατόρθωμα
αυτός που συντηρεί ή υποστηρίζει κάτι για κάποιο
someone who maintains/upholds something for a period of time χρονικό διάστημα

someone who tries to encourage something to happen or develop αυτός που προάγει η προωθεί, υποστηρικτής

strength, energy, or enthusiasm; strength of thought, opinion, expression, etc. δύναμη, σφρίγος, ρώμη, ενεργητικότητα, ζωντάνια

something that causes growth or activity; something that causes part of the body to react ερέθισμα, κίνητρο
εμφανίζομαι, φθάνω (συνήθως αργοπορημένος ή
to arrive somewhere in order to join a group of people, es pecially late or unexpectedly απρόσμενα)

to increase or become larger or stronger, or to cause someone or something to do this δημιουργώ, -ούμαι, αυξάνω, -ομαι
to build something ανεγείρω, στήνω
κρύβομαι (γιατί με κυνηγάει αστυνομία, στρατός,
to hide from police officers, soldiers, etc. who are looking for you
by the smallest amount μόλις και μετά βίας, ελάχιστα

used to emphasize that you mean exactly what you are saying and nothing more μόνο, απλώς

to feel or experience something without being able to explain exactly how έχω την αίσθηση, διαισθάνομαι
to suffer something difficult, unpleasant, or painful υπομένω, αντέχω, υποφέρω

English Explanation Greek Translation

to start to do or deal with something αρχίζω (να ασχολούμαι με κάτι)
to happen, or start to happen γίνομαι, συμβαίνω, επέρχομαι
to begin to do something or deal with something καταπιάνομαι με, κάνω

o cause something to happen επιφέρω, προκαλώ

a member of an unofficial military group that is trying to change the government by making
sudden, unexpected attacks on the official army forces αντάρτης
the making of clothes and other things using wool and a special needle with a hook(= curve) at
πλέξιμο με βελονάκι
one end

trying to destroy or damage something, especially an esta blished political system ανατρεπτικός

thread used for making cloth or for knitting νήμα

to play music or sing in a public place so that the people who are there will give money παίζω μουσική ως πλανόδιος
to give a short performance in order to show that you are suitable for a part in a film, play, περνάω από οντισιόν
show, etc., or to make someone do this
to tell someone what to do υποδεικνύω, υπαγορεύω, επιβάλλομαι, προστάζω

to develop gradually, or to cause something or someone to develop gradually εξελίσσομαι, αναπτύσσω

the feeling that you have when you are in such a bad situation that you are willing to take risks
in order to change it απελπισία, απόγνωση

to accept something enthusiastically ασπάζομαι, καλοδέχομαι, αγκαλιάζω

having a good understanding of the way people behave and/or a good knowledge of culture
and fashion εκλεπτυσμένος
to reduce something in size or amount, especially supplies of energy, money, etc. μειώνω, αδειάζω, λιγοστεύω, εξανεμίζω

to a particular degree or stage, often causing particular results στο σημείο/ βαθμό που

English Explanation Greek Translation

an urgent and emotional request έκκληση

to happen or exist one after the other repeatedly εναλλάσσω, -ομαι

to make someone extremely tired εξαντλώ

a fault, mistake, or weakness, especially one that happens while something is being planned or
made, or that causes something not to be perfect ελάττωμα

to come together in large numbers μαζεύω, -ομαι, συγκεντρώνω, -ομαι

to get rid of someone or something or deal with something so that the matter is finished ξεφορτώνομαι, πετάω κάτι,
αντιλαμβάνομαι, διακρίνω, "πιάνω" με τις
to notice something that other people have not noticed αισθήσεις μου, παρατηρώ
to completely change something so that it is much better αλλάζω ριζικά

deeply or extremely βαθιά, πολύ, σε μεγάλο βαθμό

to make a hole in something using a special tool τρυπώ με τρυπάνι

a substance used to change the colour of something βαφή, μπογιά

very importantly ριζικά

to continue doing something or making progress in something, with effort or enthusiasm προχωρώ, συνεχίζω (κάτι που κάνω) με
to do something that starts an activity, or to start doing something in order to encourage other δίνω την πρώτη ώθηση
people to do the same
especially or most importantly ιδίως, ιδιαιτέρως
describes an activity or subject that is not part of the usual school or college course εξωσχολικός, εκτός του προγράμματος
describes someone who is certain about what they think and believe, and who expresses their
ideas strongly and often ισχυρογνώμων

English Explanation Greek Translation

one of the groups that natural things can be divided into, depending on their type βασίλειο

to force someone to do something αναγκάζω, επιβάλλω

doing something a lot and unable to stop doing it παθολονικός, ψυχαναγκαστικός

able to be seen or understood εμφανής, προφανής, φανερός

someone who introduces changes and new ideas καινοτόμος, νεωτεριστής

to control and limit something περιορίζω, αναγκάζω

something that controls what you do by keeping you within particular limits περιορισμός

life at home taking care of your house and family (αγάπη προς την) οικογενειακή ζωή
bad luck, or an unlucky event ατυχία, κακοτυχία

too special, unusual, or valuable to replace with something or someone else αναντικατάστατος

the feeling of having a negative opinion of someone or something αποδοκιμασία

a person who lives or works in a room or building ένοικος, κάτοχος

not giving or having a result or decision ανεπαρκής (για αποτέλεσμα), μη αποφασιστικός

a result or effect of an action, situation, etc. αποτέλεσμα, έκβαση

που είναι αρκετά καλό για κυκλοφορία (για
(of a vehicle) in good enough condition to be driven without danger
a system of rules, ideas, or beliefs that is used to plan or decide something; a supporting
structure around which something can be built πλαίσιο (ιδεών, κανόνων κ.τ.λ.)

(especially in economics) an improvement or a change to a higher level or value άνοδος, ανοδική πορεία, στροφή προς τα πάνω

a place where water flows out, especially from a drain, a sewage or a river εκροή, εκβολή

English Explanation Greek Translation

ξέσπασμα, απότομο ξεκίνημα (για κάτι
a time when something unpleasant suddenly starts, such as a war or disease δυσάρεστο), έκρηξη, εκδήλωση

an amount of money that you win or receive from someone unexpectedly "ουρανοκατέβατα" χρήματα

something that gives protection from the wind, such as a row of trees, bushes, or a wall προστατευτικό για τον άνεμο (π.χ. φράχτης,
τοίχος, σειρά από δέντρα κ.τ.λ.)
describes someone who has enough money or property for banks and other organizations to be
willing to lend them money αξιόπιστος για δανειοδότηση
(something that causes) the usually sudden destruction of a person, organization, or πτώση, καταστροφή
government and their loss of power, money, or health

a reduction in the amount or success of something, such as a country's economic activity πτώση, πτωτική τάση, μείωση

not carefully considered or strongly felt επιφανειακός

(of something bad) done intentionally or (of a person) determined to do exactly as you want,
even if you know it is wrong οικειοθελώς, ηθελημένα

very important and having a lot of influence on other people or things κλειδί (εδώ μεταφορικά), πολύ σημαντικός

more important, strong, or noticeable than anything else of the same type κυριαρχών, δεσπόζων

to make or change something according to the buyer's or user's needs κάνω κάτι κατά παραγγελία

the relationship between members of the same family συγγένεια

used when stating an opinion or belief that you think can be shown to be true προς συζήτηση ή διάλογο

very or very much απεριόριστα, απείρως

in a place where few people go, far from any main roads and towns μακριά από συνηθισμένα ή πολυσύχναστα μέρη
to relax completely, or not allow things to upset you χαλαρώνω, δεν αφήνω τίποτα να με ενοχλήσει

English Explanation Greek Translation

to live temporarily in basic and uncomfortable conditions περνώ χωρίς ανέσεις
to be able to live or deal with a situation with difficulty, usually by having just enough of
something you need, such as money τα βγάζω πέρα (οικονομικά)

If you do something on a shoestring, you do it with a very small amount of money περνώ με το τίποτα

someone who is very interested in music, art, theatre, etc. μανιώδης με τις τέχνες

living in very comfortable conditions because you have a lot of money μέσα στη χλιδή
to be greater than a number or amount, or to go past an allowed limit υπερβαίνω, ξεπερνώ

to be as good as something είμαι ενός (αναμενόμενου) επιπέδου, είμαι τόσο

(καλός) όσο

the idea of something that will or might happen in the future πιθανότητα, προοπτική, ελπίδα
very likely to happen υποκείμενος, που έχει την τάση
sad and without hope αποκαρδιωμένος, άθυμος

to imagine or expect that something will happen προσδοκώ, αναμένω, περιμένω

to improve the quality of something by adding something else εμπλουτίζω

to represent a quality or an idea exactly ενσαρκώνω, αποδίδω

something that is both funny and tragic τραγελαφικός

basic or main; standard or regular βασικός, κύριος, κανονικός

loss of somebody's sense of direction αποπροσανατολισμός

boring and making you feel unhappy βαρετός, ανιαρός, πληκτικός, καταθλιπτικός

the act of having little energy; the act of feeling unwilling and unable to do anything λήθαργος, νωθρότητα, υπνηλία

describes someone whose mood often changes very suddenly ιδιότροπος

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to enjoy food or an experience slowly, in order to enjoy it as much as possible απολαμβάνω (φαγητό, εμπειρία)
making you feel weak and without energy αποχαυνωτικός

the quality of being sticky (= staying fixed to any surface that is touched) η ικανότητα να κολλάς

to (cause to) become fixed in a place or position κολλώ, μένω

to look at and study something, usually a book or document, carefully είμαι σκυμμένος πάνω σε, εξετάζω προσεκτικά

not conscious of something, especially what is happening around you ο μη έχων συναίσθηση του περιβάλλοντος
a person connected with another in a particular activity συνεργάτης, σύμμαχος

a flat piece of glass, used in a window or door τζάμι

to change something from its usual, original, natural, or intended meaning, condition, or shape διαστρεβλώνω, παραμορφώνω

extremely good, beautiful, or enjoyable θείος, θεσπέσιος

perfect or without mistakes άψογος, αψεγάδιαστος τέλειος
a noisy argument or fight καυγάς, θόρυβος, φασαρία

to do something that might be very dangerous for you κάνω κάτι (επικίνδυνο) με δική μου ευθύνη
until and including this time ακόμα, μέχρι τώρα

a detailed plan or route of a journey δρομολόγιο, πρόγραμμα ταξιδιού

to cover the inside surface of something φοδράρω, στρώνω, γεμίζω

the ropes that support and control a ship's sails ξάρτια, σχοινιά πανιών πλοίου

a black substance, sticky when hot, used especially for making roads πίσσα

not friendly or pleasant ασυμπαθής, όχι προσφιλής δυσάρεστος

to cause a reaction, especially a negative one προκαλώ, ενοχλώ

happening many times, or happening again επαναλαμβανόμενος

English Explanation Greek Translation

containing or having everything that is needed within itself; describes someone who does not
αυτοτελής, αυτάρκης, ανεξάρτητος, κλειστός
have a large number of relationships with other people or does not depend on others for
support (χαρακτήρας)

having a lot of experience of doing something and therefore knowing how to do it well "ψημένος", έμπειρος
very good at doing something because you have a lot of experience of doing it; formal describes
a skill that has been obtained from a lot of practice έμπειρος, πεπειραμένος, εξασκη μένος
bored, annoyed, or disappointed, especially by something that you have experienced for too
long που έχει "μπουχτίσει" ή βαρεθεί

extremely brave and showing no fear of dangerous situations ατρόμητος

tired κουρασμένος, κατάκοπος

very tired, especially after working hard for a long time πολύ κουρασμένος, εξαντλημένος, αποκαμωμένος
having or showing reason and good judgment in making decisions γνωστικός, σώφρων

showing good judgment, especially about style and quality διορατικός, εκλεκτικός
describes a person who knows, or says they know, a lot about a subject without having direct "της πολυθρόνας", που δεν έχει ιδία πείρα γι' αυτό
experience of it που μιλάει
μανιώδης, αδιόρθωτος, αθεράπευτος, χρόνιος,
someone who does something very often and cannot stop doing it παθολογικός

to start living in a place where you intend to stay for a long time, usually with your partner εγκαθίσταμαι, τακτοποιούμαι
a person who advertises, talks about, or praises something or someone repeatedly, especially as
a way of encouraging people to like, accept, or buy something; someone who repeatedly tries κράχτης
to persuade people to buy your goods or services
not conscious of or careful about possible risks and dangers απρόσεκτος, απερίσκεπτος

to change a clock or watch to make it show a later time, especially an hour later βάζω (το ρολόι) μπροστά

English Explanation Greek Translation

certain or extremely likely to happen σίγουρα, ασφαλώς, σχεδόν σίγουρα

about περίπου

the point where a new or different situation is about to begin στα πρόθυρα, έτοιμος να, στο χείλος
If you are on the verge of something or come to the verge of something, you are very near to στα πρόθυρα, έτοιμος να
experiencing it

the situation in which events or conditions combine or happen together σε συνάρτηση με, από κοινού με
unsuccessfully μάταια, άδικα

because εξαιτίας, για λόγους

representing somebody εκ μέρους

partly μέχρι ενός σημείου, εν μέρει

but not; not including με εξαίρεση, εκτός από

not usually liking or trusting change, especially sudden change συντηρητικός

to annoy someone very much εκνευρίζω, δίνω στα νεύρα

to become so excited about something that you do not control what you say or do παρασύρω

to pay, especially unwillingly πληρώνω (χωρίς να θέλω ιδιαίτερα)

large in amount, size, force, etc. μεγάλος, δυνατός, ογκώδης, παχυλός
not having much money (είμαι) στριμωγμένος/σφιχτά οικονομικά
είμαι εκτός ελέγχου (ιδίως για παιδιά),
If someone, especially a child runs wild, they behave as they want to and no one controls them αποχαλινούμαι, οργιάζω

to be determined to do something είμαι αποφασισμένος, είμαι κάθετος

English Explanation Greek Translation

similar to, or at the same level as something σύμφωνος με, στο ίδιο επίπεδο με
an agreement in an argument in which the people involved reduce their demands or change
their opinion in order to agree συμβιβασμός

the act of sailing all the way around something πλεύση γύρω από

to criticize or complain often in an annoying way γκρινιάζω, παραπονιέμαι, μουρμουρίζω

involving doing or saying the same thing several times, especially in a way that is boring επαναλαμβανόμενος, μονότονος
to stand near the edge of a road and hold out your hand with the thumb raised as a signal for a κάνω ότι-στοπ
vehicle to stop and take you somewhere
to finally understand something or someone, or find the solution to a problem after a lot of βγάζω άκρη, καταφέρνω να καταλάβω
thought κάποιον/κάτι, βρίσκω λύση
προφύλαξη, προστατευτικό μέσο (άτομο ή
something or someone that helps protect from harm πράγμα)
για να είμαστε σίγουροι, για να μην υπάρξουν
being especially careful in order to avoid something unple asant απρόοπτα, για καλό και για κακό, καλού κακού

someone who starts their own business, especially when this involves seeing a new opportunity (νέος) επιχειρηματίας
the physical and/or mental strength to do something that might be difficult and will take a long αντοχή

to make an unpleasant feeling, such as pain or worry, less strong ανακουφίζω, καταπραϋνω

a thick piece of tree trunk or branch, especially one cut for burning on a fire κούτσουρο

o grow, develop, or be successful ευδοκιμώ, ευημερώ

to accept a particular job or responsibility αναλαμβάνω

to do something that is expected, hoped for, or promised, or to cause it to happen εκπληρώνω, πραγματοποιώ, εκτελώ
something that you hope to achieve φιλοδοξία, βλέψη

English Explanation Greek Translation

to formally choose someone to do a special piece of work δίνω εντολή/ παραγγελία

to keep a record of something, or make certain that you know or remember what has happened παρακολουθώ (κρατώντας αρχείο ή με το να

an amount shown as a number, used especially in documents and reports αριθμός, νούμερο, ποσό, ψηφίο

to accept that you are responsible for something bad or difficult φέρω/ αναλαμβάνω το βάρος/ την ευθύνη/ το
κόστος κ.τ.λ.
to pay a bill πληρώνω το λογαριασμό

to accept criticism or punishment for something you have done αντιμετωπίζω τις συνέπειες

to push someone rudely with your elbows so that you can move or have more space παραγκωνίζω

to be able to accept an unpleasant idea or watch something unpleasant ανέχομαι, κάνω κουράγιο, "έχω το στομάχι για"

to do what you are ordered or expected to do υπακούω, ακολουθώ τη "γραμμή"

a person who will legally receive money, property, or a title from another person, especially an
older member of the same family, when that other person dies κληρονόμος, διάδοχος

If you toss your hair or a part of your body you move it up and back suddenly τινάζω
the long, thick hair that grows along the top of a horse's neck or around the face and neck of a χαίτη
the act of producing a long, loud, high call by a horse when it is excited or frightened χλιμιντρίζω

useful or attractive together συμπληρωματικός

to judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something εκτιμώ, αξιολογώ

different or including many different types διαφορετικός, διάφορος, ποικίλος

more important than anything else θεμελιώδης, βασικός

English Explanation Greek Translation

directed towards or interested in something προσανατολισμένος
describes a group or organization that tries to include ma ny different types of people and treat συμπεριληπτικό (για ομάδα ή οργανισμό που
συμπεριλαμβάνει όλα τα είδη των ανθρώπων ως
them all fairly and equally ίσα)
ελιτίστικος, εκλεκτικός ως προς τη οργάνωση και
organized for the good of a few people who have special interests or abilities τα μέλη
a person in charge of a museum, library, etc. διευθυντής μουσείου, βιβλιοθήκης κ.τ.λ.
appearing or going with someone or something else συνοδευτικός

to not give enough care or attention to people or things that are your responsibility παραμελώ
to make something simpler and easier for people to understand, e specially in order to make it
more popular εκλαϊκεύω

to risk having a harmful effect on something εκθέτω (σε κάποιο κίνδυνο)

clever or surprising ways of doing things, especially with special machines μαγεία, δαιμόνια τεχνάσματα

only on the surface of something επιφανειακός

to make something seem less important than it really is ευτελίζω, υποτιμώ, υποβιβάζω

used for describing things that are not serious and that are easy to understand and enjoy ελαφρύς (σε σοβαρότητα ή σημασία)
importance, seriousness, or relationship to real facts ουσία, σημασία, σοβαρότητα, υπόσταση

to interest someone in something and keep them thinking about it απασχολώ

a change in position or direction αλλαγή, μετατόπιση, μεταστροφή

to forget about an important idea or fact because you are thinking too much about other things χάνω (απ' τα μάτια μου), μου διαφεύγει
most important or most basic κύριος, βασικός, κεντρικός
λέω / αποδίδω/ εκθέτω/ περιγράφω περιληπτικά/
to give the main facts about something επιγραμματικά

English Explanation Greek Translation

a well-known and wise statement, which often has a meaning that is different from the simple
meanings of the words it contains ρητό
a person whose job is to take care of sheep and move them from one place to another βοσκός, ποιμένας
This is one of the most common weather sayings, used by shepherds and sailors alike dating (παλιό ρητό για τον καιρό) η κόκκινη ανατολή
back over 2,000 years. A reddish sunrise is often taken to indicate an approaching storm, while a σημαίνει καταιγίδα ενώ το κόκκινο ηλιοβασίλεμα
reddish sunset is taken to indicate fair weather. σημαίνει καλοκαιρία
(something or someone that gives) great pleasure, satisfaction, or happiness απόλαυση, χαρά

This is an old wives' tale who predicted the weather by observing animal behaviour.

great trust or confidence in something or someone πίστη

the fact of being exact or correct ακρίβεια

to feel or experience something without being able to explain exactly how αισθάνομαι, διαισθάνομαι

to judge or decide something after thinking carefully about it συμπεραίνω, καταλήγω σε συμπέρασμα

to exist only in a particular area or group of people περιορίζομαι σε

If two or more facts, pieces of advice, etc. are contradictory, they are very different from each αντιφατικός

to trust someone or something or to expect them to behave in a particular way βασίζομαι σε, στηρίζομαι σε

traditional knowledge and stories about a subject παραδόσεις

to say something suddenly and unexpectedly ξεστομίζω

English Explanation Greek Translation

doubting that something is true or useful με αμφιβολίες, όχι σίγουρος, που αντιμετωπίζει με
used to show that a statement is true in another situation το ίδιο ισχύει και

used to say what you think is the likely situation πιθανώς

a small bird with curved, pointed wings that can fly very fast είδος χελιδονιού
a small bird with pointed wings and a tail with two points, which flies quickly and catches insects
to eat as it flies χελιδόνι

coming or likely to happen very soon επικείμενος

Showerproof (Showerproof clothing or material does not absorb water when it is raining lightly) που ανθίσταται στο νερό, που δεν απορροφά το
a measurement of how much water there is in the air υγρασία (στην ατμόσφαιρα)

a very strong wind θύελλα

to pick and collect crops, or to collect plants, animals, or fish to eat θερίζω, τρυγώ, μαζεύω σοδειά

essentially; fundamentally ουσιαστικά

a strong personal interest in something because you could get an advantage from it προσωπικό ενδιαφέρον/ συμφέρον
to cause something to have no effect αρνούμαι, αναιρώ, καταργώ

a state or an example of problems or trouble, which often causes a delay or loss of comfort ενόχληση, στενοχώρια, δυσκολία
to be willing to try anything to improve a difficult or unsatisfactory situation, even if it has little "πιάνομαι απ' ότι βρω", προσπαθώ να βγω από
chance of success μια δύσκολη κατάσταση μ' οποιονδήποτε τρόπο
ψήγμα, μικρή ποσότητα ( συναισθήματος ή
a small amount of an emotion or quality χαρακτηριστικού)
is starting to take effect αρχίζει να επιδρά

English Explanation Greek Translation

willingness to accept suggestions from another person and give up some of your own πάρε - δώσε, ανταλλαγή (απόψεων κ.τ.λ.)
very often ξανά και ξανά, επανειλημμένους
to do something that is not at all convenient for someone and put them in a very difficult
situation αφήνω κάποιον σύξυλο/ στα κρύα του λουτρού

to gain popularity and a lot money δόξα και χρήμα

more than anything else πρώτον και κυριοτέρον
άσπρο-μαύρο, ξεκάθαρη κατάσταση ως προς το
describes a subject or situation in which it is easy to understand what is right and wrong σωστό και το λάθος
If you support or stay with someone through thick and thin, you always supporter stay with στις καλές και στις κακές περιστάσεις, (έχουμε
them, even if there are problems or difficulties φάει) ψωμί κι αλάτι
describes a situation that is uncertain αβέβαιος

to be someone's relation είναι "αίμα" μου, είναι συγγενής μου

someone who is energetic and funny and at the centre of activity during social occasions η ψυχή της παρέας

to change something such as a plan, opinion, law, or way of behaviour slightly, usually to
improve it or make it more acceptable τροποποιώ, μεταρρυθμίζω, μετασχηματίζω

a word or phrase that is used with another word or phrase to limit or add to its meaning προσδιορισμός

quite; fairly μέτρια, μετριοπαθώς

A gradable adjective or adverb is one that can be used in the comparative or superlative, or that διαβαθμίσιμο (για επίθετο ή επίρρημα που έχει
can be qualified by words such as ’very' or 'quite' παραθετικά και διαβαθμίσεις)

thought not to be completely true or not able to be trusted; feeling doubt or not feeling certain αμφίβολος, δύσπιστος, ύποπτος
wasted time, money, etc. is time, money, etc. that is not used effectively because it does not σπαταλη μένος, χαραμισμένος, χαμένος (χρόνος,
produce the result you wanted χρήμα κ,τ.λ.)
to confuse someone by being or doing something very strange or impossible to explain καθιστώ μυστηριώδες, περιπλέκω, ζαλίζω,

English Explanation Greek Translation

εκμεταλλεύομαι πλήρως/ όσο το δυνατόν
to take full advantage of something because it may not last long
This phrase has its origins in the Bible (Timothy 6:10) and is actually misquoted from the actual
phrase " For the love of money is the root of all evil" which shows how people who love money Το χρήμα είναι η ρίζα κάθε κακού
will do anything to acquire it.
This proverb dates back in the 18th century. This proverb has a literal meaning and is actually παροιμία που λέει ότι όποιος κοιμάται και ξυπνάει
considered to be an encouragement to hard work. νωρίς είναι υγείας, πλούσιος και σοφός
This proverb is taken to mean that it might better to teach somebody to do something than do ψάρι τον ταΐζεις για μια μέρα, αλλά αν του μάθεις
something for them. να ψαρεύει τον ταΐζεις για μια ζωή.
This proverb dates back in the 11th century and means that someone who helps you when you
need him is actually a true friend. 0 καλός φίλος στην ανάγκη φαίνεται, (παροιμία)
This proverb dates back in 1570 and it actually asks people not to be quick to evaluate their παροιμία που λέει" Μη μετράς τις κότες σου πριν
βγουν από το αυγό." και εννοεί μη βιάζεσαι να
belongings and possessions
εκτιμήσεις τα υπάρχοντά σου
something that happens συμβάν, γεγονός, περιστατικό, ύπαρξη
up to the present time ως σήμερα, μέχρι τώρα, μέχρι στιγμής
knowing about or considering a particular thing δεδομένου (του γεγονότος) ότι
relating to the study of the rocks and other substances that make up the Earth and the physical
processes happening on, in, and above the Earth γεωφυσικός

happening, done, or ready before an event προκαταβολικός, πρότερος

describes an event, usually something unpleasant or unwanted, that is going to happen soon επικείμενος

English Explanation Greek Translation

to be known or discovered finally and surprisingly αποβαίνω, καταλήγω, γίνομαι, αποδεικνύομαι ως

a device that is used to record that something is present or that there are changes in something αισθητήρας
a piece of equipment that helps you to do something βοήθημα, βοηθητικός εξοπλισμός
the act of directing a ship, aircraft, etc. from one place to another, or the science of finding a
way from one place to another πλοήγηση, ναυτιλία, ναυσιπλοΐα

the act of moving from one place to another μετανάστευση, αποδημία

the number of times that a wave, especially a light, sound, or radio wave, is produced within a
particular period, especially one second συχνότητα (για ήχο)

a device that receives information, signals, etc. δέκτης

to notice something that is partly hidden or not clear, or to discover something, especially using αν ιχνεύω, εντοπίζω, διακρίνω, ανακαλύπτω,
a special method αντιλαμβάνομαι

an animal, especially a large or wild one κτήνος, θηρίο, τέρας

the traditional stories and culture of a group of people λαογραφία, λαϊκές παραδόσεις
If problems or dangers are associated with a particular thing or action, they are caused by it έχω σχέση με, έχω να κάνω με, προκαλούμαι από

a very small amount of a particular quality κόκκος, μικρή ποσότητα

the movement of blood around the body κυκλοφορία (του αίματος)

a neurotransmitter (= a chemical in the body that carries messages from the brain) that helps σεροτονίνη (νευροδιαβιβαστής που βοηθάει την
you feel relaxed and happy αίσθηση χαλαρότητας και ευθυμίας)
(of wind, rain, etc.) to hit something repeatedly and with great force χτυπώ (δυνατά και επανειλημμένα), ανεμοδέρνω,

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a large valley with very steep sides and usually a river flowing along the bottom φαράγγι, χαράδρα

a person in a law case who is accused of having done something illegal κατηγορούμενος

to make an urgent, emotional statement or request for something εκλιπαρώ, ικετεύω, κάνω έκκληση

not a severe or strong punishment or judgment as would be expected επιείκεια, μακροθυμία, χαλαρότητα

to mention something as proof for a theory or as a reason why something has happened παραθέτω, αναφέρω, επικαλούμαι
a situation which makes a crime seem less serious ελαφρύ ντικά στοιχεία

to think that someone or something is very valuable or important εκτιμώ, θεωρώ πολύτιμο ή σημαντικό
a quality in a substance or material, especially one that means that it can be used in a particular
way ιδιότητα

containing a particular type of energy, especially electrica 1 energy φορτισμένος, ηλεκτρισμένος

an atom or small group of atoms that has an electrical charge because it has added or lost one
or more electrons ιόν

the act of making someone feel fresher, healthier, and more energetic αναζωογονητικός, τονωτικός

to lose the determination to oppose something; to accept defeat υποκύπτω, υποχωρώ, υποτάσσομαι, ενδίδω

the quality of having a negative or harmful effect on something δυσμενώς

to risk going somewhere or doing something that might be dangerous or unpleasant, or to risk ριψοκινδυνεύω τολμώ, αποτολμώ, επιχειρώ
saying something that might be criticized

(the way someone earns) the money people need to pay for food, a place to live, clothing, etc. τα προς το ζην, βιοπορισμός, πόρος ζωής
at a suitable time in the future εν ευθέτω χρόνο, όταν έρθει ο καιρός, την
κατάλληλη ώρα
to cause someone or something to be in a particular state καθιστώ, κάνω
English Explanation Greek Translation
not in use any more, having been replaced by something newer and better or more fashionable απηρχαιωμένος, ξεπερασμένος, παλιός

to take control of an aircraft or other vehicle during a journey, especially using violence κάνω αεροπειρατεία

extremely annoying εκνευριστικός, εξοργιστικός

If a computer or system crashes, it suddenly stops operating καταρρέω, χαλάω (για υπολογιστή ή σύστημα)
to charge someone either more than the real price or more than the value of the product or υπερχρεώνω, υπερτιμώ, χρεώνω υπερβολικά,
service "παραφουσκώνω' λογαριασμό
(a period of) extreme or violent anger οργή, θυμός, λύσσα, μανία

perfect happiness ευδαιμονία, μακαριότητα, μεγάλη ευτυχία

the act of not wanting or not being able to believe something, and usually showing this δυσπιστία, σκεπτικισμός
behaviour that shows no interest or energy and shows tha t someone is unwilling to take action,
especially over something important απάθεια, αδιαφορία

the act of being unhappy, disappointed, or without hope αποθάρρυνση, κατήφεια, κατάθλιψη
(a cause of) a feeling of great sadness θλίψη, λύπη, πόνος, οδύνη, στενοχώρια

a strong, often sudden, feeling that something is extremely unpleasant αποστροφή, μεταστροφή, αηδία
extreme anger οργή, θυμός, μανία, λύσσα, εξαγρίωση, φρενίτιδα

a strong feeling of hating someone or something μίσος, σιχαμάρα, απέχθεια

the quality of being boring for a long time ανία, πλήξη

a strong feeling of fear or worry τρόμος, φόβος, ανησυχία, δέος

very great surprise έκπληξη, κατάπληξη

English Explanation Greek Translation

appearing to be something, especially when this is not true φαινομενικά

not using reason or clear thinking παράλογος

a sudden forceful expression of emotion, especially anger ξέσπασμα, έκρηξη (θυμού κ.τ.λ.)
"βγάζω αφρούς", "αφρίζω", είμαι πολύ
to be extremely angry θυμωμένος/ εξαγριωμένος
an action that breaks or acts against something, especially a law, agreement, principle, or παραβίαση, παράβαση, βεβήλωση, σύληση,
something that should be treated with respect καταστρατήγηση
to manage, to direct διευθύνω (μτφ.)

except for εκτός από

a ball of gas that appears in a liquid, or a ball formed of air surrounded by liquid that floats in φούσκα, φυσαλίδα, μπουρμπουλήθρα
the air
to go into a place or situation in which you are not wanted or not expected to be επεμβαίνω, εισχωρώ ενοχλητικά, ενοχλώ με την
(ανεπιθύμητη) παρουσία μου
σφυροκόπημα, χτύπος, γδούπος, δυνατός
a regular sound of something hitting something else or of a loud noise συνεχόμενος ήχος
εμποδίζω, κωλύω, φράσσω, παρεμποδίζω,
to stop something from happening or succeeding εμποδίζω την κανονική λειτουργία, μπλοκάρω
a planned way of doing something τακτική, μέθοδος

o turn away your eyes or thoughts αποστρέφω

a long look, usually of a particular kind βλέμμα, ατενές/ επίμονο/ ερευνητικό βλέμμα
not moving or not able to move ακίνητος, σταθερός, μόνιμος

finally, used to emphasize the most important fact in a situation τελικά, εν τέλει

on or towards the inside εσωτερικός, προς τα μέσα

English Explanation Greek Translation

relating to how people, situations, or things seem to be, rather than how they are inside εξωτερικός, φαινομενικός

certainly true αναμφισβήτητος, αδιαφιλονίκητος, αναντίρρητος,

An unconscious thought or feeling is one that you do not know you have ασυναίσθητος, ασυνείδητος, χωρίς επίγνωση

not important or thought to be valuable, especially because of being small ασήμαντος, ανάξιος λόγου, μηδαμινός,

too special, unusual, or valuable to replace with something or someone else αναντικατάστατος

existing in very great amounts that will never be finished αστείρευτος, ανεξάντλητος
describes someone who does not behave confidently and is afraid to say what they want or συνεσταλμένος, ανασφαλής
a type of lawyer in Britain and Australia who is trained to prepare cases and give advice on legal
subjects and can represent people in lower courts δικηγόρος, νομικός σύμβουλος
που δεν αναφέρεται σε οριστική απόφαση ή
not giving or having a result or decision αποτέλεσμα

to include something as part of something larger ενσωματώνω, συγχωνεύω, αναμιγνύω

to influence or control someone to your advantage, often without that person knowing it χειραγωγώ, χειρίζομαι

to record sound or images, or to express a feeling αιχμαλωτίζω (μτφ.), απαθανατίζω, αποτυπώνω

to go with someone or to exist at the same time as something συνοδεύω, ακολουθώ, συντροφεύω
the ability to be easily carried φορητότητα

he fact that something does not involve difficulty or effort ευκολία

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happening immediately, without any delay στιγμιαίος, ακαριαίος

ta mark made on the surface of something by pressing an object onto it εκτύπωση, τύπωμα
the act of happening or doing something in a natural, often sudden way, without any planning
or without being forced αυθορμητισμός

the situation in which someone's name is not given or known ανωνυμία

able or likely to attract public attention and be noticed ορατός, έκδηλος, καταφανής

the quality of continuing and being unlikely to stop or become less ασταμάτητα, ακατάπαυστα, αδιάκοπα, συνεχώς

doing something a lot and unable to stop doing it παθολογικός, ψυχαναγκαστικός

to continue to do something even though you are not successful or people do not support you απτόητος, ακράτητος, ανενόχλητος

exploding or able to explode easily εκρηκτικός

εξέγερση, ταραχή, οχλαγωγία, συλλαλητήριο,
a noisy, violent, and uncontrolled public meeting
στάση, λαϊκό ξεσήκωμα
απογειώνομαι (μτφ.), σημειώνω επιτυχία, γίνομαι
to suddenly start to be successful or popular δημοφιλής
to put something such as a plan or system in danger of being harmed or damaged διακινδυνεύω, ριψοκινδυνεύω, θέτω σε κίνδυνο
in danger of being harmed or destroyed σε κίνδυνο

(especially in economics) an improvement or a change to a higher level or value ανάκαμψη, βελτίωση, άνοδος, στροφή προς τα
to gradually accept a sad situation, often the death of someone you love συμβιβάζομαι με, καταλαβαίνω, κατανοώ
in a dangerous situation σε κίνδυνο

English Explanation Greek Translation

a set of fixed actions and sometimes words performed regularly, especially apart of a ceremony τελετουργικό, τυπικό, ιεροτελεστία
with several tiers (= layers or levels) με πολλά επίπεδα ή στρώματα
an expression of good wishes or respect for someone that involves holding up and then drinking
from a glass of alcohol, especially wine, after a short speech

o organize or prepare something, such as a group of people, for a purpose κινητοποιώ, επιστρατεύω

too much υπερβολικός, υπέρμετρος

to cause something to happen επιφέρω, προκαλώ

involved in something or affected by it ενδιαφερόμενος, ανακατεμένος σε κάτι, που

αφορά, που έχει να κάνει με
to quickly put on a piece of clothing φοράω κάτι στα γρήγορα

having a recognized position, or being generally known about εδραιωμένος, καθιερωμένος, πολύ γνωστός

to eat something eagerly and in large amounts so that nothing is left καταβροχθίζω

pleasure ικανοποίηση, ευχαρίστηση

a usual or accepted way of behaving, especially in social situations, often following an old way κοινωνική σύμβαση, συνήθεια, εθιμοτυπία,
of thinking or a custom in one particular society κατεστημένο
succulent food is pleasantly juicy ζουμερός, εύχυμος, γεμάτος χυμούς
απαίσιος, μοχθηρός, δυσοίωνος, απειλητικός,
making you feel that something bad or evil might happen ολέθριος, "σκοτεινός", "σατανικός"
υποτιμητικός, χλευαστικός, που κριτικάρει με
(especially of remarks) containing unpleasant criticism that is not clearly stated αγενή και ειρωνικό τρόπο

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a strong feeling of anger and dislike for a person who you feel has treated you badly, which
often lasts for a long time κακία, μνησικακία, φθόνος, άχτι
μηδαμινός, μικρός, μικροπρεπής, τιποτένιος,
not important and not worth giving attention to ασήμαντος, επουσιώδης

a situation in which people, businesses, etc. compete with each other for the same thing ανταγωνισμός, αντιζηλία, άμιλλα, συναγωνισμός
γενικά, εν γένει, σε γενικές γραμμές, από κάθε
a violent attack επίθεση, βίαιη επίθεση, έφοδος, προσβολή
spoken rather than written προφορικός, λεκτικός, φραστικός
διαδικασία, πρακτικά, τα γεγονότα, τα
a series of events that happen in a planned and controlled way πεπραγμένα
very brave or bravely determined, especially when things are difficult or the situation gives no ανδρείος, γενναίος, τολμηρός, θαρραλέος
cause for hope
If you restore a quality or ability that someone has not had for a long time, you make it possible επαναφέρω, αποκαθιστώ, επαναφέρω σε πρότερη
for them to have that quality or ability again κατάσταση, παλινορθώ, επιστρέφω

to give orders, or tell someone exactly what they must do, with total authority διατάσσω, υπαγορεύω, προστάζω
an occasion when someone is unfriendly or shows that they do not agree with or like something εχθρότητα, έχθρα, εχθροπραξία

to get control or influence επικρατώ, επιβάλλομαι, υπερισχύω, κυριαρχώ

to give something to someone younger than you in the family because you want them to have it
or because you no longer need it μεταβιβάζω, κληροδοτώ, παραδίδω
a request by a priest for God to take care of a particular person or a group of people, or God's
act of doing this ευλογία, ευχή, θεία χάρη

to come together in a single place or bring parts together in a single group συναθροίζω, -ομαι, μαζεύω, -ομαι, συναρμολογώ,
συγκεντρώνω, -ομαι, συγκαλώ

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to gradually finish φτάνω στο τέλος, τελειώνω, λήγω

behaving in a calm manner, often in a way that suggests you are not interested or do not care αδιάφορος, ατάραχος, νωχελικός, οκνός
a piece of food made into a disc shape that is then cooked πίτα σε σχήμα πιάτου, μπουρεκάκι, είδος
(mainly disapproving) very thin κοκκαλιάρης, πολύ αδύνατος, "πετσί και κόκκαλο",
to stick out in a round shape εξογκώνομαι, φουσκώνω, διογκώνω
the long, hard, hollow stem of particular plants such as bamboo, sometimes used to make
καλάμι, μπαστούνι, ραβδί, βέργα
furniture or support other plants in the garden
κουλουριάζω, -ομαι, συσπειρώνω, τυλίγω,
to arrange something in a coil (= into a series of circles) περιτυλίσσομαι
describes a part of the body that is out of its usual position, or not connected to another part of εξαρθρωμένος, όχι στη σωστή του θέση (για μέρη
the body του σώματος)
something such as heat or smoke in the air that makes it less clear, so that it is difficult to see
well θολούρα, καταχνιά, ομίχλη, σκοτοδίνη
a part of something, especially a large part τεμάχιο, μεγάλο κομμάτι, μεγάλη ποσότητα
a large cave σπήλαιο, σπηλιά

free and natural, without embarrassment or too much control χωρίς αναστολές, ασυγκράτητος
ακτινοβολώ, αστράφτω, λάμπω, λαμποκοπώ,
to shine by reflecting light from a wet or smooth surface σπινθηροβολώ

a powder made from wheat, used for making pasta and sweet dishes σιμιγδάλι

a very small piece of bread, cake, or biscuit ψίχουλο

If ink, paint, etc. smudges or if someone smudges it, it becomes dirty or not clear because
someone or something has touched it μουτζουρώνω, λεκιάζω, κηλιδώνω

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a small hollow place, especially one that appears on a person's face when they smile λακκάκι, κοιλότητα

a phrase that is often repeated ρεφραίν, επωδός, στερεότυπη φράση, φράση που
επαναλαμβάνεται συχνά
extremely generous with time, money, praise, help, etc. αφειδής, απλόχερος, γενναιόδωρος
literary describes something that has stopped changing and developing, and often belongs to
the past απολιθω μένος
something that is extremely complicated and difficult to deal with and makes any progress περιπλοκή κατάσταση
almost impossible
to come from or be a result of something πηγάζω, προέρχομαι από

making someone like you αξιαγάπητος

to make a rough deep sound like a frog or a crow κοάζω, κρώζω, κράζω, μιλάω βραχνά
(informal) to arrive in great numbers or amounts συρρέω μαζικά, καταφθάνω

to change direction στρέφω, -ομαι, γυρίζω, αλλάζω κατεύθυνση/


to (cause something to) shake or move from side to side in a way that show spoor balance ταλαντεύομαι, σείομαι, κουνιέμαι

a tyre with a white stripe around it, or a white side λάστιχο με άσπρη λωρίδα στο πλάι
άκρο, χείλος, ζάντα, πλαίσιο, περιστόμιο, κυκλικό
the outer, often curved or circular, edge of something περίγραμμα, δακτύλιος, περιφέρεια
(of an image) having shapes that do not have clear edges ασαφής, συγκεχυμένος, θαμπός, θολός, φλου
to give new life, energy, activity, or success to something αναζωογονώ, ξαναζωντανεύω

to separate into several pieces διαλύομαι, αποσυντίθεμαι, γίνομαι κομμάτια

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a line where two things join, especially a line of sewing joining two pieces of cloth or leather ραφή, συρραφή, αρμός

the meat from a goat or sheep eaten as food πρόβειο/ κατσικίσιο κρέας από μεγαλύτερα ζώα
είδος μαύρου τσαγιού που καλλιεργείται στην
a type of black tea grown in Asia, India and Sri Lanka Ινδία κα τη Σρι Λάνκα
excellent; perfect εξαιρετικός, τέλειος, άριστος

a group of things or people dealt with at the same time or considered similar in type φουρνιά, σωρός, στιβάδα, δέσμη, παρτίδα, σειρά

to speak or say something very quietly μουρμουρίζω, μιλάω σιγά

with a feeling of wanting something or someone very much με λαχτάρα, παθιασμένα

to enjoy food or an experience slowly, in order to enjoy it as much as possible απολαμβάνω (φαγητό, εμπειρία), γεύομαι
the taste that a particular food or other substance leaves in your mouth when you have
swallowed it η γεύση που απομένει

a plant whose leaves or seeds are added to food to give a special flavour κόλιανδρο

to make something completely clean απολυμαίνω, καθαρίζω (εντελώς), εξαγνίζω

the top part of the inside of your mouth ουρανίσκος

to reduce the force of something, or to prevent something from existing or developing υποτάσσω, καταβάλω, δαμάζω, νικώ,

the feeling that you want to eat food όρεξη

different from what is usual or from the way most people do things αντισυμβατικός, ασυνήθιστος, πρωτότυπος
to get something from something else παράγω, εξάγω, παίρνω, αντλώ, αποκομίζω
second from the last προτελευταίος

happening after something else επόμενος, ακόλουθος, μεταγενέστερος

being unnaturally excited or active πυρετωδώς

English Explanation Greek Translation

not wanting or not able to believe something, and usually showing this δύσπιστος, καχύποπτος, σκεπτικιστής
to plan an event or activity so that it combines with or happens at the sometime as another, or
to be planned in this way εναρμονίζω, συνδυάζω

to use fuel, energy, or time, especially in large amounts καταναλώνω, δαπανώ, ξοδεύω, σπαταλώ
to eat something eagerly and in large amounts so that nothing is left; (literary) to destroy
something completely; to read books or literature quickly and eagerly καταβροχθίζω
to like or enjoy something; If you relish the idea or thought of something, you feel pleasure that
it is going to happen απολαμβάνω, μου αρέσει
to accept something without question or without expressing disagreement; to use or take away "καταπίνω", δέχομαι ως αληθινό, αναγκάζομαι να
a large part of something valuable; to not express or show something δεχθώ, κάνω πως πιστεύω (π.χ. δικαιολογία)
having the same amount, value, purpose, qualities, etc. ίσος, ισάξιος, ισοδύναμος, ισότιμος, αντίστοιχος

a tool that works by being moved by hand or by being pulled across a surface εργαλείο, σύνεργο, σκεύος
μαχαιροπίρουνα, (κουτάλια, μαχαίρια και
knives, forks, and spoons used for eating food πιρούνια σερβίτσιου)
to catch something on the end of a pointed tool or object καμακώνω, χτυπώ με δόρυ, λογχίζω, τρυπώ

one of two or more long, sharp points on an object, especially a fork δόντι πιρουνιού, πιρούνας, δίκρανου κ.τ.λ.
to get or find something or someone with difficulty βγάζω/βρίσκω με δυσκολία, αποσπώ μετά βίας,
a detailed list of all the things in a place απογραφή, καταγραφή εμπορευμάτων, κατάλογος
γκραβούρα, χαρακτική (ξυλογραφία, λιθογραφία,
a picture printed onto paper from a piece of wood or metal into which the design has been cut κ.τ.λ.)

English Explanation Greek Translation

to use satire to show that people or ideas have bad qualities or are wrong σατιρίζω
χειρίζομαι, χρησιμοποιώ με επιδέξιο
to hold a weapon or tool and look as if you are going to use it τρόπο
the state of describing a man who behaves or looks similar to a woman θηλυπρέπεια
to try very hard to do something or to make something happen, especially for a long time or πασχίζω, προσπαθώ σκληρά, αγωνίζομαι,
against difficulties παλεύω
to move something with a scoop (= a tool with a handle and a curved, open end, used to dig out
and move an amount of something) or with something used as a scoop αφαιρώ/ μετακινώ με σέσουλα/ κουτάλα

to accept or begin to use something υιοθετώ, ενστερνίζομαι, αποδέχομαι,

παραδέχομαι, ακολουθώ (ιδέα κ.τ.λ.)
giving too much attention to small details and wanting everything to be correct and perfect;
having a strong dislike of anything dirty or unpleasant λεπτολόγος, απαιτητικός, "ψείρας"
κόβω (κρέας, φαγητό κ.τ.λ. σε λεπτά
to cut thin pieces from a large piece of cooked meat κομμάτια/ φέτες), τεμαχίζω
παράπτωμα, παράβαση, παραβίαση,
the act of breaking a law or moral rule υπέρβαση
during κατά τη διάρκεια
πολλαπλασιάζομαι, αναπαράγομαι,
to increase a lot and suddenly in number πληθύνω, αυξάνω
τροποποίηση, μετασχη ματισμός,
a change to something, usually to improve it τροπολογία, αλλαγή, διαφοροποίηση
a slender sharp prong on a fork δόντι πιρουνιού

English Explanation Greek Translation

a change from one form or type to another, or the process by which this happens σε μετάβαση, εξελισσόμενος, μεταλλασσόμενος

a fashion or general liking, especially one that is temporary στη μόδα

someone who is eating a meal, especially in a restaurant αυτός που νευματίζει ( ιδιαίτερα σε εστιατόριο)
περίπλοκος, πολύπλοκος, περίτεχνος, λεπτομερής,
containing a lot of careful detail or many detailed parts λεπτοδουλεμένος
μανούβρα, ελινμός, στρατήνημα, τέχνασμα,
a movement or set of movements needing skill and care χειρισμός
usual συνήθης, συνηθισμένος, εθιμικός
(in Marxism) the part of society, including employers and people who r un large companies, that η αστική τάξη, η μεσαία τάξη, η μπουρζουαζία
has most of the money and takes advantage of ordinary workers
to guess possible answers to a question when you do not have enough information to be certain κάνω υποθέσεις, μαντεύω, εικάζω, σκέπτομαι
to make something by cutting into especially wood or stone, or to cut into the surface of stone, σκαλίζω (πετρά, ξύλο κ.τ.λ.), χαράσσω, λαξεύω,
wood, etc. σμιλεύω, γλύφω
εξαλείφω, μηδενίζω, αφαιρώ, αποβάλλω
to remove or take away someone or something απομακρύνω, διαγράφω, αποκλείω

to follow someone or something, usually to try to catch or kill them καταδιώκω, ακολουθώ, κυνηγώ
a large container with a wide, round base, straight sides, and a narrow opening at the top, used κανάτα, κανάτι, στάμνα, υδρία
in the past for holding water or another liquid
a situation or type of behaviour that is expected and considered to be typical το συνηθισμένο, το κανονικό
something that is slightly different from other similar things διαφορά, παραλλαγή

English Explanation Greek Translation

a large metal plate used to bring food, drinks, or letters to people, especially in a formal δίσκος (σερβιρίσματος/ προσκόμισης επιστολών)
επιμεταλλωμένος, καλυμμένος, επιχρισμένος (για
to cover a metal object with a thin layer of another metal, especially gold or silver μέταλλα)
a very thin sheet of metal, especially used to wrap food in to keep it fresh αλουμινόχαρτο

with a covering of the stated substance επικαλυμμένος, επιχρισμένος, επενδυμένος, με

(informal often disapproving) to drink, especially alcohol, quickly and in large amounts πίνω απλήστως, ρουφώ
to pull in liquid or air through your mouth without using your teeth, or to move the tongue and
muscles of the mouth around something inside your mouth, often in order to dissolve it ρουφώ, πιπιλίζω

like the thing mentioned σαν, που μοιάζει με,- ειδής

a group of cells, found especially on the tongue, which allow different tastes to be recognized γευστικός κάλυκας
giving or expressing pleasure through the physical senses, rather than pleasing the mind or the
intelligence αισθησιακός

describes food that needs to be chewed a lot before it is swallowed που χρειάζεται πολύ μάσημα

(of meat or vegetables) easy to cut or chew (= crush with the teeth) τρυφερός, μαλακός

having a pleasant sweet taste or containing a lot of j'uice χυμώδης

Food that is fibrous contains fibre ινώδης, που περιέχει ίνες

sour in taste οξύς, όξινος

describes food or smells that make you want to eat ορεκτικός

very beautiful and delicate εξαίσιος, εξαίρετος, πανέμορφος

English Explanation Greek Translation

having a soft or soggy texture πολτώδης, ζυμώδης

too ripe and starting to decay παραγινω μένος (για καρπούς)

to develop to a suitable condition for something to happen ωριμάζω

to rise very quickly to a high level; to reach a great height εκτινάσσομαι, πετώ ψηλά, εξακοντίζομαι,
ανέρχομαι ραγδαία, υψώνομαι
(of a plant) to become weak and begin to bend towards the ground, or (of a person) to become μαραίνομαι, φθίνω, μαραζώνω, νιώθω αδυναμία,
weaker, tired, or less confident είμαι πεσμένος
relating to the particular season of the year εποχιακά

made of very thin pieces of wood twisted together ψάθινος

δενδρόκηπος, περιβόλι οπωροφόρων δένδρων
an area of land where fruit trees (but not orange trees or other citrus trees) are grown (εκτός από εσπεριδοειδή)
having a bluish-purple colour λουλακής, με βαθύ μπλε-βιολετί χρώμα

the leaves of a plant or tree, or leaves on the stems or branches on which they are growing φύλλωμα, φυλλωσιά
rough and twisted, especially because of old age or no protection from bad weather οζώδης, ροζιασμένος

the fact of many different types of things or people being included in something ποικιλία, ποικιλομορφία
to prepare land and grow crops on it, or to grow a particular crop καλλιεργώ
to carry the powder produced by the male part of a flower that causes the female part of the γονιμοποιώ με τη μεταφορά γύρης
same type of flower to produce seeds usually by insects or the wind.
food or any other substance or material that is grown or obtained through farming καρπός, παραγωγή

money given as part of the cost of something, to help or encourage it to happen επιχορήγηση, επίδομα, επιδότηση, κρατικό

English Explanation Greek Translation

something that makes a good situation even better "το κερασάκι στην τούρτα"

to have a large amount of important work, to deal with έχω πολλά στο κεφάλι μου

to depend for your success on a single person or plan of action διακυβεύω τα πάντα σε μια επιχείρηση

to have something more important to do έχω πιο σημαντικά πράγματα να κάνω

to make something bad seem less unpleasant "χρυσώνω το χάπι"

"δεν παίρνω της μετρητής", "κρατάω πισινή",
to not completely believe something that you are told, because you think it is unlikely to be true είμαι δύσπιστος/ καχύποπτος

to tell people secret information λέω/ αποκαλύπτω μυστικό, "βγάζω στη φόρα"
γίνομαι ανάρπαστος, πουλιέμαι σε μεγάλες
to be bought quickly and in large numbers ποσότητες γρήγορα
If someone has or gets egg on their face, they look stupid because of something that they have (φαίνομαι) ανόητος/ γελοίος για κάτι που έκανα,
done ντροπιασμένος
to admit that you were wrong ζητώ ταπεινά συγγνώμη, ταπεινώνομαι
an advantage such as medical insurance, life insurance, and sick pay, that employees receive
from their employer in addition to money προνόμιο, επίδομα (επαγγέλματος)

the effect that an action or decision will have on something else in the future συνέπεια, επίπτωση

to put a thin, transparent plastic material around something so that it tightly covers it τυλίγω/ καλύπτω με ζελατίνη

δημοσιογραφώ (για λογαριασμό εντύπου),

to write articles for a newspaper, magazine, or book συνεργάζομαι

a question, asked in order to make a statement, that does not expect an answer ρητορική ερώτηση

English Explanation Greek Translation

If you preface your words or actions with something else, you say or do this other thing first προλογίζω, κάνω εισαγωγή

a book or film that is very successful μεγάλη ταμιακή επιτυχία (για βιβλίο ή ταινία)
δευτερεύουσα υπόθεση (έργου ή βιβλίου που
a part of the story of a book or play that develops separately from the main story εξελίσσεται ανεξάρτητα από τη κύρια υπόθεση)
απεικονίζω, ζωγραφίζω, περιγράφω, παριστάνω,
to represent or describe someone or something in a painting, film, book, or other artistic work υποδύομαι
to go in a particular direction κατευθύνομαι

the centre of a disagreement; (literal) the centre of the storm το μάτι του κυκλώνα

to start to have an effect or to happen αρχίζω να επιδρώ

to look at something carefully, with the eyes or with a machine, in order to get information σαρώνω, σκανάρω, εξετάζω προσεκτικά (με το
μάτι ή με ηλεκτρονικό μέσο), ανιχνεύω

something that must exist or happen before something else can exist or happen προαπαιτούμενο, αναγκαία προϋπόθεση
a method that is used to produce a particular effect μέσο, τέχνασμα, επινόημα, εφεύρεση,
μηχανισμός, κόλπο, μέθοδος, τρόπος
to perform the same job as another thing or to take its place αντικαθιστώ, υποκαθιστώ, αναπληρώνω, παίρνω
τη θέση
to look or seem the same as surrounding people or things and therefore not be easily αναμιγνύομαι, ανακατεύομαι, συγχωνεύομαι,
noticeable γίνομαι ένα με το περιβάλλον

to do or begin to do something, especially something that will take a long time or be difficult αναλαμβάνω, καταπιάνομαι, επιχειρώ,

English Explanation Greek Translation

deserving great admiration, praise, and honour ένδοξος, λαμπρός, περίφημος, μεγαλοπρεπής,
δοξασμένος, θαυμάσιος, υπέροχος

ground near a lake, a river, or the sea that often floods and is always wet υγρότοπος, έλος, βάλτος

a place where people come to live or the process of settling in such a place αποικία, αποικισμός, εγκατάσταση
(especially of a place) not attractive αφιλόξενος, μη ελκυστικός (για μέρος)
σαρώνω, περνώ γρήγορα και σε ευρύ φάσμα,
to move, especially quickly and powerfully διατρέχω, διέρχομαι με μεγάλη ταχύτητα

an area of sea water separated from the sea by a reef (= a line of rocks and sand) λιμνοθάλασσα, αλμυρή λίμνη

to have a feud (= argument) with someone έχω έχθρα/ διχόνοια/ βεντέτα με κάποιον
συνεχώς, αιώνια, ατελείωτα, αενάως, παντοτινά,
always or very often
the feeling or quality of being grateful ευγνωμοσύνη

an occasion when a plan or an idea begins to happen, exist, or be successful πραγματοποίηση, εκπλήρωση, ικανοποίηση
to consider or judge something in a particular way θεωρώ, νομίζω, κρίνω, έχω τη γνώμη
συγκόπτω, περικόπτω, συντομεύω (για λέξη ή
o make a word or phrase shorter by using only the first letters of each word φράση)

If a situation or decision comes down to something, that is the thing that influences it most καταλήγω σε, είναι θέμα, έχω να κάνω με
effect of another; to say that an amount of money should be considered a cost of your business
and that therefore you should not pay tax on it αντιπαραθέτω, εκπίπτω

to be as good as something ανταποκρίνομαι σε κάτι, εκπληρώνω

English Explanation Greek Translation

to do or finish an unpleasant but necessary piece of work or dut y so that you do not have to τελειώνω, ξεμπερδεύω με κάτι
worry about it in the future

to begin something such as a plan or introduce something new such as product λανσάρω, ξεκινάω, προωθώ, εξαπολύω
having or based on a clear understanding and good judgment of a situation, resulting in an
advantage διορατικός

not able to be changed or improved οριστικός, τελειωτικός, τελικός

κάτι μη σοβαρό, χωρίς αξία αλλά διασκεδαστικό ή
something that is not serious and has no real value, but is entertaining or attractive ελκυστικό, "φρου φρου κι αρώματα"
unusual in a pleasing and exciting or silly way εκκεντρικός, παλαβός, παράξενος
a large sea fish that can be eaten βακαλάος, γάδος, μουρούνα, μπακαλιάρος
not known to many people άσημος, όχι πολύ γνωστός

to spread through something and be present in every part of it διαποτίζω, διαπερνώ, διεισδύω, διαχύνομαι
διακύμανση, αυξομείωση, ταλάντευση,
the act of changing, especially continuously and between one level or thing and another ανεβοκατέβασμα, σκαμπανέβασμα

the smallest amount or unit of something, especially energy κβάντο (στοιχειώδης ποσότητα π.χ. ενέργειας)
larger in amount than usual υπερβολικά μεγάλος

a very light, sweet cake made by mixing sugar with egg white (= the clear partjand baking it γλυκό από ψημένη μαρέγκα
μελετώ εντατικά, προετοιμάζομαι εντατικά για
to try to learn a lot very quickly before an exam εξετάσεις
(disapproving) If you regurgitate facts, you just repeat what you have heard without thinking παπαγαλίζω, αναμασώ
about it

English Explanation Greek Translation

the quality of being serious σοβαρότητα, επισημότητα

marking, spotting στίγμα, κηλίδα, λεκές, πιτσιλιά

showing good judgment; able to be trusted λογικός, ορθός, σωστός, βάσιμος

a person, shop, or business that sells goods to the public λιανοπώλης, κατάστημα/ επιχείρηση λιανικής
to start an activity with a particular aim ξεκινώ (να καταπιάνομαι με) δραστηριότητα
an amount of time that is officially allowed for a single event in a planned order of activities or χρόνος που διατίθεται για συγκεκριμένο γεγονός
events από σειρά προγραμματισμένων γεγονότων
to accept a particular job or responsibility αναλαμβάνω

to find out more about something, or take further action connected with it δίνω συνέχεια, παρακολουθώ την πρόοδο/ εξέλιξη
to examine the facts about a problem or situation εξετάζω, διερευνώ, ερευνώ, μελετώ

failure to act correctly or legally when doing your job, often causing injury or loss κατάχρηση, αδίκημα, αμέλεια
(υπόθεση) που "έχει ζουμί", γαργαλιστικός,
(informal) describes information that is especially interesting because it is shocking or personal
εντυπωσιακός, σκανδαλώδης
to examine something or get more information about it in order to be certain that it is true, ελέγχω, τσεκάρω, κάνω λεπτομερή έρευνα
safe, or suitable
to be very noticeable ξεχωρίζω, εξέχω, διακρίνομαι

main or most important κύριος, πρωταρχικός, έξοχος, εξαίρετος, πρώτος,

τέλειος, ανώτερης ποιότητας

English Explanation Greek Translation

to make a person notice someone or something, usually by telling them where they are or by δείχνω, υποδεικνύω, επισημαίνω, στρέφω την
holding up one of your fingers towards them προσοχή σε
a piece of paper that can be used to pay for particular goods or services or that allows you to κουπόνι, δελτίο, απόδειξη πληρωμής, διατακτική
pay less than the usual price for them ταξιδιού, βάουτσερ
to accept or continue to accept an unpleasant situation or experience, or someone who ανέχομαι, αντέχω, υποφέρω
behaves unpleasantly
to look at something or someone carefully in order to discover information, especially about επιθεωρώ, επιτηρώ, ελέγχω, εξετάζω, εποπτεύω
their quality or condition
υποχωρώ (επειδή παραδέχομαι το λάθος μου ή
to admit that you were wrong or that you have been defeated την ήττα μου)
the person who buys something αγοραστής

to admit, often unwillingly, that something is true παραδέχομαι, αποδέχομαι, αναγνωρίζω

in the correct position στη σωστή θέση

If you say that something bad serves someone right, you mean that they deserve it μου αξίζει, καλά να πάθω
used about something bad that happens in an obvious way but in a way that you do not notice
or cannot prevent "κάτω απ' τη μύτη σου"
λέω αυτό που αναμένεται, κάνω ότι ενδιαφέρομαι
to say the things you are expected to say, sometimes when you do not mean them γι' αυτό που λέει ο άλλος

If you are within your rights to do something, you are legally allowed to do it έχω το (νομικό) δικαίωμα

if the situation was fair κανονικά, δικαιωματικά

If you are in the right, what you are doing is morally or legally correct (έχω) δίκιο

to be healthy, especially after having been ill for a period of time είμαι "περδίκι", είμαι μια χαρά/ υγειής

English Explanation Greek Translation

(informal) happening or done at the particular moment that it was expected to happen or be
done πάνω στην ώρα

legal controls over who is allowed to use a book or film τα δικαιώματα (βιβλίου, ταινίας κ.τ.λ.)
σπουδαστής, μελετητής, λόγιος, μορφωμένος, με
a person who studies a subject in great detail, especially at a university ειδικές σπουδές, φιλόλογος, ειδικός σε ορισμένο
πεδίο, επιστήμονας
a person who is very skilled in a particular job or activity ειδήμων, ειδικός, δάσκαλος, δεξιοτέχνης
σώμα, ομάδα ανθρώπων, σωματείο, οργάνωση,
a group of people who have joined together for a particular reason οργανισμός
an expert on a subject αυθεντία

to state an idea or opinion, or to suggest a plan or person, for other people to consider προτείνω, διατυπώνω, υποβάλω

to prepare something for use, especially by putting the different parts of it together στήνω, ιδρύω, ανεγείρω, προετοιμάζω για
λειτουργία, τοποθετώ
to win or get a prize or something that gives you an advantage, such as votes or support αποκτώ, παίρνω, κερδίζω, μαζεύω
βγάζω, φέρνω στην επιφάνεια, φανερώνω, τονίζω,
to make a particular quality or detail noticeable αναδεικνύω
an object that causes a feeling of great surprise and admiration: θαύμα, θαυμασμός, έκπληξη, κατάπληξη

to completely change something so that it is much better αλλάζω ριζικά, "φέρνω την επανάσταση σε"
απρόσμενα, απροσδόκητα, ξαφνικά, απ' το
If something happens out of the blue, it is completely unexpected πουθενά, στα καλά καθούμενα, αναπάντεχα
σχεδιάζω, επινοώ, μηχανεύομαι, σκαρφίζομαι,
to invent a plan, system, object, etc., usually cleverly or using imagination καταστρώνω

English Explanation Greek Translation

συλλαμβάνω, εννοώ, διανοούμαι, φαντάζομαι,
to imagine something καταλαβαίνω, αντιλαμβάνομαι
to develop all the details of a plan for doing something διατυπώνω, εκφράζω, διαμορφώνω

an occasion when two or more people or things communicate with or react to each other αλληλεπίδραση, διάδραση, επικοινωνία

to gather; to grow into clusters (= a group of similar things) συλλέγω, μαζεύομαι

If lines, roads, or paths converge, they move towards the same point where they join or meet; If
ideas and opinions converge, they gradually become similar; to come from other places to meet συγκλίνω
in a particular place
to (cause to) come together in order to provide support or make a shared effort; to return to a ανασυντάσσω, ανακάμπτω, συνέρχομαι, ανακτώ
better condition
to do or be better than υπερβαίνω, υπερέχω, υπερτερώ, κάνω καλύτερα,
είμαι καλύτερος
surrounded by walls, objects, or structures περιτριγυρισμένος, περιφραγμένος, κλειστός

an event that happens after and is the result of an earlier event επακόλουθο, συνέχεια, συνέπεια, αποτέλεσμα

something that happens as a result of other actions, events, or decisions έκβαση, αποτέλεσμα, συμπέρασμα, κατάληξη
συνέχεια, επακόλουθο, απάντηση, απόκριση,
a further action connected with something that happened before αντίλογος

to happen at the same time as something else, or be similar or equal to something else παράλληλος, όμοιος, ανάλογος
If two or more facts, numbers, etc. correlate or are correlated, there is relationship between
them συσχετίζω, ομαι, συγγενεύω

to consider one thing to be the same as or equal to another thing εξισώνω

to make something look larger than it is, especially by looking at it through especially cut piece
of glass μεγενθύνω
επαυξάνω, ενισχύω, προάγω, εμπλουτίζω,
to improve the quality, amount, or strength of something βελτιώνω, δυναμώνω

English Explanation Greek Translation

to increase or make something increase, especially an emotion or effect αυξάνω, υψώνω, ενισχύω

a state of untidiness or lack of organization αταξία, ακαταστασία, αναταραχή, αποδιοργάνωση

money and possessions, especially a large amount of money used for producing more wealth or
κεφάλαιο (χρημάτων)
for starting a new business
the sound of people clapping their hands repeatedly to show enjoyment or approval of
something such as a performance or speech χειροκρότημα

something that happens or succeeds suddenly because of luck, intelligence, etc. στινμή (τύχης, μεγαλοφυϊας κ.τ.λ.)

a very small mark, piece, or amount ίχνος, ψήγμα, στίγμα

a continuous flow of things or people ρεύμα

a continuous low sound συνεχής υπόκωφος θόρυβος, βοή, βροντή

a small amount of smoke, air, or something that can rise into the air in a small cloud φύσημα, πνοή, φούσκα

a situation in which there is great confusion, violence, and destruction δίνη

the act of moving quickly with a twisting, circular movement στροβιλισμός, στρόβιλος

to suddenly release a violent force that cannot be controlled εξαπολύω, ελευθερώνω

to control something, usually in order to use its power χαλιναγωγώ, τιθασεύω

a drinking container that does not have a handle or a stem ποτήρι

the clothing worn by a football team that has the team's colours on it στολή ποδοσφαιρικής ομάδας

σύνδεση, δεσμός, ένταξη, εισδοχή, προσχώρηση,

a connection with a political party or religion, or with a larger organization ιδεολογική συγγένεια

an area or position that is exactly suitable for a small group of the same type (μέρος με) κατάλληλες συνθήκες διαβίωσης

English Explanation Greek Translation

a feeling of great respect sometimes mixed with fear or su rprise δέος, σεβασμός, φόβος

very great που δεσπόζει, πολύ σπουδαίος, εξαιρετικός

shiny γυαλιστερός, γυαλισμένος

very great or very large υπερβάλλων, συντριπτικός, ακαταμάχητος,

σαρωτικός, αφόρητος, δυσβάσταχτος

connected with the physical senses of touch, smell, taste, hearing, and sight αισθητήριος

the act of pausing before doing something, especially because you are nervous or not certain δισταγμός, διστακτικότητα, κόμπιασμα

a man who works in advertising διαφημιστής

to control or limit something that is not wanted συγκρατώ, χαλιναγωγώ, καταστέλλω, "δαμάζω"
an official limit on something περιορισμός
ευάλωτος, ευπαθής, ευπρόσβλητος, τρωτός,
able to be easily physically, emotionally, or mentally hurt, influenced, or attacked εκτεθειμένος, ευαίσθητος
πληρώνω (συνήθως παρά τη θέλησή μου), "τα
to pay or give money for something, usually unwillingly σκάω", "ξηλώνομαι"

If a fact dawns on you, you understand it after a period of not understanding it συνειδητοποιώ, μου έρχεται στο νου
because you suddenly want to, although you haven't planned to αυθόρμητα, παρορμητικά

connected with thinking or conscious mental processes γνωστικός

the range of a subject covered by a book, programme, discussion, class, etc. πεδίο, σφαίρα

excited or angry θυμωμένος, εξοργισμένος, ενθουσιασμένος

English Explanation Greek Translation

If an emotion, opinion, etc. is embedded in someone or something, it is a very strong or ενσωματωμένος, συνυφασμένος
important part of them
διαμάχη, καυγάς, φιλονικία, διεκδίκηση, έριδα,
an opinion expressed in an argument αντιδικία, διένεξη
to describe or explain something in a way that makes it seem more important or serious than it "τα παραλέω", υπερβάλλω, μεγαλοποιώ,
really is εξογκώνω (σε περιγραφή)

a great number of complaints, criticisms, or questions suddenly directed at someone καταιγισμός (ερωτήσεων, παραπόνων κ.τ.λ.)
to behave in an annoying manner towards someone by doing or asking for something παιδεύω, ενοχλώ, βασανίζω, τριβελίζω, "γίνομαι
repeatedly φόρτωμα"
a sudden wish or idea, especially one that cannot be reasonably explained καπρίτσιο, ιδιοτροπία, παραξενιά, ξαφνική

to make something seem larger, more important, better, or worse than it really is υπερβάλλω, μεγαλοποιώ, "φουσκώνω"

used to emphasize how very great, important, or powerful a quality or feeling is; nothing except απόλυτος, καθαρός
knowledge that something exists, or understanding of a situation or subject at the present time επίγνωση, συνείδηση, συνειδητοποίηση
based on information or experience
μη αποδοτικός, αναποτελεσματικός, ανεπαρκής,
not organized, skilled, or able to work in a satisfactory way ανίκανος
Insecure people have little confidence and are uncertain about their own abilities or if other
people really like them ανασφαλής, χωρίς αυτοπεποίθηση

to have a strong wish or hope to do or have something φιλοδοξώ

something that you hope to achieve φιλοδοξία, βλέψη, επιδίωξη, ιδανικό

bad luck, or an unlucky event ατυχία, ατύχημα, δυστύχημα, κακοτυχία, συμφορά

doubting that something is true or useful με αμφιβολίες, όχι σίγουρος, που αντιμετωπίζει με

English Explanation Greek Translation

to not understand a situation correctly παρανοώ, παρεξηγώ, καταλαβαίνω λάθος

very σοβαρά, πολύ

to have as parts or members, or to be those parts or members αποτελούμαι, περιλαμβάνω, αποτελώ, περιέχω

to move slowly, quietly, and carefully, usually in order to avoid being noticed πλησιάζω/ προχωρώ αθόρυβα, σέρνομαι
διασχίζω έκταση νερού με τα πόδια, προχωρώ με
to walk through water with difficulty because of the pressure of the water against your legs δυσκολία στο νερό
If liquid trickles somewhere, it flows slowly and without force in a thin line κυλώ αργά, στάζω

to rain heavily βρέχει καταρρακτωδώς

seeming to be in all places πανταχού παρών, ευρέως διαδεδομένος

to discover something by chance, or to meet someone by chance "πέφτω πάνω", συναντώ/ βρίσκω τυχαία
If an event runs on, it continues for longer than expected; If time runs on, it seems to pass συνεχίζω πέρα απ' το αναμενόμενο (για γεγονός),
quickly περνάω γρήγορα (για χρόνο)
to be characteristic of something χαρακτηρίζω, αντιπροσωπεύω, έχω τυπικά
χαρακτηριστικά, συμβολίζω, τυποποιώ
a particular situation, event, or fact, especially an example of something that happens generally στιγμή, περίσταση, περιστατικό, περίπτωση
an action, situation, or decision that has already happened and can be used as a reason why a προηγούμενο
similar action or decision should be performed or taken

an example that explains or proves something παράδειγμα, επεξήγηση

to discover something in the ground; to discover proof or some other information, especially ξεθάβω, φέρνω στην επιφάνεια/ στο φως,
after careful searching αποκαλύπτω

English Explanation Greek Translation

to show the bad, and previously hidden, truth about someone or something ξεσκεπάζω, αποκαλύπτω, φανερώνω
the often gradual development of something, or the way something happens, or a way of doing πορεία, εξέλιξη, ροή

to attack someone; to surround or catch someone and prevent them from escaping επιτίθεμαι, περικυκλώνω και πιάνω
αρχίζω/ προχωρώ σταδιακά, προοδεύω, αρχίζω να
to start to happen or work λειτουργώ, ανάβω (για φώτα, μηχανήματα κ.τ.λ.)
to raise something or lift something up; to make someone or something more important or to
improve something σηκώνω, ανεβάζω, ανυψώνω

to make something more beautiful or interesting by adding something to it διακοσμώ, στολίζω

being the legal owner of land, a job, or an official public position, or the period of time during κατοχή, διάρκεια θητείας, χρόνος μίσθωσης, έδρα
which you own it; the right to remain permanently in a job (πανεπιστημίου)
he situation of owning something ιδιοκτησία
the legal right to manage and look after another person's money, investments, etc. επιτήρηση, κηδεμονία

better than average or better than other people or things of the same type ανώτερος, καλύτερος

until and including this time ακόμα, μέχρι τώρα

If a reason, argument, etc. is compelling, it makes you believe it or accept it because it is so επιτακτικός, ακαταμάχητος, αδιάσειστος
difficult to believe, or unlikely απίθανος, απίστευτος, αβάσιμος
to show something and explain how it works δείχνω, επιδεικνύω, επεξηγώ, αποδεικνύω
unable to understand and use numbers in calculations που δεν ξέρει αριθμητική
έμφυτη ικανότητα, δεξιότητα, κλίση, ταλέντο,
a natural ability or skill τάση, έφεση

English Explanation Greek Translation

επιστημονικός κλάδος, κλάδος/ τομέας σπουδών,
a particular area of study, especially a subject studied at a college or university μάθημα, επιστήμη
δυσδιάκριτος, συγκεχυμένος, αμυδρός, θαμπός,
not clear and difficult to understand or see θολός, αβέβαιος
to limit an activity, person, or problem in some way περιορίζω, περικλείω, εγκλείω, θέτω υπό
περιορισμό/ κράτηση, οριοθετώ, κρατώ, φυλακίζω
connected with language or the study of language γλωσσικός, γλωσσολογικός
διαλύω, διασκορπίζω, διώχνω, αποπέμπω,
to remove fears, doubts, and false ideas, usually by proving them wrong or unnecessary απωθώ, απομακρύνω
κεντρικός, κύριος, βασικός, καίριος, σημαντικός,
main or important θεμελιώδης
An uncharted place or situation is completely new and therefore has never been described
before αχαρτογράφητος, ανεξερεύνητος, άγνωστος
a subject that you know about or have experience in τομέας, χώρος, σφαίρα, περιοχή, πεδίο, κλάδος

used to say that what you have just said is also true in the opposite order ...και το αντίθετο,... και αντίστροφα
If an activity or situation spills over, it begins to affect another situation or group of people,
χύνω, ξεχειλίζω, διαχέομαι, επηρεάζω (αρνητικά)
especially in an unpleasant or unwanted way

relating to your ability to think and understand things, es pecially complicated ideas διανοητικός, νοητικός, πνευματικός, λογικός
to relate to or connect to συνδέομαι, έχω σχέση με
when a situation or statement seems impossible or difficult to understand because it contains
two opposite facts or characteristics παράδοξος, αντιφατικός

extremely υπερβολικά, φοβερά, πολύ, καταφανώς

work δουλειά, εργασία

English Explanation Greek Translation

continuing for ever in the same way αέναος, διηνεκής, ασταμάτητος, αδιάκοπος,
συνεχής, αιώνιος, ατελείωτος, ακατάπαυστος
the act or process of moving, or a particular action or movement κίνηση, κινητικότητα
επιβεβαιώνω, επαληθεύω, πιστοποιώ,
to prove something is true διαπιστώνω, υποστηρίζω

describes information that is not based on facts or careful study ανέκδοτος, ατεκμηρίωτος,
σαστίζω, μπερδεύω, "γελοίος"
εκπλήσσω, προκαλώ
to confuse and very much surprise someone, so that they are unable to explain or deal with a σύγχυση, αναστατώνω, απορυθμίζω,
situation αποσυντονίζω, διαταράσσω, εξοργίζω, συγχύζω,
ταράζω, φέρνω σε δύσκολη θέση
to fail to use an opportunity to enjoy or get an advantage from something χάνω (ευκαιρία), παραλείπω, στερούμαι

to be offended or made angry by something or someone ενοχλούμαι από

είμαι της γνώμης, έχω την άποψη, πιστεύω,
to have a particular opinion or way of thinking about someone or something θεωρώ, φρονώ
to disagree strongly διαφωνώ (κάθετα), αντιτίθεμαι
to give attention to something προσέχω, δίνω σημασία, παρατηρώ, ακούω

to consider or remember something when judging a situation λαμβάνω υπόψη

how much you get from them; to believe something to be the truth without even thinking
about it έχω/ θεωρώ/ παίρνω δεδομένο
παίρνω θέση, εκφράζω άποψη, κοινοποιώ τη
to take an opinion, especially one that is public στάση μου, λέω τη γνώμη μου, μιλώ ξεκάθαρα

English Explanation Greek Translation

to surprise someone εκπλήσσω, καταλαμβάνω εξαπίνης, ξαφνιάζω

a position of less importance "στα παρασκήνια", υποδεέστερη θέση

If you stick to a law, rule, or promise, you obey it or do what it states εμμένω, υπακούω, τηρώ, συμμορφώνομαι με,
παραμένω πιστός/ αφοσιωμένοΟς σε, δεν
a written statement of the beliefs, aims, and policies of an organization, especially a political διακήρυξη, μανιφέστο
a serious or formal promise, especially one to give money or to be a friend, or something that υπόσχεση, δέσμευση, όρκος, διαβεβαίωση, λόγος
you give as a sign that you will keep a promise τιμής

αμυδρός, ασθενικός, αδύναμος, άτονος,

not strong or clear; slight ανεπαίσθητος, θαμπός

a medical operation in which a new organ is put into someone's body μεταμόσχευση
to become more successful or powerful than something or someone else that is involved in the παίρνω τον έλεγχο, γίνομαι ισχυρότερος,
same type of activity αναλαμβάνω
it is likely υπάρχει πιθανότητα, είναι πιθανό

If a situation is doubtful, it is unlikely to happen or to be successful αμφίβολος, αβέβαιος

σκάλωμα, πρόβλημα, κωλυσιεργία, περιορισμός,
a temporary difficulty that causes a short delay τροχοπέδη
a broken part or weakness in a machine or system βλάβη, ελάττωμα, ψεγάδι

almost certainly κατά πάσα πιθανότητα, πιθανότατα

a result that is obvious to everyone even before it happens αναπόφευκτο, βεβαιότητα, σιγουριά
flow ρέω, κυλώ

English Explanation Greek Translation

happening, done, or chosen by chance rather than according to a plan τυχαίος, στην τύχη, συμπτωματικός, απρόοπτος

the things that will happen in the future μέλλον, μοίρα, πεπρωμένο, ριζικό, τύχη, γραφτό
εφευρίσκω, σκαρφίζομαι, μηχανεύομαι, πλάθω
to invent something very unusual and usually silly (με το μυαλό μου), επινοώ, σοφίζομαι, σκαρώνω
using new methods or ideas καινοτόμος, πρωτότυπος, εφευρετικός

the group of brass instruments or players in a band or orchestra τα (χάλκινα) πνευστά (όργανα ορχήστρας)

musical instruments that you play by hitting them with your hand or an object such as a stick κρουστό
the group of instruments that have strings and are played with a bow or with the fingers, or the έγχορδο
players in a musical group who play these instruments
belonging or relating to a group of pipeshaped musical instruments that are played by blowing
through one end or across a hole near one end τα ξύλινα πνευστά

the natural patterns of lines in the surface of wood or cloth κυματοειδής αποχρώσεις/ γραμμές/ "νερά" ξύλου
ή υφάσματος
the amount that is wasted απώλεια, φύρα, σπατάλη
a liquid that is painted onto wood or paintings to protect the surface, or the hard shiny surface βερνίκι, λούστρο
it produces when it dries
not loud, bright, noticeable, or obvious in any way λεπτός, φίνος, δαιμόνιος, ευαίσθητος,
the quality of having a lot of small parts or details that are arranged in a complicated way and
are therefore sometimes difficult to understand, solve, or produce περίπλοκα, δύσκολα

English Explanation Greek Translation

the same; not changing or different in any way ομοιόμορφος, ενιαίος, χωρίς ποικιλίες
beautifully ωραία, κομψά, φινετσάτα, εξαίσια, εύγεστα,
λεπτεπίλεπτα, απαλά, λεπτά
an evergreen tree (= one that never loses its leaves) that grows in cooler areas of the world πεύκο

a type of large tree that grows in northern areas of the world, or the wood of this tree σφένδαμος, ξύλο σφενδάμου
αρχάριος, πρωτόπειρος, πρωτάρης, νέος (π.χ. σε
a person who is not experienced in a job or situation επάγγελμα)
βρώμικος, ρυπαρός, ακάθαρτος, λερωμένος,
(informal) dirty βρωμιάρης, βρομερός
απαλός, μαλακός, ήρεμος, ήπιος, πράος, γλυκός,
smooth and soft, or not too sharp, bright, new, or rough ώριμος, πλούσιος (για γεύση), μεστός

(of living things, especially people) unable to continue living for ever; having to die θνητός, φθαρτός
a shop that is one of many owned by a particular company and that sells the goods that the κατάστημα, πρατήριο (μιας συγκεκριμένης
company has produced εταιρίας)

If you are in tune with people or ideas, you understand or agree with them, and if you are out συμφωνώ, συντονίζομαι, είμαι σε αρμονία με/
of tune with them, you do not διαφωνώ με, δεν συνάδω
If something strikes a chord, it causes people to remember something else because it is similar θυμίζω
to it
very cheaply για πενταροδεκάρες, πολύ φθηνά, πάμφθηνα,
to have another interest or skill that you can use if your main one cannot be used έχω εναλλακτικές/ κι άλλες διεξόδους, έχω κι άλλα
προσόντα/ ενδιαφέροντα

English Explanation Greek Translation

δημοπρασία, υποβολή χρηματικής προσφοράς σε
an offer of a particular amount of money for something that is for sale διαγωνισμό
do something to someone because that person did something harmful or insulting to you in the
past ανταποδίδω, εκδικούμαι

to express and communicate a particular opinion or feeling about something εκφράζω/ περνάω (γνώμη, συναίσθημα)
expressing criticism επικριτικός, επιτιμητικός

showing the differences between things συγκριτικός, αντιπαραβολικός, που αντιπαραθέτει

involving discussion διαλογικό είδος γραφής

a short simple tune, often with words, that is easy to remember and is used to advertise a σκοπός (μουσικής), τραγουδάκι, μελωδία,
product on the radio or television τραγούδι διαφήμισης
εγκαταλείπω, αφήνω, παρατάω, σταματώ,
to stop doing an activity before you have finished it παραιτούμαι
to reduce someone or something to a lower rank or position, or to cause something to be
considered less important or valuable υποβαθμίζω, υποβιβάζω
αποσύρω, βγάζω, αφαιρώ, αποσύρομαι,
to take or move out or back, or to remove υποχωρώ, αποτραβιέμαι, ανακαλώ, παίρνω πίσω
κύρια/ βασικά/ υποχρεωτικά μαθήματα, κορμός
the most important parts of a course of study, that all students must do (μαθημάτων)
to take part in something ασχολούμαι με, καταπιάνομαι, εμπλέκομαι,

involving two or more people working together for a special purpose συνεργατικός, συλλογικός
αποτέλεσμα, έκβαση, απόληξη, επακόλουθο,
a result or effect of an action, situation, etc. κατάληξη, συνέπεια, σκορ

English Explanation Greek Translation

not willing to do something and therefore slow to do it διατακτικός, απρόθυμος

( humorous or formal ) a person's children παιδί, τέκνο, γόνος, απόγονος, μικρό

not thinking enough about how an action will affect the future κοντόφθαλμος, στενόμυαλος

making people shocked and upset σκανδαλώδης

αμφισβητώ, αρνούμαι, διαψεύδω, αντιλέγω,
to disagree with something that someone says διαφωνώ

to do something that you do not want to do because you cannot find any other way of καταφεύγω σε
achieving something
the act of frightening or threatening someone, usually in order to persuade them to do
something that you want them to do εκφοβισμός
too special, unusual, or valuable to replace with something or someone else αναντικατάστατος

the situation when two people or animals look at each other's eyes at the same time οπτική επαφή, κοίταγμα στα μάτια

to speak angrily to someone because they have done something wrong μαλώνω, επιπλήττω, κατσαδιάζω
to watch or take care of something or someone προσέχω, επιβλέπω, παρακολουθώ
showing that you feel sorry about something μετανοιωμένος, θλιμμένος
παροτρύνω/ παρακινώ/ προτρέπω/ ωθώ κάποιον
to make someone decide to say or do something να κάνει κάτι
very good or well developed έντονος, οξύς, θαυμάσιος, περίφημος, άριστος
to say that someone/something is similar to or has the same qualities as someone/something
else παρομοιάζω με
a piece of soft, thick cloth or rubber, used to protect a part of the body, give shape to επένδυση, μαξιλαράκι, βάτα, προστατευτικό
something, or clean something σώματος (π.χ. επιγονατίδα), πανάκι (καθαρισμού)

English Explanation Greek Translation

συναρμολόγηση, αυτό που δημιουργείται κατά τη
the structure produced by the process of putting together the parts of a machine or structure διάρκεια της συναρμολόγησης
to tell someone information that is not correct παραπληροφορώ, παραπλανώ
of or on the face του προσώπου

a person, group, etc. competing with others for the same thing or in the same area αντίπαλος, ανταγωνιστής, αντίζηλος

an insect with wings that is similar to a butterfly, usually flies at night, and is attracted to light νυχτοπεταλούδα, σκόρος

to develop gradually, or to cause something or someone to develop gradually εξελίσσομαι, αναπτύσσω

a mirror inside a car in which the driver can see what is happening behind the car εσωτερικός καθρέφτης αυτοκινήτου

causing or likely to cause strong admiration εκθαμβωτικός

παρατηρώ, κοιτάζω από πολύ κοντά, κόβω με το
to look closely at someone
an argument or fight αντιπαράθεση, σύγκρουση, διαμάχη

anger or violence between drivers, often caused by difficult driving conditions επιθετική συμπεριφορά κατά την οδήγηση
the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from προσωπικότητα, χαρακτήρας, ρόλος, προσωπείο
their real or private character (μετ.)

to prevent something from happening, being expressed, or continuing καταπνίγω, καταστέλλω, καταπιέζω
to ignore something that you know is wrong κάνω τα στραβά μάτια, παραβλέπω, εθελοτυφλώ
to provide yourself or others with equipment or knowledge in order to complete a particular
task εξοπλίζω, εφοδιάζω

a pen that has a writing point made of felt μαρκαδόρος

an object that has a wide round opening at the top, sloping sides, and a narrow tube at the χωνί
bottom, used for pouring liquids or powders into containers with narro w necks

English Explanation Greek Translation

to get very angry "χτυπάω το ταβάνι", "γίνομαι πυρ και μανία",
εξοργίζομαι, γίνομαι έξω φρενών

the most important piece of work done by a writer or artist αριστούργημα (καλλιτέχνη ή συγγραφέα)

a piece of this cloth used by artists for painting on, usually with oil paints, or the painting itself καμβάς, μουσαμάς

to annoy or upset someone "κουρδίζω", ενοχλώ, εκνευρίζω

a particular set of beliefs, opinions, etc. that someone prefers τάση, κλίση, ροπή, προδιάθεση, προτίμηση
an occasion when something glints ( produces small bright flashes of light reflected from a λάμψη, σπινθηροβόλημα, ανταύγεια
two metal tracks set in the road, along which a tram goes γραμμές του τραμ

something that happens that delays or prevents a process from developing κώλυμα, εμπόδιο, καθυστέρηση
to fix something on a wall, in a frame, etc., so that it can be looked at or used αναρτώ, κορνιζάρω, στήνω, εγκαθιστώ τοποθετώ
to get someone's attention, especially by looking at them; to be attractive or different enough to
τραβάω την προσοχή, τραβάω τα βλέμματα
be noticed by someone
If you look someone in the eye/face, you look at them directly and speak honestly to them κοιτάω κατάματα
without feeling ashamed
to be good at noticing a particular type of thing έχω καλό μάτι, είμαι παρατηρητικός
If two people see eye to eye, they agree with each other συμφωνώ, έχω την ίδια άποψη με
to be famous and written about in newspapers and magazines and seen on television είμαι στα φώτα της δημοσιότητας
διαυγής, ευκρινής, σαφής, νηφάλιος, λογικός,
clearly expressed and easy to understand, or (of a person) thinking or speaking clearly συνεκτικός
the basic or most important idea or quality of something ουσία (ενός θέματος) κύριο στοιχείο, κύρια σημεία

English Explanation Greek Translation

to spread a liquid or a thick substance over a surface πασαλείφω, αλείφω, απλώνω

covered with long, thin lines ραβδωτός, ριγωτός

soft and wet and changing shape easily when pressed μαλακός, υγρός και εύπλαστος
συμμορφώνομαι με, υπακούω, εναρμονίζομαι με,
to obey a rule or reach the necessary stated standard, or to do things in a traditional way συμβαδίζω
until now or until a particular time μέχρι στιγμής, μέχρι τότε

to or towards this place (προς τα) εδώ

(knowledge from) an ability to understand or know something immediately based on your διαίσθηση, προαίσθημα, ένστικτο, διορατικότητα
feelings rather than facts
being based on feelings rather than facts or proof διαισθητικά, ενστικτωδώς

a situation in which something is not likely to move or change σταθερότητα, ευστάθεια, ισορροπία
firmly fixed or not likely to move or change σταθερός, στερεός, ισορροπημένος
a theory advocating that knowledge is based on natural phenomena and on their properties and θετικισμός, ορθολογισμός
their relations as these are verified by the empirical sciences
so good or great that nothing or no one else could achieve the same standard ασύγκριτος, απαράμιλλος, ασυναγώνιστος,
(a degree of lightness, darkness, strength, etc. of) a colour απόχρωση, χροιά, τόνος

determined αποφασισμένος
μπάλωμα, μικρό κομμάτι που διαφέρει απ' την
a small area that is different in some way from the area that surrounds it υπόλοιπη περιοχή

If something is ground-breaking, it is very new and a big change from other things of its type καινοτόμος, πρωτοπόρος, πρωτοποριακός
causing you to feel great respect or admiration που προκαλεί δέος

English Explanation Greek Translation

in a way that is likely to fall, be damaged, fail, etc. επισφαλώς, επικίνδυνα
δυσδιάκριτος, ασαφής, αόριστος, θολός, αμυδρός,
not clear
ακαθόριστος, συγκεχυμένος
φανταχτερός, επιδεικτικός, κραυγαλέος,
very confident in behaviour, or intended to be noticed, especially by being brightly coloured
making you remember a particular person, event, or thing που θυμίζει

to allow something to be seen that, until then, had been hidden αποκαλύπτω, εμφανίζω, φανερώνω, ξεσκεπάζω

connected with a god, or like a god θεϊκός, θείος

a curved piece of glass, plastic, or other transparent material, used in cameras, glasses, and
scientific equipment, that makes objects seem closer, larger, smaller, etc. φακός
λεωφορείο/ αεροπλάνο γραμμής, όχημα πυκνών
a vehicle or aircraft that travels regularly between two places διαδρομών
to repeat something you have heard, or to broadcast a signal, message, or programme on
television or radio αναμεταδίδω

(of something such as bad behaviour) not necessary, or with no cause άσκοπος, αχρείαστος, περιττός, αδικαιολόγητος
real but not immediately obvious υποβόσκων

a person or organization that speaks, acts, or is present officially for someone else αντιπροσώπευση, εκπροσώπηση

used when stating an opinion or belief that you think can be shown to be true εύλογα, βάσιμα, προς συζήτηση ή διάλογο

describes someone whose mood often changes very suddenly ιδιότροπος, κυκλοθυμικός

to cut with a sharp blade using a quick, strong movement σχίζω, χαράσσω, κόβω
μορφή μοντέρνας γλυπτικής που ενσωματώνει
a form of modern sculpture where the artist uses sound, movement, or space as well as objects ήχο, κίνηση, αντικείμενα καθώς και την έλλειψή
in order to make an often temporary work of art

English Explanation Greek Translation

ξαφνικά, απρόσμενα, απροσδόκητα, εξ
suddenly and unexpectedly without any warning απροόπτου, εξαπίνης
a particular position in which a person stands, sits, etc. in order to be photographed, painted, πόζα

an object that is very valuable to a person who collects such objects as a hobby συλλεκτικό κομμάτι
a list of people who have been judged the most suitable for a job or prize, made from a longer
list of people originally considered, and from which one person will be chosen λίστα με τους τελικούς υποψήφιους

to cause a reaction, especially a negative one προκαλώ

a saying or remark that is very often made and is therefore not original and not interesting κοινοτοπία, κλισέ
the act of saying or remarking made very often which is therefore not original and not κοινότοπος, στερεότυπος
συναρπαστικός, αναζωογονητικός, που ερεθίζει/
If something is stimulating, it encourages new ideas κεντρίζει/ εξάπτει το ενδιαφέρον
to be extremely determined to do something, without considering the risks or possible
dangerous results είμαι αμετάπειστος/ αποφασισμένος για κάτι

(disapproving) obeying completely and having no original thoughts or ideas δουλοπρεπής

the cause of a feeling or situation, or the early stages of it "σπόρος", αιτία, απαρχή

short and wide, usually in a way that is not attractive κοντόχοντρος, κοντόφαρδος
που ακτινοβολεί/ λάμπει (από χαρά), φωτεινός,
obviously very happy, or very beautiful λαμπερός
calm and peaceful and without noise, violence, worry, etc. ήρεμος, γαλήνιος

English Explanation Greek Translation

very ordinary and therefore not interesting κοινότυπος, πεζός, ανιαρός, άχαρος

the beginning η αρχή, η έναρξη, το ξεκίνημα

very interesting because of being unusual or mysterious ενδιαφέρων, γοητευτικός, συναρπαστικός

something that makes people not want to do something or not work hard αποτρεπτικός παράγοντας, απογοήτευση

with too much decoration or detail περίτεχνος, διακοσμημένος

stupid, not correct, or not carefully thought about ηλίθιος, βλακώδης, ανόητος

describes something bad that is very obvious κατάφωρος, σκανδαλώδης, ολοφάνερος,

to cause something (bad) to start πυροδοτώ, προκαλώ, προξενώ
to make or do something again in exactly the same way αναπαράγω, επαναλαμβάνω, αντιγράφω

central and important ζωτικός, κρίσιμος, καίριος, κεντρικός

to cause something to happen, usually something bad προκαλώ, τρέφω, δημιουργώ, επιφέρω

a strong feeling of disliking and having no respect for someone or something απέχθεια, περιφρόνηση, αηδία, ασέβεια
κοινότοπος, τετριμμένος, μπανάλ,
boring, ordinary, and not original ξεπερασμένος
only and not involving anyone or anything else απλά και μόνο, αποκλειστικά

to buy something because you think it will be useful, even if you think it is expensive επενδύω σε

the process of trying methods, activities, etc. to discover what effect they have πειραματισμός
a building or place that is easily recognized, especially one that you can use to judge where you
are ορόσημο

making you feel full of hope or encouraged εμπνευστής, εμφυχωτικός

English Explanation Greek Translation

in a way that you're showing that you do not think something is worth considering περιφρονητικά

making you want to do or believe a particular thing πειστικός

to cause someone or something to be considered less valuable or important υποτιμώ, μειώνω

to find and bring back something ανακτώ, ξαναβρίσκω, φέρνω πίσω

(especially of a person or their expression) not showing emotions or thoughts and therefore ανεξιχνίαστος, ακατανόητος, μυστηριώδης
very difficult to understand or get to know
(the ability to have) a clear, deep, and sometimes sudden understanding of a complicated
problem or situation διορατικότητα, βαθιά γνώση/ αντίληψη

to continue to exist for a long time αντέχω, διαρκώ, επιβιώνω

describes beliefs, needs, facts, etc. that are different and opposing αντικρουόμενος
to read or consider something quickly in order to understa nd the main points, without studying
διαβάζω περιληπτικά, ρίχνω μια γρήγορη ματιά
it in detail
to criticize someone officially επικρίνω, επιπλήττω

to be new and different ξεφεύγω απ' τα συνηθισμένα

to think again about something in order to decide if you should change the way you feel about επανεκτιμώ, επανεξετάζω
it or deal with it
to get control or influence επικρατώ, κυριαρχώ, υπερισχύω
a particular way of considering something οπτική γωνία, προοπτική, άποψη
a position from which something is looked at (οπτική) γωνία

to use something χρησιμοποιώ

a low wall along the edge of a roof, bridge, etc. παραπέτο, στηθαίο, κουπαστή σκάλας
a narrow, flat area like a shelf that sticks out from a building, cliff, or other vertical surface ράφι (τοίχου)

English Explanation Greek Translation

causing strong feelings συγκινητικός, συγκινησιακός, συναισθηματικός

to search for something or someone είμαι σε επιφυλακή/ στο ψάξιμο για

the place of origin of something προέλευση

behaving in a way that is formal and not relaxed τυπικός, ψυχρός, επίσημος
(of a person) clever, having a very good understanding of situations, possibilities, and people, επιδέξιος, επιτήδειος, πονηρός, πανούργος
and often willing to use tricks to achieve an aim
to be the king or queen of a country βασιλεύω
to get a large amount of something, especially money or information, by collecting it over a long
period μαζεύω, συσσωρεύω, συγκεντρώνω, συλλέγω

something that exists apart from other things, having its own independent existence οντότητα
(of a person or animal) strong and healthy, or (of an object or system) strong and unlikely to γεροδεμένος, γερός, σθεναρός
break or fail
to fold something around itself to make the shape of a ball, or to fold cloth around itself to τυλίγω σε ρολό ή κουβάρι, ανεβάζω (ρούχο)
make a piece of clothing shorter διπλώνοντας

a person who does silly things, usually to make other people laugh καραγκιόζης, κλόουν, γελωτοποιός
formal, slow, and having a style and appearance that causes admiration αριστοκρατικός, αρχοντικός, επιβλητικός,
relating to tactics or done in order to achieve something τακτικής, στρατηγικός

to formally choose someone to do a special piece of work αναθέτω, διορίζω

to express a thought, feeling, or idea so that it is understood by other people εκφράζω, μεταδίδω

relating to or suitable for a king βασιλεία, βασιλικό προνόμιο, βασιλοπρέπεια

the degree to which something is related or useful to what is happening or being talked about σχέση, συνάφεια

mysterious and impossible to understand completely αινιγματικός

English Explanation Greek Translation

If something recaptures a previous emotion or style, it makes you experience that emotion
again or it repeats that style ξαναζωντανεύω, ανακτώ, αναπολώ

the quality of being true, honest, or accurate ειλικρίνεια, αλήθεια, φιλαλήθεια

something that blocks you so that movement, going forward, or action is prevented or made εμπόδιο
more difficult
a work of art such as a painting, film, or book that is made with great skill αριστούργημα (καλλιτέχνη ή συγγραφέα)
συμπονώ, συμμερίζομαι, ταυτίζομαι, δείχνω
to be able to understand how someone else feels κατανόηση

to have a position higher or lower than others, or to be considered to have such a position κατατάσσω, -ομαι
something, such as a swimming pool or shopping centre, that is intended to make life more ανέσεις, ευκολίες, εγκαταστάσεις, κομφόρ
pleasant or comfortable for the people in a town, hotel, or other place
large and with a lot of space ευρύχωρος

the way in which two or more things or people are connected and affect one another αλληλεπίδραση, αλληλεξάρτηση
behaviour συμπεριφορά

to continue doing a job or activity until it is finished, especially when it is difficult αποπερατώνω, ολοκληρώνω, τελειώνω
the basic systems and services, such as transport and power supplies, that a country or
organization uses in order to work effectively υποδομή

the outer edge of an area; the less important part of a group or activity περιφέρεια, περίμετρος, παρυφή, περιθώριο
to encourage the development or growth of ideas or feelings ενθαρρύνω, ευνοώ, καλλιεργώ

before a particular time or event πριν από

lack of ability to do something ανικανότητα

English Explanation Greek Translation

a set of ideas or a plan of what to do in particular situations that has been agreed officially by a πολιτική, γραμμή, τακτική
group of people, a business organization, a government, or apolitical party
to base a belief, claim, idea, etc. on something βασίζω, θεμελιώνω, στηρίζω
able to continue over a period of time; causing little or no damage to the environment and
therefore able to continue for a long time βιώσιμος, ανεκτός

someone who establishes an organization ιδρυτής

unable to pay what you owe, and having had control of your financial matters given, by a law
court, to a person who sells your property to pay your debts: χρεοκοπημένος

to do something that a law or rule does not allow, or to break a law or rule αντιβαίνω, παραβαίνω, παραβιάζω
almost σχεδόν

a moral rule or standard of good behaviour αρχή

a person who has the ability to imagine how a country, society, industry, etc. will develop in the
future and to plan in a suitable way οραματιστής

traditional and ordinary συμβατικός, συνηθισμένος

the process of taking something into another substance απορρόφηση

used for saying that someone is wasting time dealing with things that are not important, and is ασχολούμαι με ασήμαντα πράγματα και αγνοώ τα
ignoring a much more serious problem σημαντικά
to enjoy yourself or continue working as normal and not give any attention to something "0 κόσμος καίγεται κι αυτός το χαβά του!"
important and unpleasant that is happening that you should be taking action to prevent
different or including many different types διαφορετικός, διάφορος, ποικίλος

the movement of goods or people from one place to another μεταφορά, μετακίνηση, μεταβίβαση

English Explanation Greek Translation

development of new houses, business buildings, etc. on land between other buildings in already κατασκευή κτιρίων κτλ σε κενά διαστήματα
developed areas ανάμεσα σε αλλά κτίρια
a large area of land covered with buildings that have been added at different times so that it αυθαίρετη εξάπλωση, άτακτα εκτεινόμενη περιοχή
looks untidy
very good and suitable to be copied by other people παραδειγματικός
any of the parts into which something is divided, or the act of creating these υποδιαίρεση, τμήμα

to move or make progress so slowly that you are behind other people or things καθυστερώ, μένω πίσω, σέρνομαι

the act of controlling or limiting something or someone harmful περιορισμός, αναχαίτιση

the possibility of being successful, especially at work προοπτικές (για επαγγελματική επιτυχία)
a job that no one is doing and is therefore available for someone new to do κενή θέση εργασίας

to try to satisfy a need, especially one that is not popular or not generally acceptable εξυπηρετώ, καλύπτω (ανάγκες)

to put together people or things that are unsuitable for each other κάνω αποτυχημένο συνδυασμό
αυτός που ταξιδεύει καθημερινά προς και από τη
someone who regularly travels between work and home δουλειά του, τακτικός επιβάτης
the situation that exists at the end of a series of events τελικό αποτέλεσμα
fuels, such as gas, coal, and oil, that were formed underground from plant and animal remains
millions of years ago ορυκτό καύσιμο
to hold someone tightly with both arms to express love, liking, or sympathy, or when greeting or
leaving someone αγκαλιάζω

something that you hope will happen but is very unlikely to happen χίμαιρα, ουτοπία, μεγάλα λόγια
the act of telling someone else what they must have or do συνιστώμενος τρόπος ενέργειας
when a plan or system is able to used εφαρμόσιμος

a supply of something for use or sale απόθεμα

extremely small μικροσκοπικός

English Explanation Greek Translation

the number, amount, or level of one thing when compared to another avaAoyia

a house or place to live in κατοικία

being the legal owner of land, a ]ob, or an official public position, or the period of time during κατοχή, διάρκεια θητείας, χρόνος μίσθωσης, έδρα
which you own it (πανεπιστημίου)
the process of becoming more active or popular again αναβίωση, αναζωογόνηση, ανάκαμψη

a situation in which something is not easy to find or get έλλειψη, ανεπάρκεια, σπανιότητα

a generally accepted opinion or decision among a group of people ομοφωνία, συμφωνία, γενική συναίνεση

the outer or less important part of an area, group, or activity περιθώριο, άκρη, παρυφή

describes buildings or areas that are in very bad condition παραμελημένος (για κτήριο ή περιοχή), σε κακή

only ]ust or almost not μόλις, ελάχιστα

fear or worry about what is going to happen τρόμος, φόβος, δέος, ανησυχία
used to refer to very heavy rain καταρρακτώδης

in bad condition and therefore weak and likely to break σαθρός, ετοιμόρροπος, ξεχαρβαλωμένος
someone whose ]ob is to take care of a building and be present at its entrance in order to help θυρωρός, πορτιέρης
to hit with a lot of force μαστιγώνω, δέρνω

to force yourself to get ready to do something unpleasant or difficult χαλυβδώνω, σκληραίνω, παίρνω κουράγιο

to pull or direct something in a particular direction τραβώ, έλκω, κατευθύνω

to let go, to empty απαλλάσσω, εκκενώνω, αδειάζω
a large group of people ορδή, πλήθος

to not sleep at all δεν κλείνω μάτι

English Explanation Greek Translation

a strong expression of anger and disapproval about something, made by a group of people or by κατακραυγή
the public
to like or enjoy something απολαμβάνω, χαίρομαι

something that you say that means that other people always seem to be in a better situation (όταν θεωρούμε ότι) οι άλλοι είναι σε καλύτερη
than you, although they may not be μοίρα από εμάς, "το ξένο είναι πιο γλυκό"
to start something new or important ξεκινώ

to cause something to happen επιφέρω, προκαλώ

a different pace of life αλλαγή ρυθμού ζωής

to stop doing something or leave a job or a place παρατάω, φεύγω

a feeling of wanting better treatment or an improved situation δυσαρέσκεια

If two or more people go their separate ways, they stop being together " παίρνει ο καθένας το δρόμο του"

describes an area, house, or village that is a long way from any towns or cities; isolated απομακρυσμένος
If a problem or difficult situation works out, it gradually becomes better or satisfactory, and if
you work it out, you make it better or satisfactory καλυτερεύω, φτιάχνω

to gradually relax after doing something that has made you tired or worried χαλαρώνω

something good that happens unexpectedly, especially at a time when it is needed θεόσταλτο δώρο
a very happy, peaceful, and simple situation or period of time, especially in the countryside, or a
piece of music, literature, etc. that describes this ειδύλλιο, ειδυλλιακό μέρος/ σκηνικό κ.τ.λ.

admit ομολογώ
a short period at the beginning of a new job, government, etc. when there is no criticism from
anyone "μήνας του μέλιτος"

(of remarks or behaviour) unsuitable in a way that could cause embarrassment or offence ατυχής, ακατάλληλος

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to discover exact details about something; to say precisely προσδιορίζω, εντοπίζω
ορμή, ανατριχίλα, έντονο συναίσθημα/ έντονη
a sudden strong emotion or physical feeling; a thrill αίσθηση
not in the position of being considered for something εκτός ορίων

If something happens out of the blue, it is completely unexpected ξαφνικά, απ' το πουθενά, απρόσμενα

something good that has happened that is the result of chance instead of skill or planning τυχαίος, τυχερός

the range of prices at which similar products or services are sold γκάμα/ πλαίσιο τιμών

a sudden clever idea φαεινή ιδέα, έμπνευση

to give something and be given something else instead ανταλλάσσω

to find something or someone after looking for them in a lot of different places εντοπίζω (ακλουθώντας τα ίχνη), ανακαλύπτω

When things fall into place, they happen in a satisfactory way, without problems όλα πάνε καλά, έχω το επιθυμητό αποτέλεσμα
εσύ τι θα βγάλεις (απ' αυτό); ποιο είναι το δικό
What do you get out of this? σου όφελος;

attracting a lot of attention and interest from the public and newspapers, television, etc. επώνυμος, διάσημος, δημοφιλής
one of the equal parts that the ownership of a company is divided into, and that can be bought
by members of the public μετοχή, μέρισμα

(not standard) for because επειδή

to suddenly end a romantic relationship you have been having with someone παρατάω, "τα χαλάω" (με κάποιον)
If a situation is not all roses, there are unpleasant things to deal with as well as the pleasant δεν είναι όλα ρόδινα
reduce your options "καίω" τις ευκαιρίες μου, μειώνω τις επιλογές μου

English Explanation Greek Translation

to tell someone about something, especially a plan, and explain it in detail αναπτύσσω, αποκαλύπτω (με λεπτομέρειες)

using as few words as possible με λίγα λόγια, εν συντομία

to achieve something you were hoping for πραγματοποιώ

(of speech or writing) exciting, especially because it may be a bit shocking, or (of someone or
something) having an exciting, interesting, and attractive appearance, sometimes in a sexual τολμηρός, πικάντικος (μτφ.)
a book with a cover made of thin card βιβλίο με χάρτινο εξώφυλλο
and who pretends to know more about fashion and culture than people who live in the
countryside "πρωτευουσιάνος"

causing trouble and therefore stopping something from continuing as usual αποδιοργανωτικός, που διασπά την προσοχή
to develop in a particular way or in a successful way καταλήγω, πετυχαίνω

felt strongly and often hidden from other people κατά βάθος

a situation in which you can enjoy the advantages of two very different things at the same time τα καλύτερα/ πλεονεκτήματα και των δύο

to put things in order or in their correct place τακτοποιώ, διευθετώ

extremely good "εξωπραγματικός", καταπληκτικός, το κάτι άλλο

If something is in the bag, you are certain to get it or to achieve it είναι σίγουρο

to suddenly have a lot of unexpected luck στέκομαι τυχερός, έχω ρέντα

"χτυπάω φλέβα χρυσού", παίρνω το χρυσό
to make large profits or to become rich; to win a gold medal in a sports competition μετάλλιο

If money is burning a hole in your pocket, you are very eager to spend it "έχω τρύπια τσέπη", είμαι σπάταλος

English Explanation Greek Translation

to work late into the night ξενυχτάω δουλεύοντας
to suffer unpleasant results of an action, especially loss of money, so you do not want to do the
same thing again "έχω καεί", "την έχω πατήσει"

to spend a lot of money on things that are not necessary "έχω λεφτά yta πέταμα'
If you are in a situation and you burn your boats/bridges, you destroy all possible ways of going
back to that situation "καίω" τις ευκαιρίες μου, μειώνω τις επιλονές μου

to happen συμβαίνω, λαμβάνω χώρα

If something is in place, it is in its usual or correct position; organized στη θέση του, τακτοποιημένος
an official limit on something περιορισμός, κανόνας, νόμος

to throw something away or get rid of it because you no longer want or need it πετάω, ξεφορτώνομαι

in every place παντού, οπουδήποτε

a position in an organization, a system, ora competition πρώτη/ δεύτερη θέση ( σε διαγωνισμό, οργανισμό
in the wrong place or looking wrong εκτός τόπου
If you dress down for an occasion, you intentionally wear informal clothes of the type that will ντύνομαι λιγότερο καλά απ’ ότι απαιτεί η
not attract attention περίσταση
an abbreviation consisting of the first letters of each word in the name of something,
pronounced as a word ακρώνυμο, ακρωνύμιο

the act of destroying something such as a building κατεδάφιση

someone's use of a room or building for the purposes of living or working; the number of things, ενοικίαση, κατοίκηση, διαμονή, πληρότητα (π.χ.
such as hotel rooms, that are being used, in relation to the total number available δωματίων ξενοδοχείου)
the act of improving a place or system, especially by making it more active or successful ανάπλαση, αναζωογόνηση, ανανέωση,

English Explanation Greek Translation

a large system consisting of many similar parts that are connected together to allow movement δίκτυο
or communication between or along the parts or between the parts and a control centre
a meeting to discuss something or to get advice σύσκεψη, συμβούλιο

one of the areas into which the economic activity of a country is divided τομέας

in a way that is not firmly fixed χαλαρά

(a person) strongly supporting a particular religious group , especially in such a way as not to be
willing to accept other beliefs φανατικός, σχισματικός

to complete an event or activity in a pleasant or satisfactory way ολοκληρώνω (επιτυχώς), τελειώνω, κλείνω
a speech or piece of writing about a particular, usually serious, subject; communication in
speech or writing συνομιλία, διάλεξη, πραγματεία, διατριβή

as a type of ως, σαν

someone who is involved in a conversation συνομιλητής

If time elapses, it goes past περνάω (για χρόνο)

a product such as a toy or book that is related to a film, television programme, etc. προϊόν (π.χ. παιχνίδι, βιβλίο) που έχει σχέση με
ταινία, τηλεοπτική εκπομπή κ.τ.λ.
completely unwilling to change a decision, opinion, dema nd, etc.; rigid (= not able to be bent or επίμονος, πεισματικός, άκαμπτος
causing a lot of damage or destruction καταστροφικός, ολέθριος

physically violent and frightening; strong and powerful έντονος, άγριος, μανιασμένος, σφοδρός
a person who takes the place or does the job of another person for a short time, for example αντικαταστάτης, αναπληρωτής
because the other person is ill or on holiday
in the middle of or surrounded by ανάμεσα, εν μέσω, μεταξύ

English Explanation Greek Translation

(a place that gives) protection or shelter from danger, trouble, unhappiness, etc. καταφύγιο, άσυλο

to change the form of something, or to change an actor in a play or film αναδιαμορφώνω, αναδιανέμω (ρόλο)
the general situation in which particular events happen υπόβαθρο, κατάσταση, συνθήκες

the act of ending a segregation (= separation) between races or sexes in an organization διάλυση (π.χ. οργανισμού), άρση διακρίσεων

very careful and with great attention to every detail διεξοδικός, σχολαστικός

the quality of being real or true αυθεντικότητα, γνησιότητα, αξιοπιστία

the act of representing or describing someone or something in a painting, film, book, or other απεικόνιση
artistic work

unpleasant, unkind, cruel, or more severe than is necessary σκληρός, αυστηρός

(of weather) uncomfortably warm and with air that is slightly wet (για καιρό) αποπνικτικός, με πολλή ζέστη και
not clear θολός, θαμπός, ασαφής, συγκεχυμένος
a short part of a film or television programme κλιπ, μέρος ταινίας ή τηλεοπτικού προγράμματος

something that is done to remember officially and give respect to a great person or event μνημόσυνος, εις μνήμην

a flat piece of metal with words and/or pictures on it that can be printed λιθογράφημα
(especially in the past) a room in a private house used for relaxing, especially one that was kept
tidy for entertaining guests αίθουσα υποδοχής, σάλα, καθιστικό, σαλόνι

a covered structure in front of the entrance to a building βεράντα

a short part of something κομμάτι, απόσπασμα

to accept behaviour and beliefs that are different from your own, although you might not agree
with or approve of them ανέχομαι

to touch or hold someone roughly and with force, often when taking them somewhere κακομεταχειρίζομαι, μετακινώ με τα χέρια

English Explanation Greek Translation

to hurt someone badly by hitting or kicking them repeatedly δέρνω,ξυλοκοπώ

to stop something from happening or someone from doing something ανατρέπω, ματαιώνω

to escape by running away, especially because of danger or fear το σκάω, δραπετεύω, τρέπομαι σε φυγή

cruel, violent, and completely without feelings σκληρόκαρδος, κτηνώδης, στυγνός

a person who has strong, unreasonable beliefs and who thinks that anyone who does not have
the same beliefs is wrong μισαλλόδοξος

an object used by the actors performing in a play or film σκηνικό στοιχείο

a department in a theatre, film company, etc. that is in charge of the clothes that the actors βεστιάριο
wear on stage, making certain that they are clean, repairing them and sometimes making them

something that you do, or a thing that you give someone, that expresses your feelings or ένδειξη, δείγμα, σύμβολο
intentions, although it might have little practical effect

a picture of an object that is used to represent a particular person, group, or idea έμβλημα

a written or printed mark that has a standard meaning σήμα, σημάδι

grace and attractiveness in appearance or behaviour κομψότητα

the appearance or expression of someone's face έκφραση, ύφος

to move quickly, with small, short steps τρέχω (με βιαστικά βη ματάκια)

to introduce a person to something or someone that could bring them an advantage φέρνω σε επαφή, συστήνω, πληροφορώ,

English Explanation Greek Translation

to start eating something eagerly καταβροχθίζω, πέφτω με τα μούτρα (στο φαί)
to become connected to something προσκολλώμαι, κολλάω
a piece of cloth or other material fixed along one edge, especially used for covering or closing
something καπάκι, επικάλυμμα, φύλλο

a notice giving information about something, especially an event or performance τοιχοκολλημένη διαφήμιση, αφίσα
a small piece of paper, cloth, or metal, on which there is information, fixed onto something
larger ετικέτα, καρτέλα, πινακίδα

an extra building added to a larger building προσθήκη (σε κτήριο), προσάρτημα, παράρτημα
to defend or keep a principle or law, or to say that a decision that has already been made,
especially a legal one, is correct υποστηρίζω, επικυρώνω

a person who is one of the first people to do something πρωτοπόρος

existing very commonly or happening often διαδεδομένος

more important, strong, or noticeable than anything else of the same type κυριαρχών, δεσπόζων

a design or symbol used by a company to advertise its products λογότυπο

carefully not to cause embarrassment or attract too much attention, especially by keeping διακριτικά
something secret
clothes, especially of a particular or formal type ένδυση

to make someone go somewhere they do not want to go σέρνω, τραβώ (κάποιον) με το ζόρι
more quickly and effectively αποφασιστικά

an amount of money paid usually to get insurance; an amount that is more than usual ασφάλιστρο, υπερτίμηση, πριμοδότηση
too obviously showing your money, possessions, or power, in an attempt to make other people
notice and admire you επιδεικτικός, κραυγαλέος

behaviour or speech that is not sincere επιτήδευση, προσποίηση

to get bigger and rounder; to quickly increase in size, weight, or importance φουσκώνω, διογκώνομαι

English Explanation Greek Translation

a person who strongly supports a particular person, princi pie, or set of ideas υποστηριχτής, υπέρμαχος, οπαδός

to start a journey ξεκινώ ταξίδι

είμαι υπερήφανος για, καμαρώνω, αντλώ
to feel very pleased about something or someone you are closely connected with ικανοποίηση από
used to show something has happened many times or for long periods of time πολλοί, πολλές, πολλά, πολύς

to an unusual degree μοναδικά, ιδιαίτερα, αξιοσημείωτα

to be famous and written about in newspapers and magazines and seen on television είμαι στα φώτα της δημοσιότητας

to be offended or made angry by something or someone ενοχλούμαι από

very shockingly and surprisingly εξαιρετικά, φοβερά, απίστευτα, εκπληκτικά

to preserve vegetables or fruit in a vinegar sauce or salty water κάνω τουρσί

A colourless gas which has a sharp, suffocating smell and is mainly used in making plastics and in
preserving biological specimens when dissolved in a solution of water and methanol φορμαλδεΰδη

to have a strong feeling of wanting something λαχταρώ

when newspapers, television, etc. of presenting information in a way that is be shocking or
exciting γεμάτος εντυπωσιασμό

to make something larger or more important παραφουσκώνω, υπερβάλλω

showing good judgment, especially about style and quality διορατικός, εκλεκτικός, οξυδερκής
to repeatedly advertise and discuss something in newspapers, on television, etc. in order to
attract everyone's interest προβάλλω/ διαφημίζω υπερβολικά

to make someone feel annoyed or nervous σπάω τα νεύρα κάποιου

to avoid something; to ignore someone and not speak to them because you cannot accept their αποφεύγω, σνομπάρω, κρατιέμαι σε απόσταση
behaviour, beliefs, etc.

English Explanation Greek Translation

to discover the meaning of something; to understand someone or why someone acts as they do καταλαβαίνω, κατανοώ, αντιλαμβάνομαι

not modern or exciting ξεπερασμένος, απαρχαιωμένος, παλιομοδίτικος

to have power or a very strong influence κυριαρχώ, έχω επιρροή

to join things together using glue (=a sticky substance that is used for joining things together
permanently, produced from animal bones and skins or by a chemical process) κολλάω (με κόλλα)
an amount of money spent for a particular purpose (especially as a first investment in
δαπάνη, κονδύλι, έξοδο
enjoying something so much that you are unable to stop having it, watching it, doing it, etc. εθισμένος, "κολλημένος"

to cause surprise or shock προκαλώ έκπληξη ή σοκ

to annoy someone "μπαίνω στο ρουθούνι (κάποιου)", εκνευρίζω

to make a choice, especially of one thing or possibility instead of others διαλέγω, επιλέγω, προτιμώ
συμμορφώνομαι, υποτάσσομαι, συμβαδίζω,
to behave according to the usual standards of behaviour that are expected by a group or society εναρμονίζομαι
to hurt or frighten someone who is smaller or less powerful than you, often forcing them to do
something they do not want to do εκφοβίζω, καταπιέζω, τυραννώ

the act of collecting or producing money for a particular purpose, especially for a charity έρανος, συλλογή χρημάτων

fashionable in an unusual and noticeable way παράξενος, διαφορετικός, πρωτότυπος

English Explanation Greek Translation

from a different race, or interesting because characteristic of an ethnic group that is very
different from those that are common in western culture έθνικ, εξωτικός

a set of clothes worn for a particular occasion or activity ντύσιμο, στολή

quickly or suddenly αστραπιαία, ακαριαία, στο πι και φι

to choose something διαλέγω, επιλέγω

(of places and things) expensive and of high quality αριστοκρατικός, πολυτελής, ακριβός

to be received in a particular way γίνομαι δεκτός με κάποιο τρόπο, τα πάω καλά/


to search, especially as if by digging, in order to find a thing or information σκάβω, σκαλίζω, ψάχνω, ερευνώ
wanting very good quality products, and willing to pay a lot of money for them που προτιμά καλή ποιότητα ανεξαρτήτου κόστους

(of clothes) fitting very tightly πολύ στενός (για ρούχα)

to separate into pieces διαλύομαι

to get or achieve something good, especially in a way that seems easy or unexpected καταφέρνω

to not understand a situation correctly παρανοώ, παρεξηγώ, καταλαβαίνω λάθος

said when you think it is best not to take risks even when it seems boring or difficult to be "καλύτερα ασφαλής παρά μετανιωμένος", μην
careful παίρνεις ρίσκα που μπορεί να μετανιώσεις
to avoid something or someone αποφεύγω, κρατάω απόσταση
a dress, worn especially by South Asian women, consisting of a very long piece of thin cloth
wrapped around the body σαρί, Ινδικό γυναικείο ένδυμα
features belonging to the culture of a particular society, such as traditions, languages, or
buildings, that were created in the past and still have historical importance (πολιτιστική) κληρονομιά

English Explanation Greek Translation

to change your opinion of something, often influenced by another person's opinion (μεταπείθομαι, αλλάζω γνώμη
to produce what is wanted (καταφέρνω να) κάνω αυτό που αναμένεται
to receive blame or criticism υφίσταμαι (επικρίσεις, μου ρίχνουν το φταίξιμο

to stop working in order to show your support for other workers who are on strike υποστηρίζω απεργία με στάση εργασίας
to seem to be a particular type of person δίνω την εντύπωση, φαίνομαι ως

If something comes between two people, it harms their relationship μπαίνω ανάμεσα

If something is coming along, it is developing or improving εξελίσσομαι, προοδεύω, προχωράω

used to mean that people will receive something or be dealt with in the order in which they ask με σειρά προτεραιότητας
or arrive
συμβιβάζομαι με/ αποδέχομαι (δυσάρεστη
to gradually accept a sad situation, often the death of someone you love κατάστασηΟ

nervous or uncomfortable because you know what people think about you or your actions αυτοσυνείδητος, ντροπαλός, μαζεμένος
to fail to hear someone's words correctly or in the way that was intended and to think that
something different was said παρακούω

when something is counter-productive it limits the achievement of a desired goal αντιπαραγωγικός

supporting or approving of something υπέρ

having to work too much που εργάζεται πολύ, φορτωμένος

Sub-zero temperatures are temperatures below zero degrees υπό του μηδενός

having more powers than, or seeming outside the powers of, a human υπεράνθρωπος

to be, or do something, better than someone else ξεπερνάω (σε επιδόσεις), τα πάω καλύτερα από

to consider someone or something as less valuable or important than they really are υποτιμώ

containing or having everything that is needed within itself αυτοτελής, αυτάρκης, ανεξάρτητος

English Explanation Greek Translation

belonging to or relating to parts of the world that are immediately south or north of the tropics
(= the hottest areas) and have very hot weather at some times of the year υποτροπικός

to live or exist longer than someone or something ζω παραπάνω από

to fail to understand how strong, skilful, intelligent, or determined someone, especially a υποτιμώ
competitor, is
used to describe a type of brake that prevents the uncontrolled sliding of a vehicle by reducing
the effects of braking suddenly (φρένα) αντιεμπλοκής

a belief or idea ιδέα, γνώμη, αντίληψη, εντύπωση, αίσθηση

to become less common and finally stop existing εκλείπω, φθίνω, εξασθενώ
immediately με την πρώτη ματιά, αμέσως

on the way to or from somewhere κάθοδόν

a complete change πλήρης αλλαγή/ μετάλλαξη

perfectly clean or tidy άψογος, αμόλυντος, άσπιλος, πεντακάθαρος

untidy and dirty ατημέλητος, ατακτοποίητος, βρώμικος
untidy; not cared for ατημέλητος, ατακτοποίητος, ανακατωμένος

to laugh at someone, often by copying them in a funny but unkind way κοροϊδεύω, διακωμωδώ, χλευάζω, περιπαίζω

If a man has a receding hairline, he is losing the hair from the front of his head τριχόπτωση και αρχές φαλάκρας από το μέτωπο
to look carefully or with difficulty κοιτάζω προσεκτικά ή με προσπάθεια
ταμπλό, πίνακας ανακοινώσεων/ για
a very large board on which advertisements are shown, especially at the side of a road αφισοκόλληση

a long search for something that is difficult to find, or an attempt to achieve something difficult αναζήτηση
a small line in the skin caused by old age ρυτίδα

English Explanation Greek Translation

to use an airbrush (= a machine that spreads paint using air pressure, used for painting or for
delicate improvement work on photographs) to cover or improve the appearance of something χρησιμοποιώ αερογράφο
βάρος, εκτόπισμα (μτφ.) (σεβασμός, επιρροή,
respect, influence, trust, or importance εμπιστοσύνη, σημασία)
with this result έτσι, συνεπώς

the act of considering one thing to be the same as or equal to another εξίσωση, ταύτιση

to admit, often unwillingly, that something is true παραδέχομαι, αποδέχομαι, παραχωρώ,

too interested in unpleasant subjects, especially death νοσηρός
describes someone who is certain about what they think and believe, and who expresses their
ideas strongly and often ισχυρογνώμων, αδιάλλακτος, δογματικός

too serious and full of importance πομπώδης, επιβλητικός

A vivacious person, especially a woman or girl, is attractively energetic and enthusiastic ζωηρός, ζωντανός, ενεργητικός
(disapproving) eager to own and collect things πλεονέκτης, καταναλωτικός, άπληστος
very careful and with great attention to every detail διεξοδικός, σχολαστικός
to treat a person or particular group of people differently, especially in a worse way from the
way in which you treat other people, because of their skin colour, sex, sexuality, etc. κάνω διακρίσεις, μεροληπτώ

the quality of being connected with someone's race φυλετικά

showing an unreasonable dislike for something or someone προκατειλημμένος, μεροληπτικός

feeling so satisfied with your own abilities or situation that you feel you do not need to try any
harder ικανοποιημένος, αυτάρεσκος
απαρατήρητος, διακριτικός, που δεν τραβάει την
not noticeable; seeming to fit in well with the things around it or them προσοχή

English Explanation Greek Translation

describes someone who tries to control people to their advantage χειριστικός, εκμεταλλευτής

praising yourself and what you have done καυχησιάρης, αλαζόνας, υπερόπτης

to mix things together untidily ανακατεύω, μπερδεύω

behaving in a good and moral way αξιόπιστος, έντιμος, αξιότιμος

to say something or to make a sound with your voice αρθρώνω

When qualities; characteristics; or smells pervade a place or thing; they spread through it and
are present in every part of it διαχέομαι, διαποτίζω

a study in which people are asked for their opinions about a subject or person δημοσκόπηση,γκάλοπ
If a test result is false positive its result is wrong because it indicates a condition or finding that
does not exist in reality ψευδώς θετικό

likely to suffer from an illness or show a particular negative characteristic είμαι επιρρεπής σε, έχω τάση να
using clever but often dishonest methods that deceive people so that you can win power or
control Μμακιαβελικός, καταχθόνιος, σατανικός

the act of inventing or producing something false in order to deceive someone κατασκεύασμα, μύθευμα, επινόημα
something that encourages a person to do something κίνητρο

the cat of increasing a lot and suddenly in number γρήγορη εξάπλωση, πολλαπλασιασμός
the beliefs and ideas that a company has and the way in which they affect how it does business
and how its employees behave εταιρική κουλτούρα/ δεοντολογία

to get rid of unwanted things or people from a group ξεριζώνω (μτφ.), ξεφορτώνομαι
someone who gets money by deceiving people απατεώνας

to force someone to leave a position of power, job, place, or competition διώχνω, εκδιώκω, εκτοπίζω, απομακρύνω

English Explanation Greek Translation

lie detector (= a piece of equipment used to try to discover if someone is telling lies) ανιχνευτής ψεύδους, μηχάνημα για τεστ αλήθειας
to tie the arms and legs of someone together tightly and roughly with rope to prevent them δένω χειροπόδαρα
from moving or escaping
If something lends itself to something else, it is suitable for that thing or can be considered in
that way είμαι κατάλληλος/ προσφέρομαι για κτ.

being worked on or dealt with now προς διευθέτηση

If a situation gets out of hand it gets out of control ξεφεύγω απ' τον έλεγχο

to tell a small lie that does not cause any harm λέω αθώο ψέμα
perfect, or complete in every way ολοκληρωμένος, τέλειος

to happen after something else, especially as a result of it επακολουθώ, έπομαι, προκύπτω

something that makes interaction or communication among people easier τρόπος για να "σπάσει ο πάγος"

a range of opinions, feelings, etc. φάσμα

doing something a lot and unable to stop doing it παθολογικός, ψυχαναγκαστικός
looking or seeming dishonest αναξιόπιστος, ύποπτος
the person who invents or produces something false in order to deceive someone else ψεύτης, απατεώνας

to get an advantage from a situation εκμεταλλεύομαι

a particular problem that seriously affects many people at the same time επιδημία, διάδοση, εξάπλωση
If you will not stand for something, you will not accept a situation or a particular type of
behaviour ανέχομαι
(an example of) the fact of something having more than one possible meaning and therefore
possibly causing confusion: ασάφεια, αμφισημία, μπέρδεμα

to practise a play, a piece of music, etc. in order to prepare it for public performance κάνω πρόβα

the degree to which a sound or a musical note has a high or low quality ένταση (ήχου)

English Explanation Greek Translation

approximately περίπου

a punishment given by a law court to a person or organization that is guilty of a crime ποινή

the testing of scientific theories in real situations επί τόπου επιστημονική έρευνα
a lot of interest or excitement σάλος, ζωηρότητα, φούρια, αναστάτωση

to feel or express great sadness, especially because of someone's death θρηνώ

in the past πρωτύτερα, προηνουμένως

very shocking and surprising εξαιρετικός, φοβερός, απίστευτος, εκπληκτικός

the process of becoming a part, or making someone become a part, of a group, country, society, αφομοίωση
the act of speaking two languages fluently διγλωσσία

extremely large in size or degree τεράστιος, απέραντος

to try very hard to do something or to make something happen, especially for a long time or
against difficulties πασχίζω, προσπαθώ σκληρά, αγωνίζομαι, παλεύω

the fact of many different types of things or people being included in something ποικιλία, ποικιλομορφία

something that must exist or happen before something else can exist or happen προαπαιτούμενο, αναγκαία προϋπόθεση
to pass something from one person or place to another μεταδίδω
αποδίδω περιληπτικά, ανακεφαλαιώνω,
to express or show the most important facts about something συμπυκνώνω
very and obviously εξαιρετικά, απολύτως

naturally existing in a place or country rather than arriving from another place γηγενής, αυτόχθων

to describe or express the important facts or characteristic s about something or someone συνοψίζω

English Explanation Greek Translation

a cause of trouble and unhappiness κατάρα

a large number or wide range (of something) πολλαπλότητα

Εσπεράντο (τεχνητή γλώσσα, συνδυασμός
an artificial language, made by combining features of several European languages, intended as a
form of international communication Ευρωπαϊκών γλωσσών, που φτιάχτηκε για να
διευκολύνει τη διεθνή επικοινωνία)
having two opposing feelings at the same time, or being uncertain about how you feel αμφιταλαντευόμενος
a language that has developed from a mixture of two languages. It is used as a way of
communicating by people who do not speak each other's languages απλοποιημένη γλώσσα

a language that has developed from a mixture of languages μιγαδική γλώσσα, μείγμα γλωσσών
a form of a language that people speak in a particular part of a country, containing some
different words and grammar, etc. διάλεκτος

a person that you have met but do not know well; knowledge of a subject γνωριμία, γνώση

to start or develop as the result of something προέρχομαι από, πηγάζω από

to appear or start to exist suddenly ξεπροβάλλω, ξεφυτρώνω

to produce or provide something official εκδίδω

to happen προκύπτω
respect and admiration given to someone or something, usually because of a reputation for high κύρος, αίγλη, πρεστίζ
quality, success, or social influence
praise, approval, or honour εύσημα, τιμή, αναγνώριση

respect for or a good opinion of someone εκτίμηση, υπόληψη, σεβασμός

the good reputation a person or organization has, based on their behaviour and ability θέση, σπουδαιότητα, φήμη, εκτόπισμα
to come from something; to get something from something else προέρχομαι, κατάγομαι; αποκομίζω, αντλώ

English Explanation Greek Translation

If one thing hinges on another, the first thing depends on the second thing or is very influenced εξαρτώμαι/ κρέμομαι από
by it

quickly, without delay, or at the arranged time άμεσα

to increase in size, number, or importance, or to make something increase in this way επεκτείνομαι, αναπτύσσομαι, διευρύνομαι

to become larger and rounder than usual; to (cause to) increase in size or amount πρήζομαι, φουσκώνω, διαστέλλομαι, διογκώνομαι
to become bigger or to make something bigger; to print a bigger copy of a photograph or
document μεγεθύνω, -ομαι, μεγαλώνω

the likely future situation πρόβλεψη, προοπτική

a person's way of understanding and thinking about something θέση, θεώρηση, αντιμετώπιση, τοποθέτηση
he text or speech that comes immediately before and after a particular phrase or piece of text
and helps to explain its meaning συμφραζόμενα
(κατά την) άποψη (κάποιου), (από την) οπτική
a particular way of considering something γωνία (κάποιου)
to try to get something that is difficult to get or achieve κυνηγώ
a dark grey rock that can be easily divided into thin pieces, or a small, thin piece of this used to σχιστόλιθος, πλάκα σχιστόλιθου
cover a roof
a large artificial hole in the ground where stone, sand, etc. is dug for use as building material λατομείο, νταμάρι

to dig coal or another substance out of the ground εξορύσσω

to take something or someone somewhere else suddenly and quickly αρπάζω, παίρνω γρήγορα
describes someone who behaves confidently and is not frightened to say what they want or
believe δυναμικός, με αυτοπεποίθηση

to defend or support a particular idea or a person who is being criticized or attacked υπερασπίζομαι
to spend a lot of money on buying things, especially things that are pleasant to have but that ξοδεύω (υπερβολικά σε ευχάριστα αλλά άχρηστα
you do not need πράγματα)

English Explanation Greek Translation

to suddenly become better or worse κάνω στροφή προς το καλύτερο/ χειρότερο
the ability to express yourself well έχω καλή χρήση του λόγου, εκφράζομαι καλά
to not know what to do or who to ask for help δεν ξέρω προς τα πού να στραφώ

to have a red face because you are embarrassed γίνομαι κόκκινος σαν παντζάρι
the time when one century ends and another begins όταν αλλάζει ο αιώνας

to not show any emotion when you are told something bad or when something bad happens μένω ανέκφραστος/ ατάραχος

to move about from side to side or turn a lot in bed, especially because you cannot sleep στριφογυρνάω (στον ύπνο μου)

When a number of people take sth in turns, they do the same thing one after the other κάνω κάτι με τη σειρά/ο ένας μετά τον άλλον
a surprising or unexpected event έκπληξη, απρόσμενο γεγονός, "απ' τα άγραφα"
bright red άλικος, (έντονος) κόκκινος

to annoy or upset someone, often by what you do or say to them ενοχλώ, εκνευρίζω

an attempt to do something κάνω μια προσπάθεια

a situation in which someone expects another person to do something that they do not want to επιβολή, φόρτωμα, μπελάς
do or that is not convenient
the highest degree from a university διδακτορικό

excited or angry θυμωμένος, εξοργισμένος, ενθουσιασμένος

If a company outsources, it pays to have part of its work done by another company αναθέτω σε/ αποκτώ εξωτερικό συνεργάτη
causing harm or damage επιβλαβής, επιζήμιος

in a basic and important way ουσιαστικά, βασικά

to grow, develop, or be successful ευδοκιμώ, ευημερώ

English Explanation Greek Translation

used when you are describing how a situation seems on the surface εκ πρώτης όψεως

If something such as an agreement has strings attached, it involves special demands or limits υπό όρους

to start an activity with a particular aim ξεκινώ (να καταπιάνομαι με) δραστηριότητα
the process of getting something απόκτηση

a person's ability to do more than one thing at a time ταυτόχρονη εκτέλεση πολλών ενεργειών
If you have a sneaking feeling about someone or something, you have that feeling, although you κρυφός/ ανομολόγητος (για συναίσθημα,
are not certain it is correct αίσθηση, υποψία κ.τ.λ.)
a piece of equipment that is designed to represent real conditions, for example in an aircraft or
spacecraft προσομοιωτής, εξομοιωτής

to persuade someone to do something πείθω κάποιον να κάνει κάτι

to be very successful and earn admiration είμαι βουτηγμένος στη δόξα

a short period of time being involved in an activity that is different from and outside the range σύντομη ενασχόληση, ανάμιξη
of a usual set of activities
to be eager and not willing to wait to do something αδημονώ, δεν κρατιέμαι, ανυπομονώ

to attempt something κάνω μια προσπάθεια

to have secret plans or ideas "κρύβω άσσους στο μανίκι", έχω κρυφά σχέδια
careless or unwise, without thought for what might happen or result απερίσκεπτος, παράτολμος, παρορμητικός
γελοίος, αστείος, αστήρικτος, ανεπαρκής, μη
(especially of an excuse or argument) weak and unsatisfactory ικανοποιητικός
containing a serious, detailed study of a subject επιστημονικός

connected with literature φιλολογικός, λογοτεχνικός

English Explanation Greek Translation
able to read and write; having knowledge of a particular subject, or a particular type of εγγράμματος, γραμματισμένος; ννώστης

thinking about something or someone, or doing something, too much or all the time έμμονος, ψυχωτικός, μονομανής
something or someone that you think about all the time εμμονή, ψύχωση, μονομανία
an idea of what something or someone is like, or a basic understanding of a situation or a
principle αντίληψη, ιδέα, έννοια, σκέψη, γνώμη
παρακολουθώ (δραστηριότητα, αθλητικό γεγονός
to watch an activity, especially a sports event, without taking part κ.τ.λ.)

an unusual or unexpected event or situation that attracts attention, interest, or disapproval θέαμα

the careful and detailed examination of something in order to get information about it (υπό) εξονυχιστικό έλεγχο

making you think a lot about a subject που προκαλείτη σκέψη

very attractive or noticeable που τραβάει την προσοχή

not related to what is being discussed or considered and therefore not important άσχετος

having the same amount, value, purpose, qualities, etc. ίσος

to appear or happen, especially suddenly or unexpectedly ξεφυτρώνω, εμφανίζομαι ξαφνικά

(informal) to accept a situation or decision although you do not like it "το καταπίνω", το δέχομαι

very serious or extreme ολέθριος, αποτρόπαιος, τρομερός

to slowly reduce or destroy something διαβρώνω, -ομαι

showing interest only in a narrow range of matters, especially those that directly affect yourself,
your town, or your country τοπικιστικός
the act of spreading or giving out something, especially news, information, ideas, etc., to a lot of διάδοση, διασπορά

a particular government or a system or method of government πολίτευμα, καθεστώς

English Explanation Greek Translation

governed in an unfair and cruel way and prevented from having opportunities and freedom καταπιεσμένος, καταδυναστευμένος
the condition of being dominant (= more important, strong, or noticeable than anything else of κυριαρχία, επικράτηση, υπερίσχυση
the same type)
completely harmless (= causing no harm) αβλαβής, ακίνδυνος, άκακος

to cause something to have no effect αναιρώ, ανατρέπω, ακυρώνω

the ability to decide what to do independently of any outside influence ελεύθερη βούληση
"μαύρη μαυρίλα", άσχημη κατάσταση που δεν
Doom and gloom is used to express a feeling that a situation is bad and is not likely to improve προβλέπεται να βελτιωθεί
very likely; almost certainly αναμφίβολα

something that you say before you give the most important fact of a situation τελικά, στο κάτω, κάτω της γραφής
Someone might say that something is good all things considered to mean it was generally good
although the situation was not perfect γενικά, τελικά

When one considers something after serious and careful thought τώρα που το καλοσκέφτομαι...
considering all the different parts of the situation together γενικά, συνολικά

left when there is nothing else to be taken away καθαρό (εισόδημα, βάρος κ.τ.λ.)
strange and not familiar ξένος, άγνωστος

expressing something effectively and with power δυναμικός, ζωηρός

a particular characteristic that can produce a particular type of behaviour διακριτικό γνώρισμα, χαρακτηριστικό
a quality or characteristic that someone or something has ιδιότητα, χαρακτηριστικό γνώρισμα
able to be trusted αξιόπιστος, έμπιστος

English Explanation Greek Translation

to form an opinion or guess that something is true because of the information that you have συμπεραίνω

to admire and respect someone θαυμάζω

a temporary change from the typical or usual way of behaving παρέκκλιση, εκτροπή

to make something happen, usually something bad προξενώ, επιφέρω (κάτι άσχημο)
making another person look silly εις βάρους κάποιου

thinking or worrying about something too much απορροφη μένος, απασχολημένος

an announcement, often one that is written and official δήλωση, διακήρυξη

to get rid of something or someone that is no longer wanted εγκαταλείπω, παρατάω, ξεφορτώνομαι
an often unpleasant characteristic that is very different from other characteristics χαρακτηριστικό

not thinking or worrying about any pain caused to others; cruel αδίστακτος, -η, -ο
describes people or actions that show an intention or wish to hurt someone or something very
badly μοχθηρός, κακός

to get great pleasure from a situation or an activity απολαμβάνω κάτι, διασκεδάζω

too much υπερβολικά

to get married παντρεύομαι

(especially of a woman or girl) attractively full of energy and enthusiasm κεφάτος, εύθυμος
απλώνω τα δίχτυα μου παντού, καλύπτω μεγάλο
to include many people or things when you are looking for something πεδίο έρευνας, δραστηριοτήτων κτλ.

practical, reasonable, and friendly λογικός, προσγειωμένος

to spend a lot of money on things that are not necessary λεφτά για πέταμα

If two people rub along, they work or live together in a satisfactory way τα πηγαίνω καλά με κάποιον

something completely unexpected that surprises you very much κεραυνός εν αιθρία, απροσδόκητο γεγονός

English Explanation Greek Translation

to encourage or cause people to have strong feelings about something δυναμώνω (αισθήματα)

short or quick φευγαλέος -α - ο, βιαστικός -ή -ό

the feeling of extreme unhappiness caused by physical or mental suffering αγωνιώδης - ης - ες

If people or emotions are genuine, they are honest and sincere γνήσιος - α - ο

If a fact dawns on you, you understand it after a period of not understanding it αρχίζει κάτι να γίνεται φανερό σε κάποιον
to be in the position of being able to make the decisions that will influence a situation κάνω κουμάντο

showing agreement and giving encouragement υποστηρικτικός - ή - ό

to avoid dealing with something that is unpleasant or difficult αποκρούω, αποφεύγω κάτι

to notice something that other people have not noticed αντιλαμβάνομαι, παρατηρώ

a strong feeling of disapproval and dislike at a situation, person's behaviour, etc. αηδία, απέχθεια

to say something suddenly and without thinking, usually because you are excited or nervous λέω κάτι απερίσκεπτα

slightly ελαφρώς, λίγο

the act of making something known that was secret, or a fact that is made known αποκάλυψη
είμαι ερωτευμένος με κάποιον αλλά χωρίς
to be in love with someone ανταπόκριση
to prepare for hard work στρώνομαι στη δουλειά

to be very ill είμαι βαριά άρρωστος

quickly and without delay αμέσως, γρήγορα

extreme pleasure and happiness or excitement έκσταση, αγαλλίαση

When events or details that you did not understand before fall into place, they become easy to μπαίνουν τα πράγματα στη θέση τους, γίνονται
understand κατανοητά
to deliberately ignore someone in an unfriendly way σνομπάρω κάποιον, του φέρομαι ψυχρά

English Explanation Greek Translation

an accepted standard or a way of behaving or doing things that most people agree with κανόνας, θέσμιο

people who are expected to buy something, employ someone, become a parent, etc. αναμενόμενος - η - ο, ενδεχόμενος - η - ο
a serious conversation between two people, usually close friends, in which they talk honestly εμττιστευτική συζήτηση
about their feelings
to make an effort to control your emotions and behave more calmly συνέρχομαι, συγκρατιέμαι

to make a large jump or sudden movement, usually from one place to another πηδάω (με άλμα, σάλτο)

When a person bottles things up, they refuse to talk about things that make them angry or
worried συγκρατώ, καταπιέζω (συναισθήματα)

If you choke back feelings or tears, you force yourself not to show how angry or upset you are καταπνίγω συναισθήματα

to refuse to consider something or to treat it as important παραμερίζω, αγνοώ

to try to get information or understand a meaning that is hidden or not clear αποσπώ

to make something less forceful or offensive, usually a piece of writing or a speech καταστέλλω, ρίχνω τους τόνους
an unexpected event that has a damaging effect on someone or something χτύπημα, πλήγμα
a statement saying that someone has done something morally wrong, illegal, or unkind, or the
fact of accusing someone κατηγορία

a public meeting of a large group of people, especially supporters of a particular opinion συλλαλητήριο

to become worse in quality χειροτερεύω, επιδεινώνομαι

to prove that an argument or theory is wrong συντρίβω, καταστρέφω

a person who votes or who has a legal right to vote, especially in an election ψηφοφόρος
describes people who are clever at planning something so that they get what they want,
especially by tricking other people, or things that are cleverly made for a particular purpose πανούργος -α - ο, πονηρός -ή -ό
to say what you think about a particular subject, especially to express a doubt, complaint, etc.
that you have about it εκφράζω (την άποψή μου)

English Explanation Greek Translation

the quality of describing something bad that is very obvious or intentional φανερά, απροκατάληπτα

showing feelings of liking or love στοργικός - ή - ό, τρυφερός -ή -ό

wrong, not suitable, or not as expected ανακριβής - ής - ές, λάθος

If a bad situation is acute, it causes severe problems or damage σοβαρός - η - ο, κρίσιμος - η -ο

causing a lot of damage or destruction καταστρεπτικός - η - ο, ολέθριος - α - ο
full of hope, happiness, and good feelings χαρούμενος - η - ο, αισιόδοξος - η - ο
to surprise and please someone a lot καταπλήσσω, εκπλήσσω

able to be exchanged with each other without making any difference or without being noticed εναλλάξιμος - η - ο, ανταλλάξιμος - η - ο
to change something such as a plan, opinion, law, or way of behaviour slightly, usually to
improve it or make it more acceptable τροποποιώ

completely or extremely εντελώς, απολύτως

completely υπερβολικά, υπέρμετρα

becoming annoyed very easily οξύθυμος - η - ο, ευέξαπτος -η -ο
very shocking and surprising συγκλονιστικός, -η - ο
relaxed in manner and character; not usually worried about other people's behaviour or things
that need to be done χαλαρός - ή - ό, άνετος - η - ο

used for emphasizing how surprising or unusual something is εντυπωσιακά, αξιοσημείωτα

to some degree; rather κάπως

κάνω πως όλα είναι μια χαρά, διατηρώ την
to behave as if a problem is not important or does not worry you ψυχραιμία μου
the activity of using someone else's phone system without permission, especially in order to
listen to their spoken messages πειρατεία σε τηλέφωνο

to divide things into groups according to their type ταξινομώ

English Explanation Greek Translation

limited, especially by official rules, laws, etc. περιορισμένος - η - ο
extremely unreasonable or stupid; mentally ill τρελός - η -ο; παράφρων
If a place is bleak, it is empty, and not welcoming or attractive; If a situation is bleak, there is σκοτεινός - ή - ό, ζοφερός - ή -ό; δυσοίωνος - η - ο,
little or no hope for the future θλιβερός - ή - ό
(of places) open to and not protected from strong winds, or (of people) having hair that is ανεμοδαρμένος - η - ο
untidy because it has been blown in different directions by the wind
an open area of hills covered with rough grass χερσότοπος

to make or serve a meal σερβίρω φαγητό

άνοστος - η - ο, άγευστος - η -ο, κακόγουστος - η -
having no flavour; likely to upset someone ο

(especially of a liquid) only slightly warm χλιαρός - η - ο

to happen or exist one after the other repeatedly εναλλάσσω, εναλλάσσομαι

great care and attention προσοχή

to do hard physical work μοχθώ, εργάζομαι σκληρά

to hate someone or something απεχθάνομαι

a situation in which someone pretends to believe something that they do not really believe, or υποκρισία
that is the opposite of what they do or say at another time

to cause strong dislike απωθώ, αηδιάζω

the determination to continue what you are doing επιμονή, πείσμα

a good moral quality in a person, or the general quality of being morally good αρετή
a piece of jewellery worn around the neck, consisting of a long chain with an object hanging
from it, or the object itself μενταγιόν

not measured, counted, or clearly known απροσδιόριστος - η - ο

English Explanation Greek Translation
something that is not serious or of real value that is used to attract people's attention or κόλπο
interest temporarily, especially to make them buy something
certainly and obviously σίγουρα, οπωσδήποτε

to make something known publicly, or to show something that was hidden αποκαλύπτω, φανερώνω, γνωστοποιώ
shared interests or aims / an agreement to work with someone else to try to achieve the same
thing συμμαχία, συνασπισμός
to suggest a theory, idea, etc. as a basic principle from which a further idea is formed or προτείνω, διατυπώνω
a result or effect of an action, situation, etc. αποτέλεσμα

to start to have a direct and noticeable effect (on something) κάνω βήματα, κάνω πρόοδο σε κάτι

the feeling of liking someone, especially sexually, because of the way they look or behave έλξη
If two or more activities, subjects, or periods of time overlap, they have some parts that are the συμπίπτω

the things that are being talked or written about, or used as the subject of a piece of art, etc. περιεχόμενο

to speak or write to someone απευθύνομαι

If advice, criticism, or actions are constructive, they are useful and intended to help or improve εποικοδομητικός - ή - ό
strange and not what most people would expect or enjoy διεστραμμένος - η - ο / αντίθετος - η - ο, αντίξοος -
η -ο
a fault or a failure to reach a particular standard αδυναμία, ατέλεια
to cause something, especially something that contains different people or opinions, to divide
into two completely opposing groups δημιουργώ διχασμό, πόλωση

clear thought or reason λογική

English Explanation Greek Translation

If someone has a tendency to do or like something, they will probably do it or like it τάση, ροπή

to think that something is or will be greater, more extreme, or more important than it really is υπερεκτιμώ

to cause something προκαλώ, προξενώ

an idea or belief that is not true ψευδαίσθηση

impossible to damage or hurt in any way η κατάσταση του να είσαι άτρωτος

the willingness to consider ideas and opinions that are new or different to your own ευρύτητα πνεύματος

a strong feeling of wanting something λαχτάρα

lack of diversity or variety; sameness ομοιομορφία

control of what you say or do in order to avoid annoying or offending others, but without being
told officially that such control is necessary αυτολογοκρισία

to use something such as authority, power, influence, etc. in order to make something happen ασκώ, χρησιμοποιώ
someone who has a strong difference of opinion on a particular subject, especially about an
official suggestion or plan or a popular belief διαφωνών
the state of being unanimous (when they all agree about one particular matter or vote the same
way) ομοφωνία

making you believe something that is not true απατηλός- η - ο

the act of hiding the truth, especially to get an advantage απάτη, εξαπάτηση

someone who has beliefs that most people think are unreasonable and unacceptable εξτρεμιστής

strong disagreement αντιπαλότητα, αντίθεση

stiff or fixed; not able to be bent or moved άκαμπτος, αδιάλλακτος

the state of being rigid ακαμψία

English Explanation Greek Translation

showing an unreasonable like or dislike for a person based on personal opinion προκατειλημμένος - η - ο
the action of supporting or opposing a particular person or thing in an unfair way, because of προκατάληψη
allowing personal opinions to influence your judgment
to want something, especially strongly επιθυμία

the quality of being attractive or being worth having η ιδιότητα του να είσαι επιθυμητός
likely or wanting to do something επιρρεπής, με τάση προς
a feeling that you want to do a particular thing, or the fact that you prefer or are more likely to
do a particular thing ροπή, τάση

impossible to defeat or prevent from doing what is intended ακατανίκητος, ακαταμάχητος

the state of being invincible η ιδιότητα του να είσαι ακατανίκητος

believing or expressing the belief that there should be great or extreme social or political ριζικός, -η - ο
to end something by force καταπνίγω, καταστέλλω
the act of suppressing καταστολή, απόκρυψη

to judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something εκτιμώ, αποτιμώ, αξιολογώ

to change or update (an idea, plan, etc. already developed) αναδιατυπώνω, επαναδιατυπώνω

various levels of social position or achievement τα κοινωνικά στρώματα

a person's particular way of thinking about things ψυχοσύνθεση, νοοτροπία

unpleasant, unkind, cruel, or more severe than is necessary σκληρός, -ή, - ό, τραχύς - ιά -ύ, άγριος - α - ο
to mention something as proof for a theory or as a reason why something has happened παραθέτω, αναφέρω

English Explanation Greek Translation

seeming likely to be true, or able to be believed αληθοφανής, -ής -ές

unable or unwilling to understand other people's beliefs αυτός - ή που φοράει παρωπίδες
an area of interest or activity τομέας
because you suddenly want to, although you haven't planned to παρορμητικά, ενστικτωδώς

to decide what the intended meaning of something is ερμηνεύω

happening, done, or chosen by chance rather than according to a plan τυχαίος - α - ο

willing to accept behaviour and beliefs that are different from your own, although you might
not agree with or approve of them ανεκτικός - η - ο

putting a lot of effort into your work επιμελής - ής - ές, προσεκτικός - ή - ό

to understand something, especially something difficult κατανοώ, αντιλαμβάνομαι

something that prevents someone from giving their attention to something else περισπασμός, αποδιοργάνωση
completely in love ερωτεύομαι παράφορα

energetic and interesting ζωηρός - ή - ό, ενδιαφέρων -ουσα - ον

If you support or stay with someone through thick and thin, you always support or stay with
them, even if there are problems or difficulties ότι κι αν συμβεί

a person who works a lot of the time and finds it difficult not to work εργασιομανής

making you feel frightened or nervous απειλητικός, -ή, -ό, εκφοβιστικός - ή - ό

Insecure people have little confidence and are uncertain about their own abilities or if other
people really like them ανασφαλής -ής-ές
having or based on a clear understanding and good judgment of a situation, resulting in an
advantage διορατικός - ή - ό, έξυπνος, -η, -ο
the ability to understand and to think in an intelligent way διάνοια, νοημοσύνη

English Explanation Greek Translation

the most modern stage of development in a particular type of work or activity τελευταία λέξη, κάτι πρωτοποριακό
to make something less complicated and therefore easier to do or understand απλοποιώ
to allow something to be shown in public or to be available for use βνάζω στην κυκλοφορία

clear and bright like crystal διαυνής - ής - ές, καθαρός, -η, -ό

the act of cutting a pattern, picture, etc. into a smooth surface, especially on metal or glass,
using acid or a sharp instrument (μέταλλο )χαρακτικ ή, χαλκογραφία

the effect that an action or decision will have on something else in the future συνέπεια, επίπτωση

to forget about an important idea or fact because you are thinking too much about other things παραβλέπω

extremely small μικροσκοπικός - ή - ό

pull out hairs or to pick up small objects by pressing the two strips of metal together with the
fingers τσιμπιδάκι
a bar or handle that moves around a fixed point, so that one end of it can be pushed or pulled μοχλός, λεβιές
in order to control the operation of a machine or move a heavy or stiff object
to exist in large numbers αφθονώ
to knock or push roughly against someone in order to move past them or get more space when
you are in a crowd of people σπρώχνω, σκουντώ

to develop a close connection or strong relationship with someone συνδέομαι (συναισθηματικά)

to finish something successfully or to achieve something επιτυγχάνω, πραγματοποιώ

having a lot of small parts or details that are arranged in a complicated way and are therefore περίπλοκος- η- ο, δαιδαλώδης - ης - ες
sometimes difficult to understand, solve, or produce

English Explanation Greek Translation

from the beginning, without using anything that already exists από την αρχή, από το μηδέν
the simplest unit of a chemical substance, usually a group of two or more atoms μόριο
a person whose job it is to make certain that employees are working or that an activity is being επόπτης, επιτηρητής
done correctly
very beautiful and delicate θεσπέσιος - α - ο, έξοχος - η -ο
in a way that shows no emotion or interest ρητά, κατηγορηματικά

containing a lot of careful detail or many detailed parts λεπτομερής - ής - ές, περίτεχνος, -η - ο
clever rather than honest σκηνοθέτημένος - η - ο, φτιαχτός - ή - ό

to come together in a single place or bring parts together in a single group συναθροίζω, συγκεντρώνω

to communicate an idea or feeling without saying it directly υπονοώ, υπαινίσσομαι

a part that combines with other parts to form something bigger μέρος, στοιχείο, εξάρτημα

the structure of a DNA molecule διπλή έλικα (δομή του DNA)

in the shape of a helix ελικοειδής - ής - ές

a thin thread of something, often one of a few, twisted around each other to make a string or
rope τρίχες, νήμα, νήμα σχοινιού
If you unwind something that is wrapped around an object, you unfasten it, and if it unwinds, it
becomes unfastened ξετυλίγω, ισιώνω

to arrange something on a flat surface εκθέτω, παρατάσσω, διατάσσω

a long, narrow bar of wood or metal that people can hold on to for support, especially when
going up or down stairs κουπαστή

any of the short bars that form the steps of a ladder το σκαλί μίας σκάλας

specially made for a particular purpose κομμένος και ραμμένος

in a tidy way προσεγμένα, νοικοκυρεμένα

English Explanation Greek Translation

to put something into a slot (a long, narrow hole) or fit together using slots τοποθετώ (κάτι μέσα σε μία τρύπα)
fitting closely;(of a person) the quality feeling warm, comfortable, and protected, or (of a place, αναπαυτικά, βολικά, (για ρούχα) που εφαρμόζει
especially a small place) the quality of giving feelings of warmth, comfort, and protection τέλεια, (για χώρο) στενά, στενάχωρα
to tie something tightly or to fasten something δένω, συνδέω

certain to happen and unable to be avoided or prevented αναπόφευκτος- η - ο

to move slowly, quietly, and carefully, usually in order to avoid being noticed έρπω, σέρνομαι

a series of related things or events, or the order in which they follow each other αλληλουχία, σειρά

to mix or throw together ανακατεύω

sth not clear and very difficult to understand, often giving a false idea of the facts δυσνόητος - η - ο, μπερδεμένος - η - ο
a copy or reproduction of sth αντιγραφή, αναπαραγωγή

a permanent change in an organism, or the changed organism itself μετάλλαξη, μεταλλαγή

a series of related things or events αλυσίδα, σειρά

the state of being very good, beautiful, or deserving to be admired εντυπωσιακά, υπέροχα

impossible to understand ακατανόητος - η - ο, δυσνόητος - η - ο

someone who establishes an organization ιδρυτής

in physics, a theory that explains the behaviour of elementary particles, both separately and in
groups κβαντική μηχανική
finally, after a series of things have happened; used to emphasize the most important fact in a τελικά, βασικά, ουσιαστικά
to destroy something by tearing it into pieces διαλύω, αποσυναρμολογώ
the part of something such as a tree, tooth, arm, or leg that is left after most of it has been
removed κούτσουρο, ρίζα (δέντρου, δοντιού)
to build or create again something that has been damaged or destroyed ανοικοδομώ, αναστυλώνω
a quality in a substance or material, especially one that means that it can be used in a particular
way ιδιότητα, χαρακτηριστικό (στη φυσική)

English Explanation Greek Translation

the act of living or lasting for ever αθανασία

not clearly expressed, known, described, or decided ασαφής - ής - ές, αόριστος - η - ο

a belief or idea γνώμη, ιδέα

to express a thought, feeling, or idea so that it is understood by other people εκφράζω, μεταφέρω

to allow something to be seen that, until then, had been hidden αποκαλύπτω

a small device or machine with a particular purpose συσκευή, μαραφέτι

without any sudden movements or changes ομαλά, στρωτά

to combine two or more things in order to become more effective εντάσσω, ενσωματώνω
If a situation or problem boils down to something, that is the main reason for it συνοψίζομαι

real but not immediately obvious υποκρυπτόμενος - η - ο

a basic idea or rule that explains or controls how something happens or works αρχή

an important positive development βήμα, άλμα

providing or supporting with a raised framework or platform. σκαλωσιές

(biology) a substance that is found in DNA and RNA αδενίνη

vitamin B1 θειαμίνη

the fact that something is easy to understand or do απλότητα

the state of having many parts and being difficult to understand or find an answer to περιπλοκότητα, περιπλοκή

extremely large in size or degree αχανής - ής - ές, απέραντος -η -ο

to look like or be like someone or something μοιάζω

stop operating αποσυνδέω

to cut something off in one quick movement κλαδεύω

English Explanation Greek Translation

a small, sharp, broken piece of wood, glass, plastic, or similar material ακίδα, θραύσμα

an event that causes the failure of something that had already started to fail η χαριστική βολή
λέω τα πράγματα με το όνομά τους, λέω τα σύκα-
to say the truth about something, even if it is not polite or pleasant σύκα και τη σκάφη-σκάφη
to fail completely αποτυγχάνω τελείως

a weak part, especially the weakest part of something ο αδύναμος κρίκος

to become very angry εξαγριώνομαι

with (no) special demands or limits με (χωρίς) όρους

to have a different understanding of the same situation μπερδεύω, μπερδεύομαι

to have already achieved all that you have the power, ability, or strength to do and to be unable τα έχω δώσει όλα
to do more
to start to work effectively and with energy μπαίνουν στο ρυθμό, στο πνεύμα
χώνω το μαχαίρι βαθιά μέσα στην πληγή,
to make someone who is annoyed, worried, or upset feel even worse χειροτερεύω τη δύσκολη κατάσταση κάποιου

the use of) a new idea or method καινοτομία

a radioactive chemical element that is used in the treatment of some diseases, especially cancer ράδιο
continuing for a long time μακροσκελής - ής - ές, εκτενής, -ής - ές

an unpleasant effect of a drug that happens in addition to the main effect παρενέργεια
to notice something that is partly hidden or not clear, or to discover something, especially using
a special method διακρίνω, επισημαίνω
the organization of a company, business, or system in a new way to make it operate more
effectively αναδιάρθρωση

a change in position or direction μετακίνηση, μετατόπιση, αλλαγή

English Explanation Greek Translation

the style of language, grammar, and words used for particular situations ιδίωμα (ιδιαίτερος τρόπος φρασεολογίας ή ύφους)

describes a type of light that feels warm but cannot be seen υπέρυθρος

gentle, loving, or kind τρυφερός, - η - ό, στοργικός -η -ό

the force or action of one object hitting another πρόσκρουση, σύγκρουση

a very hard yellowish-white metal ιρίδιο

to improve the quality of something by adding something else πλουτίζω, εμπλουτίζω

to hide or block the light from something, especially the sun μπλοκάρω, εμποδίζω

to fall very quickly and suddenly βουλιάζω, βυθίζομαι, κατρακυλάω

the fact of a business, organization, etc. stopping operating κλείσιμο, λήξη

an important job, especially a military one, that someone is sent somewhere to do αποστολή
a small spacecraft, with no one travelling in it, sent into space to make measurements and send
back information to scientists on Earth μη επανδρωμένο διαστημόπλοιο

to supply or produce something positive such as a profit, an amount of food or information αποφέρω, παράγω

to persuade someone not to do something αποτρέπω, μεταπείθω

to make a choice, especially of one thing or possibility instead of others διαλέγω, επιλέγω
(usually plural) the effect that an action or decision will have on something else in the future επιπτώσεις
a group of people who lead the development of new ideas, or a leading position in the
development of something στο προσκήνιο

describes something that acts in two ways, often with one negative and one positive effect δίκοπο μαχαίρι
not trained in or not having a detailed knowledge of a particular subject λαϊκός - ή - ό, κοσμικός - ή -ό

in order to help or bring advantage to someone για χάρη κάποιου

English Explanation Greek Translation

only able to happen if something else happens εξαρτώ μένος από κάτι
the activity of collecting information about someone, especially a criminal, in order to give a σύντομη περιγραφή
description of them
an illness of the mind or body πάθηση, διαταραχή

to have something as the main subject of discussion or interest επικεντρώνομαι

to give support to someone or something with money or words υποστηρίζω, στηρίζω

possible when the necessary conditions exist πιθανός - η - ο

to continue with an activity in a determined or enthusiastic way, especially when it is difficult or
makes you feel tired προωθώ, προχωρώ (μια ιδέα, δραστηριότητα)

causing worry or fear ανησυχητικός - ή - ό, τρομαχτικός - ή - ό

of the present time τωρινός - ή - ό, τρέχων -ουσα - ον

to appear or start to exist suddenly πετάγομαι, ξεφυτρώνω

the possibility of being successful, especially at work προοπτικές, ορίζοντες

the effect that an action, event, or decision has on something, especially a bad effect συνέπεια, επίπτωση, αντίκτυπος
importance σπουδαιότητα, σημασία

the dividing line between two very different things μεταίχμιο, κόψη

a doubt or feeling of not being able to agree with or accept something completely επιφύλαξη

to cause something to begin ξεκινώ, εισάγω

θέτω κάτι σε κίνηση, ξεκίνησε το σχέδιο, θέτω
to do something that will cause a series of actions to start τους τροχούς σε κίνηση
to (not) be very exciting or successful γεμίζω κάποιον με ενθουσιασμό, αγάπη, κτλ.

to describe a situation where something is about to happen στήνω σκηνικό

to show other people that you are determined to do something δείχνω τις προθέσεις μου, τους στόχους μου

English Explanation Greek Translation

to want to get or achieve something very much επιθυμώ κάτι / να κάνω κάτι

to write or say something in order to make the true facts known για να βάλουμε τα πράγματα στη θέση τους
to establish a pattern; to set a policy that must be followed in future cases δημιουργώ (κακό) προηγούμενο
μια κατάσταση που δεν μπορεί να αντιστραφεί,
no longer changeable κάτι που δεν αλλάξει," ότι γίνεται δεν ξεγίνεται"
to decide to achieve something αποσκοπώ, επιδιώκω, προσανατολίζομαι σε κάτι
to annoy you very much εξαγριώνω κάποιον, του τη δίνω στα νεύρα
to work as hard as other people in a group κάνω το κατά δύναμη, συμβάλλω όσο και οι άλλοι
σε μια δραστηριότητα

to make an effort to improve your work or behaviour because it is not good enough προσπαθώ να βελτιωθώ

used when you do not believe what someone has just said κοροϊδεύω/δουλεύω κάποιον

to be in control of an organization, often secretly κινώ τα νήματα

to successfully deceive someone κάνω σε κάποιον κατεργαριά

If someone runs rings round you, they are very much better, faster, or more successful at είμαι καλύτερος/γρηγορότερος από κάποιον
something than you are
to do something although something bad might happen because of it διακινδυνεύω

to have opposite effect to something else παραβαίνω, πάω αντίθετα με

ελέγχω εταιρία ή οργανισμό αποτελεσματικά και
to control a business or other organization firmly and effectively αυστηρά

to see or notice someone or something, usually because you are looking hard εντοπίζω

English Explanation Greek Translation

Vivid descriptions, memories, etc. produce very clear, powerful, and detailed images in the mind ζωηρός, έντονος
to form a picture of someone or something in your mind, in order to imagine or remember
them φαντάζομαι, σχηματίζω νοερή εικόνα
to make someone angry or annoyed εξαγριώνω, ενοχλώ

the use of living things, especially cells and bacteria, in industrial processes βιοτεχνολογία
to persuade someone to work for a company or become a new member of an organization, προσλαμβάνω, στρατολογώ
especially the army
describing an action that is done to prevent something unpleasant or dangerous happening προληπτικός - ή - ό, προστατευτικός - η - ο
προβλεπόμενος (από το νόμο), νομοθετημένος,
decided or controlled by law θεσπισμένος
a result or effect of an action, situation, etc. αποτέλεσμα

having a negative or harmful effect on something αντίξοος, δυσμενής

a statement that something is true or is a fact, although other people might not believe it ισχυρισμός

not broken or damaged; healthy; in good condition υγιής - ής - ές, γερός - ή - ό

είδος ανάλυσης που δείχνει τα πλεονεκτήματα
(economics) showing the advantages of an action in relation to its cost μιας επιχειρηματικής πράξης σε σχέση με το
κόστος της
(management) the process of finding out how much risk is involved in doing something εκτίμηση κινδύνου

controlling ρυθμιστικός - η - ο

accepting or starting to use something new ενστερνισμός, υιοθέτηση

clothing, etc. as a protection against fire and as a form of insulation (= a way of stopping heat
from escaping) αμίαντος

English Explanation Greek Translation

careful not to cause embarrassment or attract too much attention, especially by keeping διακριτικός - ή - ό
something secret
careful and avoiding risks συνετός - ή - ό, φρόνιμος - η -ο
not expected αναπάντεχος - η - ο, απροσδόκητος - η - ο
certainly true αδιαμφισβήτητος - η - ο

describes something that is difficult to imagine because it is so bad, good, big, etc. αφάνταστος - η- ο, αδιανόητος - η - ο

used to compare two things or ideas, especially when you have to choose between them εναντίον, έναντι

to stop something unwanted from spreading or increasing σταματώ, αναχαιτίζω

to happen προκύπτω, εμφανίζομαι

to give a particular ]ob or piece of work to someone αναθέτω

to happen in a particular way or to have a particular result, especially an unexpected one συμπεραίνω, καταλήγω

to cause a particular reaction in someone εξάπτω, συγκινώ

different from what is usual or from the way most people do things μη συμβατικός

the range of a subject covered by a book, programme, discussion, class, etc. αντικείμενο, πεδίο

describes an offer or agreement that depends on something else being done εξαρτώ μένος, -η, -ο από όρους
to get information or advice from a person, book, etc. with special knowledge on a particular
subject συμβουλεύομαι, προσφεύγω
a teacher who works with one student or a small group, either at a British college or university
or in the home of a child διδάσκαλος, επιμελητής, καθηγητής

as the first attempt or effort αρχικά, κατά πρώτο λόγο

to spend time considering a possible future action, or to consider one particular thing for a long
time in a serious and quiet way σκέφτομαι, αναλογίζομαι, συλλογίζομαι

English Explanation Greek Translation

an amount of money given by a school, college, university, or other organization to pay for the υποτροφία
studies of a person with great ability but little money
developing or changing very quickly γρήγορα εξελισσόμενος - η - ο

an attempt to achieve or get something απόπειρα

the enjoyment you get from doing something απόλαυση, ευχαρίστηση

an occasion when someone orders the return of a person who belongs to an organization, or
orders the return of products made by a company απόσυρση
a stock exchange (= a place where shares in companies are bought and sold, or the organization χρηματιστήριο
of people whose job is to do this buying or selling)

to arrange something such as a deal, agreement, etc. between two or more groups or countries διαπραγματεύομαι, μεσιτεύω
the job or process of listening to someone and giving them advice about their problems παροχή συμβουλών, συμβουλευτική

to a level that is more than is necessary, acceptable, or reasonable υπερβολικός - ή - ό, αδικαιολόγητος - η - ο

an explanation or opinion of what something means ερμηνεία

the beginning Π αρχή, η έναρξη

one part of a situation, problem, subject, etc. πλευρά, άποψη

in connection with something όσον αφορά

the things needed for writing, such as paper, pens, pencils, and envelopes γραφική ύλη

a particular position in which a person stands, sits, etc. in order to be photographed, painted,
etc. στάση, πόζα
to decorate a room or other place for a special occasion by hanging coloured paper, lights, or
flowers around it, especially in curves διακοσμώ, στολίζω

English Explanation Greek Translation

to take hold of something suddenly and roughly αρπάζω,βουτάω
the sky or the air, especially considered as being full of radio waves αιθέρας

describes a product that is intended to be thrown away after use αναλώσιμος - η - ο, μιας χρήσης

something that someone says without thinking carefully and is not intended to be serious αδιάφορος - η - ο, πρόχειρος - Π -ο
an offensive remark or action προσβολή

to produce heat, light, a smell, or a gas εκπέμπω,αναδύω

a smell, often one that is unpleasant οσμή, δυσωδία

an amount of goods that is sent somewhere αποστολή (εμπορευμάτων), παράδοση

able to change easily from one activity to another or able to be used for many different
purposes προσαρμοστικότητα, πολλαπλή χρησιμότητα
to avoid something intentionally, or to give something up αποφεύγω, απέχω

a person that you have met but do not know well γνωστός

to receive blame or criticism υφίσταμαι

to suggest or think of an idea or plan επινοώ, κατασκευάζω

the ability to express yourself well διατύπωση

very careful and with great attention to every detail λεπτολόγος, σχολαστικός - ή -ό
A vivacious person, especially a woman or girl, is attractively energetic and enthusiastic ζωηρός - ή - ό, ζωντανός - ή -ό

If you choke back feelings or tears, you force yourself not to show how angry or upset you are καταπνίγω συναισθήματα

to push or send away an attacker or other unwanted person αποκρούω, αποφεύγω

too serious and full of importance πομπώδης - ης - ες, επιβλητικός - ή - ό

too interested in unpleasant subjects, especially death νοσηρός - ή - ό

English Explanation Greek Translation

to force yourself to be brave and do something that is difficult or unpleasant πιάνω τον ταύρο από τα κέρατα, φέρομαι
to encourage or cause people to have strong feelings about something (για αισθήματα) δυναμώνω, ενισχύω, διεγείρω

to say something suddenly and without thinking, usually because you are excited or nervous ξεφουρνίζω, βγάζω στη φόρα
to put something inside something else, or to add something, especially words, to something
else εισάγω, βάζω

having existed for a long time μακρόχρονος - η - ο

between continents διηπειρωτικός - ή - ό

a detailed plan or route of a journey δρομολόγιο, οδοιπορικό

to grow or develop successfully ευδοκιμώ, προοδεύω, ακμάζω

without any sudden movements or changes ομαλά

to happen at or near the same time; to be the same or similar συμπίπτω

an occasion when workers do something that is intended to force an employer to agree to ενέργειες όπως απεργίες που γίνονται από
something, especially by stopping work εργάτες ως διαμαρτυρία
the best part of an experience αποκορύφωμα

making you feel very excited and happy απολαυστικός - ή - ό, συναρπαστικός - ή - ό

happening after something else επακόλουθος - η - ο

in preparation for something happening προσδοκία, πρόληψη, προκαταβολή, πρόνοια

to suggest something for discussion καταθέτω (πρόταση) προς συζήτηση
ημερολόγιο, εφημερίδα, περιοδικό (ορισμένης
a serious magazine or newspaper that is published regularly about a particular subject ύλης)
αποστολή διαφημιστικού υλικού σε πολλές
the posting of advertising or similar material to a lot of people at one time διευθύνσεις ταυτόχρονα

English Explanation Greek Translation

before something or someone πριν από
a situation in which there is not enough food for a great number of people, causing illness and
death, or a particular period when this happens πείνα, λιμός

new or almost new, and in very good condition άθικτος - η - ο, παρθένος - α -ο

a thick layer of ice that permanently covers an area of land κομμάτια πάγου

having a limit or end πεπερασμένος - η - ο, περιορισμένος - η - ο

the number of people or things in a place when compared with the size of the place πυκνότητα

the length of time that a living thing, especially a human being, is likely to live προσδόκιμο ζωής

the amount used or eaten κατανάλωση

willing to listen to and accept new ideas and suggestions δεκτικός - ή - ό

having your attention completely held by something, so that you cannot think about anything σαγηνευμένος - η - ο, μαγεμένος - η - ο
a place where people are allowed to leave their rubbish σκουπιδότοπος

not happening or done often or regularly περιστασιακός - ή - ό, σποραδικός - ή - ό

to explain something in a very clear way with details εξηγώ αναλυτικά, λεπτομερώς
the process of getting rid of large amounts of rubbish by burying it, or a place where rubbish is
buried χωματερή

a new plan or process to achieve something or solve a problem πρωτοβουλία

the process of replacing something with something else αντικατάσταση

a change from one form or type to another, or the process by which this happens μετάβαση
types of energy such as wind power and power from the sun that can be replaced as quickly as ανανεώσιμη ενέργεια
they are used

English Explanation Greek Translation

happening only sometimes and not regularly περιστασιακός - ή - ό, σποραδικός - ή - ό
how much people start to use or accept a service, or sometimes a product, that has become αποδοχή προσφοράς
available to them
likely to change often ευμετάβλητος - η - ο, άστατος - η - ο

dead plant and animal material suitable for using as fuel βιομάζα

a unit for measuring electrical power that is equal to one million megawatts μονάδα μέτρησης ηλεκτρικής ισχύος

to state an idea or opinion, or to suggest a plan or person, for other people to consider προτείνω, παρουσιάζω

a business or other organization, or the place where an organization operates επιχείρηση, οργάνωση, ίδρυμα
to disagree strongly διαφωνώ, αντιτίθεμαι

to remove the covering of something, especially land απογυμνώνω

to cause great damage to something καταστρέφω, ρημάζω

someone who is very interested in protecting the environment οικολόγος

to have or show a strong feeling of respect and admiration for God or a god λατρεύω, προσκυνώ

a person who behaves strangely παράξενος, μυστήριος

to speak, act, or be present officially for another person or people εκπροσωπώ, αντιπροσωπεύω

not able to be changed or persuaded αυστηρός - ή - ό, αδιάλλακτος - η - ο

dealing with or treating the whole of something or someone and not just a part ολιστικός - ή - ό

taking part in an activity for pleasure, not as a job ερασιτέχνης

making you feel annoyed or less confident because you cannot achieve what you want απογοητευτικός - ή - ό

describes a situation that cannot continue as it is αβάσταχτος - η - ο, αστήρικτος, -η-ο

to accept, admit, or recognize something, or the truth or existence of something αναγνωρίζω, παραδέχομαι

English Explanation Greek Translation

having no skill, or showing no skill ερασιτεχνικός - ή - ό

to cause someone or a group of people to stop supporting and agreeing with you απομακρύνω, αποξενώνω

to show the meaning or truth of something more clearly, especially by giving examples διευκρινίζω, επεξηγώ

the act of making a bad or unpleasant situation better βελτίωση, καλυτέρευση

a man, often one who is considered to be ordinary τύπος, μάγκας

to be in or visit a particular place often συχνάζω

to drink alcohol μεθοκοπώ, τα πίνω

an informal photograph that is not very skilful or artistic φωτογραφία, στιγμιότυπο

If something unpleasant is rife, it is very common or happens a lot άφθονος - η - ο, διαδεδομένος - η - ο

existing or happening in many places and/or among many people εκτεταμένος - η - ο, ευρύτατα διαδεδομένος - η - ο

without money, food, a home, or possessions πάμπτωχος, άπορος, φουκαράς

λεπτός - ή - ό, λεπτοκαμωμένος - η - ο,
thin and delicate, often in a way that is attractive καλλίγραμμος - η - ο

to go somewhere secretly, or to take someone or something somewhere secretly γλιστρώ, πηγαίνω (κρυφά κι αθόρυβα)
to begin something αρχίζω, ξεκινάω

If you kick off a discussion or an activity, you start it αρχίζω (συζήτηση)

to suddenly become very angry and start shouting χάνω τη ψυχραιμία μου, νευριάζω
to hit someone with your fist (= closed hand) δίνω μπουνιά

stuck and unable to move, or stuck in something κολλημένος - η - ο, μπλοκαρισμένος - η - ο

If liquid trickles somewhere, it flows slowly and without force in a thin line σταλάζω, στάζω

English Explanation Greek Translation

μεταφορά χώματος ή πέτρας από μια περιοχή σε
Rock and soil carried by erosion to another location, and placed or put there άλλη λόγω διάβρωσης
a reduction in something ελάττωση, εξάντληση

living or growing in, happening in, or connected with water υδρόβιος - α - ο υδάτινος - η -ο
the process in which the beauty or quality of something is destroyed or spoiled υποβάθμιση, ξεπεσμός

showing clear thought or reason λογικός - ή - ό, ορθολογιστικός - ή - ό

the main shape or edge of something, without any details περίγραμμα
to cause a group to become part of or form a close relationship with another, usually larger,
group, or organization προσεταιρίζομαι, εισδέχομαι μέλη

describes an effort or attempt that is determined and serious συντονισμένος - η - ο, προσχεδιασμένος, -η - ο

to collect something such as money in order for it to be used by several different people or
groups συγκεντρώνω, συνενώνω

to become weaker in strength or influence φθίνω, μειώνομαι, ελαττώνομαι

to reduce or be reduced in size or importance λιγοστεύω, μειώνομαι

to (cause something to) lose value, especially over time προκαλώ υποτίμηση

to stop something before it is finished, or to reduce or limit something περικόπτω, περιορίζω

to limit an activity, person, or problem in some way περιορίζω

although μολονότι, αν και

an area surrounded by fences or walls περίβολος, περίφραξη

to move about or travel, especially without a clear idea of what you are going to do περιπλανώμαι, περιφέρομαι

the killing of animals for meat σφαγή

English Explanation Greek Translation

to catch and kill animals without permission on someone else's land κυνηγώ λαθραία

to grow, develop, or be successful αναπτύσσομαι, ακμάζω, ευδοκιμώ

a very bad or immoral person or group of people απόβρασμα της κοινωνίας

rude and offensive words said to another person ύβρις, βρισιές

in a way that shows disapproval αυστηρά, αγριωπά

to catch a very bad cold because you are not wearing warm or dry clothes, etc. πουντιάζω, αρπάζω γερό κρυολόγημα
easily annoyed οξύθυμα, ευέξαπτα

If you do or say something tentatively, you do or say it in an uncertain way διατακτικά, αβέβαια

not willing to do something and therefore slow to do it απρόθυμα

accepting that something you do not like will happen because you cannot change it παθητικά

giving too much attention to formal rules or small details σχολαστικά

when you make decisions quickly and confidently, or showing this quality αποφασιστικά

to speak or say something very quietly ψιθυρίζω, μουρμουρίζω

making you feel less worried καθ ησυχαστικά

to answer someone quickly in an angry or funny way ανταπαντώ, αντιμιλώ

to move slowly, especially as a result of outside forces, with no control over direction παρασύρομαι, περιφέρομαι

a small village, usually without a church χωριουδάκι (χωρίς τη δική του εκκλησία)
a person who is or seems to be interested in a subject, but whose understanding of it is not very ερασιτέχνης
deep or serious
honesty, courage, and kindness ευγένεια, αρχοντιά

a collection of wild animals that are kept privately or to show to the public θηριοτροφείο

English Explanation Greek Translation

to follow a person or animal by looking for proof that they have been somewhere, or by using
electronic equipment παρακολουθώ, ακολουθώ τα ίχνη

an animal that hunts, kills, and eats other animals αρπακτικό

the study of changes in the number of births, marriages, deaths, etc. in a particular area during δημογραφία
a period of time
to cause or allow something to continue for a period of time διατηρώ, συντηρώ, υποστηρίζω, συνεχίζω
one of various types of evergreen tree (= one that never loses its leaves) that produce fruit in
the form of cones κωνοφόρο

to start to include more different types or things διευρύνομαι, επεκτείνομαι

not done or happening when expected or when needed; late εκπρόθεσμος - η - ο, καθυστερημένος - η - ο

a law or set of laws suggested by a government and made official by a parliament νομοθεσία

to live in a place κατοικώ, διαμένω

the middle stone in the top of an arch that has a special shape and holds all the other stones in θεμέλιος λίθος

Something far-reaching has a great influence on many people or things ευρύς - ια - υ, εκτεταμένος -η -ο

the natural environment in which an animal or plant usually lives φυσικό περιβάλλον, βιότοπος

the fact of soil, stone, etc. being gradually damaged and removed by the sea, rain, or wind διάβρωση, αποσάθρωση

If you stabilize something, you cause it to become fixed or to stop changing σταθεροποιώ, σταθεροποιούμαι
knowledge that something exists, or understanding of a situation or subject at the present time
based on information or experience επίγνωση, συναίσθηση

always changing or moving μετακινούμενος - η -ο, μετατοπιζόμενος - η - ο

famous for some special quality or ability διάσημος, -η - ο, ονομαστός -ή -ό

English Explanation Greek Translation

to cause people to stop respecting someone or believing in an idea or person δυσφημώ, κηλιδώνω

the most noticeable or important position προσκήνιο, πρώτη γραμμή

an occasion when you seem to suggest something without saying it directly υπαινιγμός

the explanation of something through the use of a typical example εξήγηση μέσω παραδείγματος
help and comfort when you are feeling sad or worried παρηγοριά

a hill of sand near a beach or in a desert αμμόλοφος

making someone feel better εμφυχωτικός - ή - ό

a small plant with, typically, pink flowers on long stems that often grows wild on cliffs by the sea είδος πολυετούς φυτού

a plant that has small flowers and is used to feed farm animals βίκος, λαθούρι

a flowering plant in the family Asteraceae αχίλλεια η χιλιόφυλλος

to throw something carelessly πετάω, τινάζω

θόρυβος που κάνουν τα ζώα (εδώ εννοείται ο
If (animals)chatter, they make quick repeated noises θόρυβος των φυτών, το θρόισμα των φύλλων)
not affected or upset απρόσβλητος - η - άτρωτος -η -ο
a wind that comes from the west δυτικός - ή - ό
especially because it is difficult to live in as a result of its extremely cold or hot weather or bad
earth αγριότοπος, ερημιά

making you feel less sad or worried παρηγορητικός - ή - ό, κατε υναστικός - ή - ό

having no equal; better than any other of the same type αδιαφιλονίκητος - η - ο, ασυναγώνιστος - η - ο
to refuse to obey a person, decision, law, situation, etc. αψηφώ, αντιστέκομαι

that is the reason or explanation for συνεπώς, άρα

English Explanation Greek Translation

a short but complete account of a particular subject, especially in the form of a book σύνοψη, επιτομή
the sound that is made when something heavy falls or hits something else πέφτω με γδούπο

a type of plant whose spore-bearing stalk is thought to resemble a snake's tongue είδος φυτού του γένους φτέρη

is a biannual small yellow plant commonly growing in fields and on roadsides είδος φυτού

a type of plant whose flowers are spirally arranged είδος φυτού

unusual and strange, sometimes in an unpleasant way παράξενος

in some Churches, an area cared for by one priest with its own church, or (in England) the
smallest unit of local government ενορία

to make someone or something become dishonest or immoral διαφθείρω

not suitable, simple, dignified or beautiful; common or not in the style preferred by the upper
κακόγουστος - η - ο / πρόστυχος - η - ο
classes of society
causing or having a very sharp feeling of sadness σπαραχτικός - ή - ό, οδυνηρός - ή - ό

to supply or produce something positive such as a profit, an amount of food or information αποφέρω, παράγω

a type of plant that grows in some towns in Missouri, California and Oregon είδος φυτού
a plant derived from crossing certain species of the genus Viola which has small, spurred, πανσές
variously coloured flowers

an annual garden flowering plant native to southern Europe είδος λουλουδιού

Amaranthus caudatus - an annual flowering plan είδος λουλουδιού

a common woodland flowering plant είδος φυτού

boring and making you feel unhappy θλιβερός

English Explanation Greek Translation

a type of plant είδος φυτού

to find the origin of something ανακαλύπτω, εντοπίζω

a common small, bright yellow wild flower that has a lot of long, thin petals arranged in a
circular pattern around a round centre ταραξάκος

to force or persuade someone to do something unpleasant εξαναγκάζω κάποιον να κάνει κάτι

a house and the surrounding area of land usually used as a farm αγροτική κατοικία με τα παραρτήματάτης

flat land that is at the same level as the sea πεδινό τμήμα περιοχής
a line of different types of bushes and small trees growing very close together, especially
between fields or along the sides of roads in the countryside φράκτης από θάμνους και δέντρα

ground near a lake, a river, or the sea that often floods and is always wet έλος, βάλτος
If you drain something, you remove the liquid from it, usually by pouring it away or allowing it
to flow away, and if something drains, liquid flows away or out of it στραγγίζω, αποστραγγίζω
one of various types of evergreen tree (= one that never loses its leaves) that produce fruit in για να δείξει πως τα υπόλοιπα είδη δένδρων
the form of cones αντικαθ ιστού νται από κωνοφόρα δέντρα

anything or anyone that is not wanted or not considered to be important or useful εκβράσματα
doing particular pieces of work for different organizations, rather than working all the time for a
single organization αυτοαπασχολούμενος, ανεξάρτητος εργαζόμενος
any wild plant that grows in an unwanted place, especially in a garden or field where it prevents
the cultivated plants from growing freely αγριόχορτο, ζιζάνιο

an open area of hills covered with rough grass χερσότοπος, έλος, βάλτος

English Explanation Greek Translation

a person, especially a man, who is boring and not fashionable σπασίκλας

to compete with other people for something there is very little of αγωνίζομαι να αποκτήσω κάτι

a person who has no home and usually no job, and who travels from place to place άστεγος, ζητιάνος, πλάνης
something can be characterised as an eye-opening when it surprises you and teaches you knew κάτι που σε εκπλήσσει, που σου μαθαίνει
facts about life, people, etc. πράγματα

describes land that can produce a large number of good quality crops εύφορος, γόνιμος, καρποφόρος
a person with no home, job, or money who travels around and asks for money from other
of or belonging to a town or city δημοτικός, του δήμου

a type of plant which can grow to be very tall τοξικό κώνειο (Ηράκλειον)

a kind of flowering plant Μπουτλέια, Βουδλέια

a kind of plant found in Britain επιλόβιο

making you feel that something bad or evil might happen απαίσιος - α - ο, απειλητικός -ή -ό
someone or something that is very unpleasant δύσκολο έργο

something shown or examined as an example; a typical example δείγμα

the edge of a piece of cloth, such as the bottom edge of a skirt or dress, that is folded over and
sewn so that it does not develop loose threads στρίφωμα

weak and without much power παρηκμασμένος - η - ο, εξασθενισμένος - η - ο

a member of an unofficial military group that is trying to change the government by making αντάρτης
sudden, unexpected attacks on the official army forces
failure to do what you should do εγκατάλειψη

to cause something or someone to change direction εκτρέπω, μετατρέπω

English Explanation Greek Translation

the number and types of plants and animals that exist in a particular area or in the world
generally, or the problem of protecting this βιοποικιλότητα

a small, bright yellow flower νεραγκούλα

plant with deep red cup-shaped flowers that resemble an anemone Άδωνις ο χειμερινός

excellent, or beautiful and impressive λαμπρός, έξοχος, μεγαλοπρεπής

the edge or border of something άκρο (του δρόμου)

a junction at which smaller roads meet a main road διασταύρωση συνεχούς κυκλοφορίας

to throw something with a lot of force, usually in an angry or violent way εκσφενδονίζω, εκτοξεύω

a plant with large, delicate flowers that are typically red and have small, black seeds παπαρούνα

to break a rule or law, especially without intending to κινδυνεύω από παρανομίες

a chemical that is used to destroy plants, especially weeds ζιζανιοκτόνο

very large, powerful, or important ισχυρός - ή - ό, δυνατός - ή - ό

a plant of North America and Australia that breaks near the ground when it dies and is then
rolled about in large balls by the wind αφάνα (φυτό)

If something heaves, it makes one or more large movements up and down ανυψώνω, ανεβοκατεβαίνω ρυθμικά

to be greater than a number or amount, or to go past an allowed limit υπερβαίνω, ξεπερνάω

a tenth part of someone's produce or income that they give or pay as a tax to the Church δέκατο, δέκατη φόρος

existing in a wild state, especially describing an animal that was previously kept by people άγριος - α - ο

something that makes someone who is sad or disappointed feel better παρηγοριά

the situation in which there is more than enough of something αφθονία

to give someone a lot, or too much, of something such as money, presents, or attention παρέχω αφειδώς

English Explanation Greek Translation

making you remember or imagine something pleasant ενθυμητικός - ή - ό

If something is ground-breaking, it is very new and a big change from other things of its type πρωτοποριακός - ή - ό, επαναστατικός - ή - ή

to watch something with careful attention or to record something in detail απεικονίζω, παριστάνω με σχεδιάγραμμα

to take great care of something because you love it or consider it very valuable θεωρώ πολύτιμο, εκτιμώ
to say or write unpleasant things about someone or something, in order to cause other people
to have a bad opinion of them διασύρω, διαβάλλω, κακολογώ

a noticeable change in a situation or increase in a particular type of behaviour τάση, ρεύμα

to put seeds in or on the ground so that plants will grow σπέρνω, φυτεύω

the act of holding tightly onto something, or keeping an opinion in a determined way συγκρατητικότητα, επιμονή
If two or more facts, pieces of advice, etc. are contradictory, they are very different from each αντικρουόμενος - η - ο

ταραγμένος - η - ο, μπερδεμένος - η - ο, ανήσυχος

worried by something and uncertain -η-ο

to encourage an activity or development or make it happen faster ωθώ, παρακινώ, παροτρύνω

ξανοίγομαι πολύ, αποτυγχάνω λόγω
to fail by trying to achieve, spend, or do more than you can manage υπερεκτίμησης των δυνατοτήτων μου
doubting that something is true or useful επιφυλακτικός - ή - ό, σκεπτικιστικός - ή - ό

an idea or theory on which a statement or action is based υπόθεση, πρόταση, προϋπόθεση

continuing in a severe or extreme way ανένδοτος - η - ο, αμείλικτος -η -ο

a short period of illness or involvement in an activity έξαρση, κρίση

English Explanation Greek Translation

extreme and forceful or (of a feeling) very strong έντονος - η - ο, σφοδρός - ή - ό

based on what is experienced or seen rather than on theory εμπειρικός - η - ό

to express a feeling that you have been trying not to show ελευθερώνω

a strong feeling of hating someone or something απέχθεια, αποστροφή

to laugh and speak about a person or idea in a way that shows that you think they are stupid or
silly χλευάζω, εμπαίζω
to show something or to say or prove that something is true αποδεικνύω, πιστοποιώ
If you tone a part of the body, you make it firmer and stronger, usually by taking physical
exercise δυναμώνω

extreme tiredness κόπωση, εξάντληση

to make an effort to understand and deal with a problem or situation καταλαβαίνω, πιάνω το νόημα, αντιμετωπίζω

to learn how to do something, especially if it is not obvious or simple μαθαίνω πως να κάνω κάτι
a board that can bend which helps you to jump higher when jumping or diving into a swimming
pool or when doing gymnastics βατήρας

to have to deal with a difficult or unpleasant situation παλεύω, αγωνίζομαι

a pause or rest from something difficult or unpleasant ανάπαυλα, αναβολή, διακοπή

to fasten something in position by fixing a narrow piece of leather or other strong material
around it δένω (με λουρί)

appearing on a computer screen or a television screen στην οθόνη

someone who is very experienced and skilled in a particular area of activity έμπειρος

to rise extremely quickly or make extremely quick progress towards success εκτοξεύομαι

showing that you do not think something is worth considering περιφρονητικός - ή - ό, αδιάφορος - η - ο

able to move your body quickly and easily ευκίνητος - η - ο

a position in which they are bent under the body to one in which they are straight out behind
you άσκηση νυμναστικής

English Explanation Greek Translation

to pull something forcefully with a quick movement τραβάω απότομα, έλκω
to speak to someone or a group of people, often for a long time, in a forceful and sometimes
angry way, especially to persuade them βγάζω λόγο σε έντονο ύφος

to solve or end a problem or difficulty επιλύω, λύνω

to feel very angry but to be unable or unwilling to express it clearly εξοργίζομαι, εξάπτομαι

to discover proof or some other information, especially aftercareful searching ξεθάβω, ξετρυπώνω

to have a strong feeling of wanting something λαχταρώ, ποθώ

to intentionally not obey a rule, law, or custom περιφρονώ, αψηφώ

to get things, especially money or food, by asking for them instead of buying them or working κάνω τράκα
for them

to give a formal talk to a group of people, often at a university κάνω διάλεξη

a hard, black substance that is dug from the earth in pieces, and can be burned to produce heat
or power, or a single piece of this κάρβουνο

to experience a difficult situation or event επιζώ

to have an exciting and very enjoyable time with parties, good food and drink, etc. ξεφαντώνω, το γλεντάω
to accept a new but unpleasant situation that you cannot change μαθαίνω να ζω με

to be unable to stop feeling embarrassed about something you have done δεν ξαναζώ (κάποιο εξευτελιστικό γεγονός)
to make money in a clever and usually dishonest way ζω από κόλπα

someone's ability to think of clever new ways of doing something επινοητικότητα, εφευρετικότητα

to do something after you have done something else ( can also be used in a humorous way) προχωρώ, προβαίνω

in a very forceful or energetic way δραστήρια, ενεργητικά

English Explanation Greek Translation

any set of rules about food and exercise that someone follows, especially in order to improve
their health (θεραπευτική) αγωγή, δίαιτα

able to be easily physically, emotionally, or mentally hurt, influenced, or attacked ευάλωτος - η - ο

something that causes growth or activity ερέθισμα, κίνητρο

very powerful, forceful, or effective δυνατός - ή - ό, ισχυρός - ή - ό

an illness πάθηση, νόσος

If you take criticism or advice to heart, you think about it seriously, often because it upsets you παίρνω κάτι κατάκαρδα

in speech but not in writing από στόμα σε στόμα

to step on πατάω
a serious conversation between two people, usually close friends, in which they talk honestly εκ βαθέων/εγκάρδια συζήτηση
about their feelings
to walk in a slow, relaxed manner, especially for pleasure περπατώ, κάνω βόλτα
When two people are arm in arm, they both have one arm bent at the elbow and passing
around and supporting, or being supported by, the arm of the other person αγκαζέ

one closely behind the other (για αυτοκίνητα) το ένα πίσω από το άλλο
to have just enough money to live on and nothing extra μεροδούλι-μεροφάι

By using the hands; manually με το χέρι, χειροκίνητα

to try very hard to get something you want αγωνίζομαι με νύχια και με δόντια
If two people see eye to eye, they agree with each other συμφωνώ

anything that can enjoy yourself when you are not working ψυχαγωγικός - ή - ό

a change or changes made to the words of a text διόρθωση, βελτίωση

English Explanation Greek Translation

a change to a law that is not yet in operation and is still being discussed τροποποίηση

skilfully ικανά, επιδέξια

unhappy and having no hope, especially because of a disappointment or failure αποθαρρυμένος - η - ο, απογοητευμένος - η - ο
to consider; suppose υπολήπτομαι, θεωρώ

feeling so satisfied with your own abilities or situation that you feel you do not need to try any
harder ικανοποιημένος - η - ο, αυτάρεσκος - η - ο
a feeling of calm satisfaction with your own abilities or situation that prevents you from trying αυταρέσκεια, εφησυχασμός

believing that people are only interested in themselves and are not sincere δύσπιστος - η - ο, σαρκαστικός - ή - ό
something that is made of different parts that look (or sound) attractive together παρασκεύασμα

able to cause or causing death; extremely dangerous φονικός - ή - ό, ολέθριος - α -ο

a very infectious disease spread by rats, causing swelling, fever, and usually death. In the 14th
century it killed half the people living in Europe βουβωνική πανώλη

living for a long time μακροβιότητα

never having happened or existed in the past άνευ προηγουμένου, πρωτοφανής - ής - ές

able to be given from one person to another μεταδοτικός - ή - ό, μεταδόσιμος - η - ο
against the rules of a religion or morally wrong αμαρτωλός - ή - ό
a situation in which people eat and drink more than they need to αδηφαγία, λαιμαργία

the state of being complete and correct in every way τελειότητα

a group of people who try to persuade the government or an official group to do something ομάδα πίεσης (βουλευτών)
If you have a stake in something, it is important to you because you have a personal interest or ενδιαφέρομαι για κάτι
involvement in it

English Explanation Greek Translation

a state of confusion without any order αναταραχή

a strong wish, especially one that is difficult or impossible to control επιθυμία, παρόρμηση

to spread beliefs or ideas among a lot of people διακηρύσσω, κοινοποιώ

to decide that something or someone is not worth considering or giving attention δε λαμβάνω υπόψη μου, αγνοώ

to (cause something to) become blocked or filled so that movement or activity is difficult φράζω, φρακάρω, εμποδίζω
a situation in which you receive too much information at one time and cannot think about it in a υπερφόρτωση πληροφοριών
clear way
not correct εσφαλμένος (για επιχειρήματα)
to accept a situation or fact although you do not like it συμβιβάζομαι, προσαρμόζομαι σε κάτι

to keep something harmful within limits and not allow it to spread συγκρατώ, περιορίζω

to cause something, especially a problem or difficulty θέτω, προβάλλω

to cause someone to believe something that is not true παραπλανώ

confusion σύγχυση, παραζάλη

something that you accept as true without question or proof υπόθεση

people or organizations who have a financial or personal interest in a business, company, or ιδιοτελές συμφέρον
existing system
a planned group of especially political, business, or military activities that are intended to
achieve a particular aim καμπάνια, εκστρατεία

the act of providing something (= giving sb sth they need) παροχή, προσφορά, διάθεση

money given by a government or organization for an event or activity χρηματοδότηση, επιχορήγηση

always behaving or happening in a similar, especially positive, way με συνέπεια
English Explanation Greek Translation
the power or opportunity to win an advantage η δύναμη ή η ευκαιρία του να κερδίσεις το
to give something emphasis δίνω έμφαση σε

to start a machine or process βάζω σε λειτουρνία, θέτω σε κίνηση

to give something to someone as their share of a total amount, for them to use in a particular
way κατανέμω, διανέμω

to formally give permission for something άδεια, εξουσιοδότηση

to correct something or make something right διορθώνω, αποκαθιστώ

likely to break or cause pain επισφαλής - ής - ές, αμφίβολος - η - ο

making someone feel no respect, often because unsuccessful or showing no ability, effort, or οικτρός - ή - ό, αξιολύπητος -η -ο
to do or begin to do something, especially something that will take a long time or be difficult αναλαμβάνω, δεσμεύομαι

to mention someone or something without talking about them directly αναφέρομαι σε

relating or belonging to each of the separate people or things you have ]ust mentioned αντίστοιχα

united and working together effectively συνεκτικός - ή - ό, ενιαίος - α - 0

a difficult or boring activity that needs a lot of effort αγγαρεία, χαμαλοδουλειά

a business that finds suitable people to work for other businesses γραφείο ανεύρεσης εργασίας
someone who has a lot of ability and a strong wish to be successful and is therefore expected to άτομο με μεγάλες φιλοδοξίες
achieve a lot

a situation or type of behaviour that is expected and considered to be typical ο κανόνας

English Explanation Greek Translation

employer has asked them to leave or when they are leaving at the end of their working life, as a
reward for very long or good service in their job (χρηματική) αποζημίωση, το εφάπαξ

to get your first experience of a particular type of work and learn the basic skills (often + on ) παίρνω το βάπτισμα του πυρός

in a direction to the left or right, not forwards or backwards πλαγίως, λοξά

someone who had a job or a position before someone else, or something that comes before προκάτοχος
another thing in time or in a series
uncertainty caused by the possibility of a sudden change in the present situation αστάθεια, αβεβαιότητα
κάτι που εχει και πλεονεκτήματα και
something that has advantages and disadvantages μειονεκτήματα
describes someone who has lost interest in what they are doing because they are bored or are κουρασμένος - η - ο, βαριεστημένος - η - ο (από τα
working too hard ίδια και τα ίδια)

If a plan or system, etc. is riddled with bad features, such as mistakes, it is full of them γεμάτος, -η - ο από
used to describe a situation in which people will do anything to be successful, even if what they
do harms other people το μικρό ψάρι τρώει το μικρό
to not do something that you were going to do, or to stop doing something before you have εγκαταλείπω, παρατάω
completely finished

something that exists apart from other things, having its own independent existence οντότητα

a slight sign of something ίχνος, υποψία

to immediately offer someone a job or position because you want them very much προσφέρω δουλειά αμέσως σε κάποιον επειδή τον
θέλω πάρα πολύ
all the achievements or failures that someone or something has had in the past ιστορικό προηγούμενων επιδόσεων
if someone walks out on a job, etc., they leave before finishing it because they are not happy εγκαταλείπω, αφήνω
about something

English Explanation Greek Translation

a person's way of thinking and their opinions νοοτροπία

to encourage the development or growth of ideas or feelings ενθαρρύνω, ευνοώ

If the jury is (still) out on a subject, people do not yet know the answer or have not yet decided δεν έχει παρθεί απόφαση (ακόμα)
if it is good or bad
a great improvement or important development in something μεγάλο βήμα, σημαντική πρόοδος

real and not imaginary; able to be shown, touched, or experienced χειροπιαστός - ή - ό, απτός -ή -ό

to see something or someone, or to notice something that is obvious διακρίνω, αντιλαμβάνομαι

εταιρεία που χρησιμοποιεί μικρό αριθμό
A lean company or organization uses only a small number of people and a small amount of
υπαλλήλων ή μικρό ποσό χρημάτων στις
money, etc. so that there is no waste συναλλαγές της για να περιορίσει τις σπατάλες
to change the direction, order, position, result, etc. of something to its opposite αντιστρέφω
something that seems to be a fast and easy solution to a problem but is in fact not very good or γρήγορη λύση, πρόχειρη λύση
will not last long
the most important or basic part of something ουσία

consisting of several separate parts διαιρεμένος - η - ο, διχασμένος, -η - ο

someone who has committed a crime or a violent or harmful act δράστης, φταίχτης
run away (to escape especially because of danger or fear) διαφεύγω, δραπετεύω

not very good μέτριος - α - ο

προσπαθώ να μείνω απαρατήρητος για να
to avoid trouble αποφύγω τη φασαρία
solving problems in a sensible way that suits the conditions that really exist now, rather than
obeying fixed theories, ideas, or rules πραγματιστής, ρεαλιστής

English Explanation Greek Translation

relating to the sides of an object or to sideways movement πλευρικός- η - ό, παράπλευρος - η - ο

an amount of something produced by a person, machine, factory, country, etc. παρανωγή, απόδοση

ordinary and not special or exciting in any way κοινός, μέσος, συνήθης

to eat a small amount of food or a small meal τσιμπάω/τρώω κάτι στα νρήνορα

a way of living that is full of excitement, activity, and often danger έντονη ζωή, ζωή με καταχρήσεις
full of activity, or very busy and fast πολυτάραχος - η - ο, πυρετώδης - ης - ες

to earn money quickly and easily, especially by doing something illegal or dishonest βγάζω εύκολο χρήμα

the quickest route to a successful position ταχύτερος δρόμος για μια επιτυχημένη θέση
quick, energetic, and active ζωηρός - ή - ό, σβέλτος - η - ο

happening or moving quickly or within a short time, especially in a smooth and easy way σβέλτος - η - ο, γρήγορος - η -ο

a statement that something is not true or does not exist διάψευση

a short sleep υπνάκος

in an opposite way αντιθέτως, αντιστρόφως

the speed at which an event happens ταχύτητα, ρυθμός

the total amount by which money spent is more than money received έλλειμμα
help in the form of food, money, medical supplies, or weapons that is given by a richer country
to a poorer country αρωγή, βοήθεια, υποστήριξη

the activity of selling goods to the public, usually in shops λιανικό εμπόριο, λιανικές πωλήσεις
something that is a part of your history or that stays from an earlier time κληρονομιά

English Explanation Greek Translation

a period when the economy of a country is not successful and conditions for business are bad ύφεση, κάμψη

to prevent something from being reached or seen αποκόπτω

a new word or expression, or a new meaning for an existing word νεολογισμός

a programme or other show involving characters from a previous programme or film παρακλάδι

to begin to understand something κατανοώ, αντιλαμβάνομαι

αντισταθμιστικό κεφάλαιο, αμοιβαία κεφάλαια
a type of investment that can make a lot of profit but involves a large risk

A blue-chip company or investment is one that can be trusted and is not likely to fail επικερδής μετοχή, σίγουρο χαρτί
an extra payment that is given to someone for accepting a new job χρηματικό ποσό που δίνεται σε κάποιον όταν
δέχεται μια καινούρια δουλειά
(used especially in newspapers) the first signs of an improvement in an economy that is (οικονομική) ανάπτυξη
performing badly
a situation in which a company is losing a lot of money ζημιά, απώλεια, έλλειμμα

large electrical goods for the house, such as cookers and washing machines οικιακές συσκευές
a person or organization that saves a company from financial difficulties or from a takeover by άνθρωπος ή εταιρία που σώζει εταιρία η οποία
putting money into the company or by buying it πρόκειται να αγοραστεί από μια άλλη.

more important, strong, or noticeable than anything else of the same type κυρίαρχος - η - ο, επικρατέστερος - η - ο
someone in a high position, especially in business, who makes decisions and puts them into
action διευθυντικό, διοικητικό, ανώτερο στέλεχος
to get control of a company by buying enough of the shares in it παίρνω τον έλεγχο

used in expressions describing how small an amount or period of time is ζήτημα, υπόθεση (χρόνου)

English Explanation Greek Translation

a period of time during which a student works for a company or organization in order to get
experience of a particular type of work πρακτική άσκηση
someone who is finishing their training for a skilled ]ob especially by getting practical experience ασκούμενος, ειδικευόμενος
of the work involved
an important stage in the development of something καμπή
a situation in which a government spends as little money as possible because of bad economic λιτότητα
to take legal action against a person or organization, especially by making a legal claim for
μηνύω, καταγγέλλω
money because of some harm that they have caused you
a special court or group of people who are officially chosen, especially by the government, to
examine (legal) problems of a particular type ειδικό δικαστήριο
having the necessary qualities or satisfying the necessary conditions κατάλληλος υποψήφιος

to decide officially αποφαίνομαι

a person or thing that has the same purpose as another one in a different place or organization ομόλογος
the process of finding people to work for a company or become a new member of an αναζήτηση υπαλλήλων, προσλήψεις
near κοντά, πλησίον

an accepted or official position, especially in a social group θέση, υπόσταση, κατάσταση

in order to prevent any possibility that something will happen μην τυχόν και, από φόβο μήπως

to send something, especially goods or a message, somewhere for a particular purpose αποστέλλω
a way of sending letters or parcels by using a service that deals with them in a special way and
makes sure they do not get lost συστημένο ταχυδρομείο

away from the correct path or correct way of doing something έξω από το σωστό δρόμο

English Explanation Greek Translation

ταξιδεύω καθημερινά (προς και από τον τόπο της
to make the same journey regularly between work and home εργασίας μου)

very early in the morning, especially at the time when the sun first appears νωρίς το πρωί
a green plant with long stems, leaves like feathers, and no flowers φτέρη
a very small, green or yellow plant that grows especially in wet earth or on rocks, walls, and tree βρύο
covered with plants that are growing thickly and in an uncontrolled way κατάφυτος - η - ο, σκεπασμένος με χόρτα

tending not to speak much λιγομίλητος - η - ο, λιγόλογος -η -ο

a man who behaves badly or in a way that is not moral, especially in his relationships with
women αγροίκος
an insulting word for someone, usually a young person, whose way of dressing, speaking, and "κιτς", "κιτσαριό"
behaving is thought to show their lack of education and low social class
very old-fashioned and not willing to change πρωτόγονος - η - ο, καθυστερημένος - η - ο

a man who acts violently, especially to commit a crime τραμπούκος, νταής, κακοποιός

a young man who behaves in a very rude, offensive, and sometimes violent way αγροίκος, άξεστος, χοντράνθρωπος
a person, especially a man, who is not attractive and is awkward or socially embarrassing σπασίκλας

a brother or sister αδέλφι

a woman who is conscious of and makes use of being attractive to men in order to get what she ντίβα, ξελογιάστρα

a young woman considered to be attractive but not intelligent χαζογκόμενα

a person who has good qualities that make you like them γόης, γητευτής
A chivalrous man is polite, honest, fair, and kind towards women. αβρός, ευγενικός, ιπποτικός

English Explanation Greek Translation

showing that you love someone very much που δείχνει μεγάλη αδυναμία, που αγαπά τρελά

describes a man who behaves or looks similar to a woman θηλυπρεπής - ής - ές

describes the noisy, energetic, and sometimes rude behaviour that some young men show in "μάγκικη", "μαγκάκι"
social groups
unfriendly and slightly rude μυγιάγγιχτος - η - ο, ευερέθιστος - η - ο
not behaving in a strong, brave, or confident way δειλός - ή - ό, αδύναμος - η -ο

the ability to make decisions quickly and confidently, or showing this quality αποφασιστικότητα
(knowledge from) an ability to understand or know something immediately based on your
feelings rather than facts διαίσθηση

confident behaviour, the ability to say what sb wants or believes without being frightened αποφασιστικότητα, κατηγορηματικότητα

the quality of treating people equally or in a way that is right or reasonable δικαιοσύνη, αμεροληφία

honesty ευθύτητα, ντομπροσύνη

the quality of not being proud because you are aware of your bad qualities σεμνότητα, ταπεινοφροσύνη
the physical and/or mental strength to do something that might be difficult and will take a long αντοχή

to move or cause something to move around a central point or line περιστρέφομαι, γυρίζω

a person who speaks publicly in support of a particular idea or plan of action υπέρμαχος, υποστηρικτής

to get something good as a result of your own actions καρπώνομαι τα οφέλη

clearly defined and evident αισθητά, εμφανώς

a state of not being able to decide what to do about a situation in which you are involved δίλημμα

a person or group that serves as a model to be imitated or followed; leader πρωτοπόρος

English Explanation Greek Translation

to be or give a typical example of something αποτελώ παράδειγμα

to cause someone to feel sudden strong emotion καταβάλλω, κατακλύζω

to publicly support or suggest an idea, development, or way of doing something υποστηρίζω

an unpleasant situation that is difficult to get out of δύσκολη κατάσταση

the ability to make decisions and act on your own επινοητικότητα

used to mean that you accept that a piece of information is true but it does not change your
opinion of the subject you are discussing παρόλα αυτά
used to mean that something you are about to say is also true, for the same reasons as what για τον ίδιο λόγο
has just been said
in the same way παρομοίως

despite what has just been said or done παρόλα αυτά, μολαταύτα

in a similar(same) way παρομοίως

a period of days, weeks, months, etc. within which an activity is intended to happen χρονικό περιθώριο
the process of discussing something with someone in order to get their advice or opinion about
it παραίνεση, συμβουλή

a complete change from one opinion or plan of action to an opposite one αναστροφή, στροφή 180 μοιρών

the act of finishing something that you are doing or making ολοκλήρωση

(especially of something bad) extremely or very great απόλυτος, -η, -ο

using rude and offensive words προσβλητικός, -ή, -ό, υβριστικός, -ή, - ό
to seem to be a particular type of person δίνω την εντύπωση

describes behaviour that is intended to make people like you κολακευτικός, -ή, -ό

English Explanation Greek Translation

polite and showing respect σεβαστικός, -ή, -ό

to say something suddenly in an angry way μιλώ απότομα και νευριασμένα

to try to persuade someone to believe something that is not true as a joke πειράζω, κοροϊδεύω
a course to practise and improve skills, especially because you have not used them for a long
time σειρά επαναληπτικών μαθημάτων
expensive and of high quality αριστοκρατικός, -ή, -ό

a small hollow mark in the surface of something, caused by pressure or by being hit βαθούλωμα

to clean, especially the inside of, something καθαρίζω (κάτι εσωτερικά)

being in a state between sleeping and being awake νυστανμένος, -η, -ο

a building where supplies or vehicles, especially buses, are kept αποθήκη, αμαξοστάσιο

a very slight difference in appearance, meaning, sound, etc.: χροιά, απόχρωση, μικρή διαφορά
If someone is rebellious, they are difficult to control and do not behave in the way they are επαναστατικός, -ή, -ό
expected to:
brave and determined τολμηρός, -ή, -ό

showing strong feelings: ένθερμος, ενθουσιώδης

the act of obeying an order, rule, or request: συμμόρφωση, συμφωνία

very shocked τρομοκρατημένος ή -ο

extreme anger οργή, μένος

perfect, with no problems or bad parts άψογος, -η, -ο

rich εύπορος, -η, -ο, πλούσιος -α -ο

English Explanation Greek Translation

to provide someone or something with equipment or clothes εξοπλίζω, εφοδιάζω

feeling annoyed γκρινιάρικος, -η, -ο

trousers that are loose above the knees and tight below them, designed to be worn when riding παντελόνι ιππασίας
a horse:

to search and find something or someone that is difficult to find ξετρυπώνω

solid waste from animals, especially horses, that is spread on the land in order to make plants
grow well
a tool with a long handle and two or three large curved metal points used for moving hay (=
dried grass) or straw δίκρανο
the way in which someone usually holds their shoulders, neck, and back, or a particular position στάση σώματος
in which someone stands, sits, etc.:

with one side bigger, higher, etc. than the other; not equally balanced ασύμμετρος, -η, -ο, δυσανάλογος, -η, -ο
to control the actions or behaviour of someone by force, especially in order to stop them from καταστέλλω, περιορίζω
doing something, or to limit the growth or force of something:
a feeling of unhappiness and disappointment απογοήτευση, αποκαρδίωση
become the property of the company or person who lends the money if the debt is not paid
back παρακαταθήκη, ενέχυρο

to give something, usually money, to several people διανέμω

to unite people δένω, συνδέω

something that makes someone feel suddenly uncertain and worried ανησυχητικός, -ή, -ό
used to show that what you are describing is in fact much more serious or important than you το λιγότερο, τουλάχιστον
have suggested

in a way that shows you have taken a lot of care or made a lot of effort επιμελώς, προσεχτικά

English Explanation Greek Translation

to communicate an idea or feeling without saying it directly υπονοώ, υπαινίσσομαι

to act according to an order, set of rules, or request συμμορφώνομαι, ακολουθώ

not willing to do something and therefore slow to do it διατακτικός, -ή, -ό

something you buy, or the act of buying it: ανοράζω

too much υπερβολικός, -ή, -ό

planned or done in secret, especially describing something that is not officially allowed κρυφός, -ή, -ό

to decide that you will do something and be determined to do it αποφασίζω

an occasion when you seem to suggest something without saying it directly υπαινιγμός

certain to happen and unable to be avoided or prevented αναπόφευκτος, -η, -ο

a plant with beautifully coloured flowers that have an unusual shape ορχιδέα

showing no interest or energy and unwilling to take action, especially over something important απαθής, -ής, -ές

unkind, cruel, and without sympathy or feeling for other people άκαρδος, -η, -ο, άσπλαχνος, -Π, -ο
not perfect, or containing mistakes ελαττωματικός, -ή, -ό

able to be trusted αξιόπιστος, -η-ο

able to express thoughts and feelings easily and clearly, or showing this quality σαφής, -ής, -ές, κατανοητός, -ή, -ό
traditional and ordinary συμβατικός, -ή, -ό
having the habit of talking a lot, especially about things that are not important ομιλητικός, -ή, -ό

not likely to get worried, nervous, or angry even in difficult situations ψύχραιμος, -η, -ο, ατάραχος, -η, -ο
(of something bad) done without trying to hide it ασύστολος, -η, -ο, αναίσχυντος, -η -ο

likely to change your opinion or your feelings suddenly an d without a good reason άστατος, -η, -ο, ευμετάβλητος, -η, -ο

describes someone who does not have much determination and is not willing to take risks δειλός, -ή, -ό

English Explanation Greek Translation

not expressing an opinion or taking actions that support either side in a disagreement or war ουδέτερος, -η, -ο,

to feel very sorry about an event λυπάμαι, μετανοώ

to drink, taking only a very small amount at a time πίνω γουλιά γουλιά, αργοπίνω, ρουφάω

to become or form, or to make something into, an untidy mass μπερδεμένος, -η, -ο

having a hang-up (= feeling of worry about yourself) ανήσυχος, -η, -ο, νευρωτικός, -ή, -ό
without any particular purpose άσκοπα, τεμπέλικα

to write or draw something quickly or carelessly προχειρογράφω, μουτζουρώνω

to move slowly, especially as a result of outside forces, with no control over direction παρασύρομαι

words that rhyme have the same last sound ομοιοκαταληξία

a powerful effect that something, especially something new, has on a situation or person πρόσκρουση, αντίκτυπο

a person who studies a subject in great detail, especially at a university λόγιος, πολυμαθής

used to show that you do not believe that something you have been told is true υποτιθέμενα
belonging or relating to an empire or the person or country that rules it αυτοκρατορικός, -ή, -ό
to change and become someone or something different, or to make someone or something do μετατρέπω
a regular rise and fall of sound, esp. of the human voice ρυθμός

publicly praised by a lot of people δημόσια αποδεκτός

describes something that is so interesting or exciting that it holds your attention completely συγκλονιστικός, -ή, -ό, συναρπαστικός, -ή, -ό

impossible to understand δυσνόητος, -η, -ο, ακατανόητος, -η, -ο

although μολονότι, αν και

English Explanation Greek Translation

to avoid doing or stop yourself from doing something απέχω, αποφεύνω

to make someone decide to say or do something προτρέπω, παροτρύνω

to become completely involved in something αφοσιώνομαι, βυθίζομαι

If a reason, argument, etc. is compelling, it makes you believe it or accept it because it is so
strong πειστικός, -ή, -ό

one of the parts of a story, idea, plan etc. σκέλος

to twist together or combine two or more things so that they cannot be separated easily συνυφαίνω

an unexpected feature or change in a situation or series of events ανατροπή, μεταβολή

a liking for, an enjoyment of, or a habit of doing something, especially something that other τάση, αρέσκεια
people might not like
a work of art such as a painting, film, or book that is made with great skill αριστούργημα
(the ability to have) a clear, deep, and sometimes sudden understanding of a complicated
problem or situation διορατικότητα, βαθιά γνώση

very careful and with great attention to every detail σχολαστικός, -ή, -ό

used to emphasize how very great, important, or powerful a quality or feeling is; nothing except εντελώς, ολότελα
giving all your attention to something απορροφημένος, -η, -ο, προσηλωμένος, -η, -ο
too strong ακατανίκητος, -η, -ο, ακατάσχετος, -η, -ο

a guess about something based on how it seems and not on proof υπόθεση, εικασία

a belief or opinion, often held by many people and based on how things seem αντίληψη

unhappy, unpleasant, or of low quality οικτρός, άθλιος

a person who will legally receive money, property, or a title from another person, especially an
older member of the same family, when that other person dies κληρονόμος, διάδοχος

English Explanation Greek Translation

an unexpectedly successful achievement χαριστική βολή, πραξικόπημα

grateful because of help given υπόχρεος, υποχρεωμένος

the end of a story, in which everything is explained, or the end result of a situation επίλογος, λύση δράματος

a name that a person, such as a writer, uses instead of their real name, especially on their work ψευδώνυμο

to criticize something or someone strongly, usually for moral reasons καταδικάζω

used to introduce something that is related to or connected with something that has just been σε σχέση με
to spend time considering a possible future action, or to consider one particular thing for a long
time in a serious and quiet way αναλογίζομαι

to give something to someone without asking for payment χαρίζω

to find something or someone after looking for them in a lot of different places εντοπίζω

not known to many people αφανής, σκοτεινός

to give more details or new information about something επεξηγώ, αναπτύσσω διεξοδικά
to succeed in avoiding or solving a problem αποφεύγω

existing or happening in many places and/or among many people ευρύτατα διαδεδομένος, εκτεταμένος

a disadvantage or the negative part of a situation μειονέκτημα

a phrase or short piece of writing taken from a longer work of literature, poetry, etc. or what
someone else has said παράθεση, ακριβή λόγια κάποιου

the ability to judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something αξιολόγηση

to show or find the difference between things that are compared διαφοροποιώ

to put things that are not similar next to each other αντιπαραθέτω
English Explanation Greek Translation
a member of the race of people with dark skins who were the first people to live in Australia αυτόχθων Αυστραλός
the end of something that was previously considered to be powerful, such as a business, αφανισμός, διάλυση
industry, or system
to include all of a period of time διάρκεια
a film, poem, or book that is long and contains a lot of action, usually dealing with a historical
subject επικός

unpleasant, unkind, cruel, or more severe than is necessary σκληρός, -ή, -ό

looking or seeming dishonest ύποπτος, -η, -ο

to include something as part of something larger ενσωματώνω, περιλαμβάνω

a title for a priest of the Christian Church αιδεσιμότατος

having or showing reason and good judgment in making decisions συνετός, -ή, -ό

(especially of activities) morally bad ειδεχθής, -ής -ες

to make something shorter or quicker, especially by removing the end of it κουτσουρεύω, συντομεύω

achieved in a quiet way that does not attract attention to itself and is therefore good or clever διακριτικός, -ή, - ό

to represent or describe someone or something in a painting, film, book, or other artistic work απεικονίζω, παρουσιάζω

clearly noticeable; that certainly exists ξεχωριστός, -ή, -ό

a situation or statement that seems impossible or is difficult to understand because it contains
two opposite facts or characteristics παράδοξος, -η, -ο

news νέα, μαντάτα

to become fully grown or developed ώριμος, -η, -ο

the often gradual development of something, or the way something happens, or a way of doing στην πορεία

English Explanation Greek Translation

an area of land that has not been used to grow crops or had towns and roads built on it,
especially because it is difficult to live in as a result of its extremely cold or hot weather or bad ανριότοττος, έρημος
the process of making two opposite beliefs, ideas, or situations agree συμφιλίωση

when everything about a situation is considered together γενικά

happening after something else επακόλουθος, ακόλουθος

done in a very beautiful and delicate way εκλεπτυσμένα

beautiful, but in a sad way and often in a way that cannot be forgotten με εμμονή, βασανιστικά

extremely and forcefully or (of a feeling) very strongly έντονα

not loud, bright, noticeable, or obvious in any way διακριτικά, ανεπαίσθητα

completely or extremely απολύτως

enthusiastically and eagerly ενθουσιωδώς

having a lot of small parts or details that are arranged in a complicated way and are therefore
sometimes difficult to understand, solve, or produce περίτεχνος, -η, -ο

too serious and full of importance πομπώδης, -ης -ες

the way that something is represented or shown απεικόνιση

an explanation or opinion of what something means ερμηνεία

to represent or describe someone or something in a painting, film, book, or other artistic work απεικόνιση

to keep or continue to have something διατηρώ

the people who will exist in the future επόμενες γενιές, απόγονοι
to die or suffer badly from an illness υποκύπτω

a situation in which something no longer exists εξάλειψη, αφανισμός, εξαφάνιση

English Explanation Greek Translation

the fact of many different types of things or people being included in something ποικίλομορφία, ποικιλία

something that is very unusual, or the quality of being very unusual: σπανιότητα

very many, or too many to be counted αμέτρητος, -η, -ο

until now or until a particular time μέχρι τώρα

the way in which people or things are spread out in a place διανομή

only existing or happening in some parts ανομοιονένεια

useful or attractive together συμπληρωματικός, -ή, -ό

If two or more activities, subjects, or periods of time overlap, they have some parts that are the
same που συμπίπτουν

the beginning έναρξη, αρχή

If two people see eye to eye, they agree with each other συμφωνώ

to understand and care about someone's problems συμπονώ

to consider something to be of great, little, etc. importance or value που έχει μεγάλη σημασία

living for a long time μακροβιότητα

an occasion when someone is formally introduced into a new job or organization, especially
through a special ceremony μύηση

an act of taking in something, especially breath πρόσληψη, αναρρόφηση

the fact of a large number of people or things arriving at the same time συρροή, εισροή

a person's husband or wife ο, η σύζυγος

the people who are approximately the same age as you and come from a similar social group συνομήλικος, ομότιμος

consisting of various types mixed together ανάμικτος

English Explanation Greek Translation

to make something known publicly, or to show something that was hidden αποκαλύπτω, μαρτυρώ

to show something publicly εκθέτω, επιδεικνύω, παρουσιάζω, δείχνω

an opinion or decision made after judging the facts that are given, especially one made at the ετυμηγορία
end of a trial

a decision απόφαση (δικαστική)

an official statement that something must happen διάταγμα, θέσπισμα

to give a particular job or piece of work to someone αναθέτω

something that controls what you do by keeping you within particular limits περιορίζω

an official limit on something περιορισμός

something that limits the freedom of someone or something, or that prevents something from
growing or increasing εμπόδιο, περιορισμός

respect for or a good opinion of someone υπόληψη, εκτίμηση

employment, especially when this consists of boring activities ρουτίνα

to work late into the night δουλεύω ως αργά

to give money, especially when you do not really want to or when a large amount is involved τα σκάω (για χρήματα)
friendly and helpful feelings; part of a company's value that includes things that cannot be καλή διάθεση, καλή προαίρεση
directly measured, for example, its good reputation or its customers' loyalty
to show by your actions and not just your words that you support or believe in something δείξε με πράξεις, όχι μόνο λόγια

quickly and without delay αμέσως

used to describe someone leaving quickly in order to avoid som ething γίνομαι σκόνη, εξαφανίζομαι

English Explanation Greek Translation

perfect happiness μακαριότητα, ευδαιμονία

extreme happiness, sometimes more than is reasonable in a particular situation ευφορία

describes a disease that can be caught by touching someone who has the disease or a piece of
infected clothing μολυσματικός, -ή, -ό, μεταδοτικός, -ή, -ό

short or quick φευγαλέος -α -ο

extreme pleasure and happiness or excitement έκσταση, παραφορά

a state of extreme happiness or excitement ενθουσιασμός, χαρά

describes something that has an effect on everyone who is present and makes them want to μεταδοτικός, -ή, -ό
join in
something that is transient only lasts for a short time πρόσκαιρος, -η, -ο, εφήμερος, -η, -ο
lasting for only a short time εφήμερος, -η -ο

moving into all areas of something and difficult to stop διεισδυτικός, -η -ό

a virulent disease or poison is dangerous and spreads or aff ects people very quickly δηλητηριώδης, τοξικός

relating to your ability to think and understand things, esp ecially complicated ideas διανοητικός, -ή, -ό

a pleasant musical sound made by different notes being played or sung at the same time αρμονία

the state of feeling healthy and happy ευημερία

to be extremely happy and excited στον έβδομο ουρανό

to prevent something from happening αποκλείω

an event or person that causes great change καταλύτης

the way a person or place makes you feel αύρα, ενέργεια

a situation in which something is not likely to move or change σταθερότητα

English Explanation Greek Translation

to sit or lie in a position with your arms and legs close to your body κουλουριάζομαι

a saying or remark that is very often made and is therefore not original and not interesting κλισέ

a sudden increase of an emotion κύμα

a movement down κάθοδος

very bad αποκρουστικός, -ή, -ό

to start a journey ξεκινώ (ταξίδι)

of two or more people or groups) feeling the same emotion, or doing the same thing to or for αμοιβαίος -α -ο
each other
to be or feel ill αδιάθετος, -η, -ο

describes a group of people in which everyone helps and supports each other κλειστός, -ή, -ό

to go to bed πηγαίνω για ύπνο

the branches and leaves that spread out at the top of a group of trees forming a type of roof θόλος

causing feelings of great admiration, respect, or fear φοβερός, καταπληκτικός

sway an argument in one direction ανατρέπω την ισορροπία

to see only the pleasant things about a situation and not notice the things that are unpleasant βλέπω τη ρόδινη πλευρά των πραγμάτων

to a degree or in a way you had never thought possible πέρα από τα πιο τρελά σου όνειρα
in my opinion κατά τη γνώμη μου
to do something that you know might fail and spoil other people's opinion of you or cause you ρισκάρω
to lose money
judging everything as bad because bad things have happened to you in the past: προκατειλημμένος, -η, -ο

when you doubt that something is true or useful σκεπτικισμός

English Explanation Greek Translation

a fault, mistake, or weakness, especially one that happens while something is being planned or
made, or that causes something not to be perfect ελάττωμα, κουσούρι
the number of people who are present at an event, especially the number who go to vote at an προσέλευση
When a flower blooms, it opens or is open, and when a plant or tree blooms it produces
flowers: ανθίζω

to grow or develop successfully ευημερώ, ευδοκιμώ

to flow slowly out of something through a small opening, or to slowly produce a thick sticky
liquid ρέω, κυλώ
to move in small waves, or to make something move in small waves κυματίζω
If liquid trickles somewhere, it flows slowly and without force in a thin line σταλάζω

If a fire burns out, it stops producing flames because nothing remains that can burn σβήνει η φωτιά

f something bad such as anger or pain flares up, it suddenly starts or gets worse: φουντώνω
to (cause to) start burning or explode / to cause a dangerous, excited, or angry situation to
begin: αναφλέγομαι, ανάβω
to burn slowly with smoke but without flames / to have a strong feeling, especially anger, but που σιγοκαίει
not express it
If light dazzles you, it makes you unable to see for a short time /If you are dazzled by someone
or something, you think they are extremely good and exciting: θαμπώνω, τυφλώνω
If your face or eyes light up, or if a smile lights up your face, you suddenly look happy φωτίζω
to shine brightly with a lot of small points of light / to do something in a special or exciting way
λαμποκοπώ, σπινθηροβολώ
to cook something liquid, or something with liquid in it, at a temperature slightly below boiling: σιγοβράζω
a type of food consisting usually of meat or fish and vegetables cooked slowly in a small amount
of liquid: σιγοβράζω

a supply of something that is much greater than can be sold or is needed or wanted πληθώρα

English Explanation Greek Translation

a time when something suddenly begins, especially a disease or something else dangerous or
unpleasant ξέσπασμα
to cause worry, pain, or difficulty to someone or something over a period of time / a serious μαστίζω
disease that spreads quickly and kills a lot of people
a relationship/visit, etc. that only lasts a short time /a tall, spinning column of air that moves θύελλα, ανεμοζάλη
across the surface of the land or sea
An idyllic place or experience is extremely pleasant, beautiful, or peaceful ειδυλλιακός, -ή, -ό
in a clinging manner (cling= to stick onto or hold something or someone tightly, or to refuse to
stop holding them) κολλώντας

able to exist, live together, or work successfully with something or someone else συμβατός, -ή, -ό

a peaceful, calm state, without noise, violence, worry, etc. γαλήνη

to wish very strongly, especially for something that you cannot have or something that is very λαχταρώ
difficult to have
to have a strong wish or hope to do or have something αποσκοπώ, επιδιώκω

to be slow to do something, often because of fear or having no confidence διστάζω

If days, evenings, or nights draw in, it becomes darker earlier because autumn or winter is
coming. μικραίνω

to remove the outer layer from something ξεφλουδίζω

a dirty mark on something that is difficult to remove λεκές

something or someone used as protection or providing protection ασπίδα

a small mark or spot κηλίδα

a very slight amount of a colour or of a feeling χροιά

producing or reflecting bright light (especially in the dark) φωτεινός , -ή, -ό

English Explanation Greek Translation

If a door is barred, a bar of wood or metal has been put across it so that it cannot be opened: αμπαρωμένος, -η, -ο

having a powerful effect, making you feel slightly drunk or excited μεθυστικός, απολαυστικός
(of a person or animal) strong and healthy, or (of an object or system) strong and unlikely to ρωμαλέος -α -ο, στιβαρός, -ή, -ό
break or fail:

When a sheep or goat bleats, it makes the typical sound of these animals βέλασμα

If a small dog yaps, it makes short, high sounds: γαβγίζω τσιριχτά

to make an unpleasant, loud, high noise τσιρίζω

to make a quiet, continuous, soft sound γουργουρίζω

sad μελαγχολικός, -ή, -ό

to make a continuous low sound βουητό

to make a continuous, low sound such as the one a bee makes: βόμβος
grass or similar plants suitable for animals such as cows and sheep to eat, or an area of land
covered in this βοσκότοπος

pleased with your situation and not hoping for change or improvement ευχαριστημένος, -η, -ο
a large formal meal for many people, often followed by speeches in honour of someone συμπόσιο

covered with healthy green plants or grass χλοερός, -ή, - ό

to start to like someone or something συμπαθώ

to disagree είμαι στα μαχαίρια

If a quality sets someone or something apart, it makes them different from and usually better
than others of the same type συμβατικός, -ή, -ό

a feeling of anger and shock οργή, κατακραυγή

a long/longer distance away μακριά

English Explanation Greek Translation

getting pleasure from food and drink of high quality επικούρειος

difficult to describe, find, achieve, or remember απατηλός, -ή, -ό

to show the meaning or truth of something more clearly, especially by giving examples απεικονίζω

making you feel very excited and happy συναρπαστικός, -ή, -ό, απολαυστικός, -ή, -ό
to decide to achieve something θέτω ως στόχο

to change your opinion completely, especially because you know it will bring you an advantage αλλάζω γνώμη

to manage to stop yourself from smiling or laughing παραμένω σοβαρός

the length of time that a living thing, especially a human being, is likely to live το προσδόκιμο ζωής
an alphabetical list, such as one printed at the back of a book showing which page a subject, πίνακας περιεχομένων
name, etc. is on
to be or become equal in amount or number βγάζω το μέσο όρο

main or most important πρωτεύων

(of weather conditions) neither very hot nor very cold εύκρατος
the ability to move freely or be easily moved κινητικότητα
to leave a country permanently and go to live in another one αποδημώ, μεταναστεύω
believing or expressing the belief that there should be great or extreme social or political ριζοσπαστικός,
to have just enough money to pay for the things that you need τα βγάζω πέρα

a principle or idea έννοια

to control or influence something directly, or to decide what will happen καθορίζω

English Explanation Greek Translation

a short description of something that provides general information about it, but no details περίληψη

the present situation κατεστημένο, καθεστώς

making you feel happy and satisfied: ικανοποιητικός, -ή, -ό

something that exists and can be seen, felt, tasted, etc., especially something unusual or
interesting φαινόμενο

the state of being easily seen or well known ανάδειξη, διάκριση

a range of similar things φάσμα

to do something in the quickest or cheapest way, often harming the quality of your work κάνω οικονομία

having no luck, no money, and no opportunities πάμφτωχος, -η, -ο, άστεγος, -η, -ο
to just be able to manage, especially when you have financial difficulties ξεπερνώ τις δυσκολίες

to have problems with money because you are earning less than before αντιμετωπίζω οικονομικές δυσκολίες

If you or your bank account are in the red, you owe money to the bank είμαι χρεωμένος στην τράπεζα

If you do something on a shoestring, you do it with a very small amount of money: με ανέχεια

to spend less money than you did before because you have less money περιορίζω έξοδα, "σφίγγω το ζωνάρι"
a difficult time δύσκολες ώρες

a style, especially in the arts, that involves a particular set of characteristics: είδος, στυλ
to make someone remember something or feel an emotion: φέρνω στο νου
behaviour that shows no interest or energy and shows tha t someone is unwilling to take action,
especially over something important απάθεια
to behave according to the usual standards of behaviour that are expected by a group or
society: συμμορφώνομαι, εναρμονίζομαι

considered normal, and having or using ideas, beliefs, etc. that are accepted by most people επικρατών

English Explanation Greek Translation

a belief or idea ιδέα, αντίληψη

to not follow what everyone else is doing πηγαίνω κόντρα στο κύμα

(a person or thing that causes) a feeling of strong dislike or of not wishing to do something: αποστροφή, απέχθεια
to pay money to an organization in order to receive a product, use a service regularly, or
support the organization έχω συνδρομή

to represent or show something in a picture or story απεικονίζω, αναπαριστώ

an object or machine that has been invented for a particular purpose: επινοώ

a view from a very high place that allows you to see a large area: πανοραμική θέα

strange or unusual, sometimes in a humorous way εκκεντρικός, -ή, -ό

a long search for something that is difficult to find, or an attempt to achieve something difficult: αναζήτηση
If someone is naive, they believe things too easily and do not have enough experience of the
world αφελής, -ής, -ές
not suitable, simple, dignified or beautiful; common or not in the style preferred by the upper χυδαίος -α -ο
classes of society
to manage to do something difficult, or to make something happen, by using your intelligence
or by tricking people: επινοώ, μηχανεύομαι

showing derision (when something is laughed at and considered stupid or of no value) χλευαστικά

(a way of) enjoying yourself when you are not working: ψυχαγωγικός, -ή, -ό
describes someone who is strongly influenced by emotional feelings, especially abo ut happy
memories of past events or relationships with other people, rather than by careful thought and συναισθηματικός, ευσυγκίνητος
judgment based on facts
one of the areas into which the economic activity of a country is divided τομέας

done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do it εθελοντικός, -ή, -ό

English Explanation Greek Translation

pain or unhappiness that you feel when you have to leave a person or place that you love σπαραγμός (χωρισμού)
to realize that someone is trying to deceive you δεν εξαπατούμαι
an important and influential person or thing (= one with a lot of influence), especially of their που έχει επιρροή στον τομέα του
particular type
to suddenly become too frightened to do something you had planned to do, especially κάνω πίσω, υποχωρώ
something important such as getting married

to speak to or behave towards someone as if they are stupid or not important αντιμετωπίζω συγκαταβατικά

believing that people are only interested in themselves and are not sincere: κυνικός, -ή, -ό

a person whose character makes them unsuitable for the job or other position they are in ακατάλληλος για τη θέση του

a boring way of life that does not change τέλμα

a strong opinion or belief πεποίθηση

a speech, especially one that is long and spoken quickly and is intended to persuade the person
listening about something λόγος

to be too difficult for someone to understand είναι ακατανόητο

to make something bad such as pain or problems less severe: ανακουφίζω, μετριάζω

to tell your employer that you intend to leave your job after a particular period of time υποβάλλω παραίτηση

quiet, gentle, and not willing to argue or express your opinions in a forceful way πράος, μειλίχιος
someone who does things that they think will help other people, although the other people
might not find their actions helpful φιλάνθρωπος

a very small amount of money, especially money received as payment, income, ora present εξευτελιστική αμοιβή, πενταροδεκάρες

to make a long, low sound of pain, suffering, or another strong emotion βογκάω, γκρινιάζω

English Explanation Greek Translation

to be very easy πανεύκολο

an announcement, often one that is written and official δήλωση, διακήρυξη

to stick firmly τηρώ, ακολουθώ πιστά

the state of being under the control of someone else and of having no freedom δουλεία

to make someone or something experience something unpleasant υποβάλλω

based on chance rather than being planned or based on reason αυθαίρετος, -η, -ο
when someone is officially kept somewhere and not allowed to leave κράτηση, προφυλάκιση
the condition of someone being sent or kept away from their own country, village, etc.,
especially for political reasons εξορία
the part of you that judges how moral your own actions are and makes you feel guilty about
bad things that you have done or things you feel responsible for συνείδηση

to fall quickly and without control κατρακυλώ, καταρρέω

covering made of plaster of Paris that is put around part of someone's body, forming a hard γύψος
case to protect them while a broken bone repairs itself

in a situation where you do not know what will happen or when something will happen αφάνεια, λησμονιά

a real or imagined line that marks the edge or limit of something όρια, σύνορα

to lose strength or purpose and stop, or almost stop αβέβαιος, που ταλαντεύεται

an attempt to do something προσπάθεια

to (cause to) become loose χαλαρώνω

power and control of a business or other activity ηνία, χαλινάρια
to be at the start of a new period, especially when important changes or new things happen, or (μτφ) ανοίγω το δρόμο για
to cause important changes to start happening

English Explanation Greek Translation

being the most basic or most important thing on which other things depend ουσιώδης, -ης -ες
small show or event in addition to the main entertainment περιθωριακή εκδήλωση

a series of events that happen in a planned and controlled way διαδικασίες

to cause someone or something, usually a plan or hope, to fail or to be affected very badly επιφέρω κτύπημα

to fall very quickly and suddenly πέφτω απότομα

having (legal) responsibility for something or someone υπόλογος, -η, -ο

the fact of accepting that something is true or right παραδοχή, αποδοχή

(of a bad action, situation, person, etc.) shocking because of being so obvious θρασύς, σκανδαλώδης

an act of breaking a law, promise, agreement, or relationship ρήξη, αθέτηση, παραβίαση

to make an existing opinion or idea stronger ενισχύω, ενδυναμώνω

to control something, especially by making it work in a particular way ρυθμίζω

νομομαθής, άτομο που γνωρίζει πολύ καλά το
an expert in law, especially a judge

the area that a person or group of people in authority has responsibility for or control over αρμοδιότητα

a system of rules, ideas, or beliefs that is used to plan or decide something πλαίσιο

finally, after a series of things have happened τελικά

certain to fail, die, or be destroyed καταδικασμένος, -η, -ο

to express doubt about whether something is correct or not ρωτώ, εξετάζω

the increase of trade around the world, especially by large companies producing and tr ading
goods in many different countries παγκοσμιοποίηση

a company which is owned by another larger company θυγατρική εταιρία

happening or being done at exactly the same time: ταυτόχρονα

to have a lot of influence or power over other people ασκώ

English Explanation Greek Translation

when something increases in number very quickly πολλαπλασιασμός
a planned group of especially political, business, or military activities that are intended to
achieve a particular aim καμπάνια, εκστρατεία

the effect that a person, event, or situation has on someone or something αντίκτυπος

to make an urgent, emotional statement or request for something επικαλούμαι

lack of knowledge, understanding, or information about something άγνοια

the reporting of a particular important event or subject κάλυψη

a place where war or other fighting is likely to happen καυτό σημείο

likely to result in or showing signs of success ευνοϊκός, ευμενής

the advantages something has compared to something else προσόν, πλεονέκτημα

not fresh and new; boring because too familiar μπαγιάτικος, -ή, -ό

describes a group that is organized like an army but is not official and often not legal παραστρατιωτική οργάνωση
the act of causing great physical or mental pain in order to persuade someone to do something βασανισμός
or to give information, or to be cruel to a person or animal
to break a rule, law, etc. παραβαίνω, παραβιάζω

to make people obey a law, or to make a particular situation happen or be accepted εφαρμόζω (το νόμο)
to defend or keep a principle or law, or to say that a decision that has already been made,
especially a legal one, is correct διατηρώ, στηρίζω

If a political or social right is enshrined in something, it is protected by being included in it είναι κατοχυρωμένος
a written agreement between two or more countries, formally approved and signed by their
leaders συνθήκη
to break or act against something, especially a law, agreement, principle, or something that
should be treated with respect παραβίαση

English Explanation Greek Translation

a thin book with only a few pages that gives information or an opinion about something φυλλάδιο

something that exists apart from other things, having its own independent existence δίνω το δικαίωμα, εξουσιοδοτώ
Someone who is accountable is completely responsible for what they do and must be able to
give a satisfactory reason for it υπόλογος, -η, -ο, υπεύθυνος, -Π, -ο
a particular government or a system or method of government especially one that people do
not approve of καθεστώς, πολίτευμα

to spread beliefs or ideas among a lot of people ενημερωτικό φυλλάδιο

with the protection or support of someone or something, especially an organization αιγίδα, προστασία

the range of a subject covered by a book, programme, discussion, class, etc. πεδίο, αρμοδιότητα

Someone's welfare is their health and happiness ευημερία, ευτυχία

morally wrong, often describing something that is wrong because it is too large θεόρατος, -η, -ο

connected with the production of medicines φαρμακευτικός

used to talk about animals when you want to emphasize that humans often treat them badly
and they cannot protect themselves βουβός, -ή, -ό, άλαλος -η, -ο

a way of solving a problem easily εύκολη λύση

if a ship docks or you dock a ship, it sails into a harbour and stays there αράζω στο λιμάνι

before a particular time or event προηγουμένως, πριν

to do something that you know might fail and spoil other people's opinion of you or cause you παίρνω μεγάλο ρίσκο
to lose money
to tell people secret information αποκαλύπτω μυστικό
a document signed by a large number of people demanding or asking for some action from the αίτηση
government or another authority
English Explanation Greek Translation
If a quality or characteristic sets someone/something apart, it shows them to be different from, ξεχωρίζω, διακρίνω
and usually better than, others of the same type
a person's understanding of a subject or of difficult facts κατανόηση

something that produces a reaction in a human, an animal ora plant ερεθίσματα

to think in a serious and careful way συλλογίζομαι

describes someone who allows themselves to be controlled by other people υποτακτικά

when someone is awake and can think and notice things αισθήσεις

to refuse to accept or be changed by something: αντιστέκομαι

the act of changing to the next stage of development πρόοδος, ακολουθία

to fasten a label to κολλώ ετικέτες, χαρακτηρίζω

to make a picture or idea appear in someone's mind φέρνω στο μυαλό

continuing for too long and therefore boring or annoying ατέρμων, ατελείωτος

the ability to make decisions and act on your own επινοητικότητα

having the same position or status as another person, company, etc. σχέση με άλλους, κοινή βάση

the act by a group of people of refusing to obey laws or pay taxes, as a peaceful way of
expressing their disapproval of those laws or taxes and in order to persuade the government to απείθεια κατά της αρχής
change them
the use of children to do work that should be done by adults παιδική εργασία

a small factory where workers are paid very little and work many hours in very bad conditions εργοστάσιο με πενιχρούς μισθούς

English Explanation Greek Translation

when a group of people march or stand together to show that they disagree with or support διαδήλωση
someone or something
to take a possession away from someone when you have the right to do so, usually as a κατάσχω
punishment and often for a limited period, after which it is returned to the owner:

to talk about a particular subject for a long time, often in a way that other people find boring μακρηγορώ
a black hat with a square, flat top, worn on formal occasions by some teachers and students at
college or university, and in the past by some schoolteachers ακαδημαϊκό καπέλο

respecting and allowing many different types of beliefs or behaviour φιλελεύθερος, -η, -ο

not serious about a serious subject, in an attempt to be funny or to appear clever επιπόλαιος, -η, -ο, αστόχαστος, -η, -ο

the main or central point of something, especially of attention or interest επίκεντρο

difficult to control or manage because it is too large or complicated άβολος, -η, -ο, δυσμεταχείριστος, -η, -ο

to express a thought, feeling, or idea so that it is understood by other people: εκφράζω, μεταφέρω

very high (and higher than usual); of high quality ανώτερη ποιότητα

to be or go before something or someone in time or space: προηγούμαι

to open or spread out something that has been folded ξετυλίγω

the act of telling your employer that you are leaving your job παραίτηση

the total number of bad things or amount of damage that happens as a result of something τίμημα, φόρος αίματος
the relationship between two groups or amounts, which expresses how much bigger one is than αναλογία
the other:
a mathematical statement in which you show that two amounts are equal using mathematical εξίσωση

to quickly increase in size, weight, or importance; to get bigger and rounder διογκώνω

English Explanation Greek Translation

to become very popular very quickly εξαπλώνονται ρανδαία

to judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something αξιολονώ

If a reason, idea, opinion, etc. is inconsistent, different parts of it do not agree, or it does not
agree with something else αντιφατικός, -ή, -ό, ασυνεπής -ες

to officially force a rule, tax, punishment, etc. to be obeyed or received ασκώ

a disadvantage of a situation μειονέκτημα

a set of beliefs and ideas from which opinions and decisions are formed σκοπιά, οπτική γωνία

to spread or give out something, especially news, information, ideas, etc., to a lot of people διαδίδω, διασπείρω

felt or experienced very strongly or in an extreme way βαθύς -ά -ύ

willing to accept behaviour and beliefs that are different from your own, although you might
not agree with or approve of them ανεκτικός, -ή, -ό
the gradual reduction or destruction of something απογύμνωση, εξαφάνιση

most secret and hidden, or nearest to the centre εσώψυχος, -η, -ο

something that you hope to achieve φιλοδοξία

total, or expressed in a clear and certain way αδιαμφισβήτητα

a useful or valuable quality, skill, or person προσόν

the young of an animal / a person's children απόγονος

a disadvantage or the negative part of a situation μειονέκτημα

certainly true αδιαμφισβήτητος, -η, -ο

having a negative or harmful effect on something δυσμενής, -ής, -ές

to get control or influence επικρατώ, υπερισχύω

to control and limit something περιορίζω, δεσμεύω

English Explanation Greek Translation

to have a strong wish or hope to do or have something φιλοδοξώ

to slowly reduce or destroy something καταφθείρω

the fact of refusing to accept ideas, beliefs, or behaviour that are different from your own έλλειψη ανεκτικότητας

too bad or unpleasant to deal with or accept αφόρητος, -η, -ο

disapproving of or refusing to accept ideas or ways of behaving that are different from your own στενόμυαλος, -η, -ο

An inclusive price or amount includes everything περιλαμβάνων

skill in starting new businesses, especially when this involves seeing new opportunities επιχειρηματικότητα
to cause something, especially something that contains different people or opinions, to divide
into two completely opposing groups δημιουργώ διχασμό

relating to a young person who is not yet old enough to be considered an adult: νεανικός, -ή, -ό

determined to win or succeed and using forceful action to win or to achieve success επιθετικός, -ή, -ό, βίαιος, -η, -ο
very obviously ολοφάνερα

too willing to believe that someone is telling the truth, that people's intentions in general are
good, or that life is simple and fair. People are often naive because they are young and/or have αφελής, -ής, -ές
not had much experience of life:
doubting that something is true or useful σκεπτικιστικός, -ή, -ό, επιφυλακτικός, -ή, -ό

honest, sincere, and trusting, sometimes in a way that seems silly άδολος, -η, -ο, ειλικρινής, -ής; -ές
easily deceived or tricked, and too willing to believe everything that other people say εύπιστος, -η, -ο
showing derision (=the situation in which someone or something is laughed at and considered
stupid or of no value) χλευαστικός, -ή, -ό

English Explanation Greek Translation

too willing to believe what you are told and so easily deceived εύπιστος, -η -ο, αφελής, -ής, -ές

believing that people are only interested in themselves and are not sincere κυνικός, -ή, -ό

showing or feeling scorn for someone or something περιφρονητικός, -ή, -ό

showing no interest or energy and unwilling to take action, especially over something
important: απαθής, -ής -ές, ασυνκίνητος, -η -ο
expressing contempt περιφρονητικός, -ή, -ό

easily influenced or harmed by something επιρρεπής, -ής, -ές, ευπαθής, -ής, -ές

describes someone who is easily influenced by other people's opinions που επηρεάζεται εύκολα

too interested in what other people are doing and wanting to discover too much about them: αδιάκριτος, -η, -ο

wanting to discover as much as you can about things, sometimes in a way that annoys people: φιλοπερίεργος, -η, -ο

not proud or not believing that you are important ταπεινός, -ή, -ό

honest, responsible, and moral έντιμος, -η, -ο, ευυπόληπτος, -η, -ο

not behaving in a way that is as calm and wise as people expect from someone of your age: ανώριμος, -η, -ο

characterised by lack of respect ασεβής, -ής, -ές

behaving in an unpleasant way by trying too much to get something or to make someone do πιεστικός, -ή, -ό
Someone who is persistent continues doing something or tries to do something in a determined
but often unreasonable way επίμονος, -η, -ο
describes someone who behaves confidently and is not frightened to say what they want or κατηγορηματικός, -ή, -ό, διεκδικητικός, -ή, -ό
skilled at solving problems and making decisions on your own επινοητικός, -ή, -ό

careful not to say or do anything that could upset someone διακριτικός, -ή, -ό
acting in a way that does not cause offence διπλωματικός, -ή, -ό

English Explanation Greek Translation

showing behaviour in which you do things suddenly without any planning and without
considering the effects they may have αυθόρμητος, -η, -ο
careful not to cause embarrassment or attract too much attention, especially by keeping διακριτικός, -ή, -ό
something secret:
having very little money άφραγκος, -η, -ο

strange in a frightening and mysterious way απόκοσμος, -η, -ο

a sound similar to a series of quickly repeated knocks κροτάλισμα

to move your hand, head, etc. to show someone that you would like them to come nearer γνέφω

to remove bad substances from something to make it pure εξαγνίζω

the spirit of a dead person appearing in a form that can be seen φάντασμα

the feeling of fear, especially if felt suddenly, or an experience of fear that happens suddenly τρόμος

to move or climb quickly but with difficulty, often using your hands to help you: σκαρφαλώνω

a strong column made of stone, metal, or wood that supports part of a building κολόνα, στύλος
a decoration that looks like several large feathers tied together, worn by soldiers on their hats
or attached to horses' heads λοφίο

a short, pointed knife that is sharp on both sides, used especially in the past as a weapon στιλέτο

to speak or say something very quietly μουρμουράω

a person in charge of a museum, library, etc. έφορος (μουσείου)

the act of creating or using words that include sounds that are similar to the noises the words ονοματοποιία
refer to
When a door, floorboard, etc. creaks, it makes a long low sound when it moves or is moved τρίζω

to make a light ringing sound κουδουνίζω

English Explanation Greek Translation

to make a sucking sound like the one produced when you are walking on soft, wet ground τσαλαβουτώ

to make a continuous low sound βουίζω

to crush hard food loudly between the teeth, or to make a sound as if something is being
crushed or broken: τρίζω, τραγανίζω

to cut with a sharp blade using a quick, strong movement πετσοκόβω

a quick hit with the flat part of the hand or other flat object σκαμπιλίζω

to (cause to) move against a hard surface with force and usually a loud noise βροντάω, κοπανάω

to make a noise like a long 's' συρίζω

to make a low, rough sound, usually in anger γρυλίζω

to make an unpleasant, loud, high noise τσιρίζω, στριγκλίζω

If a liquid drips, it falls in drops, or you make it fall in drops στάζω

When bells peal, they ring with a loud sound κουδουνίζω

(of bodies) to move easily and quickly across a surface while twisting or curving: σέρνομαι, γλιστράω

a spirit or force that moves furniture and throws objects around in a house κακοποιό πνεύμα
behaving in a way, or describing behaviour, that is slightly bad but is not intended to cause
serious harm or damage άτακτος, -η, -ο, σκανδαλιάρης -α-ο
seeming not to have a body or not to be connected to a body αποσπώ από το σώμα

to write words in a book or carve (= cut) them on an object χαράσσω, επιγράφω

to make a written record of what was said at a meeting κρατώ τα πρακτικά

clearly or obviously ξεκάθαρα

When something unpleasant sets in, it begins and seems likely to continue in a serious way εδραιώνομαι

English Explanation Greek Translation

to make clear what you think or want without saying it directly υπαινίσσομαι, κάνω νύξη

to make something secret known αποκαλύπτω, φανερώνω

happening or done in a natural, often sudden way, without any planning or without being
forced αυθόρμητος, -η, -ο

to cause something bad to start πυροδοτώ, αποτελώ έναυσμα

to get something from something else αποκομίζω, αντλώ

to develop gradually, or to cause something or someone to develop gradually εξελίσσομαι

to get something by force or threats, or with difficulty αποσπώ εκβιαστικά

an important skill that is needed to do a job ικανότητα

something that is successful, or that is achieved after a lot of work or effort κατόρθωμα

quickly, energetically, and actively ζωηρά, γρήγορα

a large pile of earth, stones, etc. like a small hill ανάχωμα

to sit or fall down heavily σωριάζομαι, πέφτω

relating to statistics στατιστικά

considered to be holy and deserving respect, especially because of a connection with a god ιερός, -ή, -ό
describes a person or living thing that has existed in a country or continent since the earliest
time known to people αυτόχθονας
If a large number of people revolt, they refuse to be controlled or ruled, and take action against εξε γείρομαι
authority, often violent action:
able to work as intended or able to succeed εφικτός, -ή, -ό
to share your feelings and secrets with someone because you trust them not to tell other
people εμπιστεύομαι

coming before a more important action or event, especially introducing or preparing for it προκαταρκτικός, -ή, -ό

English Explanation Greek Translation

extremely useful ανεκτίμητος, -η, -ο, πολύτιμος, -η, -ο
a large pipe, usually underground, that is used for carrying waste water and human waste away υπόνομος, οχετός
from buildings to a place where they can be safely got rid of
the driving force produced by, for example, an aircraft engine ώθηση, χτύπημα, σπρώξιμο
happening suddenly for short periods of time and not in a regular way σπασμωδικός, -ή, -ό

a sudden, violent movement τράνταγμα

the group of people who make laws in the United States. Congress consists of the Senate and
the House of Representatives Κογκρέσο

the activity of secretly planning with other people to do something bad or illegal συνωμοσία, σκευωρία

someone or something that comes after another person or thing διάδοχος

to take an official job or position after someone else διαδέχομαι

something you say when the person you were talking about appears unexpectedly κατά φωνή και διάολος

a spirit who is believed to protect and help a particular person φύλακας άγγελος
said to show your surprise that people or events in different places are connected ο κόσμος είναι μικρός
an unusual ability that some people are thought to have that allows them to know without
being told what will happen in the future or what is happening in a different place
the strange feeling that in some way you have experienced already what is happening now προμνησία
an ability that some people believe they have that seems to give them information without
using the five senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell, or taste έκτη αίσθηση

worry or anxiety ανησυχία

English Explanation Greek Translation

happening often or often seen or experienced and so not considered to be special κοινότοπος, -η, -ο
knowledge of a future event, especially when this comes from a direct message to the mind,
such as in a dream, rather than by reason διορατικός, -ή, -ό

not happening or done often or regularly περιστασιακός, -ή, -ό

not using reason or clear thinking παράλογος, -η, -ο

very ordinary and therefore not interesting ανιαρός, -ή, -ό, βαρετός, -ή, -ό

making you feel worried or upset ανησυχητικός, -ή, -ό

the use of words or pictures in books, films, paintings, etc. to describe ideas or situations: εικόνες

the use of a conscious mental process νόηση, γνώση

the ability to know things without using hearing, seeing, touch, taste, or smell υπεραισθητική αντίληψη, πέραν των αισθήσεων
a very small organism that causes disease μικρόβιο

the situation in which someone's name is not given or known ανωνυμία

to not be expected to explain or provide a reason to a particular person or organization for your ανεξήγητος, όχι υπεύθυνος

to decide that something or someone is not important and not worth considering: απορρίπτω

showing clear thought or reason λογικός, -ή, -ό

a type of humorous acting in which the actors behave in a silly way, such as by throwing things,
falling over, etc.
related to a type of performance in which someone stands in front of a group of people and όρθια κωμωδία (με ζωντανό ακροατήριο)
tells jokes
a humorous play or film where the characters become involved in unlikely situations φαρσοκωμωδία, φάρσα

a typical characteristic or feature of a person or thing χαρακτηριστικό γνώρισμα

English Explanation Greek Translation

a movement of the hands, arms, or head, etc. to express an idea or feeling χειρονομία

If a situation or decision comes down to something, that is the thing that influences it most εξαρτάται από, επηρεάζεται από
dangerous επικίνδυνος, -η, -ο

in an extremely attractive or exciting way εκθαμβωτικά

the possibility of being successful, especially at work προοπτικές

consisting of various types mixed together ανάμικτος, -η, -ο

a way of achieving an aim or solving a problem by trying a number of different methods and
learning from the mistakes that you make δοκιμή και λάθος
willingness to accept behaviour and beliefs that are different from your own, although you
might not agree with or approve of them ανοχή, ανεκτικότητα
a type of melon (= large fruit with a thick skin) that is round and has yellow or green skin and είδος πεπονιού
sweet orange flesh
having a low sound τραχύς, -ιά -ύ, βραχνός
To unblock (a drain, a sink etc.) ξεβουλώνω (για αποχετεύσεις)
in a sudden, unexpected, and often unpleasant way απότομα
A dibber or dibble is a pointed wooden tool used to make holes in the ground so that seeds, μυτερό ξύλινο ραβδί για άνοιγμα οπών στο
seedlings or small bulbs can be planted. έδαφος
used to say what you think is the likely situation πιθανώς, υποθετικώς

extremely enthusiastic about doing something, especially going to war εξαιρετικά ενθουσιώδης

If a fact or a situation is inescapable, it cannot be ignored or avoided. αναπόφευκτα

to talk to someone again, usually on the phone, in order to give them some information or
because you were not able to speak to them before επιστρέφω, γυρίζω

not complicated, or not showing a good understanding of culture and fashion; not sophisticated απλοϊκός, -ή, -ό
to destroy something completely αφανίζω, καταβροχθίζω

English Explanation Greek Translation

a show of anger, worry, or excitement that is unnecessary or greater than the situation deserves φασαρία, σαματάς

to make someone angry or annoyed ενοχλώ, εξάπτω

frightened or nervous because you are not confident in a situation εκφοβισμένος, -η, -ο

the process of converting something from one thing to another μετατροπή

expressing welcome, approval, or pleasure in a way that shows very strong feeling: διαχυτικός, -ή, -ό

angry because of something that is wrong or not fair αγανακτισμένος, -η, -ο

feeling happy and also slightly sad when you think about things that happened in the past νοσταλγικός, -ή, -ό

a person whose ]ob is to treat problems and diseases of people's feet ποδίατρος

to pull someone's vehicle using a rope or chain tied to your vehicle ρυμουλκώ

for a period of time with no fixed end επ' αόριστον

to take part in a competition συμμετέχω

to talk or think about something in order to explain it or make certain that it is correct επανεξετάζω

to go to a place and bring something back πηγαίνω να φέρω

If food goes off, it is not good to eat any more because it is too old. χαλάω, αλλοιώνομαι, ξινίζω

If a bomb or gun goes off, it explodes or fires. εκρήγνυμαι, εκπυρσοκροτώ

to not have something or to manage to live despite not having something τα καταφέρνω χωρίς

When the sea or tide ebbs, it moves away from the coast and falls to a lower level άμπωτη

to fail or become unpleasant αποτυγχάνω, χαλώ

If something goes to someone's head, it makes them think that they are very important and
makes them a less pleasant person ξεμυαλίζω, καβαλάω το καλάμι

English Explanation Greek Translation

to think repeatedly about an event that has happened εξετάζω, επανεξετάζω
If you go on record or if you are on record as saying something, you say it publicly and officially μιλώ επίσημα
and it is written down
not be used, eaten, etc. είναι άχρηστος, για πέταμα

to suddenly start talking or thinking about a completely new subject αλλάζω θέμα απότομα

to try to make something succeed, usually by working hard δουλεύω σκληρά για την επιτυχία

a vertical structure like a thin wall that separates one part of a room or building from another: χώρισμα

a fact or situation that is the reason for something bad happening ένοχος

in a very clearway ξεκάθαρα

around handle, or a small round device for controlling a machine or electrical equipment: κουμπί

words or behaviour that are a social mistake or not polite απρέπεια, παράπτωμα, χοντράδα
λέω κατά λάθος κάτι που μπορεί να ντροπιάσει ή
to say something by accident that embarrasses or upsets someone να ενοχλήσει κάποιον

funny, silly, or strange behaviour καμώματα

a very light, sweet cake made by mixing sugar with egg white (= the clear part) and baking it μαρέγκα
a sweet cold dish consisting of a layer of fruit and sponge (= cake), a layer of custard (= thick,
sweet, yellow sauce) and a top layer of cream τράιφλ

a dungeon with the only entrance or exit being a trap door in the ceiling μπουντρούμι με άνοιγμα μόνο στην οροφή
an action that ends something that has been gradually getting worse, or that kills a person or χαριστική βολή
animal in order to end their suffering

English Explanation Greek Translation

to (cause something to) explode πυροδοτώ

stupid behaviour that will have bad results παράνοια, τρέλα

something that surprises you and teaches you new facts about life, people, etc. κάτι αποκαλυπτικό (που σου ανοίγει τα μάτια)
famous for something φημισμένος, -η, -ο

behaviour that follows the usual standards that are expected by a group or society συμμόρφωση

to do something that is different from the usual or common way of behaving παρέκκλιση, απόκλιση

difficult to deal with and causing a lot of disagreement and argument αμφιλεγόμενος, -η, -ο

(of jokes or stories) slightly rude or shocking, especially be cause of being about sex απρεπής, -ής, -ές

a position from which something is seen, or a way of seeing something οπτική γωνία

new, original, and clever μεγαλοφυής, -ής, -ές, πρωτότυπος, -η, -ο

to make a large jump or sudden movement, usually from one place to another άλμα

deeply or extremely βαθιά, ολοκληρωτικά

having two opposing feelings at the same time, or being uncertain about how you feel αναποφάσιστος, -η, -ο, αμφίθυμος, -η, -ο
of or shared by every member of a group of people συλλογικός, -ή, -ό, ομαδικός, -ή, -ό

a feeling of anger, especially caused by damage to your fe eling of being proud of yourself μνησικακία

a person who lives alone and apart from the rest of society, especially for religious reasons ερημίτης

a particular characteristic that can produce a particular type of behaviour χαρακτηριστικό

a subject that someone often talks about, usually for a long time αγαπημένο θέμα (συζήτησης)

confusion and lack of order, especially causing damage or trouble Χάος

happening after something and because of it επακόλουθος, -η, -ο

to encourage an activity or development or make it happen faster ωθώ, παρακινώ

English Explanation Greek Translation

to make a public statement of your approval or support for something or someone υποστηρίζω δημόσια, εγκρίνω

to be a sign that something bad is likely to happen in the future προμηνύω

making another person look silly σε βάρος κάποιου

to develop all the details of a plan for doing something διατυπώνω, σχηματίζω

instead (of) αντί για

for ever, without ending στο άπειρο

If someone discusses something ad nauseam, they talk about it so much that it becomes very επανειλημμένα

You describe something as par excellence when it is the best example of its type κατεξοχήν, ουσιαστικός, -ή, -ό

something that is given to a person in return for something they have done αντάλλαγμα
at first sight (= based on what seems to be the truth when first seen or heard) εκ πρώτης όψεως

a hollow in a wall, especially one made to put a statue (= artistic object) in so that it can be seen κόγχη, κοίλωμα τοίχου

a young person who is helped and taught by an older and usually famous person προστατεύομενος, -η, -ο

a noisy argument or fight καυγάς, φασαρία

a short road that is blocked off at one end αδιέξοδος

a small group of people who spend their time together and do not welcome other people into κλίκα
that group
a pen name ψευδώνυμο

a person or thing that you dislike very much or that annoys you: μισητό πρόσωπο, φόβητρο

ordinary people το πλήθος, οι μάζες

the activity of watching trains and writing down the numbers that each railway engine has παρακολουθώ τραίνα και καταγράφω τις

English Explanation Greek Translation

to behave according to the usual standards of behaviour that are expected by a group or society συμμορφώνομαι
If a container is pressurised, the air pressure inside it is higher than the air pressure outside it ζορίζω, ασκώ πίεση
used before saying something that is not as important as the main subject of conversation, but
is connected to it in some way παρεμπιπτόντως, τυχαία

life at home taking care of your house and family οικογενειακή ζωή

a new activity, usually in business, which involves risk or uncertainty επιχείρηση, τόλμημα

the male leader of a family πατριάρχης

a large number or wide range (of something) πολλαπλότητα

standards for good or bad character and behaviour ήθη

describes places that are a great distance away, or something that is spread over a very large
area μακρινός, -ή, -ό

to have an effect on something, often causing problems by limiting it in some way προσκρούω, καταχρώμαι, σφετερίζομαι

If someone has a tendency to do or like something, they will probably do it or like it τάση

the act of sending out gas, heat, light, etc. εκπομπή αερίου

to destroy something completely εξαλείφω, αφανίζω

the chance that something will happen πιθανότητα

a humorous use of a word or phrase that has several meanings or that sounds like another word λογοπαίγνιο

a type of graph that uses pictures or symbols to show or compare data εικονόγραμμα
a word that is pronounced the same as another word but has a different meaning or spelling, or ομόφωνο

English Explanation Greek Translation

the last part of a story or a joke that explains the meaning of what has happened previously or
makes it funny ατάκα, το μέρος του αστείου που προκαλεί γέλιο
having, or being likely to cause, a very close friendship or personal or sexual relationship if a
place or event is intimate, it is small in a way that feels comfortable or private οικείος -α -ο

not loud, bright, noticeable, or obvious in any way διακριτικός, -ή, -ό

bright and shiny from being cleaned γυαλιστερός, -ή, -ό

a series of cars and other motor vehicles that moves slowly along a road carrying someone
important, especially during an official ceremony αυτοκινητοπομπή

having a pleasantly soft, rounded body or shape στρουμπουλός, -ή, -ό, παχουλός, -ή, -ό
(of a person) untidy, dirty, and wearing old, torn clothes κουρελιασμένος, -η, -ο

simple and not skilfully done or made ακατέργαστος, -η, -ο

to accept a particular job or responsibility αναλαμβάνω

to force someone to accept something, especially a belief or way of living επιβάλλω

if you play on/upon someone's feelings, you encourage and make unfair use of these feelings in επωφελούμαι, εκμεταλλεύομαι
order to get an advantage for yourself:
to cause someone or something to be in a particular state καθιστώ

to get something αποκτώ

to walk with large, noticeable movements, especially to at tract attention or show that you are
angry περπατώ επιδεικτικά

to take or try to take hold of something tightly, usually in fear, worry, or pain γραπώνω, κρατώ σφιχτά

to stick onto or hold something or someone tightly, or to refuse to stop holding them προσκολλώμαι, γαντζώνομαι, κρεμιέμαι
if an unpleasant feeling or situation persists, it continues to exist επιμένω, εμμένω
English Explanation Greek Translation
the occasion when
someone performs or presents something to the public for the first time

the careful watching of a person or place, especially by the police or army, because of a crime στενή παρακολούθηση, επιτήρηση
that has happened or is expected

abbreviation for closed-circuit television: a system that sends television signals to

κάμερα κλειστού κυκλώματος

a limited number of screens, and is often used in shops and public places to prevent crime:
present or noticeable in every part of a thing or place διάχυτος, -η, -ο

something that must exist or happen before something else can exist or happen προϋπόθεση, προαπαιτούμενο
relating to laws or the making of laws νομοθετικός, -ή, -ό

able to be easily physically, emotionally, or mentally hurt, influenced, or attacked ευάλωτος, -η, -ο

unable to be explained or understood ανεξήγητος, -η, -ο

describes information that is not based on facts or careful study ανεπίσημα στοιχεία

to be connected to, or to be about someone or something σχετίζομαι

Something that snakes its way moves or is arranged in a twisting way κινείται ελικοειδώς

strange and frightening τρομακτικός, -ή, -ό

becoming weaker αποδυναμωμένος, -η, -ο, πεσμένος, -η -ο


The new bedroom is very nice, but you can ring the changes even more with new curtains and carpet.
The student union discussed how student life at their university could change for the better. Little Thom's
behaviour has changed for the better since he started school.
Nick and Jack were going to open up a new pharmacy together. Nick, though, had a change of heart and pulled
out of the deal.

Nick's behaviour worried me, but when he told me about his problems at work everything fell into place.

Mr Smith's marriage started to go downhill when he lost his job.

"How about going abroad on holiday next year?" "It's not in the cards for me. It's too expensive!"

"How did you end up in hospital?" "1 was skiing down a slope and didn't see the tree. The rest is history."

"How did Mary lose her job?" "She was made redundant as the management decided to cut down on staff."
We've reached a dead end. You can step in any time if you have a suggestion.
Rafael is impossible when it comes to his teeth. 1 literally have to drag him to the dentist to get his teeth

Doukissa Nomikou's stunning appearance caught my eye as soon as she entered the cafe.

The city council have come up with some brilliant ideas on how to reduce traffic congestion in the city centre.
When Mary was offered a scholarship, she jumped at the chance to study abroad.

Tony's transfer from product testing to the sales division was a major turning point in his career.
We should take on some seasonal staff during the holiday period.

After his first appearance on the TV show, he became an overnight sensation.
"1 was offered a managerial job, but I'm not sure 1 want the responsibility." "1 wouldn't miss this opportunity. 1
think it’s your lucky break."
"If it comes down to cutting wages, I'll resign" stated the CEO.

Teenagers like to hang around malls.

Children should be encouraged to help out with the household chores.

1 think a trip to the beach will cheer you up.

Many Greeks are in a very dismal mood due to the economic crisis.
When Madonna's marriage broke up, her children were still young.

Fossil fuel supplies such as oil and coal are running out fast.

1 don't understand how famous actors and designers end up penniless after so many years of hard work.
Mary didn't like her new school initially. However, after she settled in, she realised how much better it was.

After a run of bad losses the stock broker decided to stop investing in risky stocks.

Julio was surprised when Lisa appeared at his doorstep out of the blue.
The news of his being laid off knocked him sideways.
"Why do you have a black eye?" "1 don't know. Something upset Peter and ... wham, he punched me in the

People that keep living beyond their means will soon find they've run out of money.

Cheating in the exams will catch up with you eventually; your teacher is bound to notice one day.

It took him twenty years to pay off his mortgage.

He decided to cut back on sweets to lose weight.

The company couldn't afford having two accountants anymore, so they let Mary go.

When the manager wrongly accused me of losing the client, 1 was so upset that 1 couldn't think straight.
If you are looking for a chance to talk to Joe, try getting in with his sister.

The police finally managed to track down the thief, who was hiding in an old warehouse.
"Why did you go to bed so late last night?" "We were rearranging our furniture and 1 couldn't sleep until
everything was sorted."

1 find grammar exercises so mind-numbingly boring that I'd rather solve a hundred Maths problems instead.
Feeling that you're stuck in a rut at some point in your life is almost inevitable no matter how interesting your
job may be.

When Peter looked at me gloomily, 1 knew that our dog Rex was gone.
Romeo was utterly miserable when Juliet died.
The sun setting slowly, almost imperceptibly, behind the mountains added a mysterious glow to the

David was gravely injured in the accident.

1 hate it when some friends turn up an hour late with a lame excuse.

Judy's very shy and sometimes comes across as a bit of a snob.
Hundreds of people have lost their jobs during the current recession.

The first step in the recruitment process is to create an effective job advertisement.

Psychologists believe that people's attitude towards life determines how they perceive events around them.
Wine connoisseurs sniff the aroma of a fine wine before tasting it.

Huckleberry Finn is a book narrating the feats of a young boy called Tom Sawyer.
When Tom Sawyer's father went to war, Tom was the sole sustainer of his family.

The founder of Ectech Ltd was a great promoter of solar energy.

After resting for a few hours, the hikers continued up the hill with renewed vigour.

Field trips offer students great stimuli and facilitate their learning process.
Ms Waters promised to join me at the concert, but she never showed up.

Survival courses are designed to help participants build up their self-confidence.

The new hospital wards will be put up by the end of the year.
1 really liked the scene of the film Forbidden Ground where the soldiers lay up behind the enemy lines waiting
to be rescued.
She's always upset and barely speaks to anyone.

Telling off a child when he's done something bad isn't as constructive as explaining why what he did was wrong.

The dog could sense the man's fear and ran towards him aggressively.

Mary was in great pain when she broke her leg, but had to endure it as she was allergic to painkillers.

Helen was very tired but set about cooking for the dinner party, as there was little time left.

The witness gave an accurate description of how the accident came about.

Can you help me with this problem? 1 have no idea how to go about it.
The Industrial Revolution brought about many social changes.

A group of guerrillas patrolled the area around their base camp, so that the government soldiers couldn't
approach it.
My grandmother taught me crocheting, and 1 made several caps and waistcoats to go with my winter

Totalitarian governments claim any disagreement with their policies is subversive political activity.

"What do you need this yarn for?" "My grandma wants to knit a scarf for me."

We saw a lot of musicians busking in Piccadilly Square and around Covent Garden.
They're auditioning for the new Spielberg film. Why don't you give it a try?

The government dictates how the various charity organisations will distribute the funds.
Some scientists believe that land mammals evolved into whales.

1 couldn't help noticing the look of desperation in the homeless woman's eyes.

Companies that are reluctant to embrace change are doomed to fail.

Catherine's too sophisticated to go to a neighbourhood pub; nothing but five-star restaurants for her!

The villagers' food supplies were severely depleted, as they were snowed in for almost a month.
Crime rates in the centre of many cities have increased to the extent that many people have sold their houses
and moved to the suburbs.


Mel Gibson in the film, The Ransom, made a plea to the kidnapers not to hurt his son.

Her daily routine alternates between the office and household chores.
Climbing up the steep hill exhausted the climbers completely.

The politician's arguments were far from being valid; in fact, they were flawed.

Hundreds of people have massed in the town square to watch the fireworks.
Factory owners must find a more environmentally friendly way to dispose of their waste to reverse water
Jane failed to pick up on the humour in John's remarks and felt deeply offended.
The printing press built by Gutenberg around 1450 revolutionized the distribution of written texts

Technological advances have caused society to change profoundly during the last decade.

No matter where you drill, you're not going to find water on this piece of land!

1 need to buy some black dye for this shirt my aunt gave me; 1 look terrible in yellow.
The new government plans to change the tax system radically.

The consultant's favourable comments helped push forward our research proposal.

The CEO set the ball rolling with some general thoughts on how to promote our new product.
Some of her friends and family, notably her mother, were against Elizabeth's decision to work abroad.
Rafael took up swimming as an extracurricular activity.

My son is quite opinionated and too stubborn to change his mind, even when proven wrong.

People need to remember that they are part of the animal kingdom and not its ruler.

When 1 saw the girl shoplifting, 1 felt compelled to report the incident to her parents.
Jane never tells the truth because she's a compulsive liar.

1 felt hurt and confused when Stella stopped talking to me for no apparent reason.
Walt Disney was considered a great innovator in the film industry.
Dependence on governmental funding constrains the progress of stem cell research.

Cultural constraints prevented my mother-in-law from fitting into Australian society.

The typical family photo around the dinner table brings back memories of happy domesticity.

1 had the misfortune to meet a really irritating person the other day at the restaurant.
The manager's assistant was irreplaceable, as he understood how the company worked almost as well as the
manager himself.

Her father's disapproval didn't prevent Eva from going on with her plans to set up her own restaurant.

The current occupants have agreed to let you see the house tomorrow afternoon.
The suspect in the bank robbery was set free due to inconclusive evidence.

The citizens were waiting anxiously for the outcome of the elections.
Your car will be roadworthy again once you change its tyres.

The political framework in Cyprus is favourable to trade.

The new measures in Greece's banking system are expected to bring about an upturn in foreign investment.

The environmental investigators traced the water pollution to the outfall from the factory's waste pipe.

Multiple cases of high fever with no other symptoms marked the outbreak of the epidemic.

The lottery winner invested his £40,000,000 windfall in his brother's business.
My neighbours planted a row of trees along the northern side of the house to provide a windbreak for their
The bank will surely approve Mr Smith's application for a loan as he's creditworthy.

The CEO of H&V made just one error of judgment which turned out to be his downfall.

There has been a sharp downturn in the export business in Greece.

Beauty is only skin deep. It is character traits that matter the most.

My daughter wilfully ignores me, just out of spite, because 1 didn't let her stay out late last week.

The double agent revealed key information to the enemy.

Black and white were the dominant colours in O' Keefe's paintings.

1 didn't know that there are scissors and pens customized for lefthanders.
In the Greek culture, ties of kinship are of great importance.

Gone with the Wind is arguably one of the best films ever made.

There are now infinitely more career options than there were 100 years ago.

Sue rented a cottage off the beaten track as she wanted to spend some time alone.
1 can't chill out because 1 have so much to do.

When 1 first moved to Salonika, 1 had to rough it in a small motel until 1 found my apartment.
It is difficult for a family to get by on a small salary.

The radio station was run on a shoestring for the first couple of months until sponsors were found.
1 ran into Jonathan at the opera, but 1 would never have imagined he’d be such a culture vulture.

1 often wonder what it would be to like to live in the lap of luxury.

Drivers who exceed the speed limit will receive a heavy fine.

Orestis Andreadakis is a strict film critic and hardly anything ever lives up to his expectations.

With your qualifications, you have every prospect of finding a good ]ob.

You are more liable to pull a muscle if you don’t do a good warm up.
Lisa was downcast because the teacher had scolded her in front of her classmates.

Harry's so unpredictable that you can never anticipate what he'll do next.

The chef used some vanilla extract to enrich the flavour of the cake.

Mandela is an inspiring leader who embodies the highest ideals of justice, kindness and courage.
Aristophanes' plays involve quite a number of tragicomic events.
The basic pension in some Eastern European countries is so low that the pensioners can't even cover their
staple needs.

The patient suffered a slight disorientation after the surgery and woke wondering where he was.
1 find it hard to entertain myself on a dreary winter's day.

Joanna had a late night last night so she's in a state of lethargy this morning.

Marta finds it really hard to work for her boss as he's so temperamental.

Though hungry, the boy sat back and savoured every bite as if it were the first time he had tasted a sandwich.

Working in a small office without air conditioning during a heat wave can be very enervating.

The masking tape was left in the sun for such a long time that it lost its stickiness.
The stray animal was found with a bullet lodged in his collarbone.

1 used to pore over my notes the night before an exam.

The children were so absorbed in their game that they were oblivious to their surroundings.
Scientists and theologists often make uneasy bedfellows.

Mary had to clean all the window panes after the rain.
The witness was accused of distorting the truth.

We had a sublime view of the Acropolis from our hotel.

John's flawless performance as the hero saved our school play.

What began as a debate between the politicians of the opposing parties ended up as a row.

People who ignore warnings about volcanic eruptions do so at their own peril.

The children haven't returned from school as yet, but they're expected any minute now.

Our itinerary also includes visits to many archaeological monuments in Rome.

Birds line their nests with feathers before they lay their eggs.

The ship couldn't set sail as there was something wrong with the rigging that supported its sails.

The road in front of our house was being fixed and the whole area had a nasty smell of tar.

1 found the atmosphere in the new restaurant cold and uncongenial.

The government's decision for further taxes has provoked protests all over the country.

Mary has been home bound for the last month as she suffers from a recurrent minor illness.

No country in the world is self-contained any more. Each country needs each other and needs to learn to

Being a seasoned educator, Mr Scott knew exactly how to handle each problem that arose in class.
George picked the lock with practised ease and took the file from the drawer.

I'm fed up with all that noise coming from next door.

The journey to the South Pole is only for intrepid explorers.

Fatigued after her difficult hike, Kate fell into a deep sleep.

Beth felt so weary after working nights for the last three weeks.
Daniel’s writing is characterised by his judicious choice of words and careful use of rhetorical devices.

During the sales, there are many bargains around for the discerning buyer.
Ted is an armchair traveller and the places he talks about are what he’s seen on TV.

You should never trust Jake as he’s an inveterate liar.

After she got married, Margaret decided to settle down in a small town with her husband.
Some restaurant touts receive a commission on each person they persuade to enter the establishment.

The shopkeeper was arrested for trying to sell stolen goods to unwary customers.

Don’t forget to put your watch forward on Sunday, as we’re switching to daylight saving time.

If the school basketball players don't train regularly, they're bound to lose.

The country's revenue from tourism this year will be in the region of €4,000,000.

After months of research, Charles is finally on the brink of a breakthrough in molecular biology.
Thanks for lending a hand. 1 was on the verge of a nervous breakdown with all that work.

The test booklet is to be used in conjunction with the textbook.

We tried in vain to convince Julie that her plan wouldn't work; she went on with it, anyway.
Betty took some days off on the grounds that she was feeling ill.

1 think 1 speak on behalf of everyone when 1 say that something needs to be done about the working hours.

To some extent, I'm to blame for losing contact with my best friends.
Everyone came to my party with the exception of Sheila.

Tania was raised in the conservative society of her small village and moving to the big city was a big change for
What really gets my goat is when people lie to my face.

Nikki got carried away with what she was doing and didn't notice what the time was.

1 managed to make my landlady fork out for a burglar alarm after so many houses were broken into in my area.

Helen had to pay a hefty fine for driving her motorbike without a helmet.
We can't afford new furniture right now as we're on a tight budget.

The children were running wild in the back yard without supervision.

Some legislators are dead set against the death penalty.

Most salaries are not in line with the cost of living now, so savings accounts are being depleted.
If you want a relationship to work, you have to make compromises.
I'd like to go on a cruise that involves the circumnavigation of Australia.

Stop nagging about your low scores and start studying.

1 hate repetitive household chores such as ironing clothes.

When 1 was young 1 used to thumb a lift to the beach during the summer.

1 am not sure how this software works, but 1 am sure we’ll figure something out.

We planted some trees around our house as a buffer against strong winds.

Just to be on the safe side, take an umbrella with you.

Some of the youngest entrepreneurs are in the computer industry.

Marathon runners need stamina if they are to reach the finishing line.
You can trying taking an aspirin to relieve your back pain, but you must see a doctor immediately if pain
Add some more logs to the fire. It’s almost out.

Palm trees thrive in tropical areas.

I’m worried she won’t be able to handle on the work she’s taken on.

The customers decided not to buy the electrical appliance, as it didn't fulfil EU safety requirements.
Donald's aspiration was to become a great artist.

Larry was commissioned to write the music for our play.

There have been so many discoveries in genetics that it's difficult to keep track of.

HCV slashed the price of its game console to £80 in an effort to improve its sales figures.

Landlords are expected to shoulder the cost of house repairs.

My cousin ordered the most expensive dishes on the menu and then expected me to foot the bill.

If you disobey your parents and get caught, you’ll have to face the music.

To get to his car, Brad Pitt had to elbow his way through a crowd of screaming fans.
Tracy couldn't stomach the idea of her husband working abroad.

The coach was clear when he said:" You toe our team's line or you leave the team!".
Jim was the sole heir to his family's great fortune.

Trudy tossed her head angrily and left the room.

Rastafarians wear their hair in long dreadlocks to resemble a lion's mane.

We could hear the horses neighing in the field.

In my opinion, for a marriage to last, the two spouses should be complementary.

A friendly match would be a good way for both teams to evaluate their new players.

This programme caters for students of diverse cultural backgrounds.

Water is fundamental to our survival.

Most of the programmes on this TV channel are family orientated.
Inclusive education entails bringing all students together in the classroom regardless of their strengths and
Some sports, such as tennis and golf, used to be very elitist.

The principal went to see the curator of the museum to arrange our school’s field trip.
The main dish was delicious but the accompanying salad was inedible.

Our neighbours have neglected their house so much that it’s started to fall apart.
Some scientific books are dumbed down to be understood by the general public.

The country's defence systems were compromised by hackers.

The wizardry of the special effects made Avatar a most exciting film.

Fortunately, most people escaped the train derailment with only superficial injuries.

Morgan had a way of trivializing others' problems as if no one had ever had any real difficulties but himself.

Lauren Weinberger's The Devil Wears Prada is the perfect book for lite reading during your holidays.

1 have heard the rumours about the King's visit, but 1 don't think there's any substance to them.

The toy 1 bought for my nephew didn't engage his interest for very long.
I've detected a shift in my son's interest lately, from art to music.

We often get stuck in our daily routines and lose sight of the important things in life.
Maths and literature are two of the core subjects of any school's curriculum.

After explaining the purpose of the advertising campaign, the manager went on to outline the main course of


If you get a part time job you can save up for college and gain experience. That way, you can kill two birds with
one stone, as the saying goes.
My grandfather was a shepherd. He had a hundred sheep.
Red sky at night, and so forth, is a pretty accurate saying, except in areas where storms usually come in from the

After two weeks of camping in the woods you can’t imagine what a delight it was to stay at a luxurious hotel!
You’d think if rain was coming, cows would be walking back to the barn instead of lying in the field!

People seem to have lost faith in the government after so many false promises.
The police officers weren't convinced of the accuracy of the witness's statement.

The little boy could sense the tension in the room although he hadn't seen or heard his parents arguing.
The teacher concluded that Mary had cheated on her exam as she couldn't answer any of her questions the
next day.
Research has shown that this new NIH virus isn't confined only to animals but can affect humans, as well.
The two eye-witness accounts of the car accident were completely contradictory. Police didn't know which to

Do you think we can rely on your sister not to tell our secret to anyone?

That a princess lived on Mytilene in exile some hundred years ago is part of the local lore.

1 don't know how Mary could come out with such a rude remark! She's usually very polite.

For most of his reign, James VI of Scotland remained sceptical about the existence of witches.
Rania doesn't drink wine or any other alcoholic drink, for that matter.

Some of the people on the list of large foreign bank account holders, presumably, are tax evaders.
Swifts are brown, medium-sized birds which are superb flyers.

Swallows migrate to warmer climates at the end of summer.

Bankruptcy seems imminent, as the company has shown no profit over the last three years.
A water-repellent tablecloth comes in very handy if you have kids.

Humidity is really high in seaside places. It can reach up to 80%!

The weather forecast is for gales throughout the weekend, so our sail has to be cancelled.
The grapes were ripe and ready to be harvested.

Jane's collaboration was intrinsically important to our project.

As a major stock holder of the company, Ian had a vested interest in its being profitable.

Plans for attracting foreign investments may be negated by the new tax laws.
Compared to the hours of delay we had to face the last time we used this airline, half an hour is a minor
The lawyer was clutching at straws in search for a better argument to defend his client.
There was an element of doubt in Clair's voice when she agreed to lend her brother the money he had asked
Tobacco consumption is expected to decrease once the new taxes start to bite.

If you want to keep a relationship going there has to be some give-and-take.

I've told my son time and time again to tidy his room but to no avail! It's always messy!

Sandy was left high and dry at the restaurant when Jim suddenly had to leave.

Charles aspires to be a singer to gain fame and fortune.

Mario Bros is a game which was designed first and foremost to help children learn to cooperate.
Supporters who take a black-and-white stance claim that voluntary euthanasia will not lead to involuntary
Joanne promised her husband she’d stand by him through thick and thin.

It was touch-and-go whether we would be able to catch our connecting flight after a one-hour delay.

1 can’t refuse to help my brother Liam overcome his financial problems; he’s my own flesh and blood.

Everyone wants to hang out with Michael as he’s the life and soul of the party.

The present ban on smoking in public places has to be modified in order to be more effective .

In the phrase "quite well", the word "quite" is a modifier.

Although the film was only moderately successful, we liked it a lot.

"Good" is a gradable adjective while "excellent" isn’t.

I'm somewhat dubious about lending Chris anything, let alone money. 1 don’t think he’ll ever return it.
1 think I’ve just wasted my time trying to explain the Nash Equilibrium theory to my students.

The case of Zodiac, the serial killer, was one that mystified the police.

We tried to make the most of our short stay in Paris by visiting as many sights as we could.
Oddly enough, Mr Stephen's life was ruined after he won the lottery. 1 guess it's true that money is the root of
all evil.
When we refused to go to bed early, my mother used to say" Early to bed and early to rise makes a man
healthy, wealthy and wise".
Some charitable donors feel so good about giving out fish, they forget to teach the needy to fish for themselves.
Their work is never done!
Martha stood by me when 1 had family problems. It's true what they say : "A friend in need is a friend indeed."
It is too early to know whether your investment will pay off. "Don't count your chickens before they are

We decided not to buy a house downtown because violent crimes are a frequent occurrence there.
There's no news of any new tax measures to date, but just wait till next week! I'm sure there'll be another new

Given my grandfather's age, it's a miracle he recovered from his hip operation so quickly.
Nora's study on geophysical phenomena will be published next week.

Our trip to Egypt was a disaster as there had been no advance planning.
Space technology has contributed greatly to detecting and delivering early warnings of impending disasters.

The boy 1 met at my friend's house turned out to be my cousin!

In a high tech building, light sensors automatically switch lights off when the room is unoccupied.
My grandma uses a hearing aid as she can’t hear very well.

The ship's GPS system went out at the height of the storm, making navigation nearly impossible.

Many Greeks took part in the great migration to America in the 19th century.
A dog whistle produces high-frequency sounds that only dogs can hear.

Images reach TV sets through a receptor.

Computer security experts have detected an attempt by hackers to steal security codes used for online banking.

The footprints we saw in the woods must have been made by a wild beast, possibly a bear.
According to local folklore, nymphs used to dwell near lakes.

Psychologists warn that children's anger management issues could be associated with violence on TV.

After working with kids for twelve straight hours, 1 don't have a grain of patience left in me!

Swelling in your calves, ankles and feet are some of the symptoms of bad blood circulation.
The coroner found high levels of serotonin during the autopsy, which led her to believe that the victim had
been drugged.
Winds of more than 130mph buffeted the coast of Hawaii last week.

When we visited the States, we went on a day trip to the Grand Canyon, which was very impressive.

When the jury stated they had reached a verdict, the judge asked the defendant to rise.
The hostages during the bank robbery pleaded for their lives.

Tom's mother asked the headmaster to show leniency due to his previous good behaviour.

Part of the course was aimed at teaching students how to cite references in the text of research papers.
As the shoplifter's impoverished condition was obvious, the jurors were asked to weigh the extenuating

Some cultures tend to prize family loyalty while others encourage individual independence.
Many herbs have healing properties and are used in medicine.

Before using the camera, make sure that the battery is charged.

Positively charged ions are produced as a result of chemical reactions.

1 found teaching English to four-year-olds a rather invigorating experience.

Even though 1 was determined not to eat any sweets, 1 finally succumbed to the temptation of an ice cream

The whole town of New Orleans was adversely affected by the storm.
The young astronaut is eager to venture where no man has gone before.

Fishing is the only livelihood for the residents of the small, barren island of Gavdos.
The manager said he would inform us, in due course, of any changes in the company's working hours.
The hostile takeover of the firm by a multinational company rendered Mr Lane redundant.
Cameras that use film are becoming obsolete in our digital era.

1 heard on the news that terrorists hijacked an American aeroplane travelling from Israel to the States.

Ted's table manners are infuriating as he keeps chewing with his mouth open.
My computer crashed and 1 lost the file 1 was working on.

You were definitely overcharged for that jumper. 1 bought the same one for half that price.

Mr Sanders shook with rage when he found out that one of his employees was ripping him off.
1 remember the times we spent as children in our summer house. They were moments of such perfect bliss.

Damien's lies brought a look of incredulity on his teacher's face.

The result of the elections - expected but disappointing - caused nothing more than apathy in the public mind.

Gina came back home with a look of dejection on her face as she had failed her exams.

Nadia thought nothing could compare to the sorrow she felt when she lost her mother.

It's hard to express the revulsion 1 feel when 1 see animals being abused.
When Mark heard that his son had driven the family car into a tree, he was filled with fury.
I'm not sure when my loathing for peppers started, but 1 can't stand them.

What Carry didn't like was the tedium of life in her small village, especially during the winter.

Mary is dreading her university entrance exams as she isn't well prepared.
Imagine my astonishment when Perry asked me to marry him.

1 find winter this year a bit of a welcome break from the seemingly endless summer.
1 know Ned was angry at his son, but there was no excuse for such irrational behaviour in front of all those

The latest announcement of more lay-offs provoked an outburst of anger among the public.
Your mother will be foaming at the mouth once she sees what you've drawn on the walls.

Many people believe that having cameras in public places is a violation of privacy.

Some psychologists believe that a set of unwritten rules choreographs our actions without our realising it.

Penny has very few interests aside from dancing.

Making bubbles can be great fun for kids.

"I'm sorry to intrude but there’s someone here to see you", said Mrs Jacob's assistant.
Each time the kids made a noise, there was a pounding on the wall of the flat from our neighbour. The old
Olia's promotion was blocked by the manager for reasons still unknown to her.

Ron employed all sorts of tactics to persuade his parents to let him go to Robin Williams' concert.
The train driver hit the brakes at the last minute and managed to avert disaster.

All through dinner, my date maintained a gaze like a love-sick puppy. When he asked me out again, 1 declined!
The doctor put Rafael's arm in a cast to help him keep it immobile.
After undergoing an internship with a paediatrician, Anne ultimately changed her career track to veterinary

Rather than looking for someone to blame, perhaps you should look inward and examine your own faults.

Although Jeff was steaming inside, he managed to maintain his outward calm composure.

Megan Fox is a young actress with undeniable beauty as well as talent.

Ms Da Silla has an unconscious desire to please others so she'll do anything for you.

The two brothers used to fight over insignificant things when they were young.

A lot of works of art were lost during World War II, many of which were irreplaceable.
We had a splendid time at the party thanks to Connor and his inexhaustible sense of humour.
When he was in college Mr Collins was an unassertive young man. No one thought that in twenty years he'd be
running for president.
Why don't you consult a solicitor to help you with the legal aspects of starting a business?
The Kyoto Protocol was signed after days of hard negotiations, as saving the planet was not seen as going hand
in hand with economic growth.

New features have been incorporated in the latest version of the software programme.
Children sometimes cry to manipulate their parents and get what they want.

Billie Holiday had a sharp dramatic intensity in her voice that was not always easy to capture on disc.
An acoustic guitar accompanied Moira's singing.

The portability of All-in-One computers is questionable as they are quite heavy.

Sandy climbed the tree with ease, as she had done it a thousand times.

Younger people, accustomed as they are to the speed of email, want something faster still: the truly
instantaneous reply.

The children dipped their hands in paint and then made an impression on paper.
Creative dancing is thought to stimulate children's spontaneity and creativity.

Since the donor preferred to keep his anonymity, 1 can't tell you who the money came from.

Ronard Brosch is a highly visible scientist in the field of genetic engineering.

The snowfall unceasingly for two days and in the end everything was white.

Research has shown that the majority of obese people are compulsive eaters.
The National Basketball team lost to Slovenia, but it remained undeterred in its attempt to reach the

Ammonium nitrate is a highly explosive substance that should be kept in a cool environment.
There were riots in the streets for days in England when the mines closed and hundreds of people were left
without jobs.
After a year of hard work, Ken's business is finally taking off.

Lynn was willing to jeopardise everything in order to be with her family again.

The lives of thousands of sea animals are in jeopardy as a result of the oil spillage in the Atlantic Ocean.
There's going to be a significant upturn in Greece's economy if its natural resources are exploited properly.

It will take Jack some time to come to terms with the idea of the divorce.

The firefighter put his life at risk to save the child from the burning building.

Every night 1 followed the same bedtime ritual with my son: washing his face, brushing his teeth and reading
him a bedtime story.
Martha ordered a five-tiered wedding cake for her wedding.

At the reception, the bride's father made a toast to the happy couple, wishing them happiness.

The opposition party was trying to mobilise its followers against the unprecedented rise in food prices.
Sharon paid an excessive amount of money for such a small car.
Avoid driving when taking anti-flu pills as they may induce drowsiness.

The local environmentalist organisation appealed to everyone concerned in an attempt to save the park.

We're late! Just slip into a pair of jeans and a T-shirt and let's go!

George R. Martin was already an established author of science fiction novels when he wrote Game of Thrones.

We even saw some lions devouring their prey on the safari.

The cat purred in contentment as the little boy stroked its back.

In the 1930s, it was against the convention to marry someone of a different social status.
When we went back home we satisfied our hunger with a big succulent steak and french fries.

When Brenda looked outside the window she saw the sinister figure of a man lurking in the shadows.
1 think John's snide remarks about Jane's appearance really hurt her feelings and that's why she left the party

1 don't hold a grudge against Mersa for being promoted as 1 think she really deserved it.

Al Capone was arrested for tax evasion, which was a petty crime for such a high-profile mobster.

There's been fierce rivalry between the two football teams -Olympiakos and Panathinaikos - for many years.
The aim of the psychologists’ study was to identify people who had superior intelligence compared with the
population at large.

One of the serious side effects of the economic crisis is the increase in violent assaults.

The oral interview is the part of the test that aims at assessing your verbal and communication skills.

All invited speakers will be asked to prepare full papers for publication in the proceedings of the conference.
The young athlete made a valiant attempt to break the world record in the 200-metre race.

David has been trying to restore his reputation ever since he was falsely accused of bribery.

Can a bank dictate how the money from the loan will be spent?

Ancient Cretans showed open hostility to all foreigners as they considered them a threat to their culture.

They can’t estimate the casualties in Syria until peace prevails in the area.
1 have a ring which was handed down to me from my grandmother before she passed away.

Paul prayed for God's blessing over his family.

The pupils and their teachers assembled in front of their school and waited for the buses that would take them
on their day trip.

Winter was drawing to a close but Spring was nowhere near as it was still very cold.

Peter was really nervous when he asked Mary out, but tried to appear nonchalant about it.
Can you make some mint patties for Olivia's party?

My friend has lost a lot of weight; she's very skinny.

Whenever 1 returned home from my grandmother's, my pockets bulged with candy.

Cane garden furniture is especially popular, but can develop mites in rainy or cold weather.

The snake was lying coiled on a rock in the sun.

Donovan dislocated his shoulder during the football game and was taken to hospital with a floating arm.

A new device was built for firefighters aiming to provide accurate navigation, even through a haze of smoke.
Our mortgage takes a large chunk out of our income.
The boys hid in a cavern at the foot of the mountain and waited for the bear to leave.

The auditorium was filled with uninhibited laughter each time our professor did a funny impersonation of a
famous author.
Maria's forehead was glistening with sweat after her dance performance.

You need semolina, oil, sugar, walnuts and raisins to make 'halva' -a traditional Greek sweet.

The little girl took some breadcrumbs out of her pocket to feed the ducks in the park.
As the boy's hands were covered in ink, he smudged the book he was holding.

The dimples on her cheeks made Georgina's smile irresistible and very attractive.
The lyrics of the song Me and My Monkey are difficult to remember, but its refrain is quite catchy.

If it weren't for my parents' unstinting support, 1 wouldn't have ever finished college.
It is important for language learners to acquire a contemporary rather than a petrified version of the language.

The council's proposal to construct an underground car park got trapped in the morass of city bureaucracy.

Children's jealousy of their new sibling probably springs from the suspicion that they're being replaced.

Barbara is not a very attractive girl, but her endearing smile makes her really charming.

1 couldn't get to sleep last night because the frogs' croaking was very loud.

When Kevin's new book landed on the Daily News best-seller list, money started to roll in.
The eye witnesses stated that the accident occurred when the bus suddenly veered left across three lanes of
traffic on the busy highway.
1 hope that, if 1 tighten the screws, the pencil drawer on my desk will stop wobbling.

Whitewall tyres were all the rage amongst young people thirty years ago.
Not many people know that the golden rim frequently found on china plates is there to protect them from

The camera lens was out of focus and the photos came out a bit fuzzy.

The economist implied that tax reductions could help revitalise Britain's economy.
The soles of my shoes have started coming apart; 1 need to buy new ones.
My trousers are old and keep coming apart at the seams.

Mutton has a stronger flavour than lamb and it needs more time to cook.

Orange pekoe tea is being promoted as a healthier alternative to green tea.

The mechanic said that the car was in tip-top condition, so 1 bought it.
The first batch of brownies 1 made was so good that my kids gobbled up them up right away!

The little girl murmured something that sounded like an apology and ran to her room in tears.

The little kids were gathered outside the shop window gazing longingly at all the toys and games.
Life is too short so 1 want to savour each and every moment of it.

The food 1 ordered must have gone off as it left a bad aftertaste.

The chef flavours his dishes with fresh green coriander.

My mother used some disinfectant to cleanse the wound.

Mary's habit of pressing soft biscuits on her palate while eating was rather annoying.
When his house flooded, my uncle managed to subdue his emotions so as to appear strong for his family.

Swimming always gives my son an appetite.

Quite a few artists choose to live an unconventional life style that has not been fully embraced by society.

His audiences derived great pleasure when Jimi Hendrix played his guitar and then smashed it to bits.

This grammatical phenomenon is explained in detail in the penultimate chapter of the book.
Over the subsequent weeks, Thom's health improved greatly.

The band has been working feverishly to prepare new songs for their album, which is set for release next spring.


There was an incredulous look on Don's face when Tom told him why he was late.
Tracy and Mark were trying to tie in their son's birthday party in with their wedding anniversary.

Research has revealed that although Americans constitute only 5% of the world's population, they consume
24% of the world's energy.
Most of the woodwork in the house had been devoured by termites and it was hard to restore.

Having grown up on an island, Lisa didn't relish the thought of spending her summer holidays in the mountains.

If you want your job back you have to swallow your pride and apologise to your boss.

What's the equivalent of 50 kilos in pounds?

The big home-improvement store round the corner sells all types of gardening implements.
Janet polished the silver cutlery as she wanted the table setting to be perfect for their engagement dinner.

Eric was a keen snorkel fisherman and could spear a fish in a split second.

The first time 1 saw a pitchfork with three prongs was when 1 visited my uncle's farm.
Corin was quite good at winkling out secrets that others didn't want to talk about.
We need to make a complete inventory of our home's contents and adjust the fire insurance coverage
1 bought a book of engravings which depict Venetian carnival costumes.

The play Peter wrote satirises the degradation of moral values.

The robbers were wielding guns so the bank employees didn't dare to resist.
The caller seemed to be a man, but the note of effeminacy led me to believe that the call must have been a
Green Co. is striving to improve its image by offering quality house appliances.

Cut the pumpkin in half, scoop out the seeds with a metal spoon and then cut the flesh into 3 cm chunks.

Gerald was born a leader, and his friends and acquaintances easily adopted any idea he proposed.

My sister's fastidious about food and will travel miles just to eat at a particular restaurant.

My husband usually carves the meat at our holiday dinner parties.

After walking out three months ago, Paula returned home hoping her husband would forgive her

In the course of the interview, it became evident that the candidate did not meet our criteria for employment.
Pawnshops have proliferated in the last five years as a result of the crisis.

A few minor modifications and your personal statement will be ready.

Proper table manners dictate that you bring food to your mouth with the tines of your fork facing downward.

The spokesperson refused to comment on possible staff reductions while the merger was still in transition.

It wasn't until the 1960s that mini skirts came into vogue.
The majority of the diners chose to eat from the buffet although a standard full menu was available at lunch
Sturdy Homes specializes in building houses—from mid-range to elaborate construction.

The driving instructor taught Steven the basic parking manoeuvres.

Our aunt would greet us with her customary smile every time we visited her.
Katia and Maria would often sneak into the Politeia Tennis Club pretending to be members of the bourgeoisie.

Scientists can only speculate about the effects of climate change on respiratory allergy sufferers.

The shepherd carved a flute out of a piece of wood.

If you're not sure about the answer, eliminate all the choices you know are wrong and make an educated guess.

The police pursued the fugitive into the woods but soon lost track of him.
Just add some fruit to a pitcher of water, leave it in the refrigerator for about twelve hours and your
refreshment is ready.
Children whose intelligence is outside the norm don't receive much support from the current educational
Swedish experts claim that the avian flu virus H7N9 is a variant of the bird flu.

It was customary for food or drink served on a platter to be tasted for poison before served to any member of a
royal family.
Judy's mother gave her a silver-plated bracelet for her birthday.
Wrapping food in tin foil is believed to be hazardous to human health despite the lack of strong scientific
Gold-coated rings shouldn't be seen as fake jewellery but as an affordable alternative to solid gold ones.

Swilling drinks at the bar was Todd's idea of having fun.

His mother waited patiently as Simon sucked up the last bit of milkshake with his straw.
Ted may be 45 years old, but he hasn't lost his childlike sense of humour.

The taste buds that are located on the back and front of the tongue allow humans to perceive taste.
The sensuous sound of jazz music added to the restaurant's warm atmosphere.

The meal 1 cooked yesterday was terrible, especially the beef, which was tasteless and tough

1 didn't like the food at the reception. The meat wasn't tender enough and the vegetables were overcooked.
Juicy, luscious peaches are my favourite fruit in the summer.

Fibrous food such as brown bread, vegetables and fruit may be healthy, but it's more difficult to digest.

Vinegar, besides adding flavour to vegetables, can reduce our blood sugar level after a meal by 20%.

The appetizing aroma coming from the kitchen made me realise how hungry 1 was.

Jewellery of exquisite craftsmanship is exhibited at the Lalaounis Jewellery Museum.

The pulpy mix of melted chocolate and mushed bananas was added to the rest of the cake mixture.

Overripe fruit can be disgusting as they're usually too soft and mushy.

Let the idea of the merger sink in and ripen and then I'm sure the shareholders will gladly accept it.
The unemployment rate in Europe has soared in the last couple of months.

1 don't know why my flowers are wilting; 1 water them every day.

Seasonally adjusted figures are more helpful in monitoring month-to- month changes economic activity.

As wicker chairs are mainly made from bamboo, rattan and canes they can be quite sensitive to rain.
Apple and other fruit orchards are widespread in Greece.

The colour indigo - a shade of violet - is thought to represent intuition and perception.

Exhausted from the long walk, Donovan took a nap under the dense foliage of an oak.
His grandfather reached out his gnarled hand asking Luis to help him stand up.
All schools in this country seem to support cultural diversity.
For centuries, farmers in Greece have been cultivating cotton and corn.

Bees and other insects pollinate plants by carrying their pollen from one flower to another.
Except for wine and oil, export of agricultural produce from Greece has dropped steadily over the past two
Subsidies to establish their own businesses will be given to young people who have been unemployed for a

We had a wonderful time in Rome, but meeting some old friends there was the icing on the cake.

Don't bother your mother right now; she's got a lot on her plate with work and all.
One of the pros of freelance jobs is that you don't put all your eggs in one basket since you work with multiple
1 can't help you with that puzzle right now; 1 have bigger fish to fry!
Getting my son to practice his guitar was a challenge, so 1 sugared the pill by promising to buy him an ice-cream
Your brother's very angry so take whatever he says now with a pinch of salt. I'm sure he doesn't really mean it.

1 can't understand how Mary got Fran to spill the beans about the surprise party.

The newxPhone sold like hot cakes as soon as it came out.

When the President stumbled over the words of her oath, you'd think she'd be left with egg on her face, but she
went on as if nothing had happened.

The manager had to eat humble pie when someone pointed out his €20-million mistake in the budget plan.
The employee benefits mandated by law include medical insurance, overtime and minimum wage.

Increasing competition has forced universities to employ more aggressive marketing tactics to attract students.

Shrink-wrap the rest of the melon before you put it back in the fridge, please.

Before becoming a well-known writer, Eleanor used to contribute to the local newspaper.

1 wasn't expecting an answer really; it was a rhetorical question.

The renowned author prefaced the book with a short text explaining his reasons for writing it.

Iron Man Three is one of the top 15 blockbuster films. It's made a profit of roughly $1.3 billion.
The book's sub-plot revealed aspects of the hero's past life which allowed the reader to understand his
character better.
The everlasting battle between good and evil is portrayed in many religious paintings.
A tropical cyclone was heading towards Sri Lanka, but instead of making landfall it changed direction towards
the south Indian coast.

"What happened?"" 1 really don't know. They just started fighting and 1 was caught in the eye of the storm."
As the painkiller started to kick in, the pain in Larry's broken leg subsided.

The police officers scanned the crime scene for ballistic evidence.

English 101 was a prerequisite for all literature courses at college.

An e-reader is an electronic device used for reading books in digital format.

Your teacher is sick today, so I'll be substituting for her until she feels better.

Trudy is so shy! She was sitting all alone at the party and not once did she try to blend in.

1 find babysitting a difficult job to undertake.

Michael Jordan's decision to end his glorious career with the Chicago Bulls surprised his fans.

The marsh on the coast of Lesvos island attracts a wide variety of bird species this time of the year.

The settlement of the American West, unfortunately, meant driving Native Americans from their homes.
The desert is an uninviting place for people and animals alike.

The crowd swept out through the gates of the stadium to celebrate their team's victory.

There is a lagoon just a few kilometres from the village, and we enjoyed swimming there as kids.

The supporters of the two most popular football teams in Greece have been feuding for decades.
Helen is perpetually nagging her daughter about her housekeeping, despite her also holding down a fulltime

Clair went out of her way to show us her gratitude for putting her up during the summer holidays.

Monica worked hard to see her plans come to fruition and now she's quite content.
The board of directors deemed that Mr Hendels was no longer capable of managing the company.

At work, they tend to abbreviate everything and it's sometimes difficult to understand what they're saying.
The new position comes with lots of responsibilities as well, so 1 guess it all comes down to how much you want
If you're self employed, you can set off against taxable income any costs you incur in earning it.
The hotel we stayed at during our summer holidays didn't live up to our expectations; it seemed much better on
the website.

Hurry up and get your homework over and done with or else you won't be going out to play!

The company decided to launch a whole new line of products targeting teenagers.
My father is a shrewd judge of character and I’ve always valued his opinion of people.
The spokesperson was asked several times about the company's plans for a merger, but wouldn't give a
definitive answer.
Mark's speech was all froth to entertain the public until the main speaker arrived.

Tricia blamed her wacky behaviour at the party on having too much to drink.

Cod can be fried or grilled and is sometimes served with a garlic sauce in Greece.

Booster Puce is just another obscure poet. He hasn't managed to publish anything as yet.

Grief permeated the crowd at the memorial service for the victims of the Twin Towers in Manhattan.
There have been fluctuations in temperature in October. One day is very hot and the next day is cold.

A photon is the quantum of light and all other forms of electromagnetic radiation.

This month we'll issue a bumper edition of the magazine to celebrate its 20th anniversary.
Those little meringue pies Mary brought were great.

You can't have your party this week. Everyone's cramming for the finals.
This educational system forces students to regurgitate what they read in their textbooks without developing
any critical thinking skills.

As the solemnity of the situation demands immediate action, the government is taking steps to provide shelter
for the flood victims.
Our room needs sweeping. There are flecks of dust on the floor.
Buying land or property seemed like a sound investment some years ago, but, now, resale values have dropped
by half.

Media Markt is one of the biggest electronics retailers in Greece.

The young scientist set out to invent a drug for stomach ache but ended up inventing an energy drink.
Tania, my dietician, had her own ten-minute slot on a breakfast show.
Once employees have became more confident in what they are doing, they won't be hesitant to take on more
The aspiring journalist thought the story of the, so far, unknown heir was worth following up.

The company is looking into the possibility of expanding its business abroad.

Doctors found guilty of malpractice will have their licences revoked.

Gossip TV is an online magazine that publishes all the juicy details of celebrities' lives.

The police visited the second witness to the robbery to check out his side of the story.

Michael really stands out from his classmates as he’s 195cm tall.

The police still have not found a prime suspect for the break-in.

The museum guide pointed out that the inscription on the vase was actually in Ancient Greek.

In an attempt to keep customer loyalty, many pizzerias send regular customers 50% discount vouchers.

Can you turn down the music? 1 can’t put up with all that noise.

The Health Department Officials are inspecting restaurants to see if they meet the minimum health standards.

Residents’ petitions forced the local council to back down on its decision to close the child care centre.
Despite advertising her car for over a month now, Helen hasn't been able to find a purchaser for it.

The International Monetary Fund has conceded that there have been some missteps in its handling of the Greek

Unless you put every single piece of this puzzle the right way round the picture won't come out right.
It serves Stanley right to be expelled from school, as he is always bullying other kids.

Lina thought she’d get away with cheating right under the teacher's nose, but she was caught.

The hiring committee made all the right noises about my presentation, but 1 don't know if they’ll hire me.

If Morgan ruined your fence and refuses to fix it, then you are well within your rights to take him to court.

By rights, Gloria should have won the song contest; her voice is just incredible.

1 watched the two politicians debate last night, but 1 couldn't tell which one was in the right.

Despite the gravity of the heart surgery, my doctors say I’ll be as right as rain sooner than expected.

Gina is always right on time for her appointments.

Whoever gets the film rights to Rowland's next book is going to be a millionaire!
Dr Reeves was a great Latin scholar, known for his research into the works of Homer.

Alfred Hitchcock is considered the master of horror films and psychological thrillers.
Boston University's student body comes from all over the world.

Professor McMillan is considered an authority in the field of molecular biology.

Jeremy decided not to put his name forward for president of the student union when he found out who the rest
of the candidates were.
1 bought a new computer and 1 need someone to help me set it up.

Ted picked up six more points from the last two races, so now he's the leading athlete in the pentathlon.
Only a talented actor's reading can bring out the subtleties of Shakespeare's texts.

The Colossus of Rhodes is one of the Original Seven Wonders of the World.

The invention of the mobile phone revolutionised communication.

Moira hadn't contacted us for months and then one day, out of the blue, we got a phone call from her.

Mitchell was asked to devise a plan to beat the competitors' new advertising campaign.

1 find it hard to conceive that experiments are still conducted on animals.

The government is trying to formulate a new insurance policy for all country residents.

Professor Drake's new book tries to explain the complex interaction between mind and body.

People clustered outside the cinema, waiting for the box office to open.
Adult stem cell research and embryonic stem cell research are different in principle, yet converge in their
practical aspect.
Prices in the stock market rallied this afternoon after having plummeted early in the morning.

You have really surpassed yourself this time with this fabulous meal!

The fence that encloses the school yard has been painted recently.

Winds of War was a bestseller and a cinema hit. It’s sequel, War and Remembrance did less well.

The upshot of Claudia's argument with the company's CEO was that she decided to quit her job.
Today's meeting is a follow-up of the meeting we had last week regarding the cutbacks in salaries.

The two main characters of the book seem to be leading parallel lives in different parts of the world.

Researchers were unable to correlate their findings from stem cell clinical trials with their initial theory.

There’s a tendency to equate right wing parties with unregulated capitalism.

The detectives magnified the photo of the car to identify the license plate number.

Chef Ramsey uses different spices to enhance the food's flavour.

WWF and Greenpeace launched a joint campaign to heighten people's awareness of environmental issues.

The new school curriculum will only cause disorder in the already collapsing educational system.
You need sufficient capital to start your own business as you can't expect any return for a few years.

Loud applause after the curtain closed brought the actors back out on stage for another bow.
It was a stroke of luck that someone from the party happened to go my way and gave me a lift when my car
broke down.
Judy's house is always so clean. I've never seen a speck of dust on her furniture.

The paediatrician had a constant stream of patients, as there was some type of flu going around.

As a war correspondent, Sotiris Danezis has often heard the rumble of gunfire.

As soon as the weather gets colder, one can see puffs of smoke coming from thousands of chimneys in Athens.

Many countries in the Middle East have been drawn into the maelstrom of political upheaval and civil war.

The ballet dancer made a swirl and landed in front of her partner's feet.

The political upheaval in Egypt unleashed forces of change no one could have foreseen.

For centuries, people have been trying to harness the forces of nature.

Jack only had a tumbler of vodka, but 1 guess it was enough to make him feel tipsy.

My son's face lit up when he saw he got his favourite team's strip as a present.

Candidates' political affiliations are public record, but their other ties may not come out till after elections.

The lions and the tigers seem to have found the right ecological niche in the new reservation park built in Africa.

We gazed in awe at the stalactites and stalagmites in the Cave of the Dragon in Kastoria. The formations were
just incredible.
Einstein was a towering figure in the world of science.

The bronze tray had been glazed with an intricate, multi-coloured enamel design.
"Have you seen Sandra and Mark's new house?" "Yes. The size of that place along with the garden is just
Current research has shown that watching TV, listening to music and eating your favourite food could lead to a
type of sensory overload.
After Cole's silly, immature behaviour, his boss will have no hesitation in firing him.

As a former adman, Larry knows that when an advertising campaign fails to provoke the audience, it fails.

The Ministry of Health has announced safety measures that could help curb the spread of the virus.

Speed restrictions have been posted due to road-works on the M16 highway to Cambridge.
After the bombings in train stations, the authorities are trying to make airports less vulnerable to terrorist
The bride's father shelled out €5,000 for the wedding.

After ordering a lavish meal at the restaurant, it dawned on me that 1 had left my purse at home.
"Terry's so obnoxious and arrogant, 1 wonder why Jane invited him to her party." "She must have done it on an

The teacher used puzzles and logic problems to help the child's cognitive development.
1 think this scientific article is beyond the scope of this magazine.

After a heated discussion on politics, Sahib and Peter decided never to bring up such matters again.

There are traces of the ancient Greek culture and way of thinking deeply embedded in modern Greek lifestyle.
There's a lot of contention regarding the number of employees in the public sector; some think not enough
while others think too many.
Greg, in an attempt to get the ]ob, overstated his qualifications and now he's in a difficult position as he doesn't
have all these skills.

Although Elysium faced a barrage of criticism before its premier, it became a huge hit.
My kid's been pestering me for that new Iron Man toy car ever since it came out.

On a whim, Perry painted the whole house in shades of blue.

1 would take Regina's stories regarding her children with a pinch of salt. She tends to exaggerate their

Melissa won the game by sheer luck, as her opponent took ill and didn't show up.
In their latest campaign, Greenpeace tried to raise public awareness on the issue of global warming.

The heating system in many old blocks of flats is inefficient; residents pay a lot and still can't stay warm.

There's no reason for you to feel insecure. You have all the knowledge you need to pass the exam.

Very few people really become what they aspire to be as children.

Deborah made a good living as a singer, but never achieved her aspiration to become famous.
It was a great misfortune that our national basketball team lost, as overall it was much better than the opposing
Even after he had bought the car, Brian remained sceptical about its being worth the money he paid.

When the teacher saw me yawning, she got the wrong end of the stick and thought 1 was bored. The truth was,
1 was just tired.

1 don't know what you did, but your father is seriously angry with you.
The Objective Proficiency course comprises a students' book, a workbook and a CD.

Julie got back home really late and quietly crept up the stairs to her bedroom to avoid waking up her parents.
Mary waded into the lake up to her knees to catch her brother's toy that had fallen in.

The little boy sat by the window staring at the raindrops that were trickling down the pane.

The airport was teeming with activity, once the storm had passed and planes could begin taking off again.

Red is very much in fashion this winter as is, of course, the all-time classic black and the ubiquitous denim.
1 stumbled across my grandmother's old diaries while 1 was cleaning the attic.

The principal's speech ran on for over an hour, and all the students got really bored by the end.

Long, complicated sentences typify our professor's lectures.

Terence is usually good at judging people, but in this instance he's completely wrong.

If you indulge your daughter's whim now that she's screaming and shouting, you'll be setting a bad precedent.

Pulp Fiction is a striking illustration of violence in films.

Convinced he had the right man, the detective was trying to unearth new facts to refute the prime suspect's

Deputy Chief Brenda Lee Johnson, in the series The Closer, is adept at unmasking the real culprit.

1 think a time machine, if ever invented, would disrupt the course of history.

The football players were set upon by hooligans as they were leaving the stadium.
1 saw a light come on in Sharon's house, so she must be in.

The Ministry of Education tried to elevate the status of the teachers through a series of educational seminars.

The ceiling of the aristocratic old residence was embellished with hand-painted flowers and leaves.

The former President of the Democracy was respected by everyone throughout his tenure in office.

When the plans for a new power plant were abandoned, people of the area claimed proprietorship of the land.
The parents were granted joint custody of their child after their divorce.

The new model car is much superior to its predecessor.

The accountant hasn't filed our taxes as yet.

The research has yielded compelling evidence about the effects of the environment on a child's brain

1 wish 1 could believe you, but the excuses you've come up with are totally implausible.

After installing the new software on our new computer the programmer demonstrated how it worked.
Ted can't have passed the Maths test as he's totally innumerate.

Christina had an aptitude for drawing and painting from an early age.

History is a discipline that entails a critical evaluation of past events.

For some reason, which remains obscure, Tony refused his scholarship.

The inflicted animals were confined in an attempt to deter the spread of the disease.

The professor encouraged his students to approach the literary text from linguistic perspective.
In an attempt to dispel racist attitudes the school joined an international youth exchange programme.

Successful marketing strategies play a central role in any company's ultimate success.

E-learning is an uncharted territory for many students and instructors alike.

Don't ask me about chemistry as it's not my territory at all.

Tom adores his sister and vice versa.

Parents should not let any problems between them spill over into their relationship with their children.

Despite his father's doubts the child showed great intellectual ability in the advanced course.

The riots downtown are tied up with the economic crisis in the country.
Although it sounds paradoxical some people believe that legalizing certain drugs may decrease their abuse.

It was grossly mean of Gina to spread rumours like that behind your back.

I've been carrying logs for so many hours that 1 couldn't even take up the stairs after so much hard graft.

This perpetual sound of the tap dripping is nerve-wracking.
1 find the motion of the waves really soothing and liberating at the same time.

The evidence doesn't back up the witness's statement.

The judge told Jo that his anecdotal arguments had no place in a courtroom.
Children can often confound you with their remarks and their way of thinking.

A trip paid for by the company is an opportunity you shouldn't miss out on.

Jane took great exception to the critic's remarks on her book.

The teacher took the view that it wasn't the boy's fault this time.

The jury took issue with the defendant's claim of innocence.

You might think that children take no notice of what you say at times but they record everything in their brains.

Relocating isn't easy. We should take account of all the parameters before reaching a decision.
Most people take the most important yet fragile things in life, like health and love, for granted.
Eventually the president of the company will have to take a stand on the dilemma of cutting down on personnel
or decreasing salaries.

Lee didn't expect anyone in the office would remember his birthday so he was taken by surprise when he was
presented with a birthday cake.

After the takeover, the former president had to take the backseat to the new company's director.
There are no loopholes in the case of trespassing. The law is very clear and you should stick to it.

The journalist was waiting for the left party's manifesto in order to complete his article.
Karla had made a pledge to respect her parents' wish to study medicine so she couldn't go back on her word

Can you please help me? 1 haven't got the faintest idea of how to go about this Maths problem.

You may have to wait long for a kidney transplant unless you have a relative who wishes to be a donor.
Janine is trying to take over the other athletes in the 100 metre race. She's trying to lead the race.

Chances are that it'll rain this afternoon.

It's doubtful that Saul will pass the test as he was ill and hasn't studied at all.
Despite the hitches in traffic Mandy managed to arrive on time for her interview.

This CD player has an electrical fault and keeps switching off.

In all likelihood Travis will go back home as soon as he finishes college.

It was a foregone conclusion that our team would win the cup. They were by far the best.
We stopped for a while at the point where the river washes to the sea to admire the birds that usually gather

Troy typed six random letters for his password.

The destiny of the company will be decided shortly by the board of directors.

My son's constantly dreaming up new ways to use old toys.

Reed is a young, talented and innovative architect and 1 think he will be very successful.

As the violins die away in Beethoven's ninth symphony the brass takes over.

"Who's on percussion in your rock band?"" My brother plays the drums."

There was a string quartet at Kim's wedding.
The little girl showed great interest in the woodwind instruments and finally decided she wanted to learn how
to play the flute.

"1 really like the pattern of lines into his piece of wood."" Yes, the grain in this piece of wood is really beautiful."

Growing fruit and vegetables involves a high level of wastage as around 30% of the agricultural produce is
thrown away.
There's a can of varnish in the garage we can use to paint this wooden surface.

There was a subtle scent of flowers in the room.

This gadget is so intricately made that 1 doubt it can be fixed if it's broken.

Laws are fair only when they're uniform across all citizens.

My new classmate is so beautiful that it looks as if she's come out of a nicely dawn picture.

Pines are evergreen trees with very thin leaves that look like needles.

There are a lot of maple trees in Canada and maple syrup is widely used there.
You'll have to show Brandon everything as he's a novice at using this software.

Wipe your grubby boots on the doormat, please. You'll dirty the carpets.

Painters usually choose the mellow shades of orange and brown to depict Autumn.

The hero of the book tries to overcome his mortal nature through his accomplishments.
1 bought this pair of jeans from a Levi's outlet. It's last year's design.

These old textbooks are out of tune with the needs of contemporary children.
Her name strikes a chord but 1 have to see her face as well to make sure she's the one.

We bought this piano for a song as the previous owner was desperately trying to get rid of it.

Da Vinci certainly had more than one string to his bow as he was an artist and an inventor among other things.

The famous musician's guitar was given to the person with the highest bid during an auction.

The politician settled the score with his opponent who had leaked stories about him during their debate.

Mary's graduation speech struck a nostalgic note that touched the audience.

A reproachful look from his father would suffice to make the little boy behave himself.
Researchers conducted a contrastive research of the two genders on academic performance.

John used a discursive style of writing in his short story.

1 don't like the new Polo advertisement but its jingle is really catchy.

We had to abandon our plans for a trip abroad due to my grandma's sudden illness.

Tony gave in his resignation after he was downgraded to assistant manager.

1 don't have any money. 1 need to withdraw some from the cash dispenser.

1 only took two core subjects this semester: Romanticism and Shakespeare
1 think children should engage in many different activities to be able to explore whatever talents they may
This play is the collaborative work of all the local theatrical groups.
The outcome of the negotiations with the upper level management did not please the employees so they
decided to go on strike.

At first Kate was reluctant to buy a new car but soon she realised that she didn't have a choice as her old one
kept breaking down.

1 didn't know Thomas was the offspring of a wealthy family. He never mentioned anything about his heritage.
Not attending university because a degree cannot ensure a job is a short-sighted decision. One must look at the
broader picture.

The Minister's statement that Greek employees remain well-paid was scandalous to say the least.
No one can dispute Jacob's contribution to the company. His department showed the highest revenue last year.

When everything else failed, my mother resorted to punishment to enforce discipline.

Intimidation has become quite common nowadays. Employees are afraid of losing their jobs so they even
accept to do overtime without payment.
If you want to keep your post in this company you should find a way to make yourself irreplaceable.

Jerry knew his father could see through his lies so he avoided eye contact with him.
Watch your language or your father will tell you off.

Can you please keep an eye on the door. 1 don't want the teacher to see me playing with my mobile.

It was her regretful look made that made Scarlet's mother accept her apology.
Their current economic situation prompted Mark to search for a second job.

Bats are almost but their keen sense of hearing can steer them even in the dark.

The superhero Thunder was likened to Zeus who used his thunder to punish people when they upset him.
If you go skating don't forget your helmet as well as your knee and elbow pads.

The work bench needs to be strong enough to support the engine assembly.

There's no staff meeting today. You must have been misinformed.

You can often tell a person's feelings by their facial expressions and gestures.

Your objective in this game is to beat your rivals by answering as many questions as you can in the given time.

The little boy was sitting on the balcony, staring at the moths fly around the lamp-post at night.

Mammals evolved through the years to adapt to their natural environment.

When driving a car it’s important to check your rear-view mirror before overtaking.

Denise looked dazzling in her wedding dress.

Do you know that girl over there? She’s been eyeballing you since we came in.

Esther will do almost anything to avoid confrontation as she hates fighting.

Incidents of road rage are quite common in traffic jams.
The actor was encouraged by his manager to maintain a public persona that was quite different from his real

Torry stifled her urge to yawn as she didn't want her teacher to think she was bored.
Parents shouldn't turn a blind eye to their children's aggressive behaviour or the situation may get out of hand
before they know it.
The little girl armed herself with courage and went to tell her mother the truth.

Fiona underlined the most important parts with a felt-tip pen.

Use a funnel to pour the oil from one bottle to the other or else you'll spill it.

Joanna will go through the roof when she finds out that you lied to her. You know she hates lying.

Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeare's best-known works but 1 don't think it's his magnum opus.

This art course covers painting on canvas as well as drawing on paper.

It really winds me up when you ignore me when I'm talking to you!

Asking people about their religious leaning is quite sensitive and should be avoided.

The evil glint in the girl's eyes is what made the thriller successful.

The road is closed as they're building the tramlines for the new tram route.

Apart from a minor setback at the beginning of the play everything went according to plan.
The statue of the founder of the library was mounted on a marble plinth in front of its main entrance.

Scarlet Johansson's stunning appearance caught everyone's eye as soon as she entered the room.

Can you look me in the face and tell me you didn't do what your classmate is accusing you of?

Owen has a keen eye for colour so I'm sure his description of the painting is accurate.

My father doesn't always see eye to eye with me about my career decisions.
Now that Orson is in the public eye he has to be more careful when he goes out.

Despite her 107 years, my grandma is quite lucid. She still remembers everything and can function quite well.

You won't find the essence of life buried in books; you have to go out there and live it.

My son had smeared jam all over the kitchen table when he was quite young.

I'm not pleased with the painters' job. 1 think the doors need another coat of paint as they look rather streaky.
Children enjoy playing with plasticine as it very squidgy and allows them to change shapes easily.
Raymond quit the army as he couldn't conform to its rules and regulations.
The excavation revealed treasures hitherto unknown to modern civilization.

"Come hither young man," my grandfather told my son.

As it turned out the police officer's intuition was right and the fugitive did hide in the woods.

Martin's twin brother seemed to know intuitively how he felt.

Any country is in need of political stability after a long period of warfare.

Banks do not give loans unless people can prove that they have a stable income.
Positivism certainly helps won't help you understand feelings and ideas.

When we reached the top of the mountain we were rewarded with a view of incomparable beauty.

As the sun was setting the sky took an orange hue.

Errol had made plans to open his own business when he finished college and was resolved to make it happen.
It was cloudy yesterday but there were patches of blue sky here and there.

Carol was awarded for her ground-breaking work on nanotechnology.

The young actress gave an awe-inspiring performance as Lady Macbeth.

As the suitcase was precariously balanced on the small luggage rack it was only matter of time before it landed
on the passenger's head.
Serena only has an indistinct memory of her grandmother. She was really young when her parents relocated to
Australia and she hasn't seen her since.
Chloe flamboyant clothes always make an impression so it's quite difficult to miss her.

1 really like listening to old hits as they are very reminiscent of my adolescence.

The photographer opened the curtains to reveal a dimly lit room; his studio.

Children are a divine gift and should be treated as such.

1 needed to replace the lenses of my glasses as they were scratched.

Most four star hotels have a shuttle that takes its visitors from the hotel to the airport.

The football match will be relayed again at noon.

Film critics have pointed out that there is a lot of gratuitous violence in most modern films.

The psychiatrist tried to find the underlying cause of Tania's depression.

Carlos decided to appear in court without any legal representation.

Gone with the Wind is arguably one of the best films ever made.

Laura finds it really hard to work for her new boss as he's so temperamental.

We had to slash our way through thick undergrowth to get to the old abandoned house.
There were some interesting installations in the art gallery we went to yesterday.

The reporter's question seemed to have taken the director unawares as he didn't know how to answer.

The photographer asked the bride and groom to strike all sorts of different poses for their album.

Some of my old comics must be a collector's item by now.

Carry is very likely to get the job as she’s made it to the shortlist.

The government's decision for further taxes provoked protests all over the country.

1 really hate the cliche found in most children's stories " ...and they lived happily ever after."
1 guess 1 expected my father would say something better when we parted than his cliched advice "Don't do
anything 1 wouldn't do."
Children grow up in a very stimulating environment nowadays if you know how to make the best of it.

The teacher was hell-bent on getting to the bottom of that case of bullying in her classroom.

1 think that my mother had a slavish devotion to household chores that prevented her from having fun with us.
1 thought of Helen as a good person but Terry sowed the seeds of doubt by pointing out some aspects of her
character 1 hadn't noticed.
Apart from its natural beauty the area had little else to offer as there were just some squat cottages with
thatched roofs.
When Charlie saw the exam results he was radiant with joy.
Barry sat at a small cafe and absorbed the tranquil village scene which was so different from the hustle and
bustle of the city.

At first working in the office seemed rather mundane but it proved to be a rather interesting experience after a
Theo's intentions of taking over the company were clear right from the outset.

There was an intriguing twist in the plot right in the middle of the book that made you want to keep reading it.
The fear of the unknown is the biggest disincentive to change.

The writer uses florid language in the first chapter of the book but then his writing becomes rather austere.
You're too clever to have come up with such a fatuous idea!

Your dictation is full of glaring mistakes. You should write it again.

The new cutbacks in workers' salaries triggered violent protests in many countries.
When Mark proposed to Mary, he tried to replicate the whole atmosphere of their first date.
Research has shown that immigrants who do jobs that many people do not want to do play a pivotal role in
global economy.
Familiarity breeds dislike and disrespect quite often, but that's not the case with my brother and his wife who
work very well together.

The Smiths took every chance they got to show their contempt for their neighbours. They didn't like them at all.

The seminar turned out to be really boring repeating the same old banal ideas on education.
1 bought the CD solely because of that song.

Andy thinks it would be a good idea to invest in a house of her own.

This school promotes experimentation on new teaching methods.

The Acropolis is one of the best-known landmarks worldwide.

Avatar was one of the most inspirational movies I've ever seen.

Anthony looked at the speaker dismissively showing nothing but contempt for his remarks.

During an interview you should try to use persuasive arguments to support your views and practices.

Some employees think that their skills are devalued in some companies.

Tony asked his assistant to retrieve information on similar cases that made it to trial.

Sonia wears her most inscrutable expression when she plays poker. She doesn't want the other players to be
able to see through her facial expression.
The journalist tried to give the viewers an insight into the conditions surrounding the civil war.

Nobody had expected a coalition government to endure more than two years in Greece.

You cannot support two conflicting ideas in the same piece of writing.
Skim through the text to find where the answers to the questions are.

The police were censured for their handling of the demonstration.

When Lydia took over her father's business she turned to environmentally friendly methods of production in
her attempt to break the mould.
You have to reassess your priorities if you want to change your lifestyle.

No nation can prosper until peace prevails.

An effective solution entails examining a problem from as many different perspectives as possible.

1 couldn't understand this painting as 1 was looking at it from the wrong angle.

Sophisticated statistical programmes were employed to analyse the students' performance on the exit test.

Meryl leaned on the parapet of the bridge and stared at the river below.
Ronald stayed under a window ledge to protect himself from the hard rain.

Child labour is an emotive subject but it has to be addressed at this conference.

The new seminar focused on the kinds of children behaviour parents should be on the lookout for.

A lot of the clothes sold on Lesvos and Chios are of Turkish provenance.

The butler opened the door and asked us in in a stiff voice.

Tracy is considered an asset to the company as she's a wily sales manager.
The film The Last Emperor is about a boy who was asked to reign China.
It took Dan several years to amass all the information he needed to write a book on World War 1.

Some researchers try to investigate whether the human mind and body can function as separate entities.
Germany has now one of the most robust economies in Europe.

Jeremy rolled up his jeans and tried to cross the river.

Lacy played the buffoon to cheer the little boy up.

We watched the procession of the royal family moving at a stately pace until it disappeared around the corner.

It's been estimated that tactical voting can influence the results of up to 45 seats in the British Parliament.

The young artist was commissioned to draw the President's portrait.

The composer tried to convey strong feelings through his music.

Jenny wanted the splendour of regality for her wedding ceremony.

Your argument bears no relevance to the topic of the essay.
1 didn't know what to make of the girl's enigmatic expression so 1 decided to say nothing.

In their latest album Aerosmith try to recapture the style of the '70's.

The veracity of an alcoholic witness is bound to be questioned in court.

The greatest obstacle to Michael's studies was the lack of financial support.
The millionaire's private collection consisted of several masterpieces of well-known artists which were later
donated to the museum.
The politician pretended to empathize with the disaster struck families in front of the cameras.

Real Madrid ranks third in the World Football Clubs ranking.

Our town has all the amenities of a city - a supermarket, a sports centre and a swimming pool to mention a few
-minus the pollution.

1 like my house because it's spacious and the furniture isn't crammed.

Research has proven the interrelationship between unemployment and inflation.

The young actor was asked by his agent to mind his conduct in public.

The PhD programme was difficult to complete, but my husband was determined to see it through.
The island might be very beautiful but it lacks the infrastructure for tourism.

The town is densely populated but there are areas of greenery on the periphery.
The couple organised a family gathering before the wedding to foster better relations between the two families.

This report must be finished prior to the manager's arrival.

Thelma is not suitable for the job because of her inability to cope with stressful situations.

The government's economic policy has led to one disaster after another.

All of Rania's decisions are founded on pure logic as she leaves no room for emotions whatsoever.
As fossil fuels are being depleted we have to turn to more sustainable sources of energy.

Terence's great-grandfather was the founder of a charitable institution.

The company unable as it was to pay its employees was forced into bankruptcy.

Eating or drinking in a library contravenes its regulations.

John was left with virtually nothing when his partner robbed him off their business.

1 could never cheat in tests as it’s against my principles.

Mahatma Ghandi is regarded as one of the greatest visionaries in the world.

Coming from a religious family, Emily decided to have a conventional wedding.

Research has shown that drinking lots of water helps with the better absorption of any drug.
Glenna’s failing Maths and instead of studying for her Maths test she’s shifting the deckchairs on the Titanic.
Educators accuse the minister of fiddling while Rome burns as most school buildings are inadequate and are in
need of renovations.

Most colleges’ programmes cater for students of diverse cultural backgrounds.

The books you ordered are in transit and you will receive them tomorrow.

Experts suggest that the careless infill development is responsible for the situation in Athens today.

"City of Athens" refers to the entire Athens Urban Area that sprawls across the Attica Basin.

The teacher described Tom as an exemplary student which made his parents very proud.
The city council decided on the subdivision of the area so that more facilities could be built.

Sandra was a top student but after her accident she's somewhat lagging behind.

No damages were reported due to the successful containment of the protesters by the police.

Xenia decided to quit her job as she didn't see any prospects for promotion.
Tracey asked for a job at the newspaper but there were no vacancies.

Walter is so spoilt that he thinks that his mother has to cater to his every desire.

John and Ella appear to be mismatched but you'll think otherwise once you get to know the better.
1 feel sorry for commuters as they have to travel to work every day.

The net result of the government's new measures will be increased taxes and payment cutbacks.
Fossil fuel resources such as oil and coal are limited so we have to turn to other forms of energy.

Nora embraced her daughter and sent her off to school.

The boys formed a rock band and think they'll be famous in a couple of years, but that's just pie in the sky.
Unfortunately there's no prescription for a happy life.

1 know you worked hard on this plan but it just isn't impiementable right now as we lack the resources.

Sardine stocks in the Aegean Sea have increased this year.

Mason went to work on his first day only to find out they'd put him in a miniscule office at the far end of the

Tax increases in proportion to your income.

Traditional nomadic dwellings are portable tents which can be easily transported.
The former dean was respected by everyone throughout his tenure in office.

Everyone is hoping for a global economic revival.

Electronics repairs are sometimes expensive due to the scarcity of skilled workers.
After a hearing process the jury deliberates to reach a consensus.

Homer owns a piece of land on the fringes of the city.

The city council decided to demolish all run-down buildings to build a school and other facilities.

When Liam's father saw him right after the accident he held him so tight he could scarcely breathe.

European citizens view the future of global economy with some trepidation.

Our picnic was ruined by the torrential rain which suddenly broke out.

When are you going to get rid of that rickety chair? Someone will fall off it someday.
Ask the porter to call me as soon as you arrive at the hotel.

Tamers in the past were accused of lashing the animals to make them obey.

Bob had no option but to show his parents his school report. So he steeled himself to do that.

Peter drew the curtains to let the sunshine in.

My cousin was discharged from the army two years ago.

During the protest hordes of people moved towards the parliament.

1 didn't sleep a wink after watching that scary movie.

The decision to destroy the park and built a parking lot has provoked the outcry of the townspeople.

Having grown up on an island Lisa didn't relish the thought of spending her summer holidays in the mountains.

Ellen wishes she had more time for her kid and envies mothers who don’t work. As they say the grass is always
greener on the other side!

Liana was ready to embark on yet another adventure as soon as she got back from Mount Everest.

Economists estimate that the new measures will bring about an upturn in foreign investment.
You've been living in the big city for so long that you've forgotten how to relax. 1 think you need a change of
After living in Athens for a summer 1 decided that it was time to quit the big city and go back to my island.

Fred chose to show his discontent at the recent changes during the staff meeting.

After ten years of marriage the couple decided to get a divorce and go their separate ways.

Remote islands might be far and difficult to reach but they are the best place for a relaxing holiday.
Jane was worried as it was the first play she was taking part in but everything worked out just fine.

A hot bath or some relaxing music might help you wind down after such a long day.
The cheque from his grandfather was a real godsend as Manfred had spent his last penny the day before.

In August thousands of people flee the city of Athens in search of the rural idyll.

The police were interrogating the suspect for hours trying to make him confess to the crime.
A whole year has passed since the elections so we can say that the honeymoon period has long gone for the
new government.

1 think John's choice of jokes was quite unfortunate as he didn't know the people at the table that well.

The electrician can't pin down where the problem is as the wiring in our old house is very complicated.
Marina felt a rush of excitement as she went through the threshold of her new home for the first time.

Anna was out of the frame for the job in the newspaper but decided to apply anyway.
Leonard had spent months looking for his sister and then, one day, she appeared at his doorstep out of the

It was a flukey shot but the points counted and our team won the game.
1 think it's best if we list the products on our e-shop by price range.

We were stuck with this problem for hours and then Julie had a brainwave which actually worked.

Kids seem to enjoy not only collecting all sorts but also swapping the duplicates.
The police managed to track down the thief in an old warehouse.

Everything will fall into place once we get the money we've been expecting to fund our project.
When 1 told Mark 1 was helping at the shelter, he asked: "What's in it for you?". 1 guess he can't believe 1

Judy had to give up her high-profile education when her father went bankrupt.
Maggie has the majority of shares in her father's company so she gets to call the shots.

Greg didn't know the answer cos he wasn't in class when we talked about environmentalism.

Laura thought she and Mel were doing fine but he suddenly dumped her.
Frank didn't get the promotion he was expecting. 1 guess he found out the hard way that employment isn't a
bed of roses.
Todd seems to have burned his boats completely when he turned down the job offer he had to work as a sale
assistant, as he's been unemployed for months now.

We waited until every member expressed their opinion before we unfolded our marketing plan.

Well, to put it in a nutshell, 1 can't afford it to buy you a diamond ring.

Tom thinks a million dollars is all he needs to realise his dreams.

1 don't think Donald's racy jokes were appropriate fora young audience. They were quite shocking.

A book's paperback edition is cheaper its hard-cover one.

Andria went to the city to study and when she came back to her village for the holidays she had the attitude of
a city slicker.

The barking of dogs can be highly disruptive especially late at night.

My father-in-law's ideas about setting up his own business did not always pan out as he would have liked.

Molly congratulated her colleague on his promotion but 1 know that deep down she felt jealous.
My parents live on the outskirts but it's only a ten minute drive from the city centre so they have the best of
both worlds.

We have to sort out everything in the attic to see what we can throw away.
1 enjoyed Mandy's party. The place was nicely decorated and the music was out of this world!

After Vera's last presentation her promotion's in the bag.

Ken's addicted to gambling. He spends hours in front of a roulette hoping to strike it lucky.
Nobody had expected Nolan to strike gold in the 100-metre race.

Lucy never manages to put anything aside for a rainy day. It's as if money burns a hole in her pocket.

The deadline for the project is in two days and we're still halfway through so 1 guess we’ll be burning the
midnight oil tonight.
Many people had invested excessively in stocks and got their fingers burned when the stock market collapsed in
1 can’t buy you toys everyday as we don’t have money to burn.

It seems Penny burned her bridge with her boss when she insulted him in public.

The annual charity ball will take place in the city hall next Saturday.

You can play in here but you have to put everything in its place before you leave.
The newly imposed parking restrictions are expected to discourage the people from taking their cars to the city

All litter that can be recycled should be discarded in the appropriate bins.

1 looked all over the place for my sunglasses, but they were nowhere to be found.
Miriam got first place in the singing competition.

An antique vase really looks out of place in a modern living room.

Jonathan realised that he was dressed down for the occasion as all men were in their tuxedos.

The acronym for "world wide web" is www.

The town council approved the demolition of the old warehouses outside the town.
Occupancy at the hotels on Greek islands is expected to rise this summer.
The government promised to promote rural regeneration by giving an incentive to young people to go back to
the provinces.

Transportation in Venice is based on an elaborate network of canals.

After consultation with the union the workers of the factory decided to go on strike.

The government is trying to maintain a viable public sector by reducing its employees.

Wrap Bill's gift loosely so that it'll be easy for him to take the paper off.
Some religious groups publish quite sectarian journals to attract more believers.

The mayor rounded off the New Year celebrations with fireworks.

Jennifer was awarded for her discourse on genetic engineering.

After our huge fight, James sent me some flowers by the way of an apology.

Ron has a bad habit of interrupting other people while they're talking which annoys his interlocutors.

Twenty four years have elapsed since 1 moved to Athens.

The film The Hobbit has a tie-in book.

The manager was unyielding in his decision to fire the secretary.

The terrorist attack on September 11 had devastating effects on the city centre.

The Minister of Health faced a fierce attack from the press for cutting health spending.
In our school a stand-in teaches a class every time a teacher can't come to work.
A fire broke out in prison and two prisoners managed to escape amid the confusion.

A lot of people from Asia and Eastern Europe seek refuge in our country.

As the leading actor got sick the theatre director had no choice but to recast the leading role.

Victorian England was the backdrop of most of Charles Dickens works.

Desegregation is still not achieved in certain areas of South Africa although it's been so long after the apartheid.

You can see the meticulous work of the sculptor in the details of the face of the statue of goddess Athena.

An assessor was called in to verify the authenticity of Picasso's painting before it was displayed at the museum.
Up-Country Girl by Phebean Ajibola Ogundipe is a truthful portrayal of the African culture as the author
experienced it.

1 think Kate was quite harsh with the boy. She could have been more lenient.
People with respiratory problems are advised not to go out in sultry weather.

The witness's account of the event was a bit fuzzy and the police decided not to take it into consideration .
I've seen a clip of the Mel Gibson's new film and 1 liked it a lot.

A commemorative statue of the people who fought in World War II was built in the centre of our town's square.

Molly gave the plates with the pictures to be used in her book to the printing-press.
Marley was entertaining guests in the parlour when the earthquake struck the city.

Let's have our coffee outside at the porch. It's so nice this time of the year.
1 only heard a snatch of the song but it sounded pretty good.

Bullying should not be tolerated at any school.

The little boy stubbornly refused to go inside so his mother had no choice but to manhandled him in.

It's sad to see football fans beating up and hurting each other.

My plans to fly to London on Wednesday were thwarted by the general strike.

Alison decided to flee the stadium when things started getting violent between the fans of the two teams.

In brutal honesty, you're fat so short dresses don't suit you.

It took me some time to realise that my colleague was so bigoted that he refused to acknowledge any idea that
was different from his.
We need some props, like cutlery and crockery, for the dinner scene.

Katharine Cornell donated some of her most priceless costumes to the national theatre wardrobe.

The children gave their mother some flowers as a token of their love and affection.

Our team wore uniforms with our national emblem on them.

The pound sign is printed before the price of each item.

The elegance of some clothes can change a woman's appearance dramatically.

The butler's noble countenance fooled everybody as no one ever believed that it was him who stole the
diamond necklace.
At the sound of our footsteps the squirrel scurried up the tree.

Alex can put you onto a good health club if you decide to join one.

After a long day at the beach the little boy tucked into his food as if he hadn't eaten for days!

The HIV virus latches onto a cell and seizes its control by injecting its genetic material inside.
The tent flap was lifted so we could see the stars in the sky at night.

Have you seen the bill for the new theatrical production? There were lots of big names on it.
Make sure you look at the sweater's tag before washing it.

The intensive care unit was moved to the new annexe to the hospital.
Police officers must uphold the law regardless of their personal beliefs.
After his breakthrough in nanotechnology, Joseph W. Lyding was considered a pioneer in the field and received
an award.

A small attention span is most prevalent in young children.

Black and white were the dominant colours in Georgia O'Keefe's paintings.

We bought souvenirs with the hotel's logo as we really enjoyed our stay there.
We want to find out more about Jack's divorce but we to do so discreetly as we don't want to ruin our
relationship with him.

His parents' wedding anniversary reception required formal attire so Max had to rent a tux for the occasion.

Dragging someone to sports may be counterproductive as they might end up resenting sports entirely.

Authorities have to act decisively if they want to put an end to the problem of sea pollution around Fukosima.
Car insurance premiums increase in case of an accident.

All of Terry's friends consider his buying a Jaguar an ostentatious gesture on his part.

Georgia's nonchalant behaviour is just an affectation, an attempt to hide her interest for the new post.

Stop spending beyond your means or you'll see your debts balloon out of proportion.

Terence has always been an adherent of organic farming. He's never used any pesticides in his life.

This time next Sunday we'll be setting off for Italy.

Judy takes great pride in decorating the dinner table at family gatherings.

Many's the time when 1 stayed up late at night trying to finish an assignment.

The politician's public appearance was a singularly unsuccessful attempt to gain popularity.
Now that Orson is in the public eye he has to be more careful when he goes out.

Jane took great exception to the critic's remarks on her new book. I've never seen her so upset before.

Our electricity bill was staggeringly high this month so 1 assume there must have been some mistake.
Before the advent of the refrigerator they used to pickle certain vegetables in vinegar in order to preserve
In the biology lab there were some frogs preserved in formaldehyde.
When Wendy was on a strict diet the only thing she craved for was chocolate.

Unfortunately magazines that adopt a sensationalist approach to famous couples' divorces sell more.

Jane's recent success at work has inflated her ego.

During the sales there are many bargains around for the discerning buyer.
The film Avatar was hyped as a masterpiece of special effects.

1 don't know how secretaries do it but this constant ringing of the telephone is jangling my nerves.
Victims of incurable diseases have always been shunned by society.

Zoe's irrational behaviour at the party is something 1 can't fathom.

Most of the teaching methods presented at the seminar were old hat and of no interest to me at all.

Religious leaders hold sway over a great number of people until today, influencing current political decisions.

You don't need to throw this toy away. Just glue this part back on and it'll be good as new again.

You need a relatively small outlay to start such a business as you don't need much equipment.

Once you get the hang of an electronic game, it's easy to get hooked on it.

Raymond's behaviour at the dinner table raised a few eyebrows as he was obviously drunk.
Barney's mood swings start to get up my nose.

We opted for the cinema instead of the theatre for our night out as it was less expensive.
Raymond quit the army as he couldn't conform to its rules and regulations.

As a boy, Warren was bullied by kids in his neighbourhood and became very reserved.

The auction of the singers' memorabilia was a fundraising event for the homeless.
1 could never imagine that this funky dress would look so good on you!

Sheila bought a book on ethnic cooking, which she's very fond.
The actress presenting the Academy Awards came out in a different outfit after each interval.

"You've got nothing to worry about. We'll be done in a flash", said the dentist.

The chocolate pie looked really good, but 1 went for the ice cream anyway because 1 wanted something cool.
On our first date we went to a posh nightclub, which 1 didn't like. The people were snobbish and the music
wasn't to my liking.
The comedian's show didn't go down very well with young people as his jokes were rather outdated.

The hypnotherapist had to delve into Nora's past to find the root of the problem.
Darren believes that his store will be more profitable if he targets high-end consumers.

1 used to wear skin-tight jeans and loose-fitting pullovers as a teenager.

My son likes toys that come apart so that he can reassemble them again.

1 still can't understand how John landed such a profitable job. He's certainly not very qualified for it.
When John's girlfriend saw us arriving at the party together, she got the wrong end of the stick and thought we
were dating.
Don't invest all your money in a single stock. Better safe than sorry.

You'd better stay clear of smoking as it's a harmful habit and difficult to break.
It was a traditional Indian wedding and all the women were wearing saris.

It is essential that Neoclassical buildings be preserved, as they are part of our cultural heritage.

Leonard is so stubborn! Once he's made up his mind, he won't come round to any other point of view.
The college's summer curriculum sounds great. It remains to be seen if it can come up with the goods it
The Minister of Economics has come in for a lot of criticism in the press over the proposed salary cutbacks.

Our union decided we should come out in sympathy with the teachers.

At the interview, Bruce came over as very enthusiastic about his role in Spielberg's new film.

True friends have a strong bond and don't let anything come between them easily.

My grandmother's recovery seems to be coming along just fine. She'll be out of bed in no time.
Sorry, sir. 1 can't make a reservation for you. We work on a first-come-first-served basis.

1 think Gus will never come to terms with the fact that he didn't get the job for being overqualified.

Most adolescents avoid wearing tight clothes, as they make them feel self-conscious of their body changes.

They said nothing about an impending storm in the weather forecast. You must have misheard.

Imposing heavy taxes on citizens is counter-productive if it decreases their spending power.

Candidates who are pro-nuclear disarmament gain a lot of votes..

Tania's been overworked since her promotion and has very little time for her family.

Sub-zero temperatures are expected in the northern parts of the country next week.

Little children often regard their parents as superhuman and think there's nothing they can't do.

No matter how hard you try you'll never outdo Jim at Maths. He's a genius.

When you're young, you tend to undervalue health and take it for granted you'll always be fit.

No country in the world is self-contained anymore, so they need to learn to cooperate.

Vai is a beautiful area on Crete with sub-tropical vegetation.

My grandma, who has lived to be a hundred, often says that it's a curse to outlive your children.
You should never underestimate your opponent if you want to win.

1 find anti-lock brakes very useful in a car and 1 think many accidents have been avoided because of them.

The psychologist's theory was based on the notion that human beings are basically good.

Without an heir a royal family will eventually die out.

On entering the old house, the boys knew at a glance that they were heading for trouble.

The storm broke out when we were en route to our hotel.

We need a sea change in people's attitudes if the public sector is ever going to become efficient.

Penny looked absolutely stunning in her immaculate white dress.

When 1 last saw Nick, he was barely recognisable in a scruffy pair of jeans and an old T-shirt.
Once a neatly trimmed formal park, the area has been left unkempt and wild.

Jerry mocked his brother's lisp, which made his mother very angry.

At university, Danny had had a receding hairline; now, 20 years later, he was quite bald.

As 1 didn't know where 1 was going, 1 peered into the distance trying to read the road signs.
Advertising hoardings alongside the busy city streets have been banned, as they are distracting for drivers.

Mark is determined to find his biological father, so nothing will stop him in his quest for the truth.
Mary has finally come to accept her wrinkles as a sign of wisdom.

Mike wanted to add a scene from a photo to his motorbikes' tank, so he had it airbrushed.

Politicians' promises no longer carry too much weight.

Most of the team members disliked the new player. Thus, it was difficult for him to reach his full potential in a
The bad thing about violent movies is that they tend to make an equation between inflicting pain on others and
Under police questioning, the Walters finally conceded that their accusations against their neighbours were
Frank has a morbid sense of humour. He put his pet snake under the teacher's chair.

Fani may come over as opinionated at times, but that's because she gets really passionate about her work.

The Dean gave a pompous speech on our graduation which tired everyone.
Sally was a vivacious and outgoing girl, liked by everyone.
Modern society still tends to be quite acquisitive, as success is still measured in terms of possessions.
You can see the meticulous work of the ancient sculptors in the details of the statues.

Still discriminated against in the workplace, women are too often denied raises and promotions.

The authorities believe that the attack against the street vendor was racially motivated.

Although Cain denied being prejudiced against women, his insulting remarks about them showed otherwise.
People who become complacent about their skills and abilities are unlikely to try to improve them.
Make-up in the summer should be as simple and unobtrusive as possible, regardless of what the occasion may

Kelly is a very manipulative woman; she uses her co-workers to help her climb up the corporate ladder.
1 don't like playing with Zina. She's so boastful when she wins.

The teacher jumbled the pieces of the puzzle to make the game more challenging.

Judge Wilkins, an upstanding judge, would never take a bribe or favour a friend in his court.

1 was so shocked at the news of Bill's unexpected promotion that 1 couldn't utter a word.
The influence of prominent musicians of the seventies pervades contemporary rock music.

The TV channel decided to conduct a poll to see what programmes young people like.

Mr Grant's testing positive for appendicitis must be a false positive; he had an appendectomy last year.

Dogs are particularly prone to rabies - a disease that makes them sick and mad.
Susan must have employed Machiavellian methods to make it to the top at such short time.

Police arrested the suspect when they discovered her alibi was a complete fabrication.

Psychologists maintain that children shouldn't be offered material rewards as an incentive to study.

The proliferation of smartphones and tablets has dramatically changed the way people communicate.
Kim's traditional views on management were against the innovative company's corporate culture.

Employees deemed to be unsuitable for the job will be weeded out from the public sector.

Nolan discovered that the stock broker he met the other day was actually a fraudster.
There was an attempt to oust the President, but his supporters intervened.

Polygraph tests aren't admissible in court, as lies aren't always detected accurately.

The two robbers trussed up the security guard so that they could empty the vault uninterrupted.

The book, The Da Vinci Code, lent itself to being made into a film.

The matter in hand at the board meeting was the election of a new chairperson.
We should deal with the problem now before it gets out of hand.

Stop fibbing! 1 know you didn't eat all your food!

The Portrait of Gala with Two Lamb Chops Balanced on Her Shoulder is a consummate example of Dali's artistry.

Riots will ensue if the police are not careful in their handling of the demonstration.
Some of the most common social lubricants at parties are music, alcohol and banal comments about the

Objective Proficiency covers a wide spectrum of topics.

An obsession with shopping is one of the characteristics of compulsive buying disorder.

A shifty-looking man approached me at the bus stop asking for money.

Charlie is a well-known fabricator so you shouldn't believe a word he says.

Advertising companies capitalise on online advertising, as it's both inexpensive and lucrative.

The current economic crisis has brought about an unprecedented unemployment epidemic.
The headmaster underlined to his students that he wouldn't stand for any violent behaviour.

The witness's testimony could not stand in court as it was full of ambiguities and contradictions.

The politician rehearsed his speech in his hotel room a little before addressing the public.

Dogs have such a keen sense of hearing that some high-pitch sounds can even drive them crazy.

Roughly twenty thousand people joined the protest against the new environmental law in Lisbon last week.

The accused was found guilty of embezzlement and is awaiting sentence.

After conducting the experiment in the lab, the researchers did some fieldwork to verify their findings.

The film The Hunger Games has caused quite a stir. I'd like to see it out of curiosity.
Milo is mourning the death of his beloved dog.

Canada was formerly ruled by the French. Now, it's a self-ruled member of the British Commonwealth.
The company's phone bill reached a staggering £2000 this month.

The assimilation of women into the workforce took a very long time.
Some countries favour bilingualism so children are taught English along with their native language from a very
early age.
It will take Danny an immense effort to catch up with the rest of the class, since he’s been absent for over a
Serious scientists strive to publish their research in respected, peer-reviewed journals.
Schools supporting cultural diversity acknowledge the advantages of bringing students’ life experiences into the
English 101 is a prerequisite for all the other literature courses.

The Chief Medical Officer warned that the disease may be transmitted from animals to people.
Shakespeare encapsulates one of the basic principles of work ethics in just one sentence - be friendly, but be
careful of whom you represent.

Cate Blanchett was eminently suited for the role of Queen Elizabeth.
Oregano, a herb, is indigenous to Greece but is now grown in many parts of the world.

The politician summed up his speech by promising to support the farmers’ interests.

Living to be a hundred can be both a blessing and a curse as my grandma says.

The paper was badly researched and contained a multiplicity of errors and half-truths.
George Soros is the most famous native Esperanto speaker.
Larry still felt ambivalent about seeking employment in a foreign country. He might find a job, but he’d miss his
When my cousins from Italy first came to visit us we communicated in pidgin Greek.

A creole-speaking tribe - a mixture of Alaska Native Americans and Russians - lives near the Bering Strait.
The Cypriot Greek dialect differs considerably from Modern Greek in its syntax, phonology and lexicon.

I’ve got lots of acquaintances at work, but only a handful are friends.

Many psychological problems can stem from a difficult childhood or adolescence.

Psychologists claim that the need to be liked by others usually springs from deeply-rooted insecurity.

The Prime Minister will issue a statement about the outcome of the European summit.

Should a job opportunity arise, I’d relocate to a small town.

The prestige of working for a top company makes many employees accept hard working conditions.

1 worked hard for the programme's accreditation, but the project manager took all the credit.

The economic crisis has brought about a drop in public esteem for politicians.
Phidias was an artist of great stature in ancient Greece.
The English word domestic derives from the Latin word 'domus' which means house.

The success of a project hinges upon the leader's ability to manage his team effectively.

If you don’t leave promptly, you'll miss your flight.

In an attempt to expand its market, Hanz Ltd. is opening up a new branch in Brussels.

There was no doubt that my son had broken his arm, as it started to swell immediately after his fall.

My eye doctor recommended enlarging the fonts on my computer screen and not wearing my glasses.
According to Olli Rehn, the forecast for the European economy remains bleak.

People that go through difficult times tend to change their outlook on life in general.

Guessing a word from context is a skill that all foreign language learners should develop.

The new research on stem cells from Harvard lends a fresh perspective to their understanding.
It’s important for young people to chase their dreams.
Slate is a type of rock generally formed when mudstone is found under relatively low pressure and temperature
Marble might look nice on buildings, but the quarries on the mountains are just ugly blots on the landscape.

Coal has been mined in Limburg, a province of the Netherlands, since the early 16th century.

The waiter whisked away our drinks before we had a chance to finish them.

People that are assertive state their arguments clearly and firmly, but without anger.

Children who are self-confident are more likely to stand up for themselves and their beliefs.
My neighbours splashed out £600 on a tablet for their seven-year-old son.

Not surprisingly, 90% of relationships take a turn for the worse when there are financial problems.

One needs to have a nice turn of phrase to be able to excel in journalism.

When both my sisters were seriously hurt in a car accident, 1 didn't know which way to turn for help.

Sara always turns as red as a beetroot when our manager praises her work.

It was believed that the 'millennium virus' would infect all computers at the turn of the century.

The poor kid was begging his mother to buy him a computer game, but she didn't turn a hair.

1 was tossing and turning in bed all night, thinking about all the things 1 had to do the next day.

Learning how to take a toy in turns with a sibling, helps children acquire a very important social skill.
Tracy getting a promotion was a turn-up for the books!

When the headmaster told him off in front of his classmates, Jim went scarlet with shame and embarrassment.

We went to this nice cafe the other day, but we were rather put out by their very slow service.

Can you have a go at opening this bottle of wine, please?

Would it be too much of an imposition to ask you for a lift downtown?

If 1 start my PhD in 2015, I'll receive my doctorate degree by 2020.

Heated debates between politicians do not appeal to the public any longer.

It has become common practice for companies to outsource some of the work to cut costs.
The extensive use of pesticides has had a detrimental effect on the environment.

The new dean has reorganised the linguistics department a bit, but nothing has fundamentally changed.

Pawnshops always thrive during an economic crisis - no wonder there are so many of them in Athens now.

On the face of it, buying this second hand BMW seems like a good bargain, but I'm afraid it might have hidden
mechanical faults.
Don't sign the new contract before your lawyer reviews it; it may come with some strings attached.

Dr Lissa Rankin has set out to prove her theory that the mind can cure the body.
Foreign language acquisition is a lengthy and tiring process.

Research has shown that women are more efficient at multitasking than men.
1 have a sneaking feeling that we're going the wrong way again. This place doesn't look very familiar.

Astronauts train in special simulators to prepare for their trip into space.

The computers in our office need to be replaced, but 1 can't talk my partner into it.

No wonder John lost his job; he didn't really cover himself in glory!
The Venue 8 Pro is Dell's first foray into the tablet market.

After the manager's pep talk, the sales staff were champing at the bit to get out there and sell-sell-sell!

I've never played tennis before, but I'm willing to give it a go.

1 knew Mike had something up his sleeve when he invited his boss out to dinner.
Rather than make any rash decisions, you should think it through carefully.
Young children sometimes come up with lame excuses to justify their actions - only a stupid person would
believe them.
Most serious research is published in scholarly journals and/or in books.

Kavafis, who was an accomplished poet, contributed a lot of work to literary magazines of his time.
Most elderly people in Greece are barely literate, as attending school was considered a luxury when they were

My sister is really obsessive about keeping things in order; everything must be neat and tidy.

Research has shown that well-off people are more likely to develop an obsession with money.

Education contributes to the development of a more balanced conception of the world.

Johanna preferred to spectate others playing chess instead of playing herself.

The extraordinary spectacle of an old man taking part in the Marathon was really inspiring.

The rival company's requests will come under scrutiny in the weeks before the merger.

A thought-provoking article should stimulate people to think about the issue it addresses.

An eye-catching logo is often the key to a successful advertising campaign.

Unfortunately, the documents that the lawyer's assistant managed to retrieve were irrelevant to their case.

One pound is equivalent to 453.59 grams.

Charlize Theron is so popular that she pops up quite frequently on TV and in magazines.
Laura will be the new project leader and Jonathan will just have to lump it.

The people that were struck by the tsunami in Fukushima were in dire need of help.

His recent scandals have eroded the pop star's popularity.

Athens News was not a parochial newspaper; it also covered global issues.

The Internet has facilitated the dissemination of information regarding various services and products.

Ancient Athens was famous for its democratic regime while Sparta for its totalitarian one.

There's no place for oppressed minorities in true democracy.

Hollywood has achieved international dominance, as its films are aggressively promoted around the world.

Dart frogs may seem innocuous and even beautiful when in fact they are one of the deadliest creatures.

Our company's increase in income from sales has been negated by the increase in our production costs.

James confessed that no one had asked him to play truant from school; he did it of his own free will.
It can be quite depressing to watch the news; it's so full of doom and gloom these days.

Ms Jones was undoubtedly the best candidate for the position.

All employees were aware that at the end of the day the CEO's decision would be implemented.
1 think the conference went great, all things considered, given our limited resources and time to prepare.

1 think we're heading the wrong direction. Come to think of it, we should have taken the right turn back there.

1 think you need more work on your public speaking skills although, all in all, you've improved greatly.

1 earn around £20,000 gross, but my net income after 1 pay my taxes is about £15,000.

Athens felt very alien to me during the first couple of months after moving there from a small village.
Grayson's punchy speeches have earned him loyal supporters as well as a few angry critics among the

Sue's most important character trait, her patience, is what makes her such a good teacher.

The ability to lead people successfully is one of the key personal attributes a politician should have.

You can confide all your secrets to Judith. She's so trustworthy that she won't tell anyone.

Looking at Melanie's reddened eyes, 1 inferred that something was bothering her.

Michael looks up to his Maths teacher so much that he wants to be a mathematician as well.

In a moment of aberration, at the age of fifty-six, Patricia decided to get her driving license.

Working in front of a computer screen for hours on end may bring on a migraine.

Peter felt really uncomfortable when his classmates started making jokes at his expense.

So preoccupied is Claire with her personal problems that she can’t think of anything else.
Was there a formal declaration of war in Syria or was the conflict simply an uprising?
The bank robbers ditched the getaway-car in the forest.

Andrew's jealous streak caused his wife to ask for a divorce.

Angie was so ruthless that she would do anything, even lie and cheat, to keep her job.

The politicians who signed the memorandum in Greece became the targets of vicious attacks on the news.

Mrs Maples adores her new grandchild and revels in her role as grandmother.

Dad ate excessively last night and couldn't sleep because he had a terrible stomach ache.

Having spent ten years living together, Kim and Kevin finally decided to tie the knot.
Elizabeth's bubbly personality makes her the life of the party.
The producers had to cast their nets wider and hold auditions in other towns to find the right actor for the lead

Jim always gives me down-to-earth advice.

Lucy must have money to burn! She just bought four tablets!

Paul and Steven made a good team at work as they rubbed along quite well together.

The Simpson's decision to relocate to Austria for good was a bolt from the blue. Nobody was expecting it!

The politician's overly optimistic speech whipped up the crowd with excitement.

My cousin paid me a fleeting visit early this morning; she only stayed for half an hour.

The people standing outside the burning building could hear the old lady's anguished cry for help.
Products made of genuine leather are over-priced at times.

It wasn't until 1 noticed the date that it suddenly dawned on me that it was my birthday.
You can't just do whatever you want in your job. Your boss is the one who calls the tune.

My brother's been very supportive of my decision to study abroad.

During the interview, the popular actress managed to fend off all the questions about her private life.
Only Jane's mother picked up on the change in her daughter's behaviour.

Many people around the world show their disgust at the heavy taxes imposed on low-income families.

Louise blurted out everything about her sister's birthday party and destroyed the surprise.

Being only mildly interested in the new advertising campaign, Ms Jones didn't get involved in it.

Jennifer Anniston divorced Brad Pitt after the revelation that he was having an affair with Angelina Jolie.
Liam decided to let Tania know about his feelings for her as he'd been carrying a torch for her since they were

1 have so much work to do that the only choice 1 have is to roll up my sleeves and start working!
Grandpa is at death's door and we really don't know if he'll make it.

The manager asked the secretary to email the meeting requests pronto, before she forgot.

Valerie got the star's autograph and came back to her seat with an expression of rapture on her face.
Everything fell into place when Mary discovered that the woman she'd seen at the restaurant with Tom was his
twenty-year old daughter.
Gus asked Lisa to go to the cinema with him, but she gave him the cold shoulder.

According to sociologists, cultural and social norms define acceptable behaviour within a given context.
So far, we have two prospective buyers for our house.

Patricia had a heart-to-heart talk with her daughter about her new boyfriend.
The police officer asked the hysterical woman to get a grip on herself and describe what she had seen.

The cat leaped over the fence and came into the garden looking for food.

You shouldn't bottle up your emotions, as that can lead to developing an ulcer.

When Eddie saw that his son had broken his new DVD player, he tried to choke back his anger and stay calm.

The manager of the company swept Jason's proposal aside and asked for a new one.

Pauline tried to keep her secret, but 1 finally managed to tease it out of her.
1 wish Mark would tone down his rude jokes a bit!
Martha's losing her job was a terrible blow to her financial condition.
The accusation that he had embezzled a large sum of money from his company led to Dan's arrest.

Lots of people participated in last week's rally to protest against animal experimentation.

Health standards are gradually degenerating due to insufficient funding.

The complex structures of some of the most ancient creatures that were discovered more recently come to
demolish the theory of evolution.
Lots of voters have decided not to support the government in the next elections.

Following her cunning plan, Caroline managed to be the only candidate for the manager's position.

I've repeatedly voiced my thoughts on the issue of equal pay for women.

His whole family had told Patrick they knew when he was lying, yet he blatantly kept doing it.

Jade is such an affectionate little girl! She always hugs and kisses her parents when they come back from work.
Something is amiss with Ethan's behaviour. He talks loudly, excitedly, and never looks to see how people are
reacting to it.

The government needs to realise that poverty in urban areas is acute and that it needs to take drastic measures.

The extensive fire damage in the Seich Sou forest was devastating for Salonicans.

1 always enjoy talking to my friend Georgia as she's upbeat and always looks on the bright side of life.
Bob's winning the trip to Paris bowled over all of his family and friends!

The terms 'addicted to' and 'hooked on' are interchangeable, though the second is more casual.
Terry is not going to become a member of our football team unless he decides to modify his behaviour.

An utterly chaotic traffic situation was caused by the transportation strike.

Gene Kelly was an immensely talented dancer.

The older my grandpa gets, the more irritable he becomes. Everything seems to upset him.

Peter and Susan went to a hotel this summer, where they paid the staggering amount of € 450 per night.
Linda is perhaps the most laid-back person 1 know. Nothing seems to worry her!

Niagara Falls is a remarkably beautiful place to visit, though rather too touristy.

With lunchtime more than two hours away, the children were still somewhat hungry.
Even though Christine suffers from agoraphobia, she decided to put on a brave face and join her friends at the
Employees of the newspaper World News were accused of engaging in phone hacking last week.
Classifying all her CDs according to their type of music took Elena four hours.

Only authorised personnel can enter the restricted area.

John Forbes Nash, Jr was a mathematical genius although he was diagnosed as mentally insane.
Greece's economic outlook is rather bleak.

Paros is one of the most beautiful and most windswept Greek islands.

Moors are characterised by low-growing vegetation on infertile soils.

Wash your hands and come to the table girls. I'm about to dish lunch up.

The food served at George's birthday party was so tasteless that nobody could eat it.

Don't heat the milk much. The baby drinks it lukewarm.

The latest trend in new theatrical pieces is for the dialogue to alternate between beautiful poetic language and
harsh street talk.

Since advertising was an unknown territory for the company, the director decided to proceed with caution.
There are a number of immigrants who labour hard in order to raise enough money to return to their own

Albert loathed the idea of working long hours without getting paid overtime.
Teenagers can easily detect the hypocrisy of parents when they advise one thing but do another.

Who isn't repelled by rude and arrogant behaviour?

Only athletes with great tenacity can become champions.

"Patience is a virtue" is perhaps one of the most common cliches.

Louise has never taken off the pendant her mother gave her when she was young.

An indeterminate number of people came to the opening of the new gallery in Manhattan.
Having faces with perfect smiles in an advertisement is just a gimmick to convince people to buy the toothpaste

Performing next to great actors was decidedly Andrea's greatest achievement so far.

Scientists have disclosed new methods which can increase life expectancy up to a hundred years.
In ancient Greece, Athens and Sparta formed an alliance to repel the Persians from mainland Greece.
In the 17th century, Galileo Galilei postulated that the Earth revolves around the sun.

Nonstop negotiations have taken place between Germany and France since yesterday, but no one knows the
outcome yet.
Some economists claim that reductions in corporate tax rate could make inroads into a country's economic

From the moment Fiona laid eyes on Chris, she felt an immediate attraction to him.
Some of the materials taught in a history class overlap with the materials taught in an anthropology class.

It seems that some TV newsmen care more about their appearance than the subject matter they're reporting.

The politician addressed his voters and asked for their support in the upcoming elections.
My teacher's constructive advice on how to improve my writing skills made me realise that writing was easier
than 1 thought.

Economists claim that the new government measures to raise money will probably have a perverse outcome.

The main shortcoming of the new law aimed at reducing bureaucracy is that it is open to interpretation.
The property tax issue polarized the two parties and they couldn't reach an agreement.

Only when rationality prevails over interest can there be world peace.

Our tendency to overconsume has changed to a certain extent, due to the economic crisis.

Some alternative sources of energy have been grossly overestimated.

It's well known that the destruction of rainforests can give rise to environmental damage.

Paul had no illusions that he could make it as a lawyer, so he went into private investigative work.

Achilles' invulnerability ceased when Paris shot a poisonous arrow in his heel during the Trojan war.
Mrs Martin's open-mindedness and original thinking allowed her to distinguish a talented author better than
anyone else.

My craving for eating sushi led me to the new Japanese restaurant in my neighbourhood.
It’s been argued that greater uniformity in the legal system across all countries would make it more difficult for
criminals to evade punishment.
Song-writers practise a form of self-censorship under military regimes as otherwise they risk being persecuted..

Paula asked her uncle to exert his influence so that she would be considered for the position of finance director.
The manager didn't expect there would be so many dissenters when he proposed the new company policy.
Despite the circumstantial evidence presented, there was unanimity in the jury's decision to find the defendant
Climate change rhetoric seems rather deceptive while government policies allow continued production of
greenhouse gases.
Deception, a common feature in most advertisements, makes products seem nicer than they really are so as to
attract more buyers.

The police concluded that a group of religious extremists were responsible for last night's bombing.

Many educators expressed their opposition to the newly implemented educational system.
School rules in the past were very rigid, but nowadays they are somewhat flexible.

Tracey had to receive special treatments to be able to deal with her muscle rigidity.

Psychologists claim that it is quite common for grandparents to show a biased inclination towards one of their
Jane accused her colleagues of bias against her when they turned down her proposal for no apparent reason.
Driven by his desire to travel all around the world, Stephen managed to learn six foreign languages by the age
of sixteen.

Modern society places a lot of emphasis on being thin, which leads many young girls to anorexia.

Being inclined to music from a very early age, Mozart composed his first piano piece when he was five.
Rachel's inclination to help poor children led her to Africa to work with an NGO.

Most children regard Batman as an invincible hero.

Only kryptonite - a radioactive element from his planet - could stop Superman's invincibility.
The government is planning to implement radical changes in the health care system, supposedly, to improve it.

The SWAT team managed to suppress the riot that took place outside the Parliament yesterday evening.
The suppression of free speech is against the principles of democracy.

My supervisor evaluated all the data 1 had collected and then approved of my writing the project.
Caffeinated energy drinks need to be reformulated because of the potential health risks they pose to young

Unfortunately, social discrimination against people from different walks of life exists to this day.
I'll never understand the mentality of people who enjoy hunting animals and birds.

Even renowned actors sometimes receive harsh criticism for their acting performance.
The article 1 read yesterday cited the consequences that stress has on our health.

The only plausible explanation 1 can think of as to why Georgia was fired was her unwillingness to work on

Many people maintain that the death penalty is yet another blinkered policy that should be abolished.

Being interested in the realm of social justice, Beth is seriously thinking of studying Law.
1 avoid buying clothes on an impulse as 1 usually regret my choices later on.

It's difficult to interpret statistical data without expert knowledge.

The teacher called on her students in random order.

Having been tolerant of Nick's bad habit of being late, Nadia finally decided to talk to him.

Adam received a productivity bonus for being the most conscientious employee of the month.
Although the seminar on the basic principles of conducting research was difficult, 1 managed to grasp the

Parents should not let their children study near a TV set, as it's a distraction.

Mike is head over heels in love with his new girlfriend and is seriously thinking of proposing to her.
Bill's sparkling personality made him the life and soul of the party!

The newlyweds promised to stick together through thick and thin.

One of the most famous workaholics is Thomas Edison, who often worked around the clock.

Mathew's determination to succeed at work can be rather intimidating to his colleagues.

Most people feel quite insecure about their jobs today as a result of the economic crisis.

Mr Garret has always been a shrewd businessman; that's why his company is always profitable.
The stroke affected my neighbour's ability to speak, but not her intellect.


Lasers used in eye surgery are at the cutting edge of technology.

Mrs Hackett had to simplify her Maths lesson as her students couldn't make heads nor tails of what she was
Do you know when Shakira is planning to release her new CD?

Salt and quartz are both crystalline substances but are made up of quite different chemical compounds.
Etching is a chemical technique used in the Middle Ages in Arabic countries to apply decorations to weapons.

The implications of the government's decision to reduce the subsidies farmers receive are yet to be seen.
The government shouldn't lose sight of the importance of promoting investments if Greece is to overcome the
economic crisis.
The best that can be said for a company which has been making minuscule profits is that, at least, it's not losing
Alison tried to pull out the thorn from her finger using a pair of tweezers.

Pull the lever to make the machine work.

Rumours about the two actors getting a divorce abound in the tabloids today.
Trains are always crowded in Japan so people have to jostle and shove to get on.

Having lived continents apart for ten years, it took the two brothers a lot of time to bond again.

Susan started looking for a job the moment she finished her studies in Business Management.
Some watch mechanisms are quite intricate, tedious even for a master watchsmith to repair.

Moving to a new country may mean starting your life over from scratch.
A group of two or more atoms constitute a molecule.

Two overseers visited our town hospital last week to record the condition of the medical equipment.

Last Christmas, we visited Belgium and we couldn't resist tasting its exquisite chocolate.
Nathan's proposal to launch a new product in a two-month period was flatly rejected, as the manager felt that
it was difficult to realise.

I’ve never before seen anyone making such elaborate preparations for spending Christmas abroad as John does.

Victoria gave all sorts of contrived excuses in an attempt to justify her unfair behaviour towards her colleagues.

The students were instructed to assemble in the school yard during the fire drill.

The findings of a recent survey imply that more people are willing to migrate than previously thought.

David is thinking of setting up a small business selling computer components.

Today, our biology teacher showed us a drawing of a double helix, which forms the basic structure of DNA.
The miners used a helical drill to dig a deep hole in the ground.

The crime lab is analysing the strand of hair found at the crime scene.
George unwound the cable to measure its length.
The plumber laid out the tools he needed to fix the washing machine.

Metro passengers are advised to hold the handrail when using the stairs or the escalators.
As some of the rungs of our ladder were broken, we bought a new one.

Frank attended a seminar tailor-made to meet the needs of his job.

Natalie neatly placed the books on the bookshelf.

All you need to do to assemble this coffee table is slot its legs into the holes at the back.
Bob curled up snugly on his couch in front of the fireplace.

Mrs Maples bound her dog's leash around the tree to make sure it wouldn't leave.

It was inevitable that Ian would lose the competition as he hadn't trained enough.
The tiger crept quietly behind the bushes to attack the deer.

The police asked the witness to describe the sequence of the events leading up to the armed bank robbery.

The teacher asked her students to put the scrambled letters in order and write out the words.

Lara could not understand the garbled message her brother left her on her answering machine.
Replication of a study's findings is important in science, as it's the only way for scientists to verify the reliability
of an experiment.
Virus mutation can be the outcome of excessive antibiotic use.

The band played a string of number one hits.

Marion played the piano so magnificently that everyone in the room applauded her.

Why our neighbours left town so quickly will always remain an impenetrable mystery!

Mark Zuckerberg is one of the five founders of Face book.

One of the most difficult courses Joanna had to attend at university was quantum mechanics.
The Harrisons ultimately decided to leave the big city behind and set up shop in a rural town.

The toddler's parents freaked out when they saw that he had pulled apart the TV set.

Only stumps can be seen in some parts of the Amazon rainforest due to excessive logging.
The government announced their intention to reconstruct all public buildings that had been seriously damaged
by the earthquake.

One of the properties of water is that it can absorb and release heat.

Plato challenged the existence and immortality of the twelve gods of Mt. Olympus.

Hardly anyone understood how to solve the task as the instructions were so vague.

Energy drink campaigns promote the notion that people who exercise must drink as much as they can.

Politicians should be good users of the language to be able to convey their ideas to the people effectively.
The melting snow revealed the ugliness of the landscape.

As Colin is really into gadgets a lot, I'm thinking of buying him this strange clock for his birthday.
Everything went smoothly and everybody had a great time.
It's not always easy for immigrants to integrate into a new culture and keep their own traditions at the same
The reason why Peter gave up his studies and went abroad boils down to one thing: he always wanted to live

Stress seems to be the underlying cause for many health problems.

Freedom of speech and equality of all citizens are two of the main principles of democracy.

The significant strides made in medicine recently have increased life expectancy.
The painters erected scaffolding all around the building.

Adenine used to be called vitamin B4, even though it is not considered a true vitamin.

Thiamine, mostly known as vitamin Bl, is essential for the proper function of our heart, nerves and muscles.

The simplicity in my grandma's way of thinking allowed her to solve practical problems easily.
Some argue that the complexity of the public sector poses many practical difficulties to a country's citizens on a
daily basis.

Mikis Theodorakis’ immense contribution to music is well known and respected.

Athens in mid-August resembles an abandoned city.

The machine shuts off automatically when it’s not used for more than fifteen minutes.

Rose bushes should be lopped off every February so as to flower again in May.

Some splinters got in Dorothy's fingers as she was trying to clean the broken glass from the floor.

Not being able to save his company was the final nail in Mark's coffin.
My grandfather wasn't particularly liked, mainly because he used to call a spade a spade.

A great number of small or family businesses have gone down the tubes due to the economic crisis.

Michael had all the qualifications to land a good job; his only weak link was his inexperience.

Gregory blew a fuse when he saw his son crashing his new car into their fence.
Paul lent his best friend £100, no strings attached.

We never made it to Jason's party, as we got our wires crossed and wrote down another date for his party.
Stella seemed to have shot her bolt just a few meters before the finishing line. She only managed to get second

When schools start in September, children need some time to get into gear after their summer holidays.
Lee twisted the knife in the wound when he told me that another person was hired for the position 1 had
applied for.

The invention of tablets was an innovation in the field of communications technology.

Radium, a chemical element, is used in medicine, in cancer treatment.

The two countries engaged in lengthy negotiations prior to reaching an economic agreement.

No medicine comes without any side effects so they should be taken with caution.
Dolphins can detect sounds that humans cannot.

The government's decision to restructure the local authorities made many employees redundant.

During the next couple of days there is going to be a slight shift in the temperature.

When we address people we do not know well, we should use formal register.

The scientists used infrared glasses to observe the life of nocturnal animals.

I'll always remember my grandma's tender smile whenever she saw us.

As the car had no brakes and was traveling at 180 kph, its impact with the tree was catastrophic for both.

The chemical element iridium, is said to have been named after the Greek goddess Iris.

The seminars Thomas attended really enriched his knowledge and helped him become better at his work.
The smoke and ash from the volcano blotted out the sun.

A great number of shops were forced to close down when their sales plummeted.

The factory closures around the world have affected everybody's lives.

The soldiers' mission was to ensure peace and bring back those who had been captured.
The USA sent the first probes, Sputnik 1 and Explorer 1, into space in 1957 and 1958.

The company decide to launch a more aggressive advertising campaign in an attempt to yield increased profits.

Her whole family tried to dissuade Joanna from quitting her job.

Harriet opted to become a teacher instead of taking over the family business.
Changes to union contract law had serious implications for workers who had little to bargain with as individuals.
Companies that support stem cell research are proud to be in the vanguard of scientific progress.
Accepting the job abroad was a double-edged sword for Christine; she would be making more money but she
would be away from her loved ones.
Can you please explain this Maths equation to me in layman's terms?

Although James never liked cartoons, he went to the cinema to see Helicopters for his son's sake.

The budget for the new project is subject to approval by the management.
Psychological profiling has helped the police arrest quite a few criminals.

Ann's sleeping disorder was attributed by her doctors to the anxiety she experienced at work.

The whole meeting today centred around finding ways to reduce the company's expenses.

Research in medicine should be backed by government funds so as to remain unbiased.

Even in the most routine operations, there are potential complications.

The scientific team decided to push ahead with its research on mammals.

There has been an alarming increase in the unemployment rate amongst young people.
The current state of my grandfather's health really worries me.

It's quite common for different shops and cafes to spring up around universities, hospitals and libraries.

Nick's job was good, but he knew he had no immediate prospects of getting a promotion.

Even the slightest decrease in tourism can have serious repercussions on a Mediterranean country's economy.

The mapping of the DNA is of great significance as it can lead to the cure of many fatal diseases.

Being on the cusp of adulthood, seventeen-year-olds are difficult to handle.

Although Michael had some reservations at first, he finally accepted the promotion offered to him.

The Ministry of Health has initiated a programme of hospital management reform.

As 1 hadn't heard anything since the interview a month before, 1 used my uncle's influence to set the wheels in
Anthony Hopkins performance in his new film is so mesmerising that it'll simply set the world on fire.

The first part of the movie set the scene, so it was difficult to understand if you missed that part.

Lauren has set out her stall to pass her exams with flying colours, so a failure will disappoint her a lot.

Once Sue set her heart on having a new car, there was nothing there parents could do to convince her

The minister wanted to speak in public so as to set the record straight regarding last week's financial scandal.
The director did not want to promote such a young person to the position of Finance Director for fear of setting
a bad precedent.
The two companies are still negotiating the merger. Nothing's set in stone yet.
When he was fifteen, Alex set his sights on becoming a doctor and he's been working toward that goal ever

Watching little Marion screaming and shouting to get some ice cream really set my teeth on edge!
The rest of the team complained to the project manager that Mary wasn't pulling her weight and that they
were forced to do her share, too.

Unless Helen pulls her socks up, she won't qualify to participate in her school's Maths competition next week.
What do you mean Louise went scuba diving? Pull the other one; she can't even swim!
Since the director of the company is about to retire, we all think it's his son who has been pulling the strings

1 think your mechanic must've pulled a fast one on you; changing an exhaust pipe can't have cost that much!
No wonder Darren came first in the one hundred meter race! He ran rings round his opponents all year round!
If the old man has the surgery while he still has an infection, he runs the risk of even more serious

The construction of the new highway runs counter to the government's aim of reducing air pollution.
Mr Wilson is an experienced manager who knows how to run a tight ship.

Fortunately, Malcolm spotted an error in the contract before signing it and asked for its correction.

It is said that the majority of children have a vivid imagination.

Having exchanged emails with Fiona for many years, 1 visualised her as being young and beautiful.
After I'd spent almost three hours waiting in the bank, the bank teller's impatient attitude really irritated me.
BIO is one of the world's largest biotechnology organisations, and Joe’s very lucky to have found work with
Mary's recruiting volunteers to help her organise her school's bazaar this Christmas.
The police have taken precautionary measures to arrange traffic, as many people are expected to travel this
It is every citizen's statutory right to vote.

No one knows the outcome of the elections yet. The votes have not all been counted.

Adverse weather conditions prevented the climbers from reaching the top of the mountain.
No one in the jury believed defendant's claims of being innocent.

The engineer had to reinforce the foundations of the building to make the structure more sound.
The cost-benefit analysis revealed that outsourcing can save a company significant employment costs.
Before launching a new product into the market, the manager ordered a risk assessment to identify any
potential pitfalls.
The CEO has decided to put into action some regulatory procedures that would allow better management of the

The board of directors approved the adoption of some of the committee's new proposals.
The use of asbestos in buildings has been banned as it can cause cancer.

Journalists should be discreet when interviewing celebrities and avoid asking them any sensitive questions.

Prudent company management can yield more profits for any type of business.

The unforeseen weather conditions forced the mountaineers to stop climbing and return to their base.

His parents' undeniable love and support gave Philip the strength to fight against his illness.

Christina Onassis Roussel was only fifteen when she inherited unimaginable wealth from her mother.

If 1 had to compare private versus state education, I'd say that both have their pros and cons.

The government took new measures in order to stem the flow of refugees entering the country.

Many problems arose as a result of the new director's decision to make some organisational changes.

Josh was assigned a really demanding project as he was the most qualified in the department.
The government funds given for the construction of the new school turned out to have been used to put up a
parking lot.

The idea of going to France and visiting Disneyland excited Lauren's children.

Some young artists adopt an unconventional lifestyle to attract people's attention.

Investigating students' perceptions of test difficulty is beyond the scope of the current research project.
The offer of a place in the university's Masters programme is conditional upon my passing my English language

Persa consulted with her advisor on which elective course to take this semester.
Some college students have volunteered to tutor high school students and help them prepare for their
university entrance exams.

Applications for the post of librarian should be given in the first instance to the school headmaster.
I'm contemplating going to London this summer with my family.

Anthony's parents were proud when he went to an American college on a scholarship.
Older generations have difficulty adapting to the fast-moving world we live in.

Elena's bid to participate in a quiz show was successful and she won £5000.

As Mary had been dieting for months, she bought herself an ice cream and ate it with relish!

The car company announced the recall of its latest model due to problems observed in the use of airbags .

Jason didn't know anything about the stock market, so he asked for advice before he invested in stocks.

The two political parties failed in their attempt to broker a coalition government.
The couple sought marriage counselling early in the breakdown of their relationship and managed to save their

The passengers started complaining about the undue delay of their flight.

The contract Harold sighed had clear terms and left no room for interpretation.
1 made it clear at the outset that 1 wouldn't work on weekends.

One positive aspect of living in the countryside is the fresh air.

1 am writing with respect to our meeting which was scheduled to take place next week at your premises.
At the beginning of every school year, we visit the stationery store to buy things like notebooks, pens pencils
and the like.

Look at the cute poses little Zoe takes when she's having her picture taken!
The house was festooned with balloons and streamers for Elizabeth's birthday party.

Upset by the news, Neil snatched his jacket and left the house without saying a word.
Madeline's dream was to become a pilot and fly high up into the ether.

Amanda lost her camera, so she bought a disposable one to use for the rest of her holiday.

Helen never really paid much attention to Mike's throwaway comments about her clothes.

In Thailand, insults against the royal family can lead to imprisonment.

That low-energy bulb needs to be changed as it no longer gives off much light.
The rotten onions on the kitchen counter gave off an odour that no one could stand.

The consignment of goods abroad must be accompanied by an export licence.

Everybody admires John's versatility in sports. He can play tennis, football and basketball extremely well!

The teachers asked the two children to shake hands and eschew violence.

Nathan is having dinner with some of his business acquaintances at a rather expensive restaurant tonight.

The government came in for some serious criticism after its decision to impose more taxes.

Jonathan came up with some innovative ways to increase his company profits.

Adam's clever turn of phrase helped him a lot in his career as a lawyer.

John's meticulous work in keeping the company records up to date is highly appreciated by his employers.
Beatrice had been a vivacious woman in her younger years, but the hardships she endured over the years left
her with little energy.

Choking back her tears, Barbara told us she had failed her university entrance exams.

The bodyguards tried to fend off the singer's admirers and get her safely to her limousine.

Steven sounds a bit pompous when he talks about politics. He likes everyone to think he's an expert.

Ann Rice's morbid fascination with death and immortality led her to write a brilliant series of vampire novels.

"You've postponed applying for a job long enough; 1 think it's high time you grasped the nettle," said Pauline's
Advertisements aim at whipping up people's opinion in favour of the product advertised.
Patrick blurted out the news about Mary's promotion, though he had promised to keep it a secret until it
became official.

Your composition is too short. You need to insert another paragraph.

Brazil and Argentina had long-standing economic rivalries that stood in the way of a new trade agreement.

The new airline company has announced some intercontinental flights, mainly between the US and China.

I'm surprised the tour operator didn't include a visit to Madame Tussauds wax museum in the itinerary.

Oil painting didn't begin to flourish in Europe until the late 15th century.
Landing a plane smoothly requires great skill and expertise.

Retail prices on some products do not always coincide with the manufacturers' suggested prices.
The government's decision to reduce health care benefits may lead to industrial action.

The high point of my holiday in Africa was going on a photo safari.

Skiing in the Alps was an exhilarating experience, much more exciting than on the lower slopes I'd been used to.

The book A Beautiful Mind focuses on how John Forbes Nash's mental illness influenced his subsequent career.

Many people rushed to buy new homes in anticipation of a rise in property transfer fees

The European Commission is planning to table a proposal for a carbon tax.

CMJ is one of the many journals that publishes the findings of current medical research.

Many store owners prefer to send a mailshot to all customers to inform them about offers on certain products.

Rail tickets sold online can be much cheaper when bought a week in advance of the departure date.
Humanitarian aid - food and water - will be sent to countries in Africa facing famine.

The Lamborghini collection is beautifully arranged on two floors of the company's pristine new offices.

Sea level seems to be rising since global warming is causing the polar ice caps to melt.

We need to turn to alternative sources of energy, as oil and coal resources are finite.
Athens has a high population density - around four million people.

The average life expectancy in the 1900s was about 47 years whereas it now stands at 81.

Turkey is the country with the largest consumption of bread, 199,6 kg per person.
Younger people tend to be more receptive to new ideas.

The audience watched spellbound as the magician made the elephant 'disappear'.

The residents of the area protested against having a garbage dump nearby.

My grandfather wasn't a drinker, but he enjoyed having the occasional glass of wine at night.

The new tax shelter was difficult to understand, so 1 had my accountant spell it out for me.
The Greek capital's only landfill in Ano Liosia has reached a saturation point.

Some entrepreneurs in Ohio announced their initiative to combat unemployment.

The replacement of their old TV set with a new one cost more than the Jefferson's had imagine.

A study has revealed that the transition from adolescence to adulthood is getting longer and more complex.
Two of the countries that get most of their energy from renewables are Iceland and Norway.

Volcano eruptions form nature's finest examples of episodic activity.
The government is trying to promote the take-up of benefits among low income working families with children.
According to a recent Met report, climate change will probably cause the UK to face some of the most variable
weather on earth.

Unfortunately wood still remains the most commonly used source of biomass energy.
A terawatt is equal to one trillion watts.

Ms Jones put Mary forward as a possible candidate for the British Mathematical Olympiad.

The primary duty of the teaching staff in an educational establishment is academic instruction or training.
David took issue with Peter yesterday over his interpretation of his duties.

Overgrowth of rabbit population in Australia can change the landscape and denude the hills of vegetation.

Many villages in southern Italy have been ravaged by the continuous floods of the last few days.

Beatrice, a passionate tree-hugger, has taken part in every single campaign against logging.
In ancient Greece, people worshipped the twelve Olympian Gods.

Our new neighbour's a real weirdo. Everyone in town seems to be talking about him.

Mr Garner, our executive manager, will represent the company in the upcoming conference.

A recent study revealed that people who have a low level of self-awareness are likely to hold rigid beliefs.

Environmental organizations should have a holistic approach to saving energy, to raise public awareness.
Dr Sullivan, a renowned astronomy professor, is an active amateur musician as well.

It's so frustrating when students don't pay attention and keep repeating the same mistakes all the time.
Benjamin's been working around the clock for three months; it's an untenable situation that can't continue any

It was not until the early 20th century that El Greco's work was acknowledged.

Raymond's rather amateurish performance was severely criticised.

The politician's switching to the other party has alienated many of his supporters.

The use of examples in a composition help illustrate the writer's views more clearly.
The initiatives for the amelioration of relations between the two neighbouring countries led to signing of a
trade agreement.

1 don't like Nolan's sense of humour much, but 1 think he's a nice bloke.

Many celebrities and especially actors frequented the El Paso restaurant.

Ian has a splitting headache, probably because he was out boozing with his mates last night.
Isabel took some really nice snaps of our trip to the lake.

The office is rife with rumours that the Chief Executive will appoint his replacement sometime today.
Although it hit New Orleans hardest, Hurricane Katrina caused widespread damage across several states .

Free meals are offered to the destitute people of our city on a daily basis.
Despite Georgia being a mother of two, she's managed to keep her slender figure.

Karl managed to sneak out of the house to meet his friends at the park.

The negotiations for the merger of Transpal and Newgoal will commence in a few days.

Heinz kicked off the meeting with some questions that got all of us thinking.

Sally was trying to be patient, but her daughters were behaving so badly that she just lost her cool.
The head teacher called Sam's mother to school because he socked one of his classmates in the face.

The front door jammed, and 1 couldn't get inside my house.

Jacob wiped away the sweat trickling down his forehead and continued playing basketball.

An example of deposition is when the wind picks up sand from one area and drops it on another area.

Oil depletion has forced governments to subsidize research on renewable sources of energy.

Vanessa wanted to find out more about aquatic life, so she took a course taught by a marine biologist.
Environmental degradation due to uncontrolled human activity endangers the entire planet - habitats are
destroyed, biodiversity is lost, natural resources are depleted.

Rational use of water in the domestic environment should be encouraged, especially during periods of drought.
There's no need to include any details. Just draw the outline of the house and colour it.

Some private colleges in Greece are affiliated with British universities.

No solution to environmental problems can be effective unless all countries take concerted action to protect the

Different organizations have pooled food and medicine to give to people in need.

Led Zeppelin's popularity started to wane, along with that of other heavy metal bands, in the 80s.

The scandal surrounding the president's private life did not diminish the benefits of his economic policies.

A factory was built near our neighbourhood, which depreciated the value of our house.

Almost all companies have curtailed any planned rise in salaries because of the economic crisis.

The meeting was confined to the company's budget issues.

Richard worked until late at night, albeit he had to get up early the next morning.

1 always hated the idea of having animals live in an enclosure. I'd rather seem them running free.

Roaming around the streets of London was the most enjoyable part her visit to the U K.
Eight stolen cows on the way to slaughter were saved when police intercepted the truck on which they were

Heavy fines will be imposed on those who are caught poaching the King's deer.
Telecom industries continue to thrive despite the economic crisis.
In my opinion, people who exploit the weak and the needy are scum.

When the basketball player missed the shot, the fans started verbally abusing him.

"Rude and aggressive behaviour will not be tolerated," said the headmaster sternly.
Don't go out in this weather or you'll catch your death of cold!

"It's your fault 1 missed the project deadline" Tom said peevishly.

We have tentatively agreed to move our offices to another building, but nothing is set in stone yet.
Tanya reluctantly agreed to help her mother with the household chores.

Jobs were scarce, so when the manager demoted him, Alex resignedly accepted his new position.

Professors approaching a subject pedantically accomplish nothing but put their students to sleep.

The police acted decisively and managed to control the furious crowd in time.

"1 love you," the mother murmured to her new born child.

"Our country will soon get out of this crisis," the minister said reassuringly.
"George, you're the slowest eater I've ever seen!" "At least 1 don't gobble my food, like you do!" George
The Coast Guard found the boat drifting several miles offshore, with no one aboard.
Not being able to stand the hustle and bustle of the city any longer, Keith moved to a hamlet in West
1 wouldn't listen to Dan, he's a bit of a dilettante as far as music is concerned!

Forgiving the people who have hurt you is indeed an example of nobility.
In the 1970s, it was not only legal but also fashionable for the wealthy to keep menageries of lions, tigers, and
other wild animals on their rural estates.

Wildlife biologists use RFID chips to track animals in the wild and study their migration patterns.

Lions, wolves and tigers are some of the most well-known predators.
The effects of the Bubonic Plague on the demography of Elizabethan London were significant. More than 10,000
people lost their lives.
The Ministry of Tourism approved a package of measures yesterday aimed at sustaining the country's economic
Honey from conifers such as cypresses, firs, and pines is darker in colour and has a pungent flavour.

The Ministry of Agricultural is trying to encourage farmers to diversify into new crops.

Our electricity bill is two weeks overdue. Please, make sure you pay it today.

The government is planning to introduce tougher environmental legislation.

North America was originally inhabited by Native Americans, once called Indians but now referred to as First
Political stability is the keystone to economic growth.

The reformation of the educational system will have far-reaching benefits for educators and students alike.
Animals should live in their natural habitat.

Soil erosion, a natural process, has become a problem ever since human activity accelerated it.

In some overpopulated countries, policies have been introduced to stabilise population growth.
Greenpeace and WWF are two of the organisations that helped raise environmental awareness in Greece.
From her office window, Ashley watched Peter disappear into the shifting crowd of workers on their lunch

Luciano Pavarotti was a celebrated opera singer who crossed over into popular music as well.

The financial scandal that was revealed earlier in the week discredited a well-known businessman.

Lasers are still at the forefront of scientific research, as they can offer much more in the field of medicine.

From what the teacher said, the implication was that most students didn't do well in the test.

Writers resort to exemplification when explaining a general idea.

1 find great solace in my work as it helps me forget my personal problems.

Coastal sand dunes protect the land from the forces of the ocean.

1 find watching the Greek series In the Nick of Time a rather uplifting experience.
Why don't you give thrift a try in your garden? It's a small plant that covers itself with adorable pink flowers and
doesn't need much water.
It's been proven that vetch, apart from its high nutritional value as animal feed, can also improve soil fertility.

Yarrow is widely used in herbal medicine mainly because of its antiseptic properties.
Mary tossed the envelope in the bin as soon as she saw that it contained a brochure.

The loud noise made the monkeys chatter noisily and flee in alarm.

Some actors have received so much criticism for their performances that they must've become immune to it.

Faja Grande on Flores Island in the Azores (Portugal) is buffeted by westerly's off the Atlantic.
James felt rejuvenated after his hike through the wilderness of Mount Olympus.

1 still remember my mother's comforting words when 1 failed my first Maths test in primary school.

Madame Tussauds museum boasts an unrivalled collection of lifelike wax figures.

According to a recent survey, primary school children do not hesitate to openly defy their teachers.

I've got a job interview today, hence the suit.

The publisher is putting together a compendium of early machinery used in agriculture in Greece.
The little boy slipped on the wet floor and landed on the ground with a thud.
Adder's tongue may not have many real uses, but it's a popular commodity of exchange in the World of
Warcraft computer game.
The bulbs of the betty-go-to-bed-at-noon were once used as food in Britain, hence the alternate name, dog
Lady's tresses is actually a type of orchid, so named because the flowers coil around the stalk like a long curl of
Flowers names can be very peculiar and even funny at times.

The priest in our parish has retired, so a new one will be appointed soon.

The majority of people around the world seem to believe that politicians are corrupted by greed.
1 think it's rather vulgar to ask people how much money they earn.

My Life Without Me is a poignant movie about a young woman's decision to conceal her fatal illness.

The clinical research on the new drug yielded some unexpected results which surprised the scientists.
Also known as plantain in the US, traveller's foot can be eaten as a green, raw or cooked, and also has medicinal
The plant of wild heartsease has a remedial use in herbal medicine.

Native to southern Europe, love-in-a-mist has been carried north, where it is a favourite in English gardens,
Many parts of the love-lies-bleeding plant are edible and are used as a source of food in India and South
The name "lords and ladies" is the result of the plant's likeness to the male and female symbols ($ $ ).

Jane decided to quit her job as she couldn't possibly spend another dreary day in her tiny cubicle.

Is sergeant-major a type of plant? Or is it a fish, so named by Linnaeus because its stripes resemble a sergeant's
Some of the customs practised during the Greek carnival can be traced back to the Dionysian festivals in ancient
While many people see the dandelion as a useless weed, it's stem is full of vitamins and minerals, and it's widely
eaten as a green.
My boss can be very persuasive at times, so she dragooned me into finishing the project in a very tight deadline.
On my way from Lancaster to London, 1 saw several homesteads. 1 guess it's pretty convenient for a farmer's
house to be so near his farm.
Netherlands' literally means 'Low countries' or 'Lowlands' as the entire country is almost at the same level as
the sea.
It's quite common in Finland to use hedgerows to separate one field from another.
Most birds living in marshes have long legs which allow them to wade amongst the water plants found in the
Swamps were usually drained in the past to provide farmers with more land.
There are many conifer trees in Greece such as pines and firs. Their cones are attractive, and their seeds
sometimes edible.

Modern man often sees flowers, herbs and weeds as nature's flotsam.
One of the advantages of working freelance is that you don't work for one company only.
Weeds are a considered a farmer's enemy as they take nourishment and water that cultivated plants need to
Raven wandered across the moors of Great Britain gathering specimens for her compendium of wildflowers.

My best friend George is so trendy now that no one can believe that he was a real geek in high school.

Seeing hungry people scrambling over rubbish tips in search of food makes me sad.
Jason chose to lead a vagabond lifestyle, free to travel wherever he wanted and to change plans at a moment's
Travelling outside your country and comparing it to your own can be a most eye-opening experience.

The land in Thessaly is so fertile that it can produce a large variety of crops in great abundance.
In several of his films, Charlie Chaplin played the role of Chariot, a tramp who was always asking for money
from people.
In Greece, the municipal authorities of a town are responsible for the schools' operational needs, such as
The giant hogweed is noxious. Its sap burns the skins and can even cause blindness when it comes to contact
with eyes.

Rosebay willow herb is quite abundant in Britain and, highly nutritious, it’s eaten in salads.

The old building had a sinister appearance that frightened us as kids.

1 had a real stinker of a day at work - my computer crashed and 1 lost all my documents and files.

1 didn't expect it, but the Natural History Museum in Greece does have some dinosaur specimens.
1 prefer my dresses to have a wider hem as it adds a bit more structure to the skirt.

Intellectuals are sometimes referred to as the effete monarchs of the pen.

Some guerrillas blew up the heavy equipment at a mine in Colombia.
A doctor was suspended today for alleged dereliction of duty, after failing to check on his patients after surgery.
Environmentalists are opposed to the plans to divert the Acheloos river for hydro-electric and irrigation

The Prespa Lakes have become a tourist attraction because of their exceptional natural beauty and rare

Buttercups may be beautiful little yellow flowers, but are often quite poisonous for animals that eat them.

A pheasant's eye is not only a beautiful flower but also a herb used to make medicine.
It’s a shame to stay indoors with such splendid weather outside.

The hikers decided to camp for the night at the verge of the forest.
The construction of the new interchange is expected to improve the travel time needed to move around
Poland's capital city.

Pictures of demonstrators hurling stones at the police usually travel around the world.
The popularity of poppies in the late 19th century may be attributed to Van Gogh's many paintings of poppy

Cafe owners have fallen foul of the new government measures to ban smoking in public places.

The excessive use of herbicides has had a negative effect on the environment.
Acheloos is one of the mightiest rivers in Greece, if any can be called mighty. Most are rather shallow and
sometimes dry up in the summer.
The picture of a large ball of tumbleweed, rolling along the windswept ground, has become a cliche in Western
The wind made the boat heave up and down with the waves.

The success of Well's new tablets has exceeded the company's wildest expectations.

Tithing, as a way of donating to one's church, has decreased significantly since 1980.
Unlike what most people believe, a feral dog is not a domestic one that has gone stray but the offspring of a
feral mother.

1 don't know if it's of any consolation to you, but 1 also failed my Maths test.

Christmas holidays are always characterised by their abundance of food and sweets.

More than one billion euros were lavished on the 2004 Olympic Games opening ceremony.

The evocative power of music is also used in medicine to help people recall past emotions.

Avatar is considered a ground-breaking movie mainly because of its extraordinary use of special effects.

The scientific department of the University of Athens will chart the effects of climate on farming.

The curtains in my living room are my most treasured possession, as they were a gift from my grandparents.
Members of the former Greek government have been vilified by the press for their decision to ask for financial

The government is looking into ways to stop the rising tide of protest against the new measures.

It's during early winter that farmers sow their fields with barley, not in spring!
Innovators are famous for their tenaciousness since turning a brilliant idea into a finished product is time
The two studies comparing the bacteria in the stomach of autistic children with those of their siblings yielded
contradictory results.

Bob's decision to drop out of Law school disconcerted everyone.

The country's financial growth spurred investment.

The Eliots, in their attempt to expand their family business, overreached themselves and went bankrupt.
Doctor remain sceptical about herbal practitioners' claims that herbs can cure even such diseases as hepatitis
and cancer.
The underlying premise governing many international companies is that higher wages can lead to higher

The Minister of Health has been the target of relentless criticism for the measures he continues to propose.

John Forbes Nash, Jr., a distinguished mathematician, suffered from periodic bouts of insanity.

The football match was cancelled due to intense thunder storms that began earlier in the day.

Scientists must gather empirical evidence to support their theories.

When Rebecca needed to release her anger, she would close herself in the lift and scream at the top of her

Mrs Addison expressed her intense loathing of violence to her students.

Van Gogh's paintings were scoffed at initially, but now they are worth millions.
In her recommendation letter, Dianne attested to my ability to perform in the workplace.
Lori, a mother of twins, joined a gym to tone up her abs.

1 was dropping with fatigue after pulling an all-nighter to finish my term paper.

It seems that people have finally started coming to grips with the ecological problems of our times.

"Oh, boy, isn't this statistical programme difficult to run?" Don't worry. I'm sure you'll soon get the hang of it."
Springboard diving is a popular Olympic sport.

1 don't need a power supply failure to contend with, too! The workload is enough on its own!
The public holiday was a brief, albeit pleasant, respite from work.

Ralph strapped his mountain bike to the car roof and headed towards the nearest mountain.

First download the updates and then follow the onscreen instructions to install them on your PC.

We should trust Ms Kanes to do the statistical analysis for us. By now, she's an old hand at it.

J. K. Rowling rocketed to fame upon publishing her first Harry Potter book.

A teacher's dismissive attitude can make a student feel unimportant and even scar them for life.

The agile acrobats offered a marvellous spectacle.

One of the drill sergeant's favourite punishments was to make the trainees do 50 squat thrusts. Few could get
past 20 before collapsing.

Adam yanked the door open, breaking the handle off in the process.
A weirdo at the train station was haranguing passengers about the end of the world.

The problems in the public sector have not been resolved so far. It remains inefficient.
Alan seethed with anger when he learned a less experienced and less qualified person had received the

The police seem to have unearthed new evidence that can lead them to the bank robber.

1 don't know if celebrities crave publicity, but they certainly don't despise it.
Many bus passengers flout the law by not validating their tickets.

Patrick claims he's quit smoking, but he always scrounges cigarettes off his friends.

Mr Frederic is lecturing on Human Growth and Development at an Australian university next week.
Burning coal to generate energy produces carbon dioxide.

My grandfather's generation lived through wars, civil war and dictatorship.

When Jason won the lottery, he started travelling. He quickly spent the money, living it up everywhere he went.
The new school rules were not at all popular, but the students learnt to live with them.

How embarrassing, mistaking Peter's fiancee for his mother! I'll never be able to live it down!
Unfortunately, some people live by their wits at the expense of others.

In fairy tales, children often use their ingenuity to escape from giants and dragons.

It's funny how news reports begin with "good morning" and then proceed to explain why it isn't.
It was alleged that Florence Griffith-Joyner had been using steroids, a claim that she vigorously denied for as
long as she lived.

People suffering from blood pressure are advised to follow a low-salt dietary regimen.

Infants as well as elderly people are more vulnerable to very high and very low temperatures.
The discovery of oil in Texas acted as a stimulus for the state's economy, bringing an influx of people to work
the oil rigs.

Kevin couldn't contradict his colleague's potent arguments for embracing art in the classroom.

Many people resort to traditional Chinese medicine to treat ailments from migraines to the common cold.

Ben was just joking about your hat looking like a large bird; don't take it to heart!

A great offer on a product will naturally be spread by word of mouth.

Neil Armstrong was the first man to set foot on the moon in 1969.

Having a heart-to-heart talk with my husband, 1 think we can work out our differences.

Susan strolled leisurely round the city of Rome and admired the monuments.
The old couple walked arm in arm along the beach, as they had every evening for nearly 40 years.

The construction of the new highway will significantly reduce the traffic congestion and nose-to-tail driving.
John's set his mind on a vagabond lifestyle, so he lives a hand-to-mouth existence, doing odd jobs around the

In the past, when shoes were made by hand, the workshop produced no more than 50 pairs in a day.

The two contestants fought tooth and nail to win the spelling contest.
My paediatrician and 1 see eye to eye on parenting issues.

Recreational facilities in the resort include a swimming pool, a tennis court and a mini-golf course.

The journalist made some amendments to his article before he gave it for printing.

The parliament has decided to table an amendment to the 2011 Health Bill on smoking in public places.
While Sara was on leave, her assistant ably performed her duties, so she made sure he received a bonus for his

Everyone in my village was downhearted about the government's decision to close down the school.

Ella was commissioned to lead the project because of her reputed skills in analysing data.

The swimmer was complacent about his ability to take first place, so he refused to train any harder.

Marion knew there was no room for complacency if she wanted to win the writing competition.

According to a survey, owning fake goods can trigger a cynical, dishonest and even corrupt attitude.
Lionel Messi dismisses his alleged goal-scoring rivalry with Cristiano Ronaldo as a media confection.

Many countries still develop lethal weapons, from tiny toxins to nuclear bombs.
The bubonic plague swept through Europe in the 14th century and killed around 40 -50% of the European

Satisfaction with marriage, career, education and income are among the factors contributing to longevity.

Donations for the tsunami victims have been pouring in on an unprecedented scale.

Certain communicable diseases, such as measles, and chicken pox, are transmitted through airborne germs.

Eve was the first sinful figure in the Bible. Adam was the first to sin due to peer pressure.
Gluttony is considered to be one of the seven deadly sins.
According to psychology, a person who’s aware of his imperfection usually strives to correct it and, thus,
achieve perfection.

The anti-smoking lobby is pushing for a complete ban on smoking in public places, including in your own car.
Employee-owned companies are more competitive as all staff have a personal stake in the company's success.

The political turbulence that prevailed in 17th century England is reflected in John Milton's poetry and prose.
Mother Teresa's whole life was driven by an urge to help others.
Some laws, such as those on human rights, are passed by member states after being promulgated through an
EU declaration.
We should not discount the possibility that the competition will out-bid our offer.

Leaves had clogged up the storm drains, so the rainwater rushed downhill and flooded the low-lying properties.
Teaching too many new words in the same day may lead to an information overload for foreign-language

1 cannot accept your argument as it is based on fallacious reasoning.

Dora reconciled herself to the idea of having to work through the holidays.

The headmaster hired security guards to contain further incidents of violence and bullying at school.

Lack of funds poses a serious obstacle to the construction of new highways.

1 know that Frank is in his office! Stop trying to mislead me by saying he's in a meeting!
The slightest change in pre-schoolers' routine can leave them in a state of bewilderment.

Mary's decision to expand her business is based on the underlying assumption that the economy will improve.
Judge Thompson removed himself from the case, because he had a vested interest in the plaintiff's company.

A campaign has been launched to protect the wildlife in the Pindos Range

The provision of a more reliable public transport system has helped reduce traffic congestion.
We were not able to secure funding for our research this year, but we hope to find money to go ahead next
Jay has been consistently doing great work for his company and expects a rise in his pay.
Before her colleagues had a chance to ask for a rise, Julie seized the initiative to ask for one.
The professor placed emphasis on the words due Monday to make it clear that there wasn't going to be an
Having decided to transfer their property to their offspring, the couple got their attorney to set the process in

The government has announced that it will allocate £1,000,000 of the bailout money to education.

You cannot organise an event in a public place without getting an official sanction.
The Greek government has promised to rectify any injustices that occurred due to the effect of the
1 wouldn't place that heavy box on that dodgy table!

Some teenagers come up with the most pathetic excuses for not doing their homework.
The team of scientists were hired to undertake research to find a cure for the HN1 virus.

In his speech, the US President alluded to young people's potential to change the future of the economy.

My two children, Tim and Ralph, are 6 and 9 years old respectively.
Recent research has shown that cohesive work teams tend to be more productive, especially when
responsibility is equally shared.

Mom hired a housekeeper to help with the daily grind of the household chores.

Clark signed up with an employment agency to help him find a job.

Donald's superiors saw him as a high-flyer due to his knowledge of finance, law and marketing strategy.

Unstable weather conditions and fluctuations in temperature seem to have become the norm lately.

William's boss gave him a golden handshake and forced him to early retirement.

Jason cut his teeth on his uncle's law firm before establishing his own.

Most crabs walk sideways, but why? Does it keep them from tripping over their huge front claws?
The new Mercedes SLK-II is faster than its predecessor, the SLK-I.

The global economic instability, still prevalent in most countries, started in 2008.
Getting the promotion was a mixed blessing for Rebecca, as she had less time available for her family.

I've been working very hard on this project for over a month now and I've become a little stale.

The manager was furious at his assistant as the report she typed was riddled with errors.
You have to be more than a bit aggressive to succeed, or even survive, in a dog-eat-dog corporate environment.

Brad Pitt dropped out of the University of Missouri journalism school two weeks before his graduation.

The Shefferd Scientific School functioned as a separate entity until 1956 when it integrated with Yale College.

His friends congratulated Chris on his new job, but a whiff of jealousy could be detected in their words.
No sooner had Alison won the case than a top-ranked law firm snapped her up.
The tutor's strong track record in getting her students through university entrance exams made John feel
confident about hiring her.
Fred breached his contract and walked out on his job about a month ago.

Politicians have always used the media to manipulate the mindset of the public.

When my children visited the family farm last year, my father tried to foster their interest in agriculture.
The jury is still out on whether energy drinks are good for adolescents. Research is in the early stages.
Since the chip industry has reached its peak, a quantum leap in technology must be made for further progress
to be possible.
1 think 1 would've appreciated more tangible evidence of my boss' appreciation, such as a bonus or a salary

Victor perceived a change in his son's behaviour which troubled him.

Running a lean company isn't always easy. There's always the risk of not executing something well because
you're understaffed.

The new manager worked hard to reverse the decline in company profits.
Nicotine gums and patches are just a quick fix to quitting smoking, as they merely prolong nicotine addiction.
Not many young people opt to become farmers. 1 think the nub of this problem lies in the limited financial
returns for hard work involved.

Worry over job loss and uncertain fortunes, sets one class against the other and leads to a fragmented society.

The Parnitha fire was obviously a result of arson, but the perpetrators remain unknown to this very day.
Seeing all the fans gathered outside the hotel entrance, the famous pop band made a quick exit by a rear
service door.

Pauline's mediocre performance at college didn't allow her to pursue a Master's degree.
There was so much tension at work today that 1 just kept my head down all day.

An experienced project manager usually takes a proactive and pragmatic approach to achieving business goals.

It's essential for horse riders to be able to control and direct their horses' lateral movement if they are to ride
them on a narrow trail.
American factory output reached its peak in 2007. Since then, imports from cheap labour countries have filled
the US market.
The play 1 saw last night, The Three Sisters, was yet another run-of-the-mill production, which failed to excite
the audience in any unique way.

Laura had a quick bite at the cafe and went back to her office.

Living in the fast lane might seem exciting but it also entails exposing yourself to all sorts of dangers.
I’ve hired a housekeeper due to my increasingly hectic schedule.

Were 1 interested in making a quick buck, 1 would have finished this project a long time ago.

Albert is attending a series of seminars that offer him a fast track to a better position.

My friend struggles to keep up with my brisk pace whenever we go hiking.

The new manager's changes were so swift, the department had barely adjusted to one before another was
The bank issued an official denial of the allegations that senior managers had embezzled money. A cashier was
blamed instead.

1 was so tired the other day that 1 took a catnap in my chair!

Bill prefers living abroad, although, conversely, he likes being close to his friends and family.
Being new in the office, Grace has to adjust to the fast tempo of the work.

Harvard University's deficit is $34 million in the current fiscal year, while it was only $7.9 million in the previous
Both the USA and EU sent foreign aid to the people of Manila, in the Philippines, after they were hit by Super
Typhoon Yolanda.

Jonathan's experience in retail has made him one of the best sales assistants in the shop.
Our customs and traditions are a legacy from our forefathers.

Leaders claim things are improving in Euro zone, so Europeans are starting to feel optimistic about coming out
of the recession.

Remote villages and islands are shut off from health services and schooling.

1 find it hard to keep up to date with scientific neologisms. It's as if scientists coin new words every day.
Joey, a popular American sitcom, is a spin-off from Friends, in which Joey Tribbiani moves to Los Angeles to
pursue his acting career.
As the pretesting design my colleague was proposing was rather complicated, it took me a while to latch on.
Hedge fund managers make money, regardless of which stock they invest in, because they "bet" on both its gain
and its loss.

Anthony, a shrewd stock broker, has made a fortune on the reliable performance of blue chip investments.
When joining the bank, George received a golden hello of £2,500.

Everyone is optimistic about the green shoots that have started to show in the European economy.

US real estate agents have been drowning in red ink ever since the economic crisis hit and lending dried up.

Appliance retailers are currently offering great discounts on all white goods.
A white knight made a friendly takeover offer to save the company targeted by a hostile rival.

Dinosaurs were the dominant species on Earth for around 135 million years.

Bob was promoted to Sales Executive, having worked as a salesman for over ten years.
When Mr Morris retired, his sons took over the family business.

Qualified personnel handled the computer problem and managed to resolve it within a matter of days.

Having completed her internship successfully, Tracey was finally hired by the company.

Page had been working as an intern in a newspaper before she got her current job as a journalist.
The decoding of DNA was a landmark in forensic sciences, anthropology and genetics as well as in the field of
The government had to impose strict austerity measures to avoid the country going bankrupt.
It is not uncommon for celebrities to sue a paper for making up stories that disturb their family life
Employees that have been unfairly dismissed are strongly encouraged to take their cases to an employment
Since her child is a minor, Mary's eligible for early retirement.

The jury ruled that BMC tablet 10.1 did not infringe on the iZone's tablet design.

Our Finance Minister is going to meet with his German counterpart later this month.
Sound recruitment procedures are often the key to employing better staff.

I've loaded up my tablet with nigh on ten books to read during my summer holidays.

The tremendous success of Debra's books have given her celebrity status.
The researcher brought documentation of her findings, lest the conference attendees think she was

The books 1 ordered online will be dispatched within two business days.
Official documents should be sent by registered post.
Money donated for victims of natural disasters can go astray if the managing charity spends too much on staff

Commuting to your workplace on a daily basis is extremely tiring.

Catherine had to leave home at the crack of dawn to catch her six o' clock flight.
My grandfather used fern leaves to cover a gazebo in the garden for the hot summer months.

The rocks near a river are usually covered with moss.

Our garden was overgrown with different plants and weeds, so we had to cut them back and pull out the
unwanted ones.

James is such a taciturn guy that sometimes it’s difficult to get him to talk.

Captain Hook is a real bounder in the film Peter Pan. He’s greedy and he despises children.
Male chavs like to wear loads of gold, preferably fake gold, a baseball hat and loose jeans or tracksuits.
The Neanderthal attitude towards music education adopted by some prominent politicians, in a way, invalidates
the education reform bill.
Some thugs smashed Thomas’ car windows last night, stole his CD player and slashed his tyres.

Clint Eastwood, as Harry the tough detective, developed a reputation as a lout.

Jarvis was a real nerd in high school. He had no sense of fashion, eschewed pop music and only really liked
discussing botany.
Karen grew up in a big family with five siblings: a brother and four sisters.

Sharon Stone is most famous for her role as the vamp, Catherine Trammel, in Basic Instinct.

Helen comes across as a bimbo, but in fact she’s one of the cleverest people I’ve ever met.

Josh's such a charmer with his cute little smile, it's hard not to cave in to his requests.
My grandma thinks that young men used to be much more chivalrous in the past.

1 still remember how my doting grandmother would satisfy my every whim as a kid.

Effeminate behaviour in very young boys is the result of their imitating their mothers.
Laddish behaviour is quite typical of teenage boys, who are trying out what they think are adult male roles.

Katy Perrie got very prickly when the interviewer started asking her questions about her ex-husband.
Helen was too wimpy to confront her daughter's problem of compulsive shopping, and so the girl kept on with

Decisiveness in leadership plays a fundamental role in staff coordination, discipline and problem solving.
Decision making based on intuition rather than evidence can be more productive at times, disastrous at others.

Jeffrey's assertiveness and dynamic personality allowed him to venture into entrepreneurship at a young age.

Many people doubt the fairness of the judicial system, as judges are not always impartial or unbiased.
Honesty is the key to all successful human relationships and business transactions.

Despite Mr Gordon's powerful position in the government, he was still a man of great humility.
It takes a lot of stamina to run a marathon, as it entails running steadily for two or more hours.

It is only natural that Messi and Ronaldo's lives revolve around football.
Animal rights proponents gathered enough petition signatures to pass a new law regulating animal
Those who take exercise regularly reap the benefits of good health.

Frank's behaviour at school differs markedly from what he does at home.

1 found a much cheaper flat, but 1 don't know if 1 really want to buy it. 1 must say, I'm in a quandary.

Turning in at least one new home sale each week, Walter was considered the pacesetter in the estate agency.

Monet's paintings exemplify Impressionism, a painting style which was popular in the 19th century.

Students that study aboard are quite often overwhelmed by feelings of homesickness.
Behavioural psychologists advocate creative discipline as being much more effective than punishment-oriented
"If all citizens paid their taxes in full and on time, our country wouldn't be in this predicament," stated the
Prime Minister.

A person's true quality can be discerned from their resourcefulness in overcoming adverse conditions.
Building new sports centres costs a lot of money but, be that as it may, there is a need for one.
"The reward for success will be great, but, by the same token, the penalty for failure will be high," said the
coach to his players.

"1 don't have the luxury of time to cook complicated dishes." "Likewise. That's why 1 order out a lot."

It was pouring outside. Nonetheless, the football team kept on practising.

The cost of food and clothing has increased in recent years. Similarly, fuel prices have gone up considerably.

The government has set a two-year time frame for the implementation of the new policies.

In consultation with her dietician, Carol chose the most appropriate dietary regimen.

Not only is it illegal but also dangerous to make a U-turn on a motorway.

Upon the successful completion of his studies, Harold was awarded a doctoral degree.

Samuel found his boss's evaluation overly critical, if not downright insulting.

The player was reprimanded by his coach for using abusive language.

The teacher came over as strict at the beginning of the school year, but she turned out to be rather lenient.

Some university students try to ingratiate themselves with their supervisors to get higher grades.

1 think earlier generations tended to be more deferential towards their teachers, mainly because of the strict
school rules.

1 was tempted to snap back at my boss when she called me a liar, but 1 managed to control my temper.

"We haven't won the lottery. You're just pulling my leg," Jane said in disbelief.

It is important that employees attend a refresher course to keep updated on any new developments.

It is typical of rich people to send their children to posh private schools.

There was a large dent in the door of the car after the collision.

1 had just valeted my car when my kids spilt their juice on their seats.

Drugs prescribed for the common cold usually make people feel drowsy.
Buses return to the depots every night, where they receive maintenance and cleaning for the next day's service.

The nuances of her voice revealed that her feelings towards James had changed.

Dealing with a rebellious teenager might be an extremely challenging task.

Despite his lack of experience, the young actor gave a spunky performance as John Connor.
As an ardent supporter of Chelsea, Nick has never missed a game.

It is a supervisor's job to ensure employee compliance with the company regulations.

As 1 was planning to travel by plane at the time, 1 was horrified at the news of a crash landing at the San
Francisco Airport.

The coach was unable to control his fury at the players for losing and started shouting hysterically at them.

Stella has taught her daughter impeccable manners. She's the most well-behaved child I've ever met.
Well-to-do families can afford to buy expensive things.

Firefighters have been outfitted with special clothes that can protect them from very high temperatures.
1 usually get ratty with my children when they are disobedient.

John went horse riding wearing a new pair of jodhpurs.

While 1 was searching for holiday decorations in the attic, 1 rooted out an old jacket.
The farmer mixed the soil with manure as it helps plants grow faster.

You can use a pitchfork to move the straw and the hay in the stable.

Bad body posture can lead to muscular and spinal problems.

According to NASA's findings, the moon is lopsided, with the backside much thicker than the front.
Jason could hardly restrain himself from hitting his friend when he found out that John had lied to him.

The appalling working conditions filled the factory workers with dismay.
As he didn't have anything more valuable, Steven used his car as collateral fora student loan.

My grandmother used to dole out money to all Christmas carollers.

The experiences Steven and Rebecca shared at college helped them bind together.

Thomas found his teacher's mumbled explanations were even more disconcerting than the algebra itself.
Jim's belligerent behaviour towards his teacher was unacceptable, to say the least.

Chris painstakingly explained how the car accident had happened, trying not to leave out any details.

What do you mean you don't like the food? Are you implying that I'm a bad cook?
Mary felt that she had no other choice but to quit her job, as she couldn't comply with the law firm's

Jane was reluctant to talk about her plans openly, for fear of being criticised.

The customer paid for his purchase and left the shop.
Excessive exercise can cause strain, fatigue and pulled muscles.

The two managers took extra care not to be seen during their clandestine meeting.

As Mary was resolved to lose weight, she took up jogging every morning.
From what Joseph said, the implication was that he would resign.

It was inevitable that John would get promoted as he really worked hard.
Ben gave his wife a white orchid on their wedding anniversary.
Contrary to adults' perceptions that teenagers are apathetic about their education, students highly value its

It might sound callous, but 1 don't feel sorry about lazy people even if they're unemployed.

"Your essay is flawed and lacks coherence. Please correct your mistakes," said the teacher.

John can be relied on. He is a trustworthy friend.

Many politicians are highly articulate speakers and thus able to sway people's opinions.

Coming from a religious family, Sue decided to have a conventional wedding.

The extremely garrulous taxi driver talked incessantly and gave Fiona a headache.

Being completely unflappable, Steven was put in charge of the rescue team.

Peter's brazen admission that he was cheating at cards shocked his friends.

1 can't tolerate Jason's fickle behaviour. He is always changing his mind about everything.
The country needs a decisive leader, not a spineless one.

Jake decided to remain neutral and refused to take any sides when his friends started arguing.

Jane rues the day she bought such an old house; it's always in need of repairs.
The tea was very hot, so Fernando had to sip it carefully.

My hair's usually so tangled that 1 hardly ever brush it.

Many women are hung up on appearance, so they tend to resort to cosmetic surgery more easily than men.

Since the two girls didn't have anything else to do, they spent their time chatting idly.

I'll scribble Mum a note to say we're going out.

A passer-by noticed that the boat was drifting out to sea and informed its owner.

The words "day" and "pay" rhyme.

The European Union's proposed anti-racist law is expected to have a favourable impact on the treatment of

Dr Jones is a distinguished scholar of French literature and is admired for his extensive knowledge.

Ryan supposedly sent the invitations, so 1 guess they're stuck somewhere in the mail system.
When we went to France, we visited the imperial palace in Versailles.
The new owners are planning to turn the warehouse into a department store.

I'll always remember the cadence of my mother's voice when she read poems.
Dan Brown's novels have been widely acclaimed by readers all over the world.

J.K. Rowling's books are so gripping that you can't stop reading them once you start.

Some of the ideas in Jean-Paul Sartre's novels were quite impenetrable. 1 was unable to understand them.
John followed his teacher to the headmaster's office, albeit reluctantly.

This is a non-smoking area. Please refrain from smoking.

1 cannot understand what prompted Jeremy to resign. He really seemed happy with his job.

The students were so immersed in their history test that they didn't notice their teacher leaving the classroom.
The police apprehended my neighbour today as there was compelling evidence that he was involved in a

The lecturer drew all the strands of his argument together in his conclusion.

The themes of good and evil are interestingly interwoven in John Milton's Paradise Lost.

An unexpected twist is a plot device employed by authors to grab the readers' attention.

The Harry Potter series has had a great appeal for people who have a penchant for fantasy.

Da Vinci's Mona Lisa is regarded as a masterpiece. Admittedly, it is a unique work of art.

The article gave readers an insight into the practices and policies that led to the current reccession.

Researchers need to keep meticulous accounts of their findings.

It is widely believed that success is the result of sheer hard work.

The students were so engrossed in the exam that they didn't hear the bell ring.
There is an overpowering smell of rotten fish in the kitchen.

There has been a lot of conjecture in the papers about Elizabeth's divorce.

Oscar Wilde's perception of the world was revealed through his books.

It is shocking to see so many poor families around the world living in wretched conditions.
Gina is supposed to be the rightful heir to a vast estate in New York.

The rock festival was not well known, so it was a great coup for the organising committee to get Madonna to
I'll always be indebted to my professor for the great job she's offered me.

Most James Bond films take their audience to London for the denouement of the story.
Mary Anne Evans, a prominent English writer of the Victorian era, wrote her novels under a male pseudonym,
George Eliot.

Terrorist attacks have been condemned by governments worldwide as an act of violence.

All the director's comments apropos the script were accepted by the screenwriters

After losing her job, Stella contemplated applying for a position abroad.
As his new flat was much smaller, Bruce gave away most of his furniture.

After searching online, Georgia finally managed to track down the book she wanted in the local bookshop.

Van Gogh remained an obscure painter throughout his short life, achieving fame only after his death.

The Chief Inspector refused to elaborate any further on the outcome of the investigations.
The company changed its name to get round paying taxes it owed.

The flood has caused widespread damage across the entire region.

One of the drawbacks of living in the city is air pollution.

The student used a quotation from Twain's novel to support his argument.

A proper evaluation of the new system can show its efficiency.

Educators shouldn't differentiate their students on the basis of their ethnic origin.

The exhibition juxtaposes El Greco's early paintings with some of his later ones.
It must have been hard for the Aborigines to get used to the new inhabitants and the changes they brought
Historians are still trying to explain the unexpected demise of the Aztec civilisation.

The former Prime Minister's career in politics spanned nearly 50 years.

The River Kings' Road is a great epic novel, full of magic and chivalry.

Some philosophers have received harsh criticism for their revolutionary ideas.
Thanos is looking very shifty. He's probably up to something.

Some of the workers' union proposals were incorporated in the new legislation.

Reverend Johnson will be the visiting preacher at the local church next Sunday.
Judicious use of water is necessary in dry regions.

Nefarious activities such as fraud and drug trafficking shock people.

The original report had to be truncated as it was too long.

The two pictures appear to be the same, but on a closer look you'll notice some subtle differences.

In his novel Anna Karenina, Tolstoy portrays marriage with all its faults and problems.
Picasso is best known for his distinct, abstract style of painting.

It is paradoxical that there are so many homeless people In developed countries.

Christmas brings tidings of great joy to Christians, who are expected to share their love with the rest of

Children mature at different ages. Some are fully developed in their late teens.
in the course of the interview, 1 realised that 1 was overqualified for the position of Assistant Manager.

Only a few people have the skills to survive in the wilderness.

The researcher was hoping that his findings would contribute to a reconciliation between fact and theory.

There are a few things that 1 don't like about my house, but by and large it's very cosy.

The company went bankrupt subsequent to the vice president's resignation.

Elaine's new flat is exquisitely furnished. It’s one of the most beautiful homes I’ve ever seen.

Each one of the traditional villages on Tenerife is hauntingly beautiful.

The two rival companies are intensely competing in the tablet market.

Each one of these shades of blue is subtly different from the rest.

Even the best of students can get utterly confused trying to understand Statistics.

Details of politicians’ private lives are zealously guarded.

The ceiling of the old temple was covered with intricate patterns.

Too much price in one’s accomplishments or fame can cause a person to seem pompous.

Michelangelo's realistic depiction of the human body stemmed from his observation of anatomy.

The scientist's comments about life on other planets are open to interpretation.
The film 1 saw last night was an accurate portrayal of Picasso's life.

Sue managed to retain her dignity despite losing all of her property.

Priceless works of art are kept in museums for posterity.

Thousands of people succumb to cancer every year.
The white tiger and many other rare species are in danger of extinction.

The greatest diversity of organisms can be found in the tropical forests of Indonesia.

Precious stones such as diamonds are expensive because of their rarity.

1 can't watch this film again. I've watched it countless times.
The weather, which had hitherto been mild and sunny, suddenly turned cold.

In many societies, there is still a highly unequal distribution of wealth.

My inability to answer my professor's question revealed the patchiness of my knowledge of aquatic fauna.

The footballers had different, but complementary skills which made their team stronger.
Due to their overlapping schedules, they had to hire a nanny to look after their children.

It was clear from the outset that the better qualified candidate would get the job.
My parents never saw eye to eye when it came to buying a new car.

1 sympathise with those who have lost family members because I've suffered a loss, too.
My family has never set great store by material things, as we've always been more interested in accumulating

Scientists have conducted research to shed some light on the secrets of longevity on Ikaria island.
Mr Smith is responsible for the induction of the new employees into the company.

If you want to lose weight, you must reduce your intake of calories
Mediterranean countries hope for a large influx of tourists during the summer months.

Employees were allowed to bring their spouses and children to the company party.

Instead of emulating their parents, teenagers are often influenced by their peers and want to be like them.

1 really prefer eating a salad of assorted vegetables instead of one that has only lettuce.

The doctors refused to disclose the name of the organ donor, since he preferred to remain anonymous.
Works of art of great artists are exhibited in the Louvre Museum in Paris.
The jury reached a verdict early this morning, and the defendant was released as he was not found guilty of the

The court is making the ruling on John's case this morning.

Hundreds of people were imprisoned during the war by military decree.

The teacher assigned homework to her class.

Constraints on spending have forced the company to reduce its staff.

The high percentage of illegal immigrants has forced the European Union to impose restrictions on immigration.
The inavailability of government funding is the main restraint on stem cell research.

University professors are held in high esteem for their profound knowledge in their fields.

After spending three weeks by the beach, it was hard for Jane to return to the daily grind.

Jill is cramming for her exam tomorrow, so she'll be burning the midnight oil tonight.
1 can't believe you coughed up £150 for a haircut!
Efficient cooperation amongst employees is dependent on both goodwill and compliance with the company's
If you're genuinely interested in helping the homeless, help them! Put your money where your mouth is!
The children had better come back home pronto or they'll be in trouble.

If you tell your children to practice their handwriting one more time, you won't see them for dust.

Being with her family at home is Janet's idea of bliss. Nothing makes her happier.

Meryl Streep must have been in a state of euphoria after winning her Oscar award.
The disease was highly contagious and spread quickly all over the area.

The witness only managed to get a fleeting look at the thief before he ran away.

The children watched the cartoon with an expression of rapture on their faces. They loved it!
The conference participants left the room with a great sense of elation at what had been achieved so far in the
field of medicine.
Yawning seems to be infectious, as other people subconsciously start doing it as well.

A glass of wine often gives a transient sense of euphoria.

Fashion is ephemeral as styles may only last for a couple of years.

The doctor removed the tumour through invasive surgery.

A virulent form of flu has resulted in the death of several people in the country.

Writing a book requires considerable intellectual effort.

It's a sheer pleasure listening to our school choir sing in harmony.

The benefits offered by yoga contribute to an increased feeling of well-being.

Helen was on cloud nine as she was about to get married soon.
Lucy's recent car accident has ruled out any chance of her driving again.

Nelson Mandela's many sacrifices were a catalyst for change in Africa.

Every time 1 meet Thom 1 get a headache; he gives me a weird vibe.

A period of political stability can be beneficial to a country's economic growth.

After a hard day at work, Sharon curled up on the sofa in front of the fireplace and listened to music.

It has become a cliche to say that Paris is the most romantic city in the world.

When she realised that her friend had betrayed her, she felt a surge of anger.
After reaching the top of the mountain, the climbers began their difficult descent.

The appalling weather conditions prevented the hikers from getting to their destination.

The two backpackers left Milan and set out for Rome early the next morning.
A marriage is successful only when it's based on mutual trust, respect and love.

James has been feeling under the weather ever since he returned from his trip to India.

Richard has always preferred living in the close-knit community of a village, as people are closer to each other.

It's past midnight. If 1 don't turn in, 1 won't be able to get up early tomorrow morning.
The campers spent the night gazing up at the canopy of twinkling stars.

The tourists were amazed at the awesome beauty of Niagara Falls.

The legislation announced by the Democrats may tip the balance in favour of their party.
Looking at life through rose tinted spectacles has given Ryan an optimistic assurance he can overcome life's

Becoming rich after so many years of economic hardship was beyond Alan's wildest dreams.

Randall has always been a true friend, and this counts for more than anything else in my book.
Directors would never put their heads on the line by making rush decisions that could put the future of a
company at stake.
Some people develop a jaundiced view of life after having many accidents.

Older generations generally express scepticism towards new theories.

The politician's arguments were far from being valid; in fact they were flawed.

The low voter turnout in the last election shows the people's dissatisfaction with politicians.

Some types of roses bloom all through the spring and summer.

Tomatoes flourish only in warm climates.

The mother panicked when she saw the blood oozing out of the cut on her son's lips.

The fields of grain rippled in the soft wind like golden waves.

The marathon runner could feel the sweat trickling down his back.

Steven left the fire burn out before he went to bed.

After the match, uncontrollable violence flared up between the football fans of the two opposing teams.

Mobile phones must be switched off when filling up the car, as an electrical signal can cause the petrol to ignite.
A smouldering cigarette can start a fire in the forest.

Kate put on her sunglasses, as she was dazzled by the bright sun.

Mary's face lit up with excitement when her father told her they were going to Disneyland.
The jewel on Mary's necklace sparkled in the sunlight; it must have been a diamond.

Don't boil the vegetables. Just let them simmer for five minutes.

Stew the beef for about an hour before you add any vegetables and spices.

There's a glut of unsold houses in my neighbourhood. I'm sure you'll find one to buy.

There has been an outbreak of food poisoning, but its causes have yet to be identified.

Financial problems have been plaguing the department store due to the sharp decrease in sales.

When 1 feel depressed, 1 either throw myself into a whirlwind of activity or remain apathetic.

A cottage in the Alps sounds like an idyllic place to celebrate our wedding anniversary.
Thanos wrapped his arms around my neck clingingly while 1 was trying to pull him back to see what the
problem was.
The new software was not compatible with our old computer system and thus didn't work.

Many folks have moved away from the hustle and bustle of the city to live in the tranquillity of the countryside.
Even though many mothers yearn for peace at home, it's impossible to get it with their children around.

Ryan had always aspired to be a successful author, which he achieved eventually with his first best seller.

Despite knowing the answer, Paul hung back and let his classmate speak.
It's only five but it's dark already; the days have really drawn in.

We need to buy new wallpaper; this one has started to peel off.

Wine stains on clothes cannot be easily removed with a bit of soda water.
The robbers used the hostages as a human shield to escape.

Jane got some flecks of paint on the floor while painting the walls.

As our idyllic holidays ended, we all boarded the ship with a tinge of sadness.
The luminous hand of the clock cast some light in the dark room.

When the Smiths arrived at the pub, they found the door locked and barred.
The heady smell of spices and wine pervaded the Dobson's' house, giving their guests a sense of anticipation for
the meal ahead.
Despite being in his sixties, our coach looks robust and healthy.

1 didn't sleep at all last night because of the bleating of goats and the barking of dogs.

Small dogs can be quite annoying, as they tend to yap around people's feet endlessly.

"Look out," Susan screeched at the top of her voice.

1 could hear the cat purring contentedly as she lay on my lap.

1 could tell something bad had happened when 1 saw Rose's melancholy expression.

"What's this humming sound?" "1 guess it's the computer."

The buzz of mosquitoes around Magda's head kept her awake all night.
The cows were grazing in the lush green pastures.

Having a family and a thriving business, Jessica seems quite content with her life.
The mayor announced that a banquet would be given in honour of the President.

A great part of Australia's verdant countryside was destroyed in a fire a couple of years ago.

I'm sure the kids will take to their new teacher right away. She's quite friendly and easy going.
After announcing new policies, managers often find themselves at odds with employees, who are unwilling to
accept changes.
Her conventional style sets her apart from the glamorous actresses.

The government's austerity measures have deepened the recession and caused public outrage.

Our agricultural produce is exported to countries as far afield as Norway and Sweden.

Supporters of the epicurean school advocate getting pleasure from the senses.

A solution to the problem of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest is still elusive.

"Let me draw a diagram to illustrate my point," the sales manager said.

There is nothing more exhilarating than hiking in the tranquil countryside.

Ted has set his eyes on becoming the President of the company and nothing will prevent him from achieving his
Julia raved about the restaurant's pasta but changed her tune when she noticed there was fresh fish on the

The teacher looked funny in her tight dress but the pupils tried to keep a straight face and remained serious.

Life expectancy has improved greatly in the past two decades.

Try looking up "passive voice" in the index at the back of the book to see what page it's on.

The money my entire family spent last year on our holidays averaged out at around £500 per person.

According to recent findings, smoking is the prime cause of lung cancer.

Greece's temperate climate attracts visitors all year round.
An electric wheelchair gives the handicapped greater mobility, as it enables them to travel without much
physical effort.
Hundreds of Greeks emigrated to Australia in the 1950s, seeking a better life.

Mandela was strongly criticised and even imprisoned for his antiapartheid views, considered radical by the
Due to the high unemployment rate, many families struggle to make ends meet.

Child psychologists claim that children should be taught the concept of right and wrong from an early age.

Scientists predict that in the future parents will be able to determine the gender of their child.

The HR manager gave a brief overview of what the job involved.

Conservatives oppose any changes in the status quo.

Many teachers find working with young children fulfilling.

Globalization is a modern phenomenon, made possible by electronic communication and cheap shipping.

Some actors never gain the prominence they deserve.

The young politician is supported by the whole political spectrum.

In an attempt to cut corners, the builders used cheaper construction material.

After his business went bankrupt, Ian ended up down-and-out.

Our business has gone from one financial crisis to another/ but we've managed to keep our heads above water.

Pensioners have started feeling the pinch of living on reduced income

The company must be in the red, as it has suffered huge losses in the stock market.
Many TV shows in Australia are made on a shoestring budget.

Because of the economic crisis, most people have had to tighten their belts.

The fashion industry is in for a rough ride, since sales have plummeted.

Romanticism as a literary genre originated in Europe at the end of the 18th century.
The smell of wild roses evokes memories of my wedding day.

The last elections were marked by widespread apathy amongst young voters.

The new building did not conform with safety regulations, so we couldn't move our offices there.

Children with learning disabilities are now included in mainstream education.

Ellen had no notion of how difficult the project was going to be and committed herself to a tight deadline.

It sometimes takes a lot of courage to swim against the tide to promote your ideas.
James can't hide his aversion to people who show off.

As a postgraduate student, 1 had to subscribe to quite a few scientific journals to be able to access them online.

Many artists depicted nature in their paintings during the Romantic era.

The manager devised a plan to facilitate communication between the two departments.

Tourists that get on the London Eye can have a bird's eye view of London.

Fashion designers often wear eccentric clothes to attract attention to their brand.
Many young men join the army in their quest for adventure.

You must be very naive to trust a street vendor that claims to sell designer items.
Fred's vulgar manners disgusted the more refined diners at the table.

It is wondrous how people contrived tools out of stone during the Stone Age.

The young child felt humiliated when his classmates laughed derisively at his mistakes.

Many people work so hard that they have very little time for recreational activities.
My children are really sentimental about their old toys and don't let me give them away.

The government is trying to transfer ownership of its enterprises to the private sector.

Samantha does voluntary work for the local orphanage in the afternoons.

Leaving her hometown after twenty years must have been quite a wrench for Emily.
1 could never lie to my parents, because 1 knew they'd always see straight through me.
One of the big hitters in economics has been appointed as the director of the finance department.

Sam was planning to propose to Ruth but got cold feet and said nothing to her.

Parents have a tendency to patronise their children and offer advice that their children do not need.

1 think she takes a cynical view of men because she has been betrayed several times.
Some children never fit in with the traditional school system. They're just square pegs in a round hole.
James gave up his boring office job because he felt he was stuck in a rut.

1 don't share the conviction that anorexia is a pathological illness.

The salesperson gave us a long spiel about the benefits of installing a burglar alarm system.

Most of the lectures on existential philosophy went over my head.

A number of measures have been taken to alleviate homelessness, but to no avail.

Olivia decided to stop working to raise her children, so she handed in her notice.

Meek as she was, Janet could never argue with her friends.

A new research study has revealed that do-gooders' unselfish actions are treated with suspicion.

1 have to find a better paid job. 1 can't make ends meet on the pittance I'm paid here.
"1 feel seasick," the little girl moaned, halfway through the voyage.

Anyone who thinks learning Chinese is a breeze must reconsider it.

Eye witnesses to accidents are often asked to make a written declaration of what they saw.

Students who do not adhere to the school rules and regulations are punished.

In the past, poor people were condemned to a life of servitude and hard work.

It is unethical to subject children to labour as they're deprived of their right to education and health.

My decision to have Amy represent us in the spelling contest was arbitrary; all of my students are equally good.
Many people were held in detention camps during World War II.

In the 1960s, many Greeks went into exile to escape political persecution.

1 don't have a guilty conscience because I've done nothing immoral or wrong.

Ben tumbled down the stairs and broke his leg.

The doctor put Eva's fractured leg in plaster for a month.

Until we received official permission to go ahead with this project, we were in limbo.

National boundaries have become nearly meaningless in this "age of globalization."

1 really hate this feeling of awkwardness that arises in social gatherings when the conversation falters .

My son's artistic endeavour with the guitar began at the age of eight.

Harry loosened his tie, as he was gasping for air.

Mr Smith took the reins of the finance department upon the previous manager's retirement.
The company's change of management ushered in new ideas and better policies.

Hard work and commitment are fundamental ingredients for success.
Unfortunately, the Paralympics are sometimes treated as a slide show to the main event.

Not wanting to take part in the town's carnival proceedings, we watched them on TV.

The president's sudden death dealt a severe blow to the company's finances.

Retail sales of clothing plummeted in October.

The law mandates that the manufacturer of a defective product be liable for any damage caused by it.

All Oscar wanted was some acknowledgement of his contributions to the company's success.
1 feel that nothing is being done to eliminate the flagrant violations of the human rights.

My computer's security was breached by a hacker who managed to obtain my friends' email addresses.

Lynn's rudeness and impoliteness reinforced her classmates' dislike of her.

Insulin, a hormone, regulates the amount of sugar in the blood.
Sir Edward Coke was one of Europe's greatest jurists. His writings remained the definitive legal texts for nearly
150 years.

Staff recruitment and evaluation falls into the remit of the HR manager.

The lawyer lost his licence, as his actions did not always fit into the existing legal framework.

Malnutrition, unchecked, ultimately leads to death.

The child's effort to make his toy plane fly with one wing missing was doomed to fail.

Employees tend to be reluctant to openly query their director's decisions.

Asian countries have taken advantage of increased globalization to trade their goods in western countries.

Some skilled employees were transferred to a subsidiary of General Motors in Europe.

The Eurovision song contest is broadcast simultaneously all over Europe on TV and radio.
Religion wields great political influence on current affairs around the world.

The proliferation of websites through which films and songs can be downloaded illegally needs to stop.
The government has launched an anti-smoking campaign to inform people about its harmful effects.

The hole in the ozone layer has had a huge impact on the world climate.
The accused pleaded innocent to burglary although there was strong evidence against him.

Teenagers' ignorance about drug abuse can make them easy targets.
There is extensive media coverage of the Olympic Games all over the world.

The Middle East has been a geo-political hot spot for thousands of years.
With the country's economy in recession, it's not a propitious time to start a business.

The seminar focused on the merits of herbal medicine.

People who keep telling the same stale jokes become boring.

Extremist paramilitary groups are responsible for many terrorist attacks in war-torn countries.
In the Middle Ages, terrible instruments of torture were used which could cause unbearable pain and suffering.

Many actors and actresses refuse to answer questions that infringe on their privacy.
A policeman's job is to enforce the law and protect civilians.

All government members take an oath to uphold the law just before they assume their duties.

Civil rights are enshrined in my country's constitution.

Both countries agreed to sign the treaty which would facilitate commodity trade.

Driving through a red light is a traffic violation.

Whenever 1 visit a new country, 1 always make sure 1 get a pamphlet from the local tourist office.

Our law firm has been acquired by an international law firm and no longer functions as an independent entity.
Doctors should be held accountable for the quality of medical care they provide.

Many countries regained their freedom after the collapse of the Fascist regime at the end of WWII.
Many people use the internet to promulgate their ideas and beliefs all over the world.

The negotiations to free the political hostages were held under the auspices of the United Nations.

Interpreting statistical analyses is beyond the scope of an Introductory statistics class.

Many people are concerned about the welfare of the children in Africa.

The millions of pounds some footballers earn is obscene.

The pharmaceutical industry develops and produces medicinal drugs.

People can go dumb when they go through a traumatic experience.

There is no quick fix for the problem of unemployment.

The ship from Crete is expected to dock at Piraeus at 5 o'clock.

Linda had taken care of all travel arrangements a week prior to her departure.
The CEO rejected the expensive advertising campaign so as not to put his neck on the line.

If it weren't you who spilled the beans about my secret engagement, then who did?
Local residents have signed a petition against the construction of a shopping centre in the area.
What sets Linda apart from her classmates is her intelligence and creativity.

Some pupils’ grasp of complex mathematical problems is impressive.

Police dogs are conditioned to respond to sensory stimuli.
To promote learning, the teacher encouraged his students to reflect on their mistakes.

In the past, there was a widespread belief that it was a wife's duty to submissively obey her husband.

It took them several minutes to regain consciousness and realize they had just crashed into a tree.
When he tried to run away, the suspect was charged with trying to resist arrest.

Given her love for children, becoming a paediatrician was a logical progression for Kyveli.
As Frank was always telling amusing stories, he was labelled "office clown".

The aroma of freshly baked bread conjures up memories of my childhood.

Interminable delays at the airport were the outcome of last night's thunderstorm.

Had it not been for the castaway's resourcefulness, he would not have been spotted by the rescue team.
Internal job applicants are on an equal footing with external applicants.

Not paying highway tolls is an example of civil disobedience.

In some underdeveloped countries, child labour is still prevalent.

The company refused to comment on allegations of sweatshop conditions in its footwear factories in Indonesia.

Demonstrations against animal experimentation have been quite successful, as more companies opt for in vitro
Customs officials confiscated the valuables the passenger had failed to declare.

The speaker held forth all morning about the state's inability to address the problem of homelessness.
Graduates wishing to take part in the ceremony must wear a gown and a mortar board.

A study has revealed that children talk more openly to liberal parents.

A TV reporter was fired for making a flippant remark on air about the tsunami victims.

The main focus of the meeting was the future of the country's science, technology and innovation.

Websites designed for the desktop can be rather unwieldy for a tablet, unless modified.

In his poem London, William Blake conveys his view of the British capital.

My sister's willing to pay a premium to buy a better quality product.

All of the recession periods humanity has gone through so far have been preceded by a period of irrational

When the document, yellow with age, was unfolded, it appeared to be a 17th century manuscript.
Being held accountable for the company's financial problems, the CEO had no choice but hand in his

The death toll from hurricane Katrina in New Orleans rose to thousands.
The ratio of men to women in our department is two to one.
Some scientists claim that the secret of happiness will be revealed if the following equation is solved: Happiness
= P + (5xE) + (3xH)

Unemployment in Portugal has ballooned to 18.2% in the past few months.

The video showing a police officer getting bribed went viral on social media over the weekend.

The aim of the research was to evaluate the effectiveness of the new treatment.
The inconsistencies between the two witnesses' accounts raised suspicion among the local authorities.

The new tax system imposes additional financial burdens on low income citizens.

One of the downsides of living in central London is that it's expensive.

Personnel directors should evaluate their staff from a professional, not personal, standpoint.
The Internet has facilitated the dissemination of information.

William expressed his profound love for his beloved wife by texting her love poems every day.
Some types of flowers are more tolerant to cold weather.
The recession has brought about an erosion of public confidence in politics.
Constance never revealed her innermost thoughts to anyone.

Parents should encourage their children to have hopes and aspirations for the future.
The public unequivocally supported the miners' struggle to better work conditions.

Patience is a major asset in teaching young children.

William and Kate's royal offspring is a legitimate heir to the English throne.

One drawback of living on an island is the lack of hospitals.

Amy Winehouse's' drug and alcohol addiction often took the focus off her undeniable singing talent.

A warning has been issued informing the residents of adverse weather conditions.

Justice will prevail in court and the guilty will receive the punishment they deserve.

Scientific research is quite often constrained by its sponsors' interests.

Many boys aspire to become famous footballers one day.

If children's self-confidence is eroded, then it is quite difficult for them to become assertive adults.

Some journalists have been accused of stirring up racial intolerance.

Thousands of prisoners are protesting against the intolerable living conditions in the country's jails.
My son's teacher is very intolerant of careless students.

The prices in the catalogue are all VAT inclusive.

Our entrepreneurship program is designed to teach ambitious young people how to start and build their own
The band's new album completely polarized the fans, who either loved the album or hated it.

A recent poll has revealed that juvenile crime is on the increase in most Western countries.

The company has decided to adopt aggressive marketing tactics to boost its sales.

The mayor's attempt to raise the health standards of the local community have been manifestly successful.

Children sometimes can be so naive as to trust people they don't know.

Many experienced foresters remain sceptical about Ulrich's claims that a large-scale forest decline is underway
in Europe.

It is ingenuous to suppose that money can't sway people in certain situations.

Research has revealed that brain damage is what makes older people more gullible to misleading advertising.

The bass player withdrew from the band and made a derisive remark about the lead singer in his interview.

The crooked stock broker managed to charm credulous investors out of millions of dollars.

Many people are a bit cynical about politicians' promises and election pledges.

Our department manager is usually scornful of anyone else’s suggestions.

Few teenagers are apathetic about environmental pollution, although many adults are.

Some critics are contemptuous of artists who are not interested in the durability of their work.

Health officials warn parents that young children are very susceptible to the flu.

Adolescents are suggestible and tend to become victims of peer pressure.

Peter felt his parents were nosy, so he sought advice from a professional.

Some of my colleagues are so inquisitive about my personal life that they make me angry.

What 1 admire the most about my professors is that they were very humble despite their expertise in the field.

Paul was a good upright citizen who had never done anything dishonest in his life.
Even in his thirties, Bob acts like an immature child when he plays video games with his friends.

"Apologise to your mother right now for your disrespectful comments," Mr Dawson warned his son.
Pushy parents usually go to great lengths to make their children succeed.

Young children can be very persistent in getting the toy they want.
Assertive people have better chances of being promoted than those who are not.

Children should be encouraged to be independent and resourceful from an early age.

1 tried to find a tactful way to tell my husband that 1 had dented the car, but he still got angry.
A salesperson needs to be very diplomatic when negotiating a deal.

A study has revealed that impulsive people tend to think of their loved ones before themselves.

Mr Black's secretary was very discreet and never revealed his business deals.

1 was wondering whether you could lend me some money, as I'm a bit hard-up at the moment.

The eerie sound of an owl hooting at night made the children shiver with fear.

As the wind blew harder, the rattle of the shutters became louder.
The customers beckoned to the waiter to bring them some water.

As the water pipe system in Athens is quite old, investing in a filter that purifies water is a wise move.
The children gathered around the fire to tell ghost stories; their favourite was about the apparition of a lady in a
white gown.

1 nearly died of fright when 1 heard a strange noise coming from the attic last night.

With a bear chasing them, the climbers scrambled up the cliff to safety.

Six white marble pillars supported the front porch of the luxurious mansion.
In the past, soldiers used to wear helmets decorated with plumes.

Historians say that knights used daggers prior to the invention of the sword.

The mother couldn't make out what the child was murmuring in his sleep.

Mr Barton was appointed as the new curator at the national gallery.

"The sheep went baa" is perhaps the most common example of onomatopoeia.

The old wooden floorboard creaked when the children entered their grandma's room.

Some bakeries in my country have an electronic bell that tinkles when a customer enters the shop.

When the downpour stopped, my father squelched through the mud to find our dog.
The puppy hid under the bed when it heard thunder rumbling in the distance.

The children's boots crunched noisily on the frozen snow and scared the little squirrels away.

The hikers had to slash their way through the thick undergrowth that blocked their way.

Doctors warn parents not to slap their children, as it can cause serious brain damage.

Angry as she was, Kathy rushed out of the house, slamming the door behind her.

The audience hissed its disapproval of the judge's comments on the contestant's dance performance.
Guard dogs always growl when strange people approach them.

Emma started screeching at the top of her voice when she saw a cockroach on the floor.
Water's dripping down the wall; the roof must be leaking.

Every Sunday morning, 1 can hear the church bells pealing.

Ben screeched when he saw a snake slithering through the grass near his feet.
Poltergeists have been traditionally described as troublesome spirits who usually throw objects around the
Bobby is a mischievous boy who enjoys playing tricks on others.
Witnesses reported having seen disembodied spirits haunting an old mansion.

The names of the fallen soldiers were inscribed on the monument as a token of respect for their bravery.

The secretary had been instructed to carefully minute all important meetings.

Plainly, more time should have been budgeted for such a complex, demanding project.
Winter seems to be setting in early this year; the temperature is predicted to drop in the next couple of days.

The Executive Manager intimated that he would resign should the advertising campaign prove unsuccessful.

The police detective refused to divulge the identity of the prime suspect.

Oscar acceptance speeches are never spontaneous, though some actors claim the opposite.

The recent reforms in the educational system triggered off a wave of protest and disagreement.

The young artist derived great pleasure from painting.

Computers have evolved tremendously over the past thirty years.
The private detective extorted money from prominent figures in our society by threatening to expose aspects of
their private lives.

No one ever doubted Ms Benson for her managerial skills and competencies.

Being a successful lawyer and a devoted mother was a great accomplishment for Julia.

Speak briskly, if you want to sound formal and business-like during an interview.

Archaeologists have discovered yet another ancient burial mound in Egypt.

Feeling weak, the old man slumped into the chair.

Statistically significant results might not necessarily convey indisputable findings.

The temple of Apollo at Delphi was a sacred place in ancient Greece.

Environmental pollution might cause aboriginal rock art in Australia to disappear.

The people revolted against the military regime and managed to restore democracy.

Suggesting plans that are difficult to implement, and therefore not viable, do not help our company.
1 don't think it's prudent to confide in someone you barely know.

It was decided during the preliminary hearing that the hungry child's shoplifting case would not proceed to trial.

The Internet is an invaluable source of information for students and teachers alike.
Rubbish, leaves and debris can block the storm water sewer system.

The thrust of the wind turbine, located near the university, affects the TV signal in stormy weather.
Every now and then 1 visit historical monuments with my children in a spasmodic attempt to give them a taste
of culture.

The bus stopped with a jolt and a few passengers fell off their seats.

Congress will vote on the new US tax regulations tomorrow.

The Pelican Brief, a film about a law student who uncovered a conspiracy, was a blockbuster.
A successor to the retiring CEO has not been appointed yet.

Prince Charles is to succeed Queen Elizabeth when she retires.

"Your grandmother's late. She should have been here by now." "Oh, speak of the devil, there she is."

Sometimes 1 feel as if a guardian angel is protecting me from hardships and misfortune.

1 never thought I'd run into Sam in Paris. It's a small world, after all.

1 find it hard to believe that there are people who have second sight and can actually foresee the future.
When 1 visited the palace, 1 had a strange sense of deja vu though 1 knew 1 had never been there before.

My sixth sense sometimes warns me about imminent accidents, but 1 can't always prevent them.

As they got near the abandoned house, Anna felt a growing sense of uneasiness.

Computers, smartphones and tablets have become commonplace devices nowadays.
1 don't know if 1 have precognitive abilities or not, but 1 do feel like my dreams are telling me something
Mary feels that the occasional visit to the beach in the winter can soothe her soul.

People can become irrational under stress and do unreasonable things.

Jamie had grown weary of her mundane life and decided to travel around the world.

Disturbing images of war and death are depicted in Picasso's famous painting "Guernica".
The imagery in Shakespeare's sonnets mostly has to do with unrequited love.

Too much exposure to TV can interfere with young children's cognition and cause slow perception.
Psychics claim that they've got extrasensory perception.

Dirty hands can be a breeding ground for germs and microbes.

The film Erin Brockovich was based on a true story, but the names of her clients were changed to preserve
Some politicians behave as if they are unaccountable to the people that elected them.

Stories about aliens are often dismissed as pure fantasy.

Vanessa, blinded by her jealousy, was unable to pursue a rational course of action.
Charlie Chaplin films form a good example of slapstick comedy.

Chris Rock is among the top twenty stand-up comedians.

W. Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors was one of his early farces.

South African diamonds have become a hallmark for quality and fineness.

The student was reprimanded for his offensive gesture.

Both cars are nice; 1 guess it all comes down to how much money you want to spend.
Toxic waste, not properly disposed of, is hazardous to health.

Maria looked dazzlingly beautiful in her silver dress.

University graduates have better prospects of finding a good job.

Salads with assorted dark-coloured vegetables are more nutritious.

1 learned how to operate the machine the hard way, through the process of trial and error.

Children and old people have a low tolerance to the flu.

A cantaloupe is a fruit that is low in calories, but rich in vitamins and minerals.

Janis Joplin's throaty voice contributed to her success.

A cup of baking soda and some vinegar might be all you need to unclog your sink.

Our friendship ended abruptly and 1 never realised what pulled us apart.
To plant bulbs, the gardener used a dibber to make holes in the ground.

Given their prestigious positions, they can presumably afford an expensive car.

My secretary's gung-ho zeal and enthusiasm never ceases to amaze me.

The links between Greek and Asian music are inescapably obvious.

As Mary was busy, she promised to get back to me when she had a moment to spare.

Before the advent of technology, people used rather unsophisticated tools.

The flames devoured thousands of acres of forest in ]ust a few hours.

Many modern couples prefer a quiet wedding without the fuss of a reception.

Persistent salespeople can irritate a customer quite easily.

It is only natural for students that change schools to feel rather intimidated at first.

The conversion of waste into usable products is important for the preservation of natural resources.

The enthusiastic audience gave the pianist effusive praise for his performance.
Hundreds of indignant demonstrators gathered outside the Parliament to express their dissatisfaction with the
new law.

Christmas time makes me feel nostalgic about my childhood holidays.

People visit a chiropodist to have their corns and calluses removed.

When my car broke down in the middle of nowhere, a truck gave me a tow to the nearest garage.

Parliament has decided to postpone the anti-piracy bills indefinitely.

I'd never go in for a reality singing competition. 1 find it quite degrading.

Students are always advised to go over their work before handing it in.

"Jane's not in her office." "1 know, she's gone for some sandwiches."

This food must have gone off. It stinks.

The bomb squad is evacuating the building as the bomb could go off at any minute.
People can go without food for many days but they can't survive without water.

Seashells and seaweed can be seen on the beach when the tide ebbs.

When the stock market collapsed, many of the stocks went sour, financially ruining anyone who held them.
The majority of contestants in reality singing competitions let their ephemeral popularity go to their heads.

She went over the car crash many times in her mind, trying to figure out whether it could have been prevented.
Many politicians as well as celebrities went on record in support of the gun-control bill.

It's a shame to let your food go to waste when people are starving!

Maintaining a conversation with Bob can be very tiring as he usually goes off at a tangent.

Despite Nick's hard work, he didn't manage to make a go of his jewellery shop.
Partitions separate the desks, allowing employees to have some privacy.

The main culprit behind obesity in the US is high sugar intake.

Many famous people express their disapproval of the paparazzi in no uncertain terms.

Turn the knob on the right to adjust the volume.

As Lisa wanted to impress her in-laws, she was very careful not to make a faux-pas.
Jimmy always manages to put his foot in it; the targets of his insulting comments always seem to overhear him.

Jonathan's antics turned him into an office clown.

Lemon meringue pie is a popular dessert in Britain.

The trifle makes a stunning dessert with its multiple layers, colours and textures that delight the senses.

The tour guide took the castle visitors to the oubliette where prisoners had been kept during Medieval times.
The cut-throat managerial competition proved to be the coup de grace to Desmond's career.

What makes fireworks dangerous is their potential to detonate much earlier than expected.

It was sheer lunacy swimming in such cold weather; you could have died of hypothermia.

Travelling to a foreign country and encountering new cultures can be a real eye opener for most people.

Hawaii is renowned for its beautiful sandy beaches and crystal clear waters.
It may be almost impossible, even for the most creative person, to think outside the box in cultures of

Sometimes it is deviations from the norm that bring about progress and development.

The committee had to deal with the vexed question of reducing greenhouse gases in the food industry.
Risque jokes can put some people in an awkward position.

If looked at it from a different angle, the economic crisis helped put certain things back into perspective.

An imaginative solution that could boost Europe's economy has yet to be found.

E-marketing still remains a leap into unknown territory for some companies.

Psychologists claim that a parents' behaviour can profoundly affect a child's developing personality.

People remain ambivalent about mobile phone technology and its effect on human health.
It is essential that humanity rise to the challenge and assume collective responsibility for saving species from

Feeling that her work was not appreciated, Ms Jefferson quit her job in a fit of pique.

In all religions, there are hermits who choose to live a secluded life.

Perseverance is a character trait that contributes to professional growth.

Arnold seems to be on his hobbyhorse again about the benefits of genetic engineering.

The wind wreaked havoc on several power plants in the Attica region last night.

Rising crude oil price will lead to a higher food prices in the ensuing months.
George's success in his English test spurred him to study harder.

Hoping to increase its sales, the company got a few celebrities to endorse it products.

Some saw the young leader as charismatic while others were sure his rise portended disaster.

Many businessmen build up a successful career at the expense of their personal life.
Darwin formulated the theory of evolution by natural selection.
Some companies have paid their employees in stocks in lieu of cash.

"Why was Ann given the promotion?" "Because she's hard working, reliable, and inventive. 1 could go on ad
Mary's ad nauseam details of her doomed financial condition give me a headache, to say the least.

1 think that Gordon Ramsay is a chef par excellence! His dishes are just divine!

Donating to charity is sometimes seen as a quid pro quo arrangement to receiving tax benefits.
The prima facie evidence substantiating the consumer's complaint forced the manager to reimburse him.

The artist placed the statue in a niche in the main hall of the museum.

Mozart grew from his father's protege to a skilful composer in just a few years.

Some fans were injured in a fracas outside the football stadium last night.

Their house was conveniently located in a cul-de-sac allowing their children to play safely.
There is a very unfriendly clique at school who never talk to anyone else.

The American writer Samuel L. Clemens used many different noms de plume before deciding on Mark Twain.

My particular bete noire is people not cleaning after themselves on the beach.

Cyber Cinema just launched a VIP club intended for celebrities not wishing to mingle with the hoi polloi.
Trainspotting is definitely not my idea of having fun.

Students refusing to conform to school rules and regulations will be expelled.
It's quite common for a passenger's ears to block whilst in a pressurised aeroplane cabin, especially during take-
off and landing.
1 recently ran into my old teacher, Mrs Richards, who, incidentally, has become a well-known author.

The typical family photo around the dining room table brings back memories of happy domesticity.

The young astronaut aspired to venture where no man had gone before.

A patriarch, otherwise known as pater familias, was a respected man who was the head of an extended family.

The new shopping mall built in the northern suburbs of Athens offers a multiplicity of stores.

Public opinion is governed by the assumption that prominent people should have exemplary private morals.

The Internet contributed greatly to the dissemination information to far-flung places of the earth.

One person's right to demonstrate and to strike, unfortunately, impinges on the rights of others.

People's tendency to over-consume has changed to a certain extent, due to the economic crisis.
The new regulations aimed at limiting the carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere will come into force
next year.
The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami wiped out many coastal villages.
Scientist have found that high anxiety coupled with negative experiences may increase the likelihood of
developing schizophrenia.
My favourite pun is "life without geometry is pointless."

The pictogram illustrates the total number of sunny hours in June across the four cities.
The words "meet" and "meat" are homophones.

Everyone started laughing at John's joke, but 1 didn't get the punch line until later on.

James and Gina like eating at the new French restaurant for its reasonable prices and intimate atmosphere.

The bouquet of roses in the hotel room gave off a subtle scent. Very classy!
Nothing beats coming home from work to a gleaming house!

The Prime Minister was quickly escorted to his car and driven off in a motorcade accompanied by police cars.

Jennifer's plump baby boy is so cute!

When 1 was young, 1 loved playing with my ragged old Raggedy Ann doll.

At the site, the archaeologists discovered two crude tools that might have been used for digging.

The accountant refused to take on any extra work as he already had a full workload.
The new law imposes tougher penalties on tax avoidance.

Advertisements for luxury products play on people's desire for a better life.

Computers have rendered typewriters obsolete.

Cambridge University has acquired a reputation for being one of the leading universities in the UK.

Wearing her Halloween costume, Agatha flounced around the room.

Arriving at school for the first time, the little girl clutched her mother's hand.

When the lights went out, the children clung to their parents in fear of the dark.
You'll probably need a root canal, should your toothache persist.

Rihanna released her debut album, Music of the Sun, in 2005.

Some schools have opted to install surveillance cameras in their classrooms.

Many shops have installed CCTV cameras in an attempt to deter


The theme of unrequited love is pervasive in Shakespeare's sonnets.

A master's degree is a prerequisite for a PhD.

Congress is considering legislative measures aimed at reducing environmental pollution.

Make sure you update your operating system regularly; otherwise it will be vulnerable to malicious spyware.

For some inexplicable reason, Debbie got cold feet on her wedding day and decided to call it off.

Researchers rely less on anecdotal evidence and more on empirical facts.

Doctors have found that certain health problems are related to obesity.
Seeing the line of people, snaking its way around the building, 1 decided to forget about buying the concert

The children didn't want to go to sleep after hearing the spooky story.
Bananas are great for boosting your flagging energy levels.

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