Literasi Bahasa Inggris

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Literasi Bahasa Inggris

1. The question is based on the following passage.

Seventeen-year-old Robin West is an anomaly among her peers, she doesn’t have a
smartphone. Instead of scrolling through apps like TikTok and Instagram all day, she uses a so-
called “dumbphone”. These are basic phones, or feature phones, with very limited functionality
compared to say an iPhone. You can typically only make and receive calls and SMS text
messages. And, if you are lucky, you can listen to radio and take very basic photos, but
definitely not connect to the internet or apps. These devices are similar to some of the first
phones that people bought back in the late 1990s.

Ms West’s decision to ditch her former smartphone two years ago was a spur of the moment
thing. While looking for a replacement phones in a second-hand shop, she was lured by the low
price of a “brick phone”. Her current phones, from French firm MobiWire, cost her just £8. And
because it has no smartphone functionality, she doesn’t have an expensive monthly data bill to
worry about. She didn’t notice until she bought a brick phone how much a smartphone was
taking over her life. She had a lot of social media apps on it, and she didn’t get as much work
done as she was always on the phone.

Dumbphones are continuing to enjoy a revival. Google searches for them jumped by 89%
between 2018 and 2021, according to a report by software firm SEMrush. Fashion, nostalgia,
and them appearing in TikTok videos, have a part to play in the dumbphone revival. While it’s
true that dumbphones can’t compete with the latest premium Apple and Samsung models
when it comes to performance or functionality, they can outshine them in equally important
areas such as battery life and durability.

Five years ago, Przemek Olejniczak, a psychologist, swapped his smartphone for a Nokia 3310,
initially because of the longer-lasting battery. However, he soon realised that there were other
benefits. Przemek Olejniczak admits that he now has to plan ahead more when he goes
traveling. Before he would always be stuck to the phone, checking anything and everything,
browsing Facebook or the news, or other facts he didn’t need to know. Now he has more time
for his family and himself. A huge benefit is that he isn’t addicted to liking, sharing,
commenting, or describing his life to other people. Now he has more privacy.

Bearne, S. (2022). Not smart but clever? The return of ‘dumbphones’. Taken on September 23, 2022 from:

According to Ms West and Olejniczak, these are the benefits of having dumbphones, EXCEPT …

a. You can avoid media addiction.

b. You can have a phone with longer battery live.

c. You can share your daily lifes with anyone easily.

d. You can have less time searching for unnecessary information.

e. You can have more quality time with yourself and your family.

Kunci Jawaban : C
Pembahasan :

Soal menanyakan yang bukan merupakan dampak positif memiliki dumbphones menurut Ms
West and Olejniczak. Informasi mengenai hal tersebut dapat ditemukan di paragraf 2 dan 4.

Pada awal paragraf 4 dijelaskan bahwa Olejniczak menukar ponsel pintarnya dengan Nokia
3310, awalnya karena baterainya yang lebih tahan lama. Namun, dia kemudian menyadari
bahwa ada manfaat lain yang ia dapatkan. Salah satunya adalah sekarang dia memiliki lebih
banyak privasi. Hal ini disebutkan di kalimat terakhir. Dengan demikian, hal yang bukan
merupakan keuntungan dari memiliki dumbphones adalah pilihan C (Kamu dapat berbagi
kehidupan sehari-hari dengan siapa pun dengan mudah.) karena ini justru bertentangan dengan
poin ‘memiliki lebih banyak privasi’.

Dengan demikian, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

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