Little Boy Crying
Little Boy Crying
Little Boy Crying
a e uu
xHta pOsifon
T posion
emol o relad
unto hewlu' ) So ecenkty
melemorphos e Cous e
he do iomtet
ow h a t ' )
amed a we fHhes
nluoiom h a t
TAhaHaving tene
e p h y eli'ng t ooy n o
oko ¢eneati fo a faiqtale
wen anai )_and
akin jofauc and t
imagines hio ather fo be
The taee bey a d olosSa
ooiesqL 0gne, O m 9amd
o n d himmsel A the vaiant
c n l ' , a mens Tea
he ndades
a Sovn tu ehn's
Sea pespechive wh TL
oeysnheconCe por rayeo ogoin. Hi Cnnot
ato o undSteund he hunt y dUY asy
Rans Can Stald' he a t h with. fh readus
a s e Hhat he lethu Loa mrt emotima
wneiL han Me asy nealinu The tether v
SCalded' and humt b t e looyL 'taoy' kars',
Ioical due to the fa Hhat wate annot
bwn o shews h e t vey sorrow and h u t
he cild eelo, wnuHhs anuint nop
Apac hu atho, Qnd t h Longing hathe
Hhat hne
ha tO g e h e uaild ot h a t sorroo p with
pig4ybatk o bull ahting', The lahe,
uwev, uo Ealioehio parental duty et
Aing fLe lou a lesson beert he Can Cansole
him, which tass t fethu pnmotionally apant
whin a he nealio hat hio Som hatu kim e
Th p lin heuwNE, Sheos he m a s t amd
ehwtun h rtaChon o4 the Son and t
atth While fhe Sen mgut be a upset, cnd
produe e
produCe eansrain') , eAch dep can
Stan and Sold he athe
witeA igiguhd
hL oufemk veachod to puumo hmat y
LendratS and pespeckavel