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Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

Version Date Author Amendments

1.0 - T. Könemann document finalization

release version of “Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s

1.1 March 01, 2022 T. Könemann Guide” and expiration of the validity of former “ZARM Drop
Tower Bremen - User Manual”
revision of section 2.2 “The GraviTower Bremen Pro” based
1.2 May 13, 2022 T. Könemann
on improvements / general document revision
general document revision / new high-speed camera system
1.3 July 11, 2023 M. Cornelius
added / Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) updated
operational procedures of the GraviTower Bremen Pro
1.4 October 17, 2023 T. Könemann
updated / general document revision


The present Payload User’s Guide shall serve for both, as a general introduction to ZARM’s microgravity facilities and
a detailed document describing all mechanical and electrical interfaces, as well as the control software that you need
to know before starting to design your drop tower experiment.

Your experiment can only be integrated in accordance with the given boundary conditions, thus, referring to this
document is mandatory. Since our aim is to serve the experimenter’s needs as best as possible, please contact us if
you cannot find technical information that are important for you. Please keep in mind, that many items of technical
equipment might have been already implemented upon former user’s requests. Thus, we might already have a
solution for your problem at hand.


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

ZARM Fallturm-Betriebsgesellschaft mbH | ZARM Drop Tower Operation and Service Company

- ZARM FAB mbH -

Handelsregister | Registration Court: Amtsgericht Bremen HRB 12600

Geschäftsführung | Executive Board: Prof. Dr. Marc Avila, Peter von Kampen

c/o University of Bremen
Am Fallturm 2
28359 Bremen


Dr.-Ing. Thorben Könemann

Leitung Wissenschaft und Betrieb | Head of Science and Operation


Tel. +49 (0)421 218-57785

Fax +49 (0)421 218-57753
[email protected]

Dr. Merle Cornelius

Stellv. Leitung Wissenschaft und Betrieb | Dep. Head of Science and Operation

Tel. +49 (0)421 218-57958

Fax +49 (0)421 218-57753
[email protected]


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

ACE Additional Capsule Equipment

AI Artificial Intelligence

ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange

CCS Capsule Control System

COG Center of Gravity

D-sub D-subminiature - Electrical Connector

DTSP Drop Tower Sensor Pack

EGSE Electronic Ground Support Equipment

g Gravitational Acceleration

GUI Graphical User Interface

IMU Inertial Measurement Unit

I/O Input / Output

LabVIEW™ Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Engineering Workbench

Li-Fi Light Fidelity (Network)

MOSFET Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor

PDU Power Distribution Unit

RCM Release-Caging-Mechanism

SCE Standard Capsule Equipment

SMA SubMiniature Version A - Electrical Connector

TDMS Technical Data Management System

USB Universal Serial Bus

Zentrum für angewandte Raumfahrt­technologie und Mikro­gravitation |

Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

1. About ZARM 7
2. Facilities Overview 8
2.1.1 - LABORATORY 8
2.1.4 - CONTROL ROOM 12
2.2.1 - LABORATORY 13
2.2.2 - CONTROL DESK 15

3. Experiment Operation 16

3.1 LEAD TIME 16
4. Experiment Accommodation 19

5. Payload Interfaces 23



Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4



6. Environmental Conditions 32


7. Safety 39


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

1.1 Introduction
Since 1985, the Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM) of the University of Bremen has been
one of the most prominent scientific organizations in Bremen – the “City of Space”. Thanks to its broad experience
and expertise, ZARM has established itself as an internationally renowned institute within the faculty of production
engineering, and is recognized for its excellent academic education of young scientists.

Scientists from different disciplines, including engineering, physics, mathematics, and computer sciences, conduct
research within the fields of fluid dynamics, space sciences, and space technology. The working groups at ZARM
explore for example the behavior of fluids under conditions of microgravity, produce detailed computer simulations
of space systems, and work on the implementation of satellite missions. With this interdisciplinary approach, and its
unique drop tower facility, ZARM is a recognized partner for international cooperation.

ZARM’s 146-meter high Bremen Drop Tower is not only

a technological landmark of Bremen but unique in
Europe, and offers scientists from all over the world a
cost-effective and permanently accessible option to
perform experiments under space conditions. With its
catapult system, the drop tower’s 9.3-second duration
in microgravity is the longest in the world. And with its
GraviTower Bremen Pro, scientists are able to explore
large parameter spaces by realizing hundreds
experiments a day, not just limited to microgravity, but
also involving partial gravity conditions.

Within the context of its test center capabilities, ZARM

also operates the largest centrifuge in Europe, which
enables tests and certifications of aerospace structures
as well as prototypes under conditions of hyper gravity.
In addition, the centrifuge is able to accommodate a
drop tower capsule to investigate gravity-related
phenomena from microgravity up to 30 g. Furthermore,
space components can be tested under realistic settings
in the in-house thermal vacuum chambers and the
vibration test laboratory, in order to ensure in advance
that they will be fully functional in space.


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

2.1 The Bremen Drop Tower
2.1.1 - Laboratory
The Bremen Drop Tower is the main laboratory of ZARM and the only laboratory of this kind in Europe. Since its
inauguration in September 1990, it offers the most economic opportunity for short-term experiments during 4.7
seconds under highest-quality conditions in weightlessness, comparable to one millionth of the Earth’s gravitational
force (10-6 g). Since the implementation of the catapult system, a construction developed by ZARM engineers, the
experiment duration has been extended to 9.3 seconds - unmatched by any other drop facility worldwide.
Due to its excellent microgravity conditions, the Bremen Drop Tower has received considerable international
attention and is well occupied. Scientists from all over the world come to Bremen in order to experiment on different
research fields like astrophysics, biology, chemistry, combustion, fluid dynamics, fundamental physics, and materials
sciences as well as perform technology tests preparing and qualifying instruments for future space missions.

drop capsule
• height of the Bremen Drop Tower: 146 m
• diameter of the concrete structure: 8 m
drop tube
• stairs: about 600 steps until the top
concrete structure
• height of the drop tube: 120 m
• distance of free fall: 110 m
• diameter of the drop tube: 3.5 m
• deceleration container: filled with 15 m3 of
polystyrene pellets up to a height of 8.20 m
integration hall • experiment duration in microgravity:
deceleration container drop experiment - 4.7 s
catapult experiment - 9.3 s
• maximum capsule speed: 168 km/h
• total weight of standard capsule: 500 kg
• vacuum: 18 pumps draw out 1,700 m3 of
air in 1.5 to 2 h
• pressure after evacuation: 10 Pa (0.1 mbar)
• excellent microgravity quality: 10-6 g
catapult system • number of drops or catapult launches:
up to 3 times a day
Figure 2.1: Layout drawing of and basic facts about the Bremen Drop Tower.


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

Figures 2.2: Bottom-up [top] and top-down view [bottom] from inside of the deceleration chamber -
with deceleration container, drop tube, and experiment capsule during drop preparation.


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

2.1.2 - Catapult System

When breaking ground for the Bremen Drop Tower in May 1988, the
installation of a catapult system underneath the building had already been
taken into account. 16 years later, the ZARM engineers finished designing
the catapult system and it was inaugurated in December 2004.
The pneumatically driven and hydraulically controlled system takes 0.25
seconds to accelerate the experiment capsule to a speed of 168 kilometers
per hour. The exact force of acceleration is being calculated for each
individual experiment in order to catapult the capsule as close as possible
to the top of the drop tube and thus maximize the duration of the flight.
After a couple of seconds the deceleration container has already been
moved into place, again, in order to catch the capsule on its way down.
By doubling the trajectory length the catapult system is capable to extend
the time period spent in microgravity to 9.3 seconds - an experiment
duration no other drop tower facility can provide.

Figure 2.3: Layout drawing of deceleration chamber and catapult cellar.

Figures 2.4: [left] Air tanks in the front and catapult cylinder behind them.
[right] Hydraulic pump units at the right rear side.


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

2.1.3 - Integration Hall

Experimenter’s main workplace is the integration hall surrounding the drop tower. Each microgravity experiment gets
its dedicated integration area with workbenches, tools, and an Electronic Ground Support Equipment (EGSE).

Figure 2.5: Experimenter’s integration area for preparing the drop tower experiment.

The EGSE consists of standard power supplies as well as dedicated

communication and control units. It delivers the identical mechanical,
electrical, and software interfaces as in the drop tube.
Its control computer is connected to a private client / server network
hosting experimenter’s specific password-protected user account. In this
manner, any changes made at the EGSE are automatically implemented
in the drop tower routine, too. Thus, the drop tower user is able to
perform ground experiments with the fully integrated capsule following
the identical procedure as during drop tower operation and under
similar technical conditions (except microgravity conditions, of course).
If necessary, air-conditioned laboratories, e.g., to operate classified laser
systems, or even clean rooms can be made available.
Figure 2.6: EGSE-to-capsule interface unit.


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

2.1.4 - Control Room

During drop tower operation, experimenters have a permanent remote access to their experimental setup in the
capsule. The communication between control room and experiment capsule, which is located in the drop tube at this
stage, is realized via a professional telemetry / telecommand transmission path. After logging in on experimenter’s
specific password-protected user account, the ground control computer based on a National InstrumentsTM program
visualizes the software interface and remotely control the microgravity experiment. All received data and transmitted
commands are in situ monitored with the assistance of NI’s software interface, as well as securely stored in the
related user account on the local and private network server of the Bremen Drop Tower.

Figure 2.7: Control room of the Bremen Drop Tower.

The responsible drop tower engineers operate and monitor all drop tower systems from the control room. It shall be
emphasized at this point that they still assist the experimenters during their experiment operation.

➡ Please note: Once the drop tower is ready for dropping or launching the experiment capsule, the responsible
operators will open a drop / catapult launch window for several minutes enabling the experimenters to start their
experiment sequence and thus drop / launch the capsule by themselves. There will be no specific countdown.


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

2.2 The GraviTower Bremen Pro

2.2.1 - Laboratory
Since the beginning of the year 2022, the GraviTower Bremen Pro represents ZARM’s new next-generation drop
tower system, which makes use of a rail-guided rope drive being able to perform 20 short-term microgravity
experiments per hour. Even enabling partial-gravity will be possible in the future. Its technology is based on a
commercial hydraulic winch system with more than 4000 hp of engine power that moves a rail-guided slider in a 16
m high tower, upwards and downwards.
With its novel and sophisticated Release-Caging-Mechanism (RCM), the actively driven GraviTower located in the
integration hall of the Bremen Drop Tower is capable to control heavy payloads in a very smooth and precise manner.
The RCM developed and patented by ZARM also enables a fast and reliable decoupling as well as re-coupling of the
experiment capsule inside the slider, which acts as a drag shield. Due to the fact that the Standard Capsule (see
section 4.1.) of the Bremen Drop Tower is utilized, high synergy effects are given between both, the Bremen Drop
Tower and GraviTower Bremen Pro. It means a simple switching between all operation modes (drop, catapult, or
GraviTower) with the same experiment capsule.
Furthermore, GraviTower’s user-friendly software control interface and future artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities
interacting with the experimental setup now bring experimenting under space conditions on a laboratory level.
In conclusion, the GraviTower Bremen Pro excellently complements the Bremen Drop Tower and offers to explore a
wide range of parameters, to test preliminary setups or experiment components, to qualify new technologies for
space and / or exploration missions, or to facilitate dedicated microgravity and partial-gravity research with a very
high repetition rate.

➡ Please note: Partial-gravity experiments and artificial intelligence operated at full system capacity will be feasible
after next development stage.

Figure 2.8: Location of the GraviTower Bremen Pro in the integration hall of the Bremen Drop Tower.


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

Figure 2.9: View inside GraviTower’s open slider - with Standard Capsule on RCM.


The GraviTower
• allows a repetition rate of 20 runs per hour (hundreds experiments a day).
• provides a period of up to 2.5 seconds in microgravity depending on the chosen initial acceleration and
• has a good quality of weightlessness that is of the order of 10-4 g.
• performs a smooth experiment transition into the free-fall phase based on a patented release technology
that is realized with the so-called Release-Caging-Mechanism (RCM).
• enables users’ adjustments of its kinematic parameters like individual amplitudes of the acceleration /
deceleration profile (up to 5 g in total) - the related microgravity duration will be automatically
calculated by the system.
• involves a software control interface with an intuitive Graphical User Interface (GUI) .
• is designed for the same Standard Capsule as in the Bremen Drop Tower with a total mass of up to 500kg.
• realizes a fast and easy access to the utilized capsule and experiment between runs, which takes only
about 10 seconds.
• offers a high synergy effect with the Bremen Drop Tower to change between all operation modes (drop,
catapult, and GraviTower) with the same experiment.

➡ Please note: The acceleration and deceleration values which are given here are the total acceleration levels. In
contrast, the GraviTower Bremen Pro requires dynamical acceleration values for setting the kinematic parameters.


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

2.2.2 - Control Desk

Next to the GraviTower that is located in the integration hall of the Bremen Drop Tower, a dedicated control desk
contains all control units to operate both, the GraviTower and the related experiment. GraviTower’s user-friendly
software control interface (Figure 2.10) provides a programmable Graphical User Interface (GUI) to have access to
and adjust all needed kinematic parameters like the amplitude of initial acceleration and deceleration, as well as an
optional function to optimize the transition into the free-flight phase. The same control interface is used to initiate
the required procedures to finally launch the slider with the experiment capsule inside. In order to communicate
with the experimental setup that is integrated in the standard drop tower capsule and connected to the RCM inside
the drag-shield of the GraviTower at that time, an industrial Li-Fi (Light Fidelity) network is established. It realizes a
secured optical and wireless telemetry / telecommand transmission path between the GraviTower and the
experiment capsule.
Similar to the experiment operation with the Electronic Ground Support Equipment (EGSE) in the integration hall and
from the control room of the Bremen Drop Tower (please refer to sections 2.1.3 and 2.1.4), the ground control
computer based on a National InstrumentsTM program visualizes the software interface and remotely control the
GraviTower experiment. In order to get access to the ground control computer, a login on experimenter’s specific
password-protected user account is required as usual. With the assistance of NI’s software interface, all received data
and transmitted commands are in situ monitored as well as securely stored in the related user account on the local
and private network server of the Bremen Drop Tower.

Figure 2.10: Excerpt of the intuitive Graphical User Interface (GUI) of GraviTower’s Software Control Interface -
view of the actual tab with the adjustable kinematics by means of the acceleration and deceleration plotter.

➡ Please note: The GraviTower allows a fast and easy access to capsule and experiment between runs. During that
period, it is possible to supply both, e.g., with electrical power, fluids, etc., or exchange experiment components.

➡ Please also note: A simplified version (Matlab/Python) of the script to calculate the possible flight trajectory can
be provided for the experimenters prior to the GraviTower campaign. Thus, the experimenters can evaluate the
parameters of the flight kinematics in respect to the requirements of the experimental payload.


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

In the following, the procedure of the experiment operation during a campaign and the necessary preparations will
be explained. Each campaign at the Bremen Drop Tower is unique and its duration depends highly on the conducted
experiment, thus, only a typical example for a time plan can be given in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1: Rough time frame for conducting experiments at the Bremen Drop Tower.

3.1 Lead Time

The range of research fields and thus experiments capable to be performed in the Bremen Drop Tower and
GraviTower Bremen Pro is very broad. The lead time certainly varies from experiment to experiment and depends on
the complexity of the specific setup. Hence, the overall process accomplishing your planned drop tower project must
be understood as a kind of prototype development. Nevertheless, there are examples in both directions - a lead time
with only days or a few weeks on the one hand and several months or even years on the other hand.
As part of our service, ZARM FAB mbH assists the experimenters in all organizational measures as well as technical
aspects from the first idea to the design to the assembly to the final realization of the drop tower campaign on site.
For this, you can rely on the long-term expertise of ZARM FAB mbH in giving technical support to experimenters and
integrating different types of microgravity experiments.

➡ Please note: Each experimenter is kindly requested to contact us as early as possible. Following this and as part of
our service, each drop tower project will be accompanied by two drop tower engineers, one expert in mechanical
and one expert in electrical matters, working as a team together with the experimenters during all project stages -
experiment preparation, integration process, and drop tower campaign.


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

3.2 Integration Process

After scheduling your drop tower campaign, you are usually expected to arrive at the drop tower min. 5 working days
before the first flight. Such a period is needed for integration and ground testing as well as qualification of the
experiment. As the operation is along a strict schedule, the decision about the duration of the integration process
depends on the efforts required to assembly and connect the experimental setup inside the drop tower capsule and
its qualification process to be fully operational. This duration is finally determined by ZARM FAB mbH personnel. For
additional campaigns with the same setup, the integration period can be reduced as appropriate.

3.3 Drop / Catapult Operation

The drop tower is operated with three flights per day (not necessarily with the same experiment) on working days at
the maximum. Each cycle to perform one flight calculated from handover of the capsule to the drop tower engineers
until handover from drop tower engineers back to you lasts 4 hours including safety margins.

1. From handover to drop or catapult launch, a period of about 2 hours should be considered. The handover
times are 8 a.m., 12 a.m., and 4 p.m.. A delayed handover for more than 30 min. due to the experimenters’
responsibility will lead to cancellation of the flight from schedule. Therefore, you are encouraged to
carefully monitor the preparation time you need, before scheduling a drop tower campaign. Nevertheless,
we will try to handle such a situation to your satisfaction. You are kindly requested to keep this policy in
mind as being mandatory.
2. After handover, the capsule will be closed, connected to the winding mechanism and lifted to the top of the
drop tube / positioned on the catapult piston. During this process, you have no remote access to the
experiment for about 15 min. After reaching the upper end of the drop tube / positioning on the catapult
piston, all external supply connections (battery charging, fluid supply, etc.) are established. The telemetry /
telecommand communication enabling remote access from the control room to the capsule is also
established. The experiment is now connected to all drop tower interfaces.

3. About 2 hours after handover to the operator, the evacuation process is finished with achieving the final
pressure of about 10 Pa inside the drop tube. Then, the external supply units (battery charging, fluid supply,
etc.) shall be disconnected.

A. In the dropping case, the experimenters now take over operation. They give the command to
disconnect the external supply units (battery charging, fluid supply, etc.) and can drop the capsule
whenever ready. Experimenters and operator are working in the same control room and can easily
agree on the final procedure.
B. In case of catapult flight, the catapult system is going to be armed approx. 10 minutes prior to
launch. At this time, the external supply units (battery charging, fluid supply, etc.) must be
disconnected. The catapult piston with the capsule is moved down to the launch position. After


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

enabling by the drop tower operator, the catapult launch will be initiated by the experimenters
within a time window of several minutes.

4. After capsule deceleration, all experiment data are stored on board or downloaded for evaluation via the
telemetry / telecommand communication. In parallel, the drop tube is re-flooded with air.

5. About 45 min. later, the capsule has been recovered from the deceleration container, opened, and handed
back to the experimenters. Then, the final user data storage and inspection of the capsule takes place.
Immediately after this, the experiment can be made ready for a further flight, if applicable.

3.4 GraviTower Operation

The GraviTower Bremen Pro offers a very flexible experiment operation which is oriented on experimenting on a
laboratory level or similar to that. For this, GraviTower’s control desk (please refer to section 2.2.2) allows a full
control of both, the GraviTower facility and the experiment by its users - the experimenters and the assisting drop
tower engineers. The provided software control interface with its intuitive Graphical User Interface (GUI) is capable
to operate the GraviTower runs. Furthermore, a fast and easy access to the experiment capsule and thus the
experimental setup inside the GraviTower is guaranteed between each run. Performing a GraviTower run is feasible
approx. every three minutes, which means 20 GraviTower runs per hour.
During the GraviTower utilization, the experimenters remotely control their experiment inside the capsule from the
ground control computer at the control desk. The ground control computer enables an operation of the GraviTower
experiment that is similar to the Electronic Ground Support Equipment (EGSE) in the integration hall and from the
control room of the Bremen Drop Tower (please refer to sections 2.1.3 and 2.1.4).

➡ Please note: For quantification purposes, a duration of four hours of GraviTower utilization will be counted as one
flight in comparison to the drop or catapult operation in the drop tube of the Bremen Drop Tower. In this case, no
changes in counting result, especially by possible changes between the desired operation modes - drop, catapult,
or GraviTower - during a drop tower campaign. Each GraviTower utilization period lasting those four hours shall be
understood as a GraviTower half-day. Such a half-day is the minimal counting unit for the GraviTower mode, which
can be requested by the experimenters and starts with the handover of the experiment capsule for integration
into the GraviTower at 8 a.m., 12 a.m., or 4 p.m. In terms of the administrative relevance of finally performed
GraviTower runs within one or even more half-days, it does not matter how many actual runs would have been
realized in total.

3.5 End of Campaign

At the end of a drop tower campaign, the experimental setup will be usually de-integrated from the used capsule
structure. In case of a potential successive campaign, a partial de-integration of equipment or a storage of the fully
integrated capsule at drop tower facility can be considered depending on experimenters’ needs.


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

4.1 Drop Tower Capsules
All experiments are accommodated inside a specially designed drop tower capsule. According to the payload size,
two different capsule versions are available, a shorter Standard Capsule and a Long Drop Capsule. While the Standard
Capsule can be used for drop, catapult, and GraviTower operation, the Long Drop Capsule is only available for drop
mode. Each capsule is pressurized to atmospheric pressure (in case of drop or catapult operation) as well as
shockproof, in order to withstand the acceleration / deceleration forces. The main capsule components are:

• capsule platforms (variable number / flexible distances) for the accommodation of experiment equipment
• four stinger rack (Bosch Rexroth aluminum profiles) for stacking the experiment platforms by brackets
• pressure-tight capsule cover with nose cone and lid plate including customized interfaces (drop / catapult)
• capsule base structure, which consists of the Standard Capsule Equipment (SCE)

Figure 4.1: Drop tower capsule versions equally equipped with the Standard Capsule Equipment (SCE).
[left] Standard Capsule for drop, catapult, and GraviTower operation. [right] Long Drop Capsule.

➡ Please note: Upon special request, a non-standard capsule version consisting of two stacked Standard Capsules
can be offered for drop operation additionally enlarging the payload dimension in height.


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

Figure 4.2: [left] Standard Capsule and [right] Long Drop Capsule with payload dimensions (safety margins are
required). Number of experiment platforms are variable. Distances between them are flexible.

4.1.1 - Mounting of Equipment

Mechanical integration of payloads is made on specially designed sandwich-platforms of an aluminum (5 mm) /
plywood (18 mm) / aluminum (5 mm) compound. Those provided capsule platforms can withstand the deceleration
forces and serve for rapid damping of induced oscillations after capsule release. Experiment equipment can be fixed
on or underneath the platforms within the payload area. It is even possible to create thru-holes into platforms in
case of large assemblies. Each stringer can be used for further mounting purposes or cable run between platforms as
well. The number of platforms and the distances between them depend on the specific drop tower experiment.

➡ Important note: It is permitted to drill holes or threads into the capsule platform, but it is not permitted to open
the outer contour (e.g., by sawing into the platform from outside). In any case, capsule platform machining by
experimenter shall only be conducted upon consultation of drop tower engineers. Delivery of appropriated
number of capsule platforms to experimenter ́s premises can be arranged, if required.


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

Figure 4.3: Drawing of a capsule platform with its dimensions and surface area which can be modified for mounting
payloads. Its aluminum / plywood / aluminum compound structure allows thru-holes and thread holes.

4.1.2 - Payload Dimensions and Masses

Operation Mode Drop Catapult GraviTower

capsule version Long Drop Capsule Standard Capsule

max. payload height 1780 mm 1017 mm

max. payload diameter

599 mm
(between stringers)

max. payload width

700 mm
(off stringers)

total area of capsule platform 0.359 m2

height of capsule platform 28 mm

weight of capsule platform

15.5 kg
incl. brackets

capsule total weight [kg] 500 kg 400 kg 500 kg

payload mass [kg] 225 kg 265 kg 165 kg 265 kg

➡ Important note: All dimension limitations are hard limits. It is mandatory to keep a safety distance from these
limitations. If an experiment design exceeding the mass limit is required, it will be subject to special consulting.


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

4.1.3 - Mechanical Requirements

In order to mechanically design a drop tower experiment, the following technical limitations must be strictly kept:
• The overall weight of a capsule platform (including the platform mass itself) may not exceed 100 kg.
• Point load of a capsule platform (to the center) may not exceed 50 kg.
• The distribution of payload mass should be evenly. The mass eccentricity should be as low as possible.
(If the mass eccentricity is too high, additional counterbalance masses accumulated to the payload mass
must be mounted to the stringer rack.)

In drop and catapult mode, each payload has to withstand deceleration forces up to a peak value of about 50 g, and
initial acceleration forces up to a peak value of about 30 g only during catapult operation. These peak values must be
handled as quasi-steady accelerations. Finally, the introduction of a safety factor of 2 is strongly recommended.
Therefore, all capsule payloads shall be able to withstand accelerations of about 100 g (100% safety margin
included) in drop tower operation, at least. In GraviTower operation, max. accelerations of only about 5 g in total
occur. Thus, exclusively GraviTower payloads may adapt to that level - please refer to section 5.3 for examples of
related capsule acceleration and deceleration plots.

➡ Important note: Shock absorbers within the experimental setup shall be avoided. In general, industrial shock
absorbers are designed against shock (e.g., military standards), where the actual acceleration / deceleration is
of a quasi-steady type (please also refer to section 5.3). Therefore, industrial shock absorbers might lead to an
amplification of accelerations as they delay damping of the payload. The damping of a payload will be the best,
the more rigid it is connected to the capsule platform / structure. No damping elements are recommend.

Commercially available hardware may be used, but an absolute guarantee of its functionality during drop tower
operation cannot be given, of course. Based on experience, a variety of qualified (laboratory) equipment that can be
requested has been identified so far. It is strongly recommended to contact us for further information in this matter.

4.1.4 - Catapult Capsule Requirements

Due to safety requirements in the catapult operation mode, it is mandatory to tare the entire catapult capsule. The
procedure of taring will take about 4 hours and will be performed by drop tower engineers on site after the
experimental setup has passed its qualification review and before the first catapult launch. The technical reason is
that the center of gravity (COG) has to be within a circle of 1 mm in diameter around the vertical geometrical
catapult capsule center line. Therefore, all disassembling and reassembling of equipment inside the capsule during a
catapult campaign must also be done without shifting the COG outside this tolerance circle. If the capsule setup does
not fulfill the stated requirements above, a rebalancing will be necessary before the next catapult launch.

➡ Important note: Especially for catapult experiments it is obligatory to design a rigid mechanical setup which is
able to withstand the initial acceleration forces without any displacement of assembly parts. Cantilever beams
or any kind of systems that might oscillate during the capsule acceleration phase must be avoided.


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

5.1 Standard Capsule Equipment
The Standard Capsule Equipment (SCE) consists of the Capsule Control System (CCS) including its interface board and
cards as well as standard sensors, a switchable power supply (Power Distribution Unit - PDU) including its battery
packs, a radio telemetry / telecommand system including its industrial gigabit ethernet switch (unmanaged, 8x ports,
RJ45), a high-sensitivity Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), and the Drop Tower Sensor Pack (DTSP). The SCE is
assembled with its main components altogether to the capsule base structure at the bottom of each capsule. The
radio telemetry / telecommand system for drop or catapult operation is located at the inner plate of each capsule lid.
It provides an industrial wireless local area network transmission path with a transfer rate up to 450 Mbit/s. In case
of GraviTower operation, the radio telemetry / telecommand system is placed at the top of the actually installed
standard capsule structure. GraviTower’s local area network system makes use of an industrial Li-Fi (Light Fidelity)
network providing a secured optical and wireless transmission path with a transfer rate up to 250 Mbit/s.

➡ Important note: The Standard Capsule Equipment (SCE) is a mandatory unit for operating the Bremen Drop
Tower or the GraviTower Bremen Pro.

Figure 5.1: The Standard Capsule Equipment (SCE) is accommodated at the bottom of each drop tower capsule.


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

5.1.1 - Capsule Control System

After integration of the experimental setup into the mechanical structure, the drop tower experiment is electrically
connected to the Capsule Control System (CCS), in order to conduct required communications and operations like
triggering, signaling, switching, data acquisition and handling. The connection between experiment and CCS is based
upon a National Instruments™ Real Time PXI System providing sufficient analog and digital I/O channels plus serial
communications as well as relay / MOSFET switches for that purpose. The Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering
Workbench (LabVIEW™) software, a visual programming language from National Instruments™, is used to program
the experiment control in a dedicated sequence for drop, catapult, or GraviTower mode. During the capsule
integration process, the responsible drop tower engineer performs the LabVIEW™ programming conforming to
specifications given by the experimenters. Afterwards, intensive ground testings are accomplished at the Electronic
Ground Support Equipment (EGSE) to qualify the overall integrated capsule setup before operation begins in the drop
tube from the control room or in the GraviTower from the control desk.

Figure 5.2: National Instruments™ Real Time PXI System [left] including its analog I/O (female SMA connectors) and
serial RS-485/ RS-422 (male D-sub connectors) interface board [right].

5.1.2 - Battery Packs and Power Distribution Unit

During all transfers and during the in-flight operation,
each capsule is supplied with electrical power from two
stand-alone on-board rechargeable battery packs - one
to supply internal capsule units like the CCS, the other
one to supply the experiment via 8x switchable power
lines of the on-board Power Distribution Unit (PDU).

Figure 5.3: Location of the two PDU slide-in modules in

the power and interface rack [leftmost]. This rack also
accommodates CCS’ digital I/O interface cards including
relay / MOSFET switches (male D-sub connectors).


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

➡ Important note: Each battery pack (regular lead-acid types) for internal capsule units and respectively the
experiment has a nominal voltage of 24 V DC and a nominal capacity of 25 Ah. Both battery packs are recharged
during ground operation at the EGSE or during drop/catapult/GraviTower operation at the specific capsule
docking system. The overall charging voltage is 27.6 V DC. During charging or also discharging, the actual output
voltage by the PDU may allow a tolerance from 22.6 to 30 V DC. Thus, please consider that DC / DC converters
with a wide input range, e.g., from 18 to 36 V DC, are strongly recommended on the experiment side.

Electrical interface and performance of both slide-in modules of the on-board Power Distribution Unit (Figure 5.3):
• 8x locally or remotely switchable power lines distributed over 4x Neutrik SPX Series connectors (NL4FX)
• up to 15 A output current per single power line (up to 20 A for a short time upon special request)
• not more than 30 A output current per Neutrik SPX Series connector or PDU slide-in module
• nominal 24 V DC (27.6 V DC while charging) output voltage per single power line (tolerance: 22.6 - 30 V DC)
• max. 1500 W of total electrical power consumption by the experiment (supplied by on-board battery pack)

➡ Please note: Additional batteries (various types) may be accommodated in the payload area, after consultation.

➡ Important note: Hardware devices requiring AC voltage should be avoided in the experimental setup. If no
other option with DC-powered devices is feasible, non-standard DC / AC converters can be provided as an
Additional Capsule Equipment (ACE) in the payload area on demand (please refer to section 5.2.4).

In terms of the ground concept, all electrical grounds of the embedded SCE units, e.g., grounds of CCS devices and
the radio telemetry / telecommand system, any conductive housings and body parts, as well as the overall capsule
structure itself are connected to the ground of that battery pack, which supplies those internal capsule units.
According to the needs of the experiment, there are two options to electrically implement the experimental setup:

A. Non-Isolated Experiment Connection (Recommended)

All device grounds of the experimental setup are connected to the ground of the experiment battery pack.
Each conductive housing and body part of the setup has a grounding connection to the capsule structure. By
default, the PDU directly interconnects both grounds of the battery packs (internal capsule units and
experiment) in such a non-isolated configuration via an internal jumper.
B. Isolated Experiment Connection
All housing and body parts of the experimental setup have no conductive connection to the capsule
structure in any way. Each ground of all setup devices is directly interconnected to the ground of the
experiment battery pack. Please consider that analog outputs are always referenced to CCS’ ground and
thus cannot be used in such an isolated configuration. Additionally, the jumper interconnecting both
grounds of the battery packs in the PDU must be removed to separate the experiment battery pack ground
from the battery pack ground for the internal capsule units.


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

5.1.3 - Electrical Interface Board and Cards

In order to realize communications and operations between experiment and the CCS, different types of connections
are available via the on-board interface board and cards (Figure 5.2 [right] and 5.3). The following list gives an
overview of the possible standard connections provided by the CCS:

Port Identity Connection Type Quantity Description

input range: ±10 V
analog female SMA
40x sampling rate: 100 Hz … 10 kHz
inputs (SubMiniature Vers. A)
(differential, 16-bit resolution)
output range: ±10 V (max. ±5 mA per channel)
analog female SMA
10x update rate: 1 Hz … 100 Hz (max. 5 kHz)
outputs (SubMiniature Vers. A)
(referenced to CCS ground, 13-/16-bit resolution)
male D-sub standards: RS-485 / RS-422
serial (8x DE-9) baud rate: 75 baud … 3000 kbaud
communications male D-sub standard: RS-232 (by NI™ Real Time PXI System)
(1x DE-9) baud rate: 75 baud … 115200 baud
input high voltage: +3.2 V DC to +60 V DC
digital male D-sub
48x input low voltage: -60 V DC to +1 V DC
inputs (4x DB-25)
(isolated, max. ±3 mA per channel)
male D-sub switchable voltage: max. 250 V DC
outputs 32x
(2x DD-50) (max. 5 A per channel)
(relay switches)
male D-sub switchable voltage: max. 55 V DC
outputs 32x
(2x DD-50) (max. 5 A per channel)
(MOSFET switches)

➡ Please note: Appropriate data and commands throughout those communication lines are continuously logged
with a common sampling rate of 1 kHz and stored in consecutive TDMS (Technical Data Management System) files
on the CCS during ground or drop tower operation. Every minute, the CCS will automatically generate a new TDMS
file. Each of those single TDMS files contains all needed log and measurement information. If desired, a selection
of consecutive TDMS files can be merged to one single file and also exported to another format, e.g., to the
common ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) format.

➡ Important note: By means of the CCS, desired or even all analog and digital input / output data of the
communication lines as well as any data from the serial communications can be made available in situ. Those
continuously logged data will be displayed on the ground control computer at the EGSE and respectively in the
control room for experimenter’s instantaneous analysis. If needed, the LabVIEW™ software programming of
CCS’ experiment control also allows to create dependences and interactions of actual sensor as well as input /
output data with the drop tower experiment.


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

5.1.4 - Standard Capsule Sensors

The standard sensors of each drop tower capsule, which are arranged in one multi-sensor unit, are permanently
connected to the CCS through one serial communication port of its interface board, in order to provide standard
environmental capsule data during ground and respectively drop tower operation. The sensor data are continuously
stored on the CCS. The utilized multi-sensor unit is a LI65+ type manufactured by Thermokon Sensortechnik GmbH.

The LI65+ multi-sensor by Thermokon Sensortechnik GmbH provides following measurements in each capsule:
• temperature: -20 °C to +80 °C (default range) with an accuracy of ± 0.5 K (typ. at 21 °C)
• pressure: 500 … 1500 hPa (0.5 … 1.5 bar)
• humidity: 0 … 100 % rH non-condensing with an accuracy of ± 2 % between 10 … 90 % rH (typ. at 21 °C)
(absolute humidity and dew point are internally calculated)
• light: 0 … 1000 Lux (default range) with an accuracy of ± 50 Lux (± 5 % of measuring range)

5.1.5 - Inertial Measurement Unit

A high-sensitivity Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) is
accommodated in each capsule as a further Standard
Capsule Equipment (SCE) and a mandatory unit for
drop tower operation, respectively. The utilized low-
noise IMU is manufactured by ASC (type: ASC IMU
7.050LN.075). Its connection to the CCS is established
over a 12-pin Comtronic (male) connector. Similar to
the data acquisition of the standard capsule sensors
as well as the experiment data and commands, all
logged IMU data are stored on the CCS.
Figure 5.4: The ASC IMU 7.050LN.075 (z-axis corresponds to capsule axis).

The ASC IMU 7.050LN.075 provides precise angular rate and acceleration measurements:
• gyroscope (3-axis) with an angular rate of ± 75 °/s
• acceleration (3-axis) with a sensor range of ± 50 g

5.1.6 - Drop Tower Sensor Pack

Once the Drop Tower Sensor Pack (DTSP) is activated, it permanently records data from its different sensor types,
logging the inner capsule environment. The DTSP is a complementary unit of the Standard Capsule Equipment (SCE),
but only dedicated to internal purposes. On special request, its data can be made available to the experimenters.


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

5.2 Additional Capsule Equipment

Upon a special request, Additional Capsule Equipment (ACE) can be provided for the drop tower campaign on site.
Furthermore, equipment that is not listed in this section could be made available for the experimenter as well. In any
case, experimenters are strongly encouraged to contact ZARM FAB mbH evaluating the best equipment option.

5.2.1 - High-Speed Camera Systems

Six units of the "Phantom Miro™ C321 - 16GB" compact cameras are available to enable higher resolution imaging.
An overview of the performance of the "Phantom Miro™ C321 - 16GB" camera is listed below:
• camera size (73 mm x 73 mm x 87.2 mm; 540 g; without lens)
• CMOS sensor (22.03 mm diameter) with 10 µm pixel size
• 1920 x 1080 pixel resolution
• 1,480 f/s recording rate at full image resolution and 4.48 s recording time
• 94,510 f/s recording rate with minimum image resolution of 640 x 8 pixel and 28.4 s recording time
• 240 GB Cine flash memory (internal data storage)
• global shutter with minimum exposure time of 1µs
• options for hardware and software trigger
• color or monochrome (10 bit)
• lens mount: 1" C-mount
• lenses: 12 mm and 18 mm focal length
• ethernet camera control via CCS (LabView™) or Phantom PCC (Windows x64) Software™
• saved file format: Phantom Cine RAW (.cine) and converted formats MP4, AVI, TIFF, JPG, DNG and more

➡ Please note: The "Phantom Miro™ C321 - 16GB"

camera is equipped with a fan. To prevent any
disturbances to the microgravity quality, it is
recommended to switch off the fan during drop
tower operation.

➡ Please note: Since the "Phantom Miro™ C321 -

16GB" is equipped with a large local memory,
several recordings can be saved during the
experimental phase. Thus, the camera is very
well suited for GraviTower operation.
Figure 5.5: High-speed camera system "Phantom Miro™ C321 - 16GB“.


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

Additionally, up to 3 units of the robust high-speed camera system “Photron FASTCAM MC2™” with one or two
remote camera heads are available. Each camera head offers a light sensitive CMOS imaging sensor. An overview of
the performance of the Photron FASTCAM MC2™ system is listed below:
• up to two remote camera heads (35 mm x 35 mm x 35 mm; 90 g; without lens)
• 512 x 512 pixel resolution
• 2000 f/s recording rate at full image resolution, for both camera heads and 4 s recording time
• 1000 f/s recording rate at full image resolution, for both camera heads and 8 s recording time
• up to 10.000 f/s with reduced image resolution (512 x 96 pixel)
• global electronic shutter from 20 ms to 6 µs
• color (24 Bit) or monochrome (8 Bit)
• lens mount: C-mount
• a variety of lenses is available - focal lengths: 8.2 mm, 12.7 mm, 17.6 mm, 22.5 mm, 29.3 mm
• remote camera heads with 3 m cable allows easy positioning at hardly accessible space
• processor unit (H: 195 mm x W: 159 mm x D: 130 mm; 5 kg)
• camera heads are precisely synchronized to an external source
• start, end, center and manual trigger modes
• live video during recording: NTSC, PAL
• ethernet camera control via CCS or Photron FASTCAM Viewer (PFV) Software™
• saved image formats: JPEG, AVI, TIFF, BMP, RAW, PNG, MOV, and FTIF

➡ Please note: The live video output of the Photron

FASTCAM MC2™ system can be transmitted from the
drop or catapult capsule to the control room, while the
capsule is in the drop tube and has a direct optical
connection to the infrared video transmission system on
top of the drop tube. In this way, a live video output is
feasible prior to the microgravity experiment and during
free fall. The bandwidth of the transmitted data is
standard video. The high-speed camera data are still
stored on the processor unit as usual, which is onboard
the experiment capsule.
Figure 5.6: High-speed camera system “Photron FASTCAM MC2™”.


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

5.2.2 - Heating and Cooling Circuit

Each experimental setup can be connected to a thermal liquid circuit during its ground operation at the EGSE or
during its drop tower and respectively GraviTower operation at the related capsule docking system. In the drop tower
case, the experiment capsule is connected to a thermostat outside of the drop tube via a vacuum-capable thermal
liquid line. The circuit must be disconnected about one minute prior to the drop command in drop mode or about 10
minutes prior to the launch command in catapult mode. In the GraviTower case, a disconnection of the thermal
liquid circuit must take place prior to each launch command. The final timing must be in accordance with the
required GraviTower procedures launching the slider. After each run, a reconnection of the circuit is immediately

Technical data and performance of the thermostat are shown below:

• forerun temperature: -20 °C to +60 °C
• liquid: glycol/water-mixture
• heating power: max. 2 kW
• cooling power: 2.3 kW at +20 °C / 1.2 kW at -20 °C
• volume of bath: 19 l to 27 l
• max. pressure: 0.6 bar

➡ Please note: Through a closed loop regulation, the temperature can be adjusted between -20 °C and +60 °C. An
onboard heat exchanger with about 1 kW of power (forerun temperature dependent) can be also made available,
in order to heat or cool a dedicated experiment area in the drop tower capsule.

5.2.3 - Non-Standard Power Supply

A high current power supply, to be used as an external power supply providing max. 28 V DC with up to 100 A, can be
provided during ground operation at the EGSE or during drop tower and respectively GraviTower operation at the
related capsule docking system. The power supply, e.g., to heat an experimental furnace in the experiment capsule,
must be disconnected about one minute prior to the drop command in drop mode, about 10 minutes prior to the
launch command in catapult mode, or in accordance with the required timing prior to each launch command in the
GraviTower mode. In all cases, the switching of current is performed with ramps.

5.2.4 - Non-Standard DC / AC Converters

Two non-standard DC / AC converters with electrical output powers of 150 W (230 V AC) and respectively 600 W
(230V AC) are available on special request and can be additionally implemented in the payload area.

➡ Important note: In general, AC voltages should be avoided in the experimental setup, in order to prevent
unexpected electronic noice or related electrical issues in any data acquisition or other technical systems used
(please also refer to section 4.1.2).


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

5.2.5 - Capsule Vent Line

In order to release gases out of the drop tower capsule during its operation under the vacuum conditions inside the
drop tube, e.g., from cryogenic devices or combustion exhausts of the experimental setup, an internal vent line
inside the capsule can be provided. This vent line will be connected to a valve at the capsule lid.

➡ Please note: The capsule vent line can be also used to evacuate a vacuum-capable vessel of the experimental
setup to the ambient vacuum of the drop tube during the drop tower operation.

➡ Important note: In order to avoid thruster effects during free fall, the valve of the vent line at the capsule lid
must be closed prior to the release or the launch of the drop tower capsule. For safety reasons, this valve must
be controlled by the Capsule Control System (CCS). Once the valve of the vent line is closed, all gases must be
stored in capable onboard containers which are part of the experimental payload. A capable onboard container
storing gases in the payload area is also strongly recommended in terms of GraviTower operation. In this case, a
secured and controlled venting of gases is feasible between runs. While the experiment capsule is in the flight
phase, thruster effects must be avoided in the GraviTower as well.


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

6.1 Pressure Environment
Each drop tower capsule covered with its shell and lid during drop tower operation is a gas-tight and pressure-tested
vessel, sealing the interior from the outer vacuum in the drop tube. The interior is kept on atmospheric conditions
throughout the entire drop tower procedure. The inner pressure of each capsule is permanently monitored as part of
the housekeeping data measurements - please also refer to section 5.1.4.

Below values are valid for a sealed capsule configuration with its shell and lid during drop tower operation.
• nominal capsule pressure: p = 1013 hPa
• pressure loss over time: Δp < 1% within 3 h
• pressure safety values: 980 hPa < p < 1.300 hPa

➡ Please note: Deviations off the nominal capsule pressure may result from a temperature shift due to differences of
the ambient temperatures between the integration area and the top of the drop tube at a height of 120 m, e.g., in
case of a drop experiment. In this context, seasonal temperature variations shall be considered as well.

➡ Important note: In case of high pressure rises in the fully closed capsule during drop tower operation, e.g., due
to outgassing experimental vessels, the overpressure is released over the capsule vent line (see section 5.2.5) to
its environment. A pressure release is not valid during free fall. Capable gas containers must be considered in
the experimental setup for such a potential event. The detection of a high or low capsule pressure out of its
safety values always leads to an abort of the drop tower operation.

6.2 Thermal Conditions

The nominal capsule temperature is in general room temperature. It may shift about some kelvin due to seasonal
variations depending on differences of the ambient temperatures between the integration area and the top of the
drop tube, in case of a drop experiment. In wintertime, the ambient temperature can even drop to a few degree
centigrade inside the drop tube at a height of 120 m, for instance. Finally, drop experiments sensitive to temperature
shall be heated or cooled by the heating and cooling circuit - please also refer to section 5.2.2.
Depending on the experimental setup integrated inside the drop tower capsule, the nominal capsule temperature
may vary during drop tower or GraviTower operation as well. As part of the housekeeping data measurements, the
capsule temperature is permanently monitored - please also refer to section 5.1.4. Additionally, the CCS offers the
capability to perform further temperature measurements at different locations in the payload area, if desired.

➡ Please note: Any thermal power loss of electrical devices installed inside the fully closed capsule leads to an
increase of the overall capsule temperature during drop tower operation. In terms of planning a temperature-
sensitive drop or catapult experiment, a pre-analysis of the total thermal power loss generated by all utilized
experiment components is recommended. The heating and cooling circuit (section 5.2.2) offers a further option.


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

6.3. - Acceleration / Deceleration Plots - Drop Mode

The Bremen Drop Tower offers three operation modes for experimenting in a high-quality microgravity environment.
The drop mode is used for experiments that can be performed within 4.7 s in microgravity and/or require a 1 g to
microgravity - transition.

➡ Please note: The release mechanism to drop experiments are designed for a smooth transition from 1 g to
microgravity, in order to minimize structural vibrations during release.

➡ Please also note: An acceleration of up to a peak value of about 50 g must be considered during the capsule
deceleration in the deceleration container.

Figure 6.1: Example for a generic data set of a drop measured with the IMU “iIMU-FCR-03”.


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

Figure 6.2: Zoom-in of the capsule release during the drop (same data set - Figure 6.1).

Figure 6.3: Zoom-in of the deceleration profile (same data set - Figure 6.1).


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

6.3. Acceleration / Deceleration Plots - Catapult Mode

The catapult mode is used for experiments that require a longer microgravity period of up to 9.3 s, which is actually
unmatched by any other drop tower systems worldwide, and can be performed with an initial acceleration of approx.
30 g.

➡ Please note: The launch mechanism of the catapult system is designed for a smooth transition from the
acceleration phase to microgravity, in order to minimize structural vibrations during the launch.

➡ Please also note: Comparable to the drop modes, an acceleration of up to a peak value of about 50 g must be
considered during the capsule deceleration in the deceleration container.

➡ Please note: Single periods of microgravity may vary some milliseconds from flight to flight in the catapult mode
(up to 9.3 s). It depends on the actual pneumatic pressure that is applied for the specific capsule launch. Pressure
adjustments can be made. But, a safety margin in distance must be strictly adhered to the top of the drop tube.

Figure 6.4: Example for a generic data set of a catapult flight measured with the IMU “iIMU-FCR-03”.


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

Figure 6.5: Zoom-in of the initial acceleration profile during the catapult launch (same data set - Figure 6.4).

Figure 6.6: Zoom-in of the deceleration profile (same data set - Figure 6.4).


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

6.3.3 - Acceleration / Deceleration Plot - GraviTower Mode

The GraviTower mode is used for experiments within max. 2.5 s in microgravity that shall benefit from higher
repetition rates of 20 experiments per hour. Furthermore, the GraviTower is preferred for experiments which require
adjustable kinematics of up to 5 g acceleration as well as up to 5 g deceleration in total in order to explore a wide
range of parameters. This is important to test preliminary setups or appropriate experiment components, to qualify
hardware or technologies for space missions, or to facilitate dedicated microgravity research with reliable statistics.

Figure 6.7: Generic data set of a GraviTower run measured with the IMU “iIMU-FCR-03” -
parameter set of acceleration and deceleration with max. microgravity duration.

➡ Please note: With its patented Release-Caging-Mechanism (RCM), the actively driven GraviTower is capable to
realize a very smooth and precise experiment transition into the microgravity phase. All related kinematics and
thus the profiles of the initial acceleration and the later deceleration are individually adjustable in their
amplitudes. For fine tuning the release of the capsule into the free fall phase, even the final acceleration profile
(lower radius) can be separately adjusted to identify the best parameter set for the related experiment - please
also refer to section 2.2.2.

➡ Important note: All experimental payloads must be designed and mounted enabling to withstand the
acceleration / deceleration forces - please refer to the section 5.1.3 and section 5.1.4.


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

➡ Please note: Several adjustments of GraviTower’s kinematic parameters by the experimenters (or in the future
even by artificial intelligence) are possible (see Figure 2.10) - the related microgravity duration will be
automatically calculated by the system.

6.3.4 - Quality of Microgravity

The quality of microgravity or the residual acceleration is of the order of 10-6 g during each flight in the drop or
catapult mode. This level is one of the best values amongst the available microgravity platforms. Due to the low
vacuum level of a few pascal inside the drop tube, similar high-quality microgravity and thus experiment conditions
are achievable from flight to flight.
In order to proof such a high-quality condition of weightlessness, high-sensitivity accelerometers are required. Those
devices are non-standard equipment. Special reference measurements revealing the microgravity quality took place
at the Bremen Drop Tower, e.g., for the preparation of the MICROSCOPE space mission.
For detailed information about the accelerometers of the MICROSCOPE mission and the measured quality of
microgravity in the drop as well as catapult mode, please refer to following publications:

• F. Liorzou et al., “Free fall tests of the accelerometers of the MICROSCOPE mission”,
Advances in Space Research 54 (2014) 1119-1128
• F. Liorzou et al., “MICROSCOPE instrument description and validation”
Class. Quantum Grav. 39 204002 (2022)

➡ Please note: Preliminary measurements of the residual acceleration, have already taken place during several
dedicated test runs in the GraviTower mode. At the current stage of development of the GraviTower, it can be
stated that its quality of microgravity is of the order of 10-4 g.


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

A risk assessment for each drop tower experiment is essential and must be conducted before starting work at the
Bremen Drop Tower. The risk assessment is the responsibility of the experimenters and is therefore mandatory.

As a general guideline, the safety requirements for performing experiments in the Bremen Drop Tower or in the
GraviTower Bremen Pro in a safe and successful manner do not exceed those that are applied to an experiment
operation in one’s own or in a typical research laboratory. It might be understood that the experimenters are
responsible to care for a safe operation of their equipment and to implement effective safeguards into the
experimental setup.

➡ Important note: The experimenters shall examine all of their equipment, which will be brought to ZARM’s
premises, to identify potential hazards. ZARM FAB mbH must be informed about any potential hazards in due
time, in order to enable the installation of appropriate countermeasures.

The safety requirements to be applied are summarized below:

• Gaseous fuels and oxidizer must be stored in different containers. Ignitable pre-mixture storage is

• There are no general pressure limits for gas reservoirs. But, pressurized reservoirs used must be certified by
the technical survey of the experimenters’ country. In the case, this does not exist or the request is
inappropriate, the experimenters must be able to handover the technical standards of related design
calculations, on request.

• If hazardous gases are used, an appropriate gas detector to monitor leakages must be part of the setup.

• The release of toxic, corrosive, explosive, bio-hazardous, or elsewhere contaminating matter into the
capsule or to the outside of the capsule is prohibited. The experimenters are in any case requested to
declare potential hazards for the drop tower operators’ safety.

• Solenoid valves must be implemented into pressurized liquid circuits containing hazardous matter. The
valves must be powerless closed. The switching power of the valves are connected to the PDU with a
microgravity switch. In case of CCS failure, the valves can be closed by flying the capsule.

• Batteries must be of the solid-, dry-, or gel-type. Liquid electrolytic batteries will be refused.


Bremen Drop Tower - Payload User’s Guide

Version 1.4

• The center of gravity of the setup shall be on the vertical axis of the capsule. Slight deviations from that can
be compensated on site through attaching passive counterbalance masses to the stringers. If this is
impossible, because of place or exceeding the maximum mass of the capsule, the experiment can be
refused. Please make sure that the masses are evenly distributed overall.

• Change of motion of masses during free fall shall be avoided. If this cannot be achieved, accelerations must
be compensated by accelerating counterweights on or around the identical axis. Please consider the fact
that you do not know about the exact location of the COG of the complete capsule in no direction. In case of
doubt, a pendulum test of the fully integrated capsule can be made on site.

• Experiments that are mechanically weak and cannot be reinforced on site will be refused. So, please care for
your equipment matching the conditions given by the mechanical requirements.

• Any electric element (valves, detectors, etc.) subjected to hazards or hazard control must be connected to
the CCS. As any computer, the CCS is not totally failsafe. Therefore, the experiment shall be designed as
failsafe as possible, in general.

➡ Important note: If potential hazards are not reflected above, it does not necessarily mean that those hazards do
not exist. The clearance to proceed with the drop tower experiment is subjected to continuous risk assessments
during the capsule integration process and a final safety check prior to each flight, which are conducted by drop
tower engineers together with the experimenters in both cases. It may lead to a request for remedial measure.
In general, all experimenters are strongly encouraged to address any technical details of their experiments to
ZARM FAB mbH for feasibility and safety checks, in advance. Finally, ZARM FAB mbH’s aim is still to assist all
experimenters with the best performance and make each drop tower experiment a success.

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