Ayu Wulandari Rtm-7 - Indirect Speech Acts
Ayu Wulandari Rtm-7 - Indirect Speech Acts
Ayu Wulandari Rtm-7 - Indirect Speech Acts
NIM : 2130104012
c. Previous relevant Research of Indirect Speech acts in Pragmatic Analysis and Examples
No Citation (articles) Research Methods (research type & design, data & data sources, Results & Examples
aims/purpose instrument, technique of data collection, and
techniques of data analysis
1 (Mellor, 2014) This research The data were taken directly from the movie dialogue, The characters in the movie used indirect speech
aimed to focusing on the indirect speech acts uttered by the acts as request, command, suggestion,
identify the characters, and the context of the occurrence of the invitation, and refusal. Based on the findings,
indirect speech utterance. The collected data were transferred to a there were five data belonged to refusal speech
act and the table, which were analyzed using descriptive acts, two request speech acts, one invitation
intended qualitative method. The data collection and analysis speech act, two command speech acts, and one
meaning of the resulted in the findings of 11 data of indirect speech suggestion speech act. This showed that indirect
utterances in acts. speech act utterances in the movie were mainly
the movie used by the characters as a refusal to an offer or
Sherlock: The invitation.
Empty Hearse
2 (Oktadistio et al., 2018) An Analysis his research was a descriptive analysis that discussed rom the analysis, it was found that both direct
of Direct and about direct and indirect speech acts in the story of speech acts and indirect speech
Indirect princess Hase-Hime. In analyzing the script, there was acts are used by the characters in this story.
Speech Acts used theory by Yule (1996). The data in this research There were 32 direct speech acts and 15 indirect
Realized based on the characters’ utterances. The purpose of this speech act. Based on the sentence form, from all
by the analysis was to find out the types and functions of total of direct speech act, it found 19
Characters in speech acts whether it is direct speech act or indirect declarative, 11 imperative, and five
the Story of speech act in the story, to find out the most dominant interrogative sentence forms. In addition to this,
Princess Hase- speech act, and its contribution to pragmatics for indirect speech act, there were eight
Hime. teaching. imperative, 19 declarative, and five for
interrogative sentence form. In addition, based
on its function there were three functions of
direct and indirect speech employed by the
characters of Princess Hase-Hime story. For
direct speech act, there were 19 statement, five
question, and 11 order/request functions. For
indirect one, there are only two functions,
namely 15 statement and nothing for
order/request and question functions. The
researcher also found 47 speech acts employed
by the characters in the story of Princess Hase-
Hime (100%), it found 32 direct speech acts
(68%) and 15 indirect speech acts (32%). It
meant that the dominant one was direct speech
act. The story of Princess Hase-Hime can be
used as the reference or alternative source
learning to (Fitriyah, 2021)pragmatics teaching.
3 (Fitriyah, 2021) This study To achieve this goal, the researcher uses a descriptive- The data analysis is done based on the
aims to qualitative research design. The participants of this interactive Miles model, which includes three
analyze and study are students of Islamic College Jakarta. The stages: (1) data reduction, (2) data presentation,
describe (1) objects in this study are the forms, functions, and types (3) verification. The results of this study
the forms of of speech uttered by Islamic College Jakarta students. indicate that: (1) Three forms of
speech acts in The data collection is done using the note-taking speech acts: declarative, interrogative, and
interactions in method supported by recording techniques. imperative modes and (2) types of speech acts
English class of students in English class: direct speech, and
at Islamic indirect speech acts are found in the research
Jakarta and (2)
the types of
speech acts in
the interaction
in English
class at
4 (Fitriyah, 2021) Speech Acts The design of this research was qualitative descriptive. and the objective of this study was: to know
are the This Research discussed about “Speech Acts Analysis about the types of Speech Acts which used in
speaker’s of Dialogues in “English in Focus 2” Textbook”. conversations in “English In Focus 2”
utterances that Research problem in this study was: what are the types Textbook. In this Textbook, the researcher
convey of Speech Acts in dialogues in the “English in Focus 2” found 4 dialogues that indicated Speech Acts.
meaning and Textbook? This textbook’s type of Speech Acts were
make listeners . Directive, Commissive, and
do specific Expressive
things; when
saying a
utterance, a
speaker is
There are five
types of
Speech Act:
and Assertive.
5 (Oktadistio et al., 2018)
This The researcher uses observation and recording It was found that there are two types of
research technique to collect the data. In analyzing the speech acts: direct and indirect speech acts.
attempts to data, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative It is categorized into four: representative,
find the method. expressive, directive, commissive. The use
classification of speech acts gives some implications:
of speech improving students’ understanding of
acts and its speech acts, increasing level of decency in
implication a communication, improving class
in teaching atmosphere and students’ motivation, and
and learning building good relationship between teacher
activity. and students.