Femoral Neck Fracture Fixation: Comparison OF A Sliding Screw With LAG Screws
Femoral Neck Fracture Fixation: Comparison OF A Sliding Screw With LAG Screws
Femoral Neck Fracture Fixation: Comparison OF A Sliding Screw With LAG Screws
The rigidity of a sliding compression screw and three cannulated lag screws in the treatment of subcapital
fractures was compared in five pairs of female cadaver femora. There were no significant differences between
the compressive sfrength, bone density, cortical thickness or Singh index of the bones in each pair. A
subcapital fracture was standardised using a perpendicular saw cut across the femoral neck. A urnaxial ‘load
test system’ with force and length measurement facifities was used to mimic cyclical stressing applied in vivo
at a frequency of 0.5 Hz from 0 to 3 times body-weight. There was no significant difference between the
fixation afforded by the sliding compression screw and three lag screws. Bone quality was the single most
important factor in the stabifity of the bone implant unit.
The importance of bone quality in the fixation of femora! heads from the same patient and (2) a dynamic loading
neck fractures has been emphasised by in vitro studies regime to simulate walking.
(Franke! 1960; Van Audekercke et a! 1979; Husby,
H#{248}iseth and F#{248}nstelien 1987). However, most in vitro
studies have compared fixation devices using femora
from different subjects (Van Audekercke et a! 1979; Fourteen pairs of femora were obtained from females
MacKechnie-Jarvis 1983 ; Elmerson eta! 1987). The over the age of 60. Those with known hip pathology such
limitation of this technique is that the Yariation in the as a previous arthroplasty, a femoral fracture or a tumour
mechanical properties of bone from different individuals were excluded from the study. The specimens were
is not taken into account. The two reports which initially stored at - 20#{176}C.
Prior to testing, the mechanical
overcame this problem by using paired femora from the properties of the right and left femora were investigated
same patient employed a static loading system (Mizrahi by measuring bone density (Dal#{233}n, Hellstr#{246}m and
et a! 1980; Engesaeter et a! 1984). This method is Jacobson 1976), cortical thickness (Griffiths, Swanson
unsatisfactory since in life the fixation device must be and Freeman 1971), the Singh index (Khairi et a! 1976)
able to withstand the cyclical loading pattern associated and using a static compression test.
with walking. The frozen bones were radiographed in pairs. The
We report an in vitro study which investigated the Singh index was assessed for each proximal femur by
fixation offemoral neck fractures using (1) paired femora! three independent observers and the femora! shaft
cortical thickness measured 120 mm below the greater
trochanter using vernier calipers. After the bones had
D. I. Clark, MB, ChB, BMed Sci, Anatomy Demonstrator been radiographed they were returned to their storage
Department of Anatomy, University of Newcastle, Framlington Place,
Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 4HH, England. environment. Using a ND 2100 bone density scanner,
C. E. Crofts, BSc, PhD, University Lecturer readings were taken from the proximal two-thirds of
Department of Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering, University each femur, and from the femoral shaft sections. As soon
of Sheffield, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Glossop Road, Sheffield 510
2JF, England. as the measurements had been made a!! the bones were
M. Saleh, MSc(Bio Eng), FRCS, FRCS Ed, SeniorLecturer, University again returned to storage.
ofSheffield, Honorary Consultant, Sheffield Health Authority Before mechanical testing, the bones were defrosted
Department of Orthopaedics, Northern General Hospital, Barnsley
Road, Sheffield 55 7AU, England.
for six hours at room temperature, carefully cleaned of
Correspondence should be sent to Dr D. I. Clark.
muscle and soft tissue, and rehydrated with warm saline.
The mechanical tests were performed on a Mayes
© 1990 British Editorial Society ofBone and Joint Surgery
030l-620X/90/S1SS $2.00 material testing machine (Fig. 1). Static compression
J Bone Joint Surg [Br] 1990; 72-B :797-800. tests were carried out on six pairs of femoral shaft
sections. After the bones had defrosted, the length and Failure of the system was defined as the point at which a
diameter of each specimen were measured. The length of deflection of 125% of the value recorded at 30 cycles was
each sample was adjusted using a band-saw to give a observed (a figure set for the proposed British Standard
length to diameter ratio of approximately 4 to 1 The . for femora! head prostheses BSI DD91 :1986). The
specimen was loaded to failure at a rate of 3 mm/mm. specimens were refrozen after testing and later radio-
The maximum load was recorded. graphed to determine the pattern of failure.
Cyclical compression tests were performed on five
pairs of randomly selected femora artificially fractured
and fitted with two different fixation devices. After the
bones had defrosted, one specimen from each pair was Bone quality. In order to be certain that there was no
selected at random for fixation with a sliding compression difference in the bone quality of the paired femora, four
screw, whilst the other was fixed with three self-tapping pretest investigations were performed : static compres-
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Fig. 1
I Fig. 2
Figure 1 - The Mayes material testing machine as used in our experiments. Figure 2 - The proximal femur held between the purpose-built
cannulated lag screws. In order to achieve an anatomical sion tests, bone density measurements, the Singh index
reduction, both devices were initially inserted into the and cortical thickness as measured radiographically.
unfractured femur. They were removed and a fracture Statistical analysis revealed no significant difference
artificially produced using a saw cut perpendicular to the between the right and left femora (Table I).
neck. Purpose-built grips to hold the bone at an Rigidity. The deflections recorded during the fatigue
anatomical angle of 20#{176}
from the vertical were fitted to testing of the five pairs of proximal femora are given in
the test machine (Fig. 2). The specimen was placed in Table II. There was no significant difference between the
the lower grip. Each bone was covered with damp paper deflections recorded after the first or 30th cycles for the
during testing. Each specimen was loaded sinusoidally bones fixed with compression or lag screws. In addition,
from 0 to 3 times body-weight (2. 1 kN) at a frequency of there was no significant difference between the number
0.5 Hz until fracture occurred. The load and displacement of cycles required to produce failure in the femora fixed
were recorded graphically and from a digital display. with a sliding compression screw and those fixed with
The deflections after 1 and 30 cycles were recorded. three lag screws.
The results in Table III compare the age and bone first the fracture impacted with the screw sliding down
quality (Singh index and bone density) against deflection the barrel. The head then began to shear across the
of each pair of fixed bones. The pair with the largest fracture site due to the screw barrel cutting through the
deflection (number 4) were from the oldest subject (84 femora! neck trabecu!ar bone (Fig. 3a). During loading
years) and had the weakest bone (Singh index 3) and the the three cannulated lag screws were forced back down
lowest bone density of the five pairs. By contrast, the the drilling holes. A crush fracture of the inferior surface
smallest deflection occurred in bones from the youngest of the femora! neck then occurred. Finally the head
subject (65 years) with the best bone quality (Singh index sheared across the fracture line and the screw threads
6) and a high bone density. converged and rotated downwards (Fig. 3b). No plastic
Failure mode. The sliding compression screws did not deformation of any implant was observed.
bend in any of the tests. Failure was due to collapse of
the trabecular bone in the femora! neck and head. At
Table II. Deflections recorded during fatigue testing ofthe proximal Table III. Age, bony quality and deflection under testing of
femora each pair of fixed femora
Number Bone
Age Screw Deflection after Deflection after of cycles Age Deflection after Singh density
Pair (yr) used 1 cycle (mm) 30 cydes (mm) to failure Pair (yr) 3Ocycles(mm) index (g/cm2)
2. 1 kN sinusoidal loading pattern when fatigue testing shown that bone quality was the most important factor
femoral heads. in influencing the outcome of fixation.
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et a! 1981). Mizrahi found a triangular three-screw
orientation of two superior and one inferior to be the REFERENCES
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