Ja Dima

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Republic of the Philippines

1st Shari’ah Circuit Court
Cotabato City



- versus - SHCC CIVIL CASE NO.: 2024-1999


Philippine Statistics Authority, BY TALAQ under Art. 46
1st Shariah Circuit Court, Sultan Kudarat, of P.D.1083
Maguindanao del Norte,



I, BAJUNAID AMBANG DIMA, Filipino, of legal age, with address at

Cotabato City, after having been sworn in accordance with law, hereby
execute this Judicial Affidavit, in Question and Answer form, and hereby
answer the following questions below in support of the claims and
allegations of Petitioner, in Shari’ah Circuit Court Case No. 2024-1999 for
Petition for Divorce by Talaq pending before 1st Shari’ah Circuit Court,
Cotabato City. Consciously knowing that I am under oath, and with
understanding that I may face criminal liability for false testimony or
perjury, I hereby answer the following questions from Attorney Warda
Santiago with office address at Door 1, 2nd Floor, Campomanes Building,
Quezon Avenue, Cotabato City 9600, who conducted this examination in
her office.

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The following testimony of affiant BAJUNAID AMBANG DIMA is

being offered to prove the following:

a. That the Petitioner and the Respondent have been living separately
since November 5, 2023;

b. That on April 30, 2024 the husband pronounced his Talaq, by filing a
Written Notice with the Clerk of Court of the 1 st Shari’ah Circuit Court
of Cotabato City where the petitioner resides, and a copy is furnished
to the concerned wife, as required by P.D. 1083.

c. That irreconcilable differences between them could be reasonably

inferred are as follows:

a. The respondent’s constant nagging and emotional instability,

psychological or otherwise, showed up that paved the
petitioner to give up on their marriage so as not to aggravate
further the situation; and

b. That respondent began hurting the petitioner physically and

emotionally when she went to the petitioner’s workplace at
Police Station 4 Cotabato City and made a scene by punching
him. This was duly witnessed by his co-workers.

d. Other matters in relation thereto.


1. Q: Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?

A: Yes, I do.

2. Q: Are you aware that you may face criminal liability for false
testimony of perjury if you will not tell the truth?

A: Yes, I am.

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3. Q: Please state your name, age and other personal circumstances.

A: I am Bajunaid Ambang Dima, of legal age and with address at

Cotabato City.

4. Q: Where are you currently working and for what position?

A: I am working as Patrolman of the Philippine National Police

and presently assigned at Police Station 4 Cotabato City.

5. Why are you present here today?

A: I am here today to execute my Judicial Affidavit in relation to

the Petition for Divorce by Talaq filed by Hafiz Makmod Ibrahim.

6. Q: Do you the know the Petitioner in the instant case?

A: Yes, Maám.

7. Q: How do you know the Petitioner?

A: He is my colleague in PNP.

8. Do you know the Respondent in the instant case?

A: Yes, Maám.

9. Q: How do you know the Respondent?

A: She is the wife of my colleague, Hafiz Makmod Ibrahim.

10. Q: What do you know about the present relationship of the

Petitioner and the Respondent, if any?

A: They have been living separately from each other since

November 5, 2023.

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11. Q: How did you know that the Petitioner and the Respondent
have been living separately since November 5, 2023?

A: Patrolman Ibrahim told me during our interactions and


12. Q: What was the reason, if you know, why the Petitioner has been
living separately from the Respondent?

A: Because the Petitioner could no longer bear the attitude of the

Respondent and giving threats to the petitioner.

13. Q: What did the Petitioner told you about his sentiments?

A: Petitioner told me that her wife is constantly nagging at him

both in person and thru the use of the cellular phones.

14. Q: What else did the Petitioner tell you, if any?

A: That the Respondent is constantly threatening him.

15. Which of these allegations were confirmed by the Petitioner?

A: The Petitioner confirmed both of these allegations.

16. Q: How was the relationship of the Petitioner and the


A: It got worse.

17. Q: How did it become worse?

A: I have noticed Patrolman Ibrahim striving to maintain his best

performance and struggling to concentrate during briefings and
displaying signs of distraction while carrying out his assigned tasks
especially when the assignment is out in public. I have observed that
Patrolman Ibrahim constantly fears for the safety of his family and

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frequently refuses invitations to go out, citing concerns for his own

18. Q: For what purpose are you executing this Judicial Affidavit?

A: I am executing this statement as part of my testimony in the

above entitled case.

19. Q: Mr. Witness, is there anything else you wish to add?

A: None, Ma’am

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature this

May 10, 2024 at Cotabato City, Philippines.



SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this May 10, 2024 at

Cotabato City, Philippines. I have identified affiant through his PNP ID-
2110700208 issued by the Philippine National Police on September 7, 2021
bearing his photograph and signature.

Doc. No. ___;

Page No. ___;
Book No. ___;
Series of 2024.

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I, Atty. Warda Y. Santiago, of legal age, Filipino, and with office

address at Door 1, 2nd Floor, Campomanes Building, Quezon Avenue,
Cotabato City 9600, under oath and state that:

1. I conducted the examination of witness, BAJUNAID AMBANG

DIMA, on May 10, 2024, in connection with the above-
captioned case.

2. I faithfully recorded or caused to be recorded the questions that

I asked and the answers that the witness gave as stated in his
judicial affidavit.

3. Neither I nor any other person present or assisting the witness

coached him regarding his answer stated in his Judicial Affidavit.

Atty. Warda Y. Santiago, MPA


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this May 10, 2024 at

Cotabato City, Philippines, affiant personally appeared and exhibited to me
her Integrated Bar of the Philippines Identification Card with I.D. No. 87359
and bearing her photograph and signature.

Doc. No. ___;

Page No. ___;
Book No. ___;
Series of 2024.

Copy furnished:

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