Applying The Predictive Approach

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Applying the Predictive Approach

By Michael V. Brown, New Standard Institute

Definition of Predictive Maintenance - Predictive maintenance (PDM) compares the trend of measured
physical parameters against known engineering limits for the purpose of detecting, analyzing, and correcting
problems before failure occurs.

A predictive approach can be applied to any equipment problem if, first, a physical parameter like vibration,
temperature, pressure, voltage, current, or resistance can be measured. An engineering limit for the measured
physical parameter must be, established so a problem can be detected during routine monitoring. Also, the limit
should be low enough to detect the problem before excessive damage occurs. Correcting of the root problem is
the key to most predictive efforts.

The PDM cycle

Once a new piece of critical equipment has been added to the program and baselined, it enters the PDM cycle,
graphically shown below.

The PDM Cycle

Repair Measurement
Equipment Exceeds Engineering no


Work Order

The established parameters are measured periodically (weekly, biweekly, monthly, etc.). If the measurement
exceeds the established engineering limit, it must be analyzed further.

Analysis can take many forms. For example, a vibration signature can be taken on rotating equipment. A trained
analyst may review the signature for common problems, such as misalignment and imbalance, as well as for not-
so-common problems, like resonance.

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Once the source of the problem is determined, the best repair activity can be chosen. If the engineering limit is set
low enough, there will still be plenty of time to correct the problem before further damage occurs.

A work request is usually written to start the repair process. Correction of the root problem allows the equipment
to reenter the periodic monitoring program.

The spectrum of PDM

There has been a historical misconception that equipment failures cannot be predicted. However, with predictive
technology, a vast number of equipment failures can be predicted. Vibration measurement on rotating equipment
is probably the best known of current predictive applications, but other categories of industrial equipment also
benefit from a predictive approach. (See Table 1, "Spectrum of predictive maintenance.")

Spectrum of Predictive Maintenance

Equipment Equipment Failure Mode Failure Cause Detection

Category Types Method
Rotating Machinery Pumps, Motors, Premature Bearing Excessive Force Vibration and Lube
Compressors, Blowers Loss Analysis

Lubrication Failure Over, Under, Spectrographic &

or Improper Lube; Ferrographic Analysis
Heat and Moisture
Electrical Equipment Motors, Cable, Insulation Failure Heat, Moisture Time / Resistance
Starters, Transformers Tests, I/R Scans Oil

Corona Discharge Moisture Splice Ultrasound


Heat Transfer Exchangers, Fouling Sediment / Material Heat Transfer

Equipment Condensers Buildup Calculations

Containment and Tanks, Piping, Corrosion Chemical Attack Corrosion Meters,

Transfer Equipment Reactors Thickness Checks

Stress cracks Metal Fatigue Acoustic Emission

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The mortality of machinery

Researchers into the reliability of equipment recognize that within a collection of machines there is a definite
pattern of life spans. In practice, this pattern manifests itself when a collection of machinery is subjected to
rigorous operation. The plot of typical life spans is shown in the so-called bathtub curve.

The Bathtub Curve

Infant Mortalities Normal Aging

Machine Failures

Random Failures

Machine Life - Years

Among collections of equipment, there is a rather high incidence of early failures, called infant mortalities. Most
equipment that survives infancy will continue to perform with few failures occurring. In time, however, the failures
begin to increase until the last of the group succumbs.

Finding the parameters

The failures that form the latter part of the curve are caused by identifiable physical phenomena. Depending upon
the complexity of the machine, there may be several aging processes at work in a single piece of equipment, any
of which may cause the ultimate failure. These processes are usually related to the basic physics of the materials
and how the machine is used.

Knowledge of the physical properties of materials comes from either theoretically or empirically derived
conclusions. To understand how failures can be predicted, the mortality of machinery and the finding of
parameters need to be understood.

For example, Ohm's law and the theory of potential difference follow theoretically from Maxwell's equations for
electromagnetic fields and define the nature of electrical current in conductors and insulators. By contrast, many
parameters used to predict failures follow from empirical studies and the application of statistical analysis to actual
failures. For example, experiments in the 1930s showed that measurement of forces on bearings can be
accomplished by measuring the total movement of the machine during operation along with the speed of this
movement. Of course, this movement is vibration. Thus, forces on bearings can be determined by measuring
vibration at or near the bearings.

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Defining limits

The measurement of a physical parameter in itself is not enough to detect the destructive effects on a machine or
process. As noted, it is important to establish a limit or rate of change in the parameter that may be excessive or

One method of developing a limit requires that a number of failures be observed before a safe limit is established.
This method is understandably objectionable to people operating a facility. Prudent management of a PDM
program requires that limits be tested at the same time as the monitoring of other factors on a device. Whenever
time permits, the device in question is taken out of service and thoroughly inspected for the defect or failure mode
in question. Ideally the limit will be set at a measurement value just below the point corresponding to the first
discovery of irreparable or costly defects.

Many engineered limits have already been established for equipment by manufacturers, professional societies
and industrial groups. For example, the Vibration Institute, a not-for-profit professional organization, and other
organizations have established levels of equipment health as a function of vibration velocity based on
experiments. A simplification of this equipment health data is shown in Table 2, "Rotating machinery ratings." This
table is useful for categorizing vibration levels on most industrial equipment operating between 600 rpm and 3600
Rotating Machinery Ratings

Vibration Necessary
Rating Level Action
Good Less than Continue to
.15 ips Trend

Fair .15 ips to Continue to

.30 ips Trend

Poor .30 ips & Analyze &

above Correct

Limits based on product quality

A vibration level below 0.3 ips may be acceptable for most rotating equipment, but it may not be sufficient for
some processes or operations. A new area of predictive maintenance focuses not only on the reliability of the
device being monitored but also on the quality of the product being manufactured.

For example, observation of many plastic injection molding operations reveals that vibration levels above 0.2 ips
on hydraulic pumps may not result in pump failure but often result in lower product quality. Vanes on hydraulic
pumps begin to wear as a normal mode of the design. As the wear increases, clearances between the vanes and
the housing begin to increase. This usually results in increased vibration, but more importantly, it also results in
fluctuating output pressure. Fluctuating hydraulic pressure tends to cause incomplete closure of some plastic
molds. The result is a sub-standard product or excessively high rework. Rebuilding the pump when a vibration
limit of 0.2 ips is reached has been found to reduce rejects and help ensure a consistent product.

To cite another example, spindle machinery used in the manufacture of precision aircraft and automotive parts
often operates at speeds in excess of 10,000 rpm. Normal vibration velocity limits do not apply to this equipment.

In the past, quality inspectors used laser light gages to determine physical parameters such as roughness and
waviness. They then compared these measurements to manufacturing and customer guidelines. If a part or group
of parts fell outside the standards set for the process, a complete rebuilding of the spindle machinery was usually
required. This after-the-fact measurement of quality became increasingly objectionable because of the costs
associated with repair, downtime, and rework.

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Tests to determine if a correlation existed between the quality of the machined surface and spindle machine
vibration revealed that product quality could be predicted by measuring vibration acceleration. So, plant personnel
established new limits that reduced product rework by 93%. The new limits also helped eliminate some root
problems in the machinery that were previously unknown to company engineers.

This article was written by a consultant from New Standard Institute, Inc. For other articles on Maintenance-
related subjects, view our website at or contact us via email at
[email protected] or call (203) 783-1582 to discuss the subject with one of our consultants.

Copyright © 1999 by New Standard Institute, Inc.

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