Gweru. 260409/2604972/260632/260596
Aseptic techniques underpin all work in microbiology. Make sure you are familiar with all
these techniques before embarking on the other microbiology protocols on this website.
It is wise to treat all cultures as potentially pathogenic, because cultures may have been
contaminated, and because mutations to disease-causing forms may occur. The aseptic
techniques described here control the opportunities for contamination of cultures by
microorganisms from the environment, or contamination of the environment by the
microorganisms being handled.
There are some general rules to follow for any aseptic technique.
1. Close windows and doors to reduce draughts and prevent sudden movements
which might disturb the air.
2. Make transfers over a disinfected surface. Ethanol disinfection is recommended
because of its rapid action. If the bench surface is difficult to clean, cover the
bench with a sheet of tough material which is more easily disinfected.
3. Start the operations only when all apparatus and materials are within immediate
4. Complete all operations as quickly as possible, but without any hurry.
5. Vessels must be open for the minimum amount of time possible.
6. While vessels are open, all work must be done close to a Bunsen burner flame
where air currents are drawn upwards.
7. On opening a test tube or bottle, the neck must be immediately warmed by
flaming (see below) with the vessel held as near to horizontal as possible and so
that any movement of air is outwards from the vessel.
8. During manipulations involving a Petri dish, limit exposure of the sterile inner
surfaces to contamination from the air.
9. The parts of sterile pipettes which will be put into cultures or sterile vessels must
not be touched or allowed to come into contact with other non-sterile surfaces,
such as clothing, the surface of the working area, or the outside of bottles/ test
10. All items which come into contact with microorganisms must be sterilised before
and after each such exposure. This could be either by the technical team
preparing for and clearing up after a piece of practical work (for example, in the
case of glassware to be used), or by the worker during the course of the practical
(for example, in flaming a wire loop).
Bacteria and other microorganisms are usually present in very large numbers in the air, skin,
furniture etc. Because of their microscopic size, these organisms are undetectable to the
naked eye. Some microorganisms are pathogenic thus must be handled safely as well as
efficiently. In this experiment, a number of different situations (environments) would be
investigated to see whether microorganisms are present or not. Their presence or absence
depends largely on whether they are able to obtain food materials for growth and
reproduction from these environments. Microorganisms are grown in the laboratory
solutions, which are known as media. Media can either be liquid or solid. Solid media
contain an additional compound called agar. Agar is useful as a gelling agent since it melts
at 1000C and also does not set until the temperature falls to about 420C.
The practical aims to show some sources of bacterial contamination and to demonstrate a
few techniques available for evaluating environmental contamination.
Sampling various environments to see if microorganisms are present or absent
1. Atmosphere contamination
Expose one plate of nutrient agar (NA) and one plate of malt extract agar (MA) for 30
minutes to the air the lab. Repeat this and expose an NA plate and an MA plate to the
outside air (in the corridor)
2. Surface contamination
a) Aseptically dip a sterile cotton wool swb into sterile quarter strength Ringers solution
and expels excess water against the side of the container.
b) Rub the swab over a 100 cm2 area of your bench surface.
c) Transfer the organisms collected on the swab onto an NA plate by rubbing the swab
sample over the entire surface of the medium.
d) Take a fresh swab, dip it into isopropyl alcohol and swab a similar area of bench
surface adjacent to the area just sampled.
e) When the disinfectant surface is dry use a fresh swab, dipped into sterile quarter
strength Ringer solution, and sample the surface for microorganisms as before, using
a second plate NA.
3. Hand contamination
a) Sample an area from your fingers of one hand by touching them onto the surface of
NA plate.
b) Thoroughly scrub your hands with soap and water, let them air- dry then sample as
before onto fresh plates of NA.
4. Hair contamination
a) Hold your head over an open plate of NA on the bench and run your fingers
vigorously through your hair for 30 seconds.
b) Controls
c) leave one NA and one MA plate untouched as controls
d) Label all the plates to show where they have been exposed or what they have on
e) Invert all the plates and incubate those containing NA at 370C and MA at 25 0C
f) Examine for growth after 2 days and 7 days incubation
g) Describe the size, shape and colour of the colonies. Sketches may help you to do this
h) Where possible, count the total number of colonies on each plate, noting the
different types of colonies present
1) What is the definition of Aseptic techniques?
2) Why is it important to prevent any condensation falling on the agar surface?
3) What is the purpose of control plates?
A ‘smear’ of bacteria or yeast is made on a microscope slide, fixed, stained, dried and,
without using a cover slip, examined with the aid of a microscope. Aseptic technique must be
observed when taking samples of a culture for making a smear. A smear that is thin and even
enables the shape and arrangement of cells to be clearly seen and ensures that the staining
procedure is applied uniformly.
Making a smear
1. Clean a plain microscope slide thoroughly using lens tissue.
2. Label a microscope slide with a marker pen to record the culture being used, date and
initials; this is also a useful reminder of which side of the slide is being used.
3. Flame a wire loop to ensure that no culture accidentally remains from a previous operation.
4. Transfer one or two loopfuls of tap water on to the centre of the slide.
5. Flame loop and allow to cool.
6. Using aseptic techniques transfer a very small part of a single colony from a plate or slope
of agar medium into the tap water. If the amount of culture on the loop is easily visible you
have taken too much!
7. Make a suspension of the culture in the tap water on the slide and thoroughly but gently
spread it evenly over an oval area of up to 2 cm length.
8. Flame the loop. If it is necessary to use a liquid culture or sample, the use of tap water to
prepare the smear will probably be unnecessary and may result in a smear with too few cells.
9. Dry the suspension by warming gently over a Bunsen burner flame and then ‘fix’ it by
quickly passing it through the flame a few times. This is called a heat-fixed smear; it should
be visible to the naked eye as a whitish area. Fixing is necessary to ensure that cells adhere to
the slide and to minimise any post-mortem changes before staining. The smear is now ready
to be stained.
Staining procedure
1. Put the slide with the fixed smear uppermost on a staining rack over a sink or staining tray.
2. Thoroughly cover the smear with stain and leave for, usually, 30 seconds.
3. Hold the slide with forceps (optional but avoids stained fingers), at a 45° angle over the
4. Rinse off the stain with tap water.
5. Blot-dry the smear with filter/fibre-free blotting paper using firm pressure, but not
sideways movements that might remove the smear.
6. Examine under oil immersion.
7. When finished, dispose of slides into discard jar. Suitable stains include basic dyes (i.e.
salts with the colour-bearing ion, the chromophore, being the cation), such as methylene blue,
crystal violet and safranin.
Gram-staining is a differential staining technique that uses a primary stain and a secondary
counterstain to distinguish between gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It was
developed by Danish microbiologist Hans Christian Gram in 1884 as an effective method to
distinguish between bacteria with different types of cell walls, and even today it remains one
of the most frequently used staining techniques. First, crystal violet, a primary stain, is
applied to a heat-fixed smear, giving all of the cells a purple color. Next, Gram’s iodine,
a mordant, is added. A mordant is a substance used to set or stabilize stains or dyes; Next,
a decolorizing agent is added, usually ethanol or an acetone/ethanol solution. Finally, a
secondary counterstain, usually safranin, is added. This stains the decolorized cells pink
and is less noticeable in the cells that still contain the crystal violet dye.The purple, crystal-
violet stained cells are referred to as gram-positive cells, while the red, safranin-dyed cells are
1. Put the slide with the fixed smear uppermost on a staining rack over a sink or staining tray.
2. Thoroughly cover the smear with crystal violet solution and leave for 1 minute.
3. Hold the slide with forceps (optional but avoids stained fingers), at a 45° angle over the
4. Pour off the stain, wash off any that remains (and any on the back of the slide) with iodine
5. Put the slide back on the staining rack.
6. Cover the smear with iodine solution and leave for 1 minute. Iodine solution acts as a
‘mordant’ (a component of a staining procedure that helps the stain to adhere to the
specimen), a crystal violet–iodine complex is formed and the smear looks black.
7. Hold the slide with forceps at a 45° angle over the sink and wash off the iodine solution
with 70% alcohol until the washings are pale violet.
8. Rinse immediately with tap water.
9. Put the slide back on the staining rack.
10. Cover the smear with the counterstain, e.g. aqueous safranin solution, 0.5 % (w/v), for 30
11. Rinse off the stain with tap water.
12. Blot dry the smear with filter/fibre free blotting paper using firm pressure but not
sideways movements that might remove the smear.
13. Examine under oil immersion.
14. When finished, dispose of slides into discard jar
Use of various biochemical reagents and tests to get closer to the identification of bacteria.
There are many biochemical tests available for bacterial identification. Few of them are
required to be carried out depending upon the bacteria. The commonly used biochemical tests
are: Catalase test, Coagulase test, Oxidase test, Sugar fermentation test, Indole test, Citrate
test and Urease test.
The catalase test facilitates the detection of the enzyme catalase in bacteria.
1. Place a microscope slide inside a petri dish.
2. Using a sterile inoculating loop or wooden applicator stick, collect a small amount of
organism from a well-isolated 18- to 24-hour colony and place it onto the microscope
3. Using a dropper or Pasteur pipette, place 1 drop of 3% H 2O2 (Hydrogen peroxide)
onto the organism on the microscope slide. Do not mix.
4. Immediately cover the petri dish with a lid to limit aerosols and observe for
immediate bubble formation (O2 + water = bubbles).
5. Observing for the formation of bubbles against a dark background enhances
b) Coagulase test
The coagulase test differentiates strains of Staphylococcus aureus from other coagulase-
negative species. S. aureus strains are capable of coagulating plasma in the tube test and will
produce clumps of cells in the slide test. Clumping or clots of any size indicate a positive
The slide test is performed by preparing a suspension of bacterial cells mixed into a drop of
rabbit plasma on a microscope slide. If bound coagulase is present on the bacterial cells, then
the presence of plasma will cause the bacterial cells to clump.
c) Oxidase test
The oxidase test is a biochemical reaction that assays for the presence of cytochrome oxidase,
an enzyme sometimes called indophenol oxidase. In the presence of an organism that
contains the cytochrome oxidase enzyme, the reduced colorless reagent becomes an oxidized
colored product.
Filter Paper Test Method
1. Soak a small piece of filter paper in 1% Kovács oxidase reagent and let dry.
2. Use a loop and pick a well-isolated colony from a fresh (18- to 24-hour culture) bacterial
plate and rub onto treated filter paper.
3. Observe for color changes.
4. Microorganisms are oxidase positive when the color changes to dark purple within 5 to 10
5. Microorganisms are oxidase negative if the color does not change or it takes longer than 2
1. Inoculate the tube of tryptone broth with a small amount of a pure culture.
2. Incubate at 37°C for 24 to 48 hours.
3. To test for indole production, add 5 drops of Kovác's reagent directly to the tube.
4. A positive indole test is indicated by the formation of a pink to red color (“cherryred
ring”) in the reagent layer on top of the medium within seconds of adding the reagent.
5. If a culture is indole negative, the reagent layer will remain yellow or be slightly
6. A positive diagnostic test rests on the generation of alkaline by-products of citrate
metabolism and is done on Simmons citrate medium which are in test tubes.
7. The citrate test is used to identify gram-negative pathogens and environmental
a) Citrate test
1. Use a fresh (16- to 18-hour) pure culture as an inoculation source.
2. Pick a single isolated colony and lightly streak the surface of the slant using a needle
3. Avoid using liquid cultures as the inoculum source.
4. Citrate utilization requires oxygen and thus screw caps, if used, should be placed
loosely on the tube.
5. Incubate at 35oC (+/- 2oC) for 18 to 48 hours. Some organisms may require up to 7
days of incubation due to their limited rate of growth on citrate medium.
6. Citrate positive: growth will be visible on the slant surface and the medium will be an
intense Prussian blue.
7. Citrate negative: trace or no growth will be visible. No color change will occur; the
medium will remain the deep forest green color of the uninoculated agar.
b) Urease test
The urease test identifies those organisms that are capable of hydrolyzing urea to produce
ammonia and carbon dioxide. It is primarily used to distinguish urease-positive bacteria from
other Enterobacteriaceae.
1. Using Christensen’s Urea Agar a heavy inoculum from an 18- to 24-hour pure culture
to streak the entire slant surface. Do not stab the butt as it will serve as a color control.
2. Incubate tubes with loosened caps at 35oC.
3. Observe the slant for a color change at 6 hours, 24 hours, and every day for up to 6
4. Urease production is indicated by a bright pink (fuchsia) color on the slant that may
extend into the butt.
5. Note that any degree of pink is considered a positive reaction.
6. To eliminate protein hydrolysis as the cause of a positive test, a control medium
lacking urea should be used.
7. The culture medium will remain a yellowish color if the organism is urease negative.
Sterilisation is achieved in an atmosphere of steam under pressure. Usual conditions are not
less than 15 minutes exposure to pure steam at a pressure of 103 kPa (kN m2) or 15 lbf in–2,
producing a temperature of 121 °C.
1. Do not overload and fill vessels to no more than 2/3 capacity and loosen caps of
screw-capped vessels to allow for expansion.
2. Protect cotton wool plugs from becoming wet and losing their ability to function as a
barrier to the passage of airborne microbes by covering with either greaseproof paper
or aluminium foil.
3. Ensure that there is more than enough water to generate steam throughout the
sterilisation cycle and to prevent boiling dry.
4. Use either distilled or deionised water to prevent corrosion.
5. Allow several minutes of vigorous release of steam to ensure complete expulsion of
air otherwise the required temperature will not be achieved.
6. Begin timing the holding time when air has been completely expelled and the heat has
penetrated throughout the materials to be sterilised.
7. Ensure that steam continues to escape throughout the holding time.
8. After completion of the holding time, allow the autoclave to return atmospheric
pressure and temperature before starting the opening procedure.
9. Never attempt to reduce either the cooling period with cold water or the time taken for
pressure reduction by premature opening of the air cock.
This method often is used to count the number of microorganisms in a mixed sample, which
is added to a molten agar medium prior to its solidification. The process results in colonies
uniformly distributed throughout the solid medium when the appropriate sample dilution is
plated. This technique is used to perform viable plate counts, in which the total number of
forming units within the agar and on surface of the agar on a single plate is enumerated.
Viable plate counts provide scientists a standardized means to generate growth curves, to
calculate the concentration of cells in the tube from which the sample was plated, and to
investigate the effect of various environments or growth conditions on bacterial cell survival
or growth rate.
1. Collect one bottle of sterile molten agar from the water bath.
2. Hold the bottle in the right hand; remove the cap with the little finger of the left hand.
3. Flame the neck of the bottle.
4. Lift the lid of the Petri dish slightly with the left hand and pour the sterile molten agar
into the Petri dish and replace the lid.
5. Flame the neck of the bottle and replace the cap.
6. Gently rotate the dish to ensure that the medium covers the plate evenly.
7. Allow the plate to solidify.
Note: The base of the plate must be covered, agar must not touch the lid of the plate and the
surface must be smooth with no bubbles. The plates should be used as soon as possible after
pouring. If they are not going to be used straight away they need to be stored inside sealed
plastic bags to prevent the agar from drying out.
Wire loops are sterilised using red heat in a Bunsen flame/gas burner before and after use.
They must be heated to red hot to make sure that any contaminating bacterial spores are
1. The handle of the wire loop is held close to the top, as you would a pen, at an angle
that is almost vertical.
2. This leaves the little finger free to take hold of the cotton wool plug/screw cap of a
test tube/bottle.
3. Position the handle end of the wire in the light blue cone of the flame. This is the cool
area of the flame.
4. Draw the rest of the wire upwards slowly up into the hottest region of the flame,
(immediately above the light blue cone).
5. Hold there until it is red hot. Ensure the full length of the wire receives adequate
heating. Allow to cool then use immediately.
6. Do not put the loop down or wave it around.
7. Re-sterilise the loop immediately after use.
Sterile graduated or dropping (Pasteur) pipettes are used to transfer cultures, sterile media and
sterile solutions.
1. Remove the pipette from its container/ wrapper by the end that contains a cotton wool
plug, taking care to touch no more than the amount necessary to take a firm hold.
2. Fit the teat.
3. Hold the pipette barrel as you would a pen but do not grasp the teat. The little finger is
left free to take hold of the cotton wool plug/cap of a test tube/ bottle and the thumb to
control the teat.
4. Depress the teat cautiously and take up an amount of fluid that is adequate for the
amount required but does not reach and wet the cotton wool plug. 5.
5. Return any excess gently if a measured volume is required. The pipette tip must
remain beneath the liquid surface while taking up liquid to avoid the introduction of
air bubbles which may cause ‘spitting’ and, consequently, aerosol formation when
liquid is expelled.
6. Immediately after use put the now contaminated pipette into a nearby discard pot of
disinfectant. The teat must not be removed until the pipette is within the discard pot
otherwise drops of culture will contaminate the working surface.
Hints: A leaking pipette is caused by either a faulty or ill-fitting teat or fibres from the cotton
wool plug between the teat and pipette.
Involves taking a sample and diluting it through a series of standard volumes of sterile
diluent, e.g. distilled water or 0.9 % saline. Then a small measured volume of each dilution is
used to make a series of pour or spread plates. By diluting the sample in this controlled way
it is possible to obtain an incubated plate with an easily countable number of colonies (30–
100) and calculate the number of microbes present in the sample. Culture of bacteria or yeast
or sample of natural material 6 sterile test tubes containing 9 cm3 sterile diluent, fitted with a
cap or cotton wool plug, labelled 1→6 and with the dilution factor as shown in the diagram
12 sterile, plugged Pasteur pipettes 1 cm3 syringe barrel fitted with rubber tubing (see page 9)
Pot of Virkon disinfectant
1. Take a sterile pipette.
2. Place the syringe onto the plugged end of the pipette (see page 9).
3. Draw up 1 cm3 of a well mixed sample/ culture into the pipette.
4. Add this sample to the first tube. The volume of this tube is now 10 cm3 . This provides an
initial dilution of 10–1.
5. Mix the dilution thoroughly, by emptying and filling the pipette several times.
6. Discard this pipette into the pot of disinfectant, but keep the syringe for making the next
7. Take a new pipette, fit it to the syringe and draw up a 1 cm3 sample of the 10–1 dilution
and place it in the second tube.
8. Mix well as before. This gives a 10–2 dilution.
9. Discard the pipette in disinfectant.
10. Repeat this for the remaining tubes, removing 1cm3 from the previous dilution and
adding it to the next 9 cm3 of diluent. If 6 tubes are used, the final dilution for the bacteria
will be 10–6 (1 in 1,000,000). Plating and counting procedure Use a known volume of each
dilution to make either pour plates or spread plates
14). By starting with the highest dilution, the same pipette may be used throughout. For
statistical purposes, replicate plates should be prepared.
After incubation the plates will show a range of numbers of colonies.
Choose the plate that has an easily countable number (about 30–100) and carefully count
every colony. Using a marker pen helps to avoid counting the same colony twice. Then
calculate the number of micro-organisms in the sample: Number of microbes/cm3 = number
of colonies × dilution of sample.
1. Why would a scientist/technician want to know how many viable bacterial cells are
present in a sample?
2. Give one example of a situation in which this information would be important to
3. If the initial inoculum used at step 4 above was 1.0ml instead of 0.1ml, what degree of
dilution would be reached in the third water blank?
4. Approximately how many viable bacterial cells or colony forming units were present
in 1ml of your original bacterial culture?
5. Do all bacterial cultures (in the stationary phase of growth) contain similar numbers
of cells? What explanation might be given for the variation in population observed