Eslami Capitan

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‫دریافت جواب‬

‫آزمايشگاه دامپزشکي پروبا‬

: ‫شماره پذيرش ارسالی‬ 1402/11/23 : ‫تاريخ پذيرش‬ 11-1458 : ‫شماره پذيرش‬
‫ وال‬: ‫ارسالی از‬ ‫ سال‬2 : ‫سن‬ DSH ‫ کاپيتان اسالمي‬-‫ نر‬: ‫مشخصات حیوان‬
:‫تاریخ نمونه گیری‬ 1402/11/23 :‫تاریخ جوابدهی‬

Complete Blood Count

Test Result Unit Differential Result
Complete Blood Count
W.B.C 21.3 x10*3/micL 5.5-19.5 Neutrophils 74%
R.B.C. 8.97 x10*6/micL 5-10 Lymphocytes 16%
HGB 13.3 g/dL 8-15 Monocytes 4%
HCT 41.8 % 24-45 Eosinophils 2%
M.C.V. 46.6 fL 39-55 Band Cells 4%
M.C.H 14.8 pg 12.5-17.5 Blood Film for Not
Mycoplasma seen%
M.C.H.C. 31.8 g/dL 31-37.5
PLATELETS 339 x10*3/micL 175-600
RDW-CV 16.6 % 11-14.5
Absolute neutrophils 15762 /uL 2500-12500
Absolute lymphocytes 3408 /uL 1500-7000
Absolute bands 852 /uL 0-300
Absolute monocytes 852 /uL 0-850
Absolute eosinophils 426 /uL 0-1500

Blood Biochemistry

Test Result Unit Normal Range

Urea 60.0 mg/dL 21.4-64.2
Creatinine 1.4 mg/dL 0.8-1.8
Total Bilirubin 0.20 mg/dL 0.15-0.5
S.G.O.T. ( AST ) 86 U/L 17-48
S.G.P.T. ( ALT ) 171 U/L 25-97
ALP 25 U/L 25-93
Total Protein 7.7 g/dL 5.8-8.5
Albumin 2.5 g/dL 2.8-3.9
Globulin 5.2 g/dL 2.4-4.4
A/G Ratio 0.48 0.8-1.5
Blood urea nitrogen 28 mg/dL 14-36
BUN/Creatinine ratio 20 4-33

-leukocytosis along with shift to the left and monocytosis indicates an overwhelming infectious inflammation that has
involved the organs.
-An albumin globulin ratio of <0.6 was highly diagnostic for an inflammatory process, nearly exclusively for FIP.
-Increased leakage enzymes with normal bilirubin can be justified by focal to multifocal hepatocytes injury, hypoxia or
mild toxic insult of the liver or initial stage of liver damage.

Summary interpretation:
*Rule out (or in) possibility of FIP based on the clinical signs and recheck A/G ratio after 1-2 weeks.
*regarding to increased leakage enzymes; liver sonography is recommended and consider FIP infection can cause
hepatocyte injury.
*Rechecked A/G ratio after 1-2 weeks is recommended.

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