This document contains a list of 31 students with their names, identification numbers, gender, birthplace, date of birth, religion, and address. The list includes details like the student's name, ID numbers, gender, birthplace, date of birth, religion, and home address.
This document contains a list of 31 students with their names, identification numbers, gender, birthplace, date of birth, religion, and address. The list includes details like the student's name, ID numbers, gender, birthplace, date of birth, religion, and home address.
This document contains a list of 31 students with their names, identification numbers, gender, birthplace, date of birth, religion, and address. The list includes details like the student's name, ID numbers, gender, birthplace, date of birth, religion, and home address.
This document contains a list of 31 students with their names, identification numbers, gender, birthplace, date of birth, religion, and address. The list includes details like the student's name, ID numbers, gender, birthplace, date of birth, religion, and home address.
No Nama NIPD JK NISN Tempat Lahir NIK Agama Alamat
Lahir 1 AHMAD BAHRUN ILMAN 410 L 3201162888 TEBO 2020-08-24 1509012408200001 Islam MANGUN JAYO 2 AHZA RAZKY AL MUIZZ 042 L 3212335567 TEBO 2021-08-25 1509012508210001 Islam KARYA BAKTI 3 ALESHA RAHMAYANI 413 P 3176633805 TANJUNGBALAI 2017-08-06 1274064608170002 Islam KARYA BAKTI 4 ALULA 411 P 3181139608 MENGUPEH 2018-04-22 1509096204180001 Islam TEBO 5 ARGA FEBRIANDIKA 418 L 3189833395 TEBO 2018-02-20 1402072002180001 Islam SEI ARANG LESTARI 6 AZZAINATUL AULIA 404 P 3187960014 TEBO 2018-08-05 1509014508180003 Islam MANGUN JAYO 7 BURHAN NUDIN 302 L 3176160915 TEBO 2017-03-12 1509011203170002 Islam MANGUN JAYO 8 CANDRA WINATA 049 L 3192842524 TEBO 2019-09-02 1509010209190001 Islam KARYA BAKTI 9 GEMA WAHYU ILAHI 031 L 0156048058 TEBO 2018-11-08 1509012402080090 Islam KARYA BAKTI 10 HAFIFAH CIARA ADILA 039 P 3217717494 TEBO 2021-02-14 1509015402210001 Islam TELUK PANDAK 11 HATTA AL HAFIZ 204 L 3206666998 TEBO 2020-06-24 1509012406200001 Islam KARYA BAKTI 12 HAURA IZZA TUNNISSA 312 P 3187087766 MANGUN JAYO 2018-01-08 1509014601190003 Islam MANGUN JAYO 13 ILHAM KURNIAWAN 105 L 3183922370 TEBO 2018-10-01 1509010110180002 Islam KARYA BAKTI 14 ISNAINI FITRIA P 3196801264 TEBO 2019-06-12 1509015206190001 Islam KARYA BAKTI 15 KHAIRA FAZILA 402 P 3183578342 TEBO 2018-08-14 1509015408180002 Islam MANGUN JAYO 16 MASHA ALHAFIZ RAHMAN 414 L 3197043514 TANJUNGBALAI 2019-07-23 1274062307190003 Islam KARYA BAKTI 17 MUHAMMAD ARSYA HARIANTO 406 L 3193813536 TEBO 2019-03-03 1509010303190001 Islam MANGUN JAYO 18 MUHAMMAD HAFIS RAMADAN 405 L 3191208722 TEBO 2019-05-30 1509013005190002 Islam MANGUN JAYO 19 MUHAMMAD IZAM SAPUTRA 408 L 3189381248 MANGUN JAYO 2018-05-06 1509010605180001 Islam MANGUN JAYO 20 MUHAMMAD RAFIF SYA'BANI 040 L 3202958162 TEBO 2020-04-01 1509010104200002 Islam KARYA BAKTI 21 NUR AFIFAH KHAIRUNNISA 202 P 3195349319 TEBO 2019-08-03 1509014308190001 Islam KARYA BAKTI 22 NUR RATIFAH 409 P 3188140064 MANGUN JAYO 2018-08-13 1509015308180001 Islam MANGUN JAYO 23 RAFFASYA QIYAS IRAWAN 401 L 3198324480 MANGUN JAYO 2019-04-03 1509010304190001 Islam MANGUN JAYO 24 REVAN 412 L 3178943762 MANGUN JAYO 2017-08-08 1509010808170002 Islam MANGUN JAYO 25 SALMA OKTA FITRIYANI 101 P 3182853894 TEBO 2018-10-28 1509016810180001 Islam KARYA BAKTI 26 SHANZA AZKADINA SETIAWAN 045 P 3211041444 BUNGO 2021-09-23 1509016309210001 Islam SUMBER SARI 27 SHAQUILLE AHMAD SETIAWAN 044 L 3217452041 BUNGO 2021-09-23 1509012309210001 Islam SUMBER SARI 28 WIRA ALDINATA 047 L 3217063566 TEBO 2021-07-09 1509010907210001 Islam KARYA BAKTI 29 YAHUMAIRA QURATTA AYUNIN 415 P 3186123963 TEBO 2018-08-23 1509016308180001 Islam SUMBER SARI 30 YUNA AISYAH 417 P 3185142814 TEBO 2018-08-20 1509016008180001 Islam SUMBER SARI 31 ZIDNA NOVITA IZATI 416 P 3171228626 TEBO 2017-11-20 1509016011170002 Islam SUMBER ANOM