Sociology Question Bank
Sociology Question Bank
Sociology Question Bank
Question Bank
1. Define social institutions. Features and functions and various social institutions
2. Distinguish between institutions and community, institutions and association,
institutions and society
3. Define Norms. Characteristics and classification of norms
4. Marriage as Institution. Meaning, definition, type, characteristics, forms and
functions of marriage
5. Family as Institution. Meaning, definition, type and characteristics
6. Functions or roles of family a basic unit or group of society
7. Distinguish between traditional and modern family
8. Indian family and role of women in traditional and modern family
9. List the family problems. Explain in brief about divorce and problem family
10. Discuss the role of family in health, illness and diseases. Define family and nurse
11. Role of family in women’s and children’s health in India at different stage as girl, at
marriage and at old age
12. Define religion institution. Meaning, basic components
13. Discuss system of beliefs and rituals, ancient and modern concept. Indian set up
religion- Hindu, Jain, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity
14. Define Economic as institution, stages of economic life- food gathering, pastoral,
agricultural and industrial
15. Define education institution, meaning, functions, roles, history of education and
16. Define politics as institutions. Meaning, functions, roles, changing pattern, emperor,
democracy, govt. and state role in public health
UNIT-4: Culture
1. Define culture in sociology and anthropological
2. Explain briefly about components, characteristics, origin and development of
3. Describe nature and functions of culture. Ethnocentrism in culture-culture and
health behavior
4. Discuss culture and personality, culture and civilization, culture and society
5. Define cultural lag, patterns of culture, inventions and discovery