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Revised: 08/23 Issue 2

Heat-Flex® 750 is a high solids micaceous iron oxide filled alkylated amide epoxy providing both corrosion resistance and high temperature
resistance. The micaceous iron oxide provides higher temperature resistance, improved anticorrosion performance, film reinforcement, tolerance to
over film thickness, and lower moisture permeation.

• External protection for process pipes, valves and vessels operating continuously between the temperatures of -196°C and 204°C.
• Suitable for use on both carbon and stainless steel in insulated, uninsulated and cryogenic environments

Finish: Flat Average Drying Times:
Colours: Grey and Dark Grey 15°C 23°C 35°C
Touch: 1¼ hrs 45 mins 30 mins
Volume Solids: 78% ± 3%, mixed (ASTM-D2697-91)
Handle: 10 hrs 6 hrs 3 hrs
VOC (EPA Method 24), mixed: <250 g/L; 2.1 lb/gal
Recoat: Min: 6 hrs 4 hrs 2 hrs
Mix Ratio: 4:1 by volume
Max 7 days 7 days 7 days
Typical Thickness:
Recommended Spreading Rate Per Coat Pot Life:
Min Max 15°C 23°C 35°C
Wet µm (mils) 125 (5) 256 (10.2) 2½ hrs 1½ hrs 1 hr
Dry µm (mils) 100 (4) 200 (8) Pot life is dependent upon temperature and mass.
~Coverage m2/L 3.9 7.8 Sweat-in-time: none required
Theoretical coverage If max recoat time is exceeded, abrade surface before recoating.
(m2/L) at 25µm (1 mil) DFT Drying time is temperature, humidity, and film thickness dependent.
 rush or roll application may require multiple coats to achieve max film
thickness and uniformity of appearance.

Shelf Life: 12 months, unopened. Store indoors at 5°C to 38°C.

Flash Point: Part A: 41°C
Part B: 43°C
Reducer/Clean Up: M.E.K. or similar
Weight: 2.08 Kg/L ± 0.25, mixed

All surfaces to be coated should be clean, dry and free from contamination. Prior to coating application, surfaces should be assessed and treated in
accordance with ISO 8504:2000. Oil or grease should be removed in accordance with SSPC-SP1 solvent cleaning.
Min recommended surface preparation:
Iron & Steel: Abrasive blast clean to Sa2½ (ISO 8501-1:2007), SSPC-SP6/NACE 3, 50 - 75µm (2 - 3 mil) profile.
For weld areas and small touch up repairs, power tool cleaning to SSPC-SP11 is suitable. Optimal performance will be achieved with a minimum
surface profile of 2 mils (50 microns).
Stainless Steel: Abrasive blast clean SSPC-SP16 with non-metallic abrasive, 25µm (1 mil) profile.
This Data Sheet is specifically subject to the disclaimer which can be found at

Revised: 08/23 Issue 2

Airless Spray Any person or company using the product without first making further enquiries as
Pressure: 151 bar (2200 psi) min to the suitability of the product for the intended purpose does so at their own risk,
Tip: 0.38 - 0.48 mm (0.015" - 0.019") and Sherwin-Williams can accept no liability for the performance of the product, or
for any loss or damage arising out of such use.
Conventional Spray The information detailed in this datasheet is liable to modification from time to
Atomization Pressure: 3.4 bar (50 psi) time in the light of experience and normal product development, and before using,
Fluid Pressure: 0.3 bar (5 psi) customers are advised to check with Sherwin-Williams, quoting the reference
number, to ensure that they possess the latest issue.
Reduction: As needed up to 10% M.E.K. by volume
Brush: Natural Bristle
Reduction: As needed up to 10% M.E.K. by volume The information and recommendations set forth in this Product Data Sheet are
based upon tests conducted by or on behalf of The Sherwin-Williams Company.
Roller* Such information and recommendations set forth herein are subject to change and
Cover: 3/8" woven with solvent resistant core pertain to the product offered at the time of publication. Consult your Sherwin-
Reduction: As needed up to 10% M.E.K. by volume to aid flow and Williams representative to obtain the most recent Product Data Information and
leveling Application Bulletin.

*Application of more than one coat may be necessary to give equivalent dry film HEALTH AND SAFETY
thickness to a single spray applied coat.
Consult Safety Datasheet for information on safe storage and handling of this
If specific application equipment is not listed above, equivalent product.
equipment may be substituted. Sherwin-Williams UK Limited, Protective & Marine Division
Tower Works, Kestor Street, Bolton, BL2 2AL, United Kingdom.
RECOMMENDED SYSTEMS T: +44 (0)1204 521771 F: +44 (0)1204 382115
Steel or Stainless Steel: Registered in England Reg. No. 2968830 Reg. Office: Station Lane, Witney,
1 x Heat-Flex® 750 @ 125 - 200µm (5 - 8 mils) DFT Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, OX28 4XR.
1 x Heat-Flex® 750 @ 125 - 200µm (5 - 8 mils) DFT

Air & Material: 10°C min, 49°C max
Surface: 10°C min, 100°C max. At least 2.8°C above dew point
Relative humidity: 90% max

• Tested in accordance with ISO 19277 Houston pipe test CUI 3
• ISO 12944 C5H R1
• ISO 12944 CX

Do not tint.
Stripe coat all crevices, welds, and sharp angles to prevent early failure
in these areas.
Do not mix previously catalyzed material with new.
If an aesthetic finish is required for ambient temperatures up to 120°C,
then Heat-Flex® 750 is compatible with a wide range of Sherwin-Williams
polyurethane, polysiloxane and NCO free finishes. At temperatures
above 120°C, please consult with your Sherwin-Williams Representative.
This Data Sheet is specifically subject to the disclaimer which can be found at

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