Programme Ideas - Expedition
Programme Ideas - Expedition
Programme Ideas - Expedition
You can find more information at and Help with planning
there is a range of exciting opportunities to help you You can use the handy programme planner on the
complete this section at website to work with your Leader to plan your activity.
If you have additional needs talk to your Leader about
the support and variations that could help you.
On foot Creating a video diary of the Making a study of the locks Planning a route in a forest
expedition, recording each and lochs on the Caledonian to take a series of landscape
Studying how insect life team member’s experiences. Canal. photographs to use in a
differs from woodland to Following part of the Gerald Investigating samples of the calendar.
open fields. of Wales route of 1188 river bed and comparing Producing an illustrated
Exploring teamwork by through Pembrokeshire. them with each other. guide to a stretch of
nominating a different Carrying out a canoe trip canal. Research the
leader each day. By boat and create a storyboard history and then travel
Searching for forms of fungi, (photo/painted/drawn) of along the towpath using
recording and sketching Sailing the Norfolk Broads to
your expedition. the expedition to gather
them. explore modern and ancient
Choosing several points photographs and sketches
Planning a route and create uses of the area.
along a river and measure to illustrate the guide.
a signpost selfie guide. Exploring different team
speed of flow, width and
Considering the impact of roles needed on a boat
and giving everyone an
depth and comparing the On horseback
tourism on the flora and differences along their
fauna of the area you are in. opportunity to do a new one. Exploring bridle paths
route, trying to explain why
Drawing all the different star Rowing along a large river and create an A-Z of the
this may be.
constellations you can see. recording the types of boats outdoors from the trip.
Creating a photo guide to and their uses. Planning an expedition with
Planning a significant sea
By wheelchair sea views, taking photos
the Countryside Code.
journey under sail to record Creating an expedition along the way so that you
By bicycle the effects of coastal erosion. music play list that reflects can paint a picture of your
Using simple mapping the team’s experiences. favourite scene when you
Using a cycle system to techniques to produce a Following a disused railway return.
undertake a research project map of an estuary on the track noting the current Creating a series of team
on the provisions and quality expedition, comparing it with use of previous railway games to play whilst on
of cycle paths. a real map when you return. buildings. expedition.
Producing a nature guide of Planning and doing a Going on an expedition
your route for future visitors. By canoe or kayak challenging route in the through woodland, noting
Investigating features of the Peak District, making a the different types and ages
Thames using the Thames Recording the wildlife found
video diary. of trees you see.
cycle path. on a large inlet or loch.
Preparing a users’ guide of Going on a horseriding
Plan a cycle of remembrance Taking a series of photos to
a country park or National expedition and writing a
which visits war memorials come up with a guide to a
Trust estate, explaining how poem on your return to
to understand the scale of section of canal systems.
it can be used, e.g. fishing, describe your experiences.
the losses. picnicking, conservation.
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Registered Office: Gulliver House, Madeira Walk, WINDSOR, Berkshire SL4 1EU 05/08/19