Kakihana 1996

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Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 6,7-S (1996)

@ 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Manufactured in The Netherlands.

Invited Review
“Sol-Gel” Preparation of High Temperature Superconducting Oxides*

Research Laboratory of Engineering Materials, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Nagatsuta 4259,
Midori-ku, Yokohama 226, Japan

Abstract. This review article focuses on the sol-gel preparation of high temperature superconducting oxides
wherein different classesof gel technologies were utilized. These involve: 1) the sol-gel route based upon hydrolysis-
condensation of metal-alkoxides, 2) the gelation route based upon concentration of aqueous solutions involving
metal-chelates, often called as “chelate gel” or “amorphous chelate” route, and 3) the organic polymeric gel route.
This paper reviews the current status of these sol-gel processes, and illustrates the underlying chemistry involved
in each sol-gel technology. It is demonstrated that the chemical homogeneity of the gel is often disturbed by the
differences in the chemistries of the cations. Prior to gelation the starting precursor solution containing various
forms of metal-complexes must be chemically modified to overcome this problem. Illustration of a variety of
strategies for success in obtaining a homogeneous multicomponent gel with no precipitation is focal point of this
review article.

Keywords: sol-gel method, high temperature superconducting oxides, multicomponent gel, chemical homogene-
ity, metal alkoxides, amorphous chelate gel, organic polymeric gel, polymerized complex method

1. Introduction superconducting oxides, as well as their technologi-

cal application, depends crucially upon composition,
The discovery of the new class of high-temperature homogeneity and microstructure, and thereby upon the
copper-based superconducting oxides has stimulated progress of the synthetic method. From this viewpoint,
intensive scientific investigations aiming at elucidat- several review articles on the synthesis of high tem-
ing the origin of the superconductivity at high tem- perature superconducting oxides have appeared [l-S].
peratures and at characterizing the new materials by However, the current status of the sol-gel preparation
numerous physical measurements. Clearly the un- of these oxides is not well documented. Thus I present
derstanding of the unique properties of copper-based a review of the sol-gel processing of high temperature

*strictly speaking, sol-gel must include processing, in which asol (of- gels) and (2) a network formation route based upon destabilization of
ten defined as a suspension of small but discrete particles remaining dispersed colloidal particles in a liqurd medium (particulate gels).
dispersed in a liquid phase) undergoes a transition to a gel charac- According to the rigorous definition of gel, some solution processes,
terized by an infinite three-dimensional network structure spreading started from metal-organics (other than metal alkoxide), would not
uniformly throughout the liquid medium. Thus a gel has to be dis- be classified into a true sol-gel process. In this paper, however, the
tinguished either from a viscous liquid of one continuous phase or term “sol-gel” is broadly used to describe the preparation of inorganic
from a gelatinous precipitate in which a liquid phase is not involved materials by a variety of solutron routes. A chemical process which
in the solid network. It is generally accepted that a true gel can be can produce a solid matter or a highly viscous hquid matter wrth no
prepared in two major chemical ways: (1) a molecular route based precrpitation is treated as the so-culled “sol-gel” process, even when
upon hydrolysis and polycondensation of metal alkoxides (alkoxide rt IS likely that the system contains no infinite rigid network
8 Kakihana

superconducting oxides, and describe how chemical convenience of readers. It is my hope that this review
homogeneity can be attained on an atomic scale in a can stimulate ceramists who focus their attention on the
multi-component system using sol-gel routes. The sol- compositional homogeneity of oxides with very com-
gel synthesis of oxide materials is a multistep process plicated compositions such as high temperature super-
which involves conversion of a precursor solution into conducting oxides and other technologically important
a sol or a gel and subsequently transition of the gel to multicomponent oxides.
an oxide compound. The chemical homogeneity with
respect to distribution of cations in the gel often de-
termines the compositional homogeneity of the final
oxide powder. It is therefore crucial to design a suit- 2. Conventional Routes
able precursor solution which enables the formation of
a homogeneous multicomponent gel without any phase 2.1. Solid-State Reaction Route
segregation during the sol-gel transition. For this rea-
son, a large part of this review article is devoted to the The vast majority of the powder synthesis of high
illustration of the chemical scheme to obtain a clear gel temperature superconducting oxides to date has been
instead of precipitation. In addition special emphasis is carried out using the traditional “solid-state reaction
given to the discussion of advantages of the sol-gel pro- route” [8] in which appropriate metal oxides or car-
cessover the conventional preparation methods such as bonates (or other suitable salts) are mixed, often being
solid-state reaction and coprecipitation routes. ball milled to enhance mixing and to reduce particle
This review article is divided into 4 parts: sizes, and then the mixture is fired at high tempera-
ture to allow interdiffusion of the cations. As the solid-
1. Characteristics for the more widely used prepa- state reaction relies on interdiffusion of the cations
ration methods including the solid-state reaction characterized by the slow kinetics, the degree of mixing
and coprecipitation routes are briefly described in and powder particle sizes are of particular importance.
Section 2, with a view to clarifying inherent prob- Usually the starting mixture is inhomogeneous and is
lems with these methods in production of homo- comprised of coarse particles typically in the range of
geneous and stoichiometric materials and thereby l-10 pm. As schematically shown in figure 1, the
to stressing the importance of the sol-gel process- solid state reaction occurs initially at the points of con-
ing in the field of high temperature superconducting tact between the components A0 and BOz and contin-
oxides as described in detail in Sections 3 and 4. ues successively by interdiffusion of the constituents
2. In Section 3, I try to classify the sol-gel process- ions through the product phase ABOs. Initial reaction
ing into several groups, those including processes is prompt because of short diffusion paths, but fur-
based upon destabilization of colloid disper- ther reaction goes slower as ions must diffuse longer
sion, hydrolysis-polycondensation of organometal- distances with growth of the product layer. In many
lit compounds, and formation of organic polymeric cases,a number of unwanted phases such as AzB04 and
glass. This review focuses only on the latter two AB20s may form through solid state reactions between
routes, and their fundamental principles and under- the end product ABOs and A0 or Bog. This necessi-
lying chemistries are given in a tutorial way. tates repeated cycles of grinding and firing and longer
3. In each case, some relevant examples of high tem- period of heating to complete the reaction. However,
perature superconducting oxides for which the sol- even after multiple intermittent grinding steps, pow-
gel processing has been applied are discussed in ders produced through the solid-state reaction method
Section 4. This section is devoted to illustrate how have still several drawbacks which may be notified by
chemical considerations have been done so far in poor sintering behavior, non-uniformity of particle size
obtaining a homogeneous multicomponent gel with and shape, lack of reproducibility, multiphase charac-
no precipitation during the gelation process. ter, and loss of stoichiometry due to volatilization of a
4. Finally, some chemistry-related unresolved issues reactant at high temperatures. The last item of these
are summarized as concluding remarks in Section 5. problems is particularly of problem in Pb- and Tl-based
Although it was impossible for this review to cover high temperature superconducting oxides because of
all of the current works on the sol-gel preparation the easy volatility of PbO or T120s; e.g. severe mass
of high temperature superconducting oxides, I have loss of thallium occurs at temperatures near its melting
included a rather extensive list of citations for the point of 717°C [9].
“Sol-Gel” Preparation of High Temperature Superconducting Oxides 9

1Solid-State Reaction Route 1


calcination ABO,

-2-3 pm
Figure I. Schematic illustration of solid state reactions between A0 and BO2 with the average particle size of 2-3 mm: Since the reactlon,
A0 + BO2 + AB03, relies on interdiffusion of the cations, a large part of A0 and BO2 remain unreacted.

2.2. Coprecipitation Route another (figure 2(2)). The problem mentioned above
can be reduced by introducing two or more precipitat-
There have been a rapid growth in the interest in alter- ing agents that renders all the cations really insoluble
native wet chemical techniques whose goal is to obtain in the mother liquid . Another way to promote simul-
a better homogeneous precursor material with well in- taneous coprecipitation of the various species is to use
terspersed elements before heat treatments at high tem- multi-functional organic compounds such as oxalates,
peratures. The “coprecipitation method’ is one of the tartarates and citrates, as they can coordinate with more
known wet-chemical routes most commonly used in the than one metal ion. The use of a well-known Ba/Ti dou-
synthesis of high temperature superconducting oxides ble oxalate coprecipitate (BaTiO(Cz0&.4HzO) in the
[8]. The coprecipitation process involves the separa- synthesis of BaTiOs is a case in point [ 10, 111. De-
tion of a solid containing various ionic species from spite the heterogeneous nature of the precipitates, the
a solution phase, and it can be conveniently classified coprecipitation process offers a solid powder precur-
into three categories as schematically shown in figure 2. sor comprising of fine particles typically in the range
Of ideal is that a quantitative and simultaneous precip- between IO@-500 nm, that greatly reduces the diffu-
itation of all the cations occurs without segregation of sion distances compared with those required for the
any particular constituents in the precipitates to form a solid-state reaction route, resulting in shorter reaction
completely mixed-metal precursor (figure 2( 1)). How- times or lower reaction temperatures. The third pos-
ever, this is a very rare situation in most of solution sible but highly specific route is the direct precipita-
systems containing more than one metal ion, and ho- tion of a heterometallic complex of a fixed stoichiom-
mogeneous coprecipitation with respect to metal ions etry already formed in a mother liquid, that can min-
at atomic level is almost impossible in solution precur- imize segregation of the individual component during
sors for high temperature superconducting oxides with the precipitation (figure 2(3)). An example of this ap-
more than two or even three metal ions. Differences proach involves the synthesis of BaTiOs, where a het-
in solubility between the various precipitating phases erometallic (Ba, Ti)-citric acid complex forming in a
strongly affect the precipitation kinetics of each metal weakly acidic solution at pH - 6.0 has been precipi-
ion component, which causes changes in stoichiometry tated upon decreasing the pH of the solution below 2.6.
of the precipitate with reaction time. Thus the result- The isolated heterometallic complex has the empiri-
ing precipitate should be considered as a heterogeneous cal formula of BaTi(CeH607)3.6HzO, and it was com-
mixture of fine particles; the composition of each par- pletely converted to BaTiOs upon heating at 650°C in
ticle with respect to metal ions differing from one to air [ 121. Examples of the synthesis of high temperature
10 Kakihana

i Coprecipitation Route i
(NH40H etc.) i

Oe_9. e_e.o 9 (1) o

9 o o^e 9 >- o
o~ ; o o
O o m o O e Oe o
%" %§ %~ %~ %, %, %"
9 o o~ o o
perfect ~5nm

(2) o
o o

differential --100 nm
heterometallic I precipitation


control of pH
& temperature crystallization
Figure2. Schematicillustrationofvarioustypesofprecipitations: (1) An ideal case where two different cations are simultaneously precipitated
to form a perfectly mixed coprecipitate precursor. (2) An ordinary case where two cations have different solubilities and exhibit different kinetics
to form a heterogeneously mixed precipitate. Because of the difference in the solubilities, the overall stoichiometry of the precipitate is deviated
from the initial value. (3) Crystallization of heterometallic complex with a desired stioichiometry from a solution precursor.
“Sol-Gel” Preparation of High Temperature Superconducting Oxides 11

superconducting oxides by the coprecipitation method not be classified within the sol-gel route. The col-
can be found in the recent review article [8]. loidal sol-gel method is sometimes called “a physical
gel route” compared with “a chemical gel route” ac-
cording to Colomban [20]. This is because interparticle
3. Sol-Gel Routes interactions in fluid sols are dominated by physical
forces on surfaces such as van der Waals forces, electro-
The fact that the number of constituent ions is large static forces and Brownian motion. Chemical effects
in high temperature superconducting oxides, 3 for are limited generally to surface and hydrogen bonding
Y based superconductors, 4 for Bi- and Tl-based phenomenon. Note however that an intermediate or
superconductors, and sometimes more than 4 for their hybrid process of two extremes of the “physical” and
solid solutions, amplifies the above problems with the “chemical” gel formation is possible. This review pa-
solid-state reaction and coprecipitation methods. As a per will be restricted to the discussion of the chemical
consequence, ceramic superconductors with the same gel routes through either inorganic or organic polymer-
overall composition often exhibit somewhat different ization as shown in the next two subsections.
properties, reflecting small differences in phase purity
and compositional homogeneity. Higher quality mate-
3.2. Inorganic Polymeric Gel from Organometallic
rials based on even improved control of the chemistry
and powder morphology are clearly needed to enable a
better understanding of the fundamental physics of the
The second method involves the dissolution of
new superconducting compounds. The sol-gel process
organometallic compounds in a suitable solvent, fol-
has the potential advantage over the other methods not
lowed by a series of chemical reactions of hydroly-
only for achieving homogeneous mixing of the com-
sis, condensation and polymerization to produce a gel
ponent cations on atomic scale, but also for forming
with a continuous inorganic network. Inorganic poly-
films or fibers from gels which are of technological meric oxide gels are made basically in two ways either
from metal alkoxides stabilized only in water-free or-
There are essentially three different kinds of sol-gel
ganic medium or from metal-chelates stabilized even
or gel technology: a) colloidal sol-gel (3.1), b) inor- in aqueous solutions. The hydrolysis is readily initi-
ganic polymeric gel derived from organometallic com-
ated upon adding water in the former, while in the lat-
pounds (3.2), and c) gel routes involving formation of
ter the hydrolysis process, which is much slower than
organic polymeric glass (3.3). The primary goal in
those for metal alkoxides, is promoted upon the evap-
all these sol-gel processes is the preparation of a ho-
oration of the water. In this section, underlying chem-
mogeneous precursor solution from which a semi-rigid
istry involved in these two sol-gel methods is briefly
gel can be isolated with an atomic level homogeneity.
The main purpose of this section is to illustrate the
principles and underlying chemistry involved in each
3.2.1. Sol-Gel Route Based upon Hydrolysis of Metal
method, required for a better understanding of the sol-
Alkoxides. Metal alkoxides have the general formula
gel processing.
M(OR), where M is a metal ion and R is an alkyl group.
On addition of water, the metal alkoxides readily hy-
3.1. Colloidal Sol-Gel Route drolyze as represented by Eq. (1):

The first method involves the dispersion of colloid par- M(OR), + xHzO --+ M(OH),(OR),-, + xROH. (1)
ticles with diameters typically of l-100 nm in a liquid
medium to form a sol and then the fluid sol is converted Hydrolysis is followed by condensation to form
to a gel [ 131. The gelation in the colloidal route is con- -M-O-M- bonds via either dehydration or deal-
trolled by electrostatic or steric interactions between coholation as described in Eqs. (2) and (3), respec-
the colloidal particles in the sol, and a general overview tively:
of the colloidal processing is well documented in some (a) dehydration:
recent publications [14-191. A mixture of colloidal
particles (most frequently hydroxides or oxides) which -M-OH + HO-M- + -M-O-M- + HZ0
coprecipitate and cannot be dispersed as sols should (2)
12 Kakihana

(b) dealcoholation: In the first case (figure 3(l)), where no reaction be-
tween the two metal alkoxides occurs, chemical ho-
-M-OH + RO-M- mogeneity of the resulting gel will strongly depend
+ -M-O-M- + ROH. upon the reactivity of the individual metal alkoxides
towards water. The fact that the hydrolysis and
In this manner, inorganic polymeric oxide networks condensation rates of different metal alkoxides are
are built up progressively. The hydrolysis, conden- generally different results in formation of different
sation and polymerization reactions are governed by sized clusters in sol, which gives rise to inhomo-
several factors, including the molar ratio of water to geneity of the resulting gel. Difficulties then occur
alkoxides, choice of solvents, temperature and pH (or when using metal alkoxides that have very different
concentration of acid or base catalysts). By suitable ad- rates of the hydrolysis, such as those for rare-earth
justment of these factors, either linear polymeric gel or alkoxides and Cu-alkoxides, where the former are
more crosslinked polymeric gel can be formed [21,22]. much more readily hydrolyzed than the latter even
Partlow and Yoldas [23] have suggested that a gel can by very small amount of water [38]. Consequently,
be created in two ways. In the first case, as the concen- segregation of rare-earth elements can occur during
tration of dispersed polymeric species increases upon the hydrolysis-condensation-polymerization process,
removal of the solvent, the probability of crosslinking which in turn makes it difficult to prepare homoge-
between the polymeric chains increases. When suf- neously mixed rare-earth and Cu oxides of the re-
ficient crosslinking occurs, a sol-gel transition is ob- quired stoichiometry. This type of problem can be
served, beyond which the viscosity increases abruptly. overcome by using chemically modified alkoxides to
Aging of the solution, which allows the hydrolysis and control the hydrolysis rates of the highly reactive alkox-
condensation reactions to proceed, is another way to ides. Complexation is a popular method of mod-
promote the polymerization reaction often catalyzed ifying the original alkoxides, and carboxylic acids
by acid or base. A network is built up as the poly- or #l-diketones are most frequently used as the ad-
merization reaction continues. Thus polymeric gels, ditional modifying ligands. For instance, replace-
which shrink within the mother liquid, are formed. The ment of two of the alkoxide ligands in Zr(OCsH7)4
hydrolysis, condensation and polymerization of metal and Ti(OCH(CHs)2)4 by acetic acids slows the rate
alkoxides as well as their synthesis and structural prop- of hydrolysis, and homogeneous and transparent ZrO:!
erties have been extensively reviewed in recent years or TiOz gels are obtained in the presence of acetic
[24-371. acid [26, 31, 39, 401. Partial hydrolysis of one of
In the preparation of multicomponent gels compris- metal alkoxides that hydrolyzes at the slowest rate
ing of more than one type of metal ion, the situation be- prior to mixing with other alkoxides is another way to
comes much more complicated. For clarity, I consider overcome the problem of mismatched hydrolysis rates
a multicomponent gel containing two different metal [21,41,42].
ions, A2+ and B4+, with the overall stoichiometry A/B In the second case (figure 3(2)), the two parent metal
= 1. The first step of the preparation involves the mix- alkoxides react with each other stoichiometrically to
ing of the two different metal alkoxides, A(OR)z and form a heterometallic alkoxide with exactly the same
B(OR’)4, in suitable organic solvents to make a precur- A/B ratio as that of the final ceramic according to the
sor solution. This is followed by the addition of water following reaction:
to obtain a gel. The degree of chemical homogeneity
of the resulting gel is strongly affected not only by the A(OR)z f B(OR’)4 --+ AB(OR)z(OR’)d. (4)
mixing level of different alkoxides in the precursor so-
lution, but also by reactivity of each alkoxide species The heterometallic alkoxide thus formed can then be
towards water. The former is closely connected with hydrolyzed with a controlled amount of water as if it
the chemical reactivity between the two metal alkox- is a single molecule rather than the individual alkox-
ides, which results in formation of a number of new ide mixture, thereby favoring the formation of mixed-
chemical species in addition to the initial metal alkox- metal oxygen bonds of -A-O-B- between the
ides. Three possible changes in microscopic compo- two metals. Subsequent polymerization may yield a
sition of the precursor solution [24] are schematically multicomponent gel having the same metal stoichiom-
illustrated in figure 3. etry as the initial heterometallic alkoxide molecule.
“Sol-Gel” Preparation of High Temperature Superconducting Oxides 13

1 Metal-alkoxide route [

WR), wow,
000 0 0
000 0
00 OOo

O 0 +
00 000

no reaction AB-alkoxide mixtures of A-,

B-, AB-, AB,-,
A(OR),+B(OR’), AB(OR),WW, A,B-alkoxides

1 -I- H,O
1+ H,O
1 + H,O

differential homogeneous heterogeneous

hydrolysis -A-O-B- gel gel mixtures

Figure 3. Effect of precursor characteristics on homogeneity of alkoxide-derived multicomponent gels: (1) A case where no reaction between
A(OR)z and B(OR’)4 occurs, but the rate of hydrolysis and condensation is much larger in B(OR’)d than in A(OR)2 resulting in segregation of
the B component. (2) A case where a heterometallic (double) alkoxide forms, resulting in homogeneously mixed -A-O-B- gel. (3) A
case where a variety of reactions occur to form a mixture of molecular species with different stoichiometries, causing a local heterogeneity in
the resulting gel.
14 Kakihana

However, careful search for suitable conditions of scale. A heterogeneous mixture of precipitates as the
the hydrolysis must be carried out in order to avoid original salt form or as colloidal hydroxides is gener-
preferential precipitation of one part of alkoxides and ally obtained from such solution systems upon evapo-
modification of the metal stoichiometry during the hy- ration of the solvent. The difficulty in constructing gel
drolysis. Successful examples of this approach in- networks from these inorganic metal salts precludes
volve the synthesis of BaTiOs [43, 441 and LiNbOs this simple way from being classified into the sol-gel
[45-48], where the heterometallic alkoxides by the sto- route. The use of suitable organic acids chelating metal
ichiometric reactions between the individual alkoxides ions can overcome this problem. The basic idea be-
are hydrolyzed and polymerized to form atomistically hind the metal-chelate gel formation method is to re-
homogeneous multicomponent gels. This molecular duce the concentration of free-metal ions (mostly hy-
route results in powders having much higher purities drated in aqueous solutions) in the precursor solution
and compositional homogeneity and requiring lower by the formation of soluble chelate complexes. From
sintering temperatures than those prepared by other this point of view strong chelating agents such as cit-
wet chemical methods. A summary of available het- ric acid and ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetic acid (EDTA)
erometallic alkoxides was provided by Mehrotra [49], are preferably used in the synthesis of high temperature
and more recently an extensive review on the synthe- superconducting oxides, which greatly expands a range
sis, structures and reactivity of heterometallic alkox- of experimental conditions such as pH of the solution,
ides was given by Caulton and Hubert-Pfalzgraf [34]. temperature, and metal concentrations where gelation
In the third case (figure 3(3)), where a mixture of can occur upon evaporation of the solvent.
molecular species with different metal stoichiometries In spite of the fact that this is certainly the simplest
is formed, local inhomogeneity already exists in the sol-gel method and hence most commonly used, only
precursor solution. Thus a gel created upon adding little is known about the basic chemistry involved in the
water may exhibit heterogeneity depending upon the process. Let me briefly describe the chemistry of inor-
degree of mixing of the different metal atoms and the ganic salts in aqueous solutions before the role of the
relative rates of hydrolysis of the individual molecular organic complexants is discussed. The aqueous chem-
species formed in the initial precursor solution. This istry of inorganic salts is quite complicated owing to
results in the need to process the gel at higher temper- the occurrence of hydrolysis and condensation reac-
atures in order to attain compositional homogeneity. tions which leads to formation of numerous molecular
Finally it should be mentioned here that it appears species. Hydrolysis of metal ions in aqueous solutions
to be frequently confused in the literature concerning is well-described in a book by Baes and Meswer [50],
distinction between a polymeric gel with an infinite and more recently the so-called “partial charge model”
network and a sol-derived precipitate. The differen- developed by Livage et al. [31] has been applied suc-
tial precipitate solubilities and precipitation kinetics cessfully to describe the chemical reactions involved
are factors that can lead to chemical and phase hetero- in the sol-gel process and provides a useful means for
geneities in the derived precipitate. In case where any inorganic polymerization reactions. The cations of a
phase separation or precipitation occurs upon adding metal M solvated by water molecules [M(H20)n]‘+
water in a mixed solution of metal alkoxides, the pro- show a strong tendency to release protons (in equiva-
cess should be classified within the coprecipitation lence with the hydrolysis) while preserving their coor-
route rather than the sol-gel route, although the pre- dination number n, as described in the following type
cipitates in some instances could be genuine solid so- of deprotonated reaction with u ( y f 2:
lutions [8].
[M(H~O>nl”+ + Y&O
3.2.2. Metal-Chelute Gel (or Amorphous Metal- f, [MO,(OH),-~,(HzO),-,+,l~z-y~+ yH@+. (5)
Chelute) Route. Another way to trap the randomness
of the solution state is to use precursor solutions that An increase of the pH value favors the forward reac-
can be converted to an amorphous glassy state when tions in Eq. (5). Noteworthy in Eq. (5) is that the cations
the solvent is removed. Note however that concen- can be linked by three kinds of ligands depending
tration of solutions containing simple inorganic metal upon the degree of the hydrolysis. These include aquo
salts such as nitrates without organic complexants does ligands (HzO), hydroxo ligands (OH-) and 0x0 ligands
not allow for attaining a good homogeneity at atomic (02-), where the latter two ligands are those generated
“Sol-Gel” Preparation of High Temperature Superconducting Oxides 15

which occurs typically with oxo-hydroxo complexes

[MO, (OH),-,]‘“+“-“- (X < n), leads to the forma-
tion of an 0x0 bridge M-O-M. These condensation
reactions can be followed by successive associations,
leading to polymerization. In many cases, however,
the hydrolysis reactions are relatively fast compared
with the reactions forming polynuclear species. An in-
crease of the pH value may thus frequently give rise
to the formation of precipitates such as a solid hy-
droxide [M(OH),] before gelation occurs. Gels appear
to be preferentially formed when both the hydrolysis
and condensation rates are not too fast, otherwise solid
hydroxides [M(OH),], oxides [MO,,21 or gelatinous
precipitates [M0,,2(0H),-,.yH20] may be obtained
instead of stable gels. A key to successful formation
of stable gels is to slow down the rate of hydrolysis
of aquo or aquo-hydroxo complexes and to prepare a
stable precursor solution even when the pH of the so-
lution is increased. This can be achieved by introduc-
I I I I I I I ing organic complexants into the precursor solution to
weaken the hydrolysis of coordinated water molecules,
0 2 4 6 6 10 12 14
as described below.
Replacement of coordinated water molecules in
F&m 4. Charge-pH diagram [31, 5 I, 521 illustrating the exis- an aquo metal species by organic complexants A”-
tence of three possible water related Iigands: “oxo”, “hydroxo” and (Eq. (6)) leads to a new precursor whose chemical re-
activity can be noticeably modified:

[M(H20),]“+ + aA”-
as the consequence of release of one and two protons,
respectively, from the mother aquo (H20) ligand. Im- t, [M(H20),(A),]cZ-Um) + (n - w)H20 (6)
portant factors determining the degree of the hydrolysis
include: 1) the formal charge z of the cation Mz+, and 2) where n > w and (n - w) = ha. h is the number of the
pH of the solution. The so-called “charge-pH” diagram coordinate bonds formed between the metal M and any
(figure 4) gives a rough formation diagram consisting atoms involved in one ligand A; i.e. ligands with h = 1,
of three domains distinguished with “Hz~“, “OH-” 2, and 3 are sometimes called monodentate, bidentate
and “02-“, in each of which “aquo (HzO)“, “hydroxo and tridentate ligands, respectively. An intention of the
(OH-)” and “0x0 (02-)” complexes are dominantly complexation of metal cations is to prevent the rapid
formed, respectively [31, 51, 521. For instance, lower hydrolysis of the coordinated water molecules in the
valent cations (z F +2) may form predominantly following deprotonated reaction:
aquo complexes below pH < 10, higher valent cations
(z 2 +7) form mostly 0x0 complexes over the whole [M(H20),(A),]‘Z-Um’ + Hz0
range of pH, and tetravalent cations (Z = +4) give rise
to a number of possible species such as aquo-hydroxo, tf [M(OH)(H20),-I(A),]cz-0m-‘) + HsO+. (7)
hydroxo, and hydroxo-oxo complexes depending upon
pH of the solution. A typical example of this concern can be seen in the
Condensation of the hydrolyzed species can occur hydrolysis of [Fe(H20)6]‘+ species and its complexed
via “olation” or “oxolation”. “Olation”, which oc- species by EDTA4- (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid
curs typically with hydroxo-aqua complexes [M(OH), = [(OOCCH2)2N-CH2-CH2- N(CH2COO)2]4-)
(H20)n-x](z-x)+ (x < n), leads to the formation [31], where the equilibrium constant for the hydrolysis
of a hydroxo bridge M-OH-M, while “oxolation”, of the latter EDTA species is quite drastically lowered
16 Kakihana

by a factor of 1O22when compared with that of the the metal as

species before the complexation [53,54]:
a~(0H-j = (W+l + [M(OH)Z-ll + [M(oH);-2]
[Fe(H2O)d”+ + H20 + . . . + [M(oH);-“1 + ~[Mz(OH)F-~]
* [Fe(OH)(H20)d2- + H30+ + . . . + p[Mp(OH)l”“-“‘])/[M’+]. (11)
with Kh = 10-s (8)
oM(on-) can be calculated using the stability constants
[Fe(H20)2EDTA]- + Hz0 Ki and Kj,k for the following complex formation reac-
+ [Fe(OH)(H20)EDTA12- + HsO+

with Kh = 10-25. (9) Mz+ + iH20 t, [M(OH)i]‘-’ + iH+ (12)

The positive partial charge on the protons of the with

coordinated water molecules, S(H), that can be de-
duced from the “Partial Charge Model”, is decreased Kj = [M(OH)Jz-‘[H+]‘/[MZ+]
from +0.34 to +0.20 on going from [Fe(H20),#+ to
[Fe(H20)2EDTA]- [31]. The lower positive charge (i = 1,2,...,n) (13)
of 6(H) for [Fe(H20)zEDTA]- species means that the
deprotonation of the coordinated water molecules is and
less probable, and therefore is able to explain why
the hydrolysis is depressed by the EDTA complexa- jM”+ + kH20 ++ [Mj(OH),](Zj-k) + kH+ (14)
tion as is consistent with the equilibrium constant. It is
thus anticipated that the EDTA modified precursor so- with
lution does not form hydroxide precipitates even at very
high pH. Condensations between the non-hydrolyzed
Kj,k = [MI(OH)y-k)][H+]k/[MZ+]j
species and the partial hydrolysis species and the sub-
sequent cluster formation may occur upon evaporation (j = 2,3,. . . ,p and k = 2,3,. . . , q). (15)
of the solvent, although an exact description of what
is happening as the solution is concentrated is almost When i = z in Eqs.( 12) and (13), we have
impossible. From a practical point of view, any pre-
cipitation must be avoided during the concentration as Mz+ + zH20 t, M(OH), + zH+, (16)
it destroys the homogeneity maintained in the initial
solution, As shown below the so-called pM’-pH dia- with the stability constant written as
grams [55, 561 provide a useful guide for specifying
experimental conditions where no precipitation may
K, = [M(OH),][H+]Z/[MZ+]. (17)
occur during the course of the concentration.
When the stability constants for complex formation
reactions that can be involved in a given aqueous so- A precipitate is formed, when the concentration of the
lution system and the solubility products for insolu- species M(OH), in Eq. (16) is beyond a limiting con-
ble species in the solution are known, the pM’-pH centration (c-):
diagram can be constructed [55, 561, where pM’ =
- log,c[M’]/(mol . dm-s). [M’] is related to the con- C max= [M(OH),I,,,. (18)
centration of free metal ion [M”+] through Ringborn’s
side-reactions coefficient c!M(x) [57]: The solubility product K,, giving a maximum concen-
tration of Mz+, [M”+]-, below which no precipitate
[M’] = aM(x) * [M”+]. (10) occurs at a given pH, is then written using Eqs. (17)
and (18) as
When X = OH- in Eq. (lo), aM(on-) is simply defined
by taking into account all possible species containing [M”+l,,x/[H+l” = [M(OH),l,,/K, = K,,. (19)
“Sol-Gel” Preparation of High Temperature Superconducting Oxides 17

(a) [Fe3’-H,OI

’ I I I I I,, , , , , I
0 2 4 6 6 10 12

6- excess EDTA
- (mol.dmJ)
g 4- c: 1 oa
D: lOa
E: 1 O-’

0 1 u ’ I 1 I I , , F
1 35:/" $5'2
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Figure 5. The pFe(III)‘-pH diagram [%I. The line A in (a) IS the precipitation borderline in Fe3+-H20 systems. The borderhnes B, C, D and
E in (b) correspond to excess EDTA concentrations of 10m4, 10P3, 10m2 and IO-’ mol. dme3, respectively. For details, see text.

Substitution of [Mz+lmax in Eq. (19) by [M&J number of new species having a wide range of com-
CZ~(~~-)derived from Eq. (10) leads to a formula for positions may form in the presence of a ligand Am-,
the borderline of the precipitation region: which can be described as a combination of Mz+, H+,
OH- and Am- depending upon the concentration of
W’l max= KS,* ($,(OH-)* D-I+]“. (20) both the metal and the ligand as well as the pH of the
solution. When EDTA (= HdL) is used as a complex-
An example of pM’-pH diagrams derived from Eq. (20) ing agent, complexes formed can be confined to 1: 1
is shown in figure 5(a) for a Fe’+ aqueous solution species such as
system without organic complexants, where curve A
represents the borderline of the hydroxide precipita-
tion [55]. It is apparent that conditions for which no MLZ-4, MHLZ-‘, MH2LZ-*, . . ,
precipitation occurs are limited mostly to very low pH ML(OH)Z-5, ML(OH)“,-6,. .. (21)
regions. In order to enlarge conditions for which the
solution is stable, a complexing agent such as EDTA
is usually added to the solution. pM’-pH diagrams In this case, c~M(ou-,L) is used instead of ~~(ou-) in
are also available for such aqueous solution systems Eq. (20) in order to give the general formula for the
containing other complexing species besides OH-. A borderline of hydroxide precipitation formation in the
18 Kakihana

metal-EDTA solution system: Specification of experimental conditions for a precur-

sor solution containing more than one kind of metal can
W’l max= Ks, . aM(OH-.L) . W+l”, (22) be done with the aid of the respective pM’-pH diagrams
for different metal ions, in a way similar to what has
where been explained for the Fe3+-EDTA aqueous solution
system in figure 5(b). This will be given later more
aM(OH-.L) = aM(OH-) in detail in Section 4.2.4. It should finally be pointed
+ ([ML”-4] + [MHL’-“1 out that a matter of kinetics and possible precipitations
other than hydroxides are not taken into considerations
+ [MH&-~] + . . . + [ML(oH)“-5]
in constructing pM’-pH diagrams. This might bring
+ [ML(oH);-(j] + . . .)/[M~+]. (23) about a peculiar phenomenon upon evaporation of the
solvent that cannot be predicted from the equilibrium
Turning back to the aqueous solution system contain- pM’-pH diagrams.
ing Fe”+, pM’-pH diagrams in the presence of EDTA
are shown in figure 5(b) [55]. Curves B, C, D and E
represent the borderline of hydroxide precipitation for 3.3. Gel Routes Involving Formation of Organic
excess EDTA concentrations of 10e4, lo-“, 10V2 and Polymeric Glass
10-l mol. dm-s , respectively, and have been calcu-
lated with the known stability constants [55, 601. The The third method is a gel route which involves for-
precipitation region becomes narrow as the concentra- mation of organic polymeric network. This can be
tion of EDTA is increased. The importance of this carried out basically in two ways. The first is “in-situ”
diagram in the sol-gel processing is that a given pre- polymerization route where the gel network is made
cursor solution can be represented by a point P and that by polymerization of organic monomers. This is car-
a locus is drawn by P as the solution is concentrated ried out in the presence of metal ions, and what is ex-
[58]. Suppose two kinds of precursor solutions repre- pected is that all metal ions can be homogeneously
sented by points PO at (pH, p[Fe”+]) = (6, 2) and Qe distributed into the organic polymer network. When
at (8, 2) in figure 5(b). When only waters are evapo- a combined process of metal-chelate complex forma-
rated during the concentration, [Fe’] and [H+] change tion and “in-situ” polymerization is strongly conscious,
by the same factor. Upon evaporation of waters, points the process can be called “polymerized complex (PC)
Pa and Qa then shift along a 135” and 45” line, re- method” [5]. The second route involves the prepara-
spectively, towards lower values of p[Fe’]; points Pi tion of a viscous solution system containing metal ions,
and Qi correspond to lo-fold concentrations of the PO polymers and a suitable solvent, and the process will
and Qo solutions, respectively. The 135” line of the PO be simply called “polymer precursor (PP) method” in
precursor solution does not penetrate the precipitation this review article. This viscous solution can be easily
region, while the 45” line of the Qe precursor solu- converted to a thermoplastic gel when the solution is
tion crosses the borderlines of the precipitation. In the concentrated. Coordinating organic polymers such as
latter case the locus of QO deeply penetrates the pre- polyacrylic acid and polyethyleneimine are frequently
cipitation region when the EDTA concentration is low; used in the PP method in order to stabilize metal ions
thus hydroxide precipitation being able to occur before in thermoplastic gels. In this section, some important
the solution gels. In order to prevent the unwanted aspects in these polymer routes are briefly described in
hydroxide formation, the concentration of EDTA must conjunction with their chemistry.
therefore be as high as possible as far as the QO pre-
cursor solution is used. When ammonia is used as an 3.3.1. “in-situ” Polymerization Route. The basic
agent for adjusting pH, the locus of QO can differ from idea behind the “in-situ” polymerization or PC route is
the 45” line. During the concentration of the solu- to reduce individualities of different metal ions, which
tion, some ammonia will evolve together with waters can be achieved by encircling stable metal-chelate com-
which thrusts the locus of Qe towards somewhat lower plexes steadily by a growing polymer net. Immobiliza-
pH values as indicated by the dotted line. Under a tion of metal-chelate complexes in such a rigid organic
certain circumstance, the locus of Qa remains outside polymer net can reduce segregations of particular met-
the precipitation region, and no hydroxide precipita- als during the decomposition process of the polymer at
tion may be formed until the solution becomes a gel. high temperatures.
“Sol-Gel” Preparation of High Temperature Superconducting Oxides 19

A representative example of this approach is the

Pechini method [59]. Although only little is known
about the chemistry involved in the Pechini route,
the basic chemistry of this process is the dehydra-
tion reaction of a carboxylic acid and an alcohol; i.e.
esterification. An example of the esterification reac- e
h 150
tion between a di-carboxylic acid and a di-alcohol is .Z
written as: 0”
.I:: 100

HO-R-OH + OH 50

-+ HO-R-O- + H20. (24) 0 5 10 15 20 25
reaction time /h
The resulting dimeric product of the ester contains one Figure 6. Viscosity of a 1 :4 molar ratio of citric acid:ethylene
alcoholic hydroxyl (HO-) group in its left end and glycol solution at 130°C as a function of reaction time (t): Gelation
one carboxylic acid (-COOH) group in its right end, occurs at t = 19 h, after which viscosity increases quite rapidly.
so that the former can react with another di-carboxylic
acid and the latter with another di-alcohol to form a
tetramer. This type of reaction occurs in sequence,
The viscosity of a purecitric acid [CA]: ethylene gfy-
leading to a polymer molecule:
co1 [EG] mixture with CA/EG = l/4 at 130°C is shown
in figure 6 as a function of reaction time. There is a slow
xHO-R-OH + xHO--e--R’-!-OH increase in viscosity of the solution over 19 h at 13O”C,
which I ascribe to the esterification (oligomerization)
reaction that occurs between hydroxyl groups of EG
+ .,0-,0-!-R’-& X OH and the carboxylic acid groups of CA. Gelation occurs
+ (2x - 1) H20. (25) after 19 h for the pure CA/EG solutions, accompanied
with a rapid increase in viscosity. The highly viscous
In fact the original patent for the Pechini process [59] gel exhibits a thermoplasticity. The occurrence of the
states the formation of a polymeric resin produced esterification in an early stage of the reaction is con-
through polyesterifzcation between metal chelate com- firmed by 13C--NMR spectroscopy. Figure 7 shows a
plexes using alpha-hydroxycarboxylic acids (e.g. citric “carboxyhc acid” carbon region of ‘“C-NMR spectra
acid and malic acid) and a polyhydroxy alcohol such as for a series of CA/EG solutions reacted at 130°C. The
ethylene glycol. Citric acid (CA) and ethylene glycol reaction time (t) ranges from 0 h to 2 h. Two major
(EG) is a couple most widely employed in the Pechini resonance signals at 175.6 and 178.8 ppm in the bottom
process. This can be understandable when the follow- of figure 7 are due to carbons in the two end carboxylic
ing three aspects are taken into account: acid groups (*) and a carbon in the central carboxylic
acid group (0):
(1) Many of metal ions except monovalent cations
form very stable chelate complexes with CA [60].
(2) Such metal-CA complexes formed can be further
stabilized in EG as it possesses two alcoholic hy-
droxyl functional groups with strong complexation
affinities to metal ions [61-64].
HO- 1 -*COOH [Al

(3) Successive ester reactions between CA and EG can
occur to form a polyester resin, as CA contains Weak features observed at 173.4 ppm (A) and 176.7
three carboxylic acid groups (-COOH) in one CA ppm (+) in the bottom of figure 7 can be assigned to
molecule and EG contains two hydroxyl groups
(-OH) in one EG molecule (see Eq. (25)).
ester carbons resulting from the following esterifica-
tion reactions which occurred already at = 0 h (The t
20 Kakihana




0.5 h

I I . I I I I I

184 180 176 172

chemical shift (ppm)
Figure 7, 13C-NMR spectra of citric acid (CA)/ethylene glycol(EG) solutions with CA/EG = l/4 reacted at 130°C for different durations:
Symbols marked on top of some NMR peaks are defined in the chemical formula shown in the figure.

dissolution process of CA into EG at 40°C gives rise Hz-COOH

to the reactions.):
H(& -COOH + Ha--CH2CH2--OH

HO -COOH + m--CH2~~2-0~

+H + H2°.
H,-* 1 -O-CH2CH2-OH
+H20 (27)
(26) Tbe two ester carbon peaks grow rapidly with increas-
H2-COOH ing the reaction time t. It is also noticeable that all
“Sol-Gel” Preparation of High Temperature Superconducting Oxides 21

the peaks split into several components after the reac- different metal salts in an early stage of processing.
tion at 130°C for 0.5-2 h. These splittings indicate Evaporation of EG should then be done to obtain a
that a number of ester products with similar structures polymeric gel.
form in the solution. For instance the resonance ob- The first step of the Pechini process is to prepare
served at the lowest value of chemical shifts (-173 stable metal chelate complexes such as metal CA com-
ppm) in the upper three of figure 7 is due to ester plexes. Most of metal CA complexes are soluble and
carbons (V) probably in one of the following diester stable in a mixed solvent of EG and water. Esterifi-
species: cation of CA (both free CA and complexed CA) oc-
curs readily in the presence of EG at moderate tem-
peratures (lOO-15o”C), and prolonged heating of the
mixed solution with concomitant evaporation of ex-
WI cess EG promotes polyesterification yielding a trans-
parent polymeric resin precursor. A matter of vital
importance is to have a homogeneous polymeric pre-
cursor with exactly the same metal stoichiometry as
that of the final multi-component oxides. Because of
or the high thermal stability of metal CA complexes at
operated temperatures (typically -130°C) they could
be frozen in a polymer network while preserving the
initial stoichiometric ratios of metal ions in the start-
WI ing solution. The principle of the Pechini route is
HO- thus to obtain a polymeric resin precursor compris-
ing randomly branched polymer molecules through-
out which the cations are uniformly distributed, as is
schematically shown in figure 8. Heating of the poly-
Prolonged heating at 130°C promotes successive es- meric resin at high temperatures (above 300°C) causes
terification reactions to form polyester molecules (see a breakdown of the polymer. In spite of the thermo-
Eq. (25)). As CA has three functional carboxylic acid plasticity of the polymer, it is believed that less pro-
groups, branched polyester molecules result. Such nounced segregation of various cations would occur
polyesterifications between CA and EG occurring in during the pyrolysis because of low cation mobility in
the Pechini process have been proposed indirectly by such crowded branched polymers. After Pechini, in
Anderson’s [65] and Messing’s [66] groups based on 1980’s the Pechini method based upon the esterifica-
rheological measurements, and more directly by Cho tion reaction has been extensively used to prepare a
et al. [67] and Uchiyama et al. [68] based on infrared variety of multi-component oxides such as lead mag-
and Raman spectroscopy, respectively. Tai and Less- nesium niobates [65], LaMnO [70,71], Sr-doped lan-
ing [69] have investigated in detail foaming character- thanum chromite [72] and SrTiOs [67, 731. More re-
istics of polymeric precursors by changing the organic cently, it has been demonstrated in the synthesis of
mass ratio of CA/EG based mainly on rheological and copper based high temperature superconducting ox-
thermal analyses and concluded that a highly porous ides [5] that the method is quite suitable for compli-
polymeric resin is formed by dehydrating an acidified cated systems where the compositions contain four
mixture of CA and EG in proper ratio. According to or more cations, which will be shown in the next
the theoretical calculation by Tai and Lessing, a criti- Section (4.3).
cal composition of a CA/EG mixture at which gelation “In-situ” polymeric reactions other than the
starts is CA/EG = 40/60 (mole ratio) on the assump- polyesterification in the Pechini route can also be used
tion that only a simplified polyesterification between for the synthesis of multi-component oxides. These
CA and EG occurs. Note that this critical compo- include polymerizations of acrylic acid, acrylamide,
sition differs considerably from the value of CA/EG and methacrylic acid. Contrary to the Pechini route
= 20/80 which has been recommended in the orig- where the polycondensation reactions (i.e., dehydra-
inal patent of the Pechini process. The excess EG tion) are dominant, above-mentioned three polymer-
plays a role as a solvent to increase solubilities of izations are initiated by the action of free radicals.
22 Kakihana

Concept of polymerized complex method

A rFl

A ’

AOx BOX : oxides

: residual organics : cafbon

stoichlometdcally homogeneous reaction

Figure 8. Concept of polymerized complex or polymer precursor method.

“Sol-Gel” Preparation of High Temperature Superconducting Oxides 23

Azobisisobutyronitrile and benzoyl peroxide are rad- ions (M):

ical initiators most commonly used for the free-radical
polymerization, and radicals can be generated by the H H H
following respective thermal decomposition of these
compounds: - ________


.. .:
.. PI
+ 2(CH3)2 l + N2 .:’
(28) b
CeN \/

-+ 2Ph* + 2C02 (29)

Despite that a bonding between a cation and a (dis-
sociated) carboxylic acid group is generally weaker
where a dot l represents a position where a single elec- than the chelate bonding in metal-CA complexes, the
tron stays and Ph- means a phenyl (CbHs-) group. randomness of the initial solution would retain in the
Free radicals thus generated now attack monomers final polymeric gel. This is because the gel consists
to develop new radicals. An example of the radical of many chains twisted and tangled together, in which
polymerization using acrylic acid is shown below [7 11: both cations and solvents are entrapped by steric hin-
H2C= H
3.3.2. Polymer Precursor (PP) or Polymer Solution
OOH Method. The PP route is a simple gel method, which
is basically similar to the above-mentioned “in-situ”
polymerization method. In most of the PP routes, the
first step is to prepare an aqueous precursor solution
containing metal salts followed by addition of a water-
COOH COOH soluble polymer. Water-soluble polymers most com-
monly used in the PP route involve polyvinyl alcohol
(PVA), polyacrylic acid (PAA) and polyethyleneimine
(PEI). Contrary to the “in-situ” polymerization method,
(30) the PP method involves no active polymerization re-
actions. Noticeable is, however, that PVA, PAA and
ll!I COOHj, PEI are coordinating organic polymers to cations which
strongly modify the rheological characteristics of the
mother aqueous precursor solution. Metal ions will
The polymers thus obtained are linear molecules with therefore be able to play a role as cross-linking agents
flexible chains, and they are tangled together as the between polymers (see structure [D] for the case of
polymerization proceeds. Carboxylic acid groups do PAA). Random cross-linking across polymer chains
not take part in the polymerization unlike the case of would entrap waters in growing three-dimensional net-
the polyesterification, but play an important role when works, which can convert the system into a gel. Exam-
polymers are crosslinked by connecting some dissoci- ples of interaction between PVA and metal ions can be
ated carboxylic acid groups (-COO-) through metal found in literature for PVA--Cu2+ [74,75] and PVA-
24 Kakihana

taitanate [76]; in the latter a titanate cross-coupling gelation without precipitation should not be always
agent (triethanol amine titanate chelate) has been used taken to imply that perfect mixing of the constituent
for creating crosslinked PVA polymers as shown in [El. metal ions is achieved in the resulting gel network (see
Recently, Gtilgtin et al. [77] have indicated in their figures 3( 1) and (3)). Such examples will be given for
study of calcium aluminate powders from the Pechini calling attention of readers to this common problem in
method that the polymeric resin is able to accommo- solution-based preparation of multicomponent oxides.
date a higher amount of cations than it can chelate in The obvious difference in each individual chemistry of
the solution. Gtilgtin and Kriven [78] have then pro- the three gel routes implies that each gel technique will
posed that chelation of the metal ions by the carboxylic be able to have its unique advantage and weakness de-
acid groups, as is the Pechini resin, is not the only pending upon the suitability to fabricate various shaped
route to obtain stable polymeric precursors. In order ceramic entities such as powders, fibers and films. For
to evidence this proposal, they have prepared aqueous instance, the alkoxide-based route would be more suit-
PVA precursor solutions containing Ca and Al cations able for fiber production or film formation than in the
with a positively charged valence from the cations to organic polymeric glass route as a larger amount of or-
negatively charged hydroxyl groups ratio of 4 : 1, and ganics left in precursors prepared by the latter route
successfully obtained a gel without forming precipita- can deteriorate the quality of the final fiber or thin
tion despite the large charge imbalance (They called film. On the other hand, the organic polymeric glass
this simple method “solution-polymerization route”.). routes would be favorably used for powder prepara-
Another important aspect of the PVA based method tion of multicomponent oxides with very complicated
notified by Gtilgtin and Kriven [78] is that the new gel compositions.
process has a considerably improved net yield of - 1.8
for the weight ratio of the ceramic to the organics, when
compared with 0.15 for the Pechini method. 4.1. Sol-Gel Routes Based upon Hydrolysis of Metal

4.1.1. Chemical Modijication of Insoluble Metal-

Alkoxides. Alkoxides of yttrium, barium, strontium,
bismuth, thallium, calcium and copper have attracted
H20 H20
RO-F-OR' considerable interest as molecular precursors for the
sol-gel synthesis of high temperature superconducting
oxides, such as YBa&Jus07-d, BizSr2CaCuzOs+d or
T12Ba$ZaCuzOs+d. However, the insolubility of sim-
ple copper(I1) alkoxides in common organic solvents
casts some doubt about the versatility of the sol-gel
WI route using alkoxides for the synthesis of copper con-
taining superconducting oxides. The low solubility
of copper alkoxides (as well as other transition met-
4. Relevant Examples of Sol-Gel Preparation of als alkoxides) arises mainly from oligomeric reactions
High Temperature Superconducting Oxides which leads to the formation of less soluble polymeric
species 1791. In fact some early works on sol-gel syn-
The purpose of this section is to review the present theses of these compounds [SO-881 have been forced to
status of various sol-gel type processes for high tem- use a turbid precursor solution containing suspension
perature superconducting oxides. I focus only on pro- of insoluble copper alkoxides. In this case chemical
viding references related to three gel routes, including inhomogeneity already exists in the initial precursor
the alkoxide-based route (4.1) the metal-chelate gel solution on a scale equivalent to the dispersed particle
route (4.2), and the organic polymeric gel route (4.3). size. In order to avoid this type of inhomogeneity in
I present some relevant examples in each of these gel the precursor solution, many previously reported sol-
routes, wherein main efforts have been placed on how gel syntheses of superconducting oxides have utilized
multicomponent gels can be prepared without forma- soluble nonalkoxide sources of copper, such as copper
tion of precipitates. However, as has been described acetylacetonate [89], copper nitrate [90, 911, copper
in the tutorial part of the Section 3.2.1, successful acetate [92-971 or other copper carboxylates [98,99].
“Sol-Gel” Preparation of High Temperature Superconducting Oxides 25

However, since these nonalkoxide copper complexes Although only little is known about the structure of
cannot be readily hydrolyzed even in large excess of copper-alkoxides modified with these molecules, it is
water in contrast to other metal alkoxides, formation likely that the modifiers coordinate to the copper ion
of inhomogeneous sol or gel with respect to mixing of as multidentate ligands so forming a chelate complex.
copper with the rest of metal elements may result. An The formation of such a copper chelate complex re-
example of this type of inhomogeneity can be seen in sults in an increased coordination number of the cop-
the synthesis of T12Ba2CaCu208+d using Ba- and Ca- per center as compared to the parent copper alkoxide.
alkoxides and Tl- and Cu-acetates; although the precur- For instance, triethanolamine (N(&HsOH)s = TA),
sor solution can gel with no observable precipitation, which contains three hydroxyl oxygens and one ni-
the final samples were found to be inhomogeneous and trogen, can act as a tetradentate ligand to metals, as
strongly multi-phase [97]. ElKhokh et al. [92] have has been shown in some metal-TA complexes such as
then performed fast hydrolysis-polycondensation of Sn(TA)2 [112, 1131 and Ba(TA)2 [114]. Replacement
a precursor solution containing Y-, Ba-isopropoxides of one of the monodentate alkoxide ligands in M(OR),
and Cu-acetate under hypercritical conditions (235”C, by one tetradentate triethanol amine thus increases the
48.5 bar) to overcome the mismatched hydrolysis rates coordination number of the metal center from 1 to 4,
towards water. which, in the case of copper-alkoxides, prevents or re-
Search for copper alkoxides or chemically modified duces their oligomerization and consequently improves
copper alkoxides that can be readily dissolved in a suit- the solubility. Alkylamines such as ethylenediamine
able organic solvent and can be hydrolyzed at a sig- (NH2CH2CH2NH2 = en) in Entry 1 can also be used
nificant rate upon adding water is therefore required. for reducing the oligomerization of copper alkoxides,
The solubility of some copper alkoxides, including as they can coordinate to copper ions as a bidentate lig-
CU(OC2H5)2, CWGH40CdWz~ WOCWCH~)h and causing an effect similar to what is observed in the
and Cu(OC4H9)2, in various organic solvents has triethanol amine-modified copper alkoxide. The fol-
been thoroughly examined by Hirano et al. [3] and lowing addition reaction rather than a ligand exchange
Murakami et al. [91]. Table 1 lists suitable com- reaction was suggested by Katayama et al. [103, 1151
bination of copper alkoxides (or their modified com- in the case of a mixture of Cu(OCHs)2 and ethylenedi-
pounds) and organic solvents, from which hydrolyz- amine (en):
able copper-containing precursor solutions can be
prepared. Copper alkoxides listed in Table 1 are clas-
Cu(OCH3)2 + 2en + Cu(OCHs)2(en);!, (32)
sified into 5 classes: Entry 1 involves simple cop-
per alkoxides such as methoxide [Cu(OCHs)2], ethox-
ide [Cu(OC2H5)2], isopropoxide [Cu(OCH(CHs)&] where the en-modified alkoxide is soluble in ethanol.
and n-butoxide [CU(OC~H~)~], while Entry 2 to 4 in- The same authors [103, 1151 have investigated the
volve alkoxy-alkoxides, polyetheralkoxide and amino- structures of Cu(OCHs)2 and its en-modified alkoxide
alkoxides, respectively, and finally Entry 5 involves by an extended X-ray absorption fine structure
mixed-ligand alkoxides. The rationale behind the spectroscopy (EXAFS) and concluded that the
utilization of these alkoxides or solvent systems is en-modified alkoxide possesses a monomeric form of
to reduce the strong tendency for oligomerization of Cu(OCHs)2(en)2 dissolved in alcohols in sharp contrast
copper-alkoxides [79, 11 l] and thereby to improve the to the insoluble parent Cu(OCHs)2 which exhibited a
solubility [3, 241. Carboxylic acids (R-COm), /I- highly polymeric structure [ 1161.
diketones in the enolic form (RC(OH)CH(CO)R’) and Alkoxy (ether)-alkoxide [3, 101, 1021, polyether-
alcohol-amines (Rs-,N(R’m),) employed as sol- alkoxide [ 1171 and amino-alkoxide [ 1021 in Entry 2
vents or one of components in solvents in Entry 1 to 4 are potentially multidentate chelating ligands,
are thought to be of nucleophilic X-OH molecules since in addition to the alkoxo oxygens the ether oxy-
characterized by its hydroxyl (-OH) group, that re- gens involved in the first two type of ligands and
act readily with metal alkoxides M(OR), leading to the the amino nitrogens involved in the third type of lig-
formation of a new mixed-ligand chemical species: ands can also participate in the coordination. Experi-
mental evidence for the multidentate character of the
amino-alkoxide ligand has been given in a compound
M(OR), + m X-OIJ CU(OCH(CH~)CH~N(CH~)~)~, where both the amino
-+ M(OR),-,(0X), + m ROH. (31) group and the alkoxo group coordinate to the Cu center
26 Kakihana

Tuble 1. Suitable combination of copper alkoxides and solvents for non-precipitated precursor

Entry Classification Cu-alkoxides Solvents Ref.

1 Non-chelating alkoxides Cu(OCHs)z(methoxide) ethanol or 2-methoxyethanol + ethylenediamine uo31

2-methoxyethanol + 2-dimethylaminoethanol [104. 1151
methanol + triethanolamine [107,109]
methanol + diethanolamine UlOl
Cu(OC2Hs)z (ethoxide) acetic acid or formamide t911
ethanol + diethauolamine or triethanolamine
ethanol + 2-dimethylaminoethanol
acetylacetone L3.911
diethylamine or 2-aminoethanol 131
ethanol + diaminoalcohol 11’361
Cu(OCH(CHs)z)z (iso-propoxide) acetic acid or propionic acid or formamide [911
ethanol + diethanolamine or triethanolamine
ethanol + 2-dimethylaminoethanol
iso-propanol + 2-ethylhexanoic acid [to81
Cu(OC4Hy)z (n-butoxide) acetic acid or propionic acid or formamide [911
ethanol + diethanolamine or triethanolamine
ethanol + 2-dimethylaminoethanol
2 Alkoxy(ether)-alkoxide Cu(OC2H40C2Hs)z (ethoxy-ethoxtde) diethylamine or tetrahydrofuran or [31
toluene [loll
CU(OCZH&GHY)~ tetrahydrofuran uw
3 Polyether-alkoxide CU(OC~H~OC~H~OCH~)~ benzene t1171
4 Amino-alkoxide CWZH4WGW2)2 tetrahydrofuran [lo21
5 Mixed-ligand alkoxide (acachCu.dOWbh polar solvents (most of alcohols) u191
methoxy n-propoxide)
(acac)&&(OCzH40CHs)z WOI
methoxy ethoxide)

to form a Smembered chelate ring per one amino- from 2 for non-chelating (i.e. monodentate) copper
alkoxide [ 1181: alkoxides such as ethoxide up to 4 in structure [fl,
which results in the decrease in oligomerization com-
,KH3)2 pared to the non-chelating alkoxides.
The last approach (Entry 5) for improving the
solubility of copper alkoxides can be found in the
work by Payne’s group [119] and Sauer et al.
[ 1201, who developed alcohol-soluble copper species
having formula (acac)zCuz(OCH2CH2CHzOCHs)z,
(acac)&u4(0C4Hs.)4 and (acac)Cu(OCH2CH20CHs),
where acac is a deprotonated acetylacetone of com-
/ position CHs(CO)CH(CO)CHs. All these molecules
(CH3 )2
are acetylacetone-modified alkoxides and can be pre-
The coordination number of the copper center increases pared by reacting the parent copper alkoxides with
“Sol-Gel” Preparation of High Temperature Superconducting Oxides 27

acetylacetone according to Eq. (31). A single crystal phases at temperatures below 800°C giving only few
X-ray diffraction study of the acetylacetone-modified advantages over the conventional solid-state reaction
copper n-butoxide with a unit of (acac)&u4(0- process [ 1211. In particular BaCOs is a principal obsta-
CdHs)a has revealed that each copper ion is coordinated cle to the low-temperature synthesis of YBa2Cus07-d,
to one bidentate acac and three monodentate butoxides as temperatures higher than 800°C are required for the
resulting in a coordination number of 5. The perspec- complete reaction of this BaCOs with the other phases
tive view of this acac-modified alkoxide indicates a even with fine particle precursors. The formation
tetramer structure with respect to copper ions consist- of BaCOs may occur as far as the carbon-containing
ing of two symmetric dimer units weakly bonded each alkoxides/organic solvents systems are employed. This
other, but importantly indicates no polymeric struc- is enhanced when all the organic components (solvents
ture. This is consistent with the significant improve- and ligands) cannot be completely eliminated from
ment of the solubility of this compound in alcohols the gel prior to pyrolysis. BaCOs forms through the
when compared with the solubility of the parent cop- prompt reaction between the active BaO or BaOH par-
per n-butoxide which is soluble only up to 36 mmol/l ticles produced upon the pyrolysis of the gel and the
in butanol [ 1051. evolved CO2 gas upon decomposition of the organics in
Finding an appropriate bismuth precursors for Bi- the gel. Note that the active BaO or BaOH can be read-
based superconductors such as Bi#r2CaCu20s+d is ily carbonated by atmospheric CO:! to form BaCOs.
also troublesome, as, for instance, the solubility of This means that BaCOs can still form even when all
Bi(OCHs)s in a common solvent such as ethanol the organic components can be successfully eliminated
is greatly limited [81, 851. Non-alkoxide Bi com- from the gel. The formation of the above-mentioned
pounds of Bi-naphthenate [85] and triphenyl Bi [99], intermediate phases may also arise from a low degree of
which are soluble in toluene, have been used as a homogeneity with respect to mixing of cations in mul-
source of Bi in the synthesis of Bi(Pb)-Sr-Ca- ticomponent gels. A possible source for the chemical
Cu-0 thin films and powders, respectively. The inhomogeneity in the resulting gel is the mismatched
above-mentioned arguments concerning the solubil- hydrolysis and condensation rates of the metal alkox-
ity and stability of copper alkoxides may hold for ides upon adding water. Because of this chemical inho-
Bi-precursors. Matsumura et al. [85] have found mogeneity some islands of particular metals may form
in their sol-gel synthesis of c-axis oriented Bi(Pb)- in the gel leading to the formation of unreacted interme-
Sr-Ca-Cu-0 film with zero resistance at 100 diate phases upon pyrolysis of the gel at low temper-
K that precipitation or colloidalization owing to the atures. Low-temperature synthesis of YBa2Cus07-d
rapid hydrolysis of some of alkoxides or triphenyl at temperatures below 800°C may therefore be
Bi can be avoided by adding diethanolamine. Hi- achieved, when the following matters are taken into
rano et al. [loll developed a solution route to su- account:
perconducting Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-0 films compris-
ing of the high-T, and low-T, phases with (001)
preferred orientation on a MgO(100) single crystal I> Precursor solutions containing metal alkoxides or
substrate using partially hydrolyzed metal-alkoxide chemically modified metal alkoxides should be de-
solutions with 2-dimethylaminoethanol. The metal signed such that the ligands and solvents undergo
alkoxides used in their study were Bi(OCH(CH&)s, facile elimination upon drying or pyrolysis of the
Sr(OCdHs)2, Ca(OC4H9)2 and CU(OC~H~OC~H~)~. gel. To avoid the conversion of the active BaO or
The role of 2-dimethylaminoethanol is probably to in- BaOH formed at low temperatures to BaCOs, heat
crease the solubility of both CU(OC~H~OC~H~)~ and treatments should be carefully done under C02-free
Bi(OCH(CHs)& and to retard the rapid hydrolysis of atmosphere (e.g., inert gas atmosphere).
alkoxides. 2) Success in obtaining multi-component gels of high
homogeneity depends mainly upon the control of
hydrolysis and condensation of metal alkoxides.
4.1.2. Synthesis of YBa#u307--d Using Metal- Matching of hydrolysis rates can generally be at-
Alkoxides at Temperatures Below 800°C. Most of tained by the chemical modification of metal alkox-
previously reported sol-gel processes which use metal ides using hydroxylated ligand additives such as
alkoxides for the synthesis of YBa$us07-d lead to the polyols [122], organic acids [123, 1241 and B-
formation of BaCOs, CuO and Y2Os as intermediate diketones [ 1251. The ultimate end should be thought
28 Kakihana

to design precursor solutions for YBa2CusO,-d, (see Eq. (31)), leading to the formation of mixed-
which, upon hydrolysis and condensation, can pro- ligand alkoxides of type M(OR),-,(CHsCOO),
duce atomistically mixed-metal oxygen bonds of - (M = Y, Ba, or Cu). Despite that the reactiv-
Y-O-(Ba-O)~-(Cu-O)s-Y-O- between ity of each mixed-ligand M(OR),-,(CH&OO), to-
the three metals with the cation stoichiometry wards water is not identical, the dramatic reduction
Y:Ba:Cu= 1:2:3. of hydrolysis and condensation rates relative to
the parent alkoxides avoids the precipitation and
Attempts to synthesize YBa#@-d powders, makes segregations of particular metal hydroxides
films or fibers at temperatures below 800°C have been or oxides less pronounced, thus leading to the for-
made by different techniques, which include: 1) con- mation of the greater number of -Y-O-(Ba-
trolled hydrolysis of chemically modified alkoxides, 2) 0)2-(Cu--O)s-Y-O- bonds during the con-
pyrolysis of alkoxide-derived precursors under flowing densation of the acetic acid modified alkoxides.
ozone/oxygen mixture, 3) decomposition of solution- Formation of more -Y-0-(Ba-Oh-(Cu-
derived, carbonless precursors in CO*-free inert atmo- O)s-Y-O- bonds reduces the synthesis tem-
sphere, and 4) utilization of Y-Ba-Cu heterometallic perature of YBazCus07-d more remarkably com-
complexes, as described below: pared to the solid state reaction. On the other
hand, the bond formation of -Y-0-(Ba-0)2-
1) The enormous potential of the alkoxide-based route (Cu-O)s-Y-O- is less probable in the acetate-
has been shown already in the early work by Zheng ethylenediamine route, as the gel derived can con-
and Mackenzie [108], who prepared a rigid dark tain many stable metal-nitrogen bonds such as -
blue amorphous gel without precipitation by a con- M-NH2-CzI&-NH2-M- (M = Y, Ba, or Cu)
trolled hydrolysis of the iso-propanol precursor so- which inhibits further hydrolysis to form -M-
lution containing Y-, Ba-, Cu-isopropoxides modi- O-M- networks, This requires a higher synthesis
fied with 2-ethylhexanoic acid and obtained a nearly temperature to obtain phase-pure YBa2Cus07-d.
phase-pure YBazCus07-d after firing the gel at 2) Hirano et al. [loo] have found that the use of
780°C in air for 1 h. 2-ethylhexanoic acid plays ozone gas during the pyrolysis of precursors de-
an important role not only in increasing the sol- rived from a controlled hydrolysis of Y-, Ba-
ubility of the Cu-isopropoxide in isopropanol but isopropoxides and Cu-2-ethoxyethoxide is effec-
also in decreasing the extremely fast hydrolysis of tive to suppress BaCOs formation. Processing
the Y-isopropoxide [38], and as a result the overall temperatures of 650°C and 750°C were reported
chemical homogeneity of the resulting gel is greatly in the powder preparation of YBa2Cus07-d with
improved when compared with the case of a simple and without ozone, respectively. Non-oriented
mixture of Y-, Ba-, Cu-isopropoxides in the absence films of YBa$&07-d have been made on yttria-
of 2-ethylhexanoic acid where precipitation can eas- stabilized ZrO2 polycrystalline substrates also at
ily occur upon hydrolysis [ 1261. 65o”C, when ozone gas was utilized for pyrolysis
Acetic acid exerts an effect similar to 2-ethyl- of the precursor thin films prepared with a partially
hexanoic acid, as has been demonstrated by Ad- hydrolyzed 2-methoxyethanol solution containing
maiai et al. [ 1271. It has been found that the Ba metal, Y-acetylacetone and Cu-ethoxyethoxide
gel derived from the isopropanol precursor solution [ 1281. YBazCus07-d thin films with c-axis orien-
containing Y-, Ba-isopropoxides and Cu-ethoxide tation perpendicular to a SrTiOs( 100) single-crystal
modified with acetic acid gives YBazCus07-J as substrate were successfully prepared at 800°C in a
a major product with less formation of BaCOs, flowing ozone/oxygen mixture, which completely
YzOs and CuO at 750°C for 6 h, while the gel suppressed the formation of BaCOs.
prepared with Y-, Ba-, Cu-acetates and ethylene- 3) Horowitz et al. [102] have produced organo-
diamine gives a mixed-product of BaCOs, CuO and metallic-derived precursors by complete hydro-
Y203 with less formation of YBa2Cus07-d at the lysis of tetrahydrofuran (THF) solutions containing
same processing temperature. The essential role of Y-, Ba-isopropoxides and a hydrolyzable cop-
acetic acid is to reduce the large gap of hydrolysis per compound such as Cu(N(CqHs)& Cu(OC2
and condensation rates between the different alkox- H4N(GHs)2)2 or Cu(OGH40GH9)2)2. The pre-
ides. Acetic acid reacts easily with metal alkoxides cursor dried at 100°C in vacuuo contained only
“Sol-Gel” Preparation of High Temperature Superconducting Oxides 29

0.2-0.3 wt% of carbons. However, the carbon con- of 700°C were reported for the crystallization of
tent was increased to 0.8 wt% and 3.56 wt% after 2 bulk superconducting YBa2Cu307-$ phase with
hours and 24 hours exposure to ambient air, respec- T, = 75 K.
tively, which implies that the precursor (most prob- It is known that heterometallic oxoalkoxides can
ably hydrated oxides) reacts readily with ambient be obtained through condensation reactions be-
CO2 to form carbonates. Some precautions for pro- tween alkoxo (-OR) and hydroxyl (-OH) ligands
tecting the reaction from ambient CO2 gas are there- according to the following general equation:
fore needed in handling alkoxide-derived precursors
for YBaaCusOT-d. The precursor freshly prepared M(OR), + M’(OR’),-,(OH),
was then fired in CO2 free argon at 650-700°C for + (OR),-lM-O-M’(OR’),-,(OH),-,
2-12 h to yield tetragonal YBa$us07-d which on
oxidation at 400°C in oxygen for 2-12 h resulted + ROH. (33)
in submicron particles of the orthorhombic (super-
conducting) YBa2Cus07-d. The ability to produce Katayamaetal. [103, 104,115,132,133] havethen
essentially phase-pure YBa$us07-d was due to the designed a heterometallic oxoalkoxide precursor so-
lack of BaCOs. It has been concluded that forma- lution for Y-Ba-Cu-0 superconducting pow-
tion of YBa2Cus07-d with the complete avoidance der, fibers and films based upon Eq. (33). First, an
of BaCOs can be achieved even at 650°C when the ethylenediamine (en)-modified copper methoxide,
carbonless precursor, which is derived from the hy- Cu(OCH&(en)2, was partially hydrolyzed with
drolysis of organometallic solutions under argon, is equimolar water to form Cu(OCHs)(en)2(OH):
fired in flowing (COZ-free) inert gas.
4) The most challenging approach to ensure chemi- CWCHMenh + H20
cal mixing at the molecular level is to employ the + Cu(OCHs)(en)2(OH) + CHsOH. (34)
synthesis of heterometallic complexes with exactly
the same metal stoichiometry as that of the desired Second, the product Cu(OCHs)(en)2(OH) was re-
oxide product. In particular, heterometallic alkox- acted with either Y-isopropoxide modified with
ides, which contain two or more different metals ethyl acetoacetate (EAA) or Ba ethoxide according
linked via ,LL-or ps-bridging alkoxo (-OR) groups to the following presumed reactions:
or via 0x0 (-0-) ligands of various bridging
modes [34], are claimed to provide the most promis-
ing molecular precursors in the sol-gel synthesis of
multicomponent oxides at lower processing temper- --+ (CHsO)(en)2--Cu-O-Ba(OC2Hs)
atures. + C2HsOI-I (35)
Kordas et al. [81, 86, 129-1311 have recognized Cu(OCHd(enh(OH) + Y(OCHKHdd@W
in their sol-gel synthesis of YBa2Cug07-d and
+ (CHsO)(en)z-Cu-0-Y(OCH(CHs)2)
Tl-Ba--Ca-Cu-0 superconductors that hetero-
metallic alkoxides may form between Ba- (or x (EAA) + (CH3)2CHOH. (36)
Y-) methoxyethoxide and Cu-ethoxide. It
has been shown based upon the quasielas- In gel films prepared from the presumed het-
tic laser light scattering experiments [81, 861 erometallic alkoxide solution, calcination at 600°C
that the insoluble Cu-ethoxide suspended in under an Ar atmosphere produced a tetrago-
methoxyethanol/methylethylketone react with Ba- nal YBa2Cus07-d with no X-ray evidence for
methoxyethoxide, which caused a reduction in the the presence of BaCOs, which was subsequently
particle size of Cu-ethoxide down to 1100 nm. Ex- converted to an orthorhombic (superconducting)
posure of the solution containing Cu-ethoxide and YBa2Cus07-d by annealing in oxygen at 400°C for
Ba-methoxyethoxide to ambient moisture followed 24 h.
by the addition of Y-methoxyethoxide produced sta- Rupich et al. [ 134-1371 have reported the syn-
ble 3 component sols with an average particle size thesis of the heterometallic YBazCus-oxo alkoxides
of 60 nm [86], which were converted to gel upon with the general formula YBa2Cus(px-0)s(px-
evaporation of solvents. Processing temperatures OR)-,, from which superconducting YBa2Cus07-d
30 Kakihana

powders [134, 1361, filaments [137] and thin films [218], EDTA (ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid) [58,
[135, 1361 were directly prepared at temperatures 219-2281, polyol[185,229-2351 and urea [236]. The
below 800°C without the intermediate formation of basic idea behind the use of such chelating agents is to
individual metal oxides or carbonates. A precursor reduce the fraction of free-metal ions in aqueous so-
with the composition of YBa2Cus(pX-0)s(p,- lution by the formation of soluble chelate complexes.
OC2H40CHs)7 was prepared by reaction of a pyri- Most of the constituent metal ions of high tempera-
dine solution of ~-0x0 copper (II) polymer with ture superconducting oxides can undergo hydrolysis in
2-methoxyethanol solutions of Ba(OC2H40CH& aqueous medium in the absence of chelating agents,
and Y(OC2H40CHs)s according to the following which can be promoted at higher pH or upon evapo-
reactions: ration of water, leading to the formation of insoluble
species before gelatin occurs. For this reason, the con-
2n Ba(OC2H40CHs)2 + 3(~-OCu), centration of the precursor solution must be carried
out in the presence of strong chelating agents to avoid
+ n Badh(p,--0h (~~-0GH40CHd4
unwanted precipitation. Alternatively, metal-chelates
(37) in a non-aqueous medium have also widely been used
Y(OWWCHd3 + Ba2Cw (P~--O)~ for the synthesis of high temperature superconducting
oxides especially for thin film fabrication [237-2501.
x ~L---OC~WCH~)~
A detailed description for this approach is beyond the
+= YBa2CudpCLx--0h (/-b--OC2&0CH3)7. scope of this review, and those who are interested in this
(38) area can find some illustrations related to such tech-
niques in recent publications [251,252].
The product of the reaction (38) was isolated as
amorphous brown solids by removal of the sol-
4.2.1. Synthesis of YBa2CuqOg Under 1 atm of
vent under vacuum, and the proposed composi-
Oxygen. In general materials fabricated by the sol-
tion was confirmed by gravimetric, inductively cou-
gel routes have shown a better compositional homo-
pled plasma (ICP) and molecular weight exclu-
geneity in comparison with a conventional material
sion chromatographic analyses. The heterometal-
produced by a solid-state reaction. This has been im-
lit 0x0 alkoxides were found to be soluble in the
mediately demonstrated in the low temperature syn-
parent alcohol or other nonaqueous solvents such
thesis of YBa2Cu40s under 1 atm of oxygen. Unlike
as pyridine. The potential advantage of these 0x0
the synthesis of YBa$us07-d, the temperature for the
metal alkoxides has been demonstrated in the low-
synthesis of YBa$&Os must be below 830°C as far
temperature preparation of superconducting films,
as under 1 atmospheric oxygen pressure is used. This
where c-axis oriented YBa2Cus07-d thin films per-
is because YBa2Cu40s phase is partially or completely
pendicular to a (100) yttria-stabilized ZrO;! substrate
decomposed into YBa2Cus07-d, Y2B%Cu7014+d and
were successfully prepared at 730°C with zero re-
CuO between 830°C and 950°C under 1 atm of oxy-
sistances at 89.5 K and critical current densities of
gen. Time needed for the formation of YBa2Cu40s
2 x lo5 A/cm2 at 77 K.
depends upon the reaction temperature and more cru-
cially upon the compositional homogeneity of the start-
4.2. Sol-Gel Routes Based upon Water-Soluble ing precursor used. YBa$&Os can therefore be
Metal Chelates regarded as a system suitable for judging the composi-
tional homogeneity of precursors fabricated by differ-
The sol-gel route described in this section is char- ent routes, when the synthesis is carried out under 1 atm
acterized in that the precursor solution is mostly an of oxygen at low temperatures (typically 760-800°C).
aqueous solution of inorganic salts or metal organic For instance, in the conventional solid-state reaction
compounds. Most of the previously reported aqueous route using a mixture of Y203, BaCOs and CuO, pure
sol-gel synthesis of high temperature superconduct- YBa2Cu40s can never been prepared under 1 atm of
ing oxides employ potentially chelating agents, which oxygen below 800°C because of the nonuniformity
involve acetates [ 138-1621, tartarates/acetates [ 154, of the starting powder mixture. Feng et al. [253]
163-1721, citrates [58, 173-2091, oxalates [210-2121, have claimed the synthesis of YBazCu40s under 1 atm
lactates [213], trifluoroacetates [214-2171, propionates of oxygen starting from a powder mixture of Y203,
“Sol-Gel” Preparation of High Temperature Superconducting Oxides 31

Tub/e 2. Synthetic conditions and some physical properties of YBazCu4Os prepared under 1 atm of oxygen by various sol-gel routes.

Temp. TCIK AT!‘4’

Methods Precursor solutions “C Firing time(“) onset(*2) zero(‘3) 1; Impuritiest*5) Ref.

M-complex M-nitrates + citrate 800-815 3-5 days 83 CR) 66 --1WL-01 cue-20% [1931
gel route + ethylene diamine 80 G) - cue-10% uw
+ H20, pH = 5.5
Y(N03)3, Ba-, Cu-acetates 800 50 h (c) + 20 h (s) 85 (RI 80 ~5 (RIO-YO) none 12571
in 25 ~01% aq. acetic
acid + tartaric acid,
pH = 5.8
Y-, Ba-, Cu-acetates 780 30 h (c) + 30 h (s) 85 CR) 75 -5 6-L-o) none 11631
+ tartaric acid + Hz0 75 (Ml - ~(M~o-Yo)
Y(NOs)s, Ba-, Cu-acetates 810-814 60 h (c) + 30 h (s) 82-84 (R) 72 -6 (Rm-01 cue-5% [I671
+ acetic acid + tar&c none(*“)
acid + H20, pH = 6.2
Y2O3, Ba-, Cu-acetates 780 10 h (c) + 30 h (s) 78 h (S) - - cue-2% [I651
in 0.2 moUl aq. acetic acid BaCuOz-7%
+ tartaric acid, pH = 5.6
Y-, Ba-, Cu-acetates 790 48 h 89 CR) 74 -8 (Rm-o) none [I44
+ 5.5 wt%PVA + 6 wt%PA
+ 1.5 wt%2-HIA + HzO(*~)
Hydrolysis of Y(n-OC4Hy)3 + Ba(OCzH5)2 800 5h(c) + 10 h(s) 80-83 (R) 76 -4 &n-o) cue-2% 1901
M-alkoxide + Cu(NOs)z m ethanol u.k.(*‘)-6%
and xylene
780 5 h(c) + 10 h(s) 80 CM) - cue-10% 1911
u.k.(*“) -12%
Y-, Ba-, Cu(n-OC4Hy), in 760 20h -84 (R) 78 -3 (K-o) cue-3% [IO51
buthanol and xylene u.k.(*‘)-12%
Organic Y-, Ba-, Cu-nitrates in 780-790 24 h(c) + 60 h (s) 82.6 (M) - 4.5 (MN-YO) cue< 1% [2581
polymeric HlO/ethylene glycol
glass + citric acid
Y-, Ba-, Cu-nitrates 800-820 24 h(c) + 30 h (s) 82 W 79 2 none I2591
m polyvinyl alcohol/H20 80 04
(’ I) “c” and “s” in parentheses stand for “calcination” and “sintering”, respectively.
(‘2) “R”, “ S” and ‘Xl” in parentheses stand for determinations of T, (onset) by “resistivity ” , “SQUID” and “complex magenetic susceptibility
(real part)” measurements, respectively.
(*s) Temperatures at zero resistance.
('4) “R,-(,", “Rl+ao” and “Mt+~tr” in parentheses stand for “resistivity transitions between midpoint and zero point”, “resistivity transitions
between 10% and 90%” and “complex magnetic susceptibility (real part) transitions between 10% and go%“, respectively.
(*j) Impurity levels relative to the strongest I1 1 reflection from YBazCu4Os.
(*WA longer heat treatment depressed completely CuO.
(*7) Abbreviations: PVA = polyvinyl alcohol, PA = propionic acid, HIA = 2-hydroxy isobutyric acid.
(*U “u.k.” stands for “unknown phase”.

BaC03 and CuO. However, substantial amounts of upon a solid-state reaction route is therefore usually
unreacted CuO were detected in their X-ray diffrac- carried out using high oxygen pressure (typically 400
tograms even after extending the heat-treatment at 830- atm) under which YBazCuaOs can be stable even at
850°C to 216 h. Alternatively, Cava et al. [254] have higher temperatures around 1000°C [255,256].
found in the synthesis of YBa$&Os that catalysts The sol-gel method is of potential advantage over
(fluxes) such as KzCOs or Na$Os can promote dra- these solid-state reaction methods as it affords a con-
matically the solid-state reaction of the respective ni- venient means for synthesizing YBazCu40s using nei-
trates even under 1 atm of oxygen. It may, however, ther high oxygen pressures nor additive catalysts.
be claimed that a finite amount of the catalyst possibly Table 2 gives some representative examples of the
enters the lattice. The synthesis of YBazCudOs based synthesis of YBa$u40s under 1 atm of oxygen by
32 Kakihana

aqueous sol-gel techniques from various kinds of 6.0-6.1 in order to achieve homogeneous gels with-
metal complexes which include citrates [ 193, 1941, out phase separation. It has subsequently been re-
acetate/tartarates [ 163, 165, 167, 2571 and acetates/ ported that the homogeneity of the acetate gel is of-
propionates/PVA/2-hydroxy isobutyric acid [ 1441. Ex- ten disturbed during the gelation process either by the
amples of YBa2Cu40s prepared under 1 atm of oxy- crystallization of Cu(CHsCOO)z.HzO in solutions ad-
gen by other sol-gel routes using metal alkoxides [90, justed to pH < 5.6 or by the flocculation of copper
91, 1051 and organic polymeric glasses [258,259] are hydroxide in solutions adjusted to pH > 6.1 [141]. A
also included in Table 2 for comparison. The immedi- study by Rama Rao et al. [260] has indeed shown
ate conclusion drawn from Table 2 is that gels derived that gels derived from a mixed aqueous solution of Y-,
from a mixture of acetate and tartarate have produced Ba-, and Cu-acetates adjusted to pH = 7.0 have pro-
eventually single-phase YBa.$udOs at temperatures duced a strongly multiphase sample with an impurity of
below 800°C for relatively short reaction times, typ- YzBaCuOs phase after the heat-treatment at 900°C for
ically 30 to 70 h. The role of tartarate will be dis- 24 h in air. This was attributed to the presence of indi-
cussed in the next section. Gels derived from metal- vidual metal acetates in the acetate gel, which brought
alkoxides seem to have the advantages of shortening the about an inhomogeneous distribution of metal ions in
reaction time (15-20 h) and of lowering the synthetic the gel. The same authors have shown in their subse-
temperature even down to 7OO”C, but X-ray diffrac- quent publication [261] that it was possible to improve
tograms of the final samples have indicated the pres- the homogeneity of the acetate gel, thereby to avoid
ence of unidentified impurities with 10% level as well the formation of YzBaCuOs phase when the pH of the
as CuO with 2% level relative to the strongest 111 re- initial solution was adjusted to 6.0. Similarly, it has
flection from YBa,$ZudOs. This phenomenon could been reported in the synthesis of (Bi, Pb)2SrzCa$usO,
be attributed to the possible heterogeneity of the gels, powders that the pH of the starting solution has to be
arising from the mismatched hydrolysis and conden- adjusted precisely to 5.5 in order to avoid the formation
sation rates of the Y-, Ba- and Cu-alkoxides. Nev- of precipitation [152, 155, 1561.
ertheless, this alkoxide route should be regarded as a Alternatively, McHale et al. [262] have reported a
promising method for the low temperature synthesis simplified preparation of REBa2Cus07-d (RE = Y, Eu,
of YBa+&Os, since the reactivities of the respective Gd, Nd, La) powders using metal-acetates as the start-
metal alkoxides towards water could be controlled as ing reagents and practically water-free glacial acetic
described in the preceding section. It should be fi- acid as a solvent. Glassy gels were obtained by boil-
nally pointed out that gels derived from organic poly- ing away the acetic acid solution until1 the volume of
meric glasses have also produced eventually single- the solution decreased to about half of the initial value.
phase YBa2Cu40s at temperatures below 820°C for Despite that the solution has been left strongly acidic,
54-84 h. In particular, the YBa2Cu40s sample pre- neither crystallization nor precipitation occurred dur-
pared by a water-PVA route [259] has shown proba- ing the gelation process. It has been presumed that in
bly the best superconducting properties among others the water-less acetic acid precursor solution dehydrated
as is evident for a sharp superconducting transition, metal acetates are slow to crystallize when compared
AT,(lO-90%) < 2 K. with the corresponding hydrated metal acetates. As
expected, addition of water into this acetic-acid pre-
4.2.2. Acetate Gel (Amorphous Acetate) Processes. cursor solution, after the boiling and drying, resulted
The (aqueous) acetate gel (or amorphous acetate) in a crystalline precursor. A heat-treatment of the ac-
method has been widely used for the synthesis of etate gel at 900°C for 2 h in air produced a single-phase
YBa2Cus07-d powders [127, 139-143, 148, 2601, YBa&us07-d with a T, onset at 93 K and zero resis-
fibers [153,154,157-1621 or films [ 1461 and of Biz- tance at 9 1 K.
Sr$Za@-tsO, [151, 152, 155, 1561 powders. The Another way to stabilize the acetic acid precursor so-
homogeneity of the acetate gel can be ascertained only lution during the concentration (gelation) process is to
in a narrow pH region. The importance of the pH value use chelating agents that interact with metal ions more
of the initial solution has first been pointed out in the strongly than the acetic acids do. Chelating agents most
synthesis of YBa2CusO,-d fibers via acetate gels by commonly used for this purpose include tartaric acid
Sakka and his coworkers [154, 157-1621, who indi- [154, 166, 168-1721, citric acid [260], ethanolamine
cated that the solution should be adjusted to pH = [147] and triethanolamine [150, 263, 2641. Studies
“Sol-Gel” Preparation of High Temperature Superconducting Oxides 33

by Sakka and Zhuang et al. [154, 170-1721 have acid (=HgCit) is a tribasic acid that can be dissociated
shown that transparent acetate gels for the synthesis in aqueous solution to give H2Cit-, HCit2- and Cit”-
of (Bi, Pb)&CazCusOy superconducting powders, ions depending upon the pH of the solution. At low
fibers and films have been successfully achieved even pH, HzCit- (or even non-dissociated HsCit) is the pre-
at low pH (3.2-3.3) when the molar ratio of tartaric acid dominant species, which interacts weakly with barium
to copper (C4H40&u) is kept at values between 0.39 ions owing to the low value of the stability constant
and 0.43. Cu(CHsC00)2.H20 is crystallized when for BaHzCit+; i.e. log,, K (BaHzCit+)/(mol-‘dm’)
(C4H40&u) is less than 0.26, while X-ray amorphous = 0.6 [272]. This low value indicates that a non-
white precipitate is formed when (C4H4G&u) is larger negligible amount of free barium ions is left in the solu-
than 0.52. tion. Because of the relatively low solubility of barium
nitrate, it can crystallize as the citrate-&-are solution is
4.2.3. Citrate Gel (Amorphous Citrate) Processes. concentrated or spray-dried. The crystallization of bar-
The citrate gel process is thought to be highly promis- ium nitrate can be avoided when the pH of the initial
ing and was originally used to obtain highly dispersed citrate-nitrate solution is increased up to a value close to
mixed oxides or oxide solid solutions of perovskites, 6.0 by addition of ammonia. At this pH, Cit”- ions are
spinels and garnets [265-2701. The technique was later the predominant species, that interact more strongly
on developed for high temperature superconducting ox- with barium ions to form a stable BaCit- complex
ides by many research groups [58,173-209,260,271]. (log,,, K (BaCit-)/(mol-‘dm’) = 2.95) than HzCit-
The first example of the citrate gel process for the ions do. The high stabilization of barium ions with
synthesis of YBa$us07-d can be found in works by Cit”- ions reduces the concentration of free barium ions
Chu et al. [ 1761 and Dunn et al. [ 1811, who prepared in the solution, thus being able to lead to the formation
an amorphous citrate gel, starting from an aqueous so- of a clear gel with no precipitates upon the evaporation.
lution of metal (M)-nitrates and citric acid (CA) with a Note, however, that further increase in pH exceeding
CA : M ratio of 1 : 1. Both the CA : M ratio and the pH 7 can bring about the formation of precipitates (most
value of the initial solution are of utmost importance to probably hydroxides and their reacted carbonates) as
obtain a clear gel with no precipitation. The molar ratio has been pointed out by Blank et al. [ 1731.
of CA to total metal cations is usually fixed at 1, which Karen et al. [273] have proposed a simple modified
is the minimum amount of CA needed to bind all metals citrate gel method for the synthesis of YBa$u307-d,
assuming that only 1: 1 metal-citrate complexes form in which eliminates the step of pH control in producing
the solution. Survey of literature describing the syn- the citrate gel. The procedure involves a liquid-mixing
thesis of YBasCus07-d by the citrate gel process has technique in concentrated citrate solutions (melts) with
revealed that the optimum pH lies in values between 5.0 a minimum amount of water, starting from non-nitrate
and 7.0 [173, 175, 176, 178, 188, 189, 191, 197, 199, sources of Y, Ba and Cu such as Y203, BaCOs and
203, 2081, which is a less limited window of pH when CU(OH)~CUCO~.O.~H~O. Highly viscous gels with no
compared with that (5.6 < pH < 6.1) required for the precipitation have been directly obtained by boiling the
acetate gel process. Both the theoretical consideration concentrated citrate solutions, in spite of no adjustment
[ 1751 and titrimetric data [ 1781 have shown that com- of pH. It has been presumed that complexation with the
plexation reaction occurs at pH M 6.0 when citric acid bridging polydentate citrate ligand is of importance for
is added into the aqueous solution containing Y, Ba and the high viscosity.
Cu ions, leading to a process of gelation instead of pre- From a processing point of view, the technique based
cipitation. Studies by Chu et al. [176] and Sale et al. upon the concentration of a citrate-nitrate solution has
[201] have shown that in solutions that are too acidic a unique aspect characterized not only by the forma-
(pH < 2), a precipitate identified as barium nitrate by tion of a clear gel but also by “autoignition” (or spon-
X-ray diffraction analysis was formed during evapora- taneous combustion). For this reason, the technique
tion of water. Precipitation of barium nitrate has also is sometimes referred to as “autoignited citrate gel
been observed in spray-dried powders derived from process” [ 179,180,200] or merely classified into one of
strongly acidic aqueous solutions of metal-nitrates and “combustion” methods [274-2801 rather than “sol-gel”
citric acid [ 1861. This phenomenon can be interpreted methods. The autoignition of the gel occurs by a ther-
in terms of the weak interaction between barium ions mally induced oxidation-reduction reaction between
and citrate ions under acidic conditions [ 1761. Citric the citrate and nitrate ions, which can be written
34 Kakihana

according to Pederson’s reaction model [278-2801: [204] have been added to the solutions. The citrate
gel process offers much saving in processing time over
the conventional solid-state reaction method, particu-
9 M(NOs), + 2.5x C6Hs07+ 15x CO2
larly in the synthesis of (Bi, Pb)$Sr2Ca2CusO, (Bi,
+ (9/2)x N2+ 10x Hz0 + 9 M0,/2. (39) Pb-2223) with a superconducting transition tempera-
ture T, = 110 K. Tampieri et al. [205] have demon-
strated that the high-pure 2223 phase (98% in volume
Roy et al. [200] have synthesized YBa2Cu307-d pow- fraction) can be prepared by the citrate gel process in
ders using various compositions of gels with differ- a greatly reduced total time (24 h) when compared to
ent citrate-nitrate ratios ranging from 0.13 to 1.OO,and the 150 h or more usually required for the solid-state
found that the visible autoignition is restricted to gels reaction method.
with citrate-nitrate ratios between 0.16 and 0.50. An
important conclusion is that the exothermic nature of
the reaction can be controlled by changing the citrate- 4.2.4. EDTA Gel (Amorphous EDTA) Processes.
nitrate ratio in the gel, and the best result with regard The main advantage of the EDTA gel method stems
to the particle size distribution of the powder has been from the fact that under a certain condition EDTA can
obtained for a ratio of 0.3, a value close to the stoi- bind with most metallic elements in the periodic ta-
chiometric ratio (0.28 derived from Eq. (39)) needed ble, making the technique a versatile means in the
for the complete combustion of each nitrate ion. It synthesis of high temperature superconducting oxides.
is thus natural that the use of metal-acetates [208] or The technique has been successfully applied to the
carbonates [197] instead of metal-nitrates as starting synthesis of YBa2Cus07-d [58, 182, 219, 220, 223,
reagents induces no autoignition. YBa2Cus07-d sam- 224,227], BizSr$aCu20s+d [ 182,220-2221 and (Bi,
ples prepared by the (autoignited) citrate gel process us- Pb)$r2Ca2CusOrc+d [219,221-226,228] powders. A
ing citrate-nitrate gels with the optimum citrate-nitrate representative example of this approach can be found
ratio of x0.3 have shown improved properties com- in a work by Fransaer et al. [220], who have shown
pared to those prepared by solid-state reaction tech- a general scheme for the preparation of YBazCus07-d
niques [188, 189, 2061; e.g., a sharper superconduct- (Y123) and Bi&CaCu20s+d (Bi2212) using EDTA
ing transition (A.C. susceptibility, AT,( lO-90%) = as a chelating agent. Both the materials made by the
0.39 K), larger Meissner effect (56%, field cooling at EDTA gel technique have shown a better compositional
H = 17 Oe) and a well-defined specific heat jump at T, homogeneity in comparison with a conventional mate-
(57 mJ/(K2.mol)). rial prepared by a solid-state reaction method. The
The citrate gel process has also been successfully precursor for the Y 123 was prepared from Cu powder,
used for the synthesis of high-purity Bi-based [179, Y203 and BaCOs dissolved in warm nitric acid. Af-
180, 183, 195, 196, 204, 2051, Tl-based [192] and ter mixing the solution, 1 mol of EDTA was added for
Pb-based [271] high temperature superconducting ox- every equivalent mole of cations, followed by the ad-
ides. With a few exceptions [204, 2711, the optimum dition of enough ammonia to bring the solution to pH
pH of the initial solution seems to lie between 5 and = 5. The role of ammonia is to dissociate the weak
7, in a range of values often selected to synthesize EDTA acid into one of its complexing subunits (at pH
YBa2Cus07-d materials by the citrate gel route as de- = 5, EDTA2- is the predominant species; see figure 9).
scribed before. A study by Ma and Pierre [195] has The solution has first yielded a viscous solution upon
shown that in Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-0 systems a so- evaporation of water that subsequently vitrified into
lution with the molar ratio of citric acid to cations equal a transparent glassy resin upon further concentration.
to 1 gave precipitation near pH = 6 at 60°C. It has then The precursor for the Bi2212 was also prepared in a
turned out that clear gels instead of precipitation can be way similar to what has been done in the Y123. Of
obtained when a molar ratio of citric acid to cations is particular importance is that no signs of precipitation
equal to 2 and the pH of the initial solution is adjusted to are observed until the solution is converted to a gel.
7.0. Similarly, precursor solutions for Bi-Pb-Sr- Key parameters that have to be precisely adjusted for
Ca-Cu-0 superconductors with the molar ratio of avoiding any segregation or precipitation of the ele-
citric acid to metal ions equal to 1 can be stabilized ments upon concentration involve the pH of the start-
when an appropriate amount of ethylenediamine [ 179, ing solution and the molar ratio of EDTA to total metal
1801 or a mixture of ethylenediamine and tartaric acid ions. An important publication by Van der Biest et al.
“Sol-Gel” Preparation of High Temperature Superconducting Oxides 35

The values of stability constants for metal-EDTA com-

plexes are usually large for most of metals that are asso-
ciated with high temperature superconducting oxides
[60], which implies that the concentration of free metal
0.8 ions, [M”+], is lowered (see values of K in Table 3).
This must be considered as a desirable situation in
that the formation of insoluble species derived from
free-metal ions can be avoided upon evaporation of the
solvent. The fully dissociated EDTA, L4-, which is
predominantly formed at pH > 12 (see figure 9), can
strongly interact with a metal ion, M”+, to form a very
stable 1 : 1 complex:

M”+ + L4- tf ML-(4-n) (44)
with a stability constant K defined as

K = [ML-(~-~)]/([M”+][L~-]). (45)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 However, like in the case of citric acid, as the pH of
PH the solution is decreased, other EDTA species such
as HL”-, H2L2-, HsL- and H4L become more and
Figure 9. Mole fraction of ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetic acid
more important (see figure 9) which requires to con-
(EDTA c H4L) and its dissociated species (H3L-, HzL*-, HL3-
and L4-) as a function of pH [281].
sider many side-reactions between the metal ion and
these EDTA species. In order to know how strongly
metal ions are stabilized by EDTA in a given precursor
[58] has shown that pM’-pH diagrams can be used to solution with different values of pH, a sort of condi-
design precursor solutions that bring about no precipi- tional constant, K', instead of the stability constant, K,
tation upon evaporation of the solvent. In what follows, is of much more practical importance. When [L’] is de-
some important chemistries, which should be consid- fined as a total concentration of any free EDTA species
ered in the EDTA gel method, are described in terms of that are not combined with metal ions (Eq. (46)), K'
the so-called conditional constants of M-EDTA com- can be related to [L’] or more practically to Ringbom’s
plexes and related pM’-pH diagrams. side-reactions coefficient QL [57] as written in Eq. (47):
EDTA (=HJL) is a weak tetrabasic acid that can
be dissociated into complexing subunits such as HsL-,
[L’] = [L4-] + [HL’-] + [H2L2-]
HzL2-, HL”- and L4-. Distribution of each species can
be calculated using the known dissociation constants of + W&-l + CH4Ll. (46)
EDTA (Eqs. (40)-(43)) and is shown in figure 9 as a
K' = [ML-‘4-“‘]/([M”+][L’]) = K/aL. (47)
function of pH [281]:
Substituting Eq. (45) for K in Eq. (47) yields:
&I = W+IW&-l/W&l
= 1.02 x 10e2 mol dm-’ (40)
[L’] = [L4-] x CYL. (48)
Ku2 = W+1D-12L2-1/W~L-l
= 2.14 x 10-s mol. dm-’ (41) Introduction of Eqs. (40)-(43) into Eq. (46) leads to
7 2
Ku3= W +IWL--l/F-bL -1
= 6.92 x 10e7 mol. dm-’ (42)
&‘I = L4-I( I+ W+l/%4 + W+12/W~4Kd
Ku4 = [H+][L4-]/[HLs-] + W+l’IU?,4Ku~K,2>
= 5.50 x IO-” mol. dm-‘. (43) $-[H+14/(K,4Ka3K02Ku,)} (49)
36 Kakihana

Table 3. Selected stability constants (K) of various metal-EDTA complexes and their conditional
stability constants (K’) at various pH (Ionic strength is kept at 0.1 mol dme3) [60,281].

pK’ = log,,,[K’/(mol-‘dm3)]
Metal ions pK = log,,,[K/(mol-‘dm3)] pH=4 pH=5 pH=6 pH=7 pH=8

Y3+ 18.1 9.66 11.7 13.5 14.8 15.8

Ba2+ 7.8 -0.64 1.35 3.15 4.48 5.53
cu*+ 18.7 10.3 12.3 14.1 15.4 16.4
La3+ 15.5 7.06 9.05 10.9 12.2 13.2
Bi3+ 27.8 19.9 21.4 23.2 24.5 25.5
Pb2+ 17.9 9.46 11.5 13.3 14.6 15.6
sr2+ 8.7 0.26 2.25 4.05 5.38 6.43
Ca2+ 10.6 2.16 4.15 5.95 7.28 8.33

which can be compared with Eq. (48) to give I I I I I

a~ = { 1+ [H+l/&4 + [H+12/WdGd
+ [H+l’/Wa&dGd 20
+ [H+14/(Ko4Ku3K02K~1)}. (50)

oL is a function of [H+], and logaL is plotted against pH

in figure 10. K’ (Eq. (47)) at a given pH is thus easily 15
calculated using (zr~.derived from figure 10 together
with known values of K. Values of K and K’ with dif- 6c
ferent pH’s are shown in Table 3 for some metal-EDTA
chelate complexes [60] that are important in the EDTA z la
gel synthesis of high temperature superconducting ox-
ides. An immediate conclusion drawn from Table 3 is
that in solutions adjusted to pH 2 6.0 the listed metal
ions except barium, strontium and calcium ions can 5
form sufficiently stable EDTA chelate complexes as is
evident for the high values of K’. The intermediate val-
ues of conditional constants for Ba2+, S?+ and Ca2+
at pH = 6.0 still indicate that these alkaline-earth metal
ions can react nearly quantitatively with EDTA, drop- 4 6 2
ping the concentration of free metal ions down to a level w
at which a sol-gel processing is feasible. At high pH,
M-EDTA complexes must be further stabilized as val- Figure IO. Relationship between Ringbom’s side reactions coeffi-
cient (YL (L = EDTA) and pH [57,281].
ues of their conditional constants are further increased.
However, an upper limit of pH, beyond which precip-
itates form, exists, since OH- or CO:- ions compete
more remarkably with EDTA with increasing pH. EDTA to the total metal ions = 1 or slightly higher
The upper limit of pH can be determined from pM’- than 1, the particular borderlines corresponding to the
pH diagrams. Figures 11 and 12 display such dia- excess EDTA concentration of 10m4 mol. dm-” (i.e.
grams which represent the borderlines of the precip- [EDTA] = [M] + 10m4 mol. dmm3) were chosen from
itation region for various M-EDTA systems divided those calculated by Kragten [55] for the various values
into two groups, {Y3+, Ba2+, Cu2+} and {Bi3+, Sr’+, of the excess EDTA. The lines for Ba2+ in figure 11
Ca2+, Cu2+}, respectively. As the EDTA gel pro- and those for Sr2+ and Ca2+ in figure 12 represent the
cessing is usually carried out with the molar ratio of borderlines for carbonate precipitation in air-saturated
"Sol-Gel" Preparation of High Temperature Superconducting Oxides 37

8 /
7- I (Y,Ba,Cu) "EDTA ] /

i |
5- ~',

f %-,t,
4- / !
Q. / o
/ I
3- I

Qo P o / / "
2 /

1 I
0 I I I ' '~sY' I I I I ! ,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Figure 11. The pM' (M r = y3+, Ba2+ or Cu 2+ )-pH diagram [55]. The precipitation borderlines correspond to excess EDTA concentrations
of 10-4 mol, dm-3: i.e. [EDTA] = [M] + 10-4 mol, dm -3. For details, see text.

8 r

7 I(Bi,Sr,Ca,Cu)-EDTA I
9 !

6 /
/ /

~ 4 // /
I //
0 I I I t r I
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Figure 12. The pM' (M' = Bi 3+, Sr2+, Ca 2+ and Cu 2+ )-pH diagram [55]. The precipitation borderlines correspond to excess EDTA
concentrations of 10 -4 mol. dm -3 : i.e. [EDTA] = [M] + 10-4 mol. dm -3, For details, see text.

aqueous solutions, while the remainders correspond to by ammonia. When the EDTA gel process is planed in
those for hydroxide precipitation. From figure I 1 we alkaline solutions, all the operations including the con-
can design a suitable EDTA precursor solution for the centration procedure should be carried out under CO2-
synthesis of YBa2Cu3OT-a. For instance, the precipi- free atmosphere to avoid the formation of insoluble
tation region of BaCO3 is penetrated by the line I for BaCO3. In this case, concentration wilt not cause pre-
concentration, starting from Po which corresponds to cipitation: the concentration locus of Po does not pene-
a solution obtained by dissolving each metal salts in a trate the precipitation regions of Y(OH)3 and Cu(OH)2,
slightly alkaline-EDTA medium adjusted to pH = 7.5 being able to lead to the formation of a gel. Ba(OH)2 is
38 Kakihana

not needed to consider because of its high solubility in the process of gelation and pyrolysis of the result-
COz-free aqueous solutions. The point Qs at pH = 6.5 ing gel. Note, however, that the technique generally
shifts along the line II towards lower pH upon evapo- suffers from its own unique problems such as effec-
ration of water and will not penetrate the precipitation tive removal of carbon-containing organic polymers
regions (Evaporation of ammonia which reduces pH of and large shrinkage during heat treatment. The lat-
the solution is not taken into consideration.). However, ter disadvantage renders fabrication of fibers or films
as the pH is decreased, the Ba-EDTA complex becomes by this technique rather difficult. This explains why
unstable which could induce the precipitation of barium most of previously reported works employing organic
salts upon concentration. This unwanted phenomenon polymeric glass routes have been confined to pow-
can be avoided by adding ammonia continuously to der synthesis only with a few exceptions [66, 282,
the solution during the concentration, which prevents 2831. Nevertheless, because of the potential advan-
a rapid decrease in pH. The concentration locus of Qo tage mentioned above, the technique has to be con-
along the line III is a case in point; even a hundred- sidered as one of preferable means in preparing sam-
fold concentration shifts the experimental condition ples of solid solutions, that are subsequently used to
to agree with the point Qr at pH = 6.0. In a simi- study doping effects for which a uniform distribution
lar way, an EDTA precursor solution for the synthesis of the dopant through the lattice is strictly required
of Bi&$aCu20s+d can be designed with the aid of [284]. In what follows, several organic polymeric glass
figure 12. A tenfold concentration of a precursor solu- routes to the synthesis of high temperature supercon-
tion represented by a point POgives a penetration of the ducting oxides are reviewed. Methods introduced in
SrCOs precipitation region (PO+ PI along the line I); this section involve those based upon: a) Pechini-type
the formation of SrCOs can be avoided by removing polyester reactions (4.3.1), b) radical reactions (4.3.2)
dissolved CO2 gas from the solution. Another ten- and c) gelation of aqueous polymer precursor solutions
fold concentration shifts the point PI to a new point P2 (4.3.3).
across the borderline of the bismuth-hydroxide precip-
itation, thus making it difficult to convert the solution
into a clean gel. On the other hand, the locus of Qo 4.3.1. Polymerized Complex Routes Based upon
along the line II remains outside the precipitation re- Pechini-7jpe Polyester Reactions. The polymerized
gion and neither hydroxide nor carbonate precipitate is complex process based upon the Pechini route involves
formed. The same argument as what has been given the ability of a-hydroxy carboxylic acids to form metal
for the line III in figure 11 is true for the concentration chelate complexes, which can undergo polyesterifi-
locus of Qo along the line III in figure 12. It should cation when heated in polyhydroxyl alcohol to form
be borne in mind that the argument described above an organic polymeric glass. Polyesterification be-
is valid provided that neither mixed-ligand (other than tween citric acid (CA) and ethylene glycol (EG) is
EDTA-OH) nor heterometallic complexes are formed. most widely used to obtain the Pechini-type polymeric
Such mixed-ligand complexes are indeed possible in glass, and it has been applied to the synthesis of vari-
solutions containing ammonia (e.g. Cu-EDTA-NHs). ous high temperature superconducting oxides such as
However, their influence on the borderlines for the hy- Lai,ssSra.&u404-d [282, 285, 2861, YBazCus07-d
droxide or carbonate precipitation in the pM’-pH dia- [66, 282, 283, 285, 287-2951, YBa$&Os [258],
grams is usually not very significant because of higher Y2Ba@t70is-d [296], BizSr$aCu20s+d [297-3011,
values of K’ in M-EDTA complexes than those in M- (Bi, Pb)#zCa2Cus0iu+d [297, 302-3101, Pb$!&,
(NH&, complexes [28 11. Ba,Lni-,Ca,CusOs [311] and Pbt-,Cu,Sr2-,Ba,
Yt-,Ca,CuzO~ [311]. Shieh and Thomson [293] have
claimed that it is possible to decompose BaCOs be-
low 690°C and to form YBa2Cus07-d in an helium at-
4.3. Gel Routes Derivedfrom Organic Polymeric mosphere using a polymeric precursor derived from a
GhS mixture of metal-acetates, CA and EG. This result sug-
gests a potential of the Pechini-type CARG polyester
The gel route described in this section involves the route for low-temperature synthesis of YBa2Cus07-d
formation of organic polymeric glass and may pos- despite the utilization of carbon-rich polymeric precur-
sess the advantage over other solution routes in that sors. Unfortunately, there is no concrete description
less tendency for cation segregation can occur during about the most critical parameters such as the molar
“Sol-Gel” Preparation of High Temperature Superconducting Oxides 39

Table 4. Factors affecting the homogeneity of gels derived from Pechini-type polyesterilication between citric acid (CA) and ethylene
glycol (EG) mixtures

Entry Oxides cA/Er-$* 1) cm(‘Z) Raw materials HNOs NH40H pH(*“) Precipitation Ref.
la Y-123 112 2.311 M-acetates none none 2.5 none [283]
lb M-nitrates none none n.m. BaNAh
IC none 0 l-9 none
2 111 0.711 M-nitrates none 0 5 none(*4) 12881
3 l/5.3 2.5/l Y-nitrates, BaCOs, none none n.m. none [‘W
CuCO3 Cu(OH)z
4 l/4 2.8/l Y-carbonate, BaCO3, none none nm. none WI
5 l/5 5/l Y-carbonate, BaC03, none none l-2 none ~2911
6 Bi-2212 1IO.45 0.711 Bi202, SrCOs, 0 none n.m. Sr(N03h 12911
CaC03, CuO
7 l/2.6 l/O 9 M-nitrates none 0 6.65 none(*5) [301]
8 115 5.311 Bi(NOs)s.5H20, SrCO3, none none l-2 none [352]
CaCOs, CuCO3 Cu(OH)2
9 Bi, Pb-2223 l/15.6 1.14/l M-nitrates none none n.m. Colloidal [3041
10 l/5 5.86/l Bi(N0&,5H20, SrCO3, none none l-2 none [352]
Pb(CHsCOO)z, CaCOs

(*I) “CA/J%” stands for mole ratios of (citric acid)/(ethylene glycol)

(*2) “CAAW stands for mole ratios of (citric acid)/(total metals).
(*3) “n.m.” stands for “not measured”.
(*4) After storage for several days, Ba(NOs)z crystallizes.
(*5) Not described in detail about the appearance of the gel.

ratio of CA to total metals and the CA/EG ratio, the have limited solubility in EG-based medium would lead
importance of which will be shown below. to their crystallization during concentration. However,
The homogeneity of the resulting gel derived from this can be avoided by freezing each M-CA complex
the CAiEG mixture is closely related to the distribu- species in a polyester network derived from the reac-
tion of different elements within the gel. In order to tion between EG and CA (or even CA in M-CA com-
achieve maximum homogeneity, any precipitation or plexes) before M-CA or M-salts are precipitated. From
crystallization should be avoided during concentration this view point, apart from the problem of increasing
and polymerization. Success in obtaining clear poly- the amount of carbon, a large excess of CA with EG
meric gels depends mainly upon solubility of metal- counterbalanced is favorable for obtaining more homo-
chelate complexes and their stability in a polymeric geneous multicomponent polymeric gels. Care must be
medium. Several parameters must then be considered taken when metal-nitrates are chosen as raw materials
to ensure the homogeneity of the gels. Among these, or nitric acid is used to dissolve metal oxides or carbon-
the molar ratio of CA to total metals, choice of raw ates. Entries 1b and 6 (and probably 9) in Table 4 show
materials and the pH of the solution are of major im- that Ba(NOs)z or Sr(NO& can be crystallized when
portance as summarized in Table 4. When no pH is there is a large concentration of NO, ion in solution. To
controlled, addition of a large excess of CA relative avoid such crystallization the free NO;concentration
to metal ions seems to be indispensable for avoiding should be kept as low as possible. Supposing that 1
precipitation (see, for example, entries 4, 5, 8 and 10 mol of YBa2Cus07-d is prepared, the relative amount
in Table 4). CA plays an important role in forming sol- of NOs- is decreased from 13 mol in Entry lb to 3 mol
uble M-CA complexes, which are generally stabilized in Entry 3; no precipitation occurs only in Entry 3 in
in excess of CA. The fact that some M-CA complexes spite of nearly equal values of CA/M(total) between
40 Kakihana

the two cases. Increasing pH by addition of ammo- Characterization of Phase Purity

nia, which is another way to avoid the crystallization
of barium nitrate, stabilizes barium-citrate complexes
(Entries lc and 2). Excess nitric acid can react with
ethylene glycol as a strong oxidant to produce glycolic
acid (HOCH2COOH), which is subsequently converted
to unwanted oxalic acid (HOOC-COOH) as it often I
forms insoluble metal-oxalates. Finally, utilization of crystal
acetates (Entry la) or carbonates (Entries 4 and 5) in-
t )
stead of nitrates has produced transparent polymeric
gels with no precipitation.
Typical examples of the synthesis of high tempera-
ture superconducting oxides by the polymerized com-
plex method using CA and EG can be found in a se-
ries of works by Kakihana and his coworkers [5, 258,
289-291, 296, 298, 307, 3101. A matter of concern,
which is worthwhile to mention here, is that a term
“single-phase” often used without much thought would
be highly doubtful. Kakihana et al. [5,290,298] have
then proposed that the phase purity of superconducting
Tb[suue r conduct in&
oxides has to be carefully examined by three indepen-
dent techniques; i.e. X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman
scattering and complex magnetic susceptibility. The piiizzq
general scheme for impurity detection in oxide super-
Figure 13. A scheme for detectmg impurities in high temperature
conductors by the three techniques is summarized in
superconducting oxides by means of different analytical techniques.
figure 13, where emphasis is placed to the importance According to types of impurity phases (i.e. crystal vs amorphous
of using an appropriate analytical technique in ensur- or superconducting vs semi-conducting/insulating), an appropriate
ing the phase purity according to types of impurity technique must be chosen.
phases (i.e., crystal vs amorphous or superconducting
vs non-superconducting). First, the powerful aspect
of Raman spectroscopy is demonstrated with regard to other hand, in conventional XRD the analysis volume
detection of traces of impurities as compared with the cannot be localized and consequently volume fractions
XRD technique. Figure 14 shows Raman spectra of of impurity phases below several % are sometimes dif-
Y 123-related compounds with a nominal composition ficult to detect. Moreover, very small crystalline re-
of Y1-0,75xBa0.*-0.25xCaxCu307-d. Both theXRD and gions and thin layers of dimensions less than about
Raman scattering measurements have shown that the 10008, (i.e. 0.1 pm) give rise to line broadening of
sample x = 0.1 is virtually of single phase. In con- XRD, which deteriorates the ability of the XRD tech-
trast, the Raman scattering measurement for the sam- nique to detect such impurities. Some precaution is
ple x = 0.3 has shown a spectrum contaminated with a therefore necessary when the phase characterization
very small amount of impurities not readily detectable of superconducting oxides is carried out solely by the
by XRD. Scatterings from traces of impurities such as powder XRD technique. Problems may arise in case
BaCu02 and YzBaCuOs are indicated by shaded parts, where a sample tested contains different superconduct-
and the rest corresponds to scattering from the Y123 ing phases with very similar crystal structures. In such
superconducting phase. It should be stressed here that a case the complex magnetic susceptibility technique
the insulating impurities that could not be detected by can be a very sensitive method to detect unwanted su-
XRD can be readily identified by Raman scattering in perconducting impurity phases in a given supercon-
spite of very small fractions of the impurities [5,290]. ducting sample, even when the corresponding XRD
This is because, on the one hand, the insulating or semi- and Raman patterns indicate a single-phase character.
conducting compounds have much larger Raman cross- A typical example how to apply the complex magnetic
section than the metallic superconductor, and on the susceptibility technique for detecting superconducting
“Sol-Gel” Preparation of High Temperature Superconducting Oxides 41

X-ray diffraction 1Raman scattering

I I I I I I I I 1
28.0 29.0 30.0 31 .o 300 400 500 800 700
28 Raman shift (cm-‘)
Figure 14. X-ray diffraction (left) and Raman scattering patterns (right) of Y I-u.75xBa2-o.25x CaJIu#-d superconductors. Some insulating
impurities such as YzBaCuOs and BaCuO2 were clearly detected in the sample x = 0.3 by Raman scattering, but hard to be detected by X-ray

impurity phases is shown for a sample with a nominal Y2BaCuOS and Y$J.120s, which are most frequently
composition Ye,sCaa 2Ba$Zus07-d in figure 15, where formed as by-products during the synthesis of Y123,
the x” peak is composed of at least three components, were not detected by both XRD and Raman scatter-
implying that the sample contains different supercon- ing as shown in figure 17. The feature of the Raman
ducting phases with similar superconducting transition spectrum of the Y123 sample can be fully interpreted
temperatures. in terms of superposition of various Raman spectra
Keeping this in mind, the purity of one of of single-crystals with different orientations, which in
YBa2Cus07-d (Y123) samples has been checked by turn indicates the “single-phase” character of the sam-
the three techniques mentioned above. The sam- ple. Note that the Raman scattering has the advantage
ple tested was prepared by the polymerized complex over the XRD technique with regard to detection of in-
method according to the flow chart of figure 16 [291]. sulating impurities. The high-pure nature of the Y 123
Stoichiometric amounts of Y2(COs)s . 3Hz0, BaCOs sample with regard to superconducting impurities was
and CuCOsCu(OH)2 were dissolved in a solution con- confirmed based on results from a complex magnetic
taining CA and EG in the proportions of 5 moles and susceptibility measurement in the temperature region
25 moles, respectively, for each mole of metal cation. A 80-100 K as shown in figure 18. The profile of x is
clear blue solution was then heated at 130°C to make typical of that of a conventional disk sample of ox-
a polymeric gel. No precipitation occurs during the ide superconductors [312]. The real part, x’, exhibits
polymerization. The viscous polymeric mass was de- a typical two-step transition representing the bulk su-
composed at 350°C and the resulting powder precursor perconductivity and inter-granular weak coupling of
was calcined at 940°C twice first for 6 h and second for superconducting grains at their boundaries. The on-
12 h in 02. The powder was then sintered in pellet form set temperature, T&onset), of x’ is 91.5 K (shown by
at 950°C for 15 h and the temperature was decreased an arrow in the figure) followed by a sharp transition
to 400°C at a rate of l”C/min where the sample was corresponding to the weak-link coupling between the
annealed for 12 h. All sintering and annealing were bulk superconducting grains. A blowup of the real
done in an atmosphere of flowing oxygen. The pos- part of the susceptibility near the superconducting tran-
sible non-superconducting impurity phases BaCuOz, sition determines precisely the onset temperature, as
42 Kakihana

attributed to the high purity and compositional unifor-

mity of the sample obtained by the polymerized com-
plex technique. This is consistent with the conclusion
drawn from the X-ray diffraction and Raman scattering
It is also possible to utilize couples other than CA/EG
for obtaining polyester-type glassy gels, those involv-
ing oxalic acid/EG [313-3161, EDTA/EG [226, 3171,
EDTA/glycerol [226], tartaric acid/glycol [169] and
salicylic acid/EG [318]. Among these, the couple
EDTA/EG (or glycerol) is of great promise in view of
I I I I I I facts that EDTA has the greatest ability to form stable
0 20 40 60 60 100
and soluble chelate complexes and that EDTA having
four carboxylic acid groups can react with glycol to
form a more branched polyester, thus greatly inhibit-
ing cation segregation and a more homogeneous pre-
cursor. Chen et al. [3 171have exploited a modified type
of Pechini method to prepare Pb-doped Bi-Sr-Ca-
Cu-0 high-T, superconductors using EDTA to form
stable EDTA metal chelate complexes, which are sub-
sequently polymerized by EG to form a polyester gel.
Although desirable Bi-based materials have been syn-
thesized by this EDTA/EG route with a high percentage
of the 110 K phase and zero resistance at 108 K, there
appears to be still great room for improvement par-
0 20 40 60 60 100 ticularly in preparing more homogeneous polymeric
gels. The pH value of 3.0 that they used was prob-
ably too low to keep the solution stable; a colloidal
Figure 15. Real (x’ ) and imaginary (x” ) components of x vs tem- suspension instead of a clear solution formed. The
perature for a Ca-substituted superconductor with a nominal com- formation of such a colloid should be considered as
position YosCao2Ba#.Iu307-d. The sample tested contains super-
a factor to introduce chemical inhomogeneity in the
conducting impurity phases as is evident by plural peaks (J-) in x”.
solution system, despite that the as-formed colloidal
suspension was converted to a gel-form precursor af-
ter aging at 40-90°C for 3 h followed by heating at
150°C for 1 day. This problem can be avoided by
it corresponds to the off-balance temperature in the increasing pH up to 6.0 which ensures the forma-
carefully zero-balanced bridge. The diamagnetic sig- tion of EDTA complexes without any precipitation or
nal is almost completely saturated at a temperature colloidalization as pointed out by Gholinia and Sale
lower than T,(onset) by approximately 2 K; the tran- [226].
sition width (lO-90%) of the full diamagnetism being
0.45 K. Importantly, a single loss peak with a maxi-
mum at about 90.8 K is observed in the x” part of the 4.3.2. “in-situ” Polymerization Routes Based upon
susceptibility, which strongly indicates that the sam- Radical Reactions. “In-situ” polymerization routes
ple is a monophase superconductor within the resolu- based upon radical reactions using acrylamide [260,
tion of the susceptibility measurement. It is generally 319-3221, acrylic acid [323] and methacrylic acid
acceptable that the broadening of the superconduct- [324-3261 as a monomer can be the alternative to the
ing transition usually reflects the presence of extra- Pechini-type polyesterification routes. A representa-
neous phases such as bulk secondary phases or some tive example of this approach can be found in a work
grain boundary phases and inhomogeneities of the ma- by Douy and Odier [319], who have described a new
terial. The narrow superconducting transition and a concept for the preparation of inorganic oxide powders
single x” peak demonstrated in figure 18 should be based upon an “in-situ” polymerization route where the
“Sol-Gel” Preparation of High Temperature Superconducting Oxides 43

I Y,(CO,), = 3H,O + 4BaC0, + 3CuC0, Cu(OH),

in citric acid/ethyleneglycol I

1evolution of CO, gas\

1Metal-Citrate Complexes)
condenseat 110430 “c
1gelation 1
1Polymerized Complex1

r Powder Precursor)

rl calcination at 940 “c for 6 h (1 st time)

and for 12 h (2 nd time) in 0,
I 1pulverization
1pelletization under a pressure of 3000 kg/cm” 1
1sintering at 950 IZ for 15 h in 0, 1

Figure 16. Flow chart for the polymerized complex procedure used to prepare a YB&u307-d superconducting oxide.
44 Kakihana

1Raman Scattering 1


200 300 400 500 600

Raman shift (cm -’ )

1X-ray Diffraction 1

“s 3
\ AJ
20 30 40 50
Figu~ 17. Raman spectrum (upper) and X-my diffraction (down) of a pure polycrystalline sample of YBa2Cu307--d prepared by the poly
merized complex technique. Symbols “o” in the Raman spectrum correspond to scatterings from pure YBazCu307-d.
“Sol-Gel” Preparation of High Temperature Superconducting Oxides 45

I I I 1


80 84 88 92 96 IO
Figure 18. Complex magnetic susceptibility of YBazCu307-d prepared by the polymerized complex technique. The amplitude of the applied
field is 10 mOe and the frequency is 132 Hz. T,(onset) = 91.5 K and AT,(lO-90%) = 0.45 K.

gel network is made by an organic polymer presumably tage of this process over other solution methods is its
independent of the metal ions in solution. Prior to great simplicity. Almost phase-pure tetragonal Y 123
polymerization an aqueous solution containing all the can be obtained by heat treating the gel at 800°C in
desired elements in their stoichiometric ratios was pre- air for 5 h. The powder was transformed to its or-
pared. Complexing the cations by citric acid greatly thorhombic form after annealing at 860°C in air for
improved the stability of the initial solution against a few hours followed by a slow cooling. A pellet
hydrolysis or precipitation. Monomers used were specimen obtained after sintering at 950°C in oxygen
acrylamide and N,N’-methylene-his-acrylamide. The followed by a slow cooling exhibited a good super-
gelation of the solution was then initiated by free radi- conducting property with a T, at 93 K. The same re-
cals afforded by hydrogen peroxide and was promoted search group has reported in their later publications
by radical transfer agents like N,N,N’,N’-tetramethyl- [321, 3221 that an intermediate oxycarbonate phase
ethylenediamine (TEMED). It has been stressed that with a stoichiometry close to YBa2Cu2.95(C03)o.s506.6
the gelation of the solution is achieved by “in-situ” cre- forms when apolyacrylamide-citrate gel is heat-treated
ating a polyamide network, which is apriori chemically between 800 and 850°C in flowing oxygen, which im-
independent of other species previously in solution. Of pedes obtaining the pure YBa$us07-d phase at low
particular importance in this process is that the gel con- temperature. A pure superconducting YBa2Cus07-d
stituted by the polyacrylamide polymer network immo- has been easily obtained when the polyacrylamide-
bilizes the liquid solution precursors; i.e., the chemi- citrate gel is annealed at 925°C in 02 or at 800°C
cal homogeneity with respect to cation distribution be- in Ar and then cooled in 02. The powder ob-
ing maintained almost at a molecular level even in the tained using the latter heat-schedule is composed of
gel. Another great and practically important advan- much finer and more uniform particles (x0.3 pm),
46 Kakihana

when compared with those of a commercially superconducting YBazCus07-d in the form of pow-
available sample. ders, fibers or films. A key principle of the PMC
Rama Rao et al. [260] have synthesized supercon- method proposed by Chien et al. [330, 3331 in-
ducting YBa2Cus07-d through various sol-gel pro- volves the preparation of a polymeric precursor in
cesses using acetate, nitrate-citrate, acetate-citrate and which the various metal ions in the desired stoichio-
polyacrylamide-citrate gel routes, and the quality of metric ratio are homogeneously and uniformly com-
the individual gels with regard to chemical homogene- plexed to the polymer. The success or failure of this
ity was compared. pH of the mixture solution was type of process depends upon the choice of a poly-
adjusted to 7.0 for all the different processes, and ex- mer possessing functional groups with comparative
cept the nitrate-citrate route raw materials used were complexation affinities for all the metal ions involved.
confined to metal-acetates. IR, electronic and ESR Polymers chosen involve PMA, poly(viny1 acetate-co-
spectral studies suggest that copper(I1) acetate aggre- methacrylic acid), poly(itaconic acid-co-methacrylic
gates in gels derived from acetate and acetate-citrate acid) and polyamic acid; all possess carboxylic acid
routes, whereas homogeneous distribution of the Cu(I1) groups as complexing units for metal ions. As the
ions is achieved in gels derived from nitrate-citrate maximum homogeneity of the polymer gel would be
and polyacrylamide-citrate routes. A series of heat- achieved by complexing metal ions with equal affinity
treatments of these gels under the same condition have to a functional polymer chain, the presence of other
produced YBa$Zus07-d with impurities in different complexing ligands such as an acetate could influ-
amounts depending upon the degree of chemical ho- ence negatively on the chemical homogeneity of the
mogeneity of each gel. The samples derived from final gel. For this reason, utilization of nitrates rather
the polyacrylamide-citrate gel route have been found than acetates has been recommended as raw materi-
to yield the purest superconducting YBazCus07-d als [333]. This type of heterogeneity arising from
with zero resistance at 90 K and AT,( lO-90%) different complexing affinities of metal-salts to a func-
= 1.2 K. tional polymer can be seen in a system of PEI/metal-
acetates. Dela Fuente et al. [339-3411 have syn-
4.3.3. Water-Soluble Polymer Precursor Routes. thesized superconducting (Bi, Pb)2SrzCazCu30ie+d,
The basic idea behind the water-soluble polymer pre- based upon the use of PEI aqueous solutions containing
cursor route is to lower the mobility of free metal ions the respective metal acetates in stoichiometric amounts.
in a polymer solution by increasing interaction be- Ultraviolet-visible and infrared spectroscopic measure-
tween metals and polymers. Removal of the excess ments [341] of the initial polymer-containing precursor
water forces the polymer species into closer prox- mixture have shown the presence of Cu-PEI-acetate
imity, which increases the probability of crosslink- complex resulting from the strong coordinating abil-
ing between them leading to a sudden increase in ity of N-donor ligands towards Cu, but no evidence
the viscosity. Metal ions often behave as cross- for the formation of polymer-metal complexes have
linking centers between polymers when the polymer been found for the rest metals, i.e. metal acetates
possesses the ability to form metal-polymer com- can be the form more preferentially present in the
plexes. Immobilization of such cations in highly solution.
cross-linked polymers is thought to imply inhibition Heterogeneity of the final gel brought about by the
of segregation of metal ions throughout the result- differences in the complexation affinities of the individ-
ing gel. Polymers most frequently used for the ual cations to a polymer can be avoided to a great extent
synthesis of high temperature superconducting ox- by utilizing a polymer possessing functional groups
ides involve polyacrylic acid (PAA) [327-3291, poly- with a much stronger complexation ability than those of
metacrylic acid (PMA) [330-3333, polyamic acid [333, the carboxylic acid group in PMA and the imine group
3341, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) [335-3381, polyethylen- in PEI. This has been achieved by Maeda et al. [342],
imine (PEI) [339-3411, polyethylene glycol (PEG) who used water-soluble EDTA-ethylene diamine (ED)
[340], EDTA-ethylenediamine (ED)-polyamide [342] polyamide for a polymer-metal-chelate-complex pre-
and high molecular weight primary amine [343, cursor for preparing superconducting YBazCus07-d.
3441. The EDTA-ED polyamide prepared by reacting EDTA
Chien et al. [330-3331 have developed a poly- dianhydride with ED in equimolecular amount has a
mer-metal-complex (PMC) technique to produce great ability to form a stable polymer-metal-chelate-
“Sol-Gel” Preparation of High Temperature Superconducting Oxides 47

complex in water according to a scheme (Eq. (51)) by calcining the xerogel precursor at 900°C in air for
proposed by Maeda et al. [342]: 16 h followed by annealing at 550°C in O2 for 6 h.
A pressed pellet of the xerogel derived YBa2Cus07-d
NH-COCHpN-CH2-CH2-N-CH2CO-NH-(CH2)2 powder sintered at 900°C in air for 6 h and annealed
+M at 550°C in 02 for 24 h has exhibited a sharp resistiv-
t CH2COOH CH2COOH I- " ity drop at T,(onset) = 91 K with a AT,(lO-90%) of
NH-COCH2-NrCH2-CH:!,N-CH2CO-NH-(CH2)2 the order of 2 K and a linear behavior of the resistivity
/ ',.., :., \ vs temperature before the drop at T,, extrapolating to
I y~d,;,y /CH2 7 n zero resistance at ~0 K. The above-mentioned advan-
b-C tage of this process can, however, be a disadvantage,
/ since sequential precipitation rather than simultaneous
0 A
(51) precipitation of all the metal components might occur
during evaporation of the excess water owing to the dif-
where M=Y’+, Ba2+ and Cu2+. Maeda et al. [342] ferences of the metal acetate solubilities. Despite no
have obtained a clear transparent film upon removal of XRD evidence for crystallization of any compounds
the excess water under reduced pressure at 60°C for in the xerogel, this does not necessarily ensure a ran-
5 h. Of particular interest is that neither crystallization dom atomic mixture of the cations, as XRD is almost
nor precipitation of any of the constituents has occurred powerless for identification of amorphous or extremely
during the gelation process even when pH of the initial small crystalline materials. A possible phase segrega-
precursor solution has not been adjusted. Pyrolysis of tion not detectable by XRD might be at least partly a
the gel at 900°C for 10 h in air and sintering at 950°C for reason why lowering the heat-treatment temperatures
2 h in 02 has resulted in a nearly single-phase supercon- significantly below 900°C was not achieved in spite
ducting YBa2Cus07-d with T,(onset) = 90.0 K and of the utilization of a relatively carbon-poor xerogel
zero resistance at 88.6 K. The temperature dependence precursor.
of complex magnetic susceptibility of the same sample
has shown a sharp superconducting transition AT,( lo-
90%) x 0.6 K and a single x” peak similar to that in 5. Concluding Remarks
figure 18, indicating that the sample is monophase with
respect to superconductivity. The preceding sections (3 and 4) have dealt with some
Finally, a unique approach using natural gelling principles of the chemistry necessary for a better under-
compounds reported by Macho et al. [345] is worth- standing of the varied chemical behavior of the three
while to be mentioned here. A gel precursor containing major sol-gel routes including the alkoxide, chelate gel
Y, Ba and Cu salts for the synthesis of YBa$us07-d and organic polymeric gel routes. They offer many po-
was prepared using a variety of natural gelling agents tential advantages over the conventional solid-state re-
such as gelatin, agar, pectin, alginates, polysaccha- action route, including lower processing temperatures,
rides, etc. A typical scheme for obtaining a gel in- shorter processing times, higher homogeneity and pu-
volves the preparation of a hot aqueous solution con- rity, and the ability to fabricate thin films or fibers as
taining gelatin with l-5 wt% of the solution and the well as submicron-size powders. However, in order for
stoichiometric amount of Y-, Ba- and Cu-acetates fol- these sol-gel technologies to be used as areally versatile
lowed by cooling down to room temperature. A dried means in the field of high temperature superconduct-
precursor gel (refereed to as “xerogel”) can be easily ing oxides, a number of unresolved chemistry-related
obtained by placing the as-prepared gel in a drying issues must be overcome. One of the serious problems,
chamber evacuated down to a pressure below 30 Torr that hinders a further progress of the sol-gel synthesis
at 45°C or below. One of the characteristic features of of high temperature superconducting oxides, is that one
this simple process pointed out by Macho et al. [345] is forced to rely heavily on experience or scanty knowl-
is that a rigid gel can be obtained even at quite low edge of chemistry in designing a molecular precursor
concentrations of gelling agents, which practically un- suitable for the subsequent sol-gel processing. The
alters the vapor pressure of the solvent water. This is of fact that high temperature superconducting oxides are
practical importance, as the gel allows the rapid evapo- highly complicated multicomponent materials having
ration of the water suitable for scaling-up. XRD phase- three or more types of cations in the lattice blocks the
pure (99% or better) YBa2Cus07-d has been prepared understanding of the overall chemistry involved in a
48 Kakihana

given sol-gel processing due to an increased number of serious problem is that thermodynamic data avail-
interactions between different chemical components in able have been confined to those valid only for di-
solution. Chemistry that has to be thoroughly studied lute aqueous solutions. Detailed evaluation of the
differs depending upon the type of the sol-gel method chemical behavior of the precursor solution upon
employed, because of the difference of the principal concentration would need stability constant data on
attribute of each sol-gel technology. The major issue the metal-complexes in highly concentrated solution
that must be considered over the future is summarized systems, which unfortunately is lacking. Besides
for each individual sol-gel route as follows: this problem, the fundamental questions related to
the mechanism of sol-gel transition still remain
unanswered: (1) Is there conservation of a metal-
1. The chemistry of the sol-gel route using alkoxides chelate bonding or complete expulsion of the organic
is primarily based upon hydrolysis and condensa- groups from the metal-chelate during the concen-
tion of the alkoxides in the presence of water. What tration process? (2) Does continued polymerization
is a problem is that almost nothing is known about leading to oxide network formation occur? (3) Does
the chemistry and behavior of complicated multi- the organic group contribute to the formation of gel
component alkoxide precursors for high tempera- network? (4) How does hydrogen bonding play a
ture superconducting oxides when compared with role in network formation?
the tremendous progress of understanding the chem- 3. Compared with the other two sol-gel routes, the
istry involved in the gelation of silica sol. The cur- understanding of the chemistry involved in the or-
rent goal is to get rid of mismatch of the hydrolysis ganic polymeric gel route is quite premature. This
and condensation rates of different alkoxide compo- is partly due to the fact that the precursor solu-
nents by chemically modifying a given multicom- tion is highly complex chemical mixture of poly-
ponent alkoxide precursor solution. Thus the rel- mer, solvent, cations and anions involving various
ative rates of hydrolysis and condensation of the kinds of interactions among them. Particularly,
individual alkoxides upon adding water should be the “in-situ”polymerization route based upon the
fully characterized, and their variation induced by Pechini type polyesterification involves a number of
changing in various solution parameters should be chemistry-related unresolved issues. These include
systematically studied. In particular, chemical mod- the uncertainties with respect to (1) the chemical
ification of the parent alkoxide by adding an appro- behavior of metal-chelates during the esterification,
priate organic compound is an important means to (2) the degree of degradation of free chelating com-
control the hydrolysis and condensation rates. An- pound (most notably in citric acid [346,347]) during
other important subject that has to be studied is to the polymerization at elevated temperatures, (3) the
know if a given precursor solution containing differ- degree of crosslinking of polymers which may af-
ent alkoxides has the ability to produce heterometal- fect the homogeneity of the cation distribution in
lit alkoxides. It is of vital importance to design such the resulting gel, and (4) the coordination structure
a precursor solution that forms a heterometallic com- of metal-complexes or polymer-metal-complexes in
plex in which the different metal atoms are mixed solution. The last item is of special importance, as
in the appropriate ratio in each molecule. Precise some ligands such as citric acid, EDTA and ethylene
determination of the coordination behavior of the glycol are known to form heterometallic complexes
functional group towards metal ions and the geom- when certain pairs of metals are present in solution.
etry around the metal ion is essential for the further [291,348-3511.
development of the sol-gel processing. Some spec-
troscopic techniques such as EXAFS and NMR will
be used for investigating such heterometallic com- Role of the sol-gel techniques in development of
plexes in solution. various substituted or doped high temperature super-
2. The metal-chelate gel route is basically concerned conducting oxides is another important area, which
with the chemistry of inorganic salts or metal com- has not been addressed in this review article. Prin-
plexes in aqueous solution. A multicomponent ciples and ideas described in the preceding sections
metal-chelate precursor solution is usually designed may be adaptable to such more complex doping sys-
on the basis of known thermodynamic data such as tems. Apart from current issues related to techno-
stability constants of various metal complexes. A logical applications, the sol-gel technique can lead to
“Sol-Gel” Preparation of High Temperature Superconducting Oxides 49

high-pure and homogeneously doped superconducting 3. S. Hirano and T. Hayashi, Thermochimica Acta 174, 169
oxides that can be used for various physical property (1991).
4. J.M. Gonzalez-Calbet, Vallet-Regi, and X. Obradors in Srudies
measurements. Careful and systematic studies on the
of’ High Temperuture Supercanductar,s; Advances in Research
structural, magnetic, optical and transport properties and Applications, edited by A. Narlikar (Nova Science Pub.
of high-pure doped superconducting oxides prepared New York, 1990) 6 p. 369.
by the sol-gel techniques can shed new light on the 5. M. Kakihana, M. Yoshimura, H. Mazaki, and H. Yasuoka, Rep.
factors responsible for high temperature superconduc- Res. Lab. Eng. Mater., Tokyo Inst. Tech. 17.63 (1992).
6. A.C. Vajpei and G.S. Upadhyaya, Key Eng. Mater. 75-76,43
tivity. In closing this article, it may be said that the
task of developing a perfectly mixing multicomponent 7. M. Kubeckova and V. Matejec, Ceramics-Silikaty 37, 169
gel still remains rather difficult, but the results de- (1993).
scribed in this review article are encouraging for further 8. C.N.R. Rao, R. Nagarajan, and R. Vijayaraghavan, Supercond.
research. Sci. Tecbnol. 6, 1 (1993).
9. A. Bourdillon and N.X. Tan Bourdillon in High Temperature
Superconductors; Processing and Science, Ch. IV (Academic
Acknowledgment Press,Inc., San Diego, 1994) p. 108.
10. W.S. Clabaugh, E.M. Swiggard, and R. Gilchrist, J. Res. Natl.
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