9 Using Triggers
9 Using Triggers
9 Using Triggers
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Using Triggers
Triggers are procedures that are stored in the database and implicitly run, or fired, when something happens.
Traditionally, triggers supported the execution of a PL/SQL block when an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE
occurred on a table or view. Starting with Oracle8i, triggers support system and other data events on
DATABASE and SCHEMA. Oracle Database also supports the execution of a PL/SQL or Java procedure.
This chapter discusses DML triggers, INSTEAD OF triggers, and system triggers (triggers on DATABASE and
SCHEMA). Topics include:
Designing Triggers
Creating Triggers
Coding the Trigger Body
Compiling Triggers
Modifying Triggers
Enabling and Disabling Triggers
Viewing Information About Triggers
Examples of Trigger Applications
Responding to System Events through Triggers
Designing Triggers
Use the following guidelines when designing your triggers:
Use triggers to guarantee that when a specific operation is performed, related actions are performed.
Do not define triggers that duplicate features already built into Oracle Database. For example, do not
define triggers to reject bad data if you can do the same checking through declarative integrity
Limit the size of triggers. If the logic for your trigger requires much more than 60 lines of PL/SQL
code, it is better to include most of the code in a stored procedure and call the procedure from the
Use triggers only for centralized, global operations that should be fired for the triggering statement,
regardless of which user or database application issues the statement.
Do not create recursive triggers. For example, creating an AFTER UPDATE statement trigger on the
Emp_tab table that itself issues an UPDATE statement on Emp_tab, causes the trigger to fire recursively
until it has run out of memory.
Use triggers on DATABASE judiciously. They are executed for every user every time the event occurs on
which the trigger is created.
Creating Triggers
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Triggers are created using the CREATE TRIGGER statement. This statement can be used with any interactive tool,
such as SQL*Plus or Enterprise Manager. When using an interactive tool, a single slash (/) on the last line is
necessary to activate the CREATE TRIGGER statement.
The trigger is fired when DML operations (INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements) are performed on the
table. You can choose what combination of operations should fire the trigger.
Because the trigger uses the BEFORE keyword, it can access the new values before they go into the table, and
can change the values if there is an easily-corrected error by assigning to :NEW.column_name. You might use
the AFTER keyword if you want the trigger to query or change the same table, because triggers can only do
that after the initial changes are applied and the table is back in a consistent state.
Because the trigger uses the FOR EACH ROW clause, it might be executed multiple times, such as when updating
or deleting multiple rows. You might omit this clause if you just want to record the fact that the operation
occurred, but not examine the data for each row.
fires the trigger once for each row that is updated, in each case printing the new salary, old salary, and the
The CREATE (or CREATE OR REPLACE) statement fails if any errors exist in the PL/SQL block.
The following sections use this example to illustrate the way that parts of a trigger are specified.
See Also:
Types of Triggers
A trigger is either a stored PL/SQL block or a PL/SQL, C, or Java procedure associated with a table, view,
schema, or the database itself. Oracle Database automatically executes a trigger when a specified event takes
place, which may be in the form of a system event or a DML statement being issued against the table.
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See Also:
You can get certain event-specific attributes when the trigger is fired.
See Also:
Chapter 10, "Working With System Events" for a complete list of the functions you can
call to get the event attributes
Creating a trigger on DATABASE implies that the triggering event is outside the scope of a user (for example,
database STARTUP and SHUTDOWN), and it applies to all users (for example, a trigger created on LOGON event by
the DBA).
Creating a trigger on SCHEMA implies that the trigger is created in the current user's schema and is fired only
for that user.
For each trigger, publication can be specified on DML and system events.
See Also:
Naming Triggers
Trigger names must be unique with respect to other triggers in the same schema. Trigger names do not need
to be unique with respect to other schema objects, such as tables, views, and procedures. For example, a table
and a trigger can have the same name (however, to avoid confusion, this is not recommended).
The SQL statement or the system event, database event, or DDL event that fires the trigger body. The
options include DELETE, INSERT, and UPDATE. One, two, or all three of these options can be included in
the triggering statement specification.
The table, view, DATABASE, or SCHEMA associated with the trigger.
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Exactly one table or view can be specified in the triggering statement. If the
INSTEAD OF option is used, then the triggering statement may only specify a view;
conversely, if a view is specified in the triggering statement, then only the INSTEAD
OF option may be used.
For example, the PRINT_SALARY_CHANGES trigger fires after any DELETE, INSERT, or UPDATE on the Emp_tab table.
Any of the following statements trigger the PRINT_SALARY_CHANGES trigger given in the previous example:
INSERT INTO Emp_tab VALUES ( ... );
UPDATE Emp_tab SET ... ;
INSERT triggers fire during SQL*Loader conventional loads. (For direct loads, triggers are disabled before the
The IGNORE parameter of the IMP command determines whether triggers fire during import operations:
If IGNORE=N (default) and the table already exists, then import does not change the table and no existing
triggers fire.
If the table does not exist, then import creates and loads it before any triggers are defined, so again no
triggers fire.
If IGNORE=Y, then import loads rows into existing tables. Any existing triggers fire, and indexes are
updated to account for the imported data.
An UPDATE statement might include a list of columns. If a triggering statement includes a column list, the
trigger is fired only when one of the specified columns is updated. If a triggering statement omits a column
list, the trigger is fired when any column of the associated table is updated. A column list cannot be specified
for INSERT or DELETE triggering statements.
The previous example of the PRINT_SALARY_CHANGES trigger could include a column list in the triggering
statement. For example:
You cannot specify a column list for UPDATE with INSTEAD OF triggers.
If the column specified in the UPDATE OF clause is an object column, then the trigger is also fired if any
of the attributes of the object are modified.
You cannot specify UPDATE OF clauses on collection columns.
In general, you use BEFORE or AFTER triggers to achieve the following results:
Use BEFORE row triggers to modify the row before the row data is written to disk.
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Use AFTER row triggers to obtain, and perform operations, using the row ID.
BEFORE row triggers are slightly more efficient than AFTER row triggers. With AFTER
row triggers, affected data blocks must be read (logical read, not physical read)
once for the trigger and then again for the triggering statement. Alternatively, with
BEFORE row triggers, the data blocks must be read only once for both the triggering
statement and the trigger.
If an UPDATE or DELETE statement detects a conflict with a concurrent UPDATE, then Oracle Database performs a
transparent ROLLBACK to SAVEPOINT and restarts the update. This can occur many times before the statement
completes successfully. Each time the statement is restarted, the BEFORE statement trigger is fired again. The
rollback to savepoint does not undo changes to any package variables referenced in the trigger. Your package
should include a counter variable to detect this situation.
Ordering of Triggers
A relational database does not guarantee the order of rows processed by a SQL statement. Therefore, do not
create triggers that depend on the order in which rows are processed. For example, do not assign a value to a
global package variable in a row trigger if the current value of the global variable is dependent on the row
being processed by the row trigger. Also, if global package variables are updated within a trigger, then it is
best to initialize those variables in a BEFORE statement trigger.
When a statement in a trigger body causes another trigger to be fired, the triggers are said to be cascading.
Oracle Database allows up to 32 triggers to cascade at any one time. However, you can effectively limit the
number of trigger cascades using the initialization parameter OPEN_CURSORS, because a cursor must be opened
for every execution of a trigger.
Although any trigger can run a sequence of operations either in-line or by calling procedures, using multiple
triggers of the same type enhances database administration by permitting the modular installation of
applications that have triggers on the same tables.
Oracle Database executes all triggers of the same type before executing triggers of a different type. If you
have multiple triggers of the same type on a single table, then Oracle Database chooses an arbitrary order to
execute these triggers.
See Also:
Oracle Database Concepts for more information on the firing order of triggers
Each subsequent trigger sees the changes made by the previously fired triggers. Each trigger can see the old
and new values. The old values are the original values, and the new values are the current values, as set by
the most recently fired UPDATE or INSERT trigger.
To ensure that multiple triggered actions occur in a specific order, you must consolidate these actions into a
single trigger (for example, by having the trigger call a series of procedures).
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An updatable view is one that lets you perform DML on the underlying table. Some views are inherently
updatable, but others are not because they were created with one or more of the constructs listed in"Views
that Require INSTEAD OF Triggers".
Any view that contains one of those constructs can be made updatable by using an INSTEAD OF trigger.
INSTEAD OF triggers provide a transparent way of modifying views that cannot be modified directly through
UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements. These triggers are called INSTEAD OF triggers because, unlike other
types of triggers, Oracle Database fires the trigger instead of executing the triggering statement. The trigger
must determine what operation was intended and perform UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE operations directly on
the underlying tables.
With an INSTEAD OF trigger, you can write normal UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements against the view,
and the INSTEAD OF trigger works invisibly in the background to make the right actions take place.
See Also:
The INSTEAD OF option can only be used for triggers created over views.
The BEFORE and AFTER options cannot be used for triggers created over views.
The CHECK option for views is not enforced when inserts or updates to the view
are done using INSTEAD OF triggers. The INSTEAD OF trigger body must enforce the
A view cannot be modified by UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statements if the view query contains any of the
following constructs:
A set operator
A DISTINCT operator
An aggregate or analytic function
A collection expression in a SELECT list
A subquery in a SELECT list
A subquery designated WITH READ ONLY
Joins, with some exceptions, as documented in Oracle Database Administrator's Guide
If a view contains pseudocolumns or expressions, then you can only update the view with an UPDATE
statement that does not refer to any of the pseudocolumns or expressions.
You may need to set up the following data structures for this example to work:
CREATE TABLE Project_tab (
Prj_level NUMBER,
Projno NUMBER,
Resp_dept NUMBER);
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Ename VARCHAR2(10),
Job VARCHAR2(9),
Mgr NUMBER(4),
Hiredate DATE,
Sal NUMBER(7,2),
Comm NUMBER(7,2),
The following example shows an INSTEAD OF trigger for inserting rows into the MANAGER_INFO view.
SELECT e.ename, e.empno, d.dept_type, d.deptno, p.prj_level,
FROM Emp_tab e, Dept_tab d, Project_tab p
WHERE e.empno = d.mgr_no
AND d.deptno = p.resp_dept;
The actions shown for rows being inserted into the MANAGER_INFO view first test to see if appropriate rows
already exist in the base tables from which MANAGER_INFO is derived. The actions then insert new rows or
update existing rows, as appropriate. Similar triggers can specify appropriate actions for UPDATE and DELETE.
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INSTEAD OF triggers provide the means to modify object view instances on the client-side through OCI calls.
See Also:
To modify an object materialized by an object view in the client-side object cache and flush it back to the
persistent store, you must specify INSTEAD OF triggers, unless the object view is modifiable. If the object is
read only, then it is not necessary to define triggers to pin it.
INSTEAD OF triggers can also be created over nested table view columns. These triggers provide a way of
updating elements of the nested table. They fire for each nested table element being modified. The row
correlation variables inside the trigger correspond to the nested table element. This type of trigger also
provides an additional correlation name for accessing the parent row that contains the nested table being
These triggers:
For example, consider a department view that contains a nested table of employees.
SELECT d.Deptno, d.Dept_type, d.Dept_name,
CAST (MULTISET ( SELECT e.Empno, e.Empname, e.Salary)
FROM Emp_tab e
WHERE e.Deptno = d.Deptno) AS Amp_list_ Emplist
FROM Dept_tab d;
The CAST (MULTISET..) operator creates a multi-set of employees for each department. If you want to modify
the emplist column, which is the nested table of employees, then you can define an INSTEAD OF trigger over
the column to handle the operation.
Any INSERT into the nested table fires the trigger, and the Emp_tab table is filled with the correct values. For
INSERT INTO TABLE (SELECT d.Emplist FROM Dept_view d WHERE Deptno = 10)
VALUES (1001, 'John Glenn', 10000);
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The :department.deptno correlation variable in this example would have a value of 10.
You may need to set up the following data structures for certain examples to work:
Emp_id NUMBER,
Log_date DATE,
New_salary NUMBER,
Action VARCHAR2(20));
If there are five employees in department 20, then the trigger fires five times when this statement is entered,
because five rows are affected.
The following trigger fires only once for each UPDATE of the Emp_tab table:
INSERT INTO Emp_log (Log_date, Action)
See Also:
The statement level triggers are useful for performing validation checks for the entire statement.
Optionally, a trigger restriction can be included in the definition of a row trigger by specifying a Boolean
SQL expression in a WHEN clause.
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If included, then the expression in the WHEN clause is evaluated for each row that the trigger affects.
If the expression evaluates to TRUE for a row, then the trigger body is fired on behalf of that row. However, if
the expression evaluates to FALSE or NOT TRUE for a row (unknown, as with nulls), then the trigger body is not
fired for that row. The evaluation of the WHEN clause does not have an effect on the execution of the triggering
SQL statement (in other words, the triggering statement is not rolled back if the expression in a WHEN clause
evaluates to FALSE).
For example, in the PRINT_SALARY_CHANGES trigger, the trigger body is not run if the new value of Empno is
zero, NULL, or negative. In more realistic examples, you might test if one column value is less than another.
The expression in a WHEN clause of a row trigger can include correlation names, which are explained later.
The expression in a WHEN clause must be a SQL expression, and it cannot include a subquery. You cannot use
a PL/SQL expression (including user-defined functions) in the WHEN clause.
The trigger body for row triggers has some special constructs that can be included in the code of the PL/SQL
block: correlation names and the REFERENCEING option, and the conditional predicates INSERTING, DELETING,
The INSERTING, DELETING, and UPDATING conditional predicates cannot be used for the
CALL procedures; they can only be used in a PL/SQL block.
You may need to set up data structures similar to the following for certain examples to
CONNECT system/manager
CONNECT scott/tiger
CREATE TABLE audit_table (
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seq number,
user_at VARCHAR2(10),
time_now DATE,
term VARCHAR2(10),
job VARCHAR2(10),
proc VARCHAR2(10),
enum NUMBER);
Although triggers are declared using PL/SQL, they can call procedures in other languages, such as Java:
Within a trigger body of a row trigger, the PL/SQL code and SQL statements have access to the old and new
column values of the current row affected by the triggering statement. Two correlation names exist for every
column of the table being modified: one for the old column value, and one for the new column value.
Depending on the type of triggering statement, certain correlation names might not have any meaning.
A trigger fired by an INSERT statement has meaningful access to new column values only. Because the
row is being created by the INSERT, the old values are null.
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A trigger fired by an UPDATE statement has access to both old and new column values for both BEFORE
and AFTER row triggers.
A trigger fired by a DELETE statement has meaningful access to :old column values only. Because the
row no longer exists after the row is deleted, the :new values are NULL. However, you cannot modify
:new values: ORA-4084 is raised if you try to modify :new values.
The new column values are referenced using the new qualifier before the column name, while the old column
values are referenced using the old qualifier before the column name. For example, if the triggering
statement is associated with the Emp_tab table (with the columns SAL, COMM, and so on), then you can include
statements in the trigger body. For example:
IF :new.Sal > 10000 ...
IF :new.Sal < :old.Sal ...
Old and new values are available in both BEFORE and AFTER row triggers. A new column value can be assigned
in a BEFORE row trigger, but not in an AFTER row trigger (because the triggering statement takes effect before
an AFTER row trigger is fired). If a BEFORE row trigger changes the value of new.column, then an AFTER row
trigger fired by the same statement sees the change assigned by the BEFORE row trigger.
Correlation names can also be used in the Boolean expression of a WHEN clause. A colon (:) must precede the
old and new qualifiers when they are used in a trigger body, but a colon is not allowed when using the
qualifiers in the WHEN clause or the REFERENCING option.
You can treat LOB columns the same as other columns, using regular SQL and PL/SQL functions with CLOB
columns, and calls to the DBMS_LOB package with BLOB columns:
drop table tab1;
In the case of INSTEAD OF triggers on nested table view columns, the new and old qualifiers correspond to the
new and old nested table elements. The parent row corresponding to this nested table element can be
accessed using the parent qualifier. The parent correlation name is meaningful and valid only inside a nested
table trigger.
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The REFERENCING option can be specified in a trigger body of a row trigger to avoid name conflicts among the
correlation names and tables that might be named old or new. Because this is rare, this option is infrequently
For example, assume you have a table named new with columns field1 (number) and field2 (character). The
following CREATE TRIGGER example shows a trigger associated with the new table that can use correlation
names and avoid naming conflicts between the correlation names and the table name:
You may need to set up the following data structures for certain examples to work:
field1 NUMBER,
field2 VARCHAR2(20));
Notice that the new qualifier is renamed to newest using the REFERENCING option, and it is then used in the
trigger body.
If more than one type of DML operation can fire a trigger (for example, ON INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE OF
Emp_tab), the trigger body can use the conditional predicates INSERTING, DELETING, and UPDATING to check
which type of statement fire the trigger.
Within the code of the trigger body, you can execute blocks of code depending on the kind of DML operation
fired the trigger:
The first condition evaluates to TRUE only if the statement that fired the trigger is an INSERT statement; the
second condition evaluates to TRUE only if the statement that fired the trigger is an UPDATE statement.
In an UPDATE trigger, a column name can be specified with an UPDATING conditional predicate to determine if
the named column is being updated. For example, assume a trigger is defined as the following:
The code in the THEN clause runs only if the triggering UPDATE statement updates the SAL column. This way,
the trigger can minimize its overhead when the column of interest is not being changed.
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If a predefined or user-defined error condition or exception is raised during the execution of a trigger body,
then all effects of the trigger body, as well as the triggering statement, are rolled back (unless the error is
trapped by an exception handler). Therefore, a trigger body can prevent the execution of the triggering
statement by raising an exception. User-defined exceptions are commonly used in triggers that enforce
complex security authorizations or integrity constraints.
The only exception to this is when the event under consideration is database STARTUP, SHUTDOWN, or LOGIN
when the user logging in is SYSTEM. In these scenarios, only the trigger action is rolled back.
A trigger that accesses a remote site cannot do remote exception handling if the network link is unavailable.
For example:
INSERT INTO Emp_tab@Remote -- <- compilation fails here
VALUES ('x'); -- when dblink is inaccessible
VALUES ('x');
A trigger is compiled when it is created. Thus, if a remote site is unavailable when the trigger must compile,
then Oracle Database cannot validate the statement accessing the remote database, and the compilation fails.
The previous example exception statement cannot run, because the trigger does not complete compilation.
Because stored procedures are stored in a compiled form, the work-around for the previous example is as
The trigger in this example compiles successfully and calls the stored procedure, which already has a
validated statement for accessing the remote database; thus, when the remote INSERT statement fails because
the link is down, the exception is caught.
Coding triggers requires some restrictions that are not required for standard PL/SQL blocks. The following
sections discuss these restrictions.
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The body of a trigger can contain DML SQL statements. It can also contain SELECT statements, but they must
be SELECT... INTO... statements or the SELECT statement in the definition of a cursor.
DDL statements are not allowed in the body of a trigger. Also, no transaction control statements are allowed
in a trigger. ROLLBACK, COMMIT, and SAVEPOINT cannot be used.For system triggers, {CREATE/ALTER/DROP} TABLE
statements and ALTER...COMPILE are allowed.
A procedure called by a trigger cannot run the previous transaction control statements,
because the procedure runs within the context of the trigger body.
Statements inside a trigger can reference remote schema objects. However, pay special attention when
calling remote procedures from within a local trigger. If a timestamp or signature mismatch is found during
execution of the trigger, then the remote procedure is not run, and the trigger is invalidated.
LONG and LONG RAW datatypes in triggers are subject to the following restrictions:
A SQL statement within a trigger can insert data into a column of LONG or LONG RAW datatype.
If data from a LONG or LONG RAW column can be converted to a constrained datatype (such as CHAR and
VARCHAR2), then a LONG or LONG RAW column can be referenced in a SQL statement within a trigger. The
maximum length for these datatypes is 32000 bytes.
Variables cannot be declared using the LONG or LONG RAW datatypes.
:NEW and :PARENT cannot be used with LONG or LONG RAW columns.
A mutating table is a table that is being modified by an UPDATE, DELETE, or INSERT statement, or a table that
might be updated by the effects of a DELETE CASCADE constraint.
The session that issued the triggering statement cannot query or modify a mutating table. This restriction
prevents a trigger from seeing an inconsistent set of data.
This restriction applies to all triggers that use the FOR EACH ROW clause. Views being modified in INSTEAD OF
triggers are not considered mutating.
When a trigger encounters a mutating table, a runtime error occurs, the effects of the trigger body and
triggering statement are rolled back, and control is returned to the user or application.
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An error is returned because the table is mutating when the row is deleted:
If you delete the line "FOR EACH ROW" from the trigger, it becomes a statement trigger which is not subject to
this restriction, and the trigger.
If you need to update a mutating table, you could bypass these restrictions by using a temporary table, a
PL/SQL table, or a package variable. For example, in place of a single AFTER row trigger that updates the
original table, resulting in a mutating table error, you might use two triggers--an AFTER row trigger that
updates a temporary table, and an AFTER statement trigger that updates the original table with the values from
the temporary table.
Declarative integrity constraints are checked at various times with respect to row triggers.
See Also:
Oracle Database Concepts for information about the interaction of triggers and
integrity constraints
Because declarative referential integrity constraints are not supported between tables on different nodes of a
distributed database, the mutating table restrictions do not apply to triggers that access remote nodes. These
restrictions are also not enforced among tables in the same database that are connected by loop-back
database links. A loop-back database link makes a local table appear remote by defining an Oracle Net path
back to the database that contains the link.
The mutating error, discussed earlier in this section, still prevents the trigger from reading or modifying the
table that the parent statement is modifying. However, starting in Oracle Database release 8.1, a delete
against the parent table causes before/after statement triggers to be fired once. That way, you can create
triggers (just not row triggers) to read and modify the parent and child tables.
This allows most foreign key constraint actions to be implemented through their obvious after-row trigger,
providing the constraint is not self-referential. Update cascade, update set null, update set default, delete set
default, inserting a missing parent, and maintaining a count of children can all be implemented easily. For
example, this is an implementation of update cascade:
This implementation requires care for multirow updates. For example, if a table p has three rows with the
values (1), (2), (3), and table f also has three rows with the values (1), (2), (3), then the following statement
updates p correctly but causes problems when the trigger updates f:
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The statement first updates (1) to (2) in p, and the trigger updates (1) to (2) in f, leaving two rows of value
(2) in f. Then the statement updates (2) to (3) in p, and the trigger updates both rows of value (2) to (3) in f.
Finally, the statement updates (3) to (4) in p, and the trigger updates all three rows in f from (3) to (4). The
relationship of the data in p and f is lost.
To avoid this problem, you must forbid multirow updates to p that change the primary key and reuse existing
primary key values. It could also be solved by tracking which foreign key values have already been updated,
then modifying the trigger so that no row is updated twice.
That is the only problem with this technique for foreign key updates. The trigger cannot miss rows that have
been changed but not committed by another transaction, because the foreign key constraint guarantees that
no matching foreign key rows are locked before the after-row trigger is called.
Depending on the event, different event attribute functions are available. For example, certain DDL
operations may not be allowed on DDL events. Check "Event Attribute Functions" before using an event
attribute function, because its effects might be undefined rather than producing an error condition.
Only committed triggers are fired. For example, if you create a trigger that should be fired after all CREATE
events, then the trigger itself does not fire after the creation, because the correct information about this
trigger was not committed at the time when the trigger on CREATE events was fired.
Then, trigger foo is not fired after the creation of foo. Oracle Database does not fire a trigger that is not
To create a trigger in your schema, you must have the CREATE TRIGGER system privilege, and either:
To create a trigger in another user's schema, or to reference a table in another schema from a trigger in your
schema, you must have the CREATE ANY TRIGGER system privilege. With this privilege, the trigger can be
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created in any schema and can be associated with any user's table. In addition, the user creating the trigger
must also have EXECUTE privilege on the referenced procedures, functions, or packages.
To create a trigger on DATABASE, you must have the ADMINISTER DATABASE TRIGGER privilege. If this privilege is
later revoked, then you can drop the trigger, but not alter it.
The object privileges to the schema objects referenced in the trigger body must be granted to the trigger
owner explicitly (not through a role). The statements in the trigger body operate under the privilege domain
of the trigger owner, not the privilege domain of the user issuing the triggering statement. This is similar to
the privilege model for stored procedures.
Compiling Triggers
Triggers are similar to PL/SQL anonymous blocks with the addition of the :new and :old capabilities, but
their compilation is different. A PL/SQL anonymous block is compiled each time it is loaded into memory.
Compilation involves three stages:
Triggers, in contrast, are fully compiled when the CREATE TRIGGER statement is entered, and the pcode is
stored in the data dictionary. Hence, firing the trigger no longer requires the opening of a shared cursor to run
the trigger action. Instead, the trigger is executed directly.
If errors occur during the compilation of a trigger, then the trigger is still created. If a DML statement fires
this trigger, then the DML statement fails. (Runtime that trigger errors always cause the DML statement to
fail.) You can use the SHOW ERRORS statement in SQL*Plus or Enterprise Manager to see any compilation
errors when you create a trigger, or you can SELECT the errors from the USER_ERRORS view.
You can examine the ALL_DEPENDENCIES view to see the dependencies for a trigger. For example, the
following statement shows the dependencies for the triggers in the SCOTT schema:
Triggers may depend on other functions or packages. If the function or package specified in the trigger is
dropped, then the trigger is marked invalid. An attempt is made to validate the trigger on occurrence of the
event. If the trigger cannot be validated successfully, then it is marked VALID WITH ERRORS, and the event fails.
There is an exception for STARTUP events: STARTUP events succeed even if the
trigger fails. There are also exceptions for SHUTDOWN events and for LOGON events
if you login as SYSTEM.
Because the DBMS_AQ package is used to enqueue a message, dependency between
triggers and queues cannot be maintained.
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Recompiling Triggers
Use the ALTER TRIGGER statement to recompile a trigger manually. For example, the following statement
recompiles the PRINT_SALARY_CHANGES trigger:
To recompile a trigger, you must own the trigger or have the ALTER ANY TRIGGER system privilege.
Modifying Triggers
Like a stored procedure, a trigger cannot be explicitly altered: It must be replaced with a new definition. (The
ALTER TRIGGER statement is used only to recompile, enable, or disable a trigger.)
When replacing a trigger, you must include the OR REPLACE option in the CREATE TRIGGER statement. The OR
REPLACE option is provided to allow a new version of an existing trigger to replace the older version, without
affecting any grants made for the original version of the trigger.
Alternatively, the trigger can be dropped using the DROP TRIGGER statement, and you can rerun the CREATE
TRIGGER statement.
To drop a trigger, the trigger must be in your schema, or you must have the DROP ANY TRIGGER system
Debugging Triggers
You can debug a trigger using the same facilities available for stored procedures.
See Also:
Enabled. An enabled trigger executes its trigger body if a triggering statement is entered and the trigger
restriction (if any) evaluates to TRUE.
Disabled. A disabled trigger does not execute its trigger body, even if a triggering statement is entered and
the trigger restriction (if any) evaluates to TRUE.
Enabling Triggers
By default, a trigger is automatically enabled when it is created; however, it can later be disabled. After you
have completed the task that required the trigger to be disabled, re-enable the trigger, so that it fires when
Enable a disabled trigger using the ALTER TRIGGER statement with the ENABLE option. To enable the disabled
trigger named REORDER of the INVENTORY table, enter the following statement:
All triggers defined for a specific table can be enabled with one statement using the ALTER TABLE statement
with the ENABLE clause with the ALL TRIGGERS option. For example, to enable all triggers defined for the
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Disabling Triggers
You might temporarily disable a trigger if:
By default, triggers are enabled when first created. Disable a trigger using the ALTER TRIGGER statement with
the DISABLE option.
For example, to disable the trigger named REORDER of the INVENTORY table, enter the following statement:
All triggers associated with a table can be disabled with one statement using the ALTER TABLE statement with
the DISABLE clause and the ALL TRIGGERS option. For example, to disable all triggers defined for the INVENTORY
table, enter the following statement:
The new column, BASE_OBJECT_TYPE, specifies whether the trigger is based on DATABASE, SCHEMA, table, or
view. The old column, TABLE_NAME, is null if the base object is not table or view.
The column ACTION_TYPE specifies whether the trigger is a call type trigger or a PL/SQL trigger.
The column TRIGGER_TYPE includes two additional values: BEFORE EVENT and AFTER EVENT, applicable only to
system events.
See Also:
Oracle Database Reference for a complete description of these data dictionary views
For example, assume the following statement was used to create the REORDER trigger:
You may need to set up data structures for certain examples to work:
The following two queries return information about the REORDER trigger:
SELECT Trigger_type, Triggering_event, Table_name
WHERE Trigger_name = 'REORDER';
SELECT Trigger_body
WHERE Trigger_name = 'REORDER';
FROM Pending_orders
WHERE Part_no = :new.Part_no;
IF x = 0
THEN INSERT INTO Pending_orders
VALUES (:new.Part_no, :new.Reorder_quantity,
This section provides an example of each of these trigger applications. These examples are not meant to be
used exactly as written: They are provided to assist you in designing your own triggers.
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Triggers are commonly used to supplement the built-in auditing features of Oracle Database. Although
triggers can be written to record information similar to that recorded by the AUDIT statement, triggers should
be used only when more detailed audit information is required. For example, use triggers to provide value-
based auditing for each row.
Sometimes, the AUDIT statement is considered a security audit facility, while triggers can provide financial
audit facility.
When deciding whether to create a trigger to audit database activity, consider what Oracle Database's
auditing features provide, compared to auditing defined by triggers, as shown in Table 9-1.
When using triggers to provide sophisticated auditing, AFTER triggers are normally used. By using AFTER
triggers, auditing information is recorded after the triggering statement is subjected to any applicable
integrity constraints, preventing cases where the audit processing is carried out unnecessarily for statements
that generate exceptions to integrity constraints.
Choosing between AFTER row and AFTER statement triggers depends on the information being audited. For
example, row triggers provide value-based auditing for each table row. Triggers can also require the user to
supply a "reason code" for issuing the audited SQL statement, which can be useful in both row and
statement-level auditing situations.
The following example demonstrates a trigger that audits modifications to the Emp_tab table for each row. It
requires that a "reason code" be stored in a global package variable before the update. This shows how
triggers can be used to provide value-based auditing and how to use public package variables.
You may need to set up the following data structures for the examples to work:
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Optionally, you can also set the reason code back to NULL if you wanted to force the reason code to be set for
every update. The following simple AFTER statement trigger sets the reason code back to NULL after the
triggering statement is run:
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER Audit_employee_reset
Notice that the previous two triggers are both fired by the same type of SQL statement. However, the AFTER
row trigger is fired once for each row of the table affected by the triggering statement, while the AFTER
statement trigger is fired only once after the triggering statement execution is completed.
This next trigger also uses triggers to do auditing. It tracks changes made to the Emp_tab table and stores this
You may need to set up the following data structures for the example to work:
CREATE TABLE Audit_table (
User_at VARCHAR2(10),
Time_now DATE,
Term VARCHAR2(10),
Job VARCHAR2(10),
Proc VARCHAR2(10),
enum NUMBER);
CREATE TABLE Audit_table_values (
Dept2 NUMBER);
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Triggers and declarative integrity constraints can both be used to constrain data input. However, triggers and
integrity constraints have significant differences.
Declarative integrity constraints are statements about the database that are always true. A constraint applies
to existing data in the table and any statement that manipulates the table.
See Also:
Triggers constrain what a transaction can do. A trigger does not apply to data loaded before the definition of
the trigger; therefore, it is not known if all data in a table conforms to the rules established by an associated
Although triggers can be written to enforce many of the same rules supported by Oracle Database's
declarative integrity constraint features, triggers should only be used to enforce complex business rules that
cannot be defined using standard integrity constraints. The declarative integrity constraint features provided
with Oracle Database offer the following advantages when compared to constraints defined by triggers:
Centralized integrity checks. All points of data access must adhere to the global set of rules defined by the
integrity constraints corresponding to each schema object.
Declarative method. Constraints defined using the standard integrity constraint features are much easier to
write and are less prone to errors, when compared with comparable constraints defined by triggers.
While most aspects of data integrity can be defined and enforced using declarative integrity constraints,
triggers can be used to enforce complex business constraints not definable using declarative integrity
constraints. For example, triggers can be used to enforce:
UPDATE SET NULL, and UPDATE and DELETE SET DEFAULT referential actions.
Referential integrity when the parent and child tables are on different nodes of a distributed database.
Complex check constraints not definable using the expressions allowed in a CHECK constraint.
There are many cases where referential integrity can be enforced using triggers. Note, however, you should
only use triggers when there is no declarative support for the action you are performing.
When using triggers to maintain referential integrity, declare the PRIMARY (or UNIQUE) KEY constraint in the
parent table. If referential integrity is being maintained between a parent and child table in the same
database, then you can also declare the foreign key in the child table, but disable it; this prevents the
corresponding PRIMARY KEY constraint from being dropped (unless the PRIMARY KEY constraint is explicitly
dropped with the CASCADE option).
A trigger must be defined for the child table that guarantees values inserted or updated in the foreign
key correspond to values in the parent key.
One or more triggers must be defined for the parent table. These triggers guarantee the desired
referential action (RESTRICT, CASCADE, or SET NULL) for values in the foreign key when values are
updated or deleted in the parent key. No action is required for inserts into the parent table (no
dependent foreign keys exist).
The following sections provide examples of the triggers necessary to enforce referential integrity. The
Emp_tab and Dept_tab table relationship is used in these examples.
Several of the triggers include statements that lock rows (SELECT... FOR UPDATE). This operation is necessary to
maintain concurrency as the rows are being processed.
The following trigger guarantees that before an INSERT or UPDATE statement affects a foreign key value, the
corresponding value exists in the parent key. The mutating table exception included in the following example
allows this trigger to be used with the UPDATE_SET_DEFAULT and UPDATE_CASCADE triggers. This exception can
be removed if this trigger is used alone.
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The following trigger is defined on the DEPT_TAB table to enforce the UPDATE and DELETE RESTRICT referential
action on the primary key of the DEPT_TAB table:
OPEN Dummy_cursor (:old.Deptno);
FETCH Dummy_cursor INTO Dummy;
-- If dependent foreign key is found, raise user-specified
-- error number and message. If not found, close cursor
-- before allowing triggering statement to complete.
IF Dummy_cursor%FOUND THEN
RAISE Employees_present; -- dependent rows exist
RAISE Employees_not_present; -- no dependent rows
CLOSE Dummy_cursor;
WHEN Employees_present THEN
CLOSE Dummy_cursor;
Raise_application_error(-20001, 'Employees Present in'
|| ' Department ' || TO_CHAR(:old.DEPTNO));
WHEN Employees_not_present THEN
CLOSE Dummy_cursor;
This trigger does not work with self-referential tables (tables with both the
primary/unique key and the foreign key). Also, this trigger does not allow triggers to
cycle (such as, A fires B fires A).
UPDATE and DELETE SET NULL Triggers for Parent Table: Example
The following trigger is defined on the DEPT_TAB table to enforce the UPDATE and DELETE SET NULL referential
action on the primary key of the DEPT_TAB table:
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The following trigger on the DEPT_TAB table enforces the DELETE CASCADE referential action on the primary key
of the DEPT_TAB table:
Typically, the code for DELETE CASCADE is combined with the code for UPDATE SET NULL
or UPDATE SET DEFAULT to account for both updates and deletes.
The following trigger ensures that if a department number is updated in the Dept_tab table, then this change
is propagated to dependent foreign keys in the Emp_tab table:
-- Generate a sequence number to be used as a flag for
-- determining if an update has occurred on a column:
CREATE SEQUENCE Update_sequence
Because this trigger updates the Emp_tab table, the Emp_dept_check trigger, if enabled, is
also fired. The resulting mutating table error is trapped by the Emp_dept_check trigger.
You should carefully test any triggers that require error trapping to succeed to ensure
that they always work properly in your environment.
Triggers can enforce integrity rules other than referential integrity. For example, this trigger performs a
complex check before allowing the triggering statement to run.
You may need to set up the following data structures for the example to work:
Job_classification NUMBER)
Triggers are commonly used to enforce complex security authorizations for table data. Only use triggers to
enforce complex security authorizations that cannot be defined using the database security features provided
with Oracle Database. For example, a trigger can prohibit updates to salary data of the Emp_tab table during
weekends, holidays, and non-working hours.
When using a trigger to enforce a complex security authorization, it is best to use a BEFORE statement trigger.
Using a BEFORE statement trigger has these benefits:
The security check is done before the triggering statement is allowed to run, so that no wasted work is
done by an unauthorized statement.
The security check is performed only once for the triggering statement, not for each row affected by
the triggering statement.
You may need to set up the following data structures for the example to work:
See Also:
Triggers are very useful when you want to transparently perform a related change in the database following
certain events.
The REORDER trigger example shows a trigger that reorders parts as necessary when certain conditions are met.
(In other words, a triggering statement is entered, and the PARTS_ON_HAND value is less than the REORDER_POINT
Triggers can derive column values automatically, based upon a value provided by an INSERT or UPDATE
statement. This type of trigger is useful to force values in specific columns that depend on the values of other
columns in the same row. BEFORE row triggers are necessary to complete this type of operation for the
following reasons:
The dependent values must be derived before the INSERT or UPDATE occurs, so that the triggering
statement can use the derived values.
The trigger must fire for each row affected by the triggering INSERT or UPDATE statement.
The following example illustrates how a trigger can be used to derive new column values for a table
whenever a row is inserted or updated.
You may need to set up the following data structures for the example to work:
Views are an excellent mechanism to provide logical windows over table data. However, when the view
query gets complex, the system implicitly cannot translate the DML on the view into those on the underlying
tables. INSTEAD OF triggers help solve this problem. These triggers can be defined over views, and they fire
instead of the actual DML.
Consider a library system where books are arranged under their respective titles. The library consists of a
collection of book type objects. The following example explains the schema.
You can define a complex view over these tables to create a logical view of the library with sections and a
collection of books in each section.
SELECT b.Booknum, b.Title, b.Author, b.Available
FROM Book_table b
WHERE b.Section = i.Section) AS Book_list_t) BOOKLIST
FROM Library_table i;
Make this view updatable by defining an INSTEAD OF trigger over the view.
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The library_view is an updatable view, and any INSERTs on the view are handled by the trigger that gets fired
automatically. For example:
Similarly, you can also define triggers on the nested table booklist to handle modification of the nested table
System triggers can be used to set application context. Application context is a relatively new feature that
enhances your ability to implement fine-grained access control. Application context is a secure session
cache, and it can be used to store session-specific attributes.
In the example that follows, procedure set_ctx sets the application context based on the user profile. The
trigger setexpensectx ensures that the context is set for every user.
CONNECT secdemo/secdemo
REM =================================================================
REM Creation of the package which implements the context:
REM =================================================================
-- SET emp_number:
SELECT Employee_id INTO Empnum FROM Employee
WHERE Last_name = SYS_CONTEXT('userenv', 'session_user');
DBMS_SESSION.SET_CONTEXT('expenses_reporting','emp_number', Empnum);
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-- SET cc_number:
SELECT Cost_center_id INTO Cc FROM Employee
WHERE Last_name = SYS_CONTEXT('userenv','session_user');
CALL Syntax
See Also:
Oracle Database's system events publication framework includes the following features:
By creating a trigger, you can specify a procedure that runs when an event occurs. DML events are supported
on tables, and system events are supported on DATABASE and SCHEMA. You can turn notification on and off by
enabling and disabling the trigger using the ALTER TRIGGER statement.
This feature is integrated with the Advanced Queueing engine. Publish/subscribe applications use the
DBMS_AQ.ENQUEUE() procedure, and other applications such as cartridges use callouts.
See Also:
When events are detected by the server, the trigger mechanism executes the action specified in the trigger. As
part of this action, you can use the DBMS_AQ package to publish the event to a queue, so that subscribers get
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Only system-defined database events can be detected this way. You cannot define your
own event conditions.
When an event occurs, all triggers that are enabled on that event are fired, with some exceptions:
If the trigger is actually the target of the triggering event, it is not fired. For example, a trigger for all
DROP events is not fired when it is dropped itself.
If a trigger is not fired if it has been modified but not committed within the same transaction as the
firing event. For example, recursive DDL within a system trigger might modify a trigger, which
prevents the modified trigger from being fired by events within the same transaction.
More than one trigger can be created on an object. When an event fires more than one trigger, the order is not
defined and you should not rely on the triggers being fired in a particular order.
Publication Context
When an event is published, certain runtime context and attributes, as specified in the parameter list, are
passed to the callout procedure. A set of functions called event attribute functions are provided.
See Also:
For each system event supported, event-specific attributes are identified and predefined for the event. You
can choose the parameter list to be any of these attributes, along with other simple expressions. For callouts,
these are passed as IN arguments.
Error Handling
Return status from publication callout functions for all events are ignored. For example, with SHUTDOWN
events, the server cannot do anything with the return status.
See Also:
Execution Model
Traditionally, triggers execute as the definer of the trigger. The trigger action of an event is executed as the
definer of the action (as the definer of the package or function in callouts, or as owner of the trigger in
queues). Because the owner of the trigger must have EXECUTE privileges on the underlying queues, packages,
or procedure, this behavior is consistent.
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