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1 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

Unit 01 This and That

 New words: watch, bib, ring, bag
 Theme: Show and Tell
 Sentence pattern:
This/That is my/your (noun).
These/Those are my/your (noun).
 Tense: Simple present (BE)

Warm Up
• Greet your students.
• Ask students to look at the pictures on pages 6-7. Ask
students questions about the pictures. Ask class to think about what they will learn about in the
• Have students look at the “New Words” section.
• Before reading the words to the students, ask them to look at the words and letters. Help the
students sound out the words slowly. Talk about any surprising letters or sounds in the words.

Before Reading
New Words
 Have students open their SBs to page 6-7. Direct their attention to the pictures along the left side
of the page.
 Introduce the New Words. Go through the list, pointing to and saying the words, then have
students repeat.
 Play Track 2 two times and have students repeat the third time. Practice the words a few more
times, calling on students individually or as a class.
 Have students look at the pictures. Ask them to match the pictures with the new words. Say the
words and have students repeat them again.
 Have students look for the new words within the story. Have students trace the word once as you
say it. Have them trace it again as they repeat the word.
 For additional practice, play Track 3. Have student listen and chant along with the recording.

Phonics Words
 This section works to engage students’ interest in the unit topic.
 As an introduction to new phonics concepts, this section provides an element of interaction with
the reading passage. Students should correctly put the ‘Phonics Words Stickers’ over the
• Phonics study points are colored red. The words bib and toy contain the target sounds ‘ib’ in bib
and ‘oy’ in toy. Those words are hidden in the illustration. Students will place the sticker for each
word over the illustration on the page. Have students repeat the words and its phonics sound after

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the teacher.
• Stickers are provided at the end of the Work Book.

Sight Words
 This section provides additional practice of select sight
 The words that and these are used throughout the reading.
 Ask students to find and point to the sight words in the
reading. Have students repeat each word after the teacher.

 Ask students to view the illustrations. Encourage students to
imitate the characters’ actions in the illustrations (ex. pointing
at objects that are near or far).
 Have students look at the other illustrations in the story.
 Ask students follow-up questions about what they see.
 Activity 1: Ask students about the what the children in the
story are sharing. Ask: What are the things the students share? Where can you see some of these
objects in our classroom? Point to the area where pens are located in the room.
 Activity 2: Ask students about panels five and six on page 7. What does the boy have? Where can
you see bags in the classroom? What is inside your bag?

Main Reading
 Play Track 4. Have students just listen the first and second time, looking at the pictures.
 Go through the story again, having students repeat each line.
 Optional: Have different students read one line individually, allowing different students the
opportunity to read a line.

 Read the passage aloud, stopping before the “new words” and having students say the “new word.”
 Assign students to work in groups of three or four to read the passage aloud, with each student
reading one word or sentence at a time.
 Play Track 5. Have students listen for the different sounds. Ask students to talk about sounds they
hear (ex. ch sound in ‘watch’ or short a sound in ‘bag’). Then, have them imitate what they heard.

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After Reading
Check It
This exercise checks students’ comprehension of the story
and reinforces the new words.
 Read the direction line for exercise 1. Instruct students to
check the correct answer and write it on the line. They
should use the pictures to help them.
 Have students complete exercise 1 alone or in pairs.
 Instruct students to continue to exercise 2.
 Have students complete exercise 2 alone or in pairs.
 Go through the answers as a class.

Talk about SHARING.
 Remind students of the reading. Focus on objects the
students in the story share.
 Ask students to think about what they might like to share
with the class. Ask them to draw their ideas.
 Then, ask students to turn to a partner and discuss what they would like to bring to share with the
class. Students should consider how their partners’ ideas differ from their own.
 Finally, ask student pairs to share their ideas with the class. Did many students draw the same
objects for sharing with the class?
 Optional: Create a chart which represents the classes different answers. Compare the things
students would like to share with the class.

Learn It
This listening exercise further reinforces the phonics for each unit.
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line, instructing students to circle the words they hear.
 Play track 6 twice. Have students circle the words they hear.
 Go through the answers as a class.
 Ask students to read only the red letter sounds, oy, ib, and en. Then have them read each word: boy,
toy, rib, bib, pen, and ten.
 Say the red letter sounds so students can hear each one. Say each word, emphasizing the red letter
sounds. Have students repeat each word and phonics sound.
 Ask students to cover the words and spell the red letter sounds. Spell the whole word first, having
students repeat. Then spell the phonics sounds. Have students repeat.

Ask students to think about other words that have the phonics sounds they just learned. Some
possible answers include joy, crib, or hen. Have students share with the class or draw a picture of
their ideas.

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Write It
This exercise reinforces key concepts from the reading
passage while also providing additional writing practice for
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line, instructing
students to look at the pictures before they write the words.
 Complete number 1 together as a class.
 Have students complete number 2 by themselves. Walk
around the class and check their work, helping if necessary.

 Ask students to think about the different objects they have
in their room. Give students a minute or two to think about
the different things they have.
 Have students draw and label a map of their room. They should include the target
“This/That/These/Those is/are my (noun)” on their map.

Practice It
• Play track 7 twice. Have the students repeat each sentence played in the track. Play the track
multiple times to allow students the chance to understand what is being said.
• In this activity, students should listen to the speaker say a sentence. Then, have students put the
corresponding sticker next to the correct speaker.
• Stickers are provided at the end of the Work Book.

• Have student come up with one or two follow-up questions for the boy and girl in the activity. This
could be as simple as “When did you get it” or “What is inside it?”

 Vocabulary Workbook 2: page 6, Unit 01
 Writing Workbook 2: pages 24-25

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Unit 02 Open the Door!

 New words: open, sofa, bench, quick
 Theme: Visiting Friends
 Sentence pattern:
Open the (adjective) (noun).
Site on the (adjective) (noun).
 Tense: Simple present & Imperatives

Warm Up
• Greet your students.
• Ask students to look at the pictures on pages 10-11. Ask
students questions about the pictures. Ask class to think about what they will learn about in the
• Have students look at the “New Words” section.
• Before reading the words to the students, ask them to look at the words and letters. Help the
students sound out the words slowly. Talk about any surprising letters or sounds in the words.

Before Reading
New Words
 Have students open their SBs to page 10-11. Direct their attention to the pictures along the left
side of the page.
 Introduce the New Words. Go through the list, pointing to and saying the words, then have
students repeat.
 Play Track 8 two times and have students repeat the third time. Practice the words a few more
times, calling on students individually or as a class.
 Have students look at the pictures. Ask them to match the pictures with the new words. Say the
words and have students repeat them again.
 Have students look for the new words within the story. Have students trace the word once as you
say it. Have them trace it again as they repeat the word.
 For additional practice, play Track 9. Have student listen and chant along with the recording.

Phonics Words
 This section works to engage students’ interest in the unit topic.
 As an introduction to new phonics concepts, this section provides an element of interaction with
the reading passage. Students should correctly put the ‘Phonics Words Stickers’ over the
• Phonics study points are colored red. The words green and bench contain the target sounds ‘ee’ in
green and ‘ch’ in bench. Those words are hidden in the illustration. Students will place the sticker
for each word over the illustration on the page. Have students repeat the words and its phonics

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sound after the teacher.

• Stickers are provided at the end of the Work Book.

Sight Words
 This section provides additional practice of select sight words.
 The words on and yellow are used throughout the reading.
 Ask students to find and point to the sight words in the
reading. Have students repeat each word after the teacher.

 Ask students to view the illustrations. Encourage students to
imitate the characters’ actions in the illustrations (ex. holding
open the door on page 11).
 Have students look at the other illustrations in the story.
 Ask students follow-up questions about what they see.
 Activity 1: Ask students about man on page 10. Ask: What is
he doing? Who do you think he is?
 Activity 2: Ask students about the children on page 7. Where is the little girl coming from? Where
can you see the door in our classroom? Who is your favorite person to visit?

Main Reading
 Play Track 10. Have students just listen the first and second time, looking at the pictures.
 Go through the story again, having students repeat each line.
 Optional: Have different students read one line individually, allowing different students the
opportunity to read a line.

 Read the passage aloud, stopping before the “new words” and having students say the “new word.”
 Assign students to work in groups of three or four to read the passage aloud, with each student
reading one word or sentence at a time.
 Play Track 11. Have students listen for the different sounds. Ask students to talk about sounds they
hear (ex. long o sound in ‘open’ and ‘sofa’). Then, have them imitate what they heard.

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After Reading
Check It
This exercise checks students’ comprehension of the story
and reinforces the new words.
 Read the direction line for exercise 1. Instruct students to
check the correct answer and write it on the line. They
should use the pictures to help them.
 Have students complete exercise 1 alone or in pairs.
 Instruct students to continue to exercise 2.
 Have students complete exercise 2 alone or in pairs.
 Go through the answers as a class.

Talk about VISITING.
 Remind students of the reading. Focus on the children
who are visiting the boy in the story.
 Ask students to think about a time they visited a friend or
family member. Ask them to draw their ideas.
 Then, ask students to turn to a partner and discuss who they visited. Students should consider how
their partners’ ideas differ from their own.
 Finally, ask student pairs to share their ideas with the class. Did more students talk about visiting a
friend or a family member?
 Optional: Create a chart which represents the classes different answers. Compare who students
visited the most; a friend or family member.

Learn It
This listening exercise further reinforces the phonics for each unit.
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line, instructing students to circle the words they hear.
 Play track 12 twice. Have students circle the words they hear.
 Go through the answers as a class.
 Ask students to read only the red letter sounds, ow, ch, and ee. Then have them read each word:
window, elbow, bench, peach, sweet, and green.
 Say the red letter sounds so students can hear each one. Say each word, emphasizing the red letter
sounds. Have students repeat each word and phonics sound.
 Ask students to cover the words and spell the red letter sounds. Spell the whole word first, having
students repeat. Then spell the phonics sounds. Have students repeat.

Ask students to think about other words that have the phonics sounds they just learned. Some
possible answers include blow, beach, or need. Have students share with the class or draw a picture
of their ideas.

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Write It
This exercise reinforces key concepts from the reading
passage while also providing additional writing practice for
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line,
instructing students to look at the pictures before they
write the words.
 Complete number 1 together as a class.
 Have students complete number 2 by themselves. Walk
around the class and check their work, helping if necessary.

 Ask students to think about the different people they can
visit. Give students a minute or two to think who they
might like to visit.
 Have students list out the people they will visit soon and people they will visit later in the future.
Ask students to think about the things they could do with the people on their lists.

Practice It
• Play track 13 twice. Have the students repeat each sentence played in the track. Play the track
multiple times to allow students the chance to understand what is being said.
• In this activity, students should listen to the speaker say a sentence. Then, have students put the
corresponding sticker next to the correct speaker.
• Stickers are provided at the end of the Work Book.

• Have student come up with one or two follow-up questions for the boy and girl in the activity. This
could be as simple as “Why is the door / sofa that color?”

 Vocabulary Workbook 2: page 7, Unit 02
 Writing Workbook 2: pages 26-27

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Unit 03 I Live in. . .

 New words: nest, hut, barn, igloo
 Theme: Where we live
 Sentence pattern:
I / We live in a/an (noun).
It is (adjective).
 Tense: Simple present

Warm Up
• Greet your students.
• Ask students to look at the pictures on pages 14-15. Ask
students questions about the pictures. Ask class to think about what they will learn about in the
• Have students look at the “New Words” section.
• Before reading the words to the students, ask them to look at the words and letters. Help the
students sound out the words slowly. Talk about any surprising letters or sounds in the words.

Before Reading
New Words
 Have students open their SBs to page 14-15. Direct their attention to the pictures along the left
side of the page.
 Introduce the New Words. Go through the list, pointing to and saying the words, then have
students repeat.
 Play Track 14 two times and have students repeat the third time. Practice the words a few more
times, calling on students individually or as a class.
 Have students look at the pictures. Ask them to match the pictures with the new words. Say the
words and have students repeat them again.
 Have students look for the new words within the story. Have students trace the word once as you
say it. Have them trace it again as they repeat the word.
 For additional practice, play Track 15. Have student listen and chant along with the recording.

Phonics Words
 This section works to engage students’ interest in the unit topic.
 As an introduction to new phonics concepts, this section provides an element of interaction with
the reading passage. Students should correctly put the ‘Phonics Words Stickers’ over the
• Phonics study points are colored red. The words barn and igloo contain the target sounds ‘ar’ in
barn and ‘oo’ in igloo. Those words are hidden in the illustration. Students will place the sticker for
each word over the illustration on the page. Have students repeat the words and its phonics sound

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after the teacher.

• Stickers are provided at the end of the Work Book.

Sight Words
 This section provides additional practice of select sight
 The words live and in are used throughout the reading.
 Ask students to find and point to the sight words in the
reading. Have students repeat each word after the teacher.

 Ask students to view the illustrations. Encourage students to
imitate the characters’ actions in the illustrations (ex.
shivering in the cold).
 Have students look at the other illustrations in the story.
 Ask students follow-up questions about what they see.
 Activity 1: Ask students about the animals on page 14. Ask:
What animals are these? Does someone take care of them? Who takes care of the horse?
 Activity 2: Ask students about the hut on page 15. What kind of home is this (big or small)? Where
can you find a home like this? What kind of home do you live in?

Main Reading
 Play Track 16. Have students just listen the first and second time, looking at the pictures.
 Go through the story again, having students repeat each line.
 Optional: Have different students read one line individually, allowing different students the
opportunity to read a line.

 Read the passage aloud, stopping before the “new words” and having students say the “new word.”
 Assign students to work in groups of three or four to read the passage aloud, with each student
reading one word or sentence at a time.
 Play Track 17. Have students listen for the different sounds. Ask students to talk about sounds they
hear (ex. long i sound in ‘nice’ or st sound in ‘nest’). Then, have them imitate what they heard.

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After Reading
Check It
This exercise checks students’ comprehension of the story
and reinforces the new words.
 Read the direction line for exercise 1. Instruct students to
check the correct answer and write it on the line. They
should use the pictures to help them.
 Have students complete exercise 1 alone or in pairs.
 Instruct students to continue to exercise 2.
 Have students complete exercise 2 alone or in pairs.
 Go through the answers as a class.

Talk about PLACES TO LIVE.
 Remind students of the reading. Focus on homes the
children in the story had.
 Ask students to think about different types of homes they
have seen. Ask them to draw their ideas.
 Then, ask students to turn to a partner and discuss what they kinds of homes they have seen.
Students should consider how their partners’ ideas differ from their own.
 Finally, ask student pairs to share their ideas with the class. What different kinds of homes have
student seen before? Which one would you live to live in?
 Optional: Create a chart which represents the classes different answers. Compare the different
kinds of homes students would like to live in.

Learn It
This listening exercise further reinforces the phonics for each unit.
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line, instructing students to circle the words they hear.
 Play track 18 twice. Have students circle the words they hear.
 Go through the answers as a class.
 Ask students to read only the red letter sounds, ar, ld, and oo. Then have them read each word:
barn, party, cold, old, too, and igloo.
 Say the red letter sounds so students can hear each one. Say each word, emphasizing the red letter
sounds. Have students repeat each word and phonics sound.
 Ask students to cover the words and spell the red letter sounds. Spell the whole word first, having
students repeat. Then spell the phonics sounds. Have students repeat.

Ask students to think about other words that have the phonics sounds they just learned. Some
possible answers include yard, bold, and boo. Have students share with the class or draw a picture
of their ideas.

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Write It
This exercise reinforces key concepts from the reading
passage while also providing additional writing practice for
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line,
instructing students to look at the pictures before they
match the word.
 Complete number 1 together as a class.
 Have students complete number 2 by themselves. Walk
around the class and check their work, helping if necessary.

 Ask students to think about the different places they
would want to live. Give students a minute or two to think
about the different places they could live.
 Have students list the good and bad things about their “perfect place to live.”

Practice It
• Play track 19 twice. Have the students repeat each sentence played in the track. Play the track
multiple times to allow students the chance to understand what is being said.
• In this activity, students should listen to the speaker say a sentence. Then, have students put the
corresponding sticker next to the correct speaker.
• Stickers are provided at the end of the Work Book.

• Have student come up with one or two follow-up questions for the boy and girl in the activity. This
could be as simple as “How did you build it?” or “Do you like it there?”

 Vocabulary Workbook 2: page 8, Unit 03
 Writing Workbook 2: pages 28-29

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Unit 04 Who Are They?

 New words: sister, mom, dad, uncle
 Theme: Family
 Sentence pattern:
Who is she/he?
She/He is my (noun).
 Tense: Simple present (BE) & WHO question

Warm Up
• Greet your students.
• Ask students to look at the pictures on pages 18-19. Ask
students questions about the pictures. Ask class to think about what they will learn about in the
• Have students look at the “New Words” section.
• Before reading the words to the students, ask them to look at the words and letters. Help the
students sound out the words slowly. Talk about any surprising letters or sounds in the words.

Before Reading
New Words
 Have students open their SBs to page 18-19. Direct their attention to the pictures along the left
side of the page.
 Introduce the New Words. Go through the list, pointing to and saying the words, then have
students repeat.
 Play Track 20 two times and have students repeat the third time. Practice the words a few more
times, calling on students individually or as a class.
 Have students look at the pictures. Ask them to match the pictures with the new words. Say the
words and have students repeat them again.
 Have students look for the new words within the story. Have students trace the word once as you
say it. Have them trace it again as they repeat the word.
 For additional practice, play Track 21. Have student listen and chant along with the recording.

Phonics Words
 This section works to engage students’ interest in the unit topic.
 As an introduction to new phonics concepts, this section provides an element of interaction with
the reading passage. Students should correctly put the ‘Phonics Words Stickers’ over the
• Phonics study points are colored red. The words dad and uncle contain the target sounds ‘ad’ in
dad and ‘le’ in uncle. Those words are hidden in the illustration. Students will place the sticker for
each word over the illustration on the page. Have students repeat the words and its phonics sound

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after the teacher.

• Stickers are provided at the end of the Work Book.

Sight Words
 This section provides additional practice of select sight
 The words who and she are used throughout the reading.
 Ask students to find and point to the sight words in the
reading. Have students repeat each word after the teacher.

 Ask students to view the illustrations. Encourage students
to imitate the characters’ actions in the illustrations (ex.
holding a dog leash on page 19).
 Have students look at the other illustrations in the story.
 Ask students follow-up questions about what they see.
 Activity 1: Ask students about the picture the children are
looking at. Ask: What is the picture of that the children are looking at? Where can you see pictures
in our home?
 Activity 2: Ask students about the man coming through the door on page 19. What is the man
doing? Why does he use a leash for the dog? How do animals get exercise?

Main Reading
 Play Track 22. Have students just listen the first and second time, looking at the pictures.
 Go through the story again, having students repeat each line.
 Optional: Have different students read one line individually, allowing different students the
opportunity to read a line.

 Read the passage aloud, stopping before the “new words” and having students say the “new word.”
 Assign students to work in groups of three or four to read the passage aloud, with each student
reading one word or sentence at a time.
 Play Track 23. Have students listen for the different sounds. Ask students to talk about sounds they
hear (ex. short o sound in ‘mom’ or er sound in ‘sister’). Then, have them imitate what they heard.

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After Reading
Check It
This exercise checks students’ comprehension of the story
and reinforces the new words.
 Read the direction line for exercise 1. Instruct students to
check the correct answer and write it on the line. They
should use the pictures to help them.
 Have students complete exercise 1 alone or in pairs.
 Instruct students to continue to exercise 2.
 Have students complete exercise 2 alone or in pairs.
 Go through the answers as a class.

Talk about FAMILY.
 Remind students of the reading. Focus on members of
the family.
 Ask students to think about their own families. Ask them
to draw a picture of their family.
 Then, ask students to turn to a partner and discuss the people in their families. Students should
consider how their partners’ drawings differ from their own.
 Finally, ask student pairs to share their ideas with the class. Which family members did students
include the most in their drawings?
 Optional: Create a chart which represents the classes different answers. Compare the different
family members that students included in their drawings.

Learn It
This listening exercise further reinforces the phonics for each unit.
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line, instructing students to circle the words they hear.
 Play track 6 twice. Have students circle the words they hear.
 Go through the answers as a class.
 Ask students to read only the red letter sounds, er, ad, and le. Then have them read each word:
paper, sister, mad, dad, apple, and uncle.
 Say the red letter sounds so students can hear each one. Say each word, emphasizing the red letter
sounds. Have students repeat each word and phonics sound.
 Ask students to cover the words and spell the red letter sounds. Spell the whole word first, having
students repeat. Then spell the phonics sounds. Have students repeat.

Ask students to think about other words that have the phonics sounds they just learned. Some
possible answers include ladder, bad, and babble. Have students share with the class or draw a
picture of their ideas.

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Write It
This exercise reinforces key concepts from the reading
passage while also providing additional writing practice for
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line,
instructing students to look at the pictures before they
match the word.
 Complete number 1 together as a class.
 Have students complete number 2 by themselves. Walk
around the class and check their work, helping if necessary.

 Ask students to think about the different members of
their families. Give students a minute or two to think about
their families.
 Have students list out the members of their families. Ask them which members they see the most
often and which they see rarely.

Practice It
• Play track 25 twice. Have the students repeat each sentence played in the track. Play the track
multiple times to allow students the chance to understand what is being said.
• In this activity, students should listen to the speaker say a sentence. Then, have students put the
corresponding sticker next to the correct speaker.
• Stickers are provided at the end of the Work Book.

• Have student come up with one or two follow-up questions for the boy and girl in the activity. This
could be as simple as “What things do you like to do with your dad/sister?”

 Vocabulary Workbook 2: page 9, Unit 04
 Writing Workbook 2: pages 30-31

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Unit 05 I Am From. . .
 New words: Greece, Korea, France, Mexico
 Theme: Other Countries
 Sentence pattern:
Where are you/ is (name) from?
I am /he is from (place).
 Tense: Simple present (BE) & WHERE question

Warm Up
• Greet your students.
• Ask students to look at the pictures on pages 22-23. Ask
students questions about the pictures. Ask class to think about what they will learn about in the
• Have students look at the “New Words” section.
• Before reading the words to the students, ask them to look at the words and letters. Help the
students sound out the words slowly. Talk about any surprising letters or sounds in the words.

Before Reading
New Words
 Have students open their SBs to page 22-23. Direct their attention to the pictures along the left
side of the page.
 Introduce the New Words. Go through the list, pointing to and saying the words, then have
students repeat.
 Play Track 26 two times and have students repeat the third time. Practice the words a few more
times, calling on students individually or as a class.
 Have students look at the pictures. Ask them to match the pictures with the new words. Say the
words and have students repeat them again.
 Have students look for the new words within the story. Have students trace the word once as you
say it. Have them trace it again as they repeat the word.
 For additional practice, play Track 27. Have student listen and chant along with the recording.

Phonics Words
 This section works to engage students’ interest in the unit topic.
 As an introduction to new phonics concepts, this section provides an element of interaction with
the reading passage. Students should correctly put the ‘Phonics Words Stickers’ over the
• Phonics study points are colored red. The words Kim and France contain the target sounds ‘im’ in
Kim and ‘fr’ in France. Those words are hidden in the illustration. Students will place the sticker for
each word over the illustration on the page. Have students repeat the words and its phonics sound

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18 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

after the teacher.

• Stickers are provided at the end of the Work Book.

Sight Words
 This section provides additional practice of select sight
 The words from and where are used throughout the
 Ask students to find and point to the sight words in the
reading. Have students repeat each word after the teacher.

 Ask students to view the illustrations. Encourage students
to imitate the characters’ actions in the illustrations (ex.
introducing another student).
 Have students look at the other illustrations in the story.
 Ask students follow-up questions about what they see.
 Activity 1: Ask students about the different flags they see. Ask: What colors are the different flags?
Where can you see a flag in our classroom? Point to the area where a flag is hanging.
 Activity 2: Ask students about the children in panel 4. What is on Ryan’s shirt? What other flags are
you familiar with? What country would you most like to visit?

Main Reading
 Play Track 28. Have students just listen the first and second time, looking at the pictures.
 Go through the story again, having students repeat each line.
 Optional: Have different students read one line individually, allowing different students the
opportunity to read a line.

 Read the passage aloud, stopping before the “new words” and having students say the “new word.”
 Assign students to work in groups of three or four to read the passage aloud, with each student
reading one word or sentence at a time.
 Play Track 29. Have students listen for the different sounds. Ask students to talk about sounds they
hear (ex. long e sound in ‘Greece’ and ‘Korea’). Then, have them imitate what they heard.

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After Reading
Check It
This exercise checks students’ comprehension of the story
and reinforces the new words.
 Read the direction line for exercise 1. Instruct students to
check the correct answer and write it on the line. They
should use the pictures to help them.
 Have students complete exercise 1 alone or in pairs.
 Instruct students to continue to exercise 2.
 Have students complete exercise 2 alone or in pairs.
 Go through the answers as a class.

 Remind students of the reading. Focus on the different
countries the children were from in the story.
 Ask students to think about what other countries they
know about. Ask them to draw their ideas.
 Then, ask students to turn to a partner and discuss what countries they know about. Students
should consider how their partners’ drawings differ from their own.
 Finally, ask student pairs to share their ideas with the class. Did many students talk about the same
 Optional: Create a chart which represents the classes different answers. Compare the countries
students know about.

Learn It
This listening exercise further reinforces the phonics for each unit.
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line, instructing students to circle the words they hear.
 Play track 6 twice. Have students circle the words they hear.
 Go through the answers as a class.
 Ask students to read only the red letter sounds, gr, fr, and im. Then have them read each word:
grandpa, Greece, France, Friday, him, and Kim.
 Say the red letter sounds so students can hear each one. Say each word, emphasizing the red letter
sounds. Have students repeat each word and phonics sound.
 Ask students to cover the words and spell the red letter sounds. Spell the whole word first, having
students repeat. Then spell the phonics sounds. Have students repeat.

Ask students to think about other words that have the phonics sounds they just learned. Some
possible answers include great, frame, and dim. Have students share with the class or draw a
picture of their ideas.

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20 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

Write It
This exercise reinforces key concepts from the reading
passage while also providing additional writing practice for
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line,
instructing students to look at the pictures before they
match the word.
 Complete number 1 together as a class.
 Have students complete number 2 by themselves. Walk
around the class and check their work, helping if necessary.

 Ask students to think about the different countries they
know about. Give students a minute or two to think about
the different countries they know about.
 Have students list out the different things that country is famous for. Ask students to draw those
places (for example, they might draw the Sphinx for Egypt).

Practice It
• Play track 30 twice. Have the students repeat each sentence played in the track. Play the track
multiple times to allow students the chance to understand what is being said.
• In this activity, students should listen to the speaker say a sentence. Then, have students put the
corresponding sticker next to the correct speaker.
• Stickers are provided at the end of the Work Book.

• Have student come up with one or two follow-up questions for the boy and girl in the activity. This
could be as simple as “What kinds of things can you do in Korea / Greece?”

 Vocabulary Workbook 2: page 10, Unit 05
 Writing Workbook 2: pages 32-33

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21 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

Unit 06 He Is Smart!
 New words: cousin, smart. aunt, strong
 Theme: Characteristics
 Sentence pattern:
(Name) is my (noun).
He/She is (adjective)
 Tense: Simple present

Warm Up
• Greet your students.
• Ask students to look at the pictures on pages 26-27. Ask
students questions about the pictures. Ask class to think about what they will learn about in the
• Have students look at the “New Words” section.
• Before reading the words to the students, ask them to look at the words and letters. Help the
students sound out the words slowly. Talk about any surprising letters or sounds in the words.

Before Reading
New Words
 Have students open their SBs to page 26-27. Direct their attention to the pictures along the left
side of the page.
 Introduce the New Words. Go through the list, pointing to and saying the words, then have
students repeat.
 Play Track 32 two times and have students repeat the third time. Practice the words a few more
times, calling on students individually or as a class.
 Have students look at the pictures. Ask them to match the pictures with the new words. Say the
words and have students repeat them again.
 Have students look for the new words within the story. Have students trace the word once as you
say it. Have them trace it again as they repeat the word.
 For additional practice, play Track 33. Have student listen and chant along with the recording.

Phonics Words
 This section works to engage students’ interest in the unit topic.
 As an introduction to new phonics concepts, this section provides an element of interaction with
the reading passage. Students should correctly put the ‘Phonics Words Stickers’ over the
• Phonics study points are colored red. The words aunt and brother contain the target sounds ‘nt’ in
aunt and ‘br’ in brother. Those words are hidden in the illustration. Students will place the sticker
for each word over the illustration on the page. Have students repeat the words and its phonics

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sound after the teacher.

• Stickers are provided at the end of the Work Book.

Sight Words
 This section provides additional practice of select sight
 The words he and funny are used throughout the reading.
 Ask students to find and point to the sight words in the
reading. Have students repeat each word after the teacher.

 Ask students to view the illustrations. Encourage students
to imitate the characters’ actions in the illustrations (ex.
reading a book on page 27).
 Have students look at the other illustrations in the story.
 Ask students follow-up questions about what they see.
 Activity 1: Ask students about where the people are in the
story. Ask: What kind of equipment is at the park? Where can you see this kind of equipment at our
school? Point to the area where there is a playground outside.
 Activity 2: Ask students about the little boy and old man on page 27. What is the little boy doing?
Why does the boy’s grandpa catch him? What is your favorite thing to do at a park or playground?

Main Reading
 Play Track 34. Have students just listen the first and second time, looking at the pictures.
 Go through the story again, having students repeat each line.
 Optional: Have different students read one line individually, allowing different students the
opportunity to read a line.

 Read the passage aloud, stopping before the “new words” and having students say the “new word.”
 Assign students to work in groups of three or four to read the passage aloud, with each student
reading one word or sentence at a time.
 Play Track 35. Have students listen for the different sounds. Ask students to talk about sounds they
hear (ex. s sound in ‘cousin’ and ‘smart’). Then, have them imitate what they heard.

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After Reading
Check It
This exercise checks students’ comprehension of the story
and reinforces the new words.
 Read the direction line for exercise 1. Instruct students to
check the correct answer and write it on the line. They
should use the pictures to help them.
 Have students complete exercise 1 alone or in pairs.
 Instruct students to continue to exercise 2.
 Have students complete exercise 2 alone or in pairs.
 Go through the answers as a class.

 Remind students of the reading. Focus on how the
different characters are described.
 Ask students to think about how they would describe the teacher. Ask them to draw their ideas.
 Then, ask students to turn to a partner and discuss what words they came up with to describe the
teacher. Students should consider how their partners’ ideas differ from their own.
 Finally, ask student pairs to share their ideas with the class. Did many students use the same words
to describe the teacher?
 Optional: Have students work in small groups to talk about the words they used to describe the
teacher. Have them list their reasons for choosing their word.

Learn It
This listening exercise further reinforces the phonics for each unit.
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line, instructing students to circle the words they hear.
 Play track 36 twice. Have students circle the words they hear.
 Go through the answers as a class.
 Ask students to read only the red letter sounds, br, nt, and en. Then have them read each word:
brick, brother, aunt, tent, Ben, and hen.
 Say the red letter sounds so students can hear each one. Say each word, emphasizing the red letter
sounds. Have students repeat each word and phonics sound.
 Ask students to cover the words and spell the red letter sounds. Spell the whole word first, having
students repeat. Then spell the phonics sounds. Have students repeat.

Ask students to think about other words that have the phonics sounds they just learned. Some
possible answers include brown, hunt, and ten. Have students share with the class or draw a
picture of their ideas.

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24 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

Write It
This exercise reinforces key concepts from the reading
passage while also providing additional writing practice for
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line,
instructing students to look at the pictures before they
match the word.
 Complete number 1 together as a class.
 Have students complete number 2 by themselves. Walk
around the class and check their work, helping if necessary.

 Ask students to think about the different people they
know. Give students a minute or two to think about the
different characteristics of the people they know.
 Have students list out the people they would describe as “smart,” “funny,” or “strong.” Ask
students to explain what makes a person smart, funny, or strong.

Practice It
• Play track 37 twice. Have the students repeat each sentence played in the track. Play the track
multiple times to allow students the chance to understand what is being said.
• In this activity, students should listen to the speaker say a sentence. Then, have students put the
corresponding sticker next to the correct speaker.
• Stickers are provided at the end of the Work Book.

• Have student come up with one or two follow-up questions for the boy and girl in the activity. This
could be as simple as “How did you aunt get strong?” or “What funny things does your grandpa do?”

 Vocabulary Workbook 2: page 11, Unit 06
 Writing Workbook 2: pages 34-35

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25 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

Unit 07 My Mom
 New words: doctor, cook, vet, baker
 Theme: Jobs
 Sentence pattern:
My mom is a (noun).
She (verb) (noun).
 Tense: Simple present

Warm Up
• Greet your students.
• Ask students to look at the pictures on pages 30-31. Ask
students questions about the pictures. Ask class to think about what they will learn about in the
• Have students look at the “New Words” section.
• Before reading the words to the students, ask them to look at the words and letters. Help the
students sound out the words slowly. Talk about any surprising letters or sounds in the words.

Before Reading
New Words
 Have students open their SBs to page 30-31. Direct their attention to the pictures along the left
side of the page.
 Introduce the New Words. Go through the list, pointing to and saying the words, then have
students repeat.
 Play Track 38 two times and have students repeat the third time. Practice the words a few more
times, calling on students individually or as a class.
 Have students look at the pictures. Ask them to match the pictures with the new words. Say the
words and have students repeat them again.
 Have students look for the new words within the story. Have students trace the word once as you
say it. Have them trace it again as they repeat the word.
 For additional practice, play Track 39. Have student listen and chant along with the recording.

Phonics Words
 This section works to engage students’ interest in the unit topic.
 As an introduction to new phonics concepts, this section provides an element of interaction with
the reading passage. Students should correctly put the ‘Phonics Words Stickers’ over the
• Phonics study points are colored red. The words food and vet contain the target sounds ‘oo’ in food
and ‘et’ in vet. Those words are hidden in the illustration. Students will place the sticker for each
word over the illustration on the page. Have students repeat the words and its phonics sound after

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26 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

the teacher.
• Stickers are provided at the end of the Work Book.

Sight Words
 This section provides additional practice of select sight
 The words mom and helps are used throughout the reading.
 Ask students to find and point to the sight words in the
reading. Have students repeat each word after the teacher.

 Ask students to view the illustrations. Encourage students
to act out the characters’ actions based on the job they have
(ex. stirring something in a bowl if acting out the cook or
 Have students look at the other illustrations in the story.
 Ask students follow-up questions about what they see.
 Activity 1: Ask students about the mother in panel 1. Ask: What is the mom wearing? Where can
you see someone who has this job?
 Activity 2: Ask students about the moms on page 31. What do these moms do that is the same?
Where can you see a cook? What is your favorite restaurant?

Main Reading
 Play Track 40. Have students just listen the first and second time, looking at the pictures.
 Go through the story again, having students repeat each line.
 Optional: Have different students read one line individually, allowing different students the
opportunity to read a line.

 Read the passage aloud, stopping before the “new words” and having students say the “new word.”
 Assign students to work in groups of three or four to read the passage aloud, with each student
reading one word or sentence at a time.
 Play Track 41. Have students listen for the different sounds. Ask students to talk about sounds they
hear (ex. or sound in ‘doctor’ or er sound in ‘baker’). Then, have them imitate what they heard.

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After Reading
Check It
This exercise checks students’ comprehension of the story
and reinforces the new words.
 Read the direction line for exercise 1. Instruct students to
check the correct answer and write it on the line. They
should use the pictures to help them.
 Have students complete exercise 1 alone or in pairs.
 Instruct students to continue to exercise 2.
 Have students complete exercise 2 alone or in pairs.
 Go through the answers as a class.

Talk about JOBS.
 Remind students of the reading. Focus on the jobs each
mom has in the story.
 Ask students to think about what their mom (or dad)
does for a job. Ask them to draw their ideas.
 Then, ask students to turn to a partner and discuss what jobs their parents have. Students should
consider how their partners’ ideas differ from their own.
 Finally, ask student pairs to share their ideas with the class. What different jobs do students’
parents have?
 Optional: Create a chart which represents the classes different answers. Compare the different jobs
the parents have.

Learn It
This listening exercise further reinforces the phonics for each unit.
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line, instructing students to circle the words they hear.
 Play track 6 twice. Have students circle the words they hear.
 Go through the answers as a class.
 Ask students to read only the red letter sounds, oo, a_e, and et. Then have them read each word:
spoon, food, make, cake, vet, and comet.
 Say the red letter sounds so students can hear each one. Say each word, emphasizing the red letter
sounds. Have students repeat each word and phonics sound.
 Ask students to cover the words and spell the red letter sounds. Spell the whole word first, having
students repeat. Then spell the phonics sounds. Have students repeat.

Ask students to think about other words that have the phonics sounds they just learned. Some
possible answers include moon, lake, and let. Have students share with the class or draw a picture
of their ideas.

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28 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

Write It
This exercise reinforces key concepts from the reading
passage while also providing additional writing practice for
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line,
instructing students to look at the pictures before they
match the word.
 Complete number 1 together as a class.
 Have students complete number 2 by themselves. Walk
around the class and check their work, helping if necessary.

 Ask students to think about what job they would like to
have as an adult. Give students a minute or two to think
about the different jobs they are interested in.
 Have students list out the jobs they like. Ask students to think about what makes a person good at
their job.

Practice It
• Play track 43 twice. Have the students repeat each sentence played in the track. Play the track
multiple times to allow students the chance to understand what is being said.
• In this activity, students should listen to the speaker say a sentence. Then, have students put the
corresponding sticker next to the correct speaker.
• Stickers are provided at the end of the Work Book.

• Have student come up with one or two follow-up questions for the boy and girl in the activity. This
could be as simple as “When did you need to take a pet to the vet?” or “How does the doctor help
you feel better?”

 Vocabulary Workbook 2: page 12, Unit 07
 Writing Workbook 2: pages 36-37

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29 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

Unit 08 What Can You Play?

 New words: judo, ping pong, chess, golf
 Theme: Games
 Sentence pattern:
What can you play?
I can play/do (noun). But I cannot play (noun).
 Tense: Simple present (BE) & WHAT question

Warm Up
• Greet your students.
• Ask students to look at the pictures on pages 34-35. Ask
students questions about the pictures. Ask class to think about what they will learn about in the
• Have students look at the “New Words” section.
• Before reading the words to the students, ask them to look at the words and letters. Help the
students sound out the words slowly. Talk about any surprising letters or sounds in the words.

Before Reading
New Words
 Have students open their SBs to page 34-35. Direct their attention to the pictures along the left
side of the page.
 Introduce the New Words. Go through the list, pointing to and saying the words, then have
students repeat.
 Play Track 44 two times and have students repeat the third time. Practice the words a few more
times, calling on students individually or as a class.
 Have students look at the pictures. Ask them to match the pictures with the new words. Say the
words and have students repeat them again.
 Have students look for the new words within the story. Have students trace the word once as you
say it. Have them trace it again as they repeat the word.
 For additional practice, play Track 45. Have student listen and chant along with the recording.

Phonics Words
 This section works to engage students’ interest in the unit topic.
 As an introduction to new phonics concepts, this section provides an element of interaction with
the reading passage. Students should correctly put the ‘Phonics Words Stickers’ over the
• Phonics study points are colored red. The words chess and ping pong contain the target sounds ‘ch’
in chess and ‘ng’ in ping pong. Those words are hidden in the illustration. Students will place the
sticker for each word over the illustration on the page. Have students repeat the words and its

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30 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

phonics sound after the teacher.

• Stickers are provided at the end of the Work Book.

Sight Words
 This section provides additional practice of select sight
 The words you and play are used throughout the reading.
 Ask students to find and point to the sight words in the
reading. Have students repeat each word after the teacher.

 Ask students to view the illustrations. Encourage students
to imitate the characters’ actions in the illustrations (ex.
cheering because the boy won on page 35).
 Have students look at the other illustrations in the story.
 Ask students follow-up questions about what they see.
 Activity 1: Ask students about the pictures above the
children on page 35. Ask: What are the pictures above the children showing? Where can you see
games in our classroom? Point to the area where games are kept.
 Activity 2: Ask students about what the boy and girl can do. What can the girl do well? Where can
you see people playing gold? What is your favorite game to play?

Main Reading
 Play Track 46. Have students just listen the first and second time, looking at the pictures.
 Go through the story again, having students repeat each line.
 Optional: Have different students read one line individually, allowing different students the
opportunity to read a line.

 Read the passage aloud, stopping before the “new words” and having students say the “new word.”
 Assign students to work in groups of three or four to read the passage aloud, with each student
reading one word or sentence at a time.
 Play Track 47. Have students listen for the different sounds. Ask students to talk about sounds they
hear (ex. ay sound in ‘play’ or lf sound in ‘golf’). Then, have them imitate what they heard.

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31 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

After Reading
Check It
This exercise checks students’ comprehension of the story
and reinforces the new words.
 Read the direction line for exercise 1. Instruct students to
check the correct answer and write it on the line. They
should use the pictures to help them.
 Have students complete exercise 1 alone or in pairs.
 Instruct students to continue to exercise 2.
 Have students complete exercise 2 alone or in pairs.
 Go through the answers as a class.

Talk about GAMES.
 Remind students of the reading. Focus on the games the
children talk about.
 Ask students to think about what games they can and
cannot play. Ask them to draw their ideas.
 Then, ask students to turn to a partner and discuss what games they are good at and which ones
they are not good at. Students should consider how their partners’ answers differ from their own.
 Finally, ask student pairs to share their ideas with the class. What different games are students
good at?
 Optional: Create a chart which represents the classes different answers. Compare the games that
students can do well.

Learn It
This listening exercise further reinforces the phonics for each unit.
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line, instructing students to circle the words they hear.
 Play track 6 twice. Have students circle the words they hear.
 Go through the answers as a class.
 Ask students to read only the red letter sounds, ch, ay, and ng. Then have them read each word:
chant, chess, play, day, ping pong, and sing a song.
 Say the red letter sounds so students can hear each one. Say each word, emphasizing the red letter
sounds. Have students repeat each word and phonics sound.
 Ask students to cover the words and spell the red letter sounds. Spell the whole word first, having
students repeat. Then spell the phonics sounds. Have students repeat.

Ask students to think about other words that have the phonics sounds they just learned. Some
possible answers include chase, say, and wrong. Have students share with the class or draw a
picture of their ideas.

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32 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

Write It
This exercise reinforces key concepts from the reading
passage while also providing additional writing practice for
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line,
instructing students to look at the pictures before they
choose words.
 Complete number 1 together as a class.
 Have students complete number 2 by themselves. Walk
around the class and check their work, helping if necessary.

 Ask students to think about games they like to play. Give
students a minute or two to think about the different
games they enjoy.
 Have students list out the games they like to play. Ask students why they like or dislike to play a
certain game.

Practice It
• Play track 49 twice. Have the students repeat each sentence played in the track. Play the track
multiple times to allow students the chance to understand what is being said.
• In this activity, students should listen to the speaker say a sentence. Then, have students put the
corresponding sticker next to the correct speaker.
• Stickers are provided at the end of the Work Book.

• Have student come up with one or two follow-up questions for the boy and girl in the activity. This
could be as simple as “How long have you been doing judo?” or “Why do you like to play golf?”

 Vocabulary Workbook 2: page 13, Unit 08
 Writing Workbook 2: pages 38-39

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33 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

Unit 09 She Is Washing. . .

 New words: spoon, pot, jug, cup
 Theme: Cleaning
 Sentence pattern:
She/He is washing a (noun).
Look at the (noun).
She cannot (verb) it now!
 Tense: Simple present

Warm Up
• Greet your students.
• Ask students to look at the pictures on pages 42-43. Ask
students questions about the pictures. Ask class to think
about what they will learn about in the unit.
• Have students look at the “New Words” section.
• Before reading the words to the students, ask them to look at the words and letters. Help the
students sound out the words slowly. Talk about any surprising letters or sounds in the words.

Before Reading
New Words
 Have students open their SBs to page 42-43. Direct their attention to the pictures along the left
side of the page.
 Introduce the New Words. Go through the list, pointing to and saying the words, then have
students repeat.
 Play Track 51 two times and have students repeat the third time. Practice the words a few more
times, calling on students individually or as a class.
 Have students look at the pictures. Ask them to match the pictures with the new words. Say the
words and have students repeat them again.
 Have students look for the new words within the story. Have students trace the word once as you
say it. Have them trace it again as they repeat the word.
 For additional practice, play Track 52. Have student listen and chant along with the recording.

Phonics Words
 This section works to engage students’ interest in the unit topic.
 As an introduction to new phonics concepts, this section provides an element of interaction with
the reading passage. Students should correctly put the ‘Phonics Words Stickers’ over the
• Phonics study points are colored red. The words wash and spoon contain the target sounds ‘sh’ in
wash and ‘oo’ in spoon. Those words are hidden in the illustration. Students will place the sticker
for each word over the illustration on the page. Have students repeat the words and its phonics
sound after the teacher.
• Stickers are provided at the end of the Work Book.

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34 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

Sight Words
 This section provides additional practice of select sight
 The words a and now are used throughout the reading.
 Ask students to find and point to the sight words in the
reading. Have students repeat each word after the teacher.

 Ask students to view the illustrations. Encourage students to
imitate the characters’ actions in the illustrations (ex. washing
 Have students look at the other illustrations in the story.
 Ask students follow-up questions about what they see.
 Activity 1: Ask students about the items being washed. Ask:
What are the children washing? What are these items used for?
 Activity 2: Ask students about the girl in panel 4. What has happened? How can the little girl clean
up the glass? (answer: ask a parent to help) Have you ever broken something? What happened?

Main Reading
 Play Track 53. Have students just listen the first and second time, looking at the pictures.
 Go through the story again, having students repeat each line.
 Optional: Have different students read one line individually, allowing different students the
opportunity to read a line.

 Read the passage aloud, stopping before the “new words” and having students say the “new word.”
 Assign students to work in groups of three or four to read the passage aloud, with each student
reading one word or sentence at a time.
 Play Track 54. Have students listen for the different sounds. Ask students to talk about sounds they
hear (ex. short o sound in ‘pot’ and ‘cannot’). Then, have them imitate what they heard.

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35 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

After Reading
Check It
This exercise checks students’ comprehension of the story
and reinforces the new words.
 Read the direction line for exercise 1. Instruct students to
check the correct answer and write it on the line. They
should use the pictures to help them.
 Have students complete exercise 1 alone or in pairs.
 Instruct students to continue to exercise 2.
 Have students complete exercise 2 alone or in pairs.
 Go through the answers as a class.

Talk about CLEANING.
 Remind students of the reading. Focus on how the
children help clean.
 Ask students to think about what they do to help clean
their home. Ask them to draw their ideas.
 Then, ask students to turn to a partner and discuss what how they help clean their home. Students
should consider how their partners’ answers differ from their own.
 Finally, ask student pairs to share their ideas with the class. Did many students draw the same
things they do to help clean?
 Optional: Create a chart which represents the classes different answers. Compare the things
students do to help their family clean their home.

Learn It
This listening exercise further reinforces the phonics for each unit.
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line, instructing students to circle the words they hear.
 Play track 6 twice. Have students circle the words they hear.
 Go through the answers as a class.
 Ask students to read only the red letter sounds, sh, oo, and up. Then have them read each word:
English, wash, spoon, moon, up and cup.
 Say the red letter sounds so students can hear each one. Say each word, emphasizing the red letter
sounds. Have students repeat each word and phonics sound.
 Ask students to cover the words and spell the red letter sounds. Spell the whole word first, having
students repeat. Then spell the phonics sounds. Have students repeat.

Ask students to think about other words that have the phonics sounds they just learned. Some
possible answers include fish, noon, and pup. Have students share with the class or draw a picture
of their ideas.

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36 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

Write It
This exercise reinforces key concepts from the reading
passage while also providing additional writing practice for
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line,
instructing students to look at the pictures before they
match the word.
 Complete number 1 together as a class.
 Have students complete number 2 by themselves. Walk
around the class and check their work, helping if necessary.

 Ask students to think about the different things that need
to be cleaned in a home. Give students a minute or two to
think about the different things that need to be cleaned.
 Have students list out the things that need to be cleaned in a home. Ask students to talk about how
they can clean carefully.

Practice It
• Play track 56 twice. Have the students repeat each sentence played in the track. Play the track
multiple times to allow students the chance to understand what is being said.
• In this activity, students should listen to the speaker say a sentence. Then, have students put the
corresponding sticker next to the correct speaker.
• Stickers are provided at the end of the Work Book.

• Have student come up with one or two follow-up questions for the boy and girl in the activity. This
could be as simple as “What do you like to put in the cup/jug?”

 Vocabulary Workbook 2: page 14, Unit 09
 Writing Workbook 2: pages 40-41

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37 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

Unit 10 How Many Parrots?

 New words: eagle, owl, swan, parrot
 Theme: Counting
 Sentence pattern:
Welcome to the park!
There are (number) (noun).
How many (noun) are there?
 Tense: Simple present (BE) & HOW MANY question

Warm Up
• Greet your students.
• Ask students to look at the pictures on pages 46-47. Ask
students questions about the pictures. Ask class to think
about what they will learn about in the unit.
• Have students look at the “New Words” section.
• Before reading the words to the students, ask them to look at the words and letters. Help the
students sound out the words slowly. Talk about any surprising letters or sounds in the words.

Before Reading
New Words
 Have students open their SBs to page 46-47. Direct their attention to the pictures along the left
side of the page.
 Introduce the New Words. Go through the list, pointing to and saying the words, then have
students repeat.
 Play Track 57 two times and have students repeat the third time. Practice the words a few more
times, calling on students individually or as a class.
 Have students look at the pictures. Ask them to match the pictures with the new words. Say the
words and have students repeat them again.
 Have students look for the new words within the story. Have students trace the word once as you
say it. Have them trace it again as they repeat the word.
 For additional practice, play Track 58. Have student listen and chant along with the recording.

Phonics Words
 This section works to engage students’ interest in the unit topic.
 As an introduction to new phonics concepts, this section provides an element of interaction with
the reading passage. Students should correctly put the ‘Phonics Words Stickers’ over the
• Phonics study points are colored red. The words eagle and five contain the target sounds ‘ea’ in
eagle and ‘i_e’ in five. Those words are hidden in the illustration. Students will place the sticker for
each word over the illustration on the page. Have students repeat the words and its phonics sound
after the teacher.
• Stickers are provided at the end of the Work Book.

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38 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

Sight Words
 This section provides additional practice of select sight
 The words how and there are used throughout the reading.
 Ask students to find and point to the sight words in the
reading. Have students repeat each word after the teacher.

 Ask students to view the illustrations. Encourage students
to imitate the characters’ actions in the illustrations (ex.
pointing at birds).
 Have students look at the other illustrations in the story.
 Ask students follow-up questions about what they see.
 Activity 1: Ask students about where the family is. Ask:
Where is the family? What kinds of animals are they looking at? Where can you see birds nearby?
Point to the window, indicating outside.
 Activity 2: Ask students about the girl in panel 6. What is on the girl’s shoulder? How does she
probably feel? Where is an interesting place you have gone with your family?

Main Reading
 Play Track 59. Have students just listen the first and second time, looking at the pictures.
 Go through the story again, having students repeat each line.
 Optional: Have different students read one line individually, allowing different students the
opportunity to read a line.

 Read the passage aloud, stopping before the “new words” and having students say the “new word.”
 Assign students to work in groups of three or four to read the passage aloud, with each student
reading one word or sentence at a time.
 Play Track 60. Have students listen for the different sounds. Ask students to talk about sounds they
hear (ex. sw sound in ‘swan’ or ow sound in ‘owls’). Then, have them imitate what they heard.

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39 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

After Reading
Check It
This exercise checks students’ comprehension of the story
and reinforces the new words.
 Read the direction line for exercise 1. Instruct students to
check the correct answer and write it on the line. They
should use the pictures to help them.
 Have students complete exercise 1 alone or in pairs.
 Instruct students to continue to exercise 2.
 Have students complete exercise 2 alone or in pairs.
 Go through the answers as a class.

Talk about COUNTING.
 Remind students of the reading. Focus on the animals
that the children count in the story.
 Ask students to think about where they can see a lot of
different animals. Ask them to draw their ideas.
 Then, ask students to turn to a partner and discuss where they can see many different animals.
Students should consider how their partners’ ideas differ from their own.
 Finally, ask student pairs to share their ideas with the class. What places did students come up with?
 Optional: Create a chart which represents the classes different answers. Compare the places
students came up with. Ask students to talk about how many of certain animals live in the places
they came up with.

Learn It
This listening exercise further reinforces the phonics for each unit.
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line, instructing students to circle the words they hear.
 Play track 6 twice. Have students circle the words they hear.
 Go through the answers as a class.
 Ask students to read only the red letter sounds, ea, ar, and i_e. Then have them read each word:
eagle, eat, farm, park, like, and five.
 Say the red letter sounds so students can hear each one. Say each word, emphasizing the red letter
sounds. Have students repeat each word and phonics sound.
 Ask students to cover the words and spell the red letter sounds. Spell the whole word first, having
students repeat. Then spell the phonics sounds. Have students repeat.

Ask students to think about other words that have the phonics sounds they just learned. Some
possible answers include east, barn, and hike. Have students share with the class or draw a picture
of their ideas.

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40 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

Write It
This exercise reinforces key concepts from the reading
passage while also providing additional writing practice for
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line,
instructing students to look at the pictures before they
choose words.
 Complete number 1 together as a class.
 Have students complete number 2 by themselves. Walk
around the class and check their work, helping if necessary.

 Ask students to think about how many birds they saw in
the morning. Give students a minute or two to think about
how many birds they saw on their way to school.
 Have students draw the type of bird they saw most often. Ask students to predict how many more
birds they will see on their way home.

Practice It
• Play track 62 twice. Have the students repeat each sentence played in the track. Play the track
multiple times to allow students the chance to understand what is being said.
• In this activity, students should listen to the speaker say a sentence. Then, have students put the
corresponding sticker next to the correct speaker.
• Stickers are provided at the end of the Work Book.

• Have student come up with one or two follow-up questions for the boy and girl in the activity. This
could be as simple as “Where can you see swans?” or “When are owls awake or asleep?”

 Vocabulary Workbook 2: page 15, Unit 10
 Writing Workbook 2: pages 42-43

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41 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

Unit 11 Where Is It?

 New words: rug, TV, lamp, desk
 Theme: Furniture
 Sentence pattern:
Where is the (noun)?
It is on the (age).
 Tense: Simple present (BE) & WHERE question

Warm Up
• Greet your students.
• Ask students to look at the pictures on pages 50-51. Ask
students questions about the pictures. Ask class to think
about what they will learn about in the unit.
• Have students look at the “New Words” section.
• Before reading the words to the students, ask them to look at the words and letters. Help the
students sound out the words slowly. Talk about any surprising letters or sounds in the words.

Before Reading
New Words
 Have students open their SBs to page 50-51. Direct their attention to the pictures along the left
side of the page.
 Introduce the New Words. Go through the list, pointing to and saying the words, then have
students repeat.
 Play Track 63 two times and have students repeat the third time. Practice the words a few more
times, calling on students individually or as a class.
 Have students look at the pictures. Ask them to match the pictures with the new words. Say the
words and have students repeat them again.
 Have students look for the new words within the story. Have students trace the word once as you
say it. Have them trace it again as they repeat the word.
 For additional practice, play Track 64. Have student listen and chant along with the recording.

Phonics Words
 This section works to engage students’ interest in the unit topic.
 As an introduction to new phonics concepts, this section provides an element of interaction with
the reading passage. Students should correctly put the ‘Phonics Words Stickers’ over the
• Phonics study points are colored red. The words floor and lamp contain the target sounds ‘fl’ in
floor and ‘lamp’ in lamp. Those words are hidden in the illustration. Students will place the sticker
for each word over the illustration on the page. Have students repeat the words and its phonics
sound after the teacher.
• Stickers are provided at the end of the Work Book.

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42 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

Sight Words
 This section provides additional practice of select sight
 The words is and it are used throughout the reading.
 Ask students to find and point to the sight words in the
reading. Have students repeat each word after the teacher.

 Ask students to view the illustrations. Encourage students
to imitate the characters’ actions in the illustrations (ex. arms
crossed on page 50).
 Have students look at the other illustrations in the story.
 Ask students follow-up questions about what they see.
 Activity 1: Ask students about the items on the shelves on
page 50. Ask: What does the boy have on his shelves? Where can you see books in our classroom?
Point to the area where books are located.
 Activity 2: Ask students about the other items in the boy’s room. What pictures are on the boy’s
rug? Why does the boy have a lamp on the desk? Where do you like to study at home?

Main Reading
 Play Track 65. Have students just listen the first and second time, looking at the pictures.
 Go through the story again, having students repeat each line.
 Optional: Have different students read one line individually, allowing different students the
opportunity to read a line.

 Read the passage aloud, stopping before the “new words” and having students say the “new word.”
 Assign students to work in groups of three or four to read the passage aloud, with each student
reading one word or sentence at a time.
 Play Track 66. Have students listen for the different sounds. Ask students to talk about sounds they
hear (ex. short u sound in ‘rug’ or long a sound in ‘table’). Then, have them imitate what they

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43 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

After Reading
Check It
This exercise checks students’ comprehension of the story
and reinforces the new words.
 Read the direction line for exercise 1. Instruct students to
check the correct answer and write it on the line. They
should use the pictures to help them.
 Have students complete exercise 1 alone or in pairs.
 Instruct students to continue to exercise 2.
 Have students complete exercise 2 alone or in pairs.
 Go through the answers as a class.

Talk about FURNITURE.
 Remind students of the reading. Focus on furniture in the
boy’s room.
 Ask students to think about what kinds of furniture they
have in their rooms or homes. Ask them to draw their
 Then, ask students to turn to a partner and discuss what kinds of furniture they have in their
bedroom or homes. Students should consider how their partners’ drawings differ from their own.
 Finally, ask student pairs to share their ideas with the class. Did many students draw the same
 Optional: Create a chart which represents the classes different answers. Compare the furniture
students drew.

Learn It
This listening exercise further reinforces the phonics for each unit.
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line, instructing students to circle the words they hear.
 Play track 6 twice. Have students circle the words they hear.
 Go through the answers as a class.
 Ask students to read only the red letter sounds, mp, sk, and fl. Then have them read each word:
lamp, stamp, ask, desk, flag, and floor.
 Say the red letter sounds so students can hear each one. Say each word, emphasizing the red letter
sounds. Have students repeat each word and phonics sound.
 Ask students to cover the words and spell the red letter sounds. Spell the whole word first, having
students repeat. Then spell the phonics sounds. Have students repeat.

Ask students to think about other words that have the phonics sounds they just learned. Some
possible answers include ramp, task, and flame. Have students share with the class or draw a
picture of their ideas.

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44 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

Write It
This exercise reinforces key concepts from the reading
passage while also providing additional writing practice for
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line,
instructing students to look at the pictures before they
match the word.
 Complete number 1 together as a class.
 Have students complete number 2 by themselves. Walk
around the class and check their work, helping if necessary.

 Ask students to think about the different rooms in a
house and the furniture that generally goes in them. Give
students a minute or two to think about the different
furniture for different rooms.
 Have students list out the rooms and furniture that they think should go in those rooms. Ask
students to put a star next to furniture that can go in more than one room.

Practice It
• Play track 68 twice. Have the students repeat each sentence played in the track. Play the track
multiple times to allow students the chance to understand what is being said.
• In this activity, students should listen to the speaker say a sentence. Then, have students put the
corresponding sticker next to the correct speaker.
• Stickers are provided at the end of the Work Book.

• Have student come up with one or two follow-up questions for the boy and girl in the activity. This
could be as simple as “Why is the rug there?” or “What do you do at the desk?”

 Vocabulary Workbook 2: page 16, Unit 11
 Writing Workbook 2: pages 44-45

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45 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

Unit 12 Fun at the Farm!

 New words: duck, cow, pig, hen
 Theme: Farming
 Sentence pattern:
(Person) like/likes the (noun).
 Tense: Simple present

Warm Up
• Greet your students.
• Ask students to look at the pictures on pages 54-55. Ask
students questions about the pictures. Ask class to think
about what they will learn about in the unit.
• Have students look at the “New Words” section.
• Before reading the words to the students, ask them to look at the words and letters. Help the
students sound out the words slowly. Talk about any surprising letters or sounds in the words.

Before Reading
New Words
 Have students open their SBs to page 54-55. Direct their attention to the pictures along the left
side of the page.
 Introduce the New Words. Go through the list, pointing to and saying the words, then have
students repeat.
 Play Track 69 two times and have students repeat the third time. Practice the words a few more
times, calling on students individually or as a class.
 Have students look at the pictures. Ask them to match the pictures with the new words. Say the
words and have students repeat them again.
 Have students look for the new words within the story. Have students trace the word once as you
say it. Have them trace it again as they repeat the word.
 For additional practice, play Track 70. Have student listen and chant along with the recording.

Phonics Words
 This section works to engage students’ interest in the unit topic.
 As an introduction to new phonics concepts, this section provides an element of interaction with
the reading passage. Students should correctly put the ‘Phonics Words Stickers’ over the
• Phonics study points are colored red. The words farm and pig contain the target sounds ‘ar’ in farm
and ‘ig’ in pig. Those words are hidden in the illustration. Students will place the sticker for each
word over the illustration on the page. Have students repeat the words and its phonics sound after

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46 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

the teacher.
• Stickers are provided at the end of the Work Book.

Sight Words
 This section provides additional practice of select sight
 The words they and likes are used throughout the reading.
 Ask students to find and point to the sight words in the
reading. Have students repeat each word after the teacher.

 Ask students to view the illustrations. Encourage students to
imitate the characters’ actions in the illustrations (ex. washing
the pig in panel 4).
 Have students look at the other illustrations in the story.
 Ask students follow-up questions about what they see.
 Activity 1: Ask students about the farm. Ask: What do the
farmers get from the animals? Where can you buy the milk and eggs from the cows and chickens?
 Activity 2: Ask students about the boy in panels 5 and 6. What is Leo holding? Why does Leo run
away? When was a time you were frightened by an animal. What happened?

Main Reading
 Play Track 71. Have students just listen the first and second time, looking at the pictures.
 Go through the story again, having students repeat each line.
 Optional: Have different students read one line individually, allowing different students the
opportunity to read a line.

 Read the passage aloud, stopping before the “new words” and having students say the “new word.”
 Assign students to work in groups of three or four to read the passage aloud, with each student
reading one word or sentence at a time.
 Play Track 72. Have students listen for the different sounds. Ask students to talk about sounds they
hear (ex. long i sound in ‘likes’ or ck sound in ‘ducks’). Then, have them imitate what they heard.

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47 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

After Reading
Check It
This exercise checks students’ comprehension of the story
and reinforces the new words.
 Read the direction line for exercise 1. Instruct students
to check the correct answer and write it on the line.
They should use the pictures to help them.
 Have students complete exercise 1 alone or in pairs.
 Instruct students to continue to exercise 2.
 Have students complete exercise 2 alone or in pairs.
 Go through the answers as a class.

Talk about FARMING.
 Remind students of the reading. Focus on the animals
the children see at the farm.
 Ask students to think about what animals they expect to
see at a farm. Ask them to draw their ideas.
 Then, ask students to turn to a partner and discuss what kinds of animals are found on a farm.
Students should consider how their partners’ drawings differ from their own.
 Finally, ask student pairs to share their ideas with the class. Did many students draw the same
animals? What were the differences?
 Optional: Create a chart which represents the classes different answers. Compare the different
animals students think belong on a farm. Ask students to explain their reasons.

Learn It
This listening exercise further reinforces the phonics for each unit.
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line, instructing students to circle the words they hear.
 Play track 6 twice. Have students circle the words they hear.
 Go through the answers as a class.
 Ask students to read only the red letter sounds, ar, i_e, and ig. Then have them read each word:
farm, barn, five, like, wig, and pig.
 Say the red letter sounds so students can hear each one. Say each word, emphasizing the red letter
sounds. Have students repeat each word and phonics sound.
 Ask students to cover the words and spell the red letter sounds. Spell the whole word first, having
students repeat. Then spell the phonics sounds. Have students repeat.

Ask students to think about other words that have the phonics sounds they just learned. Some
possible answers include yarn, nine, and big. Have students share with the class or draw a picture
of their ideas.

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48 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

Write It
This exercise reinforces key concepts from the reading
passage while also providing additional writing practice for
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line,
instructing students to look at the pictures before they
match the word.
 Complete number 1 together as a class.
 Have students complete number 2 by themselves. Walk
around the class and check their work, helping if necessary.

 Ask students to think about the different kinds of farm
animals they know of. Give students a minute or two to
think about the different farm animals.
 Have students write which animals they like and which ones they don’t like. Ask students to give
reasons for their opinions.

Practice It
• Play track 74 twice. Have the students repeat each sentence played in the track. Play the track
multiple times to allow students the chance to understand what is being said.
• In this activity, students should listen to the speaker say a sentence. Then, have students put the
corresponding sticker next to the correct speaker.
• Stickers are provided at the end of the Work Book.

• Have student come up with one or two follow-up questions for the boy and girl in the activity. This
could be as simple as “Why do you like the ducks/cows?”

 Vocabulary Workbook 2: page 17, Unit 12
 Writing Workbook 2: pages 46-47

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49 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

Unit 13 The Wall

 New words: moon, star, comet, cloud
 Theme: Space
 Sentence pattern:
Do you want a (noun)?
Yes, I do.
 Tense: Simple present & DO question

Warm Up
• Greet your students.
• Ask students to look at the pictures on pages 58-59. Ask
students questions about the pictures. Ask class to think
about what they will learn about in the unit.
• Have students look at the “New Words” section.
• Before reading the words to the students, ask them to look at the words and letters. Help the
students sound out the words slowly. Talk about any surprising letters or sounds in the words.

Before Reading
New Words
 Have students open their SBs to page 58-59. Direct their attention to the pictures along the left
side of the page.
 Introduce the New Words. Go through the list, pointing to and saying the words, then have
students repeat.
 Play Track 75 two times and have students repeat the third time. Practice the words a few more
times, calling on students individually or as a class.
 Have students look at the pictures. Ask them to match the pictures with the new words. Say the
words and have students repeat them again.
 Have students look for the new words within the story. Have students trace the word once as you
say it. Have them trace it again as they repeat the word.
 For additional practice, play Track 76. Have student listen and chant along with the recording.

Phonics Words
 This section works to engage students’ interest in the unit topic.
 As an introduction to new phonics concepts, this section provides an element of interaction with
the reading passage. Students should correctly put the ‘Phonics Words Stickers’ over the
• Phonics study points are colored red. The words moon and comet contain the target sounds ‘oo’ in
moon and ‘et’ in comet. Those words are hidden in the illustration. Students will place the sticker
for each word over the illustration on the page. Have students repeat the words and its phonics
sound after the teacher.
• Stickers are provided at the end of the Work Book.

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50 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

Sight Words
 This section provides additional practice of select sight
 The words do and want are used throughout the reading.
 Ask students to find and point to the sight words in the
reading. Have students repeat each word after the teacher.

 Ask students to view the illustrations. Encourage students
to imitate the characters’ actions in the illustrations (ex.
laughing and pointing in panel 4).
 Have students look at the other illustrations in the story.
 Ask students follow-up questions about what they see.
 Activity 1: Ask students about the items the girls are
cutting out. Ask: What are the girls are making? Where can you see these things?
 Activity 2: Ask students about the picture in panel 3. What is the bigger girl holding? When can you
see a comet outside? What do you like to look at in the night sky?

Main Reading
 Play Track 77. Have students just listen the first and second time, looking at the pictures.
 Go through the story again, having students repeat each line.
 Optional: Have different students read one line individually, allowing different students the
opportunity to read a line.

 Read the passage aloud, stopping before the “new words” and having students say the “new word.”
 Assign students to work in groups of three or four to read the passage aloud, with each student
reading one word or sentence at a time.
 Play Track 78. Have students listen for the different sounds. Ask students to talk about sounds they
hear (ex. ow sound in ‘cloud’ or st sound in ‘star’). Then, have them imitate what they heard.

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51 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

After Reading
Check It
This exercise checks students’ comprehension of the story
and reinforces the new words.
 Read the direction line for exercise 1. Instruct students to
check the correct answer and write it on the line. They
should use the pictures to help them.
 Have students complete exercise 1 alone or in pairs.
 Instruct students to continue to exercise 2.
 Have students complete exercise 2 alone or in pairs.
 Go through the answers as a class.

Talk about SPACE.
 Remind students of the reading. Focus on the items the
girls are cutting out and putting on their wall.
 Ask students to think about what is different between day
time and night time.
 Then, ask students to turn to a partner and discuss what they think makes day and night different.
Students should consider how their partners’ drawings differ from their own.
 Finally, ask student pairs to share their ideas with the class. Did many students draw the same
things for the same times of day?
 Optional: Create a chart which represents the classes different answers. Compare the things
students see during the day and what they see at night.

Learn It
This listening exercise further reinforces the phonics for each unit.
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line, instructing students to circle the words they hear.
 Play track 6 twice. Have students circle the words they hear.
 Go through the answers as a class.
 Ask students to read only the red letter sounds, et, oo, and all. Then have them read each word:
comet, vet, food, moon, wall, and tall.
 Say the red letter sounds so students can hear each one. Say each word, emphasizing the red letter
sounds. Have students repeat each word and phonics sound.
 Ask students to cover the words and spell the red letter sounds. Spell the whole word first, having
students repeat. Then spell the phonics sounds. Have students repeat.

Ask students to think about other words that have the phonics sounds they just learned. Some
possible answers include diet, doom, and ball. Have students share with the class or draw a picture
of their ideas.

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52 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

Write It
This exercise reinforces key concepts from the reading
passage while also providing additional writing practice for
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line,
instructing students to look at the pictures before they
match the word.
 Complete number 1 together as a class.
 Have students complete number 2 by themselves. Walk
around the class and check their work, helping if necessary.

 Ask students to think about what they know about space.
Give students a minute or two to think about the different
things they know about space.
 Have students write questions they have about space. Ask students to think about how they might
find answers. Allow students to research their questions if possible.

Practice It
• Play track 80 twice. Have the students repeat each sentence played in the track. Play the track
multiple times to allow students the chance to understand what is being said.
• In this activity, students should listen to the speaker say a sentence. Then, have students put the
corresponding sticker next to the correct speaker.
• Stickers are provided at the end of the Work Book.

• Have student come up with one or two follow-up questions for the boy and girl in the activity. This
could be as simple as “What makes a comet / the moon special?”

 Vocabulary Workbook 2: page 18, Unit 13
 Writing Workbook 2: pages 48-49

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53 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

Unit 14 I Like the Yak!

 New words: deer, ram, ox, yak
 Theme: Petting Zoo
 Sentence pattern:
What (noun) do you like?
I like the (noun).
 Tense: Simple present & WHAT question

Warm Up
• Greet your students.
• Ask students to look at the pictures on pages 62-63. Ask
students questions about the pictures. Ask class to think
about what they will learn about in the unit.
• Have students look at the “New Words” section.
• Before reading the words to the students, ask them to look at the words and letters. Help the
students sound out the words slowly. Talk about any surprising letters or sounds in the words.

Before Reading
New Words
 Have students open their SBs to page 62-63. Direct their attention to the pictures along the left
side of the page.
 Introduce the New Words. Go through the list, pointing to and saying the words, then have
students repeat.
 Play Track 81 two times and have students repeat the third time. Practice the words a few more
times, calling on students individually or as a class.
 Have students look at the pictures. Ask them to match the pictures with the new words. Say the
words and have students repeat them again.
 Have students look for the new words within the story. Have students trace the word once as you
say it. Have them trace it again as they repeat the word.
 For additional practice, play Track 82. Have student listen and chant along with the recording.

Phonics Words
 This section works to engage students’ interest in the unit topic.
 As an introduction to new phonics concepts, this section provides an element of interaction with
the reading passage. Students should correctly put the ‘Phonics Words Stickers’ over the
• Phonics study points are colored red. The words six and ten contain the target sounds ‘eer’ in deer
and ‘am’ in ram. Those words are hidden in the illustration. Students will place the sticker for each
word over the illustration on the page. Have students repeat the words and its phonics sound after
the teacher.
• Stickers are provided at the end of the Work Book.

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54 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

Sight Words
 This section provides additional practice of select sight
 The words the and what are used throughout the reading.
 Ask students to find and point to the sight words in the
reading. Have students repeat each word after the teacher.

 Ask students to view the illustrations. Encourage students to
imitate the characters’ actions in the illustrations (ex. pulling
rope or petting animal).
 Have students look at the other illustrations in the story.
 Ask students follow-up questions about what they see.
 Activity 1: Ask students about the animals they see. Ask:
What kind of animals in in the zoo park? Where can you see these kinds of animals in our city?
 Activity 2: Ask students about the petting zoo. What is the boy pulling the rope trying to do?
Where do yaks come from? What is your favorite zoo animal?

Main Reading
 Play Track 83. Have students just listen the first and second time, looking at the pictures.
 Go through the story again, having students repeat each line.
 Optional: Have different students read one line individually, allowing different students the
opportunity to read a line.

 Read the passage aloud, stopping before the “new words” and having students say the “new word.”
 Assign students to work in groups of three or four to read the passage aloud, with each student
reading one word or sentence at a time.
 Play Track 84. Have students listen for the different sounds. Ask students to talk about sounds they
hear (ex. ox sound in ‘ox’ or ak sound in ‘yak’). Then, have them imitate what they heard.

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55 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

After Reading
Check It
This exercise checks students’ comprehension of the story
and reinforces the new words.
 Read the direction line for exercise 1. Instruct students to
check the correct answer and write it on the line. They
should use the pictures to help them.
 Have students complete exercise 1 alone or in pairs.
 Instruct students to continue to exercise 2.
 Have students complete exercise 2 alone or in pairs.
 Go through the answers as a class.

Talk about PETTING ZOO.
 Remind students of the reading. Focus on the kind of zoo
the children are visiting.
 Ask students to think about where they are able to see
wild / large animals. Ask them to draw their ideas.
 Then, ask students to turn to a partner and the places at which they can see wild or large animals.
Students should consider how their partners’ ideas differ from their own.
 Finally, ask student pairs to share their ideas with the class. Did many students draw the same
place to see wild animals?
 Optional: Create a chart which represents the classes different answers. Compare the places
students have seen wild animals.

Learn It
This listening exercise further reinforces the phonics for each unit.
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line, instructing students to circle the words they hear.
 Play track 6 twice. Have students circle the words they hear.
 Go through the answers as a class.
 Ask students to read only the red letter sounds, ox, am, and eer. Then have them read each word:
six, mix, ten, hen, cold, and old.
 Say the red letter sounds so students can hear each one. Say each word, emphasizing the red letter
sounds. Have students repeat each word and phonics sound.
 Ask students to cover the words and spell the red letter sounds. Spell the whole word first, having
students repeat. Then spell the phonics sounds. Have students repeat.

Ask students to think about other words that have the phonics sounds they just learned. Some
possible answers include box, ham, and sheer. Have students share with the class or draw a picture
of their ideas.

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56 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

Write It
This exercise reinforces key concepts from the reading
passage while also providing additional writing practice for
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line,
instructing students to look at the pictures before they
match the word.
 Complete number 1 together as a class.
 Have students complete number 2 by themselves. Walk
around the class and check their work, helping if necessary.

 Ask students to think about people that help animals.
Give students a minute or two to think about the different
people who help animals as a job.
 Have students list out the jobs people can do if they want to work with animals. Ask students to
think about how those people learn to help animals.

Practice It
• Play track 86 twice. Have the students repeat each sentence played in the track. Play the track
multiple times to allow students the chance to understand what is being said.
• In this activity, students should listen to the speaker say a sentence. Then, have students put the
corresponding sticker next to the correct speaker.
• Stickers are provided at the end of the Work Book.

• Have student come up with one or two follow-up questions for the boy and girl in the activity. This
could be as simple as “Why do you like the deer / ox?”

 Vocabulary Workbook 2: page 19, Unit 14
 Writing Workbook 2: pages 50-51

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57 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

Unit 15 Today Is Saturday!

 New words: Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
 Theme: Days of the Week
 Sentence pattern:
Today is (day).
Let’s go to (place).
 Tense: Simple present

Warm Up
• Greet your students.
• Ask students to look at the pictures on pages 66-67. Ask
students questions about the pictures. Ask class to think
about what they will learn about in the unit.
• Have students look at the “New Words” section.
• Before reading the words to the students, ask them to look at the words and letters. Help the
students sound out the words slowly. Talk about any surprising letters or sounds in the words.

Before Reading
New Words
 Have students open their SBs to page 66-67. Direct their attention to the pictures along the left
side of the page.
 Introduce the New Words. Go through the list, pointing to and saying the words, then have
students repeat.
 Play Track 87 two times and have students repeat the third time. Practice the words a few more
times, calling on students individually or as a class.
 Have students look at the pictures. Ask them to match the pictures with the new words. Say the
words and have students repeat them again.
 Have students look for the new words within the story. Have students trace the word once as you
say it. Have them trace it again as they repeat the word.
 For additional practice, play Track 88. Have student listen and chant along with the recording.

Phonics Words
 This section works to engage students’ interest in the unit topic.
 As an introduction to new phonics concepts, this section provides an element of interaction with
the reading passage. Students should correctly put the ‘Phonics Words Stickers’ over the
• Phonics study points are colored red. The words English and Friday contain the target sounds ‘sh’ in
English and ‘fr’ in Friday. Those words are hidden in the illustration. Students will place the sticker
for each word over the illustration on the page. Have students repeat the words and its phonics
sound after the teacher.
• Stickers are provided at the end of the Work Book.

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58 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

Sight Words
 This section provides additional practice of select sight
 The words today and to are used throughout the reading.
 Ask students to find and point to the sight words in the
reading. Have students repeat each word after the teacher.

 Ask students to view the illustrations. Encourage students
to imitate the characters’ actions in the illustrations (ex.
rushing off to school or class).
 Have students look at the other illustrations in the story.
 Ask students follow-up questions about what they see.
 Activity 1: Ask students about the children in panel 3. Ask:
Where are the children in this picture? Where do you like to have parties? Why is that place special?
 Activity 2: Ask students about the children in panel 4. What are the children doing in this picture?
Where can you read books at school? Where do you like to read at home?

Main Reading
 Play Track 89. Have students just listen the first and second time, looking at the pictures.
 Go through the story again, having students repeat each line.
 Optional: Have different students read one line individually, allowing different students the
opportunity to read a line.

 Read the passage aloud, stopping before the “new words” and having students say the “new word.”
 Assign students to work in groups of three or four to read the passage aloud, with each student
reading one word or sentence at a time.
 Play Track 90. Have students listen for the different sounds. Ask students to talk about sounds they
hear (ex. oo sound in ‘school’ ax sound in ‘relax’). Then, have them imitate what they heard.

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59 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

After Reading
Check It
This exercise checks students’ comprehension of the story
and reinforces the new words.
 Read the direction line for exercise 1. Instruct students to
check the correct answer and write it on the line. They
should use the pictures to help them.
 Have students complete exercise 1 alone or in pairs.
 Instruct students to continue to exercise 2.
 Have students complete exercise 2 alone or in pairs.
 Go through the answers as a class.

Talk about DAYS OF THE WEEK.
 Remind students of the reading. Focus on the things the
children in the story do each day.
 Ask students to think about what they do on the days
mentioned in the story. Ask them to draw their ideas.
 Then, ask students to turn to a partner and discuss what they do on Monday, Thursday, Friday, and
Saturday. Students should consider how their partners’ drawings differ from their own.
 Finally, ask student pairs to share their ideas with the class. Did many students draw the same
things for the same days?
 Optional: Create a chart which represents the classes different answers. Compare the things
students like to do on each of the days mentioned in the story.

Learn It
This listening exercise further reinforces the phonics for each unit.
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line, instructing students to circle the words they hear.
 Play track 6 twice. Have students circle the words they hear.
 Go through the answers as a class.
 Ask students to read only the red letter sounds, ar, fr, and sh. Then have them read each word:
park, party, Friday, France, wash, and English.
 Say the red letter sounds so students can hear each one. Say each word, emphasizing the red letter
sounds. Have students repeat each word and phonics sound.
 Ask students to cover the words and spell the red letter sounds. Spell the whole word first, having
students repeat. Then spell the phonics sounds. Have students repeat.

Ask students to think about other words that have the phonics sounds they just learned. Some
possible answers include barn, fresh, and wish. Have students share with the class or draw a
picture of their ideas.

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60 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

Write It
This exercise reinforces key concepts from the reading
passage while also providing additional writing practice for
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line,
instructing students to look at the pictures before they
match the word.
 Complete number 1 together as a class.
 Have students complete number 2 by themselves. Walk
around the class and check their work, helping if necessary.

 Ask students to think about what they do on the other
days of the week. Give students a minute or two to think
about the different things they do on Tuesday, Wednesday,
and Sunday.
 Have students create a calendar on which to write the things they do each day of the week.

Practice It
• Play track 92 twice. Have the students repeat each sentence played in the track. Play the track
multiple times to allow students the chance to understand what is being said.
• In this activity, students should listen to the speaker say a sentence. Then, have students put the
corresponding sticker next to the correct speaker.
• Stickers are provided at the end of the Work Book.

• Have student come up with one or two follow-up questions for the boy and girl in the activity. This
could be as simple as “How do you like to relax?” or “What do you learn in school?”

 Vocabulary Workbook 2: page 20, Unit 15
 Writing Workbook 2: pages 52-53

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61 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

Unit 16 Superboy! Supergirl!

 New words: t-shirt, vest, coat, cape
 Theme: Dressing for Weather
 Sentence pattern:
How is the weather?
It is (adjective).
Put on your (noun).
 Tense: Simple present

Warm Up
• Greet your students.
• Ask students to look at the pictures on pages 70-71. Ask
students questions about the pictures. Ask class to think
about what they will learn about in the unit.
• Have students look at the “New Words” section.
• Before reading the words to the students, ask them to look at the words and letters. Help the
students sound out the words slowly. Talk about any surprising letters or sounds in the words.

Before Reading
New Words
 Have students open their SBs to page 70-71. Direct their attention to the pictures along the left
side of the page.
 Introduce the New Words. Go through the list, pointing to and saying the words, then have
students repeat.
 Play Track 93 two times and have students repeat the third time. Practice the words a few more
times, calling on students individually or as a class.
 Have students look at the pictures. Ask them to match the pictures with the new words. Say the
words and have students repeat them again.
 Have students look for the new words within the story. Have students trace the word once as you
say it. Have them trace it again as they repeat the word.
 For additional practice, play Track 94. Have student listen and chant along with the recording.

Phonics Words
 This section works to engage students’ interest in the unit topic.
 As an introduction to new phonics concepts, this section provides an element of interaction with
the reading passage. Students should correctly put the ‘Phonics Words Stickers’ over the
• Phonics study points are colored red. The words t-shirt and cape contain the target sounds ‘ir’ in t-
shirt and ‘a_e’ in cape. Those words are hidden in the illustration. Students will place the sticker for
each word over the illustration on the page. Have students repeat the words and its phonics sound
after the teacher.
• Stickers are provided at the end of the Work Book.

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62 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

Sight Words
 This section provides additional practice of select sight
 The words put and cold are used throughout the reading.
 Ask students to find and point to the sight words in the
reading. Have students repeat each word after the teacher.

 Ask students to view the illustrations. Encourage students
to imitate the characters’ actions in the illustrations (ex. firing
a laser).
 Have students look at the other illustrations in the story.
 Ask students follow-up questions about what they see.
 Activity 1: Ask students about the children in the picture.
Ask: What are the children wearing? Where do they imagine they are?
 Activity 2: Ask students about the mother. What is the mother holding? What is she probably
thinking? What do you like to pretend?

Main Reading
 Play Track 95. Have students just listen the first and second time, looking at the pictures.
 Go through the story again, having students repeat each line.
 Optional: Have different students read one line individually, allowing different students the
opportunity to read a line.

 Read the passage aloud, stopping before the “new words” and having students say the “new word.”
 Assign students to work in groups of three or four to read the passage aloud, with each student
reading one word or sentence at a time.
 Play Track 96. Have students listen for the different sounds. Ask students to talk about sounds they
hear (ex. oh sound in ‘cold’ and ‘coat’). Then, have them imitate what they heard.

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63 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

After Reading
Check It
This exercise checks students’ comprehension of the story
and reinforces the new words.
 Read the direction line for exercise 1. Instruct students to
check the correct answer and write it on the line. They
should use the pictures to help them.
 Have students complete exercise 1 alone or in pairs.
 Instruct students to continue to exercise 2.
 Have students complete exercise 2 alone or in pairs.
 Go through the answers as a class.

 Remind students of the reading. Focus on the type of
weather the children dress for.
 Ask students to think about what they would wear on a
sunny or cold day. Ask them to draw their ideas.
 Then, ask students to turn to a partner and discuss what they wear when the weather is warm or
cool. Students should consider how their partners’ drawings differ from their own.
 Finally, ask student pairs to share their ideas with the class. Did many students draw the same
things for the same type of weather?
 Optional: Create a chart which represents the classes different answers. Compare the things
students wear on sunny days and cold days.

Learn It
This listening exercise further reinforces the phonics for each unit.
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line, instructing students to circle the words they hear.
 Play track 6 twice. Have students circle the words they hear.
 Go through the answers as a class.
 Ask students to read only the red letter sounds, ld, a_e, and ir. Then have them read each word:
old, cold, bake, cape, t-shirt, and thirty.
 Say the red letter sounds so students can hear each one. Say each word, emphasizing the red letter
sounds. Have students repeat each word and phonics sound.
 Ask students to cover the words and spell the red letter sounds. Spell the whole word first, having
students repeat. Then spell the phonics sounds. Have students repeat.

Ask students to think about other words that have the phonics sounds they just learned. Some
possible answers include bold, take, and thirsty. Have students share with the class or draw a
picture of their ideas.

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64 Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2

Write It
This exercise reinforces key concepts from the reading
passage while also providing additional writing practice for
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line,
instructing students to look at the pictures before they
match the word.
 Complete number 1 together as a class.
 Have students complete number 2 by themselves. Walk
around the class and check their work, helping if necessary.

 Ask students to think about the weather at different
times of the year. Give students a minute or two to think
about what they wear during the year.
 Have students write out the clothes they wear during each of the four seasons. Ask students to
label each season with an adjective to describe the weather (cold, warm, sunny, etc.)

Practice It
• Play track 98 twice. Have the students repeat each sentence played in the track. Play the track
multiple times to allow students the chance to understand what is being said.
• In this activity, students should listen to the speaker say a sentence. Then, have students put the
corresponding sticker next to the correct speaker.
• Stickers are provided at the end of the Work Book.

• Have student come up with one or two follow-up questions for the boy and girl in the activity. This
could be as simple as “What color is your vest / t-shirt?”

 Vocabulary Workbook 2: page 21, Unit 16
 Writing Workbook 2: pages 54-55

Basic Reading 200 Key Words 2 | Teacher’s Guide

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