RCampbell 2020 W2
RCampbell 2020 W2
RCampbell 2020 W2
Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement 2020 OMB No. 1545-0008 Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service
Control number Employer identification number COPY C For Employee's Records (See Notice to Employee on back of
2384917632 59-6000344 Copy B)
Employer's name, address and zip code Employee's SSN 1 Wages, tips, other compensation 2 Federal income tax withheld
City of Jacksonville XXX-XX-8662 113695.03 20710.58
117 West Duval Street 7 Social security tips 3 Social security wages 4 Social security tax withheld
Suite 375
Jacksonville FL 32202
8 Allocated tips 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheld
119428.20 1731.71
Employee's first name and init Last Name Suffix
9 10 Dependent care benefits 11 Nonqualified plans
Robert C Campbell
4480 Bay Harbour Dr 12a C | 6.72 14 Other
Jacksonville FL 32225 13 Statutory Employee
Pens 5733.17
12b |
Retirement Plan
12c |
Third-party sick pay
Employee's address and ZIP code 12d |
15 State Employer's State ID number 16 State wages, tips etc. 17 State income tax 18 Local wages, tips etc. 19 Local income tax 20 Locality name
This information is being furnished to the Internal Revenue Service. If you are required to file a tax return, a negligence penalty or other sanction may be imposed on you if this income is taxable and you fail to report it.
Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement 2020 OMB No. 1545-0008 Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service
Control number Employer identification number Copy 1 To Be Filed With Employee's State, City, or Local Income Tax
2384917632 59-6000344 Return
Employer's name, address and zip code Employee's SSN 1 Wages, tips, other compensation 2 Federal income tax withheld
City of Jacksonville XXX-XX-8662 113695.03 20710.58
117 West Duval Street 7 Social security tips 3 Social security wages 4 Social security tax withheld
Suite 375
Jacksonville FL 32202
8 Allocated tips 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheld
119428.20 1731.71
Employee's first name and init Last Name Suffix
9 10 Dependent care benefits 11 Nonqualified plans
Robert C Campbell
4480 Bay Harbour Dr 12a C | 6.72 14 Other
Jacksonville FL 32225 13 Statutory Employee
Pens 5733.17
12b |
Retirement Plan
12c |
12d | Third-party sick pay
Employee's address and ZIP code
15 State Employer's State ID number 16 State wages, tips etc. 17 State income tax 18 Local wages, tips etc. 19 Local income tax 20 Locality name
Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement 2020 OMB No. 1545-0008 Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service
Control number Employer identification number Copy 2 To Be Filed With Employee's State, City, or Local Income Tax Return
2384917632 59-6000344
Employer's name, address and zip code Employee's SSN 1 Wages, tips, other compensation 2 Federal income tax withheld
City of Jacksonville XXX-XX-8662 113695.03 20710.58
117 West Duval Street 7 Social security tips 3 Social security wages 4 Social security tax withheld
Suite 375
Jacksonville FL 32202
8 Allocated tips 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheld
119428.20 1731.71
Employee's first name and init Last Name Suffix
9 10 Dependent care benefits 11 Nonqualified plans
Robert C Campbell
4480 Bay Harbour Dr 12a C | 6.72 14 Other
Jacksonville FL 32225 13 Statutory Employee
Pens 5733.17
12b |
Retirement Plan
12c |
12d | Third-party sick pay
Employee's address and ZIP code
15 State Employer's State ID number 16 State wages, tips etc. 17 State income tax 18 Local wages, tips etc. 19 Local income tax 20 Locality name