Course Overview
This course is intended for all non healthcare and healthcare professionals who
are involved in the care of cardiac and respiratory arrest either out of hospital or
in hospital cardiac or respiratory arrest victims. This course is composed of nine
chapters, for each chapter, the learning objectives are specified and the most
important elements are reviewed.
Course overview
Course Goal
The Goal of the Saudi Heart Association Basic Life Support for Healthcare Providers course (SHA BLS) is
to ensure that all public safety professionals and healthcare providers have the essential and adequate
knowledge and skills to respond to victims who are experiencing respiratory, cardiac arrest and choking.
This includes providing high-quality care integrating cognitive and psychomotor skills with the skills of
critical thinking, problem solving and team dynamics to improve chance of survival.
Course Objectives
This manual aims to provide the target participants the knowledge and skills as following:
• Recognize the importance of Basic life support training.
• Describe the importance of high-quality CPR and its impact on chain of survival either in
hospital or out of hospital cardiac arrest.
• Overview of anatomy and physiology of cardiopulmonary system.
• Recognize the signs of cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest and choking.
• How to Perform high-quality CPR for adults, children and infants
• Recognize the differences of CPR skills between single or multiple rescuers for adults,
children and infants
• Describe the importance of early use of an AED and how to operate it.
• Describe the components of resuscitaion team (members, roles and responsibilities and
team dynamics).
• Describe the technique for relief of foreign-body airway obstruction (choking) for adults and
Course Description
To help you achieve these objectives, the Saudi BLS Provider Course includes
• Pre-course Textbook
• Didactic lectures
• Skills station
Chapter 1
In Hospital and Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest
Course Introduction
Basic Life Support (BLS) refers to a basic knowledge and skills that can be learnt to improve the chance of
survival in life-threatening situations either in hospital or out of hospital situations for all age groups.
People can be certified in basic life support protocols regardless of their profession and backgrounds.
BLS guidelines are frequently updated every 5 years , and certified BLS participants need to refresh their
knowledge every two years.
This manual is designed for both healthcare and non-healthcare individuals. The content in this handbook
is in compliance with the 2020 guidelines released by the ILCOR – therefore, all the protocols illustrated
here are based on up-to-date evidence.”
Cardiac arrest (CA) is considered a worldwide health issue despite all prevention and treatment efforts.
Around 436,852 deaths occurred in 2020 from out of hospital cardiac arrest OHCA ( 90% mortality ) in the
Based on 2021 US data, around (73.4%) of adult Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrests (OHCA) occur at a home or
residence . Public settings (16.3%) and nursing homes (10.3%) were the second and third most common
locations of adult OHCA.
Cardiac Arrest (CA) is the third leading cause of death in Europe. Many efforts have been made to
understand the underlying causes, prevalence and incidence of In Hospital Cardiac Arrest (IHCA) and Out
of Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA), the survival rate in IHCA and OHCA and the factors that affected the
survival rates.
CA is defined as a failure of the mechanical and electrical system of the heart characterized by absence of
pulse and breathing or gasping breath all combined with loss of consciousness.
The causes of CA can be originated from a cardiac or noncardiac insult. The main risk factors for CA of
cardiac etiology are diabetes mellitus, history of cardiovascular disorders and dyslipidemia. For CA of
noncardiac etiology, the main risk factors are hypertension and obesity, while smoking is a risk factor of
SCA in general.
Heart and lungs are the two key organs of the body that are essential to survival. Right side of the heart
receives blood from the rest of the body, and pumps it into the lungs. Lungs purify the blood by removing
carbon dioxide and adding oxygen into the blood. The pure blood returns from the lungs to the left side
of the heart, which then pumps it to the rest of the body. The oxygen that blood delivers is essential for
functioning of various parts of the body (Figure 1.1).”
When the heart stops, blood flow stops, and the person quickly becomes unconscious. Without blood
flow, the heart and the brain quickly become damaged due to lack of oxygen. The actions that make up
BLS try to prevent or slow the damage until the cause of the problem can be corrected. BLS improves a
person’s chance of surviving until advanced care becomes available.
However, sometimes, respiratory arrest can occur even when the heart is still functioning. This can occur
due to nerve or neuromuscular disorders, and drugs that inhibit respiratory drive (e.g., Opioids). It can also
occur secondary to trauma, which may produce a crush injury to the chest or cause upper or lower airway
Airway obstruction closely related to respiratory arrest. While in respiratory arrest, the physiological act of
breathing ceases, in airway obstruction, there is an anatomical (or physical) obstruction to the flow of air.
This could be at any level from the nose, pharynx, larynx, or lower air passages.”
Basic Life Support attempts to stimulate the body to continue the heart-lung cycle. This is achieved through
two key mechanisms:
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) aims at activating both the heart and the lungs. Heart is stimulated
externally through chest compressions, while lungs are stimulated through rescue breathing. CPR involves
a combination of both these procedures in a standard, regulated manner.
Choking blocks the upper airway, and cannot be relieved through CPR. Procedures that relieve choking
basically attempt to dislodge the obstruction in the upper airway, and expel the obstruction through the
mouth. Relief of choking is different from conventional CPR and is hence dealt with in a separate chapter.
circulation (that is, the heart does not start to beat again on its own), advanced methods of life support
must take over as soon as possible. These can only be provided by certified healthcare professionals. There-
fore, before beginning BLS, or as soon as BLS is started, the rescuer must ensure that emergency medical
services are being notified.
From 2003 to 2007, the estimated incidence of IHCA in the United States was approximately 6-7 cardiac
arrests per 1,000 hospital admissions. Data also from the Get With The Guidelines-Resuscitation Registry
from 2017 was used to estimate percentage survival to hospital discharge of 25%.
The annual incidence of IHCA in Europe is between 1.5 and 2.8 per 1,000 hospital admissions. Factors as-
sociated with survival are the initial rhythm, the place of arrest and the degree of monitoring at the time of
collapse. Survival rates at 30 days / hospital discharge range from 15% to 34%.
Data from the UK National Cardiac Arrest Audit (NCAA) and from the Danish In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
Registry (DANARREST) both document lower incidences of IHCA (1.6 and 1.8 per 1,000 hospital admissions
respectively) compared with the United States. Outside of Europe, multiple studies of OHCA incidence and
outcome have been published reporting survival rates between 36% inAsia, 11% in USA and 12% in Aus-
tralia and New Zealand. While some of the variation observed between these studies is because of patient,
area and country-level differences, there are calculation and categorisation differences which add to the
degree of variation.
Survival rate of IHCA or OHCA varies and these Variations may arise from differences in:
• Collecting data (e.g. case definition, ascertainment methods and outcome verification)
• Demographic data (age, socioeconomic status, comorbidities)
• Structure (e.g. different types of emergency medical services (EMS) systems or differences in
the organization of teams responding to IHCA
• Use of community responder schemes and process of care (e.g. EMS response time, time to
defibrillation, post resuscitation care)
• Differences in the quality of treatment provided by individual practitioners (e.g. quality of
CPR, interventions provided, decisions about when to start and stop resuscitation).
According to 2021 US data for adult OHCA only, survival to hospital discharge was 9.1% for all EMS-treated
non-traumatic OHCA cardiac arrests. Bystander witnessed adult arrests had a 13.3% survival to hospital
discharge and 9-1-1 responder witnessed arrests had a 15.9% survival to hospital discharge.
Locally, 74% of cardiac arrest happens at home where the family members are almost in the scene before
the arrival of emergency medical services and this leads to decrease the chance of survival.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a cornerstone of initial care. The quality of delivered CPR improves
the survival rate from cardiac arrest , especially when the incident happens out of the hospital.
The survival rate depends entirely on the skills and knowledge of bystanders in terms of recognition, EMS
activation and performing high quality CPR.
Building up an awareness programme for the public regarding performing CPR, using AED in addition to
recognition arrest and EMS activation will be associated with improvement of OHCA cervical rate.
A different of studies conducted in different community setting to evaluate the public CPR related knowl-
edge, skills and training to whom not involved in health care, one of these studies conducted in Jeddah
and concluded that 28.7% of study sample received CPR training in comparison to 25.6 % in china, 29 % in
Jordan, 40.7 % in Izmir and 55.7 % in Australia.
While the highest CPR training were reported in Canada 64% and Germany 83.2% , countries where there
are various efforts to increase CPR training. Furthermore, numerous countries have linked driver license
applications with mandatory Basic Life Support (BLS) training courses, as in Slovenia and Japan . However,
there are a variety of barriers associated with performing CPR; knowledge deficit and decreased level of
confidence, a fear of harming the victim, and legal issues make public respondents less likely to perform
CPR on a stranger .With respect to a family member, 94.2% are willing to perform CPR .
In Riyadh City, there is little data regarding public CPR related knowledge and skills , with most of the pub-
lished studies focusing on different groups of medical and non-medical populations.
ALjerian, N. study highlighted the deficiency of CPR related knowledge and skills among individuals in
Riyadh City who were not involved in health care which may have an impact on individuals’ ability to act
in the case of SCA. Therefore, the Authorities efforts coordination should be considered to implement a
solid well structured strategy aiming to increase public awareness, knowledge and skills of CPR which can
be achieved by increasing public accessibility to CPR courses, incorporating BLS courses into educational
materials, and regular hands on sessions for the public.
The Chain of Survival
The chain of survival is a series of events that must be followed by bystanders and first responders to in-
crease the victim›s chance of survival in case of cardiac arrest (figure 1.2) . These events can help in improv-
ing victims heart artificially beating and increase the blood flood to vital organs especially the heart which
can restore heart rhythmicity.
Each link in the chain of survival has been designed to make sure you have some guidance on what to do
next. Learn the sequence and save lives.
If one of these events are done incorrectly or missed; the chance of survival will be decreased which rein-
forces the statement that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Cardiac arrest recognition is a corner-
stone of initiating CPR, administering defibrillation, and activating more advanced emergency response.
in the recent study of CDC between 70-90% of cardiac arrest victims die before they reach the hospital,
Everyone should become familiar with the chain of survival, which lays out the steps that bystanders need
to take to help a cardiac arrest victim survive. Anyone can take these simple steps and help save a life.
Every minute is passing after the onset of cardiac arrest matters. If there is no blood flow within three
minutes; the brain tissue starts to damage and the chance of survival will be extremely decreased if ten
minutes pass after the onset of cardiac arrest, So time is of the essence when a cardiac arrest occurs.
The chain of survival stresses that bystanders do not need any medical training to take these steps. Anyone
can initiate the chain of survival and save a life.
Bystanders can help save lives by addressing the first three links in the Chain of Survival. Action steps for
bystanders are described below.
1. Immediate recognition of cardiac arrest and activation of the emergency response system
If the victim is unresponsive, not breathing or not breathing normally, agonal breathing, or gasping. he or
she could be in cardiac arrest. start CPR without waiting for the EMS team to arrive.
Once you identify a victim that needs help, Call 997 or 911, activate the on-site emergency response sys-
tem (e.g., by phone or text), and send someone to retrieve the nearest automated external defibrillator
(AED). If the rescuer is alone, he or she gets the AED immediately.
In the event the bystander is trained and proficient in CPR, he or she should provide 30 compressions fol-
lowed by two breaths and repeat this cycle until an AED is ready for use or EMS providers take over care of
the victim.
In some emergency systems, dispatchers will guide and coach the bystanders in through compression-on-
ly CPR, and in the event of an asphyxial arrest such as drowning, dispatchers will also provide guidance on
rescue breathing.
3. Rapid defibrillation
Once the AED is available, the bystander should use it by turning it one and follow the visual and voice
prompts. attach the electrode pads to the victim’s chest as shown in the diagram on the pads. If a shock is
advised, the rescuer should be sure no one is touching the victim and then press the shock button. AEDs
are designed for use by untrained laypersons. Resume chest compression immediately after shock deliv-
6. The recovery:
could take a long time and it should not be neglected. (Physiotherapy, psychological support etc.
prevention is the first step since cardiac arrest in children and infants because it occurs due to preventable
problems. In addition to heart problems, Children and infants most often have breathing problems that
trigger cardiac arrest.
Chain of Survival – In Hospital
Inside the hospital, a trained health care provider and plenty of resources are available and If the chain of
survival is followed the chances of survival for the cardiac arrest victim will increase.
A certain protocol and specialized team (MRT, RRT) in the hospital are important in identifying patients
who are at risk of cardiac arrest and moving them to critical care areas. If there is a cardiac arrest or not sure
if pulse is present or sudden deterioration of a patient’s condition (peri arrest), have a code blue activated
immediately and start CPR till they arrive.
Early use of an AED or defibrillator in case of shockable rhythms (VF or pulseless VT) improves the out-
comes. Check the initial rhythm and act on it as soon as possible (You may interrupt CPR to check the first
Care of the patient after the return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) requires close attention to oxygen-
ation, blood pressure control, evaluation for percutaneous coronary intervention, targeted temperature
management, and multimodal neuroprognostication. ROSC, it’s important to provide adequate care to
prevent a re-arrest. (Explained later in the ACLS course
Because recovery from cardiac arrest continues long after the initial hospitalization, patients should have
formal assessment and support for their physical, cognitive, and psychosocial needs. The recovery could
take a long time and it should not be neglected. (Physiotherapy, psychological support etc.
Chapter 2
One Rescuer Adult BLS
Learning objectives
At the end of this chapter you will be able to learn :
• Recognize the signs of cardiac arrest in adults (anyone showing signs of puberty and above)
• How to Perform effective chest compression for adults as single rescuer
• Explain how to open the airway for adults in different technique
• How to provide breaths by using pocket mask for adult
• Describe the importance of early use of an AED and how to operate it.
1- Assessment:
Assess the surrounding environment
by looking if there is any dangerous situation around the victim, quickly move the victim to a safe place
without any harm for the rescuer, for example, if the victim is beside fire, try to move the victim to a safer
place. If the place is safe, do not try to move the victim as he/she may have other injuries that you cannot
Simply put him onto his back over a firm surface and start to assess the victim
Assess the Victim by taping at his shoulder and talk to him loudly, if not responding
• Call for help or EMS system by calling 997 0r 911 and ask to bring AED
• Assess pulse and Breathing for at least 5 seconds but not more 10 seconds
To save the time assess pulse and breathing in the same time
Assess the carotid pulse for adults by sliding 2 or 3 fingers into the groove between the trachea and the
neck muscles at the side of the neck and look for the chest movement (rise and fall .
but if the recovery position is a factor impairing the rescuer provider’s ability to determine the presence or
absence of signs of life, the person should be immediately positioned supine and re-assessed.
the recovery position put the victim in lateral recumbent positioning with the arm nearest the first aid
provider at right angle to the body and elbow bent with palm up and far knee flexed.
• If there is no pulse and breathing(or agonal gasp ) Activate Emergency response system
by activate the hospital cod or call 911/997 if the victim out hospital and start high quality
• If there is pulse without normal breathing activate the rapid response team if the victim in-
side the hospital or call 911/ 997 if out the hospital, then start rescue breathing (chapter 10)
and assess the pulse every 2 minutes
Chest compression helps in blood flow out of the heart to reach brain and vital organs through arteries,
and When pressure on the chest is released, blood is allowed to return to the heart ,which may help in
minimizing the damage and to stimulate the normal activity of the heart.
Agonal gasps
Agonal gasps are a sign of cardiac arrest which are uncontrollable, inadequate breathing patterns brought
on by hypoxia, or low blood oxygen levels. It is probable that someone is dying since this breathing is
abnormal. Due to the fight for oxygen, agonal breaths may be accompanied by some trembling or other
muscular action. It sounds like heavy breathing and snoring, or inaudible
To perform the compression in effective and correct way follow these steps for performing CPR compres-
1. Put the victim on his or her back on a firm surface like floor or backboard
2. Kneel at the victim›s side.
3. Place the lower palm (heel) of one hand over the center of the victim chest, between the two
4. Place your other hand on top of the first hand and interlace your fingers.
5. Keep your elbows straight and position your shoulders directly above your hands in a straight
6. Push straight down on (compress) the chest at least 2 inches (5 centimeters) but no more than
2.4 inches (6 centimeters), push by Using your body weight .
7. Push fast at a rate of 100 to 120 compressions per minute
8. Allow the chest to recoil (return the chest to normal position) in between compressions. If you
do not allow the chest to recoil, the heart will not fill completely, because less blood will be
pumped out of the heart to brain and vital organs with the next compression.
9. Rescuer should start CPR within 10 seconds from recognizing cardiac arrest and try to mini-
mize chest compression interruption when finish 30 compressions ( in 15-18 second )to give 2
breaths to less than 10 second to improve survival rat
Jaw thrust is performed if there are suspected head injuries. It is performed by putting the index and
middle fingers to push the posterior part of lower jaw upwards while thumbs push down on the chin to
open the mouth.
To provide breaths by using Pocket mask
1. positioning yourself at the victim’s side will allow you to provide ventilations and compressions
without moving from the victim›s side.
2. put the mask on the victim’s face. Masks are usually triangular in shape, and you will notice that
the mask›s narrow end should be over the bridge of the victim’s nose.
3. Seal the mask against the victim’s face. To do this, take the hand that is closest to the top of the
victim’s head and place it along the edge of the mask With the thumb of your other hand, apply
pressure along the bottom edge of the mask. Then place the remaining fingers of your second
hand along the bony edge of the jaw and lift the jaw upwards. Open the airway by performing
a head-tilt chin-lift procedure. While you lift the jaw, ensure that you are sealing the mask all the
way around the outside edge of the mask to obtain a good seal against the victim’s face.
4. Deliver air over 1 second, ensuring that the victim’s chest rises but avoiding hyperventilation.
• If the victim’s chest does not rise, reposition the mask and try to get a better seal, open the
airway and give the second breath ,observe chest rises, then resume 30 compression in less
than 10 seconds.
• If the chest doesn›t rise after a second breath, Resume 30 chest compression repeats the
cycles of 30 compression and 2 breaths for 5 times which is equal to 2 minutes then reassess
pulse and breathing.
Figure 2.12 Breath delivery over one second and observe chest rise
AED steps
1. Open the case and turn on the AED
2. Remove all clothing covering the chest. If necessary, wipe the chest if wet
3. Open the AED adult pads which is used for age 8 years and above
4. Place one pad on the upper right side of the chest and Place the other pad on the lower left side
of the chest, a few inches below the left armpit
5. Plug the pad connector cable into the AED
6. Make sure no one is touching the person to let AED analyze the heart rhythm
7. Say, “CLEAR!” in a loud voice
8. If shocked advised
• Make sure no one is touching the person
• Say, “CLEAR!” in a loud voice
• Push the “shock” button to deliver the shock
9. After the AED delivers the shock, or if no shock is advised, immediately start CPR, beginning
with compressions.
The victim is submerged in water: first pull the victim to a dry area, quickly dry the chest and
use the AED.
• The victim has an implanted pacemaker: You will recognize it as a small lump under the
skin on the chest, usually the upper chest.
avoid placing the AED pad directly over it; pacemaker stimuli may degrade the accuracy
of ECG rhythm analysis or the pacemaker may be damaged by defibrillator discharges;
doing so may block delivery of the shock.
• The victim has a medication patch: Do not place an AED pad over the patch. If it won’t
delay delivery of a shock, remove the patch and wipe the skin before applying the AED pad.
• AED can be used on children and infants and should be used as early as possible for the
best chance of improving the chance of survival.
• Pediatric pads should be used if the person is less than eight years old, Standard (adult) pads
may be used if pediatric pads are not available. If using standard (adult) pads, do not let the
pads touch each other or put one in front and one at the back of the child .
• For infants less than a year old, a manual defibrillator should be used if available. If a manual
defibrillator is not available, an AED may be used .
Some AEDs have a switch that can be set to deliver a pediatric shock. If available, turn the switch on when
using on children younger than eight years old. If the AED cannot deliver a pediatric shock, an adult shock
should be given. It is important to remember an electric shock may be the treatment for a fatal heart
Chapter 3
Two Rescuers Adult BLS
At the end of this chapter you will be able to learn :
• Recognize the differences of CPR skills between single or two rescuers for adults
• How to Perform effective chest compression for adults as two rescuers
• How provide breaths for adults by using bag mask ventilation
• Describe the use of an AED for adults as two rescuers .
1- Assessment :
• Rescuers should assess the surrounding environment by looking if there is any dangerous
situation around the victim, and quickly move the victim to a safe place without any harm to
the rescuer. Make sure the victim is on a firm surface, and start to assess the victim
• First rescuer will Assess the Victim by tap at his shoulder and talk to him loudly, if not
responding while Second rescuer Activate Emergency response system and get AED
• First rescuer continue assess pulse and Breathing within 5-10 second
• Assess the carotid pulse for adults by sliding 2 or 3 fingers into the groove between the
trachea and the neck muscles at the side of the neck and look for the chest rise.
Chest Compressions
• First rescuer will kneel at the victim side, remove any clothes on the chest Place his hand on
the chest as we explain before and begin CPR ,start with chest compression and continue
cycles of chest compressions and ventilation with face mask until second rescuer returns
with AED and bag mask device
• Second rescuer give AED for the first rescuer and kneel in the opposite side of first rescuer
to take over chest compression to maintain the quality of CPR
First rescuer begins to use the AED like what was explained before in the AED part. After shock deliv-
ered or no shock advised, immediately continue high quality CPR starting with chest compression by the
second rescuer and the first rescuer will move to be at the victim›s head to deliver breaths by using a bag
mask device.
• In two rescuer CPR, breaths should be provided by using a bag mask ventilation.
• Bag mask device is a self-inflating bag attached with a face mask and oxygen reservoir;some
devices include a nonrebreathing valve.It provides 21% oxygen from room air and 100%
oxygen if connecting the opposite end of the bag to an oxygen source.
• There are different sizes: small for infants, medium for children and large for adults.
• It provides positive pressure ventilation by handling it manually against the face and nose
and squeezing the bag ventilates the patient through the nose and mouth.
To provide breaths by using bag mask device
1. Second rescuer will be positioning himself at the victim’s head
2. Cover victim mouth and nose with the appropriate mask size
3. Seal the face mask by placing fingers of one hand like EC-shape across the top and bottom edge
of the mask and open the airway using the head-tilt/chin-lift maneuver.
4. Deliver the first breath by squeezing the bag over one second, just enough to see the chest rise
to avoid hyperventilation.
Figure 3.2 squeezing the bag just enough to see chest rise
5. Observe the chest rise, if there is chest rise give another breath over one second.
6. If the victim’s chest does not rise, reposition the mask and try to get a better seal, open the air-
way and give the second breath, after 2 breaths, the first rescuer will continue 30 compression
• Rescuers should switch positions if fatigued or every 2 minutes (5 cycles), when AED starts
analyzing the victim heart rhythm which happens automatically after 2 minutes that’s why
it›s important to keep AED pads on the victim chest not to remove it.
• Rescuers positions switching very important to maintain high quality not to stop CPR until
hospital code arrive if in hospital or EMS if out hospital victim
Chapter 4
Multi-Rescuers Team
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this chapter you will be able to learn :
• How to apply the skills as a BLS provider in a multi-rescuers resuscitation effort.
• Understand the components of of Multi-Rescuers team Dynamics
• Explain the importance of multi-rescuers team components.
Knowing the role and obligations prior resuscitation begins will help the team avoid losing valuable time
that could have improved the success of the resuscitation effort.
- 30 -
There are two components of Roles and Obligations;
• The 6 Roles and Obligations.
• Roles Delegation.
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5- Medication/IV;
• Establishes IV/IO access if trained.
• Medication administration.
6- Recorder;
• Records when interventions are being performed including, but not limited to when
medications are being administered, when defibrating, and the durations of the CPR cycles.
• Informs the team leader of any important timelines, such as the ending of the CPR cycle.
Roles Delegation;
Effective roles and obligations are mostly determined by the team members that are assigned by the team
leader. To achieve the highest performance for the skills being completed, roles should be delegated in
accordance with each team member›s scope of practice and profession .
When a team member is assigned a role, they should be trained for the primary responsibilities of that role.
Recognizing your boundaries would guide the team leader to assign the most appropriate role that fits
For instance, if the team leader assigned you for the compressor role and you are experiencing back pain
or shoulder injury, you must inform the team leader immediately of your limitations so the team leader
would replace you and assign you to another role.
2- Communication:
• Respect for one another;
It is essential for effective communication, which will result in a successful performance by the multi-res-
cuers team. In the case that a mistake were to occur, prompt action should be made to stop it from hap-
pening, but it should be handled in such a manner that respect is still a basis for the immediate corrective
Calling the team member should be done by one of the following ways;
• Name
• Profession
• Role
• Effective communication;
The use of effective communication would remove the possibility of mishearing the proper instructions
and orders. For instance, once the team leader has given an order, the receiving team member should
confirm that the order was understood as intended by the team leader by repeating the order identically
back to the team leader . It›s necessary for the team member to verify that the team leader is confirming
the instruction they are getting.
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Whenever instructions or orders are given orally, the person giving them should make eye contact with the
team member receiving them to ensure that they are comprehended.
• Confirmation of Interventions:
Confirming the task that is being asked is done, is the key for recorder to record the intervention times
which will help with the reevaluating process and documentation. The recorder will not record the time
spent preparing tasks, but rather the time the task completed.
3- Debriefing:
Debriefing is necessary when the resuscitation effort is completed and should be immediately done right
after the resuscitation. The purpose of the debriefing is not to provide feedback on the performance of
each team member, but rather to assess the performance of the multi-rescuers as a whole team in order to
pinpoint their strengths and weaknesses in areas such as but not limited to communication, role and re-
sponsibilities, medical skills and interventions for further practices and improvements to improve patient
survival and multi-rescuers team performance.
If a deficiency has occurred follow the local protocols).
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4-Switching Roles and Obligations:
It is not always the case that the airway should take over the compressor role when the Compressor, CPR
Coach, or Team Leader request a changeover. It is crucial to recognize the value of a consistent chest com-
pression, which should always occur preceding any other role as in C-A-B sequence.
Any team member that is available might act as a compressor unless a limitation is discovered.
The essential roles should be delegated and the extra personnel would serve as the switch for the com-
pressor role.
When the first rescuer starts the compressions, the second rescuer should take compressions upon arrival
to allow the first rescuer to operate the AED. After the AED defibrillator the patient or indicates no shock
advised, the second rescuer should immediately resume chest compressions.
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Chapter 5
Single Rescuer Child BLS
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this chapter you will be able to learn :
• How to perform high-quality CPR for children
• How to provide ventilations using BVM/Pocket mask
1- Assessment
A.Check surrounding for hazard to ensure safety
Checking the surroundings for hazards should be done to ensure your safety first and to avoid further
injuries for the victim.
B.Check the victim responsiveness
Gently shake or tap the victim’s shoulders. Check to see whether the victim is moving or making sounds.
shout, «Are you OK?» . Move to step 3 if the victim is not showing any indications of responsiveness.
Activate EMS/Code and observe the child until advance providers arrive
• Victim has palpated pulse, but not breathing
Activate EMS/Code and begin rescue breathing (1 breath every two to three seconds). Refer to the rescue
breathing chapter.
• Victim has palpated pulse at the rate of less than 60 bpm
Activate EMS/Code and begin rescue breathing (1 breath every two to three seconds) and reassess pulse if
not increased move to step 5
• Victim has no palpated and is not breathing
Move to step 4 if the EMS/Code team has not been activated.
Move to step 5 if the EMS/Code team has been activated.
Only one rescuer is subject to the witness and unwitnessed collapse criteria.
2- High Quality CPR
Start immediate high quality CPR by following the C-A-B sequence.
C- Compressions.
A- Airway opening.
B- Breath administration.
Chest compression for a child has the same principals of the adult compressions with a few differences
described in the figure below.
Check for pulse in Children:
Pulse and Breathing Evaluation;
When evaluating a victim who is unresponsive, check for the carotid pulse for at least 5 seconds, but no
more than 10 seconds, to see whether there is a pulse or the pulse rate is less than 60 bpm. Observe the
chest for movement simultaneously to check for breathing while checking for pulse.
On the child›s anterior body, where the thigh meets the trunk, you may feel the femoral pulse (on the inner
thigh in the crease between the leg and groin). Do not check for a pulse for longer than 10 seconds.
Breathing Check;
Chest rise and fall is the sign of breathing. Observe the chest for up and down movements which will indi-
cate that the child is breathing.
Agonal gasps;
Agonal gasps are a sign of cardiac arrest which are uncontrollable, inadequate breathing patterns brought
on by hypoxia, or low blood oxygen levels.
It is probable that someone is dying since this breathing is abnormal. Due to the fight for oxygen, agonal
breaths may be accompanied by some trembling or other muscular action. It sounds like heavy breathing
and snoring, or inaudible . The individual may even appear to be groaning.
Chest compressions;
Hand placement:
Place the heel of one hand on the lower half of the chest-bone (sternum) then place the other hand over
the first hand if you choose to use the two hands technique. One hand technique could be used if the res-
cuer feels confident that achieving the required depth will be met.
Shoulders should always be vertically on the same line over the rescuer’s hands. Lock elbows and make
sure to use the shoulders and back to compress the child chest.
Figure 5.10 Inappropriate hands placement
Press down on the chest-bone (sternum) at least one-third of the chest›s diameter approximately 2in. /5cm
Chest Recoil:
Full chest wall recoil is strongly encouraged during cardiopulmonary resuscitation since insufficient chest
wall recoil from leaning on the chest might further restrict venous blood return back to the heart and de-
crease cardiac output, which will lead to poor perfusion to the organs .
Compressions Rate:
100 to 120 chest compressions per minute. The rate should be done at a steady speed. Rescuers can max-
imize cardiac output and ensure adequate coronary perfusion pressure while still allowing for full chest
recoil and the recommended depth compressions by controlling the rate to between 100 and 120 com-
pressions per minute.
• Going more than 120 chest compression per minute, will not allow the heart to fill again with
blood at the same time the rescuer will not be able to allow for a full chest recoil.
• Going Less than 100 chest compressions per minute, the brain, heart, and other essential
organs are less likely to receive enough blood flow.
• Chest compressions must not paused for more than 10 seconds
Assessing ventilation with a pocket mask.
1. Place the pocket mask with a one way valve on the victim›s face. Put the mask›s widest end over
the victim›s chin and just below the bottom lip. The nose-shaped end should be placed over the
victim›s nose.
Apply the mask on the victim›s face and make sure the seal is tight using both hands, including the
thumbs .
2. Then deliver each breath over one second. Make sure to pause between breaths to allow the
victim to exhale and for the rescuer to take another breath.
3. The chest rising is a sign that the breath was efficient. If a chest rise was seen, the rescuer should
not continue squeezing the BVM and should allow the BVM device to refill for the second breath
which will reduce the chance of excessive ventilations
A Single Rescuer BLS
A single rescuer should continue to provide 30 chest compressions to 2 rescue breaths until a second res-
cuer, EMS, or the Code team arrive.
Between the chest compressions and rescue breaths the rescuer must not pause the chest compressions
for more than 10 seconds. If the rescuer after 30 chest compressions tries to give two rescue breaths and
the first breath was not effective, then tries to reopen the airway/ re-adjust the mask and the second
breath is effective the rescuer should prompt back to resume chest compressions instead of giving a third
rescue breath.
Chapter 6
Two Rescuers Child BLS
Learning Objective:
At the end of this chapter you will be able to learn :
• Recognize the differences of CPR skills between single or two rescuers for child victims.
• How to Perform effective chest compression for childs as two rescuers
• How provide breaths for child by using bag mask ventilation
• Describe the use of an AED for childs as two rescuers .
Whenever more than one rescuer arrives, start assigning roles as discussed in chapter 4.
As a single rescuer, the ratio of chest compressions to ventilations must be 30 chest compressions to 2
rescue breaths. If the second rescuer arrived, the ratio would change to 15 chest compressions to 2 rescue
However, the change of the ratio is not about the presence of the second rescuer, it does rely on whether
the second rescuer is participating in the resuscitation effort or not by taking the role as Compressor/Air-
If the second rescuer took the role of the airway and was ready to deliver the rescue breath, then the
change of the ratio to 15 chest compressions to 2 rescue breaths should be done.
If the second rescuer arrived with the AED and handed it to the first rescuer, the ratio should stay as 30
chest compressions to 2 breaths until the AED signals that chest compressions should resume either after
administering the shock or if no shock was advised.
Chapter 7
Infant CPR
Learning Objectives
At the end of this chapter, you will be able to learn
• How to assess an infant who has an impending cardiac or respiratory arrest
• How to perform High quality CPR in infants
• How to deliver breaths to an infant properly and effectively
CPR in Infants
The term infant refers to the neonatal period and extends to the age of 1 year (0-1 year). Infant cardiac
arrest is most likely a result of respiratory failure or airway obstruction. Majority of the babies require only
breathing as their heart is not affected.
However, damage to the brain and other vital organs could occur after a few minutes of being short in O2
leading them to cardiac arrest.
Equipping yourself with the knowledge and skills of performing CPR could save an infant’s life.
CPR Skills
1- Assessment
A.Safety of the scene
Look for any signs of danger from the surroundings. Make sure that the scene is safe
Assess for response by tapping the sole of their feet, and talk to them loudly.
• Put 2 or 3 fingers on the inner side of the arm between the shoulder and elbow
• Feel the pulse for 5 -10 seconds
Witnessed – if you’re alone and you witnessed the arrest you go and activate the EMS and get the AED
Unwitnessed- complete 5 cycles of CPR approximately 2 minutes, then activate the EMS and get the AED
Technique- compression can be done either with 2 thumbs encircling or 2 finger chest compression
1.Two Thumbs Encircling- put the thumbs side by side at the center of the chest just below the nipple line,
with the rest of the fingers encircling the chest and back for support
2.Two fingers- put 2 fingers at the center of the chest. Fingers should remain in an upright position during
compression to give proper depth.
• Ratio- for 1 rescuer you do it 30 compressions followed by 2 ventilations (30:2) for 2 rescuers
15 compressions followed by 2 ventilations (15:2)
• Rate- chest compression rate should be 100-120/min
• Depth- firmly compress the chest to at least 1/3 of the AP diameter of the chest approxi-
mately one and a half inches or 4 cm, push hard and fast.
• Chest recoil- complete chest recoil should be done during compression to allow blood to
flow into the heart. Interruptions during compression should be minimized for a better out-
Giving breaths
The predominant cause of cardiac arrest in infants is respiratory failure due to different respiratory prob-
lems. Respiratory failure is when the lungs can’t get enough oxygen into the blood. Giving chest compres-
sions alone may not be as effective as giving both compressions and breaths. So it is important that right
after chest compression, the infant should be given breaths.
Before giving breaths, you must open the airway first. there are two techniques in opening the airway,
head tilt chin lift or jaw thrust technique if there is suspected spinal injury
Use of barrier device
• Pocket mask- seal the mask with your C technique of your one hand and place the thumb
of your other hand at the bottom edge of the mask using your 2 fingers of your hand at the
bottom of the mask, open the airway. press firmly the edges of the mask and ventilate the
infant, giving 2 breaths (1 sec each) enough to see a chest rise
• Bag Valve Mask- select the proper size of the mask, use. the C-E clamp technique. C to seal
the mask and E to open the airway by head tilt chin lift. Connect to oxygen if available and
squeeze the bag valve mask enough to see a chest rise
2 Rescuers Infant CPR
If two rescuers are available:
Rescuer 1: Will be at the side of the infant and assess the responsiveness. Send rescuer 2 to activate emer-
gency response system and get the AED
Rescuer 1: Continue to assess the infant by checking the brachial pulse and breathing for 5 to 10 seconds
• If the infant has pulse more 60 beats per minute but not breathing, provide rescue breathing
1 breath every 2 to 3 seconds. Check pulse and breathing after 2 minutes, if there is pulse
and still there is no breathing, continue rescue breathing
• If the infant has no pulse or has pulse, less than 60 beats per minute and with signs of poor
perfusion, begin CPR, with 30 compressions and 2 breaths. When 2nd rescuer returns, use the
Rescuer 2: Will hand the AED to rescuer 1, and continue 30 compressions and 2 breaths as rescuer 1 oper-
ates the AED. After giving the shock, the ratio will be switched to 15 compressions and two breaths.
Rescuer 1: Will use the AED and follow the prompt. If the AED detects shockable rhythm, then deliver
shock, if not, continue CPR until advanced critical health care providers will arrive.
Chapter 8
Relief Foreign Body Airway Obstruction (FBAO)
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this chapter you will be able to learn :
• How to Recognize sign and symptom of FBAO (choking )
• How to perform abdominal thrust to relieve FBAO for adult
• How to perform chest thrust to relieve FBAO for obese and pregnant woman
• How perform correct steps to relieve FBAO for children more than 1 year
• How to perform correct steps to relieve FBAO for infant less than 1 year
FBAO happens when an object is stuck in the throat blocking the flow of air, the correct action for a chok-
ing person depends on the degree of airway obstruction, which person is responsive or not, and the age
of the person.
Complete Obstruction -clutching the neck( universal sign of -use abdominal thrusts
choking,) -call for help
-unable to cough or talk. -begin CPR if the person
-difficulty breathing or no breathing becomes unresponsive
-may be cyanotic with checking the object
each time you open the
airway to give breath ,if
the object can be visu-
alized in the mouth, the
manual removal of the ob-
ject considered , if not vis-
ualized, do not do blind
finger sweep
The initial response to foreign body airway obstruction in a conscious individual should be to encourage
coughing as this is a normal physiological response that may be effective and is unlikely to cause harm.
The sequence of interventions in individuals without an effective cough suggested in treatment recom-
mendations seeks to balance the benefits of early removal of the FBAO with the potential harms of inter-
ventions, such as abdominal thrusts.
Abdominal Thrusts
To perform abdominal thrusts
1. Stand behind the responsive person. Wrap your arms around their waist under their ribcage.
2. Put the side of your fist above the person’s navel in the middle of their belly and below the
lower part of the sternum
3. With your other hand, hold the first fist and press forcefully into the person’s abdomen and up
toward their chest
4. Continue performing these thrusts until the obstruction is relieved or until the victim becomes
unresponsive put him on a flat surface and start CPR to increase the intrathoracic pressure which
helps in exploding the object outside the mouth and checking the object each time you open
the airway to give breath, if the object can be visualized in the mouth ,the manual removal of
the object considered , if not visualized ,do not do blind finger sweep
If there is pregnant lady or obese man or if you can›t get your arms around the stom-
ach, give chest thrusts:
• Put your hands at the base of the breastbone, just above the joining of the lowest ribs.
• Press hard into the chest with a quick thrust.
• Repeat until the blockage is removed from the airway or become unresponsive
• If become unreceptive start CPR with checking the object each time you open the airway to
give breath, if the object can be visualized in the mouth ,the manual removal of the object
considered , if not visualized ,do not do blind finger sweep
Infant choking
In a choking but responsive infant less than one-year-old, back slap and chest thrusts are used instead of
abdominal thrusts.
1. Put the infant with their face down and their head lower than their chest; they should be resting
on your forearm. Put your forearm on your thigh
2. Support the infant’s head and neck with your hand and be sure to avoid putting pressure on
their throat.
3. Using the heel of your free hand, deliver five back blows between the infant’s shoulder blades .
4. Using both hands and arms, turn the infant face up so they are now resting on your other arm;
this arm should now be resting on your thigh
5. Make sure the infant’s head is lower than their chest.
6. Using the fingers of your free hand, provide up to five quick downward chest thrusts over the
lower half of the breastbone
7. If the obstruction is not relieved, turn the infant face down on your other forearm and repeat
the process
8. Continue doing these steps until the infant begins to breathe or becomes unresponsive.
9. If become unresponsive start CPR observe the object each time you open the airway to give
breaths, if the object can be visualized in the mouth ,the manual removal of the object consid-
ered , if not visualized ,do not do blind finger sweep
Chapter 9
Other Considerations
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this chapter, you will be able to learn
• How to perform rescue breathing in respiratory arrest victims
• How to modify CPR in victims with advanced airway
• How to modify and perform High Quality CPR to pregnant woman
• How to recognize and manage an opioid overdose related life threatening condition
Rescue Breathing
A technique used to resuscitate a person who is unresponsive with pulse but has stopped breathing,
The rescuer forces air into the victim›s lungs at several seconds,using barrier devices such as pocket mask,
bag valve mask or face shield. In some emergency cases in which these barriers are not available, a rescuer
may give breath thru mouth to mouth or even mouth to mouth and nose technique.
Mouth To Mouth Breathing in Adults & Children
• Open the airway by head tilt chin lift
• Using your thumb and finger of your hand on the forehand, pinch the nose of the victim
• Have a regular breath and tightly seal your lips around the victim’s mouth so the air will not
be leaking
• Give 1 breath over 1 second and look for a chest rise. If no chest rise re adjust the mask and
re open the airway and give another breath
• With 2 unsuccessful attempts, return to chest compression
Mouth to Mouth & Nose Technique
• Open the airway by head tilt chin lift
• Place your mouth over the infant’s nose and mouth with an airtight seal
• Give 1 breath over 1 second and look for a chest rise. If no chest rise re adjust the mask and
re open the airway and give the 2nd breath
• With 2 unsuccessful attempts, return to chest compression
CPR with An Advanced Airway
An advanced airway (supraglottic airway, laryngeal mask airway, or endotracheal tube) provides a more
stable way of providing breaths and should, therefore, be inserted as early as possible in a resuscitation
During CPR with an advanced airway in place, the compression and ventilation is to be modified from 30:2
to continuous chest compression without pauses for ventilation for 2 minutes.
Bystanders might be hesitant to render CPR to pregnant women because of the fear of harming the mother
as well as the unborn baby. However, it is important to know that CPR is vital and is being recommended.
When a pregnant woman receives CPR, the survival rate increases by 40% so act quickly and do not delay
chest compression.
CPR for pregnant women is likely the same as for a normal adult, positioning of the mother is one of the
key differences from resuscitating the non-pregnant patient.
Once the uterus is palpable above the umbilicus (around 20 weeks), the uterus compresses the aorta and
vena cava which decreases venous blood flow when the pregnant woman is in supine position. Thus,
Health care providers are directed to modify the CPR by performing manual left uterine displacement
(LUD) while the pregnant woman is lying flat on her back to relieve the pressure. This can be done with
multiple rescuers
• 1 Handed technique- the rescuer should be on the right side of the mother and pushing the
uterus upward and leftward. (Figure 9.3)
• 2 Handed technique- rescuer on the left side of the bed with 2 hands pulling the uterus to
the left side of the mother. (Figure 9.4)
Figure 9.3 one handed technique Figure 9.4 Two handed technique
Recognizing an Opioid Emergency
• Assessment of the Scene
• Ask bystanders about what happened
• Check the surrounding and the victim and look for any signs of opioid use (injection, patch,
empty medication bottles)
• Observe any signs of drug overdose:
• If the victim found to have pulse but not breathing normally, begin rescue breathing and
give naloxone
• If the victim does not have pulse and not breathing normally, start CPR and consider nalox-
• If the victim is found to have pulse but not breathing normally, begin rescue breathing and
give naloxone
• If the victim does not have pulse and not breathing normally, start CPR and consider nalox-
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