Group 1 National Building Codes

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GROUP1- NATIONAL BUILDING CODES promulgated in accordance with the provisions of this

 SECTION 304. Issuance of Building Permits
 SECTION 301. Building Permits
When satisfied that the work described in an
No person, firm or corporation, including any agency
application for building permit and the plans and
or instrumentality of the governmentshall erect,
specifications submitted therewith, conform to the
construct, alter, repair, move, convert or demolish any
requirements of this Code and other pertinent rules
building or structure or cause the same to be done
and regulations, the Building Official shall, within
without first obtaining a building permit therefor from
fifteen days from payment of the required fees by the
the Building Official assigned in the place where the
applicant, issue the building permit applied for.
subject building is located or the building work is to be
done. The Building Official may issue a permit for the
construction of only a part or portion of a building or
 SECTION 302. Application for Permits
structure whenever the plans and specifications
In order to obtain a building permit, the applicant submitted together with the application do not cover
shall file an application therefor in writing and on the the entire building or structure.
prescribed form from the Office of the Building
Approved plans and specifications shall not be
Official. Every application shall provide at least the
changed, modified or altered without the approval of
following information:
the Building Official and the work shall be done strictly
1. A description of the work to be covered by the in accordance thereto.
permit applied for;
 SECTION 305. Validity of Building Permits
2. Certified true copy of the TCT covering the lot
on which the proposed work is to be done. The issuance of a building permit shall not be
3. If the applicant is not the registered owner, in construed as an approval or authorization to the
addition to the TCT, a copy of the contract of permittee to disregard or violate any of the provisions
lease shall be submitted; of this Code.
4. The use or occupancy for which the proposal
Whenever the issuance of a permit is based on
work is intended;
approved plans and specifications which are
5. Estimated cost of the proposed work.
subsequently found defective, the Building Official is
To be submitted together with such application are at not precluded from requiring permittee to effect the
least five sets of corresponding plans and necessary corrections in said plans and specifications
specifications prepared, signed and sealed by a duly or from preventing or ordering the stoppage of any or
registered mechanical engineer in case of mechanical all building operations being carried on thereunder
plans, and by a registered electrical engineer in case which are in violation of this Code.
of electrical plans, except in those cases exempted or
A building permit issued under the provisions of this
not required by the Building Official under this Code.
Code shall expire and become null and void if the
 SECTION 303. Processing of Building Permits building or work authorized therein is not commenced
within a period of one year from the date of such
The processing of building permits shall be under the
permit, or if the building or work so authorized is
overall administrative control and supervision of the
suspended or abandoned at any time after it has been
Building Official and his technical staff of qualified
commenced, for a period of 120 days.
 SECTION 306. Non-Issuance, Suspension or
In processing an application for a building permit, the
Revocation of Building Permits
Building Official shall see to it that the applicant
satisfies and conforms with approved standard The Building Official may order or cause the non-
requirements on zoning and land use, lines and issuance, suspension or revocation of building permits
grades, structural design, sanitary and sewerage, on any or all of the following reasons or grounds:
environmental health, electrical and mechanical safety
a) Errors found in the plans and specifications;
as well as with other rules and regulations
b) Incorrect or inaccurate data or information
c) Non-compliance with the provisions of this A Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued by the
Code or of any rule or regulation. Building Official within thirty (30) days if after final
inspection and submittal of a Certificate of Completion
Notice of non-issuance, suspension or revocation of
referred to in the preceding Section, it is found that
building permits shall always be made in writing,
the building or structure complies with the provisions
stating the reason or grounds therefor.
of this Code.
 SECTION 307. Appeal
The Certificate of Occupancy shall be posted or
Within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of displayed in a conspicuous place on the premises and
advice of the non-issuance, suspension or revocation shall not be removed except upon order of the
of permits, the applicant/permittee may file an appeal Building Official
with the Secretary who shall render his decision
within fifteen days from date of receipt of notice of
appeal. The decision of the Secretary shall be the final  SECTION 401. Types of Construction
subject only to review by the Office of the President.
For purposes of this Code, all buildings proposed for
 SECTION 308. Inspection and Supervision of construction shall be classified or identified according
Work to the following types:

The owner of the Building who is issued or granted a  Type I – Type I buildings shall be of wood
building permit under this Code shall engage the construction. The structural elements may be
services of a duly licensed architect or civil engineer to any of the materials permitted by this Code.
undertake the full-time inspection and supervision of  Type II – Type II buildings shall be of wood
the construction work. construction with protective fire-resistant
materials and one-hour fire-resistive
Such architect or civil engineer may or may not be the
throughout: Except, that permanent non-
same architect or civil engineer who is responsible for
bearing partitions may use fire-retardant
the design of the building.
treated wood within the framing assembly.
It is understood however that in either case, the  Type III – Type III buildings shall be of masonry
designing architect or civil engineer is not precluded and wood construction. Structural elements
from conducting inspection of the construction work may be any of the materials permitted by this
to check and determine compliance with the plans Code: Provided, that the building shall be one-
and specifications of the building as submitted. hour fire-resistive throughout. Exterior walls
shall be of incombustible fire-resistive
There shall be kept at the jobsite at all times a logbook construction.
wherein the actual progress of construction including  Type IV – Type IV buildings shall be of steel,
tests conducted, weather conditions and other iron, concrete, or masonry construction.
pertinent data are to be recorded. Walls, ceilings, and permanent partitions shall
Upon completion of the construction, the said be of incombustible fire-resistive construction:
licensed architect or civil engineer shall submit the Except, that permanent non-bearing
logbook, duly signed and sealed, to the Building partitions of one-hour fire-resistive
Official. He shall also prepare and submit a Certificate construction may use fire- retardant treated
of Completion of the project stating that the wood within the framing assembly.
construction of building conforms to the provisions of  Type V – Type V buildings shall be fire-
this Code as well as with the approved plans and resistive. The structural elements shall be of
specifications. steel, iron, concrete, or masonry construction.
Walls, ceilings, and permanent partitions shall
 SECTION 309. Certificate of Occupancy be of incombustible fire-resistive construction.
No building or structure shall be used or occupied and
no change in the existing use or occupancy  SECTION 402. Changes in Types
classification of a building or structure or portion No change shall be made in the type of
thereof shall be made until the Building Officials have construction of any building which would place
issued a Certificate of Occupancy therefore as the building in a different sub-type or type of
provided in this Code.
construction unless such building is made to For the purpose of this Chapter, the center line of an
comply with the requirements for such sub-type adjoining street or alley may be considered an
of construction: Except, when the changes is adjacent property line. Distances shall be measured at
approved by the Building Official upon showing right angles to the street or alley.
that the new or proposed construction is less
 SECTION 506. Restrictions on Existing
hazardous, based on life and fire risk, than the
existing construction.
Existing buildings or structures in fire zones that do
 SECTION 403. Requirements on Type of
not comply with the requirements for a new building
erected therein shall not hereafter be enlarged,
Subject to the provisions of this Chapter, the Secretary altered, remodeled, repaired or moved except as
shall prescribe standards for each type of follows:
construction, and promulgate rules and regulations
 Such building is entirely demolished;
therefor, relating to structural framework, exterior
 Such building is to be moved outside the
walls and openings, interior walls and enclosures,
limits of the more highly restrictive Fire Zone
floors, exits and stairs construction, and roofs.
to a zone where the building meets the
minimum standards;
 Changes, alterations and repairs may be made
provided that in any 12-month period, the
 SECTION 501. Fire Zones Defined value of the work does not exceed twenty
percent of the value of the existing building,
Fire zones are areas within which only certain types of and provided that, such changes do not add
buildings are permitted to be constructed based on additional combustible material, and do not,
their use or occupancy, type of construction, and in the opinion of the Building Official, increase
resistance to fire. SECTION 502. Buildings located in the fire hazard;
more than One Fire Zone  Additions thereto are separated from the
A building or structure which is located partly in one existing building by fire walls, as set forth in
fire zone and partly in another shall be considered to Sub-section 604 (b);
be in the more highly restrictive fire zone, when more  Damage from fire or earthquake, typhoons or
than one-third of its total floor area is located in such any fortuitous event may be repaired, using
zone. the same kind of materials of which the
building or structure was originally
 SECTION 503. Moved Building constructed, provided that, the cost of such
Any building or structure moved within or into any fire repair shall not exceed twenty percent of the
zone shall be made to comply with all the replacement cost of the building or structure
requirements for buildings in that fire zone.
 SECTION 507. Designation of Fire Zones
 SECTION 504. Temporary Buildings
The Secretary shall promulgate specific restrictions for
Temporary buildings such as reviewing stands and each type of Fire Zone. Cities and municipalities shall
other miscellaneous structures conforming to the be divided into such Fire Zones in accordance with
requirements of this Code, and sheds, canopies and local, physical, and spatial framework plans submitted
fences used for the protection of the public around by city or municipal planning and/or development
and in conjunction with construction work, may be bodies.
erected in the fire zones by special permit from the
Building Official for a limited period of time, and such CHAPTER 6: FIRE-RESISTIVE REQUIREMENTS IN
buildings or structures shall be- completely removed CONSTRUCTION
upon the expiration of the time limit stated in such  SECTION 601. Fire-Resistive Rating defined
Fire-resistive rating means the degree to which a
 SECTION 505. Center Lines of Streets material can withstand fire as determined by generally
recognized and accepted testing methods.
 Group C – Education and Recreation Group C
Occupancies shall be buildings used for school
or day-care purposes, involving assemblage
for instruction, education, or recreation, and
not classified in Group I or in Division 1 and 2
 SECTION 602. Fire-Resistive Time Period or Group H Occupancies.
Rating  Group D – Institutional Group D Occupancies
Fire-resistive time period rating is the length of time a shall include:
material can withstand being burned which may be  Division 1 – Mental hospitals, mental
one-hour, two-hours, three-hours, four-hours, etc. sanitaria, jails, prisons, reformatories,
and buildings were personal liberties
 SECTION 603. Fire-Resistive Standards of inmates are similarly restrained.
All materials of construction, and assemblies or  Division 2 – Nurseries for full-time
combinations thereof shall be classified according to care of children under kindergarten
their fire-retardant or flame-spread ratings as age, hospitals, sanitaria, nursing
determined by general accepted testing methods homes with non-ambulatory patients,
and/or by the Secretary. and similar buildings each
accommodating more than five
 SECTION 604. Fire-Resistive Regulations persons.
 Division 3 – Nursing homes for
The Secretary shall prescribe standards and
ambulatory patients, homes for
promulgate rules and regulations on the testing of
children of kindergarten age or over,
construction materials for flame-spread
each accommodating more than five
characteristics, tests on fire damages, fire tests of
persons: Provided, that Group D
building construction and materials, door assemblies
Occupancies shall not include
and tinclad fire doors and window assemblies, the
buildings used only for private or
installation of fire doors and windows and smoke and
family group dwelling purposes.
fire detectors for fire protective signaling system,
 Group E – Business and Mercantile Group E
application and use of controlled interior finish, fire-
Occupancies shall include:
resistive protection for structural members, fire-
 Division 1 – Gasoline filling and
resistive walls and partitions, fire-resistive floor or roof
service stations, storage garages and
ceiling, fire-resistive assemblies for protection of
boat storage structures where no
openings and fire-retardant roof coverings.
work is done except exchange of parts
and maintenance requiring no open
flame, welding, or the use of highly
flammable liquids.
 Division 2 – Wholesale and retail
stores, office buildings, drinking and
 SECTION 701. Occupancy Classified dining establishments having an
occupant load of less than one
Buildings proposed for construction shall be identified hundred persons, printing plants,
according to their use or the character of its police and fire stations, factories and
occupancy and shall be classified as follows: workshops using not highly flammable
 Group A – Residential Dwellings Group A or combustible materials and paint
Occupancies shall be dwellings. stores without bulk handlings.
 Group B – Residentials, Hotels and  Division 3 – Aircraft hangars and open
Apartments Group B Occupancies shall be parking garages where no repair work
multiple dwelling units including boarding or is done except exchange of parts and
lodging houses, hotels, apartment buildings, maintenance requiring no open flame,
row houses, convents, monasteries and other welding or the use of highly
similar building each of which accommodates flammable liquids.
more than 10 persons.  Group F – Industrial Group F Occupancies shall
include: ice plants, power plants, pumping
plants, cold storage, and creameries, factories requirements. The height shall be measured from the
and workshops using incombustible and non- highest adjoining sidewalk or ground surface:
explosive materials, and storage and sales Provided, that the height measured from the lowest
rooms for incombustible and non-explosive adjoining surface shall not exceed such maximum
materials. height by more than 3.00 meters: Except, that towers,
 Group G – Storage and Hazardous Groups G spires, and steeples, erected as part of a building and
Occupancies shall include: not used for habitation or storage are limited as to
 Division 1 – Storage and handling of height only by structural design if completely of
hazardous and highly flammable incombustible materials, or may extend not to exceed
material. 6.00 meters above the height limits for each
 Division 2 – Storage and handling of occupancy group if of combustible materials.
flammable materials, dry cleaning
 SECTION 708. Minimum Requirements for
plants using flammable liquids; paint
Group A Dwellings
stores with bulk handling, paint shops
1. Dwelling Location and Lot Occupancy - The
and spray painting rooms.
dwelling shall occupy not more than ninety
 Division 3 – Wood working
percent of a corner lot and eighty percent of
establishments, planning mills and
an inside lot, and subject to the provisions on
box factories, shops, factories where
Easements of Light and View of the Civil Code
loose combustible fibers or dust are
of Philippines, shall be at least 2 meters from
manufactured, processed or
the property line.
generated; warehouses where highly
2. Light and Ventilation - Every dwelling shall be
combustible materials is stored.
so constructed and arranged as to provide
 Division 4 – Repair garages.
adequate light and ventilation as provided
 Division 5 – Aircrafts repair hangars.
under Section 805 to Section 811, of this
 Group H – Assembly Other Than Group I
Group H Occupancies shall include: Allowable
3. Sanitation - Every dwelling shall be provided
floor areas The allowable floor areas for one-
with at least one sanitary toilet and adequate
storey building and buildings over one-storey
washing and drainage facilities.
shall not exceed the limits prescribed by the
4. Foundation - Footings shall be of sufficient
Secretary for each occupancy groups and/or
size and strength to support the load of the
types of construction.
dwelling and shall be at least 250 millimeters
For purposes of this Section, each portion of a building thick and 600 millimeters below the surface of
separated by one or more area separation walls may the ground.
be considered a separate building provided the area 5. Post - The dimensions of wooden posts shall
separation walls meet the requirements prescribed be those found in Table 708-A: Dimensions of
therefor by the Secretary. Wooden Posts (Annex B-1). Each post shall be
anchored to such footing by straps and bolts
 SECTION 706. Allowable Floor Area Increases
of adequate size.
The floor areas hereinabove provided may be 6. Floor - The live load of the first floor shall be
increased in certain specific instances and under at least 200 kilograms per square meter and
appropriate conditions, based on the existence of for the second floor, at least 150 kilograms per
public space, streets or yards extending along and square meter.
adjoining two or more sides of the building or 7. Roof - The wind load for roofs shall be at least
structure subject to the approval of the Building 120 kilograms per square meter for vertical
Official. projection.
8. Stairs - Stairs shall be at least 750 millimeters
 SECTION 707. Maximum Height of Buildings in clear width, with a rise of 200 millimeters
The maximum height and number of storeys of every and a minimum run of 200 millimeters.
building shall be dependent upon the character of 9. Entrance and Exit - There shall be at least one
occupancy and the type of construction as determined entrance and another one for exit.
by the Secretary considering population density,
building bulk, widths of streets and car parking
10. Electrical Requirements - All electrical b. Courts, yards, and light wells shall be
installation shall conform to the requirements measured clear of all projections from the
of the Philippine Electrical Code. walls enclosing such wells or yards with the
11. Mechanical Requirements - Mechanical exception of roof leaders, wall copings, sills, or
systems and/or equipment installation shall steel fire escapes not exceeding 1.20 meters
be subject to the requirement of the in width.
Philippine Mechanical Engineering Code.
 SECTION 803. Percentage of Site Occupancy
a. Minimum site occupancy shall be governed by
 SECTION 709. Requirements for Other Group the use, type of construction, and height of
Occupancies the building and the use, area, nature, and
location of the site; and subject to the
Subject to the provisions of this Code, the Secretary provisions of the local zoning requirements
shall promulgate rules and regulations for each of the and in accordance with the rules and
other Group Occupancies covering: allowable regulations promulgated by the Secretary.
construction, height, and area; location on property,
exit facilities, light, ventilation, and sanitation;  SECTION 804. Size and Dimensions of Courts
enclosures of vertical openings; fire extinguishing a. Minimum size of courts and their least
systems; and special hazards. dimensions shall be governed by the use, type
of construction, and height of the building as
provided in the rules and regulations
CHAPTER 8 : LIGHT AND VENTILATION promulgated by the Secretary, provided that
 SECTION 801. General Requirements of Light the minimum horizontal dimension of court
and Ventilation shall be not less than 2.00 meters.
a. Subject to the provisions of the Civil Code b. All inner courts shall be connected to a street
of the Philippines on Easements of Light or yard, either by a passageway with a
and View, and to the provisions of this minimum width of 1.20 meters or by a door
part of the Code, every building shall be through a room or rooms.
designed, constructed, and equipped to
provide adequate light and ventilation.  SECTION 805. Ceiling Heights
b. All buildings shall face a street or public a. Habitable rooms provided with artificial
alley or a private street which has been ventilation shall have ceiling heights not less
duly approved. than 2.40 meters measured from the floor to
c. No building shall be altered nor arranged the ceiling; Provided that for buildings of
so as to reduce the size of any room or more than one- storey, the minimum ceiling
the relative area of windows to less than height of the first storey shall be 2.70 meters
that provided for buildings under this and that for the second storey 2.40 meters
Code, or to create an additional room, and succeeding storeys shall have an
unless such additional room conforms to unobstructed typical head-room clearance of
the requirements of this Code. not less than 2.10 meters above the finished
d. No building shall be enlarged so that the floor. Above stated rooms with a natural
dimensions of the required court or yard ventilation shall have ceiling heights not less
would be less than that prescribed for than 2.70 meters.
such building. b. Mezzanine floors shall have a clear ceiling
height not less than 1.80 meters above and
 SECTION 802. Measurement of Site below it.
a. The measurement of site occupancy or lot  SECTION 806. Size and Dimension of Rooms.
occupancy shall be taken at the ground level Minimum sizes of rooms and their least horizontal
and shall be exclusive of courts, yards, and dimensions shall be as follows:
light wells.
1. Rooms for Human Habitations – 6.00 square  SECTION 810. Ventilation Skylights
meters with a least dimension of 2.00 meter.0
Skylights shall have a glass area not less than that
square meters with a least dimension of 1.50
required for the windows that are replaced. They shall
be equipped with movable sashes or louvers with an
2. Bath and toilet – 1.20 square meters with a
aggregate net free area not less than that required for
least dimension of 0.90 meter.
openable parts in the window that are replaced or
provided with approved artificial ventilation of
 SECTION 807. Air Space Requirements in
equivalent effectiveness.
Determining the Size of Rooms
 SECTION 811. Artificial Ventilation
Minimum air space shall be provided as follows:
a. Rooms or spaces housing industrial or heating
1. School Rooms – 3.00 cubic meters with 1.00 equipment shall be provided with artificial
square meter of floor area per person; means of ventilation to prevent excessive
2. Workshops, Factories, and Offices – 12.00 accumulation of hot and/or polluted air.
cubic meters of air space per person; b. Whenever artificial ventilation is required, the
3. Habitable rooms – 14.00 cubic meters of air equipment shall be designed and constructed
space per person. to meet the following minimum requirements
in air changes:
 SECTION 808. Window Openings 1. For rooms entirely above grade and
used for office, clerical, or
Every room intended for any use, not provided with
administrative purposes, or as stores,
artificial ventilation system as herein specified in this
sales rooms, restaurants, markets,
Code, shall be provided with a window or windows
factories, workshops, or machinery
with a total free area of openings and equal to at least
rooms, not less than three changes of
ten percent of the floor area of room, and such
air per hour shall be provided.
window shall open directly to a court, yard, public
2. For rooms entirely above grade and
street or alley, or open water courses.
used as bakeries, hotel or restaurant
 SECTION 809. Vent Shafts kitchens, laundries other than
a. Ventilation or vent shafts shall have a accessory to dwellings, and boiler
horizontal cross-sectional area of not less than rooms – not less than ten changes of
0.10 square meter for every meter of height air per hour shall be provided.
of shaft but in no case shall the area be less 3. For auditorium and other rooms used
than 1.00 square meter. No vent shaft shall for assembly purposes, with seats or
have its least dimension less than 600 other accommodations – not less than
millimeters. 0.30 cubic meter of air per minute
b. Skylights – Unless open to the outer air at the shall be supplied for each person.
top for its full area, vent shaft shall be covered 4. For wards and dormitories of
by a skylight having a net free area or fixed institutional buildings – not less than
louver openings equal to the maximum 0.45 cubic meter of air per minute
required shaft area. Air ducts shall open to a shall be supplied for each person
street or court by a horizontal duct or intake accommodated.
at a point below the lowest window opening. 5. For other rooms or spaces not
Such duct or intake shall have a minimum specifically covered under this Section
unobstructed cross-sectional area of not less of the Code, applicable provisions of
than 0.30 square meter with a minimum the Philippine Mechanical Engineering
dimension of 300 millimeters. The openings to Code, shall be followed.
the duct or intake shall be not less than 300
millimeters above the bottom of the shaft and
the street surface or level of court, at the Chapter 9 : Sanitation
respective ends of the duct or intake.
 SECTION 901. General Requirements
Subject to the provisions of Book II of the Civil Code of a. Rainwater drainage shall not discharge to the
the Philippines on Property, Ownership, and its sanitary sewer system.
Modification, all buildings hereafter erected, altered, b. Adequate provisions shall be made to drain
remodeled, relocated or repaired for human low areas in buildings and their premises.
habitation shall be provided with adequate and
potable water supply, plumbing installation, and  SECTION 905. Pest and Vermin Control
suitable wastewater treatment or disposal system, a. All buildings with hollow and/or wood
storm water drainage, pest and vermin control, noise construction shall be provided with rat
abatement device, and such other measures required proofing.
for the protection and promotion of health of persons b. Garbage bins and receptacles shall be
occupying the premises and others living nearby. provided with ready means for cleaning and
with positive protection against entry of pest
 SECTION 902. Water Supply System
and vermins.
a. Whenever available, the potable water
c. Dining rooms for public use without artificial
requirements for a building used for human
ventilation shall be properly screened.
habitation shall be supplied from existing
municipal or city waterworks system.
 SECTION 906. Noise Pollution Control
b. The quality of drinking water from meteoric,
surface or underground sources shall conform Industrial establishments shall be provided with
to the criteria set in the latest approved positive noise abatement devices to tone down the
National Standards for Drinking Water. noise level of equipment and machineries to
c. The design, construction and operation of acceptable limits set down by the Department of
deepwells for the abstraction of groundwater Labor and the National Pollution Control Commission.
shall be subject to the provisions of the Water
 SECTION 907. Pipe Materials
Code of the Philippines.
d. The design, construction and operation of All pipe materials to be used in buildings shall conform
independent waterworks systems private to the Standard Specifications of the Philippine
housing subdivisions or industrial estates shall Standard Council.
be governed by existing laws relating to local
waterworks system.
e. The water piping installations inside buildings CHAPTER 10 : BUILDING PROJECTION OVER PUBLIC
and premises shall conform to the provisions STREETS
of the National Plumbing Code of the
Philippines.  SECTION 1001. General Requirements
a. No part of any building or structure or any of
 SECTION 903. Wastewater Disposal System its appendages shall project beyond the
a. Sanitary sewage from buildings and property line of the building site, except as
neutralized or pre-treated industrial provided in this Code.
wastewater shall be discharged directly into b. The projection of any structure or appendage
the nearest street sanitary sewer main of over a public property shall be the distance
existing municipal or city sanitary sewerage measured horizontally from the property line
system in accordance with the criteria set by to the uttermost point of the projection.
the Code on Sanitation and the National
Pollution Control Commission.  SECTION 1002. Projection into Alleys or
b. All buildings located in areas where there are Streets
no available sanitary sewerage system shall a. No part of any structure or its appendage shall
dispose their sewage “Imhoff” or septic tank project into any alley or street, national road
and subsurface absorption field. or public highway except as provided in this
c. Sanitary and industrial plumbing installations Code.
inside buildings and premises shall conform to b. Footings located at least 2.40 meters below
the provisions of the National Plumbing Code. grade along national roads or public highway
may project not more than 300 millimeters
 SECTION 904. Storm Drainage System beyond the property line.
c. Foundations may be permitted to encroach d. Location. Every marquee shall be so located as
into public sidewalk areas to a width not not to interfere with the operation of any
exceeding 500 millimeters; provided, that the exterior standpipe connection or to obstruct
top of the said foundations is not less than the clear passage from stairway exits from the
600 millimeters below the established grade; building or the installation or maintenance of
and provided further, that said projection electroliers.
does not obstruct any existing utility such as
power, communication, gas, water, or sewer  SECTION 1006. Movable Awnings or Hoods
lines, unless the owner concerned shall pay a. Definition. An awning is a movable shelter
the corresponding entities for the rerouting of supported entirely from an exterior wall of a
the parts of the affected utilities. building and of a type which can be retracted,
folded, or collapsed against the face of a
 SECTION 1003. Projection of Balconies and supporting building.
Appendages Over Streets b. Clearance. The horizontal clearance between
a. The extent of any projection over an alley or the awning and the curb line shall not be less
street shall be uniform within a block and than 300 millimeters. The vertical clearance
shall conform to the limitations set forth in between the undermost surface of the awning
Table 1003-A; Projection of Balconies and and the pavement or ground line shall be not
Appendages (Annex B-2). less than 2.40 meters. Collapsible awnings
b. The clearance between the established grade shall be so designated that they shall not
of the street and/or sidewalk and the lowest block a required exit when collapsed or
under surface of any part of the balcony shall folded.
not be less than 3.00 meters.
 SECTION 1007. Doors, Windows, and the like
 SECTION 1004. Arcades
Doors, windows, and the like less than 2.40 meters
a. Whenever required by existing building and
above the pavement or groundline shall not, when
zoning regulations, arcades shall be
fully opened or upon opening, project beyond the
constructed on sidewalks of streets. The width
property line except fire exit doors.
of the arcade and its height shall be uniform
throughout the street provided, that in no  SECTION 1008. Corner Buildings with
case, shall an arcade be less than 3.00 meters Chaflans
above the established sidewalk grade. a. Every corner building or solid fence on a
public street or alley less than 3.60 meters in
 SECTION 1005. Canopies (Marquees) width shall be truncated at the corner. The
a. Definition: A canopy or marquee is a face of the triangle so formed shall be at right
permanent roofed structure above a door angles to the bisector of the angle of the
attached to and supported by the building and intersection of the street lines; provided, that
projecting over a wall or sidewalk. This in no case, the Secretary shall determine the
includes any object or decoration attached size and form of the chaflan.
thereto. b. If the building is arcaded, no chaflan is
b. Projection and Clearance. The horizontal required notwithstanding the width of the
clearance between the outermost edge of the public street or alley, less than 12.00 meters.
marquee and the curb line shall be not less
than 300 millimeters. The vertical clearance
between the pavement or ground line and the CHAPTER 11 : PROTECTION OF PEDESTRIANS DURING
undersurface of any part the marquee shall CONSTRUCTION OR DEMOLITION
not be less than 3.00 meters.
c. Construction. A marquee shall be constructed  SECTION 1101. General Requirements
of incombustible material or materials of not a. No person shall use or occupy a street, alley
less than two-hours fire-resistive construction. or public sidewalk for the performance of
It shall be provided with necessary drainage work covered by a building permit except in
facility. accordance with the provisions of this
b. No person shall perform any work on any Protection Required for Pedestrians (Annex B-
building or structure adjacent to a public way 2).
in general use for pedestrian travel, unless the b. Railings. Adequate railings when required
pedestrians are protected as specified in this shall be built substantially strong and should
Chapter. be at least 1.00 meter in height.
c. Any material or structure temporarily c. Fences. Fences shall be built of an approved
occupying public property, including fence, material, not less than 2.40 meters in height
canopies, and walkways, shall be adequately above grade, and be placed on the side of the
lighted, between sunset and sunrise. walkway nearest to the building site. Fences
shall enclose entirely the building site.
 SECTION 1102. Storage in Public Property Openings in such fences shall be provided
with doors which shall be kept closed at all
Materials and equipment necessary for work to be
done under a permit when placed or stored on public
d. Canopies. The protective canopy shall have a
property shall not obstruct free and convenient
clear height of 2.40 meters above the railway,
approach to and use of any fire hydrant, fire or police
and shall be structurally safe. Every canopy
alarm box, utility box, catch basin, or manhole and
shall have a solid fence built along its entire
shall not interfere with any drainage of any street or
length on the construction side. If materials
alley gutter.
are stored or work is done on top of the
canopy, the edge along the street shall be
protected by a tight curb board not less than
 SECTION 1103. Mixing Mortar on Public 300 millimeters high and arailing not less than
Property 1.00 meter high shall be provided. The entire
The mixing of mortar, concrete, or similar materials on structure shall be designed to carry the loads
public streets shall not be allowed. imposed upon it: Provided, that the live load
shall be not less than 600 kilograms per
 SECTION 1104. Protection of Utilities square meter.
All public or private utilities above or below the
ground shall be protected from any damage by any  SECTION 1107. Maintenance and Removal of
work being done under the permit. The protection Protective Devices
shall be maintained while such work is being done and a. Maintenance. All protective devices shall be
shall not obstruct the normal functioning of any such properly maintained in place and kept in good
utility. order for the entire length of time pedestrians
may be endangered.
 SECTION 1105. Walkway b. Removal. Every protective fence or canopy
a. When the Building Official authorizes a shall be removed within 30 days after such
sidewalk to be fenced or closed, or in case protection is no longer required as
there is no sidewalk in front of the building determined by the Building Official.
site during construction or demolition, a
temporary walkway of not less than 1.20  SECTION 1108. Demolition
meters wide shall be provided. a. The work of demolishing any building shall not
b. The walkway shall be capable of supporting a be commenced until all the necessary
uniform live load of 650 kilograms per square pedestrian protective structures are in place.
meter. A durable wearing surface shall be b. The Building Official may require the
provided throughout the construction period. permittee to submit plans, specifications and
complete schedule of demolition. When so
 SECTION 1106. Pedestrian Protection required, no work shall be done until such
a. Protection Required. Pedestrian traffic shall be plans, specifications and schedule are
protected by a railing on the street side when approved by the Building Official.
the walkway extends into the roadway, by a
railing when adjacent to excavations, and by
such as set forth in Table 1106-A: Type of
 SECTION 1201. General Requirements stratum overlying an impervious bed,
1. Buildings proposed for construction shall a bench should be formed at the
comply with all the regulations and junction of the strata to carry an
specifications including safety standards intermediate intercepting drain.
embodied in the Administrative Order of c. If groundwater is standing at a
DOLE herein set forth governing quality, considerable head around the
characteristics and properties of materials, excavation, measures shall be
methods of design and construction, type of undertaken to reduce this head by a
occupancy and classification. system of weepholes at the lowest
2. The various applicable referral codes shall 1/3 section of the excavation wall or
supplementally guide the planning, design, by enclosing the site with suitable
layout, content, construction, location/siting, sheet piling or if a water-sealing
installation and maintenance of all stratum can be reached within a
buildings/structures. reasonable distance at the bottom of
3. For the guidance of the general public, the the excavation
Secretary shall periodically issue generic lists 3. Footings, Foundations, and Retaining Walls
of approved, strictly regulated or banned a. Footings and foundations shall be of
items, procedures, usages and the like relative the appropriate type, of adequate
to the design, construction and size, and capacity in order to safely
use/occupancy of buildings/structures: sustain the superimposed loads under
a. Materials for construction; seismic or any condition of external
b. Processes for the production of forces that may affect the safety or
materials, their installation or stability of the structure. It shall be
construction; the responsibility of the architect
c. Procedures/methodologies/systems and/or engineer to adopt the type
for both design and construction; and design of the same in accordance
d. Organizational structures/hierarchies with the standards set forth by the
for construction; Secretary
e. Types of occupancy; and b. Whenever or wherever there exist in
f. Classifications relative to design, the site of the construction an abrupt
construction and occupancy. change in the ground levels or level of
4. All buildings/structures shall be placed in or the foundation such that instability of
upon private property or duly designated the soil could result, retaining walls
public land and shall be securely constructed shall be provided and such shall be of
in conformance with the requirements of the adequate design and type of
Code. construction as prescribed by the

 SECTION 1202. Excavation, Foundation, and  SECTION 1203. Veneer

Retaining Walls 1. Veneer is a nonstructural facing of brick,
1. Subject to the provisions of Articles 684 to concrete, tile, metal, plastic, glass, or other
686 of the Civil Code of the Philippines on similar approved materials attached to a
lateral and subjacent support, the design and backing or structural components of the
quality of materials used structurally in building for the purpose of ornamentation,
excavation, footings, and in foundations shall protection, or enclosure that may be adhered,
conform to accepted engineering practice. integrated, or anchored either on the interior
2. Excavation and Fills or exterior of the building or structure.
a. Excavation and fills for buildings or 2. Design Requirements. The design of all veneer
structures shall be so constructed or shall comply with the following:
protected that they do not endanger a. Veneer shall support no load other
life or property than its own weight and the vertical
b. In cases where the excavation passes dead load of veneer immediately
through a permeable water-bearing above.
b. Surfaces to which veneer is attached the shaft enclosure walls. Air ducts in Group A
shall be designed to support the Occupancies need not be enclosed in a shaft if
additional vertical and lateral loads conforming to the mechanical provisions of
imposed by the veneer. the Code.
c. Consideration shall be given to
differential movements of the  SECTION 1205. Floor Construction
supports including those caused by 1. Floors shall be of such materials and
temperature changes, shrinkage, construction as specified under Rule V - Fire
creep, and deflection. Zones and Fire-Resistive Standards and under
d. Adhered veneer and its backing shall Rule IV - Types of Construction.
be designed to have a bond to the 2. All floors shall be so framed and secured into
supporting elements sufficient to the framework and supporting walls as to
withstand shearing stresses due to form an integral part of the whole building.
their weights including seismic effects 3. The types of floor construction used shall
on the total assemblage. provide means to keep the beam and girders
from lateral buckling.
 SECTION 1204. Enclosure of Vertical
1. General. Vertical openings shall be enclosed
depending upon the fire resistiv requirements
of a particular type of construction as set forth
in the Code.  SECTION 1206. Roof Construction and
2. Elevator Enclosures. Walls and partitions Covering
enclosing elevators and escalators shall be o 1. Roof Covering. Roof covering for all buildings
not less than the fire-resistive construction shall be either fire-retardant or ordinary
required under the Types of Construction. depending upon the fire-resistive
Enclosing walls of elevator shafts may consist requirements of the particular type of
of wire glass set in metal frames on the construction. The use of combustible roof
entrance side only. Elevator shafts extending insulation shall be permitted in all types of
through more than two storeys shall be construction provided it is covered with
equipped with an approved means of approved roof covering applied directly
adequate ventilation to and through the main thereto.
roof of the building; Provided, that in those 2. Roof Trusses. All roofs shall be so framed and
buildings housing Groups F and G Occupancies tied into the framework and supporting walls
equipped with automatic fire-extinguishing so as to form an integral part of the whole
systems throughout, enclosures shall not be building. Roof trusses shall have all joints well
required for escalators; fitted and shall have all tension members well
3. Other Vertical Openings. All shafts, ducts, tightened before any load is placed in the
chutes, and other vertical openings not covere truss. Diagonal and sway bracing shall be used
in paragraph above shall have enclosing walls to brace all roof trusses. The allowable
conforming to the requirements specified working stresses of materials in trusses shall
under the type of construction of the building conform to the Code. Camber shall be
in which they are located. In other than Group provided to prevent sagging.
A Occupancies, rubbish and linen chutes shall 3. Roof Drainage System
terminate in rooms separated from the a. Roof Drains. Roof drains shall be
remainder of the building by a One-Hour Fire- installed at low points of the roof and
Resistive Occupancy Separation. Openings shall be adequate in size to discharge
into the chutes shall not be located in all tributary waters.
required exit corridors or stairways. b. Overflow Drains and Scuppers. Where
4. Air Ducts. Air ducts passing through a floor roof drains are required, adequate
shall be enclosed in a shaft. The shaft shall b overflow drains shall be provided.
as required in this Code for vertical openings. c. Concealed Piping. Roof drains and
Dampers shall be installed where ducts pierce overflows drains, when concealed
within the construction of the Engineering pursuant to Republic Act 7920, otherwise
building, shall be installed in known as the Philippine Electrical Engineering Law.
accordance with the provisions of the
1. Overhead Service Entrance
National Plumbing Code.
2. Open Supply Conductors Attached to Buildings
d. Over Public Property. Roof drainage
3. Open Supply Conductors Attached to Buildings
water from a building shall not be
4. Conductors Passing By or Over Buildings
permitted to flow over public
5. Clearance of Service Drops
property, except for Group A and J
6. Wiring Methods
7. Transformers
e. Flashing. Flashing and counterflashing
8. Provisions for Transformer Vault
shall be provided at the juncture of
9. Capacitor
the roof and vertical surfaces.
10. Emergency Power Systems
11. Electrical room
 SECTION 1207. Stairs, Exits, and Occupant
12. Service Equipment
13. etering Facilities
1. General. The construction of stairs and exits
shall conform to the occupant load
 SECTION 1302. Mechanical Regulations
requirements of buildings, reviewing stands,
bleachers, and grandstands All mechanical systems, equipment and installations
2. Exits mentioned in the Code shall conform to the provisions
3. Doors of the Philippine Mechanical Code, as adopted by the
4. Corridors and Exterior Exit Balconies Board of Mechanical Engineering pursuant to RA 8495
5. Stairways as amended, otherwise known as the Philippine
6. Ramps Mechanical Engineering Law.
7. Exits enclosure
8. Smokeproof enclosure 1. Guarding of Moving and Dangerous Parts
9. Horizontal exits 2. Cranes
10. Exit Outlets, Courts, and Passageways 3. Hoist
11. Exit Signs and Illuminations 4. Elevators
12. Aisles 5. Excavator
13. Seats 6. Boilers and Pressure Vessels
14. Reviewing Stands, Grandstands, and Bleacher 7. Refrigeration and air conditioning
8. Water Pumping for Buildings/Structures
 SECTION 1208. Skylights 9. Piping for fuel, gas and stem

All skylights shall be constructed with metal frames

except those for Groups A and J Occupancies. Frames
of skylights shall be designed to carry loads required
for roofs. All skylights, the glass of which is set at an
angle of less than 45º from the horizontal, if located
above the first storey, shall be set at least 100
millimeters above the roof. Curbs on which the
skylights rest shall be constructed of incombustible
materials except for Types I or II Construction.



 SECTION 1301. Electrical Regulations

All electrical systems, equipment and installations

mentioned in the Code shall conform to the provisions
of the Philippine Electrical Code Part 1 (PEC-1) and
Part 2 (PEC-2), as adopted by the Board of Electrical

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