Principles of Communism
Principles of Communism
Principles of Communism
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Paris, 2021
In their works of the 1840s and 1850s, prior to Marx having worked out the
theory of surplus value, Marx and Engels used the terms “value of labour”, “price
of labour”, “sale of labour” which, as Engels noted in 1891 in the introduction to
Marx’s pamphlet Wage Labour and Capital, “from the point of view of the later
works were inadequate and even wrong”. After he had proved that the worker
sells to the capitalist not his labour but his labour power Marx used more precise
terms. In later works Marx and Engels used the terms “value of labour power”,
“price of labour power”, “sale of labour power.”
The reference is to class-divided societies. Subsequently Engels thought it
necessary to make special mention of the fact that in their works written in the
1840s, while touching upon the problem of class antagonisms and class struggle
in history, Marx and he made no mention of the primitive classless stage of human
development because the history of that stage had as yet been but little studied.
(See Engels’ note to the English edition of the Manifesto of the Communist Party,
Principles of Communism
Principles of Communism
Principles of Communism
more stringently applied the more all branches of labour are taken over by
large-scale industry.
Question 6: What working classes existed before the industrial
Answer: Depending on the different stages of the development of
society, the working classes lived in different conditions and stood in
different relations to the possessing and ruling classes. In ancient times the
working people were the slaves of their owners, just as they still are in
many backward countries and even in the southern part of the United
States. In the Middle Ages they were the serfs of the landowning nobility,
just as they still are in Hungary, Poland, and Russia. In the Middle Ages
and up to the industrial revolution there were in the towns also journeymen
in the service of petty-bourgeois craftsmen, and with the development of
manufacture there gradually emerged manufactory workers, who were
already employed by the bigger capitalists.
Question 7: In what way does the proletarian differ from the slave?
Answer: The slave is sold once and for all, the proletarian has to sell
himself by the day and by the hour. Being the property of one master, the
individual slave has, since it is in the interest of this master, a guaranteed
subsistence, however wretched it may be; the individual proletarian, the
property, so to speak, of the whole bourgeois class, whose labour is only
bought from him when somebody needs it, has no guaranteed subsistence.
This subsistence is guaranteed only to the proletarian class as a whole.
The slave stands outside competition, the proletarian stands within it and
feels all its fluctuations. The slave is accounted a thing, not a member of
civil society; the proletarian is recognised as a person, as a member of civil
society. Thus, the slave may have a better subsistence than the proletarian,
but the proletarian belongs to a higher stage of development of society and
himself stands at a higher stage than the slave. The slave frees himself by
abolishing, among all the private property relationships, only the
relationship of slavery and thereby only then himself becomes a
proletarian; the proletarian can free himself only by abolishing private
property in general.
Question 8: In what way does the proletarian differ from the serf?
Principles of Communism
Half a page is left blank by Engels in the manuscript. The answer printed here
is from the answer to the same question from the Draft of the Communist
Confession of Faith.
Principles of Communism
Question 10: In what way does the proletarian differ from the
manufactory worker?
Answer: The manufactory worker of the sixteenth to the eighteenth
centuries almost everywhere still owned an instrument of production, his
loom, the family spinning-wheels, and a little plot of land which he
cultivated in his leisure hours. The proletarian has none of these things.
The manufactory worker lives almost always in the country and in more
or less patriarchal relations with his landlord or his employer; the
proletarian lives mostly in large towns, and stands to his employer in a
purely money relationship. The manufactory worker is torn up from his
patriarchal relations by large-scale industry, loses the property he still has
and thereby only then himself becomes a proletarian.
Question 11: What were the immediate results of the industrial
revolution and the division of society into bourgeois and proletarians?
Answer: Firstly, owing to the continual cheapening of the price of
industrial products as a result of machine labour, the old system of
manufacture or industry founded upon manual labour was completely
destroyed in all countries of the world. All semi-barbarian countries,
which until now had been more or less outside historical development and
whose industry had until now been based on manufacture, were thus
forcibly torn out of their isolation. They bought the cheaper commodities
of the English and let their own manufactory workers go to ruin. Thus
countries that for thousands of years had made no progress, for example
India, were revolutionised through and through, and even China is now
marching towards a revolution. It has reached the point that a new machine
invented today in England, throws millions of workers in China out of
work within a year. Large-scale industry has thus brought all the peoples
of the earth into relationship with one another, thrown all the small local
markets into the world market, prepared the way everywhere for
civilisation and progress, and brought it about that everything that happens
in the civilised countries must have its repercussions on all other countries.
So if now in England or France the workers liberate themselves, this must
lead to revolutions in all other countries, which sooner or later will also
bring about the liberation of the workers in those countries.
Principles of Communism
Principles of Communism
In the Appendix to the 1887 American edition of The Condition of the Working
Class in England (first published in 1845) and also in the Preface to the English
edition and in the Preface to the Second German edition (1892), Engels wrote
about the recurrence of crises: “The recurring period of the great industrial crisis
is stated in the text as five years. This was the period apparently indicated by the
course of events from 1825 to 1842. But the industrial history from 1842 to 1868
has shown that the real period is one of ten years; that the intermediate revulsions
were secondary, and tended more and more to disappear.”
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greatest misery for the workers, general revolutionary ferment, and the
greatest danger to the entire existing system.
Question 13: What conclusions can be drawn from these regularly
recurring trade crises?
Answer: Firstly, that although in the initial stages of its development
large-scale industry itself created free competition, it has now nevertheless
outgrown free competition; that competition and in general the carrying
on of industrial production by individuals have become a fetter upon large-
scale industry which it must and will break; that large-scale industry, so
long as it is conducted on its present basis, can only survive through a
general confusion repeating itself every seven years which each time
threatens all civilisation, not merely plunging the proletarians into misery
but also ruining a great number of bourgeois; therefore that either large-
scale industry itself must be given up, which is utterly impossible, or that
it absolutely necessitates a completely new organisation of society, in
which industrial production is no longer directed by individual factory
owners, competing one against the other, but by the whole of society
according to a fixed plan and according to the needs of all.
Secondly, that large-scale industry and the unlimited expansion of
production which it makes possible can bring into being a social order in
which so much of all the necessities of life will be produced that every
member of society will thereby be enabled to develop and exercise all his
powers and abilities in perfect freedom. Thus, precisely that quality of
large-scale industry which in present society produces all misery and all
trade crises is the very quality which under a different social organisation
will destroy that same misery and these disastrous fluctuations.
Thus it is most clearly proved:
1. that from now on all these ills are to be attributed only to the social
order which no longer corresponds to the existing conditions;
2. that the means are available to abolish these ills completely through
a new social order.
Question 14: What kind of new social order will this have to be?
Principles of Communism
Answer: Above all, it will have to take the running of industry and all
branches of production in general out of the hands of separate individuals
competing with each other and instead will have to ensure that all these
branches of production are run by society as a whole, i.e., for the social
good, according to a social plan and with the participation of all members
of society. It will therefore do away with competition and replace it by
association. Since the running of industry by individuals had private
ownership as its necessary consequence and since competition is nothing
but the manner in which industry is run by individual private owners,
private ownership cannot be separated from the individual running of
industry and competition. Hence, private ownership will also have to be
abolished, and in its stead there will be common use of all the instruments
of production and the distribution of all products by common agreement,
or the so-called community of property. The abolition of private
ownership is indeed the most succinct and characteristic summary of the
transformation of the entire social system necessarily following from the
development of industry, and it is therefore rightly put forward by the
Communists as their main demand.
Question 15: The abolition of private property was therefore not
possible earlier?
Answer: No. Every change in the social order, every revolution in
property relations, has been the necessary result of the creation of new
productive forces which would no longer conform to the old property
relations. Private property itself arose in this way. For private property has
not always existed, but when towards the end of the Middle Ages a new
mode of production appeared in the form of manufacture which could not
be subordinated to the then existing feudal and guild property,
manufacture, having outgrown the old property relations, created a new
form of ownership—private ownership. For manufacture and the first
stage of development of large-scale industry, no other form of ownership
was possible than private ownership and no other order of society than that
founded upon private ownership. So long as it is not possible to produce
so much that not only is there enough for all, but also a surplus for the
increase of social capital and for the further development of the productive
forces, so long must there always be a ruling class disposing of the
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Principles of Communism
private ownership has been made, the proletariat will see itself compelled
to go always further, to concentrate all capital, all agriculture, all industry,
all transport, and all exchange more and more in the hands of the State.
All these measures work towards such results; and they will become
realisable and will develop their centralising consequences in the same
proportion in which the productive forces of the country will be multiplied
by the labour of the proletariat. Finally, when all capital, all production,
and all exchange are concentrated in the hands of the nation, private
ownership will automatically have ceased to exist, money will have
become superfluous, and production will have so increased and men will
be so much changed that the last forms of the old social relations will also
be able to fall away.
Question 19: Will it be possible for this revolution to take place in one
country alone?
Answer: No. Large-scale industry, already by creating the world
market, has so linked up all the peoples of the earth, and especially the
civilised peoples, that each people is dependent on what happens to
another. Further, in all civilised countries large-scale industry has so
levelled social development that in all these countries the bourgeoisie and
the proletariat have become the two decisive classes of society and the
struggle between them the main struggle of the day. The communist
revolution will therefore be no merely national one; it will be a revolution
taking place simultaneously in all civilised countries, that is, at least in
England, America, France and Germany.5 In each of these countries it will
The conclusion that the victory of the proletarian revolution was possible only
simultaneously in the advanced capitalist countries, and hence impossible in one
country alone, first made by Marx and Engels in The German Ideology and most
definitely formulated in the Principles of Communism, was arrived at in the period
of pre-monopoly capitalism. However, in their later works Marx and Engels
found it necessary to give this proposition a more flexible form stressing the fact
that a proletarian revolution should be understood as a considerably prolonged
and complex process which could develop initially in several main capitalist
countries. See, for example, K. Marx, “Revelations about the Cologne Trial”
(1853), Marx’s letter of February 12, 1870 to Engels and Engels’ letter of
September 12, 1882 to Kautsky. Under new historical conditions, Lenin,
proceeding from the law of the uneven economic and political development of
Principles of Communism
capitalism in the era of imperialism, came to the conclusion that the socialist
revolution could first triumph either in only a few countries or even in a single
country. This conclusion was first formulated by Lenin in his article “On the
Slogan of the United States of Europe” (1915).
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Principles of Communism
incompatible with the existence of classes and, on the other, the very
establishment of this society furnishes the means to do away with these
class differences.
It follows from this that the antagonism between town and country will
likewise disappear. The carrying on of agriculture and industrial
production by the same people, instead of by two different classes, is
already for purely material reasons an essential condition of communist
association. The scattering of the agricultural population over the
countryside, along with the crowding of the industrial population into the
big towns, is a state which corresponds only to an undeveloped stage of
agriculture and industry, an obstacle to all further development which is
already now making itself very keenly felt.
The general association of all members of society for the common and
planned exploitation of the productive forces, the expansion of production
to a degree where it will satisfy the needs of all, the termination of the
condition where the needs of some are satisfied at the expense of others,
the complete annihilation of classes and their antagonisms, the all-round
development of the abilities of all the members of society through doing
away with the hitherto existing division of labour, through industrial
education, through change of activity, through the participation of all in
the enjoyments provided by all, through the merging of town and
country—such are the main results of the abolition of private property.
Question 21: What influence will the communist order of society have
upon the family?
Answer: It will make the relation between the sexes a purely private
relation which concerns only the persons involved, and in which society
has no call to interfere. It is able to do this because it abolishes private
property and educates children communally, thus destroying the twin
foundation of hitherto existing marriage—the dependence through private
property of the wife upon the husband and of the children upon the parents.
Here also is the answer to the outcry of moralising philistines against the
communist community of women. Community of women is a relationship
that belongs altogether to bourgeois society and is completely realised
today in prostitution. But prostitution is rooted in private property and falls
Principles of Communism
The manuscript has the answer to this question as “remains.” Apparently this
means that the answer to this question remains the same as in the Draft of a
Communist Confession of Faith. The same has been printed here.
Same as Note 6.
Principles of Communism
The manuscript has a blank space here. See answer to Question 18.
Principles of Communism
The Chartists were participants in the political movement of the British workers
which lasted from the 1830s to the middle 1850s and had as its slogan the adoption
of a People’s Charter, demanding universal franchise and a series of conditions
guaranteeing voting rights for all workers. Lenin defined Chartism as the world’s
“first broad, truly mass and politically organized proletarian revolutionary
movement.” (See Lenin, “The Third International and its Place in History”
(1919).) The decline of the Chartist movement was due to the strengthening of
Britain’s industrial and commercial monopoly and the bribing of the upper
stratum of the working class (“the labour aristocracy”) by the British bourgeoisie
out of its super-profits. Both factors led to the strengthening of opportunist
tendencies in this stratum as expressed, in particular, by the refusal of the trade
union leaders to support Chartism.
The reference is to Young America — an organisation of American craftsmen
and workers; it formed the nucleus of the mass National Reform Association
founded in 1845. In the second half of the 1840s the Association agitated for land
reform, proclaiming as its aim free allotment of a plot of 160 acres to every
working man; it came out against slave-owning planters and land profiteers. It
also put forward demands for a ten-hour working day, abolition of slavery, of the
Principles of Communism
In Switzerland the radicals, although still a very mixed party, are yet
the only people with whom the Communists can have anything to do, and,
further, among these radicals those in the cantons of Vaud and of Geneva
are the most advanced.
Finally, in Germany the decisive struggle between the bourgeoisie and
the absolute monarchy is still to come. Since, however, the Communists
cannot count on the decisive struggle between themselves and the
bourgeoisie until the bourgeoisie rules, it is in the interests of the
Communists to help bring the bourgeoisie to power as soon as possible in
order as soon as possible to overthrow them again. The Communists must
therefore always take the side of the liberal bourgeois against the
governments but they must ever be on their guard against sharing the self-
deceptions of the bourgeois or believing their false assurances about the
benefits which the victory of the bourgeoisie will bring to the proletariat.
The only advantages which the victory of the bourgeoisie will provide for
the Communists will be: 1. various concessions which make easier for the
Communists the defence, discussion and spreading of their principles and
thus the unification of the proletariat into a closely knit, militant and
organised class, and 2. the certainty that from the day when the absolute
governments fall, comes the turn for the fight between bourgeois and
proletarians. From that day onwards the party policy of the Communists
will be the same as in the countries where the bourgeoisie already rules.
standing army, etc. Many German emigrant craftsmen, including members of the
League of the Just, took part in the movement headed by the National Reform
Association. By 1846 the movement among the German workers began to
subside. One of the reasons for this was the activity of Kriege’s group whose “true
socialism” diverted the German emigrants from the struggle for democratic aims.