February 2023 Horoscopes

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What can Aries expect in February

Dear Aries, February is a magical and special time for you, your character, your
strength, your courage, your soul’s journey, your social life, your inner
psychology, your future, and your past. You are making peace with and starting
to detach from your past. The past starts losing its power over you—things that
have been difficult start dissolving and composting. You are asked to take risks
and move forward with your goals and ambitions. You have huge opportunities to
accomplish things you’ve been working on, and you’re reminded that you are an
unlimited being, that you don’t have to limit yourself when it comes to your
imagination, your dreams, and your goals. You can set very high goals during
this time, and you are going to have that feeling that something big is about to
change. You will feel that hunch strongly, that sense of big change; you will feel it
in your core self, in your bones. You will feel that your life is about to shift in a big
way in the coming years. Make things happen—you have that power now. You
will be reflecting on and investigating yourself, your recent past, and your distant
past. You may travel through time a little bit, and this time travel will bring you
some insights that will affect your decisions now. The way you see yourself is
under construction, and your spiritual path is unfolding in many mystical and
magical ways for you.

On the 5th of February, there’s a Full Moon in your fellow Fire sign, Leo, lighting
up your fifth house of joy, creativity, fun, entertainment, children, romance, love,
business, self-expression, hobbies, gifts, and talents. This Full Moon should be
very harmonious and friendly for you, but since this is Full Moon, some drama is
also possible here, especially because it’s in Leo and Leo represents drama, too.
Full Moons bring things to a head, bring things to an end, and bring things to
fruition. Something you’ve been working on in these fifth house areas may come
to fruition, to completion. This can be related to your children if you have them or
somebody else’s children. You may be launching a product or service. These can
be big launches. You may be performing or expressing your creative skills,
talents, and hobbies in some way. Allow yourself to have more fun during this
time. This Full Moon is a lot about you experiencing joy and being able to really
feel it, express it, and share it. This Full Moon is about inspiration, empowerment,
self-esteem, courage, risks, and success. You have the will to create, and you
are supported now through this Full Moon that makes a supportive and
harmonious aspect with your sign.

On the 11th of February, Mercury, planet of communication and transportation,

shifts into Aquarius and activates your eleventh house of friends, communities,
social networks, networking, and groups of people. This can connect you with
more people. It is a good time to collaborate with others, and you can expect
more friendly energy, more connections and conversations with others, hanging
out with friends, working with people, collaborating, exchanging ideas, doing
things together, being on a team, being in a community, and having a mutual
goal. You can influence others and others can influence you. Your way of
expressing yourself with others becomes more meaningful and more important.
You may have some great ideas for your future plans, for your long-range goals
and dreams. Expect conversations about your future. Online communities are
also affected by this transit. Planets are direct, and you can finally see things
moving forward. Things that have been delayed, postponed, or slowed down are
taking a toll now.

On the 19th of February, the Sun enters Pisces and highlights your hidden
twelfth house. On the 20th, there’s a New Moon in Pisces, too. This brings more
focus on your inner world, your inner self, your inner journey, your hidden reality,
your subtle reality, your dream world, your imagination, visualization, and your
spiritual journey, but also your subconscious fears, subconscious patterns and
programs, your blindspots, your vulnerabilities, your weaknesses, your
addictions, and your escapist behavior. You can expect a new vision, a new way
of looking at your past and making peace with your past, your ancestors, and
those things you have had a hard time understanding within yourself. You are
looking within, reflecting on the past year or past years, and you’re making peace
with them. It is time to find some time for being quiet, for relaxing, resting, letting
go, surrendering, and allowing yourself to take a break from your everyday
distractions, everyday mess, and everyday noise. It is time to withdraw, to reflect,
to go on a retreat or short holiday, to take a day off.
On the same day of the New Moon in Pisces, on the 20th, Venus comes out of
Pisces and enters your sign, dear Aries. Venus in your sign is very friendly, and
she makes you feel very charming, very entrepreneurial, cheerful, action-
oriented, inspirational, loving, charismatic, and uplifting. You also have Jupiter in
your sign, and this will only add spice to it. This is excellent for you and all your
relationships, your business, your image, your style, your vitality, and your
physical body. You can improve your behavior in many ways now, and you can
easily achieve things you usually cannot. There’s so much life in your world once
Venus enters your sign—more romance, more love, more beauty, and more
opportunities that you have to recognize and act upon.

Your ruler, Mars, is still in Gemini in your third house. Things become even
clearer for you now in these areas of life, in your relationships with siblings, with
neighbors, with the local community, and with relatives. This third house area of
your life has been largely affected in many ways. Now you are getting clearer
and clearer about some of these relationships, and you’re also getting clearer
about certain things you’re doing, certain work that you do that may be related to
social media, social networks, communications, knowledge, teaching, learning,
sharing information, learning skills, owning skills, writing, and journaling. You will
be more able to express yourself amongst others without feeling misunderstood
or without being afraid of being misunderstood.

It has been a bit rough lately, and February holds a light energy for you. You can
shoot high and expect big achievements and accomplishments. Stretch yourself,
take risks, unlimit yourself, go and make things happen, do things in your style
and your rhythm, reinvent yourself, and beautify yourself in every way. Remind
yourself how beautiful you are in every way and on every level of existence. Live
that truth, be that truth, and express that truth from within.

Aries relationship with inner self

Dear Aries, you are setting high goals in your life, externally and internally, and
these goals will carve some new and different paths within you. You are leaving
some of your strongest attachments at the gates of your inner world, and you
continue your walk with fewer burdens and more ease. You enter the self with
new enthusiasm and joy, more connectedness with your true wants and needs. It
has been a bit chaotic and messy for you lately, and you may have been
delusional as well—you may have been confused in a big way about many
things, may have felt lost in the ocean of distractions and noises, may have felt
the inner pressure of the battle between the dance of emptiness and fullness that
you’ve been witnessing in your life lately. You now have an opportunity to detach
from expectations, to detach from the past, to detach from expectations you have
of yourself and expectations that others have for you, and you’re ready to
dedicate yourself to yourself, to truly become more self-devoted, self-caring, self-
loving, and self-nurturing. Breakthroughs are a big part of your life, but you may
experience a whole new level of breakthroughs this month, breakthroughs that
may completely change your perception about certain things that have happened
in your past, about certain things you’ve lived in the past, about certain people
from your past, and about your character from the past. You will have a strong
connection with your past self but without being so attached to your past self.
This is a really powerful thing to achieve, and you will feel the power and
significance of it. This will be especially strong starting from the 19th-20th of
February when the Sun shifts into Pisces and enters your twelfth house and
when you experience the New Moon here on the 20th. Venus is also in your
twelfth house during the first three weeks of the month, bringing more inner
focus, more inner beauty, and more reasons to recognize your own inner beauty
and inner quality, your inner values and inner resources. Spiritual awareness
becomes very strong, and your intuition is increased. The volume is up, and you
should pay attention to your dreams as well as symbols and colors in your
dreams. Your inner psychology is highly activated, and some of you may go
through some kind of therapy or you may speak with someone who can help you
deal with your emotional and psychological turbulence, reactions, and
attachments. You are letting go of certain things for sure now, and you’re
preparing for a new chapter. You are preparing for a mini rebirth, for a mini
personal revolution, for a mini personal reinvention. You also have Jupiter in your
sign, stretching your abilities, your perception, your personality, and your identity.
You are becoming wider and wiser, slowly but surely. You are on a highway to
your higher self, and you may experience all kinds of ups and downs along the
way, but as long as you know that you’re on the highway to your higher self, you
won’t give up. You have a goal, and you know that all those ups and downs are
taking you right where you need to be. You are not resisting—you are existing,
and you know that everything is actually assisting you along the way.
Aries relationship with others
Dear Aries, you are improving your connections with others during February. You
are making new commitments, and you’re making things clear between you and
those with whom you’ve had some misunderstandings, conflicts, arguments,
discussions, or possible fights. You have more clarity now, and you feel way
different than you did last month or two months ago or a year ago. You have a
different approach, different perspective, and a different taste of your
relationships with people, your friendships, your role with others, and the role of
others in your life. You are finding new ways to communicate with people, and
even if you’d been trying this before without results, now you will see how these
things bring results. Things you’ve been working on in your connections, in your
friendships, in your social interactions, in your group of people, and in your team,
are starting to show, to manifest, to come up. You will have more opportunities to
work and collaborate with people, more opportunities to get in touch with some
people from certain communities perhaps. You can expect good communication
with certain groups of people, good communication with friends, with friends of
your friends, with your neighbors, with relatives, and with siblings. Something
becomes clear in these connections, and you may have to make some decisions
when it comes to these relationships. Your ruler, Mars, is still in Gemini in your
third house and has been ever since the 20th of August. Mars was retrograde
between the 30th of October and 12th of January, but it continued to be in a
retrograde shadow period. Now there’s more clarity, and things you’ve been
indecisive about, things that have been confusing you when it comes to others,
certain connections or conversations that made you choose between two options
or made you feel left out in some way, are starting to make sense now. As the
month progresses, things become more and more clear between you and others.
Mercury enters humanitarian and rebellious Aquarius on the 11th of month,
bringing more focus into your eleventh house of friends, groups of people,
communities, team, associates, acquaintances, friends, mutual friends, and
networking. Mercury here brings you more connections with these people, more
original and authentic ideas that you may share with others, more conversations
that are inspiring, and more revolutionary plans and goals with others. You are
finding common language with people now, and you can connect with others
through teaching or learning, too. You may be learning something with groups of
people or within a certain community. You can expect more conversations with
your friends, more time spent with friends, and more social connections. You can
expect a lot of fun and joy with your loved ones, too, with your children if you
have them or with somebody else’s children. Have fun, be playful, share your
intuitive dreams and ideas with others, and try to look at others and into others
with the purest perception filters you can.

Aries love & romantic life in February

Dear Aries, your love life looks good and definitely less turbulent than it may
have been lately. You now have the direction you need that may have been lost,
you now have clarity that may have been gone, and you now have feelings that
may have been hidden or suppressed. You are not blocking yourself in the area
of love now, which may show you how blocked you actually were, how stiff you
were, how paralyzed you were in your love—in your love toward yourself, in your
love toward others, and in your love toward life. This kind of paralysis is normal
and expected in this day and age; it is not something to feel bad about, but it is
not something you have to use as a protective mechanism either. You are going
to feel the power of being more natural during this time. You are going to feel the
easiness of being natural even if that seems hard for you, even if you feel that it
is much easier to pretend and play, even if it seems that it is much easier to
always be ready for attack, for defense, for a threat. You are now letting go of all
these things and you’re just allowing yourself to be natural. You are surrendering,
and by surrendering you are inviting love into your life and feel invited by love as
well. This month you have Full Moon in your fellow Fire sign, Leo, in your fifth
house of true love and romance. This is amazing energy for love, for expressing
your love toward someone, for being more romantic, for romantic surprises, for
surprising yourself romantically, too, and for feeling the romance of life itself, for
living romance. Love relationships may come to fruition—romance can culminate,
but there is also possible drama. But, this drama leads to something uplifting and
entertaining, actually. This Full Moon makes a supportive trine aspect with your
sign, and this should be positive and harmonious energy for you. This is light in
love, passion, self-expression, heightened feelings, strong feelings, and fiery
feelings between you and your partner or between you and a potential partner or
between you and yourself. Your love life is pulsating and breathing and you’re
aligning your own breathing with it, too. You are aligning your heartbeat with the
heartbeat of love, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re going to
experience this through another person—this can mean that you’re going to
experience your inner fire in the most ecstatic way through inspiration, through
imagination, through creative work, and through looking within and feeling
yourself, and then, all those things can be felt as a bonus through a lover. But
remember, love doesn’t come from outside of you and you cannot lose love nor
give it away. Love is safe and secure; it is lack of love that creates confusion, and
you know this, you get this. We either live in love or in lack of love, and you will
see and feel these shifts now in your life and have more clarity about what life
looks like when it is lived from the state of love and how it looks when it is lived
from the place where there’s a lack of love. You may have these epiphanies
through your conversations with your lover or with your potential lover, and you
will feel the sense of fulfillment in that mutual understanding and mutual feeling.

Aries sex life in February

Dear Aries, you are looking for true joy in all your activities this month. You are
looking for true fulfillment, and you are going to discover and rediscover yourself
again and again through joy, pleasure, fulfillment, and passion. You are going to
discover and rediscover that kind of joy in your sexual expression, in making
love, and in feeling your sexuality and honoring it. You won’t suppress or neglect
anything, you won’t feel frustrated if you don’t have any outlet for your needs, you
won’t search for just anyone to only satisfy your sexual impulse, but you will have
a wiser and more sophisticated approach and perception of sexual needs, of
sexual impulses, of sexual energy in general. You are going to feel the fire of
light burning within you but also the fire of lust, and you will recognize the
difference in quality between these two fires. You will have the power to rise
above the fire of lust and to burn it with the fire of true light, to integrate it and
disintegrate it. You have the power to embrace the lust and turn it into true
passion, to embrace the low impulses and turn them into creative power. You
have the power to recognize the art of eros and to express it through your body,
your behavior, your intention, your creativity, your relationships, your work, and
your body language. This is a highly potent time for making children, too, if that’s
what you want. You have Full Moon in Leo, in your fellow Fire sign, in your fifth
house of passion, pleasures, joy, children, love, and romance. There are
culminations happening for you in these areas of your life. You are going to
experience the power and the weakness of your sexual energy all at once. You
are going to feel the power of vulnerability and the weakness of resilience at the
same time, and this can take you beyond the illusion of separation into the core
stability of the sacred union between two seemingly opposing sides, between
sexes, between left and right hemispheres of the brain, between logic and
intuition, between male and female, between past and future, between day and
night, between light and dark. Many of you are going to experience opposites
and freedom from opposites through your sexual experience. You and your
partner may share the same feelings, the same perception, the same experience,
and those of you who are not involved with anyone will feel this, too, through your
bodies, your work, your expression, your energy level, your sleep, your dreams,
your words, and your silence. You are diving into the self without expecting
concrete answers. Sexual energy has the power to take you for a long ride
through the wisdom of the subconscious. Sexual suppression or expression has
a lot to teach you and show you about the unknown within you, and you may
discover some very significant things through your sexual expression or
suppression during this time, through your enjoyment, through your fulfillment,
through your needs, and through your attractions and repulsions.

Aries career & purpose in February

Dear Aries, you are going to think about the ways you want to be seen, and
you’re going to take some action now. You are an action-oriented sign anyway,
and this month, you will have strong support to be action-oriented and to achieve
things, to achieve goals, to set high goals without limits. You are asked to take
risks, to recognize opportunities that are going to be present in your life, to
stretch yourself, and to get out of your comfort zone when it comes to your
career, your purpose, your mission. You have Jupiter in your sign, which is a very
big support, great protection, and it also brings many opportunities for growth, for
expansion, for abundance, and for big life improvements and betterments. You
will have Venus in your sign starting on the 20th, and this increases your charm
and charisma, magnetism, abilities, and capacities. You can achieve things with
greater ease now. You are strongly supported to make things happen, so if there
is something you’ve always had trouble achieving, now is the time to try again.
Doors are opening for you now. All things related to communication, writing,
learning, teaching, sharing, connecting, networking, traveling, marketing, and
broadcasting are supported and enhanced. Your creative will is strong, you can
make things happen now, and you will work in that direction. There’s success
through your efforts now. Things you’ve been trying so hard to achieve may now
become so easy to achieve and manifest. You may be collaborating with people,
working with a group of people, with a team of people, or with a certain
community and you can expect great things through these connections and this
kind of work. Teamwork is strongly accentuated, too, because you will have
Mercury in Aquarius starting from the 11th of February. Working and
collaborating with others can be very beneficial. You have Full Moon on the 5th in
your fifth house, and this can bring some big launches, too. Business may come
to fruition, your creative projects may reach a culmination point, or your hobbies
can bring you fulfillment. Your creativity and playfulness is increased as well as
your intuition. You can also prosper through artistic and creative work, through
music, arts, poetry, writing, painting, dancing, performing, acting, or anything that
is related to art and creative work. Self-employment is also supported now.
Entertainment and children are also highlighted, and these activities, playful
activities, funny activities make you feel purposeful now. Don’t forget to have fun
in what you’re doing. Do you have fun? Do you feel inspired by what you’re
doing? How can you stretch yourself more? How can you bring more joy and
fulfillment into what you’re doing? Do you feel beauty in what you’re doing? What
makes you feel beautiful and purposeful at the same time? What makes you feel
joyful and worthy at the same time? These questions will lead you toward greater
achievements in the future. Don’t rush with answers—let them settle down and
get in deeper touch with your being.

How the Full Moon in February will influence Aries

Dear Aries, this Full Moon happens on the 5th of February in your fellow Fire
sign, Leo, shining a full light into your fifth house of love, romance, children, joy,
pleasure, entertainment, creativity, hobbies, talents, gifts, self-expression,
creative projects, self-employment, fun, and sports. This Full Moon makes a
supportive trine aspect with your sign, and it sends harmonious and friendly
energy to you. You can expect to have more fun and to spend time with people
you love and enjoy spending time with. You can expect more entertaining events,
birthday parties or any other kind of parties, celebrations, gatherings, and fun
times. This Full Moon brings fruition, completion, endings, closures, culminations,
and revelations in these areas of your life. This Full Moon highlights your love
life, too—you can expect the culmination of your love life, culmination of romantic
relationships, or the culmination of romance in your life in general. You can
expect romantic surprises, or you may spend more time doing something
romantic for yourself, something enjoyable and pleasurable. You can do things
that are luxurious, that make you feel seen and recognized. This is Leo Full
Moon, and you may be recognized for something; you may be more popular,
more acknowledged and receive more approval. Creative projects may come to
fruition, too, things you’ve been working on—your talents, your gifts, your
hobbies, your business. You may make some big launches around this time—
you may launch a product, a service, or a business. These are creative things,
and you may turn your hobbies into business, too. This Full Moon illuminates
your children if you have them. Something significant may be happening in their
life or something significant may be happening between you and children in
general. You are expressing the child within you, and you’re invited to be more
playful, more joyful, and more entertaining. Give yourself permission to have
more fun, to spend time with your loved ones, with your children, with your
partner, and with those who make you laugh. You will be able to see the funny
side of life during this time. Something comes to fruition now, but something may
come to an end, too. Full Moons can bring things to an end, but this doesn’t have
to mean an ending in the sense of loss but an ending of something you’ve been
working on so that you can experience fruition and completion. For example,
your child may be finishing something and receiving a recognition for it, or you
may be finishing a project now. You may bring your love relationship to another
level now; you may finish a certain phase of your love story so that you can
continue to the next one. Use this Full Moon to bring more joy, fun, pleasure,
light, love, romance, and entertainment into your life. Make someone smile, bring
more light and love into lives of those around you, look at the brighter side of life
no matter how disempowering it may be sometimes, and make sure you carry
that spirit strongly and express it in the most uplifting way you can with yourself
and others.

How the New Moon in February will influence Aries

Dear Aries, this New Moon happens on the 20th of February in the sign of
Pisces, the last sign of the Zodiac, bringing newness, freshness, and beginnings
in the twelfth house of subconscious patterns, subconscious fears, memories,
ancestral processes, far away places, isolation, institutions, withdrawal, retreats,
holidays, self-healing, dreams, symbols, occult knowledge, metaphysical
teachings, spiritual liberation, otherworldly experiences, entities, spirits, and
guides. This is a complex placement—this is the twelfth house and the sign of
Pisces, and it has to do with ancestral healing, with subconscious programming
and deprogramming, with things that are buried deep within, with the oceanic
depths of your being. This New Moon has the task of giving you a new look into
these things, a new perception, a new way of working with these energies, a new
way of understanding the secret nature of reality, the mystery of life and death,
the mystery of being in this life, of coming and going, of falling and rising, of
creating and destroying, of birth and death. This New Moon can have a very
deep spiritual influence on you—it can trigger new spiritual breakthroughs, new
divine messages, and new divine experiences. But this New Moon can also
trigger some of your forgotten fears, your subconscious layers, and your
subconscious processes. You can expect a new vision and perception of your
past, you are making peace with your past—not only your past here in this life
but with your past on a larger scale, with your ancestors and past lives, whatever
they may be. Past lives don’t necessarily have to be placed in the past; it is just a
phrase, rather it is more a complex of your soul’s experiences that may stretch
through time and space in all directions, through past and future. On a more
mundane level, this energy can bring you new opportunities for rest, for
relaxation, for going on a short holiday, for being in nature, or for doing some
kind of therapy that helps you deal with certain things. This can be related to far
away places, too—you may receive a message from someone who lives on
another continent that could be significant for you, or you may make plans or buy
tickets for some far away place. You may have the need to withdraw a little bit, to
spend some quality time on your own, to meditate and contemplate, to think
things through, and to deliberate. These are new beginnings, new starts, new
paths, new spiritual encounters, new meditation techniques, new artistic projects,
or something you’re working on in the background, something you still keep
hidden, something you keep private until you announce it. This is the best time
for having true quality “ME” time in nature near water, looking at water, listening
to the sound of water, resting, relaxing, removing yourself from the external noise
and distractions, and sinking within yourself to touch the depths of the
subconscious realm, to visit the depths of your being and make peace with your
past, your ancestors, and yourself.

Tarot card reading for February

Dear Aries, your Tarot card for February is The Knight of Cups upright. This is
a card of romance, sensitivity, charm, passion, imagination, and creativity. The
Knight is very sensitive, and others love him. This is a card of great intuition,
action, and creativity. This card can represent love relationships, too, romantic
relationships. The Knight is very romantic and passionate. This card can be
related to something important and significant in your emotional and love life.
This card represents parties and going out, excitement and good times, but it can
also mean that you may receive some good offer for a business deal perhaps.
This card reminds you to follow your dreams. This is a card of great creativity and
idealism. This card also represents deeper levels of intuition, so be ready to feel
a bit vulnerable as well. This card can mean that there’s a new love adventure on
the horizon. This card can suggest that the Knight of Cups is a real person in
your life. Someone who has characteristics of the Knight may show up in your life
during this time. You are asked to follow your soul, your intuition, your inner
voice. This card means that you may fall in love and have a beautiful experience,
but you may also get stuck in certain emotional patterns. Or, this card can mean
that you may become so deeply fascinated by something new, something that
you’re exploring and learning, that you can lose touch with reality.

You may feel things in a stronger way during this time because the Knight of
Cups follows his heart, and the heart fluctuates, it goes up and down, it’s not
stable, and you may feel similar from time to time. It can be tricky because you
may also become attached to the image of something beautiful and romantic
instead of the beauty and romance itself. Be aware of this. This card can also
mean that you’re surrendering to something higher, you’re surrendering your
emotions and feelings, and you are devoting your time and energy to this
surrender. This card can also mean that you are in deep touch with your
emotional world, and you are connected with your intuition. The Knight of Cups
appears as a messenger in life; you can expect a messenger now, and the
message may be an invitation that has to do with something that has an
emotional benefit for you. The start of a new relationship is very much supported
during this time. This is a card of warmth and love, and you can also expect
positive news, a positive message from someone. Someone loyal, romantic, and
charming may show up in your life, or you may get a sudden offer for a new job,
a new relationship, or a new collaboration. You can also expect new friends now.
The Knight of Cups is a poet, a lover, a romantic.

The most impactful planet for Aries in February

Dear Aries, the most impactful and most meaningful energetic influence of
planetary energies for you this month is the energy of Venus. Venus will enter
your sign on the 20th of February, and this is very important for you. This brings
you great support. Jupiter is also in your sign, so Venus entering your sign puts
even more of a spotlight on you. Venus will be in your sign until the 17th of
March. You have one month to use the power of Venus in your sign, to take
risks, to be bold, to go and get things, to get up and do what you have to do, to
stand up for yourself, to express yourself in the most empowering way, to show
your beauty, and to feel the love in your life. This will affect your behavior, your
physical body, your vitality, and your identity but also your close personal

Venus is the planet of love, relationships, romance, beauty, values, finances,

self-esteem, talents, comfort, food, and goodies, but most of all she is planet of
the Heart. She represents the flower of life, and she draws a pentacle during her
eight-year cycle. Pentacles are important, and they represent the full-spectrum
human, all five elements including Aether, Earth, Water, Air and Fire. Venus is a
bridge between matter and spirit. She is represented by roses and flowers, she
creates beauty, and she brings love and relationships. She rules joy and simple
pleasures, and she reminds us of the importance of a pure heart. She shows us
those places that need to be purified in our hearts, and if there are stains and
impurities, we will see them clearly thanks to Venus. She can be blissful, but she
can also be poisonous—if we crave too many sweets, we can become sick and
addicted to sugar and pleasure. We need to keep our needs pure. Her highest
expression is unconditional love toward the self. It is about loving ourselves
including everything that we are—the good, the bad and the ugly. Her higher
purpose is to show us that everything in creation is permeated by love and that
love embraces the whole creation. Venus is about harmony and about us
achieving this harmony. It is about our wellbeing in love and through love. Venus
is named after the Goddess of Beauty and Love, so you can expect a lot of
activities related to love and beauty but also self-esteem and self-worth.

In order to make the most out of this energy, in order to channel the energy of
Venus in the most empowering and uplifting way this month, you are advised and
invited to put your trust in yourself and to work on recognizing your beauty,
recognizing your values, recognizing your worth, your power, and your inner
beauty and inner qualities. You are also asked to beautify yourself in some way,
in any way you want, to bring more beauty into your everyday life, to bring more
quality into your life, more value, more worth. Bring that Venus into your life,
recognize the energy of Venus in your life, recognize beauty in the world around
you, recognize beautiful things, recognize beautiful people, connect with beauty
and with quality, and recognize true values in people, in life, and in things. Take
care of your body and your vitality, your physical health, your wellness. Use
essential oils, smell flowers, bring flowers into your home, give flowers as a
present to others, and give others small presents. Take care of the food that you
eat—make sure you eat food that makes you feel and look beautiful. Visit
theaters, cinemas, concerts, shops, cafes, and restaurants to enhance the
energy of Venus. Listen to good music, dance, and visit museums, galleries, and
cultural events of all kinds. Prepare food for your loved ones, for yourself, for
your partner, or for all of you. Take a good look at your life and yourself and
make your list of priorities. See what truly and really matters to you, what is on
the top of your list. Look at yourself and how you treat yourself—do you treat
yourself with kindness? Do you love yourself? Do you know your worth? Ask
yourself these questions every day in different situations and see how aligned
you are with love, beauty and harmony.

Healing tips for Aries in February

- Go on the beach if there is a beach near you and watch the waves. If there is
no beach near you, close your eyes and imagine yourself on the beach watching
the waves. You can also watch the waves online if you want. These waves
should be normal waves, not big ones, just calming waves on a regular day on a
beach. Now, when you have found the waves, imagine that each wave is actually
an impulse of energy which purifies the soul. When the wave comes, imagine
that you’re washing away all your wounds, pains, and traumas, all your toxic
thoughts and emotions with that wave. As the wave withdraws, observe that
wave and see how it takes away all impurities. With each new wave, allow more
and more impurities to be washed away and taken away. Let go of all toxic
memories. Observe how the sea takes them all away. When you feel purified,
ask waves to bring you strength to regenerate your soul and spirit. Enjoy the ride
and the benefits of it.

- Observe the night sky and focus on the space behind the stars, behind the
planets, behind the Moon and the stars. Feel yourself into that space. Feel that
space as yourself. Feel that space and feel how free it is from the worries of this
world. Do this every day if you can, as much as you can. This is a very healing
technique and very empowering, relaxing, and liberating. Enjoy the space behind
the Moon and the stars. Feel its vastness and freedom. Enjoy the process.

- Choose your role models wisely. Detach from all role models in the world and
focus on the higher self as your greatest role model. Look at the Sun as your role
model, for example. Let your role models become mighty, powerful, centered,
invincible, and encouraging. Learn from the Sun, observe the Sun, and let the
Sun become your authority and role model. Let the sky become your authority
and role model. Turn trees into your authorities and role models. Turn mountains
and rivers into your authorities and role models. Let these things teach you. Look
up to them, and look up to real masters in life, to real wise elders. Be very much
aware of who you follow, who you want to be like, and who your role model is.
Pay attention, and open your mind, your heart and your inner eye. Choose
wisely—the choice is yours.

- Sit down in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and focus on your
breathing. Take a couple of deep breaths through your nose and exhale through
your mouth. Then continue breathing normally. As you inhale, say to yourself, “I”
in your native language. Feel that “I” in your core being. Let it echo through your
whole body. Hold your breath for some time and feel “I” within you. Feel it
strongly. Feel it integrated within you. As you exhale, say “AM” also in your native
language and feel the wholeness of your being. Feel the confirmation of “I.” Feel
the affirmation of yourself, of life, of the Universe through you. Hold your breath
again when you exhale and feel the whole of “I AM.” Say it to yourself and feel it.
Repeat this as many times as you want and feel its power. Enjoy the breathing.

- Imagine yourself as a dot in space and focus on this feeling of being a dot in
space. Now, start stretching yourself into a line. You are still a dot, but you
stretch yourself into a line. Feel how you're prolonging and stretching yourself.
Feel the stretch, and feel the movement of this line through space. Now feel this
line curving and turning into a spiral. Feel yourself as a line turning into a spiral,
and feel yourself spiraling through space. Now, feel this spiral returning back into
a line and then from line into a dot. Practice this feeling, this movement, this
stretch and transformation. This is a very powerful exercise. Just keep practicing
it each day in order to improve yourself, your focus, your imagination, your
perception, and your ability to understand different levels of existence. This
exercise opens up your mind in a magnificent way and awakens some dormant
parts of your being. Enjoy the ride.

How to use February energies in the best possible way

- Be spontaneous as much as you can. Do things you enjoyed doing when you were a
child. Express the child within you. Do some things you haven’t done in a while. Do
something fun, something that always brought you satisfaction and joy, something that
is pleasurable and fulfilling. Make a list of these things and experiment. See if these
things still make you feel good. Enjoy and have fun.

- Do your best to always give your best in everything that you’re doing, whatever it is
that you’re doing. If you’re making tea, make sure you’re doing your best to make the
best tea ever. If you’re making a bed, do your best to do it in the best way that you can.
If you’re riding a bike, make sure you do it in the best possible way. If you’re having a
conversation, do your best to be the best that you can be in it. When you’re thinking,
make sure that it is done in the best possible way. Whatever activity that you’re doing,
whatever it is, make sure you give your best and do your best. This is not a super easy
thing to do, but keep practicing. Observe yourself and make sure you do it in the best
possible way that you can.

- Write down your own prayer. Don’t let other prayers influence you. Try to make it fully
authentic and unique. Make your own prayer. Don’t spend too much time on it. Let it
come through you, right through your heart. Choose some part of the day when you
know you are on your own, at peace, when you can tune into yourself and ask your
higher self to tell you a prayer. Enjoy the process and enjoy the benefits of having your
own prayer. This is the most powerful prayer in the world since it comes right through

- Each day, find something to be proud of. Each day, catch and hunt situations, events,
feelings, emotions, and reactions that you’re proud of. Write them down, and have your
little self-pride notes. Whenever you feel any reason to be proud of yourself, write it
down. Write down the time and space and what you’re proud of. This will help you keep
this feeling and strengthen it. You will see how many things there are to be proud of in
your life. Every day. Enjoy the ride.

- Break certain rules that you live by, not rules of the outside world, but your own rules.
Break your own rules. Do something that is out of alignment with your own rules that
you have in life. Of course, don't do something that is not good for you, but do
something daring, something risky, something that takes you out of your comfort zone.
Do something that your old version of self would never do for example. Step out of your

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during February

- What is the most empowering and significant lesson that I’ve learned in the last
year? What is the most crucial lesson for me, the one that stands out and I
immediately think of when I ask myself this question? What does this tell me
about myself?

- What are the things that I feel blessed for in my life? What are the things that I
feel blessed for when it comes to me, to who I am, to my identity, to my
character, to what I know, to what abilities and capacities I have? How grateful
am I for these things?

- What is the most joyful thing in my life? What is the most pleasurable thing in
my life? What awakens the child within me? What fulfills my heart truly and fully?

- Where do I need to stretch myself right now in my life? What areas of my life do
I need to stretch? What characteristics do I need to widen and stretch? What do I
have to upgrade?

- Where do I feel unlimited in life and where do I feel limited? What kinds of
associations come up related to things that I feel unlimited about and what
associations come up related to things that I feel limited about? What does this
tell me?


What can Taurus expect in February

Dear Taurus, February is quite a magical time for you, for expressing your
uniqueness, for recognizing your uniqueness, for interpreting messages and
symbols from the lesser seen realms, and for getting closer in touch with the
spirit. It’s been pretty intense for you, and you’ve been through a lot of radical
changes. You’ve been indecisive, and you’ve opened the attic and the basement
of your inner home where you’ve found some precious and valuable things.
You’ve been doing a lot of cleaning, healing, and cleansing, and you’re going to
experience the benefits of that work throughout this month. It’s been life-altering,
but now clarity kicks in and you won’t have doubts about a certain thing you’ve
had doubts about before. The stars are on your side, and you feel that support
strongly. You are creating something sustainable and valuable, and you can
expect some magical things in your life to happen, great synchronicities that
you’re going to recognize and use as guidance.
On the 5th of February, there’s a Full Moon in your fellow Fixed sign, Leo,
illuminating your fourth house of home, family, real estate, domestic matters,
mother, roots, and ancestors. Something is brought to light in these areas of your
life, and some of you can expect some kind of family drama during this time. Full
Moons have a strong effect on emotions and the body, and in the fourth house
you may have strong emotions related to your family or to your home situation.
Some of you may be moving, relocating, changing your environment, renovating,
repairing your home, or finishing something you’ve been working on. You may be
very passionate about it, and some of you may be buying or selling a home or a
property, too. You may finally find something you’re looking for. This can bring
you resolutions with family members as well but also emotional resolutions, inner
resolutions, and resolutions with your inner child.

On the 11th of February, Mercury enters Aquarius and triggers themes of career,
profession, contribution, life direction, things you do in the world, your role in the
world, you as a role model, yourself as an authority, your relationship with
authority figures, and your purpose and mission. The Sun is also in your tenth
house until the 19th of February, shining more light onto themes of career,
profession, success, ambitions, and goals. Saturn is also here in Aquarius, and
Saturn will be here until the 7th of March when it leaves Aquarius after two and a
half years. Mercury here now can bring you more important conversations about
your future, about your business, about your career. You may have more
business conversations, meetings related to your profession and role in the
world, contracts, deals, connections with people who can influence you in a new
way, or you may influence others in a powerful way. Mercury in Aquarius in your
tenth house wants you to express your individuality, your uniqueness, and your
originality and to use your resources, talents, skills, and power to share it with the
world, to put yourself out there, to do something practical with what you know
and have.

On the 19th of the month, the Sun enters Pisces and shines a light on your
friends, associates, groups of people, communities, networking, soul mates, soul
family, and goals and plans for the future. The New Moon happens one day after
the Sun enters Pisces and brings new opportunities and new beginnings for
some magical and soul connections with people, for connecting with people on a
soul level, for healing through your connections, for new communities, new
friends, new connections, and for seeing those you already know with new eyes.
Expect connections that have a strong spiritual quality to them. You may connect
with people through spiritual practices, through healing, or through retreat.
Something happens in a very synchronistic way with others. Soul connections
are strong, and some of you may go through something very emotional with
others, too. Your ruler, Venus, is still here until the 20th when she shifts into
Aries, but until then, she is bringing harmony, beauty, love, and values in your
eleventh house of friends, communities, groups of people, clients, and long-
range goals and plans.

On the 20th of February, your ruler, Venus, moves into Aries and highlights your
twelfth house of occult science, metaphysical and esoteric teachings, astrology,
numerology, tarot, crystals, channeling, spirits, guides, angels, entities, dreams,
symbols, and everything that is otherworldly, unknown, invisible, and intangible.
Venus in Aries knows what she wants, and she is not very patient. She stands up
for herself and takes action. So, you will have her support in these twelfth house
matters; you will have support from Venus on your spiritual quest, on your path
through the unknown, on your journey through the subconscious floors of your
being. Jupiter is also here, amplifying and increasing your intuition, bringing you
inner abundance and insights, big aha moments, revelations that come from
within. This is a powerful period of time for doing things in the background, for
expanding your inner experiences, and for finding the power within yourself.
Many of you will break through certain layers of illusions and discover great inner
strength within yourself. You are discovering the power of lesser seen realms,
and you may communicate with the spirit in many different ways. Pay attention to
synchronicities, messages, sentences, animals, and “coincidences” that happen
in your life. You are discovering that nothing happens by coincidence—
everything is perfectly and precisely aligned.

Mars is still in Gemini in your second house of finances, financial matters,

financial stability and security, resources, earning money, spending and saving,
possessions, things you own, things that are yours, material stability, hidden gifts
and talents, self-worth and self-confidence, self-sufficiency and self-love, how
you feel about yourself, and how you value yourself. Mars has been here ever
since the 20th of August. Mars was retrograde between the 30th of October and
12th of January, changing your relationship with money, bringing you more
financial challenges, bringing you back money, bringing you debts from the past
you had to pay, or bringing you money that others owed to you. You may have
been indecisive when it comes to your earnings, spending, and saving. You may
have been confused about certain financial things that were happening in your
life. Now in February, things become clearer. Things started becoming clearer in
January, but now it gets even clearer. You still have time to think things through
about certain financial matters until the 25th of March when Mars will finally come
out of Gemini and your second house. You may have been confused about how
to use your gifts and talents; you may have had to choose between a couple of
options with Mars in Gemini here, between two options when it comes to earning
money or saving money or purchases. Now you will make some wise financial
choices and decisions, and you can really expect some significant financial shifts
and changes.

You can attract a lot of good things now as you are aligning your core values with
your priorities and with your self-worth and self-love. Allow yourself to imagine
things, to imagine the reality that you want to manifest. Allow yourself to live that
kind of reality, and don’t let yourself get caught up with stress related to things
that are outside of your control. You know better than that. You are asked to
wake up your inner wizard and use the power you own. Surrender to higher
powers those things that you cannot handle—you are not supposed to deal with
everything and you will learn this now, too.

Taurus relationship with inner self

Dear Taurus, you have access to your inner realms in an exclusive and unique
way now. You have great help on your inner journey, big support and protection,
and you can easily break through certain things that you weren’t able to, that you
weren’t allowed to, or that you didn’t have access to before. You are finding more
meaning in things you experience in life and through your dreams. You are
establishing a profound connection with yourself now, and it will have some
mystical and mysterious touch, sound, color, and melody. You have Jupiter in
Aries in your twelfth house, and you are definitely taking some risks on your inner
journey—you have the courage, will, and motivation to move forward through
your subconscious levels and layers. Some of you may dig very deep now. Some
of you may do some kind of hypnosis, regression, therapy, or meditation
techniques that take you for a ride through your inner realms, through the
unknown and unseen. You are not afraid; you feel fully protected. Dreams you’ve
been afraid of may perhaps come up now so that you can deal with them, but this
time you won’t be afraid—you will feel as if there’s a whole army with you. You
are protected and guided on your inner path. Your ruler, Venus, joins Jupiter in
Aries on the 20th and makes this journey very beautiful and worthy. Pay attention
to things you experience during the day, things you don’t usually notice. The
spirit is communicating with you all the time. Pay attention to animals, to birds, to
children, to things you notice while passing by, to sentences you read on
billboards, words you hear on the radio, things you see or hear in commercials,
people you notice, and faces you notice. All those things are there for you,
delivering a message, and you will be able to translate those messages thanks to
your intuition and connection with your inner source and resource. Your thirst for
spiritual wisdom and spiritual experiences is very strong now, and you will be
able to quench your thirst now. You will be able to receive abundance in these
areas of your life. You may be praying, meditating, healing, doing things that
expand your quality of life, and doing things that enrich your inner life. Some of
you may be drinking the nectar of life, drinking knowledge and expressing
wisdom. You are very hungry and thirsty for higher meaning, for deeper meaning,
for sense, for wisdom, for truth and power. Altered states are strong, too—some
of you may experience lucid dreams, astral projections, and psychic insights, and
this is all increased thanks to Jupiter in your twelfth house. This will be active all
the way until the middle of May, and now your ruler, Venus, will push it even
further in a more harmonious and loving way. You can discover the true qualities
of your past, too. Things you took for granted that are related to your past may
really bring you a lot of wisdom and quality now. You can find some treasures
there in your past now, which will give you a lot of courage to deal with things
that you’ve been afraid of before.

Taurus relationship with others

Dear Taurus, you’ve been exploring and expanding your relationships with others
a lot lately. You’ve been through eclipses that have been affecting you directly,
you and your close personal relationships, and it’s been intense, challenging, and
profound. This is still not over—you will still have some work to do in certain
relationships that are the toughest for you, but now there is a break from this
energy, and you will feel that emotional ease now, or at least ease when
compared to that intensity you’ve been experiencing in your connections with
others. This month you have your ruler, Venus, in your eleventh house of friends
and communities until the 20th of February, and then the Sun enters Pisces and
your eleventh house on the 19th, and on the 20th, there’s a New Moon here. This
is amazing and wonderful energy for your relationships, for healing some of your
relationships, for witnessing healing in your friends’ lives, and for bringing more
spiritual quality and meaning into your connections, communities, and groups of
people. You can expect harmony and beauty in your connections with others.
Your place within a certain community can shine now, and you may have a big
influence on others, a positive influence. Some of you may go on a retreat with a
group of people, or you may connect with beautiful new souls while you’re on
some kind of a retreat. You may connect with people who deal with similar issues
that you do, and this will bring you together with them. This is a great time for
joining a new community and meeting with new and powerful individuals. You are
powerfully affecting others, which can have a wider influence. Some of you may
be in a position to lead a certain group of people, to lead a team of people, to
lead a community or to be a part of a community that has a very healing and
magical influence on you. You are connecting with soul mates now, and there’s a
taste of newness in your social connections. There is something new and
beautiful between you and others now. This is a refreshment of your
relationships, and you may see people you already know with completely new
eyes, with a fresh perspective through spiritual vision. Some of you may have a
friend who is going through some kind of healing, and you may be of great help
and support to them. Or, it may be you going through some kind of healing,
surrender, or letting go and you will have support and love from others now. A
friend may deal with a certain addiction problem, which can affect you in a deep
and profound way, and you may create a deeper and closer bond, for example.
Or, you may be going through some kind of deep emotional cleansing and you
will connect with a friend or with a group of people who have that healing and
comforting effect on you. Family relationships are also affected through Full
Moon in Leo in your fourth house. You can expect possible family dramas and
culminations with your family members. Things may come to a head, but things
may also come to fruition now. There are revelations and disclosures happening
in your home and with your family. You may also have a conversation with an
authority figure or with your father about something that has a strong effect on
your future and your life direction. Mercury in the tenth house triggers some
conversations with authority figures that will have a unique impact on you and
your decisions. These are deep connections, soul connections, and you need
this now, you love this now, and you will be excited about these interactions,
stories, conversations, and revelations.
Taurus love & romantic life in February
Dear Taurus, it’s been rough and tough in your romantic and love life lately, too.
Your relationships have been affected directly through eclipses that have been
active in your sign and in your opposite sign of Scorpio. You had to learn some
lessons when it comes to your love relationships, or your single life, or your life
with a partner, your sharing, your commitments, your compromises, your ability
to be in a relationship, your ability to share yourself, your ability to find a balance
between your needs and the needs of others, your ability to take care of yourself
while you’re in a relationship, and your ability to love yourself when you feel
lonely. It’s been a pretty wild ride and this month you can take some rest from
that energy—you are given a bit of a break and you have time to give yourself
permission to take a rest from always trying to be something to someone, take a
rest from always trying to find ways to make things work perfectly, and take a rest
from trying to fulfill all your wants and needs as well. Just allow yourself to heal,
to regenerate, to love yourself. Dedicate to yourself, dedicate to your wellbeing,
and dedicate to that wider cosmic inner love, to truth, to meaning, to essence.
Allow yourself to take a step back and take a rest from trying to achieve and
accomplish something in your existing or potential relationships. Now is the time
to try to allow yourself to have that rest, to feel understood and secure with
others, to spread love without being afraid of being taken advantage of. You have
your ruler, Venus, in Pisces in your eleventh house of friends, groups of people,
and communities until the 20th of February. Your ruler, Venus, is exalted in
Pisces, and she feels very good there. This can bring you new love interests in
your social life, with your friends, within your groups of people, and within
communities. You may attract someone in your social life now, which can be a
very deep and beautiful soul connection. Those of you who are in a relationship
may spend more time with a partner and friends, together. You both may be
invited for certain gatherings, parties, social activities, group activities, and
community activities. Your social life and love life may be intertwined and
connected now in a deep way. Some of you may be able to go through a
relationship healing thanks to a certain group of people or community. These
things are now related since your ruler, Venus, is here. Then, Venus shifts into
Aries on the 20th, which can even bring some secret love, feelings that you’re
going to hide, or a relationship that you’re not talking about yet. These kinds of
things are possible once Venus enters your twelfth house. But with Venus in the
twelfth house, you may also feel a very strong invitation for deep connection with
everything; you may feel that everything is really interconnected and that
everything breathes and vibrates in the same rhythm. Some deep and profound
sense of love is triggered with Venus in twelfth house but also with Venus in
Pisces—it is a similar energy of unconditional love, so you may feel it throughout
the whole month. Venus conjuncts Neptune on the 15th of February in Pisces.
Neptune is the ruler of Pisces, and Venus is exalted in Pisces, and they meet
together on the 15th. This energy can really bring soul mates into your life or
some otherworldly feelings of love and deep and profound connections with life,
with people, with lovers, with yourself, and with the Divine.

Taurus sex life in February

Dear Taurus, February gives you a break from the pressure that you’ve been
feeling lately and you will be able to relax a bit more physically and mentally.
Your emotions may be strong and charged, but you will have a wise and mature
approach to emotional states of being and they won’t disturb you anymore in the
way that may have disturbed you before. Your intuition is very strong as well as
your connection with your inner space, with that quiet space within you. This will
have a strong effect on your sexual energy in February. When you are able to
connect with that space within you, when you are connected and aligned with
that silence within you, your energy level increases and your vitality improves in
many ways. When you have a deep bond with yourself, your sexual energy
shines and glows. Your sexual connections are very intuitive—you make love
through intuition allowing your intuition to guide you and lead your senses. Your
intuition prevails over your logical and rational way of doing things. Sex is aligned
with intuition now, and it is as it should be—intuitive and spontaneous—and it
lights up your senses in a very profound and gentle way. There is a deep, almost
poetic and mystical experience related to your sexual energy and sexual
expression. You are waking up your senses and it will be easy for you to do so.
This is something you’re going to experience whether or not you have sexual
experience with a partner. You are waking up your senses and you feel them
strongly. If there is no intuition in your sexual experiences and expression, then
there is no quality of joy and fulfillment in them. Then, it only makes you become
eager for more; it creates an addiction and obsession. Intuition, awareness, and
a drop of love are ingredients you need in order to experience what you’re
looking for in sexual energy and sexual connection. You may feel this on a very
deep level throughout your body. You are going to feel that kind of connection
now with your lover, and some of you may connect with someone from your
social circles who will remind you of that intuitive, spontaneous energy and who
can trigger that strong sexual impulse that has the power to create something

Taurus career & purpose in February

Dear Taurus, you have a lot happening in your career, with your profession and
mission, with your purpose, contribution, and vocation. There’s a lot of activity
happening in your tenth house, on top of your chart. The Sun is here until the
19th of February. Saturn is here for quite some time, and it’s triggered by the
transit of the Sun. Mercury enters Aquarius and your tenth house on the 11th of
February. Sun conjuncts Saturn on the 16th of February in your tenth house,
which can bring a lot of focus on your career, your ambitions, your success, and
your relationships with authority figures, father figures, and people who have a
strong influence on you. Saturn represents authority and older people in life. The
Sun represents authority, too, and the tenth house is also about authority and
father figures. Together, all three archetypes—the Sun, Saturn and the tenth
house—are also about ambitions, success, work, and career. So, you may see
something strong happening now in your career. You can expect some kind of
recognition. Your public image is exposed in some way, or you may be showing
yourself out into the world, presenting yourself, expressing your authenticity, your
uniqueness, and your originality. You may be recognized for something that you
do in a very unique way, for your authenticity. You can expect success in your
career around this time. Mercury is also here starting from the 11th of February.
You can expect business conversations, signing contracts, business deals, and
conversations and connections that can have an impact on your decisions, your
life path, and your career direction. You may gain your own authority during this
time, you may feel that you now have full authority over things that you do, and
you will feel empowered and encouraged to express yourself, to show your gifts
and talents. Mars is in your second house of financial stability and security, your
hidden gifts and talents, and your priorities and concept of values. Mars has been
here for quite some time, and now it’s slowly coming out of its post retrograde
shadow period. You will have a lot of opportunities for making wise decisions and
wise moves related to your money, your savings and spending. You can see
some significant shifts in your financial world, and you will know what to do with
the money you already have, and you will find wiser ways to use your resources
and to gain sustainability.
How the Full Moon in February will influence Taurus
Dear Taurus, this Full Moon happens on the 5th of February in your fellow Fixed
sign, Leo, shining a full light in your fourth house of home and family, mother,
family relationships, family members, home, place of living, residency, house
situation, home environment, emotional stability and security, core emotions,
roots, ancestors, past, childhood, inner child and inner world, privacy and
intimacy, and upbringing. This is a complex placement for Full Moon. The Moon
is ruler of the natural fourth house and the ruler of this Full Moon is the Sun. The
Sun is in your tenth house of career, father, public image, and role in the world
during this Full Moon. You may need to find a balance between your home and
work, your mother and father, inner and outer, your private and public life, your
inner and outer wants and needs, your internal and external reality. Full Moon
happens in fiery Leo, and it will also activate themes of children, creativity,
passion, and love. Leo represents glory, luxury, grandiose things, big things,
expansion, loud energy, and strong energy. You may feel these energies in your
home and with your family. Some family drama is possible during this time. This
is Full Moon energy—it charges your emotions and makes you more emotionally
reactive, especially when it happens in your fourth house, your house of core
stability and emotional foundations. You may need to deal with your family in
some way, you may need to resolve something related to your home, your
house, your place of living. You may be moving, relocating, changing your home
in some way, renovating, upgrading, repairing, or improving your home
environment. You may be doing something with your family members, with your
mother. There is some kind of culmination happening here—your emotions may
culminate, and you may be very passionate about your family matters, your
emotional state of being, or your mother. There is something that is being
revealed, illuminated, disclosed in your fourth house matters. You may discover
something that has been hidden before. Full Moons have a tendency to reveal
that which has been hidden and impossible to know, see, and acknowledge
before. This Full Moon has the task of bringing you emotional satisfaction and
fulfillment, but first you may have to deal with some uncomfortable emotional
processes. Some of you may finally find your home, your place of living, your
space. Full Moons bring completions, closures, endings, fruitions, fulfillments,
revelations, and disclosures. Things are coming to a head, things are
culminating, and something may come to its peak moment. If you’ve been
renovating your home or if you’ve been working on buying or selling your home
or property, you may finally see some progress here. This Full Moon may bring
that to an end, and you may see the results of your work. But this can also be the
case with your emotions, your emotional wellbeing and emotional stability. You
may experience some kind of emotional culmination now, and if you’ve been
working on emotional healing, if you’ve been doing some kind of inner child
wound healing, you may now be finishing that phase, that process. Your
emotional instabilities may be brought to light so that you can deal with them in a
real way and see them for what they are. Use this energy of the Full Moon to
release your emotions, to discharge yourself emotionally, find your safe space
within yourself, your inner home, your inner anchor, your inner center. Work on
your emotional stability, spend time with your family, express how you feel, and
let go of unnecessary drama with your close ones. This can also affect your
relationship with people you live with, with your roommates, and with those who
feel like your family. Let this Full Moon wash away your emotional instabilities
and bring bright light into your heart. Leo represents light and gold, while the
fourth house and the Moon represent the heart, inner stability, emotional stability,
mother, and inner child. Shine your light on these things, and allow more light to
enter through your heart and to be spread right through your heart into the world.

How the New Moon in February will influence Taurus

Dear Taurus, this New Moon happens on the 20th of February in the sign of
Pisces in your eleventh house, and it brings newness, freshness, renewals, and
new beginnings related to your friends, your communities, your social circles,
groups of people, online communities, your tribe, your older brothers and sisters
and those who feel like them, your soul family, your team of people, like-minded
people, global community, your long-range goals and dreams, your clients, your
fans, and your support group. This New Moon has a mystical and magical taste
since it happens in the sign of Pisces, a water sign and the last sign of the
Zodiac, which represents mystical experiences, transcendence, deep meditation,
healing, and the collective subconscious. You may feel a strong connection with
people during this time; you may be involved in group activities where you feel
yourself and others as one. The Pisces archetype represents oneness, union,
source, all-in-one and one-in-all, all-for-one and one-for-all. You may be very
emotional toward others—there is a strong spiritual soul connection between you
and others, and you can expect new connections based on spiritual quality and
soul familiarity. You may connect with soulmates who deeply and strongly
resonate with you, but you may also have deep insights about how everyone you
meet on your path is actually your soulmate. You are connecting with people
through healing, through spiritual practices, and through mutual goals and
intentions. Some of you may go on a trip with others, and you may connect on
that soul level. You may feel this with people you already know and have in your
life, too. You may join a new community, or you may start a new community
yourself where you connect with people who have that quality that you recognize
in your heart. These are heart-to-heart connections. You may connect with a new
friend now. This energy can also mean that a friend may be going through some
kind of healing, and you are going to be there, guiding him or her, helping,
supporting, and going through healing, too. Somebody else’s healing may
strongly affect your own healing, too. Be careful not to pick up somebody else’s
energy and confuse it with yours. Don’t forget that you have your path, your
direction, your journey, even if you intertwine with others and go through the
same things together. Don’t mix somebody else’s experience with your own. You
can share your experiences with others, share your healing journey with others,
allow others to share their own healing journeys with you, but don’t allow these
journeys to take over; don’t identify with them. You may set some new goals and
have some new dreams for the future now. Don’t forget to plant the seeds, set
your intentions, and initiate something new with others, with your long-range
goals, within your communities, with your group of people, with your friends. Feel
the power of individuality and community at the same time—feel their
complementary strength and force. Individual and collective energies are
collaborating, and they are always interconnected, not separate. The illusion of
separation leads to depression and suffering, but it is also a necessary part of the
process. Once you go through that illusion of separation, you realize that there is
no such thing. In its essence, everything is interconnected in this existence, and
this is something that you may feel strongly during this New Moon in Pisces in
your eleventh house. Good luck, and enjoy the energies of this beautiful healing
New Moon.

Tarot card reading for February

Dear Taurus, your Tarot card for February is Death upright. This card belongs to
the Major Arcana deck, and it has a very deep and profound meaning. It signifies
a great long-term transformation in your life. This card represents endings and
transformations, cycles and transitions, letting go and acceptance. This card
means that there is something significant in your life that is about to shift, to
change, to transform. There is an end of one cycle and the beginning of a new
one. Something big is ending in your life. One large cycle is about to close so
that a new one can begin. This card is actually a very positive one, and it
signifies a very big transition in life. When this card is pulled, it means that there
is a renewal and regeneration in your life. This card means that there is a rebirth
happening. This card is also a reminder that life is a journey and that everything
happens in cycles. Death is seen here as the great transformer, a game changer,
and it’s inevitable, as death is inevitable. Nobody can avoid it, and death is not
the enemy—death is a necessary renewal, a necessary transformation. This card
means that a big chapter in your life is going through a transformation.

The Death card asks you to let go, to release, to allow change to happen, to
allow your old self to die, to allow things that are no longer serving you to leave
your life. Some long-term situation is ending, something that might have been
exhausting, heavy, troubling, something that needs to go, something that needs
to die. This is a metaphorical death, the death of an old identity, the death of an
old way of being, the death of old beliefs and old behavior. Ending is
necessary—it is a sacred tool for growth and evolution, for renewal. There is no
renewal without ending; there is no rebirth without death. Cycles of rebirth are
extremely important and necessary, and endings and transformations are an
essential part of human life.

This card sometimes means that there is a kind of loss that is happening in your
life, but this loss is something that pushes you toward great change, toward a
brighter and greater you. It’s time for you to wear your new skin and to allow the
new day to come instead of holding onto yesterdays. This card reminds you that
you cannot be the same person you were yesterday—you have to step into a
new role, into a new self. This transition and transformation from one version of
you into another can be challenging and uncomfortable, but it is inevitable, and
once you make the transition, you will be very happy that you did. Cycles are
turning, and you’re in the middle of that process where you’re moving from one
chapter, from one cycle, from one version of you into another. This card shows
up in life when there is something that you’re resisting, when there is something
that you want to keep badly, no matter what, by any means. This card is
encouraging you to let go, to move on, to let it all go that needs to go. This card
asks you to say goodbye to something or someone so that you can embrace
something new. This is a card of personal transformation, of letting go of an old
identity, and of accepting major new beginnings and a major ending. One door
closes, and a new one opens. One stage of life is finished, and you’re stepping
into the new stage.

The most impactful planet for Taurus in February

Dear Taurus, the most impactful and most meaningful energetic influence of
planetary energies for you this month is the energy of the Moon. On the 5th of
the month, there’s a Full Moon happening in your fellow Fixed sign, Leo,
exposing your fourth house matters and showing you things you have to see
related to your home, your family, your mother, your inner child, your roots, your
ancestors, your place of living, and your emotional wellbeing and stability. This
will trigger your emotions, your emotional reactions, your home situation with
family members, and your core emotions. There is something that needs to be
seen, acknowledged, and revealed in these areas of your life. Some of you may
be dealing with a certain family member, or some of you may be moving,
changing your place of living, buying or selling a house or real estate, going
through family drama, renovating your home, changing your residency, or
experiencing fulfillment in your home with children, experiencing joy and pleasure
through your home and family life. All these things are strongly activated with the
Full Moon in Leo in your fourth house.

The Moon is one of the most influential planets in Astrology. Together with the
Sun, it forms unity. The Sun and the Moon are two eyes, two lights, silver and
gold, honey and milk, feminine and masculine, plus and minus. They are two
energies that keep things in balance. They rule the night and the day. The Moon
is all about maternal instincts; it is about emotions and different phases. It rules
our moods and the shifts of our mind and heart. The Moon represents our need
for security and stability. It rules our comfort zone, the things we’re used to—it is
our nest and our relationship with our mother but also with Mother Nature and
with our inner Goddess and inner Mother regardless of our gender. The Moon
represents nurturing energy, caring energy, nourishing energy, and it is also
associated with the mind and fluctuations of the mind. The Moon can make us
overly emotional, overly reactive, easily provoked and irritated, and it can also
make us compassionate, kind, gentle and friendly. It is always a reminder that we
have to work with our emotions and channel them in the right way. The Moon
represents people as well and their influence on us as individuals. It rules our
daily life and daily habits, and it connects our brain and our belly, our mind and
our heart, our nerves and our cells. It governs the rhythm of the body and our
routines and habits. The Moon quickly changes its phases. It moves from waning
to waxing phase, and it affects the fluids and the water in our body; water
symbolically always represents emotions, so these are emotional fluctuations,
too. The Moon is also related to receptive energy, to the feminine principle, to
instincts and intuition, rhythms and cycles. The Moon rules our digestive system
and our eating patterns related to our emotions. The Moon rules our reactions,
the way we react, our unconsciousness and unconscious patterns, our
relationship with the mother, our past, our past lives, our growing up, and our
subconscious habits. It rules our memories and our feelings that are packed with
those memories. The Moon also has a lot to do with our soul food, what feeds
our soul. The Moon has always been related to dreams, beauty, and imagination,
and it also rules fertility and pregnancy. The Moon represents our home and our
family, our roots and our ancestors and it also rules our own space and our need
for security.

In order to make the most out of this energy, in order to channel the energy of the
Moon in the most profound and constructive way, you should work with your
emotional body, with your emotions, with your inner child, with your inner family,
inner mother, and inner home. You have to take a look within and allow yourself
to feel all that there is to feel without denying, neglecting, suppressing or
numbing your feelings. Let your emotions speak to you and through you. Allow
those emotions to express themselves; allow emotions to breathe—don’t
suffocate them or choose only the ones that you find appropriate to be
expressed. Look at emotions as you would look at your children. You shouldn’t
choose one over the other. Let them all have their place; let them all express
themselves. Give them a bit of space and time to move, to flow, to circulate, to be
processed, to be shown, to be felt. Don’t try to remove them, to escape them, to
shut them off when they show up. Accept and embrace all of them, and
surrender your problems to a higher power. You don’t have to deal with it all. If
everything belongs to the source, then all the pain, suffering, and emotional
torture also belongs to the source, so give it back to the source. It is not yours.
You only borrowed it in order to go through certain things, to learn, to experience.
It is not who you are. Try to see and perceive these things as such and see how
that changes your world. Connect with the element of Water. You are an Earth
sign and Water works very well with Earth. You can experience great emotional
healing and purging during this time just by accepting and allowing emotions to
be expressed. You are actually allowing your inner child to express its wants and
needs, and this is what this energy asks from you. Allow your inner child to
speak, and let it grow. Show your inner child that you’re there and that you care.

Healing tips for Taurus in February

- Practice being on your own when you're going through your inner hardships.
Practice not talking to anyone about it. Practice not expressing it to anyone but
yourself. Practice not talking about it, not complaining about it, not behaving in a
certain way so that others notice and ask you. Practice being on your own on
every level when you're experiencing inner turmoils. Try to behave normally in
front of others, but be aware of your inner process. Split yourself and split your
attention outward and inward without trying to manipulate either dimension of
your reality. Observe your inner and outer self, and try not to search for any
external attention for your inner state of being. This is an exercise, of course, so
don't do anything extreme that could damage your mental, emotional, or physical
health. If you are unwell, ask for help. This is only for those situations where you
are experiencing everyday troubles, issues, anxieties, and restlessness. Practice
and see how this works for you. See how hard it can be and how much easier it
gets. See how much stronger and less attached to problems you become as you
do this.

- Write down your list of regrets. Even if there is nothing that you regret in your
life, of course there are things that you would have loved not to have done,
experienced, or went through. So, write down a list of these things from your
whole life up until this moment—things you wish you did differently or things you
wish turned out differently. Now, write down things you still hold onto within
yourself, things that you cannot forgive, things that still make you feel uneasy,
things that make you feel uncomfortable, things that you still cannot let go of.
Now, read both lists. Contemplate them, and meditate on them. Let them create
a certain atmosphere in you, receive their taste and flavor, and now try to see
how these things are connected. Find links between your "regrets'' list and your
"unforgiveness" list. Try to see what you can learn from these things. See if you
can find an invisible thread that connects these two lists and things you have
written. See if you can discover certain things that bring you insights and
revelations. Enjoy the process and the revelations.
- Whatever issue you face, whatever fears come up and visit you, whatever pain
you feel, whatever heavy feeling comes to haunt you, let them come, let them
visit you, and let them be felt. Let them be exposed and say: “I surrender all my
wounds, pains, traumas, fears, and suffering to the Divine, to my higher self. I
give it all away, I surrender it to the Divine.” Feel this process fully in yourself.
Mean these words that you’re saying. Put your energy into these words and
really mean it. Repeat this as many times as you want. Do this as many times
during the day as you want, whenever you feel like it. You can say these things
to yourself—you don’t have to say them out loud. Enjoy the process and the
benefits of it.

- Try to be aware of every action during the day. Try to remember things you did
during the day, and each night before you sleep, do a little recapitulation of your
day. Go through your day from the beginning to the end. Go through the main
places and details of the day. Try to keep your focus on this and try not to let
your mind go in different directions. Go through your day, repeat it in your mind,
and then choose three things from this day you find constructive, valuable, and
meaningful and three things that were totally meaningless, unnecessary, and
senseless. Remember these constructive things and write them down mentally in
your own book of goods and the other ones, unnecessary ones, dismiss and let
go of. Do this each night if you can. This is a very powerful technique for
remembering who you are, for becoming more aware and conscious of yourself
and the reality that you live in, for improving your life, for being more present,
more conscious and more emotionally and mentally stable and secure.

- Choose one tree, one flower, one plant, or one star in the sky that you're going
to talk to, that you're going to befriend and become close to, that you're going to
confide in. Let this become your daily ritual. Whatever it is that you would like to
talk about with others that you don't have enough freedom to talk about, or you
think you might be misunderstood, or you think the conversation might go in
another direction and lose the point, whatever it is that you feel you have to
express, talk about with the tree, flower, plant, or star that you have chosen.
Choose one of these beings to become best friends with, to share all your
secrets with. This will empower you and free you at the same time. This will
enhance your self-esteem, and this will liberate you from unnecessary burdens.
This will also help you in many ways because nature is alive and it responds, so
be aware of how you communicate with these beings. They are listening to you.
Enjoy the process and the beautiful and powerful results and benefits of it.

How to use February energies in the best possible way

- Take a long walk in the morning. Get up early before all your obligations, and
take a walk outside for at least 40 minutes. If you can, try not to eat anything
before this walk—just drink a warm glass of water, not hot. Do your morning
routines, wash your face, brush your teeth, and go out for a walk. Do this each
day no matter the weather. Just go and walk. Walk in nature if you can. Go
through parks amongst the trees and let your every day begin with this morning
walk. Enjoy your morning walks and feel the life and the joy of doing these things.

- Drink organic mint tea before going to bed. Try not to eat anything heavy at
night, and also try to eat at least two hours before going to bed. Drink mint tea
before bed to calm you down, to relax your muscles, and to improve the quality of
your sleep, to reduce your anxiety and stress. This is very beneficial for your
metabolism, for your body, for your nerves and many other things. Let this
become your night ritual that brings you into a relaxed state of being and that
helps you recover during your sleeping.

- Be aware of your look when you're looking at others. Be aware of what you're
emanating through that look. Be aware of the energy that is being processed and
emanated through your look. Try to do your best to make this look as
empowering, encouraging, loving, and compassionate as you can. Give your
best to notice every time when your look emanates anger, weakness, fear,
dissatisfaction, powerlessness, hatred, or discomfort, and try to transform it by
the power of your conscious will. Take real good care of how you're looking at
others and what kind of energy you send to others and to the outside world
through the look in your eyes.

- Whenever you see yourself in the mirror, smile to yourself. Give yourself a nice
smile, and feel that smile. Feel it in your heart. Feel that smile all around you.
Feel that smile in others, too. Carry that smile in your eyes. Carry that smile in
your words. Carry that smile in your words, in your touch, in your actions. Be
aware of this. Each time you see yourself in the mirror, give yourself that smile
and remember to carry it everywhere.
- Do a tree pose every day a couple of times a day whenever you can. It is an
easy one to do, and it has a lot of benefits. It helps you balance your mind and
body. It puts you into a calm place, and it has many benefits for your physical
body, too. Research about it, see how it's done, and start practicing it. Do this
whenever you can during the day, as many times as you want. Try to stay in that
position as long as you can and practice as long as you have to until you feel you
are rooted into it. Enjoy it fully.

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during February

- What am I known for? What is my uniqueness? What gives me authenticity and

originality? Do I honor my uniqueness? Do I use it in a constructive way?

- What is the most powerful thing that I have healed, transformed, cleansed, or
overgrown in my life so far? What does this tell me about myself?

- What is my greatest support in life right now? What is my greatest help and
assistance? What is my strongest foundation right now in my life?

- What is sustainability for me? How would I describe sustainability? What are my
first associations, images, thoughts, feelings and emotions that come up when I
hear that word? What does this tell me about myself?

- What are some of the most mysterious synchronicities that I have experienced
in my life so far? How do I feel about synchronicities? How often do I notice
synchronicities? When was the last time I noticed a synchronicity in my life?


What can Gemini expect in February

Dear Gemini, it is getting better for you. February brings you real vision and
clarity. February is a quiet month, and it prepares you for exciting changes that
are about to start happening for you next month when big transits start unfolding
and when Mars finally comes out of your sign. You’ve been tested on so many
levels, and you have had to get serious with yourself, your fears, your memories,
your past, your mind, and your heart. You’ve burned off a lot of karma and you’re
about to feel the results of that work now. February gives you a new and fresh
perspective, a new and fresh you. There’s a lot of clarity and some things will
become crystal clear to you, especially when it comes to you, your health, your
wellbeing, your physical body, your vitality, your behavior, and your personality.
Mars has been in your sign since the 20th of August, and it was retrograde
between the 30th of October and the 12th of January. Now Mars will stay in your
sign until the 25th of March, which gives you great possibilities to move forward,
to keep going, not to give up and stay stuck in something but to keep going no
matter what. There’s no time for turning back now—you have to look forward and
don’t look back no matter how hard that may be. You are asked to take the best
care of yourself and to use your energy in a way that serves you and improves

On the 5th of February, there’s a Full Moon in Leo in your natural third house,
shining a light on your communications and connections. You may have to take
better care of the words you say—you are Gemini after all, and words and
conversations are very important in your life. Be careful with what you say, what
you share, with whom you share it, and how you share it. Try not to share the
secrets of others if you get the temptation to do so or if you have to get
something off your chest that is related to someone else. If you keep a secret
that represents some kind of burden in your life, make sure you share it with
someone you can fully trust. You may want to share your own secret, to liberate
yourself from something heavy. This is also great energy for having fun with
others, for going on a short trip, or for having a lot of fun with your siblings and
relatives. Expect some kind of culmination in your connections and
conversations. Something may come to an ending or to fruition related to your
learning, teaching, writing, and sharing. You may finish learning something like a
certain skill that can bring you a lot of satisfaction and joy.

On the 11th of February, your ruler, Mercury, enters your fellow Air sign,
Aquarius. Saturn and the Sun are already in Aquarius, and your ruler triggers
their influence, too. This highlights your ninth house of long distance travels,
international connections, different languages, international business, spiritual
journeys, higher meaning, higher knowledge, higher self, beliefs, and ideals.
Saturn has been restructuring these areas of your life since 2020, and this
energy is now accentuated with your ruler here. You may have conversations
with people who live in different countries, with people who speak different
languages. You may be signing some contract with these people, or you may just
expand your network and connect with people who come from different cultures,
traditions, religions, and nationalities. You are expanding your horizons and
broadening your vision. The Sun conjuncts Saturn in Aquarius on the 16th of
February, which can bring you a connection with someone who can teach you
something that changes your perception of reality. You may connect with a
teacher of some kind, with someone who knows things you want to know. You
may also be in the position of teacher, and you may be able to share your
message with the wider community in some way. Mercury, your ruler, here gives
you great abilities and options to use your intellect, your knowledge, and your
capacity to attain your goals, to continue your spiritual path and to expand your

Venus is in Pisces until the 20th of February, and while she’s in Pisces, your
fellow Mutable sign, she will meet with Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, on the 15th
of February. This conjunction happens in your tenth house, and there’s a lot of
activity in your tenth house this month, your house of career, ambitions, goals,
success, profession, contribution, life direction, and role in the world. Venus and
Neptune together here can help you achieve some career goal, and it can be
very inspirational and magical. You can expect success—some of your dreams
may come true when it comes to your career, your role in the world, your
influence on others, and your public image. You may be exposed to the public in
some way, but this exposure may be very deep, healing, and spiritual. This is
Pisces after all. You may do something that is in service to all, something that
serves others in a profound way and that helps people find some peace and

On the 19th of the month, the Sun enters Pisces, and on the 20th, there’s a New
Moon in Pisces, too. This brings more light and more focus on your career and
your contribution to the world. You are planting seeds during this time—there are
new beginnings, new options, new possibilities, and new opportunities for you in
these areas of your life. This can be a time of success and recognition. You can
expect new things in your career, on your path, and with your life direction. This
is Pisces energy. It can be healing, it can be comforting, and it can be
inspirational, romantic, artistic, and creative. You are finding new ways to
contribute and to be of service, to express your best gifts and talents, to show the
best of who you are, to put it out there. You can also expect new roles that you
may have to play in the world and a new social status. New vision, new goals,
and new ambitions are preparing you for when Saturn enters Pisces in March
and starts restructuring your career goals and your role in the world over the next
two and a half years.

On the 20th of the month, Venus enters Aries and shines a light in your social
eleventh house of friends, social networks, groups of people, communities,
teamwork, associates, and like-minded people. Venus here brings love, beauty,
and harmony and makes you more aware of the true value of friendships and
people in your life. These are beautiful social activities, harmonious and friendly
energy. This can also be romantic energy with someone from your community or
someone from your social circles and friends zone. Venus in Aries is action-
oriented, and she gets what she wants, which can bring you benefits with people
and through teamwork of any kind.

This month is very uplifting for you, and it changes the course of your actions. It’s
a lot about self-regeneration and restrengthening yourself. If you’ve felt down,
drained, exhausted, and tired lately, if you’ve experienced chronic pains and
exhaustion, this month it’s time to get up and get going, to use that direct energy
of Mars in your sign to accumulate strength, vitality, and willingness to move and
get going. You are finding inspiration in new things, and you’re starting to see
toxic and draining activities in your life. How do you use your energy? Where is
your energy spent mostly? Is it a good investment? Does it pay off? You’re going
to think these things through and find answers. You are getting ready for bigger
shifts that are about to happen. You can improve your life now in a way that will
serve you for many, many years. Things you decide now can serve you in the
long run especially when it comes to your level of energy, your health, your
physical body, and your identity.

Gemini relationship with inner self

Dear Gemini, your world is waking up in a serious way. You’ve been doing a lot
of inner work, especially during Eclipse season, which has been very active and
strong lately. This month is more of a quiet month, a month for looking at what
you’ve done and starting to see the results of your inner work. If you haven’t
been running away from your inner demons, if you’ve been facing yourself, if
you’ve allowed yourself to feel all that’s been bubbling up and cooking from the
inside, you’re about to see the results of that process and that work. If you’ve
done the work you will know it, and if you haven’t, you will also know it. Things
have been brought to light for you, things have been presented to you. Your
issues have been put on a plate for you, right in front of you, and you were not
able to ignore them, but it has been uncomfortable for sure—draining, frustrating
and irritating. Not only because of eclipses that have been happening at an
uncomfortable angle for you but also because of Mars which was retrograde in
your sign between the 30th of October and 12th of January. It hasn’t been easy
for you, but this uneasiness is what gives you the fuel for liberation and freedom.
You are now going to feel that freedom, at least to some degree, and you’re
going to work on reaching the state of freedom in its true sense. You are going to
receive an incredible and powerful insight about what freedom truly is and what
freedom isn’t. You may have had certain illusions about what freedom is, and you
may now see that what you thought was freedom has nothing to do with freedom.
You may also figure out that you’ve been fighting for illusionary freedom. The
only real freedom is inner freedom. Inner freedom means being free from other
people’s opinions and influences, being free from toxic attachments, being free to
leave a situation that is not good for you at any time, being free to choose to love
yourself. These kinds of things will ring the bell for you in a strong sense, and you
will have those strong feelings toward freedom—toward real freedom, not the
freedom from movies, not selfish freedom, but freedom that improves you as a
human being in every area of your life, freedom not to run away from something
but to face it and confront it without being controlled by it. You are very eager for
that kind of freedom, and you will have strong willingness and motivation to move
in that direction. You may feel unstoppable on your way. You will feel that inner
burning desire to overcome things that have been pulling you down and to get
down to business. A lot is happening with your vitality, your level of energy, your
choices for the future, your life direction, your perception, and your spiritual path.
You are making choices that will set you on a new path and that will bring you
healing. You shouldn’t run from what’s painful—you should see it as the very
thing that gives you a pure vision of life and yourself. When you transform pain,
you get joy; they have the same quality. Your task is not to shift from pain to joy
and vice versa but to center yourself, to become free from both extremes and to
be free to feel both pain and joy without being controlled by either of them.

Gemini relationship with others

Dear Gemini, you are going to be socially active in February, and you’re going to
have a lot of things to talk about with others, a lot of things to do with others, a lot
of things to go through, to walk through, to share, to express and to give and
receive. You can expect powerful messages and news from others. You can also
expect a lot of shared knowledge between you and others, expect the energy of
teachers and students, the energy of studying, sharing information, connecting
with people through things that have higher meaning, and connecting with people
through original ideas and unique perceptions. You are expanding your vision
thanks to others, and some of you may travel during this time and speak with
people from different continents, different cultures and countries. But you may
also go on short trips, local trips that empower you and that fulfill you socially,
emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. These short trips with others can
have a very healing effect on you, a very therapeutic effect. You just have to be
careful with keeping others’ secrets this month. There is a potential danger that
you may say something you shouldn’t have said. This is just a reminder for you.
Maybe you won’t be in that situation at all, but if you find yourself in a similar
situation, slow down, stop for a moment, and see if what you’re about to share
can harm or hurt anyone in any way. This will be active around the Full Moon
time, around the 5th of February and a couple of days before and after this date.
Make sure you share confidential things with trustworthy people, and make sure
that you yourself are trustworthy as well. You may inspire someone in a very
strong way—your behavior can play a very important role in somebody’s life, so
you should be more careful about how you behave and what kind of energy you
emanate in the world, how you influence others. Venus will join Jupiter in Aries
on the 20th of February, and she brings a lot of opportunities for beauty, love and
harmony in your group activities, in your communities, in your friendships, and in
your social circles. You may be involved in some really beautiful and worthy
social activities. You are also going to recognize the true value of certain people
in your life, the true value of certain connections, the true value and beauty of
certain people from your team, your community, your tribe. You will be socially
active and you may initiate something that can be very uplifting and energizing
for you and your friends. Any group activity can be very beneficial for you,
especially from the 20th onward with Venus here. Jupiter is in your eleventh
house until the middle of May, expanding your networks and connections with
others, bringing you wisdom and meaning, and bringing you luck and prosperity
through people, through communities, through teamwork, and through friends.
Gemini love & romantic life in February
Dear Gemini, February is a bit less intense of a month, and you will be able to
take a deep breath and enjoy the presence of that breath. You will be able to
enjoy the sustainability of breathing and to feel the comfort of being relaxed.
Many of you may realize that all that you actually want in your love relationships
is to feel relaxed with your lover, to have that full trust and to be fully relaxed.
This is what’s most important to have with someone, that ability to be fully
relaxed which means that you don’t have to pretend, calculate, hide, play,
manipulate, or maneuver with feelings, emotions, words, and actions. You can
just relax and trust that you won’t be misunderstood, that you won’t be taken
advantage of, that you won’t be betrayed, that you won’t be fooled, that you won’t
be manipulated, that you won’t be rejected, that you won’t be attacked, that you
won’t be judged or criticized. This is what you need, and this is what you will start
providing to yourself. This is what you can afford now, really, and you will do that.
When you start giving that to yourself, you start attracting that into your life, and
your partner starts changing their behavior toward you, too, and you start feeling
different and more relaxed. All those fears come from within you. When you stop
feeding them, you stop projecting them onto others, which is when things start
becoming clear. You need that sense of relaxation in your love life more than
anything else—more than passion, more than being crazy in love, more than the
need to have someone just for the sake of not being alone. You need to feel free
from those fears, and you will work on that with yourself. By doing that, you are
actually working on your love life in the most powerful way you can imagine. You
can have a lot of social activities in February, and some of you can expect love
and romance through your friends, your social circles, and your communities.
You may also visit certain gatherings, parties, celebrations, and social events
where you may connect with someone in a romantic way, or you may visit these
events with your existing partner. It hasn’t been easy in your love relationships
since Mars has been retrograde in your sign, but Mars is direct now, and you’ve
learned about patience and understanding and about how others perceive you,
what you’re projecting onto your existing or potential partners, and what you’ve
been projecting on your partners from the past, and now you will have a much
clearer image of your role in love relationships and your behavior. If you are fully
sincere with yourself without needing to ask anybody else about it, you look at
yourself and see that whatever it is that you’re going through in your love life or
that you’ve been through is a direct reflection of your state of being, your
behavior, and your reactions. This realization has the power to liberate you and
to set you free from many expectations and illusions that you may be living in
when it comes to love relationships and how one should behave in a love
relationship. You are allowing yourself some freedom, and you’re also allowing
your partner some freedom in the sense that you let go of the need to be taken
care of and start taking care of yourself, and by doing that, you improve your love
life in unimaginable ways.

Gemini sex life in February

Dear Gemini, you want to share your insights, your revelations and your
experiences with your lover this month. You want your lover to feel what you feel.
You have a need to share the same feeling with your lover, to be on the same
page, to experience the same amount of charge or discharge, to experience
pleasure in the same way, and to experience senses in the same way. Some of
you will actually have this feeling with your partner. You may experience things in
the same way, and no matter what that is, it increases the sexual charge
between you and turns the volume up when it comes to your true passion and
feelings in your relationship with your lover. You may experience music in the
same way, for example, you may hear a certain song in the same way, you may
have the same taste for something, or you may have an identical experience of a
certain situation, which is very rare, but now you may actually have this feeling,
which is something beautiful, whether it happens with your lover or with your
friend or with a complete stranger who lives on the other side of the world. These
kinds of things are actually real orgasms—when you experience the same feeling
with another soul that you can share in that moment and then that moment
becomes eternity. You are going to cherish these moments more than some
others, but you won’t obsess about it either. You are going through a physical
regeneration, too, especially after eclipses that have affected your health, your
body, and your wellbeing and after Mars being retrograde in your sign in your first
house between the 30th of October and 12th of January. Mars in your sign has
been difficult to deal with on a physical level, and you’ve been through a lot of
lessons and tests when it comes to your energy level, your vitality, your physical
strength, your physical wellbeing and, of course, your sexual energy and your
sexual health since Mars represents sex drive and first house represents you,
your body and vitality. You will feel the shift in your body and vitality now. Mars is
moving away from the post retrograde shadow period, and it becomes easier as
the month progresses. You will feel your power and strength coming back, and
you will start working on improving and maintaining your energy level and your

Gemini career & purpose in February

Dear Gemini, there’s a lot of positive focus on your career this month, and you
will be able to make some good choices and decisions for your career, your
work, your employment. There are many opportunities for new direction, for new
beginnings in your career if that’s what you want, for a new job, for a new path,
for a new role in the world. You will be able to use your talents, your intellect, and
your skills in a very good way, in a way that can serve you in the long run.
There’s a strong accent on your role in the world, your public image, your
authority, your ambitions, and your goals. Venus meets Neptune in your tenth
house on the 15th of February, and this can be something magical, something
inspiring, something healing and artistic. If you are doing any kind of work or
service related to healing, spiritual work, or service or anything related to artistic
and creative work, you can expect success and benefits now. But no matter what
you’re doing or not doing, you will all feel some positive shift in your contribution,
in your purpose, in your role in the world. You may get some kind of recognition
during this time, too, especially around the New Moon, which happens on the
20th. These are new beginnings in your career, things that can be very
beneficial. You may take on a new role now, and you may start doing things that
bring you greater joy, that make you feel at peace and that don’t make you feel
stressed. Or, you may change the way you perceive the things that you do and
you make them feel fulfilling instead of making them feel draining and
exhausting. You have the power to give something negative or positive charge.
You are going to change the way you use your energy, and Mars in your sign has
been teaching you a lot about how you use your energy and how it uses you, too.
You have Full Moon in Leo in your natural third house on the 5th of the month,
which can also have some influence on your work, your skills, and your
knowledge. You may finally learn some skill that you’ve been learning, and you
will be able to use your skills now. Or, you may finish certain studies that can
take you further on your journey of learning and sharing your knowledge. If you
have the role of a teacher, any kind of teacher, you can prosper a lot now and
you can expect good things. Some of you may be traveling and moving a lot
because of your work and career, too. International connections can have a
strong influence now, too. Your ruler, Mercury, starts its journey through your
fellow Air sign, Aquarius, on the 11th of February where you already have
Saturn. You may have conversations with foreigners, business conversations, or
deals and contracts that may be in another country or with people who speak
different languages. Your skills are important, and you will have a great
opportunity to express the best of yourself, to show yourself in your best role.
Venus shifts into Aries on the 20th and joins Jupiter in your eleventh house, and
this can bring you clients if you have your own business, this can bring you more
followers, for example, if you’re an influencer or if you have an online business,
this can bring you more fans, or this can bring you more students if you’re a
teacher. This is an expansion of your goals and dreams for the future, too, and
Venus here can make it really beautiful and valuable. All in all, it’s a very potent
month for business, for achieving your goals, for success, and for new roles, new
beginnings, and new starts in your career and your way of contributing to society.

How the Full Moon in February will influence Gemini

Dear Gemini, this Full Moon happens on the 5th of February in the sign of fiery
Leo in your natural third house, and it shines a light on your connections with
younger brothers and sisters and those who feel like them, relatives, neighbors,
people from your local community and close surroundings, and random people
from your everyday life. These are your everyday communications and
connections, your skills, and your words. Third house also represents writing,
reading, teaching, learning, sharing information, sending and receiving news and
messages, exchanging experiences, short trips, marketing, broadcasting, social
media, networks, friends, internet, webshops, seminars, webinars, and podcasts.
All these things are related to the third house but also your mental plane, your
mental patterns, your thoughts, your way of thinking, and translating your
thoughts into words. Full Moon has the task of illuminating something that’s been
hidden or unknown and showing you something that you have to see and
acknowledge, something that needs to be adjusted. Full Moons bring
completions, fruitions, endings, culminations, revelations, disclosures,
fulfillments, and closures. Something comes to a head, something comes to an
end, or something comes to fruition. This Full Moon makes a supportive sextile
aspect with your sign so it should be helpful and supportive. Sextiles bring
opportunities, so you may have an opportunity to finish certain studies, to bring
some project to fruition, to learn some skills, or to see the culmination of
something you’ve been working on in third house matters. Leo Full Moon has a
very bright energy, and it can bring you joy, entertainment, and fun but also
drama and pride. You may be proud of your brothers and sisters for something,
and you may be celebrating something with your siblings, relatives, and
neighbors. You may celebrate your success in education, in studying, in learning,
or in teaching. Some of you may become teachers now, and if you’re already
some kind of teacher, this can bring you some kind of fulfillment in what you’re
doing. You can expect good and uplifting news and messages. You may go on a
short trip and have fun. Enjoy the good company and do something creative with
people. Don’t forget that the third house is related to words and communications,
and the Full Moon has a tendency to bring out something that has been hidden.
Leo energy can also be dramatic, so be careful of sharing some secrets of others
with people who may not know how to keep a secret. You may want to release
something from yourself through words, but you should be careful not to share
the secrets of others with just anyone. You may also have a need to express
your thoughts, your mental state of being, and your own secrets to liberate
yourself from some kind of burden. In this case, this can be very liberating if you
have someone you trust and can just let it all out. This Full Moon in Leo will help
you release what you have to release and let it out through words and
conversations. You can also write things down—you may be journaling, writing,
and reading a lot, which can help you deal with certain things, too. You can
transform your mental patterns thanks to knowledge that you have, thanks to
skills that you own, thanks to things that you read or write, and thanks to things
that you study. You can improve your mental state of being now. Leo energy can
uplift your spirit and motivate you. Use this Full Moon to connect with people, to
be honest in your conversations, to take care of the words you say, and to
improve your conversations, your themes, and your skills. Use this energy to
learn something, to teach something, or to share something powerful and
uplifting. Share uplifting messages with people, give uplifting compliments to
yourself and others, be aware of the power of thoughts and words, and use your
knowledge, intellect, creativity, abilities, capacities, skills, and knowledge to
improve your life, your connections, and your perception.

How the New Moon in February will influence Gemini

Dear Gemini, this New Moon happens on the 20th of February in your fellow
Mutable sign of Pisces in your highest position of the chart in your tenth house of
work, career, success, ambitions, goals, profession, vocation, your calling, your
contribution, your public image, your influence on others, your role in the world,
how the world sees you, your social status, your life path and life direction, your
authority, and your relationship with authority figures and father figures. This New
Moon brings wonderful new opportunities in these areas of your life. You can
expect new job offers, new employment, new beginnings in your career, a new
life direction, and a new role in the world. There is newness and freshness in
these tenth house matters. There are also renewals and refreshments of your
existing life path and existing career. You can expect things that are healing, that
have a healing effect, that have a service-oriented nature and quality. This is
Pisces New Moon, and in the tenth house, it can mean that your work, your
career, your contribution, and your devotion is service-oriented, healing, artistic,
creative, deep, and romantic as well. You can do some extraordinary work now
thanks to your subconscious materials, programs, and layers. You may be
working with the subconscious, too. You may go through a healing of authority
issues, through a healing with your father, or through a healing with a father
wound whether or not your father is present in life. This New Moon brings new
beginnings and new opportunities for you to express yourself, to show yourself,
to present yourself in the world, to share your message with the world, to show
what you’ve got. Some of you may step into a new role, and your social status
may change and be renewed. Things you’re known for may be upgraded and
renewed. This energy has the power to redirect you in a new direction, to show
you new ways of doing things, and to show you new options in your career.
Some of you can expect success in your professional life—awards, recognitions,
public performances, and acknowledgments. Others may see you in a new way.
This energy makes a tense square aspect with your sign, but this doesn’t mean
that it brings discomfort; this means that it may put you out of your comfort zone
so that you do something you wouldn’t usually do. This energy motivates you to
be daring and to take risks. Work that you do, your career, and your purpose may
be very helpful for others, too, because this is Pisces energy, the energy of
oneness and unconditional love. So, what you do in the world may bring a lot of
benefits now to others. Be aware of what kind of role model you are in the world.
Also ask yourself what you would do in life if you didn’t have to work for money.
See how aligned you are with what you’re doing. See if you can remove the
pressure of earning and try to feel pure desire, pure passion that you have
toward something. Recognize pure passion within you. New Moon in Pisces
brings you a new opportunity to heal any career wounds, too, and to set new
goals and new ambitions. Plant new seeds and set new intentions in these areas
of your life, initiate something new, start something new, and take that first step
toward achieving your goals and dreams. Your influence on others may be much
bigger than you can imagine—don’t forget that, and do the best that you can to
be the best role model to yourself and to the world.

Tarot card reading for February

Dear Gemini, your Tarot card for February is The Knight of Wands upright.
This is a card of action and forward movement. It is about impulses and energetic
behavior. It is about adventures. The Knight of Wands is ambitious—he is
motivated, courageous, bold, and ready to show the world how great he is. This
card means that there is an intensity in the world, an intensity in your social life,
and there is something wild about it. The Knight of Wands is dynamic with a
strong will for life. He is imaginative, communicative, and a great teacher. He
loves to travel and explore things in life, to explore different places, cultures,
traditions, faces, places, and people. He can be impulsive but also funny and
with a great sense of humor, and there is great confidence around him, so when
this card comes up, it means that you will attract these attributes and
characteristics, too, and you will express them to a certain degree. There is a
great urge to act on something when this card comes up, and you will probably
feel fired up with ideas, and it is time to take action. Plans take shape now, and
you want to manifest things, to trigger their manifestation. Be aware of your need
for attention, though, as this card can represent strong egoic needs. You may
also not have all the needed information and structure for manifesting what you
want. You may just run into action without thinking through these things first, so
the advice is to hop before you jump and look before you leap. You may have a
need to be dominant and loud, so be aware of this, too, but all these things can
be used in a very good way. You can take action and use this decisiveness and
boldness in the right manner, without rushing, without running blindly into
something just out of curiosity. This is a card of action and motion. The Knight of
Wands rides his horse fearlessly into the battle, and there is nothing that stands
in his way, except maybe his own ego.

This card means that you may be a leader of some kind, that you are able to lead
others. It is a very charismatic energy, and people will want to be around you.
This card can sometimes mean that there is a relocation, a move, a totally new
direction in life. The Knight of Wands represents the fire within us and the energy
that moves us. It is about action, energy, challenges, and adventures. There is
great confidence and enthusiasm in the air. This card can also mean that
someone who has characteristics of The Knight of Wands may show up in your
life, someone who is very action-oriented and fearless, daring and brave. This
card represents full action—there is no planning, and there is nothing that is
impossible. Everything can be achieved. This is a fully confident approach toward
things in life. This is the card of a free spirit, a charming hero, and a hot-
tempered person. There is a strong determination for success here, and Fire is a
dominant element in the card. You should feel full of life during this time—you
should feel recharged. There is a need to impress others with your skills as well,
with your knowledge and talents, and this card also means that there is a lot of
fun and entertainment all around. Be ready for changes, and be realistic with
your wishes and desires.

The most impactful planet for Gemini in February

Dear Gemini, the most impactful and most meaningful energetic influence of
planetary energies for you this month is the energy of the Moon. This month,
there’s a New Moon happening in your fellow Mutable sign of Pisces on top of
your chart in a key area of your life, your tenth house of career, profession,
success, recognition, social status, life path, life direction, purpose, your true
calling, your authority in the world, your contribution to society, your role in the
world, your employment, your boss, your authority figures, your father figures,
and your father. This New Moon brings new opportunities in your life, new
possibilities, new direction. This can affect your relationship with your father or
with father figures in your life, your purpose, your goals, your ambitions, your
career, or your chosen path.

The Moon is one of the most influential planets in Astrology. Together with the
Sun, it forms unity. The Sun and the Moon are two eyes, two lights, silver and
gold, honey and milk, feminine and masculine, plus and minus. They are two
energies that keep things in balance. They rule the night and the day. The Moon
is all about maternal instincts; it is about emotions and different phases. It rules
our moods and the shifts of our mind and heart. The Moon represents our need
for security and stability. It rules our comfort zone, the things we’re used to—it is
our nest and our relationship with our mother but also with Mother Nature and
with our inner Goddess and inner Mother regardless of our gender. The Moon
represents nurturing energy, caring energy, nourishing energy, and it is also
associated with the mind and fluctuations of the mind. The Moon can make us
overly emotional, overly reactive, easily provoked and irritated, and it can also
make us compassionate, kind, gentle and friendly. It is always a reminder that we
have to work with our emotions and channel them in the right way. The Moon
represents people as well and their influence on us as individuals. It rules our
daily life and daily habits, and it connects our brain and our belly, our mind and
our heart, our nerves and our cells. It governs the rhythm of the body and our
routines and habits. The Moon quickly changes its phases. It moves from waning
to waxing phase, and it affects the fluids and the water in our body; water
symbolically always represents emotions, so these are emotional fluctuations,
too. The Moon is also related to receptive energy, to the feminine principle, to
instincts and intuition, rhythms and cycles. The Moon rules our digestive system
and our eating patterns related to our emotions. The Moon rules our reactions,
the way we react, our unconsciousness and unconscious patterns, our
relationship with the mother, our past, our past lives, our growing up, and our
subconscious habits. It rules our memories and our feelings that are packed with
those memories. The Moon also has a lot to do with our soul food, what feeds
our soul. The Moon has always been related to dreams, beauty, and imagination,
and it also rules fertility and pregnancy. The Moon represents our home and our
family, our roots and our ancestors and it also rules our own space and our need
for security.

In order to channel this energy this month, in order to make the most of the
energy of the Moon and especially of the New Moon this month, you should
connect with the energy of the Moon and the archetype of Pisces and the tenth
house. See what needs to be healed when it comes to your career, your
ambitions, your goals, your success, your father, and your relationships with
authority figures. See what needs to be worked on, what needs to be let go of,
what needs to be renewed and refreshed in your life, and do these things from
the heart. Renew and refresh your life from the heart, not because you have to
but because you feel happy to do it; you feel inspired to do it. Look at it as your
sacred mission. See what needs to be healed and regenerated, what needs to be
treated. See where you need to show more compassion, more understanding,
more empathy, and more truth in your life. Is what you’re doing fulfilling or
draining? Is what you’re doing satisfying or exhausting? What kind of contribution
can you offer to others? Do you have authority, lack of authority, or maybe too
much authority? Where can you be more humble, more loving, more sincere? Do
you have a need to demonstrate your power, or do you know your power without
needing to demonstrate it? All these questions help you go through these
energies and channel them in the most productive ways. Don’t get caught up in
emotional attachments toward your goals, your achievements, your career, and
your ambitions. Don’t allow your emotional attachments to keep you imprisoned
in something that is perhaps more damaging than it is constructive for you. Allow
yourself free flow, allow yourself to make decisions based on a pure state of
being, and allow yourself to make new decisions and to upgrade yourself. Let
your inner Moon guide you. Do your little healing rituals on Mondays because
Monday is the Moon’s Day. Wear something white or silver to enhance the
energy of your inner Moon, of your intuition, your emotions, and your mind.

Healing tips for Gemini in February

- Visualize your own transformation. Imagine yourself as a seed that is buried

under the ground and that grows in the darkness until it reaches the surface and
starts blooming in the light. Feel your phases of transformation. Feel growth,
darkness, light, opening up, blossoming, and blooming—feel all the stages.
Focus on being transformed. Feel yourself as a seed in your mother's womb,
then feel yourself as a baby, then as a child, and then as an adult. Go through
these phases and feel your essence through all these phases. Notice how you've
been present through it all. It is all you and it is all different stages of you, but
your essence is there all the time. Feel your journey that guides you toward your
essence. Imagine your journey through the dark underground and become aware
of its necessity for growth. Honor this part of the journey, and don't be afraid of it
ever. Enjoy the ride.

- Close your eyes, breathe normally, and feel your physical body as a weightless
plasmatic etheric body that can stretch, bend, and shapeshift in any way that you
can imagine. Tap into this feeling as much as you can. Forget that you have a
physical body. Feel it as air, as an energetic shape that can turn into anything,
and just play with it. Feel these shifts. Feel these transformations. Focus on
feeling these shifts while you're doing them. Play and experiment with your
weightless body. Bounce, fly, go through objects, and go high and low. Get this
feeling through the power of your mind, your body, and your senses. This is a
powerful meditation technique that can help you in many ways. Just keep
practicing and enjoy it. When you're done, put this plasmatic etheric body right
back into your physical body. Breathe it in, inhale it, and feel yourself back in
your physical body. Enjoy the journey, and practice this as many times as you
- Whatever sadness, pain, anxiety, and stress that you feel, take it out with you
for a walk. On your walk, find an object in front of you, any kind of object that you
see during your walk, and say: When I reach that object I am going to leave this
stress, sadness, pain, struggle, anxiety (or whatever it is). I am going to leave it
there when I reach the place. Walk to that place and feel that you're releasing
what you have to release and feel that you’re leaving it there. Feel how this
object absorbs all of it. Feel lighter. If you still feel heaviness, continue doing this,
continue finding the next object that you’re going to walk to, and release your
stress, fears, traumas, pains and sufferings there. Find an even further object
and walk to it and do the same. Be willing to do this. Be aware of this. Put your
conscious effort into it. Continue doing this until you feel better and lighter.
Continue with the next object and the next and next until you feel some relief.
Practice this technique daily. Let this become your daily walking routine. Enjoy
the walk and the release.

- Prepare yourself for sleep as if you are going to a sacred place, to higher
realms, to another dimension as you literally are, but become aware of this and
prepare yourself before falling asleep. Wash yourself right before bed and show
gratitude to your body that carries you and serves you. Do your prayer before
falling asleep. Go to sleep with good thoughts. Don't ever let yourself fall asleep
with negative thoughts in your mind. If you have negative thoughts while you're
trying to fall asleep, get up and do something; focus on something else. Stretch
yourself, take a shower, read some wise words, wise thoughts, take a walk
through your room or through your house, and take a look outside your window.
Shake it off and then try again, but don't let yourself lie down in a bed with
negative thoughts. It's harder to get rid of negative thoughts while you're in a
horizontal position. It's much easier when you're standing up. Practice this night
routine and go to sleep with your best intentions. Prepare as a true inner warrior.

- Imagine yourself much taller than you are. Do this while you're walking. Feel
yourself much taller. Lengthen your body upwards, feel it stretched vertically, feel
your whole body lengthened vertically, and walk with this feeling. It's easy to feel
this physically—just try and you'll see how easy it is. Feel yourself taller, have
your vision at that height, and perceive reality, people, and the world from that
point of view. Imagine this even though you are in your normal body. You can
imagine this easily at the same time. Just stretch yourself upward and take a look
around you. Observe things around you from this perspective and feel yourself
fully in this state of being. This is super easy to practice, and it's also a very
powerful and healing technique. Enjoy it fully.

How to use February energies in the best possible way

- Practice hydrotherapy. Take a shower with warm and cold water, but do it
carefully. Don't just switch from hot to cold—change it gradually from normally
hot to normally cold and switch it a couple of times. Keep one temperature for
about seven seconds, and then change it again. Try practicing this each day
when you're taking a shower, and you will become more comfortable as you keep
doing it. This is very good for your body, your nerves, your blood pressure, your
mental health, and your emotional wellbeing, too. Enjoy your showers and feel
the power of this practice.

- Have a little accomplishment journal, and each day write down things you’ve
managed to accomplish during that day. You will soon see how many things you
actually achieve and accomplish during the day that you were totally unaware of.
Have your little journal and enjoy the process.

- Plan a short trip every once in a while. It can be just a picnic nearby. It can be
an escape from your local place. It can be just a one-day short trip. It doesn’t
matter where, but have that short trip plan. Do something like that once a week
and feel how your life improves when you change the scenery and make space
for new and different impressions. Enjoy your trips.

- Think about a certain goal or dream you want to achieve, and think about what
would be the first step you should take toward making that goal or dream come
true. Take your first step toward achieving something you want, whatever that is.
- Find one geometric shape that suits you the most, that resonates with you the
most right now, and draw it on a piece of paper or print it. You can find many
geometric shapes online—you can search for sacred geometry symbols, and you
will find many. Meditate and contemplate on this shape, talk to it, and let it give
you some answers and guidance. Carry it with you in your pocket and take a look
at it from time to time, every now and then. Feel its power, connect with it, and
feel its presence. Feel that shape within you, too. Feel yourself connected to that
sacred shape that represents harmony and beauty.

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during February

- How do I imagine my new self? My refreshed Self? My regenerated and healed

Self? What is my healed Self? Can I imagine a healed Self, and how do I imagine

- How well do I know my body and its functions, its needs, its wants, its ups and
downs? How well do I know my vitality? How well do I know my energy? How
well do I know these things? What does this tell me about myself?

- Where do I feel stuck? How long have I felt stuck there? How do I feel about it?
What are my first associations and images that come up when I notice that I am
stuck there? What does this tell me about that certain situation in my life?

- Where do I feel like I need to keep going no matter what? Where do I feel like I
just need to keep moving forward without looking back? Where do I feel that I
have to continue without even thinking about giving up?

- What are the things that I am running away from mostly during my life? What
kinds of things am I running away from? What does this tell me about myself?

What can Cancer expect in February

Dear Cancer, February is a month of new horizons and deep spiritual shifts,
messages, invitations, and breakthroughs. You may feel like you’re on a special
mission and you actually will be. You may realize that you are on a special
mission just by being in this life right here and right now, which will give you a
very special feeling of being in this world and living the life that you’re living. You
are changing your perception of life, and you see things now from a totally
different point of view, from a higher perspective, from a spiritual perspective.
You are interested in higher truth, in the light of truth. You’ve been dealing with a
lot of unfinished business recently, you’ve been facing some ghosts from the
past, and you've been confronted with things you thought were way behind you.
Mars in Gemini in your hidden twelfth house brought a lot of focus on the past,
and you’ve been putting a lot of energy into your inner journey and self-healing.
Mars was retrograde in Gemini between the 30th of October and 12th of January,
but it’s still in its post-retrograde shadow period. Now in February, things start
becoming even clearer and you will start seeing the results of your efforts and
actions, the results of your work behind the scenes. Things you’ve been working
on in the background can be a great source of satisfaction and joy now.

On the 5th of February, there’s a Full Moon in fiery Leo in your second house of
finances, values, money, earning money, resources, use of resources,
possessions, self-worth, self-love, material and emotional safety and security,
and hidden gifts and talents. This Full Moon brings something to light in your
financial world with your financial situation. Something is culminating with your
finances, and you may have some unexpected expenses around the time of this
Full Moon but also possible sudden income. Something comes to an end or to a
completion—some financial issue might come to an end, and you may be able to
resolve something. This affects your sense of security which is very important to
you. This is Leo Full Moon, warm and generous but also dramatic energy,
perhaps. You are going to see what needs to be adjusted in these areas of your
life. You are going to redefine what security means for you and what your
priorities are. What do you really need in order to feel safe, and where does your
sense of security really come from?
On the 11th of the month, Mercury joins the Sun and Saturn in Aquarius in your
eighth house of shared intimacy, shared resources, investments, taxes,
insurance, inheritance, intimate and business partnerships, deep inner
processes, psyche, traumas, and transformation. Mercury here can bring you
business conversations or deep intimate conversations. These are also soul
connections with people, soul family connections that can have a very deep and
healing effect on you. It can be a bit uncomfortable too—you may feel more
vulnerable and exposed, you may even feel ashamed of something, or you may
have trouble opening up, but you have the support to do so now and you will feel
understood and supported for sure. You will have an opportunity to speak your
truth, to share something with someone, to share your story perhaps within a
certain community of people. This is the energy of Aquarius, and Aquarius is
related to groups of people, solidarity, teamwork, authenticity, innovations,
revolutions, and rebelliousness. Saturn has been here since 2020, and it’s now
close to the end of its journey through Aquarius and your eighth house. It hasn’t
been easy with Saturn, the taskmaster, in the house of death, transformation,
and rebirth, but now you can start feeling the benefits and good results from all
that you’ve learned and what you’ve been through. Next month, Saturn shifts into
your fellow Water sign, Pisces, and this will be a whole different chapter for you.
But until then, you still have some work to do when it comes to money, to your
partner’s money or somebody else’s money, family money, money you share
with others, or your intimate relationships, your sexuality, your insecurities, your
unconscious attachments, and your traumas. Mercury here will help you
communicate these things and express them in some productive and intellectual
way, channeling them through teaching, sharing, writing, learning, or reading,
which are all Mercurians tools.

On the 15th of February, Venus conjuncts Neptune in Pisces in your ninth house,
which is a very deep, spiritual, loving, harmonious event. Venus is exalted in
Pisces where she feels very good, while Neptune is the modern ruler of Pisces.
Together, these two bring physical love and divine love together, in the sign of
oneness and unity in your ninth house of spiritual pursuits, higher truth, higher
meaning, higher knowledge, wisdom, and higher self. This is a very deep energy,
very strong, and you can expect powerful insights, breakthroughs, epiphanies,
and aha moments. You may learn something that blows you away in a good way.
You may travel somewhere you’ve always wanted to travel. This is wonderful
energy for traveling and for international connections, for deepening your
experience of life through travels, through shared experiences. This energy is
very strong this month because the Sun will also enter Pisces on the 19th and
there’s a New Moon happening here on the 20th. This is an amazing energy for
learning something that feeds your soul, for studying something that is mystical,
mysterious, or otherworldly perhaps, and for connecting with people and having
strong feelings of oneness. This is poetic energy—loving, romantic, and beautiful
in many ways. You may visit new places where you learn things that you cannot
learn in schools, that you cannot find in books. This can be real, living
knowledge. Spiritual growth is very strong for you now. Journeys of any kind are
also very strong, and you may travel and learn or travel and teach.

On the 20th of February, on the same day of the New Moon in Pisces, Venus
comes out of Pisces and enters your fellow Cardinal sign, Aries. Venus is on top
of your chart starting on the 20th, and Jupiter is already there in Aries, expanding
your career, your profession, your role in the world, your public image, your work,
and your authority. Now with Venus here, you can expect more opportunities for
doing things that you love and enjoy doing, for doing things that are beautiful,
that are worthy, that are truly valuable, and that bring you money as well. Venus
is related to finances in addition to beauty and love, so in the tenth house in
Aries, she can be very much focused on achieving goals and ambitions through
using charm and natural charisma. You can expect good results in your career,
you can do things that make you feel worthy, appreciated, and valued, and you
can expand your work in a way that is very inspiring and motivating.

Mars is still in Gemini in your twelfth house until the 25th of March when it will
shift into your sign, which is something you should look forward to. But Mars in
the twelfth can also be very constructive, especially now after its retrograde walk,
after you’ve learned some things you had to learn about your inner subconscious
world. Now you can move forward and keep going on your inner journey, put
more energy into reloading and recharging yourself, put more energy into self-
healing, into healing from addictions of all kinds. Dig deep and find your strength
and sense of security there. This is what Mars in the twelfth house wants you to
do, put energy into awakening your inner warrior.

Cancer relationship with inner self

Dear Cancer, you are going to invest a lot of your resources and your energy into
your inner journey. You know that these are the best kinds of investments, you
know that these are the most authentic and valuable investments, and you will be
working on yourself in a very responsible, persistent, and loving way. You know
you cannot give up on your path toward learning who you are, toward
remembering who you are. You are doing all that you can in order to recharge
yourself in the most empowering and inspiring way, too. You need this recharge;
you need regeneration and recovery. Mars has been teaching you a lot about
this, and it’s been reminding you of the importance of self-healing and self-
nurturance. Mars has been pushing you to relax, to go on a retreat, to recharge
yourself, to heal yourself, to go to therapy if needed, to look at yourself deeply, to
dig deep, and to sink into your subconscious ocean and face your insecurities
and fears. Now Mars is direct, and you have to apply learned lessons, you have
to show what you’ve got, and you have to practice self-mastery now. Show
yourself what you’re made of and see where you are with yourself, on your
journey to the self. You are deepening your meditation no matter what that
meditation might be for you. You are deepening your connection with yourself.
You are going to explore your spiritual journey from many different angles in
many different ways. You’re clearing the deck and you’re ready for some higher
truth. You have a lot of things going on in your ninth house in the sign of Pisces.
This is very spiritual energy, and you’re looking for a higher meaning. You’re
searching for truth, you’re ready to say goodbye to certain illusions, and you’re
ready to say goodbye to certain fantasies. You’re done playing games with
yourself, you’re done with self-manipulative tricks, you want raw one-on-one
confrontation with yourself, and you are ready for it. Saturn has been in your
eighth house of death, transformation, alchemy, loss, intimacy, privacy, traumas,
unconscious patterns, undisclosed desires, and psychological and emotional
processes. All the hard work you’ve done in these areas of your life are about to
show results now. You are going to see how your efforts start paying off, and you
will realize that everything that you do in life counts, but it may not show right
away. Some things take some time before they manifest and give results. Saturn
here taught you about patience and maturity when it comes to transformations,
death, and rebirth. You have a New Moon in your ninth house on the 20th,
bringing you new direction on your spiritual journey and very deep intuitive
knowledge and messages, especially around the 15th when Venus and Neptune
meet in Pisces in your ninth house. Mars direct in your twelfth house gives you a
very deep and strong motivation and strength to look into the subconscious
levels that you usually don’t want to look at. You will have the privilege of seeing
these things from a totally different point of view now and seeing that many
things you thought were too scary to face are actually serving you and your
soul’s journey.

Cancer relationship with others

Dear Cancer, you are going to stretch yourself and come out of your comfort
zone when it comes to your relationship with others. You don’t want to prove your
point anymore—you want to see how things work when you stretch yourself a
little bit and change the way you usually behave in a relationship with others. You
are going to practice more understanding without needing to criticize or judge
others right away. Even if you don’t do this directly, you may be doing this in
yourself, and you’re going to observe your inner judgments and inner criticisms.
You are going to see how toxic these things are for you—when you judge and
criticize others internally or when you constantly justify others, too. These are two
extremes of the same thing. You are going to focus more on what that means for
you and what that says to you about yourself instead of being so focused on
what others do, how they behave, what they think, and how they live. You are
going to see the deeper nature of relationships, which will make you feel much
better with yourself and others. Some of you may travel in order to meet friends
or you can expect friends who live in different countries to come and visit you.
You may connect with people who have different religious views, different
philosophical approaches to life, or different perspectives, people who come from
different cultures, people who speak different languages, people who are of
different nationalities, and people who have different traditions. These kinds of
connections will be accentuated and important in February. You may have a lot
of new insights through conversations with these people, and you may learn a lot
of new things thanks to others, but you may also teach others through shared
experiences and through your talents and gifts perhaps. You can expect a strong
exchange of energies with people, and you may connect with new people. You
may find new friends who may be totally different from your usual social circles.
You are also going to feel strong familiar feelings with people who you maybe
don’t even know. These kinds of emotional connections are also very strong, and
you are going to learn more about yourself through these social influences. You
may connect with people’s stories, and certain stories may strongly trigger you
emotionally. You may travel through time and space because of other people’s
stories. Just be careful not to become so attached to these stories that you forget
your own story. Don’t lose yourself in other people’s stories; don’t allow yourself
to live somebody else’s life. Remember your story, and know that all stories that
affect you in any way are, of course, part of you, too, but don’t confuse others
with yourself. You may have the tendency to become absorbed by the stories
and experiences of others. Remember that everyone has their own authentic
story that should be honored and appreciated. You are going to honor the stories
of others, and you’re going to see that everyone has their own path and that our
paths mix all the time—they come together and they separate; then they come
together again and separate again. It is an ongoing dance between people and
their stories, and you are going to feel that strongly now.

Cancer love & romantic life in February

Dear Cancer, this is a lovely month for love, for romance, for deep feelings, for
devotion, for divine feelings, and for soul connections. You are going to feel
strong feelings of love and security that come from within. Many of you will now
have a golden opportunity to connect with yourself truly and heartfully so that you
can see that the only real source of security comes from within. You are finding
the true source of security now, and that source of security is the source of love,
too. You are going to feel the wholeness of being, and this feeling of wholeness
will give you a sense of security. You have the privilege of really seeing through
illusions of life and death and becoming centered at least for one brief moment.
This brief moment can change whole lifetimes because this brief moment has the
strength to transform all of eternity. This is how powerful it is to be present in
yourself, to feel life, to be alive, to feel all that there is to feel, to transcend the
pain and suffering, and to let these heavy feelings travel through all your cells.
This is how you purify yourself, and through this process of purification, love
pierces through the cracks of your being and brings light, warmth, and love. You
are going to feel love in a deeper and higher sense. You are going to experience
a very sublime quality of love and life—poetic, divine, spiritual, and cosmic
feelings of love and presence. Venus and Neptune come together on the 15th of
February in your ninth house in the sign of Pisces, which can be extremely
powerful and strong, very deep and profound. When it comes to your love
relationships, you can expect new love relationships with someone who lives in
another country perhaps, or your long distance love relationship can be renewed
and refreshed in some way. You may travel with your partner to another country
or you may plan a trip together. You can expect deep conversations with your
partner, deep intimate moments, especially after the 11th when Mercury enters
Aquarius in your eighth house of deep intimacy and shared resources. Your
existing relationship may go through some kind of transformation—things you
two share together may have to be discussed and communicated. Shared
resources are important, and this has been an ongoing theme for you. You’ve
been restructuring your intimate life a lot since 2020, you’ve become much more
mature when it comes to sharing yourself and your intimacy with another, you
have learned a lot, and you still have Saturn here until the 7th of March; you still
have some final lessons to learn in your intimate world. But, whatever the
scenario, don’t forget that you are the access point of love and that love can be
experienced in every situation at any time in many different shapes and forms.

Cancer sex life in February

Dear Cancer, you are interested in fine and elegant things, in things that awaken
sublime feelings, in things that awaken your soul, in things that take you further
on your journey, things that take you for a ride far and wide in all directions. You
are not trying to compensate for anything now, and you may realize that you’ve
done exactly that many times, especially through sexual energy, sexual fantasies
or imaginations, games, and manipulations. You may realize that you used sex
as a way of compensating and filling certain voids and holes. Food and sex have
very strong control over our lives, and when there’s a lack of satisfaction, a lack
of joy, a lack of true fulfillment, a lack of understanding, a lack of light and
knowledge, or a lack of purpose, we tend to run toward those things that can give
us temporary pleasures like food and sex. But these are actually sacred things,
both of these things—they are enormous sources of energy, and they are also
our link and bridge between the spirit and matter. You will have some of these
deep revelations during this time, and you won’t be interested in fixing and filling
voids and using sexual energy in this way, but you’re going to face those holes,
learn from them, and use your sexual energy in a healthy and constructive way.
You are going to explore your energy and to discover things that have been
blocking you from expressing it in the right and healthy way. In your relationship
with your partner, you may have some new and uplifting experiences. You may
travel together and have an exciting intimate connection that renews and
refreshes your relationship. You may go through some deep conversations,
intimate conversations, confidential conversations, where you may share some of
your deepest and darkest secrets or your deepest and darkest desires. In some
cases, some of you may experience issues in your sex life because of financial
situations. These two energies are tightly connected—they are both
transformational and both carry great power. That is why the eighth house in the
Zodiac is the house of shared money, sexuality, death, and transformation. There
is a great connection between your relationship with money and your relationship
with your own sexuality. This, of course, affects your intimacy, too, your intimate
relationships and how comfortable, self-confident, and relaxed you are or aren't
in your intimate relationships, financial situations, and sexual expressions. You
will think deeply about these things, and many of you will go through some
resolutions of these deeply rooted patterns. You will be in a position to
energetically and physically release yourself from blocks and obstacles that are
happening on an unconscious level. Some things may happen now that will
unblock you and liberate you from stiffness, shame, and guilt that you may have
been feeling. Of course, not all of you will experience this. Those of you who
don’t have these issues won’t have any big oscillations in your sex life besides
that you’re going to explore your sexuality even more and that you may
experience some kind of deep insight and spiritual breakthrough through this
physical connection that can take you into the metaphysical.

Cancer career & purpose in February

Dear Cancer, this month there’s a lot going on with your financial situation, your
money, your earnings, your shared resources, your sense of security, and your
life direction. Your financial situation may need some attention now. Your
financial situation needs resolution and adjustments. There’s a Full Moon in fiery
Leo on the 5th of February in the second house of money, finances, and
earnings, opposing the Sun and Saturn in your eighth house of shared
resources, taxes, somebody else’s money, inheritance, credits, bills, loans, and
money that you receive through others. There’s a lot of focus on how you use
your money, how you use your resources, how you spend money, how much
money you need for your wants and needs, what kind of work you do, whether
you feel appreciated and valued, and whether you feel seen and heard. These
kinds of things are important, and your hidden gifts and talents may be
expressed during this time. Your gifts and talents are very rich resources in every
way, and you may start seeing this now from a higher perspective. Things you’ve
been working on in the background are going to start bringing results now.
Things you’ve been preparing and that you’re still working on are going to start
manifesting slowly. Your hidden gifts and talents have a very strong potential to
grow and come to life. Your creative skills need to be shown and exposed in
some way. There is also a strong potential for business partnerships, for
business deals and communications, and for resolving some issues related to
shared resources. You can resolve things around taxes and credits now; you can
resolve a certain financial issue you may have. These things may make you
question your intentions, your desires, your wants and needs, your invested
energy and resources, your career, or your path. Venus enters Aries and shines
a light in your tenth house of career on the 20th of February where you already
have Jupiter. This is very lucky energy, lucky opportunities. Jupiter is expanding
your profession, your career, your role in the world, and your contribution. You
are taking initiative, you are taking risks, and you have a lot of courage and
motivation to do things you have to do in order to improve your life. You are
shining your light with Venus and Jupiter here. Venus here can bring a lot of
success through charm, diplomacy, beauty, harmony, and true values. If there’s
something that has no real quality in your career or in the work that you do, in
your role in the external world, that is delusional, that is unworthy, you’re going to
recognize it right away, and you’re going to take necessary steps that will take
you toward more fulfilling and satisfying experiences.

How the Full Moon in February will influence Cancer

Dear Cancer, this Full Moon happens on the 5th of February in fiery Leo,
illuminating your second house of finances, money, sources of income, earning
money, having your own money, your resources, your possessions, things that
you own, things that you need in this physical realm, clothes, shelter, food,
material security and safety, emotional security, your self-worth, your concept of
values, your priorities, and your hidden gifts and talents. This Full Moon in Leo
makes a tense square aspect with Uranus in Taurus, which can bring some
unexpected and sudden financial changes, unexpected expenses perhaps, but
also unexpected financial gains or bonuses. The way you use your money and
the way you earn your money is deeply affected by this Full Moon, and
something will be brought to light. Something comes to a head in your financial
world, something comes to an end perhaps, or something comes to fruition, too.
Something you’ve been waiting for or something you’ve been working on may
manifest during this time. Full Moons are times of culminations and revelations—
something that has been unknown becomes known, something that has been
unseen becomes seen, and you can expect some things to come out of the
shadows in order to be acknowledged. This Full Moon influences your concept of
values, your priorities, and your self-worth. Do you know your worth? Do you
appreciate yourself? Do you value yourself? Do you love what you do? Do you
love the way you earn your money? Do you love the way you spend your earned
money? What is your relationship with money? How do you perceive money?
This Full Moon may give you some answers to these questions. You may have to
help someone financially or someone may help you. Leo is warm-hearted,
generous, giving, expressive, loud, and proud, and these things can be felt,
expressed, and experienced in your second house matters, too. You may be too
proud and unable to receive financial help perhaps, or you may be too generous.
Beware of extremes in any way. This Full Moon has the task of showing you real
values, showing you joy through giving and receiving, reminding you of your gifts
and talents, and showing you how liberating it is to detach from your possessions
and see them as temporary tools in your life. Use this Full Moon to bring
something to its completion, something you’ve been working on that involves
your financial situation, your earning, and your income. Use this Full Moon to
release what needs to be released, to get rid of things you don’t need anymore,
to give away things you don’t use, to honor things you already have in your life,
and to start appreciating your gifts, your talents, your resources, and yourself.
This Full Moon is a reminder for you to be proud of yourself and to take a look at
your inner qualities, your inner values, and your inner sense of security.

How the New Moon in February will influence Cancer

Dear Cancer, this New Moon happens on the 20th of February in the sign of
Pisces, bringing new light, new opportunities, and new beginnings in your ninth
house of long distance travels, foreigners, international connections, international
business, and different cultures, traditions, religions, nationalities, languages, and
perspectives. This is a house of expanded horizons, broadening your visions,
widening your perception, and uplifting your thoughts and emotions. This is a
house of higher knowledge, higher learning, higher teaching, higher education,
higher self, higher perspectives, and higher truth. This is about finding higher and
deeper meaning in life, finding higher and deeper meaning behind things that are
seemingly meaningless and unjust, things that are hard to understand, things
that are hard to accept. You are searching for truth, and this can be a very
beautiful, supportive, harmonious, and friendly energy of new beginnings for
you—new places, new travels, new spiritual breakthroughs, new spiritual
practices that give you deeper answers, new connections with people who can
help you see things differently, and new friends who learn from you and your
experiences, too. This is Pisces New Moon, and it has something mystical,
mysterious, magical, and otherworldly in its manifestation. Pisces represents
unconditional love, unity, oneness, dreams, symbols, synchronicities, deep
understanding, understanding on a soul level, and spiritual dimensions and
realms, while ninth house represents the power of true knowledge and truth, the
power of spirit, the power of wisdom. Some of you may start learning something
new, studying something new, teaching something new. This can be a new
course, a new study program, or a new teaching program that launches you
further on your path. Your ruler is the Moon, and for you all New and Full Moons
have a very specific influence. You feel these things strongly, and you have an
opportunity to receive some deep insights and messages from your higher self.
You may visit new places, go to countries you’ve always wanted to visit, plan a
trip, and connect with people who come from different backgrounds and
traditions. Plant new seeds, set your intentions, initiate something new in these
areas of your life, start something new, and take that first step toward manifesting
your wants and needs related to Pisces and ninth house matters. This is a
deeper exploration of your spiritual journey and spiritual growth, and you will
have access to those realms that you’ve perhaps been unaware of. This energy
can bring you deep spiritual connections, too, and this is a time to celebrate
newness and new beginnings and to be aware of the sacred space within your
being from where you emanate your external reality.

Tarot card reading for February

Dear Cancer, your Tarot card for February is Page of Pentacles upright. The
page of Pentacles has to test all theories. It represents earthly desires, talented
youth, manifestations, and new material opportunities. This card also represents
desire for the results of hard work. This is the beginning of the journey—these
are small steps forward. It represents talent and the need for success, but not so
much experience. This is a young boy who is not in a hurry. He wants to see the
results of his hard work, and he doesn’t care how long the process will take.
Sometimes, the boy is shown as a girl, too. The boy on this card is shown as a
gentle young man, so he also has strong feminine principles. This is a curious
and adventurous energy, too. This is a person who is loyal and grounded, stable
and patient. This card represents everything that is tied to Earth, too. This is a
quiet and determined person, cautious and careful, focused on a goal.

This card represents something that has just been planted as a seed. This is
creative energy and passion, and it supports new projects. It also represents new
skills. It is in general a very positive card for financial and material goods. This
card will help you with any kind of start-up, with any new beginning in your life,
and it’s also good for new relationships or for new energy and new beginnings in
existing relationships. This card represents an archetype of a student, and it also
represents desire for knowledge. The boy carefully holds his pentacle that leads
him and guides him on the path. Knowledge and experiences must be tangible;
this is tangible knowledge, these are visible things, material ones. Focus is on
what is practical and efficient, but it takes time to reach success. He takes things
slowly. He is not in a hurry, and he wants to succeed. There are no skipped steps
and no shortcuts. You are asked to follow the path and honor all the steps along
the way. These are slow movements, and it’s slow progress, but it is a sure
success. This demands patience. This card brings real, material, and physical
messages—a letter, a gift, something that you can touch and receive the
message, tickets and invitations—this is also financial news. This card always
brings you exactly what you need. You can also expect new job offers, new
relationships, new ideas, new beginnings, new projects, new friends, and new
financial deals. Expect news and messages, but be patient because things may
not go as fast as you want them to.

The most impactful planet for Cancer in February

Dear Cancer, the most impactful and most meaningful energetic influence of
planetary energies for you this month is the energy of your ruler, the Moon. You
have the Full Moon in Leo on the 5th, the New Moon in Pisces on the 9th, and
there’s a Moon conjunct Pluto aspect in your opposite sign of Capricorn in your
seventh house on the 18th of February. These are all important things for you,
and you will experience changes and oscillations, beginnings and endings, and
renewals and fruitions in your financial situations with your money, your earnings,
your values and priorities, your travels, your international business, your spiritual
path, your truth, your beliefs, your ideals, your relationships, your commitments
and collaborations, your compromises, and your search for higher meaning.

The Moon is one of the most influential planets in Astrology. Together with the
Sun, it forms unity. The Sun and the Moon are two eyes, two lights, silver and
gold, honey and milk, feminine and masculine, plus and minus. They are two
energies that keep things in balance. They rule the night and the day. The Moon
is all about maternal instincts; it is about emotions and different phases. It rules
our moods and the shifts of our mind and heart. The Moon represents our need
for security and stability. It rules our comfort zone, the things we’re used to—it is
our nest and our relationship with our mother but also with Mother Nature and
with our inner Goddess and inner Mother regardless of our gender. The Moon
represents nurturing energy, caring energy, nourishing energy, and it is also
associated with the mind and fluctuations of the mind. The Moon can make us
overly emotional, overly reactive, easily provoked and irritated, and it can also
make us compassionate, kind, gentle and friendly. It is always a reminder that we
have to work with our emotions and channel them in the right way. The Moon
represents people as well and their influence on us as individuals. It rules our
daily life and daily habits, and it connects our brain and our belly, our mind and
our heart, our nerves and our cells. It governs the rhythm of the body and our
routines and habits. The Moon quickly changes its phases. It moves from waning
to waxing phase, and it affects the fluids and the water in our body; water
symbolically always represents emotions, so these are emotional fluctuations,
too. The Moon is also related to receptive energy, to the feminine principle, to
instincts and intuition, rhythms and cycles. The Moon rules our digestive system
and our eating patterns related to our emotions. The Moon rules our reactions,
the way we react, our unconsciousness and unconscious patterns, our
relationship with the mother, our past, our past lives, our growing up, and our
subconscious habits. It rules our memories and our feelings that are packed with
those memories. The Moon also has a lot to do with our soul food, what feeds
our soul. The Moon has always been related to dreams, beauty, and imagination,
and it also rules fertility and pregnancy. The Moon represents our home and our
family, our roots and our ancestors and it also rules our own space and our need
for security.

In order to channel the energy of your ruler, the Moon, in the most productive and
uplifting way this month, you should try to be more detached from outcomes in
the external world. You should do your best to trust the process, to trust your
higher self, to let go of trying to control things and events in your life, and to try to
live a life that is freer and less controlling, less manipulative, less attached, and
more connected. You should work on connecting with people instead of
becoming attached to them; you should work on connection with your higher self,
connection with truth, with essence, with the power of light, the power of being,
the power of knowing, and the power of learning and teaching. Give away things
you don’t need, things you don’t use. Give those things to those who need them
more. Don’t be so attached to things you own. Feel the release and liberation of
giving away things you don’t use anymore. Of course, this doesn’t mean to give
away everything and lose your precious things. Know the value of things, and
recognize the value of things, the spiritual value, emotional value, and material
value as well, but most of all, recognize your own values and see how much
you’re giving yourself away. See if you’re giving away too much or too little. Look
at your own values and priorities. Ask yourself, what is the truth? Ask the truth,
what is truth? Discern truth from lies, observe your voice, and notice the change
in voice when you speak truth and when you speak lies. Be aware of these
things, and do your best to be as pure as you can be in all your actions,
communications, interactions, feelings, and intentions. Know that you always
have all that you need.

Healing tips for Cancer in February

- Be aware of your thoughts, and whenever you notice your thoughts playing with
you, whenever you notice that your mind is restless, whenever you notice
negative patterns playing and replaying, stop the record, stop the pattern with
your conscious effort, and talk to your mind as a strict parent. Put yourself in the
role of a strict parent. Tell your mind to be quiet and to listen to you. Take a
leadership role. Take an authoritative role toward your mind, and treat it as a
child who behaves in a way that needs to be treated. Re-educate your mind.
Work on this consistently whenever you feel your mind playing tricks on you. This
will also help you become more aware whenever this happens. This helps you
gain mental clarity and become free from mental imprisonments. You gain
authority over your unconscious patterns and programs by practicing this. Be
persistent, and you will soon see that you do have the power to change your
patterns and programs.

- Light a candle in a dark room, and focus on its light. Watch this candlelight as
long as you can. Focus only on the candlelight and nothing else. Put the candle
at the height of your eyes so that you can watch it directly in front of you. Don't be
too far from it, and don't be too close to it either. Keep your focus on the
candlelight. Soon you'll start seeing shapes and different colors maybe. Don't pay
any attention to it. Keep your focus, and let these things happen without any
special attention from your side. This is a normal side effect when focusing on
one thing, especially on candlelight in the darkness. Be calm and still while you're
doing this. Make sure that nothing distracts you. Be alone when you do this.
Focus on this candlelight and whatever comes up that bothers you, worries you,
burdens you, or anything similar, send it to this candlelight. Send it into this flame
to be burned and to be purged. Do this for as long as you want, and feel
comfortable. When you're done, don't turn on the lights right away. Observe
things around you in the room, and let your eyes adjust first. Enjoy the ride.

- Imagine your life as a certain story from the book and feel yourself as the main
character of that story. Write down your story or make an audio of your story.
Give it a title. Give titles to different chapters as well. You don't have to write the
whole book of course, but focus on different parts of your life. Go into them and
give them names as you would give titles to chapters of the story. Describe the
main character. Describe the main events from life, the main relationships, key
people, and key areas of life. Describe your childhood and the most impressive
and memorable experiences that are worth being in the story. Think about this
deeply. Think about your story and character, think about your chapters, and
think about the next chapter of your story called life. Create it, turn it into a story,
and transform your character in any way you want. Play with it, have fun, and
work on it seriously as well. Enjoy the process.

- Sit down in a comfortable position with your spine and neck straight, but don't
be stiff. Try to be relaxed as much as you can. Close your eyes and put your left
hand on your chest. Take a deep breath, and just start saying out loud:
Aaaaaaaaaaa. Feel the vibration through your solar plexus and your hand. Feel
the connection of your nerves and solar plexus. Feel your head, your heart, and
your whole body in this frequency. Do this at least nine times, and if you feel like
it, do it twelve times. Just repeat with your eyes closed and with your hand on
your chest, Aaaaaaaaa, as long as you have breath. Then take a deep breath
and repeat. Feel your whole body in vibration. Feel the power of your body and
your voice. Enjoy this sacred healing technique, and do it each day at any time
you want.

- Divide yourself into three personalities—one from the past, one from the
present, and one from the future. Put these three together, and you be the
witness but also take the position of each one of them from time to time. Observe
these three personalities of yours. See what connects them and what divides
them, what brings them together and what separates them. What do they all
have in common, and what are the differences between them? Find key
characteristics in each of them. Observe carefully your past self, your present
self, and your future self. Do your best to really feel them and tap into their
existence. Try to see each of your manifestations from different angles. Look at
your present self from the perspective of your past self and future self, look at
your past self from the perspective of your present self and future self, and look
at your future self from the perspective of your past self and your present self.
Then, try to look at each of them from the perspective of your inner witness. Go
deeply into this exercise and see the valuable conclusions and insights that you
can get from it.

How to use February energies in the best possible way

- Each morning when you wake up, don't open your eyes right away. Stay with
your eyes closed for some time and let the images, feelings, and situations from
your dreams still come up in your mind on your mental display. This is a time
when you're still in a state of dreams. You’re freshly awakened, but you’re not yet
fully here in this physical reality. Your body is still adjusting. Let yourself feel and
remember these moments from your dreams. Try to remember as much as you
can. Dreams give you tasks. Each night, we are given certain tasks through our
dreams, and when you start honoring them, remembering them, appreciating
them, and letting them be known and seen, you start realizing and understanding
what they're telling you. You can use them as your guides throughout the day.
Just a feeling is enough, and then maybe something happens during the day that
evokes and triggers the same feeling, and there you can find some answers.
Practice this every day and enjoy the process.

- When you're worried or nervous, try using your right hand to touch your left upper arm.
You can do this any time anywhere. It is a movement that is not so obvious or strange
to others, so you can use it literally anywhere in any situation. Just go over your left
upper arm gently two or three times with your right hand. This brings relaxation because
nerves which go through the hand are connected with your solar plexus. This is very
powerful, and it works. Try it, enjoy it and feel the benefits of it.

- Challenge yourself by spending a couple of hours a day without a phone or any

other device. Try to spend one or two hours without looking at your phone and
see how calm or anxious you are if you’re not checking your phone every now
and then. Try to put it off for some time and just observe your behavior and your
feelings in those moments. See how this makes you feel.
- Practice forgiveness on a daily level in every situation you find yourself in.
Practice forgiveness all the time, remember how important it is. Always have
forgiveness in your mind and heart, whatever it is that you’re going through.

- Make sure that you spend at least fifteen minutes outside every day when you
wake up. Catch that morning sunshine, and even if it’s cloudy, be outside. Don’t
stay at home when you wake up. If you don’t have time, wake up fifteen minutes
earlier so that you can be outside. Take a short morning walk, and if you can,
take a longer walk of course. Enjoy your morning outside time.

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during February

- What am I hungry for in my life right now? What are my strongest desires,
wants, and needs right now in my life? What am I thirsty and hungry for? What
does this tell me about myself?

- What are the things I decide to leave behind from now on? What are the things
that are definitely better to be left behind?

- What do I value the most about myself? Do I appreciate myself in the way I
would love to be appreciated by others?

- What does security mean for me? What does it mean to be secure, to feel
secure, to feel safe? How would I describe the state of stability, security, and
safety that I need in my life?

- Where do I feel vulnerable and exposed in my life right now? Where do I feel
strong and self-assured in my life right now? What do these answers tell me
about myself?


What can Leo expect in February

Dear Leo, you are breaking free from a lot of troubling patterns now or you’re
making a real serious decision about them and you’re starting to work on
decluttering, releasing the past, and breaking free from difficult, toxic, and
suffocating routines, habits, programs, and patterns. Eclipse season has been
pretty challenging for you—it affected your key areas of life, and now you will
have a break from that intensity, and you will have more clarity, a more relaxed
point of view, and more insight about what has been going on and what you need
to do, what you need to change, and what you need to cut off in order to improve
the quality of your life. You are finishing something, you are throwing out
something from your life, you are getting rid of things you’re not happy with, and
these could be material things but also things like your emotional reactions,
beliefs, affinities, likes and dislikes, and your attitudes as well as your
relationships, friendships, career, job, goals and ambitions, and your past. You
are getting rid of old traumas.

On the 5th of February, there’s a Full Moon in your sign, dear Leo, putting the
spotlight on you, shining a light on you, and showing you some things you have
to see about yourself, showing you certain things you couldn’t see before or you
avoided seeing. There’s something that needs to be released, that needs to be
acknowledged, that needs to be adjusted about you, your physical body, your
vitality, your wants and needs, your behavior, your image, your style, and your
personality. Something is culminating, and you won’t be able to ignore it. You will
have to deal with it. And this Full Moon in your sign makes a square with Uranus
in Taurus in your tenth house of authority figures, father figures, and dominant
people in your life but also your career, your profession, your role in the world,
your public image, and your social status. These things will affect you personally,
and you may experience sudden and unexpected changes related to your life
path, your relationship with your father or with father figures, your relationship
with your boss, or your relationship with anyone who represents authority figures
in your life actually. You may be easily triggered and provoked; you may be
emotionally reactive because this Full Moon in your sign amplifies your emotions,
your reactions, and possible dramatic events. But this is something that is here to
liberate you and help you get out of something that is troubling maybe. You are
focused on yourself and your relationships, and you’re going to be shown
something that needs to be seen and known.

On the 11th of February, Mercury enters your opposite sign of Aquarius and joins
Saturn and the Sun there in your seventh house of one-on-one relationships.
Negotiations, contracts, collaborations, business deals, business connections,
and partnerships are all highlighted, and you can have a constructive
conversation with someone about your business or about a certain thing you
need to resolve. This includes all your one-on-one relationships—social, intimate
and business ones. The Sun and Saturn meet each other on the 16th, and this
can be a breaking point in some way when it comes to a certain one-on-one
relationship. Saturn has been in your seventh house of relationships for the last
two and a half years, and it shifts into Pisces on the 7th of March. This is the last
month you have Saturn here, and this can be some kind of culmination in your
relationships. You’ve been through a lot when it comes to your close personal
relationships, and you’ve seen blindspots, vulnerabilities, and weak links in your
commitments and your relationships, whether these relationships are friendships,
romantic relationships, or business partnerships. You can expect clearer
communication now. You’ve matured and grown a lot in your relationships, and
you’re going to see it and feel it.

On the 15th of the month, Venus and Neptune join together in the sign of Pisces
in your eighth house of intimacy, intimate partnerships, business partnerships,
shared resources, shared values, shared money, shared life, money that comes
to you through others, your partner’s money, or somebody else’s money. This
can bring you some crazy opportunities for investments or collaborations. These
opportunities may seem otherworldly or like a dream, so check it all out before
you make any final decision about investing or accepting an offer or anything
related to inheritance, taxes, loans, and credits. This will also affect your inner
world, your psyche, and your healing of past traumas and unconscious fears and
attachments. The eighth house is a house of transformation and rebirth, and you
are going through that decluttering process, you are ready for making some big
changes here, and you’re making more room in your life for new things to come

The Sun enters Pisces on the 19th, and there’s a New Moon on the 20th also in
Pisces in your eighth house. This area of your life is strongly emphasized the
whole month, and there are new beginnings happening here, new opportunities
and possibilities. This can bring you new business partnerships, new intimate
relationships, renewal of your intimacy, and renewal of your business
partnerships. Expect new beginnings in areas of your shared resources and
money, but not money that you earn—money that comes to you in some way.
Insurance money, passive income, bonuses, investments, banks, credits, loans,
and taxes. There’s a new situation here, a new beginning, a new cycle for you to
resolve what needs to be resolved, to plant seeds for something new and to
allow yourself a new beginning, to allow yourself a rebirth and transformation.

On the same day when there’s a New Moon in Pisces, Venus comes out of
Pisces and enters Aries in your ninth house of travel, learning, teaching,
publishing, launching, connecting with people from different cultures and
countries, expanding spiritual journeys, studying, broadening your horizons, long
distance travels, taking risks, and being adventurous. This can be good for love
relationships, love in another country, or traveling or moving with your lover to a
new place. You may connect with people who are beautiful and loving,
harmonious and supportive. You have support and friendly energy with Venus
here starting from the 20th.

Mars is still in Gemini in your social eleventh house and Mars was retrograde
here between the 30th of October and 12th of January. Now you have a lot of
direct energy here after months of going backward and looking back, finishing the
unfinished, and dealing with some things from the past in your social world, with
your plans and dreams, with your long-range goals, and with your friends. You
are now given full steam ahead. You are asked to move forward and be active
and proactive in your social interactions, with your friends, with your team, or with
your group of people. You will feel this forward momentum; things are finally
starting to move forward. Even though Mars is stationed direct on the 12th of
January, it takes some time for it to start really moving forward. So, you may feel
this forward movement now for real, and you’re asked to take action and put
energy into building your community, into reaching out to others, into connecting
with people, into making your long-range goals and dreams for the future, and
into making your dreams come true.

This is a very good month for you to look at your options, look at possibilities,
look at opportunities, and act on them. Your career, relationships, and past play a
big role this month, and you’re definitely ready to leave something behind, to step
away from something—from your past self perhaps or from something more
concrete in your life that’s been suffocating and torturing, that’s been dramatic
and difficult. You are inspired and motivated to do things that bring real joy in
your life, you are inspired to work on yourself, and you’re going to feel how
resourceful and strong you are.
Leo relationship with inner self
Dear Leo, you have no time for losing yourself anymore, you cannot afford that
kind of loss anymore, and you know that now. You’re very determined about
putting yourself in the right place and on the right path. You cannot fight old
battles anymore—it makes no sense; it is meaningless. You are searching for
something bigger than meaning itself, you are searching for peace, and peace
doesn’t mean leaving a peaceful life away from adventures—this is something
that this system has made you believe so that you associate peace with
boredom. Peace is the highest expression of adventure actually, and once you
really feel that state of being, you know that immediately. This is the moment
when life is seen in full high definition. This is when your senses are fully present
and when you don’t need any kind of supplements, substances, or energizers
outside of yourself. But this is not something that is learned in schools or in
books—this is something that life teaches you and guides you toward all the
time, and you may realize that all the turbulence, all the trials, all the sadness,
and all the challenges are part of the process, are the part of the necessary
ingredients for you to achieve that state of being. It is not something that is
supposed to be achieved who knows when in future. That state of being can be
achieved in the now, when you’re not distracted, disturbed, or disrupted by stress
and worry all the time. Stop, don’t hurry, give yourself a break, and give yourself
some time to breathe, to look at yourself, to look at life, to look at nature with your
eyes and with your inner eyes as well, with your inner self. Feel the connection
with yourself. Establish that connection instead of constantly disconnecting
yourself from yourself, always having excuses, excuses that may be covered up
with some big, serious, and important goals. But what is more important than
your wellbeing, than your state of peace, than your connection with the spirit?
From this place, all your goals can be achieved in a much easier way, and from
this place, many things fall off of you. Many desires fall away, desires that don’t
really serve you, desires and ambitions that don’t really belong to you but that
were imposed on you by who knows what kind of influences throughout your life.
You are making a real decision to work on yourself and to make yourself a
priority in life—not in a selfish way, but in a highly spiritual and devotional way.
You are going to take care of yourself, your wellbeing, your state of being, your
inner contentment, inner peace, and inner satisfaction—not temporary
satisfaction that immediately gives you new desires and goals but true
satisfaction, one that releases you from all unnecessary desires and ambitions.
You are going to feel relief from these ambitions and desires, you are going to
feel the power of having one desire only—to connect with the spirit and to live
through spirit.

Leo relationship with others

Dear Leo, many positive shifts happen in your social life in your relationships,
with your friends, with your close people, and with your business partners—many
positive shifts for you that will put you in the right place with the right people and
that will detach you and remove you from those who are not really the best
choice for you. You are going to see things with much greater clarity now with
others, especially in those relationships that have been a bit troubling and
difficult. This can affect your relationships with your colleagues at work, your
relationships with associates, with people from your team, with people from your
social circles, your communities, your relatives, your friends, and your business
partners. If there has been some troubling situation with some of these people,
you can expect it to culminate perhaps, to reach some level of boiling when you
will decide whether you want to invest and build stronger foundations or you want
to leave and part ways. You are going to see some things clearly, and you’re
going to stop putting yourself in a bad position because of compromises. You
need to put up some boundaries perhaps in certain relationships, and you need
to put your needs in the right place, too. You’ve learned a lot of lessons in
relationships lately. You’ve been tested in many ways in certain relationships,
and you have to apply those learned lessons now. You have to show maturity
and responsibility in your relationships with others. Your collaborations with
others are strongly activated, and you may work on something with others. You
may connect with some new and exciting people, with some beautiful people,
beautiful souls, entrepreneurial people, and action-oriented people who come
from different countries perhaps, or who come from different cultures, religions,
traditions, or nationalities. This will be especially strong once Venus enters Aries
in your ninth house of international connections and long distance travels. You
also have Mercury in your opposite sign of Aquarius in your seventh house of
one-on-one relationships starting on the 11th, and Mercury here brings you
conversations and communications that can clear the air. This is especially good
for any kind of business connections and business conversations with partners.
Mars is direct and still in Gemini in your eleventh house. Mars is here until the
25th of March, so you now have support from active Mars in your connections
with groups of people, with communities, with tribes, and with teams of people.
These connections may have been blocked for some reason; you may have
been frustrated by certain things that have been happening in your social life with
your community, your team of people, or your friends. Now you’re going to feel
some kind of relief in these areas of your life and you’re going to be very
proactive in group activities. Some of you may even take a leadership role and
you are actually very good at it. Others will notice and recognize your courage,
your readiness, your stability, and your maturity, and they will honor and
appreciate you and your ideas, choices, attitude, and perspective.

Leo love & romantic life in February

Dear Leo, you’ve been through a lot in your love life, you’ve been learning a lot,
and you’ve been challenged on so many levels in your love relationships with
your partners, your choices, your single life, and your shared life, and you’ve
been deconstructing and restructuring your love relationships, your behavior in
love relationships, and your perception of love and of what love relationships
should or shouldn’t be. Saturn has been in your opposite sign of Aquarius in your
seventh house since 2020, teaching you and showing you things you needed to
work on. You may have had to put some hard work in your relationships, and it
hasn’t been easy—it’s been full of obstacles. Many of you have matured so much
when it comes to love and love relationships and you’re going to see a possible
culmination of that energy during this month of February. February is the last
month of Saturn’s transit through Aquarius, and Saturn won’t be here for another
29 years. This is a very important time for your commitments, your marriage,
your unity, and your love relationship. If something has been troubling you for a
long time and it’s not getting any better, if it’s too much for you, if it’s suffocating
you, if it’s hard and doesn’t bring any results, you may decide to leave this kind of
relationship. This is only the case if the relationship is already in that kind of a
position. You’ve seen weaknesses and blindspots of your relationship while
Saturn has been here and you’ve dealt with them. Many relationships become
much stronger and invincible in some way, too. You are going to see that,
especially around the middle of the month when the Sun and Saturn join together
in your seventh house. Saturn has been teaching you to build strong foundations
in relationships and to learn what a real relationship is. Saturn has been teaching
you about responsibilities in relationships and responsibilities toward yourself in a
relationship. You also have a lot going on this month in your eighth house of
intimate relationships, shared intimacy, shared secrets, and unconscious desires.
You will have the New Moon happening here on the 20th, but you also have a
conjunction between Venus and Neptune here on the 15th of February in the
eighth house, which can really be something beautiful and magical but also a bit
delusional, so be careful not to put others on a pedestal. Venus then enters the
ninth house and the sign of Aries on the 20th, which can bring you long distance
love relationships, love in another country, or love with a foreigner. You may
travel with your partner and explore new things together, you may plan a trip, and
you can experience some beautiful and adventurous moments full of passion and
excitement since Venus will be in Aries, your fellow Fire sign. There’s a lot going
on in your love life, many different things—pressure, releases, liberations,
decisions, and commitments. Full Moon in your sign on the 5th of February may
also show you something that needs to be resolved, revealed, and adjusted in
your love relationships. There is a huge energy of commitment in the air, and
you’ll feel it during the whole month.

Leo sex life in February

Dear Leo, your level of energy is very important, and this month, there are some
oscillations and changes that may occur that affect your level of sexual energy,
your level of vitality, and your physical wellbeing. You have Full Moon in your
sign, and this definitely affects your vitality, your body, your senses, and—
especially because it’s in Leo and Leo has a lot to do with fertility—your passion
and sex drive, too. This Full Moon can bring certain things to a head related to
your body and vitality, but it can also show you if you need to recharge yourself
and take it easy, slow down, and reload your batteries. You may have to find a
different way of using your vitality and sexuality; you may have to release
something in order to gain more energy and vitality, too. You may have to
release stress, release worry, and get rid of some toxins from your body. Even if
you live fully healthy, there are still many toxins that are stuck in your body due to
daily stress and worries or unhealthy sleep habits. You will probably have to
make some corrections with your way of life in order to bring your vitality to a
satisfactory level. On the other hand, some of you may feel a burst of energy and
full vitality, and you may feel as if you can move mountains with one finger. This
also has to be channeled in the right way. It is not the point to get rid of this
energy right away but to do something powerful, wise, and constructive with that
energy, to feel it and to process it. Your sex life can have a very high quality this
month, whether you have overstimulated vitality or lack of it. You can improve
things now in every way, you can work to balance your energy on all levels, and
your sexual expression and sexual exchange can really help you in that. You
also have strong eighth house activation this month, and the eighth house
represents sexuality, shared intimacy, and the need to merge with another being.
You have the New Moon happening here on the 20th, and you also have Venus
and Neptune conjunct on the 15th of February. These are beautiful energies, and
you can expect renewal of your sex life in a magical way—you can expect
otherworldly feelings with your lover, and your intimate life can feel refreshing
and regenerating in many ways. It can bring you great healing, and it can help
you restore your strength and power that you feel you somehow lost lately.

Leo career & purpose in February

Dear Leo, you may make some decisions this month about your future, about
your journey, and about the adventure of life, and you are going to make some
good choices for yourself, even if those choices may not be supported by others
around you. Some of you may even quit your jobs during this time—there’s a
chance you may decide to leave because you’re provoked or triggered in a
strong way. If you have a job and you’re working with your colleagues and
bosses, you may experience some sudden burst of emotions, and your emotional
reactions may be very strong. Something may get you out of your comfort zone.
There’s a Full Moon in your sign on the 5th of February, and it squares Uranus in
your tenth house. Uranus is a game changer—it represents surprises, shocks,
unexpected events, and sudden changes, and this square from the tenth house
may affect you and your behavior. A square aspect is a tense aspect. It has a
tendency to liberate you from something restrictive and imprisoning. If you feel
threatened at your work in any way, it is very likely that you may suddenly leave
your job. Sudden changes and shifts in your career are very possible now, and
this was already activated during Eclipse season in October and November.
Something may culminate now that makes you react in a certain way. But, this is
just one possible scenario, of course. Some of you are self-employed, perhaps,
and this will have a totally different manifestation for you. Full Moon in your sign
is also very good for finally seeing things coming to fruition, finally seeing the
results of things you’ve been working on. Something is about to culminate, and
your life path may go in another direction. Business deals and business
partnerships are very strong now, too. Business collaborations are in the
spotlight. Mercury will be in your seventh house together with the Sun and Saturn
starting from the 11th, and this is when you can expect more conversations,
more connections, more interviews and meetings, and important, serious one-on-
one conversations and deals. The Venus and Neptune conjunction on the 15th in
the eighth house can bring you some interesting opportunities related to
investments. You may invest in something, which can actually turn out to be
good, but first do your research and check it all out before you make any final
decisions and conclusions. New Moon happens here, too, on the 20th, and this
brings new opportunities, new beginnings, and new possibilities related to your
partner’s money or somebody else’s money, money that you receive through
others, bonus money, promotions, investments, inheritances, debts, credits, and
tax refunds. This can also bring you renewals of business partnerships or new
business partners. You have a strong focus on shared resources, and you can
expect something new happening here, something that can bring you healing
with some financial situation from the past perhaps.

How the Full Moon in February will influence Leo

Dear Leo, this Full Moon happens on the 5th of February in your sign in your first
house, illuminating you, shining a light on you, putting you in the center stage,
and putting the spotlight on you. This is about you, your personality, your identity,
your behavior, your individuality, your wants and needs, your life path, your
image, your style, your wellbeing, your physical body, your health, and your
vitality. This is about who you are and how others perceive you. Full Moon in
your sign affects you directly and all your key areas of life. This Full Moon
illuminates something that’s been unknown or hidden perhaps, something you’ve
been avoiding or neglecting, something you’ve been ignoring. Now is the time to
see it and acknowledge it. This Full Moon reminds you of what you need to
release perhaps, what you need to let go of, what you need to change about your
behavior, your character, your image, or your physical body. Something may be
brought to light so that you can see it with greater clarity. Full Moon brings
endings, completions, closures, culminations, dramas, fulfillments, and fruitions.
Something is magnified and exposed, something is revealed, and you have to
deal with it. You may have to put an end to something, or you may be finishing
something you’ve been working on and now you experience fruition and
manifestation of the seeds you planted before. This Full Moon makes a square
aspect with Uranus, the game changer, in your tenth house in the sign of Taurus.
This can shake up your foundations and take you out of your comfort zone when
it comes to your relationship with authority figures and father figures, when it
comes to your career and your profession, and when it comes to your social
status and recognition. You can be emotionally reactive and easily provoked
during this Full Moon. You may feel overwhelmed, and you may decide to leave
something that’s not serving you and your true wants and needs. Of course, this
energy can bring you fulfillment, recognition, and fruition. Things you’ve been
working on can come to fruition now, too. Things you’ve been investing in,
planting seeds for, or setting intentions about when it comes to your personality,
your image, your identity, or your direction can flourish and blossom now, too.
This Full Moon opposes the Sun and Saturn in your opposite sign, Aquarius, in
your seventh house of one-on-one relationships. This can also trigger your
relationships with others, and somebody else may show you something you need
to see in your behavior. You have an opportunity to learn and grow now and to
show how much you’ve grown already, to show your maturity and responsibility
that you’ve been working on. This Full Moon invites you to show yourself in the
best possible way, to present yourself to yourself in the best possible way, to be
the best version you can be for yourself and others.

How the New Moon in February will influence Leo

Dear Leo, this New Moon happens on the 20th of February in the sign of Pisces
in your eighth house of death, rebirth, transformation, loss, renewal,
regeneration, inner psychology, inner processes, shadow work, parapsychology,
unconscious realms, things that are beneath the surface, things that are
suppressed and denied, traumas from the past, investigations, deep research,
and deep digging, but it also represents shared intimacy, secrets, occult things,
things that are unknown, and things that you hide. This eighth house is also
related to other people’s money, your partner’s money, shared resources, shared
finances, shared property, inheritances, taxes, investments, loans, pensions,
bills, and credits. All these things are affected in some way with the energy of this
New Moon in Pisces. Pisces is related to otherworldly things, spiritual
dimensions, oneness, fantasies, mysteries, mystical things, unexplained things,
spirits, and guides. This is very watery energy—the eighth house is a scorpionic
house, and Scorpio and Pisces are both Water signs. So, this can be a very
emotional New Moon, very deep and mysterious energy, and it can bring you
some kind of mystical experience, some kind of magic in your eighth house
matters, some kind of magic in your intimate relationships, in your business
partnerships, with your shared resources, with your financial situation, and with
your inner world and unconscious processes. Some of you may dig deep during
this time and do investigative inner work, inner detective work with yourself. This
is the energy of newness and freshness. Expect new beginnings, new chapters
with yourself, and a new you in some way. This is a rebirth—emotional rebirth,
financial rebirth, and psychological rebirth. You may start learning something new
related to psychology or parapsychology, occult science, esoteric and
metaphysical teachings, hidden knowledge, knowledge about the unexplainable
nature of reality, and the mysteries of life and death. On a more mundane level,
this New Moon is about your intimate life, your sexuality, and money that you
share with others. Expect new opportunities and new possibilities in these areas
of your life. Expect great healing and decluttering, too. Expect new inner light to
shine bright through you and to help you come out of some repetitive patterns
related to relationships, intimacy, business, money, and inner work. Plant your
seeds, set your intentions, initiate new things in these areas of your life, take
some risks, don’t be afraid, do what’s best for you, use your depths to rise to your
heights, and be as honest as you can be with yourself and others.

Tarot card reading for February

Dear Leo, your Tarot card for February is The Ten of Cups upright. This is the
card of harmony and beauty, joy and happiness, alignment and marriage. This
card represents dreams coming true, achieved goals and ambitions, fulfilled
wishes. This is the card of fulfillment and emotional stability. This card is a good
omen, and it is about happiness and fulfillment within family and with those close
to you. This is a card of home, but home can mean many things, and this card is
mostly about the feeling of security and safety that home provides. This card is
about strong family bonds and reunions. This card represents togetherness, love,
fortune, and everything that makes you feel good, happy, and secure. This card
is a sign that there is something to look forward to, there is something to
celebrate, there is something to be happy about. This is about domestic
fulfillment, satisfaction, and joy.

In this card, we see a couple holding each other and looking at a beautiful
landscape on a beautiful day. There are two children next to them playing joyfully
and in harmony. The couple raises their hands toward the heavens, and there is
a feeling of abundance, love, romance, and happiness. Green land represents
fertility and abundance. There are ten cups in the sky forming a rainbow on a
clear sky without any clouds. They are blessed with what they have. They are
grateful and feel joy. Their children are playing freely next to them. The couple is
in love and abundance. This is an image of a perfect couple who has it all. This is
pure harmony—nothing is missing. There is beauty, abundance, and security all
around. Ten cups in the shape of an arc represent blessings from heaven,
blessings from the Divine. The couple stands in perfect harmony and symmetry.
Their shape is aligned and balanced. Their arms are raised in sacred geometry,
and this whole card is an image of perfection, harmony, peace, and happiness.

This card represents the end of sorrow, end of pain and suffering, end of
hardships. There is abundance and harmony coming your way. You have some
blessings from above to receive. This card represents a state of bliss and
prosperity. This is one of the most beautiful and fulfilling cards in the Tarot deck,
and it represents contentment on all levels. This card is about the embodiment of
happiness, and it means that there’s emotional satisfaction with family, friends, or
other significant people in your life. This is a card of success, blossoming, and
flourishing. This is an idyllic state of being, and you may feel like you’re in
paradise. This is a state of comfort, peace, and love, and this is about fulfillment
of your dreams and wishes. This is about success in all areas of your life:
romantic, business, social, family, material and spiritual. There is perfect balance
and alignment, and this also has a lot to do with inner balance, inner family, the
inner couple, Yin and Yang principles in balance. This is a beautiful message for
you, and you should be content and satisfied with things in your life, with your
family, with your material and emotional security. Don’t forget to be grateful for
things that you already have and to strive for the best at the same time.

The most impactful planet for Leo in February

Dear Leo, the most impactful and most meaningful energetic influence of
planetary energies for you this month is the energy of the Moon. There’s a Full
Moon happening in your sign on the 5th of February, and this energy has a huge
impact on you personally. It directly affects you, and it affects all other key areas
of your life. The Moon is very strong for you in February because the month
starts with the Full Moon in your sign, and it definitely makes you feel more
emotional, more triggered, and more easily provoked. You may be emotionally
reactive. You may feel overwhelmed, and you may have a tendency to overreact
in certain situations. This Full Moon has the task of showing you some things you
need to see about yourself, your wants and needs, your personality, your identity,
your image, your style, and your physical body and vitality. Something needs to
be acknowledged, seen, recognized, adjusted and revealed. Expect
culminations, revelations, endings, closures, fulfillments, and fruitions.

The Moon is one of the most influential planets in Astrology. Together with the
Sun, it forms unity. The Sun and the Moon are two eyes, two lights, silver and
gold, honey and milk, feminine and masculine, plus and minus. They are two
energies that keep things in balance. They rule the night and the day. The Moon
is all about maternal instincts; it is about emotions and different phases. It rules
our moods and the shifts of our mind and heart. The Moon represents our need
for security and stability. It rules our comfort zone, the things we’re used to—it is
our nest and our relationship with our mother but also with Mother Nature and
with our inner Goddess and inner Mother regardless of our gender. The Moon
represents nurturing energy, caring energy, nourishing energy, and it is also
associated with the mind and fluctuations of the mind. The Moon can make us
overly emotional, overly reactive, easily provoked and irritated, and it can also
make us compassionate, kind, gentle and friendly. It is always a reminder that we
have to work with our emotions and channel them in the right way. The Moon
represents people as well and their influence on us as individuals. It rules our
daily life and daily habits, and it connects our brain and our belly, our mind and
our heart, our nerves and our cells. It governs the rhythm of the body and our
routines and habits. The Moon quickly changes its phases. It moves from waning
to waxing phase, and it affects the fluids and the water in our body; water
symbolically always represents emotions, so these are emotional fluctuations,
too. The Moon is also related to receptive energy, to the feminine principle, to
instincts and intuition, rhythms and cycles. The Moon rules our digestive system
and our eating patterns related to our emotions. The Moon rules our reactions,
the way we react, our unconsciousness and unconscious patterns, our
relationship with the mother, our past, our past lives, our growing up, and our
subconscious habits. It rules our memories and our feelings that are packed with
those memories. The Moon also has a lot to do with our soul food, what feeds
our soul. The Moon has always been related to dreams, beauty, and imagination,
and it also rules fertility and pregnancy. The Moon represents our home and our
family, our roots and our ancestors and it also rules our own space and our need
for security.

In order to use this energy in the most productive and constructive way this
month, in order to connect with the energetic influence of the Moon, you should
really do your best to cleanse yourself emotionally, mentally, and physically so
that you don’t have so much to be triggered by, so that you don’t have to worry
so much about being provoked or manipulated in any way, so that you don’t have
to be afraid of your emotional reactions. Dedicate yourself a little bit more, focus
on yourself, your body, your vitality, your physical wellbeing, your image, your
style, your looks, your wants, needs, behavior, and individuality. Bring out that
child within you; express the child within you. This doesn’t mean doing childish
things—this means being playful, being spontaneous, and being creative and
innocent. This means finding your source of joy and doing things that you love
and enjoy doing. Make yourself feel good about yourself. Use your creative skills
and your gifts and talents. Do something that uplifts you, something that puts you
in the present moment. Be like a child who plays and forgets about everything
else. The child has no idea what time it is; the child is not looking at a watch to
see if they’re going to be late anywhere. The child plays, and it gets into some
kind of trance while playing. The child has the power to get into a role and to live
it fully. This month, you’re invited to do the same, to put yourself in that state, to
play, to find something that brings you that kind of joy, to explore and expand
your world through doing things that make you feel spontaneous, playful, joyful
and fulfilled. Don’t lose this energy on some meaningless external distractions.
Don’t allow yourself to get lost in those kinds of games that are exhausting,
serious, and take away great power and energy from you. Focus on that child
within you—that is very important for you—don’t lose your time and energy on
certain things that seem to be more important. Nothing is more important than
your inner state of joy, innocence, and fulfillment.

Healing tips for Leo in February

- Imagine yourself being on the edge of a very high cliff, the highest that you can
imagine. Imagine the most magical landscape all around you. Wherever you
look, you see enchanting nature, wild and free, captivating and mesmerizing. You
can almost touch the clouds. You feel the air strongly, and you absorb everything
around you. Watch in front of you. Watch beneath you. Watch above you. Watch
in all directions. Feel the height of this place, feel the power of this place, feel the
strength of this place, and feel yourself as this whole place. Inhale this whole
place inside of you and keep it there. Feel it inside, and as you exhale, you
manifest it again. Do this a couple of times, and then jump from this cliff. Just
jump and fly. Feel the place from that perspective, too. Imagine yourself twisting
and turning and doing all kinds of crazy moves and flying from one place to the
other. Go down to the bottom of the cliff and then fly up high and quickly to the
top of it. This is a simple, beautiful, and relaxing exercise that will improve your
daily life in an amazing way. Enjoy the ride.
- Whatever it is that you're doing or that you're going through, always be aware of
your world and of how your world takes care of you. Always know that your world
takes care of you and that your world knows what is best for you all the time and
that your world is the force that always takes you right where you should be. Put
your trust in your world, show your world that you fully trust it, and show your
world that you have confidence in it. Always be aware of your world that guides
you and takes care of everything. Each morning and each moment during the
day, when you feel it is the right time for it, say to yourself: "My world takes care
of me. My world knows what is best for me. I put my trust into my world."

- Imagine that you are grafting spiritual branches of your highest self, of your
highest expression, right into yourself. This is a spiritual inoculation. Imagine how
you're grafting the essential part of your being, the divine spark, into everything
that is toxic, rotten, damaged, wounded, traumatized, hurt, betrayed, angered,
mistreated, and misunderstood within you. Feel how you're injecting the spiritual
essence of yourself into these parts of you, and feel how you're being recovered,
regenerated, healed, and renewed.

- Look at yourself in the mirror each day and look yourself straight in the eyes.
Look deeply into your eyes and detach from your body, from your face, from the
place that you're in. Detach from everything and focus only on this look in your
eyes. Go deep, get lost in your look, and ask yourself things that you want to
know. Ask anything, and keep looking without being focused on the question or
the answer. Just spend some more time like this. Become more intimate with
yourself, more open toward yourself. Become closer with yourself. If you do this
daily, you will soon start feeling this different type of closeness, this deeper
connectivity and intimacy. Something new will be developed between you and

- Imagine yourself as the center of a turning wheel. Feel yourself as the center of
it, and feel this wheel that keeps on turning all the time. Feel yourself fully
centered no matter how fast this wheel turns, no matter where it goes, and no
matter how many bumps in the road it hits. No matter how many obstacles there
are for the wheel, you are the center, and you stay focused on being the center.
Even though the wheel is part of you, you are not identified with the wheel. You
know you are the center of the wheel, and you are centered in it. You walk
through the journey centered. Enjoy the ride and the benefits of this technique.
How to use February energies in the best possible way

- Give your emotions names and treat them as children. Observe your emotions
during the day and give names to those emotions that are mostly with you during
the day. Treat them as your children. Give them some of your attention, but don’t
give them the power. You are the authority, not them. Give them names, and get
to know them well. Become close to them. You can put yourself in the role of a
parent or a teacher and perceive emotions as your children. Speak with them
and call them by certain names you give them. Feel the power of this technique,
and have fun along the way.

- Try to walk through the day without commenting if something is good or bad,
right or wrong, acceptable or unacceptable, beautiful or ugly, attractive or
disgusting, comfortable or uncomfortable, and so on. This isn’t easy, you will
mechanically go toward commenting on things, people, certain actions, or
situations. Give your best to hold back from commenting and see how this
transforms your world and how it purifies you on many levels. Of course, this
doesn’t mean that you don’t comment on anything ever again in your life. It would
be impossible. But, be aware, be conscious, and do your best to minimize it.

- Step away from everyday news, commercials, and social media. Try to spend
more time with yourself. Try to tune in to your own news, news from your
consciousness, news from your higher self that is probably coming every day but
you cannot hear it because there’s so much noise, fog, and distraction due to
information, news, and data from the everyday world, society, the internet, and
TV. Try to focus more on your inner news. Tune into your own channels and
allow yourself to receive those powerful messages, insights, and updates.

- Express gratitude in your everyday life, in your everyday connections and

relationships with people in your life. Express gratitude toward those you love,
toward those you meet, toward those you communicate with. Express gratitude
whenever you can. Express gratitude to yourself, too. Feel the power of this
simple and yet very powerful thing. It costs you nothing and brings you
abundance. It’s priceless, precious, and worthy. Enjoy and have fun.

- Carry some stone in your pocket. It can be any kind of stone. Find some stone
for yourself, a small one. If there is a beach near you or a park or anything where
you can find some stone, go and find it. You can also buy some little stone if you
cannot find it anywhere outside. Carry this stone with you. Let it become your
grounding tool, and whenever you feel anxious, nervous, irritated, provoked,
triggered, or anything similar, take this stone in your hand and remember its
grounding power. Let it absorb your anxiety, worry, stress, nervousness, irritation
or whatever it is. Let it take it for you. Give away those things to the stone and
feel relief.

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during February

- What do I need to break free from in my life right now? Where do I feel
imprisoned in some way? Where do I feel like I am suffocating? What do I need
to break free from?

- What am I happy with in my life right now? What am I unhappy with in my life
right now? What do these things tell me about myself?

- Is there something that I am hiding from myself? Something I am trying to

avoid, neglect, ignore, delay, hide, or reject in any way? Are there things in my
life right now that I don’t want to see, that I don’t want to deal with? If I was
somebody else would I be able to look at them? What does this tell me about
myself and life?

- How do I feel about authority figures? If I could describe authority figures with
one name, one description, one image, one feeling, what would that be?

- What do my relationships tell me about myself? How do I feel about my

relationships when I look at them from a higher perspective and when I see them
all as a part of a bigger picture? What kind of picture do I get? What kind of taste,
what color, what sound, and what atmosphere do I get from looking at my

What can Virgo expect in February

Dear Virgo, February looks like a very promising month, very different
energetically from what you’re going to experience later in the year and very
different from what you’ve experienced in the last six months. February is like a
pit stop month where you take your time out, take a rest, take a break, breathe,
sit down, ease off, recuperate, and cool off. This doesn’t mean that you stop
doing what you’re doing but you find quality time for yourself and for being in
solitude, for being with yourself in yourself. Your relationships are beautifully
highlighted this month, and this should be your source of joy during this time. You
can also expect good news financially and some great opportunities for
investments but also for healing and for finding beauty within yourself, for finding
beauty and value in those places that you may have been afraid of or that you’ve
been trying to escape one way or another.

On the 5th of February there’s a Full Moon happening in Leo in your hidden
twelfth house, bringing to light many hidden and subconscious things, forgotten
fears and anxieties, and some hidden gifts and talents as well. Something is
being exposed; something is revealed; something is disclosed that’s been in the
dark, that’s been hidden, or that you’ve been keeping secret. You may reveal a
certain secret. You may reveal something that you’ve been working on behind
the scenes. It can be a bit dramatic of a Full Moon where you discover some
suppressed fears or memories from the past, some ancestral secrets. This Full
Moon makes a square with Uranus in Taurus in your ninth house, which can
suddenly change your beliefs, your perception, and your mental patterns, too.
Something that is revealed may affect your perception and your way of thinking
and being. A lot of healing can take place now, too, a lot of meditation, a lot of
inner breakthroughs.

On the 11th of February, your ruler, Mercury, enters Aquarius and joins the Sun
and Saturn in your sixth house of health, healing, wellbeing, routines, habits,
work, service to others, schedules, and responsibilities. Mercury, your ruler, is
here in your natural sixth house and it’s very strong here. This is very efficient,
practical, and effective for your health, your work, your lifestyle, and your duties
and tasks. You may study things related to healing or health, you may connect
with someone who can be of great help and assistance to you, or you may meet
with someone who can influence you in a very good way about your work, about
your health, and about your lifestyle in general. The Sun and Saturn meet here
on the 16th of February in Aquarius in your sixth house, and this can be some
kind of big shift in this area of your life. Saturn has been here during the last two
and a half years, and this is the last month that Saturn is in Aquarius in your sixth
house. It won’t be here for another 29 years, and Saturn here has taught you a
lot about your discipline and responsibilities, about self-responsibility, self-care,
about healthy routines, about how to organize yourself, about work and
schedules, and about service to others. You’ve matured a lot in these areas,
you’ve worked hard, and you are about to see certain results of your hard work
and efforts.

Your seventh house of relationships is strongly activated this month, too. You
already have Venus, planet of love, beauty, harmony, comfort, relationships,
values, and finances, in your opposite sign of Pisces in your seventh house of
one-on-one relationships. Neptune is also here, and they are going to meet each
other on the 15th of February. This is a lovely combination, full of magical
opportunities and poetic and romantic energy. This is the energy of unconditional
love and oneness, and you may feel strong feelings toward someone whether
they’re your friend, your intimate partner, or your business partner. This affects
your partnerships and all your one-on-one relationships, and it can bring you
loving romantic feelings and also very beautiful and magical opportunities for
business, for making your dreams come true, and for experiencing something
truly fantastic in your interactions with others. Just take care not to lose yourself
in some fantasies, imaginations, and illusions. Don’t put others on a pedestal
when this transit is active because you may have a tendency to do so. Make sure
you stay grounded, but you are Virgo after all—you know that there’s ground
under your feet. But, also, allow yourself some time to fly off the ground, to relax
a little bit and give yourself permission to experience some magic.

On the 19th of the month, the Sun enters Pisces, and on the 20th, there’s a New
Moon here, which is just wonderful energy for you, dear Virgo. These are new
beginnings for your relationships—new friendships, new partnerships, renewals
of your existing relationships and partnerships, new commitments, and powerful
healing in relationships, too. There is a lot of compassion and empathy, a lot of
love, a lot of emotions, and a lot of commitment and devotion, too. If you’ve been
having difficulties in your relationships lately, you can now bring more peace and
harmony, more understanding and healing into those relationships. You are not
focused on finding mistakes and blindspots—you are focused on finding virtues
in others and making others aware of their virtues. You will immediately see how
this greatly transforms your relationships and your relationship with yourself, too.

On the same day of this New Moon in Pisces, Venus comes out of Pisces and
enters Aries where she will stay until the 17th of March. You can expect good
news about inheritance, perhaps, about taxes, or about certain credits or loans.
Your partner or somebody else you’re collaborating with and sharing resources
with may earn some extra money now. This can be your family money or your
partner’s family money from which you can all have benefits. Venus in Aries in
your eighth house can bring you very good opportunities for investments. Venus
in Aries knows what she wants, and she is very determined and action-oriented,
courageous and risk taking. This energy also affects your intimate relationship
and business partnerships as well as your transformations, your inner world, your
secrets, and your unconscious motives and desires. Venus here can bring you a
lot of daring energy, and you will also be able to recognize beauty within you, to
recognize your values that have been hidden, to recognize beauty in your
shadow and to use it for your growth and personal transformation.

Mars is still in your fellow Mutable sign, Gemini, on top of your chart in your tenth
house of career, profession, success, social status, authority figures, father
figures, your job, your boss, your life direction, your role in the world, your
purpose, your vocation, your public image, and your contribution to society. Mars
has been here ever since the 20th of August, and it was retrograde between the
30th of October and the 12th of January. It’s been pretty challenging in these
areas of your life—you may have felt frustrated by things that have been going
on in your career, with your work, with your efforts and your relationships, and
with authority figures. You may have had to finish a lot of unfinished business, or
you may have been putting a lot of effort and energy into your career and work
without getting any concrete results. Now things change—Mars is now direct
and, even though Mars went direct in January, you may not have felt that direct
energy just yet because it has been in the post retrograde shadow period. Now in
February, things become clearer, and Mars leaves Gemini on the 25th of March.
So, now you have energy to push forward, to go after your goals and ambitions,
not to look back, not to give up, but to keep going, keep moving forward with your
goals and ambitions. You are putting your energy into your career, into your
contribution to the world, into your public image, into your success, into your
profession, into your purpose.

There’s a lot of focus on your work and career through your sixth and tenth
houses this month. Some things may change in your work routines, in your work
atmosphere, in your work schedules, in how you do your work, and in how you
perceive work in life at all, how you’re being of service and what you have to
offer. These things are important to you—it is important to you to be efficient, to
be useful, to do something practical and pragmatic, and you will have some
breakthroughs this month.

This month holds great potential for your wellbeing in every area of your life. You
are asked to take better care of your body, to nurture yourself, to rest, to carve
out some quality time—time to devote to your soul and your being, time to get to
know yourself a bit better and deeper. You are invited to believe, to trust, to know
yourself. You are invited to inspire yourself, to recognize inspiration, and to allow
yourself a bit of magic in life.

Virgo relationship with inner self

Dear Virgo, this month begins with the Full Moon on the 5th of February, and
you’re immediately invited by your inner self to visit and revisit your forgotten
space, your forgotten home, your forgotten fears, anxieties, memories, joys,
talents, gifts, and all your forgotten dreams as well. You hear the inner call, the
inner alarm, and you cannot put it off—it keeps ringing, keeps calling, keeps
inviting, even in your dreams. You cannot escape this call, you cannot run away
from it, and you cannot hide anywhere—it will find you in your furthest dreams
and in your most present and conscious actions. Wherever you go, whatever you
do, your forgotten self will find you now. Your forgotten self has some gifts to
deliver to you; there’s nothing to be afraid of. It is just another round of purging
and cleansing, and this Full Moon is here to bring something to fruition, to end
something, to close some chapter, to finish something. This is also a time when
some of you may have revelations, big revelations about yourself, about your
forgotten self, and this may happen in many ways—through your dreams,
through your self-observation, through meditation, through therapies, through
healing, through hypnotherapy, through regression, through self-healing, or any
other method of looking within and getting some relief. You are exposing things
from the darkness to the light, you are pulling things up to the surface, and you
are digging things up from the underworld. You also have strong sixth house
activation this month. Your ruler, Mercury, enters Aquarius on the 11th of the
month, and on the 16th, there’s a conjunction between the Sun and Saturn also
in Aquarius in your natural sixth house. This can bring some really deep and
strong confirmation or revelation about your health situation, about your routines
and habits, about how you live your life, how you use your time and energy,
where you invest your time and energy, how you serve yourself and others, and
what you have to offer. You are finding something you’ve been missing now,
some important pieces of the puzzle that you needed in order to help yourself
heal, in order to help yourself deal with what you need to heal. You start
behaving toward yourself with greater love, respect, honor, understanding,
appreciation, care, and compassion. You may also face some illusions you’ve
been living in when it comes to your perception of yourself and your wellbeing.
You may see that you’ve been hiding behind tasks, responsibilities, duties,
everyday routines, and habits and that you thought you’d been doing well when
in reality, you were suppressing things and covering up your true wants and
needs by doing as many things as you could during the day, by keeping yourself
busy with doing hard work. This has been a reality for some of you for quite some
time, and now you’re going to see things with a clearer perspective and with
greater ability to deal with whatever there is to be dealt with. You have matured
and grown up a lot since 2020. Now it’s time to show yourself what you’ve got, to
see the results of your work, and to see that you are not supposed to do anything
special but to accept and allow yourself to create the life that you want to see
manifested in your world.

Virgo relationship with others

Dear Virgo, so much is happening in your relationships with others this month
that is bringing hope back into your life, bringing love and beauty back into your
life if you’ve felt disconnected from them. You can expect new beginnings in your
relationships with others, especially in your one-on-one relationships. Expect
loving feelings between you and others in your life—loving emotions, loving
exchanges, gifts, presents, and renewals of certain relationships. Your
relationships are renewed and refreshed in a beautiful and healing way. This is
the energy of compassion and empathy between you and others. You may have
a strong feeling of unity and oneness with others, and you may strongly feel
people. Somebody may deeply affect you, somebody you have a one-on-one
connection with. You may have a very emotional one-on-one conversation with
someone—your friend, your lover, your business partner, your counselor, your
adviser, your therapist, your doctor, your lawyer, or anyone you share that kind of
one-on-one connection with. You are going through something new and can
expect new commitments, new collaborations, and new situations with these
people that bring you closer to each other, that make you more aware of
something in your life or the life of another person. You may go through some
kind of confession with someone, too. You may go through something with a
colleague or with people you work with perhaps, something uncomfortable.
Saturn is in your natural sixth house; Mercury is there and the Sun is also there
until the 19th. You may have to stand up for yourself in certain work
relationships, with work-related connections. Authority figures may be a cause of
frustration during this time, especially around the middle of the month. You are
going to resolve it in one way or another. Somebody may tell you something that
triggers your deep subconscious relationship patterns, and this can be a big
revelation for you; you may discover something that’s been blocking your other
relationships in life, too. Expect these kinds of psychological and spiritual
breakthroughs in your relationships, especially because you have a conjunction
between Venus and Neptune in Pisces in your seventh house of relationships, as
well as a New Moon happening in Pisces, too. Your relationships are strong now.
You may also connect with someone who can be of great help to you, someone
who can be of great service to you, someone who can support you in your
everyday life, someone who can be your assistant and friend at the same time,
someone who can be your right hand. You may go through a very healing
conversation, too, with someone you already know or with someone from your
community, from your social circles, from your circles of mutual friends. Expect
practical and supportive conversations and meetings, people who know, people
who are innovative and who have futuristic perspectives and points of view.

Virgo love & romantic life in February

Dear Virgo, your love life has the potential to really flourish and blossom in
February. This can be a truly romantic month for you—very deep,
compassionate, romantic and collaborative. There’s a lot of mutual
understanding between you and your partner in your existing relationships. You
are going through something new now in your love relationship, you are going
through new experiences, and you’re going through them together. You may do a
lot of things together in February—you may be a great support to each other. No
matter what it is that you two have been through, this month has the power to
completely heal and cleanse past issues and grudges, and now you will have a
clean and clear perspective of yourself and your partner. Those of you who are
single will definitely have a lot of magical opportunities for new relationships this
month. So much is going on in the love area of your life. You have a Venus and
Neptune conjunction in your opposite sign of Pisces in your seventh house of
love relationships, union, commitments, marriage, and getting to know the other
person, becoming partners with another person. Venus is worldly love, while
Neptune is cosmic love. Venus is exalted in Pisces. She feels very good there—
she can express her love without any boundaries while in Pisces, and Neptune is
also in its place in its own sign of Pisces. This is a combination of divine love and
human love, and it happens in your house of relationships and marriage. This is
magnificent energy—very beautiful, harmonious, magical, and soulful. These are
soul mate energies. Everyone we meet on our path is our soul mate, but this
energy amplifies and emphasizes the energy of soul mate union and connection
in a romantic way and in the way of strong bonds. Just be careful not to put other
people on a pedestal during this time. Neptune and Venus in Pisces in the
seventh house may have a tendency to do that. New love relationships are very
strongly accentuated this month, especially in the second half of the month.
Someone otherworldly may show up in your life, and this can be love at first
sight. In your existing relationships, you will feel great strength in your
connection, great understanding and love. This can be a true feeling of love
without obsessive attachment, a pure feeling of love without expectations,
without forcing, without pushing, without playing games, and without any feelings
of guilt. This can be energy that washes away all previous bad feelings you may
have had in your relationship and in your past relationships. You are focused on
qualities, but you’re not ignoring the blindspots either. You are just allowing the
relationship to breathe and to grow without trying to control it and navigate it in
the direction you want it to go. You allow your relationship to exist, to breathe, to
be creative, spontaneous, and uplifting.

Virgo sex life in February

Dear Virgo, February is a very romantic month, and you will live that romance
fully; you will live and express romance in all aspects of your life this month. You
are making love with life now, you are making love with the stars, you are making
love with your emotions, with your past, with your memories, you are making love
with all the subtle things in your life, and you’re bringing that deep poetic feeling
into your life. You and your lover are expressing some deep inner material,
subconscious material, and this brings you together, arouses your passion, and
makes you eager for union, for oneness, and for unconditional love. You are
deeply inspired by touch, by senses, by looks, by words, and by the silence
between the words. You perceive sexuality as the highest expression of art and
beauty—you are making art and making love. The art of creation is the art of
sexual energy, and you recognize that power now, you feel that within you, and
you connect with your inner creator and inner artist. You wake them up, and you
bring them together to create some art, to make love, to express the wisdom of
the senses and the wisdom of the inner nature, the wisdom of spirituality, the
wisdom of the intangible, the wisdom of the ethereal and otherworldly. Actually,
everything that is otherworldly is also worldly. Everything that exists in the
physical reality exists in the ethereal reality, too. Sexual energy in physical form
exists in its intangible form, too, and you will be connected to that source of
power, to that source of sexual energy. You will be pulling the energy from the
invisible realm, and you will be connected to the ethereal realm from where
you’re expressing your sexual energy into this physical realm. This is the energy
of divine exchange with another person. If there is no quality of the divine, if there
is a lack of spiritual quality in love making, you will feel it as a missing link; you
will feel it as a meal that looks very beautiful and juicy, but it doesn’t have a taste.
The majority of people are consuming tasteless food that looks powerful, looks
colorful, looks very much alive, looks very tasty, but when you get it on the plate
and consume it, you realize that there is nothing there. Some of these revelations
and epiphanies will be strong for you now, and you will know if what you’re
tasting has real taste or if it’s just an illusion.

Virgo career & purpose in February

Dear Virgo, this month can bring you some final resolution with your career and
your current situation with something you’re working on or something you’ve
been working on for a while. You are given a lot of fuel this month to move
forward with things you want to accomplish and achieve, things you want to be
successful in, things you want to see manifested in your life. You still have Mars
in your fellow Mutable sign, Gemini, in your tenth house of ambitions, goals,
social status, profession, vocation, success, career, life direction, role in the
world, contribution, and purpose. Mars has been here for quite some time, which
has probably been pretty frustrating and irritating in the sense that you may have
been putting a lot of energy into your work, career, and achieving goals without
seeing any results. Mars retrograde wanted you to go through some challenges
and to go over something you had to finish, to repeat something, to do something
again, to finish the unfinished. Now, you have that energy of achievement. Now,
you have that risk taking and daring energy, you are moving forward with great
speed, and you may feel unstoppable. You are going to start seeing the results of
all your previous hard work and efforts, not only because of Mars direct at the top
of your chart but also because of Saturn in Aquarius in your natural sixth house.
Saturn has been here since 2020, and this is the last month that Saturn is
spending in your work and health area. Saturn won’t be here again for 29 years.
This is something karmic now in your work and with your health, with your
wellbeing, with your invested time and energy. The Sun and Saturn meet each
other on the 16th in Aquarius in your sixth house of everyday work, routines,
habits, tasks, duties, responsibilities, workplace, colleagues, and work
atmosphere. You may experience some final breakthroughs related to your work
and your situation at work. Your ruler, Mercury, joins them on the 11th and can
bring you work contracts or work conversations. You may learn something
related to health, healing, and wellbeing, and this can serve you in the long run,
too. Business relationships are also strong now. You have New Moon in your
opposite sign of Pisces in your seventh house of partnerships, which can involve
business partnerships, too. These are agreements and deals, commitments, and
signing documents. New business collaborations are very possible. Venus enters
Aries on the 20th and shines a light in your eighth house of shared resources,
your partner’s money, somebody else’s money, money you receive through
others, bonuses, investments, tax refunds, insurance, inheritance, pensions, and
credits. Venus is a planet of love, beauty, harmony, values, and finances. You
can expect some good and beautiful financial news, you can expect great
opportunities for investments, and your partner or somebody else that you share
your resources with may receive money. You can create something good now—
Venus in Aries is very creative and entrepreneurial, decisive, determined, and
action-oriented. You’re ready to take some risks and do what you want to do.

How the Full Moon in February will influence Virgo

Dear Virgo, this Full Moon happens on the 5th of February in fiery Leo in your
hidden twelfth house, the last house of the Zodiac, the house of endings and
beginnings, the house of preparations for the next chapter, the house of hidden
and unknown things, subconscious things, things that are buried deep down,
ancestral things, and past lives. This is mystical, mysterious, seducing, haunting,
enchanting, and otherworldly energy, and in Leo, it can be a bit dramatic,
childish, and playful. It can be big, it can be generous, and it can be very
creative. This Full Moon shines a light into your subconscious, on things that
have been hidden and forgotten, things that have been dormant, things that have
been asleep at the bottom of your being. This Full Moon may bring out anxiety
and subconscious fears so that you can resolve them, release them, and let go of
them. This is a great chance for getting rid of things that are not serving you
anymore, for making more room for new things to come into your life, for
preparing for new chapters, for becoming aware of the things that are working on
subconscious levels. This Full Moon also makes a square aspect with Uranus in
Taurus in your ninth house. Uranus is the game changer, the awakener, the
rebel. Uranus represents shocks and surprises, sudden shifts and changes, and
during this Full Moon, you may experience some sudden mental shifts, a sudden
change of beliefs and perspectives. You may have a tendency to quickly change
something, to express something you’ve kept secret, to bring out something
you’ve been quiet about, or to show something you’ve been working on for a
while. Make sure you are not rushing to make it. Let things happen naturally. This
Full Moon will bring things to a completion anyway, to the finish line, to fruition, to
fulfillment. Something comes to light, something culminates, something ends,
and this can be related to something you’ve been working on behind the scenes,
something you’ve been silent about. This will come out anyway if there is such a
thing to come out, and you will finally be able to see the manifestation of the work
you’ve been doing, but don’t rush because this square with Uranus may make
you very impatient. You may have more need to spend some time on your own,
to withdraw, to spend time in nature, to connect with yourself, to listen to yourself,
to connect with the subconscious realms, and to hear the voice of your soul. Pay
attention to your dreams—they deliver something important to you now, too. This
can be a very creative time, too. Your hidden gifts and talents may become more
known and seen, more exposed. You have an opportunity to express your inner
riches, to express your inner artist, inner creator, inner dreamer, poet, musician,
painter, whatever it is that you have to express—you now have a chance to do
so. This can also be a very deep Full Moon for you, very meditative and
contemplative. You may find yourself deep in thought, in deep meditation, in
deep dialogue with your soul. This Full Moon is here to show you more of who
you are. This is an amazing time for releasing and letting go, for acknowledging
fears from the past and subconscious patterns and anxieties. Use the energy of
this Full Moon to let it all out, to express your depths, to use your gifts and talents
to express your inner world, to surrender to a higher power, to heal, to meditate,
to contemplate, to be with yourself, to have some quality “ME” time, to be in
nature, to connect with trees, with earth, with sky, with the wind, with the sun,
with birds, with animals, and with flowers, and to recognize the divine intelligence
and consciousness in all these things, to recognize yourself in everything you
see but also to recognize everything you see in yourself.

How the New Moon in February will influence Virgo

Dear Virgo, this New Moon happens on the 20th of February in your opposite
sign of Pisces in your seventh house of one-on-one relationships, close personal
relationships, commitments, collaborations, cooperations, official things, signing
documents, coming into union, connecting with people, pairing up with someone,
and getting to know the other person. This is the house of justice, equanimity,
and fairness. Focus is on others, on your relationships with people, on your
commitments and unions, and on your interactions. This New Moon happens in
the sign of Pisces, and this energy can be mystical and spiritual, healing and
magical, inspirational and artistic. Your relationships with others will have these
qualities. This New Moon opposes your sign, which affects you directly—your
image, your personality, your physical appearance, your behavior, and your
identity. You can discover new things about yourself through your relationships
with others. You can learn new things about others now, things that awaken your
spiritual side of life, things that awaken your compassion, your empathy, and
your forgiveness. This New Moon is here to remind you of the power of unity and
oneness, to remind you of the power of relationships, to remind you of the power
of mutual understanding, friendship, partnerships, and collaboration. These are
new beginnings in your relationships—new people, new friends, new partners,
new situations in relationships, and renewal and refreshments in your existing
relationships and partnerships. This can be something very deep. This New
Moon carries the energy of soul mates, healing, and greater understanding. This
affects your love relationships, too. New romantic encounters and renewals of
your existing love relationships are also highlighted. You can expect a strong
connection with someone—deep words, deep commitments, a deep exchange of
energies. This New Moon affects all your one-on-one connections, and this
energy can bring you something new in your relationship with your lawyer, your
doctor, your counselor, your assistant, your therapist, your accountant, your
dentist, your friend, your lover, your partner, or anyone with whom you have a
one-on-one connection. Expect new healing moments, dreamy moments,
otherworldly connections, and strong feelings that are very close to unconditional
love between you and somebody in your life. The New Moon in your seventh
house can bring you strong insight about someone or about your relationship
with yourself. Use this energy to plant new seeds in your relationships, to set new
intentions, to start something new, to initiate something, to take a first step
toward renewing something in your relationships, and to see them growing,
healing, and renewing. You are asked to look at your relationship with yourself
first and to recognize yourself in others and others in yourself. Recognize what
brings you joy and what brings you pain, and see how these polarities between
you and others, between pain and joy, between you and me, are only but the
illusion of separation. This New Moon wants you to see yourself and others as
part of something bigger and greater—this New Moon in Pisces wants you to
transcend the differences and feel the connection, separation, creation, and
destruction without judging, suppressing, rejecting, or projecting. Plant new
seeds, set your intentions, and dream a dream that has the power to become a

Tarot card reading for February

Dear Virgo, your Tarot card for February is Nine of Wands upright. This card
means that there’s one last obstacle in front of you before you succeed in
something important to you. You have to endure just a little bit more, you have to
be resilient and persistent just a bit more. This card means that you’re very close
to a certain ending of a certain significant task or project, and in this last moment
you’re faced with the final obstacle, with the final barrier. This is a card of
courage, resilience, perseverance, fatigue, and a test of faith. This card means
that you’ve probably already been working a lot on something and you feel like
that’s it, you’ve done it all, but with this card pulled it means that you shouldn’t
give up now. You’re right there—it is just one last step right before achievement
and manifestation.

The man in the card seems injured, exhausted, and weak but he is still standing
and holding on to a wand with eight other wands behind him. He battled previous
battles. He’s been in the battle and he survived. He is right there. Even though he
is wounded and exhausted, he seems determined, strong, and resilient. He is not
lying down or sitting down. He is not in pain. He knows that there is that last
battle in front of him, and he’s ready because he has many battles behind him
and he knows he’s going to make it. He has been through them all, and he has
overcome those battles. This is a card of determination and triumph and mixed
feelings. He is protected by many wands behind him that create a protective wall,
and that represent battles that are behind him. Those are his triumphs, and you
feel the same now. You go through similar experiences and stories, and there’s
that one last battle in front of you.

This is a card of great hope, and it shows that you’ve been through many trials,
but you were able to overcome them all. You already made it through. You’ve
been through multiple challenges, and you’re ready for that final challenge in this
chapter of your life. This is also a card of success and encouragement. You know
you’re right there. You know that you’re about to succeed. This card reminds you
to stand tall despite all challenges and previous battles you’ve been through. This
card reminds you of your inner strength, and it reminds you to be courageous
and not to give up no matter how many battles you’ve already been through. This
could be that last major challenge you’re supposed to face in order to reach the
place you want to be. This card also encourages you to take a risk if you have to,
and this card could bring someone into your life who can transform your
perception and your point of view in a very uplifting and encouraging way. This
card encourages you to move on with a certain project or task, and it motivates
you to continue with whatever it is that you’re doing that you might have doubts
about. You are very close to reaching the goal and gaining success, so don’t give
up now. This card is like the last test and the darkness before dawn. It is the last
challenge before the success, before the bloom.

The most impactful planet for Virgo in February

Dear Virgo, the most impactful and most meaningful energetic influence of
planetary energies for you this month is the energy of Venus. Venus is in your
opposite sign of Pisces until the 20th of February, and then she shifts into Aries
in your eighth house. Venus fully affects your intimate relationships, your
friendships, your business partnerships, your shared resources, and your inner
processes. Venus is in your seventh house of relationships for most of the
month, and with Venus here, you have great support on your journey with others,
great support in your relationships, and a lot of opportunities for improving and
healing your relationships and yourself through your relationships.

Venus is the planet of love, relationships, romance, beauty, values, finances,

self-esteem, talents, comfort, food, and goodies, but most of all she is planet of
the Heart. She represents the flower of life, and she draws a pentacle during her
eight-year cycle. Pentacles are important, and they represent the full-spectrum
human, all five elements including Aether, Earth, Water, Air and Fire. Venus is a
bridge between matter and spirit. She is represented by roses and flowers, she
creates beauty, and she brings love and relationships. She rules joy and simple
pleasures, and she reminds us of the importance of a pure heart. She shows us
those places that need to be purified in our hearts, and if there are stains and
impurities, we will see them clearly thanks to Venus. She can be blissful, but she
can also be poisonous—if we crave too many sweets, we can become sick and
addicted to sugar and pleasure. We need to keep our needs pure. Her highest
expression is unconditional love toward the self. It is about loving ourselves
including everything that we are—the good, the bad and the ugly. Her higher
purpose is to show us that everything in creation is permeated by love and that
love embraces the whole creation. Venus is about harmony and about us
achieving this harmony. It is about our wellbeing in love and through love. Venus
is named after the Goddess of Beauty and Love, so you can expect a lot of
activities related to love and beauty but also self-esteem and self-worth.

In order to make the most out of this energy this month, you are asked to bring
more beauty and harmony into your relationships with others, to do beautiful
things and say beautiful things in your one-on-one interactions, to recognize the
value of others in your life and to recognize the value of yourself in other people’s
lives. Beautify your relationships, make someone feel beautiful, give compliments
to others, make others aware of their beauty, and remind others of how beautiful
and worthy they are. Every day, do something that reminds others of their
beauty, qualities, and worthiness. Do the same for yourself; remind yourself of
the same. Take someone out for dinner, or invite someone for dinner and
prepare a beautiful meal for a friend, lover, partner, or for anyone you feel invited
to do so. Go out with someone; accept invitations from others; go to a museum
together, to a theater, to a concert, or visit some cultural events together. Speak
about beautiful things, express beauty, and invite harmony into your life and into
your relationships. Whenever you notice that others are devaluing themselves,
remind them of their worthiness. Remind them of their beauty without expecting
them to do the same for you. Do this from your heart. Do your best to
understand, to accept, to allow, to focus on virtues instead of being focused on
mistakes and flaws. Take that role now, and be a beautiful reminder in other
people’s lives.
Healing tips for Virgo in February

- Talk to your organs. Talk to your body parts. Show your gratitude to them for
allowing you to function normally, for making it possible for you to eat normally, to
digest food, to sleep normally, to walk, to run, to watch, to listen, to feel, to taste,
to smell, to think, to imagine, to visualize, to communicate and explain things, to
do everything that you can possibly do. Be grateful to all your organs. Tell them:
"Thank you for making my life functional, thank you for making me a functional
human being, and thank you for doing things for me that I am totally unaware of."
You can also write down your own thank you note to your body parts, your
organs, your mental and physical organs. Become aware of their importance and
their function—your nervous system, your blood, your muscles, your tissues,
your hands, legs, stomach, chest, genitals, your back, your spine, your head, and
all the parts of your head. Become aware of their work and show your gratitude
for everything they do for you, for their service to you, and think about what you
can do for them in return.

- Focus on your energetic centers in your body. Feel all your chakras one by one.
Feel your root chakra, your sacral chakra, your solar plexus, your heart chakra,
your throat chakra, your third eye chakra, and your crown chakra on top of your
head. Feel each one of them separately, starting from your root chakra, and
imagine that from this root chakra there is a tree that grows and blossoms
through each next chakra on your energetic journey. Feel each of these chakras
separately and spend some time focusing on each of them. Feel your first two
centers strongly. Feel them as your foundations, your core, your roots, and then
build the whole energetic system on them. Do this technique in a sitting position.
Sit down in a comfortable position. Now, when you have felt all your centers
separately, feel them as a whole. Feel them as a tree within you. Feel them as
union and as a whole energetic system that runs through you and that gives you
everything you need. Feel empowered by these centers. Feel them shining
through you. Feel them lit up and awakened, fully functional, and feel the
energetic flow that runs through them in a perfect balance and cycle. Enjoy the

- Imagine a great wall in front of you, a huge wall right in front of you that
separates you from everything that exists, that separates you from your world,
your dreams, your essence, your truth, yourself, and your life. Feel this tall wall in
front of you with no chance to find the other way round but to climb it and jump
over it. This wall is a climbing wall, and you will have to use your skills, your
strength, your logic, your intuition, your intelligence, your willpower, and your
body to climb up this wall. You have the equipment, and you have all that you
need to start a journey from the bottom to the top. Make your first move and just
keep on climbing. Don't look down—just keep moving. Use your hands and legs
in perfect harmony in order to climb this wall. Feel the pressure, feel the height,
feel the fear, feel the uncertainty, feel the adrenaline, feel the stress, feel the
excitement, and feel the power, the strength, and the willingness as you're
climbing up this wall. Feel it in your body. If you want, you can watch some online
videos of mountain climbers and try to get more in touch with the feeling. Feel it
in your bones. Be there and climb it. Feel the power of the whole journey, and
feel the satisfaction and fulfillment when you reach the other side! Enjoy the ride.

- Whenever you experience something that is a bit different than usual in your
daily life, do something that will help you memorize that moment. Clap with your
hands and let this gesture become a memory card for these moments, and then
when you want to evoke these kinds of feelings and perceptions, clap with your
hands to bring this memory up. Whatever it is that is a bit different from your
usual and habitual life, do this. Practice this and play with this. Do this also with
moments that are good in your life. Do something else for memorizing these
good moments, these feel-good moments. For example, jump a little bit, hop, or
take a look at your hands in front of you. Give yourself these little mental and
physical games that make a big difference when you start practicing them. Enjoy
it fully.

- Practice different perceptions. Try to imagine life from somebody else’s

perspective. Try to look at the world from the perspective of an animal. Imagine
life from the perspective of different animals. Choose any animal you want. Shift
between them. Try to feel life from their vision and their body. Imagine life from
the perspective of a stone, from the perspective of a rock in the sea, from the
perspective of the Sun or the Moon, from the perspective of grass or a flower or a
leaf on the branches or a tree, or an ocean. Go through all these lives and
existences and try to feel them as much as you can. Tap into their energy,
perception, and experiences. Enjoy the ride.
How to use February energies in the best possible way

- Every day, say out loud certain words that are empowering. Use words like:
freedom, joy, fulfillment, beauty, truth, strength, health, harmony, wisdom, light,
and love. Repeat these words out loud three, four, five, even ten times. This may
seem to you like nothing important, but this holds enormous power, especially
when you say it out loud with your own energy, strength, and power. This is how
you will gradually gain these qualities and empower your whole body, your mind,
and your soul.

- Put your hands in water. Play with water. Feel the texture of water. Feel the
warmth or coldness of water on your hands, your fingers, all the parts of your
hands. Feel the temperature of the water. Feel the touch of water and the
connection between the water and your hands. Switch between warm and cold
water, and feel the shift. Enjoy the presence and touch of water.

- Make more room in your house. Make more room in your closets Make more
room in your bathroom. Make more room in your garage if you have one. Make
more room in all areas of your home in order to invoke more room and more
space within you as well. This is a ritual that helps you release things from within
as well. Get rid of everything that you don't need, and while you're doing this, ask
your higher self, ask your world to help you cleanse everything that you don't
need on a mental, emotional, and spiritual plane. Clean your home, and as you
do this, also ask higher forces and guides to clean your spiritual home. Wash
your body, and as you do so, ask your guides and spirit to wash your spiritual
body as well. Enjoy the process.

- Do something constructive before every meal during the day. Earn your meals
in the sense that you do something before you start eating. For example, earn
your breakfast in the morning by first stretching yourself, or do a morning
workout, meditate, go outside for a walk, or do something that is constructive for
you and your wellbeing in any other way. Say thank you to all the things that you
have to be thankful for. Do your little ritual before eating. Do these uplifting things
on an empty stomach. Then, before lunch, do the same. Feel that you've been
productive and useful in some way and feel that you've earned this meal.
Become aware of these things, and start practicing. You will see how different
you will feel very soon, much better and much more in alignment with yourself.
- Take a good quality rest every day. Choose one or two hours only for yourself.
Let this be your "me" time, and do everything that you love doing during these
two hours daily. It can be any activity that you love and that you want to do but
that you usually don't have time to do or that you always find some excuse not to
do. Discipline yourself in this. Make sure that each day you have these two hours
for yourself when you're going to do things that empower you and uplift you. Let
this be your task, your holy mission, your sacred duty.

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during February

- When was the last time I got some real rest, when I really felt relaxed, when I
really felt light and easy? How often do I get that feeling?

- How often do I spend time in solitude? What do I feel about solitude? How do I
perceive solitude? Do I honor it? Do I appreciate it? What kind of taste do I get
when I am in solitude?

- What are my first images, thoughts, feelings, emotions, and associations that
come up when I hear “unconscious fears”? What does this trigger in me? What
does this evoke in me? What does this tell me about myself?

- Where do I feel like I need the greatest healing in my life right now? What kind
of healing do I need the most in my life right now?

- What are the biggest lessons that I have learned in the previous two and a half
years? What are the main lessons and challenges that I have experienced and
been through during the last two and a half years?


What can Libra expect in February

Dear Libra, February is a very colorful month for you, and it brings you some
special gifts and presents, special awards that your higher self wants you to
receive. You are asked to open your heart and to see what it is that you’re afraid
of, to see if you’re afraid of opening up, to see what it is that you’re protecting in
those moments, who you are protecting from opening up, what is blocking you,
what is limiting you. You’re going to see your limitations clearly. Light shines on
your blockages and limitations, which is amazing because this is when you have
a chance to do something real about those things. Your social life is interesting,
too—something is brought to light there. Your everyday habits and routines have
an important role in your life, especially for your health and work, your healing,
and your wellbeing. You have more time and space this month to plan things, to
think things through, to process and digest things that have happened lately—
things you’ve been through, stress you’ve been through, whatever it is that
you’ve been through. You are now recovering and regenerating, and you will feel
wiser. You will feel it from within you, but be careful not to try to impose your will
on others now. Be careful of showing off with what you know, what you’ve
learned, and how far you’ve come. Be humble in all that you do, say, and think.
Remember to be as humble as you can, consciously.

On the 5th of the month, there’s a Full Moon in Leo in your eleventh house
shining a light on your friendships, your social circles, your networks, your
communities, like-minded people, associates, people you collaborate with, your
connections, and your groups of people but also your highest aspirations, your
dreams for the future, and your long-range goals and desires. Full Moon in Leo
can be very generous and uplifting, but this Full Moon also makes a square
aspect with Uranus in Taurus in your eighth house of transformations, death,
rebirth, obsession, jealousy, possessiveness, traumas, fears, unconscious
attachments, metamorphosis, and deep changes. Uranus represents sudden
shifts, awakening, disruptions, shocks, and unexpected changes. This Full Moon
could bring some sudden shifts in your social circles, unexpected changes with
your friends, with someone from your community, or with someone from your
team of people. But, since this Full Moon makes a positive aspect with your sign,
this shouldn’t be very dramatic, even though there is a possibility for that, too.
Expect some revelations. Something will be brought to light, or something comes
to fruition in your social world, and it could be something you’ve been working on
with others, too. You may see some kind of community-based project finally
manifesting and showing results. Or, something may come to an end, something
may come to a head with a friend or with a community. But, this Full Moon should
actually be joyful and pleasurable—this is Leo energy after all, and it makes a
good aspect with your sign. You may have good times with others, fun times.
You may work on something creative together with others. You can also expect
some long-range goals that you’ve been working on or that you’ve been thinking
about coming to fruition or starting to manifest in some way.

On the 11th of February, Mercury enters Aquarius and joins the Sun and Saturn
in your fifth house of children, young people, your children or somebody else’s
children, entertainment, business, talents, gifts, hobbies, creative projects, the
child within you, fun, joy, pleasure, love, and romance. Saturn has already been
here for two and a half years, and this is the last month that Saturn is here in
your house of love, romance, children, pleasure, talents, and gifts. This is
important because you may see some final lessons in these areas now; you may
go through some final tests before Saturn leaves this area of your life. Saturn
won’t be back here for another 29 years, so this is something long-term,
something karmic. Mercury here brings you communication with your own or
somebody else’s children and possible work with them, with young people, or
work related to entertainment, something original and authentic. You will see
where you’re limited and restricted when it comes to love and romance, when it
comes to creative self-expression, when it comes to being spontaneous, original,
and authentic. Sun and Saturn meet together on the 16th in your fifth house,
which can show you something in your love life or something with your children
that you have to become more disciplined, more responsible, and more mature
about. You may have to take full responsibility of being a parent perhaps; you
may have to show you authority instead of trying to be friends with your children.
You may deal with your own authority issues when it comes to love, business,
self-expression, and showing your talents and gifts. This is reminding you to
make that breakthrough and to express the child within you proudly, to express
your gifts and talents proudly, to be innovative in your business, to be innovative
in love, and to be innovative with children.

On the 19th of the month, the Sun enters Pisces and highlights your sixth house,
and the day after, there’s a New Moon here, too. Venus is also in Pisces until the
20th, and on the 15th there’s a beautiful conjunction between Venus and
Neptune in Pisces in your house of routines, habits, health, healing, wellbeing,
self-care, self-nurturance, self-nourishment, service to others, work, duties, tasks,
obligations, and responsibilities. Venus and Neptune conjunct here can bring you
some magical healing, physical healing, and something that may sound too good
to be true when it comes to your health or work, your wellbeing, your schedules,
and the quality of your everyday life. If you’ve been through some kind of illness,
some kind of physical weakness, if you’ve been dealing with health issues, work
issues, or organizational issues, or if you’ve been working too much without the
ability to find some time for yourself, to dedicate to your wellbeing, to purify your
mind, body and soul, now is the time. You may witness mystical healing—
something may happen that mysteriously transforms your health or your work
situation, your everyday routines and habits. Something may happen that makes
your everyday life easier, healthier, cleaner, and better. You also have the New
Moon happening here on the 20th, which is a really beautiful continuation of the
Venus Neptune conjunction here. You can expect new opportunities, new
beginnings, and new possibilities in these areas of your life—new work, new diet
regime, new exercises, new lifestyle, new routines and habits, and new
beginnings with your health and wellbeing.

On the 20th of the month, Venus comes out of Pisces and enters your opposite
sign of Aries, shining a light in your seventh house of union, marriage,
collaborations, one-on-one relationships, close personal connections,
commitments, business partnerships, love relationships, friendships and all kinds
of one-on-one relationships. Jupiter is already here expanding your relationships
with others, bringing more meaning and abundance into your relationships until
the middle of May, and Venus is now here, which only increases all things related
to love, beauty, harmony, and values in your one-on-one relationships. Venus
and Jupiter won’t meet in February, but they get really close to each other at the
very end of the month. Venus is here until the 17th of March, so you will
experience more of this magical combination of Jupiter and Venus next month.

Mars is still in your fellow Air sign, Gemini, in your ninth house of beliefs, ideals,
religion, philosophy, higher learning, higher education, studies, higher meaning,
higher self, higher purpose, spiritual journeys, spiritual teachings, spiritual
teachers, adventures, long distance travels, foreigners, international connections,
and international business. Mars has been here since the 20th of August, and it
was retrograde between the 30th of October and 12th of January. You may have
been confused and a little bit lost when it came to certain decisions related to
these ninth house matters. You may have had two different options to choose
between and you didn’t know what was best for you. Some of you have
dedicated yourselves to your spiritual journey more than ever; some of you have
had to go back and repeat something related to your learning, studies,
knowledge, travels, beliefs or long distance relationships. Some of you had to do
things twice—you may have had to finish the unfinished—and now you will start
seeing the results of your efforts and invested energy into these areas of your
life. You are going to feel full forward momentum related to your spiritual path,
your teachings, learnings, knowledge, your thirst for knowledge, your thirst for
adventure, your international business perhaps, or something related to
publishing, editing, marketing, broadcasting, launching, writing or anything
related to social media, social networks, shared knowledge, shared wisdom, and
shared experiences. Mars is here until the 25th of March, and you have more
time to work on your beliefs, to put your energy into spiritual teachings, to travel,
to widen your perspectives, and to find more meaning and purpose, more truth.

This is an interesting month, a month when you’re preparing for some big shifts,
a month when things are somehow quiet and not so intense and
transformational. This is a time for you to find more inner peace so that you can
get ready for new challenges that are about to take place in the coming months.
You are becoming more committed and devoted to real things in life, to things
that hold real value, and you will recognize more of these things now in February.
You will recognize things that are really worth your time, your energy, your
devotion, your love, your commitment, and your passion.

Libra relationship with inner self

Dear Libra, your emotions may be heightened during this month when it comes
to your wellbeing and the wellbeing of the child within you. You are more aware
now of the condition of your wellbeing—you are more aware of what you’ve been
neglecting, what you’ve been ignoring, what you’ve been denying and avoiding
about your wellbeing. You are going to see clearly what you’re not doing in the
right way. What kind of emotions do you nurture and water? What kind of
thoughts do you nurture? What kind of words do you say to yourself? What kind
of routines and habits do you have, and are they serving you or damaging you in
some way? Are you doing things that influence you in a good way, or are you
nurturing things that are devaluing you and infusing fear into your mind, body,
and soul? You are invited to do your best to maintain the purity of your thoughts,
your emotions, and your body. You are going to work on that kind of purging,
inner and outer. You cannot only keep your body clean—you have to do the
same on an inner level, you have to take care of your inner hygiene, and you
have to take care of what kind of food you give to your mind and heart, not just
your body. You have to take care of all three, and you will start doing it; you will
start decluttering, cleaning, cleansing, and healing yourself on many levels.
Spiritual ingredients are necessary and inevitable—without spiritual ingredients
all these healing and cleansings won’t have long lasting effects, and you know
this. You are going to put more trust in the reality of your being, in the reality of
your essence, in the reality of your soul. This month is very good for inner work
because you will have time and space to work on yourself; you will have more
willingness and energy to deal with things you have to deal with, to purify
yourself, to polish yourself, to move forward on your spiritual journey. You also
have Mars in your ninth house of spiritual teachings and spiritual teachers, and
Mars is now direct, very close to getting out of its post retrograde shadow, which
means that more and more clarity comes to you when it comes to certain spiritual
teachings, to certain beliefs you’re immersed in, beliefs you grew up with, beliefs
you absorbed while growing up, beliefs you absorbed through social interaction,
through the educational system, through community, through the environment,
and through all factors that come from external world. You are now clearing the
path, and you’re going to see how huge that influence of the external world
actually is and how big an influence it has on your beliefs, your ideals, your point
of view, and your perception. Many of you will be able to see without these
imposed filters now. You will be working on clearing your perspectives, clearing
your inner vision. You are searching for truth and meaning, and with Mars in the
ninth house in Gemini, you are going to learn things that are going to take you to
another level of knowing and learning. True knowledge can really set you free,
and you are going to see and feel how that works. You are going to see and feel
that this is real and that true knowledge comes from within, true knowledge is
earned, true knowledge is the result of life experiences, changes,
transformations, pains, and pleasures, true knowledge is not a final stage of
knowledge, and true knowledge is in knowing that learning never stops, that
there are myriads of layers of knowledge and teachings, but that they all come
from one source.

Libra relationship with others

Dear Libra, you are discovering true gems in your relationships with others, even
in those relationships that are the most difficult, that are the heaviest, that are
complex and torturing in some way. You are discovering gifts in your
relationships, which doesn’t mean that you’re going to put up with somebody’s
behavior if they’re not treating you the right way—this actually means that
because you discover those gifts, you will be more confident and more sure
about what those relationships really mean to you, what their message for you is,
what their purpose in your life is, what their role in your life is. You are going to
stand up for yourself in your relationships if there’s a need for that, and you’re
going to resolve things, to clear the air, to do what needs to be done. You have
Full Moon in Leo in your eleventh house of friendships, communities, groups of
people, social circles, like-minded people, teams of people, groups,
organizations, and memberships, and this Full Moon makes a square aspect with
Uranus in your eighth house, which can in some cases bring you issues with
certain people. You can expect possible jealousy, obsession, possessiveness,
betrayal, secrets, and fears to be revealed and brought to light in your
communities, with your friends, and with your social circles. This is possible in
some cases, so just be aware of it. But since this Full Moon makes a good
aspect with your sign and it’s in the sign of Leo, this should also bring fullness,
fruition, and satisfaction in your relationships—joy, pleasure, generosity, warmth,
and love in your relationships with people. Actually, both manifestations are
possible during this time. You can expect joyful energy with your friends, joyful
experiences, good moments, having fun, and enjoying good times together. You
may be doing something creative with others, too. But some kind of drama is also
possible—Leo can be dramatic, and Full Moon energy can charge emotions and
reactivity, too. So, just have this on your mind and be careful, try not to react
impulsively and from a place of fear. Venus enters your opposite sign of Aries on
the 20th of February, which can be very beautiful for your one-on-one
relationships, very harmonious and action-oriented energy. You may be very
active in your one-on-one connections, and you can expect a lot of beautiful
exchanges in your one-on-one relationships, whether they’re social, business, or
intimate ones. Gifts and gems that you’re discovering in your relationships this
month are really precious, and you’re becoming more aware of the importance of
others in your life and their influence on you. Whether it is uplifting or exhausting,
they all have a special role in your life, and you are going to see that with greater

Libra love & romantic life in February

Dear Libra, your love life is tested in some way this month, but this is not
something new, actually; this is something you already know, something you’re
familiar with, something you may have been dealing with during the last two to
three years. Now, this energy may come to some kind of breaking point, some
kind of revelation and disclosure, some kind of resolution, especially if you’ve
been dealing with something in your love relationship, if you’ve been through a
divorce or separation, if you’ve been through issues with your partner, or if you’ve
experienced certain limitations and restrictions in your love life. Saturn has been
in your fellow Air sign of Aquarius in your fifth house of love and romance since
2020. You have been through tests and challenges already here, and this month,
Saturn will conjunct the Sun on the 16th of February in your fifth house of true
love and romance, which can bring you another test in your love life, some kind
of challenge that you have to go through. You are going to see your blockages
and limitations in your love life, restrictions and rules that you’ve been living by
when it comes to love relationships. You may have lived in accordance with
certain rules, or you may have lived in twisted love perception because of those
rules that you wanted to break free from. You may have lived a certain extreme
in your love life because of this. Some of you felt limited and followed the rules
while some of you felt limited and were breaking the rules. Now you’re going to
see this clearly. Your beliefs about your love life are also changing, and you’re
going to explore more of what love is and what love isn’t. Some of you may have
been working on having children or raising your children in the proper way with
your partner. You may have been challenged and tested in this way, too,
regarding your children that you share with your partner, whether you’re together
or not. You’ve learned a lot about love, and you’ve matured a lot through love
relationships, through being single or through being in a relationship, through
dealing with a breakup or through meeting someone new. No matter what the
situation was or is, you’ve learned a lot, you’ve grown a lot, and you’ve matured a
lot. Now you’re going to see that maturity at work, and you’re going to see how
responsible you’ve become in love—love toward yourself, your children if you
have them, your partner, and your loved ones. Your ruler, Venus, enters your
opposite sign of Aries on the 20th of February, and she stays here until the 17th
of March. Jupiter, the great benefic, is also in Aries. This combination is really
beautiful, powerful, and abundant, and it happens in your seventh house of
marriage and union, commitments, and relationships. Some of you may be
getting married perhaps, which is not only active now but as long as you have
Jupiter here, until the middle of May. But these opportunities are now heightened
because of your ruler, Venus, being here. Venus is a planet of love, beauty,
harmony, comfort, good things in life, pleasures, luxury, and values. Those of you
who are single can expect a lot of new opportunities for new love relationships,
new romance, and for beautiful and harmonious connections. Venus won’t
conjunct Jupiter until the very beginning of March, so this is something that
continues to be very strong in March, too. The last week of February is very
potent and beautiful for love relationships, and you’re going to feel the need to
open your heart, not necessarily to another person, but to open your heart to life
so that you can receive the gifts.

Libra sex life in February

Dear Libra, you are going to experience some changes in your sex life because
of your personal changes, because of your change of routines and habits,
because of your change of lifestyle, because of your change of living your
everyday life. This automatically affects your energy level, your wants and needs,
your health, your willingness, your motivation, and your vitality. You are going to
work on self-improvement, you are going to invest in empowering yourself, in
purging and detoxing yourself, in purifying yourself, and this will definitely
improve the quality of your sexual experience, sexual appetite, and sexual
energy. When you make a decision to live a healthier life in every way, when you
change some of your core routines and habits that have been with you for a long
time, this transforms your whole energetic level and, of course, your sexual
energy and sex drive. You will feel the difference right away, whether you have a
lover or not. This will be felt on a physical and energetic level anyway. This will,
of course, affect your sexual experience with your lover, too—you will have
different approaches, different moves, different vibes, and this can be a very
refreshing and rejuvenating time for your sex life. You also have Saturn in your
fifth house together with the Sun, and they will meet together on the 16th of
February. Saturn has been here since 2020 in your fifth house of children,
making children, having children, having romantic partners, falling in love,
expressing your passion, and feeling pleasure. Saturn brings restrictions,
limitations, lessons, and challenges, and you’ve probably felt some restrictions,
tests, and challenges when it comes to these themes. This is the last month that
Saturn is in your fifth house of joy and pleasure, but Saturn has taught you some
really important lessons here, and you’ve grown a lot thanks to Saturn’s transit
here. You’ve matured, and you’ve become more responsible when it comes to
these fifth house matters. The theme of children may have been very strong
since Saturn is here and some of you may be working on making children now. If
you’ve been having troubles with having children, this month may bring you some
important news. You can experience some beautiful heart opening through your
sexual expression this month. This is highly creative energy, and you can also
give birth to the child within you—it can work in that way, too, and many of you
can use this energy to rebirth yourselves and to create something powerful
thanks to that strong, creative, potent sexual energy. In your partnerships, you
will have new experiences and you will enjoy the change; you will enjoy the
difference, the new experience of your body, your mind, and your soul. Prepare
for some renovations and renewals in this area of your life. Prepare for a new
lifestyle that will introduce you to new experiences and different perspectives and
perceptions of sexuality and vitality.

Libra career & purpose in February

Dear Libra, you are taking some good steps now in your life related to your
future, your goals, your plans, your career, your investments, your place in the
world, your sense of meaning, and your spiritual journey, too. Your spiritual
journey affects your career largely now—it affects all aspects of your life all the
time, but now you may become more aware of that. Without having that spiritual
component in your everyday life, in the work that you do, in your daily tasks and
routines, all that you do is somehow meaningless and empty, lifeless and
tasteless. You are going to see it now clearly. This month is very abundant and
rich when it comes to your opportunities and possibilities for changing things you
don’t like, for finding new jobs, for renewing your existing work, for making
necessary positive changes, and for detoxing yourself from all that is taking away
your strength, your power, and your freedom. You choose something new now;
you choose something better for yourself, something that improves your life,
something that makes you feel healthier, something that makes you feel happier,
something that gives you a sense of purpose and meaning. You may be very
powerful now at studying and learning things, or if you are some kind of teacher,
you can expect a very positive energy through teaching. You may be very
successful now with your education, studying, and learning, so if you’re a student
or you’re learning some new skills, you can definitely experience big
improvements. If you’ve been investing in your knowledge lately—in learning or
in developing skills—and you haven’t had any results, if you’ve felt frustrated
because of something you couldn’t learn or understand, if you’ve felt like you’re
investing a lot of energy without getting any results, this is about to change now.
You are given a lot of strength, especially spiritual strength, which gives you a
great amount of willingness, courage, and inspiration to make something that
you’ve been trying to make, to learn something you’ve been trying to learn.
International business and international connections are also very powerful now,
and if you’ve experienced some delays, blocks, or frustrations when it comes to
international business, perhaps, or work with foreigners, you are about to see this
energy working now and moving forward. If you’ve been putting action into
learning, teaching, writing, publishing, marketing, broadcasting, or launching
something without seeing any results, you’re going to start seeing the results
showing up now. You have New Moon in Pisces in your sixth house on the 20th
of February, and five days prior to this New Moon, you have your ruler, Venus, in
conjunction with Neptune in Pisces in your sixth house of work, routines, habits,
responsibilities, duties, everyday work, work atmosphere, workplace, colleagues,
and service to others. This can bring you some dreams coming true when it
comes to your work and job. You may find your dream job during this time, or
some dream may become very real related to your work and your everyday
world. Something magical can happen for you in your work area and also with
your health, and these things are very connected. When you’re healthy, your
work shines, and when you’re healthy, when you do your regular daily healing
and cleansing of mind, body, and soul, your work becomes joyful, and it becomes
the most beneficial work in the world, whatever it is that you’re doing. It doesn’t
have to be an official job with a salary. If you have your own business, you can
also find a perfect employee, perfect worker, someone who can help you
tremendously. But you may also be the perfect hire now in somebody’s life,
which can be beneficial for you and for your employer, too. Community-based
projects, organizations, memberships, and teamwork are also highlighted very
much this month, and you may be working on some creative projects with other
people or you may see them manifested if you’ve already been working on them.
All in all, this is a very potent and powerful month for really finding something that
fulfills you. You want the best for yourself and you will experience some magical
new opportunities now for sure.

How the Full Moon in February will influence Libra

Dear Libra, this Full Moon happens on the 5th of February in fiery Leo in your
social eleventh house, illuminating your friendships, your communities, your
social circles, your groups of people, your tribe, your soul family, your older
brothers and sisters and those who feel like them, your place within a community,
your group activities, and your team of people, but this placement also
represents your highest aspirations, your clients, fans, followers, and finances if
you have your own business, your long-range goals and dreams, your plans for
the future, and your desires. This Full Moon happens in Leo, and Leo represents
generosity, warmth, heart, pride, drama, something grandiose, something loud,
something big, dignity, confidence, creativity, and fun. You can experience
sincerity in your relationships with others—loyalty, generosity, entertainment and
playfulness—but you should also know that this Full Moon makes a tense square
aspect with Uranus in Taurus in your eighth house of transformation, rebirth,
unconscious attachments, things that are beneath the surface, secrets, invisible
things, traumas, fears, karmic debts, and betrayals. Uranus brings shocks,
surprises, sudden shifts, unexpected events, awakenings, and changes, and this
Full Moon may bring some sudden and unexpected shifts related to themes of
betrayal, fears, intimacy, shared resources, jealousy, obsession, and
possessiveness. This is just a possibility, of course—it doesn’t have to go in that
direction, but it is just something to have as a reminder if you feel that something
like this could happen. Try to step away from the drama of those kinds of events,
and try to soften any possible drama that may become active during this Full
Moon. But, this Full Moon makes a positive aspect with your sign, so this should
be more playful, more fun, more charismatic energy. Full Moons brings
completions, endings, closures, revelations, acknowledgments, fruitions,
fulfillments, disclosures, and adjustments. Something comes to light during this
time, something is revealed, something ends, or something comes to fruition
when it comes to your long-range goals and dreams, your friendships, your
teamwork, your place within a community, and your connections with people from
your social circles. You may see some of your long-range goals coming to light
and being manifested. Something you’ve been working on for a while may come
to its full completion, which means it is brought to life; it blossoms and blooms.
Community-based projects are strong now, and you may be working on
something together with people, with a team, with your friends, and you may see
it manifested now—you may finally be able to see it happening. This can also in
some cases bring endings and completions within your groups of people, within
your community, or within your friendships, but these endings don’t necessarily
have to happen because of something bad. Something culminates in your social
life, and it can be fulfilling, uplifting, generous, fun, entertaining, childlike, playful,
optimistic, and grandiose, but it can also be dramatic, egocentric, personal,
bossy, and inflexible. So, all these things are possible in your social world with
your friends and groups of people. This Full Moon shines a light on your social
life and your dreams, and some of you may let go of certain big goals and
dreams now. You may find something that is more important during this time that
makes you change your opinion about certain big plans. You are asked to bring
out the child within you and to celebrate things with others, reach out to others,
make someone smile, have fun with others, do something with people that is
creative, that is lively, that is uplifting, spread the light of Leo Full Moon, let it
shine, and let it guide you.

How the New Moon in February will influence Libra

Dear Libra, this New Moon happens on the 20th of February in the watery
Pisces, bringing new light and new beginnings to your sixth house of health,
healing, routines, habits, everyday work, everyday life, and everyday tasks,
duties, obligations, and responsibilities. This is a house of discipline, purity, hard
work, practical work, usefulness, efficiency, and pragmatic actions. This sixth
house also represents self-care, self-nurturance, self-nourishment, diet regime,
exercises, food you eat, water you drink, nutrition, body, mind, soul, purity of
thoughts, emotions, self-improvement, self-development, self-betterment, and
striving toward perfection. This happens in the sign of Pisces, the last sign of the
Zodiac, the sign of big endings and beginnings, big preparations for the next
chapter, oneness, unconditional love, mystery, the unknown, invisible, intangible,
otherworldly things, spirits, guides, spirituality, dreams, symbols, metaphysical
teachings, synchronicities, mystical experiences, healing, and self-healing. This
is a very healing energy for you, and you can expect some kind of magical
healing, magical improvement of your wellbeing, and mysterious healing energy.
This is especially strong if you’ve been dealing with some kind of health issue.
You are going to get a new chance, a new beginning, a new possibility to make it
all better, to detox, to purge, to declutter yourself—not only physically but also
psychologically and emotionally. You need to take care of your hygiene on all
levels, and you know this, but you will know this even more now. You will see
these things with new eyes, in a new light. This can also bring you new job offers,
new beginnings related to your work, a new workplace, new colleagues, or a new
work situation. Some of you may find your dream job now, or you may see some
of your dreams becoming true related to your health and your work, related to
your organization, your routines and habits, your schedules, your time
management, your service to others, or your healing abilities. Some of you may
become healers during this time—you may decide to really start a healing
process that will turn you into a healer. This New Moon may open your eyes,
your heart, and your mind when it comes to your energy, your time, your health,
your work, and your daily routines and habits. How do you spend your days, what
is your day like, what do you do in your free time, and how do you feel while
working, before work, and after work? This is Pisces New Moon, and you are
asked to bring more spiritual taste to your work and your healing routines. You
can expect things in life now that change your everyday living in a way that you
have different routines and habits, different patterns, new healthy patterns, new
healthy work, new healthy work responsibilities and duties. Five days prior to this
New Moon, you have your ruler, Venus, in conjunction with Neptune also in
Pisces in your sixth house. This triggers something that this New Moon has the
power to push forward. So, plant your seeds during this time, set your intentions,
take initiative, initiate something new in areas of your health, your work, your
service to others, your self-care and self-healing, and see where this takes you. It
is the perfect time for a new diet regime, for a new healing program, for new
exercises, for working out, for taking proper care of your body, of your mind, of
your heart, for improving your life, for starting new healthy routines, and for self-
development and self-betterment. You have magical support on this journey now,
so go for it, dear Libra.

Tarot card reading for February

Dear Libra, your Tarot card for February is The Knight of Sword upright. This is
a card of ambition, and it is action-oriented. It represents someone who is bold,
daring, strong, and courageous. This is a card of great confidence and
dynamism. The Knight of Swords knows what he wants, and he’s got it all. He
won’t stop on his quest to the goal he aims toward. Nothing can stop him or
disturb him. He is assertive and direct, focused and ambitious, daring and
unstoppable. We see a young man in armor rushing forward with a sword in his
hands. He rides a strong white horse with great speed, and the white color of the
horse always represents purity of the heart and intellectual power. His sword is
high as he rides his mighty horse, which all represents clarity, positivity and
determination. The Knight rushes forward without fear—he is fearless, and he is
not really worried about dangers that might be in front of him. This card also
represents a powerful movement, as we see that everything is moving in this
card, and the Knight rides against the wind. We see the trees are bowed in the
opposite direction of the Knight. Wind is strong in this card, and the element of
Air is very important. The Knight of Swords is full of life and energy, and, once he
starts moving toward his goals, nothing can stop him.

This card suggests that either you or somebody else in your life will play the role
of this Knight. The Knight of Swords is impatient, though. He doesn’t have time to
stop and check if everything’s right. He rushes toward his goal. You should be
aware of this, too, and perhaps it is good if you do bring in a bit of patience
because too much confidence is also not good. But, on the other hand, this card
gives you such strong power, assertiveness, boldness, courage, drive, and
ambition. You will have what you need in order to achieve what you want.
There’s a victory in front of you, but don’t rush blindly because this could lead
you in the wrong direction as well. The Knight is determined to succeed no
matter what, and he’s not afraid of any possible challenges, but this could also
make him totally unaware of the consequences of his actions as he’s making his
way toward his goals. So, be aware of these potential dangers with this card, and
don’t rush blindly into something. Do some preparation, do a fact-check, and then
go after your goals. You have all the support that you need, but don’t burn
yourself out along the way either.

The most impactful planet for Libra in February

Dear Libra, the most impactful and most meaningful energetic influence of
planetary energies for you this month is the energy of your ruler, Venus. Venus
was important for you last month, too. She plays a great role in your life right
now, during these months. She will be in Pisces the first twenty days of February
in your sixth house of health, routines, habits, work, service to others, self-care,
self-nurturance, pets, everyday work, healing, diet, exercises, and mental,
emotional, and physical hygiene. It is important to have your ruler here,
especially in Pisces because this is a very beautiful healing energy. Even though
Pisces makes a bit of an awkward aspect with your sign, this one should be very
helpful, healing, and inspiring. You are going to work on improving all aspects of
your life, and you can expect great healing to take place and to help you change
your life for the better. Your ruler, Venus, then shifts into your opposite sign of
Aries in your seventh house where you already have Jupiter. Venus here is
wonderful because she helps you in all your relationships, she protects you and
guides you, she brings you beauty and harmony, and she reminds you of values
in your one-on-one relationships.

Venus is the planet of love, relationships, romance, beauty, values, finances,

self-esteem, talents, comfort, food, and goodies, but most of all she is planet of
the Heart. She represents the flower of life, and she draws a pentacle during her
eight-year cycle. Pentacles are important, and they represent the full-spectrum
human, all five elements including Aether, Earth, Water, Air and Fire. Venus is a
bridge between matter and spirit. She is represented by roses and flowers, she
creates beauty, and she brings love and relationships. She rules joy and simple
pleasures, and she reminds us of the importance of a pure heart. She shows us
those places that need to be purified in our hearts, and if there are stains and
impurities, we will see them clearly thanks to Venus. She can be blissful, but she
can also be poisonous—if we crave too many sweets, we can become sick and
addicted to sugar and pleasure. We need to keep our needs pure. Her highest
expression is unconditional love toward the self. It is about loving ourselves
including everything that we are—the good, the bad and the ugly. Her higher
purpose is to show us that everything in creation is permeated by love and that
love embraces the whole creation. Venus is about harmony and about us
achieving this harmony. It is about our wellbeing in love and through love. Venus
is named after the Goddess of Beauty and Love, so you can expect a lot of
activities related to love and beauty but also self-esteem and self-worth.

In order to channel the energy of your ruler, Venus, this month, in order to make
the most out of it, in order to understand the energy of Venus and connect with it,
you are asked to do your best to cleanse, heal, and detox yourself in every way
that you can. Do this with love—love yourself, focus on taking care of your body,
your mind, and your soul, and focus on healing yourself, decluttering, detoxing,
purifying and cleansing yourself from all impurities that you feel, that you eat, that
you process, that you absorb, that attack you in any way, that stick with you.
Focus on the Venusian things in life, and work on recognizing beauty around you
no matter what the reality looks like. You have the power to transform your way
of looking at things. Your ruler, Venus, is also within you—you carry that
archetype within you, and you are supported now to recognize beauty and value
in all that is going on in your life, no matter what it is. You are asked to do
Venusian things in order to wake up your inner Venus. Listen to good music and
dance to it—you can do it on your own—this is very healing, very uplifting. Just
turn on your favorite music or any music that you can dance to and dance without
thinking about dancing, without thinking about your moves. Just follow the rhythm
and become the rhythm. Feel the beauty of dancing, and let that beauty heal you.
Prepare beautiful meals, healthy meals. Start eating better food, food that is good
for your health, your body, your mind, and your soul. Prepare live food, eat
healthy food, and be conscious while eating—don’t do it mechanically. Enjoy
taking showers, feel the healing power of water touching your body, feel the
cleansing power, and enjoy it; be aware of it. Go to museums, art galleries, and
concerts. Beautify yourself, make yourself feel good, and do something that
makes you feel beautiful and that makes you feel in harmony with your inner
Venus. Speak with your inner Venus, ask her questions, have an interview with
her, let her know that you’re willing to improve yourself in all aspects of life, let
her know that you’re asking for her guidance, and let her show you what you can
do for her, too. Remember: mental, emotional, and physical purity are the keys

Healing tips for Libra in February

- Sit in front of the Sun and receive its energy. Focus on absorbing the energy
from it. Have your full and absolute concentration on this and let go of everything
else. It's just you and the Sun. Feel how you're being energized by the Sun and
also give something to it in return. Feel the mutual exchange between you and
the Sun, feel the connection and communication between you and the Sun, feel
the downloads and uploads, feel the intelligence that comes to you from the Sun,
and feel the healing that comes to you. Feel the exchange of energy between
you and the Sun, feel the mutual connection, hear the messages from the Sun,
and hear the voice of your soul. Enjoy the process.

- Whenever you feel a strong urge to take something out on someone or on

yourself or on anything, just stop for one little moment and look at yourself in the
mirror at that moment. Look in your eyes and ask yourself: "What is eating you?
what is it that you want to express exactly? What is trying to come out?" And then
stand there looking at yourself for some time, look directly into your eyes, and let
this reflection speak to you.

- Imagine that you can stretch yourself in all directions. Feel the forces pulling
you in all directions, up and down, left and right, horizontally and vertically.
Stretch yourself into the shape of a star. Feel yourself stretched in all directions.
Just feel yourself being fully stretched “ad infinitum” in all directions from your
center point, but don't detach from your center. Feel yourself everywhere, but feel
your starting point, too, which is your body. Feel the pressure of being pulled in
all directions, and then come back to yourself again, into your body. Feel the
release and feel the easiness around you. You are pushed back into yourself.
Feel this push and pull. Experiment with this feeling. Stretch, expand, and then
contract and shrink. Practice and enjoy the process.
- Imagine a lightning ray coming from above right through the top of your head
and through your body, enlightening your whole body. Feel this whole process
and do this exercise in a standing position, in a vertical position. Just relax and
see this ray coming straight to you and through you. Feel the moment it touches
the top of your head, and then feel it through your whole body and right through
your feet. Feel your whole body being enlightened by this ray. Feel it fully fulfilled
by its light and energy, and as you feel this, focus on the present moment. Focus
on your body and this feeling. Focus on yourself standing. Focus totally on what
is going on right here and right now. There is nothing else that exists, only you,
this ray, and this feeling of the ray enlightening your whole body. This will
strengthen your inner self, and this will give you motivation and courage to do all
that you have to do during the day, so it's great to do it when you wake up, but
you can do it whenever you want. Let this ray go directly through your whole
body, feel enlightened by it, and enjoy the ride.

- Imagine yourself as frozen grass in the cold winter. Feel the ice covering you,
feel the frost, and feel yourself beneath it. Imagine yourself as this frozen grass in
stormy weather. Feel a strong cold wind freezing you even more. Feel this whole
process, feel the beauty, and feel yourself protected by this ice that is covering
you. Even though it's freezing, you are alive and breathing. Now, feel this ice
melting and falling away. Feel the weather changing, the wind stopping, the Sun
coming out, and nature awakening. Feel yourself coming out of hibernation. Feel
all the liveliness, colors, and life around you blooming and blossoming. Feel
yourself being a part of everything around you. Enjoy the awakening and
blossoming as you enjoyed the hibernation and its calmness.

How to use February energies in the best possible way

- Whenever you feel a certain thought that is bothering you in some way,
whenever you feel something that bogs you down and tortures you, something
that occupies your mind in a way that you don't like, just stop moving and do
something that is totally opposite from what you were doing up until that moment.
If you are walking, stop and turn around. Find something around you that catches
your attention and pretend that you're occupied by it. Stop in front of some shop
and look at the things that are there. Stop in front of a tree and look at it. Focus
on these things in front of you. If you are sitting, stand up and move. Jump and
clap with your hands. Be present in this moment. Stop someone on the street
and ask some random question—ask for directions to somewhere even if you
know the way. Ask anything. Change the course of your patterns. Look at your
hands, look at your feet, look at your fingerprints, and put your whole focus there.
Practice this whenever you feel these mental attacks that are persistent and that
are circling in a loop. You will see how simple it is once you tune into this energy.
You will see and feel how those bothersome thoughts and worries quickly
disappear and dissolve.

- Lie down on your back and just do nothing. Just lie there in a dark room. Turn
off all the lights, turn off all the sounds, and tap into your own lights and your own
sounds. Focus on the sounds and images that come out from you. Observe the
things that are coming up. Observe images, sounds, and thoughts. See where
this takes you. Just surrender to it. Surrender to the free flow of your mind, your
senses, and just watch this astral television of yours. See what you get from it.
See what material comes up during this session with yourself, and try to see why
this material came up, what it has to tell you, how it makes you feel.

- Count your blessings. Do this each day. Each morning, count your blessings by
writing them down on a piece of paper. Think about your blessings each day
when you wake up, and honor them. Each day you add new blessings to the list,
you will see that there are always more and more blessings that you can add to
your list. Be aware of them, and don't take them for granted. You will see that
there’s so much to be grateful for, so much to feel blessed for, once you start
doing this. Enjoy every part of this and enjoy the benefits of doing this.

- Write an empowering letter to yourself. Write an encouraging and uplifting letter

to yourself. Use your creativity, your depth, your power of thought, imagination,
and verbalization to write yourself this letter that will make you jump out of your
seat and connect with yourself in the most magical and mesmerizing way. You
know yourself the best, so use this to write down the perfect empowering letter to
you that will touch you and move you deeply.

- Try to do things without any expectations. Everything that you do, say, think,
and love—do it, say it, think it, and love it without any expectations. Try to do all
this without expecting anything in return. You will see it's not easy, but it's very
meaningful and powerful, and it sets you free in the most brilliant way. Practice
this every day in every way, all the time. Feel the power and joy of it.

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during February

- What is limiting me the most right now in my life? What is blocking me right now
in my life? How do I see those limitations and blockages? What do I feel about

- Which area of my life needs a true and real regeneration? What kind of
regeneration do I need right now in my life?

- What does it mean to be humble according to me? What are my first thoughts,
images, feelings, emotions, and associations that come up when I hear the word
“humble?” What does this tell me about myself?

- What do I need to change about the way I live my life right now? What needs an
urgent change in my lifestyle? What am I going to do about it?

- What do I usually tell myself during the day? What kinds of things do I tell
myself during the day? Mentally or verbally, it doesn’t matter. What are the things
that I tell myself? Are those things serving me or not? What does this tell me
about myself?


What can Scorpio expect in February

Dear Scorpio, you are finally getting a piece of peace now, a piece of deserved
peace, which doesn’t mean that you’re experiencing a total and absolute state of
peace, but it is peace when compared to previous months and your usual
rhythm, your usual self. February emanates calmer and gentler energy in your
life—it won’t have that kind of intensity and pressure that you got used to
perhaps. You will have more internal and external space to walk through your
life, to walk between your past and your future and meet yourself in the middle, in
the now, to meet yourself between two worlds, between two words, between two
selves. You’ve been through a lot lately, you’ve experienced Eclipses in your sign
and in your opposite sign, and it’s been turbulent, intense, and profound for many
of you. Now you’re going to make some new and different choices and decisions,
take different steps, and work on getting results from this previous period of time.
What have you been working on lately? What kind of thoughts have you had
lately? Where have you invested your time and energy, your mind and body, your
soul and spirit?

On the 5th of February, there’s a Full Moon in your fellow Fixed sign of Leo,
which illuminates your tenth house of career, contribution, success, profession,
recognition, social status, your relationship with your father and father figures,
your role in the world, and your life direction. This Full Moon brings something to
light and brings things to completion, to an ending, to fruition. This affects your
life path and your role in the world. Leo energy is proud, loud, generous, warm,
creative, and playful. This energy makes a tense square aspect with your sign
and also a square aspect with Uranus in your opposite sign, Taurus, in your
seventh house of one-on-one relationships. Your career may be connected to
your partnerships, to your close personal relationships. A certain relationship
may affect your career choice or your life direction. This could be something
challenging, something related to your tenth house matters that takes you out of
your comfort zone. But, you can also expect success during this time—
something that has been hard that you’ve been working on for quite some time
may come to fruition now. But it is also possible that a certain career goal falls
away now. You may let it go after seeing that you don’t want to run after certain
goals and ambitions. This is a time to express the creative child within you and to
focus on creative projects, passion projects, and on contributing to the world, to
those around you, to your friends, your children, or whoever in a way that is really
meaningful and constructive.

On the 11th of February, Mercury enters Aquarius and joins the Sun and Saturn
in another key area of your life, in your fourth house of home, family, real estate,
family members or those who feel like them, people you live with, your house,
your childhood, your mother, your inner child, and your emotional stability and
security. Mercury here can bring you necessary conversations with family
members or those who feel like them. You may also sign contracts related to
your house, related to real estate, related to family business, related to buying,
selling, renting or anything similar, or anything else related to home and family.
Something important may be happening now in your home and family world. You
will also have the Sun conjunct Saturn on the 16th happening here in your fourth
house. It hasn’t been easy with Saturn in your fourth house—you may have
experienced certain limitations and restrictions in your home area, with your
emotional expression, with people you live with, or with your house situation.
Saturn has been here since 2020, and you’ve gone through a lot of challenges,
tests, and lessons related to your home, family, real estate, mother, inner child,
emotional security, home situation, roommates, and residence. This is the last
month that Saturn is here, and it won’t be back in your fourth house for another
29 years. You may have to take greater responsibility now related to your home
and family life. You are asked to show your maturity, to see how much you’ve
grown emotionally, and to show your emotional maturity and emotional
intelligence. These are some long-term changes and shifts in these areas of your
life now. You may finally get to see the manifestation of something you’ve been
working on—it may be a house or emotional stability, or it may be a relationship
with your mother or with someone else in your family, but it can also be a
relationship with your inner child. You may finally see some structures being
developed now. You are building something long lasting, you may be building
your own family now.

On the 15th of February, Venus, planet of love, harmony, relationships, values,

and comfort, makes a conjunction with Neptune, planet of dreams, illusions,
spiritual realms, fantasies, creativity, and artistic expressions in the sign of
Pisces. Neptune rules Pisces, and Venus is exalted in Pisces. This is the most
beautiful connection that can happen in your fifth house of love, romance,
children, creativity, self-expression, self-employment, hobbies, gifts, and talents.
This aspect can bring a bit of illusion in love—you may be fooling yourself, you
may be a bit blind, but on the 19th of February, the Sun enters your fellow Water
sign of Pisces and shines the light here, too, and on the 20th, there’s a New
Moon happening here. So, this should actually be something very beautiful,
divine, otherworldly, and highly and deeply romantic. You can expect new
business, new love, new creative projects, and renewals of existing businesses,
love, and projects. Some of you may be expecting children during this time, too.
Children can bring you some magical moments now—your children or somebody
else’s children. If you are self-employed or you’re working on some creative
project, this can be a very fertile period, and you can expect beautiful, artistic,
and creative work, events, relationships, and experiences.
On the 20th of the month, Venus comes out of Pisces and enters Aries where
you already have Jupiter in your sixth house of everyday work, everyday routines
and habits, health, healing, wellbeing, schedules, time management,
responsibilities, duties, obligations, service to others, self-care, self-nurturance,
and also pets and animals. Venus here wants you to beautify your everyday life;
she wants you to improve every aspect of your life so that you can make it
beautiful, harmonious and worthy. You’re taking more care of your health and
wellbeing, and you’re searching for things that satisfy you on a daily level. Jupiter
is here until the middle of May, expanding your work, your job, your opportunities
for jobs and work, and your abilities to improve the quality of your life. With
Venus here, you will really be reminded of things that you love and enjoy doing.
You will be action-oriented, and you will do what’s necessary here. You are
taking better care of yourself now. Some of you may find a new pet or you may
have a very beautiful connection with animals. Animals can have a very healing
effect on you now. Take care of your mental, emotional, and physical hygiene,
too. Beautify yourself on an emotional, mental, and physical level. Make yourself
feel worthy and recognize the value of being of service. You are going to
recognize the difference between being the servant and being the slave to
others, to yourself, or to the system you live in.

Your original ruler, Mars, is still in Gemini in your natural eighth house. You may
finally see the results of your previous investments, your inner work, your shadow
work, and your investments in intimate relationships, in shared resources, and in
shared finances. You are now moving forward, and you will have great support
and courage on your way. You are not afraid of dealing with things you’ve been
afraid of dealing with. You are very aware and conscious of your shadow, your
vulnerabilities, and your unconscious fears and attachments. You know these
things very well, and you have experience now.

This month is pretty good for you—things flow in a good way, you have support
from many sides, and even though there are some challenges, obstacles, and
issues along the way related to your home, your career, your parents, your
house, or your emotional wellbeing, it will be easy for you. It will be as simple as
walking, as simple as drinking a glass of water, as simple as breathing.
Scorpio relationship with inner self
Dear Scorpio, February brings you a lot of treasures thanks to your inner work
that you’ve been doing, thanks to all the efforts and invested time and energy
that you’ve been putting into your spiritual development, into self-betterment, into
self-improvement and self-mastery. You are going to see some beautiful shifts
and transformations that may be wild, but you’re proud of them and you’re happy
to see these transformations, to welcome them and make them part of your
everyday life. You are transformed in some way, and you will be so excited about
it. Your enthusiasm is renewed and regenerated, your will is regenerated and
rejuvenated, and your strength and independence are resurrected and rebirthed.
You are happy to see these things present in your life. You are happy and
grateful for all the transformations that you’re experiencing, but this one may be
your favorite one so far in life. You know that there’s still more to be done, but
you are more than grateful for what you see, feel, and experience now with
yourself, within yourself, with your feelings and emotions, and with your thought
patterns and your programs. You are very satisfied with how far you’ve come,
with what kinds of things you’ve survived, with how you fought and how you rose
each time, with how you rebirthed yourself each time you died, with how you
perceived life in the heaviest moments, with how far you’ve come, with how
present you are in yourself, with how emotionally stable or unstable you have
been, and how you trusted yourself even when you lost trust completely. You will
realize now that there’s always that part of you, that invincible part of you that
never stops trusting, believing, knowing, feeling, and owning yourself. This is
your greatest strength, and you have deep trust in yourself. You gain this
profound trust now that nothing can move. You will feel this power in you, and
you will honor that power. You will trust that secret power. You will trust that
secret essential self that always knows, always lives, always exists, always
survives. All your efforts, all your troubles, all your issues, all your traumas, all
your shocks, and all your survivals are recorded, acknowledged, recognized,
accepted, and understood. Nothing can go unnoticed in this world, and you know
this now. You are releasing yourself from holding grudges now. You are
liberating yourself from past mistakes, and you are liberating yourself from things
from the past that made you feel guilty or ashamed for any reason. You are
setting yourself free, which is something you’ve been working on for quite some
time now. You are putting more energy into self-healing, self-intimacy, self-care,
self-love, self-empowerment, self-encouragement, and self-mastery. You are not
waiting for the right moment anymore. You know that these things need to be
done now. You don’t have to schedule the inner work—inner work is something
that is done all the time, as long as you’re alive, and you are happy that it’s like
that because you now find the most precious joy in that kind of work.

Scorpio relationship with others

Dear Scorpio, you have some truly profound moments to share with others now.
You have things to say, do, share, express, give, and receive that are very
significant for you and for those around you. You are going to enjoy good times
with others; you are going to make yourself and others feel good in your
company. You don’t want others to feel in any way uncomfortable in your
company, and you will do your best to make yourself feel comfortable in the
company of others, regardless of what they do or say. Your state of comfort is
not dependent upon others’ behavior and you know this, but you will invest in
making others feel comfortable in your company either way. If you usually feel
uncomfortable amongst others, if you cannot relax in the company of others, or if
you’ve had trouble relaxing in the company of others lately, you are going to feel
the shift happening now. You are going to see that that feeling is gone, and you
will be very grateful for that. This is not something that just goes away—this is
now gone thanks to certain things you’ve been through, thanks to your inner
change and your growth, thanks to your emotional growth. This month you’re
going to see how much you’ve matured emotionally, which will greatly affect your
relationships with others. You may go through a huge forgiveness process that
involves others now, especially family members and those who feel like a family.
There may be some conversations to have with family members, with those you
live with, with people who are close to you. You may have some kind of a group
conversation or group meeting with family members where you may have to
show up as the emotionally mature one. Your emotional maturity will have to be
shown and exposed in some way, and you’re going to see how much you’ve
grown and transformed, especially when it comes to your closest relationships.
Some of you are building something long lasting now in your family world or with
people you live with, with your soul family, with your tribe of people. You may be
building your own family now. You can also expect some kind of culmination with
your father or with father figures in your life, with authority figures in your life, or
with those people who are in some way dominant, who have that kind of energy
and influence on you. You are going through some kind of resolution with
authority figures and father figures. You are also resolving some things that have
been stuck in certain relationships, but you may first have to experience some
sudden and unexpected challenges with that person. Expect some reality checks
with people in your life, with your family, and with authority figures. You may be
of service to someone, you may play an important role in somebody’s life, or you
may beautify somebody’s life now just by saying one word, by giving one look, or
by listening in any other way. Your help can be very big now, and it can make a
change. You may be volunteering and helping others somehow, and your
relationship with pets and animals is also highlighted. You may connect with
people through pets and animals, too, and these connections can have a very
beneficial influence on you. This whole month brings comfort, resolutions,
liberations, forward movement, and illuminations in your relationships with others.

Scorpio love & romantic life in February

Dear Scorpio, this month may be one of the best times for your love life, for
setting intentions in your love life, for planting seeds, and for seeing the infinite
space and infinite potential that there is in the love field. This month is really
magical and very romantic, deeply romantic, romantic in an exciting way,
romantic in a mystical way, romantic in a spiritual way. Love comes naturally and
without effort, love shows itself and manifests in mysterious ways, and love can
be felt in every possible place at any time with anyone. Love is not an equation,
love is not measurable, love is worldly and otherworldly at the same time, love
makes all the polarities meaningless, love makes all fights look ridiculous, and
love erases grudges and wipes away heavy feelings. Love is so easy and light
that you cannot see it, love is very subtle and yet strong, and you may feel
exactly like love; you may identify yourself with love, with that powerful force that
makes us all wonder and that makes us all humble in one way or another. This
month, you have a very close connection with love, a very magical experience of
love, whether you’re in a love relationship or you’re single. You have Venus
conjunct Neptune on the 15th of February in the sign of Pisces, your fellow Water
sign, in your fifth house of true love and romance. This is the most loving aspect
that you can experience in this placement. Venus is a planet of love, harmony,
beauty, relationships, and values, and Venus is exalted when in Pisces. She
feels very good in Pisces where she can express her love without limitations.
Neptune is the ruler of Pisces, so this energy is even stronger now, and this all
happens in a nice aspect with your sign in your fifth house of love and romance.
You will also have New Moon happening here only five days after this
conjunction, so this is all beautifully aligned for you. If you are single, this is
definitely a new opportunity for meeting someone romantically, for experiencing
joy and pleasure with someone, and for experiencing beauty and love. Just be
careful with this aspect because you may put others on a pedestal or you may
fool yourself when it comes to love. Venus and Neptune in Pisces can be very
seductive but also deceptive. Be careful not to lose the ground under your feet.
But this shouldn’t happen because you will also have the Sun and New Moon in
this area of your life right after this conjunction, so there’s something real there,
something new, something promising. Those of you who are in a relationship,
you can expect a very lively and strong energy of love, compassion,
understanding, forgiveness, and strong connection. You are going through
renewal of your love relationships, through regeneration and recovery. This is a
very lucky energy in your love life, for your romantic encounters and resolutions.
Your romantic life is very beautifully highlighted, especially from the 15th of
February. The beginning of the month may be more challenging, and something
may happen unexpectedly in your love relationships or in the way your partner
behaves. Full Moon in Leo makes a square with Uranus in your seventh house of
one-on-one relationships, and this can trigger some sudden changes in your love
relationships involving your career, your role in the world, and your life direction.
But something magical then happens around the 15th and 20th when you will
receive increased enthusiasm, courage, and self-esteem in your love life. You
are finding meaning through understanding, through forgiveness, through
compassion, and you have the ability to rise and open up for new rays of love
that are shining in your direction.

Scorpio sex life in February

Dear Scorpio, you are inspired in a very beautiful way this month, and your
inspiration will affect your sexual energy and your sex life in an uplifting way, too.
Your inspiration will take you to other worlds, and you can bring those other
worlds into your existence now. One of the ways to do it is exactly through your
sexual energy and through sexual experiences. This is a time when you can
reach personal satisfaction of any kind, and this satisfaction can be felt very
much through expressing your sexuality and through understanding sexuality.
This is a month when you may reveal new ways of experiencing orgasm, many
new ways—electromagnetic ways, ways that involve music, ways that involve
playing instruments, ways that involve writing, reading poetry, relaxing, tuning
into your heart, and tuning into your soul and spirit. There are many different
types of orgasms, and this month is very potent for all kinds of them, physical or
metaphysical ones, and you may experience both of them in different ways.
There are also many different physical orgasms and there are many different
metaphysical orgasms. When you’re in deep meditation, you experience one
type of orgasm, too, and it involves a physical and metaphysical one. When
you’re in that moment of total relaxation, when you feel like you’re falling asleep,
when you’re present in that moment of falling asleep, it is also an orgasmic
experience. This month is very rich in offering you many different ways of
discovering your own sexuality and discovering the treasures of pleasure through
orgasms of all kinds. Your sex life is abundant, and you can expect some really
beautiful encounters, beautiful connections, and passionate expressions and
bonding. You may connect with someone new with whom you may reveal these
new ways of experiencing the pleasures and treasures of being alive. In your
existing relationships, you and your lover will feel a total renewal and
regeneration of your relationship through your mutual feelings of joy and
pleasure. This is something that has a divine taste to it, and you’re going to like it
very much. You are also going to discover the big difference between being
addicted to satisfying your needs and being connected with the source of joy and
pleasure that helps you heal those addictive states of being. Your sex life is very
pure, pleasurable, awakening, and refreshing this month, and you are going to
explore many different ways of experiencing the best of it.

Scorpio career & purpose in February

Dear Scorpio, February gives you a lot of courage and motivation to move
forward with whatever you want, to initiate things, to start new things, to make
things happen, to make them manifest, to trust in yourself, and to see what the
best way to share yourself with the world is, what the best way to present
yourself is. You may experience some challenges and difficulties in your career
around the beginning of the month, around the time of the Full Moon in Leo in
your tenth house of career, contribution, profession, success, ambitions, and
goals. You may have some challenging situations with a boss or with another
authority figure in your life. Something may come to a head related to your
career; something may culminate in your life related to your profession. Some of
you may quit something you’ve been working on, some of you may decide to shift
directions in your career, in your contribution, and in your role in the world. Full
Moon in Leo makes a square aspect with Uranus in your seventh house of
partnerships, so this can affect your business partnerships, too. Your business
partner may suddenly decide to step back from the project or to tell you
something that may be unexpected. Something may trigger you and your pride,
too. But you may also see something coming to fruition, something you’ve been
working on for a while, something that’s been heavy and difficult. This involves
passion projects, hobbies, gifts and talents, sport activities, competitions, artistic
and creative projects, and artistic creations. If you are an artist of any kind, this
month you may launch something artistic and creative, and you may express
your gifts and talents, especially in the second half of February. Venus and
Neptune meet each other on the 15th in Pisces in your fifth house of creativity,
joy, pleasure, self-employment, starting your own business, and turning hobbies
into business. This is really good for starting your own business or for expressing
your artistic work if you have any, for expressing your artistic talents and gifts or
any other talents and gifts, too. New Moon happens here on the 20th, too, and
this brings you new opportunities for self-employment if that’s what you want,
new opportunities for doing things that are joyful, pleasurable, playful, and fun.
You may see now that certain things that you’re doing in life may be killing you if
they’re not satisfying and fulfilling, if they’re not resonating with you, if they’re not
aligned with your core being. You also have Venus entering Aries on the 20th
where she will stay until the 17th of March. Jupiter is also in Aries in your sixth
house until the middle of May. Now, when Venus is also here, you can really
expand your work and expand your options and possibilities to do things that you
love doing on a daily basis. You want to make your everyday life count, and you
will work in that direction. Mars is still in Gemini in your natural eighth house,
which is now powerful for investments. Mars was retrograde here between the
30th of October and 12th of January, but it is still in the post-retrograde shadow
period. Mars is here until the 25th of March, and until then you have a lot of
strength, courage, and motivation to invest and to put energy into investments,
dealing with shared resources, resolving issues related to shared resources,and
resolving issues related to credits, taxes, banks, loans, bills, and inheritances.
These themes have been very strong in the last couple of months in your life,
and many of you have experienced delays, blocks, limitations, and frustrations in
these areas. You may have been putting a lot of energy into these things but
without any results. You were asked for patience. Now you are about to see
some of the results of the work you’ve been doing lately. You are going to gain
some benefits thanks to invested time, energy, love, effort, action, money, and all
other resources that you’ve put into anything you’ve been working on.
How the Full Moon in February will influence Scorpio
Dear Scorpio, this Full Moon happens on the 5th of February in your fellow Fixed
sign, Leo, in your tenth house on top of your chart at the zenith of the Zodiac.
This Full Moon affects your career, your profession, your reputation, your
success, your ambitions and goals, your role in the world, your authority, your
influence on others, you as a role model, your vocation, your contribution to the
world, your life path, your life direction, your achievements, recognitions, public
image, and public standing, and your social status. This is an important Full
Moon for you because it affects you strongly and it touches key areas of your life.
Tenth house is also related to father figures and authority figures, and you may
experience some challenging moments with certain authority figures around the
time of this Full Moon. This Full Moon makes a tense square aspect with your
sign but also with Uranus in your opposite sign, Taurus, in your seventh house of
relationships. This Full Moon may bring to light something in your career. It may
illuminate something in your relationship with authority figures, and it can also
bring some sudden changes and shifts in your one-on-one relationships. A
business partner may suddenly change their opinion about a certain project
you’ve been working on, or you may suddenly part ways with your business
partner. Something may happen that shifts your life direction in some way. This is
Leo Full Moon and Leo represents warmth, generosity, confidence, courage,
motivation, and playfulness, but it also represents drama, taking things too
personally, seeing things too subjectively, and being too proud and bossy. These
energies can be present now in your tenth house matters. Authority issues may
show up. Something may come to a head or something may culminate in your
career with a project, in your profession, in your contribution, or in how you
present yourself. Some of you may be performing, you may be recognized for
what you do, your public image may be exposed in some way, and you may feel
thrown out of your comfort zone, which is actually good. You may have to get out
of your comfort zone—you may be pushed out of it. Full Moon energy brings
fullness, completions, endings, closures, revelations, acknowledgments, fruition,
blooming, disclosures, adjustments, and illumination. Something may be
revealed in your career, or you may discover something that may attract potential
drama in your life now. You may go in a new direction now, and you may end a
certain path now. It may culminate and you decide to change the course now. Or
something you’ve been working on for a while may come to fruition now; you may
finally see something coming to its fullness now—certain projects you’ve been
working on, your role, or your public image. You may have to deal with your
father or with father figures. You may say goodbye to someone, you may part
ways with a certain authority figure in your life. Something changes for you in
these areas of your life, and you’re reminded to be your own authority and to find
ways to make a contribution, to find ways of expressing yourself, your gifts, and
your talents, to adjust your role in the world and to remember to have fun, to be
playful, and to do things that you enjoy doing. Use the energy of this Full Moon to
let go of anything that is not serving you, release unnecessary worries, allow
yourself to change the role that you show to the world if you don’t feel aligned
with it, and heal authority issues that you may see present in your life.

How the New Moon in February will influence Scorpio

Dear Scorpio, this New Moon happens on the 20th of February in your fellow
Water sign of Pisces in your fifth house of love and romance, love affairs, joy and
pleasure, fun and entertainment, playfulness, creativity, self-expression, things
that are fulfilling, and satisfying, hobbies, gifts, talents, risks, children, excitement,
dancing, going out, parties, luxury, sports, games, speculations, gambling, and
self-employment. This is a very lively and colorful placement, very childlike and
playful. This New Moon happens in the sign of Pisces, and the sign of Pisces
represents oneness, unity, unconditional love, endings and beginnings,
preparations for new chapters, mystical experiences, mysteries, otherworldly
things, intangible and untouchable realms, spiritual realms, sacrifices, romance,
poetry, music, and arts. This can be a very romantic, creative, and artistic period
for you, very fruitful, uplifting, enthusiastic and exciting. This is a very beautiful
energy for you, your relationship with your children if you have them, your
relationship with other people’s children, the success of your children, and with
children in general, especially if you work with them in any way. This is a
powerful time for expressing the child within you, for expressing your gifts and
talents, for planting new seeds in these areas of your life. Those of you who want
children may work on making children now. It is a very potent time for launching
a business, a product, a service, for starting your own business, for expressing
yourself, and for sharing your gifts. If you're an artistic and creative person, this
New Moon will enhance your creativity to its maximum, and you may create
something powerful. This is a great time for self-employment and for turning your
hobbies into your business. Some of you may find a romantic partner during this
time. You may fall in love. You may connect with someone on a deep heart level.
This is Pisces New Moon, and emotions are very deep, and you connect with
others on a deep subconscious level. This New Moon is very beautiful for love
relationships, and it brings you new beginnings, new opportunities, new
possibilities, refreshments, renewals, regenerations, and rejuvenations of your
love life, your business, your romance, your pleasures in life, and your personal
satisfaction. You are going to allow yourself to experience personal satisfaction
now. This is great energy for celebrations, parties, and performances, for love,
for making children, for setting your intentions, and for planting seeds related to
these fifth house matters. Forgiveness, compassion, and understanding are the
qualities that you need to work on during this time. This can be a highly spiritual
time, too, inviting spiritual connections with people. You are connecting with your
soul, and you’re expressing the qualities of your soul through your creativity, your
talents, your gifts, your hobbies, your love life, and your children. Make a wish,
initiate something new, take risks, be daring, recognize true joy and pleasure,
and don’t be afraid to express yourself, to understand yourself, and to shine your

Tarot card reading for February

Dear Scorpio, your Tarot card for February is The Page of Swords upright. This
card represents a quest for truth and justice. This is mental energy, curious
energy, dynamic energy, talkative energy. This is witty and communicative and
represents great mental agility. This card means that there’s an abundance of
energy and that you’re exploring your mind, different possibilities, different
options, thoughts, and ideas. You want to know “why” and you are asking a lot of
“why’s” during this time in order to find the answers that you’re looking for. This
card suggests that you’re looking for answers. You are discovering something,
you are figuring out something, you are communicating about things that you’re
curious about, and you’re looking for answers. This is bright and alert energy,
very inspiring and intellectual; you will want to figure out things now. You are
gathering opinions and views of others during this time, and you want to hear all
different angles of looking at things. There is a degree of naivete here that is a bit
childish. You should be careful and cautious of not falling into gossip and small
talk. Avoid chit-chat. You are learning to shape your own point of view, you are
building and forming your own worldview.

This card represents someone who never runs out of ideas. This could be you, or
you may be around someone who plays this role in your life—always asking
questions, always searching, always discovering, someone with a sharp tongue.
You may have too much to say during this time, and your head may be full of
information. Express these things in the right way. You may also be impatient to
share something with others now. You just can’t wait to share it, to express it, to
expose it. You are passionate about it. You will be sharing a lot of information
with others. You will be receiving and giving information, sharing ideas and plans.
Some of these shared ideas may come to light as well. These are intellectual
relationships, open-minded and with great use of intelligence. This card also
suggests that it’s time for positive changes and success. This card means that
there's enthusiasm in the air—you may be enthusiastic, or you may be closely
connected with someone who has this natural enthusiasm, which will help you
achieve what you want. This is an infectious energy in a good sense. There is
great passion for new things, new projects, new ideas, new plans, new
connections, and new relationships. This card represents the wild and free nature
within you or someone else in your life, someone young who is wild and free,
someone who is young in spirit as well, young in heart but not necessarily
physically young. So, this youthful enthusiasm will inspire you to chase your
dreams. This card can also bring a significant message to you, significant
surprising news. There is a great thirst for knowledge, and you’re implementing
new things. You are applying lessons learned, and you’re exploring new things
and innovations. You are eager to learn, but you may be too impatient and too
curious, which can lead you toward making small mistakes. This is all just a
learning process.

The most impactful planet for Scorpio in February

Dear Scorpio, the most impactful and most meaningful energetic influence of
planetary energies for you this month is the energy of the Moon. You have Full
Moon happening in your key area of life, in your tenth house of career and
purpose, father and father figures, profession and vocation, life path and life
direction, ambitions and goals, contribution, social status, and reputation. This
Full Moon makes a square aspect with your sign and also with Uranus in your
opposite sign of Taurus. This is a significant lunation for you, and you can expect
some culminations, endings, fruitions, fulfillments, and closures in these areas of
your life. There’s also New Moon happening in your fifth house of love, romance,
joy, pleasure, entertainment, children, business, self-expression, creativity,
talents, gifts, sports, games, and risks. This New Moon brings you new
beginnings and renewals in fifth house matters. This affects your children, your
relationship with children, the child within you, your love life, romantic
encounters, self-employment, launching your business, and expressing your
talents. These are two important lunations for you, dear Scorpio, and you can do
some magical things in these areas of your life now.

The Moon is one of the most influential planets in Astrology. Together with the
Sun, it forms unity. The Sun and the Moon are two eyes, two lights, silver and
gold, honey and milk, feminine and masculine, plus and minus. They are two
energies that keep things in balance. They rule the night and the day. The Moon
is all about maternal instincts; it is about emotions and different phases. It rules
our moods and the shifts of our mind and heart. The Moon represents our need
for security and stability. It rules our comfort zone, the things we’re used to—it is
our nest and our relationship with our mother but also with Mother Nature and
with our inner Goddess and inner Mother regardless of our gender. The Moon
represents nurturing energy, caring energy, nourishing energy, and it is also
associated with the mind and fluctuations of the mind. The Moon can make us
overly emotional, overly reactive, easily provoked and irritated, and it can also
make us compassionate, kind, gentle and friendly. It is always a reminder that we
have to work with our emotions and channel them in the right way. The Moon
represents people as well and their influence on us as individuals. It rules our
daily life and daily habits, and it connects our brain and our belly, our mind and
our heart, our nerves and our cells. It governs the rhythm of the body and our
routines and habits. The Moon quickly changes its phases. It moves from waning
to waxing phase, and it affects the fluids and the water in our body; water
symbolically always represents emotions, so these are emotional fluctuations,
too. The Moon is also related to receptive energy, to the feminine principle, to
instincts and intuition, rhythms and cycles. The Moon rules our digestive system
and our eating patterns related to our emotions. The Moon rules our reactions,
the way we react, our unconsciousness and unconscious patterns, our
relationship with the mother, our past, our past lives, our growing up, and our
subconscious habits. It rules our memories and our feelings that are packed with
those memories. The Moon also has a lot to do with our soul food, what feeds
our soul. The Moon has always been related to dreams, beauty, and imagination,
and it also rules fertility and pregnancy. The Moon represents our home and our
family, our roots and our ancestors and it also rules our own space and our need
for security.
In order for you to make the most out of this energy and to channel the energy of
the Moon in the most constructive way this month, you should work on your
emotional wellbeing, work on emotional cleansing and healing, and work on
emotional stability and maturity. You have the capacity to do this now, to make
necessary emotional breakthroughs that will take you to a place of peace within
yourself. Emotional maturity is the most powerful thing because when you’re
emotionally mature and responsible, you have the power to choose which
emotions you want to allow into your space and which emotions have no access
to your space. When you’re emotionally independent and mature, when you’re
emotionally responsible, you make wise decisions, you make wise choices, and
you don’t do things that you may regret later. You don’t buy into any tricks or
emotional manipulations—neither yours nor anyone else’s. Your emotional
maturity is the key now. Emotional maturity automatically brings emotional
stability and clairvoyance. When you work on your emotional maturity, you are
working on building yourself to become a real person; you are working toward
making yourself fully present and aware. When you are emotionally mature, you
don’t have to worry about any situation in your relationships because you are
free, emotionally free from expectations, attachments, the need for attention, and
the need for any kind of approval and care that comes from external sources.
You have yourself, and you share your light from that space. Work on building
your emotional maturity with every step you take. Recognize emotional
immaturity, recognize infantile behavior, and don’t give in to it. Rise above that
behavior, those impulses, those reactions and feelings. Be on the quest for
emotional maturity and freedom. This is the true power, and you now have a lot
of great energy for that kind of work and mission.

Healing tips for Scorpio in February

- Each day when you are taking a shower, imagine that this showering water is
actually a showering light and feel yourself taking a light shower. Imagine the
sparkles and glitter. Feel the water streams as rays of light. Focus on this and
energize this feeling. Feel the water as light water. Feel it as "water from above"
that you are being baptized by. Feel this water as living water coming directly
from the source to regenerate you, heal you, recover you, strengthen you,
empower you, encourage you, and cleanse you physically, mentally, emotionally,
and spiritually. Enjoy your healing and enlightening light showers.
- Imagine yourself running through flower fields on a beautiful day. The
temperature is perfect. The Sun is not too strong and not too high. The weather
is ideal, and you feel light and easy just like those flowers. You feel like the
flowers in the big field. Feel the gentle and beautiful breeze on your skin, through
your hair, on your face. Run through these fields full of flowers, feel the softness
of the ground, smell the flowers, and feel their freshness and aliveness. You are
fresh and alive, too. You feel rejuvenated and regenerated in every way. There’s
nothing to worry you here in this place. This is a place for enjoyment, for pure
pleasure. Whenever you start worrying, remember this place and go there. Enter
your secret sacred fields of flowers and walk through those fields. Run. Lie down.
Enjoy it in every way you want.

- Create a circle on the floor in which you are going to sit. Create this circle in any
way you want. You can make a circle out of different things that are meaningful
to you or in any other way. Now sit down in this circle with your legs crossed and
your hands on your knees with your palms turned upward. This circle protects
you. Focus on yourself being protected sitting in this circle, and imagine yourself
everywhere, in all kinds of situations, while you’re protected in this position and in
your own circle. Spend some time in this circle with your eyes closed, and just
feel protected. Feel your whole atmosphere around you protecting you and
guiding you. Wherever you are and whatever it is that you're going through, feel
this protection within your circle in this position. You carry this circle within you
and around you all the time, and this exercise helps you to strengthen this
connection and to feel it. Whenever you feel threatened, weak, anxious,
paranoid, sad, depressed, betrayed, hurt, or anything similar, do this to
strengthen and empower yourself, to step into your own power, but do this
anyway every day, regardless of how you feel so that you walk through your days
already strengthened and protected. Enjoy the process and the benefits of it.

- Invent your own word, a totally new word. This word is going to be just yours.
Give it a meaning. Make this word your talisman. Give it a powerful meaning.
Energize it with your own thoughts, emotions, and intentions and make this word
your secret powerful weapon that you can use anytime anywhere. Just say it out
loud or to yourself in order to energize and boost yourself. This is your secret
sacred tool, and you gave it this power. This is your personal powerful tool, and
you are asked to use it with honor and respect. Make this word your shield and
your guide. Use it whenever you feel the need to use it. See how it works for you.
See how it feels.

- Try to imagine yourself as water. Feel your body as if it is water. Try to feel this.
Try to imagine yourself as water. Feel yourself flowing. Feel that liquid substance
and texture. Feel your body and your movement. Practice this in all situations.
Try to feel this all the time—while you're walking, while you're sitting, while you're
eating or talking with someone, whatever it is that you're doing. Just imagine
yourself as water and tap into this feeling as much as you can. Go deep into it.
Feel it fully. Feel yourself being this element, and feel your strength, your ease,
your invincible nature, your power, your fluidity. Enjoy the ride.

How to use February energies in the best possible way

- Find some powerful podcast to listen to. Find interesting topics and themes to
listen to. Find some enlightening content, something that you’ve never heard
before, something that can serve you. Find some deep and powerful material that
can teach you something new and profound.

- Whatever it is that you’re doing during the day, try to do it as if you are giving
someone instructions on how to do those things. For example, if you’re brushing
your teeth, do that as if you’re teaching someone how to do it. Do it as if you are
presenting it. If you are preparing a meal, prepare it as if you are presenting that
to somebody. If you are drinking a glass of water, do it as if you are showing it to
others, as if you are showing how it’s done. Put one hundred percent of yourself
into all that you do. Enjoy every bit of it.

- Write down kind, gentle, empowering, strengthening, and uplifting sentences to

yourself. Have your little kindness note with you, and every day write down a
couple of sentences that are full of kindness, courage, love, and empowerment.
Enjoy the process and feel the power of these simple kindness notes.

- Visualize your perfect day. Go through it fully. Visualize everything from the
very beginning, from the very moment of waking up. Visualize every little detail
and all the people who show up in your visualization of your perfect day. Imagine
your favorite place, your favorite weather, your favorite clothes, your favorite
image, your favorite people, your favorite way of living life. Visualize this without
being distracted by anything else. Focus completely on this exercise as if there is
nothing else that exists in the world. Enjoy the journey.

- Dance in front of the mirror and look at yourself without being identified with
yourself. Observe yourself dancing without being identified or attached to what
you see. Be an observer and look into the mirror. Look into the projection. Just
do this for some time, and soon you will feel something strange and different in
how you feel about yourself. Just keep dancing and keep observing yourself in
the mirror. Do any kind of move that you want to. Don’t limit yourself in any way.
Make all kinds of moves that come to you. Just move your body without having
any plan on how you want to move it. This needs to be a totally natural and
organic movement. Dance as long as you want and feel the power of releasing
and surrendering through motion. Each time you do it, you will feel freer, easier,
and lighter. Enjoy it fully.

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during February

- What does peace mean to me? What is peace according to me? What are my
first associations, images, thoughts, feelings and emotions that come up when I
hear the word “peace”? What does this tell me about myself?

- If I was an emotion, which emotion would I be? Which emotion resonates with
me the most? Am I too identified with that emotion and that state of being? What
would my highest self do in my place with that emotion?

- What are some of my new points of view? What are my new choices and
decisions? What am I seeing differently and choosing differently now in my life?

- What is my most important investment in life? What is the best possible

investment in life that I can make? What does this tell me about myself?

- What is the most beautiful thing that I notice about myself? What is the most
empowering and encouraging thing that I recognize in myself? How does that
make me feel?

What can Sagittarius expect in February

Dear Sagittarius, February has a lot of positive stuff prepared for you, a lot of
goodies stored in places you would least expect, a lot of good surprises for you
now. You have sacrificed a lot lately, and you’ve let go of many things. You’ve
been releasing and letting go, you’ve been surrendering and healing, and you’ve
been detaching, retreating, and facing escapism tools within you. Many of you
stopped running away or running after certain things. You learned how to stand
up for yourself and how to welcome everything that comes to you, even if it’s
uncomfortable. You’ve learned how to welcome emotional and psychological
tsunamis and volcanoes, you’ve learned more about the calm in the middle of the
storm, and you’ve learned how to ride the storm without letting the storm
consume you and take away your power and energy. You have been through a
lot of cleansing, cleaning, healing, and decluttering on every level, and you’ve
been reminded of some lost and forgotten dreams, memories, scars and fears.
You’ve been through a lot of challenges in your one-on-one relationships, too,
and this is about to change now. You are upgrading your knowledge, your image,
and your connection with the spirit.

On the 5th of February, there’s a Full Moon in your fellow Fire sign, Leo, in your
natural ninth house of higher meaning, higher mind, higher purpose, higher
knowledge, higher education, and higher self. This is a house of travel,
international business, international connections, foreigners, and long distance
relationships, too. This is a house of beliefs, legal matters, religious views,
philosophy, ideals, spiritual teachings, and spiritual teachers. There’s something
that is culminating in these areas of life for you. This should be a friendly energy
for you since this Full Moon makes a harmonious trine aspect with your sign,
even though this Full Moon makes a square aspect with Uranus in Taurus in your
sixth house of routines, habits, health, wellbeing, work, and service to others.
This Full Moon may trigger some sudden and unexpected shifts in your work or
related to your health and your everyday life. You may discover something, learn
something that surprises you and that changes your way of living your life.
Something you’re learning or studying may have that kind of impact on you. You
may finally learn something you’ve been learning for quite some time, or you may
finish your studies or some kind of learning program now. Something comes to a
completion; something ends and culminates. You may be proud of yourself and
what you’ve learned so far. You may be teaching, sharing, publishing, or
launching something important. Your spiritual path is highlighted. You may have
worked hard every day in order to achieve a certain freedom and spiritual
liberation. If there is some legal matter that is active in your life, you can expect
resolutions and culminations now.

On the 11th of February, Mercury enters Aquarius and joins the Sun and Saturn
in your third house of everyday communications, connections, relatives,
neighbors, siblings, local community, short trips, knowledge, education, teaching,
writing, reading, broadcasting, marketing, contracts, negotiations, discussions,
and agreements. This is a very social and mental energy. You can expect
important conversations, serious conversations, signing contracts, signing
documents, or some projects. Expect some serious news and messages from
people in your life, or you may be the one who delivers an important message
now. Saturn has been here in your communication sector ever since 2020. This
is the last month that Saturn is in Aquarius in your third house. Saturn enters
Pisces on the 7th of March, and it won’t be back in your communication sector for
another 29 years. Your relationships with people from your close surroundings
have been restructured in many ways—your relationships with your younger
brothers and sisters and those who feel like them, your relationships with
neighbors and people from your local community. You have learned a lot when it
comes to communication and the power of words. This month, besides Mercury
being here and amplifying the energy of communication because Mercury is the
ruler of this third house, you have the Sun and Saturn conjunct on the 16th. This
energy asks you to show what you’ve learned during Saturn’s stay here, how
you’ve mastered your communications skills, and what you’ve learned through
your connections and interactions with people on an everyday level. You may
have to have a real, serious conversation with someone. You can expect group
conversations, too, since this is Aquarius energy. You may be seen as an
authority now. The importance of your words is strong now, and you have to
show your maturity and discipline in communication and in connections with

On the 15th of the month, Venus and Neptune meet each other in your fellow
Mutable sign, Pisces, in your fourth house, the house of your core foundations
and emotions, your roots, your emotional stability and security, and your home
and family. Venus and Neptune together are magical, and they can bring peace,
forgiveness, understanding, compassion, and unconditional love into your home
and family world. Something very healing is happening in your home, with your
family members, or with those who feel like your family. There are possible
resolutions in your home, resolutions related to your house situation, to real
estate, to buying and selling, renting, and renovating your home. Venus and
Neptune together in Pisces can also be a bit delusional and confusing, deceptive
and fantasy-like, so be careful of some too good to be true things. But this energy
can really be something very beautiful, soothing, healing, magical, and even
mysterious. The Sun joins this energy on the 19th, and there’s a New Moon
happening here on the 20th, too. This New Moon supports the Venus and
Neptune conjunction, and it can really bring some very good and beautiful things
into your home environment. This can be a new home, new place, new family
members, new sense of family, new sense of peace within your family, the
renewal of your home, and the renewal of your emotional stability. This is the
frequency of love and harmony, and you can expect harmonious and powerful
energy in your home and family world.

Venus enters Aries on the 20th, on the same day when there’s this New Moon in
Pisces. Venus, planet of love, beauty, harmony, luxury, comfort, values, finances,
and relationships, enters pioneering and initiating Aries in your fifth house of love,
romance, children, games, playfulness, fun, entertainment, self-employment,
hobbies, gifts, talents, self-expression, sports, creativity, joy, and pleasure. Your
ruler, Jupiter, the planet of abundance, expansion, meaning, and wisdom is also
in Aries in your fifth house until the middle of May, expanding these things and
bringing you more meaning when it comes to love, children, creativity, and self-
expression. With Venus here now, this is definitely about love and beauty. You
are beautifying things in your life, and you really care about love and beauty. You
want to bring that beauty with you wherever you go, and you will. Venus will be
here until the 17th of March, so you will feel this good energy and good vibes
from Venus in your fellow Fire sign of Aries in March as well. You may fall in love
during this time. You may enjoy your time with your lover and with your loved
ones. It's a good time for starting your own business if that’s what you’re working
on. It's a great time for expressing your gifts and talents in any way you want and
for taking risks.

Mars is still in your opposite sign, Gemini, in your seventh house of one-on-one
relationships. Mars has been here ever since the 20th of August, and it was
retrograde between the 30th of October and 12th of January. You’ve been
through a lot of power struggles in your relationships, and you may have had to
make some choices, to make some decisions related to certain people in your
life. You may have been confused by somebody’s behavior or by energetic shifts
in certain relationships. Now this energy is gone and things are getting clearer
and clearer. You are now moving forward, you put energy and action into a
certain relationship, and you know it’s worthy. All the efforts and actions you’ve
invested in your relationships are going to show results now for sure. This can
affect your business partnerships, too, and you may finally see some progress
and manifestation of things you’ve been working on. You are ready for certain
commitments and collaborations, you have more clarity with others, and you are
going to initiate some great activity with certain people in your life. Expect your
one-on-one relationships to become very active and alive now.

This month is full of positive energy, and you should make the best out of it. Be
aware of the many opportunities and possibilities you now have for transforming
your point of view, for setting yourself free from old beliefs and perspectives.
Work on beautifying your inner space as well as your external space. Bring
peace into your home, your inner and outer home. Your inner beauty shines, and
you can achieve things you wouldn't achieve normally. Appreciate these
moments that you have now. Each moment is unique—recognize your own
uniqueness and connect with unique moments in life. Be present, be aware, and
celebrate your uniqueness and your life.

Sagittarius relationship with inner self

Dear Sagittarius, you’ve traveled through some deep labyrinths, you’ve been
through rabbit holes of your own being, you’ve sank down into the depths of your
subconscious, you’ve sensed the intangible and invisible, and this should have
been liberating. You should feel relief now from these past pressures. You should
feel great release because you’ve been through a huge karmic release, through
a huge ancestral release and healing. Now you have a beautiful, positive
opportunity to recognize your inner beauty and values, to recognize the beauty of
those inner processes that you’ve usually run away from before. You understand
this game of life now with greater and deeper understanding. You understand the
simplicity of life with greater ease. You understand the trauma of separation
between the mind and heart, and you understand the power of the union of the
mind and heart. Mind is electricity, and the heart is magnetism—they are in
coherence, and you’re going to experience that now. Many of you are going to
feel the power of this union. You release the drama; you let go of it; you set
yourself free from drama. Nobody can save you and you know this. This
knowledge really sets you free in a huge way. When you know that nobody can
save you, you know that you have to take full responsibility for your life. When
you know that you are the only one who can resolve all your issues, you are
much closer to freedom and to true growth. When you know that nobody else can
do things for you, when you know that you are the only one who can heal you,
you are already free. You are now going to have a very deep intuitive insight
about this, and you’re going to see it and feel it clearly. Whatever it is that you’re
dealing with will be much easier once you know that you are the only one who is
doing it all. You allow things to affect you in a certain way, you allow certain
beliefs and ideals to run the show, you allow or don’t allow emotions and
thoughts to control you, and you give permission or you don’t give permission for
fears to consume you. It is all you and it is all in you. When you know this, you
know from where you have to start and in which direction you have to go. There
is no space for losing yourself once you know that you are the source, you hold
the keys to all doors, and you hold the keys to imaginary doors too, to illusionary
doors—you hold the keys to all your complexities and simplicities. You are the
one—external images are just projections. Once you know this, life becomes
richer in every way, and you become more intimate with yourself. You get to
know yourself much better once you know that you are talking to yourself all the
time. Who is on the other side of you? Ask yourself this question without any
expectations and just allow yourself to receive all kinds of answers. Don’t limit
yourself; feel limitless in all that you do and that you are.

Sagittarius relationship with others

Dear Sagittarius, your social life has been under many tests and challenges
during the last two and a half years. You’ve been through a lot of changes,
restructures, deconditioning, and reconstructions of your communications with
others, your exchange of energy, your investments in your social world, and your
everyday connections. You have learned so many lessons, and some of them
may have been learned in a not so pleasant way, but they were definitely much
needed medicine in your life. You are going to see more of that now in February.
You are going to see and understand how all the ups and downs you’ve
experienced in your relationships with others have been a powerful medicine for
you and your transformations. Saturn has been in Aquarius since 2020 in your
third house of everyday connections, communications, conversations, younger
brothers and sisters, relatives, neighbors, and people from your local community.
Saturn brought serious lessons, serious topics, serious conversations, and you
may have experienced certain limitations and restrictions in your social spheres
during this time. February is the last month that Saturn is here and there are
some final lessons and culminations in your social circles, with your friends, and
with people from your close surroundings. This is Aquarius energy, too, and
Aquarius represents groups of people, all kinds of communities and
organizations, like-minded people, and social connections and disconnections.
Mercury is going to be here, too, starting from the 11th of the month. This brings
you serious themes and a lot of conversations with people from your close
surroundings, people from your local community, people you meet everyday, and
random people, too. You are very responsible for your words now. You have
learned how important what you share with others is and how you share it. You
have matured so much in your relationships with people, and others notice this.
Others may perceive you as an authority. You have learned important things that
you can now share with people. You can expect something really rewarding in
your social connections now. You also have Mars still in Gemini in your seventh
house of one-on-one relationships. You are going to put a lot of energy and
action into your one-on-one connections, and you can expect really strong,
encouraging and action-oriented individuals in your life now. You may collaborate
with some really mentally strong people. You can also expect some really healing
and forgiving energy with your family members and those who feel like your
family. Something beautiful happens in your home, and you will feel emotionally
secure with your family regardless. You will appreciate your family connections
more now or connections with people who feel like your family. International
connections are also strongly accentuated around the time of the Full Moon in
Leo on the 5th of February. You may travel with someone or you may travel to
meet someone. You are connecting with people through learning and studying,
and these connections are significant now, too. This is a very socially active
month for you, and it’s been like that for you a lot lately. You have some serious
work to do in your relationships, so pay attention to how you behave, what you
express and share, how you affect others, and how you perceive your
relationships—what they mean to you and how different would your life be with or
without certain people in it.
Sagittarius love & romantic life in February
Dear Sagittarius, you are invited to the premiere of a love show. Love plays this
month, and you have the privilege to both participate in the show and watch at
the same time. This premiere plays for a whole month, and you will have enough
time to learn and to absorb the feelings, impressions, and lessons that are going
to be presented and shown. Love has a very special taste this month—it is very
deepening, expanding, and abundant, and you’re going to feel the same. You are
expanding your experience of love in all directions. You are stretching your
perception of love, and you’re going to see how different a quality love has when
experienced after hardship, after disappointment, after struggle. Even if you’ve
never experienced it in your love life, you are going to understand the different
qualities of love now, the different levels and manifestations of love. There are
many forms of love, and you are going to feel great freedom of movement
through love, through time, and through space. Your love life is beautifully lit up
now. You will have Venus entering Aries on the 20th of February in your fifth
house of love and romance. You will have the planet of love in the house of love
in the fiery sign of Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac. You are going to take some
risks in love, you are inspired and motivated, and you feel encouraged to move
forward in your love life. You are attracting love into your life just by being
yourself now. Venus is here, but there’s also your ruler, Jupiter, in Aries. Jupiter
is here until the middle of May, expanding your love life, bringing many new
opportunities, expanding your romantic world and romance in general, bringing
you more joy and pleasure and more personal satisfaction. Jupiter and Venus
won’t meet this month, but around the end of the month they will be pretty close
to each other. Venus stays here until the 17th of March, so this continues to be
strong until then. Romance is beautifully highlighted, and you can expect a very
direct romantic connection, a very direct approach in your love life. Venus in
Aries knows what she wants, and she is very action-oriented. You are beautifying
your existing love relationship. There is a harmonious dynamic in your love
relationship, and you will have a lot of fun in your love life. You will have a lot of
good times, good moments, and celebrations with your lover. Mars is still in your
opposite sign of Gemini in your seventh house of one-on-one relationships,
marriage, union, commitments, relationship dynamics, and doing things in pairs.
Mars was retrograde here between the 30th of October and 12th of January. This
has been a not so comfortable period for your love relationships. The past has
played an important role—you may have reconnected with someone from your
past or had to discuss certain things from your past with your partner. You’ve
been finishing the unfinished business in your relationships. Now things are clear
and you’re moving forward, so you’re going to see the results of your efforts,
actions, and investments in your love relationship. You are going to put real
energy and real action into your relationship. Mars is here until the 25th of March,
and when Mars comes out of your relationship zone, you will have full clarity
about what’s been going on all this time while Mars was here—what lessons
you’ve learned, what happened in your relationship, why, and how. This is the
energy of fortune and good luck now, and you are asked to use that energy in the
best possible way that you can. Celebrate love in your life in any form that you
want, in any way that you can. Celebrate yourself, celebrate all the ups and
downs, know your worth and your beauty, and react from the state of knowing
who you are.

Sagittarius sex life in February

Dear Sagittarius, you are breaking some of your routines and habits when it
comes to your sex life. You are breaking away from old beliefs and ideals related
to making love, related to sexual expression and your sexual wants and needs.
You are making more space for finding your own pace with the melodies of
making love. You are composing your own music now, your own rhythm, your
own melody. You are composing movements and vibes. You are composing an
atmosphere of impressions. You are removing all expectations that you have in
your sex life, and you are adjusting yourself with the composition, with the
atmosphere, with the space and pace, with your sexual energy. You can expand
your sexual experiences during this time by expanding your perception. You can
expand your satisfaction by expanding your knowledge, your vision, and your
presence. You have your ruler, Jupiter, in your fellow Fire sign of Aries in your
fifth house of joys, pleasures, children, love affairs, passion, and sexual
satisfaction. Mars, planet of sex drive and action, is now direct in your seventh
house of marriage and partnership. If your sex life has been put on hold lately or
if you’ve experienced some kind of issues with your lover in this area of your life,
you can expect a great boost of sex drive now; you can expect a strong burst of
energy level in your relationship. You may also connect with someone new
during this time, someone who is very energetic, lively, curious, quick tempered,
intelligent, and talkative. Venus enters Aries on the 20th of February where you
already have your ruler, Jupiter, and she enhances the energy of the fifth house.
She increases joy, pleasure, love, and passion. Venus will be here until the 17th
of March. This can be a very fertile period, very beautiful for expressing your
passion with your lover and for experiencing a beautiful exchange of energy.
Making babies is very strong as well. This is going to be very strong as long as
you have your ruler, Jupiter, here which is until the middle of May. This is
amazing for using sexual energy to bring new life into this world. Some of you will
be very happy because of news of pregnancy, but this doesn’t have to happen
now—this can happen any time while Jupiter is here. You are expanding the
expression of your sexuality, expanding the way you perceive sex and sexual
wants and needs. Sexual energy has a very healing effect on you now, and you
will learn more about the healing effects of sexual energy and constructive ways
of interacting with your own sexuality.

Sagittarius career & purpose in February

Dear Sagittarius, you can benefit from many things this month. There are many
positive outcomes and opportunities, and you are going to recognize them and
act on them wisely. Collaborations with other people can be very significant and
you can make a lot of good deals, contracts, and plans with others now.
Business partnerships have a lot of support, and you may do something that is
very inspiring and motivating, something pioneering perhaps, something that is
very creative. Mars is direct now in Gemini in your seventh house of
collaborations and partnerships, which can give you a strong push forward with
any kind of project that involves others, in any kind of one-on-one collaboration,
in any one-on-one business deal. You may be signing contracts or documents,
serious and long-term contracts perhaps. Mercury enters Aquarius on the 11th of
the month and joins the Sun and Saturn there. Saturn has been here since 2020,
and this is the last month that Saturn is in Aquarius in your third house of
connections, communications, marketing, broadcasting, podcasts, the internet,
social media, writing, publishing, teaching, learning, sharing, webinars, seminars,
workshops, and anything related to learning and using skills. You can expect
some serious collaboration, serious group projects perhaps. You can expect
business deals and job interviews or some important meetings with people who
can have a long-term influence on you and your future. You may do a lot of big
work that is innovative and original now. You may do something extraordinary
thanks to your communication, your conversations, your skills, and your
knowledge. Others may look up to you, others may come to you for advice,
others may come to you for a talk, and others may perceive you as an authority
in something that you do, in something that you know, in something that you
present and represent. You may have mastered some of your skills while Saturn
has been here in your third house, and this may escalate now. You may present
your skills in some way, which can be something concrete, something real, and
something innovative. You also have your ruler, Jupiter, in your fifth house of
self-employment, hobbies, talents, gifts, creative projects, creative self-
expressions, and business until the middle of May, and now Venus will join
forces on the 20th. You may work on launching a product or service, or you may
work on something that you fully enjoy and love with Venus and Jupiter together
here in fiery Aries. You also have Full Moon in Leo in your natural ninth house of
international business, foreigners, travel, spiritual teachings, higher education,
higher knowledge, studying, and master’s degrees. Some of you may finish your
studies now or you may finish some learning program or course. You may get
some certificate or license that can serve you in a very good way, in a very
beneficial way. You may be proud of your achievements now. This energy can
also deeply inspire you to search for something higher and deeper, to discover
more meaning in life, to search for spiritual background and foundations related
to your work, career, and purpose. You need to do something that is purposeful,
something that is coming from the core of your being, and you will hear that call
now from the core of you. This is a month of successful innovative projects,
creative projects, business deals, contracts, long-term achievements, and
meaningful work, meaningful investments, and meaningful collaborations and

How the Full Moon in February will influence Sagittarius

Dear Sagittarius, this Full Moon happens on the 5th of February in your fellow
Fire sign, Leo, in your natural ninth house, shining a light on your knowledge,
your wisdom, your spiritual pursuits, your quest for meaning and truth, your
higher education, higher mind and higher self, your travels, your long distance
connections, international connections and businesses, spiritual teachers and
spiritual teachings, beliefs, ideals, philosophy, perception, broadening of your
vision, widening your horizons, speaking different languages, connecting with
people from all over the world, and expanding your life and perspectives. This is
a very adventurous placement, and in Leo, it can be something very big and
lively, generous, personal, warming, heartfelt, playful, enjoyable, and
pleasurable, but also dramatic. Full Moons bring completions, endings, closures,
culminations, fruitions, fulfillments, and dramas. This Full Moon makes a
harmonious and friendly aspect with your sign, but there is a tense square aspect
with Uranus in your sixth house. This can bring some sudden and unexpected
shifts and changes in your everyday life—with your work, with your routine and
habits, and with your health and wellbeing. Things that you learn and discover
now may largely affect your work and your lifestyle. You may take your
knowledge to a higher level, upgrade your knowledge, and expand your vision.
You may be proud of your achievements, your studying, your education, and
your spiritual practice. Some of you may connect with someone who can play the
role of a spiritual teacher in your life or you may be the one who plays that role in
somebody else’s life. You can expect to travel during this time—if you’ve been
planning to travel, now may finally be a time for you to do so. If you’ve been
learning something for a long time, now may finally be a time for you to learn it
and to finish the learning program. Or you may be finishing your journey now—it
may be time to end your travels, and you’re coming back home full of
experiences, knowledge, wisdom, and adventures. You are learning something
that transforms your perception—it can be big, it can be playful, and it can be
enlightening and uplifting. International business is also highlighted, and some of
you may be working with foreigners or you may travel for work or because of
business. You are asked to express your knowledge now, to let go of old beliefs,
let go of old and outdated perspectives and ideals, let go of limiting perspectives,
and dare to look at the world with an open heart and an open mind. You are
examining the world and yourself from a higher perspective. You are exploring
your path and gaining knowledge. Expect something playful and adventurous.
Legal matters are also affected by this Full Moon, and you can expect some
resolution, some culmination in those areas of your life. This can be a very
awakening Full Moon for you, a time when you can see things from a different
perspective. Use this Full Moon to finish what needs to be finished related to your
knowledge, your education, your studies, your learning program, your teaching
program, your spiritual journey, your travels, your beliefs, your perspectives, and
your legal matters. Use this energy to let go of old and restrictive beliefs and
expand yourself, stretch your perception, and dare to travel far and wide,
internally and externally.

How the New Moon in February will influence Sagittarius

Dear Sagittarius, this New Moon happens on the 20th of February in your fellow
Mutable sign, Pisces, shining a new light and bringing new beginnings to your
fourth house of home, family, real estate, your house, your place of living, your
relationship with family members, your roots, your mother, your childhood, your
inner child, your emotional wellbeing, emotional stability and security, emotional
health, your core wants and needs, your sense of belonging, your need to be
taken care of, and your need to take care of others. This New Moon should be
very generous, comforting, soothing, and healing, even though it makes a square
aspect with your sign. Squares can be very helpful, very releasing and liberating,
very healing and purging. This New Moon brings new beginnings, new starts,
restarts, new choices, new decisions, and new stories in your fourth house of
home and family. These are also renewals and refreshments of your home, your
house, your place of living, your family relationships, your mother, and your
emotional wellbeing. These things are strongly influenced by this energy. Some
of you may be moving to a new place—you may start searching for a new home,
for a new house, or you may be changing and renovating your home, upgrading
it, refreshing it, repairing, beautifying your environment, and beautifying your
space. You may make your home a sacred space; you are making your home
your healing space. This is Pisces energy, and Pisces is about healing, cleaning,
letting go, surrendering, and releasing. This is a deep energy of healing and you
may heal some of your subconscious programs and patterns that are rooted in
you, your subconscious family programs, inner child programs, family issues,
wounds, and traumas. It is time for forgiveness and deep understanding with this
energy. This can be a very beautiful and comforting time spent with your family
but also a very rejuvenating and regenerating emotional process for you. You are
going through emotional healing, too. This is a new beginning for you and your
family, for your relationship with family members or those who feel like them, for
your relationship with your mother or with your inner mother, with your inner
child, and with the people you live with. You are bringing peace into your home
and family world now. Some of you may expect new family members, new
roommates, and new energy with your family. This is a very liberating
experience. You are going through forgiveness and healing, and this will bring
you a strong sense of emotional security. You have to surrender emotionally and
to trust. Just relax and make sure you have your sacred space, your safe zone,
your inner home. Use this New Moon to plant new seeds in these areas of your
life, allow new things to happen in your home and family, set new intentions, and
bring something new into your home and your inner home, too. Bring new light—
you now have great support to do so.

Tarot card reading for February

Dear Sagittarius, your Tarot card for February is The Magician upright. This
card represents clear direction, clarity, things that we’re sure about. The
Magician represents intention, power, skill, concentration, desire, manifestation,
and resourcefulness. This card means “As above, so below.” It represents
universal principles, micro and macro worlds, and our connection with the divine.
Microcosm reflects the macrocosm; human beings reflect God and the Divine.
On this card, there is a sign of infinity above the head of the Magician, which
represents the field of infinite possibilities, the infinite nature of existence, and the
infinite possibilities of creation. This card represents pure willpower and
originality. This is about the right usage of will. This card means that you’re
making a conscious decision, and you’re choosing a direction with great
awareness. Setting intention is very important, and this card means that you
know your intention and you’re implementing it now. This card shows that you’re
stepping into your full potential and you’re using that full potential in the most
powerful way. There are no doubts, no hesitations, and no uncertainty—you
know what you want and why you want it. There is a strong determination. This
card shows that you are the blacksmith of your own fate and that you have the
power to manifest things. The Magician is holding one hand up to the sky,
reaching high and downloading, processing and channeling the divine will
through the body down here on the earth. The other hand points down, and it
represents the manifestation of that energy that has been channeled, the
material side of that energy. Intention and manifestation, fire and earth.

This card reminds you that you already have all that you need. You are fully
equipped with everything. Get clear about where you want to go, make your
intention clear, and make your intention meaningful. This card means that you’re
putting your thoughts into action, and you have all the resources that you need.
You are making something tangible, and success awaits you. This card is about
mastery, and it also represents the execution of the plan. There is magic in the
air, but it is not actually magic—it is the result of practice, mastery, efforts, work,
and intention. This is about earthing energy, channeling magic energy. There is a
possibility to accomplish that which seemed impossible before. Recognition and
awards are possible as well. The Magician is connected with the number one,
which represents uniqueness, individuality, and innovation. This card reminds
you that you do have the capacity and capability to change any situation that you
don’t like right now in your life. This card suggests that you should put yourself
out there, express yourself, and show your skills and talents. You have
everything you need in order to succeed. This card means an increase of self-
esteem and self-trust. Self-promotion can be very successful now, and others will
start noticing the skills and talents that you have. This is a time for manifestation,
success, and recognition, but be careful—stay cautious and perceptive. This card
also reminds you that you are not alone. The Universe is always with you, and
there is great power available to you. This card reminds you that you are
powerful and that you can find solutions to problems and obstacles that come
your way. You are the Magician, and you have all that you need to create the
reality that you want. Mastery is needed, discipline is needed, clear intention is
needed, self-esteem, devotion, action and will are needed and you have it all—
you just have to use it.

The most impactful planet for Sagittarius in February

Dear Sagittarius, the most impactful and most meaningful energetic influence of
planetary energies for you this month is the energy of Venus. Venus is transiting
Pisces in your fourth house until the 20th of February, and while she’s here she
reminds you of the importance of your home and family. She helps you beautify
your home, harmonize your relationships with family, beautify your inner home,
heal your emotional insecurities, and bring more peace into your home and
family. Venus is exalted in Pisces, and she feels very good while she’s here. You
can make some very good, positive, and beautiful changes in your home and
create your own safe space, create your own inner sanctuary but also create
your sacred space in your home. Venus then shifts into Aries and highlights your
fifth house of love, romance, creativity, joy, pleasure, children, self-expression,
self-employment, games, entertainment, fun, celebrations, parties, gifts, and
talents. This is highly creative energy, loving energy, romantic energy, and you
will be expressing yourself in that way.

Venus is the planet of love, relationships, romance, beauty, values, finances,

self-esteem, talents, comfort, food, and goodies, but most of all she is planet of
the Heart. She represents the flower of life, and she draws a pentacle during her
eight-year cycle. Pentacles are important, and they represent the full-spectrum
human, all five elements including Aether, Earth, Water, Air and Fire. Venus is a
bridge between matter and spirit. She is represented by roses and flowers, she
creates beauty, and she brings love and relationships. She rules joy and simple
pleasures, and she reminds us of the importance of a pure heart. She shows us
those places that need to be purified in our hearts, and if there are stains and
impurities, we will see them clearly thanks to Venus. She can be blissful, but she
can also be poisonous—if we crave too many sweets, we can become sick and
addicted to sugar and pleasure. We need to keep our needs pure. Her highest
expression is unconditional love toward the self. It is about loving ourselves
including everything that we are—the good, the bad and the ugly. Her higher
purpose is to show us that everything in creation is permeated by love and that
love embraces the whole creation. Venus is about harmony and about us
achieving this harmony. It is about our wellbeing in love and through love. Venus
is named after the Goddess of Beauty and Love, so you can expect a lot of
activities related to love and beauty but also self-esteem and self-worth.

In order to channel the energy of Venus in the most constructive, beautiful, and
practical way, you should work on beautifying every corner of your being and
every corner of your home. Little by little, step by step, work on beautifying
yourself, your behavior, your emotional responses, your reactions, your wants
and needs, your relationships with family members, your relationship with your
inner child, your relationship with people you live with, and your relationship with
yourself. Work on beautifying your home, your space. Every day, bring
something that beautifies your space. Every day, do something that makes your
space new, fresh, and alive. Work on healing your space; make your space
sacred; turn it into your sacred retreat center. Turn your home into your most
meditative and healing place, and work on bringing that feeling into your inner
home, too. Recognize beauty in your life, in people around you, in your family, in
your family relationships. Recognize true value in your family relationships.
Recognize your own values and qualities. Do something that you enjoy doing;
wake up that child within you. Do something fulfilling, something satisfying,
without feeling guilty for enjoying and having fun. Do things that are uplifting that
feed your soul and your body in a beautiful and pleasurable way. Give yourself a
smile and smile to others as well. Whenever there is a chance, give someone a
smile—it means a lot. It can even save lives sometimes. Express your gifts and
talents, express the best of yourself, live each day as if you have to present
yourself in the best possible light in front of the whole world, and always give
your best, do your best, and be your best. Don’t settle for less—live every
moment of life in the best possible way that you can, being the best version of
yourself, being the one you would look up to.

Healing tips for Sagittarius in February

- Imagine that you are riding a wild horse through a meadow that is right next to
the ocean. Feel the power of this place. Feel the vastness of the meadow and
the view which expands even more because of the ocean next to it. You are
riding a wild horse through this landscape, and you absorb every single detail
from this journey. You are totally there, you absorb every impression, and you
feel enriched by every breath you take. You absorb the whole atmosphere and
the whole feeling. You absorb all the colors, all the smells and all the sounds.
Feel this. Go deep into this feeling. You can watch some online videos or images
of wild horses next to the sea, oceans, and meadows. This can help you make it
more vivid if you need to. Enjoy the ride.

- Whatever it is that you're doing during the day, try to focus on the following. As
you inhale, feel as if your own inner Sun shines brighter. Feel this Sun in your
belly. Feel it growing and as you exhale. Feel the rays of the Sun going outward
and shining out from you, from your center. Your belly is the center, and as you
inhale, the Sun grows and shines brighter. As you exhale, the rays from the Sun
spread all over. Feel this pulsation and vibration as you're breathing. Imagine it
and feel it. This is how you help yourself and others around you to align with
higher frequencies and to cleanse negative energies that are accumulated within
you and around you. Enjoy the process and the benefits of this exercise.

- Choose one item that you're going to use as a transmitter of all the energies,
feelings, tastes, and experiences that you don't want and that you find
uncomfortable, heavy, unpleasant and painful. You are going to transmute these
energies through this item. It can be anything you find appropriate—it can be a
pendant, a bracelet, or anything really, any object that you find good for this.
Send every feeling, every taste, every experience, and every memory that you
feel is toxic or negative to this item or object. Send it here with an intention to
transform it. This object will send these energies further in order for them to go
through more processes of transmutation, and they will be returned to you in
converted shape and form, in a shape and form that you can use, that is useful
and constructive. Everything has its purpose, especially these kinds of energies
that you find destructive and heavy for yourself. Transform them and enjoy the

- Imagine that you are jumping from a very big height directly into the thick and
dense whiteness. Feel and see this whiteness as thick, soft fog. You can hear
this whiteness. You can taste it, too. It is so dense, thick, and soft. It is like a
cluster of clouds joined together. Rush into this whiteness from a great height.
Feel yourself being very, very high, and just jump into this beautiful white soft
foggy cluster of clouds. Feel yourself embraced by this. Repeat this a couple of
times. Feel the feeling. Enjoy it. Do it many times during the day. It is a very quick
and simple exercise. Do it as many times as you want. Surrender to this soft
whiteness and enjoy the ride.

- Focus on condensing the best seeds of yours into your heart. Condense your
seeds of awakening into your heart. Collect them, accumulate them, and water
them every day. See your heart as your root center, and water your seeds, your
ideas, your dreams, your good thoughts, and your deeds inside this root. Place it
there and nourish it every day. Imagine these things as seeds. Imagine your
heart as fertile ground and as the root of growth of these seeds. Nourish your
roots, your tree, and your seeds every day. Enjoy this process, and feel the joy of
practicing this technique.

How to use February energies in the best possible way

- Give yourself a hug each day. Give yourself a sincere, compassionate, loving
and empowering hug. Feel yourself regenerated through this hug. Feel protected
by this hug. Feel guided by this hug. Do it consciously. Hug yourself with full
awareness and consciousness that you can and say to yourself: "You're doing
everything the right way. You are doing everything just as you should. You are
doing the best that you can with what you have. I trust you and I rely on you.".

- Stand up. Feel the energy in your feet and feel the energy in your head. Feel
yourself as an antenna and as a bridge that connects earth and sky, spirit and
matter. Feel this energy from the feet going upwards and feel the energy from
your head going downwards. Feel these energies meeting each other in your
solar plexus, and feel your whole body united. Feel your lower and higher
energies married and conjoined in sacred union in the core of your being. Focus
on both energies, on energy coming through your feet and through your body,
and see these energies reaching the polarities. Feel the energy from your head
coming down through your feet, and feel the energy from.your feet coming right
up through your head.
- Do something spontaneous every now and then during each day. Just suddenly
do something unexpectedly. Change the course of your route. Stop while
walking, and take a look into the sky. Say hi to a stranger. Reach out to someone
you haven't seen in a while. Go and visit a friend, a relative, or a neighbor, and
take them out somewhere. Stop in the middle of your work, turn on your favorite
song, and dance to it. Start singing in the middle of talking. Be a bit crazy, a bit
daring, a bit risk taking. Be surprising and spontaneous.

- Reframe your “mistakes” from your life by turning them into lessons. Write down
your significant “mistakes” and “wrongdoings” from the past, from your life, ones
that you remember, ones that are very alive in your being, and turn them into
your lessons. See what you’ve learned through these things and how that
changed you. Use these things in a powerful and constructive way.

- Go through your childhood memories and write down the three strongest
memories that come up to you, the three most memorable memories, the three
most significant ones that come to you. Next to each of these memories, write
one word that describes this memory to you, one keyword. Next to each
keyword, write down five associations that come up for each keyword. Try to see
how these associations are connected to these memories and to your life right
now. See what new insights you can get through these associations. See what
new revelations and discoveries you can get thanks to these associations and
keywords. Find deeper connections between these memories. See why they are
important and how they are still important in your life. What do they have to
deliver to you right now?

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during February

- What am I enthusiastic about right now in my life? What are the top five most
positive things that I am excited about in my life right now? If there are not five
positive things in my life that I am excited about, what can I do to create them?

- What are some of the most significant sacrifices that I’ve made in my life so far?
What kind of sacrifice am I always ready to make for the sake of self-
improvement and self-betterment?
- What do I need to stop running away from? What do I need to stop running

- What is the most liberating thing that I have done lately in my life? What is the
most liberating feeling that I can think of? What is the most liberating state of
being for me? How do I imagine myself liberated from everything that is keeping
me locked and blocked?

- What are my first associations, images, thoughts, feelings, and emotions that
come up when I think of “inner beauty?” What is inner beauty according to me?
How would I describe inner beauty? What does this tell me about myself?


What can Capricorn expect in February

Dear Capricorn, February has a very therapeutic influence on you, and you will
have all that you need to work on yourself without any excuses. You will have all
the conditions, equipment, and tools that are needed for you to improve what
needs to be improved, to succeed in those areas of life that are of greatest
priority and importance, and to gain the knowledge, wisdom, and sufficiency that
you want to gain in life. You are able to handle so many things, and this ability
will bring you some precious rewards now. You are going to enjoy the fruits of
your labor, and you’re going to see how everything pays off in life, sooner or
later. Everything and everybody counts—nothing is forgotten or deleted. Every
action, every reaction, every effort, every word, every tear, and every smile
counts, and you’re going to feel that strongly. You’re going to see that every
seemingly insignificant little thing counts, too, which will make you even more
aware, even more present, even more ready to be as conscious as you can. You
have gained a lot of self-worth lately, you have earned self-esteem, and you’re
going to officially feel it now. This is not just foolish self-esteem and self-trust, but
a real one, one that cannot be torn apart just like that. This is self-esteem that
has spiritual foundations and roots and cannot be exhausted, depleted, or
removed so easily. You are going to feel stable on the inside, and this will be the
greatest reward that you can get. No matter what’s going on externally, you will
be able to handle it—things will be much easier for you.
On the 5th of February, there’s a Full Moon in fiery Leo in your eighth house of
investments, shared resources, banks, loans, inheritance, pensions, passive
income, credits, and taxes, but also intimacy, partnerships, transformation, death,
and rebirth. This Full Moon can mean some kind of loss, but this loss is actually
transformation. This could be some big transformation, or it may seem big
because this is Leo energy and Leo represents big things, grand things. This can
involve money and investments, and this is not really the best time to make big
investments. It’s better to wait until the later part of the month. Avoid investments
if you can around this time. This Full Moon makes a square aspect with Uranus,
planet of shocks, surprises, and sudden changes, and Uranus is in your fifth
house of children, romance, love, business, self-employment, creative projects,
pleasures and joys. You may invest in your children perhaps, or you may invest
in creative projects, in your own business or in something entertaining, but you
should be very careful and check things a couple of times if you really need to
make some investments now. This energy will affect your inner world, your inner
processes, your psyche, your unconscious motives, desires and attachments.
You are going to release something big from the inside out, you are going to
throw out some parts of your shadow during this time. This is a culmination of
some kind—something is brought to light that has been hidden, and you are
going to reveal that. This can be the child within you that has been hidden and
suppressed and now it’s allowed to speak up and to come out and play.

On the 11th of February, Mercury enters Aquarius and joins the Sun and your
ruler, Saturn, in your second house of finances, financial matters, earnings,
incomes, possessions, material security, priorities, self-worth, self-esteem, and
self-sufficiency. Mercury here can bring some serious financial conversations and
transactions. You can make important deals and sign some contracts that can
serve you, that can benefit you. Your ruler, Saturn, has been here in your second
house since 2020, and this is the last month that Saturn is here before it enters
Pisces on the 7th of March. The Sun and Saturn will meet each other on the 16th
of February, and this can be very important for your finances, your earnings, your
income, your budget, and your purchases. It is a good time for big purchases
now. There are no retrograde energies, there are no Eclipses, you have a clear
vision, and you can push things forward now—you can go for it. You can use all
the lessons you’ve learned in the previous two and a half years while Saturn has
been here. This can be something very karmic. You may receive some rewards
that could be financial but also emotional. This is about gaining a sense of
stability and security and also financial and emotional self-sufficiency. This could
be a culmination of the work you’ve done in these two and a half years. You have
gone through a lot of financial reconstruction, and now you are building long-term
stable structures in these areas of your life. You have gained financial maturity
and discipline, and you’re going to see that now.

On the 15th of February, Venus and Neptune meet together in Pisces in your
third house of everyday connections and communications. This is an amazing
combination for your relationships, for your communications and conversations,
for short trips, for magical adventures, and for learning some skills that you’ve
been dreaming of before. Venus is exalted in Pisces, and she feels very good
here. She is at home while in Pisces and Neptune is the modern ruler of Pisces.
This is a wonderful combination that brings you something magical, otherworldly,
inspiring, spiritual, soulful, and dreamy. These are soulful connections and
healing conversations, especially with your siblings, your relatives, people who
feel like your younger brothers and sisters, your neighbors, people from your
local community, and people you meet randomly on the street every day. This is
a huge time of forgiveness and healing in these relationships and also through
conversations. Your words can be very healing now, and whatever it is that
you’re saying to others can have that healing and therapeutic effect. Your words
are hypnotizing, and you should use this energy for the benefit of all. The Sun
joins this energy on the 19th, and on the 20th, there’s a New Moon happening
here, too. New Moon in Pisces in your third house can bring you new people,
new connections, new conversations, divine connections and communications,
deep spiritual connections, and deep thoughts because the third house is also a
mental house, related to thoughts and thought patterns. This is something that
refreshes your mental state of being and rejuvenates and regenerates your
thought patterns. You may experience an inspirational flood, and if you are a
writer, this period can be extremely creative and intuitive. You are also brilliant in
anything that has to do with teaching and learning, sharing information, reading,
and interacting with people in every possible way. You may be learning new
skills, skills that are very deep and inspiring.

On the same day of this New Moon in Pisces, Venus comes out of Pisces and
enters fiery Aries, your fellow Cardinal sign. You already have Jupiter here in
your fourth house of core emotions, your home and family, your house, your
roots, your mother, your childhood, and your emotional stability and security.
Jupiter will be here until the middle of May, and it’s expanding your home and
family world. Now Venus comes here, too, and this energy is really beautiful and
uplifting for your home and family matters. You may be moving or thinking about
moving, you may be looking for a new home, or you may just work on making
more space in your home, beautifying your environment, bringing it to life, and
rebirthing your space, your house, the place where you live. You can expect
expansion of your family, more family members, more things to do with family,
and expansion of emotions, too, and Venus here brings more harmony and
beauty in your family relationships. Venus won’t meet with Jupiter this month, but
their mutual energy will be felt anyway. They will meet somewhere around the
very beginning of March. Venus stays in Aries until the 17th of March, so you will
have more time to experience these harmonizing effects in your home or with
your family. This is a very powerful time for making some decisions about your
place of living, about your house, about buying or selling a house, about
renovating your place, or about dealing with something in your family life. You
can expect more freedom in your home, more space not only in your external
home but also in your inner home, with your inner child. You will make peace
with your inner child.

Mars is still in Gemini but it is direct now, and you will start seeing the results of
your past efforts in areas of your health, your wellbeing, your work, your
schedules, your organization of life, your lifestyle, your pets, your time
management, your service to others, and your daily routines and habits. Mars
has been here ever since the 20th of August, and it was retrograde between the
30th of October and 12th of January. This must have been frustrating, irritating,
and heavy when it came to your work, your health, and your wellbeing. You may
have had to take a rest, to dedicate more time to your health and wellbeing, or
you couldn’t find a time to rest and you overworked yourself because you
couldn’t organize yourself in the right way. Whatever the case, now Mars is
direct, and you will be able to move forward in these areas of your life, to see the
progress with your health, with your physical body, with your work, with your daily
organization, and your routines and habits. You may have had to choose
between many different options when it comes to your work or when it comes to
how you use your energy. Now you’re going to be more energized and ready to
organize yourself in the best possible way, to make things easier for yourself and
to be more efficient in your work, with your use of energy, and with your time and
your schedules. You are going to invest in your own purity, in the purity of your
mind, body, and soul. When you work on that kind of purity, you align with
everything naturally and you attract things that are fully aligned with you, too.

This month has a lot of positive and uplifting energy, has a lot of opportunities for
you to show what you’ve learned and how you’ve grown. This is a month of
preparation for next chapters and adventures. This is a time for you to start really
looking after yourself, appreciating yourself, honoring yourself, and maintaining
the highest and purest level of self-worth, self-love, self-esteem, and self-

Capricorn relationship with inner self

Dear Capricorn, you are given a lot of tools now to work with yourself in a real
way, in a serious way, to dedicate to your true wellbeing, to dedicate to the things
that are most important, to being awake and conscious. When you’re awake and
conscious, you are made of pure wisdom and you channel that wisdom right
through you. But in order to gain that wisdom and to purge yourself, you need to
sacrifice some things, you need to let go of some things that are not serving you,
to leave some things behind. You need to understand that there are so many
things that you think you cannot live without, that you don’t actually need at all.
You need to be free—that is your natural urge, natural need. You are now
rediscovering your natural needs, and you’re busting all artificial and imposed
needs that you’ve absorbed and confused with your own needs. There are so
many needs in your life that have nothing to do with you, that don’t belong to your
being at all. You are going to discover some of them now, to reveal some of them
now. You are ready to take risks when it comes to your inner work—you are
ready to try things you haven’t tried before. You may try some new practices,
new techniques, or new meditation programs that you may have been ignoring
and perceiving as something that had no value or that had no power or strength
to make any change. You may also realize now that these kinds of thoughts are
only a matter of your perspective and you’re going to change your mind about
many things now. You are changing your mind in a good way, for the better, but
this is not just your mind—this is you making a conscious decision about
improving your life, and this conscious decision automatically transforms your
mental influence and mental patterns. If you usually feel great pressure, if you
usually feel big responsibility, if you usually feel as if you are carrying a huge
burden on your shoulders, you may start feeling how this is starting to soften
now. You may feel a big responsibility toward others, you may think that you
have to take care of everyone and everything, but this month you are given a
golden opportunity to take care of yourself and to see that you’re just running
away from taking care of yourself when you have that strong urge and need to
take care of everything and everyone. Your first and foremost obligation is to take
care of yourself in its purest form so that you can inspire others to do the same
and take care of themselves. You are going to take care of yourself in a serious
way. You are serious and yet playful when it comes to your inner work. You are
enjoying it as much as you’re struggling with it. You find great pleasure in doing
the inner work now. You recognize the power of being fully honest with yourself
and allowing yourself to digest and process things that need to be digested and
processed without putting those things on a pedestal, and also without putting
those things under the rug. You are taking care of your inner flame, you are
revealing the secret of who you are little by little, and this month you are going to
find a part of what you’ve been looking for, and that is going to give you great
motivation and courage to move forward and keep the flame lit up.

Capricorn relationship with others

Dear Capricorn, your words have such amazing power now and you have to be
more responsible with them; you have to be more responsible for the way you
say things, the tone you use, the gestures you make while talking about certain
themes, and the sound of your voice. All these things have a huge impact on you
and your relationship with others, which immediately affects your relationship
with yourself. You are going to find a common language with others now,
especially with those you may have not been able to communicate with lately for
who knows what reason. You are entering a very healing period with others. This
whole month has a powerful effect on you, your thoughts, your words, and your
mental state through your conversations with people, your connections, and
through forgiveness. Forgiveness is key during this time, forgiveness is
something that sets you free in every way, forgiveness makes you shine and
grow, and forgiveness guarantees inner liberation from limitations, frustrations,
irritations and anger. This can be achieved now thanks to certain connections
and conversations with others. You may have a very healing experience with
your younger brothers and sisters or those who feel like them, with your relatives,
with your neighbors, with people from your local community, or with random
people from your close surroundings. There could be some situation that puts
you in the present moment and that awakens your hidden qualities. Someone
may now inspire you to act in a certain way that is constructive, that is healing,
that is forgiving. Your words can have a deep healing impact on somebody, or
somebody else’s words can have that influence on you and your actions. You
may also go on a short trip with your friends, with relatives, or with siblings, and
you can experience something beautiful and harmonious, something that has a
strong spiritual quality. You are connecting with people on a soul level, and you
can exchange your stories, your experiences, your struggles, and your
adventures with others, which can be very helpful for everyone. All of this is
happening because there’s a conjunction between Venus and Neptune in Pisces
in your third house on the 15th, which will be felt a couple of days before and a
couple of days after this exact conjunction. Pisces represents unity, oneness,
spirituality, unconditional love, forgiveness, understanding, compassion, and
healing. Venus is the planet of love, beauty, harmony, and relationships, and she
is exalted in Pisces. Neptune is ruler of Pisces, and Neptune represents dreams,
fantasies, illusions, inspiration, spiritual freedom, romance, deception, movies
and music. There’s also a New Moon happening here on the 20th. You can
expect new people coming into your life, new connections, new inspiring people,
and new friends or neighbors who may be some kind of healers. You will
experience friendly energy with people, and if you are able to forgive, to really go
through the forgiveness process within yourself, to sincerely feel that forgiveness
in your heart, your mind, and your body, you will instantly feel that shift in your
relationships with others. You may be reframing things you said before—you may
fix some things, fix your words, and correct the way you said some things. You
can also expect harmonious energy with your family members, especially starting
from the 20th onward when Venus enters Aries and your fourth house of home
and family where you already have Jupiter, the big expander.

Capricorn love & romantic life in February

Dear Capricorn, you always have all that you need in every given moment, and
some of you will have a very clear and precise insight about this. Having all that
you need in every given moment is something that gets you closer to
understanding the nature of love, the laws of love, and the simplicity of love. You
are going to question some things now related to love and how love can be
expressed. Your role model is going to be love, and this is the best possible way
to get closer to yourself, to your truth, to your essence, to love. When you
perceive love as a role model, you cannot go wrong, and in order to do so, you
may have to be present, conscious, aware, and relaxed at the same time. Love is
not something that you can buy, but it is definitely not something that you can get
for free either. You are going to understand this on a deeper level, too. There is
something you need to give, something you need to sacrifice, something you
need to get rid of in order to make room for love. There is a great quote from
Rumi who says: You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens. So, don’t be
afraid of getting your heart broken—your heart cannot be broken really—it can be
painful, but it stretches and grows bigger, it spreads and opens, and then it
becomes receptive, it becomes flexible, and it becomes beautiful thanks to
openness and vulnerability. What you have to sacrifice is always something
illusionary. What you have to get rid of is your limited perception. What you have
to let go of is your fake personality and fake needs. You are going to see that
clearly now, which will have a very good influence on your love life, on your
romantic relationships, on your behavior in love relationships. This month is very
good for healing conversations, forgiveness, and openness. You will have Venus
in Pisces until the 20th of February, which is almost the whole month. Venus is
here in your third house of everyday connections and communications, and if
you’re single, you can expect a lot of social interactions, a lot of beautiful and
harmonious conversations and meetings. You may meet someone through a
friend, or this can be a very lovely friendly energy with someone that can grow
into something more. You can expect more harmonious and healing
conversations with your existing romantic partner, too. Something deep,
meditative, healing, and comforting is present in your love relationships, and you
are going to have some strong insight and sudden flashes related to love as a
state of being and related to love in relationships. Don’t forget that love is your
role model—treat yourself and others according to that and see how this affects
your love life and your ability to experience and receive love. You can also
expect sudden romantic opportunities, sudden romantic encounters. Uranus is in
your fifth house of love and romance, and there’s a square aspect between
Uranus here and Full Moon in Leo in your eighth house of intimacy, shared
intimacy, shared life, and shared resources with your partner. Be careful when it
comes to reactions and passionate impulses. Some things may happen that
challenge you and your position in a love relationship. Something may trigger you
in a way that you react impulsively. There could be some possible drama in your
love life or something related to your children if you have them or to your
conversation about children with your partner. There are sudden shifts in your
love life now that may be triggered because of themes related to shared
resources, shared money, shared intimacy, and secrets. If there is something
that has been hidden in your love relationship, it can be revealed now; it can be
brought to light. There is a necessary release from the pressure happening, and
you will have a great opportunity to release something huge in your intimate
world, with your intimate partner, or when it comes to your past intimate

Capricorn sex life in February

Dear Capricorn, your sex life is interesting this month, and it can be a bit intense,
a bit under pressure. It can be under the spotlight of your inner self, under the
investigation of your inner self. You are doing some deep research of your sexual
wants and needs, of your sexual desires, of your unconscious sexual
attachments and dreams. You are searching through yourself for clues and
answers about certain affinities you have, about certain fetishes you may have,
about certain feelings that are triggered through sexual expression and sexual
intimacy. This month can be a bit tricky when it comes to your sexual expression,
and you should be more careful about with whom you share that kind of energy
and how. There’s a Full Moon on the 5th of the month in the sign of passionate
and fiery Leo in your eighth house of shared intimacy, sexuality, and sexual
expression. This Full Moon makes a tense square aspect with Uranus in Taurus
in your fifth house of children, joy, pleasure, sex drive, and sexual affairs. This
can create some potential issues in your sexuality. In some cases, this can also
bring up themes of children and making children with your partner. Some of you
may discover some difficulties in the process of making children. Some of you
may have difficulty in expressing your sexuality with your partner for some
reason. This is all very active around the beginning of the month. As the month
progresses, this energy changes and shifts, but it is important to know these
things if they happen. Make sure you allow yourself to feel all that you have to
feel, and make sure you don’t make some impulsive decisions either if you are
too eager to merge with a partner when the partner is not there. Don’t rush into
any new connection just for the sake of satisfying your needs. Try to find some
other powerful methods to channel this huge energy if you don’t have a partner
with whom you can be intimate. There could be some personal, intimate, private
thing that somehow puts a certain pressure on you when it comes to your sex life
and sexuality. But this is all a necessary process on your path, and this is
another level for you when it comes to releasing those pressures from your body,
releasing energetic, mental, and physical pressure, releasing traumas from the
past, and releasing emotional blocks and protective systems that sabotage your
experience from time to time. Of course, not everyone will experience this in the
same way, but for all of you there is something challenging that you need to see
and acknowledge, that you maybe need to let go of, that you need to accept and
adjust when it comes to your perception of sex, sexuality, and sexual expression.

Capricorn career & purpose in February

Dear Capricorn, be careful around the beginning of the month with your
investments and credit, with your shared resources, and with loans and taxes.
Some kind of loss may be experienced now—there is some spending that you
may not have counted on. Sudden and unexpected situations may cause you to
spend more money than you planned or to lose some money. But this energy
can also bring you money—you may win money or find money, or you may
receive money through others, through your partners, through your children, or
through your family. It all depends on your personal situation, but beware of big
investments around the time of the Full Moon in Leo that happens on the 5th of
February. This Full Moon makes a square aspect with Uranus in your fifth house
of gambling, taking risks, speculations, and passion projects. Be careful if you’re
investing now—some unexpected loss may be possible because this Full Moon
happens in the eighth house of loss and transformation. But, if loss happens,
know that this was a necessity and that you sacrificed this for something that
you’re about to reveal under the Full Moon light. This is a short period, and you
may not even feel any of this, but it is still something that you should be aware of.
The rest of the month is very good for the things that you want to do, for your
success, for achievements, for reaching your goals, for finally seeing some
progress with your finances, your work, your talents and gifts. You may use your
secret gifts and talents; you may discover some of your precious abilities now.
There are secret things within you that are being unlocked now as a reward for
you. You are rewarded for something, and you have an opportunity to enjoy the
fruits of your work, to enjoy the blossoming of the tree that you planted before.
Mars is now direct in Gemini in your sixth house, and you have a lot of motivation
and inspiration to get going with something that you’re working on. The way you
live your life has a very strong influence on your life path and your work, your
earnings and your priorities. You are encouraged to move forward with any
project, work, or routine that you’ve been putting energy into lately. You may
have felt frustrated because your efforts and struggles didn’t show any results,
but now this is about to change. Your everyday work, your everyday effort is
about to pay off now. You’re starting to see results of your healing, your purging,
your self-care, and the service that you’ve been giving. You have your ruler,
Saturn, in Aquarius in your second house, and this is important for you. Your
ruler is activated now through the conjunction with the Sun on the 16th, and you
also have Mercury here starting from the 11th. Things you’ve been working on
hard during the last two and a half years are now starting to show results.
Lessons you’ve learned since 2020 are culminating now, and you’re able to see
how much you’ve learned and grown when it comes to your priorities, self-worth,
self-sufficiency, your financial situation, financial stability, your possessions, your
use of gifts and talents, and your use of resources. You are building up your
strength, and you are improving your financial health at the same time. You also
have an activation of your third house—there’s a New Moon happening there and
a Venus and Neptune conjunction in the sign of Pisces. This brings you a lot of
new beginnings and new opportunities related to your communications, your
networking, online work, local community work, marketing, broadcasting, and
artistic work that you can express through words, through writing, through
photography, through design, through connecting and sharing information,
podcasts, seminars, webinars, workshops, and webshops. These things are
magically supported, and the second half of the month is really very good for
initiating these things and for moving forward, for making your dreams come true
in these areas of your life. You may start learning some new magical skills too,
something that can be very healing and also productive and efficient.

How the Full Moon in February will influence Capricorn

Dear Capricorn, this Full Moon happens on the 5th of February in the sign of fiery
Leo in your eighth house, illuminating your secrets, your inner world, your
unconscious realm, your hidden world, things you don’t want to be seen, known
and heard, things you want to keep beneath the surface, and things that you’re
afraid of perhaps. This is a house of death and transformation, loss and rebirth,
alchemy and transmutation, metamorphosis and transition. This is a house of
sexuality, shared intimacy, an urge to merge but also the house of shared
resources, shared money, your partner’s money or somebody else’s money,
banks, credits, loans, bills, pensions, insurance, inheritances, money you receive
through others, winning money, and finding money, but also giving money and
losing money. Full Moons bring culminations, endings, completions, closures,
revelations, fruitions, drama, fulfillments, and disclosures. Something is brought
to light; something is illuminated; something that has been ignored, avoided,
denied or suppressed is now pulled up to the surface. Some secrets may be
revealed during this time, or some intimate and confidential information may be
brought to light. You may share something intimate with someone, with your
partner or with your business partner. This is Leo Full Moon, so this energy can
bring generous and warming energy, too—playful, joyful and entertaining, but it
can also bring dramatic and intense energies and feelings, inner work, and
shadow work. You may be more interested in doing research of some kind,
digging deep to discover something, and you may finally find what you were
looking for. This Full Moon asks you to let go of something traumatic and painful,
to transform it into something useful and constructive. This is a time when you
can bring out that inner alchemist and use your negative patterns as a necessary
instrument for your personal transformation. This Full Moon also makes a square
aspect with Uranus in Taurus in your fifth house. This can affect your children if
you have them. You may have to make some investments related to children
perhaps, or you may have unexpected expenses connected to your children,
your project, your business, your creative work, your hobbies, or your
performances perhaps. On a deeper level, this Full Moon wants you to get down
into your personal underground, your personal underworld, and have an
exclusive experience of seeing things you couldn’t possibly see before because
you were not ready for it. Now you have earned some more light in your personal
underworld and you have more enlightened rooms that you can come down and
visit, walk through, deal with, and see what they mean for you. This Full Moon,
you may receive some money through your partner or somebody else, but you
may also have to give your money to someone. You may have to pay some bills
that you’ve forgotten about, but you may also have to dig up some old wounds
and traumas that you’ve suppressed or that you’ve confused with something else
that you were not able to see clearly. This Full Moon wants you to deal with these
things so that you can make more space for that flame to shine and to guide you.
Leo Full Moon ignites that flame and encourages you to walk through the
unknown. Let go of everything that is not serving you anymore—this is time for
healing and purging, for detoxing. Eighth house is the house of detox, and it’s the
best time for you to do that now. Mental, emotional, and physical detox hold the
keys. Release what needs to be released, find your perfect outlet for these
energies, transform, change, be an alchemist, face the unknown, get rid of
toxins, and let this Full Moon in Leo show you the secret power that you hold
within yourself, hidden beneath the layers of dirt and emotional and mental dust.
How the New Moon in February will influence Capricorn
Dear Capricorn, this New Moon happens on the 20th of February in the sign of
Pisces in your social and mental third house. This is the energy of new
beginnings, new light, new vision, new starts, renewal, refreshment, and restarts
in your third house of everyday connections and communications including your
connections with younger brothers and sisters and those who feel like them, your
relationship with relatives, with neighbors, with local community, and with people
you meet every day, people from your close surroundings. This is the energy of
learning, teaching, sharing information, reading, writing, publishing, editing,
marketing, broadcasting, and networking. This is also a house of knowledge and
education, skills, communication, words, short trips, thoughts, and thought
patterns. This New Moon in Pisces is a very healing and comforting New Moon,
and it should bring a lot of healing conversations and connections with people,
healing thoughts and inspiring knowledge, inspiring and artistic skills. You can
expect meeting new people, new friends, new neighbors, and new people from
your everyday surroundings and your close environment. This New Moon can
also bring a strong energy of forgiveness, and you may go through a forgiveness
process with people now, with your younger brothers and sisters or those who
feel like them, with your relatives, with your neighbors, with your friends and your
classmates. This is a deeply spiritual energy, and you may have a very strong
connection with people now, a spiritual connection. You may be drawn to
somebody on a totally subconscious level. Telepathy is also highlighted during
this time, and this New Moon can show you these kinds of connections—
telepathic connections, telepathic communications. Your words can be strong
and healing; they can be very refreshing and rejuvenating. You may experience a
renewal and refreshment of a certain relationship with someone, of a certain
connection with someone with whom you have separated a little bit lately. You
will feel greater compassion, and you will have a deeper understanding of others.
It will be easy for you to put yourself in the shoes of others, which will give you a
more objective perspective. You may start writing a new book during this time if
you’re a writer. You may be writing a new project or working on developing some
new skills. It is also a great time for starting some kind of learning program. You
may be more interested in learning things that give you more knowledge and
understanding of the lesser seen realms, of the invisible, of the intangible, of the
spiritual and otherworldly. You are discovering something new that opens up
your mind, that stretches your perception of the world. Short trips are highlighted
now, too, and you may go on a short trip locally with your friends or siblings or
both. You may learn something deep and profound on this short trip, and you
may have some healing experience and great insights. So, if you can, go on a
short trip, learn something new, read some new book that deepens your
experience of life, connect with people, choose your words wisely, and keep an
open heart and mind.

Tarot card reading for February

Dear Capricorn, your Tarot card for February is The Lovers upright. This is a
card of union, relationships, love, new important choices and decisions, and new
relationships and commitments. This card means that you’re at a crossroads of
some kind. You need to make a certain decision. This card represents a very
important decision that needs to be made, a decision to grow up, to mature, to
move on, to take your own responsibility, or to make the decision to stay where
you are, to stay on the level of a child and to stay in your comfort zone. This is
really an invitation to grow up and to detach from infantile attachments. The
Lovers represent separation from the roots and movement toward the unknown
where you will have to take your own responsibility. This is separation from the
known into the unknown, from immature to mature, from infantile to grown up.
This is a journey of growing up, and this doesn’t mean that if you’re old enough
that you’re mature and grown up. We are growing up and maturing throughout
our whole life in different segments and on different levels. Decisions and
choices you make during this time will not only affect you, but others in your life,

This card represents harmony and bliss in relationships and in yourself, too. This
is about two sides that are synchronized, that are in balance, that are in peace.
This card represents good relationships between you and others. It is not only
about lovers and romantic relationships—it goes way beyond this interpretation.
It is about two sides that are in harmony, two parts that are in a peaceful
relationship, and you should see your relationships this month working out well.
This is about two forces that come together in a nice and harmonious
relationship, but it is also about inner peace. Two lovers in the card also
represent two hemispheres of the brain, two principles within ourselves, feminine
and masculine and their balance, their harmony, so this is about inner calmness
too, inner bliss, harmonious inner feelings, and inner fulfillment. This card
represents a journey toward peace and harmony. It is about duality and unity—it
shows duality in everything and the union of that duality and how everything is
actually one. But this card also reminds you that harmony and bliss can be
distorted easily, that they are fragile and that inner peace needs to be maintained
and protected. This card shows Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. It shows
an Angel above them and the Sun behind the Angel. The Angel is Raphael,
Angel of Air, and Raphael is associated with healthy communication, loving
communication that is the foundation of a healthy relationship. There are two
trees: the one next to Eve is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and the
tree next to Adam is the Tree of Life, and this card represents that moment of
bliss and innocence. This card represents union in a cosmic sense and the
perfect balance of dual nature, the union between two opposing forces. This card
shows that the man empowers the woman, and she empowers him, too. Their
bond is strong and confident, and sometimes this card can mean marriage, too.
This is about making the right choice, doing the right thing, making choices from
the heart, and being the best that you can be. This card says listen to your heart.
This card reminds you to love yourself and to do things out of love, to make
choices according to your heart.

The most impactful planet for Capricorn in February

Dear Capricorn, the most impactful and most meaningful energetic influence of
planetary energies for you this month is the energy of Venus. Venus is in Pisces
during the first twenty days of the month in your third house of communications,
connections, words, thoughts, conversations, thought patterns, siblings, relatives,
neighbors, local community, short trips, news, messages, teaching, learning,
sharing information, writing, reading, and learning and developing skills. Venus
will make a conjunction with Neptune here on the 15th of February, and this
brings a beautiful and healing energy, harmonious connections, forgiveness,
compassion, reconciliations, healing conversations, powerful words, inspiring
conversations and connections, and healing thoughts. Venus then shifts into
Aries on the 20th of February where she will stay until the 17th of March and she
highlights your fourth house of home and family. Here, Venus brings good energy
and good vibes related to your home, your family relationships, real estate,
working from home, relocation, renovation, and upgrades to your home but also
to your emotional wellbeing and emotional stability.

Venus is the planet of love, relationships, romance, beauty, values, finances,

self-esteem, talents, comfort, food, and goodies, but most of all she is planet of
the Heart. She represents the flower of life, and she draws a pentacle during her
eight-year cycle. Pentacles are important, and they represent the full-spectrum
human, all five elements including Aether, Earth, Water, Air and Fire. Venus is a
bridge between matter and spirit. She is represented by roses and flowers, she
creates beauty, and she brings love and relationships. She rules joy and simple
pleasures, and she reminds us of the importance of a pure heart. She shows us
those places that need to be purified in our hearts, and if there are stains and
impurities, we will see them clearly thanks to Venus. She can be blissful, but she
can also be poisonous—if we crave too many sweets, we can become sick and
addicted to sugar and pleasure. We need to keep our needs pure. Her highest
expression is unconditional love toward the self. It is about loving ourselves
including everything that we are—the good, the bad and the ugly. Her higher
purpose is to show us that everything in creation is permeated by love and that
love embraces the whole creation. Venus is about harmony and about us
achieving this harmony. It is about our wellbeing in love and through love. Venus
is named after the Goddess of Beauty and Love, so you can expect a lot of
activities related to love and beauty but also self-esteem and self-worth.

In order to channel the energy of Venus this month in the most empowering,
constructive, and practical way, you are invited to invest in beautifying your
communications, your words, your gestures, your facial expressions, your tone,
and your voice. Make your words soft and gentle; make your words beautiful.
Challenge yourself to transform any possible heavy word into a beautiful and
harmonious word. Every word has its frequency, every word has its vibration, and
the way you say something also has its own frequency and vibration. Put more
love and beauty into your words, into your everyday communications, into your
connections with people. Beautify your connections with others, too. Put more
love into your everyday communications. Put more meaning, more beauty, more
value into your words, into your facial expressions, and into your hand gestures.
Be aware of the energy you put out there. Be more aware of the energy you
express through your eyes, your hands, your lips, your whole body. Put
ingredients of love and beauty into every motion and every word that you
express. Invite people for dinner—invite your siblings, your relatives, your
neighbors for dinner. Prepare beautiful meals and make some cozy moments
with your loved ones, with the people close to you. Connect with your inner
Venus and make sure you channel the energy of Venus through your energy. Do
your research about the energy of Venus. See what she represents symbolically,
what she stands for, what is her highest expression, and make sure you do your
best to express the highest expression of Venus in your life.

Healing tips for Capricorn in February

- Close your eyes and focus on the silence that you hear. Focus on the silence
and your breath and visualize an oak tree in front of you. Use your imagination to
visualize the environment of an oak tree and the whole image. You can visualize
an oak tree in the midst of the darkness as well. It is your free will to make it as
you wish. Now, feel this oak tree. Come closer to it. Feel it pulsating and
breathing. Notice an entrance into the tree. This entrance becomes clearer as
you come closer. Enter into the oak tree. Get inside of it, and feel the moment of
entering into the tree. You are going to be given all kinds of different answers,
questions, experiences, and impressions once you're there, but first focus on the
moment of entering the oak tree. Feel the whole atmosphere of this scene, of an
oak tree, of you walking towards it and noticing an entrance, of you walking right
through it. Practice this every day. It is very simple and helpful and it really opens
a whole new world for you. Enjoy the ride.

- Focus on your lungs, on both wings of your lungs, and feel the left and right
side. Now, feel your wings on your back. Feel your left side and your right side.
As you focus on your left side, feel all your mother's ancestors, your mother's
entire ancestry. Focus on this even if you don't know them. It doesn't matter. Feel
them in your left wing. And now focus on your right wing and feel all your father's
ancestors here. Feel both sides and both lines of ancestors behind your back.
Feel how you're carrying them and how they carry you. Feel the responsibility of
being here and now, and just embrace that feeling. Feel your purpose, feel their
purpose, feel your wings, and fly on your ancestors. Don't ask them for anything.
Just be grateful for being here and now and feel them as your support on your
evolutionary journey. Enjoy the ride.

- Feel the Sun and the Moon as your eyes. Focus on the meaning and purpose
of the Sun and the Moon and try to implement their archetypes into you. Try to
walk through life as if you have the Sun and the Moon in your eyes. Research
about the deeper meaning of the Sun and the Moon in Astrology. See what the
Sun represents and what the Moon represents, and then integrate these ideas
into your life and into your being. Moon is your mind, your emotions, your
relationship with mother, your receptive nature, your ability to receive, and your
emotional stability while the Sun is your consciousness, your conscious Self,
your active and creative impulses, your source of light, principle of giving, being
able to give unselfishly, your relationship with father, and so on. Research about
the relationship between the Sun and the Moon and do your best to implement
both principles into yourself. Once you get to know them better, feel them as your
eyes and feel the power of walking through life with that feeling of having the Sun
and the Moon in your eyes, having their wisdom and vibration.

- Connect with the five elements of nature and existence which are Earth, Water,
Air, Fire, and Aether. Connect with each of them in your own way. Illustrate these
elements in some way, sing them, dance them, meditate on them, imagine them,
play with them, and then see them all puzzled together in one form. See this
flower of life. See the pentagram of five elements and yourself as a star with five
rays—your head, your arms, and your legs, your five fingers on each hand and
your five toes on each foot, your five senses, and feel the connection with these
co-creators, with these five elements. Be grateful to these elements for providing
you all that you are, all that you breathe, all that you eat and live. Be aware of
their presence in everything and especially in you.

- As you speak, be aware of the power of your voice and your words. See the
words that come out of you as living entities, and feel these entities. See what
kind of entities you emanate into the external world. Be aware of their strength
and existence. What kind of entities do you produce, emanate, and spread
through your voice and words? Try to see and feel these entities as you speak,
and see how they make you feel. Are they constructive and meaningful entities,
or not? Observe what kind of energy you produce and send out into the world.

How to use February energies in the best possible way

- Write down a list of things that you judge, things that make you blame others.
Think about these things, and then write down a list of things that are opposite to
the blaming list and see how you feel about these things. Go through the list and
see what you can check off from the list that you're doing. Also, imagine the
world in which you would be witnessing only these opposite things. See if you
can find things in this list of opposites that also make you feel judgmental,
blaming, or irritated in some way. Think deeply about these things. Also, notice
how much time and energy you spend on the things that you judge, blame, or
criticize or that make you feel nervous, uncomfortable, and uneasy. See if you
can spend this time and energy more productively. Try to shift your energy and
your focus each time you feel yourself entrapped in a blaming game.

- Try to always work on self-improvement, no matter how hard it may be

sometimes, no matter how strong your need is to just complain about something
or talk about something that has no strong value or meaning. Resist this need
and make a conscious effort to work on self-improvement and self-development
no matter what. Whatever it is that you're doing or feeling or thinking, don't be
lazy. Don't let gravity put you in a state of forgetting your true potential and
meaning. Always strive for the best, always go toward the highest, and always
give your best to improve yourself on all levels—improve your thoughts, your
words, your actions and reactions, your habits and routines, your connections,
your family ties, your friendships, your behavior, your everything. Don't let your
mind tell you that you don't have to do this if others are not trying to improve
themselves. You worry about your self-betterment and always strive toward it.
Don't forget this, in all your activities. Improve the food that you eat, the things
that you listen to, the things that you're watching and reading, everything. Always
and everywhere work on self-improvement, no matter what. Enjoy the process
and the benefits of it.

- Be ready to heal and to cleanse no matter what comes up from your

subconscious. Be ready to deal with it, be ready to face it, be ready to confront it,
and be ready to integrate it and to accept it. Don't avoid. Don't escape. Stand in
front of your shadow and welcome it with your arms wide open. Be grateful that it
showed up. Be grateful for being able to face it and to cleanse and release and
accept. Welcome it and feel your own strength, your own determination, your
own responsibility, your own heaviness, your own greatness in front of it and see
it as an integral part of you and remember that shadow emerges when there is
light in the darkness.

- Try to do things without any expectations. Everything that you do, say, think,
and love, do it, say it, think it, and love it without any expectations. Try to do all
this without expecting anything in return. You will see it's not easy, but it's very
meaningful, and it sets you free in the most brilliant way. Practice this throughout
your days each day. This is a very powerful thing to do and it creates a deep and
profound change for the better in your life.

- Put more love and beauty into your everyday connections and communications.
Don’t forget this. Always have this reminder with you. Always put beauty and love
into your words, into your motions, into your look, into your facial expressions,
into your attitude, into your posture, into your movements, and into everything
that you are and that you do. No matter how many times you forget to do this,
don’t worry. Just keep practicing. Keep practicing all the time and soon you will
feel how this transforms you from the inside out. Slowly but surely. Good luck!

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during February

- What is the most therapeutic thing that I do in my life or that I experience in my

life? What is the greatest therapy for me in my life right now?

- What do I want to gain in my life right now? What are the top five things that I
want to gain? What does this tell me about myself?

- What is the most enjoyable thing in my life right now? How aware of it am I? Am
I grateful for it? Do I appreciate it and honor it?

- What are the things that I celebrate every day? What are my reasons for
celebration on a daily level? What does this tell me about myself?

- What is the most powerful decision that I have made lately? How often do I
make powerful decisions, decisions that are beneficial, decisions that serve me,
decisions that recharge me and refresh me?


What can Aquarius expect in February

Happy birthday, dear Aquarius! This is your season, your mini-rebirth time, and
you really need it now after all the turbulence and intensity that you’ve been
through due to eclipses that affected you directly. You are preparing for some
huge shifts in your life that are starting next month, but you are probably going to
feel them now, too. February is a bit of an easier month for you, a break between
storms, and you’re recovering, regenerating, and rebirthing yourself now. You
had to pick up a lot of trash that you’ve dropped along the way and didn’t notice,
and that process helped you greatly to feel better, to work better, to behave
better, and to take responsibility. You have been through some big lessons lately
about responsibility and discipline. You have had to grow up and see where
you’re being spoiled and infantile in your behavior and your reactions. You had to
really stand up for yourself and say No to certain things in your life, to certain
emotional and mental programs and patterns, to certain addictions, to certain
attachments, to certain repetitive actions, to certain escaping tools. You had to
tear down some walls, towers, and fortresses that you’ve been building
unconsciously in order to protect yourself and keep yourself in your world, in your
comfort zone, in your ignorance perhaps. You’ve done a lot of work with yourself.
Life showed you where to go and what to do and you continue perceiving life as
your greatest teacher.

On the 5th of February, there’s a Full Moon in your opposite sign of Leo in your
seventh house of relationships, partnerships, commitments, collaborations,
unions, separations, marriage and divorce, official matters, and justice and
fairness. This Full Moon brings things to light—it illuminates something that you
have to see and acknowledge in your relationships, in your commitments, and in
your social, intimate, or business partnerships. This energy affects your one-on-
one relationships, your close personal relationships, and things can change now
in some of your connections. You can change the way you do some of your
relationships. This Full Moon makes a square aspect with Uranus in Taurus in
your fourth house of home and family, your emotional stability, your roots, and
your past. Your home and family situation may somehow affect your one-on-one
relationships now. Something may happen unexpectedly that puts you in a
challenging situation with someone. A family member may interfere in some of
your one-on-one relationships, or a family situation may disturb a certain one-on-
one relationship in some way. There’s a pressure point here, but remember that
pressure is needed for release to happen. There is no release without pressure,
and this can be a very liberating thing now in your relationships. There’s a certain
release that happens in your relationships, a culmination of some kind, an ending
or a fruition.
On the 11th of February, Mercury enters your sign and joins the Sun and Saturn.
Mercury in your sign inspires you to learn more about yourself, learn more about
who you are, apply the knowledge that you have, use your intellect in the right
way, and perceive yourself in a clear way. Expect more clarity about yourself,
about who you are, and about what your wants and needs are. You may have a
lot of conversations with yourself about yourself. You may have a clearer
perspective of your personality and character now. The Sun and Saturn meet
each other in your sign on the 16th of February, which is important and
significant for you. The focus is on you, and you are tested and challenged once
again when it comes to your self-responsibility, self-discipline, maturity, and self-
stability. How do you define yourself? How do you feel within yourself? How do
you represent yourself? How do you behave? What do you express? What do
you put out there? How do you feel about yourself? How do you see yourself,
and how do others perceive you? These questions become important now, and
you will see some of the answers now. You will know if you’ve done the work in
the right way or if you have to make some more adjustments, changes, or
transformations, if you have to pass some more tests. Saturn has been in your
sign since 2020, and this hasn’t been an easy transit. Saturn is the lord of karma,
the lord of time, the lord of the rings, and Saturn has been teaching you some big
lessons. You’ve been restructuring yourself. You’ve been under reconstruction,
and now this conjunction brings these past two and a half years to a head. Your
own authority is very important. Do you have authority? Do you have authority
issues? This will be seen now, too. If you’ve done the work in the right way, if
you’ve invested in your integrity and authenticity, your authority, and your
maturity, you will feel this very strongly now in your relationship with yourself and
in your relationship with others. Your image and your physical appearance are
important. How do you show yourself? How do you present yourself? What kind
of personality do you put out there in the world? You will have more clarity about
this now, and you will also see how far you’ve come in your self-mastery journey.

On the 15th of February, Venus and Neptune join together in the sign of Pisces
in your second house of money, financial situations, earnings, income, self-worth,
talents, gifts, and abilities. Venus is exalted in Pisces, and she feels very good
here. Venus is in her own house when in the second house, too, so she feels
very comfortable being here. Neptune is the ruler of Pisces, and this conjunction
can bring some really magical financial opportunities and improvements. This
can bring you a lot of financial healing, as well as healing of your self-esteem,
healing of your relationship with money, and healing related to your possessions,
your earnings. This can be something that brings you comfort, something that
brings you a loving energy, something that makes you feel financially
independent, or something that brings you material and emotional stability and
security. This energy is even more strengthened and enhanced because the Sun
joins forces on the 19th and there’s a New Moon here on the 20th. You can
definitely expect a new source of income now, new financial opportunities, new
ways of using your gifts and talents, a new sense of self, and renewal of your
self-esteem and self-worth. You can manifest money now in a beautiful way.

On the same day of the New Moon in Pisces, Venus, planet of love, beauty, and
harmony comes out of Pisces and enters Aries where you already have Jupiter,
planet of abundance, wisdom, prosperity, and fortune. This is really a loving
combination in your third house of connections, communications, news,
messages, skills, learning, teaching, sharing, short trips, networks, and everyday
connections. This involves your younger brothers and sisters, your relatives, your
neighbors, people from your local community, and friends and people you
randomly meet in your everyday life. You can expect some beautiful and loving
messages during this time, great connections with people, and abundant and rich
connections and communications. You may learn some amazing skills now or
you may be in a position to teach someone something beautiful. This is a
wonderful exchange of energy with others. You may visit beautiful local places
now, fall in love with people and places, and connect with people romantically
and also socially. You will be determined and courageous in your conversations,
and you can achieve a lot using tact and diplomacy in your everyday connections
and communications. There’s a lot of charm and charisma in your connections
and conversations, and many doors will be open for you now.

Mars is still in your fellow Air sign, Gemini, in your fifth house of love, romance,
joy, pleasure, children, creativity, business, self-employment, games, sports,
gambling, risks, playfulness, self-expression, entertainment, and fun. Mars has
been here ever since the 20th of August and was retrograde between the 30th of
October and 12th of January. You may have experienced certain delays in these
areas of your life, things may have been slowed down, and you may have had to
do things twice. No matter how much effort and energy you invested in these
things—in love, in romance, in children, in projects, in creativity, in business, in
having fun—it may have felt as if nothing was happening. Mars retrograde had its
task of putting more focus on your inner world, on the child within you, on your
true wants and needs, and now you are ready to move forward again and you will
see results of your efforts and energy now. Things start manifesting for you in
these areas of your life, and you will feel that forward momentum. Just keep
moving forward in these areas. Put energy into your business, into launching
something, into your children, into your creative projects, and into your love life.
Mars is on your side, and you have support to take action and initiate things, to
take some risks if needed, and to have fun along the way.

This is a big month for you, and you’re preparing for even bigger events, for huge
shifts that are about to happen next month, dear Aquarius. You are getting ready
for a whole new journey, for whole new chapters, for something you haven’t
experienced yet, for something totally different from what you’ve lived so far.

Aquarius relationship with inner self

Dear Aquarius, you are finding great support within yourself now—you are finally
getting in touch with your inner support. You may have felt as though this support
was never there, but you’re going to see that this inner support is always present,
but it seems as if it’s not there when you’re looking for support from others. You
may have been looking for external support so long that you totally disconnected
from your inner support. You may have been searching for help, for support, for
comfort, and for answers in external sources for so long that you forgot that you
may have your own inner source, your inner support, your inner source of power.
This doesn’t mean that you should never search for external support, of course.
We all need support from each other, but if we only rely on external sources of
power and support, we become blind, and our being is left in the darkness. We
are searching for the light all the time, failing to find it because we search for light
in the wrong places. This is one of the lessons for you this month that will show
you how important it is to have a daily conversation with yourself, to have quality
time spent with yourself every day, to look at yourself every day, to look into your
eyes and question yourself, to see who you are, to get to know yourself, examine
yourself, look for that support within yourself, take responsibility for yourself, see
things that need to be improved, and see things that have already improved and
give yourself some credit for it. You are very much aware of yourself now. You’ve
been through a lot of self-examination, self-reconstruction, and self-observation
lately, and now you’re going to receive some of the results of your work. You are
going to reap what you have sown during the last two and a half years, which has
been the length of Saturn’s stay in your sign. Saturn won’t be back in your sign
for another 29 years, so make sure you learn these lessons well now so you
don’t have to repeat them again in 29 years in a different shape and form. See
what you’ve been through since 2020. What has changed? How have you
changed? What are the crucial things that have changed in your life, in how you
perceive yourself, how you perceive life and death, how you perceive fear, and
how you react to certain things in life? You have to look into these things now
and go through a little recapitulation, through a short recap of your life in these
last couple of years and see what are the crucial and the biggest transformations
that you’ve experienced. Where did you find support and strength? Where did
you find wisdom? Where did you find motivation and inspiration? Contemplate
these questions and remove layers of fears that hide in every corner of your
psyche. You can do this now, and you will be thrown out of your nest in order to
see how well you’ve learned to swim and dive through the oceanic depths of your

Aquarius relationship with others

Dear Aquarius, February is a very interesting month when it comes to your social
interactions and your friendships, your relationships and your personal close
connections. You are connecting and disconnecting, you are separating and
uniting, you are getting closer and you’re getting further, you’re coming together
and coming apart, you are balancing between you and your relationships with
others, you are finding the sweet spot between your needs and the needs of
others, and some of you will eventually see that the needs of others are your own
projected needs, your own suppressed and unconscious needs projected on
others. This is not easy to digest and accept, but once you do that, you set
yourself free from many troubles in relationships, from many expectations, from
many fears of others, from many fears of rejection and betrayal, from many
frustrations and irritations in relationships, from imbalances and injustice. Some
of you will reach that level of clairvoyance now, but if you cannot understand and
accept this, it doesn’t matter. You are still going to feel some great release in
your relationships, one way or another. You have Full Moon happening in your
opposite sign of Leo in your seventh house of one-on-one relationships. This Full
Moon also makes a square aspect with Uranus in Taurus in your fourth house of
home and family. So, this energy affects all your important one-on-one
relationships and also your relationships with family members and with those
who feel like your family, and with people you live with, too. You can expect
some challenging energy here now, some kind of pressure that leads to release.
This can involve your intimate relationships, too, and also any kind of
relationships including business partnerships. There is possible drama with
someone, a possibly dramatic one-on-one situation or some family situation that
affects your relationships with others. Something comes to a head now in your
close personal relationships. You may go through a process of big emotional
discharge in a certain relationship that is setting you free and teaching you a lot
about yourself, too. Saturn in your sign together with the Sun on the 16th puts
you in the spotlight but also your one-on-one relationships, because these are
opposing forces, two sides of the same coin, you and your reflection in the mirror.
You need to take full responsibility for who you are and how you perceive and
receive things from others. You need to show your maturity in relationships and
apply learned lessons in your relationships. You also have Jupiter in Aries in your
third house of siblings, relatives, neighbors, local community, and random
connections with people from your everyday reality. Venus joins this energy on
the 20th of February, and with Venus here, you can really count on some
beautiful connections with people from your close surroundings—you can count
on courageous people and fiery conversations that have the power to spread
light and beauty. This is Aries energy, fiery energy ruled by Mars, and Venus
here is very action-oriented. She gets what she wants. You may be doing
something pioneering with others, with people from your local community, with
your neighbors, or with your siblings. This is direct energy, and this is direct
communication, but with the tact and diplomacy of Venus, with charm and
charisma. You can expect very interesting connections with others now. These
are very inspiring and motivating connections and conversations that can expand
your social skills and teach you so much more about life and relationships.

Aquarius love & romantic life in February

Dear Aquarius, you have some tricky moments in your love life happening this
month. You have some possible crises to experience in your love relationships,
in your commitments, and in your union. There’s a Full Moon in your opposite
sign of Leo in your seventh house of relationships, commitments, marriage, and
union, but also divorce and separation. This Full Moon brings something to a
head in your relationships. It can also bring something to an end, but this doesn’t
have to mean the end of a relationship—this can mean the end of a certain
situation you’ve been going through in your relationships, or it can mean the end
of a certain phase in your relationship. Something may also come to fruition
around this time. You may make a sudden decision about your love
relationship—you may make a sudden decision to end a relationship, to start a
relationship, to get married, to get divorced, to commit, to separate, or to
reconnect. Some of you may make some of these sudden decisions now. Uranus
makes a square aspect with this Full Moon, and Uranus is a planet of shocks and
surprises, unexpected shifts and awakening. Your family may be involved
somehow in your love affairs or your family situation. Your home situation may
affect your decision in a love relationship in some way. You also have Mars in
your fellow Air sign of Gemini in your fifth house, now direct after being
retrograde, and this can boost your love life in many ways. This can give you
courage, motivation, and inspiration to make a certain decision and to move
forward with it. You are putting your energy and efforts into your love and
romantic life, and you’re about to see the results of your past efforts in love
relationships, too. If you’re single, this can bring you interesting connections with
others, fascinating people. You will have clarity about something you’ve been
confused about in your love life and love relationship. You will be determined
now about a certain decision that you’re making. You also have Venus entering
Aries on the 20th of February and shining a light in your social third house.
Venus is a planet of love and relationships, and here she can bring you romantic
connections with people, with people from your close surroundings. Venus in
Aries is very action-oriented, and she gets what she wants. Flirtations are
highlighted now, and you can easily get in romantic touch with someone through
a passionate conversation. Venus in Aries is courageous, and she takes risks.
Mars in the fifth house also takes risks, and even though the Full Moon at the
beginning of the month can bring some challenges and tests, you will be very
action-oriented in your love life and ready to take some risks and have fun along
the way, despite everything, despite the outcome. Expect some big release in
your love life and also new flame, new spark, new passion that inspires you to be
daring and brave in all that you do and say. Sudden romantic encounters are
very possible this month, too—sudden fated meetings, karmic releases, and
karmic connections and separations. There’s a big emphasis and focus on your
love relationships this month, and it’s your task to deal with this, whether this is
happening in your existing relationship or you’re experiencing things on an inner
level with yourself or you’re dealing with past relationships. You are on your way
to clearing the air and going through a release point in your love life. You have to
show self-responsibility, self-discipline, and stability in who you are now. This is
especially important for your state of being, for you experiencing love and for
expanding love through your love relationships.

Aquarius sex life in February

Dear Aquarius, your sex life may have been somehow blocked lately. It may
have been distorted in some way or you may have been experimenting a lot,
doing things differently, exploring your body, your senses, exploring sexual
energy, and exploring things with your partner. Mars, planet of action, passion,
and sex drive has been retrograde in your fifth house of love, romance, sexual
pleasures, and love affairs. Mars retrograde changed the focus, changed the flow
and the energy, and turned it all inwards. You were not able to do things in the
same way that you usually do them; you were not able to experience pleasure in
the same way you usually experience it. You had to experiment, to be patient, to
turn inward, and to express your passion, your sexuality, and your desires in a
different way. Now you have Mars direct, which is really good news for you. Mars
stationed direct on the 12th of January, but it was still a bit slow in January—it
was just waking up and starting to move forward again. That takes some time.
Mars is still in the post-shadow retrograde phase, but it is getting closer to a full
direct motion. This will be felt, and you will have that playful and uplifting energy
present and strong now. Your sexual energy is lively and refreshing, and you will
experience sexual pleasure in a very playful way. You can actually have a lot of
fun. Having fun as an ingredient to sexual pleasure is very important. Enjoying
the very act of sexual experience is maybe something you’ve missed many times
because you may have been focused on something else, or you may not have
been present in that moment and missed experiencing the real feeling. This
month, you will be there, and you will be able to really feel the pleasure of
experiencing the sexual energy, and that very moment holds a huge potential for
releasing you from the pressure that is kept in your body. Your emotions are also
stored in your body, and you do have a great ability to release huge emotional
tension through sexual expression of any kind, either through making love or
through accumulation of sexual energy and meditation, or through long daily
walks and workouts, through any kind of physical work that channels your sexual
energy in a healthy way. Too much sex is not good either, and some of you may
also figure that out now. That can leave you feeling very exhausted and even
depressed. So, if you find yourself in a situation of doing too much of it, know
your limits, and do something that recharges your energy. Be in the Sun, take
long walks, workout, do 24 hour fasting, do hydrotherapy, climb a mountain or a
hill, swim, do breathing techniques, stretch your body, or do anything that
regenerates and recovers your sexual and vital energy.

Aquarius career & purpose in February

Dear Aquarius, this month carries some beautiful gifts and presents for you.
Expect some really beautiful opportunities for great financial shifts for the better,
for healing some possible financial traumas or financial issues you’ve been going
through. You will have an opportunity to gain more material stability and security,
to improve your financial situation, or to find something that maybe seems too
good to be true but that could really be true this time. Venus and Neptune join
together in Pisces in your second house of finances on the 15th of February, and
this can be a very beautiful money manifestation—you can monetize things now
related to your creativity, your artistic abilities, your gifts and talents, your ideas,
your plans, and your skills. You can really get some golden opportunities for
gaining more self-esteem now, too, for starting to value yourself in the right way.
You need this, and this is something that you’re going to work on in the future.
Saturn is about to enter Pisces in March and will stay here for two and a half
years. This transit now, along with the New Moon that happens here on the 20th,
initiates you into these big shifts and changes in your financial world related to
your emotional and material stability and security. Venus is exalted in Pisces,
and she feels like she’s at home when in Pisces—this is where she can express
herself in the most powerful way, without limitations, and she is also in her own
house, the second house of values, finances, comfort, and self-sufficiency.
Neptune rules Pisces, and this energy is really amplified during this time. You
can expect great healing energy in your financial world and with your self-esteem
and self-love. Self-worth is deeply connected to your financial situation and
material stability, and you’re going to start working on self-worth a lot. You can
gain extra income during this time, passive income. You may start earning
money in a really interesting way—through the arts, beauty, photography,
creativity, through artistic and creative work of any kind, or through healing work.
Mars is still in Gemini, and it’s direct now. It is still in its post-retrograde shadow
period but less than it was in January. Now you are going to see the results of
efforts and actions you’ve invested into starting your own business perhaps, in
turning your hobbies into a business, in creative projects and self-expression,
and in your gifts and talents. You have support from Mars to move forward now,
to keep going, to push for something you want to achieve without stopping,
without giving up and turning back. Just keep going. You have this support
now—you are encouraged and motivated to launch something, to publish
something, to show your abilities. You can gain financial stability during this time,
or at least you can start resolving a big financial issue that you may have. It’s an
amazing time for working on your self-sufficiency and financial independence.

How the Full Moon in February will influence Aquarius

Dear Aquarius, this Full Moon happens on the 5th of February in your opposite
sign of Leo, illuminating your seventh house of others, shining a light on your
commitments, collaborations, partners, friends, and all your one-on-one
relationships including social, intimate, and business relationships. This is a
house of unions and separations, marriages and divorces. This is a house of
justice, fairness and equanimity, official matters, agreements, negotiations, legal
matters, and business partnerships. This Full Moon brings a resolution in your
relationships sector, in a certain partnership, in a certain agreement. Something
needs to be revealed and released; something needs to be acknowledged and
adjusted in your relationships with others. This involves all your one-on-one
relationships—this can be a relationship with a friend, with a lover, with a
business partner, with a spouse, with an ex-spouse with whom you have some
legal work to do or with whom you have children, or this can be your lawyer, your
therapist, your doctor, your dentist, your coach, your mentor, your teacher, your
trainer, or your partner in crime, too. This is any kind of partnership and
agreement in partnership, and with Leo Full Moon, this can be somewhat
dramatic energy—emotionally driven, reactive, and egocentric perhaps. But it
can also be generous energy—warmhearted connections and relationships,
creative and playful. It all depends on your personal situation, but there is
definitely something important that happens in a certain relationship in your life.
Something may come to an end, but something may come to fruition, too. Full
Moons are times of endings, completions, closures, culminations, fruitions, and
fulfillments. Some of you may get married during this time while some of you may
get divorced. This Full Moon makes a square aspect with Uranus, a planet of
sudden and unexpected shifts and changes. Uranus is in Taurus in your fourth
house of core emotions, roots, past, mother, family, home, house, and place of
living. You can expect sudden and unexpected decisions that you may have to
make in a certain relationship due to some situation that you have related to your
home and family. This is a time to release what needs to be released. Squares
can bring pressure and crises, but without pressure, there is no release, and this
is a time for release, for liberation, for discharge, for setting yourself free from
something restrictive in your relationships. But this Full Moon can also bring
culminations and things may come to fruition in your relationships. This can be
an unexpected romantic surprise perhaps, or this can be an unexpected and
sudden joyful experience with someone you’re close with, with someone you
have that one-on-one relationship with. You are resolving certain issues now.
There is a change happening in some of your one-on-one relationships and they
actually reflect your relationship with yourself, too. This Full Moon can show you
the deeper side of your being through your relationships with others. You are
invited to take a deeper look into yourself and into your own relationship with
yourself and see what’s wrong there, what’s missing, what’s not right, and you
may see these things through your relationships with others. You are upgrading
yourself and your role in relationships, you are improving your relationships, and
you can expect important moments in your partnerships. If you have some legal
matters that you have to resolve, this period can bring something to a head, and
you may finally see some kind of resolution. Court cases may reach their
culmination point now, and if you have something that needs to be made official,
if you are making some agreements official, now is a really good time to do so.
Use this energy of the Full Moon to guide you in your relationships with others, to
help you release any pressure you may feel in a certain relationship, and to make
an important decision about the direction of a certain relationship or partnership
in your life.

How the New Moon in February will influence Aquarius

Dear Aquarius, this New Moon happens on the 20th of February in watery Pisces
in your second house of earnings, income, budget, financial status, money, your
money, money that you earn, your possessions, things you own, your resources
and the use of those resources, your relationship with money, your psychology of
money, your self-worth, self-value, self-love, self-sufficiency, material stability
and security, your hidden gifts and talents, and your priorities. This New Moon
brings you new beginnings, new opportunities, and new possibilities in your
financial world with your financial situation, with your earnings, with your income,
and with your savings and spending. This is Pisces energy, so this can be a very
healing and soothing energy, too. You may go through healing of a certain
financial issue; you may experience a great healing of self-esteem issues, self-
worth issues, and self-love issues. This is an amazing opportunity for all kinds of
financial recoveries, refreshments, and renewals, and also for recoveries related
to self-confidence. If you have issues with self-confidence, this New Moon is
really giving you some amazing possibilities to work on self-confidence, to gain it
in a beautiful way, and to recover from any type of self-disempowerment, self-
discouragement, or self-disrespect. You are building a new sense of self now;
you are planting new seeds in these areas of your life. Expect new sources of
income, new ways of earning money, or renewals of income and earnings. You
can expect extra income, too, something that can boost your inspiration and your
motivation. You are discovering some of your hidden gifts and talents perhaps.
You are using your abilities and capacities in a new way so that you can provide
yourself with everything that you need. This New Moon brings you a new sense
of comfort, a new concept of values and priorities in life. This is a great time to go
after your dreams, your financial dreams. This New Moon is supported by an
aspect that happens five days prior to this New Moon which is the conjunction
between Venus and Neptune, also in Pisces in your second house of finances,
money, and self-worth. These are the things that you need in order to survive in
this dense physical world—this is about material safety, stability, and security,
and you can expect something otherworldly now in these areas of your life. Some
dreams may come true, you may purchase something that’s very important to
you, or you may be in a position to provide things for yourself that you’ve been
dreaming of. Just make sure you don’t become delusional and unrealistic in your
wants and needs and with your financial abilities. Set your priorities, look at your
concept of values, and see what is really important, what is it that you really
need. This is the energy of newness and freshness, and you’re going to feel that
energy now when it comes to your finances, earnings, possessions, ownings,
self-love, self-worth, and self-confidence. Don’t forget to set your intentions, plant
new seeds, initiate something new in these areas, and start something that will
take you further toward where you want to be and what you want to manifest.

Tarot card reading for February

Dear Capricorn, your Tarot card for February is The Knight of Pentacles
upright. This card represents stable energy. It shows someone who is
dedicated, practical, reliable, hardworking, stoic and efficient. His word is solid as
a stone. He is committed and patient, reliable to the bone, and he is someone
who knows the hardships of the path that is in front of him but firmly and steadily
goes in that direction. This is a card of responsibility and steadiness. This card is
about facing each challenge that comes up and being prepared to fall off from the
horse and climb back on. This is a friend you can lean on, and this card can
mean that you will have someone who reflects this kind of energy in your life right
now. This may not be the funniest person to be around, but this is someone you
can really count on, someone who will never let you down, no matter what. This
is a card of complete commitment and it can also mean that you will have a lot of
these characteristics too, that you will be acting in this way, that you will be very
committed, steady, patient, reliable, responsible and diligent. This is a card of
determination; you may be very determined about something, very persistent and
even stubborn, but this persistence will take you somewhere. You know that
something demands hard work, and you’re ready for it. You don’t give up, and
you keep pushing. But, you should also check if you’re being too stubborn with
something that may not bring any results and that you need to let go of. The
energy of this card represents someone who will spend as much time as he
needs to finish the business that needs to be finished. This energy can be used
in such a valuable way now. You will be able to endure and to keep going no
matter what, but you shouldn’t be pushing in the wrong direction. You have to
see whether you’re doing something right or not, whether you’re pushing in the
wrong direction or not.

This is also about being methodical and having a plan. This card speaks of the
need to know things in advance, to know what awaits you and what you need for
this journey. This is someone who respects all the rules and all the signs. It is
very possible that you will have this kind of person around you during this time
and this person can be of enormous help, but don’t count on spontaneity and fun
with this person. This is someone who wants to finish their tasks and to show up
on time everywhere. This Knight is not in a rush. He plans. He knows he will
succeed when the time is right. He waits for the right moment, which could also
mean that you’re waiting for the right moment for something. You are all set up
and ready. Everything is prepared as the Knight is fully equipped and ready, just
waiting for the right moment. But don’t be fooled by his calmness—he is a Knight.
This is Fire energy, energy of action. It is just a different manifestation of what
we’re used to seeing when Knights in Tarot show up and always run into
something. This card is related to physical pleasure, to sensual pleasure, to
sexual pleasure, which sometimes means that this pleasure can last a whole
night. The Knight is someone who keeps his promises, and he always checks
everything—is everything done properly? Is everything right? Is everything where
it should be? When this card is pulled for a reading, it gives you a message that if
you feel tired or exhausted with something, if you feel like giving up, don’t give up
yet. Be a bit more persistent. But if a situation is on hold for too long, if nothing
happens, if it’s stagnant, then this card means that you are too stubborn and you
should let it go. It may be hard to discern, but this card suggests that you will
know if you’re being too stubborn with something that is actually not working or if
you’re giving up on something that is about to give results. This is a friend one
can only wish for, so look around you and see if there are some Knights of
Pentacles in your close surroundings.

The most impactful planet for Aquarius in February

Dear Aquarius, the most impactful and most meaningful energetic influence of
planetary energies for you this month is the energy of the Moon. You will have
Full Moon in your opposite sign of Leo in your seventh house of relationships,
your one-on-one connections, your commitments, legal matters, official matters,
your social, intimate, or business partnerships, all kinds of one-on-one
connections, close personal relationships, justice, fairness, equanimity,
agreements, and negotiations. This Full Moon makes a tense square aspect with
your modern ruler, Uranus, in Taurus, in a key area of your life, your fourth house
of home and family. Some triggers, challenges, pressures, and crises can be felt
now in these areas of your life, and the role of the Moon is very important. How
you channel that energy is very significant because you can change the way it
manifests, of course, and you are given the tools, the knowledge, and the sight
that you need in order to work with these energies.

The Moon is one of the most influential planets in Astrology. Together with the
Sun, it forms unity. The Sun and the Moon are two eyes, two lights, silver and
gold, honey and milk, feminine and masculine, plus and minus. They are two
energies that keep things in balance. They rule the night and the day. The Moon
is all about maternal instincts; it is about emotions and different phases. It rules
our moods and the shifts of our mind and heart. The Moon represents our need
for security and stability. It rules our comfort zone, the things we’re used to—it is
our nest and our relationship with our mother but also with Mother Nature and
with our inner Goddess and inner Mother regardless of our gender. The Moon
represents nurturing energy, caring energy, nourishing energy, and it is also
associated with the mind and fluctuations of the mind. The Moon can make us
overly emotional, overly reactive, easily provoked and irritated, and it can also
make us compassionate, kind, gentle and friendly. It is always a reminder that we
have to work with our emotions and channel them in the right way. The Moon
represents people as well and their influence on us as individuals. It rules our
daily life and daily habits, and it connects our brain and our belly, our mind and
our heart, our nerves and our cells. It governs the rhythm of the body and our
routines and habits. The Moon quickly changes its phases. It moves from waning
to waxing phase, and it affects the fluids and the water in our body; water
symbolically always represents emotions, so these are emotional fluctuations,
too. The Moon is also related to receptive energy, to the feminine principle, to
instincts and intuition, rhythms and cycles. The Moon rules our digestive system
and our eating patterns related to our emotions. The Moon rules our reactions,
the way we react, our unconsciousness and unconscious patterns, our
relationship with the mother, our past, our past lives, our growing up, and our
subconscious habits. It rules our memories and our feelings that are packed with
those memories. The Moon also has a lot to do with our soul food, what feeds
our soul. The Moon has always been related to dreams, beauty, and imagination,
and it also rules fertility and pregnancy. The Moon represents our home and our
family, our roots and our ancestors and it also rules our own space and our need
for security.

In order to channel the energy of the Moon in the most constructive, healing,
empowering, and liberating way, you should work with your emotional and mental
patterns, especially in your relationship with yourself and with others. You are
asked to observe your mental and emotional patterns, to recognize their
repetitive cycles and behaviors, and to notice your triggers especially in
relationships. Notice what disturbs you, what takes you out of your comfort zone,
what triggers your emotional and mental patterns to come up again and be
replayed. Your task is to become conscious of these patterns, programs, and
triggers. Write them down—each time you notice something that could be a
trigger, a program, or a pattern, write it down and observe it. See these things in
you. Notice your projections on others. See what you’re projecting onto others.
See what you’re suppressing in yourself, what you’re neglecting, and what kind
of needs and wants you are denying and ignoring that you recognize in others.
These are very powerful things to do, and this can be very liberating and freeing.
Release as much as you can, release all that is not yours, all that doesn’t belong
to you, and release and let go of all the wants and needs that are not serving
you. Express your emotions in your relationships, be honest, and be sincere, but
don’t be sincere and honest for the sake of hurting someone. Be sincere and
honest in a way to resolve issues, to remove the heaviness if there is any, to
remove difficulties and obstacles, to work through things, and to clear the air.
Inspire others to be better, to do better, to work better, to live better. Be that kind
of example. Be the light of the Full Moon in the dark night, enlighten the
darkness, and imagine yourself as the Full Moon that spreads light and manifests
powerful and beautiful moonlight. Enlighten your mind and your heart, improve
yourself, be better, do better, speak better, behave better, connect better, and
live better.

Healing tips for Aquarius in February

- Choose one object or item that you find around you and focus on it strongly. Do
not pay attention to anything else around it—just keep your full attention on that
one thing and keep your focus there for some time until you feel the focus is
strong. Now, close your eyes and continue seeing the same object or item that
you've been focused on. Continue being focused on it with your eyes closed. You
have just transferred this object into your mental body. Stay focused on it for
some time and really see it and feel it there. Then, slowly open your eyes and
see the same object again. You can repeat this a couple of times. See the object
with your eyes opened, then close your eyes and project the object, and see it
with your eyes closed. Practice this each day. You can do this anywhere
anytime. It is very simple and easy and yet so powerful for your conscious focus
and concentration, for being in the present moment and not wasting your energy
on unnecessary thoughts and emotions.

- Imagine that you are a heavy rain that is falling on you. Feel yourself directly
exposed to this heavy rain and feel yourself as this heavy rain that falls directly
on you. Feel yourself in both roles. Feel yourself as heavy rain falling on you, and
then switch and feel heavy rain falling on you. Then feel both roles at the same
time. Feel the unity between you and the rain. Feel the joy from both sides. Feel
how you're baptizing yourself, and feel yourself being baptized. Feel the
refreshment and regeneration. Enjoy being in the role of the rain, and enjoy being
in the rain!

- Focus on the state of being in "I AM." Repeat this in your native language. As
you repeat this, ask yourself, who says "I AM?" Who is that voice who is aware of
myself, who witnesses things that happen to me, who is that witness within me.
Ask these questions, go deep into them, feel them, feel this voice, and feel
yourself. Try to be as present as possible while you do this exercise. Energize
your whole body as you say these most affirmative thoughts.
- Try to imagine this world without death. Try to imagine that there are no
thoughts related to death at all. Try to imagine that you grew up without any
knowledge of death. Try to imagine this kind of world. How would it be? Can you
imagine it? How different would your life be? What do you think? How different
would the whole world be without being afraid of losing something or someone.
Try to imagine this world and then, when you feel it and go through it, become
aware of your own death. Become aware that you are going to die one day and
leave this body and try to see the world and life through these filters now. See
how different these realities are, or aren't. See what really matters to you, what is
really important. What kind of life do you want to live here and now? What kind of
qualities do you want to collect and bring with you on your soul's journey?

- Speak with nature every day. Become best friends with nature, with everything
that surrounds you. Ask nature to teach you about who you are and what you
should do. Ask the Sun, ask the sky, ask the stars and the Moon, ask the trees,
ask the grass, ask the wind, ask the water, ask the rivers, lakes, oceans, ask the
stones and rocks, ask the flowers, ask the branches, ask the earth, ask the fire,
and ask the day and night to teach you about yourself, about the world, about
cycles, about laws of nature and laws of the cosmos. Ask nature to teach you.
She waits for souls like you to recognize her wisdom, to recognize your Mother
Nature, and to allow her to upbring you and show you the way. Enjoy the

How to use February energies in the best possible way

- Try to perceive everyone's behavior around you as a projection of certain inner

parts of you. Try to see and perceive the world in this way. Try to see everyone's
behavior, no matter how disturbing or uncomfortable or irritating or frustrating it
may be, as certain suppressed parts of you. Try to feel this, try to do this, and
see if this changes anything within you and in your relationships. Do this each
day in all your situations. Don't let yourself forget about it. Remember this in all
situations with others. Try to see which parts these are and see if you can gain
certain answers and resolutions about yourself through this. This is a very
powerful and useful technique, very practical, and it can help you in many ways.
- Imagine the whole of humanity as one being, as one person, and hold this
person’s hand. Send your love, your support, your power and light and courage
and strength to the whole of humanity through this one being. Feel it. Feel how
small particles of your soul go into all directions and what you do will reflect in
everyone. Do this with the highest intention in your mind and heart.

- Do one thing that makes you proud each day—just one little thing, doesn't have
to be anything spectacular or big. Each day, choose to do something that makes
you proud of yourself, something that really puts you in a good place within
yourself. Do some good deed each day, a good deed that you're conscious of,
that you do with your conscious intent, not in order to be good or to be proud or
to prove anything to anyone but in order to feel good with yourself, within

- Each day when you wake up, feel the joy of being alive, feel yourself reborn. Go
to sleep with that thought, too, that you are going to wake up regenerated and
reborn, ready to do something wonderful. And when you wake up, feel this joy of
being refreshed and reborn, feel the new day, one that you've never lived before,
a brand new day, a brand new you, and get up with that thought, too.

- Spend at least fifteen minutes in silence with yourself each day. If you can, do it
for half an hour. Just sit down with yourself with your eyes closed and be like
that. Listen to yourself, hear all the noise that your mind produces, and see how
you feel while doing this. See if you feel irritated quickly, and if you do, that's
great—it means that it's working. It means that your mind and your body are
struggling to express themselves, to move, to do something. But you keep it still,
practice your will, and do this for fifteen minutes in the beginning. See how you
feel after a week of doing this.

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during February

- What kind of rebirth do I need in my life right now? In which areas of my life do I
really need a rebirth? Do I do anything in order to manifest that rebirth?

- When I remove all the labels, all the definitions, all the terms and meanings,
when I remove all the names and titles, all theories and ideas, all ideals, all
beliefs, when I remove all these things, what is left that really matters to me?
Who am I without all these things? How do I feel my essence?

- What is the most empowering transformation that I’ve experienced lately in my


- What is my greatest responsibility in this life? What do I consider to be my

greatest responsibility? What does this tell me about myself?

- What do I notice in others all the time that I don’t like, that irritates me, that
frustrates me, that triggers me in some way? What are repeating triggers in my
life that come through others? What does this tell me about myself?


What can Pisces expect in February

Happy early birthday, dear Pisces! This is a time just before your season, and
you’re preparing for your mini-rebirth, preparing for a new cycle, preparing for a
new you in many ways. You are making some really powerful decisions to
dedicate to yourself in a really kind and nurturing way. You are deciding to take
full care of yourself, to be compassionate, kind, and gentle with yourself. This is
something that is of key importance. You are invited to recognize your own
divinity and make necessary adjustments to align with that energy. This month is
a break month from eclipses, and you will be able to experience a very big
healing, a personal healing and refreshment. You have golden opportunities this
month for manifesting, for healing, and for upgrading yourself. You are forgiving
yourself for everything that you have to forgive, everything that’s been eating
you, everything that you feel ashamed of, everything you regret, everything you
have done or haven’t done. You are going to do these things in a very powerful
way. You don’t want to hurt and torture yourself anymore. You want to allow
yourself life in its fullest experience. You don’t want to punish yourself anymore.
You don’t want to sacrifice yourself in a way that you lose yourself, that you
forget yourself, that you become unconscious of yourself. You are really going to
take the lead now with who you are, with your past, and with your presence.
On the 5th of February, there’s a Full Moon happening in fiery Leo in your sixth
house of health, work, wellbeing, healing, routines, habits, service to others, pets,
self-care, mental, emotional, and physical hygiene, lifestyle, schedules, and
responsibilities. This Full Moon makes a square aspect with Uranus in Taurus in
your third house of everyday connections and communications. This energy can
be a bit dramatic—something may culminate related to your work or health or
both. You may have a misunderstanding with a colleague or with someone who
works for you or with your doctor or a counselor. There could be some kind of
ending here—you may change your job, change your work location, or quit your
job and decide to choose something much better for yourself, something that
really awakens the inner creator inside of you, something that inspires you in a
big way. This can be a tricky energy. It can be a bit awkward, and you may have
to do some more work. You may experience some kind of pressure or crises
related to your health, your work, or your routines and habits. You are asked to
do something for your health and wellbeing, to change something, to adjust and
become more aware of certain habits and routines that could be damaging and
destructive perhaps.

On the 11th of February, Mercury enters Aquarius and joins the Sun and Saturn
in your natural twelfth house. You are going inside, you are communicating with
your inner world, you are learning more about the internal reality, about the
subconscious realm, you are studying metaphysical and esoteric teachings, you
are learning more about the invisible and unseen world, you are curious about
the hidden nature of reality, and you are curious about the subconscious realms,
about spirits and guides. Your psychic energy may be very strong and your
intuition is supremely enhanced during this time. You are going through self-
reflection. The Sun and Saturn meet each other on the 16th of February, and this
can be something that gives you a very important insight, something that makes
you look deeper into your own inner reality and search for serenity. Surrender, let
go, allow yourself to rest, master your mind, and listen to your healthy
authoritative voice inside of you that gives you guidance and delivers intuitive
messages to you. Saturn has been in your twelfth house since 2020, and this
hasn’t been an easy time for you. You have been through some serious lessons,
serious detox, and serious dealings with addictions and subconscious fears.
Saturn has been teaching you how to master your mind so that you can bring out
its full potential. This is about spiritual discipline, spiritual responsibility, and
spiritual maturity, and you’re going to see how far you’ve come now. You’re going
to experience a culmination of that energy now. This is the last month that Saturn
is here, and it won’t be back in your twelfth house for another 29 years. Saturn
then enters your sign on the 7th of March, which is a serious story of personal
deconditioning and restructuring of your personality and identity. You are ready
for it.

On the 15th of the month, Venus and Neptune join together in your sign, dear
Pisces, and this is the most amazing combination. This is truly lovely,
harmonious, beautiful, gentle, kind, compassionate, romantic, and magical
energy. You can benefit a lot through this aspect, you can see yourself from a
different perspective, and you can experience overwhelming energy, but it will be
fulfilling and healing. This is a highly spiritual and healing flow of energy and
you’re going to feel it like a waterfall through your body and your energetic field.
You can expect some really magical things in your life, some amazing
opportunities, some dreams coming true. This can be related to something that
was active around April and May when Jupiter met with Neptune in your sign.
These are some magical possibilities, some amazing healing that can take place.
This doesn’t have to be anything spectacular and obvious externally. This can be
a personal change that you feel strongly, a change of behavior, change of
attachments, or a change of your wants and needs. You will have great self-
confidence, you can be more popular during this time, and people may be drawn
to you magnetically. Don’t waste this energy, be aware of its potential, and do
something that will serve you, something that is really going to bring you benefits,
something that really counts, that has a real value. Venus is exalted in your sign,
and she feels very good and comfortable here. Neptune is your ruler. This has
really huge potential for manifesting your dreams. You can do things now that
you couldn’t do before, that you wouldn’t dare to do before, and you may be able
to finish some things in days that you couldn’t do in months. This energy is also
very strong and powerful because it is supported by the force of the Sun that
enters your sign on the 19th. This marks the beginning of your season, and it’s
really time for you to focus on yourself more. There’s also a New Moon
happening in your sign on the 20th, and it’s an amazing energy altogether for
love, romance, new opportunities, new beginnings, a new you, and your personal
renewal, rebirth, refreshment, and regeneration. You are recovering from
something, and you’re going through a huge healing emotionally and physically,
On the 20th of February, the same day there’s a New Moon in your sign, Venus
comes out of your sign and enters fiery Aries. Jupiter is also in Aries in your
second house of earned incomes, finances, possessions, things you earn with
your own work, your money, your resources, how you use your resources, your
hidden gifts and talents, self-worth, self-esteem, and material security and
stability. This is another amazing transit for you, and it is gorgeous. It is
wonderful—something very positive in your financial world, with your money, with
your budget, with your financial situation. You are going to see something
beautiful happening in how you use your resources, how you earn money, how
you use your abilities and talents, and how you spend and save money. You are
going to value yourself, and you are confident in what you have to share, what
you have to express to the world. Your confidence is shining, and because of this
confidence, you can just do anything. You are turning toward real and true values
in life, and you appreciate your qualities and gifts.

Mars is still in your fellow Mutable sign, Gemini, in your fourth house where it’s
been ever since the 20th of August. Mars was retrograde between the 30th of
October and 12th of January here in your fourth house of home and family. This
has been pretty challenging for your emotional stability, your relationships with
family members, your home situation, your house, and your place of living. You
may have been investing a lot of energy and action into your home and family
world but without any results, and this may have been a little bit disempowering
lately. Now, Mars is direct and will be here until the 25th of March. You will feel
that energy of an emotional boost and forward movement with your house, with
your home, and with your family. If you had some delays in these areas of your
life, you are going to see how things start moving quickly now. You are also
going to see the results of any efforts you’ve been putting into your home and
family life. Maybe you may finally see some changes you’ve been hoping for and
working on when it comes to relocation, a change of home, renovation,
innovations in your home, or buying or selling a property. Mars here also affects
your relationship with your mother, but also with your inner mother and inner
child, with your emotional wellbeing. You may have had to deal with your past,
with your childhood, with your roots, and now you’re going to feel some kind of
relief from the past and you will have a green light to move forward.

This is truly a very good month for you—very positive, very healing, full of
blessings and support, full of opportunities for something extraordinary, for a real
change for the better. You are going to see how everything changes when you
make a conscious decision to live a better life and to become a better version of

Pisces relationship with inner self

Dear Pisces, you have experienced big inner changes and big transformations.
You’ve been under mental reconstructions, and you’ve been dealing with a lot of
subconscious fears and anxieties. You’ve been dealing with paranoia perhaps,
with social anxiety, and you may have been escaping, running away, losing
yourself in the abyss of your being, or losing yourself in illusions and fantasies.
You may have struggled with addiction, with unconscious attachments, with
ancestral karma, with ancestral karmic debts, and with many disturbing thoughts
and feelings. This has been active strongly because of Saturn’s transit through
your natural twelfth house during the previous two and a half years. Saturn is
about to leave Aquarius on the 7th of March and enter your sign. This is the last
month that Saturn is in your twelfth house, and it makes a conjunction with the
Sun on the 16th. You can expect a culmination of Saturn’s transit through your
twelfth house, and you may see some rewards now for all the hard inner work
you’ve been doing since 2020. But you’re also going to see what is left to be
learned, to be mastered, to be overcome, and to be matured. This is the energy
of mental and inner mastery, mastery of the unseen world within you, mastery of
the unknown, mastery of the invisible. Things that have been hidden have been
popping up for you to deal with them, to acknowledge them, to accept them, and
to integrate them. Mercury is also here starting from the 11th of the month, and
you may be writing about your feelings, singing about your mental and emotional
state of being, learning a lot about your inner world, studying metaphysical
teachings, studying spiritual teachings, learning more about your subconscious
realms, connecting with your inner self, learning about your roots and ancestors,
and setting yourself free from the burdens of the past. You are breaking the
chains of repeating mistakes, repeating patterns, and repeating desires. You are
turning toward your best self, toward real healing, toward a life that is full of
nectar. You have Venus and Neptune coming together in your sign on the 15th,
and you have New Moon in your sign on the 20th. This is the best personal reset
for you, something really amazing, and you will feel the call of the new, the call of
the divine. You are going through a beautiful forgiveness process, through self-
forgiveness and you’re just letting it all go. You are letting go of everything that is
pulling you down, of everything that is distracting you from being the best version
of yourself, of everything that is preventing you from being present in life and
experiencing life in every moment. You are investing in grounding techniques, in
self-healing, in mental and emotional healing, and in physical healing. You are
turning your weaknesses into strengths, which is one of your sacred missions for
this year, dear Pisces.

Pisces relationship with others

Dear Pisces, February brings healing on all levels and in all areas of your life,
and you will feel that in your relationships with others, too. You are going to
experience beautiful healing within yourself that is going to be reflected in your
relationships with others. You are going to see that many things that you’ve been
trying to fix in others, that you’ve been trying to correct in others, were things you
had to fix and correct in yourself. You may also see that certain issues you’ve
been experiencing with people—betrayals, lies, hurts of any kind, behaviors that
have been heavy to process—were a pure reflection of your own insecurities, of
your lack of self-esteem, lack of self-respect, and lack of self-love. This is
something that changes in enormous ways now, and this has been a theme for
quite some time for you already. Self-worth and self-love play a huge role in your
relationships with others. You are going to be confident in who you are and what
you’re doing. You are going to appreciate yourself, which is going to affect your
relationships with others in a very positive way. There is the possibility of a bit of
drama in your work or with colleagues or with someone related to your health,
with a doctor or therapist, with an assistant perhaps, or with someone you’re
working for or someone who is working for you. This is possible around the
beginning of the month when you have Full Moon in Leo in your sixth house of
health, work, wellbeing, and healing. There is a square between this Full Moon
and Uranus in Taurus in your third house of everyday connections and
communications. This can cause some sudden and unexpected changes in your
service to others, in how you communicate, and in how you understand each
other. But this energy passes quickly and it may not manifest in this way at all.
You can also experience some kind of fruition here and release related to your
health and work, and certain people may be of great help and support, too. You
are going through a powerful self-healing, you are making moves that are finally
going to serve you, and others will notice this. You are more popular and wanted
now—people feel magnetically drawn to you and they want to be near you. You
are going to have much healthier interactions with others because you will have a
healthy focus on yourself instead of giving all of yourself to others. You know that
a healthy relationship doesn’t work that way, you’ve learned your lesson, and
now you are more relaxed in your connections with people. You are free from
expectations and from the burden of feeling that something is expected from you
all the time. You will feel blessed because of this feeling, and you are going to be
very open with others about your decisions and changes that you’re going to
make on a personal level. Others will appreciate your choices and decisions, and
you will feel great relief in your social life now. You are letting go of expectations,
you are letting go of the need to prove yourself and be approved of, and you start
listening to yourself and listening to others from a whole different perspective,
from a perspective that is not exhausting you but instead is teaching you,
upgrading you, and recharging you.

Pisces love & romantic life in February

Dear Pisces, this is probably the most amazing month for you when it comes to
love and romance, and you will feel seduced by life on every corner. February
wakes up your inner romantic and reminds you of the importance of the presence
of romance in your life. But this is not pathetic romance, this is not sacrificial
romance, this is not self-victimizing romance, this is not romance that pulls you
down emotionally and makes you melancholic or nostalgic, and this is not
romance that puts you down and makes you listen to sad love songs or love
songs that makes you feel like you’re longing for someone. No. This is romance
that is alive, that is healing, that is uplifting, that is refreshing and rejuvenating.
This is romance that brings you back to life, romance that rebirths you, true
romance, not romance that has been imposed on us collectively through movies,
music videos, novels, stories, songs, and fairy tales. This is romance that is born
and rooted in wisdom, in the now, in eternity, in your core essence. Real
romance has nothing to do with roses, presents, or kisses under the moonlight,
even though those can be an added bonus to it, but real romance is when you
are emotionally stable and emotionally free to feel all that you have to feel, when
you are free to know, to live, to breathe, and to experience life in all its
manifestations free from interpreting and labeling everything that you experience,
see, and feel. You are going to feel that kind of romance which puts you in the
most powerful place, and from that place you are free to love without any fear,
free to love despite all fears, despite all turbulence that may be happening,
despite all issues and disagreements, despite all misunderstandings, hurts, and
betrayals, despite all the potential pain that you may feel in your love
relationships. You have grown enough to know these things and to take
responsibility for how you feel and why you feel it. You realize that attention
seeking issues exist in everyone and that the main cause of misfortune in love is
confusion and ignorance when it comes to seeking attention and spreading love,
compassion, understanding, kindness, and gentleness. You are out of
punishment-and-reward games in your love relationships, you are out of high-
expectations games, you are done with attention-seeking games, and you are
moving toward that which is real, sincere, authentic, and stable. Your emotional
stability is strong, and your faith in yourself, your trust in yourself, your
confidence in yourself is growing bigger and bigger. This will impact your love
relationships and love choices very much in a good way. You can inspire your
intimate partner now to do the inner work and to start working on developing the
best version of himself or herself. You are going to be a great stable support in
your love relationship, and you’re going to inspire your partner to rise above any
obstacles, to rise above illusions, to rise above childhood patterns, and to start
moving toward their center, toward their source of power. This is an amazing and
inspirational month for your love life in every way. You have Venus, planet of
love, beauty, harmony, and relationships in your sign, and she is exalted when in
your sign—she feels very good there. This is truly magical, and it may be like a
fairy tale experience especially around the middle of the month when Venus
conjuncts Neptune, your ruler, in your sign, too. And then the New Moon
happens in your sign on the 20th. This is something extraordinary for you and
your love life, for you loving yourself and developing the most beautiful love
relationship with yourself. You can attract new people and new love relationships.
People will be mesmerized by your appearance, and they will be drawn to you.
You are shining in the second half of February, and you can really enjoy the
beauty and value of true romance, true stability, and true self-love that will
beautifully influence your love relationships.

Pisces sex life in February

Dear Pisces, this month has a very special meaning for you, a very deep
meaning for you because this month you’re making some life changing decisions
about your vitality, your health, your life direction, your healing, your wellbeing,
and your way of using your time and energy. It is a very deep and self-
transformative month and these transformations are very healing and positive
ones. This will definitely affect your sexual energy and your way of experiencing
lovemaking. You are going to redefine lovemaking, what making love really
means to you, and how you perceive it, how you feel it, what it does to you, and
what kind of inner relationship you have with that way of self-expression. Sexual
expression is a very big part of self-expression, and you’re going to see it in that
way now, as a unique way of expressing yourself, your state of being, your
character, and your uniqueness. This is what will give you a new and fresh look
at sexual expression and sexual energy. You are going to feel way different than
you usually do because you will have a different sense of self, different feeling of
the self. You are very sensitive, and you can easily slip into collective feelings
that carry a lot of suffering and pain, but this month you’re going to be more
aware of this, and you will feel the moment before it happens, before you slip into
that collective emotional distortion. You need a break from that, and you’re going
to detach from that kind of emotional absorption. You need to feel yourself, your
pure and raw self, and this is something that you may feel while making love this
month or during any kind of sexual expression and any kind of work with sexual
energy. You are working with your body, you are doing the healing work with
yourself, you are observing and listening to your body, and you will have a strong
intimate connection with your body. You will get to know your body better and
you will learn how to treat it better. When you have healthy routines and habits—
normal healthy routines and habits, not fanatically healthy but organically healthy,
naturally healthy—this is when you can experience the greatest joy and pleasure,
and this is when you allow yourself to truly feel that satisfaction of sexual
experience and sexual energy that flows through you. This is when your sexual
energy can flow naturally and when it becomes a healing energy instead of
becoming twisted, stiff, and painful. You can turn lovemaking into an art. You can
really feel it as an art, you can express it as an art, and you can feel the great
healing and creative power when you have a healthy sexual flow of energy,
which doesn’t mean that you have to make love every day. You may realize that
everything in your life can be turned into lovemaking—the way you speak can be
turned into lovemaking, the way you express your talents, the way you walk and
talk, the way you live, the way you eat, the way you do anything. This is the true
art, and you will see that you are the artist of your life and your experiences.

Pisces career & purpose in February

Dear Pisces, themes of money and earnings, financial stability, gaining
resources, and gaining self-esteem continue. These themes have been active for
quite some time, and now they are still very strong and supported even more.
Venus, planet of love, beauty, comfort, luxury, values, and finances will enter her
natural second house in the sign of Aries on the 20th of February and will stay
here until the 17th of March. On her journey through your second house of
income and earnings, she will meet with Jupiter, but they won’t meet in February
even though their mutual energy will be felt now. Jupiter is also in Aries and will
be here until the middle of May. This is very good for your finances and your
money making ideas, for your financial actions, for purchases, for big launches,
for expansion of your income and your budget, for expansion of your resources
and expansion of your self-worth and self-esteem. With Venus now here starting
on the 20th of the month, you have a truly amazing opportunity to make
something beautiful in your financial world, to do something beautiful that can
bring you income and extra money. Venus in Aries is very action-oriented,
daring, courageous, and brave, and she gets what she wants. You can gain
material stability during this time through charm, diplomacy, beauty, charisma,
and a direct and honest approach. Some of you can expect big money again. If
there were opportunities that you missed, now you may see them coming again.
You are also going to have a strong self-confidence now when it comes to how
you earn money, what you do for living, and how you express your gifts, talents,
and abilities. You trust yourself and your capacities, which is huge. This is very
important; this is what brings you the biggest security and stability. You can
expect some golden opportunities to earn and to use your resources in the most
productive, efficient, and constructive way, to express your capabilities and skills,
to do something that is really valuable and worthy. Expect blessings from Venus
here. You are going to make your foundations strong, and what’s most important,
you will have that strong knowing within yourself that you cannot lose anything,
that there is no such thing as mistake or failure, that these things only help you
grow more and learn more. You are guided by your intuition, and you’re going to
see what you really want and need by seeing what you don’t want and don’t
need. You also have Full Moon in Leo in your sixth house on the 5th of February,
which affects your work, your responsibilities, your duties, your obligations, your
workplace, your colleagues, your everyday routines and habits, your everyday
work, your schedules and organizations, and your service to others. Expect
culminations in these areas, expect changes—something may come to a head
considering your work and your everyday duties. You may change your job
during this time, and you can expect some kind of drama related to your
everyday work and obligations. But this is a short-lived energy and can also bring
release from something that’s been limiting and imprisoning. This is a brilliant
time for manifesting, for earning, and for gaining true values and real resources
that serve you beautifully, that make you aware of your values and qualities.
How the Full Moon in February will influence Pisces
Dear Pisces, this Full Moon happens on the 5th of February in fiery Leo in your
sixth house of health, healing, wellbeing, work, duties, obligations, tasks,
everyday work, routines and habits, repetitive actions, mental, emotional, and
physical hygiene, physical body and physical health, food, diet regime, exercise
regime, pets and animals, service to others, being of help, volunteering, being
efficient and productive, cleaning, and cleansing. This is a house of purification
and purging on a daily level. This is a placement of everyday cleansing and
healing. The best way to make the most of this Full Moon energy is to really work
on your mental, emotional, and physical hygiene and purity. Purity of thoughts,
purity of heart, and purity of body are the key for channeling this energy in the
most constructive way. This Full Moon can bring a little bit of drama in these
areas of your life. It is the Full Moon after all, and it is happening in Leo, which
also can be dramatic energy. This happens in your sixth house, and it’s at a bit of
an awkward angle with your sign, so it can be a bit challenging and
uncomfortable. This is the energy of culminations, endings, completions,
closures, disclosures, revelations, fruitions, and fulfillments. Something may
come to a head, something is illuminated, and something that has been invisible,
denied, ignored or avoided is brought to light. This can be health related. You
may discover something about your health that makes you become more
devoted to your wellbeing. You are changing your lifestyle in some way during
this time—you can expect a change of your daily routines and habits. Something
may happen that transforms your everyday life, your lifestyle. You may need to
change something in the way you spend your time, in the way you live your life.
How well do you sleep? How well do you eat? How is your schedule? How are
you organized? Do you have healthy routines and habits? Do you walk? Do you
exercise? Do you workout? Do you drink enough water? How do you wake up
and how do you fall asleep? How do you do the work that you do? Do you feel
fulfilled by doing your daily routines and habits? Do you have a fulfilling and
satisfying everyday life? What can you do to improve your lifestyle, your work,
your everyday reality? These are some of the key questions for this Full Moon.
Some of you may change your jobs during this time—you may quit your job, or
some of you may be fired while some of you may fire somebody if you have your
own business. These kinds of scenarios are possible under this Full Moon.
Uranus makes a tense square aspect with this Full Moon, and Uranus is in
Taurus in your third house of everyday connections and communications. Some
sudden and unexpected things may happen that affect your work and health. You
need to pay more attention to how you use your time and energy, where you
invest your time and energy and if you get any satisfaction from it. This Full Moon
may show you something you weren’t able to see before, which can also involve
your colleagues and your relationship with people who are in your everyday life,
who you work for, or who work for you. How are you being of service to others
and to yourself? This is also another important question. How can you improve
yourself? This is a house of self-development, self-betterment, and self-
perfection. This Full Moon may trigger something in you that inspires you to really
start working on true self-development and self-perfection. This Full Moon may
inspire you through something dramatic and conflicting to really start taking full
care of yourself, to devote to your wellbeing, and to change your lifestyle for the
better, to change your repetitive routines, and to bring more aliveness into your
everyday life, to make it more colorful, more cheerful, more playful, and more
generous and warming. This is Leo Full Moon, and these playful energies are
important. It is important to remember to have fun in your everyday life, to infuse
joy and pleasure into your everyday routines and habits. Use the energy of the
Full Moon to release what needs to be released, to let go of unhealthy habits and
routines, to change your daily life for the better, to change your job if that’s
necessary, to improve it, to change the way you do your work, or to do something
for yourself that will keep you pure in your mind, body, and soul.

How the New Moon in February will influence Pisces

Dear Pisces, this New Moon happens on the 20th of the month in your sign! This
is amazing energy for you. This is your New Year, your mini rebirth, your new
beginning, your personal reset, refreshment, and renewal. You are renewing
yourself in every way, and it is very healing, sensitive, emotional, and soothing.
This is about you—this is your new identity, your personal renovation and
upgrade. This New Moon wants you to love yourself, to focus on yourself, to
show some grace to yourself, to be kind and gentle with yourself, to be as kind
and as gentle as you can, to be as compassionate as you can, and to become
your own greatest personal healer. You are going to see that you really are your
own healer and that you really know everything that is necessary for you. You
know what is best for you, and you are going to move in that direction of giving
yourself all that you need. You are making a decision to work on yourself in the
best possible way so that you can be of the best service to others, too. This New
Moon gives you a new vision of yourself, of who you are, of your identity and
personality. You have powerful new opportunities and possibilities for renewing
your life, your body, your vitality, and your life direction. You are rebooting
yourself. This is the energy of regeneration, rejuvenation, self-healing, deep
synchronicities, vivid dreams that bring you personal messages, increased
intuition, spiritual devotion, spiritual renewal, and resurrection of your core being.
You are going to feel this new beginning in your life. This is a new look, too, a
new physical appearance, refreshment of your physical appearance, and others
will notice it, too. You may be more popular during this time—your energy is
radiant and your company is wanted. This New Moon can also bring you a new
love relationship, a new love story and also renewal and regeneration of your
existing love relationship. There’s a big healing energy present in your life now.
This is a self-healing New Moon, and you may go through a lot of emotional,
mental, and physical healings that will be comforting and soothing. Magical fluids
are flowing now, and you will feel that magic in the air. Something beautiful is in
the air, and you feel it. You are planting seeds for new stories, a new you, new
chapters, and new beginnings. You are setting your intentions now, starting
something new, making something new. Expect new people in your life, new
possibilities, a new life direction. This New Moon is very important not only
because it’s a New Moon but also because this New Moon happens five days
after the exact conjunction between Venus and your ruler, Neptune, in your sign.
This is pure divine energy, unconditional love, romantic energy, and financial
energy, too. You can expect some really good opportunities now, golden ones.
Don’t miss your chance—use this energy, do something that will serve you, work
on your healing, improve your vitality, and do things that are good for you, that
are healthy, that are serving you. Put your focus on your wellbeing and initiate
something new. You are going to make a decision to be kind to yourself, to be
gentle to yourself, to treat yourself with kindness, love, and understanding. You
are going through a spiritual rebirth, and it’s an amazing journey. Good luck, dear

Tarot card reading for February

Dear Pisces, your Tarot card for February is Four of Cups upright. This card
shows a young man sitting under a tree with three cups in front of him. He is in a
meditative state, in contemplation, and the fourth cup is offered to him by a
mysterious hand that comes out of a cloud. He doesn’t seem to notice the divine
gift that is being offered to him. His arms are crossed as if he is done with
something and in a state of disinterest. There is obviously a gift that you don’t
see right now in your life. You might be too focused on material attachments, on
things in front of you, and you are missing this divine golden opportunity that is
being offered to you. This card suggests that it is up to you. It is your decision.
You are offered a gift, but you have to turn around. Don’t stay stuck in one
position because you will miss a great opportunity, a great gift. This card
represents our tendency to stay stuck in certain situations and our tendency to
take things for granted. It represents a state of apathy and the need to withdraw,
to go internally, to be introspective, to look within, and to go into meditation and
contemplation. This fourth cup that is offered represents a more permanent
quality, something divine, something that is built from the inside while the three
cups in front of him represent material, impermanent things. It also means that
something is being ignored, is not seen, is not recognized or noticed, and it’s
right there. This card also shows that sometimes we’re so focused on what we
don’t have that we miss those things that are there in our life already, that are
true golden gifts. Some options are being ignored perhaps.

This card suggests that you need to pull yourself out of a rut, get yourself out of
this stuck moment. The solution is probably very close to you, closer than you
may think. The fourth cup is offered as magic. It is magical. It is offered by a hand
that comes out of a cloud. This card really shows that you do have a choice.
Something may have become stale in life, or you may have reached a dead end
in a certain area of your life, but this doesn’t mean that that’s all there is. Life is
much more than that, and this card is here to remind you of magic in life. It is
necessary to sit down with yourself and think things through. See what your next
step is going to be. Consult with yourself. Meditation will help. Contemplation will
help. Sitting in silence will help. Don’t rush with making decisions. Give yourself
enough time to think about everything, but don’t stay stuck in apathy. Your
feelings are mixed, and you’re not sure what you’re feeling anymore. This is why
it is also very important to dive deep within yourself. This card can sometimes
show that you’re unmotivated, that there’s a lack of will and motivation, so it’s
again important to step back and sit with yourself. Go and sit under a tree in
meditation like the young man from the card. Get yourself in that state, and focus
on this fourth cup that is being offered to you. This fourth cup stands alone, and it
resembles the Ace of Cups, which means a new beginning. The tree in the card
is full of leaves, and it’s green. It represents abundance and richness, yet the
young man seems to overlook that, too. The sky is blue, and the weather is
beautiful, but he seems to be fixed on the three cups in front of him. What are
you failing to see in your close surroundings? Take a look around you. Take a
look within. Change your focus of attention during this time, and discover the gifts
and treasures.

The most impactful planet for Pisces in February

Dear Pisces, the most impactful and most meaningful energetic influence of
planetary energies for you this month is the energy of the Moon. There’s a
beautiful, significant, brilliant New Moon happening in your sign this month on the
20th of February. This is the energy of the union of the Sun and the Moon, and
their union this month happens in your sign, dear Pisces. You are going to feel
this beautiful marriage of the Sun and the Moon and their power to create new
life, a renewal and rejuvenation of yourself. You are going to feel good and look
good. You are renewing yourself, your physical appearance, your vitality, your life
direction, your love life, your spiritual link with your true core being—all key areas
of life.

The Moon is one of the most influential planets in Astrology. Together with the
Sun, it forms unity. The Sun and the Moon are two eyes, two lights, silver and
gold, honey and milk, feminine and masculine, plus and minus. They are two
energies that keep things in balance. They rule the night and the day. The Moon
is all about maternal instincts; it is about emotions and different phases. It rules
our moods and the shifts of our mind and heart. The Moon represents our need
for security and stability. It rules our comfort zone, the things we’re used to—it is
our nest and our relationship with our mother but also with Mother Nature and
with our inner Goddess and inner Mother regardless of our gender. The Moon
represents nurturing energy, caring energy, nourishing energy, and it is also
associated with the mind and fluctuations of the mind. The Moon can make us
overly emotional, overly reactive, easily provoked and irritated, and it can also
make us compassionate, kind, gentle and friendly. It is always a reminder that we
have to work with our emotions and channel them in the right way. The Moon
represents people as well and their influence on us as individuals. It rules our
daily life and daily habits, and it connects our brain and our belly, our mind and
our heart, our nerves and our cells. It governs the rhythm of the body and our
routines and habits. The Moon quickly changes its phases. It moves from waning
to waxing phase, and it affects the fluids and the water in our body; water
symbolically always represents emotions, so these are emotional fluctuations,
too. The Moon is also related to receptive energy, to the feminine principle, to
instincts and intuition, rhythms and cycles. The Moon rules our digestive system
and our eating patterns related to our emotions. The Moon rules our reactions,
the way we react, our unconsciousness and unconscious patterns, our
relationship with the mother, our past, our past lives, our growing up, and our
subconscious habits. It rules our memories and our feelings that are packed with
those memories. The Moon also has a lot to do with our soul food, what feeds
our soul. The Moon has always been related to dreams, beauty, and imagination,
and it also rules fertility and pregnancy. The Moon represents our home and our
family, our roots and our ancestors and it also rules our own space and our need
for security.

In order to do the best with this energy this month, in order to make the most of it,
in order to channel the energy of the Moon this month, you are asked to focus on
yourself in the most gentle, kind, friendly, loving, nurturing, and nourishing way.
Self-healing is very supported now by the Moon, and you’re asked to do exactly
that. Avoid everything that is not serving you, avoid eating food that is not good
for your health, avoid drinking alcohol, avoid eating late at night, avoid doing
things that are exhausting you and draining you, avoid spending time with people
who don’t resonate with you, and avoid doing anything that is not in your best
interest. Don’t abuse your body in any way—be aware of the importance of
vitality and physical appearance. Work on your physical appearance, improve it,
improve your behavior, and improve your character in every way that you can. Be
more like a Mother to yourself, regardless of your gender. Bring more mothering
instincts into your life, into your behavior toward yourself. Be wise and conscious,
avoid playing the victim, avoid emotional manipulations, avoid seeking attention,
and avoid sacrificing yourself for the sake of approval or recognition. Focus on
the best version of yourself—imagine it, see it, enliven it, feel it, and live it. Focus
on the healthy version of you in every area of life—healthy thoughts, healthy
emotions, healthy behavior, healthy body, and healthy routines and habits. Do
things that are healing, soothing, and comforting. Make yourself feel comfortable,
and make yourself feel relaxed. Treat yourself with kindness and generosity. Do
grounding techniques, do some spiritual practices, or do something that
reconnects you with your inner world so that you can express it and share it with
others in the most productive, healing, and compassionate way.

Healing tips for Pisces in February

- Observe your behavior and try to notice when each member of your inner family
is activated. When is it that your inner mother is on display? When is she on the
stage speaking and acting through you? When is it your inner father? When is it
your inner daughter, and when is it your inner son? This has nothing to do with
your gender or your real children if you have them or your real parents, but with
principles of inner family that we all carry within ourselves. These are four main
archetypes and four main personalities that you carry and express through you.
Try to observe and notice when and how they shift, when each of them is active,
when each of them is in hibernation, when they are mixed, when they are in
sync, and when they are not aligned. You will start noticing your inner mother in
your behavior and in your actions and reactions. You will start noticing your inner
father in your behavior, actions and reactions. You will soon know how to discern
them and recognize them. This is a very powerful technique—keep practicing
and you will start noticing it soon.

- Imagine that you’re running through the jungle. Close your eyes and imagine
yourself in the jungle. Enliven the jungle, describe it, explore it a little bit, smell it,
touch it, and feel it. Imagine it with your inner eyes. Feel free to be creative in
your imagination. Once you have that image of the jungle, start running. You are
barefoot in the jungle, and you’re running very fast. You see and hear all kinds of
things along the way, but you’re not stopping. You just keep running, you hear
your heartbeat and your breathing. You feel alive as you’ve never felt before. You
notice colors. They are so alive. Everything is so alive. You are running through
the jungle, and the rays of the sun pierce through high trees and branches, you
see a dance of colors all around you and you keep running all the time. You feel
good, you feel alive, and you enjoy it fully. Once you’re done, just stop running.
Lie down on the floor in the jungle and just watch the sky above you. Watch high
trees and palms. Enjoy the ride fully, live it, and feel it.

- See yourself as a planted seed that has yet to grow and to come to fruition.
Choose which seed you want to be and check how this seed grows, see if you
can find connection between the growth of this seed and your own growth, your
own path and your processes. Choose one seed, and follow its full journey, do
your research and see how it resonates with you.

- Focus on your fingers. Look at them. Put your attention on your thumbnails and
just concentrate on them as if nothing else exists but your thumbnails. Keep your
focus here for one minute and then close your eyes and see your thumbnails in
front of you still. Keep practicing this daily. Make sure you do this at least once
during the day.

- Study yourself. Observe yourself. Put yourself in a state of a student of the Self.
Take this seriously and really be the best student that you can. Observe your
weaknesses and your strengths. Find your weak points and make them stronger.
Find your strong points and also make them stronger. Feel this as your life
mission, to study yourself and to improve yourself in every way. Be a surgeon of
yourself as well. See which parts of you need to be removed and prepare
yourself for an operation. Be a master in everything you do. You are studying for
a master degree, remember. You are about to become the King of your kingdom.
This is what you came here for. Never stop studying and applying your
knowledge. Sometimes, you won't pass the test, but there is always a new
deadline and new make-up exam. Get ready to learn and to graduate each day.
Become your own master—practice, learn, study, and practice again. Enjoy the
process and enjoy the benefits.

How to use February energies in the best possible way

- Hunt the rays of the Sun each day. Whenever you see that the Sun is shining,
go outside and feel the rays of the Sun on your skin. Of course, don't do this if
the Sun shines too strongly and if the temperature is too high. Use your common
sense of course. But be in the Sun, feel the rays, feel the warmth, and be present
in these moments as much as you can. Be there, be one with the Sun, feel the
unselfish eternal giving from the Sun, and ask the Sun to help you on your
journey. Also ask the Sun what you can do for it. Be open to receive and to give
at the same time.

- Each day when you wake up, wish yourself the very best day that you can
have. Feel good about it. Feel as if you’re on a sacred mission. Each day when
you wake up, feel as if you are on a sacred task, on a holy mission with yourself.
Ask yourself: What can I heal today? What can I achieve today? What great
things can I do today? And let those questions just flow through the ether. Don’t
search for answers, don’t try to answer those questions right away—just ask and
let them go. Let this echo through your day and see how and where life navigates
you throughout each day. Observe your days and see how they communicate
with you. You will really start living your sacred mission soon after starting to
practice this.

- Each day, give yourself the task of taking a walk for at least forty minutes. If you can,
make this walk even longer. Take nice long walks. Spend quality time with yourself or
with someone who you can be quiet with. This is like an active meditation. Be with
yourself and observe yourself while you're walking. Don't think about daily things. Don’t
think about any obligation you have, don’t think about anyone or anything. Just focus
completely on walking, on your feelings, and on your state of mind and heart while
you're walking. Feel the energy of your surroundings as well. Feel how you breathe
together with your surroundings. Enjoy your walk, be present, open your mind, and let
the fresh air come in. Inhale the space you’re walking through, inhale the sky, and
inhale life. Enjoy your walks.

- Write down an official letter in which you say that you’ve made a final decision to be
kind, gentle, loving, understanding, and generous with yourself, that you stop making a
victim of yourself, that you stop torturing yourself, that you start valuing yourself,
appreciating yourself, and loving yourself no matter what. Make it official. Make your
decision official. Sign this document, and feel it as a sacred promise that you have to
keep. Feel each word that you’re writing, and really make it holy. This is your holy
mission from now on, to be kind, gentle, loving, understanding and generous with
yourself, no matter what. Keep your promise.

- Observe your everyday life, observe your routines and habits, observe your daily work,
daily tasks, and daily duties, and make a list of those things that are not serving you,
that are draining, that are destructive, that are damaging, that are unhealthy. Begin
working on their removal. Put your conscious effort into changing these routines, habits,
work, tasks, and duties. Change them and implement new, refreshing, healthy, pure,
and uplifting habits and routines. Do your process of cleansing your habits and routines.
If you can change one routine, one habit, it is already a success, and you will feel it
immediately as an improvement on all levels.

Journal Questions for reforming yourself during February

- What is one thing in my life right now that I want to see manifested? What is
that one thing that I want to manifest in my life right now? What does that tell me
about myself?
- What is gentleness and kindness according to me? What are my first
associations, images, emotions, feelings and thoughts that come up when I hear
the words “gentleness” and “kindness?” What does this tell me about myself?

- What are the main things in my life that are preventing me from living the best
version of myself? What is stopping me from living the best of myself?

- What are some of my biggest fears that I have discovered lately? Do I perceive
fears as something destructive or constructive? How can I use my fears to help
myself grow and transform fears into courage?

- How do I feel about my roots? Where do I feel my roots? When I say “my roots,”
what are my first impressions and feelings? What do I see first? What does this
tell me about myself?

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