Adobe Scan 12-Dec-2023
Adobe Scan 12-Dec-2023
Adobe Scan 12-Dec-2023
s fhene are hwe tays in ohich the repoted sheech mayte expresed
ct may either la)nubeat the ctual Londs ued by th speake
or lb) it mat give thin substame.
’ hihen the eputed speceh eeats athe actual seds,this is
called Sret Nansaticm, as nthe excmole qinen abe.
My tathen said,t time te ge autauy
hen the sepoted sheech gives the suestane e the usrds ued
y the speakes, and net she actual wodu, thu iç called Indiit
He said thot the nan had cUe. He that he had ten that man.
* But i thi', here', mewi ete, uers te seme ebiet, plae.
He said, The nan Ceme at ix. r tiome that is prcsemt ts the speakan cuing the clellveg
Adueb s mde
Past tte sad that the man had cem at gix the speech, them ne hange te;ecte er
He sard, * Ran fell yestuncday." tn the Repted kpeech.
He sad that the ain had fallen yestday. Gebtnd said Mhis is my ebat.
Ghebimd said that sthis (the coat in hi£ hand) s hit cod,
He satd The man sas comimg. Ghebind said wl do t m rmeh
fast He scicl srat the man had teen comin Geindsaid that he uaod clo t ne rnu.
Poat Pelet
tte sacd, Rain ues tallng yeuterday.
Continusus He said that rain thad teen falli'ng yestenday *. Rhensne and esestne stAdjechires, o the Prst cund [econd
*fast Peret and art Pealeet Continuns enain wnchangd. Pasens, ae changed te he Thircl Pensen.
5. f the Resoted aShecch selals to sem wnaeal or habitual fac,
then he Present Snble n the Reted speech i mt hangd.
te sad, G6d susand gevenu al things."
yeu higfhen eages,"
The emoleyr tsd the usoskman cthat he cold nst tsat tim
e said that God sulesnd gevens all things.
highn sages..
He sueinded me When the cat it asay, the ne lay The priu saidte the qil mthe.
îkns you and
He nminded ne that shen thu catis usay,he mieepat he rime told the qid that the kne ter and hen methen
-8. hem the Rehuted Speach iw am tnteoncgatir sertenie, dhe Raperting. hen a Subodinate clause s attached ts trspeatire
Veb 'say or 'teu' a changedtrte ask cr inqir. Berten@,The 'enst o tne Veb n the Ngubordinatu Claute u
He said t me hhat s the shotest way back Verb.
He ingiAcd o mne shat as theshotest way back.
tHe said to him, " nhy do you step hene? He. ordeNed his tevnt t de o hetd him.
te asted im why te stepþed thuu. te &cad to hi trend, Wait hene til sctn
îhe itenegative furm à changed tnts the Assetive fon . The He cskec hi iend t uoait the tU he etumed.
Conuncien 'that' st uued. f she aestion à met inteducad by an
drtersatire Poensun or ddvesh, s 2cho, ushat, whone, ty, hew,e, 10 uhen the Repted Speech consist cn Lxlamatnygr Optotie
then the Cextoetg a arsh)Rten, the Repontns veno 'sey' ertela'
’ uthe mnoe usual ohen the cmblied mate must te chenged to seme venb a exdaim, cyg, roy.
-ayimatte ene a httoed foY. et, cnd the Verb must e telacted h h a oeat sutted
'whcthen' i ued chen the Bheaken u yorehaed tor ethur tn to the tete r coYdext.
- ative oY a nagatie sweh. tte scid tHumah my oiend has ceme.
eg- The Ring áoic to his mnistes, What uil yeucde yeu Auddeniy, He ercaimed uith clelight that thii end had ceme.
atacked y a trengn enumy ? He saçd May. Ghed panden thii sinnen "
te brayed that Gaetl ustuld pasdon that sinne.
attauked ty a sienn ememy
he. Reþotin. Verb said tochanyed ivto ted' in tnddivect
4. Ialhen thu Rekuted &peach is a mpeate Sertenu, the Rebuting. speech.
Venb 'say' or tel' must te changed te Aeme Verb aiqnitying a
cemmand entreaty , nd the tudent must
Aelect the Verb best uited ts the semse or covtext.
cn t oasage fronm the Bitut Nasaton te tne ndiret , the
mberative Mosd must toe neplaud ty the ainátie
He said tÍ tu sehvantGe aua at enu,"
He ordered his 8eWenta to go cusay at ene.
He said to his trtend, Wontk steacidy.
He aduied is triend to 290k stedily.
Forgin me, &tr,'
He begd ti master te forgin him