Adobe Scan 12 Apr 2024
Adobe Scan 12 Apr 2024
Adobe Scan 12 Apr 2024
e nt o t T e
st I t e m s i
n Eng \\sh
G e n e r a l\ y
B o t h ty tw o ty p e s
p e s o1 e x
a m • o•1 e x a m in a ti o n s are
o b ie ~ ti v e
s c o r in g th
s u b ie c ti v
te s ts a r e
e answe
at1ons h a
d it ti c u \t to
v e t h e re
prepare w
d v
h e ld in so
a n ta g es a
cia\ sc ·
nd \irn 1ence sub·
·t t
e , b u t th e b o o k . T h e e s s a y e s s a y ty p \ect.
a c h ie v in g y a re use
1u \ e v a lu
ty p e e x a m e
in a ti o n s
s a ~ : ~~~r Tn_e
h ig h e r a ti
d e t e c t,.v o b ie c ti v e s .
They c an
n g in e x p r e
s s io n \an a
c~ \t 1n
e o1 th e s n o t re
t h en t h es tu d e n ts . T b e u sed d hig hly
e cannot b h o u g h th e iagno sis t~
im p r o v e m . . e s s ay type te u a ,g e nd
e n t a n d m e \1mmate d ,o •
r \ n "\ e x a m sts are di1 ,,e earna1_ n
o d ii ic a t, o n in a ti o n sys 1 ic u it·
tem . Thesies eveng
M e a n in g e need s
In te a c h in o1 A c h ie \/
g -\ e a rn in ~ e m e n t le
c o m m o n ly s1tuat1on s st
u s e d te c h a c h ie v e m e
a n sw e r , w n iq u e o, n t \ests are
h a t a c h ie m e a s u , em most popu\a
th e a w a r v e m e n t te em Th e b r and
e n e s s o1 s ts measu a s ic questio
test mea s u b 1ect- m re '> T h e o\d co n arises to
s u r e th e a\\e 1 N o w nce pt was
a c h ie v e m te a c h in g tn e emphas to meas ure
e n t te s ts o b 1 e c t, v e is is that
a re te r m e s o r le a r n in a c h ie vement
The pres d as crn e g o u tc o m
ent chap r o n tests. e s . ,n e s e
o b ie c ti v e te r p r o v id
s and ess e s th e a c
a y ty p e te h ie v e m e n
th e e s s a s ts a n d a t tes t cons
y ty p e te s o s u g g e truction o\
A c h ie v e m s t. s te d an out\
e n t t e s ts in e ot improv
e d u c a ti o n measure ing
a l o u tc o m g e n e r a \\ y
es . The y th e \e a r n
1. T h e c o m ay c\a s s in g outcom
g n it iv e o u iHe d in tw es or
tc o m o torms ·.
? The e s ot e d u c ati
..... · non-cog n on .
it v e o u tc
1 . C o g n it o m e s ot e d u
\v e o u tc o c a ti o n .
\n t o s i x m es of edu ti discove
m a \o r c a c a ti o n a\r ed re d
a n a \\ S \S te g o r e s
k 11 o
re c e ;o ~ p r e h e n s d and groupe
S') n tn e s w e ge . ion . app li ca
· s a n o e\i tio n.
Webster a ,u a t o n - 8 . S
t"'\a s . . e c e . Bloo m
...1t\') o e i n te rr
\\ F a r n \\\a . e e ·' "'
e -1 1
'-<-""0Vv ed
r \~ g a n e 0 a"' .. a ae as
o '! \. ,, U e x p e r e n SJ
~,r.: 1,,1111,,ouv I r1,,, "" ~ IHI tt I· 1111,1 I ti I El ' 'I',,, ' ,,t , t .I' " , ~ ...
,,,,,, , U' t,JVI II
/\ p 1• 1' tJll , ~ I lrJWl 11,J , I",,,1,1 ,1
unt qt r L ' ~ ,, , '
,, ,,It r) I ht· JJl-t1 I IJI q hl! ltJ,f, n tJH1!fl' l It :)l , , ',., , /'./ r , r,/d,J ~,
i1t1i1n:l I II ) f lor.. 11 0 11 Pl
h j ti , rJI I. I ') r,
II II "~Ir. , Intl/ rr,r rn,~r ,,, , j ' , · re ... , • ,-',,"' ,.
Non -cog nitiv e
" lr.>1 1tJht ,,f tr,,.f
j. • OlJ h 11r,,, ,,, ,
fl Ill {'
(1) J 1t1>'.1l)lilfy In lhi k rJf l2t1 ,J GF.J t lun
ti II l(J
n) 13:ilnn,.. ,> Jt1 dqnn 1n 111
111, Cr111~al P'Hcoption
v) Educnb1 l1t y
{v Selec tively , synth esisinn b
t, a 1l1ty and
v1) Cu ltural awarenes s.
Motivation , persistence , creativity etc. are also included
uses of Achievement Tests
Assignment _tests are generally used in education industry.
c .J se--se~
and also for guidance and counselling and clinical purp
1. Assignments of Grades : Standardized achieveme
nt tests a"e ... :'.j .. 2
:,tten used to ass~gn course grades in special programm
es in ~::: e,~,....,~ -·
ndustry and tu rnings courses. It is more mean ingful to
ass1g'1 g'aces :-
•be basis of achievement test score .
2. Promotion to Next Class : In educational institutions
the s:Joe ff•s
are promoted to higher class on the basis of achievem
ent test scores r
~me gove rnment services promotion for next higher post
in a ,e ori ·n~
:as1s of test score on achievement test.
3. Classification -of Individuals : Achievem ent test are
ofter usea :('
~.ass1fy students into special courses or curricula within
gramma' s~~ool
"tgh scho ol or college . One of the multi -subjects achieveme
nt tests s ~ se'.J
'f that purpose.
- ,.,,.. :5e
can also indicativ e of n stu , t\e b
dent ,s o n mo d by lhe Teachln
and turns to mi s-be\Hwio low lovo\ f go t Eng113h
u1 or t, uRncy
5. Vocati onal Guldan c~ o cu rnr,11 111r•1
course g1ad es a1e usetu : l\ch! ov eme11 t tes \s in
cornh ir1
l ,n help in g th o stud en
pro gra mm e of sc ho ol wo t s to < ~ rlt1<ir ,, I
tk 0 1 vo ca tlonul training.
Achieve ment tests are us · ' 0 0 ~.a~ h111Ar _
ed in vo cati on al guidanc
as pt edictors not as asse ments Te e mu st ~
ss . st sc
forecast how well an individ o re s ar e used )e n- 1-:i 1 1,J
ual is likely to perform lat
ac hieve ment tests score er. A1t er tehJSSPl. nt1~J I ,
s are t he bas,s .
to se lect the sub1ecer e\+-i
study . tf r r J
or r, -
If the predictive va lidity J
. of the ac hievem en t t~st
vocations in question the . ' is not k
guidance is as good or as nr_J tr
iudgem ent. ba d as the cour"\ f:, _.
s. Measuring the Effectivene J
s~ of Learning Situation
stu dent' s performance is s:
poor we c~n ,~fer that tea
Th ere are thr ee maior fac ch er is not do ,rg r _
tors contributing to the
,a) Ini tial aptitude of stude stu de nt att ainrne"' -
(b) Eff ectiveness ot learni
ng experience and
(c) Natur e of the tes t.
Ac hievement tests have
a real purpose in measur
of different kin ds of instru ing the ett ec: ,;.-.; •-
~tion and also the effec
Achievement tests are
useful in organization of.
tivenes s of teac
1 ;,s -··
Decisions have to be ma school curr-c ... ~ -
de about the level at wh
parti cu lar subiect- matte ich stude nts can rr ~ : .
rs and best sequence 2
contents an d courses . fo r pr es enting a t-2·:: -
Se lection of Individuals
: The basic purpose of
to assess cu rrent perform ac hieverner-~·-2s :
ance , they are also usefu
behaviours , beca use attain l as predictors ~· . .
ment is considered the
of behaviours of an individ rep re se ntat1\ e sa ":
ual. Achievement tests are
students . office works, hig used to selec~ ~;.' --~~
her job s, and go vern me
of achievement tests score nt services 0' t:1t' r, ~ ~
s or grades .
Ac hievement tes ts are be
st tor predicting succes
inc1u de activities or simila s in voc~ t ~ 's ·,\
r situation to those in the
fo r which the tests were trrnn1n9 pi l''-1 .l · · '
or iginally designed .
11ch ,evem ent tes ts are us
ed promi nently in the se
specitic 1ob s and profes sio
ns parti cular ly in lho civ
lection 1.'l ~'t 1
1.\' .'.,.
and also for the admi ss ion il sp1 v 11.'t' ~' 11.'~~ ~, ,
of specific uaming rnedic
etc ., a va riety of 1·obs. .,1, ll,w, rnq,i t'
. . .
L1m . ,·
1tat1ons of Achievem ent tlw . tJ "
. Te st s : Th e tol low1n g ::ne 11n1 1t:i
1. It pertains to the excess ive sta nd ar . r ,.
dization of 1nstruct1o · which 19 10 '
the individual differ ence ns
2. Ach'1ev_ ement tests are so desig c
ned as to cover aII ·rn po rtant g
pro port ·0r
educational area. No atten
tion is to paid for weightag th8
e of
, : :ms in English
lrf1Br, , ,~
~o e e cc suc h ·terns to tes t uro erstanding . crit ica l
, ,s dif,iC and the arm\ c~l· or ano app rec
I 3.t10fi ;ation of gen eral prin ciples.
e~llJ tudents are tre8 v~n - ~ motivated to con
centrate upon tho se
--r.e 5• 01 a course wh 1cr wi\\ 'ead to
better ~erlo .. "l'lat"ce or better
J,pec ~!_,..e ,. test scores . encour aaes the attitude
-~ fft' CJ . ....
of stud ents.
· ~itatior s ~o dec·de ~he ·~ahdity of
the t~s~. Som etim es it has high
., ,J ctive va1• d·ty or
..tev' som e tlm e con tent vali dity.
✓ 1Jerf d1thcu \t •o 8 --- ,..a·e the person
a factors of test con struction.
' n:retore reHabHiry is attected.
Problems of va ·cati,y- are to se\ect the
su·table crit erion . Ge nerally
achieveme nt tests ar~ va\_idated aga
·11s t the teachers ratin gs or
exam1n at1ons score 1. e .. \ S very cru de
criterion to validate the
achievem ent test
·est tor Measuring lea rni ng
Robert Glaser ,. ' 1C'~Psi~d me asunn,... lear
ning with the help of criterion
es\. Teach\ng is orgarnz.ed \o geP0 r->~e \ear
nin g situation in the class room
,0 br\ng desirab\e behav,oura\
change among the students . Teachin
,8rn\ng obie rllves are a\\ame1 by measurm g
g the behaviours of students .
ne main emphasis is give on the " o
J s related to cognitive aspect.
1wo types o1 tests are use d ,or \his pur
t New Type or Ob1ec\l" e Type Tes t
2. Traditiona\ or Ess ay Type Tes\.
t Obiect\ve Type Test : These are the new
types examinations . These
:ests are sta nda rdiz ed and have high
reliability and vali dity . The se are
Jsed for pro gno sis as we\\ as tor diag
nosis pur pose . The criterion tests
ob1ective -cen tred tes ts are prepared or
in this format. It has the wide coverag
ol the conten t. The sco ring procedure e
is highly obiective .
2. Essay Type Test : The se are the c~n
v~ntion al tests or exa min ations
which are com mo n\y use d in ou r
examin atio n sys tem. Th e essay _typ
e",·ma t·ions are sub Jiect·1v e in nature. These cannot be standard izede
Th 1-. h .
oug1, t e ess ay type has serious wea
• •
kness , but these can be elim inat ed
lrom our exa min atio n as these hav e hi 9 h utilit
and modify the essay type tests and .
There is nee d to improve . ,terns.
Th11 type te sts are com plem ent ary
e es_say ty pe a nd obie ct1v e not
The higher levels- analyses , synthes , d
contradicto ry to each othe r. h essa es an
Y type examination . These cannot be
evaluation are mea sur ed by t e
used for diag nos is pur pos e . T st (Steps of construction of
, . Preparation of Achieve• ment e
Obi ect ive Type Tests) there are four steps ?f constructing
. Stanley and Ro~s , (Z) preparing , (3)
Acc ord ing to Trying-out and (4)
. (,) p1ann1n9 ,
·..,"' c,i. . 1ective type teSl ·
atio r
486 F\ rs t St ep :
Pl an n\ ng : Th is st
ep in cl ud es the \ol
* Fixing up the ob1ect1.
\o:,onoch1ng o, Ehg1, .
Q act,, \\
* W riting objectives in
be ha vio ur al ~e
. ,, r;,.
* Ta s\<. analysis and
nt en \ an al vs ,s
* Determ1rnnq the typ to rm s ot ite m s
* p, epar at1on o t ta ble
ot spec1ticatton .
* Taking a dec1s1on ab
out m ec ha ni ca l as pe
s17e of le tters and ct s du ra ho n nl ln-ib
printing etc .
* Evaluatin g th e in st
ru ctio ns
er 01 itorn~.
Second Step : Prep
aring l _
est lt e~ s : In th e
wr itt en . Th e ta bl e se co nd Ste
ot sp ec iftcat,on pr ov id es a
Ge ne ra \\y tw o ty pe gu id el in e to r t~\s ite
s of ,terns are pr ep ms ar(J
typ e te st • Re co gn iti ar ed fo r co ns tru ct
on and Reca ll ty pe in g an Pu~Pose.
ite m s
(a) Recognition ly ob1ective
pe Items : The te rm
ha s to se le ct the be of ite m s ,s su ch th
st 'X correct an sw at th e
fo rm s : er s Th es e m ay b
Slud ent
* Tr ue /F al se or W nt e/
W rong ty pe or Al te
e ot 10llowi
* Multiple choi ce type
rn ative respon
se ,
* M atch in g ty pe .
* Cl assi1ication ty pe .
* Analogy type .
(b ) Recall Type Ite
ms : Th e rocan typo
supply the co rre ct an Hems re qu ire that stu
sw er t01 a qu es tio n de nt h
an sw e r ty pe qu es tio. Th e y are also know
na h
ns Th e re ca ll ty pe s s or\
cate go rie s : ,te rn s are classitied
into two
1 Si m pl e Re ca ll ty
pe . and
2. Co m pl et io n ty pe
Th es e ite m s m ay
be un de rsto od by
,i) M ea ni ng and de st ud yi ng th eir follo
fin itio n of the ty pe wing aspects ·.
,ii i) Fo rm ul a of of ite m s . (ii) Ex am pl es
gu es s i ng {1v) Ad of the 1orm,
Pr ec au tio ns . va nt ag es an d lim
ita tio ns and lv)
Third Step : Trying
Out the Test : Af te
dr af t of the te st ,s r wr iti ng the item s,
pr ep ar ed . Th e ite an initial
ba si s of in di vid ua l m s ar e im pr ov ed
and gr ou p try ou t. Th and modified on th e
in th is st ep · e fo ll ow in g ac tiviti es are perlorrn
1. Pr e- try ou t ,s do ne
on sm al gr ou p of
am bi gu ity an d ct,ttic st ud en ts to improv the language
ulty of tri e te rn s. e
2 Pr op er try ou t ·
s do ne fo r te rn -a na
a D tt1cu11 \ al ue s ly si s
an d ct 1 sc r'm ,n at ,ve h ite(T'
po we rs ar e calcula
J' ;t'\e te st . ted for eac
•e"' : 3r e se ec 'e o
rejected and m oo 4 ed ii 1 •/0 ,v,·
Qt'"' Hi e ba ss ...
~-~: ;'ls<,:
4 a tes· s preparea . ..... \.-ie
·e ns ar e a ,.,.c;:,nged ..,
tu>2;te,,,of Test Items in Eng~
-,. o e.2.< c. c:• ~0 ,... c:. p ~c 487
., - ..,., ..., .., c. ec at "rsl and mo st difflcult at the
last .
Fourth Sle p : Ev alu a•· o, : - he final form of the tes
' - .. ,. c:: _, "'C c:: ,... { t is evaluated in
;r .... S G ~ J..- - .... error r')easurem ent . The fi na l for
·.- r i:;. ,i::.. ,. ,..,., - a rr€ C m of a test is
., J"" J c ~ .}Oup o· target oo pul
•r r ' t:- S' :;;. r e. !' C:O Q •or •,-e l atio n. The students scores
' ,:; ... " ..., :..J i;)..,
o ow r"Q purposes :
· E a e ab t - e : ..,.
t Calculating the vaho ty ptf ,.,·ent
3 Oeve oo OQ norms ol ,he :es
t and
4 Preparahor. o· ·es · manua
Th 14 ob;ectwe t', pt:i \~s,s are reliabl
e and valid . Th erefore, they are
u\.. llnu ihr> cnt~non
test 'or me 1 c. nq the learni ng ob
•orm~ of ob1cctive ·ype ~0 ms jective s . The
have been descri bed in the fol
paragr~pn lowing
Item :
' Th ere ·s no diff erence between
language and literature. True/
Fa lse
2. literature ·s an art while lan
guage is a science . Tru e/F als e
3 Th e app rec iati on objec tive is
rea lized th rough poe try teaching.
True/ Fa lse
.. Grammar s the rna 'n aspect 01, \ nguage Tru e/F als e
r a · . .
The prose arid oo etry are t 8 rnaior : :; omporients of English literature .
Tru e/F als e
~ey . 1 i:a1ce 2 . ,. . rJe , "'0. True. 4 . True 5. True.
· - ,. . d ntage~ . ,, )
Advantages · """' ' ·~: :, • ) pe of 'em 1ac l ,ih e lo!\owinc~ ,1 va ~ · 1
chould be wn e
Ill It ~rn . Id be provided .
The roper instruction shou
' p P utlons : In writing such items , the following rules
Rules and reca . .
. ~ r.:- hould be taken 1n cons1derat1on :
and precaution., ;)
* Avo1'd am b1g uous statements or long statement,
r textbooks should not be used ,
* Eyac1 Iangu age O
* Avoid trick statements. and
* Avoid specific determiners.
2. Multiple Choice Type Items
Definition : A multiple-choice test is made of items , each of which
present more responses and only one of which correct or definitely better
than others .
E.F. Lindquist asserts that it is definitely superior than other types :
Lee J. Cronbach regards it is being practicall.y free from 'response
sets', and it is one of the correct or best response should be marked is
available . Examples :
Instructions : The following statements have four possible responses
or choices. The correct or best re sponse should be marked by the correct
sign (✓)
• h
~·- 490 . Teachi ng of En
Definition : A matching ty~e test .consists of two columns , each ~'1sh
E j )
ty pe exam1nat1on r eed ·
. s imp rov em ent Tea ching f
the essay t n be made 1or their effe Th o English
,mprovemen ca ctiv e use . . ree type s o1
* The improvement should be ma e in the
d .
form of questions.
* The improvement should be done in question-pape r, and
~ The improvement should be made in marking
the answer bo k
1 lmprovement in Questio · n s ·. Th O
e following types of im s .
shouid be made in the essay type questio
ns : Proverne nt
Each question should measure a spe
cifi c learning object'
emphasis sho uld be given on th e covera
ge of learning objectiv ~ve . The
than content cov erage. The content of
a question should be co s ral her
rea l. The language should be sim · pie d
an cIear. The formati on of rrect and .
should be written in such a way th at it
should requ ire a definite que st10n
The words of a question should hav e a
single meaning. The ditticu~nster.
of a question should be accord ing to the
leve l of the students Th y evel
statem ent should not be used , e.g. wh · e vague
at do you und erstand by 'Tea h'
technology ? The answer of this que stio
n is not definite. c ing
2. Improvement in Question Pap ers
. : The form of question-p
should be such so that all Iearnmg b' .
o 1ect1ves can be measured. Thaper
should not be many choices · ·1n th e
paper but t here should be choice with ere·
the question . The instructions sho~ld
be simple and clear. The mar~~
should be distributed for each question
. There should be a distribution of
marks even for the parts of the que stio
n . The model answers should be
sup plied to each questio n for eva luating
the answers .
3. Improvement in Evaluating the Ans
wer Books : The essay type
tests are easy to con struct but diffi cult
to evaluate . There should be an
improv ement in eva luating the answer-bo
oks. The experienced and eminent
persons should be appointed for eva
lua ting th e answer-books . The
inst ruction for evaluation should be give
n in simple and clear language .
The model answers should be sent to
the examiners·. The marks shou ld
be ass igned for each part of a que stio
n separately . The rank or grades
may be used in eva luating the answer boo
ks . The central evaluation sys_ tem
should be intro duced and the examiners
should be assigned the que st10 ns
rather than answer-books . It means tha
t answer of same question _of all
the candidates should be examined by
the examiner only . While assi gnin~
th e mar ks, th e examin
er should justify why has he deducte d the mar~s ·
What else should be there so that full
marks could be give n.
Th e essay ty pe tests can be succes th
sfully used for mea su rinQ e
highe r learnin g objectiv es .
Essay Type Questions and Learnin
g Ob jec tive s pe
In th e pro cess of management of tea . the essa YIy e
ching -lea rning, . tives. 1h
test s can also be used successfu lly for
. mea suring learning obJhe\ content-
essay type questio ns can be made objective-centre d rather t a
--er ··es
mento 1 Items in Eng lish 495
·le P e Questio ns on Ach ievement Test
y'fY P
~,,a tive Objective : The learner is able to eva
luat e the mean ing and
crea of evaluation .
,,n1t1on ·t·
·'fhe scient1 ,~ k I d
now eh ge app 11·
ed to clas sroo.
m teaching is known as
~\edagogy. " o,sc~ss t e statement.
Z) The learner 1s able to examin e the merits
and demerits of ess ay
e and objective type tests .
· The essay type test should not be abo lishe
2 d but should be mended ."
J ·cornmen t on this statement.
~rhe objective type tests are not contradicto
3 ry to essay type tests but
O ·these are compl ementary to one
anoth er. " Give your views on thi s
04 _The objective type tests are not contradictory to essay type tests but
they are complementary to one another."
Give your views on thi s
(3) The learner is able to analyse the elem
ents of pedagogy.
as. "Teaching is not only an art but also a science." Explain the pedago
Essay Type Questions in English
The following are some essay type questio
ns which are measu ring
English learning objectives :
1. The learner is able to differentiate betw
een language and literatu re
.... .. .. .. .... ... .. .. ... ..
(Comprehe nsion)
01. Differentiate between langu age and liter
ature and illustrate your answer
with suitable examples . · (Compre hen sion )
'.)2."Language is the sc ience and literatur
e is an art. " Discuss th is
statement .
(Un derstand ing)
2. The \earner is able to understand the
concept of functional grammar
.. .... .. ... .. .. .
··· · ··· ··· (Comprehension)
E merate the characteristics of functional gram
03· ~u h clas mar and differentiate
sical grammar of English . (Comprehens ion )
with t e Or
. e betw een classica l grnmmc.11 of W
re n .-ind Mar ten . a.nd
04.0itterentiat rnar of No a m Cho m s ky. lllu str~ te your answ
t ctional grarn er with
(Und erst ondi ng)
u~t ble exarnp\e. analyse th e com pon ent s of Eng lish instr uctio n al
su1 a . able to
ner ,s (Ana lysis )
3. The \ear f instr uctio nal proc edur e of Engli sh te_ac
rocedure· ponents O .
hing .
P the corn . 1esson planning . (Appl1cat,on)
05 . Indicate ·t use 1n nlays e the struc ture of senten ce % . E nglis h
Point out , s . able to a na lys,s)
er ,s
4. The 1earn
,,., ('L13. Q8 ·
0 0 nt , " Teaching , E.n
6 Enun1erat (> !he elemen1 s of .,o o nee " It i 1r, 1" rr• of f nq Iish I 0 1111ah
, 1 with (' X<lnlPll's anguage
lllust1 att> you1 nn.,wre
. . (Know1 u ·
Tht? t'S$3V IYPt? qll<"S1io_ ns fl nd_ ob IQct ivuf, typ,. i torn:, s ho ul(J b ' 0 ~e I
1e ~ ~ u I i 11 g 1he Ie fl I n I n g o lJ IPc 1Iv es r h e c. r i to r i o n to" t
sho1 1frJ ba / I
t u ,erJ
o1 11 , • 1 of obj<"ctiv ps 101 botl1 types of iterns
f1113113 r,r
the cove, · 9 obj ectives ot
age of lert r11111 . L nglish ir, '•<lerJ fr,r
I11 the 1allowing table, fhe corn pa riso n o t objective type anu flss~ I t tr"
tests has been provid ed. .
and promotion . •
and promotion. ICat,r,.
2. Construction The construction is diffi- The construction is
· c • eas
cult, time onsuming , and economical need rr1
costly and needs know! - train in g . .,
edge and training.
3. Scoring The scoring is simple The scoring is diffic .
and eilsy. The answer The eva lu ato r sho~ C
key is used. The mas- have the mastery ove-
tery over subject for the subject matte r.
evaluator is not essen -
4. Reliability They are highly reliable They are less reli a~ e
and various methods and also difficu lt to es~_
are used for estimating mate the reli ability 1noe x
the reliability index.
5. Objectivity They are objective in They are subjecti\e T'Je
scoring the answers of sco ring p roce dure s
the students. The per- highly influenced b\ tht1
sonal factors do not in - person nel factors ct !"e
fluence sco rin g pro ce - evaluato r.
dure .
6. Validity They are valid and valid - They are not va lid a"a
ity c oefficient is esti - the val idity co-ettic1et't s
mated by emp loying difficult to obtain
variou s method s .
7. Norms 7. Norms Th e ob The ess::iy type te 5t s ca~
· d ano
Ject typ e tes t rHe s ta n- not be standardize
. g .1t 1
d a rd1.zed by d evelopin 1 1cuIt to develop
.s d·tt·
norm s. norm s. fo r
8. Guessing Factor Th e it ems ca n be at- There is no sco p~ents
tempted correctly _by guessing but ~~e : '~rr the
guessing. The guessing can cheat a I
formula is used for the examiner.
correct ion .
~" ~ n: 01~
'e& t I
~ Ha no ~r ft l~ iem & ~ Eng,w;
-7 :::2c z.--,G a . . , ... e hand W'" t qg and
.. ~~ r z' e '.'.: : ~ 1-, a\ e great in.
~ ·~s ,..e lue"' ~e o' sco res The
;:: r,:, a_ ~ge e~;; ess C"\ organ1zat1on
,-:' ~.,,...,..e,,.• ~ .
v '""" ,, , a··0 -:1 'Ol.JQt:l
10. Lea rni ng ca 1 t'-.: ·,ea s, 1ed
Obl"Ctive 1)'1W tes·~ Th e ess-a\ t\ p~ tes
ts ,.:ue
'c re,,,;11 1119 ," 1:
n tnJ\•rrn of os
IOol 1s 8-H,y Tho
n ooc,hc 111 1ru ct1nn·, r:iro
noQ I GGen t,nt ~,11 d no
uomm g •6 1o qu1r~H1 tor
purpos e
11.. f :.tlgtH
1 ho tud on t rein live ly
i co t lose ral1gue, bo
• cau o t111!: ' J' H1 r.t1on·~ are
to oc an~ NP. rod within
u crod l eo hour&. 1
b ar
hOU' ap
, ~ Pr ep a rauor. of '♦
Stu de nts
, r ".') r
l'.:':, '1(:/? l')tr, S· n,';
a r1::, , 'c. ~,_i.
* Either an essay or b. ecf ~ e te st can be Teac
o ,'I ."' - of -: ..... c·
to stu dY for ..;. nQ ...,.::>. rc•an .... ':: !"\
l,; es
usea to en"" ' hi og
oi ,deas and apo ca
- . o' .,.,.. :w e(:(':
f".. . Qr V\JUrage ot Eng,·IS~
e t. ganl.zatton
;., . stueie n
of both types Pvotve ·h "' o th e so lution ~na integrar
* The use s \. ,e exercises of
. o Problem ion
* ,
The value o, sco re frof""l e l
·•r er t
Yo e ot t sub1ect,v . s.
·e c.
oOl • , , and re'iab l'f . est 1s dep e lUdg
erne nts
When to enaent an th .·
Use Essay Test ,,e 1r
1 The group to be • ~ed s srr-a 1 an
· .es. d th
2. The instructor w de - Dr\s s b e test should
deve nprn er · of stud ·.o " c.s '1 : ... ·tt e to encourage no t be re
er·. s"'' ..,,,rr en expressi on an a r usec1.
3. The teacher is . ewarct and
mor e ·.,. eres e~ ·n
in measuring his ac exp\onng the studen
he , e"T'e"' 5 ts· attit d
4. The teacher ,s u es than
th an as an imac
more conhoent
i · ~t: wnter 01 SO
,o ~ s. ,r oh ci enc~ as a criti
Od ob' act we test ite
5. Time avai\able ms. ca reader
1or test prepare'
grading . ts snoner than time
avai lable t
Whe n to Use O bi ec or test
ti vr Test
1. He group to th
e tested \S \a ~e 0t
ihe test may be re
2. High\y rellable used.
test scores must be
3. Impartiality 01 a ne d as etticiently as poss
evalua\lon o~ ibl
effect are essentia ..;;.. .,," H\_ ; la
,rn~ss and freedom e.
\ from halo-
4. The teacher 1s
more ""O ta · o·
items clear\y than h,s ab1hty to expres
of his aCth,, to 1 s obiective test
5. There is more uc ge es sa y test answer s correctly
pressure tor speedy
test preparation . re po rting , ot scores th an tor
Suggestions for
Preparing Essa y
Both types of tests
can make 1 ,o or ta
of educational achi rt cortr'bution to th
evement. e measurement
1. Ask questions or
set task wh ich will
hi s command of es requ ire th e student
sential ~no,,,eage to demonstrate
2. As\... questions .
wh ich are determin
agree that one an ate in the sense th
sw er at experts should
. is be tte r th an another.
3. Define the exam .
in er' s ta sk as com . II as poss ible
without nterteri'lg pl etel y and spec ia
with measuremen Y
4. In genera ,. give t of the achievemen
pr ef er er ce to mor t. be
e spec ific qu es tio . th ar ca n
outwara more brie ns
5 Avoid giving th
e exar nh ee a choi cc
+ ,-c: 'Jn 1e~-
spec.a c1rcu111starc ce among opt. ona
es make such op tio qu es ,o V