Ceftizadime. EDH

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Route of
response to Nursing
administration, General Action
Name of Date med. with responsibilities prior
dosage, and Mechanism of Indication
Drugs Administered actual side to, during, and after
frequency of Action
effects (if administration
Generic Name: Route: Ceftazidime is  Serious UTI and lower Prior:
Ceftazidime IV indicated for the respiratory tract infection;  Assess patient for
treatment of skin, gynecologic, intra- previous
Brand Name: Dosage: lower respiratory abdominal, bone and joint, hypersensitivity or
Fortaz, Tazicef 2g tract infections, and CNS infection; allergy to
skin and skin bacteremia; and penicillins or
Drug Frequency: structure septicemia caused by cephalosporins.
Classification: q8 infections, susceptiblemicroorganism  Give medication
Third- urinary tract s, such as streptococci after meal.
generation infections, (including Streptococcus
Cephalosporins bacterial pneumoniae and During:
septicemia, bone Streptococcus pyogenes),  .
and joint penicillinase- and non–
infections, penicillinase-producing After:
gynecologic Staphylococcus aureus,  Monitor
infections, intra- Escherichia coli, patient for
abdominal Klebsiella, Proteus, diarrhea.
infections Enterobacter,  Monitor
(including Haemophilus influenzae, patient for
peritonitis), and Pseudomonas, and some superinfection.
central nervous strains of Bacteroides
system  Uncomplicated UTI Patient Teaching
infections  Complicated UTI  Tell patient to
(including  Uncomplicated pneumonia report adverse
meningitis)  Lung infections caused by reactions or
caused by Pseudomonas in patients signs of
susceptible with cystic fibrosis with superinfection
bacteria. normal renal function promptly.
 Very severe life-  Instruct patient
threatening infections, to report
especially in patients who discomfort at
are immunocompromised IV insertion
 Advise patient
to notify
about loose
stools or

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