Ecd 3
Ecd 3
Ecd 3
the Bunker
The nomadic model and the sedentary model share similar character-
istics beyond their contestational intent. The subtext of all
interventionist representation, whether sedentary or no-
madic, is pedagogy. The hope is that participants and
viewers will engage in a dialogue that will allow them to
break through the ideological boundaries of the bunker, and
in turn gain a greater measure of autonomy (the affirmation
of their own desires and control over their surroundings).
The truly disturbing (by which CAE does not mean “shock-
ing”) work of cultural representation will help each individual
progress toward a more complete subjecthood—s/he will be
able to separate him-herself from the objecthood of the
machine. Beyond this point, however, agreement between
participants in either school becomes less and less common.
each have faith in the wisdom of the other. The reason that
such a social occurrence transcends alienation is only
because of nonrational elements of affinity, friendship,
faith, and trust. These elements allow the individuals in
CAE to work as a unit in our interactions with each other,
beyond considerations of exchange or contract economy.
This is the type of solidarity and horizontal flow of power
that bureaucracy attempts to eliminate; by contrast, the
cellular social constellation is among the very few collec-
tive experiences where people can actually speak for
themselves, in that their individuality is not lost to the
mechanics of organization.