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Health Policy
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Article history: Hospital bed occupancy rates in the English National Health Service have risen to levels considered
Received 21 January 2018 clinically unsafe. This study assesses the association of increased bed occupancy with changes in the
Received in revised form 24 May 2019 percentage of overnight patients discharged from hospital on a given day, and their subsequent 30-
Accepted 17 June 2019
day readmission rate. Longitudinal panel data methods are used to analyse secondary care records
(n = 4,193,590) for 136 non-specialist Trusts between April 2014 and February 2016. The average bed
occupancy rate across the study period was 90.4%. A 1% increase in bed occupancy was associated with
Quality measurement
a 0.49% rise in the discharge rate, and a 0.011% increase in the 30-day readmission rate for discharged
Health services research
Performance measures
patients. These associations became more pronounced once bed occupancy exceeded 95%. When bed
Standards of care occupancy rates were high, hospitals discharged a greater proportion of their patients. Those were mostly
younger and less clinically complex, suggesting that hospitals are successfully prioritising early discharge
amongst least vulnerable patients. However, while increased bed occupancy was not associated with a
substantial increase in overall 30-day readmission rates, the relationship was more pronounced in older
and sicker patients, indicating possible links with short-fallings in discharge processes.
© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
1. Introduction [1,5], and bed occupancy rates are particularly high, though Israel,
Ireland and Norway also have rates exceeding 90% [6].
The percentage of hospital beds that are occupied at any one Clinical leadership has expressed concern about rises in bed
point in time has been increasing in England and has risen over the occupancy rates and how they might affect the ability of hospital
past decade from an average of 84.5% in 2006/07 to 91.4% in the teams to deliver high quality care [7]. There are particular concerns
period from January to March 2017 [1]. The trend may be due in that high bed occupancy rates might lead to an increased likelihood
part to a policy to move care into community settings, which has of adverse events [8], challenges in securing the resources needed
encouraged the closure of hospital beds without achieving corre- to diagnose and treat patients [9], and problems with planning for
sponding reductions in the number of hospital admissions [2]. In the discharge of larger numbers of patients [10]. Particularly, indi-
fact, the number of admissions has increased from 12.7 million in vidual patients might be discharged sooner when bed occupancy
2005/06 to 16.2 million in 2015/16 [3], while the bed stock has rates are high [11], perhaps because care teams face additional
decreased from 300,000 beds in 1987/88 to 131,000 in 2015/16 pressures at these times to reduce bed occupancy to more manage-
[1,4]. This means that England has now one of the lowest rates of able levels. It is unknown, yet plausible that in some cases patients
hospital beds per population (i.e., the number of beds per 1000 are being discharged before adequate transitional or post-discharge
population decreased from 6.3 beds in 1987 to 2.3 beds in 2016) care support is put into place, and this might carry a risk to patient
care and could materialise in a hospital readmission [12]. High bed
occupancy rates might also have implications for patient safety,
as they have been linked to an increased likelihood of hospital-
∗ Corresponding author at: Department of Health Policy, LSE, Houghton Street,
associated infections such as methicillin-resistant staphylococcus
London, WC2A 2AE, United Kingdom.
and clostridium difficile [13–15]. Despite the salience of the issue
E-mail address: [email protected] (R. Friebel).
0168-8510/© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.
766 R. Friebel et al. / Health Policy 123 (2019) 765–772
to resource-stretched hospitals, very little research has examined 2.2. Bed occupancy rates
the implications of high bed occupancy rates for hospital processes
and quality of care. One notable study examined data from a 420- We calculated the bed occupancy rate for each trust and each
bed emergency hospital in Sweden [16], and found that patients day between 1 April 2014 and 29 February 2016, as the number
who were discharged from hospital on days with high bed occu- of inpatients present at midnight divided by the total number of
pancy rates had an appreciably higher risk of being readmitted beds in the trust. We focussed on the midnight bed occupancy rate
within 30 days following discharge (odds ratio: 1.11; 95% CI, 1.01 because HES includes only the date, but not the time, of admission
to 1.22). The authors attributed the increased readmission risk to and discharge. The number of inpatients present at midnight can be
a premature discharge of patients, supporting fears raised by clin- calculated based on a consideration of the dates alone. The num-
ical leadership in England. However, it is unknown whether this ber of beds was obtained from publicly reported data [1], which
phenomenon is unique to that one hospital in Sweden, or whether are updated every three months as the average of the daily num-
there is a more general link between high bed occupancy and read- ber of beds and include beds for general and acute care, maternity,
missions, instigated through an impact on the quality of discharge learning disability and mental health services, but exclude beds for
processes. critical care [24].
If readmission rates were indeed raised at times of high bed
occupancy, this would require careful attention. Avoidable read- 2.3. Hospital discharge rates
missions may be undesirable for patients and services alike, and
they have been associated with other markers of care quality along We calculated the hospital discharge rate for each trust and each
the patient pathway, including in-hospital care [17], transitional day across the study period as the proportion of patients who were
care services [18–20] and post-discharge support [21,22]. They are discharged. Our focus was restricted to people recorded as inpa-
also linked to downstream pressures on hospital beds, raising the tients at midnight the previous night. The hospital discharge rates
possibility that efforts to free up beds for the management of short- were risk-adjusted for the characteristics of patients in hospital at
term pressures might be storing up problems for the future. Since midnight, including age on admission, sex, ethnicity, comorbidities
there has been few published research in this area, the aim of this measured by the Charlson Index that uses data from the indexed
study was to first assess whether rises in hospital bed occupancy hospital admission and a look-back period of one year [25,26],
associates with changes in hospital discharge rates, thus testing socioeconomic deprivation score (Index of Multiple Deprivation
a hypothesis raised by clinicians and patient representatives in based on 2010 census data of small geographic areas of patients
recent years. And secondly, to assess whether those patients that residence, each containing on average 1500 residents) [27], and
are discharged when bed occupancy is high are more likely to elapsed length of stay (i.e., the number of nights from admission
return to hospital within 30-days, providing evidence for poten- to the date in question). Length of stay was entered into the risk-
tially adverse effects on the quality of discharge processes. This was adjustment process due to its association with an increased risk
done by examining data for all acute hospitals in England, measur- of suffering an adverse event for every extra day spent in hospital
ing bed occupancy for each hospital on a daily basis over a two-year [28], which could impact on the patients recovery time. Moreover,
period. in the absence of any adequate measures of severity in the HES
data, length of stay acts as a proxy as used in other studies report-
ing on risk-adjusted readmission rates [29,30]. By not accounting
for length of stay, we would discount the fact that patients who
have been in hospital for longer due to their clinical complexity
could be wrongly identified as discharge-ready and would there-
2. Method fore be more likely to be discharged when bed occupancy rates
are high. Conditional logistic regression models were fitted to the
2.1. Study sample patient-level data and used to predict the hospital discharge rate for
each trust and day. The observed hospital discharge rate was then
We studied all acute NHS trusts in England (i.e., healthcare divided by the predicted hospital discharge rate from the condi-
providers that typically manage several hospital sites). We included tional logistic regression models to indicate whether the trust over
all patients recorded as inpatients from these trusts when aged or underperformed relative to the level expected. We then mul-
18 or over, regardless of admission method (i.e., including both tiplied this ratio by the average hospital discharge rate across all
planned elective and emergency admissions, with the latter includ- trusts for that day to calculate the risk-adjusted discharge rate. This
ing direct referrals from A&E departments) between 1 April 2014 method is analogous to the risk-adjustment methodology used for
and 29 February 2016. A two-year study period was chosen based the public reporting of readmission rates in England, but also other
on the availability of data and relevance of this issue to current indicators such as patient reported outcome measures [31,32].
policy debates, including the concerns raised during the past Win-
ter periods [7,23]. We focussed on patients staying overnight in 2.4. Readmission rates
hospital, and thus excluded patients who were admitted and dis-
charged on the same day. We also excluded patients discharged in As defined by policy-makers in England, we identified a hospi-
March 2016, to allow calculating 30-day readmissions within the tal readmission from HES as any all-cause, unplanned emergency
constraints of the data. admission occurring within 30-days of discharge [33]. We used
Data were sourced from the Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) method of admission codes (‘21’ – via A&E; ‘22’ – via general practi-
database, a national administrative dataset containing records for tioner; ‘23’ – via Bed Bureau; ‘24’ – via consultant outpatient clinic;
patients receiving health care services by the NHS in England. The ‘28’ – other means, such as arriving via A&E of another provider; ‘2A’
data spanned April 2014 to March 2016, and included information – A&E of another provider where the patient had not been admitted;
on patient demographics, diagnoses, and admission and discharge ‘2B’ – transfer from another provider in an emergency) to identify
dates. Patients experiencing multiple admissions during the obser- emergency readmission from the patient-level HES file. Readmis-
vation period were treated as separate inpatient spells (admissions) sion rates were calculated for each trust and each day between
in the analysis. Patients with incomplete records on information 1 April 2014 and 29 February 2016, as the proportion of patients
required for risk-adjustment were excluded. discharged on that day who were subsequently readmitted as an
R. Friebel et al. / Health Policy 123 (2019) 765–772 767
emergency within 30-days. We restricted the calculation of the in readmission rates as a result of poor quality discharge processes
readmission rates to patients who had been inpatients at mid- [16].
night the previous night, and thus ensured consistency with the
populations included in our other metrics.
The readmission rates were risk-adjusted using the same 3. Results
methodology that was used for the discharge rates. We fitted con-
ditional logistic regression models to patient-level data, adjusting 3.1. Study sample
for the same variables as used for the adjustment of hospital dis-
charge rates. The choice of variables used for the risk-adjustment Between April 2014 and February 2016, 4,193,590 overnight
of readmission rates was guided by the literature [29,30]. To cal- patients met our inclusion criteria from 136 acute NHS trusts. We
culate risk-adjusted readmission rates, for each trust and day we excluded 8,462,811 patients who were admitted and discharged on
divided the observed readmission rate by the predicted readmis- the same day, with 82% accounting for elective day-cases and 18%
sion rate, and then multiplied this ratio by the average readmission being emergencies, and a further 2,269,350 patients without com-
rate observed across all trusts for that day. plete records for risk-adjustment and being below the age of 18
years. Patients in our study sample were on average 63.6 years of
age (Standard Deviation, SD: 4.22 years), with an average Charlson
2.5. Statistical analysis index of 0.98 (SD: 0.22) and an average hospital length of stay of
6.5 days (SD: 2.23). These characteristics changed only marginally
We first assessed the relationship between bed occupancy over time. Table 1 presents summary statistics on a three-month
and the risk-adjusted discharge rates, and then the relationship basis; note that the final observation is limited to the period from
between bed occupancy and the risk-adjusted readmission rates. In 1 January 2016 to 29 February 2016.
each case, we used linear panel data models [37], which make use
of the longitudinal nature of the data, with observations across 136
3.2. Trends in bed occupancy, observed discharges and observed
trusts and up to 699 time points (i.e., days). The models included
trust-level fixed effects, which control for factors that are specific to
the trust, yet which remained constant over time (such as the char-
Across the observation period, we found an increase in the
acteristics of the surrounding area, and teaching hospital status).
bed occupancy rate from 89.7% in April to June 2014 (range
Based on emerging evidence on the pressures imposed on clinical
60.9%–100.0%) to 91.8% in January and February 2016 (range
teams when bed occupancy is high, we tested the hypothesis that
67.7%–100.0%). Similarly, the average percentage of patients dis-
higher levels of bed occupancy rates are associated with higher hos-
charged per day increased over this time period from 15.0% (range
pital discharge rates, and a subsequently elevated risk for patients
2.0%–31.0%) to 16.3% (range 3.0%–31.0%), whereas the percentage
to be readmitted due to potentially adverse effects on the qual-
of patient readmitted within 30 days decreased from 13.3% (range
ity of the discharge processes. It was possible that the relationship
0.0%–29.0%) to 12.5% (range 0.0%–29.0%).
between bed occupancy rates on readmissions becomes stronger
when beds are scare, since pressures on beds become more acute
and harder to manage. Therefore, we conducted sensitivity analy- 3.3. Panel data models
ses to test for non-linear associations between bed occupancy rates,
discharge rates and readmission rates. Dose-response curves were We estimated that, for each one-per-cent increase in the
plotted using the overlaid predictions from the original model that overnight bed occupancy rate, the patients who had been in hos-
included squared terms. pital overnight saw their probability of discharge increase by an
Some trusts lacked complete data, for example because they had absolute 0.49 percentage points (95% CI, 0.48%–0.50%). Therefore,
not been in existence for the entire study period. We used an unbal- not only did the absolute number of discharges increase when a
anced panel in our main analysis that included each trust regardless greater number of hospital beds are occupied, but also individual
of the number of available observations. As a sensitivity analysis, we patients were more likely to be discharged.
constructed a strictly balanced panel that was limited to trusts with Patients who were discharged following nights with a high bed
complete data (i.e., only included trusts that had one observation occupancy rate were more likely to be readmitted in the subsequent
for every day across the study period). 30-day period. We estimated that each one-per-cent increase in the
overnight bed occupancy rate was associated with a 0.011% (95%
CI, 0.003%–0.019%) increase in risk-adjusted 30-day readmission
2.6. Subgroup analyses risk. Our findings were robust to changes in method to use a panel
that comprised only trusts with complete information for each day
Subgroup analyses assessed whether the associations were across the study period (see Appendix A).
stronger or weaker in certain patient groups and trusts, since
some patients naturally present with more complex needs whose
addressing may require better care coordination following hospi- 3.4. Dose-response curves
tal discharge. Patients were segmented by age group (i.e., 18 to 35
years; 36 to 50 years; 51 to 65 years; 66 to 80 years; 81 to 90 years; Fig. 1 depicts the dose-response curves. The strength of the rela-
and 91 years or older); the number of comorbidities (i.e., none; 1; 2; tionship between discharge rates and bed occupancy diminished as
3; 4; 5; and 6 or above); and quintiles of the socioeconomic depri- bed occupancy increased. In contrast, readmission rates increased
vation score (i.e., patients living in most deprived areas – centile 1, more quickly once bed occupancy exceeded around 80%.
to patients living in least deprived areas – centile 5). In each case, When we re-analysed data for a restricted sample of trusts and
we re-estimated our main model to data for the relevant patient days that had a minimum bed occupancy rate of 94.4%, we found
subgroup. We also considered instances where trusts had bed occu- that any additional absolute one per cent increase in bed occu-
pancy rates in excess of 94.3% (the upper tertile of the distribution) pancy associated with a 0.50% (95% CI, 0.45%–0.56%) increase in
to examine further the evidence from one Swedish hospital that discharge rates, and a 0.04% (95% CI, 0.003%–0.076%) increase in
very high bed occupancy rates lead to greater marginal increases the readmission rates for discharged patients.
Table 1
Descriptive statistics, showing daily outcome variables and variables used for risk-adjustment by NHS Trusts and for eight quarters.
Patient age (years) 63.20 (4.19) 63.06 (4.20) 63.73 (4.33) 64.45 (4.30) 63.61 (4.16) 63.46 (4.11) 64.04 (4.11) 64.20 (4.18)
Female (%) 54.19 (7.36) 54.17 (7.35) 54.15 (7.37) 54.38 (7.14) 54.02 (7.18) 53.90 (7.30) 53.93 (7.23) 54.29 (7.16)
White (%) 92.71 (10.29) 92.97 (10.22) 92.81 (10.38) 93.33 (9.92) 92.70 (10.31) 93.07 (9.68) 93.17 (9.80) 92.71 (10.25)
Black (%) 1.83 (4.34) 1.74 (4.32) 1.83 (4.45) 1.75 (4.33) 1.94 (4.70) 1.78 (4.34) 1.70 (4.24) 1.90 (4.72)
Note: Analysis restricted to patients meeting study inclusion criteria; We calculated risk-adjusted discharge rates and readmission rates by multiplying the ratio of observed and predicted rates by the respective average rate
observed for all trusts.
R. Friebel et al. / Health Policy 123 (2019) 765–772 769
Table 2
The association between bed occupancy and a) risk-adjusted discharge rate, b) risk-adjusted readmission rate for patient subgroups.
Age group
18 years–35 years 0.50*** 0.48–0.53 −0.06*** −0.08 to −0.04
36 years–50 years 0.53*** 0.51–0.55 −0.11*** −0.13 to −0.09
51 years–65 years 0.49*** 0.47–0.51 −0.03*** −0.05 to −0.01
66 years–80 years 0.40*** 0.39–0.42 0.02*** 0.01–0.40
81 years–90 years 0.31*** 0.29–0.33 0.09*** 0.08–0.11
91 years and over 0.23*** 0.20–0.25 0.11*** 0.08–0.15
Number of comorbidity
0 0.48*** 0.46–0.49 −0.04*** −0.04 to −0.03
1 0.42*** 0.41–0.44 0.02** 0.00–0.04
2 0.33*** 0.31–0.35 0.01 −0.01–0.03
3 0.27*** 0.24–0.30 0.10*** 0.06–0.14
4 0.19*** 0.16–0.23 0.11*** 0.04–0.17
5 0.07 −0.46 to 0.62 0.13** 0.01–0.24
6 or above 0.27*** 0.24–0.29 0.07*** 0.02–0.12
Note: *** Indicates that the variable has robust impact on dependent variable at 1% significance level, ** for 5% and * for 10%.
Fig. 1. Dose response curves relating levels of bed occupancy to the risk-adjusted 4. Discussion
discharge rate (i) and the risk- adjusted readmission rate (ii).
portion of patients are discharged from hospital. The individual lished a link between bed occupancy rates and readmission risk in
probability of discharge increased by about 0.49% for each addi- the intensive care setting [39].
tional 1% of beds occupied (95% CI, 0.48%–0.50%). This risk of early
discharge was most pronounced in patients who were younger, 4.2. Strengths and limitations
and with less comorbidity. Therefore, it appears that patients are
discharged earlier when beds are full, though the additional dis- Bed occupancy rates only capture one aspect of the pressures
charge risk was lower for older and more complex patients. This that exist on care teams, and indeed we measured bed occupancy
could indicate that hospitals are allocating scarce beds to the most at midnight when further changes occur during the day. Although
vulnerable patients, or that it is more challenging to accelerate the the NHS has started to report bed occupancy on a daily basis for the
discharges of older patients, for example due to limitations in the Winter months in 2012 [40], which underlines the assumed rel-
availability of post-discharge support in the community. evance to reflect on hospital pressure, the focus on midnight bed
Concerns have been raised that pressures on beds might occupancy arose as a result of limitations with the hospital admin-
adversely affect the quality of care provided, for example because istrative data. The data allowed us to measure bed occupancy on a
of the inadequate discharge planning or coordination [7]. We daily basis for all acute NHS trusts across a two-year period. While
found that patients had a higher risk of readmission when they the numerator for our bed occupancy rate included all patients, we
were discharged at times when more beds were occupied, but the note that the denominator was taken from publicly available infor-
increases were small in comparison to the usual 30-day readmis- mation on the number of overnight beds per trust. Since this was
sion rate of around 12.5% for the average patient who remains only available on a quarterly basis, we were not able to account for
in hospital a minimum of one night. For each 1% increase in some of the ways in which hospitals deal with pressures on beds,
bed occupancy, the 30-day readmission rate increased by 0.011% such as the temporary extension of bed capacity to deal with peaks
(95% CI, 0.003%–0.019%), though the association was more pro- in demand. High bed occupancy presents as a significant challenge
nounced when the bed occupancy rate reached its highest levels for the NHS because of the limitations associated with absorbing
and amongst certain population groups. For example, the associa- unexpected increases in the number of patients going to the hos-
tion was around four times greater when the bed occupancy rate pital if beds are filled. However, if bed occupancy is lower, then
exceeded 95%, with readmission risk increasing by 0.04% for each increases in admission rates are easier to deal with provided the
percentage point increase in bed occupancy above that level (95% staff are also available.
CI, 0.003%–0.076%). The association was also more pronounced We measured quality of care using the 30-day hospital read-
for older patients (0.09% increase in readmission risk for patients mission rate, which is widely used to assess hospital performance
aged years 81–90 for each additional 1% of beds occupied; CI 95%, [29,41–44], since readmissions have shown to correlate with qual-
0.08%–0.11%), and those with several comorbidities (0.10% increase ity of care along the patient pathway [20,21,30]. Readmissions are
or higher; CI 95%, 0.06–0.14). However, even at the highest levels of generally undesirable for patients if they can be avoided and repre-
bed occupancy, the increased readmission risk is unlikely to be clin- sent additional burden for health systems, including downstream
ically significant. Our findings suggest that hospitals are managing pressures on beds and additional costs [43]. However, the small
the additional pressures on hospital beds by discharging the least increase in readmission risk detected in this study may not place
vulnerable patients in ways that do not lead to additional read- a notable burden on patients or the health system and it is impor-
missions. However, the slight increases in readmissions that we tant to note that the links between readmissions and care quality
detected might still signal wider impacts on the quality of care, are not straightforward [45]. For example, some readmissions are
which warrant further investigation. High bed occupancy rates are clinically appropriate and, on busy days, consultants may adopt a
likely to remain a concern, not only in the NHS, but also across other deliberate strategy to discharge patients earlier with instructions
health systems that are expected to face rises in demand for their to return should conditions worsen. These early discharges might
services in the future [38]. be associated with benefits to patients even if there is an increased
readmission risk (e.g., because shorter lengths of stay mean less
time in hospital settings that are often psychologically and physio-
4.1. Prior research logically straining for patients) [28,46]. Further studies are needed
to provide a more granular picture, and these could examine met-
Previous research using data from one 420-bed emergency hos- rics that relate to processes in other parts of the clinical pathway,
pital in Sweden found that patients discharged on days with high safety, clinical and patient-focussed outcomes and experience of
bed occupancy rates were at higher risk of readmission, and the care [47]. Studies could also investigate patient groups not consid-
authors attributed this to poor quality discharge processes [16]. ered in this paper. For consistency with the calculation of the bed
The effect size from the study was larger than our findings, equiv- occupancy rates, we restricted our study to patients who remained
alent to an absolute increase in the 30-day readmission rate of in hospital overnight, yet pressures on beds might also affect the
around 1.3% (95% CI, 0.4%–2.2%) when bed occupancy was between quality of care delivered to patients who are admitted for a shorter
95% to 100%, compared with under 95%. We found an increase of period of time. High bed occupancy rates might also create prob-
0.04% for each percentage increase in bed occupancy above 95%. lems in other parts of the hospital, since for example they have been
We cannot be definitive about why the association was smaller in associated with longer waiting times in emergency departments
England, but it may be that hospitals are more effectively manag- [48], as well as longer waits for beds [49].
ing the pressures associated with high bed occupancy rates. Unlike Another consideration regarding the use of readmission rates
the previous study, we examined the association between high is that they can be affected by the quality of post-discharge care,
bed occupancy rates and readmission rates across a representative which may not be under the control of the hospital, or indeed
sample of patients nationally, which included patients admitted factors outside the direct control of health systems, such as socioe-
as an emergency and planned elective. This is the first national conomic status [45,50]. Our study design aimed to adjust for these
study in the area, though other research also explored the rela- and other factors by using a panel data model, which examined fluc-
tionship between hospital demand and discharge rates, and found tuations in bed occupancy rates over time and tested whether these
that long-stay patients are more likely to be discharged on days of were associated with contemporaneous changes in readmission
high demand in the Australian health care system [11]. Finally, we rates within the same hospital trusts, instigated through poorer
note that a study based on one teaching hospital in Canada estab- quality of discharge processes. This approach enabled us to account
R. Friebel et al. / Health Policy 123 (2019) 765–772 771
for one form of endogeneity, the unobserved heterogeneity in the as a result was found, but there might be implications for other
characteristics of trusts provided their relationship with the out- dimensions of care quality.
come remained the same across the observation period. We also Although there have been fears that high bed occupancy is
adjusted for changes in patient demographic and clinical charac- leading to poorer discharge processes and more patients being
teristics over time through our risk-adjustment method. Still, there readmitted at a later date, these seem to be unfounded based on
is a residual risk of bias, since pressures on post-discharge ser- evidence provided in our study. This might be because hospitals are
vices might coincide with pressures on the local hospitals (e.g., successfully prioritising early discharge amongst least vulnerable
if there are sudden adverse changes to weather), and our find- patients.
ings may be affected by changes in care management over time,
such as the introduction of ‘discharge-to-assess’ models [51], or Funding
trusts investing into additional social care capacity [51,52]. Our
method also carries a risk relating to simultaneity in the relation- This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
ship between bed occupancy rates and discharge rates. However, agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
the study findings offer quantitative support for this relationship
previously suggested by clinical leaders and the Parliamentary
Data sharing
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