20.3 - Y1S2 - NON PU - 04oct2021 - DCN1
20.3 - Y1S2 - NON PU - 04oct2021 - DCN1
20.3 - Y1S2 - NON PU - 04oct2021 - DCN1
Instructions to Candidates
1) Section A compulsory to answer and answer TWO questions from Section B.
2) Please keep proper formatting in your answer sheets
3) Mention your Index number and the name that appear on the student ID
4) Time allocated for the examination is three (03) hours and 30 minutes (Including
downloading and uploading time)
5) Download the paper, provide answers to the selected questions in a word
6) Please upload the document with answers (Answer Script) to the submission link
before the submission link expires
7) Answer script should be uploaded in PDF Format
8) Under any circumstances, E-mail submissions would not be taken into consideration
for marking. An incomplete attempt would be counted as a MISSED ATTEMPT.
9) The Naming convention of the answer script – Module Code_Subject name_Index
10) You must adhere to the online examination guidelines when submitting the answer
script to N-Learn.
11) Your answers will be subjected to a Turnitin similarity check. Hence, direct copying
and pasting from internet sources, friend’s answers etc., will be penalized.
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Section A
Compulsory to answer.
Section B
Answer two questions out of three questions.
a) What is the basic hardware that you would recommend and justify your selection?
(06 Marks)
b) If you need to select a Switch or Hub, which device will you choose and why?
(07 Marks)
c) What are the transmission mediums that you recommend to connect these devices and briefly
explain the reason
(05 Marks)
d) Which type of internet connection that you recommend to connect this network to the
internet and briefly explain the reason (07 Marks)
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Question 05 (25 Marks)
a) Explain the advantages of having multiplexing? (06 Marks)
b) Find an internet checksum for the following binary packet sequences
I. 10011111 10101101
II. 10011110 11110110
III. 11111010 11010101
IV. 10110111 10110101
V. 11111101 10110111
VI. 10011010 10101010 (06 Marks)
c) Explain what WDM (Wavelength-division Multiplexing) is with example (06 Marks)
d) Compare and contrast circuit switching and packet switching with examples (07 Marks)
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