Aeronautic or
Aeronautic or
Aeronautic or
tangential velocity
v vertical velocity (see Fig. 4)
reference velocity (speed of sound)
w horizontal velocity (see Fig. 4)
x axial distance from nozzle exit
Paper No. 2825. Manuscript received 27 February 2003, revised version received 15 October 2003, accepted 21 January 2004.
An experimental and numerical investigation
of under-expanded turbulent jets
A. J. Saddington, N. J. Lawson and K. Knowles
Aeromechanical Systems Group
Cranfield University
Shrivenham, UK
( )
2 2 2
u v w
+ +
() e.g. u, fluctuating velocity component
e.g. u
, rms velocity component
upstream of normal shock
downstream of normal shock
High-speed, compressible, turbulent jets feature in many important
aerospace applications, notably in jet aircraft and rocket propulsion, gas
turbine combustion chambers and turbomachinery cooling flows. In
many of these applications an understanding of the mixing between the
jet and an ambient fluid is critical to their successful design. Specific
research areas include jet noise reduction
, high pressure ratio ejector
and infra-red signature reduction
Most jet powered aircraft operating in the high subsonic and low super-
sonic flight regimes will use turbofan engines with convergent propul-
sive nozzles (the performance benefit of using a convergent-divergent
nozzle is usually negated by the extra weight and complexity of such
systems). If the aforementioned research areas are to progress, there
exists a requirement for experimental data on an under-expanded turbu-
lent jet on which to base mixing enhancements.
The increasing use of CFD techniques early in the design cycle leads to
a requirement for high-quality experimental data with which to validate
a particular model, ideally in the form of velocity and turbulence
measurements. Until recently, however, experimental data have been
limited to pitot probe measurements within the jet plume and
surrounding flowfield
. This raises difficulties with regard to probe
interference, which is especially significant for small-scale experiments
where shock-probe interference has the potential to give significant
measurement errors. The advent of laser-based measurement tech-
niques (such as LDV) has provided the opportunity to conduct non-
intrusive measurements. Previous researchers, however, have found
difficulty in obtaining reliable mean velocity data in the shock core
region of under-expanded jets. In some cases measurements were not
, whereas in others, the rapid velocity changes across the shock
cells could not be resolved
. This work presents new LDV data char-
acterising an under-expanded turbulent jet in the important supersonic
core region. The data are validated against traditional pitot probe data
and a CFD model of the jet.
1.1 Axisymmetric jets
The general structure of a turbulent free jet is well documented
. For a
circular convergent nozzle, three variations of the flow pattern are
possible, depending on the nozzle pressure ratio (NPR). The three vari-
ations that are traditionally identified are the subsonic jet, the under-
expanded jet and the highly under-expanded jet
The subsonic jet (Fig. 1) is characterised by a potential core, an area
of constant velocity in which no viscous mixing occurs, surrounded by
a region in which mixing between jet and ambient fluid takes place.
Several nozzle diameters downstream, the mixing region has spread
inward to reach the centreline, and the core region no longer exists.
Beyond this point, the mixing region continues to spread as the velocity
decays at a rate required to conserve axial momentum. In this portion
of the jet, the mean velocity profiles approach a self-similar shape.
Such a jet exists in air for isentropic nozzle pressure ratios from 1 to
When the sonic, or critical, pressure ratio is reached, a very weak
normal shock forms at the nozzle exit. This shock changes rapidly with
increasing pressure ratio and at a NPR of approximately 20, the
familiar pattern of shock diamonds or cells composed of inter-
secting oblique shocks is established in the core (Fig. 2). This structure
exists, for a sonic exit, until the NPR is about 40. The term moder-
ately under-expanded is used to denote jets within this pressure ratio
interval. Due to the additional expansion required in the unconfined jet
flow beyond the nozzle, the boundaries of what was the potential core
in the subsonic case are now determined by the requirement of pressure
equilibrium between the outermost portion of the flow within the shock
structure and the surrounding ambient air. The inward diffusion of the
mixing region, however, continues, and ultimately results in the dissi-
pation of the shock core. Downstream of the core, after the jet has
become subsonic, the spreading and decay rates would be expected to
be those of a wholly subsonic jet.
At NPRs greater than about 40, the form of the shock structure in
the initial cell begins to change. The oblique shock approaching the
nozzle centreline gives too high a flow deflection causing streamlines
to approach the centreline of the jet at an angle greater than the
maximum possible deflection through an oblique shock at the local
(downstream) Mach number. As a consequence, a Mach reflection
takes place and a normal shock (or Mach disc) is formed (Fig. 3). Once
this occurs, the jet is said to be highly under-expanded. The flow then
decays through a structure of oblique shocks. The mixing region
surrounds the core as usual, but its radial diffusion is small, with the
result that the core of the highly under-expanded jet can be extremely
long. Far downstream, the usual subsonic decay takes place.
1.2 Objectives
The objectives of this study were to take LDV velocity measurements in
the supersonic core of a jet issuing from a circular convergent nozzle
and to compare the data with a CFD model of the experiment. There
were two main aims. The first aim was to determine if the LDV tech-
nique was suitable for measurements in supersonic flow with shock
waves. The second aim was to ascertain the ability of the CFD model to
adequately predict the shock cell structure and the length of the shock
core. Comparisons were also made between the LDV data, CFD model
and previous pitot probe measurements of the same experiment
2.1 Experiments
Experiments were conducted in a nozzle test cell at Shrivenham
(Fig. 4). Two Howden rotary screw compressors running in series
supplied compressed dried air at a pressure of 69 bar (gauge) and a
Figure 1. A subsonic free jet
. Figure 2. An under-expanded free jet
flow rate of 102kgs
to a small plenum chamber in this cell. For the
jet experiments reported here, the compressors were run continu-
ously and discharged to atmosphere, with the required jet air supply
being bled off to a 344mm internal diameter, 152mm long jet pipe
to which test nozzles were attached, in this case an axisymmetric
nozzle was used with a 294mm exit diameter (Fig. 5).
Jet total pressure, p
was measured using a pitot tube (within the
jet supply pipe) and adjusted with a gate valve, which controlled the
proportion of the compressed air supply that was discharged to
atmosphere. Using this method, the NPR could be set to an accuracy
of 01. Flow temperature was measured with a thermometer
mounted indirectly in the jet rig supply pipe. The jet air was
exhausted from the test cell through a 03m diameter hole via a 45
capture cone, which was 042m downstream of the nozzle exit (Fig.
4). Data were collected at NPRs of 25 and 40.
Three-dimensional LDV measurements were taken using a Dantec
system based on FibreFlow optics, two 300mm focal length probes,
three BSA enhanced signal processors and Dantec Burstware soft-
ware. The probes were set up with beam separations of 20mm giving
probe volumes of 150m 150m 28mm. The processors were
set to non-coincidence mode to ensure acceptable data rates in u, v
and w. Seeding of the jet was by direct injection from a TSI six-jet
seeder into the plenum chamber using JEM Hydrosonic seeding
Measurement traverses were made at 25mm intervals along the
nozzle centreline, across the nozzle exit plane and across the jet at
one, two, five and ten diameters downstream of the exit. Each
measurement point was sampled for five seconds and contained
between 1,000 and 3,000 samples to yield u, v, and w mean veloci-
ties and u
, v
and w
turbulence data. Probe access limited data
collection to within 10D of the nozzle exit plane. The LDV measure-
ments were estimated to be accurate to 1% of velocity based on the
sample time and frequency.
Additional comparative data were taken from centreline pitot probe
measurements made previously under the same test conditions
The pitot probe was mounted on a 2D travelling microscope carriage
modified to accommodate a stepper motor on each axis. The carriage
was driven with a traverse range of 120mm. Physical carriage loca-
tion could be verified using vernier scales mounted on each axis.
The traverse plane was parallel to the jet axis enabling centre-line
pitot pressure profiles to be obtained. The limited travel of the
carriage required the rig to be repositioned downstream to give
coverage of the whole jet. Thus, centreline pressure profiles consist
of two plots taken at different times. Data points were recorded at
2mm intervals along the jet centreline. Probe access limited the
extent of measurements to just under 8D.
2.2 Numerical model
The CFD model was developed using the Fluent commercial code
(Version 5.5). The computational domain consisted of an axisym-
metric structured mesh with approximately 50,000 cells. The
boundary condition for the nozzle was set as a pressure inlet with a
prescribed total pressure, static pressure, total temperature and turbu-
lence intensity. The turbulence intensity, T
at nozzle inlet in the
CFD model was adjusted to give the same nozzle exit turbulence
intensity as the experiments (approximately 4%). The experimental
was derived from the rms velocity data measured by the LDV
technique. The turbulence length scale was set as 75 of nozzle
. The farfield boundary was set as a pressure outlet with a
prescribed static pressure and static temperature. The boundary
conditions are summarised in Table 1.
The inlet plane was approximately 1D upstream of the nozzle exit
(Fig. 6), the outlet plane was at about 50D downstream and the
radial boundary diverged from 2D at the upstream end to more than
10D downstream. Turbulent calculations were performed using the
RNG turbulence model
, which has been shown to be suitable
for modelling under-expanded jets
Figure 3. A highly under-expanded free jet
Figure 4. LDV measurements in the nozzle test cell.
Figure 5. Nozzle geometry showing the internal profile.
Boundary condition Variable Magnitude
Nozzle inlet p
NPR pa
p pa
From LDV
l 0075 (D/2)
Farfield p p
Table 1
Summary of the boundary conditions for the CFD model
Figure 6. The initial 2D axisymmetric mesh in the nozzle region
Figure 7. A typical 2D axisymmetric mesh after solution-based grid adaptation.
Figure 8. Predicted jet centre-line Mach number profiles effect of grid refinement (NPR = 3).
Figure 9. Contours of axial velocity showing the well defined shock structure (NPR = 4).
Figure 10. Schlieren flow visualisation of the jet shock structure (NPR = 4).
Initial axisymmetric calculations were conducted on a mesh of
6,600 cells (Fig. 6). Three stages of mesh adaption, based on density
gradients greater than 1 10
, were then performed in order to
capture the jet shock structure accurately. This increased the grid
resolution in the shock cell regions from 2mm to 025mm (Fig. 7).
Figure 8 shows centreline Mach number profiles for the initial
mesh and the three stages of mesh adaption. The solution is clearly
improved by the solution-based adaption, particularly after the first
stage. Further improvement in the shock cell definition is seen in the
second and third stages of adaption but by the third stage the incre-
mental change is small. It was concluded, therefore, that three stages
of mesh adaption were sufficient to ensure a mesh-independent solu-
tion. The solution-based mesh adaption gave a well defined shock
structure (Fig. 9) without the expense of having an excessively fine
mesh over the whole of the solution domain. This compares well
with previous schlieren flow visualisation images of an axisym-
metric jet from the same nozzle
(Fig. 10).
Calculations were performed using a multi-stage (Runge-Kutta)
solver employing a full approximation storage multi-grid scheme
with five levels to accelerate the multi-stage solver.
The results from the CFD model were compared with the LDV and
pitot probe experimental measurements as discussed below.
3.1 Centreline axial velocity measurements
Figure 11 shows the variation in centreline axial velocity with x/D for
the LDV and CFD data at a NPR of 25. The data agree reasonably
well in terms of shock strength and location. A close examination of
the LDV data indicated that ten shock cells had been captured. Shock
cell length was defined as the distance between subsequent velocity
peaks. The CFD model predicted the same ten shock cells that were
captured by the LDV technique, however, it predicted slightly longer
individual cells.
The shock core length, defined as the axial distance to the end of
the last shock cell, could also be determined. At this pressure ratio,
the shock core length is slightly over-predicted by the CFD, the end
of the tenth cell occurring at x/D = 75 rather than x/D = 65, which
Shock cell length, x/D
NPR = 25 NPR = 4
Cell (< 0005) (< 0042) (< 0034) (< 0005) (< 0042) (< 0034)
1 049 051 048 120 102 129
2 091 077 088 153 145 123
3 087 080 082 149 153 150
4 087 073 082 153 145 150
5 083 077 075 139 119 136
6 081 072 075 140 162 No data
7 076 059 061 123 119 No data
8 070 060 No data 118 No data No data
9 068 051 No data 101 No data No data
10 059 051 No data
Table 2
Comparison of shock cell lenghs for CFD, LDV and pitot probe techniques
Figure11. Jet centreline axial velocity profiles,
NPR = 25 comparison of CFD and LDV.
Figure 12. Jet of centreline axial velocity profiles,
NPR = 4 comparison of CFD and LDV.
Figure 13. Distribution of sampled axial velocity,
NPR = 4, x/D = 7 235.
Figure 14. Frequency spectra for one LDV data point,
NPR = 4, x/D = 7235.
Figure 12. Jet centreline axial velocity profiles, NPR = 4 comparison of
CFD and LDV.
Figure 16. Jet radial velocity profiles,
x/D = 0085 comparison of CFD and LDV.
Figure 17. Jet radial turbulence intensity profiles,
x/D = 0085 comparison of CFD and LDV.
Figure 15. LDV-measured tangental velocity profile,
NPR = 25, x/D = 0085.
was measured by LDV. The supersonic core is predicted by the CFD
to extend to x/D = 108 at which point the axial velocity is 316ms
The end of the supersonic core is, however, not captured by the LDV
traverse although there is some evidence of the onset of decay.
Increasing the NPR to 4 gives a substantial increase in the shock
cell length (Fig. 12), as would be expected. Again the agreement
between the CFD and LDV data is reasonable. Nine shock cells are
captured by the CFD but the model is still over-predicting the cell
length although not as much as in the NPR = 25 case. The LDV
measurements appear to have peak velocities that are up to 15% less
than the peak CFD velocities, particularly in the first few shock cells.
The peak velocity in the CFD calculation is 599 ms
at x/D = 12. A
correlation for the centreline Mach number in the core of underex-
panded jets
predicts a velocity of 594ms
. The excellent agree-
ment between these two predictions suggests, therefore, that the LDV
measurements are in error.
The majority of the error can be accounted for by considering the
seeding characteristics in response to an exponential acceleration
With seeding diameters of between 05m and 10m, a particle
density of 800kgm
and an exponential acceleration from 300 ms
in one nozzle diameter, the particle Stokes number will
range from 001 to 005. This corresponds to a predicted particle lag
error of between 5% and 15%.
A typical velocity distribution from the LDV data taken downstream
in the jet, (Fig. 15) was characterised by a double peak, indicating that
the jet was oscillating. This double distribution would result in an
underestimation of the jet centreline velocity. How large an underesti-
mation, however, is not known. The jet oscillation is thought to be due
to impingement on the collector resulting in a low frequency
with a Strouhal number of the order of 001. A fast
fourier transform of the data revealed the peak frequency of jet oscilla-
tion to be approximately 15Hz (Fig. 14). A similar effect could be
created if the NPR were pulsing, causing the measurement point to be
passing alternately through a peak and trough in the centreline velocity
distribution. This is unlikely for a number of reasons. Firstly, the
double peak in the LDV data was recorded at a number of streamwise
positions. It would be highly coincidental if this corresponded to peaks
and troughs in the velocity distribution. Secondly the NPR fluctuation
would have to be large (of the order of 15%), which was considered
unlikely. Finally, the frequency of oscillation is an order of magnitude
lower than the characteristic frequency of the compressor machinery,
which is a continuous displacement machine rotating at 6,000rpm.
A radial traverse close to the nozzle exit plane (x/D = 0085) also
established the existence of a 20ms
peak swirl velocity (Figure 15).
Swirl has been shown to shorten the shock cell length in supersonic
. The extent to which swirl might affect the results presented
here is not known, however the swirl angle of approximately 32. at
the jet periphery was thought to be sufficiently large to affect the jet
decay. The combination of swirl and jet oscillation (described
above) might be responsible for the apparently reduced shock cell
length in the experiment as compared with the CFD model. Even
after taking these effects into consideration, however, the CFD
model shows better agreement with the experimental data than has
been previously reported
A summary of the shock cell lengths for the CFD, LDV and pitot
probe measurements (discussed below) is given in Table 2.
Tolerances are quoted at the top of each column which indicate the
resolution of the experimental measurements and CFD mesh.
3.2 Radial velocity measurements
Radial velocity measurements were also made using the LDV
technique. Measurements made close to the nozzle exit plane
(x/D = 0085) show good agreement between the LDV-measured and
CFD-predicted velocity profiles (Fig. 16). Both the LDV and CFD
data show the characteristic velocity deficit at the centre of the jet,
which is due to a bowing of the sonic line at the nozzle exit.
Radial profiles of turbulence intensity (Fig. 17) also show good
agreement. The centreline data agree well as would be expected,
since the CFD was set up to match the experimental value here. The
plots also show good agreement between CFD and experiment in the
higher turbulence intensity regions found in the jet shear layer.
3.3 Centreline pitot probe measurements
The pitot probe data, p
were non-dimensionalised with ambient
static pressure, p
and plotted against non-dimensional axial distance,
x/D along the nozzle centreline. Corresponding centreline static pres-
sure measurements were not made, however, which meant that the
usual Rayleigh correction for a stand-off normal shock in front of the
probe could not be applied. In order to compare the pitot probe data
with the CFD model, the CFD-predicted static pressure and Mach
number were used in the normal shock equation (Equation 1).
where the subscripts 1 and 2 indicate conditions upstream and
downstream of a normal shock respectively.This effectively gives the
total pressure that a pitot probe would see if placed in the CFD-
predicted flow field (assuming a stand-off normal shock). Figures 18
Figure 18. Jet centreline pressure profiles, NPR = 25 comparison of
CFD and pitot probe.
Figure 19. Jet centreline pressure profiles, NPR = 4, comparison of
CFD and pitot probe.
1 1
02 1
( 1)M 1
2 M ( 1)
, ] , ]
+ +
, ] , ]
, ] , ]
] ]
. . . ( 1)
and 19 present pitot probe traverse data and CFD data for NPRs of 25
and 4 respectively. Each set of pitot probe data is in two parts, labelled
nearfield and farfield, resulting from the enforced relocation of the
traverse carriage. The overlap between the nearfield and farfield
results is an indication of the repeatability of the pitot probe data.
A comparison of the data for a NPR of 25 (Fig. 18) shows very
good agreement in the initial shock cells. The nozzle exit pressure
ratio of 25 is captured by both methods and the variation in pressure
ratio through the shock system is in good agreement. The pitot probe
data capture only seven shock cells compared to the ten predicted by
the CFD. The pitot probe measurements indicate that the shock cells
are shorter than the CFD prediction, which is in agreement with the
LDV measurements.
The main difference between the two sets of data is in the super-
sonic core length, which appears somewhat shorter in the pitot probe
data. This was originally thought to be most likely due to differences
in the jet conditions between the experimental set-up and the CFD
model, however, the possibility of probe interference must also be
considered as a contributory factor. The LDV data indicates that the
jet becomes subsonic at x/D 10, characteristic of previous experi-
, and slightly earlier than the CFD prediction of 108D. The
pitot probe data indicates a subsonic jet exists at x/D 93, a more
rapid decay. The two sets of experimental data were taken under
nominally the same conditions, the only difference being the intru-
sive nature of the pitot probe. Stickland
also considered the possi-
bility of probe interference in their data after analysis of schlieren
images indicated that the probe caused substantial distortion of the
shock cell structure. It is felt that some probe interference in Wongs
in combination with jet oscillation and exit swirl has caused
earlier than anticipated decay of the jet.
At the higher NPR (Fig. 19) agreement between the pitot probe
measurements and the CFD model are again good. The CFD data
indicates the formation of a small Mach disc which is characterised
by the region of subsonic flow on the centreline after the first shock
cell. The pitot probe measurements do not show the small Mach
disc, which is predicted by the CFD model, however the shock
strengths downstream of the first cell agree very well. The exit pres-
sure ratio on the experimental data is slightly below the set value,
however, it is not known whether this is a real effect or a probe inter-
ference problem. Unfortunately, the experimental measurements
were not able to capture the whole of the shock core but the indica-
tions are that the CFD model is over-predicting the shock cell
lengths, as concluded from the LDV discussions (see Table 2).
A study has been presented of under-expanded axisymmetric turbu-
lent jets. A CFD calculation using the RNG turbulence model
and solution-based mesh adaption has been shown to capture all the
main features of the nearfield flow up to 10 nozzle diameters down-
stream of the exit plane. Comparison with experimental LDV and
pitot probe measurements indicates that the CFD model is predicting
shock cells that are too long. There is evidence, however, that the
experiments are suffering from premature jet decay caused by a
combination of swirl in the jet flow, jet unsteadiness and, in the case
of the pitot measurements, some probe interference.
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