Hyv 123
Hyv 123
Hyv 123
doi: 10.1093/jjco/hyv123
Advance Access Publication Date: 12 August 2015
Review Article
Review Article
The characteristics of urological cancer in Japan can be summarized in the following points. (i) As the
onset of this type of cancer is typically seen in elderly patients, it is becoming a major social issue in
Japan that has already become an aging society. (ii) Many diverse treatment methods are available
and a response is required that prioritizes quality of life. (iii) Although vigorous research and devel-
opment efforts into new drugs are being carried out on a global level, resulting in beneficial medical
agents becoming more readily available, unless concepts relating to cost vs. effectiveness are further
developed and there is a real risk that medical systems and structures in their current form will be-
come unsustainable. (iv) Although at the current point there are no original large-scale clinical trials
being conducted in Asia, Japan has a wealth of experience of participating in many international joint
clinical trials and it is therefore an urgent and pressing challenge to organize joint clinical trials in
Asia and amass a body of knowledge that is unique to Asia. In view of this current situation and
given Japan’s position at the frontier of issues, it is important for Japan to take the initiative in
Asia in cooperating with other Asian nations in efforts to resolve and overcome various challenges.
© The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: [email protected] 23
24 Urologic cancer in Japan
borders. However, in the case that for whatever reason the treatment According to these statistics, in 2011 the highest cancer morbidity
about which information is provided online cannot be provided or re- rate among men was for stomach cancer, followed by prostate cancer.
ceived in the country or region in question, this creates personal dilem- Lung cancer was third, followed by bowel cancer. However, if
mas and stress for patients, families and medical practitioners alike. It fifth-placed colon cancer is combined with bowel cancer, together
is easy, therefore, to anticipate that such personal stresses will develop they would exceed the morbidity rate of stomach cancer. In terms of
into various wider social stresses (1,2). urological cancer, the morbidity rate is highest for prostate cancer,
In general, urological cancer significantly impacts the quality of life followed by renal cell carcinoma and bladder cancer. Among
(QOL) of patients in many cases, and in projects such as this one, women the highest morbidity rates are for breast, bowel, stomach
which aim to assess and compile information about the current status and lung cancer, but if both bowel and colon cancers were to be com-
in Asia and clarify various specific issues, it will also be important to bined, they would exceed the morbidity rate for breast cancer to take
consider Universal Health Coverage in Asia. the top spot. In terms of morbidity rates for women in urological
It is from just such a perspective that it is important to take a look cancer, renal cell carcinoma is 11.0 per 100 000 population, followed
at the current situation of urological cancer in Japan and engage in by bladder cancer at 7.6.
discussion about the way forward. In terms of cancer mortality rates, the ranking for men is as
follows: lung, stomach, bowel, liver, colon, pancreatic and prostate.
Mortality rates for renal cell carcinoma and bladder cancer are 9.1
Figure 2. Mortality rate by cancer site (2013). Source: Center for Cancer Control and Information Services, National Cancer Center, Japan.
bladder cancer. In general, urological cancer includes renal cell, pros- cancer and highly metastasized non-seminomatous testicular cancer. It
tate, bladder and testicular cancer. Among these, the types that have is regrettable that in these fields there has not been significant progress
the poorest post-treatment life expectancy are muscle-invasive bladder in new drug development.
26 Urologic cancer in Japan
Figure 4. Five-year relative survival rate by cancer site diagnosed in 2003–05 (female). Source: Center for Cancer Control and Information Services, National Cancer
Center, Japan.
However, in the field of bladder cancer there have been quiet Reiterating the point made above, what is important to note here is
attempts made in clinical development of various drug candidates the detrimental effect that the significant shift from urologists to med-
that include immune checkpoint inhibitors (7,8) and anticipation is ical oncologists has had in terms of the development of new drugs
mounting that in the near future there will be a wave of new drug devel- overseas. In general, there are many cases of urological cancer where
opment in the field of bladder cancer, similar to the waves of develop- surgery with curative intent can be used. However, in such cases the
ment seen for renal cell carcinoma and prostate cancer. primary issue is development of drug treatments that will function
Jpn J Clin Oncol, 2016, Vol. 46, No. 1 27
Variable %
2006 Sorafenib
2007 Temsirolimus
Figure 7. Trends in age-specific incidence rate of kidney cancer (Japan, 2011).
Source: Center for Cancer Control and Information Services, National Cancer
2008 Degarelix
Center, Japan. 2009 Everolimus
to prevent future reoccurrence or metastasis, or pre and/or post- 2010 Sipuleucel-T
surgical treatments that aim for a curative outcome. There are various Cabazitaxel
factors involved in the implementation of trials for such candidate 2011 Abiraterone
drugs, including the length of the trial period and ambiguity in deter-
2012 Axitinib Enzalutamide
mining results. However, early treatment of cancer by surgical meth-
2013 Alpharadin
ods is not within the so-called scope of medical oncologists, with the
28 Urologic cancer in Japan
robot-assisted radical prostatectomy that is remarkably widespread in circumstances of Asia and ensures that they are fit for the purpose
Japan. This is also a big issue in the aspect of cost/efficacy consideration. for utilization in the Asian context. The third edition of the guidelines
on renal cell carcinoma and first edition on bladder cancer are current-
ly in the process of being compiled. The revised guidelines for prostate
Bladder cancer
cancer were completed in September 2013 and uploaded on the
Bladder cancer is one type of cancer that has the greatest impact on pa-
NCCN website at the beginning of 2014. The concept behind the com-
tient QOL. Radical cystectomy to totally remove cancer results in the
pilation of these guidelines is detailed in the guidelines themselves and
insertion of a urinary diversion, which is a direct and severe factor in
is accessible on the NCCN website.
reducing patient QOL. In addition, as prognosticators are relatively
well understood, such as muscle/non-muscle-invasive tumors and the
histological grade of tumor cells, it is possible for surgeons to make a Conclusion
decision on whether to perform a total cystectomy or use endoscopy Looking from the perspective of actions and approaches relating to the
to perform a transurethral resection (TUR). Current urgent challenges Global Health Agenda, it can be said that among the countries of Asia,
in the field of bladder cancer can be characterized as follows: (i) the need Japan was the first to incorporate medical knowledge and expertise
to thoroughly examine the suitability of a total cystectomy and expand from western countries and engage in its own development in the
the scope for preserving bladder functions; (ii) the need to engage in fur- field of medical care and research. One of the results of Japan’s suc-
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