MAXA Grimper-Fan Fancoil en
MAXA Grimper-Fan Fancoil en
MAXA Grimper-Fan Fancoil en
only 12 cm tickness
Grimper Fan MSL
High wall installation
12 17 25
Total cooling capacity kW 1,20 1,70 2,45
Total heating capacity main exchanger kW 1,68 2,45 3,30
Air flow rate (min-max) m3/h 155-315 240-450 310-540
Electric power absorption (min-max) W 4-11 5-14 8-17
Minimum sound pressure (SPL) dB(A) 23,0 23,4 25,0
Width mm 873 1065 1257
Installazione a pavimento o a soffitto
Height mmFloor standingor ceiling
383installation 383 383
Depth mm 122 122 122
Weight kg 16 17 20
DC Inverter motor low power si si si
Tangential aluminum fan si si si
Remote control si si si
LCD display si si si
Pleated stainless steel filter si si si
Front panel in tempered glass si si si
Machine frame in powder-coated steel si si si
Supply voltage V-Hz 220-50 220-50 220-50
Cooling test conditions: Room:27° C – 47% R.H. Water temp. (in/out):7/12°C
Heating test conditions: Room:20° C. Water temp. in:50. same water flow conditioning
09 18 27 34
Total cooling capacity kW 0,88 1,81 2,7 3,38
Total heating capacity main exchanger kW 1,10 2,40 3,20 4,23
Air flow rate (min-max) m /h
80-180 155-315 240-450 310-540
Electric power absorption (min-max) W 3-12 4-13 5-14 8-17
Minimum sound pressure (SPL) db(A) 20,5 21,6 23,5 21,7
Width mm 681 873 1065 1257
Height mm 553 553 553 553
Depth mm 122 122 122 122
Weight kg 18 21 24 27
DC Inverter motor low power si si si si
Tangential aluminum fan si si si si
Remote control no no no no
LCD display no no no no
Pleated stainless steel filter si si si si
Installazione a circa 1 m dal pavimento
Front panel in tempered glass Floor standing installationsiwith or without feetsi si si
Machine frame in powder-coated steel si si si si
Supply voltage V-Hz 220-50 220-50 220-50 220-50
Cooling test conditions: Room:27° C – 47% R.H. Water temp. (in/out):7/12°C
Heating test conditions: Room:20° C. Water temp. in:50. same water flow conditioning
* Height without aesthetic feet
Installazione a parete alta
High wall installation
Total cooling capacity kW 1,20
Total heating capacity main exchanger kW 1,45
Air flow rate (min-max) m³/h 120-225
Electric power absorption (min-max) watt 4-11
Minimum sound pressure (SPL) dB(A) 19,1
Width mm 565
Height mm 1100
Depth mm 122
Weight kg 18
DC Inverter motor low power si
Tangential aluminum fan si
Remote control si
LCD display si
Pleated stainless steel filter si
Front panel in tempered glass si
Unit frame in powder-coated steel si
Supply voltage V-Hz 220-50
Airmust 3V A1
Touch screen control for wall installation
Airmust BM
Touch screen control for wall installation
MSL Hydronic fan coil for high wall installation BSL Hydronic fan coil for bathrooms and and
VSL Fan coil for floor standing or ceiling behing the doors
Loose accessories
AIRMUST BMCP Controller 3S, 2/4 pipes, with or without pipe, wi-fi, modbus, dry contact + probe
valve, probe (included), dry contact input
AIRMUST 3V A1 Fancoil thermostat function for fancoil SND-A3 Temperature probe for thermostat
3S, systems 2/4 tubes, wi-fi, modbus, dry AIRMUST series A1
contact + probe STSL Minimum water temperature probe
AIRMUST 010 A1 Fancoil thermostat 0-10V motor, 2/4
2V2VSL Straight 2-way valve kit for VSL 09-27 PEP34 Rear aesthetic panel VSL 34
2V2VSL34 Straight 2-way valve kit for VSL 34 P-VSL VSL ground fixing feet
3V2VSL 3-way by-pass valve kit 2 pipes RAD18 Front radiant panel VSL 09-18
for VSL 09-27 RAD34 Front radiant panel VSL 27-34
3V4VSL 3-way by-pass valve kit 4 pipes for VSL VASL09 Tray for horizontal installation VSL 09
3V2VSL34 3-way by-pass valve kit 2 micro pipes VASL18 Tray for horizontal installation VSL 18
for VSL 34 VASL27 Tray for horizontal installation VSL 27
PEP09 Rear aesthetic panel VSL 09 VASL34 Tray for horizontal installation VSL 34
PEP18 Rear aesthetic panel VSL 18
PEP27 Rear aesthetic panel VSL 27
2V2MSL Straight 2-way valve kit for MSL 12-17 3V2MSL25 3-way by-pass valve kit 2 pipes
2V2MSL25 Straight 2-way valve kit for MSL 25 for MSL 25
3V2MSL 3-way by-pass valve kit 2 pipes
for MSL 12-17
2V2BSL Straight 2-way valve kit for BSL 3V2BSL 3-way by-pass valve kit 2 pipes for BSL
ADVANTIX SPA Via San Giuseppe Lavoratore, 24 - 37040 Arcole (VR) - Italy
Tel. (+39) 045 7636585 - P.IVA 01209000239 - [email protected] -