Dr. Shuvro Bhattacharya

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General Medicine

(8th Sem)

Explain why
(8 th sem)
● Thyroid function is monitored in patient who is on long term Amiodarone therapy
● Thiamine is used concurrently with Dextrose in treating hypoglycemia in chronic
● Administration of Ant-snake venom should be monitored closely
● Primaquine is used for falciparum and vivax malaria
● Jugular venous pulse wave can provide diagnostics clue in complete heart block
● Acute Rheumatic Fever is a criteria based diagnosis.
● Octreotide is used in esophageal varicial bleeding
● Four drugs are used concurrently in treatment of pulmonary
● Anticoagulation therapy is used in Covid-19 infection
● Imatinib is not used in all cases of CMI.
● All cases of thyrotoxicosis are not associated with high uptake in Radio Iodine Uptake
● Clinical classification of leprosy is necessary for planning treatment
● Patients with Myasthenia Gravis may develop acute respiratory distress
● Pleural fluid study is the first step for diagnostics workup of pleural effusion
● Management of AIDP
● Pathogenesis of hepatic encephalopathy
● Clinical features of Parkinson’s disease
● Management of Lupus Nephritis
● Pathogenesis of Dengue Shock Syndrome
● Dextrose containing saline should not be used in Dengue fever
● Gastric lavage is not mandatory for all types of positioning.
● Primaquine is prescribed only on Day 2 in P. falciparum and from Day 1-14 in P.vivax
● Dermatological examination is very important in identifying and nutritional
● Forceps delivery is preferred over ventose in case fetal distress
● Real time partograph is to be done in all cases of expected vaginal delivery
● Preconception counseling is an important part of preventive medicine
● Ischial Spine is an important landmark of the female pelvis
● Continuous electronic fetal monitoring is mandatory in VBAC trial
● Bronchial breath sounds are heard in pneumonia
● Intensity of first heart sound helps in diagnosis of valvular heart disease
● Hemoglobin electrophoresis is important in diagnosis of anemia
● Primaquine is administered in Falciparum malaria
● Anasarca occurs in Nephrotic Syndrome
● Shock occurs in adrenal crisis
● Why is pulsusparadoxus named paradoxes?
● Why is LOH measurement required in evaluation of pleural effusion?
● Why is lactose given in treatment of chronic liver disease?
● Why is there crossed hemiplegia in brain stem stroke?
● Why there is nocturnal itching in scabies?
● Delirium and Delusion are not the same
● Rheumatoid arthritis is not limited in joints
● Not all cause of hypertension are primary
● A patient has been diagnosed with bronchogenic carcinoma. How will you counsel
him and his family members?
● Thiamine injection should always be given in treatment of hyperglycemia by dextrose
● Threshold for initiating treatment in subclinical hypothyroidism is in lower pregnancy
● Haematocrit and platelet should be both monitored twice daily in treatment of dengue
● All patients of tuberculosis should be mandatorily screen for HIV
● In Accelerated Hypertension, blood pressure should be reduced gradually.
● Small “q" waves may be found in lead V5, V6 on ECG.
● In Delirium Tremens, Thiamine supplementation is necessary
● Encephalopathy is seen in Cirrhosis of Liver
● Rapid correction of Hyponatremia should not be practised.
● Pulsus Paradoxus
● Incretin Effect
● Mechanism of Fibrinolysis
● In Acute blood loss, haemoglobin doesn’t fall immediately. Why?
● Deep Tendon Jerks are exaggerated in Pyramidal Tract Lesion. Why?
● Paradoxical Aciduria in Gastric Outlet obstruction
● Why vaccination is required before splenectomy
● Why is USG preferred over mammograms in young female patients with breast
● Why diabetic ulcers are more common in foot.
● There is functional change in kidney in Hepalorecnal syndrome
● In early phase of acute ischemic CVA, Mean arterial pressure should be 130 mm of
● Never transfuse whole blood to correct anaemia in CKD
● Anginal attack in aortic stenosis
● Thyroid function is monitored in patient who is on term Amiodaone therapy
● Thiamine is used concurrently with Dextrose in treating hypoglycemia in chronic
● Administration of Anti-snake venom should be monitored closely
● Primaquine is used for both falciparum and vivax malaria
● Jugular Venous pulse wave can provide diagnostic clue in complete heart block
● Acute Rheumatic Fever is criteria based diagnosed
● Octreotide is used in esophageal vertical bleeding
● Four drugs are used concurrently in treatment of pulmonary TB
● Anticoagulation therapy is used in Covid-19 infection
● Imatinib is not used in all cases of CML
● All cases of thyrotoxicosis are not associated with high uptake in Radio iodine Uptake
● Clinical Classification of leprosy in necessary for planning treatment
● Patients with Myasthenia Gravis may develop acute respiratory distress
● Pleural fluid study is the first step for diagnostic workup of pleural effusion
● Mannitol is used in CVA
● Lactulose is used in hepatic encephalopathy
● Nonselective beta blocker is avoided in diabetes mellitus
● ARB is used as an antihypertensive drug in diabetes mellitus
● Erythropoietin is used in anemia due to CKD
● Pathogenesis of heart failure
● Clinical features of Acute kidney injury
● Pathogenesis and clinical features of Acute Viral Hepatitis
● Management of Iron Deficiency Anemia
● Management of Lupus Nephritis
● Lung’s syndrome
● Light’s criteria for evaluation of pleural fluid
● Causes of Pancytopenia
● Diagnosis and management of Scabies
● Why systemic hypertension is not targeted aggressively in a case of acute ischemic
● Why are inhales preferred over oral medicines in the treatment of obstructive airway
● Explain why there is hypotension in dengue shock syndrome
● Explain how acute glomerulonephritis can occur after scabies infection
● Explain why hepatosplenomegaly in nephrotic syndrome
● Explain how neostigmine help in neurotoxic snake bite
● Pain in epigastrium and left shoulder scold be due to myocardial infarction
● Collaterals develop in chronic liver disease
● Febrile response might be obtained in elderly
● Dyselectrolytemia might be found in profuse diarrhea
● Calcium gluconate is used in hyperkalemia
● Why aggressive BP management is not advocated for acute ischemic stroke
● Why beta blockers are cautiously used in elderly diabetics
● Tuberculosis is more common in upper lobes of the lung
● Social causes should be evaluated in repeated falls in elderly diabetics
● Vitamins and electrolytes should be evaluated in secondary hpoparathyrodism
● Levodopa is used with carbidopa in Parkinson’s disease
● A lady is advised to avoid OCPs and use barrier methods of contraception when she is
on antitubercular therapy
● IV fluids are administered in right ventricular myocardial infarction
● Corticosteroids are frequently used in rheumatoid arthritis bot rarely used in
● Edema is a prominent feature of nephrotic syndrome
● Fluid therapy in Dengue should be judicious
● Diabetic patients are at risk to suffer from Trophic ulcers
● B-blocker should be used cautiously in Acute decompensated heart failure
● Tight ligature binding is to be avoided in snake bite cases
● Rapid corrected to hyponatremia should be avoided
● Why is HBsAg tested in liver disease?
● Why is the DISAP score done?
● Why is vitamin K given in liver disease?
● A 45 years male patient came with incidental HBsAg positive result. What’s the step
will you take & investigation will you do and why?
● A 30 years male patient came with an incidental HBsAg positive result. What's the
step will you take and why?
● First line of therapy in Kala-azar is LAMB. Why?
● Why is HBsAg tested in liver disease ?
● Why is the DISAP score done?
● Why is vitamin K given in liver disease?
● 30 years male presented with Category- III dog bite with avulsion wound. What are
the steps will you take and why?
● Your friend got an accidental large bore following needle prick during injections of a
patient. What steps will you take for your friend?
● When do you consider basal insulin in the management of DM & how will you
initiate and titrate?
● A 60 year diabetic presented with erectile dysfunction with low testosterone. What are
the steps should you follow and why?
● Why are steroids the first line of management, not the platelet transfusion in ITP?
● What are the tests to be done in a case of PUO? & Why?
● Organic causes must be ruled-out before diagnosis of anxiety neurosis. Why?
● Why are beta blockers avoided in Diabetes Mellitus?
● Why is there anemia in Chronic Kidney Diabetics?
● Explain why joint pain in Rheumatoid Arthritis patients decreases from morning as
the day passes by.
● Why is IV fluid given 1st 72 hours of RV myocardial ischemia?
● Explain the increased risk of thrombosis in Nephrotic Syndrome.
● Explain neurologic features of Paraneoplastic syndrome
● Why are inhalers preferred over oral medicine in treatment of obstructive airway
● Explain mechanism of euvolemic hyponatremia
● Why is hypertension not treated aggressively in acute Ischaemic CVA?
● Explain the mechanism behind Diabetic diarrhoea
● Anaemia is seen in CKD patients
● Renal Osteodystrophy
● Tall “T” wave is not only found in hyperkalemia
● Recent changes in PEP in HIV
● Extra-articular manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis
● Thalassemia is a genetic disease
● Sezary syndrome is a form of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
● Causes of reversible in vitiligo
● UV-rays is needed in vitiligo
● Clinical features of anorexia nervosa
● Raised BP is not immediately planned to be reduced in a case of ischemic stroke ,
thrombolysis is planned for the patient
● Primaquine is administered as a single dose in falciparum malaria, but continued days
in vivax malaria
Short Note:
(8th Sem)
● Pancreatic pseudocyst
● Pelvic abscess
● Gallstone ileus
● Amoebic liver abscess
● Compartment syndrome
● Immediate and short term complications of supracondylar fracture of Humans in a
● Giant cell tumor
● Stages of fracture healing
● Collar stud abscess
● Pollonidal sinus
● Triage system
● Pleomorphic salivary adenoma
● MEN syndrome
● Pancreatic pseudocyst
● Premalignant conditions of skin
● Gastritis
● Alvarado’s scoring
● Indication of CT in head injury
● Fracture of Penis
● Fracture of Patella
● Ideal amputation stump
● Local anaesthesia in Inguinal hernia surgery
● Sequestrum
● Osteochondroma
● Informed consent for laparoscopic cholecystectomy
● Regional anaesthesia
● Varicose Veins of lower limba
● Corrosive burns of oesophagus
● Management of splenic injuries
● Non Hodkin’s lymphoma
● Local anaesthesia
● Complications of Groyne Hernia
● Traumatic Radial nerve palsy
● Fracture Neck femur classification
● Colle’s fracture
● Fat embolism
● Nonunion of fracture
● Tractions in orthopaedics management
● Radiological features of Rickets
● Diagnostic criteria of Rheumatoid arthritis
● Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
● How to take consent for mastectomy?
● Management of colles fracture
● Preoperative preparation of obstructive Jaundice
● Discuss how will you disclose the news about newly diagnosed breast cancer to a
patient who will required mastectomy
● Compartment Syndrome
● Monteggia Varus
● Skin grafting
● Cervical lymphadenopathy
● Patent Vitello-intestinal duct
● c.S.I.R.S- Criteria and pathophysiology
● Adenolymphoma of salivary gland
● Pancreatic pseudocyst
● Classification & Measurement of Burn
● Sequels of acute appendicitis
● Management of Grave's disease of thyroid
● Medical methods of Abortion (Medication abortion)
● Benign Ovarian Tumors
● Medical management of Endometriosis
● Old complete Perineal Tear
● Endometrial Hyperplasia
● Lipoma
● Epigastric hernia
● Vaginal hydrocele
● Stages of Fracture healing
● Management of supracondylar fracture of distal humerus
● Polycystic kidney
● Glasgow coma score
● Epidural analgesia
● Cervical lymphadenopathy
● Patent Vitello-intestinal duct
● S.I.R.S- Criteria and pathophysiology
● Adenolymphoma of salivary gland
● Giant Cell Tumour
● Pathological Fracture
● Pott’s Paraplegia
● Total intravenous anaesthesia
● Lethal triad of trauma
● Sequestrum
● Complications of radiotherapy
● Ultrasound therapy in musculoskeletal injuries
● Therapeutic uses of ultrasound
● Non operative treatment of Splenic Trauma
● Complications of Gallstone disease
● Pancreatic Endocrine Tumors
● Glasgow coma scale
● How would you counsel a patient who will be posted for superficial parotidectomy?
● Epidural anesthesia
● Roles of an IMG
● Giant cell tumor of bone
● Pleomorphic salivary adenoma
● Epigastric hernia
● Complications of splenectomy
● Undescended testis
● Intermittent claudication
● Sequestrum
● Congenital talipes equinovarus
● Codman’s triangle
● Debridement
● Amputation stump
● Thyroglossal Cyst
● Desmoid Tumor
● Complications of Appendectomy
● Pseudomyxomaperitoneii
● Encysted Hydrocele of cord
● Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
● De-Quervain tenosynovitis
● Cubitus Varus
● Syndacyty
● Non-union of Fracture
● Closed loop obstruction
● Tension Pneumothorax
● Core Needle biopsy
● Femoral Hernia
● Pheochromocytoma
● Imperforate anus
● Venous ulcer
● Diagnostic Mammography
● How to break bad news to patient’s family members
● Supracondylar Humerus fracture in children
● Pilonidal sinus
● Preoperative counselling for organ donation
● Clinical use of Tumour markers in GI and Hepatobiliary cancer
● Informed consent for a patient suffering from Ca stomach with Liver secondaries
posted for feeding jejunostomy
● Osteomyelitis
● Anorectal malformation
Explain why
(8th Sem)
● Paradoxical aciduria is seen in patients of long standing GOO.
● Prophylactic vaccinations is required before elective splenectomy
● Vit K is given during preoperative preparation of obstructive jaundice patients.
● Femoral neck fractures are managed differently in different age groups.
● Paradoxical movement is noted in flail chest
● Gustatory sweating and flushing may be noted in the region following parotidectomy
● Policeman tip hand deformity is noted in case of Erb’s paralysis.
● Measurement of ABPI is of utmost importance in suspected patient of peripheral
arterial occlusive disease
● Why is Left Supraclavicular lymphnode enlargement in case of GI malignancy?
● Explain the electrolyte and metabolic abnormality in case of Gastric outlet
● What is the reason for the 3,7 and 11 o’clock position of Primary haemorrhoids?
● Why is USG preferred over Mammogram in young female patients with breast lump?
● Why is diabetic ulcer more common in foot?
● 60 year female patient having obstructive jaundice with palpable gallbladder
● Paradoxical aciduria
● Post parotidectomy sweating of cheek during eating
● Claudication is lower limbs
● Ankle ulceration occurs in varicose vein disease
● Conservative treatment is advocated for appendicular lump
● Respiratory distress occurs after total thyroidectomy
● Intestinal obstruction can occur in Gall stone disease
● Role of total parenteral Nutrition (TPN)
● Fluid and electrolytes imbalance in gastric outlet obstruction (GOO)
● Role of Glasgow Coma Scale (G.C.S) in Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
● Line of management- 47 yrs. Female with right upper abdominal pain, vomiting for
the last 6 hrs.
● Catheterization ryle’s tube and intravenous fluid are given to a patient with Intestinal
● A hyperthyroid patient needs to become euthyroid before his/her Thyroid operation
● Gastric lavage is given preoperatively in treating gastric outlet obstruction.
● IV fluid is given to a patient who admits with 30% burn injury.
● The metabolic changes associated with repeated vomiting in a case of gastric outlet
obstruction is hypokalemic, hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis
● The best guide overall for fluid resuscitation in shock is urine output
● SAG-M is best for increasing the shelf life of stored blood
● Most common gland for sialolithiasis of submandibular salivary gland
● Explain courvoisiers law and its exceptions
● Why thyroid swelling moves with deglutition
● Why left sided varicocele is more common in left side than right side
● Explain bone destruction and pancreatitis in a patient with parathyroid adenoma
● Need for vaccination in splenectomy patients
● Trophic ulcer occurs over heads of metatarsals
● Gastric lavage is given preoperatively in treating gastric outlet obstruction patient
● Intravenous fluid, Rycle’s tube and catheterizationare given to a patient with acute
intestinal obstruction
● Some fistulae or sinuses fail to close?
● Measurement of the thickness of primary malignant melanoma is important
(Breslow's depth)
● LFT must be done before routine cholecystectomy for choleithiasis
● Underwater pleural drain is inserted in the 5 th Intercostals space in the mid-axillary
line in traumatic haemothorax.
● There are sequential changes in color of the extremities (pallor-cyanosis-congestion)
in Raynaud’s disease.
● Hypocalcemia may occur in the immediate postoperative period following excision of
parathyroid adenoma
● Smoking contributes towards the development of digital gangrene in a patient with
uncontrolled T2DM
● Core needle biopsy is a better means for working up a patient with suspected breast
● The risk of spinal cord/ spinal nerve root injuries is greater with in cervical spine
fracture than Dorso-lumbar injuries
● Patient may complain of right shoulder tip in acute cholecystitis
● Rt. Colonic cancers present as chronic anemia and Left colonic present as acute large
bowel obstruction
● Anterior duodenal ulcers perforate and posterior ulcers bleed
● Volvulus of sigmoid colon often presents with hypertension and shock inn comparison
to other causes of acute large bowel obstruction
● Gastric leverage is done with N/S (normal saline) in a case of pyloric stenosis due to
Cronic duodenal ulcer
● Frey’s syndrome (Erythema, sweating, pain, hyperesthesia over Temple region)
following parotidectomy
● Why is it essential to prepare a patient as near euthyroid as possible before surgery in
a case of thyrotoxic goitre?
● Why neoadjuvant therapy is required for locally advanced carcinoma of breast?
● Why is preoperative preparation essential before performing an operation for
● Why is the first hour (Golder hour) important for trauma patients?
● Paradoxic aciduria may occur in gastric outlet obstruction
● Lucid interval occurs after head injury
● Hypocalcemia may occur after total thyroidectomy
● Gustatory sweating may occur after parotid surgery
● Tetanus Toxoid and Tetanus immunoglobulin are both administration while treating a
case of road traffic accident
● Multiple small stones and sludges in gallbladder is more dangerous than solitary large
● Strangulated hernia should be managed urgently
● Informed consent of an elective surgery should be taken well in advance
● Core needle biopsy is biopsy is preferred over FNAC during work up of a suspected
malignant breast lump
● Surgical bypass or revascularization is rarely feasible in Buerger disease
● Contralateral hemiscrotum exploration is mandatory in case of testicular torsion
● Prophylactic antibiotics are given at the time of induction in major surgeries
● Paradoxical Aciduria in GOO
● Clawing of hand in ulnar nerve injury
● Evolution of pain in acute appendicitis
● In elective surgery, a period of 6 hours without food and 2 hours without clear fluid is
normally requested by anesthetist for the patient
● Prior to major elective surgery, we asked for baseline investigation of the patient
● In surgery for thyrotoxicosis, Preoperative preparation aims to make the patient
biochemically euthyroid at operation
● After cholecystectomy operation, we send the gallbladder to HP examination
● Paradoxical Aciduria is a common metabolic abnormality in patients with long
standing Gastric Outlet Obstruction
● Surgical Jaundice is different from Medical Jaundice
● Keloid differs from Hypertrophic Scarring
● Modified Radical neck dissection Type 1, Type 2 & Type 3, Radical neck dissection
& supraomohyoid neck dissection are different entities
● Inflammatory breast cancer is one of the most severe forms of Breast cancer
● True-cut biopsy of breast is necessary for categorising Breast Cancer under the
Luminal classification of breast cancer
● NCCT SCAN brain is a necessary investigation tool tool to differentiate between
extradural haematoma & subdural Hematoma
● Emergency surgery is not required for a baby with a diagnosis of Congenital
Hypertrophic Pyloric stenosis without resuscitating the baby
● Respiratory distress occurs after total thyroidectomy
● Conservative treatment is advised for appendicular lump
● Smoking can increased incidence of inguinal and incisional Hernia
● Only some patient develop lymphedema of arm after Modified Radical Mastectomy
● Vitamin K is given during preparation of obstructive jaundice
● Screening has a major role in the detection of cervical cancer
● A 6 year old male child is admitted for Appendectomy. He does not have a history of
any prior hospitalisation. What all investigation you will ask for before surgery.
Enumerate and explain.
● Tempreo-mandibular joint dislocation
● Contralateral Axillary Lymph Node involvement in breast ca.
● Radiological diagnostic features of acute cholecystitis and cholelithiasis?
Short Note
(8th sem)
● Indices and their values in differentiating pre renal form of renal AKI
● Presentation and management of Haemorrhagic disease of newborn
● Enumerate causes of stridor in one year old child
● Newborn Sepsis screen
● Enumerate causes of stridor in one year old child
● Newborn sepsis screen
● Prolongation of psychological jaundice
● Diarrhoea with severe dehydration
● How to break news of thalassemia diagnosis to the parents?
● Developmental milestones achieved at 9 months age
● Fluid management of acute renal failure
● Management of acute severe asthma
● Modified Duke’s criteria
● Hypocalcemia in neonate
● Radiological findings in Thalassaemia
● Classification of pneumonia management
● Flaky Paint Dermatosis
● Causes of hypertension in Pediatric age group
● Kerosene Poisoning
● Management of Cyanotic spell
● Symptoms and signs of Vitamin A deficiency
● Congenital hypothyroidism
● Adverse events following immunization (AEFI)
● Cephalhematoma in newborn
● Kangaroo mother care
● Hemorrhagic disease of newborn
● Danger signs of newborn
● Fetal circulation
● Neonatal Sepsis Screening
● Management of Cyanotic Spell in Tetralogy of Fallot’s
● Radiological changes of Active and Healing Ricketts
● Sepsis screen is a newborn
● Salient points in counselling of a HIV positive mother regarding infant feeding
● Raja, 10 year old single child of a family had a very bad road traffic accident and was
admitted to your hospital with head injury with multiple skull fracture, rib fracture,
frail chest & traumatic kidney injury. The ER team immediately ventilated the baby
admitted to PICU. After 2 days of treatment, the PICU team is of the opinion that this
is a case of brain death. 2 Neurologists have seen the case & opinion the same.
i) Enumerate five principles of withdrawal of care as per AETCOM module
ii) Conjugated vaccine with examples
● How to counsel to avoid the spread of scabies in a family?
● MR vaccine
● Discuss role of paediatrician as communicator in clinical setting
● Hypercyanotic spell
● How will you communicate with parents of a newly diagram CHD
● Complications of measles
● 1st 1000 days nutrition
● Modified Jones Criteria (2015). For diagnosis of ARF (Acute Rheumatic Fever)
● Parental consent
● Development milestones at 2 years age
● Care of LBW (Low birth weight) neonate
● Developmental milestones upto 3 years
● Tetralogy of Fallot
● Acute Bacterial meningitis
● Role of Indian medical graduates
● Lab investigations in hemolytic anemia
● Patient education and counseling regarding adverse events following immunization,
safe injection practice , documentation and Medico -legal implications.
● Clinical features and management of Foreign body aspiration in children.
● Management of status arithmetics
● Role of paediatrician as communicator
● A preterm baby was born with severe birth asphyxia, having refractory convulsions,
and was put in a ventilator. The baby developed DIC,IVH and its head circumference
started increasing rapidly. The baby continues to deteriorate in spite of appropriate
management. How will you counsel the parents about the poor prognosis and their
right to withdraw life supports?
● What is the pathophysiology of oedema in nephrotic syndrome?
● Enumerate Categories of wounds in a suspected case of animal bite. Describe in detail
about pre and post exposure prophylaxis for Rabies.
● One five year old child was taken by her parents with status epilepticus. You have
controlled status and stabilised the child. The parents were very much cooperative
until you suggested MRI and EEG. They told you that they are thankful to you but
they will neither do MRI or EEG as it is against their faith in allopathic medicine.
They have dedicated themselves to go back to their village and take their child to a
local priest who has promised to cure the child, if they perform some rituals. How will
you manage this situation? Who has the right to make decisions for children? How
will you communicate & solve?
● Breaking bad news about death of congenital heart disease child to parents
● BCG vaccine
● A 4 yr old baby presented at the emergency department with unknown poisoning in a
very ominous situation. As a medical graduate, how will you communicate and
explain to parents to tackle the situation?
● Congenital hypothyroidism
● Adverse events following immunization (AEFI)
● Cephalhematoma in newborn
● Diagnostic criteria of Kawasaki disease
● G6PD deficiency
● Complications of prematurity
● Salient points in communication of breaking the bad news to the parents of a seven
years old boy diagnosed as Acute Leukmia
● Modified Jones Criteria of Acute Rheumatic Fever
● Counsel and educate mother regarding care of a neonate
Explain why
(8th sem)
● In neonatal sepsis the total leucocyte count is less reliable than other parameters
● Antibiotics must be given while managing all the children with severe acute
● I.V Calcium gluconate is administered in acute hyperkalemia ?
● Preterm babies are more prone to development hypothermia.
● DNA PCR for HIV is done at 6 weeks
● I.V calcium gluconate is administered in acute hyperkalemia
● Preterm babies are more prone to development hypothermia
● DNA PCR for HIV is done at 6 weeks of age in infants born to HIV positive mothers.
● Screening for hypothyroidism should be at birth
● DMSA Renal scan is indicated in recurrent febrile UTI
● Why we ask for gestational age and status of amniotic fluid as pre-birth question
● Why we need to provide early CPAP in a case of preterm LBW baby
● Why we advice to place the baby in knee chest position during hypercyanotic spell
● Why lumber puncture is needed in a case of fever with neck rigidity
● Why peripheral blood smear and RBC indices essential to differentiate nutritional
● Why are preterm newborns more prone to hypothermia?
● Why there is jaundice in RH Positive babies of RH negative mother?
● Why there is feeding difficulty in preterm babies?
● Why there is hepatosplenomegaly in thalassemia?
● Why there is iron overload in a case of thalassemia?
● Why there is oedema in nephrotic syndrome?
● Why there is Jaundice in G6PD deficiency?
● Why there is encephalopathy in liver failure?
● Why there is anaemia in a premature baby?
● Why there are bone changes in rickets?
● Recurrent respiratory tract infection and congestive cardiac failure are most likely
manifestation in a child with VSD

● Instead of iron, folic acid regularly given a child with chronic haemolytic anemia
● Photography should not be advised in a neonate with conjugated hyperbilirubinemia
● NH prophylaxis should be advised in a baby having smear positive lactating mother
● Platelet count and PCV estimation is mandatory in all suspected dengue patients
● Assessment of electrolytes required for management of dehydration
● Dialysis is required in management of poisoning
● Endoscopy is required in case of evaluation of splenomegaly
● Zinc is prescribed in management of diarrhea
● Routine platelet transfusion is not indicated in management of ITP
● Developmental milestone at 3 years of age
● Febrile seizure
● WHO classification of malnutrition
● Dengue shock syndrome
● Iron deficiency anaemia
● Cyanotic spell
● Preterm babies are prone to hypothermia
● Neonatal jaundice between third day to seventeenth day of life is usually
● Gavage feeding is given to preterm babies
● Vitamin A is given to children suffering from measles
● Suctioning of mouth is done prior to suctioning nose in babies requiring resuscitation
● Why is universal screening for Hypothyroidism in newborn?
● Why is saline nasal drop mandatory in newborn care speciality in winter?
● Why is central cyanosis noted late in newborn care speciality in winter?
● Why is the measles vaccine given at 9 months?
● Why is short stature a feature of Renal Rickets?
● Why are newborns more prone to MAS?
● Why are newborns more prone to hypothermia?
● Why does cyanotic spell occur in Tetralogy of Fallot?
● Why there is hepatosplenomegaly in thalassemia?
● Why should preterm babies be given Kangaroo mother care?
● Proper hand washing is mandatory before touching a newborn
● Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) is an important component in the in the management
of Low Birth Weight babies
● Bag Mask Ventilations is contraindicated in a baby with Congenital Diaphragmatic
● Platelet count and PCV estimation for management of dehydration
● Dialysis required in management of poisoning
● Endoscopy is required in case of evaluation of splenomegaly
● Zinc is prescribed in management of diarrhea
● Routine platelet transfusion is not indicated in management of IPT
● Low osmolarity ORS (245 mos mol/L) is preferable than WHO standard ORS ( 311
mos mol/L)
● X-ray chest and Mantous test is mandatory before starting steroid therapy in the
management of Nephrotic Syndrome in children.
● Inj Vit k is given to all newborn babies
● Neonates are more prone to hypothermia compared to older children
● Ventilation is more important is more important that chest compression in early phase
of neonatal resuscitation
● Hb electrophoresis is NOT done in early infancy to diagnose haemoglobinopathies
● Cold chain should be maintained for vaccines
● Birth dose of Hepatitis B vaccine is essential in all newborn
● Delayed clamping of Umbilical CORD must be done in labor room
● KMC is important for Low Birth Weight babies
● Protein Creatinine Ratio (PCR) is essential to assess proteinuria in Nephrotic
● Zinc and ORS Therapy is very much important for the management of Acute
● All babies should be given vitamin K at birth
● Hypothermia is more common in low birth weight and preterm babies
● Babies of diabetic mother develop hypoglycemia
● Ophthalmological examination is essential in juvenile idiopathic arthritis
● Chronic renal failure is complicated with renal osteodystrophy
● KMC benefits mothers and babies
● Early breast feeding
● Phototherapy in neonatal hyperbilirubinemia
● Optional vaccine
● MDI in asthma
● Explain the pathophysiological basis of clinical features in children
● Write briefly “ Hemorrhagic disease of Newborn” and explain the role of injection
vitamin k to a neonate after delivery.
● Write “Neonatal sepsis screening” and explain its importance for the management of
Neonatal sepsis
● Complications of preterm babies explaining the reason for these complications.
● Low osmolar ORS is better than conventional ORS of WHO - explain reasons for it.
● Diuretics should be used cautiously in NS- explain why
● Delayed cord clamping is practices
● Jaundice in newborn beyond 21 days is a yellow flag sign
● Simple febrile seizure does not require neuro imaging.
● Preterm neonates are at more risk of developing cold stress and hypothermia
● Direct sucking from the breast improves breast milk production
● A baby is born by emergency caesarian section and did not cry at birth. He is blue and
limp. Explain why it is important to resuscitate the baby immediately?
● A six month old boy presented with severe pallor and hepatosplenomegaly and the
baby needed to be transfused with PRBC immediately. Both the parents are beta
thalassemia traits. Why should you send the blood for necessary investigations before
transfusion? Why do children with thalassemia usually present around six months of
● One newborn has a birth weight of 4.2 kg, delivered by c/s. No resuscitation needed
following delivery. The baby was given to the mother. After 18 hours, baby developed
seizures. The baby was shifted to SNCU. What will be your first beside investigation?
Explain why the weight of the baby is more than 4 kg? Enumerate other
complications of Large for Date babies.
● A six days old neonate has been presented with jaundice noted on the 3rd day of life.
He is the first child of the couple and born out of a normal delivery at home. On
examination, the baby looks pale, has a liver of 4 cm and spleen 2 cm. Other system
examinations are normal . What is your provisional diagnosis and explain the physical
findings in the light of the diagnosis. Enumerate lab tests for the newborn to confirm
the diagnosis.
● A one year old child presents with episodes of cough, fever and fast breathing. The
child has already been hospitalised twice. His weight is 5 kg, length 64 cm, HC 41cm,
respiratory rate 60/min. Pansystolic Murmur is audible in the lower left Parasternal
Region. Defect in which organ of the body has caused the clinical scenario and how?
What will be your clinical diagnosis and enumerate points in favour of your diagnosis.
● A four year old child presents with a history of fever of a three day duration followed
by an altered sensorium and seizures. On examination, the child is drowsy, febrile, not
easily arousable, no focal neuro deficit, meningeal sign positive. What will be your
provisional diagnosis and points in favour of your diagnosis? How will you confirm
the diagnosis? Enumerate possible etiological agents.
● Why is phototherapy used in neonatal jaundice?
● Why do breastfeeding and breast milk jaundice occur?
● Why is exclusive breastfeeding advocated in neonates?
● Why is lactulose used in hepatitis?
● Why is folic acid always given with cobalamin in megaloblastic anaemia?
● Screening of vision and hearing is imperative to a baby who previously tested with
● High flow oxygen is detrimental to premature very low birth weight baby
● Bag and mask ventilation is strictly avoided in a baby with congenital diaphragmatic
● Jaundice is not uncommon manifestation in a patient with chronic hemolytic anaemia
● Patient of congenital acyanotic heart disease in longstanding period can present with
● Patients of nephrotic syndrome are prone to recurrent infection
● Assessment of dehydration in case of hypernatremic dehydration is spurious
● Classical thalassemia facies not seen in regularly transfused children
● Bowing of legs seen in nutritional rickets
● Iron is not prescribed during acute infection
● Intramuscular injection is not indicated in management of hemophilia
● Why is the first golden minute crucial in neonatal resuscitation?
● Why are six steps of handwashing mandatory before examining a newborn?
● Why is a warm chain important to prevent hypothermia in neonates?
● Why is supplemental zinc used in the management of diarrhea in children?
● Why is chelation therapy required in Thalassemia Major?
● There is no chest rise even after bag mask ventilation in a Neonate
● Baby passes green stool after each feeds with breast milk in early infancy
● Baby born on LUCS may has Respiratory rate more than 60/min
● Steroids are given 15 minutes before administration of Antibiotic in Meningitis
● Chelating agents are given to Thalassemic children receiving multiple blood
● Squatting and knee chest position is helpful in cyanotic spell management
● Deficiency of both vitamin B12 and folate causes similar clinical features
● Lactulose is given for treatment of hepatic encephalopathy
● Mother’s milk is the best gift for new born baby
● Preterm babies require special care

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