Econometrics Word File
Econometrics Word File
Econometrics Word File
F(5,5758) = 176.53
corr(u_i, Xb) = -0.3942 Prob > F = 0.0000
Regression Equation
Firm value = 36.43343 - .0000171 Performance + 5.915579 Leverage – 5.018703 Firm size
+ .08574 LnRD + 7.264633 Profit.
We can see from the results of the regression analysis that the signs of the coefficients are
more appropriate, similar to the leverage coefficient. The coefficient of leverage was lower prior
to setting the values of R&D to zero, against the anticipated notion.Now it is 5.915579. The
coefficient of firmsize is more negative after putting the value of zero. Profitability has also
greater impact on firm value after putting zero value. However, all of the values are still
significant. The 30.84% variability of the dependent variable can be explained by the predicted
independent variable.
F(18,5758) = 560.47
corr(u_i, Xb) = -0.4651 Prob > F = 0.0000
Regression Equation
Firm Value = | 42.24164 - | -5.70e-06 Performance +5.286795Leverage - -5.844383
FirmSize+.032214RD+7.283295Profitability-.7397202 2011-.32132172012-
687562020+2.1800772021+| 1.6941332022+1.7294852023
The combined model allows to eliminate bias from unobservables that change over time from
2011 to 2023 but are constant over entities and it controls for factors that differ across firms but
are constant over time and it is significant for most of the years but not in year 2017,2018 and
2019. However, the coefficients of performance (-5.70e-06) and firm size (- 5.844383) are
showing an inverse relationship with firm value. After putting zero in r&d, the coefficient of
leverage has been positive. The 28.35% variability of the dependent variable can be explained
by the predicted independent variable after putting zero.
F(24,5724) = .
corr(u_i, Xb) = -0.6301 Prob > F = .
The combined model allows to eliminate bias from unobservables that change over time from
2011 to 2023 but are constant over industries and it controls for factors that differ across firms
but are constant over time and it is significant for all of the independent variables except market
share along with the industry code of 2835,3842, 5140, 8062, and for the years 2086, 2400,
4812, 6200 along with the year 2012,2013,2020 and 2023. The .041% variability of the
dependent variable can be explained by the predicted independent variable.