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Subject-Verb Agreement

Television shows 1. (a. is b. are. c. have) expensive to produce. The production costs show meticulously 2.
(a.are b. is c. have) extremely high due to many production variables. The television equipment alone 3. (a. are
b.have c.is) very expensive and must be maintained expensively for optimum life service. The sets for the complete
high-tech stage 4. (a. command b. commands c. have commanded) high budgets. The performers 5. (a. are b. have
c.is) paid very large salaries for their talents and mass appeals. A very large budget 6. (a. are b. have c. is) also set
aside for directors, cameramen, musicians, planners, writers, editors, coordinators, agents, talents, scouts, designers, and
other technical people who 7. (a. is b. are c. have) customarily behind the curtain. The stations still 8. (a. pay b. pays
c.have paid) large amounts of money for promotion and rights to broadcast. All these high costs 9. (a. have required
b.require c. requires) the stations to gather as much capital for every single show that they 10. (a. have dreamed
b.dreams c. dream) would be popular enough to gain the most income in the endeavour.

(Source: Agalabia, U.F. et.al. (2004). College freshman English. Espana, Manila: UST Publishing House.)


Direction: You are given two choices (a,b) for each sentence. Choose the word that correctly completes the following
sentences. Write your answer on the spaces provided.

1. Rotation refers to the turning of the earth (a. and b. in addition to) revolution to the movement of the earth around
the sun.

2. There are several means (a. for b. to) determine latitude and longitude.

3. (a. Likely b. Like) the tiger, the lion is a member of the cat family.

4. Botanists are not sure where the first plant was grown or even what plant (a. was b. it was).

5. The moon is not a planet (a. which b. although it) resembles the planets in many ways.

6. If the star seems to be moving in a wavy line (a. that we suspect b. we suspect it) of being a double star.

7. Determining the mineral content of soil samples is an exacting process (a. for example b. therefore), experts must
perform detailed tests to analyse soil specimens.

8. One of the most obvious characteristics of the moon is the way in which it continuously changes (a. it is appearing

b. its appearance).

9. Natural resources provide the raw material (a. are needed b. needed) to produce finished product.

10. (a. Alike b. Like) Australia, Canada conducts a complete census of its population every ten years.


Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement 6. C
1. B 8. A
1. A 2. D 9. B
2. D 3. A 10. C
3. C 4. D
5. B 6. B 1. A
6. C 7. B 2. B
7. C 8. A 3. B
8. D 9. D 4. B
9. C 10. D 5. B
10. A 6. B
Subject-Verb Agreement 7. B
2. C ? 9. B
1. B 3. C 10. B
2. A

Exam No. 3
Identifying Errors (30 questions for 30 minutes)

Direction: Parts of the following sentences are underlined. These parts may be correct or incorrect. If a
sentence has an incorrect part, encircle the letter that corresponds to the incorrect part. If there are no errors,
encircle the letter E. Don’t cheat.

1.If anyone believes in the organization, then they should join. No error
2. Natural gas often occur together with petroleum in the minute pores of rocks such as sandstone and
limestone. No error
3. The child felt very bad when his teacher criticized him before the entire class. No error
4. No one except he knew of the ice cream parlor around the corner. No error
5. The audible range of frequencies for human beings usually lies among 20 and 20 000 Hz. No error
6. The florist asked three of us, Jalem, Hamid and I, to carry the plants down to the loading dock. No error
7. De La Salle University, along with several other private universities, are going to sponsor the conference.
No error
8. Encyclopedia book is interesting, informative and it is easy to read. No error
9. He will give the message to whoever opens the door. No error
10. There is no surgeons in the hospital. No error
11. If biennials were planted this year, they will be likely to bloom next year. No error
12. The constant rise of prices and wages bring about inflation. No error
13. “Sorry I cannot written to you for such a long time.” No error
14. Brain waves patterns vary among different people and in different activities. No error
15. Having studied your report carefully, I am convinced that neither of your solutions are correct. No error
16. Amina borrowed a dress from Saliha, who she adores. No error
17. Snails produce a colorless, sticky discharge that forms a protective carpet under them as their travel along.
No error E
18. Everybody was up early on Monday because our local store was having it’s annual sale. No error
19. Shahid’s thumb is as wide as Junaid. No error
20. If I have to make a choice between Ader, Javer and him, I think I’ll select Ader because of his self-control
during moments of stress. No error
21. If I was you, I should be carefully of who my friends are. No error
22. Jordan is one of the few athletes who does not eat beef. No error
23. Diligence and honesty as well as being intelligent are qualities which I look for when I evaluate students.
No error
24. Although his story had aspects of truth about it, I couldn’t hardly believe what he said. No error
25. During the test, I wondered if their was any answer to the problem. No error
26. Badawie claims that, in his opinion, neither the boys nor I are to blame. No error
27. The soprano alleged that the dampness in the concert hall caused her to sing terrible. No error
28. That pile of papers is to be file in the cabinet. No error
29.Wilson, who I never thought was even in the running, not only won handily but also broke a record. No
30. The newspaper reported that the cost of gasoline is raising again. No error

Answers to Identifying Errors

1.D 11.B 21.A
2.A 12.C 22.D
3.E 13.B 23.B
4.B 14.A 24.C
5.D 15.D 25.C
6.B 16.C 26.D
7.B 17.D 27.D
8.C 18.D 28.C
9.E 19.D 29.E
10.B 20.B 30.D

Exam # 4 3. It is ridiculous to become irritated about such an
insignificant matter.
A. Sinful
A. Directions: Encircle the letter of the word that B. Absurd
means the same, or most nearly the same as the C. tragic
underlined word or words.
4. The indecisive person was readily persuaded to
1. The proposed electoral amendment has not yet change his mind again.
been ratified.
A. Easily
A. Debunked B. Subtly
B. Skimmed C. hardly
C. approved
5. The candidate’s victory at the polls was
2. The rivalry between the two softdrink companies overwhelming.
was obvious.
A. Treachery
A. Competition B. Triumph
B. Compromise C. defeat
C. cooperation
15. Zenon’s apparel showed him to be a successful
6. Punctuality is imperative in every job. man.

A. being efficient A. Clothing

B. being courteous B. Confidence
C. being on time C. Manner

16. She was in a candid mood, her words sharp and


7. He is infamous for his dishonesty in business A. Bitter

matters. B. Cruel
C. frank
A. Notorious
B. Loathed 17. She grants the mall the prerogatives of royalty.
C. dreaded
A. Customs
B. Privileges
8. An objective report by a committee would be C. duties
A. Prejudice 18. Only twenty people attended the conclave.
B. Personal
C. fair A. Briefing
B. Concert
9. To preserve our liberties means to . . our C. meeting
19. My uncle estranged himself from his own party
A. Safeguard by joining party leaders.
B. Enjoy
C. change A. injured
B. Separated
10. To resist tyranny C. upset

A. fight against 20. These tactics did not seem preposterous to her.
B. Suffer
C. worship A. Absurd
B. one-sided
11. Identical twins are frequently inseparable. C. productive

A. not able to be distinguished 21. The former President exchanged reminiscences

B. not able to be parted with his former allies.
C. not able to be believed
A. Comments
12. The gunfire was sporadic. B. Gifts
C. recollections
A. Intermittent
B. Frequent 22. The director produced, at the movie’s climax just
C. continuous about the most gruesome scene ever shown on film.

13. The Chairman’s greatest asset was his A. Colourful

reputation for honesty. B. Horrifying
C. inferior
A. Advantage 23. Our guest belongs to the most affluent family in
B. Liability our region.
C. pride
A. Amazing
14. She meddles in the affairs of others. B. Wealthy
C. influential
A. Participates
B. Interferes 24. The doctors performed demonstrations of the
C. Dabbles latest techniques for operating with miniature
instruments deep inside the car.

A. Expensive
B. Sharp
C. small
9. an interminable show

25. Business had been liquidating inventories at the A. Worthless

arte of five billion dollars a year. B. Endless
C. tedious
A. Comparing
B. converting into cash 10. to intimidate a witness
C. evaluating
A. to make happy
B. to make fearful
B.Getting Meaning Through Context C. bribe

Directions: Encircle the letter of the word or 11. to nurture a child

expression that comes closest in the
meaning to each of the underlined A. Neglect
words in the following. B. give medicine
C. feed and bring up
1. to ascertain the facts
12. a sign of opulence
A. cover up
A. Poverty
B. Review
B. Health
C. find out
C. Wealth
2. a king known for his avarice

A. Wisdom
B. Vanity
C. deceitfulness
13. a prosaic sight
3. a biennial event
A. common place
A. twice yearly B. Solemn
B. every 2 weeks C. stirring
C. every 2 years
14. a prudent action
4. a blithe mood
A. Unexpected
A. Bitter B. ill-mannered
B. Carefree C. sensible
C. Proud
5. an offer to capitulate 15. a volatile temperament
A. Confer A. Changeable
B. Mediate B. Disagreeable
C. Compromise C. sluggish
D. surrender

6. a suspicion of collusion ANSWER KEY FOR ENGLISH EXAM NO. 4

B. Foolishness
C. agreement to deceive 1. C
2. A
7. to act under duress 3. B
4. A
A. Compulsion 5. B
B. Misunderstanding 6. C
C. difficulties 7. A
8. a great man’s foible 8. C
9. A
A. Weakness 10. A
B. Habit 11. B
C. Example 12. A
13. A d) the differences among creatures of the earth and those of
14. B the sea
15. A e) the superiority of human beings over some creatures in
terms of senses
16. C
17. B
18. C
19. B
20. A
21. C 2. We discover that the sea creatures in the story ................ .
22. B
a) have the same senses that we do
23. B
b) have no sense of hearing as well as sight
24. C c) hear the sounds of the ocean
25. B d) live in darkness because no light reaches to the bottom
e) do not hear the sound of sea as they are accustomed
to it

3. In the passage a child in darkness is likened to ................ .

a) someone who lives where there are no seasons

GETTING MEANING THROUGH CONTEXT b) an animal without the sense of touch
c) a sea creature with no seeing or hearing ability
1. C d) a deaf child unaffected by the environment
2. C e) a perfect sleeper, for there is no sound around to hear
3. C
4. B Official records state that the Pueblo Indians lived in New
5. D Mexico and Arizona . The word "Pueblo" comes from the
6. C Spanish word "pueblo," meaning town or village. The Spaniards
7. A found these Indians living in apartment houses, some of them
8. A on the side of a cliff in order that they could be reached only by
9. B ladders. Whenever they were attacked by Apaches, the Pueblos
10. B would pull up the ladders. They grew corn, which they watered
with water flowing down in ditches. They wove cloth, made
11. C
wonderful baskets, and created jars and pots out of clay
12. C proving how skillful they were at hand-craft.
13. A
14. C 4. From the passage we understand that the Pueblo Indians
15. A were afraid of ............. .

ENGLISH a) Cliff Dwelling

Exam # 6 b) Apache Indians
DIRECTION: Read carefully each of the following passages. d) Water Flowing Down In Ditches
Then answer the questions asked and/or complete the e) Solitary Life
statements given under each by choosing one of the five
possible answers. Blacken the circle that corresponds to the 1. Why the Spaniards called these Indians "Pueblos" is
letter of your answer after the appropriate item number on your because they ................ .
answer sheet.
a) were close to the Apaches
READING PASSAGE NO.1 b) lived together in a town or village
Researchers suggest that there are creatures that do c) farmed and brought down water in ditches
not know what light means at the bottom of the sea. They d) pulled up their ladders when attacked
don't have either eyes or ears; they can only feel. There is no e) achieved fame thanks to their hand-craft
day or night for them. There are no winters, no summers, no
sun, no moon, and no stars. It is as if a child spent its life in 6. The Pueblo Indians lived on the side of a cliff ................ .
darkness in bed, with nothing to see or hear. How different our
own life is! Sight shows us the ground beneath our feet and the a) although they had apartment houses
heavens above us - the sun, moon, and stars, shooting stars, b) to observe the stars in the sky for rain season
lightning, and the sunset. It shows us day and night. We are c) so that they could provide themselves with shelters
able to hear voices, the sound of the sea, and music. We feel, d) and, the didn't have a lake, a stream, or a pond
we taste, and we smell. How fortunate we are! e) as long as they were all together

1. Judging from the passage, we can say that this story is

mainly about ............ .
a) life of sea creatures at the bottom of the sea READING PASSAGE NO. 3
b) how changes in the seasons are perceived by the deep-sea It was a man who lived before the time of Christopher
creatures Columbus that was the world's first great traveler. His name
c) how wonderful our lives were and will be was Marco Polo. With his father and his uncle, he traveled from
Italy to China, crossing mountains and deserts to get there. In
China a king called Kublai Khan was pleased to see the Polos READING PASSAGE NO. 5
and had them live near to him. They stayed for twenty-three The poetic expressiveness and creativity of Japanese women
years. Kublai Khan sent Marco to other countries to do business poets of the Manyoshu era is generally regarded as a
for him. When Marco finally returned to Italy, he wrote all manifestation of the freedom and relatively high political and
about his adventures in a book, which was read by Columbus economic status women of that era enjoyed. During the Heian
and many other people, who also became interested in period (A.D. 794-1185) which followed, Japanese women
traveling to strange countries. became increasingly relegated to domestic roles under the
influence of Buddhism and Confucianism, which excluded
7. This story is mainly about ............. . women from the political and economic arenas. Yet, since
a) the world's first great traveler poetry of the period came to be defined solely as short lyrical
b) traveling from Italy to China poetry, known as waka, and became the prevailing means of
c) why Polo went to the far east expressing love, women continued to excel in and play a central
d) Marco Polo and Kublai Khan role in the development of classical Japanese poetry.
e) in what ways Columbus affected Polo Moreover, while official Japanese documents were written in
Chinese, the phoenetic alphabet kana was used for poetry. Also
8. The reason that Marco Polo is called great is not referred to as onna moji ("women's letters"), kana was not
that ................ . deemed sufficiently sophisticated for use by Japanese men,
a) he traveled very far to reach China for a new world who continued to write Chinese poetry, increasingly for
b) he wrote about his adventures in a book, which many expressing religious ideas and as an intellectual pastime.
people read Chinese poetry ultimately yielded, then, to waka as the
c) he was so well liked by the king of China mainstream of Japanese poetry.
d) he crossed mountains and deserts to reach China
e) he achieved fame thanks to his good reasoning 13. Based on the passage, mainstream Japanese poetry of the
Heian period can best be described as ............ .
9. We know from the story that after he turned A. philosophical in its concern
back, ................ . B. more refined than the poetry of the Manyoshu era
a) Marco brought out a book inspiring new voyages C. an outgowth of Buddhism and Confucianism
b) Marco stayed in Italy for twenty-three years D. sentimental in nature and lyrical in style
c) Kublai Khan knew that Marco had crossed mountains and E. written primarily for a female audience
d) Kublai Khan sent Columbus to other countries for business 14. Which of the following statements about kana finds the
e) Marco set out for a new adventure LEAST support in the passage?
A. It was based on the sound of the Japanese language
READING PASSAGE NO. 4 B. It was used primarily by Japanese women
Have you ever wondered whether fishes drink or not? All living C. It was used for Japanese poetry but not for Japanese prose
things must drink, and they require a fresh supply of water D. It was used in Japan after A.D. 793
often. A person can go without food for many days, but he or E. It was considered inappropriate for austere subject matter
she cannot go for long without water. Fishes drink, and fishes
that live in salt water must drink salt water. However, when we
watch them in an aquarium and see them opening and closing
their mouths, we must not assume that they are drinking.
Fishes need water for its oxygen. The water that they seem to
be gulping gives them oxygen, which is in the water. On the 15. The author's primary purpose in the passage is
other hand, when a fish drinks, it swallows water, just in the to ............................ .
way we do. A. refute a common explanation for the role of women in the
development of Japanese poetry
10. It is stated in the passage that a fish opens and closes its B. identify the reasons for the popularity of a distinct form of
mouth .............. . literary expression in Japan
A. in order to get oxygen C. distinguish between the Japanese poetry of one historical
B. so as to gulp period with that of another
C. to drink to stay alive D. trace the influence of religion on the development of
D. to swim in an aquarium. Japanese poetry
E. so that it can suffice salt E. provide an explanation for the role of women in the
development of Japanese poetry
11. We are informed by the passage that a
person ................... . READING PASSAGE No. 6
A. can live for a long time without water Erosion is regarded not merely as the physical removal of soil
B. can live for a long time without food by water and wind, but rather as the deterioration of all the
C. has no need for food and water component parts of the habitat in which man and his crops and
D. has no need for a fresh supply of water livestock have to exist. Since there is no conclusive evidence for
E. does need water to get oxygen any major climatic change in historic times to explain this
deterioration, we must conclude that the eroding of the total
12. When a fish drinks water, ............................ . environment has been due primarily to thoughtless destruction
of the vegetative cover. This has led to deterioration of the
A. it requires fresh water microclimate above and below the surface, generally in the
B. it swallows water just like us direction of a general drying out of the soil which has exposed
C. it requires salt water it to erosive action of wind and rainfall of high intensity or
D. it drinks water for its oxygen frequency, and to the loss of organic matter in the soil, thus
E. it stays motionless for a while to swallow reducing its capacity to resist erosion by conserving the water
that falls on the surface. If everything possible is done within individuals and the community. It operates by apprehending,
the total environment to conserve the naturally planted or prosecuting , convicting, sentencing these members of the
cultivated vegetation, this will also ensure optimal conservation community who violate the basic rules of group existence. The
of soil and water. action taken against lawbreakers is designed to serve three
purposes beyond the immediately punitive one. It removes
16. It is argued in the passage that the impoverishment of the dangerous people from the community; it deters others from
world's habitat .......... . criminal behaviour and it gives society an oppurtunity to
A) is first and foremost due to man's irresponsible abuse of the attempt to transform lawbreakers into law-abiding citizens.
vegetable cover of the earth
B) is largely due to gradual changes in climate over long years 22. We understand from the passage that the basic aim of
C) became inevitable as soon as agricultural and animal criminal justice is .............. .
husbandry developed a) the protection of society and its individuals
D) cannot be remedied b) to define socially acceptable behaviour
E) has been needlessly exaggerated c) to educate lawbreakers
d) the violation of the law
17. The definition of erosion given in this passage ............ . e) to renew, as necessary, the traditions and customs of
A) is a strictly regional one society
B) disregards man's role in it
C) concentrates on flooding
D) assumes that the process is inevitable 23. According to the passage, prosecution is ...................... .
E) is a broad one a) a process which follows conviction
b) concerned with the transformation of criminal justice
18. It is pointed out in the passage that the loss of organic c) not to be considered a vital part of the criminal justice
matter in the soil ............ . system
A) led to the destruction of the world's vegetative cover d) actually the removal of lawbreakers from the community
B) is a direct result of insufficient rain e) one of the stages in the operation of criminal justice
C) is an irreversible process
D) has made the soil more susceptible to erosion 24. It is pointed out in the passage that one of the effects of
e) came about through over planting which robbed the soil of the criminal justice system is to ............. .
nutrients a) give guidelines for group existence
b) discourage crime
READING PASSAGE NO. 7 c) prevent the enforcement of capital punishment
Genetics is the study of mechanisms of the hereditary process. d) take immediate action against the community
Modern genetics began with the experiments of Gregor e) investigate the reasons behind criminal behavior
Mendel in 1865. He studied the inheritance of different factors
in peas, and found that some traits were "dominant" and some 25. The action taken against lawbreakers is designed to serve
"recessive", the "dominant" appearing in a ratio of very nearly how many purposes beyond the immediately punitive one?
three to one. Mendels results were ignored for many years a)one b) two c)three d)five e) seven
until their discovery at the beginning of the twentieth century .
19. According to the passage .......................... .
a) the results of Mendel's experiments were immediately put 1. E
into practice 2. B
b) the purpose of Mendel's experiments was primarily 3. C
c) genetics is essentially concerned with heredity
4. B
d) modern genetics owes very little to Mendel's experiments 5. B
e) the mechanisms of heredity were known prior to Mendel 6. C
7. A
20. Clearly, in the field of genetics, ............................ . 8. E
a) certain traits have been given too much importance 9. A
b) the 20th century has contributed very little 10. A
c) Mendel's experiments have received and used attention
11. B
d) Mendel is the pioneer
e) new dominant and recessive traits are constantly being
12. B
discovered 13. D
14. C
21. Mendel discovered that ......................... . 15. E
16. A
a) recessive traits exceeded the dominant ones 17. E
b) in peas, dominant traits appear in a ratio of three to one 18. D
c) in peas, nearly one-third of the traits were dominant
19. C
d) by 1865 the theory of heredity had been convincingly
formulated 20. D
e) genetics was becoming a popular science 21. B
22. A
Any criminal justice system is an apparatus that society uses to 24. B
enforce the standards of conduct necessary to protect

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