Education Summit List of Topics

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Education Summit Topics

Creating a District Culture of Respect, High Expectations, Support and Innovation

Please note: There will only be time to participate in ONE topic during the evening of the Education
Summit. There will be time for general discussion at the very end, and multiple opportunities to discuss
all topics in the 30 days after the Summit.

 Access & Equity / Academic placement

 Achievement Gap
 CHS – Fostering a Culture of Respect and High Expectations (Issues may include: Access and
Equity/Choice, Setting all students up for success, Discipline, Increasing the Graduation Rate,
Supporting students in post-CHS studies)
 CHS – Reimagining the High School Experience (Issues may include: School start times/school hours,
Rethinking homework, Alternative paths, Career Prep)
 Creating Innovators
 Cultural Competency
 Deep Engagement and Exhilarating Experiences of the Whole Student in Their Learning (Issues
may include fields of study such as STEM, Arts education, Humanities and Social Justice; and also
may include 21st Century Learning approaches such as Interdisciplinary connections, Curriculum
alignment, Writing across the curriculum, Project-based learning, and regular updates to ensure
 Discipline (Issues may include: Restorative Practices, School Culture)
 Extended School Day/After School Activities
 Family/School Connections
 Gifted and Talented Strategies
 Life Skills and Healthy Choices (Issues may include: Developing Leadership, Organizational Skills,
Planning for the future, and Drug-free schools)
 Meeting the Needs of ALL Learners – Struggling, Middle, and Advanced (Issues may include:
Supports for academically struggling, middle of the road, and advanced students; from preschool –
post-CHS; Boys’ Development)
 Profiling Black Students
 Redistricting/School Pairings
 Refreshing Our Buildings to be Relevant for Today’s Learners (Issues may include Capital
Improvement Plan, Facilities)
 Reimagining Public Education (Issues may include: Blow up the plan, Role of homework,
Personalized learning plans)
 Reimagining Seth Boyden
 Resources (Issues may include: How do we offer more with less? Maximizing dollars without
sacrificing quality, State funding, Partnering with outside organizations, Class size)
 School Safety (Issues may include SROs/security guards)
 Social/Emotional Learning
 Special Education (Issues may include: Communications, Administration of Services, Curriculum
Access, Elementary School Services, Secondary School Services)
 Supporting Excellent Teaching/Professional Development

Share your dreams and brainstorm action items for 21st Century Learning, Meeting the Needs of Varied
Learners, Breaking Down Barriers, The Whole Child, Reimagining CHS, and Planning for the Future.

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