Experimental Investigations On Substitution of Natural Sand in Concrete With Copper Slag and Blast Furnace Slag

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Journal of Asian Concrete Federation

Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 1-11, June. 2021

ISSN 2465-7964 / eISSN 2465-7972
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.18702/acf.2021.
Experimental investigations on substitution of natural sand in
concrete with copper slag and blast furnace slag
P N Ojha, Abhishek Singh, Brijesh Singh*
(Received February 24, 2021; Accepted May 24, 2021; Published online June 30, 2021)

Abstract: The constant decrease in the availability of good quality natural sand across the globe has led to
increasing investigations on the possibility of utilizing by-products obtained from different industries as a
replacement for natural sand. Copper slag and blast furnace slag are by-products of metallurgical processes
occurring during copper and pig iron production, respectively. The substitution of natural sand using copper
slag and blast furnace slag in plain and reinforced concrete has been permitted in Indian Standard IS: 383-2016
up to a certain percentage as replacing natural sand in concrete. In the present study, investigations were carried
out to check the feasibility of increasing copper slag and blast furnace slag as a substitution of natural sand in
concrete. Conventional (Natural) sand was replaced (by volume) with copper slag (0%, 25%, 50% & 75%),
Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GBFS) (0%, 30%, 60% & 100%) and Air-Cooled Blast Furnace Slag (ACBFS)
(0%, 30%, 60% & 100%). Concrete mixes were examined by substituting conventional sand with copper and
blast furnace slag in different proportions and were evaluated for different mechanical properties and durabil-
ity-related parameters. Leaching studies were also carried out on selected concrete samples.

Keywords: Natural sand, Copper Slag, Granulated Blast Furnace Slag, Air-Cooled Blast Furnace Slag, Dura-

1. Introduction of copper slag is generated. In India, its annual gen-

eration is in the order 2-3 Metric tonnes [1].
Blast furnace slag consists of non-metallic ma- At present, Indian Standard IS: 383-2016 [2]
terial containing aluminosilicates and other com- permits blast furnace slag and copper slag as an ag-
pounds of manganese, sulfur, iron and several other gregate for concrete. Iron slag has been used up to
trace elements. It is obtained in molten form, and its 25% in reinforced concrete, 50% in plain concrete
solidified form is further classified based on its and 100% in lean concrete is replacing coarse and
methodology adopted to cool down the hot molten fine conventional aggregates. Copper slag has been
slag. When molten blast furnace slag is gradually used up to 35% in reinforced concrete, 40% in plain
cooled down (solidification) at ambient atmospheric concrete, and 50% in lean concrete to replace con-
conditions, resulting in crystalline mineral formation ventional fine aggregates. Research work and studies
in the form of hard lumps, it is further crushed, to investigate the possibility of increasing the current
screened, and called Air-Cooled Blast Furnace Slag permissible limits for utilization of blast furnace and
(ACBFS). Whereas, when slag obtained in the mol- copper slag aggregates as replacement of conven-
ten state is rapidly quenched underwater, no crystal- tional aggregates in concrete (specially reinforced
lization occurs, and amorphous slag thus obtained is cement concrete) are being carried out all across the
known as Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GBFS). world. A few of those have been discussed below in
For every tonne of iron being produced, 300 kilo- detail, along with few other research studies in this
grams of granulated slag is produced. In India, its an- area in other countries.
nual generation is 17-18 Metric tonnes [1]. Copper Khalifa et al. [3] investigated the properties of
slag is obtained during copper ore production and is mortar and concrete mixes containing different pro-
further quenched using industrial or seawater. For portions of copper slag ranging from 0 to 100% as a
every 1 tonne of copper produced, about 2.2 tonnes replacement of fine aggregates. Cement mortar
mixes were evaluated for compressive strength,
whereas concrete mixes were evaluated for their
*Corresponding author Brijesh Singh is is a Group Manager workability, density, compressive, tensile and flex-
at National Council for Cement and Building Materials, India ural strength, and durability parameters. Khalifa et al.
P N Ojha is a Joint director & Head-CDR at National Council [3] showed a slight enhancement in density values of
for Cement and Building Materials, India
concrete with an increase in replacement percentages
Abhishek Singh is a Project Engineer at National Council for
Cement and Building Materials, India of copper slag. A significant increase in workability
1 Journal of Asian Concrete Federation, Vol. 7, No. 1, Jun. 2021
was observed with an increase in copper slag propor- in the range of 50-60%. Binici et al. [9] studied con-
tion. A substitution in the range of 40–50% copper crete mixes containing GBFS aggregate as a substi-
slag as a sand replacement yielded comparable tution of natural sand. The natural sand was replaced
strength to that of control mix according to Khalifa in three different replacement percentages, i.e., 5, 10
et al. Study also indicated that replacement of copper and 15%, by weight with GBFS aggregates. The re-
slag beyond 50% resulted in a reduction of compres- sults showed a reduction in the workability in terms
sive strength due to the higher free water content in of the slump and an increase in the compressive
the mix. Sharma et al. [4] studied the durability-re- strength of hardened concrete with the substitution
lated parameters of self-compacting concrete substi- of GBFS sand to replace conventional (natural) sand.
tuting copper slag to replace fine aggregates. In the The study indicated that the increase in 28 days com-
study by Sharma et al., six SCC mixes with different pressive strength was about 5.81%, 13.33% and
replacement percentages, i.e., 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 20.64%, with the substitution of 5%, 10%, and 15%
80% and 100% copper slag, were cast at fixed water GBFS as a replacement to conventional (natural)
to cement ratio of 0.45. SCC mixes were evaluated sand, respectively. Escalante Garia et al [10] re-
for fresh properties and hardened properties of con- placed 0%, 30%, 40% and 50%. 90% silica sand in
crete, including durability properties. Findings of the mortars by GBFS sand. Escalante Garia et al. found
study indicated that fresh properties of concrete mix that GBFS sand was superior to natural silica sand
improved with enhancement in copper slag replace- compared to the strength and other mechanical pa-
ment. The maximum compressive strength was rameters of concrete.
achieved for concrete mix with a replacement per- Pawar et al. [11] also studied the performance
centage of 20% copper slag. Studies related to sulfate of concrete mixes with the substitution of conven-
exposure for concrete mixes containing copper slag tional sand using copper slag as an aggregate. Find-
indicated an increase in concrete weight and de- ings of the study indicated that compressive strength
creased compressive strength. Concrete mix with increased by 8.11%, and flexural strength increased
copper slag showed a significant reduction of car- by 7.82% for concrete with copper slag replacement
bonation phenomena. This study concluded that 60% of 40 % compared to control concrete made with 100%
replacement of copper slag as sand could be opti- conventional sand. As the percentage of copper slag
mum as partial replacement to conventional sand for increased, an increase in the workability of fresh
when the comparison is drawn for durability perfor- concrete was observed. Thomas et al. [12] investi-
mance of SCC. gated copper and ferrous slag utilization to replace
Baby et al. [5] conducted investigations to study fine aggregates in concrete. The study indicated that
the performance of concrete by substituting natural the compressive strength and workability in terms of
sand with copper slag as fine aggregate. In this study, the slump of concrete containing 100% copper slag
M40 grade concrete was evaluated. In their experi- and ferrous slag as fine aggregates remain compara-
mental study, copper slag was used to replace 0 to ble compared to the control mix. This study con-
50% of fine aggregate (by weight) in concrete. The cluded that copper and ferrous slag could be used in
study's finding indicated that workability in terms of mild exposure conditions up to 100% substitution of
slump increases with an increase in replacement per- fine natural aggregates. Dhir et al. [13] carried out a
centages of copper slag. The compressive strength meta-analysis of past literature on the utilization of
and flexural strength were observed to be maximum copper slag as a substitution of fine natural aggregate
at 40 % replacement. Selvi et al. [6] also studied M40 in concrete. It was seen that substitution of fine nat-
grade of concrete with copper slag as natural sand ural aggregate up to 50% copper slag indicated a su-
replacement. The replacement of natural sand by perior performance in terms of strength, modulus of
copper slag was done up to 100% in multiples of elasticity, creep and shrinkage. It was reported that
20%. They found that 40% replacement of natural the addition of copper slag did not affect the durabil-
sand using copper slag is an optimum replacement. ity performance of concrete except its acid resistance.
They also carried out non-destructive evaluation and Patra and Mukharjee [14] carried out investiga-
found excellent concrete quality at 40% replacement tions to study the effects of partial replacement of
levels. Rao et al. [7] conducted studies on the usage 20%, 40% and 60% natural fine aggregate in con-
of ACBFS up to 50% replacement of natural sand in crete using GBFS on the mechanical and durability
concrete which increases 15-20% strength of con- properties. Compressive strength, modulus of elas-
crete, i.e., compressive strength, split tensile strength ticity and chloride penetration resistance were found
and flexural strength. Singh et al. [8] conducted a to increase with the enhancement in the percentage
study on the use of GBFS up to 100 % substitution of GBFS. Devi and Gnanavel [15] investigated the
of natural sand, and it was concluded that the opti- effect of partially substituting conventional aggre-
mum replacement level of sand using GBFS comes gates with steel slag on mechanical and durability
properties of M20 grade concrete and recommended

Journal of Asian Concrete Federation, Vol. 7, No. 1, Jun. 2021 2

that the optimum percentage for replacing fine natu- grading as mentioned in IS 383: 2016 [2]. After
ral aggregate with steel slag can be 40%. The crushing, sieve analysis was carried out, and grading
strength and durability characteristics were compa- of sample conforms to Zone II as per IS: 383-2016.
rable to the control mix at 40% replacement of fine The slag sampled were tested and evaluated for their
aggregate with steel slag. Noufal et al. [16] studied physical and chemical characteristics. Apart from
the influence of utilization of copper slag as a re- slag samples, natural coarse aggregate (maximum
placement of fine natural aggregates on mechanical nominal size of 20mm) and natural sand (conforming
properties of concrete. Results indicated that the op- to Zone III as per IS-383-2016) were used to prepare
timum replacement levels for replacing conventional control and experimental concrete mixes. OPC 43
aggregates with copper slag could be 40%. conforming to IS 269: 2015 [17] and Naphthalene-
Given the studies mentioned above, it becomes based superplasticizer conforming to IS 9103: 2013
imperative to conduct studies and evaluate the per- [18] were used in the study. Concrete was prepared
formance of concrete mixes containing copper slag, at a water to cement ratio of 0.65. The mix design
GBFS and ACBFS aggregates as replacement of nat- parameters of the control mix containing 100% con-
ural sand beyond the presently proper proportions as ventional coarse and fine aggregates are given in Ta-
per Indian standards and compare their performance ble 1. Natural sand was replaced by slag aggregates
with control concrete mix made with 100% natural (both ACBFS and GBFS sand) in different propor-
sand. If the performance of mixes incorporating slag tions to prepare concrete mixes. 0, 30, 60 and 100%
aggregates is comparable or better than control mix, (by volume) of fine natural aggregate was replaced
this study may prove to help revise the existing limits by GBFS and ACBFS. At the same time, substitution
in Indian Standards on the utilization of copper and levels in the case of copper slag were kept as 0, 25,
blast furnace slag as aggregates in plain and rein- 50 and 75% (by volume) for the preparation of ex-
forced concrete. perimental mixes. A similar level of workability was
maintained for experimental mixes by varying the
2. Experimental plan admixture dosage. Samples were cast to study the
various mechanical (compressive and flexural
Both ACBFS and GBFS samples were taken strength) and durability properties (such as rapid
from JSW Plant in Bellary, Karnataka. The copper chloride penetration test, accelerated carbonation
slag sample was taken from Sterlite Industries lo- test, water permeability test) of concrete, along with
cated in Tuticorin, Tamilnadu. ACBFS sample was leaching studies for heavy metals.
crushed in the laboratory to meet the requirements of

Table 1 – Mix Proportions for control and experimental concrete mixes

Sl. Mix ID Wa- Cement Fine Aggregate (kg/m3) Coarse Ag-
ter kg/m3 gregate
Crushed Copper Slag Blast Furnace Slag
kg/m3 kg/m3
Sand (CS) Granu- Air-Cooled
lated ACBFS
1 M0 192 295 735 - - - 1223
2 M25CS 192 295 552 265 - - 1223
3 M50CS 192 295 368 521 - - 1223
4 M75CS 192 295 184 782 - - 1223
5 M30GBFS 192 295 515 - 208 - 1223
6 M60GBFS 192 295 294 - 416 - 1223
7 M100GBFS 192 295 0.00 - 694 - 1223
8 M30ACBFS 192 295 515 - - 239 1223
9 M60ACBFS 192 295 294 - - 478 1223
10 M100AC- 192 295
0.00 - - 797 1223

3. Test results and discussion gravity of copper slag aggregates was observed to be
highest among all the aggregate samples. Sieve anal-
3.1 Characterization of fine aggregates ysis results indicate that the ACBFS sample con-
forms to Zone II while GBFS and copper slag aggre-
The specific gravity of ACBFS was higher than gate samples showed conformance to Zone I of IS
that of natural sand while the specific gravity of 383:2016. Natural sand used in the study was con-
GBFS was lower than the natural sand. The specific forming to Zone III as per IS: 383-2016. Specific

3 Journal of Asian Concrete Federation, Vol. 7, No. 1, Jun. 2021

gravity and water absorption of natural sand were have been tabulated in Table 2(a) and Table 2(b), re-
2.64 and 0.6%, respectively. Results of physical and spectively.
chemical characterization of slag aggregates samples

Table 2 (a) – Physical properties of slag aggregates

Property ACBFS GBFS Copper slag
Specific gravity 2.86 2.49 3.74
Water absorption (%) 0.69 1.10 0.60
20mm 100 100 100
10 mm 100 100 100
4.75 mm 99 100 99
Sieve Analysis
2.36 mm 85 95 97
Cumulative Percentage
1.18 mm 58 63 73
Passing (%)
600 µ (microns) 39 24 25
300 µ (microns) 26 6 6
150 µ (microns) 15 2 1
Material finer than 75 (microns), (%) 7.4 0.6 0.9
Zone Zone II Zone I Zone I

Table 2 (b) – Chemical properties of Slag Aggregates

Property ACBFS GBFS Copper slag
Silica (SiO2), (%) 34.156 34.18 31.395
Reactive silica, (%) 28.545 27.286 30.387
Alkalis as Na2O equivalent, (%) 0.561 00.486 1.045
Sulfate (SO3), (%) 0.292 00.221 0.351

3.2 Studies on control and experimental con- and coarser nature of copper slag compared to natu-
crete mixes ral sand. Copper slag particles settled to the bottom
during the compaction of fresh concrete.
Control concrete mix with a water to cement ra- Admixture dosage in mixes containing GBFS
tio of 0.65 was prepared with 100% natural sand as sand increased from 0% to 1.7% to maintain similar
fine aggregate. Experimental concrete mixes were workability (Table 4). Segregation was observed in
prepared with different proportions of ACBFS, fresh concrete, when natural sand was replaced be-
GBFS and copper slag sand to replace natural fine yond 60% replacement using GBFS sand, due to the
aggregate. All the mixes were studied for various coarser nature of slag. To maintain the similar work-
fresh, hardened and durability parameters of con- ability in concrete mixes having ACBFS, the admix-
crete. ture dosage increased from 0 to 1.8% (Table 5). Co-
hesive mixes were obtained when ACBFS sand was
3.2.1 Fresh concrete properties used to replace 100% natural sand.

With the increase in percentage substitution of 3.2.2 Mechanical properties of hardened con-
natural sand with slag aggregates, the water demand crete
of experimental concrete mixes increased compared
to the control mix. To compensate for the excess wa- Compressive strength (on 150 mm cubes) and
ter demand and maintain a similar level of workabil- flexural strength (on concrete beams of size
ity, a higher dosage of chemical admixture was used 150×150×700 mm) were determined at the age of 28
in mixes containing slag aggregates (as shown in Ta- days (as shown in Fig. 1 and 2, respectively). Sam-
ble-3). ples were tested as per IS: 516. Results for various
Fresh concrete was observed to get segregated mixes are mentioned below in Table 6 to Table 8. A
when natural sand was replaced beyond 50% using comparison of compressive and flexural strength for
copper slag aggregates due to higher specific gravity a different set of concrete mixes has been shown in
Fig. s 3, 4 and 5.

Journal of Asian Concrete Federation, Vol. 7, No. 1, Jun. 2021 4

Table 3 – Fresh concrete properties of concrete mix having copper slag
Copper Slag Observation
Fine Aggregate Re- Workability (in terms Admixture Concrete mixes were observed to get
placement (%) of a slump), mm Dose (%) segregated when natural sand was re-
0 80 -- placed beyond 50% using copper slag.
25 75 0.6 Slag particles appeared to settle down
50 70 1.4 at the bottom during compaction
75 70 1.7

Table 4 – Fresh concrete properties of concrete mix having GBFS

GBFS Observations
Fine Aggregate Re- Workability (in terms of Admixture
placement (%) slump), Dose (%) Concrete mixes were observed to get
mm segregated when natural sand was re-
0 80 -- placed beyond 60% using GBFS.
30 90 0.6
60 75 1.4
100 70 1.7

Table 5 – Fresh concrete properties of concrete mix having air-cooled blast furnace slag
ACBFS Observations
Fine Aggregate Re- Workability (in terms of Admixture
placement (%) slump), mm Dose (%) Cohesive concrete mixes were ob-
0 80 -- tained in all the cases.
30 70 0.9
60 75 1.5
100 70 1.8

Fig. 1 – Compressive Strength Test set up Fig. 2 – Sample undergoing Flexural Strength Test

Table 6 – Mechanical properties of experimental mixes containing different proportions of copper slag aggre-
gate as a replacement of natural sand
Copper Slag
The standard devia- The standard devia-
Fine Aggregate Re- Compressive Strength, Flexure Strength,
tion for compressive tion for flexural
placement (%) MPa (at 28 days) MPa (at 28 days)
strength (MPa) strength (MPa)
0 25.93 1.40 2.72 0.23
25 28.35 1.70 3.13 0.34
50 31.43 1.55 3.36 0.30
75 33.43 1.60 3.68 0.37

5 Journal of Asian Concrete Federation, Vol. 7, No. 1, Jun. 2021

Compressive and flexural strength of concrete properties of concrete mix is similar to that of con-
mixes were observed to increase with the increase in ventional natural fine aggregates. Compressive and
percentage replacement of natural sand using copper flexural strength of experimental mixes containing
slag as fine aggregate in concrete. Maximum im- different proportions of GBFS and ACBFS aggre-
provement in compressive strength (28.92%) and gate as a replacement of natural sand were found to
flexural strength (35.29%) was observed at 75% re- be slightly better or comparable with control mixes
placement of natural sand using copper slag com- made with 100% natural sand at all replacement lev-
pared to the control sample made with 100% natural els. This shows that GBFS and ACBFS aggregates
sand. This shows that copper slag aggregates have a do not negatively influence the mechanical proper-
positive influence on the mechanical properties of ties of concrete, and their behavior is similar to con-
concrete, and their impact in terms of mechanical ventional natural fine aggregates.

Fig. 3(a) –Compressive strength (28 days) of mixes Fig. 3(b) –Flexural strength (28 days) of mixes with
with different replacement percentages of different Replacement Percentages of Cop-
Copper Slag aggregate per Slag aggregate

Table 7 – Mechanical properties of experimental mixes containing different proportions of GBFS aggregate
as a replacement of natural sand
Fine Aggregate Re- Compressive The standard devi- Flexure Strength, The standard devia-
placement (%) Strength, ation for compres- MPa (at 28 days) tion for flexural
MPa (at 28 days) sive strength strength (MPa)
0 25.93 1.55 2.72 0.22
30 27.54 1.60 2.71 0.34
60 28.76 1.65 2.83 0.26
100 28.16 1.50 2.61 0.24

Fig. 4(a) –Compressive strength (28 days) of mixes Fig. 4(b) –Flexural strength(28 days) of mixes
with different replacement percentages of with different Replacement Percentages of
GBFS aggregate GBFS aggregate

Journal of Asian Concrete Federation, Vol. 7, No. 1, Jun. 2021 6

Table 8 – Mechanical properties of experimental mixes containing different proportions of ACBFS aggregate
as a replacement of natural sand
Fine Aggregate Re- Compressive The standard de- Flexure Strength, The standard deviation
placement (%) Strength, viation for com- MPa (at 28 days) for flexural strength
MPa (at 28 days) pressive strength (MPa)
0 25.93 1.24 2.72 0.25
30 28.65 1.35 2.89 0.27
60 30.87 1.50 2.95 0.28
100 28.50 1.65 2.80 0.30

Fig. 5(a) –Compressive strength (28 days) of mixes Fig. 5(b) –Flexural strength (28 days) of mixes
with different replacement percentages of with different Replacement Percentages
ACBFS aggregate of ACBFS aggregate

3.2.3 Durability studies on hardened concrete beams were transferred to an ambient environment
(temperature = 27 ± 2 oC and relative humidity = 65
As mentioned above, concrete mixes were pre- ± 5 %) for 14 days. After that, the top and bottom
pared with different proportions of natural sand, longitudinal surfaces and end faces of the sample
GBFS, ACBFS and copper slag as fine aggregate. were sealed with paraffin wax so that carbonation
Along with fresh and hardened properties, samples can occur through two unsealed longitudinal faces
were cast to conduct several durability studies for all only. Further, beams were kept in a carbonation
concrete mixes, such as the rapid chloride penetra- chamber (as shown in Fig. 7) having 4±0.5 % CO2,
tion test, carbonation depth, water permeability and temperature = 27±2 oC and relative humidity of
abrasion test. The results are given in Table 9 to Ta- 65±5%. Depth of carbonation that occurred in beams
ble 11. RCPT test (as shown in Fig. s 6(a) and 6(b)) was measured after 70 days of exposure in the cham-
was conducted as per ASTM C120 on concrete cy- ber by cutting a slice with a thickness of 50 mm and
lindrical samples (100 mm diameter and 50 mm spraying 1% phenolphthalein solution on the sliced
thickness). The test setup consists of cathode and an- section.
ode with a central hole of 100 mm size. The sample A water permeability test was carried out on
was placed in between cathode and anode. The ca- cube specimens of size 150 mm in accordance with
thodic section contains a NaCl solution of 3% con- DIN 1048, part 5, to get an idea about resistance
centration. Whereas the anodic section is made up of against penetration of water inside concrete. Water
NaOH solution having a concentration of 3M. pressure of 0.5 N/mm2 was applied on the concrete
Through a DC supply, the potential difference of 60 sample for 72 ±2 hours (as shown in Fig. 8). Then,
volts was kept across the cells. The test was con- the sample was split, and a maximum depth of pene-
ducted for 6 hours, and readings of currents were tration of water was measured.
taken at a gap of 30 minutes. The total charge that Resistance of horizontal concrete surfaces
flowed through the sample was calculated from the against abrasive action was evaluated on concrete
current readings, representing the resistance of con- slabs at 28 days using the revolving disc method as
crete against the penetration of chlorides. per ASTM C 779. Sliding and scuffing action on
Accelerated Carbonation test (ACT) was con- concrete was achieved by rotating steel disks with
ducted on beam samples of 100 ×100×500 mm as per abrasive grit. Silicon carbide was fed on disks as
ISO 1920 Part 12. After 28 days of water curing, abrasive at a rate of 4 to 6 grams per minute. In the

7 Journal of Asian Concrete Federation, Vol. 7, No. 1, Jun. 2021

present study, the testing period was kept at 60 in the 'moderate' class (ranges from 2000-4000 Cou-
minutes. The revolving disc abrasion test machine lombs) of penetrability as per ASTM C1202. The
has been shown in Fig. 9. carbonation depth and water permeability of experi-
mental mixes containing copper slag as a replace- Observations on experimental concrete ment of natural sand are lower than the control mix
mixes made with Copper slag (Table 9) and decrease with an increase in the proportion of
copper slag in concrete. Improvement in abrasion re-
Replacement of natural sand with different pro- sistance of concrete was observed with an increase
portions of copper slag sand does not seem to have in the proportion of copper slag in the concrete mix.
an impact on the RCPT results as RCPT values of all This may be attributed to the higher specific gravity
the mixes were observed to be comparable and fall and abrasion resistance of copper slag aggregate
compared to natural sand.

Fig. 6(a) – Vacuum box Fig. 6(a) – DC voltage system for RCPT tests

Fig. 7 – Carbonation Chamber for ACT Fig. 8 – Test Setup for Water permeability test Observations on experimental concrete However, when 100% of the natural sand is replaced
mixes made with ACBFS (Table 10) with ACBFS sand slightly higher value of RCPT was
observed and it comes in the 'high' class of penetra-
Replacement of natural sand with different propor- bility. Carbonation depths, water permeability and
tions of ACBFS sand does not seem to have an im- abrasion resistance of experimental mixes containing
pact on the on RCPT results till natural sand is re- different proportions of ACBFS as replacement of
placed up to 60% using ACBFS, as RCPT values of natural sand were observed to comparable control
all the mixes were observed to be comparable and mix.
fall in the 'moderate' class (ranges from 2000-4000
Coulombs) of penetrability as per ASTM C1202.

Journal of Asian Concrete Federation, Vol. 7, No. 1, Jun. 2021 8

Table 9 – Durability Test results of experimental mixes containing different proportions of copper slag aggre-
gate as a replacement of natural sand
% Replacement of RCPT as per ASTM Carbonation Depth Water Permeability Abrasion
Fine Aggregate with C1202 (Coulombs) as per ISO-1920-12 as per DIN- 1048 (5) (mm)
slag aggregate (mm) (mm)
28 Days 70 days Exposure 28 Days 28 Days
0 3723 14.90 26 0.481
25 3520 11.73 22 0.410
50 3271 10.62 20 0.416
75 2894 9.65 17 0.396

Table 10 – Durability test results of experimental mixes containing different proportions of ACBFS aggregate
as a replacement of natural sand
% Replacement of RCPT as per Carbonation Depth Water Permeability Abrasion
Fine Aggregate ASTM C1202 (mm) as per as per DIN-1048 (5) (mm)
with slag aggregate (Coulombs) ISO-1920-12 (mm)
28 Days 70 days Exposure 28 Days 28 Days
0 3723 14.9 26 0.481
30 3472 8.90 28 0.458
60 3671 8.71 25 0.462
100 4228 9.65 22 0.496

Table 11 – Durability test results of experimental mixes containing different proportions of GBFS aggregate
as a replacement of natural sand
% Replacement of Fine Aggregate RCPT as per Carbonation Depth Water Permeability Abrasion
with slag aggregate ASTM C1202 (mm) as Per as per DIN-1048 (5) (mm)
(Coulombs) ISO-1920-12 (mm)
28 Days 70 days Exposure 28 Days 28 Days
0 3723 14.90 26 0.481
30 3321 8.82 24 0.468
60 3587 9.80 26 0.465
100 4194 14.2 27 0.458

of penetrability as per ASTM C1202. However,

when 100% of the natural sand is replaced with
GBFS sand slightly higher value of RCPT was ob-
served, and it comes in the 'high' class of penetrabil-
ity. Carbonation depths, water permeability and
abrasion resistance of experimental mixes containing
different proportions of GBFS as replacement of nat-
ural sand were observed to comparable control mix.

3.2.4 Leaching study on experimental concrete

mixes incorporating different propor-
tions of copper slag, ACBFS and GBFS
Fig. 9 – Revolving-disk abrasion test machine
Leaching studies were carried out on concrete Observations on experimental concrete made with copper slag, ACBFS and GBFS aggre-
mixes made with GBFS (Table 11) gates (after 28-day exposure in different solutions).
The concrete cubes made with 75% copper slag were
Replacement of natural sand with different pro- exposed to different solutions such as distilled water,
portions of GBFS sand does not seem to have an im- 5% HCl solution, 5% NaCl solution and 5% MgSO4
pact on the RCPT results till natural sand is replaced solution for 28 days. Similarly, concrete cubes made
up to 60% using GBFS, as RCPT values of all the with 60% replacement by ACBFS and GBFS were
mixes were observed to be comparable and fall in the exposed to these solutions for 28 days. After the ex-
'moderate' class (ranges from 2000-4000 Coulombs) posure period, solutions of immersed cubes were

9 Journal of Asian Concrete Federation, Vol. 7, No. 1, Jun. 2021

tested for the presence of various heavy metals using concentrations of different heavy metals are consid-
Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectroscopy. The re- erably lower than the values prescribed in IS: 383-
sults are mentioned in Table 12. Results showed that 2016 for leaching study on concrete made with slag

Table 12 –Test results of leaching study on slag aggregate

Constituents, mg/l Materials Distilled wa- HCl Solution NaCl So- MgSO4
ter lution
Cadmium (Cd) Concrete 0.001 0.090 <0.001 <0.001
Lead (Pb) made with 0.048 2.225 0.051 0.034
Hexavalent Chromium (Cr) 75% copper <0.001 0.078 0.011 0.006
Selenium (Se) slag <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Cadmium (Cd) Concrete 0.017 0.058 2.501 0.072
Lead (Pb) made with 0.088 4.225 2.251 0.090
Hexavalent Chromium (Cr) 60% GBFS 0.021 1.078 2.311 0.116
Selenium (Se) 0.015 0.084 2.821 0.605
Cadmium (Cd) Concrete 0.007 0.098 1.001 0.007
Lead (Pb) made with 0.078 3.225 1.051 0.078
Hexavalent Chromium (Cr) 60% ACBFS 0.011 0.078 1.011 0.011
Selenium (Se) 0.005 0.034 1.021 0.005

4. Conclusion RCPT values, carbonation depths, water per-

Based on the observations of different tests meability and abrasion resistance of experi-
conducted in this study, the following conclusions mental mixes till natural sand is replaced up
were drawn: to 75% using copper slag aggregates and 100%
 Characterization results indicated that water using ACBFS and 60% using GBFS aggre-
absorption of copper slag, ACBFS and gates. A study on the concentration of heavy
GBFS aggregates is slightly higher than con- metals in concrete made with different pro-
ventional fine aggregates. Therefore, an in- portions of slag aggregates shows that con-
crease in percentage replacement levels of centrations of different heavy metals are
natural sand with slag aggregates leads to an considerably lower than the values pre-
increase in the water demand of concrete scribed in IS:383-2016 for the leaching
mix for similar workability. Concrete mixes study.
were observed to get segregated when natu-  Considering the effect of usage of different
ral sand was replaced beyond 50% using proportions of slag aggregates as a replace-
copper slag. Segregation was observed in ment of fine natural aggregate on fresh,
fresh concrete, when natural sand was re- hardened and durability properties of con-
placed beyond 60% replacement using crete, natural fine aggregate can be replaced
GBFS sand, due to the coarser nature of slag. up to 50% using copper slag, up to 100% us-
Cohesive mixes were obtained when air- ing ACBFS and up to 60 % using GBFS ag-
cooled blast furnace slag sand was used to gregates.
replace 100% natural sand.
 Compressive and flexural strength of con- Acknowledgment
crete mixes were observed to increase with The authors would like to acknowledge the manage-
the increase in percentage replacement of ment of JSW Plant, Bellari and Sterlite Industries, Tu-
ticorin for providing blast furnace slag and copper slag
natural sand using copper slag as fine aggre-
samples for the above study.
gate in concrete. At the same time, the com-
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