Experimental Investigations On Substitution of Natural Sand in Concrete With Copper Slag and Blast Furnace Slag
Experimental Investigations On Substitution of Natural Sand in Concrete With Copper Slag and Blast Furnace Slag
Experimental Investigations On Substitution of Natural Sand in Concrete With Copper Slag and Blast Furnace Slag
Abstract: The constant decrease in the availability of good quality natural sand across the globe has led to
increasing investigations on the possibility of utilizing by-products obtained from different industries as a
replacement for natural sand. Copper slag and blast furnace slag are by-products of metallurgical processes
occurring during copper and pig iron production, respectively. The substitution of natural sand using copper
slag and blast furnace slag in plain and reinforced concrete has been permitted in Indian Standard IS: 383-2016
up to a certain percentage as replacing natural sand in concrete. In the present study, investigations were carried
out to check the feasibility of increasing copper slag and blast furnace slag as a substitution of natural sand in
concrete. Conventional (Natural) sand was replaced (by volume) with copper slag (0%, 25%, 50% & 75%),
Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GBFS) (0%, 30%, 60% & 100%) and Air-Cooled Blast Furnace Slag (ACBFS)
(0%, 30%, 60% & 100%). Concrete mixes were examined by substituting conventional sand with copper and
blast furnace slag in different proportions and were evaluated for different mechanical properties and durabil-
ity-related parameters. Leaching studies were also carried out on selected concrete samples.
Keywords: Natural sand, Copper Slag, Granulated Blast Furnace Slag, Air-Cooled Blast Furnace Slag, Dura-
3. Test results and discussion gravity of copper slag aggregates was observed to be
highest among all the aggregate samples. Sieve anal-
3.1 Characterization of fine aggregates ysis results indicate that the ACBFS sample con-
forms to Zone II while GBFS and copper slag aggre-
The specific gravity of ACBFS was higher than gate samples showed conformance to Zone I of IS
that of natural sand while the specific gravity of 383:2016. Natural sand used in the study was con-
GBFS was lower than the natural sand. The specific forming to Zone III as per IS: 383-2016. Specific
3.2 Studies on control and experimental con- and coarser nature of copper slag compared to natu-
crete mixes ral sand. Copper slag particles settled to the bottom
during the compaction of fresh concrete.
Control concrete mix with a water to cement ra- Admixture dosage in mixes containing GBFS
tio of 0.65 was prepared with 100% natural sand as sand increased from 0% to 1.7% to maintain similar
fine aggregate. Experimental concrete mixes were workability (Table 4). Segregation was observed in
prepared with different proportions of ACBFS, fresh concrete, when natural sand was replaced be-
GBFS and copper slag sand to replace natural fine yond 60% replacement using GBFS sand, due to the
aggregate. All the mixes were studied for various coarser nature of slag. To maintain the similar work-
fresh, hardened and durability parameters of con- ability in concrete mixes having ACBFS, the admix-
crete. ture dosage increased from 0 to 1.8% (Table 5). Co-
hesive mixes were obtained when ACBFS sand was
3.2.1 Fresh concrete properties used to replace 100% natural sand.
With the increase in percentage substitution of 3.2.2 Mechanical properties of hardened con-
natural sand with slag aggregates, the water demand crete
of experimental concrete mixes increased compared
to the control mix. To compensate for the excess wa- Compressive strength (on 150 mm cubes) and
ter demand and maintain a similar level of workabil- flexural strength (on concrete beams of size
ity, a higher dosage of chemical admixture was used 150×150×700 mm) were determined at the age of 28
in mixes containing slag aggregates (as shown in Ta- days (as shown in Fig. 1 and 2, respectively). Sam-
ble-3). ples were tested as per IS: 516. Results for various
Fresh concrete was observed to get segregated mixes are mentioned below in Table 6 to Table 8. A
when natural sand was replaced beyond 50% using comparison of compressive and flexural strength for
copper slag aggregates due to higher specific gravity a different set of concrete mixes has been shown in
Fig. s 3, 4 and 5.
Table 5 – Fresh concrete properties of concrete mix having air-cooled blast furnace slag
ACBFS Observations
Fine Aggregate Re- Workability (in terms of Admixture
placement (%) slump), mm Dose (%) Cohesive concrete mixes were ob-
0 80 -- tained in all the cases.
30 70 0.9
60 75 1.5
100 70 1.8
Fig. 1 – Compressive Strength Test set up Fig. 2 – Sample undergoing Flexural Strength Test
Table 6 – Mechanical properties of experimental mixes containing different proportions of copper slag aggre-
gate as a replacement of natural sand
Copper Slag
The standard devia- The standard devia-
Fine Aggregate Re- Compressive Strength, Flexure Strength,
tion for compressive tion for flexural
placement (%) MPa (at 28 days) MPa (at 28 days)
strength (MPa) strength (MPa)
0 25.93 1.40 2.72 0.23
25 28.35 1.70 3.13 0.34
50 31.43 1.55 3.36 0.30
75 33.43 1.60 3.68 0.37
Fig. 3(a) –Compressive strength (28 days) of mixes Fig. 3(b) –Flexural strength (28 days) of mixes with
with different replacement percentages of different Replacement Percentages of Cop-
Copper Slag aggregate per Slag aggregate
Table 7 – Mechanical properties of experimental mixes containing different proportions of GBFS aggregate
as a replacement of natural sand
Fine Aggregate Re- Compressive The standard devi- Flexure Strength, The standard devia-
placement (%) Strength, ation for compres- MPa (at 28 days) tion for flexural
MPa (at 28 days) sive strength strength (MPa)
0 25.93 1.55 2.72 0.22
30 27.54 1.60 2.71 0.34
60 28.76 1.65 2.83 0.26
100 28.16 1.50 2.61 0.24
Fig. 4(a) –Compressive strength (28 days) of mixes Fig. 4(b) –Flexural strength(28 days) of mixes
with different replacement percentages of with different Replacement Percentages of
GBFS aggregate GBFS aggregate
Fig. 5(a) –Compressive strength (28 days) of mixes Fig. 5(b) –Flexural strength (28 days) of mixes
with different replacement percentages of with different Replacement Percentages
ACBFS aggregate of ACBFS aggregate
3.2.3 Durability studies on hardened concrete beams were transferred to an ambient environment
(temperature = 27 ± 2 oC and relative humidity = 65
As mentioned above, concrete mixes were pre- ± 5 %) for 14 days. After that, the top and bottom
pared with different proportions of natural sand, longitudinal surfaces and end faces of the sample
GBFS, ACBFS and copper slag as fine aggregate. were sealed with paraffin wax so that carbonation
Along with fresh and hardened properties, samples can occur through two unsealed longitudinal faces
were cast to conduct several durability studies for all only. Further, beams were kept in a carbonation
concrete mixes, such as the rapid chloride penetra- chamber (as shown in Fig. 7) having 4±0.5 % CO2,
tion test, carbonation depth, water permeability and temperature = 27±2 oC and relative humidity of
abrasion test. The results are given in Table 9 to Ta- 65±5%. Depth of carbonation that occurred in beams
ble 11. RCPT test (as shown in Fig. s 6(a) and 6(b)) was measured after 70 days of exposure in the cham-
was conducted as per ASTM C120 on concrete cy- ber by cutting a slice with a thickness of 50 mm and
lindrical samples (100 mm diameter and 50 mm spraying 1% phenolphthalein solution on the sliced
thickness). The test setup consists of cathode and an- section.
ode with a central hole of 100 mm size. The sample A water permeability test was carried out on
was placed in between cathode and anode. The ca- cube specimens of size 150 mm in accordance with
thodic section contains a NaCl solution of 3% con- DIN 1048, part 5, to get an idea about resistance
centration. Whereas the anodic section is made up of against penetration of water inside concrete. Water
NaOH solution having a concentration of 3M. pressure of 0.5 N/mm2 was applied on the concrete
Through a DC supply, the potential difference of 60 sample for 72 ±2 hours (as shown in Fig. 8). Then,
volts was kept across the cells. The test was con- the sample was split, and a maximum depth of pene-
ducted for 6 hours, and readings of currents were tration of water was measured.
taken at a gap of 30 minutes. The total charge that Resistance of horizontal concrete surfaces
flowed through the sample was calculated from the against abrasive action was evaluated on concrete
current readings, representing the resistance of con- slabs at 28 days using the revolving disc method as
crete against the penetration of chlorides. per ASTM C 779. Sliding and scuffing action on
Accelerated Carbonation test (ACT) was con- concrete was achieved by rotating steel disks with
ducted on beam samples of 100 ×100×500 mm as per abrasive grit. Silicon carbide was fed on disks as
ISO 1920 Part 12. After 28 days of water curing, abrasive at a rate of 4 to 6 grams per minute. In the
Fig. 6(a) – Vacuum box Fig. 6(a) – DC voltage system for RCPT tests
Fig. 7 – Carbonation Chamber for ACT Fig. 8 – Test Setup for Water permeability test Observations on experimental concrete However, when 100% of the natural sand is replaced
mixes made with ACBFS (Table 10) with ACBFS sand slightly higher value of RCPT was
observed and it comes in the 'high' class of penetra-
Replacement of natural sand with different propor- bility. Carbonation depths, water permeability and
tions of ACBFS sand does not seem to have an im- abrasion resistance of experimental mixes containing
pact on the on RCPT results till natural sand is re- different proportions of ACBFS as replacement of
placed up to 60% using ACBFS, as RCPT values of natural sand were observed to comparable control
all the mixes were observed to be comparable and mix.
fall in the 'moderate' class (ranges from 2000-4000
Coulombs) of penetrability as per ASTM C1202.
Table 10 – Durability test results of experimental mixes containing different proportions of ACBFS aggregate
as a replacement of natural sand
% Replacement of RCPT as per Carbonation Depth Water Permeability Abrasion
Fine Aggregate ASTM C1202 (mm) as per as per DIN-1048 (5) (mm)
with slag aggregate (Coulombs) ISO-1920-12 (mm)
28 Days 70 days Exposure 28 Days 28 Days
0 3723 14.9 26 0.481
30 3472 8.90 28 0.458
60 3671 8.71 25 0.462
100 4228 9.65 22 0.496
Table 11 – Durability test results of experimental mixes containing different proportions of GBFS aggregate
as a replacement of natural sand
% Replacement of Fine Aggregate RCPT as per Carbonation Depth Water Permeability Abrasion
with slag aggregate ASTM C1202 (mm) as Per as per DIN-1048 (5) (mm)
(Coulombs) ISO-1920-12 (mm)
28 Days 70 days Exposure 28 Days 28 Days
0 3723 14.90 26 0.481
30 3321 8.82 24 0.468
60 3587 9.80 26 0.465
100 4194 14.2 27 0.458