75-Research Instrument-294-2-10-20211122 SSMIJ
75-Research Instrument-294-2-10-20211122 SSMIJ
75-Research Instrument-294-2-10-20211122 SSMIJ
Keywords: Quality Control (QC), Quality Assurance (QA), Independent Quality Monitoring (IQM),
Quality Assurance System, Quality Grading, and Conformances
The objective of the paper is to analyze the various factors and loop holes that have a significant impact
on effectiveness of quality and quality assurance system during construction which leads to reduced design
service life and increased maintenance cost during the life cycle of the project.
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Quality of construction projects, as well as project success, can be regarded as the fulfillment of expectations (i.e.
the satisfaction) of the project participants. The construction industry in India has been struggling with quality issues
for many years. The construction costs can be significantly reduced if the construction industry embraces the concept
of quality assurance and control (1). Quality Control (QC) is concerned with actual measurement, testing or
supervision of manufacturers’ own final product control, either by inspection of each unit or by sample testing. It has
become more important nowadays to test buildings to assess whether they are performing as expected well before
their anticipated service life attributing the failure in quality system. Poor workmanship can lead the construction to
an extent that may not meet the requirement of a stable and sustainable infrastructure. The standard of workmanship
can be improved by providing adequate training, appropriate instructions and clear checklists as well as ensuring there
is on-site supervision and monitoring and an ongoing process of feedback to ensure continuous improvement.
Unfortunately quality control is often forgotten in the rush to complete the project, or sometimes just turns into a paper
exercise (2). Construction Industry is a special sector where it is difficult to achieve one hundred percent quality
assurance of the final product. However, it must be ensured that the quality control is treated seriously, is not only
about paperwork and that people are delegated with specific responsibilities to deliver the correct quality in decreasing
the number of deviations as poor quality results in: (i) additional costs and delays when work have to be redone (ii)
additional costs when defects have to be repaired later, for increased maintenance costs or for disruptions to their
operations while defects are repaired (iii) Can cause injury and death if the structure fails.
The importance of enhancing the project quality for construction project success where, the quality drawings,
standards, constructability of design, management commitment, training and awareness and the team working of all
parties involved in the building process may lead to requirements by satisfying all the parties involved in the
construction process. The implementation of 3-level quality control systems aims at upgrading the construction
quality. Effective quality control system should be established for motivating, remedying, preventing the defects of
the contractor’s quality control. The content of the establishment are 3 parties respectively as the client, the contractor
and Independent Quality Monitoring consultant (Third party).
The main objective of this study is to review the activities for the specific projects keeping in view that the
activities pertaining to quality assurance are being performed in accordance with all contractual specifications, codes
and standards or government regulations. The QA/QC is verified through checks audits, inspections and witnessing.
These audit services are carried out completely independently of the individual contractors, materials suppliers,
manufacturer or sub-contractor as well as final user (3). Quality Assurance (QA) provides the facility owner with
adequate confidence that a structure, component, material or system meets pre-stated quality standards and will
perform satisfactory during service. Independent Quality Assurance (IQA) examines whether projects and
programmes are on track for successful completion or whether action is required to prevent failure. It can improve the
probability of successful project delivery and minimize the risk of cost and time blowouts. An IQA often provides
very large returns by preventing costly project mistakes and delivering benefits earlier (4, 5). An IQA is usually
conducted on behalf of the project Sponsor or Executive to provide assurance that the project is appropriately planned,
managed and controlled, and that the governance supports the project to best effect. All the quality paperwork in the
world, with all their signatures, will not turn a poor quality product into a good quality product. However the
paperwork trail is important in ensuring that proper quality procedures have been implemented and followed. For an
effective quality assurance, the independent quality assurance team should:
• Determine if the work practices are such that the expected quality standard will be met.
• Examine the quality of the ongoing and completed work to determine that it meets or exceeds the project
• Ensure that the material used meets project quality standards.
• Issue a report of acceptable work as well as any substandard work.
• Track the corrective work and issue status report until satisfactory completion.
• Examine the quality control methods being used to determine if the supervisor is properly controlling
construction activities.
• Review processes, practices and procedures and identify possible areas for change so as to improve the
quality of the resulting work and recommend any changes if needed.
Quality is the characteristic element of an item that can be evaluated as a meeting standard, whereby if it meets or
exceeds the standard, it can be said to be of good quality or high quality. However if the item does not meet the
standard, it is considered poor quality. Quality Assurance is defined as a systematic activity to develop a formal
structure, organization and operational procedures to ensure specified quality throughout the project life cycle (6).
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Due to the risk engaged in any project, quality assurance is significant in the construction industry and engineering. It
is vital that a built-in quality assurance system is developed to keep away from any inefficiency that could result in
poor quality of construction and service being delivered to the customers (7).The objective of the paper is to analyze
the various factors that have a significant impact on effectiveness of quality and quality assurance system used by
different clients and to suggest recommendations to increase the quality performance of the construction projects. The
aim here is to put forward various key aspects and challenges encountered in achieving the quality in construction.
This paper also highlights the need of incorporating Independent Quality Monitoring (IQM) system in construction
sector, which can contribute to overall up gradation in quality of projects.
To analyze the quality of the different construction projects, 30 construction projects were selected from National
Capital Region with a construction cost between three to five Crores and data was collected from these projects on
various quality and management related aspects. These 30 projects cover structures such as school buildings,
community hall, hostel block etc. The study was conducted for construction projects of different government bodies.
These projects were assessed for the quality assurance based on the factors playing key role in quality of a structure
during construction such as client’s commitment towards quality, quality of material, documentation, work practices,
personnel etc. Figure 1 shows the factors considered to evaluate the quality of project.
100.00 88.67
83.33 81.33
Availability of Equipments at Presence at site
Figure-2: Graph representing the projects where client ensured quality
3.1.2. Quality of material:
To ensure the quality of materials, all the materials should be procured from the approved sources as per the
tender documents and the source should not be changed during course of the project. Storage of material (steel, cement,
water & bricks etc.) plays an important role and small negligence will result in reduced quality and increased overall
cost of the project. Material testing is one of the major tools with the construction industry to check the quality of
materials used in construction. The major part in any construction project includes concrete and hence quality of
concrete has direct influence on the overall performance of structure. Taking care of following governing factors can
ensure concrete quality:
Workability and Control / checks on w/c (water cement ratio)
Transport and placing time lag, tools used for placement
Finishing of concrete including placement, compaction
Provision for maintenance of concrete surface
The Figure 2 shows the percentage of the projects that were fulfilling the requirements of the quality of the
material used for the construction including the approved source, proper storage and ensuring timely material testing
under quality control. The Figure 3 shows that the storage of materials was not as per the specifications for many
projects which is major point of concern. Improper storage of materials results in degradation of the even good quality
For any site, there should be proper planning of the layout for stacking and storage of different materials,
components and equipments with proper access and proper manoeuvrability of the vehicles carrying the material.
While planning the layout, the requirements of various materials, components and equipments at different stages of
construction shall be considered. Materials shall be stored in such a manner as ‘to prevent deterioration or intrusion
of foreign matter and to ensure the preservation of their quality and fitness for the work. Materials, like timber, coal,
paints, etc shall be stored in such a way that there may not be any possibility of fire hazards. Inflammable materials
like kerosene and petrol, shall be stored in accordance with the relevant rules and regulations so as to ensure the
desired safety during storage. Stacks shall not be piled so high as to make them unstable under firefighting conditions
and in general they shall not be more than 4.5 m in height. The provisions given in IS: 13416 (Part 5): 1994 shall be
Cement shall be stored at the work site in a building or a shed which is dry, leak proof and as moisture-proof as
possible. The building or shed for storage should have minimum number of windows and close fitting doors and these
should be kept closed as far as possible. Stones shall be stacked on dry firm ground in a regular heap not more than 1
m in height.
Bricks shall be stacked on dry firm ground. For proper inspection of quality and ease in counting, the stacks shall
be 50 bricks long, 10 bricks high and not more than 4 bricks in width, the bricks being placed on edge, two at a time
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along the width of the stack. Clear distance between adjacent stacks shall not be less than 0.8 m. Bricks of each truck
load shall be put in one stack.
Use of Storage of Material Concrete
approved material testing Quality
Figure-3: Graph representing the projects fulfilling the quality of material used
Aggregates shall be stored at site on a hard dry and level patch of ground. If such a surface is not available, a
platform of planks or old corrugated iron sheets, or a floor of bricks, or a thin layer of lean concrete shall be made so
as to prevent contamination with clay, dust, vegetable and other foreign matter. Fly ash shall be stored in such a
manner as to permit easy access for proper inspection and identification of each consignment. Fly ash in bulk quantities
shall be stored in such a way that any intrusion of foreign matter is avoided. Fly ash in bags shall be stored in stacks
not more than 10 bags high. Tiles of different quality, size and thickness shall be stacked separately to facilitate easy
removal for use in work. Tiles when supplied by manufacturers packed in wooden crates, shall be stored in crates.
The crates shall be opened one at a time as and when required for use. Steel reinforcement shall ordinarily be stored
in such a way as to avoid distortion and to prevent deterioration and corrosion. It is desirable to coat reinforcement
with cement wash before stacking to prevent scaling and rusting. Aluminium sections of different classification, sizes
and lengths shall be stored separately, on a level platform under cover. The aluminium sections shall not be pulled or
pushed from the stack nor shall be slided over each other, to protect the anodizing layer. All other materials including
paint, sanitary appliances, PVC pipes etc. shall be stored as per guidelines given in Indian Standard IS: 4082-1996.
Steps to be taken to improve the storage quality:
Materials used during the construction should be from the source approved prior construction and if the
source has to be changed than again approval should be taken after complete testing of the materials.
Storage of the materials should as per the Indian Standards specifications. Special care should be taken for
materials sensitive to environment such as cement, steel, admixtures, water etc.
Materials should be tested at regular interval for the validation of the quality as per the approved quality at
approved laboratory. An independent testing by independent party should also be done to avoid any
malpractices. The testing of materials as per relevant Indian Standard / specifications shall be carried out
keeping in view the requirement of the projects including the durability requirements of the project. In order
to improve the testing, the relevant testing conditions and sampling procedure as per relevant Indian standards
are critical for accuracy of test results based on which decision on use of materials is taken in construction
project. For example if sampling of cement is not done as per IS: 3535-1986, then there will be the variation
is results and subsequently the quality of construction at large will be affected. Similarly, in case of concrete
cube testing, if the loading rate, calibration of machine etc. is not proper at site, the improper testing will
subsequently affect the quality of construction as whole. The testing for concrete shall be carried out as per
procedure laid down in IS: 516-2018.
Concrete quality should be maintained by strictly following the mix design, proper mixing and using
appropriate admixtures. Many factors may affect the durability and overall performance of concrete
structures such as structural design, concrete quality (which include mix design, quality and consistency of
raw materials, mixing and delivery), workmanship (placing, compaction, finishing and curing), structure
usage and environmental exposure. The quality of concrete in detail will depend upon water to cement ratio,
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type of cement, quality of aggregates and other concrete ingredients including admixture apart from the
factors listed above.
3.1.3. Documentation:
Quality records describe the work involved and contain evidence that work items met the requirements of the
plans and specifications; sampling and testing personnel, procedures and equipment were properly certified or
accredited; and corrective action was taken for any nonconforming conditions. Documents such as Structural drawing,
Standards and specifications, Source approval and Mix design ensure that the construction meets the quality
requirement as well as functional requirement post construction. Availability of QA/QC System ensures the evaluation
of overall project performance on a regular basis to provide confidence that the project will satisfy the relevant quality
standards. The Figure 4 shows the percentage of the projects that were fulfilling the requirements of the documentation
with all the documents duly approved and were used during the construction for better results.
99.33 96.67
100.00 92.00 87.33
Approved Source approval QA/QC System
structural available
Figure-4: Graph representing the projects fulfilling documentation requirement
Major negligence was observed with the mix design, which can influence the quality of concrete used and hence
degrading the overall quality of the project.
Suggestion recommended to increase the quality of project
Availability of approved readable structural drawings indicating name of consultant and latest revisions if
Availability of latest standards and specifications at site and should be followed.
Prior testing of materials before anticipated use in structure should be done.
Mix design should be available at site and should not be more than one year old. If material source is changed
than mix design should also be updated as per the new materials.
Along with the independent quality monitoring system, quality assurance/quality control system should be
there that monitors the quality on regular basis.
3.1.4. Work Practices:
Even ensuring the quality of materials will not result in the good quality end product if the construction methods
used are not as per the standards. Construction procedures and the technology used have a great influence on the
quality, which if not met to the specifications will result in structure that is not safe and sustainable. Some factors that
needs to be taken care of during construction includes pre-calculation of quantities of material, line and levels at site,
durability related issues such as size, grade, spacing of cover blocks at site, alignment & quality of shuttering and
proper reinforcement detailing that can be understood by the site personnels. Since the major part of the structure
comprises of concrete along with its quality precautions should be taken during the execution of concreting such as
proper transportation, placement, compaction and finally curing once concrete is hardened. The Figure 5 shows the
percentage of the projects that were fulfilling the requirements of the work practices by ensuring the correct methods
and procedures during the execution of the work.
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Poor (200-214) Non conformances for the major factors 200-214 (appendix-2) 4
considered such as structural drawings,
material testing, concrete quality,
durability, training of staff, awareness to
latest standard and specifications.
The grading distribution obtained for Quality Assurance System of projects shows that the most of the projects
were categorized under good and average category as shown in Figure 7. For nearly 13 % of the projects, quality
assurance is just satisfactory which is point of concern. Keeping in view the lapses in quality system of various
parameters, the Quality Assurance System of these projects were categorized as poor.
Poor Excellent
13% 10%
Figure-7: Pie Chart indicating Quality Grading of Quality Assurance System for Projects Studied based on detail
study given in Table Below
The grading distribution obtained for Quality Assurance System of the projects shows that the most of the projects
were categorized under good and average category. For nearly 13 percent of the projects quality assurance is just
satisfactory which is point of concern, keeping in view the lapses in quality system of various parameters, the Quality
Assurance System of the projects were categorized as poor. This study highlights the negligence of basic compliance
needed during the execution of project which leads to untimely need of maintenance of structures. The study also
indicate that there is need to train and create awareness among construction fraternity where still the fundamental
quality management needs strengthening. The major negligence from the study carried out was found with mix design,
storage of materials, work practices used during construction and availability of equipment’s at the site which should
be improved in order to attain the desired quality and service life of finished infrastructures. Quality is an essential
element for sustainability and consumer satisfaction. The high cost of the infrastructures makes it necessary to ensure
the quality of the finished structure. Therefore, an independent Quality Assurance Monitoring System with adequate
technical expertise and integrity is important to act as catalyst for durable and sustainable infrastructure.
Based on the study done, it can also be concluded that the coordination of client and Independent Quality
Assurance Monitoring Consultant is very important in improving the quality system at site which ultimately will lead
enhanced service life of structure. This study was carried out for limited projects from NCR region and hence is not
representative sample for whole country. Further studies should be done for more number of projects from various
parts of the country to include the regional factors and issues covering environmental aspects related to the behaviour
of coastal and non-coastal environment.
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Appendix – 1
Sample sheet for Quality Grading
Quality Grading of the Quality Assurance System
Evaluated by:
Verified and approved by:
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Appendix -2
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