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Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (2013) 284–307

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Applied Mathematical Modelling

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Numerical simulation of vortex induced vibrations and its control

by suction and blowing
K. Muralidharan, Sridhar Muddada, B.S.V. Patnaik ⇑
Fluid Mechanics Laboratory, Department of Applied Mechanics, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600 036, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The vortex formation and shedding behind bluff structures is influenced by fluid flow
Received 21 August 2011 parameters such as, Reynolds number, surface roughness, turbulence level, etc. and struc-
Received in revised form 21 November 2011 tural parameters such as, mass ratio, frequency ratio, damping ratio, etc. When a structure
Accepted 15 February 2012
is flexibly mounted, the Kármán vortex street formed behind the structure gives rise to vor-
Available online 3 March 2012
tex induced oscillations. The control of these flow induced vibrations is of paramount prac-
tical importance for a wide range of designs. An analysis of flow patterns behind these
structures would enable better understanding of wake properties and their control. In
Active flow control
Flow induced vibrations
the present study, flow past a smooth circular cylinder is numerically simulated by cou-
Fluid structure interaction pling the mass, momentum conservation equations along with a dynamical evolution
CFD equation for the structure. An active flow control strategy based on zero net mass injection
is designed and implemented to assess its efficacy. A three actuator system in the form of
suction and blowing slots are positioned on the cylinder surface. A single blowing slot is
located on the leeward side of the cylinder, while two suction slots are positioned at an
angle a = 100°. This system is found to effectively annihilate the vortex induced oscilla-
tions, when the quantum of actuations is about three times the free stream velocity. The
dynamic adaptability of the proposed control strategy and its ability to suppress vortex
induced oscillations is verified. The exact quantum of actuation involved in wake control
is achieved by integrating a control equation to decide the actuator response in the form
of a closed loop feed back system. Simulations are extended to high Reynolds number flows
by employing eddy viscosity based turbulence models. The three actuator system is found
to effectively suppress vortex induced oscillations.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Fluid flow past a circular cylinder is a model problem of fundamental interest, as it impacts a number of practical engi-
neering applications. Vortices are formed and shed behind bluff bodies causing a sinuous wake in its downstream. Alternat-
ing eddies formed behind a bluff object gives rise to fluctuating lift and drag forces. Hence, the problem of flow past a circular
cylinder and its wake control is of interest to a variety of design practitioners who are affected by vortex induced oscillations
such as, bridges, skyscrapers, offshore structures, marine cables, submarines, etc. [1].
The fluctuating force field exerted by the fluid on the structure, causes it to deform if rigidly mounted or oscillate if it is
flexibly mounted. When the structure oscillates or undergoes deformations, its orientation to the flow and in turn, the fluid
forces acting on it changes. The governing equations for such a system are, the mass and momentum conservation for the

⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (B.S.V. Patnaik).

0307-904X/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
K. Muralidharan et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (2013) 284–307 285

fluid, and an additional equation that would describe the dynamical motion of the structure. Thus the study of vortex
induced vibration (VIV) involves a two way coupling between the dynamical equations that govern both the fluid and the
structure [2]. A number of recent and critically acclaimed reviews on diverse aspects of flow induced oscillations are avail-
able in the literature (see references [3–5]).
The problem of flow past vibrating bodies can be tackled in two fundamentally different ways, which perhaps comple-
ment each other. The first approach is the study of forced vibrations, where an external excitation is imparted to the rigid
body and then its effect on the flow field is investigated [6–8]. Here, the frequency and amplitude combination for the oscil-
lations can be chosen at will and imposed on the circular cylinder, to study the effect of an oscillating bluff body in a fluid
stream. The second approach involves study of free vibrations, where the fluctuating temporal lift force induces the body to
oscillate. This would generate the necessary coupling between the structure and the flow field, to result in the evolution of
cylinder displacements.
Feng [9] contributed to some of the landmark experimental measurements of structural response for an elastically
mounted cylinder. He measured quantities such as, amplitude of cylinder vibration (y), vibration frequency ðfv Þ and phase
difference (/) between force and displacement, etc. These quantities were plotted against normalized velocity
ðv r ¼ u=fn DÞ. Two distinct amplitude branches, namely the ‘initial’ branch and the ‘lower’ branch, were observed with a jump
in response amplitude, with a significant jump in the phase of the pressure fluctuations relative to body motion. A jump in
phase angle between transverse force and displacement under resonance, is typically matched by a switch in the timing of
vortex shedding. Williamson and Roshko [8] have associated this jump to a shift from 2S vortex shedding mode to 2P mode.
Here 2S refers to shedding of two alternating eddies, while 2P refers to two pairs of eddies being shed on each side of the
cylinder. Anagnostopoulos and Bearman [10] have performed 1-DOF experiments and captured the lock-in range and the
phenomenon of beating for pure laminar vortex shedding range Re  90  150. One of the first successful attempts to
numerically simulate flow past a vibrating body has employed Marker and cell (MAC) method [11]. Chilukuri [12] has im-
proved the predictions of Hurlbut et al. [11] by using simplified MAC approach (SMAC). Patnaik et al. [13] have used Galerkin
based finite element method to capture the synchronization regime and associated wake patterns. Meneghini and Bearman
[14] have used a discrete vortex method (DVM) with a vortex in cell (VIC) procedure by incorparating viscous diffusion. They
have demonstrated that 2S mode persists up to A=D ¼ 0:6 and beyond which P + S type wake pattern was found to prevail.
Zhou et al. [15] have analyzed the cylinder response, damping, forces induced, etc. employing discrete vortex simulations.
Leontini et al. [16] have performed experiments to determine if forced oscillations were consistent with self excited oscil-
lations. Although similarities were seen, considerable sensitivity to input forcing was noticed. Khalak and Williamson
[17] carried out free vibration studies with low mass damping and obtained a response pattern markedly different from
Feng’s [9] findings. Among the analytical approaches, Bishop and Hassan [7] were the first to model vortex shedding as a
non-linear fluid oscillator and coupled it to the structural oscillator.
The rapid advances in materials, is making the structures more flexible and lighter, this necessitates analysis of vortex
induced vibrations. Therefore the ability to manipulate and control the flow field to reduce flow induced oscillations is
gaining importance. Control of these vibrations can be attained by modifying the fluid forces responsible for oscillation,
either through active or passive means. Active closed loop control naturally lends itself to feedback mechanism and
changes in upstream conditions. However, passive strategies such as helical strakes, shrouds, slats, splitter plates, etc.
do not require additional energy expenditure [18]. A wide variety of other active and passive control strategies have been
reported in the literature [19]. Recently, Baek and Karniadakis [20] have introduced a slit along the streamwise direction,
which passes through the cylinder to create a jet that interacts with the wake to suppress vortex shedding. Chen and
Aubry [21] have developed a closed loop algorithm to suppress vortex induced vibrations by means of direct numerical
simulations (DNS). They have used Lorentz forces to control the cylinder oscillations based on partial flow information
available on the surface of the cylinder. However, in practical applications, blowing and suction [22], accoustic acutations
[23] and cylinder rotations [24] are some of the widely known active flow control techniques. Inspired by the pioneering
work on chaos control by OGY [25], Patnaik and Wei [26] have proposed the stabilization of unstable periodic orbits (UPO)
through synchronization based coupling between driver system and target system. By this coupling, complete annihilation
of wake vortices behind a D-cylinder was achieved. The strategy of momentum injection control was further extended by
Muddada and Patnaik [27] to control vortex shedding behind a circular cylinder by means of two symmetric rotating
Although some of the attempts mentioned above, are only theoretical in nature, the need to control VIV is of concern to
practicing engineers. In the present study, we investigate the influence of vortex induced vibrations on the Kármán vortex
street, and the resulting modifications on the wake zone. To start with, the self excited nature of the oscillations are allowed
to be generated. We then, investigate the influence of suction and blowing in controlling these self-excited oscillations. To
this end, the following objectives have been framed:

 To validate the influence of forced cylinder oscillations on the vortex structures behind a circular cylinder by generating
different wake modes such as 2S, 2P, and P + S for different excitation frequency and amplitude combinations.
 To investigate free vibrations by coupling equation of structure with the equations governing the fluid flow.
 To study the response of the circular structure under the active flow control strategy of suction and blowing. Further
more, to investigate the efficacy and dynamic adaptability of suction and blowing on the self excited oscillations.
 To study the effectiveness of blowing and suction for high Reynolds number turbulent wakes.
286 K. Muralidharan et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (2013) 284–307

2. Governing equations and solution methodology

2.1. Effect of structural oscillations

The study of vortex induced vibrations entails the computation of forces for flow past a cylinder and track its temporal
evolution. This in turn necessitates calculation of the cylinder displacement which is triggered by the fluctuating lift force
acting on the structure. The support on which the cylinder is mounted, is assumed to be flexible with linear spring stiffness
that enable smooth periodic oscillations. The most common model used to describe the motion of the structure is through
the idealizations involving mass, spring and damper system. The schematic shown in Fig. 1(a), depicts a one degree of free-
dom system. Motion is enabled only along the y-direction by virtue of its connectivity to linear springs. The cylinder is as-
sumed to be rigid, and thus only the position of the center of gravity (for that matter any reference point on the cylinder) can
be tracked as a function of time. The acceleration produced by the structure is due to balance of forces such as, elastic res-
toration force, damping force. Over and above this, forces generated by the fluid on the cylinder along its direction of motion
needs to be taken into account.
The governing equation for the structure is given by
€ þ cy_ þ ky ¼ F L ðtÞ;
my ð1Þ
where F L ðtÞ refers to the fluctuating lift force. The parameters associated with the structure, viz., mass (m), damping (c) and
stiffness (k), are chosen inline with earlier experimental studies. Once the lift force is determined by solving the Navier–
Stokes equations, the ordinary differential Eq. (1) can be solved to find the position of the cylinder.
Since the fluid flow equations are discretized, F L ðtÞ is not available as a continuous function but as an instantaneous value
at the end of every time step. Ideally the equation of the structure should be solved at the same temporal level at which fluid
force is obtained. Nevertheless, a second order accurate discretization is carriedout with an explicit formulation as follows:
!  nþ1 
ynþ1  2yn þ yn1 y  yn1
m þc þ kðyn Þ ¼ F nL : ð2Þ
ðDtÞ2 2ðDtÞ


Fig. 1. (a) A single degree of freedom (SDOF) model for vortex induced vibrations, (b) close-up view of three actuator system (the locations of suction and
blowing slots indicated in the figure).
K. Muralidharan et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (2013) 284–307 287

The above equation, can be rearranged as:

! ! !
m c 2m c m
þ ¼ F nL þy n
k þy n1
 : ð3Þ
ðDtÞ2 2ðDtÞ ðDtÞ2 2ðDtÞ ðDtÞ2

Eq. (3) can be further simplified as:

F nL C2 C3
ynþ1 ¼ þ yn þ yn1 ; ð4Þ
C1 C1 C1
where C 1 ; C 2 ; C 3 constants are shown in parenthesis of Eq. (3).
At the end of each time step, lift force on the structure is obtained from the flow solver. The current position of the centre
of gravity of the cylinder is updated and its position at the next time step is obtained. The values of m, c and k employed in
the present investigation are 1.0, 0.0016 and 0.66, respectively. However, in the present simulations, m is kept constant,
while natural frequency ðfn Þ variation is obtained by changing the spring stiffness (k).

2.2. Fluid flow model

The fluid flow is assumed to be incompressible, Newtonian and two-dimensional. In the context of wake behind a cylinder,
three-dimensionality effects set in around Re  200 [28]. For high Reynolds number turbulent flows, resorting to statistical
averaging techniques is the preferred choice. To this end, Reynolds averaging is performed on the instantaneous mass, momen-
tum conservation equations. The unsteady Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes (URANS) version of equations are given as:
¼ 0; ð5Þ
ou  o s
1 op ij þ sRij
j i ¼ 
þu þ : ð6Þ
ot oxj q oxi oxj
l oui ouj
sRij ¼ qu0i u0j ; sij ¼ þ : ð7Þ
q oxj oxi
Here, sRij and sij are the Reynolds stress and mean shear stress tensors respectively. For high Re flows, sRij need to be suit-
ably approximated through closure modelling strategies. However, when simulations are performed for low Re range, sRij is
set to zero and additional equations need not be invoked as it simplifies to a non-statistical approach. All geometrical length
scales are normalized with the size of cylinder diameter (D), streamwise and cross stream velocities with the inlet velocity
ðU 1 Þ, physical time (t) with UD1 , and pressure (p) with ðqU 21 Þ, where q refers to the fluid density. The flow domain of inter-
est is shown in Fig. 2, where all the dimensions indicated are based on the cylinder diameter D. The overall size of the domain
is 32D in the streamwise direction and 16D along the cross-streamwise direction. The centre of the cylinder is 8D from the
left boundary. The left boundary is imposed with velocity inlet boundary condition, where u, is specified as U 1 and v ¼ 0. The
right boundary is assigned with an outflow boundary condition with normal gradients ou ox
and ooxv set to zero. The upper and

Fig. 2. Flow domain of interest with boundary conditions. ’D’ and ’U 1 ’ represent the diameter of the circular cylinder and freestream velocity, respectively.
288 K. Muralidharan et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (2013) 284–307

Fig. 3. Mesh used and comparison of a tri grid (A/B/C) with hybrid grid (D). (a) Typical mesh used, (b) tri grid, (c) hybrid grid, (d) close-up view of hybrid grid.

lower boundaries are assigned with symmetry boundary condition ou
¼ 0; v ¼ 0 . The cylinder surface is assigned a no-slip
wall ðu ¼ v ¼ 0Þ boundary condition. The flow through the suction and blowing slots are assigned zero tangential velocity
but with a specified normal velocity as dictated by the actuator response from the control algorithm.
The popular finite volume based SIMPLE family of schemes [29], which is incorporated in FLUENT [30] is used in our
numerical calculations. A second order accurate semi-implicit scheme is chosen for the time integration. The spatial discret-
ization is performed on a standard collocated grid using finite volume method. In the Semi-Implicit Pressure Linked Equation
(SIMPLE) solver, the pressure gradient is treated implicitly at (n + 1)th, time level, while all other terms are explicitly treated
at (n)th time level. The practical implementation of the scheme is achieved through the computation of intermediate
K. Muralidharan et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (2013) 284–307 289

velocities. Subsequently, in the velocity correction phase, these values are projected into the divergence free vector space
and corrected. However, ahead of the velocity correction phase, the following, Poisson equation needs to be solved:
1 oui
r2 pnþ1 ¼  þ r2 p  : ð8Þ
Dt oxi
Here, variables with ⁄ indicate intermediate velocities and pressures. Further details related to the flow solver and spa-
tial discretization are available in references [29,32]. As a precursor to the present investigation, numerical study of flow
past a stationary cylinder is typically carried out using quadrilateral elements for meshing. Since the present study involves
dynamic meshing to accommodate for the cylinder oscillations, a mesh with triangular elements is more amenable to quick
changes (deformations) in elemental connectivity. Ideally, the whole domain of interest should be tessellated with trian-
gular elements. Better resolution of the velocities and hence computation of the velocity gradients with in the boundary
layer is better enabled through structured quadrilateral elements. Fig. 3 depicts the domain discretization with a close
up view of the mesh near fluid–structure interaction region. Note in particular a fine mesh closer to no-slip boundaries
encompassing the circular cylinder. The difference between a pure triangular grid and a hybrid grid is illustrated in
Fig. 3(b)–(d).

2.3. Turbulence modeling

Navier–Stokes equations in their standard form are sufficient to resolve the wide spectrum of eddy scales by enabling a
fine grid resolution. Such a route is popularly called direct numerical simulations (DNS). However, in DNS the computa-
tional expenditure shoots up approximately as Re3 [33]. Therefore, statistical averaging, via URANS with the aid of standard
two-equation turbulence models are popular in industrial practice. These models rely on turbulent eddy viscosity hypoth-
esis which assumes a linear approximation between Reynolds stress tensor and the strain rate tensor. In the present inves-
tigation, Reynolds stresses u0i u0j are approximated by solving an evolution equation for turbulent kinetic energy (k) and its
rate of dissipation (). The standard k   model of Launder and Spalding [35] uses the eddy viscosity hypothesis of
ou j
i ou 2
u0i u0j ¼ mt þ  kdij : ð9Þ
oxj oxi 3

Fig. 4. Flow separation and vortex shedding behind a circular cylinder (a) Re = 105 [42] and (b) Present simulation (Re = 100).
290 K. Muralidharan et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (2013) 284–307

Fig. 5. Comparison of dynamics of the near wake, (a) Experimental [43], (b) Computed result [43] and (c) Presented study.

This concept works on the assumption that the Reynolds stresses are linearly related to the mean velocity gradients
through a proportionality constant, given by the turbulent eddy viscosity mt . In the k   model, the turbulent eddy viscosity
is related to the turbulent kinetic energy (k) and to the rate of its dissipation () as:
mt ¼ cl : ð10Þ

K. Muralidharan et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (2013) 284–307 291

Table 1
Comparison of forces on the cylinder and Strouhal number for flow past a rigid circular cylinder at Re = 100.

S. No. References Cd C l;rms St

1 Engelman and Jamina [38] 1.40 0.257 0.170

2 Kang et al. [39] 1.34 0.236 0.164
3 Sharman et al. [40] 1.32 0.230 0.164
4 Burbeau and Sagaut [41] 1.41 0.257 0.164
5 Present study 1.41 0.242 0.167

Fig. 6. Temporal history of (a) lift coefficient ðC l Þ and (b) drag coefficient ðC d Þ for flow past a rigid cylinder at Re = 100.

2.3.1. k   model [36]

The spatial and temporal distribution of k and  is governed by the differential form of the transport equations for these
quantities, considering the history and transport effects of turbulence:
292 K. Muralidharan et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (2013) 284–307

Fig. 7. Vorticity contours for flow past a vibrating cylinder, the presence a deformed 2S like vortex shedding mode can be noticed for A ¼ 1 and f  ¼ 0:9. (a)
Present study, (b) Placzek et al. [31].

ok o½ul k o m ok
þ ¼ mþ t þ Pk  ; ð11Þ
ot oxl oxl rk oxl
o o½ul  o m o  2
þ ¼ mþ t þ C 1 Pk  C 2 ; ð12Þ
ot oxl oxl r oxl k k
with P k referring to production of turbulent kinetic energy, which is given as:
2 1 ou  i ou j 2
P k ¼ mt S where; S ¼ þ : ð13Þ
2 oxj oxi

Here, S refers to the symmetric mean strain rate tensor. The model constants used in the above equations are: cl ¼ 0:09;
C 1 ¼ 1:44; C 2 ¼ 1:92; rk ¼ 1:0 and r ¼ 1:3.

2.3.2. k   model of Kato and Launder [34]

The standard k   model is modified by Kato and Launder to control and regulate the over production of the turbulent
kinetic energy in the stagnation regions. Kato and Launder [34] introduced the following ad hoc model relation for the
production term in the turbulent kinetic energy equation:

Pk ¼ mt SX instead of Pk ¼ mt S2 : ð14Þ
The quantity X is an antisymmetric rotation tensor and is proportional to the magnitude of the local vorticity and is given
K. Muralidharan et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (2013) 284–307 293

Fig. 8. Vorticity contours for flow past a vibrating cylinder, P + S vortex shedding mode is noticed for A ¼ 1:25 and f  ¼ 1:5. (a) Present study, (b) Placzek
et al. [31].

 ffi sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
1 ou  i ou j 2 1 ou  i ou j 2
X¼  ; S¼ þ : ð15Þ
2 oxj oxi 2 oxj oxi

In simple shear flows, the behavior of the production term remains unchanged as X  S, while spurious turbulence pro-
duction is eliminated as X  0 in stagnation regions. Here, the model constants used are same as that in the standard k  
model. However, these model constants need not be recalibrated owing to the fact that production term is identical both in
standard k   and Kato and Launder’s modification for simple shear flows.

3. Results and discussion

In this section, numerical simulation of flow past a circular cylinder with and without actuator controls are discussed. The
influence of suction and blowing on the self excited cylinder oscillations is analyzed. The effect of turbulence and dynamic
adaptability of the control technique are also investigated.

3.1. Kármán vortex shedding behind a circular cylinder

Before we proceed to study the flow past a vibrating body, it is necessary to validate the dynamics of the vortex structures
past a rigid cylinder. The spatio-temporal features of the wake zone is best reflected through the streakline visuals.
294 K. Muralidharan et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (2013) 284–307

Fig. 9. Comparison of data from present study (circles) against Khalak and Williamson [17]. (a) A vs U  , (b) f  vs U  .

Therefore, a simple numerical dye release method akin to an experimental ink shedding technique is implemented by solv-
ing dX
¼ ui ; 8i : 1 . . . P, along with the mass, momentum conservation equations. Here, particle positions and velocities are
identified by Xi and ui respectively for all P particles released. Streakline visuals thus generated are depicted in Fig. 4, and
validated against the experiments of Taneda [42]. The distinct feature here, is the gradual roll-up of shear layers at crests
and troughs. It should be noted that all these shed eddies are mutually connected by a trail streakline which originates in
the near wake. The experimental visual in Fig. 4 was indeed produced by the illumination of a sheet of light, through elec-
trolytic precipitation of a white colloidal smoke. To further assess the near wake dynamics and chaotic scattering that per-
sists in this region, a close-up view of the experimental visuals of Sommerer et al. [43] is depicted, against the present
simulations in Fig. 5. The most important parameters of practical interest are the force coefficients along streamwise and
cross stream directions ðC d ; C l Þ and normalized vortex shedding frequency known as Strouhal number (St). A comparison
of these parameters is presented in Table 1. The lift and drag forces [37] are obtained by integrating the normal and tangen-
tial stresses which are due to pressure and velocity gradients as given below:
Z 2p Z 2p Z 2p  
ou 1 ou ov
C d ðtÞ ¼  cos hdh 
p cos hdh þ þ sin hdh; ð16Þ
0 Re 0 ox Re 0 oy ox
Z 2p Z 2p   Z 2p
1 ou ov 2 ov
C l ðtÞ ¼   sin hdh 
p þ cos hdh þ sin hdh: ð17Þ
0 Re 0 oy ox Re 0 oy
K. Muralidharan et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (2013) 284–307 295

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 10. Temporal history of lift force and displacement for different fn =fSt and m ¼ 1:3. (a) fn =fSt ¼ 0:6 (b) fn =fSt ¼ 0:8 (c) fn =fSt ¼ 1:2 and (d) fn =fSt ¼ 1:4.

Table 2
Grid sensitivity study to determine the amplitude of oscillation for m ¼ 1:3.

Natural frequency (fn) Frequency ratio ðf  ¼ fn =fSt Þ Grid (number of elements)

A (28884) B (33350) C (55844) D (155158)
0.129 0.77 0.66 0.64 0.64 0.64
0.149 0.89 0.71 0.69 0.69 0.69
0.184 1.10 0.76 0.73 0.73 0.72
0.198 1.18 0.76 0.74 0.73 0.73

Here, h refers to angle made with reference to the upstream vector and measured in a clock-wise sense. Further, Re refers
qU 1 D
to the Reynolds number l .
The fluctuating nature of the lift and drag forces can be seen in Fig. 6 for Re = 100. The actual design parameters of interest
such as RMS lift and mean drag coefficient can be deduced from these temporal lift and drag coefficient histories respec-
tively. Normalized vortex shedding frequency and hence the Strouhal number (St) were obtained by an FFT routine from
the temporal lift force signals. Coefficient of drag and Strouhal number are defined as follows:
296 K. Muralidharan et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (2013) 284–307

Fig. 11. C d and C l histories for 3 actuator control of flow past a fixed cylinder. (a-b) U act =U 1 ¼ 1:0, (c-d) U act =U 1 ¼ 2:0 and (e-f) U act =U 1 ¼ 3:0.
K. Muralidharan et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (2013) 284–307 297

Table 3
Effect of suction and blowing on the horizontal and vertical force coefficients on the circular cylinder.

n ¼ U act =U 1 Cd C l;rms ðC l Þ

1 1.41 0.097
2 1.46 0.008
3 1.62 0

Table 4
Flow control for a cylinder undergoing vortex induced vibrations m ¼ 1:3; f n =fSt ¼ 0:8.

Control scheme used Cd C l;rms A

No control applied 1.89 0.271 0.66

U act =U 1 ¼ 1 1.65 0.267 0.6
U act =U 1 ¼ 2 1.537 0.123 0.16
U act =U 1 ¼ 3 1.64 0.008 0.003

Fig. 12. C d ; C l and cylinder displacement histories for 3 actuator control with U act =U 1 ¼ 1. (a) C d history, (b) C l history, (c) position trace of centre of the
298 K. Muralidharan et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (2013) 284–307

Fig. 13. C d ; C l and cylinder displacement for 3 actuator control with U act =U 1 ¼ 2. (a) C d history, (b) C l history, (c) Position trace of the centre of the cylinder

FD fv s D
Cd ¼ 1 ; St ¼ ; ð18Þ
q U 21 U1

where F D is the time averaged mean drag force per unit area and fv s is the vortex shedding frequency. From other experimen-
tal and numerical investigations, it can be noticed that, these parameters vary over a small range of values. Among these
predictions, lift force fluctuations do not agree that well, compared to C d and St. A similar view has been expressed by Sarp-
kaya [5] in his authoritative review on vortex induced vibrations.

3.2. Wake modifications under forced excitation

To study vortex induced vibrations, two distinct schools of thought are often employed. One is forced vibrations and other
is free vibrations. In the context of forced vibrations, both amplitude and frequency of oscillation are chosen at will and
superimposed on the structure. The influence of these vibrations on the wake vortices is often easier to categorize. This
would also generate a wide repository of vortex structures which may/ may not be possible under self excited free vibrations.
Nevertheless, in terms of numerical testing, this would enable validation of dynamic meshing capability. To this end, flow
past a circular cylinder with external excitation is numerically investigated, where the coupling between the flow field
and structural oscillations is unidirectional. Here cylinder displacements are imposed and do not have a bearing on the actual
force exerted by the fluid. The motion of a the cylinder is idealized as, y ¼ A sinðxtÞ, where, A is the maximum amplitude of
K. Muralidharan et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (2013) 284–307 299

Fig. 14. C d ; C l and cylinder displacement which depict phase difference plot for 3 actuator control with U act =U 1 ¼ 3. (a) C d history, (b) phase difference
between C l and y/D.

oscillation and x refers to the imposed circular excitation frequency on the structure. The fluid flow patterns in the wake
region are validated for different values of frequency–amplitude combinations. By conducting comprehensive experimental
flow visualization studies, Williamson and Roshko [8] have generated a flow regime map by analyzing the wake patterns.
Their experiments were in the Re range of 300–1000. The following amplitude and frequency combinations were chosen,
to investigate the flow patterns behind the cylinder. (i) A ¼ 1 and f  ¼ 0:9 to identify 2P like wake pattern. (ii) A ¼ 1:25
and f  ¼ 1:5 to simulate P + S type pattern in the wake region. Here, the amplitude of oscillation ðA Þ is normalized with cyl-
inder diameter and cylinder excitation frequency with the Strouhal frequency ðfSt Þ. Results from the present investigation are
compared with those obtained by Placzek et al. [31], in Figs. 7 and 8. Fig. 7 is of particular interest as it is neither a simple 2S
nor a 2P pattern, although it can be thought of as a ‘deformed’ 2S mode.

3.3. Flow past a flexibly mounted circular cylinder

A circular cylinder mounted on flexible supports is an apt model to simulate free vibrations. These oscillations are trig-
gered by the fluid forces, which in turn determine the motion of the cylinder. Here, a dynamical evolution equation which
300 K. Muralidharan et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (2013) 284–307

Fig. 15. Temporal evolution of the streakline patterns and its wake control for U act =U 1 ¼ 3:0. Note in particular, gradual annihilation of wake vortices and
its attendant suppression of flow induced oscillations.

governs the motion of the structure needs to be solved. A spring-mass-damper system idealizes the structural oscillations
reasonably well. To this end, equation of structure (Eq. (1)) is solved after evaluating fluid forces acting on the surface of
the cylinder. The mass ratio ðm Þ defined as m=qD2 is chosen as 2.4, similar to earlier studies to enable comparison against
the findings of Khalak and Willianson [17], at different ratios of f  ¼ fn =fSt . It should be noted that, although the synchroni-
zation region is rather broad, it conforms with the experimental results, shown in Fig. 9. The present study agrees well with
the findings of Khalak and Willianson [17] as far as the broad trends of desynchronization, the presence of upper and lower
branches and response frequency variation, etc. are concerned. However, unlike experiments, numerical simulations can be
performed only at discrete values of reduced velocity U  to determine the peak amplitude of oscillation. Increase or decrease
of U  is naturally achieved in experiments by slowly varying the in flow velocity. However, in numerics the hysteresis effects
that are visible in the experiments can not be easily replicated.
K. Muralidharan et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (2013) 284–307 301

Fig. 16. Temporal evolution of vorticity contours at discrete time levels during the actuation process when control parameter is 3.0. (a) t = 150, (b) t = 167,
(c) t = 197, (d) t = 220.

A lower mass ratio m ¼ 1:3 is chosen for subsequent studies as low mass damping implies higher amplitude of oscilla-
tions. For such cases, it is possible to build a quick response system, when a new control strategy is to be tested. The two way
coupling that exemplifies the interaction between the fluid and structure can be best observed through the temporal lift
history plots overlayed with maximum amplitude of oscillation as in Fig. 10. A grid sensitivity study was carried out to en-
sure that the results are not influenced by the fineness of the grid. Different grid sizes employed and their corresponding
maximum amplitude of oscillation are presented in Table 2. It is observed that the values of transverse oscillations do
not significantly differ between fine and finer meshes.

3.4. Flow control using three actuator system

In the present investigation a three actuator system is designed, which consists of a blowing slot and two suction slots on
the cylinder surface. For the implementation of flow control, actuator locations are identified on either side (see Fig. 1). These
302 K. Muralidharan et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (2013) 284–307

Fig. 17. Gradual suppression of free vibrations, when control was switched on at t ¼ 150. The control input reaches a dynamically steady value. The
dynamic adaptability of the present control strategy is tested.

Fig. 18. Wake patterns (a) before control at t = 150, (b) after control at t = 450.

surfaces are assigned a mass flow boundary condition to enable suction with zero net mass injection. This is achieved by
means of a single blowing slot at the rear stagnation point as indicated in the figure.

3.4.1. Control of vortex shedding behind a rigid cylinder

To start with, the three actuator system is evaluated for its effectiveness in suppressing vortex shedding past a fixed cyl-
inder. It is found that, for low values of U act =U 1 a marked reduction in C l;rms was achived. For higher values of U act =U 1 , the
vortex shedding is completely suppressed, albeit with a significant drag penalty. The lift and drag histories for the three cases
are shown in Fig. 11. Corresponding C d and C l;rms are presented in Table 3. The trade-off is that the drag force (measured
through C d ) increases by about 15–20%. If the objective is to control flow induced vibrations, the three actuator system
appears to be a reasonable choice, although the energy expenditure for its implementation has to be accounted.
K. Muralidharan et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (2013) 284–307 303

Fig. 19. Mean streamwise velocity along the wake center line for Re = 3900. (a) Validation with Lourenco and Shih [44], Kravchenko and Moin [45],
Parnaudeau et al. [44], Lübcke et al. [46], Beaudan and Moin [46] and (b) before and after control.

3.4.2. Control of vortex induced vibrations of a flexibly mounted circular cylinder

For a circular cylinder undergoing free vibrations, the self excited motion is triggered by the lift force fluctuation. This
would act as an excitation force in the generation of cylinder oscillations. Therefore, control of vortex induced vibrations
for a 1DOF system would involve control of the lift force fluctuations, which need to be suppressed. Here, control goal is
to obtain a reduction in C l;rms without being concerned about the drag penalty. The proposed three actuator system does re-
duce the RMS lift and therefore, qualifies to perform well for the suppression of flow induced vibration.
To further investigate the efficacy of the three actuator system, self excited oscillations are allowed to manifest. This
would enable the cylinder to move freely until it reaches its full blown form of steady periodic oscillations. A fixed quantum
of suction-blowing is invoked at an arbitrary set point ðt ¼ 150Þ after periodic cylinder oscillations were clearly established.
Since there is no periodicity associated with the control, the exact point of actuation is not very important. The results of the
present investigation are shown in Table 4, and the temporal histories of drag and lift coefficient fluctuations are shown in
Figs. 12–14. Applying a lower quantum of predetermined input UUact 1
is able to reduce the wake width. However, complete
304 K. Muralidharan et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (2013) 284–307

Fig. 20. Time averaged streamlines in the wake behind the main circular cylinder with standard k   model at Re = 3900. (a) without control and (b) with

suppression of either vortex street formation or the cylinder oscillations was not possible. All the parameters of interest
show a small reduction, but not significant enough to justify the control input in implementing this strategy. The reduction
in cylinder oscillation amplitude is significant as we increase the quantum of control. The scheme with U act =U 1 ¼ 3:0 com-
pletely suppresses the vibrations. This system further settles close to a state of zero lift force fluctuation. Streakline visuals
are generated under the influence of suction and blowing as shown in Fig. 15 at different time levels. The self excited cylinder
vibrations are automatically controlled with the right quantum of actuator input as shown in Fig. 15(f). Furthermore, the
temporal evolution of the vorticity contours for U act =U 1 ¼ 3:0 are depicted in Fig. 16. Complete vortex shedding suppression
could be achieved with a holistic control on the absolute instability zone. This zone exemplifies the origin of instabilities and
their growth right behind the cylinder. However, during temporal evolution, convective instability region persists, as re-
flected through the downstream convection of vortices, although absolute instability region is under control. A completely
quiescent wake zone was achieved at t = 220.

3.4.3. Dynamic adaptability of control by suction and blowing

To investigate the dynamic nature of the vortex induced oscillations and its suppression, a sensitivity check is carried out
by designing a simple proportional controller as suggested in Refs. [26,27]. This control equation is implemented along with
the equation of structure and solved with mass and momentum conservation equations for the fluid motion. If the actuation
parameter ðnÞ is defined as the ratio of velocity of blowing (or) suction to the free stream velocity UUact1ðtÞ , the dynamical evo-
lution of n is given as:
¼ C rðtÞ: ð19Þ
In the above equation, ai , refers to the actuation slots, which enable either suction or base bleed. rðtÞ, refers to the max-
imum standard deviation against time in each cycle of oscillation, which is given as:
rðtÞ ¼ max jyCG ðtÞ  y~CG ðtÞj; ð20Þ
K. Muralidharan et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (2013) 284–307 305

Fig. 21. Gradual suppression of free vibrations at Re = 3900, when control was switched on at t ¼ 100. The control input reaches a dynamically steady value.
(a) standard k   and (b) k   of Kato-Launder.

where yCG denotes the position of the centre of gravity of the vibrating cylinder about its desired equilibrium position y ~CG ,
which is free from oscillations. The control Eq. (19) described above is a generic one that determines the actuation param-
eter, which is implemented as a user defined function (UDF) and is evolved simultaneously with the Navier–Stokes calcula-
tions. Here, the coefficient C is the proportionality constant and can be varied like a fuzz factor. This set of coupled equations
render an opportunity to monitor the gradual suppression of cylinder oscillation as shown in Fig. 17 and 18. The complete
annihilation of wake vortices can be noticed when the control input reaches steady state. Interestingly, a value of n ¼ 2:6
obtained through dynamic adaptivity, is close to the a value 3.0 predicted by the predetermined controller input.

3.4.4. Influence of suction and blowing control on the turbulent wake

At Reynolds number 3900 the wake is fully turbulent, although the boundary layer is laminar. Resolving features of the
turbulent fluctuations in the wake region by URANS approach is limited by the approximation capability of the turbulent
eddy viscosity hypothesis employed for the Reynolds stress tensor. If physics of the anisotropic nature of vortex shedding
could be captured through these models, the features could be better resolved. So, the acuracy of these turbulence models
306 K. Muralidharan et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (2013) 284–307

in predicting the forces and flow parameters influence (i) the calculation of structural oscillations and (ii) the efficacy of suc-
tion-blowing control.
In the present study, the control equation and the governing equation of the structure are coupled and solved simulta-
neously along with a chosen two equation turbulence model. The time averaged mean and turbulence characteristics are
obtained over ten vortex shedding cycles, after reaching steady periodic state. The location of the centre of mean vortex
and length of formation region ðLf Þ is quantified by plotting normalized mean streamwise velocity ðu  cl Þ against the wake
centreline as shown in Fig. 19(a). The plot signifies the predictive capability of two models vis-á-vis other numerical and
experimental investigations. The models tested have a better comparison with both PIV and LES data in the far wake region.
However, there is a clear under prediction on the location of centre of mean vortex, length of the wake formation region ðLf Þ
– as indicated by AB and the corresponding magnitude of velocity. The influence of suction-blowing control averaged over a
long time period is shown in Fig. 19(b). Corresponding vortex formation length under the influence of adaptive control is
shown in Fig. 20. Here, the streamline topology involves two large counter-rotating eddies in the near-wake region. How-
ever, under the influence of control the eddies get shrunk very close to the cylinder surface, indicating a tighter and a tiny
wake formation region. Note in particular, the fluid is able to reach the rear stagnation point and contain the absolute insta-
bility region. This is a typical signature of the complete annihilation of wake vortices. Thus, flow induced oscillations are
effectively controlled even for turbulent flow conditions as depicted in Fig. 21. Therefore, the coupled control strategy is
found to be effective when sRij modelling is achieved either through standard k   or Kato-Launder k   models.

4. Summary and conclusions

Control of vortex structures behind a flexibly mounted cylinder is investigated for Re = 100. A three actuator system is
designed to study the efficacy of controlling cylinder oscillations. For the purpose of validation, flow past a circular cylinder
is numerically simulated under 3 specific cases viz.: (a) stationary cylinder, (b) rigid cylinder subject to forced excitations, (c)
freely vibrating cylinder. The influence of either forced or free structural vibrations on the wake vortices behind the body is
numerically investigated. Once the phenomena of self excited oscillations are captured, they are coupled with the suction-
blowing strategy for enabling actuations on the vibrating structure. From this study, the following conclusions can be drawn:

 Flow past a rigid cylinder is validated for the lift and drag forces imparted on the cylinder and the Kármán shedding fre-
quency, responsible for these force fluctuations.
 Study of flow past a cylinder under forced excitation produces some wake patterns not typically seen in free vibration
studies. This is due to the fact that, in forced vibrations, the amplitude and frequency of oscillation of the cylinder are
not coupled to influence the flow field. For flow in the laminar regime at Re = 100, the deformed 2S and P + S vortex for-
mation modes are numerically validated.
 Flow past a flexibly mounted cylinder and its effect on the wake zone was studied for Re = 100, and as expected, it was
found that the drag and lift forces increase substantially when the cylinder is allowed to vibrate. The mass-spring-damper
system was found to produce results that compare well with the available literature for similar mass ratios.
 The three actuator system, which comprises of two suction slots and a blowing slot, was found to be remarkably effective
in suppressing vortex induced oscillations. For higher quantum of actuation ðU act =U 1 P 3:0Þ, the lift fluctuations were
found to be completely suppressed.
 The dynamic adaptability of the present actuator system is further validated by designing a control equation and coupling
the same with the governing equations. It was noticed that, for U act =U 1  2:6, complete suppression of vortex induced
oscillations could be achieved. This value is remarkably close to U act =U 1 ¼ 3:0, when simulations were performed under
predetermined actuator inputs.
 At high Reynolds numbers, even the turbulent wake structures could be suppressed through the proposed control strat-
egy. For Re = 3900, the wake formation length is effectively zero indicating complete suppression of vortex shedding and
attendant flow induced oscillations.

It should be mentioned that, in the present simulations, self excited oscillations were first allowed to be generated up to
their steady periodic full blown form, before the control was initiated. It should further be noted that the control for a cyl-
inder with very low mass damping, which generates high amplitudes of oscillation is successfully predicted. Low mass
damping cases are typically the flow of water past a body. So these strategies can be thought of as effective approaches
for structures under ocean engineering settings. For high mass damping cases, typically flows involving air, the amplitudes
would be lower, so the quantum of control needed for suppressing the oscillations would probably be less.


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