UML Diagrams Descriptions

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Wachemo University

College of Engineering and Technology

School of computing and informatics
Department of Information Technology
Course title: SAD
Course Instructor: Getu Wodeso(MSc.)
Contact info: [email protected]
[email protected]

06:24 AM 06:24 AM SAD

Usecase diagram
Sequence diagram
Activity diagram
Collaboration diagram
Deployment diagram
State Machine Diagram

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Use case Diagram

is used to represent the dynamic behavior of a system.

It encapsulates the system's functionality by incorporating use cases, actors, and their
It models the tasks, services, and functions required by a system/subsystem of an
It depicts the high-level functionality of a system and also tells how the user handles a

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Purpose of Use Case Diagrams

It gathers the system's needs.

It depicts the external view of the system.
It recognizes the internal as well as external factors that influence the system.
It represents the interaction between the actors.

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Components of Use Case Diagrams

Use case diagrams consists of actors, use cases, and their relationships.

Actors Internal or external factors for making the interaction with the

Use Case Internal or external factors for making the interaction with the

Extend relationship
The use case is optional and comes after the base use case. It is

represented by a dashed arrow in the direction of the base use case

with the notation <<extend>>.
Extend relationship
The use case is mandatory and part of the base use case. It is
represented by a dashed arrow in the direction of the included use
case with the notation <<include>>.

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How to draw a Use Case diagram?

It is essential to analyze the whole system
before starting with drawing a use case
diagram, and then the system's functionalities
are found.

And once every functionality is identified, they
are transformed into the use cases in the

Enlist the actors that will interact with the

The relation between the actor and the use case/
system is inspected. It identifies the no of times an
actor communicates with the system.
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Relationships in Use Case diagram

Relationship Symbol Meaning

Communicates An actor is connected to a use case using a line

with no arrowheads.

Includes A use case contains behavior that is common to

more than one other use case. The arrow points
to the common use case.
Extends A different use case handles exceptions from
the basic use case. The arrow points from the
extended to the basic use case.
Generalizes One UML "thing" is more general than another
"thing." The arrow points to the general

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Example in Use Case diagram

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Extend Relationship Between Two Use Cases

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Example in Use Case diagram (Generalization of Actors)

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Include Relationship Between Two Use Cases

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Sequence Diagram

A sequence diagram is a type of interaction diagram because it describes how—and in what order
—a group of objects works together.
Sequence diagrams are sometimes known as event diagrams or event scenarios.

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Sequence Diagram Notations

A type of role played by an entity that A thin rectangle on a lifeline) represents

interacts with the subject (e.g., by the period during which an element is
performing an operation. The top and the
exchanging signals and data) external to bottom of the rectangle are aligned with
the subject (i.e., in the sense that an the initiation and the completion time
instance of an actor is not a part of the respectively
instance of its corresponding subject).
represent roles played by human users,
external hardware, or other subjects.

Call Message: message defines a particular

communication between the Lifelines of an
A lifeline represents an individual Interaction. A call message is a kind of
participant in the Interaction. message that represents an invocation of
the operation of the target lifeline.

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Sequence Diagram Notations

Return Message: A message defines a Self Message

particular communication between the
A message defines a particular
Lifelines of an Interaction. A return communication between the Lifelines of
message is a kind of message that an Interaction. Self-message is a kind of
represents the passing of information message that represents the invocation of
back to the caller of a corresponding a message of the same lifeline.
former message.

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Sequence Diagram

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Activity Diagram

An activity diagram visually presents a series of actions or flow of control in a system similar to a
flowchart or a data flow diagram.
Activity diagrams are often used in business process modeling. They can also describe the steps in
a use case diagram.

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Activity Diagram

A small filled circle followed by an arrow represents the initial action state
or the start point for any activity diagram.

An action state represents the non-interruptible action of objects. You can

draw an action state in SmartDraw using a rectangle with rounded

Action flows, also called edges and paths, illustrate the

transitions from one action state to another. They are
usually drawn with an arrowed line.

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Activity Diagram

A diamond represents a decision with alternate paths. When an activity

requires a decision prior to moving on to the next activity, add a diamond
between the two activities. The outgoing alternates should be labeled with
a condition or guard expression. You can also label one of the paths "else."

In UML, guards are a statement written next to a decision diamond that

must be true before moving next to the next activity. These are not
essential, but are useful when a specific answer, such as "Yes, three labels
are printed," is needed before moving forward.

An arrow pointing to a filled circle nested inside another

circle represents the final action state.

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Activity Diagram

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