Multipurpose Tissue/Cyst Ultrasound Phantom: Nuclear Associates Model 84-317
Multipurpose Tissue/Cyst Ultrasound Phantom: Nuclear Associates Model 84-317
Multipurpose Tissue/Cyst Ultrasound Phantom: Nuclear Associates Model 84-317
Phantom body Optional carrying case Available model(s)
Phantom material Zerdine*; solid-elastic This insulated case is large enough to hold 84-317 Multipurpose Tissue/Cyst Ultrasound
water-based polymer the phantom and trough and also protects the Phantom, 0.5 dB/cm/MHz
Freezing point 0°C phantom from extreme heat or cold 84-317-7000 Multipurpose Tissue/Cyst
Melting point Above 100°C Optional acoustic standoffs Ultrasound Phantom, 0.7 dB/cm/MHz
Storage temperature 32° to 150°F A fast, easy, accurate way to bring the focal 84-314 Multipurpose Tissue/Cyst Ultrasound
(0° to 66°C) zone closer to the surface, for enhanced Phantom Kit, consists of phantom (either 0.5
Speed of sound 1540 m/s ± 6 m/s diagnostic detail during ultrasound dB/cm/MHz or 0.7 dB/cm/MHz), scanning
examinations trough, carrying case, and the “AIUM Quality
Attenuation coefficient 0.5 dB/cm/MHz or Assurance Manual”
0.7 dB/cm/MHz Material Sonolucent gel
Scatter Mimics healthy liver parenchyma Dimensions 10 x 15 cm
Positional tolerance of wires Weight 1 lb (0.42 kg)
(monofilaments) Stated distance ± 0.10 mm
Optional accessories
Diameter of cylindrical targets Stated Scanning Trough (Model 84-318): for Oil
Diameter ± 5% and Water
Base material Cork Carrying Case (Model 89-317): insulated for
Phantom dimensions 7.87 (w) x 8.26 (h) x * US Patent No. 5196343.
phantom and trough
3.15 in (t) (20 x 21 x 8 cm) Acoustic Standoff, 1.0 cm (Model 84-325-1000) For more information, receive our full product catalog, or
Weight 7.4 lb (3.36 kg) Acoustic Standoff, 2.0 cm (Model 84-325-2000) order online, contact Radiation Management Services
business of Fluke Biomedical: 440.248.9300 or
Optional scanning trough Acoustic Standoff, 3.0 cm (Model 84-325-3000)
For scanning with a liquid coupling agent Acoustic Standoff, 4.0 cm (Model 84-325) Specifications are subject to change without notice.
(water or coupling oil) Acoustic Standoff Set, includes all four: ©2005 Fluke Biomedical. All rights reserved. Zerdine is a trademark
of Computerized Imaging Reference Systems, Inc. Printed in USA.
1, 2, 3 and 4 cm (Model 84-325-1234) 84-317-ds rev 2 13 jun 05
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Diagnostic Imaging DI
General Purpose Multi-Tissue
Ultrasound Phantom
Nuclear Associates Model 84-340
• Complies with the AIUM Standard
for Quality Assurance Introduction
The Model 84-340 General Purpose
• Simulates characteristics found in Multi-tissue Ultrasound Phantom is
human liver tissue constructed from a patented solid elastic
• Ensures patient’s safety and material called Zerdine®. Unlike other
doctor’s confidence phantom materials, it is not affected by
changes in temperature. It can be
• Perfect for QC/service use since subjected to boiling or freezing
phantom is not affected by changes conditions without sustaining significant
in temperature damage. It is also more elastic than
other materials and allows more
• Promotes uniform system pressure to be applied to the scanning
performance for all types of surface without subsequent damage to
imaging equipment, including small the material.
parts scanners
• Supplied with insulated, rugged At normal room temperature, Zerdine will accurately simulate the ultrasound
storage/carrying case characteristics found in human liver tissue. It contains dense and cystic masses in a
range of sizes, one high-density target, and an assortment of nylon monofilament
• Quick scanning can be performed target groups. It was designed to allow for assessment of linearity, axial and lateral
without removing phantom from resolution, depth calibration, dead zone measurement, and registration within two
the airtight case different backgrounds of 0.5 and 0.7 dB/cm/MHz. The phantom is protected by an
acrylic case and plastic membrane to facilitate scanning and minimize desiccation.
Material Zerdine* Resolution targets
Type Solid elastic water-based polymer Number of arrays 3
• Distance between any two wires equals stated
Freezing point 0ºC Depths 3 and 10 cm ± 0.38 mm
Melting point Above 100ºC Axial intervals 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 mm • Cylinder diameters equal state ± 5%
Attenuation coefficient 0.5 dB/cm/MHz; Horizontal intervals 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 mm Accuracy of measured parameters
0.7 dB/cm/MHz • Speed of sound equals stated ± 3.0 m/s
Low contrast targets • Attenuation coefficient equals stated
Speed of sound 1540 m/s Number of targets 4 ± 0.02 dB/cm/MHz
Scanning well 1 cm deep Diameter of targets 2, 4, 6 and 8 mm Temperature at time of measurement
Scanning membrane Saran Depth of targets 2, 4, 6 and 8 cm
• Recorded on certification document
Phantom material Proprietary urethane Axial resolution targets
matrix Number of groups 2
Attenuation coefficient 0.50 dB/cm/MHz Number of targets per group 12
± 0.05 dB/cm/MHz at 5.0 MHz Depths of visualization 2, 5, 8 and 11 cm
Speed of sound 1430 m/s ± 10 m/s at 20ºC Axial resolution test range 0.50, 1.0 to
Scanning surfaces 5.0 mm, in 1.00 mm increments
Number 3 Material Nylon monofilament, 0.10 mm Ø
Depth of scanning wells 2 cm Lateral resolution targets
Housing material White PVC Number of groups 2
Vertical plane targets Number of targets per group 6
Number of groups 1 Depths of visualization 2, 5, 8 and 11 cm
Number of targets per group 10 Lateral resolution test range 1.00 to
Depth of visualization 1 and 19 cm 5.00 mm, in 1.00 mm increments
Diagram showing internal targets
Visualized spacing 20.0 ± 0.38 mm Material Nylon monofilament, 0.10 Ø
Material Nylon monofilament, 0.10 mm Ø Anechoic targets
Horizontal plane targets (Note: This target Number of targets 2
group is also the Vertical Plane Target Diameter 8 to 2 mm, in 2 mm increments
Group) Depths of visualization 2, 5, 8, 11, 13 and
Number of groups 1 16 cm
For more information, receive our full product catalog, or
Number of targets per group 10 Phantom dimensions 17 x 25.5 x 7 cm thick order online, contact Radiation Management Services
Depth of visualization 3 and 10 cm business of Fluke Biomedical: 440.248.9300 or
Weight 12 lb (5.45 kg)
Visualized spacing 20.0 ± 0.35 mm Available model(s) Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Material Nylon monofilament, 0.10 mm Ø 84-342 General Purpose Urethane Ultrasound ©2005 Fluke Biomedical. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Phantom, includes carrying case 84-342-ds rev 2 15 jun 05
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Diagnostic Imaging DI
Near Field Ultrasound
Nuclear Associates Model 84-350
• Complies with the AIUM Standard Introduction
for Quality Assurance The Model 84-350 Near Field
Ultrasound Phantom is
• Simulates characteristics found in constructed from a patented
human breast tissue solid elastic material called
Zerdine®. Unlike other phantom
• Monitors image quality for all high materials, it is not affected by
resolution scanners changes in temperature. It can be
subjected to boiling or freezing
• Embedded monofilament target conditions without sustaining
groups maximize imaging significant damage. It is also
capabilities more elastic than other materials
and allows more pressure to be
• Perfect for QC/service use, since applied to the scanning surface
phantom is not affected by changes without subsequent damage to
in temperature the material.
At normal room temperature, Zerdine will
accurately simulate the ultrasound
characteristics found in human breast
tissue. The phantom contains low-scatter
masses in a range of sizes and depths, a
calibrated volumetric test object, and an
assortment of nylon monofilament target
groups. It was designed to allow for
assessment of linearity, axial and lateral
resolution, depth calibration, dead zone
measurement, volumetric calibration, and
registration. The phantom is protected by
an acrylic case and plastic membrane to
facilitate scanning and minimize
Material Zerdine* Resolution targets Tolerances
Type Solid elastic water-based polymer Number of arrays 2 • Distance between any two wires equals stated
Freezing point 0ºC Depths 1.5 and 2 cm ± 0.38 mm
Melting point Above 100ºC Axial intervals 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 mm Accuracy of Measured Parameters
Attenuation coefficient 0.5 dB/cm/MHz Horizontal intervals 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 mm • Speed of sound equals stated ± 3.0 m/s
Speed of sound 1540 m/s • Attenuation coefficient equals stated
Ring down target ± 0.02 dB/cm/MHz
Scanning well 1 cm deep
1 to 10 mm Temperature at Time of Measurement
Scanning membrane Polyurethane • Recorded on certification document
Volumetric test object
Targets Calibrated asymmetric shape
Material Monofilament nylon wire
Diameter 0.1 mm Spherical cysts
Diameter 5 mm, 3 mm; random distribution
Vertical plane target Phantom dimensions 5.9 x 3.15 in (15 x 8 cm) For more information, receive our full product catalog,
Depth range 8 cm or order online, contact Radiation Management
Weight 12 lb with case Services business of Fluke Biomedical: 440.248.9300
Spacing 1 cm or
Available model(s) Specifications are subject to change without notice.
84-350 Near Field Ultrasound Phantom ©2005 Fluke Biomedical. All rights reserved. Zerdine is a trademark
of Computerized Imaging Reference Systems, Inc. Printed in USA.
* US Patent No. 5196343. 84-350-ds rev 2 27 feb 05
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Flow velocity 50 cm/s approximate Available model(s) ©2005 Fluke Biomedical. All rights reserved. AccuFlo is a trademark
of Fluke Corporation. Printed in USA.
84-433 AccuFlo Doppler Flow Phantom 84-433-ds rev 3 27 feb 05
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Diagnostic Imaging DI
Prostate Phantoms for
Model 84-353 Series
Available model(s) These disposable tissue-equivalent For more information, receive our full product catalog,
phantoms have been developed or order online, contact Radiation Management
84-353 Basic Prostate Phantom Services business of Fluke Biomedical: 440.248.9300
specifically for practicing procedures or
84-353-5000 Basic Prostate Phantom with
which involve scanning the prostate with Specifications are subject to change without notice.
embedded lesion. 0.5 cc ± hypoechoic unless
otherwise specified. (Ideal for needle biopsy) a rectal probe. ©2005 Fluke Biomedical. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
84-353-ds rev 2 28 feb 05
84-353-8123 Basic Prostate Phantom with The prostate and the structures
removable pubic arch simulation. Ideal for simulating the rectal wall, seminal
permanent seed implantation (disposable) vesicles and urethra, are contained within
84-358 Basic Prostate Phantom, non- a 11.5 x 7.0 x 9.5 cm clear acrylic
disposable urethane container. A 3 mm simulated perineal
membrane enables various probes and
surgical tools to be inserted into the