2024-01-27 05-19-07

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Log file created at: 2024-01-27 05-19-07

Device: Xiaomi>23028RA60L>tapas API:33 ABI:[arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, armeabi]

App: Musicolet 6.10.2 build461
--------- beginning of system
01-26 12:42:20.813 3753 17792 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=568ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 12:48:00.541 3753 9813 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=636ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 12:49:59.135 3753 3784 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=563ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 12:56:53.932 3753 3753 W Activity: PerfMonitor: Slow Operation: Activity
in.krosbits.musicolet/.MusicActivity onDestroy took 114ms
01-26 13:09:28.285 12717 12717 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 13:09:28.292 12717 12717 W Looper : PerfMonitor looperActivity :
package=in.krosbits.musicolet/.MusicActivity time=1ms latency=409ms running=0ms
procState=-1 historyMsgCount=3 (msgIndex=2 wall=246ms seq=2 late=6ms
h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=110) (msgIndex=3 wall=159ms seq=3 late=250ms
h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=159)
01-26 13:09:28.297 12717 12717 D FramePredict: FramePredict init: false
01-26 13:09:28.953 12717 12717 W Looper : PerfMonitor doFrame : time=382ms
vsyncFrame=0 latency=44ms procState=-1 historyMsgCount=3
01-26 13:09:29.213 12717 12717 W Looper : PerfMonitor doFrame : time=52ms
vsyncFrame=0 latency=500ms procState=-1 historyMsgCount=71 (msgIndex=1 wall=382ms
seq=29 late=44ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver) (msgIndex=50 wall=199ms
seq=78 late=395ms h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=115)
01-26 13:09:29.486 12717 12787 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=574ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 13:09:29.487 12717 12797 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=346ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 13:09:29.488 12717 12789 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=564ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 13:09:29.491 12717 12788 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=580ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 13:09:29.495 12717 12776 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=234ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 13:09:31.238 12717 12829 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=406ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=1
01-26 13:09:37.166 12717 12783 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact :
time=8476ms interface=com.android.vending.billing.IInAppBillingService code=9
01-26 13:09:37.462 12717 12793 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=248ms
interface=android.media.IAudioTrack code=2
01-26 13:09:41.975 12717 12829 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=249ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=1
01-26 13:09:58.937 12717 12717 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 13:10:03.243 12717 12717 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 13:10:03.265 12717 12717 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 13:29:06.553 12717 12717 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 13:29:07.038 12717 12717 W Looper : PerfMonitor doFrame : time=412ms
vsyncFrame=0 latency=10ms procState=-1 historyMsgCount=4
01-26 13:29:07.072 12717 12717 W Looper : PerfMonitor doFrame : time=29ms
vsyncFrame=0 latency=397ms procState=-1 historyMsgCount=11 (msgIndex=1 wall=412ms
seq=3217 late=10ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
01-26 13:29:07.295 12717 12789 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=574ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 13:29:07.296 12717 12788 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=451ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 13:29:07.300 12717 12787 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=578ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 13:30:10.376 12717 12717 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 13:32:03.876 12717 12717 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 13:33:33.197 12717 12717 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 13:46:44.592 12717 12717 W Activity: PerfMonitor: Slow Operation: Activity
in.krosbits.musicolet/.MusicActivity onDestroy took 118ms
01-26 14:57:49.616 13828 13828 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 14:57:49.623 13828 13828 W Looper : PerfMonitor looperActivity :
package=in.krosbits.musicolet/.MusicActivity time=0ms latency=309ms running=0ms
procState=-1 historyMsgCount=3 (msgIndex=2 wall=198ms seq=2 late=13ms
h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=110) (msgIndex=3 wall=110ms seq=3 late=201ms
h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=159)
01-26 14:57:49.634 13828 13828 D FramePredict: FramePredict init: false
01-26 14:57:50.400 13828 13828 W Looper : PerfMonitor doFrame : time=468ms
vsyncFrame=0 latency=65ms procState=-1 historyMsgCount=3 (msgIndex=1 wall=59ms
seq=25 late=47ms h=android.support.v4.media.session.w w=1)
01-26 14:57:50.944 13828 13944 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=579ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 14:57:50.946 13828 13941 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=582ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 14:57:50.947 13828 13942 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=582ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 14:57:50.947 13828 13997 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=319ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 14:57:58.872 13828 13828 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 14:57:58.903 13828 13828 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 14:58:19.631 13828 13828 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 14:58:19.665 13828 13828 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 15:07:21.609 13828 13828 W Activity: PerfMonitor: Slow Operation: Activity
in.krosbits.musicolet/.MusicActivity onDestroy took 595ms
01-26 15:08:08.923 13828 13828 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=602ms
interface=android.app.IActivityManager code=67
01-26 15:08:09.010 13828 13828 W Looper : PerfMonitor doFrame : time=0ms
vsyncFrame=0 latency=757ms procState=-1 historyMsgCount=2 (msgIndex=1 wall=603ms
seq=2687 late=22ms h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=159) (msgIndex=2 wall=688ms
seq=2688 late=614ms h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=116)
01-26 15:28:06.756 16200 16200 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 15:28:06.764 16200 16200 W Looper : PerfMonitor looperActivity :
package=in.krosbits.musicolet/.MusicActivity time=0ms latency=352ms running=0ms
procState=-1 historyMsgCount=3 (msgIndex=2 wall=220ms seq=2 late=19ms
h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=110) (msgIndex=3 wall=124ms seq=3 late=228ms
h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=159)
01-26 15:28:06.768 16200 16200 D FramePredict: FramePredict init: false
01-26 15:28:07.735 16200 16200 W Looper : PerfMonitor doFrame : time=698ms
vsyncFrame=0 latency=45ms procState=-1 historyMsgCount=6
01-26 15:28:08.201 16200 16339 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=567ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 15:28:08.207 16200 16337 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=572ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 15:28:08.207 16200 16342 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=554ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 15:28:08.406 16200 16200 W Looper : PerfMonitor doFrame : time=117ms
vsyncFrame=0 latency=545ms procState=-1 historyMsgCount=22 (msgIndex=2 wall=517ms
seq=82 late=737ms h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=115)
01-26 15:28:08.607 16200 16276 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=233ms
interface=android.media.IMediaMetadataRetriever code=3
01-26 15:49:17.874 16200 16200 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 15:51:59.884 16200 18119 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=542ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 15:53:41.400 16200 16200 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 15:53:43.056 16200 16200 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 15:53:43.095 16200 16200 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 15:53:47.115 16200 16400 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=251ms
interface=android.media.IAudioTrack code=2
01-26 15:54:07.881 16200 16200 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 15:54:07.901 16200 16200 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 15:54:11.119 16200 16342 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=545ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 15:54:11.119 16200 16339 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=546ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 15:54:11.120 16200 16337 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=547ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 15:54:18.251 16200 16337 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=525ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 15:54:18.251 16200 16342 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=533ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 15:54:18.252 16200 16339 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=530ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 15:54:24.369 16200 16400 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=201ms
interface=android.media.IAudioTrack code=2
01-26 15:57:28.064 16200 16200 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 15:57:29.615 16200 16200 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 15:57:29.638 16200 16200 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 15:59:12.106 16200 20377 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=581ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 16:10:18.018 16200 16200 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 16:10:18.524 16200 16200 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=499ms
interface=android.view.IWindowSession code=5
01-26 16:10:18.525 16200 16200 W Looper : PerfMonitor doFrame : time=506ms
vsyncFrame=0 latency=1ms procState=-1 historyMsgCount=1
01-26 16:10:18.525 16200 16200 W Looper : PerfMonitor looperActivity :
package=in.krosbits.musicolet/.MusicActivity time=0ms latency=516ms running=0ms
procState=-1 historyMsgCount=2 (msgIndex=2 wall=506ms seq=10870 late=1ms
01-26 16:10:19.181 16200 16339 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=504ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 16:10:19.190 16200 16337 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=591ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 16:10:19.202 16200 16342 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=602ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 16:10:22.755 16200 16200 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 16:10:28.376 16200 16200 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 16:10:28.388 16200 16200 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 16:10:30.914 16200 16339 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=544ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 16:10:30.915 16200 16337 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=539ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 16:10:30.915 16200 16342 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=539ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 16:12:56.215 16200 21931 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=560ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 16:18:43.885 16200 16200 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 16:18:52.850 16200 16200 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 16:18:52.871 16200 16200 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 16:19:00.331 16200 16337 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=552ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 16:19:00.332 16200 16342 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=552ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 16:19:00.334 16200 16339 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=554ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 16:21:53.238 16200 25369 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=580ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 16:30:42.715 16200 16200 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 16:30:43.348 16200 16339 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=540ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 16:30:43.349 16200 16342 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=537ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 16:30:43.350 16200 16337 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=505ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 16:30:51.328 16200 16200 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 16:30:51.368 16200 16200 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 16:30:59.524 16200 16339 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=532ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 16:30:59.526 16200 16337 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=533ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 16:30:59.526 16200 16342 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=534ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 16:31:07.416 16200 16339 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=532ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 16:31:07.421 16200 16342 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=341ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 16:31:11.819 16200 16342 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=535ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 16:31:11.827 16200 16337 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=507ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 16:31:11.829 16200 16339 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=546ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 16:34:40.802 16200 29486 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=658ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 16:38:13.230 16200 32500 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=605ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 16:45:11.496 16200 16200 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 16:45:12.111 16200 16337 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=554ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 16:45:12.112 16200 16342 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=548ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 16:45:12.115 16200 16339 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=557ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 16:49:57.836 16200 16200 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 16:49:58.465 16200 16339 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=548ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 16:49:58.466 16200 16337 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=546ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 16:49:58.467 16200 16342 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=551ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 17:00:51.502 16200 16200 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 17:00:52.171 16200 16339 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=572ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 17:06:34.386 16200 16200 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 17:06:34.786 16200 16200 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=229ms
interface=android.app.IActivityTaskManager code=49
01-26 17:06:35.021 16200 16342 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=505ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 17:06:35.024 16200 16339 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=564ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 17:06:35.027 16200 16337 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=560ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 17:06:44.321 16200 16337 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=539ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 17:06:44.323 16200 16342 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=264ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 17:06:51.903 16200 16200 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 17:06:51.923 16200 16200 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-26 17:06:55.596 16200 16337 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=541ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 17:06:55.596 16200 16342 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=542ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 17:06:55.597 16200 16339 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=543ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 17:07:01.091 16200 16339 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=549ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 17:07:01.092 16200 16337 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=551ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 17:07:01.094 16200 16342 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=553ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-26 17:18:09.119 16200 16200 W Activity: PerfMonitor: Slow Operation: Activity
in.krosbits.musicolet/.MusicActivity onDestroy took 121ms
01-26 17:18:09.524 16200 16200 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=361ms
interface=android.app.IActivityManager code=67
01-26 17:18:10.153 16200 16200 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=626ms
interface=android.app.IActivityManager code=14
01-26 17:18:10.191 16200 16200 W Looper : PerfMonitor longMsg : seq=27058
plan=17:18:08.987 late=174ms wall=1027ms running=0ms h=android.app.ActivityThread$H
w=116 procState=-1
01-26 17:18:10.193 16200 16200 W Looper : PerfMonitor doFrame : time=2ms
vsyncFrame=0 latency=718ms procState=-1 historyMsgCount=8 (msgIndex=1 wall=1027ms
seq=27058 late=174ms h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=116)
01-27 02:03:09.633 16181 16346 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=410ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=1
01-27 02:03:11.222 16181 16484 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=751ms
interface=com.android.vending.billing.IInAppBillingService code=1
01-27 02:03:12.063 16181 16346 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=528ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-27 02:03:13.746 16181 16305 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=275ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=1
01-27 04:54:28.857 3714 3714 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-27 04:54:28.875 3714 3714 D FramePredict: FramePredict init: false
01-27 04:54:29.725 3714 3714 W Looper : PerfMonitor doFrame : time=475ms
vsyncFrame=0 latency=58ms procState=-1 historyMsgCount=4 (msgIndex=1 wall=57ms
seq=25 late=64ms h=android.support.v4.media.session.w w=1)
01-27 04:54:30.047 3714 3714 W Looper : PerfMonitor doFrame : time=63ms
vsyncFrame=0 latency=642ms procState=-1 historyMsgCount=74 (msgIndex=1 wall=475ms
seq=29 late=58ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver) (msgIndex=51 wall=245ms
seq=79 late=489ms h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=115)
01-27 04:54:30.230 3714 3898 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=569ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-27 04:54:30.230 3714 3943 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=293ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-27 04:54:30.230 3714 3897 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=577ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-27 04:54:30.233 3714 3899 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=580ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-27 04:54:34.152 3714 3714 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-27 04:54:34.197 3714 3714 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-27 04:54:41.561 3714 3934 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=287ms
interface=android.media.IAudioTrack code=2
01-27 05:00:45.326 3714 5713 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=579ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-27 05:00:59.915 3714 5718 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=532ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-27 05:01:04.655 3714 5727 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=538ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-27 05:01:55.989 3714 5756 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=537ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-27 05:02:06.723 3714 5761 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=217ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-27 05:02:12.681 3714 5771 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=550ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-27 05:06:23.458 3714 6188 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=564ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-27 05:09:16.483 3714 6358 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=551ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-27 05:11:52.886 3714 3714 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-27 05:11:53.681 3714 3714 W Looper : PerfMonitor doFrame : time=512ms
vsyncFrame=0 latency=178ms procState=-1 historyMsgCount=1 (msgIndex=1 wall=194ms
seq=2376 late=59ms h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=159)
01-27 05:11:53.698 3714 3714 W Looper : PerfMonitor doFrame : time=15ms
vsyncFrame=0 latency=498ms procState=-1 historyMsgCount=14 (msgIndex=1 wall=512ms
seq=2377 late=178ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
01-27 05:12:29.728 3714 3714 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-27 05:12:54.366 3714 7588 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=529ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=23
01-27 05:13:50.157 3714 3714 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-27 05:18:30.041 3714 3714 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
--------- beginning of main
01-27 05:18:30.062 3714 4092 D AppScoutStateMachine: 3714-
01-27 05:18:30.083 3714 3714 I JSTMUSIC2: PFU:null
01-27 05:18:30.084 3714 3714 I JSTMUSIC2: PFU?musicolet://media-store?p_v=d62b-
01-27 05:18:30.105 3714 3714 D VRI[MusicActivity]: vri.reportNextDraw
01-27 05:18:30.105 3714 3714 D VRI[MusicActivity]: vri.Setup new sync id=5
01-27 05:18:30.125 3714 3898 I id3 : 03 - amerika - RAMMSTEIN.mp3:Found
padding starting at:828
01-27 05:18:30.151 3714 3714 D VRI[MusicActivity]: vri.reportDrawFinished
syncSeqId=0 android.view.ViewRootImpl.lambda$createSyncIfNeeded$4$android-view-
ViewRootImpl:3852 android.view.ViewRootImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda1.run:6
android.os.Handler.handleCallback:942 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:99
01-27 05:18:30.197 3714 3714 D DecorView[]: onWindowFocusChanged hasWindowFocus
01-27 05:18:30.198 3714 3714 I HandWritingStubImpl: refreshLastKeyboardType: 1
01-27 05:18:30.199 3714 3714 I HandWritingStubImpl: getCurrentKeyboardType: 1
01-27 05:18:31.944 3714 3714 I JSTMUSIC2: MSSR:
01-27 05:18:31.944 3714 3714 I JSTMUSIC2: MSSRP:musicolet://media-store?p_v=d62b-
01-27 05:18:31.963 3714 3934 D AudioTrack: pause(sessionID=5441)
01-27 05:18:31.963 3714 3934 D AudioTrack: pause(1700): prior state:STATE_ACTIVE
01-27 05:18:32.012 3714 3934 I NATIVEX : J_FDts ca: npr_dc1=-5476376653472856448,
01-27 05:18:32.020 3714 3934 I NATIVEX : F t=0xb4000072e1820680
01-27 05:18:32.020 3714 3934 I NATIVEX : F p
01-27 05:18:32.020 3714 3934 I NATIVEX : F f
01-27 05:18:32.020 3714 3934 I NATIVEX : F ff
01-27 05:18:32.020 3714 3934 I NATIVEX : F fg
01-27 05:18:32.024 3714 3934 I NATIVEX : F decc
01-27 05:18:32.026 3714 3934 I NATIVEX : F fc
01-27 05:18:32.026 3714 3934 I NATIVEX : F ioc
01-27 05:18:32.026 3714 3934 I NATIVEX : F all!
01-27 05:18:32.029 3714 3934 I NATIVEX : J_FDts ca: npr_dc2=-5476376653472856448,
01-27 05:18:32.031 3714 3934 I NATIVEX : cp:mmp>musicolet://media-store?p_v=d62b-
01-27 05:18:32.032 3714 9555 D AudioTrack: stop(sessionID=5441)
01-27 05:18:32.032 3714 9555 D AudioTrack: stop(1700): prior state:STATE_FLUSHED
01-27 05:18:32.032 3714 9555 D AudioTrack: ~AudioTrack(sessionID=5441)
01-27 05:18:32.038 3714 9555 D colet:musicolet: reportAudiotrackParameters,
playbackTime is 328, clientName is in.krosbits.musicolet, usage is
AUDIO_USAGE_MEDIA, flags is AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_DEEP_BUFFER, channelMask is 3, format
is AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT, sampleRate is 48000
01-27 05:18:32.038 3714 9555 D colet:musicolet: send_audiotrack_parameter_to_xlog
01-27 05:18:32.040 3714 9555 V xlog_client: xlog_send msg_id: 20
01-27 05:18:32.040 3714 9555 V xlog_client: xlog_send
01-27 05:18:32.040 3714 9555 E xlog_client: xlog_open: Error in open xlog
01-27 05:18:32.040 3714 9555 E xlog_client: xlog open fail
01-27 05:18:32.040 3714 9555 D AudioTrack: stop(sessionID=5441)
01-27 05:18:32.040 3714 9555 D AudioTrack: stop(1700): prior state:STATE_FLUSHED
01-27 05:18:32.069 3714 9556 I NATIVEX : <init>=0xb4000072c26a0800 0x3bee,
01-27 05:18:32.069 3714 9556 I NATIVEX : fjw=0xb4000072e1820f80
01-27 05:18:32.069 3714 9556 I NATIVEX : iang_mt
01-27 05:18:32.190 3714 9556 I NATIVEX : afoi=0
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Could not find codec parameters for
stream 1 (Video: mjpeg, none): unspecified size
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Consider increasing the value for the
'analyzeduration' (0) and 'probesize' (5000000) options
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Could not find codec parameters for
stream 2 (Video: mjpeg, none): unspecified size
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Consider increasing the value for the
'analyzeduration' (0) and 'probesize' (5000000) options
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Could not find codec parameters for
stream 3 (Video: mjpeg, none): unspecified size
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Consider increasing the value for the
'analyzeduration' (0) and 'probesize' (5000000) options
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Could not find codec parameters for
stream 4 (Video: mjpeg, none): unspecified size
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Consider increasing the value for the
'analyzeduration' (0) and 'probesize' (5000000) options
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Could not find codec parameters for
stream 5 (Video: png, none): unspecified size
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Consider increasing the value for the
'analyzeduration' (0) and 'probesize' (5000000) options
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Could not find codec parameters for
stream 6 (Video: png, none): unspecified size
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Consider increasing the value for the
'analyzeduration' (0) and 'probesize' (5000000) options
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Could not find codec parameters for
stream 7 (Video: png, none): unspecified size
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Consider increasing the value for the
'analyzeduration' (0) and 'probesize' (5000000) options
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Could not find codec parameters for
stream 8 (Video: mjpeg, none): unspecified size
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Consider increasing the value for the
'analyzeduration' (0) and 'probesize' (5000000) options
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Could not find codec parameters for
stream 9 (Video: mjpeg, none): unspecified size
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Consider increasing the value for the
'analyzeduration' (0) and 'probesize' (5000000) options
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Could not find codec parameters for
stream 10 (Video: mjpeg, none): unspecified size
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Consider increasing the value for the
'analyzeduration' (0) and 'probesize' (5000000) options
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Could not find codec parameters for
stream 11 (Video: mjpeg, none): unspecified size
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Consider increasing the value for the
'analyzeduration' (0) and 'probesize' (5000000) options
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Could not find codec parameters for
stream 12 (Video: mjpeg, none): unspecified size
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Consider increasing the value for the
'analyzeduration' (0) and 'probesize' (5000000) options
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Could not find codec parameters for
stream 13 (Video: mjpeg, none): unspecified size
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Consider increasing the value for the
'analyzeduration' (0) and 'probesize' (5000000) options
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Could not find codec parameters for
stream 14 (Video: png, none): unspecified size
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Consider increasing the value for the
'analyzeduration' (0) and 'probesize' (5000000) options
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Could not find codec parameters for
stream 15 (Video: mjpeg, none): unspecified size
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Consider increasing the value for the
'analyzeduration' (0) and 'probesize' (5000000) options
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Could not find codec parameters for
stream 16 (Video: mjpeg, none): unspecified size
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Consider increasing the value for the
'analyzeduration' (0) and 'probesize' (5000000) options
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Could not find codec parameters for
stream 17 (Video: mjpeg, none): unspecified size
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Consider increasing the value for the
'analyzeduration' (0) and 'probesize' (5000000) options
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Could not find codec parameters for
stream 18 (Video: mjpeg, none): unspecified size
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 W LNATIVE : Consider increasing the value for the
'analyzeduration' (0) and 'probesize' (5000000) options
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 I NATIVEX : affsi=0
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 I NATIVEX : afbs=0
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 I NATIVEX : pCod=0x7252cb25a8
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 I NATIVEX : aprtc=0
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 I NATIVEX : ao2=0
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 I NATIVEX : pg.
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 I NATIVEX : pg ab 1 14112000 44100 8 7112 stereo
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 I NATIVEX : af pf: 3
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 I NATIVEX : afl: 1 7116 stereo
01-27 05:18:32.196 3714 9556 I NATIVEX : sk
01-27 05:18:32.198 3714 9556 I NATIVEX : cd: 0 mp3float mp3
01-27 05:18:32.198 3714 9556 I NATIVEX : of=s16
01-27 05:18:32.198 3714 9556 I NATIVEX : mt a: b=320000 f=1152 c=2 stereo s=48000
d=148 b_p_s=2 1,48000 t=0xb4000072e1820f80
01-27 05:18:32.198 3714 9556 I NATIVEX : cp:mmpi:p
01-27 05:18:32.198 3714 3934 I NATIVEX : cp:mmpi>p>f
01-27 05:18:32.198 3714 3934 I NATIVEX : st:mmp.1>[x3.j@11cbf443], [false],
[null], [false]
01-27 05:18:32.199 3714 3934 I NATIVEX : st:mmp.2>[x3.j@11cbf443], [false],
[l8.e@3198a65], [true]
01-27 05:18:32.199 3714 3934 I NATIVEX : MAR.opR
01-27 05:18:32.199 3714 9557 W LNATIVE : Could not update timestamps for skipped
01-27 05:18:32.203 3714 3934 I NATIVEX : MAR.rd>atcnc.as.cf
01-27 05:18:32.205 3714 3934 D AudioTrack: set(sessionId=5441), mcallback is 1
01-27 05:18:32.205 3714 3934 D AudioTrack: set(): streamType -1, sampleRate
48000, format 0x1, channelMask 0x3, frameCount 23064, flags #0, notificationFrames
0, sessionId 5441, transferType 3, uid -1, pid -1
01-27 05:18:32.291 3714 4092 I AudioTrack: AudioTrack::setVolume L:1.000000
R:1.000000 and the pakage is in.krosbits.musicolet
01-27 05:18:32.291 3714 4092 I AudioTrack: AudioTrack::setVolume L:1.000000
01-27 05:18:32.292 3714 3934 I AudioTrack: AudioTrack::setVolume L:1.000000
R:1.000000 and the pakage is in.krosbits.musicolet
01-27 05:18:32.292 3714 3934 I AudioTrack: AudioTrack::setVolume L:1.000000
01-27 05:18:32.292 3714 3714 I JSTMUSIC2: bpp>ip:in.krosbits.musicolet.v1@fee6cac
01-27 05:18:32.293 3714 3714 I JSTMUSIC2: MSSP:musicolet://media-store?p_v=d62b-
01-27 05:18:32.297 3714 3714 I AudioTrack: AudioTrack::setVolume L:0.000000
R:0.000000 and the pakage is in.krosbits.musicolet
01-27 05:18:32.297 3714 3714 I AudioTrack: AudioTrack::setVolume L:0.000000
01-27 05:18:32.297 3714 3714 I AudioTrack: AudioTrack::setVolume L:1.000000
R:1.000000 and the pakage is in.krosbits.musicolet
01-27 05:18:32.297 3714 3714 I AudioTrack: AudioTrack::setVolume L:1.000000
01-27 05:18:32.301 3714 3714 I JSTMUSIC2: PFU:null
01-27 05:18:32.301 3714 3714 I JSTMUSIC2: PFU?musicolet://media-store?p_v=d62b-
01-27 05:18:32.302 3714 3934 D AudioTrack: start(1701): prior state:STATE_STOPPED
01-27 05:18:32.304 3714 4092 I AudioTrack: AudioTrack::setVolume L:1.000000
R:1.000000 and the pakage is in.krosbits.musicolet
01-27 05:18:32.304 3714 4092 I AudioTrack: AudioTrack::setVolume L:1.000000
01-27 05:18:32.328 3714 3714 I JSTMUSIC2: bpp>ip?
01-27 05:18:32.341 3714 3899 I id3 : Avicii - Addicted To You.mp3.mp3:Found
padding starting at:1235850
01-27 05:18:32.344 3714 3839 I JSTMUSIC2: SU>SQQA
01-27 05:18:32.345 3714 3839 I JSTMUSIC2: SU>SQQA>e
01-27 05:18:32.356 3714 3897 I id3 : Avicii - Addicted To You.mp3.mp3:Found
padding starting at:1235850
01-27 05:18:32.369 3714 3898 I id3 : Avicii - Addicted To You.mp3.mp3:Found
padding starting at:1235850
01-27 05:18:32.382 3714 3899 I id3 : Avicii - Addicted To You.mp3.mp3:Found
padding starting at:1235850
01-27 05:18:32.392 3714 3897 I id3 : 03 - amerika - RAMMSTEIN.mp3:Found
padding starting at:828
01-27 05:18:32.392 3714 3714 D MediaRouter: onRestoreRoute() :
route=RouteInfo{ name=Bluetooth music, description=Audio Bluetooth, status=null,
category=RouteCategory{ name=Sistema types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO
ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ,
presentationDisplay=null }
01-27 05:18:32.393 3714 3714 V MediaRouter: Selecting route:
RouteInfo{ name=Bluetooth music, description=Audio Bluetooth, status=null,
category=RouteCategory{ name=Sistema types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO
ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ,
presentationDisplay=null }
01-27 05:18:32.416 3714 3898 I id3 : sheryl (71).mp3:Found padding starting
01-27 05:18:32.424 3714 3899 I id3 : La Vie en Rose - Edith Piaf.mp3:Found
padding starting at:77
01-27 05:18:32.444 3714 3898 I id3 : 10_Hoy.mp3:Found padding starting at:820
01-27 05:18:32.471 3714 3897 I id3 : 08 - Veronica.mp3:Found padding starting
01-27 05:18:32.510 3714 3899 I id3 : 11. Cinderella - Shelter Me
(Live).mp3:Found padding starting at:27001
01-27 05:18:32.524 3714 3898 I id3 : 10 - Das Modell - RAMMSTEIN.mp3:Found
padding starting at:133
01-27 05:18:32.583 3714 3714 I JSTMUSIC2: mS>rpS?1
01-27 05:18:32.622 3714 3899 I id3 : Avicii - Addicted To You.mp3.mp3:Found
padding starting at:1235850
01-27 05:18:33.130 3714 4092 I id3 : Avicii - Addicted To You.mp3.mp3:Found
padding starting at:1235850
01-27 05:18:33.161 3714 4092 I id3 : Avicii - Addicted To You.mp3.mp3:Found
padding starting at:1235850
01-27 05:18:33.419 3714 4092 I id3 : Avicii - Addicted To You.mp3.mp3:Found
padding starting at:1235850
01-27 05:18:33.446 3714 4092 I id3 : Avicii - Addicted To You.mp3.mp3:Found
padding starting at:1235850
01-27 05:18:33.584 3714 3714 I JSTMUSIC2:
01-27 05:18:33.584 3714 3714 I JSTMUSIC2:
epw:ant>in.krosbits.musicolet.v1@fee6cac -> musicolet://media-store?p_v=d62b-
%20Audio).mp3&p_id=1000314819&p_mt=1 -> 1
01-27 05:18:37.301 3714 3934 D AudioTrack: [audioTrackData][fine] 5s(f:5009 m:0
s:0 k:0) : pid 3714 uid 10270 sessionId 5441 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1
01-27 05:18:38.819 3714 3714 D DecorView[]: onWindowFocusChanged hasWindowFocus
01-27 05:18:42.296 3714 3934 D AudioTrack: [audioTrackData][fine] 10s(f:10003 m:0
s:0 k:0) : pid 3714 uid 10270 sessionId 5441 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1
01-27 05:18:47.302 3714 3934 D AudioTrack: [audioTrackData][fine] 15s(f:15010 m:0
s:0 k:0) : pid 3714 uid 10270 sessionId 5441 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1
01-27 05:18:50.219 3714 3714 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-27 05:18:50.238 3714 4469 D AppScoutStateMachine: 3714-
01-27 05:18:50.258 3714 3714 I JSTMUSIC2: PFU:null
01-27 05:18:50.258 3714 3714 I JSTMUSIC2: PFU?musicolet://media-store?p_v=d62b-
01-27 05:18:50.282 3714 3898 I id3 : Avicii - Addicted To You.mp3.mp3:Found
padding starting at:1235850
01-27 05:18:50.286 3714 3714 D VRI[MusicActivity]: vri.reportNextDraw
01-27 05:18:50.286 3714 3714 D VRI[MusicActivity]: vri.Setup new sync id=6
01-27 05:18:50.315 3714 3714 D VRI[MusicActivity]: vri.reportDrawFinished
syncSeqId=0 android.view.ViewRootImpl.lambda$createSyncIfNeeded$4$android-view-
ViewRootImpl:3852 android.view.ViewRootImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda1.run:6
android.os.Handler.handleCallback:942 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:99
01-27 05:18:50.361 3714 3714 D DecorView[]: onWindowFocusChanged hasWindowFocus
01-27 05:18:50.363 3714 3714 I HandWritingStubImpl: refreshLastKeyboardType: 1
01-27 05:18:50.363 3714 3714 I HandWritingStubImpl: getCurrentKeyboardType: 1
01-27 05:18:52.300 3714 3934 D AudioTrack: [audioTrackData][fine] 20s(f:20007 m:0
s:0 k:0) : pid 3714 uid 10270 sessionId 5441 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1
01-27 05:18:57.297 3714 3934 D AudioTrack: [audioTrackData][fine] 25s(f:25005 m:0
s:0 k:0) : pid 3714 uid 10270 sessionId 5441 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1
01-27 05:18:57.935 3714 3714 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-27 05:18:57.960 3714 3714 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: setViewRootImplForceDark:
false for in.krosbits.musicolet.MusicActivity@74fa605, reason: AppDarkModeEnable
01-27 05:18:57.981 3714 3714 D VRI[PopupWindow:1cf5d6e]: vri.reportNextDraw
01-27 05:18:57.989 3714 3714 D VRI[PopupWindow:1cf5d6e]: vri.Setup new sync id=0
01-27 05:18:58.003 3714 3748 E perf_hint: Session creation failed,
mPreferredRateNanos: -1
01-27 05:18:58.004 3714 3714 D VRI[PopupWindow:1cf5d6e]: vri.reportDrawFinished
syncSeqId=0 android.view.ViewRootImpl.lambda$createSyncIfNeeded$4$android-view-
ViewRootImpl:3852 android.view.ViewRootImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda1.run:6
android.os.Handler.handleCallback:942 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:99
01-27 05:18:58.006 3714 3714 D VRI[PopupWindow:1cf5d6e]: vri.reportNextDraw
android.view.ViewRootImpl.handleResized:1941 android.view.ViewRootImpl.-$
01-27 05:18:58.006 3714 3714 D VRI[PopupWindow:1cf5d6e]: vri.Setup new sync id=1
01-27 05:18:58.011 3714 3714 D VRI[PopupWindow:1cf5d6e]: vri.reportDrawFinished
syncSeqId=0 android.view.ViewRootImpl.lambda$createSyncIfNeeded$4$android-view-
ViewRootImpl:3852 android.view.ViewRootImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda1.run:6
android.os.Handler.handleCallback:942 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:99
01-27 05:18:58.012 3714 3714 D DecorView[]: onWindowFocusChanged hasWindowFocus
01-27 05:18:58.134 3714 3748 W RenderInspector: DequeueBuffer time out on
PopupWindow:1cf5d6e, count=1, avg=17 ms, max=17 ms.
01-27 05:19:02.294 3714 3934 D AudioTrack: [audioTrackData][fine] 30s(f:30001 m:0
s:0 k:0) : pid 3714 uid 10270 sessionId 5441 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1
01-27 05:19:03.112 3714 3714 D DecorView[]: onWindowFocusChanged hasWindowFocus
01-27 05:19:03.116 3714 3714 I HandWritingStubImpl: refreshLastKeyboardType: 1
01-27 05:19:03.116 3714 3714 I HandWritingStubImpl: getCurrentKeyboardType: 1
01-27 05:19:07.298 3714 3934 D AudioTrack: [audioTrackData][fine] 35s(f:35005 m:0
s:0 k:0) : pid 3714 uid 10270 sessionId 5441 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1

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