The document discusses dental implants, including their history, types, materials used, and surgical techniques. Osseointegration is the direct structural and functional connection between living bone and the surface of a load-bearing artificial implant. Successful osseointegration requires suitable implant materials, minimal trauma, primary stability, adequate bone quality and volume, and delayed loading during healing.
The document discusses dental implants, including their history, types, materials used, and surgical techniques. Osseointegration is the direct structural and functional connection between living bone and the surface of a load-bearing artificial implant. Successful osseointegration requires suitable implant materials, minimal trauma, primary stability, adequate bone quality and volume, and delayed loading during healing.
The document discusses dental implants, including their history, types, materials used, and surgical techniques. Osseointegration is the direct structural and functional connection between living bone and the surface of a load-bearing artificial implant. Successful osseointegration requires suitable implant materials, minimal trauma, primary stability, adequate bone quality and volume, and delayed loading during healing.
The document discusses dental implants, including their history, types, materials used, and surgical techniques. Osseointegration is the direct structural and functional connection between living bone and the surface of a load-bearing artificial implant. Successful osseointegration requires suitable implant materials, minimal trauma, primary stability, adequate bone quality and volume, and delayed loading during healing.
Dental implants are now increasingly used to attach Osseointegration crowns, bridges or dentures by anchorage to bone. Extra- Indications for implant treatment oral implants are also available for attaching facial Patient selection prostheses such as artificial ears or noses, and for bone Treatment planning anchored hearing aids. Surgical technique Placement of implants requires careful patient selection Augmentation of bone Complications and treatment planning. Although the surgical techniques Success rates are straightforward, they are exacting and practitioners should only embark on implant treatment after appropriate training and experience. contact between the implant surface and bone without any intervening connective tissue layer. It is, in fact, an ankylosis of implant to bone and some prefer the term Types of implant 'functional ankylosis'. The bone does not recognise the implant as a foreign body, which becomes, in effect, part Early implants were unreliable because the attachment to of the bone. Thus an osseointegrated implant forms a bone was by a layer of connective tissue. A variety of direct bone anchorage for a prosthesis. pins, screws and blades were tried but epithelial down- Osseointegration is therefore a prerequisite to success- growth frequently led to rejection. The resulting loss of ful implant placement and a consideration of the require- alveolar bone led to an even more difficult restorative ments for this is followed by a description of the indications problem. for implant placement in dentistry. Discussion of patient Subperiosteal implants were less damaging but selection and treatment planning will be followed by a required a general anaesthetic to expose the bone surface description of the surgical techniques involved in implant for impression taking. Chrome-cobalt frames were con- placement including augmentation techniques, compli- structed in the laboratory and a further anaesthetic was cations and a consideration of success rates (Table 37.1). then required for insertion. They were often in function for many years but epithelial downgrowth usually resulted in failure. Removal of failed implants was difficult due extensive scar tissue. Osseointegration Transmandibular implants appeared to have some The requirements for successful osseointegration of an advantages but an extraoral incision was required and the implant are listed in Table 37.2. Suitable implant materials surgical technique was demanding. They were obviously are discussed below. unsuitable for routine use as they required specialist expertise and hospital facilities. Implant materials The progression to modern implantology followed the discovery of osseointegration, with the predictable Ideally, an implant should be non-toxic, biocompatible, 292 success of titanium implants. Osseointegration implies strong and aesthetic. gas at high temperature in an electric arc. Plasma-sprayed Table 37.2 Requirements for osseointegration implants have a much greater surface area and mechanical Suitable implant material resistance to rotational forces. Abrasion of the surface Minimal surgical trauma with titanium pellets or grit blasting and acid etching Primary implant stability may also achieve similar effects. Some workers claim Adequate bone volume and quality that these surface modifications promote a chemical and Delayed loading (healing phase) mechanical attachment to bone. Rough surfaces exposed to the mouth will be difficult to keep clean and plaque Metals such as nickel and chromium used in stainless formation will result in peri-implant disease. Transmucosal steel are corroded in living tissue and taken into the blood- elements and abutments are therefore made smooth. A stream. There is concern about possible neurotoxicity. 'gingival' cuff attachment is achieved by reorientation of Titanium is also absorbed and may be detected in tissues connective tissue fibres and possibly by adhesion of at very low concentrations, but there is no evidence of epithelial cells. toxicity. Implant materials can be biotolerated, bioinert or Ceramic bioactive. Stainless steel, chrome cobalt and other alloys are tolerated by bone but are linked by a connective tissue Ceramic implants had good biological and aesthetic layer rather than an intimate bond. Titanium implants properties but lacked mechanical strength. In practice the make direct contact with bone but are regarded as bioinert incidence of implant fracture was unacceptable and they because there is no chemical bond. Bioactive materials have been discontinued. It is possible that better ceramics such as calcium phosphate and hydroxyapatite allow a true will be developed. chemical bond to develop as the bone surface remodels. The material should be able to withstand occlusal forces Hydroxyapatite and be capable of accurate machining into cylinders with screw threads for initial stability in bone, and with suit- Hydroxyapatite can be used as a coating on titanium able abutment connections. Unfortunately, a bioactive implants because it is osteoinductive. It enhances, and material with adequate mechanical properties has not yet reduces the time for, osseointegration. It is also used in been developed. particle or block form to augment bone for placement of Surface characteristics can modify the properties of implants. It does have mechanical weakness and disrup- the material. Correct pore size is important in osseo- tion of the surface occurs in function, although these integration of ceramics. Surface roughness may affect the microfractures do not seem to result in loss of implants. reaction of tissues to implants enhancing osseointegration Fractures can also occur at the interface between as well as increasing the surface area in contact with hydroxyapatite and titanium. bone. Implant system Titanium Many implant systems are available and many factors Titanium is the best material available at present. It is a need to be considered when making a choice. These are highly reactive metal that oxidises in the atmosphere to listed in Table 37.3. form an inert surface layer of titanium oxide. It has good mechanical properties and can be machined. Implant Surgical principles fractures can occur but these are minimised by careful implant design and avoidance of a traumatic occlusion. A Initially an implant bed must be prepared by drilling a disadvantage of titanium is its grey colour, which may be hole in the bone to receive the implant. It is essential to visible at crown margins if there is recession and may minimise tissue damage when preparing the implant bed. discolour thin mucosa. The surface can be polished and Mucoperiosteal flaps should be well designed, carefully anodised and surface roughness can be achieved by reflected and gently retracted, so that healing is optimal. addition or subtraction processes. In plasma coating, Healthy soft tissue cover enhances osseointegration by 293 titanium powder is sprayed onto the implant as an inert providing a barrier to infection and restoration of blood Table 37.3 Criteria affecting choice of implant Table 37.4 Bone drilling for osseointegration system Use sharp drills (single or limited use) Use commercially pure titanium Use purpose designed drills Components proven to withstand masticatory load Use drills of smaller diameters first, rather than one- Physiological response of bone when loaded stage cutting One- or two-stage system Use slow drill speeds (<2000 rpm) Type of surface, i.e. plain, plasma sprayed, roughened Use cooling with copious chilled saline or hydroxyapatite coated Avoid clogging of drill channels - repeated withdrawal Plain cylinder, or threaded ± self-tapping Thread tapping or self-tapping systems are available Diameter and length Efficiency of drill system Immediate or delayed loading Suitability of abutments Table 37.5 Methods of improving implant success in the maxilla Use additional implants to share load Use connecting bars for bracing supply. With transmucosal systems, soft tissue is sutured Use maximum length of implant around the implant neck and a good seal is even more Consider augmentation of ridge bone important. Consider sinus lift to extend available ridge Bone preparation is carried out with the minimum Reduce occlusal table and eliminate traumatic occlusion heat production so that, as far as possible, the osteocytes Allow more time for osseointegration near the bone surface remain vital. If there is bone damage the inflammatory reaction will produce a fibrous repair resulting in a connective tissue layer between The pattern of bone resorption and anatomical implant and bone rather than osseointegration. structures in the maxilla also cause problems. Resorption The requirements that -must be taken into account causes bone loss from the anterior and crestal surfaces, when drilling bone to receive an implant are listed in often leaving a narrow ridge in a retruded and high Table 37.4. position. Thus there is less bone and the implants have to be placed in a poor position. The superstructures may then be placed in a compromised position. The occlusal Primary implant stability load on the implants may therefore be beyond The implant bed should be prepared accurately to con- physiological tolerances. form to the shape of the implant, so that there is maximum Implants can still successfully be placed in the contact with healthy bone. This good congruence also maxilla if allowance is made to avoid exceeding the results in primary implant stability, which is essential above limitations by the methods listed in Table 37.5. during the healing phase. Resorption in the mandible does not alter the antero- Screw threads are often used as they increase primary posterior implant position but there can be severe loss of stability, enhance resistance to occlusal forces and bone height. The alveolar bone has often been completely increase surface area. resorbed and there is a pencil-thin mandible. Augmentation is rarely required, even in this situation, and two implants may be sufficient to stabilise a lower denture. This is Bone quality and quantity fortunate, as denture instability is more of a problem in Blood supply is essential for bone vitality so the maxilla the mandible. might be thought to be better suited for implant Blood supply may be compromised by radiotherapy placement. In fact, there is a significantly better success but, although this causes more failures in the mandible, rate in the mandible, which is likely to have a poorer there is still a reasonable success rate. In the maxilla blood supply especially in the older edentulous patient. It there are many more failures after radiotherapy. A course seems, therefore, that a firmer bone structure is an of preoperative and postoperative hyperbaric oxygen advantage. The cortical plate in the maxilla is often thin therapy, if available, may improve success in the maxilla 294 or absent and the cancellous bone is crumbly. but is not usually needed in the mandible. Table 37.6 Classification of bone quality Table 37.7 Indications for implant treatment
I Cortical bone predominant Difficult edentulous cases
II Dense cancellous bone and thick cortical bone Long span bridges III Dense cancellous bone and thin cortical bone Free end saddles IV Porous cancellous bone and thin cortical bone Single tooth replacement Special indications
The quality of bone available is also important and
this can be assessed using the classification listed in restores function and confidence. An implant-supported Table 37.6. removable denture is a simple, cheaper and effective option. Two implants with stud attachments or a bar can Healing phase be sufficient to stabilise a denture, which is then mainly tissue borne. Implants are always placed between the It is a fundamental requirement that undue loading is mental foramina in edentulous cases. avoided until osseointegration has occurred. This is one Retention problems occur in the maxilla, although of the main differences compared to previous implant less frequently because the hard palate gives better sup- practice where there was immediate loading and osseo- port and retention for a conventional denture. Resorption integration rarely occurred. can lead to a flabby ridge and retrusion. Implants placed In the mandible, 3 or 4 months are required for in the anterior maxilla will aid retention and stability but osseointegration, whereas in the maxilla 6 months is poor bone quality requires placement of as many implants allowed. These rules have been relaxed in the anterior as possible and a bar may be required for bracing. mandible only. If bone quality is good, depth is adequate Patients who are unable to tolerate a denture, due to and four or five (or possibly fewer) implants are placed, gagging, or who are unwilling to wear a removable the superstructure may be fitted immediately. Theoreti- appliance, can benefit from an implant-born bridge, cally, function encourages bone formation and there is although the lip will not be as well supported as with a some evidence that controlled loading could be denture flange. This problem should be explained to the beneficial. This is difficult to control in practice at patient, who may then prefer a conventional denture. present. If the patient decides on implant treatment, ridge augmentation may be necessary, especially in the maxilla. The available bone can also be increased by a Indications for implant sinus lift where a bone graft or synthetic material is placed in the maxillary antrum. treatment The availability of implants has expanded treatment Long span bridges options for a number of restorative problems highlighted in Table 37.7. Implants can be used where the span is too long for a conventional bridge or when abutment teeth are com- promised by bone loss, short roots or extensive Difficult edentulous cases restoration. Poor retention of a mandibular prosthesis not only In the maxilla, there may be limiting factors such as interferes with eating but also inhibits social contact, as inadequate or poor quality bone. Resorption may result patients are afraid that the denture will dislodge in speech in an unfavourable position or angulation of the implant, or mastication. The attached mucosal ridge may be little necessitating a long clinical crown or placement of the more than 1 mm wide and the sulcus mucosa is prone to restoration well in front of the ridge. These aesthetic pain or ulceration. Severe resorption often results in problems are noticeable with a short upper lip. Lip con- prominent genial tubercles or exteriorisation of the tour may be not be as good as that obtained by a denture mental nerves so that provision of a comfortable denture flange. Augmentation should be considered as in 295 is impossible. An implant-supported fixed prosthesis edentulous cases. In the mandible, the pattern of bone resorption is less Table 37.8 Special indications for implant of a problem and the main constraint is the proximity of treatment the inferior alveolar or mental nerves. Wind instrument players or singers Denture intolerance due to gagging Free end saddles Psychological aversion to dentures Xerostomia, e.g. Sjogren's syndrome Replacement of mandibular molars is difficult with con- Physical disability (e.g. cerebral palsy, stroke or ventional dentures. There is a risk of mental anaesthesia myasthenia gravis) when placing implants in the posterior mandible so it is essential to allow a good safety margin when calculating implant length. Drill tips do not conform exactly to the Table 37.9 Medical problems compromising shape of the implant so allowance must be made for implant success the additional depth of the implant bed. The maxillary Cardiac disease antrum limits implant placement in the posterior maxilla. Haematological disease Immunological disease Single tooth replacement Bone disorders Other systemic disease It can be simple and cost effective to replace an incisor Oral disease tooth with an implant when there is adequate bone. If there is a diastema, the difficulties in construction of an adhesive bridge or partial denture are avoided. Also, Medical history preparation of adjacent teeth is avoided and there are no A detailed consideration of the patient's medical history denture clasps. Unfortunately, the pattern of bone is essential because several conditions can compromise resorption can result in an unfavourable path of implant implant success by interfering with healing, or increasing emergence in the maxilla (especially if there is a history the risk of infection (Table 37.9). of previous replantation or transplantation of a canine or incisor). If there is crowding, the nasopalatine canal can be large enough to prevent implant placement. This can Cardiac disease sometimes be overcome by restoration of ridge form by Severe cardiac problems can present risk but many patients bone augmentation. with mild disease can benefit from implants. Simple questions about exercise tolerance give an indication of Special indications the patient's ability to withstand a surgical procedure. Implant failure is more likely in a patient with severe Implants may also be indicated under special debilitation. Patients who are at risk of endocarditis may circumstances that are not dental in nature. These are be suitable but regular monitoring and radiographs are listed in Table 37.8. advisable, and any failing implant should be removed without delay. Implants are contraindicated in patients who have had a recent myocardial infarct, a valve replace- Patient selection ment, are in cardiac failure or who have had previous Patient selection is important when planning implant bacterial endocarditis. treatment to avoid a poor outcome and complications. Haematological disease Clinical history and examination Treated or mild anaemias should not prevent implant The clinical history and examination will reveal the treatment. Patients with haemophilia and other signifi- patient's caries and periodontal disease experience. cant factor deficiencies would not normally be suitable. Patient compliance can be an important indication of Warfarin therapy is a relative contraindication, but suitability. It is also important to ascertain the patient's surgery may be possible in selected cases with careful 296 expectations of treatment. monitoring of the international normalized ratio (INR). Immunological problems Oral disease Prolonged corticosteroid therapy can present a risk but It is important to ensure that the patient has a stable the patient can be given steroid cover. Implant survival periodontal condition and low caries rate at the time of may be reduced in patients on corticosteroids and this assessment, although many patients require implant should be balanced against the potential benefit to the treatment as a result of previous neglect. Mucosal patient. Patients on chemotherapy and those with severe disorders should be eliminated as far as possible. Bone immune deficiency should not be considered. Drug quality and availability should be assessed (Table 37.6). addiction depresses immune responses and implies poor compliance. Smoking has an adverse effect on implant survival and patients should be strongly advised to cease. Treatment planning Smoking most probably reduces the success rate by Apart from appropriate patient selection, successful significantly reducing the bony blood supply, especially treatment planning requires consideration of the avail- to the mandible. able bone and space within the mouth (Table 37.10) and the associated anatomical structures (Table 37.11). Treat- Bone disorders ment planning also needs to be informed by appropriate radiographic examination and examination of articulated Most bone diseases are a contraindication. Osteoporosis study casts. is especially common in older females but the jaws are less affected and implants can still be successfully placed. Radiographic examination If a patient has undergone radiotherapy there will be a Conventional radiography, including an orthpantomo- poor success rate in the maxilla although hyperbaric graph (OPT) and periapical or lateral views where oxygen (HBO) has been used with some success. Fewer relevant, is necessary. The OPT is most useful because it problems are encountered in the mandible and HBO is indicates vertical bone height and the position of all not essential. relevant bone cavities and nerve canals. It is important to make allowance for distortion and magnification when Other systemic diseases using an OPT. Transparent overlays are available but more accuracy can be obtained by inserting a base plate Many other medical conditions, such as renal or liver with standard metal balls or strips of gutta percha over disease, can compromise treatment and consultation with the planned implant positions before taking the radio- the patient's physician is advisable if in doubt. Indi- graph. This latter method enables exact calculation of viduals with well-controlled diabetes can be accepted, available bone when implants are to be placed close to although they have a greater risk of peri-implant disease. the inferior alveolar nerve or other important structures. Patients with psychiatric disorders should be accepted Serial tomograms or computerised tomography (CT) with caution, especially if they attribute their problems to scans may also be used where detailed mapping of dental disorders. available bone and anatomical structures is required. CT scans are not always readily available and they involve a
Table 37.10 Available bone and space for
implants Table 37.11 Anatomical structures important in implant treatment planning 6- or 7-mm ridge width (i.e. implant diameter + 2 mm) Proximity of adjacent teeth or foramina (incisive, mental) Maxilla Adequate distance between implants for superstructure floor of nose Depth of bone maxillary antrum Safety margin for inferior alveolar nerve, floor of nose nasopalatine foramen and maxillary antrum Mandible Undercuts inferior alveolar nerve Sufficient intermaxillary space for superstructure mental nerve 297 much higher radiation dose. Scatter due to metal from the crest so that the suture line was not directly over restorations can render the image unusable. CT images the implant. This was technically more difficult and is can be very helpful but can be disappointing unless the now less popular because of the risk of haematoma radiologist is familiar with dental requirements and formation or flap necrosis. software. When augmentation procedures are planned, a bevelled Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is becoming flap is taken so that mucosal cover of the membrane or more readily available. It has no radiation dose and the graft is achieved. A bevelled flap taken from the palatal only known hazard is with ferrous metals in the magnetic aspect can also be used to improve the bulk of buccal field. It is likely to replace CT scanning and - eventually interdental papilla when uncovering a buried implant at - most other X-ray investigations. New machines will be the second stage. less likely to induce claustrophobia and noise levels are now significantly reduced. Bone drilling Purpose-made sharp drills are essential. Many manu- Study casts facturers advise single use and supply prepacked sterile Study casts are invaluable for demonstrating treatment drill kits. It is essential to have an accurate indication of options. Duplicates can be used for a diagnostic wax-up drill speed so that overheating is avoided by keeping so that tooth position can be planned. A template can below 2000 rpm. Thermal damage is also minimised by then be constructed with indicator holes drilled as an aid incremental drill stages up to the final diameter. Thread to the surgeon, so that implants are placed in the optimum tapping, where required, may be hand driven or by very position at operation. slow drilling, preferably using a drill with a torque con- troller. Copious irrigation with chilled saline solution is essential. Drills must be withdrawn frequently to allow Other treatment options cooling and prevent clogging of the drill channels. It is After considering the factors relating to patient selection important to maintain drill direction, or the implant bed and treatment planning, restorative options should be will be inaccurate. considered (Table 37.12). Countersinking is used where the system requires the cover screw to be buried or where the transmucosal element is to be submerged to improve aesthetics. Surgical technique Flap design Insertion Mucoperiosteal flaps are usually taken along the crest of Decontaminated and sterilised implants are individually the ridge. Relieving incisions may be short, as it is not packed in vials. Titanium forceps are used if handling of usually necessary to expose all the alveolar bone. If there the implant is required, but this is not normally necessary are adjacent teeth it may be necessary to release the due to the design of manufacturer's delivery system. A interdental papilla. Flaps should be handled carefully as fixture mount may be included in the package or attached poor healing could compromise osseointegration. by the operator. With two-stage implants where the implant is buried, The implant should be placed with as little con- it used to be common practice to keep the incision away tamination as possible. Good flap retraction will reduce contamination by saliva and epithelial surfaces. The method of insertion varies but most implants are screwed Table 37.12 Treatment options in either by hand or using a drill with a torque controller. Removable partial denture Irrigation is used to prevent overheating. Excessive force Fixed bridge should not be used because heat will be generated, and Complete denture there is also a danger of damage to the implant or cold Implant-supported denture welding it onto the fixture mount. Implant-supported bridge A cover screw is placed and the soft tissues are sutured 298 No prosthesis over or around the fixture according to the system in use. With two-stage systems, where the implant and cover Onlay grafts screw are covered by mucosa, it is important to ensure Blocks of bone may be used for extensive defects. that the cover screw is seated properly, as soft tissue or Cortical bone taken from the patient's iliac crest or bone formation below the cover screw can be difficult to calvarium is preferred but harvest involves major surgery remove from the implant face at the second stage. and the risk of donor site morbidity. Implants are placed some months later when the graft has taken. Abutment connection Immediate placement is also advocated, as early loading may reduce resorption and the patient is spared a Two-stage implants have to be uncovered to allow abut- second operation. However, there may be an increased ment placement. This is done through a small incision on risk of loss of fixtures and bone due to infection. the crest of the ridge or by removing a circle of mucosa A reliable substitute for autologous block bone is still using a punch. Bone may have grown over the cover awaited. screw and this is removed using the manufacturer's bone mill. Instruments are also available to remove any bone that has formed on the implant face because of a loose Guided bone regeneration cover screw. The implant face must not be damaged Healing by osteoblasts produces bone but, when a blood during bone removal as the junction with the abutment clot is organised by fibroblasts, collagen formation is is accurately machined. A portal of entry for micro- predominant and scar tissue is formed. When a suitable organisms would cause problems with infection later. membrane is placed over bone, however, fibroblasts are A suitable abutment is chosen and screwed in, taking excluded and angiogenesis and osteogenesis occur in the care that it is seated correctly and avoiding crossed cavity below. This is the basis of guided bone threads. Selection of a suitable abutment at this stage can regeneration. be difficult because the soft tissue level will vary as the Membranes can be non-resorbable (e.g. polytetra- mucosal cuff matures. Alternatively, a healing abutment fluorethylene) or resorbable (e.g. collagen). The shape of can be placed and the final abutment is selected once the the cavity can be maintained by using a reinforced mem- soft tissues have healed. brane. Alternatively, the membrane can be supported with bone, bone substitute or a mixture of both. Small steel posts may also be used as supports. The periphery Augmentation of bone of the membrane is stabilised by screws or pins, which When there is insufficient width or height of bone it may can also be resorbable. Recent developments with the use be possible to gain additional bone either before or at the of bone morphogenic proteins may revolutionise bone time of implant placement. augmentation in the future. Various methods of bone augmentation can be used, including onlay grafts, guided bone regeneration, sinus Sinus lift procedure lift procedures or ridge expansion. Bone graft materials There is often insufficient bone height in the posterior may be in block or granular form (Table 37.13). maxilla due to bone resorption and the presence of the maxillary antrum. Onlay bone grafts are prone to failure and may be unsuitable due to lack of intermaxillary space. The sinus lift procedure creates additional alveolar Table 37.13 Bone graft materials bone height within the antral space. Autograft: patient's own bone, e.g. iliac crest, tibia or The antral lining is exposed by removing a window of intraoral bone on the buccal aspect via a buccal mucoperiosteal Allograft: human donor (not used due to risk of cross- flap. The antral lining is carefully elevated intact and is infection) Xenograft: calcified matrix derived from biological supported by bone-grafting material. It is also possible to material, e.g. bovine bone or coral (no risk of cross- leave the bony window attached to the antral lining and infection due to removal of protein?) support both with graft material or implants. Immediate Synthetic material: e.g. hydroxyapatite, tricalcium implant placement is only advised if there is sufficient phosphate, glass 299 bone for primary implant stability (about 6 mm in height). An alternative is to approach the antral floor using Table 37.14 Criteria for evaluation of success osteotomes to enlarge a bur hole on the crest of the ridge. The antral lining can then be lifted and supported by Patient satisfaction bone graft material. When there is sufficient bone for Survival primary implant stability the lining can be lifted through Suitable position Mobility an implant preparation. If the preparation is stopped just Amount of bone loss short of the antral floor the cortical plate can be tapped Health of adjacent soft tissues - pocketing and upwards with the lining. The cortical plate and the inflammation implant then provide support for the lining. Infections or radiographic evidence of peri-implant bone pathology Operative complications e.g. damage to nerves or Ridge expansion adjacent teeth
Where there is sufficient bone depth but the ridge is too
narrow, the implant bed may be prepared by bone expansion, provided that there is a cancellous layer between the cortical plates. The crest of the ridge is exposed leaving the rest of the alveolar bone attached to mucoperiosteum. The ridge is widened by D-shaped and Table 37.15 Complications of implant treatment round osteotomes between the cortical plates prior to drilling. Intraoperative implant in poor position damage to mucosa and adjacent teeth bone damage, i.e. lateral perforation, fracture of Success rates alveolar bone or mandibular fracture perforation into adjacent areas, e.g. lower border of The patient's appreciation is a very good indicator of mandible, nasal cavity or maxillary antrum success but objective criteria are required to monitor the nerve damage, e.g. inferior alveolar nerve effectiveness of osseointegrated implants (Table 37.14). loose implant due to incorrect drilling Various criteria have been suggested but the most reliable contamination of implant or bone way to obtain comparable data is to record removal rates. implant damage, e.g. crossed thread or surface defect primary haemorrhage - especially floor of mouth, Cumulative survival rates are based on an actuarial possible airway compromise calculation that allows for the fact that implants in a Postoperative series will have been present for differing times. It is pain reasonable to expect that, in the maxilla, 90% of implants swelling will survive for 10 years. In the mandible a 95% 10-year reactionary or secondary haemorrhage infection of peri-implant soft tissue or bone survival is expected. exposed or loose cover screws A number of adverse events may complicate implant Late placement (Table 37.15). Avoidance of these compli- mucosal recession cations can only be achieved by careful planning and an bone resorption exacting surgical technique based on sound training and mobility implant fracture experience.
An Esthetic Solution to the Screw-Retained Implant Restoration Introduction to the Implant Crown Adhesive Plug Clinical Docslide.us_an-esthetic-solution-To-The-screw-retained-implant-restoration-Introduction