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Dibuat untuk memenuhi Tugas Mata Kuliah TEFL 2

Dosen Pengampu : Harmilawati, S.S.,S.Pd., M.Pd.


A.Muniratul Hidayah 220110011


TAHUN 2024

We give thanks to the presence of Allah SWT. Thank you for His

abundant grace and guidance so that we can complete this paper on time. Don't

forget to always give prayers and greetings to the Prophet Muhammad. Messenger

and human chosen by Allah SWT. He was the one who raised Islam in his time, as

well as being a role model for Muslims.

The paper we have written is entitled "TEACHING VOCABULARY".

We have prepared this paper to fulfill the assignment for the TEFL 2 course, as

lecture material and discussion.

We realize that writing this paper is far from perfect, therefore we ask for

suggestions and criticism from all readers for writing better papers in the future.

We also hope that writing this paper will be useful for all of us..

Sinjai, 1 May 2024


A.Muniratul Hidayah



LIST OF CONTENTS..........................................................................................iii

BAB I INTRODUCTION......................................................................................1

A. Background..................................................................................................1

B. Formulation of The Problem......................................................................3

C. Objective......................................................................................................3

BAB II DISCUSSION............................................................................................4

A. Definition Of Teaching Vocabulary..........................................................4

B. Background Of Teaching Vocabulary......................................................5

C. Guidelines In Teaching Pronunciation......................................................8

BAB III PENUTUP..............................................................................................11

A. Conclusion..................................................................................................11

B. Suggestion..................................................................................................11



A. Background

Teaching vocabulary to young learners requires special handling

because they can become bored and lose interest in learning. As stated by

(Harmer, 2007; Jones, 2015), “young learners have a limited attention span;

unless activities are extremely engaging, they can get easily bored, losing

interest commonly notice that they cannot get easily bored, losing interest

after ten minute or so (p. 82), teaching English in primary school is essential

since it provides them English language skills in the golden ageand the age

that children can learn anything easily”. Moreover, (Ur,1991; Yow and Li

(2015) stated that “teachers commonly notice that they cannot get children to

concentrate on certain learning activities as long as they can get adults to do

so, so children will spend hours absorbed in activities that really interest them.

(p.288). Additionally, students can easily learn and memorize things during

this period. To acquire a language, vocabulary is one of the language

components students need to comprehend”. It has been proven that young

learners get bored easily and quickly lose interest. Additionally, it is difficult

to concentrate on learning. Therefore, the teacher should make special efforts

to make the student concentrate, focus, and be interested in learning, so that

the student enjoys the learning process well.

In Indonesia, especially in Tasikmalaya there is a Junior High School

that has a distinctive curriculum: teaching English language through drama, by

using the drama method, it can improve the vocabulary of students and the

creativity of young learners to process vocabulary and attract students, so

students never bored to learn new vocabulary. Terms used to describe drama

for educational purposes include developmental drama (Cook, 1917) and

creative dramatics (Ward, 1930). Moreover, (Freeman, Sullivan and Fulton,

2003; Wiston, 2012) stated that “The literature relative to drama supports the

use of creative drama as the preferred term for dramatic experiences that are

designed for development of participants rather than for preparing participants

for performance before an audience.” used drama to address the variety of

pupils’ English learning backgrounds in a Taiwanese primary school and

found advantages in terms of emotional and physical engagement, as well as

spontaneous, interactive target language use through play. In addition, drama

is very important for learners to practice pronunciation in their vocabulary.

Therefore, the benefits of using creative dramas are one of the main concerns

in L2 teaching for young learners. According to (Demircioglu, 2010; Yow &

Li, 2015) a. Additionally, students can easily learn and memorize things

during this period. To acquire a language, vocabulary is one of the language

components that students need to comprehend: the ability to implement drama

to make students learn new words in a context; they listen to different stories

in the presentation of new words. Thus, memorizing new vocabulary items is

very difficult for young learners who have different learning styles and

dominant intelligences. However, they are not supposed to memorize words in

isolation through drama. They are involved in contextualized learning

processes, both intellectually and emotionally. Teaching vocabulary to young

learners through drama also makes students more competent in vocabulary

and makes students interested in learning English; drama can also improve

vocabulary for young learners to practice pronunciation.

According to a previous study, teaching vocabulary to young learners

through drama activities is a highly efficient technique, which is supported by

the results obtained. This study focuses on EFL teachers teaching vocabulary

through dramas. Thus, the findings of the previous study show that teaching

vocabulary to young learners through drama is more effective than using

traditional vocabulary teaching methods. This result is in line with the results

of similar national and international studies, and the findings of the study

support those of previous studies. The findings agree with the findings of the

effectiveness of teaching through drama on third graders’ achievement in

English as a foreign language, and that vocabulary knowledge is an essential

aspect of young learner language development. Elementary schools are the

first places for students to learn English formally. Also, the students learn the

necessary thing in English, which is English vocabulary. Vocabulary must be

4 mastered first because it is an essential means of conducting communication

(Aynal, 1989; Wenyuan, 2017).

B. Formulation Of The Problem

How effective vocabulary teaching methods can improve

C. Objective

1. Examining how vocabulary teaching can be adapted to learning styles

2. Evaluate vocabulary assessment methods that can be integrated into the

teaching process to measure progressto


A. Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is a set of words that are owned by a person or other entity

or are part of a particular language. There are several definitions of vocabulary

according to experts. According to Alqahtani (2015: 25) vocabulary is the total

number of words needed to communicate ideas and express the speaker's

meaning. A person's vocabulary is defined as the set of all words understood by

that person or all words that are likely to be used by that person to compose

new sentences. McKeown & Curtis (2014: 2) stated that vocabulary is

knowledge of the meaning of words. According to Alizadeh (2016: 22)

vocabulary is more complex than existing definitions. The wealth of a person's

vocabulary is generally considered to be a reflection of his intelligence or level

of education. For this reason, many standardized exams, such as the SAT,

provide questions that test vocabulary.

The addition of one's vocabulary is generally considered an important

part, both in the process of learning a language or developing one's ability in a

language that has been mastered. Students are often taught new words as part

of certain subjects and many adults consider vocabulary formation as an

interesting and educational activity. Vocabulary mastery is the ability that

exists within a person to be able to explore and understand a word contained in

English and is the basis for communication that is known to everyone both

orally and in writing so that it can give the right meaning. Mastery of

vocabulary is very necessary at this time because then we can more easily

master English. Mastering vocabulary makes it easier for us to communicate

with other people. It helps us to achieve our target in learning English.

A vocabulary is a form of language that is very important in mastering

language skills. Based on its use in language skills, English vocabulary is

divided into active vocabulary and passive vocabulary. Active vocabulary is

the words that the speaker can understand and pronounce correctly and use

constructionally in speaking and writing skills, while passive vocabulary is the

words that the speaker recognizes and understands in the context, but the

speaker cannot produce correctly in speaking skills. and write. Hatch & Brown

(1995) cited in Susanto (2017: 185)divide two kinds of vocabulary, namely

receptive and productive vocabulary. Receptive vocabulary is the ability to

recognize words and remember the meaning of the word, while productive

vocabulary is the ability to recognize words and remember the meaning of the

words, and is also used in the ability to speak or write at in right time.

1. Receptive Vocabulary

2. Productive Vocabulary

B. Background of Teaching Vocabulary

Vocabulary teaching background is an important part in understanding

and developing effective teaching methods. Vocabulary is one of the key

components in understanding and using language fluently and accurately.

Good vocabulary mastery can help students read, write, listen and speak more

competently. However, vocabulary teaching is often considered a challenging

task for teachers. This is caused by several factors, including language

complexity, large vocabulary, and individual differences in learning and

remembering new vocabulary. Therefore, it is important to understand the

background of vocabulary teaching in order to develop effective strategies and

approaches in teaching. The background to vocabulary teaching involves an

understanding of the vocabulary learning process, the influence of context in

understanding and remembering vocabulary, as well as the factors that

influence students' mastery of vocabulary. In addition, the role of technology

and visual media in teaching vocabulary is also an important aspect in this


In recent years, research and development in the field of vocabulary

teaching has resulted in a variety of new approaches and strategies. The use of

games, play activities, technology, and visual media has become the main

focus in efforts to increase the effectiveness of vocabulary teaching. A good

understanding of the background to vocabulary teaching can provide valuable

insights for educators in designing and implementing effective teaching

methods. By understanding the background of vocabulary teaching, teachers

can optimize their teaching by choosing strategies that suit students' needs. In

addition, further research in this area could make an important contribution to

developing innovative approaches to vocabulary teaching. By paying attention

to the background of vocabulary teaching, this paper will explain various

important aspects related to vocabulary teaching, including effective methods,

the influence of context, the role of technology and visual media, as well as

challenges and opportunities in vocabulary teaching. Through a deep

understanding of this background, it is hoped that vocabulary teaching can

become more effective and beneficial for students in expanding their language

skills. That's an explanation of the background to teaching vocabulary. You

can expand this explanation to include recent research findings and relate them

to current issues in vocabulary teaching.

Here are some important points in the background of vocabulary


1. Importance of Vocabulary

Vocabulary plays a central role in language comprehension and

production. Without adequate skills, difficulties in understanding text,

limited self-expression, and difficulties in communicating can arise.

Mastering a rich and varied understanding allows students to express their

ideas more precisely and in depth.

2. Selecting Appropriate Vocabulary

Selecting vocabulary that suits the student's ability level and

needs. Pay attention to the level of difficulty, frequency of use, and

relevance of vocabulary in students' daily lives.

3. Teaching Methods and Strategies

Uses a variety of methods to teach vocabulary, such as the use of

pictures, context, games, role-playing activities, and educational

technology. Implement teaching strategies that involve student

interaction, repetition, and use of vocabulary in different contexts.

4. Repetition and Consolidation

Implement an iterative approach to repetition to ensure students

remember vocabulary well. Integrate the vocabulary that has been taught

into daily activities in class, such as reading texts, writing and speaking.

5. Use of Context and Association

Teaching vocabulary by using meaningful context and linking it

to vocabulary that students already know. Helps students make

associations and relationships between new and familiar vocabulary to

strengthen understanding and retention.

6. Use of Technology and Visual Media

Utilize technology and visual media, such as interactive

vocabulary in educational software, videos, images, and multimedia

presentations, to enrich students' learning experiences and visualize the

meaning of vocabulary.

7. Measurement and Evaluation

Use appropriate assessment methods to measure student progress

in vocabulary mastery. Use tests, written assignments, oral activities, and

creative projects to evaluate students' ability to use the vocabulary they

have learned

8. Monitoring and Feedback

Continuously monitor student progress in learning vocabulary and

provide constructive feedback. Identifies student difficulties and provides

additional support or adjustments to teaching methods to suit individual


C. Guidelines Of Teaching Vocabulary

One additional preliminary task remains: providing some general

guidelines for vocabulary instruction. The following set of guidelines come

from my own thinking and that of many other vocabulary authorities,

including Herman and Dole (1988); Stahl (1998), Beck and her colleagues

(2002), Biemiller (2004), and Nagy (2005). They are not absolutes and should

be followed only when deemed appropriate. Moreover, they virtually always

come at the cost of time, a factor I will consider after listing them.

1. Include both definitional and contextual information.

That is, give students both a definition of the words being taught

and have them work with the words in context.

2. Involve students in active and deep processing of the words.

Engage students in activities that lead them to consider the words’

meaning, relate that meaning to information stored in memory and work

with the word in creative ways. Such activities might include putting the

definition of a new word into their own words, giving examples and non-

examples of situations in which the word can be used, examining ways in

which the new word relates to them personally and recognising

similarities and differences between the new word and words they

already know.

3. Provide students with multiple exposures to the word.

For example, define the word, use it in a sentence, ask students to

use it in a sentence, involve students in recognising appropriate and not-

so-appropriate uses of the word and play games involving the word.

4. Review, rehearse and remind students about the word in various contexts

over time.

Teach a word before students read a selection and ask them to

note its occurrence when reading the text. Afterstudents read, discuss the

word and the context in which it occurred. Then, throughout the weeks

and months following initial instruction, look for and point out other

occurrences of the word, ask students to look for and point out other

occurrences, and occasionally have a briefreview of some of the words


5. Involve students in discussions of the word’s meaning.

Discussion is one method of actively processing word meanings,

giving students the opportunity to hear and use the word in a variety of

contexts and enabling students to learn from each other.

6. Spend a significant amount of time on the word.

During this time, involve students in actively grappling with the

word’s meaning.With words as with learning in general, time on task is

crucial. The more time spent on a word, the better the chance that

students will build rich and deep meaningsforthe word.

These are sound guidelines, but each of them should be prefaced with

the phrase “for the strongest possible results.” There is a definite cost of

teaching in order to achieve the strongest possible results. Doing so takes time.

Because there are many more words than can possibly be taught and because

you have many things to do other than teach words, teachers’ time is

definitely limited.



A. Conclusion

In language teaching, teaching plays a very important role. An expanded

and precise vocabulary is a prerequisite for good language comprehension and

production. Therefore, teachers must adopt an effective approach to teach

vocabulary to students. Teaching guides provide valuable guidance for teachers in

designing effective teaching strategies. Choosing the right vocabulary, using

relevant context, and utilizing technology and visual media are some important

points that must be considered. Repetition, repeated use, and skill building are also

key in strengthening student understanding. assisting students in remembering new

terms and their individual differences in language learning emphasizes the

importance of a tailored approach. Teachers must understand students' learning

needs and preferences, and provide varied and interesting learning experiences.

Teaching comprehension must also pay attention to the influence of context in

understanding comprehension. Introducing vocabulary in a context that is

meaningful and relevant to students' lives can help understand vocabulary with

their experiences and strengthen their understanding. In order to improve teaching

and learning, teachers must also continuously integrate student progress, provide

constructive feedback, and expand students' ability to use understanding in a

variety of language skills.


Effective Vocabulary Teaching Approaches: Research on various

vocabulary teaching approaches such as contextualization techniques, use of

images and visual media, game-based teaching, or technology-based approaches.

Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each approach as well as the teaching

implications. Use of Technology in Vocabulary Teaching: An overview of the

use of technology in vocabulary teaching, including the use of computer

applications and software, online learning, social media, or language games.

Evaluate the effectiveness of using this technology in increasing student

motivation and involvement in learning vocabulary.Vocabulary Teaching

Strategies for Learners with Special Needs: Research on effective vocabulary

teaching approaches for learners with special needs, such as children with

learning disorders, autism, or communication disorders. A review of methods

and strategies that can help students with special needs improve their

understanding and use of vocabulary. studied


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